4 THE MOKXIXG. OREGOXIAX. IUESIaY. JANUARY 21, 1913. 1 nzzzzi i .. - - I I .NIIm.:.Wn " ' " . , . COMPENSATION SAID " TO BE BETTER PLAN Washington Labor Leader De clares Liability Act Is Not So Equitable. TWO SYSTEMS COMPARED James II. Wallace Sajs Opposition to Compensation Is Influenced by "Ambulance Chasers", and "Shyster" Lawyers. Lbor organizations in Oregon are opposed to the workmen's compensa' tion plan. I believe, only where they are influenced by 'ambulance chasers and 'shyster lawyers, who. hare made their livelihood out of legislation aris ing under the employers' liability act' This opinion was voiced last night at the Multnomah Hotel by James H. Wallace, of Olympia. a prominent labor leader in the State of Washington, and the labor representative on the Wash Inston Industrial Compensation Com mission. "I am not Interested in the fight to puss the compensation act in Oregon, except as I am interested in anything which is based upon humanitarian principles." he said. "The liability law recognises no Justice or equity be tween the employer and the employe, or 1 would have no objection to it. Tl breeds distrust and enmity betwen the employer and the workmgman, and this distrust the lawyers who make their profit from handling liability cases keep continually stirred up. Advantages Are Seen. "Under the compensation system, re lief comes to the injured workman, or, if he is killed, to his family at once, without ill feeling between the em ployer and employe and the go-be tween which under the liability sys tern takes its share out of the money that should go to the injured man or those dependent upon him. namely the casualty insurance company, is eliminated from the transaction. There is no place for the ambulance-chas ing lawyer to come in for a share, but the relief goes all where it belongs to the injured man or to his family. "Under the liability law also, there is too much tendency when a workman gets a good case,' to carry It out In a spirit of vengefulness against tne employer, which can have no other ef fect than to widen the breach between the employer and his men. "The opposition to compensation in Oregon comes from a small clique of skilled workmen employed In the ex tra hazardous lines of work, such as the building trades. In which the ad vantages from the employers liabil ity to the workingman are unusually large. But the liability act dors not offer protection to more than 25 per ci-nt of the workmen employed in haz ardous occupations. 1 do not believe that this small minority has a just r';;ht to stand In the way of ihn other 75 per cent of worklngmen. who re ceive no protection under the liability set. but who would be assured of pro tection under compensation." . Flinrn Alleared MlsleadtOK. lir. Wallace said that some of the statistics advanced by representatives of labor organizatlones opposed to compensation are incomplete anl mis leading. One of the Instances was in tne quotation by the building trades representatives, of the comparative figures on accidents in Oregon, where liability is in force, and Washington, where compensation prevails. In an equal length of time Oregon nad be tween 5000 and 6000 accidents, while the records In Washington showed nearly 12.000. These figures were used to uphold the contention of the building trades representatives, that compensation did not give the workman the same protection from accident that liability does. "Those figures are substantially cor rect," say Mr. Wallace, "but they are far from a proof of the claim that the building trades organizations bavo ad vanced. Oregon employs, at most, about 60.000 men who are under the jurisdiction of the liability act, while In Washington there are 135.000. Ore can easily see from these figures that the ratio of accidents in the two states is practically the same. or. It any thing, lower in Washington than in Oregon. "My main reason for upholding com pensation as opposed to liahiiity is that It offers protection to all men em ployed In hazardous occupations, while liability does not. It eliminates the go-between, the casualty insurance company, and keeps the workingman out of the hands of the unscrupulous lawyer. It gives relief to the injured workingman practically at once, while any relief received from liability comes oniy after the case has been threshed out In the court, and that Is very often too late. Mortgages Are Raised. "In Washington the working of the compensation act has resulted in bet ter feeling between employer and em ploye, and In better protection for all of the worklngmen. Instead of a lim ited class of worklngmen. Under the compensation act. I will note, as just one phase of the many lines in which it has been beneficial, the fact that the commission has raised mortgages from many and many a home in cases where accident or death had overtaken the workman before he had finished pay ing for it." 2 MEN IN CHURCH ROBBED Palor I'renchlns "Thou Shalt Not steal" When Thtef Kntcrs. While Rev. J. Richard Olson, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Immanuel Church. Nineteenth and Irving streets. whs preaching Sunday night on the" text. "Thou Shalt Not Steal." a sneakthief entered the rear of the church and sampled the hats and coats draped over empty seat backs. He 'took a hat, coat and pair of gloves. After the services C Krlckson. a parishioner, reported to the pastor that a thief had taken his gray striped cravenette overcoat and a pair of brown gloves. Charles Swenson. also in attendance, said that the robber had made away with a fussy brown hat belonging to him. and had left In itis stead a greasy gray cap. If the thief will restore hla parish ioners clothing. Pastor Olson will see that he is decently clothed, fed and given some kind of work, he said, when he reported the loss to the police shortly after the close of the evening service. R0SARIAN HELD AT LINE CnMonis Officers Make Mistake In Identity or Excursionist. Fred Lockley. who has returned from the, excursion of the Royal Ko- sarians to Southern California, has ait adventure to tell in which he was al most made the "goat" for Phil Met schan, Jr., at the boundary line be tween Tia Juana and San Diego. "We'll have to hold you," said the customs officer to him sternly. "You slipped through here yesterday with something." "Surely a mistake." insisted Mr. Lockley. "I've not been across the line here before today." "Yes, you were yesterday. was the reply. "We have a report of -a big fel low with a broad smile and a white uniform with a red rose on the sleeve. Wo'll have to hold you." When he finally succeeded in get ting through onto American soil once more, Mr. Lockley told of his adven ture at the hotel in San Diego. Phil Metschan, Jr., roared. "That other fellow was myself." he said. "I went over to Tia Juana yes terday." When he returned from Tia Juana Mr. Metschan had simply put on the power in his auto and sailed gaily across the line, leaving with the cus toms officers nothing but the descrip tion of "a broad smile and a white uniform" which had almost proved the undoing of his successor. STEAMER DEAL PENDING LKWISTON" SERVICE JLIY BE RESCMED. New Company Desirous of Operating on Snake IT Portland Traffic Is Guaranteed. Negotiations for the sale or lease of the steamers of the -Open River Transportation Company, so that ser vice between the lower Columbia and Lewlston can be resumed with the opening of the season about March 1, are under way now, and with assur ance of traffic sufficient to make the venture reasonably successful, a trans action probably will be closed this week. Shippers and transportation men at various points along the river are in terested In the plan. Several conferences have been held In Portland between the steamship men who want to buy or lease the ves sels and members of the transporta tion committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Walter F. Burrell has sub mitted a proposal to the Chamber ask ing that a committee be named to work with the Open River Transportation Company to secure the regular opera tion of steamers on the upper Colum mla and Snake Rivers. The Open River Transportation Company will be asked to submit a. flgrre . for which the steamers will be leased, and also a figure at which they will be sold. The company has four steamers and two barges. Three of the steamers and both barges operate : above Celilo Rapids. A delegation . of Lewlston business men. including A. S. Stacy and Frank Thompson, of the Lewlston Mercan tile Company: Wallace R. Struble, sec retary of the Idaho-Washington De velopment League, and Dr. J. B. Mor ris, were In the city last Saturday. They are enthusiastic in their endeavor to have regular service between Port land and Lewlston next Summer. The Hosford Transportation Com pany and the Clatskanle Transporta tion Company, both operating steamers below Celilo, are Interested with the upper rivermen in. the plan. In the event that they cannot lease or buy the vessels of the Open River Trans portation Company, they propose to use one or more ttf ' their own boats on tho west end of the run and build a new one for service on the east end. It Is said that Captain Harry Rlggs Is Interested in the project and that he will have charge of operations above the portage road. .Members of the Chamber of Com merce seem to be wilting to do some thing that will provide adequate ser vice between Portland and the Inland Empire. It is expected that they will be asked to guarantee tonnage suffi cient to prevent the venture from be- ng unprofitable if the negotiations now in progress are successful. RUSS AN NTFEIGUES STRANGLING PERSIA Depredation? Under Guise of Military Occupation Sanc tioned, Is Report. THIEVING IS COUNTENANCED PORTLAND DELAYS DID BOWI.IXG CONGRESS WILL BE HELD HERE IF WANTED. Local Tenpin Enthusiasts Unable to ' Determine What to Do on Short Notice. Portland may have the; 191S West ern Bowling Congress tournament for the asking. here three or four cities were indulging in strenuous pol itics at the 1912 gathering to secure the tournament for lf13, conditions are such that any rea sonable Inducement will give the alley meeting to Portland. President Mor ley and Secretary Jenkins are await ing a definite bid from Portland, but as yet nq. determined effort has been made to secure the tenpin affair. Active bowlers of the city, and owners of the two public alleys, are at sea regarding the proposal to bring the tournament to Portland. etivity thus far being contined largely to promoters who plan to in stall a new set of alleys In Oregon Hall. They say that a telegram has been sent to Secretary Jenkins guar anteeing the cash prlzeB. but the offi cials are awaiting more definite In formation before allotting the annual gathering to Portland. Denver, which expects to get tne tournament, is willing to take the 191S meeting, according to advices from Los Angeles, but the Colorado people would rather yield in favor of Port land, or some other city, for 1913. Bowlers generally assume the atti tude that as Vancouver intends to hold a rival meeting with bigger prizes, and that the Northwest bowlers, who comprise the overwhelming majority of entrants at a meet staged in tne Northwest." would favor the Canadians instead of Portland. It would be un wise to attempt a tournament here. However, if cash puses are guaran teed to the satisfaction of the W. B. C. officials, the Portland alleymen will work with a will to make the 1913 congress and tourney a success. - 31. E. Price, -English Llberalist, Says Influence of Czar's Inroads Felt Keenly and That Government Suffers as a Result. LONDON, Jan. 20. (Special.) M. E.' Price, who is Liberal candidate for Gloucester City, returned to London after an adventurous journey across Turkish Armenia, Khurdistan and Northwest Persia, where he had oppor tunities of observing how Russian in trigues are working in Persia. He was In Tabriz Just over a month ago, and Is the last European to bring news direct from Northwest Persia, In an Interview, Mr. Price said: "When I crossed the frontier Into Persia I visited a Khurdish chief and found that he had stolen 50,000 sheep from the Turkish side in the Spring of 1911. Since then he has been visit ed by Russian agents and presented with a Russian military decoration. It was evident to me that these Khurdish chiefs, who have been giving such an noyance to the Turkish authorities, had in many cases been taken directly under the wing of the Russian agents. "I was more than justified In this idea when I arrived at the Persian town of KhoU;' As 1 was walking In the bazaar, accompanied by two Persian gendarmes, lent to me by the Gover nor, I was suddenly arrested by tour Cossacks. My gendarme guard fled, so I was at the mercy of the Russians. They told me that Russian martial law had been declared in that part of Per sia, and that they had orders to arrest foreigners. Release Comes In Two Honrs. "I was marched two miles out of town and noticed a camp of at least 2000 Russian troops. There I had a long argument with a Russian diplo matic agent. "I was released after .several hours detention, and returned to Khoi. On my way to Tabriz I passed some 1500 Russian troops marching toward the Turkish frontier. I have information were the troops stated by Sir Edward Gray last October as having been with drawn to the Caucasus. The truth is that they have been sent to the TurkiBh frontier, and are still In Persian terri tory. Nor Is there any sign that the Russian military occupation will cease. I estimated about 10,000 Russian troops In the Azerbijan and Khasvin provinces of Persia. "The effect of this occupation on the Turco-Perslan frontier is to reduce the Persian Governors to mere puppets in the hands of the Russian military au thorities, and, if it continues, it will not be too much to say that the Rus sian frontier has been shifted 100 miles south of Mount Ararat. Persian Government Strangled. "The situation to Tabriz showed the Influence of Russia UDon the Internal politics of Persia." continued Mr. Price. "Last Summer the Tipadar was appoin ed Governor-General of the province by the Persian Government. On his ar rival at Tabriz he found Government House occupied by Russian troops, who refused to move out, and they were occupying it while I was there. For all matters of business tne Russian Consul in Tabriz systematically ignores the Governor. "The Russian authorities are inter fering to prevent the Belgian customs officials from putting ine provincial finances shipshape. In order to realize the land taxes and revenue for the purpose of maintaining the genoarmie, a loan has been required. The Rus sians have stopped the Belgians from raising the loan and have comman deered half tne transport ior tneir troops. "In this way the Persian Govern ment is bilng strangled, and there ap pears to be a total disregard of the Amrlo-Russlan Convention by the self- appointed Russian autocrats in this which leads me to Deneve mat mese part of Persia." the enfeebled system readily accepts any disease Nature's resistant force is depleted and Scott's Emulsion is needed. Its highly concen trated nourishment is im mediately distributed to every organ. With Scott's Emulsion nature repairs waste, con structs healthy tissue and active, life-sustaining blood. Nothing equal Scott' Emaltion in convaleenc. Scott & Bowne. Bloom6eld. IT. J. 17-82 AT THE THEATERS SISTER OF CHARITY DEAD Invalid of live Years Succumbs at Vancouver Convent. VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) Sister Mary Rapheel. of tne Order of the Sisters of Charity of Providence, who had been in the re- iglous work for more than si years. died at midnight In the convent here, after being an Invalid for nearly ive years. She had been In the convent for the past 30 years. The funeral win ot neio. mesaay momlnr at 8:30 o'clock at St- James' Catholic Church, Rev. Father Verwll-a-tien officiating. Interment will be In the sisters plot in tne catnouc .em- etery. Sister Rapheel was a native of Can ada, where she entered the order and labored for years, coming to Vancou ver 30 years ago. "SALVATION NEW," A flay In Three Acts, Prenented at thetaaker Theater. CAST. Jim Plait Robert Conness Major William!) Walter Gilbert Sid J. McOovern. .....Robert Wayne "Squirt" Kelly Hsrry Earl Kid Cuminlnga Win. Lloyd Al McGovern Stanley Johns Chrla Johnson R. B. McKenzle Callahar Francis Murray Blumenthal C. Buck Tommy Blake Sidney Trego .... n I.. T t3lj- M1K9 utwui"... .own . . Dr. Benedict Walter Kelly T Jimmy Sandera .....Mayo Methot I Baxter E. Harry I Bradley C. Spence 1 Paddy Paul Schneider T Bobby.. Al Krause J Pete Xell Sanders Alice Fleming Lieutenant O'Sulllvan Helen Strickland Myrtle O'Dell Alice Patek Susie Callahan Mary Edgett Rosle Hubbell Gladys Gleason pesgy Millie Gilbert Old Mary Jane Grey Mrs. spratt Mary Murphy Mrs. Flanagan Mae Kennedy Frau Schmidt Ethel Sexton Mabel.....' Grace Long gal .Nan Ramsfey Mams Marsh Stella Clark Mrs. Jackson Helen Winter Mrs! Mellon Marie Stanford Mrs. Baxter Anna Louise Hartt jenny Jane Neshfleld I PackV Ry Eberta J MoGlone A. Burke i T Hobo John Blarney f J Minnie May Mersh i I Mrs. Phelan Ellen Wlnalow t...... ? BY LEONE CASS BAER. UNQUALIFIED Is the assertion that "Salvation Nell," as offered by the Baker Stock Company, is one of the most ' pretentious productions of the season. Scenically it is tremen dous. The cast, too, has been so aug mented that it reads like a page torn out of the city directory. Each of the supernumeraries,, even the folk who merely walk past with the crowd, has been as carefully chosen for the part as have the principals. It resolves itself into another In stance of splendid Individual work by every person who does his or her lit tle bit toward producing the play and a composite piece of stage art that would make any stock organization elsewhere sit up and envy the Baker folk. The big, gripping power of Sal vation Neli lies in its realism, and its appeal to the everyday side of emotions. Its pictures are the true-to-life views not of lite in its aver age walks, but of the poor and sordid and miserable. Back of It all, and holding it to gether, is sentiment in its finest, broadest meaning the love of man for his fellow creature, and tho big, re deeming love of a good woman for a poor, derelict of manhood. The moving spirit of the story is the work of the Salvation Army. Its mission of saving the fallen, rescuing the helpless and weak is made the prime thought of the story, with the particular Incident of the life of one wretched girl. Salvation Nell, who be comes a brand plucked from the burn ing.. Every one who reads or goes to theaters, knows Kdward Sheldon's story written for Mrs. Flske's presen tation. Salvation Nell is a swamper in a Bowery saloon, where she is ekeing out a miserable existence for herself and Jim Piatt, a bouncer in the saloon. In an altercation he kills a man who pays her attention, and is sent to prison for ten years. Nell Is left penniless and alone, to choose between the- streets and the army. She heeds the plea of Halle lujah Maggie and joins the army and becomes a factor in its rescue work. Eight years later Jim returns to find her living a life full of interest and helpfulness, caring for their child, born soon after his prison sentence. Then her battle is between her duty to the army and her co-workers, and her inclination to leave with Jim. Right conquers, and to make a fitting and human-inspired climax, Jim for sakes his ways and the story leaves us with him groping with halting steps to Salvation Nell, who stands in the doorway of the mission, a figure typ ical of light and life and love. . Alice Fleming has been given an opportunity to show character work in this role, and rises far and away above the actual demands of the role. In the first act she sacrifices every vestige of her beauty and personal charm to become it seems In reality the poor slattern of the slums, a child of en vironment. Miss Fleming puts into the role of a certain nobility of nature and innate delicacy despite the rags and pitiful lines. In the second act she Is the happy, self-reliant mother, hearing her little son's evening prayers, and later fighting with all her woman's artifice and pleas of af fection for Jim, to give up a burglary he has planned. Just the splendid act ing, the restrained emotion of Alice Fleming In this role, and the sight of that wonder child actress. Mayo Methot, in the little home scene, brings tears. Truly the second scene is a power fully gripping one. Never has Robert Conness been better cast. HIS char acter roles of pieces of human flotsam are remarkable for fidelity to life. His portrayal is an exquisite gem. In ap parel, hang-dog air and physical dls hevelment, he is truly a Jim Piatt. Mr. Conness emphasises the phycholog- ical study of the man and shows him to the audience from every viewpoint, so that the judgment be not biased. For that very reason one is torn be tween pity for the derelict and con tempt for his brutality to Nell. The entire second act is theirs, Nell's and Jim's, with Mayo Methot to lend a lightsome touch, and Walter Gilbert as Major Williams, who loves Nell, to add interest in plot develop ment. , If you've never seen Salvation Nell, it's worth a visit If you have seen it, it's worth a visit again. It will play all week, with matinees on Wednes day and Saturday, at the Baker. STAMP ISSUE SPOILED NAME OF 1YRONXJ CANAL.- LOCKS USED BY EXGRAVEn. Error Ilcsults ; in Destruction of Store Than 63,000,000 or Issue and Incident Is Closed. WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. (Special.) A, AAA fifttl 4 Dr. nil a i f i i TCv. iO.VVV.VUV V V 1 1 V A I. ....... . position stamps have been destroyed in the Bureau. ot engraving ann frinung i . i .. I .. 1 In i i T h ( r-.l A. ucwiac rr . ' i . . ... ....... ... - .... - - sistant Postmaster-General's office did not know tho difference between the Gatun and San Pedro Miguel iocks oi the "big ditch." i . .i;....;.T-rit-i.-( turn Aavm u c ttiftt the entire Issue bearing an impressive picture OI tne rauainu v. aiiai luvno, which follows closely the recent etch ing by the artist, Joseph Pennell, was labeled "The Gatun Locks." Some vet eran of the ' Panama excavation who 1. Bfamn. nnfnlwl nut that the picture was not of the Gatun locks. but of the Pedro aiiguei locus. An inquiry showed the postal au- .uA-t.tn thai, Hliinlor and rather than subject themselves to criticism and ridicule they fleciaea to aestroy the entire issue. They were glad that A .ho icna hnil left the Bureau of Engraving and Printing before the mistake was oiscoverea. "I don't care to say who Is respon- -11.1 . . 1. mteAalro maA Plnrt1(t B. Hurrey, chief clerk in the office of the Third Assistant postmaster-uen-eral Britt today. "We have our own theories about that, and Director Ralph, of the Bureau of Engraving, has his. It Is a closed incident now." . The loss to the Government is not more than $2000, as the Postofflce con tract with the bureau calls for Btamps at the rate of 6H cents a thousand. T B -I ,ha moo.- nana will h9T the inscription "Panama Canal," without any reference to tne loenmy oi ine locks. The picture will not be changed. REPORT OF MIRACLE STIRS Woman Says Moss From Statue of Virgin Cured Child ; Rash Ensues. ' BEZIERS, Franch, Jan. 20. Great excitement has been caused In the Bezlers region . by the report of a miracle. A few days ago a woman went to the old cemetery of Bezlers to tend her relative's graves. She noticed that the stone statute of the Virgin on the mausoleum of the Ar naud Palvagnac family was covered with moss, which she cleaned away with her handkerchief. On returning are taking advantage of my exceptional Clearance Sale. Think of it ! Suits that were selling heretofore from $35 to $40, I am now making at Coat, Vest and Trousers No Extra Charge for High-Grade Lining I will tailor you a HIGH-GRADE SUIT or OVEKCOAT FOR $22 that you cannot possibly obtain in this city for less than $35 to $40. I Will Give You the Reason Low rent thousands of steady customers five times the volume of any other tailor in Portland perfectly organized workshop (just above my store), where I can watch your order from the time it is given until the finished garment is on your back. You can wear the suit thirty days if it pleases ' you, pay me; if it doesn't bring it back and I will charge it up to experience. "They Hug the Neck" Ray Barkhurst, the Tailor Corner Sixth and Stark Streets home, according to the reports, she touched her little paralytic daughter with the handkerchief and the girl was completely cured. Large numbers of pilgrims now go every day to the tomb. . CATTLE AND CROPS LOST Ohio River Is Now Over 45 Feet Above Low "Water Mark. GOLCONDA, 111., Jan. 20. The rise of the Ohio River Is causing greai damage to livestock and crops. Thous ands of bushels of corn have been de stroyed and many hogs and cattle have been drowned. CAIRO, 111., Jan. 20. Thousands of acres of farming land in the vicinity of Cairo were flooded today when the Ohio River went to 46.5 feet, half a foot over the danger mark. Indica tions are the river will rise another six inches, causing even greater dis tress in the lowlands. Many farmers not yet In imminent danger are mov ing their stock and household effects. EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 20. The Ohio River continued to rise today. City officials announced all flood suf ferers have been cared for and it is planned to give the. men work In con nection with tho sanitary precautions to be taken when the water recedes. EATER OF MOLASSES DIES Man Who I;lved to 87 Used Gallon of Sweets a Week. WAKEFIELD, Mass., Jan. 20. Wil liam Boone Eldred, who believed that by eating a gallon of molasses a week he had prolonged his life many years, died here today, 87 years old. He ate molasses on all his food. When 70 years old, Eldred began riding a bicycle for exercise and ac cording to his own figures covered 20,000 miles in the last 17 years. He was a descendant of Daniel Boone. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy for Whooping Cough - ,i! 1 ' " :r " i tr ! I ,'i 'ft " A HEADACHY, CONSTIPATED, BILIOUS, TAKE DELICIOUS SYRUP OF FIGS." Removes the Scum From the Tongue, Sweetens a Sour, Gassy, Bilious Stomach; Cleanses Your Liver and 30 Feet of Bowels Without Gripe or Nausea. If ' headachy, bilious, dizzy, tongue coated, stomach sour and full of gas, you belch undigested food and feel sick and miserable, it means that your liver Is choked with sour bile and your thirty feet of bowels are clogged with effete waste matter not properly car ried off. Constipation is worse than most folks believe. It means that this waste matter In the thirty feet of bowels decays into poisons, gases and acids and that these, poisons are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which should suck only nour ishment to sustain the body. Most people dread physic They think of castor oil, salts and cathartic pills. They shlnk from the after effects so they postpone the dose until they get sick; then they do this liver and bowel cleansing In a heroic way they have a bowel washday That is all wrong. If you will take a tea spoonful of delicious Syrup of Figs to night, you will never realize you have taken anything until morning, when all the poisonous matter, sour bile and clogged-up waste will be moved on and out of your system, thoroughly but gently no griping no nausea no weakness. Taking Syrup of Figs Is a. real pleasure. Don't think you are drugging yourself; It is composed en tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro matlcs, and constant use can not cause Injury. Ask your druggist for "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna," and look for the name, California Fig Eyrup Com pany, on the label. This is the genu ine old reliable. Any other Fig Syrup offered as good should be refused with, contempt. Don't be Imposed upon. MRS. HOWARD CUMEB AND SOS. "Having had occasion to use Cham berlain's Cough Remedy In a recent case of whooping-cough In our family, ana finding It a most excellent medicine and one that gives immeaiaie reuei, i ue nleasure in SDeaking a word In praise of it," writes Mrs. Howard Quinter, Shortsvllle. N. T. "Children do not on- ject to taking It. as It Is pleasant to the taste and keeps the cough loose." Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy contains no oniate and may be given as confi dently to a child as to an adult. AUCTION SLE OF JEWELRY Belding Bros., the oldest and most reliable jewelers in the city, located in the Multnomah Hotel, No. 45 Third St., have been alleged involuntary bank rupts in the United States District Court, II. S. Butterfield having been appointed receiver. M ust Everything Be Sold Sale 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Daily Never in the history of Portland were such bar gains offered to the public as yesterday and Sat-lu-day. Now is your opportunity to buy Jewelry at astonishing prices. This stock is of- the best qualit, consisting of Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Kings, Bracelets, etc. Nothing reserved. NOTICE TO LADIES Ladies attending ."will be treated with the utmost courtesy and their comfort provided for in the Avay of seats. Don't Forget the Hours of Sale. H. S. Butterfield, Receiver R. M. Harding Auctioneer