THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAT. J" AJfTJAK X Zl, 1913. 8 VIGOROUS PROTEST IS MADE TO BILL Provision for State Acquisition of Low Riverfront Property Is Opposed. SUPPLE VOICES OBJECTION Boatbuilder Tells of Long Owner ship and Hard Work, "With Taxes Steadily Climbing, to Build XTp Profitable Industry. To protest against the enactment of a bill Introduced before the Legislature by Senator Dan Ke 11a her, having: for Its object the acquisition by the state of land situated below high water mark, a number of waterfront property owners will go to Salem today to ap pear before a committee to which the bill has been referred to urge an ad verse report. Among; those expected to be members of the party are Joseph Supple, C. F. Swlgert. Captain. F. B. Jones, Daniel Kern. Joseph Pacquet, William Re id. Samuel B. Kobb and probably others. Mr. Supple made the following state ment of bis views on the proposed leg islation yesterday; . . JDefesoie la Made. As X mm an owner of waterfront prop erty. X hav been deeply Interested in the newspaper discussion which has arisen re latins to the riparian rlg-hts. 1 have noticed that certain active agitators have advanced the theory that the waterfront owner has no riparian rights, and that the state or the city should step In and seize all lands on the waterfront which He below high water mark. This has been Interesting, but has not affected the rights under discus sion. I am Informed that there has been Introduced before the Legislature, by Dan Kellaher, a bill prepared under the direc tion of J. B. Zfegler, which. If It becomes a law. will dispossess the waterfront own ers of their title to the greater part of an area which they have held for years In un disputed ownership. It Is time then to con sider th effect such a drastic and un just law would have upon me and other owners of riverfront property. Nearly JO years ago 2 established a boat building enterprise on a vacant block on the east side of the river one block south of the Morrison-street bridge. At that time mere were no enterprises to speak of on me isast mae. waterfront property was va- vant for long distances and of no value to the owner or to the city. Portland was in circumstances far different from what It Is now. mere, was then a great need for enterprises which would give employment to our idle population and would nls.ce the Inside property on a paying basis in order io produce much needed revenue for mu nicipal purposes. I bought the block, pay ing all that it was considered worth at mat tune. Property Made Productive. During ail these years I have made the best use of the block my circumstances would permit. I have given the business all or my time rrom o clock In the morning until the last man had left at nieht. Mont of the time I have employed an average of 6 skilled mechanics, and oftentimes have had over 100 in my crew. I have used ma terials rrom local mills and factories. have built boats for Puget Sound, Alaska, Mexico, Canada and our interior Western fetates, besides the work I have done river and ocan-golng craft. In doing this I have brought into the city hundreds of thousands or dollars which have all been spent for materials of local manufacture and for wages of Portland men. and the money has been kept here. Whatever profits I have made I have Invented In improve ments on the block. It has been said In newspaper articles that the riverfront has been grabbed up by millionaires and held In an undeveloped state as a speculation io me great oetnment of Portland. want to protest against this statement and would say that In my own case and in the case of many other owners whom I know there has been no grabbing of riverfront nor noiding tor speculative purposes; but rather th property has been Improved so that It has produced an Increasing revenue io me city in taxes and has given em' ployment to a large number of workmen. My taxes nave steadily increased until now l am paying 200 a month on this D1PCK. J contena that even If there Is a technicality relating to riparian property I have done everything a man can do to finuiie me u me ngnt to the full property whjch I bought and paid for and have oc- vupico ana improvea lor zi years. ECROPE.VX KJiCORDS RECALLED Grain Carriers Open Season 'With Fast Pussages to Europe. Faster passages for sailing vessels between the Columbia River and Europe are looked for this season as a result of the performance of the Brit ish bark Gal Rate, which arrived out last week after a run of 111 days, and that of the British bark Killarney in J J t cays. As yet the record sailing time from this port is not in peril, the British ship Caithloch having established it in 1S79, when she completed the voyage in S9 days. the was loaded by Henry Hewitt and on leaving the harbor her master said he would make a record trip or jana witn i)avy Jones. The ship was 87 days from land to land and mariners here say the time yet holds as the best from the Pacific Coast. The British ship Machrihanlsh sailed to Queenstown la 91 days In 1892 and the Selkirkshire covered the distance In 109 days. The Sutherlandshire was 100 days out in 1894 and in the same year the Principality reported in 97 days from the Columbia. She sailed December 18. and with her went the Boashlre and they made a close race of It. the latter reporting in 99 days, while the Primrose Hill, which followed them to sea that day. spent 110 days. The British ship Knight of the Garter is credited with a run of 99 days In 189J and the Metropolis, now in port loading wheat, was 10 0 days on the way in 1891 and 109 days in 1892. In 1893 the Colony, which is now headed for the United Kingdom, spent but 107 days on the same voyage and the Port Pat rick waa ins days in 1893. The Amer ican ship Kenilworth speeded there in 111 days and on the last leg, the run across the Atlantic, sailed it In 13 days. That is said to be the fastest passage over that course. BAYOCEAX MAT CHAXCE I1AXIXS Callforntans Consider Yacht for Service on Southern Coast. Negotiations may soon be opened for the purchase of the gasoline passenger yacht Bayocean by resident of South ern California, who contemplate op erating a vessel to Northern Mexico ports during the Summer season. It is planned to run from San Diego south and, aa there Is usually quiet water there, the Bayocean is regarded as an excellent type for the purpose. The vessel waa built here by Joseph Supple for the Potter Realty Company and for one season plied between Port land and Bayocean, near Tillamook. Because of the expense in carrying pas sengers from this city a plan was tried of running between Astoria and Tilla mook Bay, but for some time the yacht has been out of commission and held at Bayocean. She Is said to have cost In excess of $40,000. Her accommoda tions are modern and she is ewippd i i ACTRESS IN "BEfc HUH" WILL DOK VEIL AT CLOSE OF ENGAGEMENT feii:-P piisil " J ? -X 1 ' ' " L t- . f - k'-'-t ' iilifii ! r - I ' -. ..J y, :' i " " f & V 1 LOUISE HCFF. Louise Huff, one of the principal players in Lew Wallace's mighty religious drama, "Ben Hur," has declined to enter into a new contract with Klaw A Krlanger for next season. Miss Huff is enacting- the role of Tirzah in "Ben Hur." The reason given to C. F. Towle, busi ness representative for the owners of "Ben Hur," was that at the end of the present season she intends to enter the cloisters of a convent for the remainder of her earthly existence. Miss Huff is one of the most beautiful women on the American stage today. Ever since childhood Miss Huff has had a. longing for the se cluded religious life, and that desire, she says, has been emphasized by the beautiful story of the Naxarene as told by General Wallace in his romance. Miss Huff is a Roman Catholic by birth, and received her early edu cation in the parochial schools of New York. with triple screws, separate engines driving each. Gas Buoy Officially Designated. In the latest printed circulars' re ceived from the Bureau of Lighthouses, attention of mariners is directed to the following, concerning a new gas buoy at the mouth of the Columbia: South Jetty nam and whistling; buoy, 2, es tablished, in about H fathoms of water, it is cylinderical, with pyramidal, skeleton super Btructure, and shows a flashing red light of about 210 candlepower, 17 feet above water, every 3 seconds, thus: Flash 3 seconds, eclipse 2.7 seconds. Illuminating apparatus is a lens lantern burning acetylene. Marine Xotes. Captain Charles Nelson has resumed charge of the steamer Tahoma, reliev ing Captain F. H. Sherman. Last of the draw span of the old Steel bridge was lowered yesterday and now the wrecking crew will turn at tention to the removal of the drawrest and its foundation. After discharging a portion of her cement cargo, which amounted to luou tons, the steamer Stanley Dollar will shift today from Supple's dock to Co lumbia dock No. 1. Olson & Mahony have renamed the new steamer California the Oliver J Olson. She sailed Wednesday from Philadelphia for San Francisco in com mand of Captain Peterson. In tow of the steamer Shaver Barge No. 93. of the Standard Oil fleet, com manded by Captain A. Kirkwood. reached Portsmouth yesterday and will leave on the return to Richmond to day. To discharge a few hundred tons of coal the Japanese steamer Shlnsei Maru shifted yesterday from Martin's dock to the bunkers. The Japanese steamer Kinkasan Maru moved from the bunkers to the dock of the fort- land Flouring Mills Company. In the forecast issued yesterday Dis trict Forecaster Beals reports that the Willamette River will rise at Portland during the next few days, but he ex pects the gain to be slow. It had risen eight-tenths of a foot for the 25 hours ending at 8 o'clock yesterday morning and was 7.4 feet above zero. Captain John M. Elllcott. U. S. N.. rommanding the cruiser Maryland, now at Mare Island undergoing an overnaui- ing that will be terminated in Marcn, STEAMER INTEIXIGESCE. Dae to Arrive. Name. From. Date. 5ue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ... In port Bear San Pedro.... In port Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay In port Roanoke fan Diego In port Alliance Eureka ..Jan. 22 Bose City Pan Pedro. ... Jan. 2- Anvll .Bandon Jan. 22 Oeo. TV. Elder. -San mego. . . . Jan. 26 Beaver. ....... San Pedro. .. .Jan. 27 To Depart. Name. For ' Date. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . . Inderte Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay J an. 2 1 Bear San Pedro. .. .Jan. 21 Carloa. ....... .iian Francisco Jan. 21 Harvard S. F. to U A.. Jan. 22 Roanoke fan Diego. ... Jan. 22 Alliance Eureka Jan. 23 Anvil..' Jrlandon Jan. 24 Tale S. F. to U A.. Jan. 24 Rose City San Pedro Jan. 2a Geo. W. Elder. San Diego Jan. 29 Beaver San Pedro Jan. 31 departed for San Francisco aboard the steamer Bear. Captain Elllcott spent about a week here this time, having arrived on the steamer Beaver. No change in the Ice situation on the Middle Columbia was found yesterday. so the steamer Dalles City will not at tempt to reach The Dalles until to morrow and then only should the pros pect of the ice jam at Memaloose Island be Improved. It la not probable tnat she will remain here during the week. When the steamer Bear vacated a berth at Montgomery dock No. 1 today the Iverna was hauled into it to load wheat. The lnverclyde has finished discharging balllst at Linnton and her place will be taken by the Iteotsfleld. The Barmbek finished working grain at the North Bank dock yesterday and hauled Into the stream. Reports to the O-W. R. N. water lines department yesterday were that ice conditions on the Coeur d'Alene Lake require that the steamer Harri son be operated at night as a means of keeping a channel clear. From four to six inches of ice was found there. The thermometer stood at zero. Workmen have begun the construc tion of stairways from the west ap proach of the Broadway bridge, one to Front street and the other to the Union depot. Hundreds of employes along the waterfront and in the railroad depart ments will be saved the necessity of continuing to Seventh street and re- turning to the dock district because of the stairways. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jan. 20. Arrived Barge No. 93, from Richmond; steamer Oleum, from Port San Luis. Sailed Gasoline schooner Patsy, for Bandon and way ports. Astoria, Jan. 20. Arrived at 8:80 and left up at 10 A. M., steamer Oleum, from Port San Luis. Sailed at 11 A. M . British steam ship etrathlorne, for Teneriffe, for orders; British steamer Saint Klldra, for Sydney; schooner Sehome. for Sydney. Sailed at noon, steamer Navajo, for San Francisco. San Francisco. Jan. 20. Arrived at 8 A. H., steamer Qulnault. from Columbia River; at 10 A. M., steamer Rochelle. from Port land. Sailed at 2 P. M.. steamer Rose City. for Portland. Arrived last night, steamer Johan PDursen, from portlantl. Eureka, Jan. 20. Sailed Steamer Al lianca. for Portland. San Pedro, Jan. 20. Arrived fitearaer Paratso. from Columbia River. Falmouth. Jan. 18. Arrived British bark Killarnev. from Portland. Honolulu. Jan. 19. Arrived Schooner Melrose, from Columbia River. Aberdeen, Jan. 19. Arrived Steamer J. B. Stetson, from Portland. Willapa Bay Willapa Bay, outside bar. em and whistlinsr buoy. PS. light reported extinguished January 18. Will be relighted soon. Juan de Fuca Strait Neah Bay light, heretofore reported extinguished, was re ported burning January 18. Manila, P. I., Jan. 17. Arrived Oakley, from Portland. Las Palmas, Jan. 18. Arrived Aberlour, from Tacoma: Harpalye. from Tacoma. Rio De Janeiro, Jan. IS. Sailed Magician (from San Francisco), for Liverpool. - San Francisco, Jan. 20. Arrived Steam ers Bee, from Port Angeles; Rochelle. from Astoria; Flfield. from Bandon; Quinault, from Columbia River; Wellington, from Kanalmo; Admiral Sampson, from Seattle; schooner Bertie Minor, from Coquille River. Sailed Steamers Rose City, for Portland; Tallac, for Puget Sound; Virginian, for Hon olulu, via Seattle and Tacoma. Seattle. Jan. 20. Arrived Steamers Wat son. Charles Nelson. Willamette. Thomas L. Wand, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Curacao, for Skagway. Columbia River Bar Report. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 20. Condition at the mouth of the river at 3 P. M-, smooth; wind, northwest, 18 miles; weather, light rain. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. Low. 0:27 A. M 8.8 feet!5:4B A. M 3.7 feet 11:81 P. M 8 5 feet 0:5O P. M -1.8 feet ATTORNEYS ARE BLAMED PRACTITIONER SAYS DELAYS CAX BE AVOIDED. Radical Changes in Court Procedure Do Xot Meet With Approval of Sam Vnn Vactor. Responding to. the request of The Oregonian for his views on judicial re vision, San Van Vactor, of Heppner, Or., one of the leading lawyers of Eastern Oregon, declares that dilatory tactics on the part of lawyers. In which the judges participate by force of habit, constitute the chief fault of the state courts. He believes in a display of more, good faith on the part of practic ing attorneys rather than radical changes in the code; establishment of Circuit Court rules by statute; limiting the time for taking appeals, and giv ing judges more power "to wield the whip on dilatory attorneys." His let ter is in part as follows: "Delay is the chief trouble with our judicial system at the present time. All lawyers are dilatory, and particularly so if to their client's Interest. By statutory enactment establish Circuit Court rules and eliminate, so far as possible, dilatory pleas. If the trial judge finds that any pleading is filed for delay, severe terms should be Imposed. "The time In which appeal could be taken to the Appellate Court should be limited to not more than 30 days. Mat ters taken under advisement by the trial court should be decided within 20 days from date of submission. "Each county should constitute a judicial district, and the judicial busi ness now transacted by the County Court should be taken over by the Cir cuit Court. "No change Is necessary in our pres ent system aa to District Attorneys. Circuit Judges should receive sufficient remuneration that men who will rigid ly and wisely enforce the reforms men tioned will seek the office and assume its responsibilities feeling that they are not making a great sacrifice. . "Primarily, I believe the trouble lies with the practicing attorneys. Judges are but human. Having grown - up under the present system, they hesitate to put into effect rules that the attor neys would complain of. "Pay the judges commensurate with the services demanded; give them the power to wield the whip on dilatory attorneys.' 80VVERMAN HOLDS PROOF ABSOLUTE Bell Telephone Interests Open ly Accused of Backing Foreclosure Suit. SHERMAN ACT IS CITED Rival Concern Intended to Bid on Property of Northwestern Long Distance Company, Declares Attorney for Receiver. Where before there was merely strong suspicion. Attorney Jay Bower man who returned vesterday from California, savs that he has now abso lute proof that Bell Telephone interests are back of the foreclosure suit against the northwestern iK)ng instance .tele phone Company and intended to bid in the property wnen it was onereu for sale. Thia (ocHmnnv Mf Tlawerman said. came from H. D. Pillsbury, of San Francisco, general attorney on tne Coast for the Associated Bell Com n t Pattv BKciatant secretary and treasurer for the Bell Companies of the .Pacific states, ana j. rneuio.uu er, vice-president of the Anglo London- Dnrla IVToinnol Rltllf Ctf Sftn FranCiSCO. vhn Mi- UnwrmM declares, admitted that he handled 8500,000 of Sunset Telephone Company money which went LU UIO JUltUUD vt. " value of 8400,000 and bonds of the face value of 8600,000 of the norm western Long Distance Telephone Company. n bom it Inn a Are Taken. VI -'d fpfn n California was for the purpose oi securing e- , I n 1. a ,iaAri In H (' f P Tl fl I Tl ST the,ii,a auit hrnne-ht in the Mult nomah County Circuit Court by the Title insurance sr irusi uuiptmj, UVa AllCViTZOt 0.ffjC,oi. -- " . . . t rti.ton.. Tolanhnnd Cnmnanv. John B. Coffey Is receiver for the lat ter company ana ju.r. noweimau attorney. "The stock and bonds of the North western Company, which Mr. Petty and Mr. Pillsbury admitted the Sunset Tele--1 rr nnA nf thA Rell sub sidiaries, had secured, were purchased, according to their sworn statements. from William Meaa, or juos msi. thA Northwestern Com pany; P. U Willis, of Portland, a heavy stockholder of the Northwestern Com pany; National Securities Company, of Los Angles, of which Mead is president, and others," said Mr. Bowerman. Mr. Pillsbury admitted that the Bell people had held back IBO.OOO as a forfeit if the Title Insurance & Trust company, which holds the trust deed as security ,ha Krtnria laflllfiil Kv the TCorthWeSt- ern Long Distance Telephone Company, railed to roreciose on tne iui;.i cuhoih. "Kepresentauvea vi iub reuoio. nK,nt f Turtii.. tit o r o nrpnnnt when the depositions were being taken, both in Los Angeles ana in Ban r rauciacu, and they heard and took copious notes .turathlnir fltiri AlfiA ffrtt fOH i P M of the depositions. I would not say that there will be criminal prosecutions, diu . v. n ,ha X1a11 Intorimta t n ........ Ann,vnl n a Hval ltllmtntA t P 1 P - phone company is a violation of the Sherman act ana 1 anticipate tnat me least the Federal Government will do is to prevent the acquisition. Conspiracy Not Charged. T ,n,,U nrt i, v that Itfonrl. , , 11 III' VVUUIU . -J" .1 , Tirn 1 .. . ni nnnartf witri the Rll people' to make the Northwestern Long Distance leiepnone company co-oy yicj, still the way they Juggled the finances they controlled, might lead to such a suspicion. we now nave suns pena ing in California against Mead to force U 1 . . .-. ... nV. ,mrA infers RUTTIfl nf IY1 n H P V running into the tens of thousands of dollars, wnicn we contena me uria western company lost through hie un- J l. llnannlol Art Atnt f nTI S Aft ATI UCIUILIIUCU j ...i.l.L .... . official of the company, operation of ... . .. , . J i V. ,J whlcn, by tne way, resuiveu m iim,uu some profits to himself and associates. including r. vvuiis. mi i i..n i,t-A,.Aeta Vi n alrcnrtv RA- i lie iJ ; i . ........ . . ,.u.v - j cured the independent telephone plants on the Sound and the acquisition of I... ,i.(otonnA linn would nlace them in absolute control of the field in Wash ington and Oregon. The Northwestern Telephone Company would be prosper ous and in excellent condition all around if its finances had been handled properly." FRANCHISE FIGHT WAGED Efforts to Compel Laying of Third Rail on Seventh Street Full. Efforts to compel the laying of rails . i. i . u .i a in nprnmtriniliilA A standard gauge car proved unsuccess ful in tne City UOUncu yeaieruay illum ing, when the franchises for the Port i i Dqiiwiv T.lcht av. Power ComDanv were being considered. Councilman Menefee and some oi tne otner mem bers believed that provision should be made for laying the third rail for the proposed Heusner road, contemplated i De laia along oeveuiu bugw i-n(ln,an TtAlror ' led the fight against this plan. He declared that the property owners along Seventh nnt want "a hi fir lnterurban line, with lumbering cars running by," 1 . 1 I .J V. -i I '1 tnat tnorougniare, uiu muu no i k.1l.,r. th. nonnln will sraiit a franchise for such. The Heusner in terests have circulated petitions on ii.i.i.,a whloh h.v. hppn Ris-npd hv 12,000 persons, according to Mr. Mene fee. . The Council took all the morning arguing first one point after another about the franchises. An effort to amend them by inserting a one-hour stopover period on transfers from the various points was made, but failed. Policemen and firemen will be carried free on the cars wnen on amy, n wu decided, after which the franchises were ordered sent to the Auditor for publication. CAR SERVICE PROTESTED Complaint of Councilman on Xew Schedule Without Effect. Councilman Schmeer, of the Eighth Ward, and two other men were present to protest against the alternate-street stop in vogue on the Sunnyside and Mount Tabor streetcar lines, when the Council committee on car complaints met at the City Hall yesterday morn ing. Their protests were insufficient to cause the committee to recommend a cessation of the plan, however, and it will continue in force. Mr. Schmeer said his constituents are not satisfied with the new service, but wish a return to the stop at every cross ing of 200 feet and sometimes less. General Superintendent Franklin and Superintendent of Transportation Coop er, speaking for the Portland Railway, Light Power Company, told the mem bers of tne committee tnat tne service has not been tried long enough yet to determine its exact status, but that they had received many pleasing com pliments on the alternate-street stop plan. Mr. Schmeer complained that some people had to walk a block up hill, to which they objected, while he himself one time could not get the conductor to stop a car at the Schmeer crossing on East Morrison street, for him to alight, and he had to walk back a block. One man saia ne ODjectea io tne svstem because he runs a store and the outbound cars do not stop at his street crossing. As a matter of fact, it is said that the vast majority of the people on the line are In favor of the new system, as it saves time and troubte. The com pany is proceeding to put it into effect on the Sandy boulevard line and the Hawthorne-avenue and Mount Scott lines, in response to petitions, as was in the case of the Sunnyside and Mount Tabor lines. SNOW'S GOING IS RELIEF Cold 'Snap Taxes Charitable Organ lzation as Need Is Felt. The departure of the snow is some thing that has been hoped for for sev eral days by the various charitable or ganizations of the city, for while the storm has been upon the city work closed down in so many places that hundreds of persons were thrown upon their hands asking for assistance. The Associated Charities has been handling the most urgent cases as best it could and In the past few days fuel, foodstuffs and clothing have been dis tributed among many families. Work has been created where it has been possible, but even with all efforts that could be made there have not been jobs sufficient to supply the men who are out of work and at every house In the city where loads of wood were de livered yetserday there would be from three to a dozen applicants for the Joh of putting it into the basement. Shoes are especially needed at the Associated Charities at this time. Many of the families that have been visited by the representatves of the organiza tion have several children whose foot wear is entirely inadequate at this time of dampness and cold. Food and fuel are also much needed, for there are many cases where families are des titute and have not even the means for keping their shacks warm. The Municipal Employment Agency was crowded with men and has been unable to find temporary work enough to tide them over the snowy season. Logging and construction camps reply to the demands for work that they are laying off men daily during the season of bad weather and that they have nothing to offer at this time. ROTARY CLUB HAS PROJECT "Sold in Oregon" Exposition to Be Opened January 29. The Rotary Club is preparing to hold "Sold in Oregon" exposition at the Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor streets, on January 29, with which will also be associated a social entertainment for the club members. their wives and friends. The "Oregon Made movement is ex- pected to he forwarded by this expo- f IiyANT POSTUM j (mtimt Afksx irs rani Hfb tlannltr Psion in a acatrte4 far siist. iMuimUonifvwipariarwitwJ POSTUM "CEREAL rwHm leered M,, LI mi g) Battle Creek, BUk., D. . i Test It Free Thousands are trying The New Food-Drink Instant Postum "The family ire delighted. I am a coffee-lorer, but rarely hmd a cup of coffee that tasted betta than a cop of Instant Portum." Mrs. H. F. H, New York. "I find Instant Postum it all you claim. It hat a rich flavour which we have been unable to get out of coffee, although we have tried several brands." Mrs. C W. CL, Duluth. "It is really delicious. My family are regular coffee-drinkers, but since Instant Postum came, coffee has no show. Coffee never had the flavour that Instant Postum hat.' N. M. W, Brooklyn. "It has remained for Instant Postum Io break me of the cof fee habit. Eight days after leaving off coffee I feel mnitely bet ter, but what aa appetite l earing twice as much." R. E L. N Washington. " Instant Postum has helped me mora in a few days than dy , pepsia tableb had done in a year." W. R. N N.Y. Mills,N.V. " I like it because I can fix it myself in a few minutes. If I use coffee I can't sleep. 1 slept last night so good after using In stant Postum." Miss A. H Pittsburg. "We find it better and more healthful than coffee, and it is so convenient to make that even my husband and children have no trouble to get a cup ready. Coffee will never be brought into oar household again." Mrs. W. Watertown, N. Y. Instant Postum has a rich, snappy flavour; is ab solutely free from the" coffee drug, "caffeine ;" is eco nomical, and Requires No Boiling It is made by shrring a level teaspoonful (more or less to suit taste) in a cup of hot water and adding sugar and cream. Sold by grocer everywhere. JOO-cup tin, SOe; SO -cap tin, 30c M POSTUM CEREAL CO., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.t Enclosed find 2c stamp for pottage on free On of Imtant 'Postum. &ome Jlidmi . JtCy grocer's name ts sition. which will be but one phase ot the constant activity that the Rotary Club has engaged In to help out the movement for the use and sale ot Ore gon manufactured goods in preference to others. The members of the Rotary Club rh renresent a distinct line of busi ness which features in the professional and industrial life of Portland and in this exnosition they will set forth the important part played by the employer or manufacturer in forwarding home goods on the-markets of the state. The sneakers at the regular weekly luncheon of the club at the Commercial Club today will be Dr. V. K. Moore, r. C. Jaggar and H. Claussenlus. They will all give business talks. BOOSTERS HAVE SMOKER South Portland Club Indorses Ad ministration or Mr. Rushlight. At a smoker given by the South Portland Booster Club recently all the officers, who have been in service for the past five years, were re-elected in appreciation of the work that they have accomplished. They are: Charles H. Feldman, president; J. C. Smith, vice-nresident: B. C. Jones, secretary; Frank Webber, treasurer; C. H. Pig- trott nublicity manager. A vote of thanks was tendered Mayor Rushlight for "the able and efficient manner in which he has conducted the affairs of the city and more especially for what he has accomplished for South Portland, more so far during his term than had been accomplished for a generation prior thereto. Talks were made regarding the audi torlum hv Thomas Hawkes. Council man John Montag, G. B. Thomas and John Perry. It was the sense of tne meeting hat the Market block is an ideal location for the' auditorium and that it should be constructed there im mediately. G. B. Thomas, C. H. Pig- gott. B. C. Jones, John Perry, John Montag and Jacob Schwlnd were ap pointed a committee to arrange for a mass meeting of fortiana resiaents to get public indorsement of this site. MRS. ROBINSON IS DEAD Wife of Prominent Masonic Official in Oregon Passes Away. Mrs. Nannie Robinson, wife of James F. Robinson, grand secretary of the affiliated Masonic orders -of the jur isdiction of the State of Oregon, passed away yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, after a lingering illness of 10 months, at the family residence, 680 Broad way. Mrs. Robinson, whose maiden name was Nannie Hughes, moved to Oregon in the '80s from Iowa and resided in Eugune until 190T, when the family came to Portland. Besides her husband she leaves three children: Mrs. C. V. Littler, of Al bany: Mrs. H. M. Hendershott, of Port land, and Ralph D. Robinson, of Port land, all of whom were at home at the time of her death. The services will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at Holman's chapel, after which the body will be placed in a vault at the Crematorium until the completion of the Portland mausoleum. . -t; UK 1 CSaZS. "V f Vim vr m m m Rheumatism Affects Lungs Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Phthi sis, Asthma and Anemia Often Directly the Result of Rheu matic Blood. If you have a persistent, nagging brent chlal cough beware of cough remedies They are merely local in action, and If they do relieve it is the narcotics that do It. What you require is a blood purl, fier, a searching antidote that removes from the circulation the acid poisons that by their reflexes attack all weakness, susceptible spots and thus create local symptoms. The very best remedy known is Swift's Sure Specific Tou will find it on sale in any drug store at (1.00 per bottle. It goes straight into the blood, becomes an internal blood bath, wonder fully Increases tha red corpuscles, curea all the local fever spots and irritations; Increases appetite, you take on flesh and feel a wonderful sense of renewed strength. Hundreds of people worried beyond control at cough, pains in tha chest, sore throat and constant expectora tion of thick mucous have experienced the most wonderful change after using S. S. S. Ail doubt and apprehension la one, those peculiar pains and aches van ish, there follows a period of most In tense rejoicing to find that worst fear were based entirely upon a mistaken no tion that cough and chest pains coma from the lungs. These are rheumatta conditions, and you will quickly realize It after using S. S. S. for a few days. Get a bottle of S. S. S. to-day at the drug store and then say good-by to all thosa pains that have worried you. Write to The Swift Specific Co., 12T Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga., for medical idvice and wonderful facts concerning the greatest blood remedy ever known. HOW MRS. BROWN SUFFERED During Change of Life How Lydia E. Pmkham's Vege table Compound Made Her a Well Woman. Iola, Kansas. "During the Changa of Life I was sick for two years. Be fore I took your med icine I could not bear the weight of my clothes and waa bloated very badly. I doctored with three doctors but they did me no good. They Raid nature must have its way. My sister advised me to take Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and I purchased a bottle. Before it was gone the bloating left ma and I was not so sore. I continued tak ing it until I had taken twelve bottles. Now I am stronger than I have been for years and can do all my work, even tha washing. Your medicine is worth its weight in gold. I cannot praise it enough. If more women would take your medicine there would be more healthy women. You may use this let ter for the good of others." Mrs. D. H. BROWN, 809 N. Walnut St, lola.Kan. Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl dential) Lynn, Mass. lour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. FOR YOUR HAIR. Here Are Facta We Want Yon to Prove at Our Risk. When the roots of the hair are en tirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed over, we do not believe that anything; can restore hair growth. , But, when the hair roots retain any life, we believe there Is nothing- that will so surely promote hair growth aa will Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. To prova that statement, we promise to promptly return all the- money you pay us for Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, should it not please you. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic destroys the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to tne roois ui the hair, stimulating; and by promoting circulation, nourishing; them. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic helps to re lieve scalp irritation, to remove dan druff to prevent the hair from falllnsr out and to promote an increased growth of hair. It comes in two sues, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Sold only by the Owl iwug co. stores n Portland. Seattle. Spokane, San Fran. Cisco. Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacra mento. . What is No. 10? v