THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. JANUARY 21, 1913. - S , i ; 1 i t J I WILSON BILLS AIM TO BREAK TRUSTS Seven Measures of Governor Introduced in Legisla ture of New Jersey. CLIMAX DEEMED REACHED Feature of Proposed Laws Is Pro vision Making Violation Misde meanor Punishable by Pine and Imprisonment. TREXTOX. N. J.. Jan. 20. President elect Wilson reached today what he considers the elimax In his programme of reform as Governor of New Jersey. Seven bills making for the most exten sive revision of the corporation laws In the history of the state were intro duced tonight in the State Legislature. "These acts are designed to put an end to trusts and monopolies under the laws of New Jersey." declared Governor Wilson In a prepared statement descrlb lngr the measures, "and I predict con fidently that they will accomplish that much-desired result." Jerwey Conditional In Mlud. Though the principle of the bills which seek to prevent monopoly, under' selling In local markets, mergers, the existence of holding companies and the Issuance of watered stock is one which the Governor emphasized repeatedly in the National campaign, be declared to night that the proposed legislation nad been drawn wtth the conditions In the State of New Jersey alone in mind. The feature of the bills that attracted most attention was the provision mak ing violations of the proposed law 4 misdemeanor, punishable by Imprison ment as well as by fines. The bills go Into extensive detail In defining trusts. monopolies and mergers. It was pointed out In the statement issued from the Governor a office, how ever, that while mergers and consoli dations are prohibited in general the proposed laws do not Intend to prevent the legitimate expansion of a business concern by the purchase of property "cognate in character." F.xtennlon la Permitted. Provision for this Is made In the sec ond of the series of bills and permits a corporation to extend lis business by the purchase of the property, Includ ing the stock of another corporation if Its business be the same, but pre vents the Issuing of watered stock In the transaction. It has nothing to do with holding companies which are oth erwise treated. It is contended. While the bills. It Is asserted, take away none of the rights of existing forporations, they do restrict these vompanies from extending their hold- inn and make them subject to the pro visions forbidding underselling, dis criminations and other monopolistic jtractices. Present companies will be affected so far as future stock issues nnd mergers are concerned. Among the larger combinations rhartered under" New Jersey laws are the United States Steel Corporation, the Standard Oil Company, the American Tobacco Company, the American Sugar itefinine Company, the International Harvester Company, the Amalgamated Copper Company, the United States Leather Company and the Kock Island Kailroad Company. The Governor held several National subject conferences In the Statehouse. Senators Newlands, of Nevada, and Chamberlain, of Oregon, told him that besides themselves they represented other Western Senators in urging for Secretary of the Interior Governor Nor rls. of Montana: Governor Hawley, of Idaho; Joseph N. Teal, of Oregon, or Kemoeratic Chairman Tallman, of Ne vada. Representatives liardwick and Bartlett, of Georgia, presented tho names of several Georgians for the Cabinet. to fear from the Attorney-General's office. To be sure, his office has been Investigating the telephone and tele graph situation, but the Attorney-General cannot tblnk we are entirely bad, for. since the investigation began, we have with his expressed approval put together Bell and opposition services in several large places where local authorities and the public have ex pressed their desire for such action. At Detroit, for instance, the opposi tion was merged after approval by and at the desire of all local and state au thorities, and with the acquiescence of the Attorney-General, and the same thing has been done in other places of almost equal Importance. "I believe that the Attorney-General has found that the public does not want two systems, and we hope that fuller appreciation of that fact will lead him to leave the question entirely with the state and interstate com merce, where the matter belongs, and where it is bound to go anyway. "Last year the Interstate Commerce Commission assumed Jurisdiction by ex rress authority of Congress over the telephone and telegraph companies. So far as Interstate business is concerned, that body, together with the State Com. missions, should be able to arrange matters satisfactorily to the company and to the public. T TWELFTH JUDICIAL SECTION APPROVED AT 3TMIXXVIILE. INQUIRY IS JNJIEW HANDS (Continued From Virat rn.) thtj American company or any of Its principal subsidiary companies. The American Telephone & Tele graph Company, either directly or throush subsidiary companies whose tock it owns, operates what Is known generally as the Bell telephone system, whfch reaches upwards of 70.000 places, distributed anions practically all the Htates of the Union, having some 4,500, 000 telephones in use and operating the principal long-distance lines be tween the states. It has an invested capital of a book; value of nearly $600, umO.000. It is also the owner of a large block of stock of the Western I'nion Telegraph Company through which It practically controls tffe op erations of the telegraph and cable lines of that corporation." Chararea Are Detailed. Outlining complaints of independents against the American company the Attorney-General says that they charge that the American company has not contented itself with the normal exten sion of its system, but has purchased competing lines in such manner and tn such circumstances as would destroy competition; that it has refused to make connections between local lines not owned or controlled and its own long distance lines; and has terminated contracts and arrangements for the in. terchange of business between lines It lias acquired and lines of Independents. Complaint also is made, the Attorney General adds, that in cases where American companies have assumed to make connections with independents, they have done so in such manner as in effect to prevent a satisfactory ex-i-hange of facilities of communication, "thereby intending to discourage the patrons of the independent companies and drive .thera to the American com panies. Further, according to the Attorney General, it ischarged that the Ameri can company has discriminated between the lines of the Western Union Com pany, in which it owns an interest, and those of the Postal Telegraph Com pany. In cases where telegraph sub scribers request to be put into commun ication wUh the Postal company for the purpose of sending telegrams. In places where there Is no competition, it is charged that the local and long distance rates of the American com panies are unduly high, said the Attorney-General, while in places where Independents are established rates have been reduced. TAIti DOES NOT FEAR ACTION" Bell Company-President Says Phones Belong in Interstate Commerce. NEW YORK, Jan. SO. (Special.) In discussing the relations between the Department of Justice and American Telephone Company and particularly the status of the company under the Sherman law, Theodore N. Vail, presi dent of the American Telephone Com pany. has made this statement: "We do not think we have anything Yamhill County Bar Association Is Planned and Committee Xamed to Effect Organization. M'MIXXVILLE. Or., Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of the McMinnville bar held here Saturday a resolution was adopted by which the members of the bar residing in McMinnville Indorsed the creation of the 12th judicial dis trict, consisting of the counties of Polk, Yamhill and Tillamook. These counties are now a part of the third Judicial district. The organization of a bar associa tion, to be known as the Yamhill County Bar Association, was approved also at the meeting and a committee was selected to take what preliminary steps were required. The committee named Includes B. A. Kliks, J. B. Dod son and R. R. Hewett. Sixteen lawyers were present and other legislation was discussed and Indorsed, but that of the new district, with an additional Judge, was the most important and was con sidered by all present as much needed. R. L. Conner, a member of the Mult nomah County Bar Association, was chosen chairman of the meeting and Vine W. Pearce. Judge of Yamhill County, secretary. The members present also went on record as favoring part of the report of the Judicial commission appointed by the Governor, set out on page is of the commission s report, relating to the appointment of a prosecuting at torney for each county and a resolution In support of that part of the report of the commission was passed. the retaining in office of all present serv ing district attorneys for their respec tive counties and the retaining of the Governor's prerogative of filling any of the new offices created by a law, as Indorsed by the resolution, was strongly favored by both Republican and Democratic members present. THIRD BLOCKADE IS FEARED BY ROADS Heavy Snow, Accompanied by Gale, Sweeps Over Cas cade Country. EASTON SNOW 10 FEET DEEP ODDIE URGES REVISION STRIXGEXT DIVORCE REQUIRE MENTS FAVORED. Governor Also Would Have Nevada Limit Bounds of Prizefights. Legislature Organizes. CARSON CITY. Nev. Jan. 20. Gover nor Oddie today presented his message to the Nevada Legislature in which he makes a number of radical recommen dations. He advises a law requiring a year's residence in the state to ob tain a divorce Instead of six montns. and a law limiting the number or rounds tn a prize fight. The fundamental need of the state. he says, is a revision of the system of taxation, and the perfection of the governmental system in the interests of economy and efficiency. Pointing out that Nevada Is sur rounded by states which have given women equal suffrage, the Governor urges the ratification of an amendment giving them the right to vote In Ne vada. He also recommends the Indorse ment of the Congressional resolution providing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote. The Legislature organized today, both branches working for retrenchment by elimination of many of the positions hitherto given to political workers as rewards for good work. GLENDALE IS HELD "WET" Man Who Violated Law While Town Was "Dry" Is lined $250. ROSEBCRG. Or.7Jan. 20. (Special.) In a decision handed down today Judge Hamilton sustained the validity of the liquor election held at Glendale last November when the city went "wet," and In addition he held that the repeal of the prohibition law as far as that municipality was concerned did not repeal the penalty for violations of the law committed while the town was "dry." The question of the validity of the Glendale election was raised by Dis trict Attorney Brown some time ago, when J. M. McLeod. of Glendale, was tried before Judge Hamilton on a charge of bootlegging. The District Attorney contended that the election was held in Glendale precinct and was not confined strictly to the voters of the city of Glendale. Attorney Hermann, representing Mc- LeOd, admitted the law violation, and in defense asserted that Glendale had voted "wet since the Illegal sale was made and consequently the penalty ould not be enforced. Judge Hamilton today held tnat vio lations committed prior to the time Glendale went "wet" were punishable, and as a result he fined McLeod 1250. Roofs Caved In by Heavy - Fall, Which Weighs From 120 to 150 Pounds to Square FootTrans- continental Railways Busy. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 20. (Special.) Heavy snow, accompanied by a high gale which swept the mountain regions today and led to the posting of a storm warning on the coast, fell continuously throughout the day in the Cascades country and led railroad officials to fear the third blockade of the Winter of transcontinental traffic One hundred and fifty men were put to work by the Northern Pacific Rail way at Easton. keeping the sidings open, while the rotary snowplows were again called Into service to keep the tracks open ahead of the trains. So fast did the snow fall that switches and frogs had to be cleaned every hour to prevent their complete filling. The same condition prevailed on other lines crossing the mountains. Trains reaching Seattle were delayed several hours, while those eastbound held fair ly well to their schedules during the early part of the day. Snow from eight to ten feet In depth was reported at Easton, while In other places, as well, it was so heavy that roofs gave way. Temperature on Rise. Warmer temperature prevailed for the Puget Sound country, reaching 36 degrees shortly before noon and lndi eating a continuous rise, which will make tomorrow even warmer. The In crease. In warmth changed the snow, which began falling- in Seattle shortly Derore i o clocK tnis morning, to ram. Section Director George N. Salisbury declared that Indications pointed to no letup on the storm tonigh- High south to southwest winds prevailed over the Coast and will be continued tonight, causing uneasiness In shipping circles. Numerous log booms were reported broken, while grave fears were enter tained for smaller craft. Many roofs caved in where the snow was heaviest in the mountains, the most serious damage being to the Moose Lodge Hall at Cle Blum. The building Is 50 by 75 feet. The general store on the first floor of the hall was also dam aged, although not seriously. Barber Shbp la Damaged. The roof of a barber shop at Roslyn tell In, while a barn at South Cle Elura collapsed last night under the heavy blanket. While the snow Is still falling today, danger from similar disasters of this character was so great that gangs of men were put to work In the mountain towns shoveling off the roofs. The snow was estimated to weigh 30 pounds to the cubic foot, and under a depth of from four to five reet on the House tops, the stress on the roofs averaged 120 to ISO pounds to the square foot. This Is said to be more than the build ings are capable of holding. The Great Northern is shoveling night and day and festoons of lights guide the gangs of workmen keeping clear the Cascade line. GLENADA WOMEN BALLOT First Election Under Charter Re cently Adopted Is Held. FLORENCE, Or..- Jan. 20. (Special.) The tirst election under the charter recently adopted by the new City of Glenada was held this week and sev eral women exercised their newly ac quired right of casting the ballot. The officers elected are: Alderman- at-Large and Mayor ex-Offlclo, R. A. Lowe; Alderman. First Ward. C. E. Harwood; Second Ward. Omar Wisdom; Recorder, Ed T. Maher; Treasurer," N. B. Hull. TiVk the "direct road" to h1th and strength bv using Foley Kidney Pills for backache, rheumatism, weak, yore kidneys and bldder Irregularities. b.ach lngreoient is cnosen ior its posi tive healing and curative qualities. Folev Kidney Pills are the best medi cine vou can buy for kidney and blad der troubles. Mrs. J. M. Findley. Lyons. Ga.. says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills and they entirely cured me." Uuntley Bros. COTTAGE GROVE DIKE SAVES Valley Town Would Have Been Flooded but for Dam. COTTAGE GROVE, Or Jan. 2. (Special.) But for the substantial dike built by the city two years ago Cottage Grove would have been flooded. The Coast Fork was a torrent Saturday. Several Inches of wet snow fell Thurs day and Friday, which was followed by steady rain, iards practically free from water all Winter were flooded six Inches to a foot deep. The storm sew ers could have cared for the rain, but the snow melting at the same time was too much of a strain. The storm sewer in the aoutaeast part of the city, where is located the Brown Lumber Company, was entirely inadequate to care for the tremendous quantity of water, and that entire sec tion of the city was a loot deep witn water, although no damage resulted. The mill operated as usual and the trains were able to make the regular schedule. There was no water on the tracks outside of the yards. There is from 10 to 15 feet of snow In the Bohemia district. In the can yons the snow turned to rain and all tributaries of the Row River and Coast Fork are raging torrents. ASTORIA WEATHER VARIABLE Slush Ice at Mouth of Columbia May Be Bar to Navigation. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 20. (Special.) While the thermometer dropped to the freezing point in the early hours of last night, the wind shifted from the east to the south before morning, and rain began to fall, with the result that the snow and ice In the city has all disappeared. The rain continued the entire day and the temperature was quite mild. To night the wind shifted again to the northwest. Vessels arriving down the river report large quantities of slush ice below the mouth of the Willam ette, and a few days' continuance of the Eyeglass Satisfaction Satlafaetlon (n). State of being gratified or content, relieving the mind of doubt. If you get your glasses of me, I more than satisfy you. as I abso lutely go into every little detail, explaining- why I would fit you with glasses after I have positively sat isfied myself that you would need glasses by a most careful examina tion of your eyes, with latest optical appliance that Is known 'to science, which reveals to me all the eye ir regularities as though the eye were an open book. Why take chaaeea with the most precious of the five senses by patronizing opticians that only han dle glasses as a side line? Do you consider your eyesight less valuable than merchandise? I only do optical work, and al ways guarantee the results. J. D. DUBACK Eyesight Specialist 6th Floor Selling Bldg., 6th ft Alder Cigarettes The World's oldest high-grade Turkish cigarettes. THE LITTLE BROWN BOX" Philip Morris & Co., Ltd. Htw Tart, LtnJtn, Montrett, Catr cold snap would seriously Interfere with navigation on the Columbia. IDAHO BLIZZARDS RAGIXC Cattle Dying, Trains Stalled and Wires Down in Worst of Storms. HAILET. Idaho, Jan. 20. Trains are stalled, wires are down and cattle-are dying In the worst storm the Wood River district has experienced In 30 years. For two weeks a blizzard has raged, entirely Isolating several points from communication, light and water. A passenger train which left here Saturday Is stalled at Ketchum. 12 miles north, whence after a day's delay it proceeded a short distance only to run into a snow bank near Fisheries, where the passengers now are being cared for by farmers. A relief party with two locomotives which left Sho shone early today to rescue the train became snowed in ten miles below its objective. A rotary snowplow, which was sent out to clear the Central Idaho road to Camas Prairie, is snowed In 12 miles east of Soldier. Mall carriers from Hailey to Soldier have not made a trip for a week. They succeeded today in making four miles to Willow Creek and hope to reach Soldier in two days. The electric light service In Hailey has been cut off as a result of snow slides into . the river above the town. At Ketchum the water supply has been cut off by snow slides. Two hundred head of cattle near here are snowed In without water or food. Many other herds are lost or unable to reach the river, une snow at Ketchum is six feet deep on the level. SPOKAVE DIVISIOX TIED UP O.-W, K. & X. From Pendleton to Weston Blockaded by Snow. PENDLETON, Or., Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) Since Saturday last no trains on the Spokane division of O.-W. R. N. lines have been able to plow through the immense snow drifts piled up be tween this city and" Weston and latest reports are to the effect that trains on the Washington division will have to be routed via Umatilla for at least a few days. This morning a terrific wind raging in the vicinity of Weston was esti mated at 60 miles an hour, piling the snow In the railroad cuts in an alarm ing manner. The weather is moderat ing here tonight with prospects of more snow. Deschutes Caveln Caused by Snow. NORTH JUNCTION. Or., Jan. 20. (Special.) Snow melting in the Des chutes caused a cavein in tunnel No. 3, north of North Junction, followed by a slide of rock on the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railways' joint track be tween North Junction and South June- siiiMiinninniiiiiiiiiniiiniiinniniiK Just plain doughnuts, but Oh, so good, and so easy to make. Try them for breakfast this way: RECIPE NO. 4-PLAIN DOUGHNUTS 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 scant teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon butter Sweet milk Sift flour, baking powder and salt together into mixing bowl. Rub in butter with finger tips and stir in milk to make a dough as soft as can be handled, (about 2-S of a cup). Tip out upon floured board, roll into a strip S inches wide and 1-2 inch thick. Cat off strips 3-4 inch wide, roll them on the board to lengthen them, twist and fry in deep fat until a light brown. Dust lightly with powdered sugar and serve, while still warm, with plenty of Log Cabin Syrup. TOWLE'S ished foods you have them eat. are so anxious to has a rich, smooth consistency and a delicate, uniform maple flavor you can't help noticing it. Pure materials to begin - with and a long experience in making and blending has resulted in our per fccting this truly delicious high grade syrup, thoroughly -wholesome and of a high quality that makes it good enough for the most sumptuous table. "We do love Log Cabin Syrup," say the children and it is really good for them. Their lively little bodies need lots of "fuel" that's sugar to supply them with energy. Towle's Log Cabin Syrup doesn't hurt them give them all they want it helps along the other less rel- Towle's Log Cabin Syrup always comes in the patented double-seal Log Cabin cans your guaranty of pure ingredients and the unchang ing, delicate maple flavor, and full measure. mm ft. Giving the consumer not only full measure but full money's worth has maintained and increased the demand created by our adver tising and the quality of Towle's hog Cabin Syrup. & ffifljfr Have a real New England breakfast Plain t&fiftw&tfiL Doughnuts and Towle's Log Cabin Syrup S?r& for breakfast, tomorrow. Order Log Cabin byrup today. f9k Drop a line to Jack" for a free recipe book. If you also send him five two-cent stamps to cover postage, Jack Towle" will send, with recipe book, a miniature can of Towle's Log Cabin Syrup. Send in the coupon at once for your sample. Towle Maple Products Company Dept. 10 St. Paul, Minn. "From my camp to yoar table." Jack Towle !iiiiiniiiiiiim.inyiiinnnsn:i:niniinHiiinnnninniiiiz.l Care of Towle Maple Productii Co. Dept. 10, St. Paul, Minn. Please 6nd enclosed Ave two-cent stamps for which you are to send me your recipe book and a miniature can of Towle'a Log Cabin Syrup. Addrert- tion, covering: the track from five to feet for a distance of 300 feet. necessitating: a transfer of passengers. Steamer Geo. W. Elder Iocnted. P.AST RAN" PEDRO. Cal.. Jan. 20. (Special.) The steamer Geo. W. 'Elder waa reported by wireless tonigrht to be 95 . miles west of. San Pedro, vessel is southbound. The Amundsen Gives Sled. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Two battered sleds which have Journeyed to opposite ends of the earth occupied a place of honor today 1n the American Museum of Natural History. Captain Haold Amundsen, discoverer of the South Pole, presented to the museum one of his three sledires and it was placed beside a slel Peary used on his Arctic trip. There are ISO known lepers In the Vlllted StatM. 1 vol VOldl 1 n KTJTk jf!Y& 'Js&r' mf pure &2xn Stands Uncle Sam He makes it easy for you to know when whiskey is pure. The little green stamp which he places over the cork of every bottle of Good old Take a bottle home IT Bottled In Bond is the sign of pure whiskey. It mean's that the whiskey was made, aged and bottled under Uncle Sam's watchful eye. He knows it is pure and he so labels it It is a little stamp with a large meaning. See that it is on the bottle you take home. - R0THCHILD BROS., Distributors, Portland, Oregon. mil i'v ijjf KfflK "Since 1857"