Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 21, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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OnW M-TT-Pir M.if QrHpr Patron to Purchase at Clearance Prices Articles in Our Catalog or From Daily Advertisements
Choose Furniture Now at Clearance Prices-Use Our Household Club Plan and Pay in Easy Installments-Ask Any Salesman-4th Fir.
I " ' " , . "Z NTTRSRY T-OTIRTH FLOOR where infants DINE IN OUR TEA ROOM you'll find it a
THIRD ANNUAL CAT SHOW-held by the USE THE PARCEL POST-through our ma. MqIqj, Ortk Qfrf. and eMdreVare cared for while mothers shop delight." Breakfast served 8 to 11:30; Lunch-
Oregon Cat Club on the fifth floor, January order service. Arties sent to your door at. ZSMMtgT the Store A trained nurse is constantly in eon, 11:30 to 2:30; Afternoon Tea. 2:30 to
23, 24 and 25. Mrs. Elbert Besse, of Chicago, far less than the rate you ve heretofore been h Toys and amusements provided. 5. :30 Dinner on Saturday evenings.
I ivill judge the snow. I cunipc w yaj F.oa - i
Only 5 More Days of Our Gigantic January Clearance (1 Sale of White t
Only 5 More Days of the Sweeping Offer--" Every Article Keduced --contract woas umy .a.
" . .
Pleasant Winter Hours at Home
Our Clearance Price
for $35 to $48
Tailored Suits
Women and' misses,' the most fas
tidious in dress, are availing them
selves of the savings possible during
this Clearance Sale of fancy Tailored
For today we include all the mod
ish Fancy Suits from $35 to $48, and
give vou unrestricted choice for onty,
SI 8.75! Of serge, whipcord, cheviot,
velvet, corduroy, tweeds and fancy
worsteds. Cutaway, Norfolk and
Empire styles. Braid and velvet
trimmed. Plain notch, velvet, sailor,
tuxedo or Robespierre collars. Style
as illustrated but one of the great va
riety. Choose today while selections
are best.
Afternoon and Evening
Gowns and Dresses
V2 Price
$40 to $198 Models
Mijndy of fashion will find the
most pleasing and effective of
Evening Gowns and Dresses in
this group Ave offer for Clearance
at I2 price. Of velvet, crepe,
charmeuse and clinging chiffons.
In black, cream, navy, brown and
evening shades.
Fancy Suits and Three
Piece Costumes at
2 Price
$55 to $175 Models
There's an elegance self-apparent
in these high-grade Fancy
Suits lhat distinctly pronounces
them the highest art at fashion's
command. For this sale we in
clude all regular $35 to $175
Fancy Tailored Suits and 3-piece
Costumes. Finest fabrics.
Dresses Suits Waists Furs
Hats Gowns Evening Wraps
at Clearance Prices
jierond Fluor, Mala Building. Mall Orders Filled.
Purchase your Colum
bia Graphophone today
and derive the pleasure
therefrom while mak
ing easj- installment
payments on ' our Club'
There is no one thing
that gives so much
pleasure to so many
people at so little cost
as the world,-renowned
Columbia Graphophone.
Special $23.90 Offer
Includes Columbia "Eclipse," 7 Records, 1000 Needles.
"Though Jmoderatelv priced, this offer affords you an opportunity to
eniov the sweet -toned reproductions of the voices of the musical
stars in a wonderfully realistic manner. The "Eclipses," like all Co
lumbias, regardless of price, and in contrast to others, has the contrnu-
m uk,." iia'a en much dpsirpd. In stvle lust as lllus-
trated, and included are 7 pleasmgRecords and 1000 Needlesrf.yy.
Fifth Floor. New Building Mall Ordera Filled.
Flrat Floor, Main Building.
25c Grades, Pair 17c
35c Grades, Pair 25c
50c Grades, Pair 35c
Mall Ordera Filled. D
0?MM i
25c Grades, Pair 17c
35c Grades, Pair 25c
50c Grades, Pair 35c
Entire Stock Must Be Cleared-All Reduced
Oriental Rugs
Even the most crit
ical connoisseurs of Ori
ental Rugs pronounce
the offerings we make
for this sale superb spe
cimens of 'the - craft!
Again today we
continue the Clear
ance offerings on
this magnificent
array of Oriental
Four Great Lots
$20 to $30 Shirvaai Ordinarily
Rugs at $13.75 you'd pay
as much as $30 for many of the
Shirvan Rugs we offer in this
group. Pleasing designs and
colorings. Average size 3.6x5.6.
Every one of firm
texture and heavy
pile are these Iran
and Kazak Rugs.
Made to with
stand most- con
stant wear. Sizes
$125 to $150
Rugs, $89.50
For $25
to $37.50
They're the fa
mous Khivas that
we include in this lot. Most
favorably known by all Oriental
Rugs connoisseurs. Average size
The finest grades 50
of Persian Rusts "
have been selected
f or this group.
Principally Shiraz
and Serebend. Av
erage size being
4-6x7 feet. ,
For $35
to $50
Entire Stock of Large Size Oriental Rugs, Off
Third Floori Maia Building Wall Ordera Filled.
50c Cashmere Hose at 39c
Just the weight and quality of Hosiery women find comfort
in these wintry days. And then they're remarkably popular
for their splendid wearing qualities. In black, Q
natural oxford, gray. All sizes. 50c grades.
They will be placed on saie tonay om ui a
Women's 50c Hose Of fine im
ported lisle quality in black and
tans. All made with wide double
garter tops; 2 pairs at on
75: oue Pair at onlyajOC
Women's 35c Hose Of all black
wool. Made with grey heels and
toes. Priced for Clearance OO
for todav only at, a pair, t
Women's 35c Hose Outsizes m
medium weight cotton. Made with
ribbed tops and niaeo split
soles. Priced today at. pair C
Women's 35c Hose Of fine lisle
in blaek and tans. Made with
double tops and soles. 3 n
pairs. S5c; a pair, today, J,
Women's 35c Hose Of medium weieht plain black wool. Also r r
meed tor ine Clearance icuav ai, me vai1
iu oxford and gray
Boys' 25c Hose The A.jus
brand of extra heavy ribbed
blaek cotton. Made for WEAR.
Clearance price, 3 pair
i'or 0O0: Dair at on
Misses and Children's 25c
Hose Of fine ribbed medium
weight lisle, black and OO
tans, 3 pairs 60c; pair, aWaSiC
Women's 35c Hose Outsizes
in medium-weight lisle. Made
with double tops. InOC
black and tans. Pair at WJU
Women's 25c Ajax Hose Of
medium - weight blaek cotton.
Made seamless: strolls; and dur
able. Three pairs for "
30c; single pairs priced
Infants' 35c Hose Of silk
snd wool. Soft elalic weave.
White onlv. Priced i'wOC-
("learance. pair at
Flrat Floor. Mala RnlldlaK.
Mall Orders Filled.
Comfort in Flannel Pajamas 2iL $1.15
These cold, uncertain "Winter nights make imperative for
comfort the wearing of warm-weight Pajamas. And for to
day Ave include for men fine quality Outing Flan- d1 1C
tipI Paiamas. reff. $1.50 erades. priced at, the suit P A
Aviation Caps. Of wool. For men,
women and children. Great variety
or plain wnite ana iancy
Men's Outinxr Flannel Nicht Shirts
In great variety of neat patterns
and all made full size. Military or
lay-down collar styles. Spe- yig
eially priced for today at 'lOC
colors to choose from, only
Underwear Reduced
Men's 75c Shirts and Draw
ersOf heavy fleece-ribbed
cotton ; priced for Clearance, a
garment, 59.
Wright's ?1 Health
Undergarments Fleece
lined shirts, drawers;
priced for Clearance,
each, 75
. .en's 75c Shirts and
rawers Of Swiss
bbed cotton, in blue
..:d pink; priced for
( 'larance,' garment, at
Boys' $1.00 Shirts and Draw
ers Of natural gray wool,
heavy weight; priced a gar
ment, at 69.
Men's $1.50 Shirts
and Drawers Of nat-'
jral gray wool : priced
-t el" nee. the gar
ment, $1.19
Cooper's $1.50 Shirts
and Drawers In extra
sizes, of wool ribbed,
in blue and salmon;
sizes 46. 43 and 50
garment, 75
Boys' 50c Shirts and
-"era Of Winter
weight fleece ribbed
eotton ; priced for the
Clearance at 39
Root's Tivolf $1.25
Shirts and Drawers
Of medium weight Aus
tralian wool ; priced
for Clearance, the gar-i-nt.
Wright's $1.75 Shirts and
Drawers Of fine worstea
ribbed, medium weight; Clear
ance . price, garment, $1.39
'Star'-'Gotham'-'M. & F.'-'Nofade' Shirts
$1 &S1.BO
$32.50 Buys This
"Willamette" Rotary
Willamette the only
make of Sewing Machine
that has tile wonderful
and convenient auto
matic, adjustable tension.
And think of it for only
$32.50 vou may purchase the splendid Rotary
in the style as illustrated here. An offer all the
more remarkable since you may purchase on our
Household Club Plan of Easy Payments only
$2 on purchase and $1 a week no interest or
extra charges.
Willamette "Rotary," as illustrated, at $32.50
Willamette "Rotary," Mission style, $35.00
Willamette "Rotary," Cabinet style, $40.00
This is the Automatic Adjustable
Tension found only in the Willam
ette Rotaries.
ISSSBfifc fcivl
6 Housefarnishing Specials in Big Basement Store
wv v matmM'
45c O 1 a s 3
Washboards of
full size, strong
ly mado frame,
opalescent glass
rubbing surface,
only 34C.
$2.25 Folding Ironing Board
Made of best seasoned wood,
strong and durable, has detach
able sleeve board.
$1.25 Set Mrs. Pott's Sad
Irons Of five pieces, including
3 irons, handle and stand, nickel-plated
finished irons. Special
the set,
'75c Galvanized Wash
Tubs Of heavy galvan
ized iron. Has drop-side
handles, family size Tub.
$1.25 Copper - Bottom
Wash Boilers Of heavy
tin and good weight cop
per bottom. No 8 size.
$1.00 Willow Clothes Bas
kets Imported direct by us.
Made of best German wil
low. 28 inches long, 18 inches
wide. Special,
C17Q 95c 59c 96c 79c
only.34?. i ' .- ' 1
. Z . . .. . TY
- -The - automatic , ten
si on permits the sewing oa
the finest, chiffons 'to 'the
heaviest of - broadcloths
without so much as turn
ing a screw. The stitch
and thread adjust them
selves automatically.
There's ' no clogging
of a Willamette Rotary.
All parts are oiled
from above.
. Our binding ten-year
guarantee accom p a n i e s
every Willamette Sewing
Third Flonr, Miiim RutUltnK.
Mall Order Filled.
for 6 CaKes of Palmolive Soap, Including Our Toilet Goods
' q nri Ilnio' rsffMl"n
- z: r-. ana lruir oc livii
50c Bottle of Famous Palmolive snampoo m the Fioon
New Building, includes today
of Palmolive Shampoo, free.
Parisian Ivory
Picture Frames
with fi cakes of Palmolive Soap at 49c, a suc botuc
$1.10 valui for 4C.
35c Frames, 15
Special (or Clearance 50c Frames, 22
. 75c Frames, 33d
51.25 Hot Water Bottles. 2-quart sue, ffuar
anteed 1 year. 73
$1.E0 Hot Water Bottles, 3-qnart sire, guar
anteed 1 year, S3
Combination Hot Water Bottle and Foun
tain Syringe, 2-quirt sbe, white or maroon
rubber, guaranteed 1 year, $1.29
?2.25 Combination Hot Water Bottle and
Fountain Syringe, 3-qnart size, guaranteed
1 year, SI. 39
$1.25 Fountain Syringe, No. 2, guaranteed,
special price 79
2.00 Gloria Female Syringe, special, 81.39
Flnit FIor. X BvlldlBK.
rGive Books for Valentines
Oitr Book Store in the Basement Annex is replete
with suitable Books for the making of Valentine gifts.
Tipf.v and romnleteness. our stock of
AiW JXJ. -J X i
Valentines and Cards. f
O A r Ast A fJs- S"yLr
Pure Food Grocery ButtemutButter
J in 2-lb. Rolls
Specials for Today Today, the Roii
Victor Coffee, pound, 30d
Victor Cocoa, pound, 25
Dry Fears, 3 pounds, 25t
Columbine E. J. Peas, 15
Cream Cheese, pound, 22
Supreme Salad Oil, hot 25
Kingsford's Corn Starch at
three packages for 25
Dry Onions, 15 lbs. for 25
Pumpkin, two cans for 25
Iowa Corn, 3 cans for 23
Jap Style Bice, 4 lbs., 25
Quaker Corn Flakes, special
price, 3 packages for 23(
Mexican Beans, 4 lbs., 25
Sliced Beef in glass, special
price at two jars for 25d
Pare Food Grocery
Fancy Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes
at 40d
Fancy Chocolates, 'j-pound
boxes, 20
Grape Fruit, at 3 for 25
Daily demonstrations of
famous r'Monopole" Canned
Fruits and Vegetables.
Basement Mall Ordera Filled.