THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome elpptrin 'hna meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carline. $1 per day and tip. European plan. HOTEL rORXELItS CC Proprietors. Fielder Join. Vice-Pren. J. W. Blala. Pres. liv nrnniTp unrniinirn U ntUC!.IDAntDMU(LU JOIXT COMMITTEE GIVES LEGIS IATUItE VARSITY BILL. ;ravcs Attempt to Jt"quesl for Maintenance to $30,000 Overwhelmingly Voted Dow n. STATB CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 20. (Special.) The Joint ways and means committee of the House and Senate Teached the early important conclusion tonight to throw Into the Legislature the entire appropriation bill for the University of Oregon as it stands as recommended by the board of regents. The bills, separated into six. carry ap proximately $375,000, including an in creased maintenance appropriation of $50,000 a year. Some idea of the senti ment of the commission was reached rhen a motion was made by Represen tative Graves to reduce the request for maintenance to $30,000 a year and the committee overwhelmingly voted down the proposition. The bills will be introduced in the Honuse with the distinct understand ing that after Introduction they will be again referred to the Joint committee, where further pruning may be made, if deemed wise. Word was also given the committee by Speaker McArthur tonight that the committee will be called upon to pass on the question of a maintenance ap propriation of $30,000 a year for the University of Oregon Medical College In Portland. Two years ago the school received $30,000 for the two years. COMMISSION TO HANDLE GAME At Least, Warden Flnley Would Like to Hve Plan Fixed. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 20. (Special.) Game Warden Flnley ar rived here today with an entirely new Idea in gume legislation which he be lieves will relieve the state-wide de niand for protection against birds and other game which have been doing dam age to various classes of industries and farmers. All over the House and Senate can bo found, in almost a speckled profu sion, members who are planning game bills' directed at beavers, pheasants and other animals and fowl which, it Is claimed, are doing extensive damage. Finley's proposition is to put the en tire question into the hands of the commission. Instead of passing a gen eral law which wy place beavers or other classes of animals and birds open to promiscuous killing. Flnley proposes that the State Fish and Game Com mission be given power to declare an open season on any class of game or fowl In any particular locality where It is doing damage. He consWers this a solution of the entire problem. The beaver bills are promised by the handful, inasmuch as complaints have been registered from many parts of the state that they are doing a, heavy damage. Catkins' Bill Hits Liquor Men. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 0 (Special.) Right of civil action against a person selling Intoxicating liquors to an Intoxicated man is given in a bill which was Introduced in the Senate today by Calkins of Lane County. MOTHER SAVES HER BOY Judge pisohnrpcs Because He Con siders Trial Waste of Time. "There is no use trying to prosecute this boy as Ions as he has that gray haired mother to take the stand and testify before a Jury In his behalf. The verdict would be acquittal, as it was in the prevous case, which was much stronger than the one you now have. I will entertain a motion to dismiss." This was the statement of Circuit Judge McGinn yesterday morning when Deputv District Attorney Collier in formed him that the state was ready to proceed with the trial of Bud Shaw, alias Barney Murphy, charged with ac cepting the earnings of Thelma Starr, a fallen woman. The case was accord ingly dismissed. A few months ago Shaw was tried in Judge McGinn's court on a charge of stealing (diamonds and several hundred dollars in money from the Starr wom an. His mother testified for him and the Jnry acquitted. The verdlot was not liked by the Judge, who censured the Jurors severely. Later Shaw was Indicted again, part of the evidence against him before the grand Jury be ing his owu admissions from the stand at his first trial. That mother made the best and most tactful witness I ever saw." said Judge McGinn. "She swung- the first Jury easily and I haven't the slightest doubt of her ability to make another Jury New Perkins Hotel In the Heart of the City NOTE OUR RATES Room with Bath Privilege Sl.OO UP Two Persons 551.50 UP Room with Private Bath 1.50 UP Two Persons . ..$2.50 UP I H. SWETL.WD. M-R. (Pfrmtml Rate, on Application.) Absolutely Fireproof 10U rooms ... . ll.Oi) per day 100 rooms 1.50 per day 200 rooms (with bath)..$2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath)..2.50 per day Add l-00 per day. to above prices when two occupy one room. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS fl. C. BOWERS, Manager. GAINER THICPES, A.a't Mgr. Portland, Or. wwwm A toted fcr the Excellence; lof i$ Cuj$ine. Eurgpeanpla decide the way she wished. There Is no use wasting the time of the courts and the money of the taxpayers. ' MAYOR APPOINTS BURGARD City Councilman, Resigned, Xamed to Dock Commission. While the City Council has not as yet acted upon the resignation of John H. Burgard from that body. Mayor Rush light yesterday appointed Mr. Burgard as a member of the Municipal Dock Commission, to succeed George M. Cornwall, whose term recently expired. Mr. Burgard's successor probably will be elected tomorrow at a regular ses sion of the Council. George Langford, K. K. Kubll and T. A. Sweeney are can didates for the place. Mayor Rushlight this week will make several Important appointments, or, rather, reappointments. Dr. Alan Welch Smith will be appointed for another term on the City Board of Health, this making his third one. He was first appointed by Josei-h Simon, and Mayor Rushlight renamed him when he assumed the duties of the office. Theodore B. Wilcox and Walter B. Markay will be renamed to serve an other term on the Water Board, and Carl Stoll will be reappointed to an other term' on the Park Board. The Mayor has not decided as to whom he will appoint to the vacancy on the Executive Board, left by the resignation of John B. Coffey, who is now County Clerk. PASTORS INDORSE WILSON Methodists Approve of Inaugural Ball Elimination. At the Tegular meeting of the Meth odist Ministers' Association of Port land yesterday a resolution was adopt ed commending President-elect Wood row Wilson for his decision in elim inating the Inaugural ball from the programme of the inaugural cere monies. Sheriff Word was also com mended for his action In closing the poolrooms on Sunday, while the Mayor and members of the City Council were condemned for not having taken simi lar action earlier. Attention was called to the fact that a recent Legislature had amended the Sunday-closing law so as to allow the aters to be open on Sundays and It was decided to take steps to go before the present Legislature and ask to have this feature of the law amended so as to compel them to keep closed on that day. A committee, to advance this proposition, was appointed and con ict nt ir r FT Trimble. Rev. Ben jamin Toung and Rev. W. J. Douglas, i , t xt WnrA of Oreeon Cltv. was speaker of the day and read a paper on "Modern rnougni aim ntumuiitii Fame." H. J. Coker, of Denver, mem ber of the commission of finance of all branches of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was present. SCHLUSSEL. CASE SOON UP Deputy Prosecutor Expects to Dis pose of Big Damage Suit. Deputy District Attorney Murphy ex pects to dispose of the $70,000 damage suit of Mark Schlussel against Drs. Josephi and Johnson and City Detective Smith on a demurrer which comes up for argument in a few days. Smith swore to a complaint of insanity against Schlussel, and the physician defendants examined him and advised the County Court to send him to the asylum at Salem, schlussel remained mere " da vs. The point of the state's demurrer Is that Schlussel has been judicially ae clared Insane and, not having appealed from the County Courts finding and obtained a reversal, he has no right to prosecute the present action. Further more. Mr. Murphy has a letter from Dr. R. Lee Steiner, superintendent of the asylum. In which it la stated that Schlussel was not discharged as cured. but as improved. He is out on parole, the communication states, and prom ised the asylum authorities that he would not carry concealed weapons or interfere In any way with those re sponsible for his commitment. Schlussel contends that he never was Insane, and that the action of the asylum physicians In turning him loose was on this basis. GRANTS TO BE DISCUSSED Commercial Interests Will Talk of Fair Appropriations Thursday. A committee consisting of represent atives from the leading civic organi zations of Portland will meet at the Commercial Club at luncheon Thursday to make plana for a conference between the business men of the city and the members of certain committees from the State Legislature, concerning the distribution of the proposed appropna- PORTLAND Am ICE. JOHN A. BERRY, atfy. collections, ab- questions. $17 Allsky bldg. Marshall 82. AMATEUR KODAK FINISHING. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. Tne Koaakery, etn ana wnamusm- ARCHITECTS A'f BUILDERS. PLANS drawn; estimates free. Before you DUliQ. See 1 1. A. ffiuiinia, wo af"..J ASSAYERS AND ANALYSIS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work, lstl Morrison si. WELLS A CO., mining engineers, chemists ATTORNEYS. A. E. COOPER removed to suite 400 Xeon biag. Phone slain lorn. AUCTIONEERS. WE buy furniture for cash. Geo. Baker A -o.. 100 larR. slain aoja, v BOAT BUILDERS. O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair ing. Marino ways, root Aoernetny wv. BRA.1S AND MACHINE WORKS. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting ar.d machine work. 100 X. 5th. Main 3i02. CANE SEATING. CANE SEAT chairs reseated; furniture re paired; prices right. A ausa. 1 sin at. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUO CO. Rugs from Old carpets, rag rugs. 153 Union ave. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM. Estells and Flossie Daveny, the only sclentlllc chiropodists in the city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger blag., 8. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs.. M. D. Hill. Offices. 4tt9 Flledner bldg. Main 34.3. CHINA PAINTING. 0RDEH8. lessons' special rates to beglnnara. Mrs. Ross C. Powell, 44S Clay. Marshall Htil, A 0040. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M. H. M'MAHON. 121 4th; men. women and children treated, $10 a month. CLEANING AND DYEING. BEST cleaning and dyeing. Vienna Cleaning 4k Dye Works. 11114 8d St. M. 1406. A34u0. COAL AND WOOD. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOD. COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS a specialty; loans and ad Justments. Orlmm Agency, 431 C. of C DANCING. PROF. WAL WILLSON'S Dancing School Waltz, twostep. threestep. schottlsche; les sons 25c; every morning, afternoon and evening; all dances guaranteed first les son, no von know that anvone who walks can learn to dance? Stage and fancy -dances taught dally. 80 otb St., bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7t(37. HEATHS DANC1NO SCHOOL, Alisk bldg., Bd and Morrison sts. and 100 2d St., between Washington and Stark. Lessons daily; waltz and twostfK) guaranteed In 4 lessons, class Monday and Friday even Ings, g to 10. at loa Second st. RINGLEH S Dancing Academy Private les sons daily; class Monday, Friday evenings; social dance Wed., SaL talis Morrison. DENTIST ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Specialist on plate work. "This one thing I do." Dr. KelBcy. JOli Globe bid.. 11th & Wn. DERMATOLOGIST. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed, Mme. Courtright. 711 DeKum. Main 304 J. DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. VALENTINE'S system ladles' tailoring; dressmaking taught. 152 Grand ave. LEWIS M. HU1AD CO.. Lumbermens bldg. BOTSFORD APV. CO.. Board of Trade plug. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, vrlthil staver Co.. Morrison & 2d. JOHN DEEKE PLOW CO., Morrison and 2d. R. M. WADK tu., -U nawmoru. ARCHITiX'TURAL WIRE AND IRON WRS. Portland Wire At iron W as., 2d ana Columbia. AUTO AND BUl.Ol TOPS. DUBRU1LLE BLUUlt TOP CO.. 200 2d at. a i iuiuiiii II L'y Mitchell, Lewis & staver Co., E. Mor. A 2d. HOWARD Automobile Co., 7th and Couch. N W. AUTO CO., B17 Wash., Reo, Hudson. .- 4.' X V, .111.1.. M. ... .1, BAI.LOU Qc ftnlliHI', 7th and Dak. ....... ..,, . ui' Baggage & omnlbuB Transfer, Park A Davis. BAKER & CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. GRAY. M'LEAN st PEROT, 4th and Gllsan. BAR 11 .VI U 1U.B, Brunswlck-BalKe-Collender Co.. 48 Fifth St. BIC'VCLES. MOTORCVCLKS SUPPLIES. &A1UJU ninuw. .... . . . I . .XIY VATkRl1 TAKI.F.S. Brunswltk-Balke-Collender Co., 46 Fifth st- GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 30-32 Front. PRIVCK SHOE CO.. 60 N. Fifth. DAJU..1, Royal Bakery He Cont., Inc.. ilth A Everett. BREWjxtS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD, 13th and Buruslde. OAMBRINUS BREWING CO.. 24th & Wash. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALP CO.. Dth and Flsndera. BITTER, EW.S AND ICE CREAM." T. S. Townsend Creamery Co.. 18 I ront St. 4.'iri.-ar'rrfTRirR.4 THE ALDON CANDY CO., 12th and Gllsan. J. MAiaLnctv -tii- i. ww.. - - - -CANVAS. WATERPROOF FURNISHING UOOIW. Willamette Tent A Awning Co.. 205. Burnslde CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. CROWE CO.. 4j Fourtn st. B AR ON - F I" LAJt" C O. - and 84 N. Fifth. FLEISCHNER-MAYER CO.. 207 Ash St. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., AWer at W. Park Blumauer-Frank DrUBCo.. Park &. Everett. STCBBS ELECTRIC CO.. 6th and Pine sts. . tnr- hihits at the tions irum vicftv. - expositions in San Francisco and San Dierro. w. J. noimftn" .a of the committee. ... .n e thA metlnfir with the Alio uujc-t. v. - " ' . legislators, planned for Saturday, Is to ascertain oy coinpn& opinions the best methods that can be used to give Oreg-on an adequate rep resentation within the bounds of rea sonable economy. Suggestions for es tablishing permanent exhibits at San Diego will be thoroughly considered and the composite opinion of those who altend the meeting will be submitted to the Legislature in the form of a rec ommendation. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. RICHARDS At S-'S Fourth. January 80, to the wile of T. A. Richards, a son. BOYER At 781 Water. January lo. to the wife of W. C. Boyer. a son. WIEGANDT At 772 East Seventh. Jan uary 2. to the wife of Peter Wlegandt a ""ShCBERT At 1310 East Flanders. Jan uary 16. to the wife of D. J. Shubert, a dHE4.l3T At 690 Upshur, January 12, to the wile OI rf. f 1 1 J . " . VEAMENLER At 215 Lovejoy. January 14, to the wife of Pieta Veamenler, a daugh- "hUKT At 529 Gllsan, January 17, to the wife of John N. Hunt a son. ROCHE At 686 Sixth, January X, to the wife of A. Rouhe, a daughter. pips .t 992 East Lincoln, January 16, to the wife of E. M. Ries, a daughter. HENDRICKS At East Sixty-fourth near Pacific. January 7. to the wife of J. E. Hendricks, a daughter. SPRING At isi Ross. January 1, to the wife of H. V. Spring, a daughter. CROWE At 44S Fifty-second. January 14- totho wife of R. D. Crowe, a daughter. Marriage Licenses. WETGANDT-ZWALD Lisle Weygandt .,.v o3 and Bertha Zwald. 21. BAEKER-LESOFSJCI - Jackob Baeker. dtv '4 and Anna Lesofski. 26. DORSET-SHERIDAN Ed B. Itorsey. White Salmon, wash.. 34. and Susan. Sher- '"jATES-JATES J. S. Jayes. city. 50. and BmV'non--KEU.T-w. F. McKlnnon. -lt"v and Bessi. Kelly, legal. RECTOR-FEMMER A. Rector, city., SO, anil Etta Femmer, 26. ' ST ANBRIDGE-LOWELL David Stan hridat Lents. Or.. 20. and Ethel Lowell. 21. hIt(-HENNINGER Ralph R. Hatch, eltv J3 and Lela Hcmmlnger. 19. VANVhORN-RATCLIFFE Harry H. Van Horaf city. 3S. and Katherine G. Ratclitfe. ,TCNTEll-JACOBS Bert Hunter, city. 34. and Stella Jacobs. S7. CURRY-PF.RKINS-J. VT. Curry, city, il, and C. S. Perkins. JL BUSINESS DIRECTORY DETECTIVE AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL. Detective Agency Re sponsible, conservative, satisfactory. Night. Mar. 446; day. Main e-. om Igaum m"B PERSONAL Service Detective Bureau On lue juu iy kuu u,s.. 415-17 Merchants Trust bldg.. Dept- A. EDUCATIONAL. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and secona-nana motors; rt-pau- wum laity. Western Elec Was. 213 9th. Motors and dynamos bought, sold, repaired. H-M-H Elec. Co., 31 N. 1st. Main VJIO. . EL15CTR1C motor specialists. James Mao Kenzle Elec Works, luS Union ay. E. Hi. ENGINES GAS AND STEAM. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline engines. Sal-gsa E. Morrison. Phone E. 515. ENGRAVERS. EMBOSSED STATIONERY, engraved cards. Uardam Co., 4UJ Manchester bldg. FtK.Mll.KK. HOUSES furnished on Installment, new or fine second-hand furniture. Western Sal vage Co., 645 Wash., bet. 18th and 17th. FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS PARSONS, 100 ',i Front. M. 7448 Furniture hospital; packing and shipping. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE! CO. Only Oregon nre Insurance company. JUNK. SPECIALISTS. ALASKA JUNK CO. buys and sells anything. Pipe, tools, machinery. 227 Front. M. 4110. LADIES' TAILORING. For ladies' garments try EL A. Adams, 291 is Morrison, suite 7. Mar. 118. References. LANTERN SLIDES. STEREOPT1CON, slides of all kinds, ban ners, cards. Enterprise Art Co. 73 ft 6th st. LANDSCAPE GARDENER. DRIVEWAYS, lawns, planting, pruning, day or contract- Bruggemann. Main 4116. PACIFIC Landscape Gardening Company, 615 Rothohild bldg. Phone Marshall iiaos. LEATHER AND EINDJJNUS. CrfAS. L. MASTICK it CO., 74 Front. Leath er of every description, tabs., mfr. findings. J. A. STROWEH1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 185s. l(fu Front St. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard of hearing, ai'3 Central bldg. LOCKSMITH AND GUN REPAIRER; V. J. FOYCHEK, 224 Main at., expert lock smith and gun work guaranteed. Main 0204 MESSENGER SERVICB. HASTY Messenger Co., day and nighc serv ice. Phones Main oj. A ziuo. MUSICAL. RAGTIME guaranteed. 10 to 20 lessons; piano, mandolin, guitar, singing; 111 to 1, 2 to 7 P. M. 417 Eilers bldg. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods, 69 14th. Main 38011. Arrangements for praotloe. EM II. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sovclk. 835 Flledner bldg. A 4160. Mar. 1639 JUST from East; 5Jc lesson, violin, mando' Iln, cornet, brass band. Marshall 1820. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Dit. GROVEK, Specialist paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bd. M. 8142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 413-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office, M. 349; res. Eaat or B 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringements cases. ju4 Dekum bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS KIRK DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. A. G. LONG, ltlth and Marshall. ilRBlPROOF WINDOWS AND DOORS. J. c. BAYER, Front and Market sts. lTbU, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKci He CO.. luc. l-ikt From St. PORTLAND FISH CO., 34 Front st. FLORAL DESIUNS. LUBL1NER, Florist. 42a wasnington st FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldg. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. M'EWEN A KOSKEK, 120 Front. FURNACE WARM AIR. J. C. BAY&lil, Front and Market sts. FURN1TL RE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Northwest benool Furniture Co., 244 3d St. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albera Broa Milling Co., Front A Marshall. KERR, G1FFOKD k CO., Lewis bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & Co., Board of Trade. M. H. HOUSER, Board of Trad.. NORTHERN GRAIN & WHSS. CO.," Bd. Tr. TUB w. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN & LEWIS lEst. ISol), 46 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO., a-75 4th St. HARDWARE. Marshall-Wells Haruware Co., 6th and Pine. HATS AND CAPS, THANHADSER HAT CO.. 63-65 Front at. HAY. J. H. Klosterman A Co., leading hay dealers. HlUfcS, FUR, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 312-16 Front at. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. BlstiiMGER A CO.. Front and Salmon. KAH.N BROS.. 101 Front St. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS. 614 Worcester bldg. IKON, STEEL, HEAVY HARDWARE. ROBKRTSON Hardware A Steel Co., 8a 6th. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO S0PPLT CO., 14B 3d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHE BROS.. 304 Pine at. LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Nottingham & Co., 102 Front it- LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine st Loggers & Contractors Mach. Co., 71 6th at. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Board of Trade. SMITH-CHRISTENSOX Joe Smith, Mount AngeL 21, and Anna Chrlstenson, 20. Brown Defeats Russell. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 20. "Knock out" Brown, of New York, defeated Frankle Russell, of this city, in a 10 round lightweight bout here tonight. Russell left the ring badly battered. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Jan. 20. Maximum temper ature. 30 degrees; minimum, 32 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 7.4 feet; change In last 24 hours, 0.8 foot rise. Total rain fall (5 P. M. to 0 P. M.), 0.2 inch; total rainfall since September 1, 1912, 22.75 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1, 23.5S inches; deficiency of rainfall since September L 1012, 0.83 inch. Total sunshine January 20, none; possible sunshine, 9 hours, 14 minutes. Barometer (reduced to aea level) at 5 P. M-. 30.07 Inches. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. State of Weather Baker Boise . Boston . Calgary . v .... Chicago ....... Denver . .... Des Moines..... Duluth Eureka Galveston ..... Helena ........ Jacksonvll le ... Kansas City ... Laurier ....... Los Angeles. ... Marshfield .... Medford Montreal ... New Orleans.... New York North Head.... North Yakima. . phcenix Pocatello ...... Portland ....... Roseburg ....... Sacramento ... ., St Louis ....... St. Paul , Salt Lake , San Francisco... Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island.. 22I0.O1I12ISE 32 0.00 6 SE 4S'0.0012iS I 26l0.0O'2UjW 32 0.28 20iNW Snow Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear 82.0.04 4ISW 14 0.04 4iNWClear 4!0.00 14 W Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear 460.00 8:N 700.00 8!S 2C0.OO 4ISE 80;OXK 6SE 20 O.OlllOiN (Clear 13.0.0f 4iSWCIoudy 64 0.00 :S 'Clear 44;0.02j 4 SW Bain 3S 0.001 4)NWiCloudy 38 0.1228 3 IRain 7S O.COl 6.5 JClear 52 O.00 36 S Cloudy 440.5211SN Rain 300.001 4tNW Clear AOO.OO SiNW'Clear 22 0.00',12 SE (PL cloudy 40lO.O2!2OSW Rain 42 O.UO 4 S 52 0.00 4S Cloudy Clear 86 1.34 10 NW Cloudy 2 O.OflllOiNW Clear 26 0.00 8ISW Clear 54 0.00) 4iN Clear SO'O.Ol 24 SW Snow SS0.00112iSW Cloudy 44 0.4SI 4 NW(Rain 42 0.0oj24S Cloudy Walla Walla. Washington .. 60,0.00! 46 Pt cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A storm of marked energy has moved PATENT ATTORNEYS. U. 8. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured br O. O. Martin. 40S-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to tne coast ciiuic BECTER PAINT CO.. 191 1st St. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and Ollice near .n uu - PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACT, repair honest prices, estimates furn. M. 7835. T. H. Crowther. 3o5 2d. PRINTING. ANDERSON PRINTING CO., Modern office, right prices, good faculties. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. " PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 231 Wash. st. Phones Main 710 and A Z71. SECOND-HAND rURNlTURE. WE buy and aelL prices right. G. Long. r,agie Funmuie. OUR Exc. dept. offers Cash or you can trade on new goods, -lapor w SHOWCASES. BANK AND SHOW TUB LUTKB MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, manager PORTLAND SHOWCASE A FIXTURE CO., lZt) i oia i, ji . i ii iuu. ----- MARsSHAIaL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cablnat worn. Hl'AMSH TEACUKK. SPANISH thoroughly taught; terms reaaoa able. Miss Wooda. Phone Eaet 6381. STOVE RKPAJIUMJ. UAVB your gas tove repaired by n pen, JM. lsW. iM aVmuPBiz w STORAGE ASP TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sts, just computed new fire proof warehouse for household effects. pianos ana auiuiuoui.wo .-ati .t an1 vArmln-uroof rooms, steam haais. w, 1 a.n (urnom . tnitllf Rnd TUt? vaults. traokage for carload shipments; vans for moving, reaucea ireiiiu ' hold goods to and from East In througn cars. Main oov. ah C. O. PICK Transfer &. Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-atory brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults ior vaiuaoie; in. . cvr. u fm' . nianm anii furniture moved and Daoked for shipping; special rates made on goorti In our tnrouga cam o an buwcbhu uw foreign ports. Main op, a ao. ULiDU-AUss A nriiiiir iiiri. vvr. uenerai iraiiBLtrrin i piano and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-80 Front at. Telephone Main ii or .i). OREGON IHAJSHt EK LU., eaiaoiianea ioiu, Tranafer ani forwarding agents. Offices I A-l nllaun cf f r T-n f r 13fh and js i iii. an a 1 1 it a Occidental Warehouse Co., 8-11 N. 4th st. Merchandise storage, bonded and free. Transfer and forw.irdln g agents. Mar. 299. TVPE WRITERS. S15 TO $-5 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good aa new all makes to choose from at Gill's, ad and Alder; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative, idih anon nf a tiottff. w it arm the eichantt for the 1 are est tvne- writer concern on the Coast: investigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter ifixenange. jai. asningiun mi NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at out rates. P. p. C. Co., 2S1 Stark. Main 1407. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 63 Fiftn at. MAIL ORDER. JONES CASH SlcjKE, Front and Oak. FRANKLIN 4i CO., 132 Front St. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NEU8TADER BROS. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE A CO.. 5th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sta. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER, S1M1NGTON. Calhuun Co.. 46 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Wks.. 2d A Columbia. E. Port'd Wire A Iron wks, Belmont E. Water PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. RASML'SSEN A CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davis. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., ISO First St. PAPER BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. Portland Paper Box Co., 02 Front. Cartons. PERIODICALS, BOOKS AND POSTCARDS. THK OREGON NEWS CO., 71 Front St. PICKLES AND VINEGAR. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-66 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. l KLINE. 84-86 Front St. M. BAKDE & SONS, 240 Front st. , , - r tijv Tt"7I7w I'll .vita U.U'.U HENRY EVERDlNG,'45-47 Front st. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny st. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. F. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front st. SPRAYING MACHINERY. THE HARDIE MFG. CO., 40 N. Front irt. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co.. 172 1st at. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 Second. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLLND, 123-125 Front st BLUMAUER A HOCH. 105-107 12th st WIRE AND WIRE ROPE. JOHN A. Roebling's Sons Co.. S 6th St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks., 2d A Columbia. rapidly Inland and this evening It Is central over the Canadian Northwest Warnings for tnis disturbance were ordered at 7:00 A. M, and since then the following maximum wind velocities have been reported: Tatoosh Island 64 miles, southwest; North Head 48 miles, south, and Seattle 42 miles, south. The disturbance has also caused light rains along tne wasnington and Oregon coasts, the Willamette Valley and the Sound coun try and light snow in portions of Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Another disturbance central over the upper St Lawrence Valley has caused rain or snow In the lakes region and Ohio Valley, with mild temperatures. It Is also much warmer In the northern Rocky Moun tain States, but temperatures have fallen in the upper Mississippi Valley and In North ern Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. The conditions are favorable for rain or snow In this district Tuesday, with lower tem peratures In Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon and Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain or snow, winds mostlv. southerly. Oregon Rain southwest rain or snow northwest and snow east portion; colder east portion, southerly winds. Washington Rain or snow west, snow and corner east portion; euutneny wums. Idaho Snow and colder. EtrWARD A. EEALS, District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or eon day. Per Line. One Time lo Kama ad two coneecntlve times ....zSc game ad three ooaeecutlve times 80e Same ad tlx or seven consecutive times. .6tie The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other claaatfl ca tions except the follow!;. Situations Wanted, Male. (Situations Wanted. Female. For Bent, Rooms, private Families. Rooms and Board, Private FmmUles. Housekeeping; Rooms. Private Famlliea. When one advertisement Is not ran in con secutive issues the one-time rate applies. Hix words count as one tine on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted tor leas than two lines. Remittances most accompany ant-of-towa orders. The Oreronlaa will accept classified ad vertisement ever the telephone, providlna; the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone, 'o prices will be quoted over the phone, but bin will be rendered the roUowtns; day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad. laanunti Kirnatlona Want! and Per sonal dverttswaents will not be accepted over the teiepnone. uraers ior one inser tion only will be accepted for "Booses for Rant," "Furniture for Sale, UnslneMs Op portunities," MRoomin Houses," and "Want- eea to Aenw- AMTTSEMENTS. T ril f g THEATER XI Eli X JLs I J nth and Morrison Phooea Main 1, A 11- TONIGHT $&Zma aiatineea Tomorrow and Saturday. David Belasco Presents DAVID WARFIELD IN "THE RETURN OF PETER GRIM" Prices. 2.00-tl,S0-76c. HEILIG THEATER llth A Morrlaoa Sis: Klsrhta fit 8. Matinees Wednesday aad Saturday at 3 WEEK JAN. 27 KSKftS KLAW & ERLANGER'S Stupendous International Production 200People-12 ChariotHorses NIGHT ASiD SATURDAY MATINEE PRICES Lower floor, excepting last 4 rows, S3. Last 4 rows, $1.60. First 6 rows Bal oony, $1.50; remainder, fl. Admis., 60c, SPECIAL PRICES WEDNESDAY MATINEE Lower floor, fj.50. Balcony, fL Ad mission, balcony, 50c. BAKER THEATER. Main . A 11360. ii T. lulttr. Mrf Tonight, all this week. Matinees Wednesday ana eaturuay. i. " "SALVAI1UN i i it. .1.. aA y.v Mrs Plske Immense cast and production. Thrilling scenes. Intense realism. Evenings: 25c. Sc. roc. All matinees, 25c. Next week "The uamniers." . MATINEE DAILY. MAIN A 100. Seventh and Taylor Sts. Mats.. 15c-25c-50c. Nights. 15c-25c-aoc-75c. ALL THIS WEEK. AMELIA STONE and ARMANI) KALISZ g OTHER STELLAR ACTS NEXT WEEK Beventh and Taylor Streets. Sarah Bernhardt 6 OTHER GREAT ACTS 5 Matinee, 25c-50c-7"e-4!l. Nights, 25o-50c-75c 11 Owing to heavy advance sale patrons are UTgea to maxe tneir rcacr.niwu. c... MAIL ORDERS C.IVEN PROMPT DAIIiX gun and Rajniond, Four Burns hinter. ine "tL Th. i.inl0-ht Ride of Paul vitur...-. ,-;r, " Tn....l.r prices. Boxes and first row balcony i- h a A U236, Main 4oae. vurmin .o, " LYRIC THEATER WEEK JANUARY 81 "The Rehearsal," an aia.nche of Comedy, a Galaxy of Beauty and a Musical Gem. Two performances nightly, 7:30 and 9:15. Matinees daily. 2:30. Sunday nights, continuous performances, Martin: at 6:30. Tuesday nijrhts. Athletic Contests. Friday nights, B-hm,B' Contest, AUCTION SALES TODAY. . . ..,H.inn unnao iri-ias Park St.; furniture, etc. Bale at 10 o clock. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Ufr-tflCE KO.S20 UNION AVEICHCUft. KER MARKBT STREET. Pbone Eut 1433. B 251. Horse amhalance tor lck or diaable animals at a moment's no tic. prle reasonable. Report all caaaa ol to ihla oflica Opao day and nlgnt. MEETING NOTICES. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR club J danclnff anu ""i;-' jL&t Wednesday. 22d. 8:30 P. M.. p. A. FREEMAN, Sec iamm mm L,umbermens National Bank. A. AND S. RITE, AINS WORTH CHAPTER OP ROSS CROIX No. 1. Regular meeting in Memorial Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order WISE MASTER. WASH I NO T ON CHAPTER No. IS., R. A. M. Called convocation this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, at E. Eighth and! Burn slde streets. P. and M. E. de grees. Visitors -welcome. By or der of the E. H. P. J. E. MARTIN, Secretary. MT. TABOR LODGE, No. 42, A. P. AND A. M. Special com munication will be held this ai.a.ln. At30 A ClOCK. J West 81de Temple. 'm. M. degree. -ui.ittnn- brethren Invited to at tend. By order ot the W. M. K. M. SPAULDINO, Sec it.iot A TinfiB" Mfl 1 1 A. A F. AND A. M. Special ' com munication this (Tuesday) even ing, at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple; labor In the F. C. de-btr- VlaUlnc brethren welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER. No. 97, O. E. 6. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. 334 Russell street. Social. By order ot W. M. ANNA L. DUD LET. Secretary. OREG(5n COUNCIL, ROTAL ARCANUM, meets at the new hall. Royal building, the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dially welcomed. O. O. HALL, Secretary, 53 East 14th street North. ATTENTION! SUMNER POST, NO. 12, G. A. R. The funeral of our late comrade, George B. Jarrett. private Co. E. 4th Regt., Minnesota Vol. Inf.. will be held at Larch's funeral parlors. East 6th and East Alder streets, today (Tuesday). January 21. at 8:30 P. M. All old soldiers requested to at tend. Interment Tacoma, J W. OOILBEE, JOHN BARTON. Adjutant. Commander. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2. I. O. O. P. MEMBERS, ATTENTION! Every member who possibly can arrange to be present at our meeting tomorrow (Wed nesday) evening, Jan. 22, at 8 o'clock, should do so. as business of utmost importance to every member will be taken up for action. R. OSVOLD, gee. DIED. ROBINSON At the family residence. 680 Broadway, January 20, Hannah Mario Robinson, aged 65 years. 8 months. 28 days beloved wife of James F. Robinson, mother of Mrs. C. V. Littler. Albany. Or.; R D. Robinson and Mrs. H. M. Hender shot, of Portland, Or. Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. HEATLET In this city. January 20, at his late residence, 351 W. Park St., James Heatley, aged 67 years, 0 months. 25 days. Remains are at the new parlors of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery and Fifth sts. Funeral notice in a later issue. SHANEDLING Aaron Shanedllng, aged 75 vears. Father of Lewis, Jacob, Maurice. Miss Sophia Shanedllng and Mrs. Jacob Brill.- ROBERTSON Bud Robertson, at Santa Ana, Cal.. Jan. 17, 1913. Body will be .brought to Dundee, Oregon, for Interment. Residence 70 East Gth St. FELLNER January 20. John Fellner. aged 71 years. Remains at Dunning A Mc Entee's 'parlors. Notice of funeral later. sSs - KATIME& DAIIiX FUNERAL NOTICES. BRFNXER In this city. January 10. at St. Vincent's Hospital. Siva. Frances runner, aged 47 years, beloved mother of Orval T. Bninner. Funeral from Holman's fu neral parlors at A. M. toilay (Tuea dav). thenc to St. Franc ! Church. K&st 12th and East Pine sta Services at 0 A. M. Friends invitea. interment aiu Calvary Cemetery. LEVINOKR In this city, January 10. at hie late residence, iioi unwinrne kiiub. Morris Levinger, ased years. FrienUi invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Portland Crematorium todav (Tuesday), at II A. AL Remains are at Holman s funeral parlors until A. M. Take Bellwood car for 'Crematorium. FAY January 20, at W46 E. L'Oth N., Grace Fay, aged z years, o nionins. t, uays, uo loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Fay. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held from the above residence today (Tuesday), January 21, at lt:30 P. 34. Interment at fcsU Mary's cemetery. SHANEDt.lNG Aaron Shanedling:. aed 7." years. Father or L.ewia, jacoo. Aiauricc, Miss Sophia ShnnedlinB and Mrs. Jacob Brill. Funeral today (Tuesday) at 12 noon from the residence, ii.i Tentn street, cor ner Collese. Burial at Aliaval Sholom t'pmeterv. Please omit flowers. LAKE In this city, January Jtf, Mrs. Susan Jane Lake, agen ,i yeara run era. iron Holman s Funeral parlors at H A. M. to day tXuesday). January I'l. thence to Oresham, where funeral services will be held at the Gresham Baptist Church at 'A P. M. Friends invited. FRESENGEH The funeral services of Una, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrencw FrtseiiKer. wilt bo held today (Tuesday) at t P. M-, from the parlors of H. E. Pease, at Lents. Interment st Alt. Scoit. Park Cemetery. JARKKTX At the Good Samaritan Hospital. January 1, George B. Jarrett, agt-d yoars. The funeral services will be held at Lerch's undertaking parlors. East bth and Alder streets, today (Tuesday), at 3:30 P. M. Burial Tacoma. Wash. PUN t HAL DIRECTOR!. MR. KDWAKU HOLMAN, th. leading luaerat director, Sill 1'b.lrd street, comer bainion. Lady assistant. A loll. Main M. 1. P. FIN LEY SON, FUNERAL fcERVICK, Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at 1-llth 8t. P. S. DINNINti, INC. Eaat Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St. Kast ii. B 253 ' MEMORIALS Portland Mamie works, 264 4th, opposite City Uutl. a,stab. 188&. MONUMENTS Olto Schumann Marbla Works. tatd and Pine sts. Kt 743. DUN NINO & M'KNTEK, funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. 'Lady at tendant. Office of county loronor. Z .. 1 1.' t t Vu ftt Kit2.S William, hil Phone East 108, C 1008. . Lady attendant. ERCH. undertaker, cor. Eas.t Alder and Sixth-, East 781, B 1888. Lady attendant. BKKWKa UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sd and Clay. Main 41SS, A 3il. Lady attendant. t CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL. I MOUNT SCOTT PARK CONTAINING 3S ACRES. A Portland's Only Modern Cemetery ' With Perpetual Care. V one Mil. SouthMwt Lenta. v A Permanent and picturesque, park and lawn plan. Perpetual care with- A " out .xtra charge. Prlcw moderata, service excellent; every conv.nleno. - in use. Including large, luxuriously a " furnished rest rooms for visitors, J' Reached by Mount Boott and Caa- V A a,ro cars. Free auto service. Tabor A 1468. B 4111. Call tor Local 4L J X' NEW TODAY. STARTED AT 84000 SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, WIS. PRICE WILL BE CUT $50 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD FIRST-COMER GETS IT. IT'S A BEAUTIFUL FIVK-ROOM BUN GALOW, IN BEST RESTRICTED DIS TRICT. WELL, BUILT AND ELEGANT LY FINISHED. $3900 TODAY CUT $30 EACH DAY MUST GOt The HARBOLT-WILSON COMPANY, Inc. 710-718 Lewi. Building. Fourth and Oak. Maraball 4200, A T188. 22d and Irving St. $12,500 Corner lot, 50x100, -with house rent Ins for $40. Excellent site .for apart ments or stores. Terms. N 672. Ora gonlan. NOTICE If you have anything' for sale, rent, exchange, or collections to make; call MARSHALL 5277 We guarantee satisfaction. - Mortgage Loans First Mortgages on Farm Property. MORTGAGE COMPANY FOB AMERICA. Head Office. The Hague, Netherlands. Alnarrorth Building. Portland. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We make loans on city and farm property, at current rates. ZIMMER-BEOWNSON CO. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Lewi Building;. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 per cent on best business properties. 6 per cent and 7 per cent on other close in business and residence securities. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates, C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416. MarahaU . CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN" E. CR0NAN, 003 Spalding; Bids. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS - Our Own Money at Current Rates. WESTERS! BOND A MORTGAGES CO, Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS ONLY Current Rates, TUB DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. lOOS Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS COLLIS, BERRIDGE THOMPSON. 3S4 Worcester Block. Phone Slain ttoUI.