PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. LII-NO. 16,274. INAUGURAL BALL F T PREDICTED OREGON'S VOTE ON STATE-WIDE TRIP LAW CHAIR AT YALE T UPSETS NOT TO BE HELD RACE WITH TIME ACCEPTED BY TAFT PRESIDENT . WILL WITH DRAW FROM CORPORATION. PUT IN NEW HANDS E IS OLYMPIA PLAN OF UNIVERSE RECEPTION" IS SUBSTITUTE FOR RELAY TEAMS START ELECTION TIME-HOXORED FUNCTION. RETURNS TO WASHINGTON. SHE IS TELEPHONE INQUIRY IT IDEA Commerce Board Will Take Charge W1CKERSHAM MAKES SHIFT Official Says Need of Regula . tion May Be Found. BELL SYSTEM IS IMMENSE Attorney-General Declares That on Books It Has Invested Capital Stock Valued at Almost Six Hundred Million. WASHINGTON'. Jan. 20. Regulation by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion of the American Telephone & Telegraph Company, and not the com pulsory competitive provisions of the Sherman anti-trust law, wl'.l he the means of solving in large measure the so-called "telephone trust" problem, according to Attorney-General Wicker sham, who announced today that he had referred the whole question to the commission for Investigation and action. This move terminates the Investiga tion by the Department of Justice of the alleged $600,000,000 telephone trust against which Independent telephone companies have made charges of un fair treatment, and of the employment of methods destructive of competition, laaalry to Be Thorough. The commission's investigation will be far-reaching in effect, and out of It is expected to grow the outline of a Governmental policy with respect to the telephone aud telegraph. It must be determined, according to officials, whether. In the interest and conveni ence of the public, a telephone or tele graph monopoly under rigid regulation, should be tolerated by the Federal Government: or whether the Govern ment should take over utilities; or finally whether competition should be enforced under the Sherman anti-trust law and monopoly prohibited. Chairman I-ane. of the Interstate Commerce Commission, formally an nounced tonight that "in response to Information submitted to it today by the Attorney-General." the Interstate Commerce Commission would make an Investigation Into the operations, rates and practices of the various telephone companies. Ceunplalats Are Dlsrassed. Pointing to the complaints which have been lodged with the Govern ment against the American Telephone & Telegraph Company. generally known as the Bell telephone system, the Attorney-General says In his com munication to the commission: "Many of these questions, it seems to nie. cannot be dealt with appropri ately by the law department of the Government, but should be made the sublect of regulation after a careful Investigation of the whole subject by your honorable body. "Stste regulation cannot be a satis factory method of ultimate solution of the question arising out of telephone operation. The value of a telephone service depends largely upon the facil ity of connecting every Individual tele phone i:sor with any point upon any telephone line In the United States, but tins should be attained under con ditlons wbich secure to the public the maximum of convenience upon the most reasonable terms consistent with a fall- return upon the investment and under suitable supervision and control by your honorable body." Iwer Safflrleat la Belief. Mr. Wlckersham holds that the com mission has ample power of Investiga tion on Its own Initiative and lie points to the section of the law specifically authorizing the commission to fix just and reasonable rates and to prohibit unjust and discriminatory practices by telephone and telegraph companies. Continuing. the Attorney-General says: "No comprehensive investigation Into the organization, management and con duct of telephone companies, so far as I am aware, ever has been had by Gov ernmental agency. The investigation of this department has dealt only with certain suggested violations of the Sherman anti-trust act. but the whole problem of the relation of Govern ment to the transmission of Intelligence by telephone and telegraph Is one of such far-reaching Importance and so affects the welfare of the entire com munity, that It appears to me to be a subject which should be thoroughly studied from the standpoint of the public, in order that a governmental policy with respect to the telephone and telegraph business intelligently may be formulated and adopted." Bnaiaeaa la Large. Calling tho commission's attention to the Immensity of the subject. Mr. Wlck ersham said: "There are said to be some J0,00i ; Independent telephone companies, rep- resenting Investments aggregating i many millions of dollars which to i gether operate somewhat more than 4, uv.0v telephones. No one of these companies represents capital or busi ness comparable In siae with that of (Concluded oa !' t.) Committee Compiles With Wlslies of Wood row Wilson, Who Wants Ceremony Aboll.-hed. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The time honored Inaugural ball, the climax of the ceremonies incident to the inaugu ration of Presidents of the United States, will not be given this year. In compliance with President-elect Wil son's wishes, the inaugural committee. at a special meeting today, unanimous ly decided to eliminate It. The committee also decided that a public reception at the Capitol or else where, suggested by Governor Wilson as a substitute for the ball, was not within Its Jurisdiction, and. if one Is held. Congress must appropriate money and make the necessary arrangements for U. The committee took the posi tion that the proposed reception would be a governmental function, under the control of the joint Congressional In augural committee. The members of the joint Congres sional committee on the inauguration are Senators Crane of Massachusetts, Bacon of Georgia, and Overman of North Carolina, and Representatives McKinley of Illinois, liucker of Mis souri, and Garrett of Tennessee. Sen ator Crane declined today to express an opinion regarding the proposed re ception, saying that the matter had not been placed officially before the com mittee. Governor Wilson's wish, in the event of there being a public reception on March 4, is that Mrs. Wilson and the Misses Wilson should not be expected to attend. This Information was con veyed today to the Inaugural commit tee. NEW LOCOMOTIVES COMING Order for 18 Engines Placed, of Which 40 for O.-W. K. & X. Nearly two-score new locomotives will be received by the O-W. R. & K. Company for distribution over the sys tem before June 1, in accordance with a general order for 1S9 engines recent ly placed by the Hsrrlman officials. This is one of the heaviest orders of the kind ever- placed by the Harriman lines and calls for an expenditure of approximately 13,500,000. The order includes S3 of the latest type passenger locomotives, 55 Mikado freight engines and five of, the high-power Mallet con solidation type, designed for heavy freight service. Most of them will be oil burners. These orders were placed with the builders before the recent Union Pacific-Southern Pacific "unmerging" de cision was rendered by the Supreme Court and Includes motive power for the Southern Pacific as well as for the Harriman lines proper. The passenger engines will be placed in servico on the main lines, while the freight engines will be "broken in" at the beginning .of next season's fruit and grain harvest. LUMBER TENDERS HIGHER Portland Firm Makes Iow Bid of 914.23 In Government Contract. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. SO. (Special.) Only three firms submitted bids to day to the Quartermaster's department of the United States Army, to fur.'ish 3.000,000 feet of lumber to be sent to the Philippines. The figures were from $2 to 94 higher than those submitted a year ago. The bidders were the Tacoma Mill Companyat J16.50 for each 1000 feet: the Douglas Fir Sales Company, of Portland, lowest oiuoer, at si4.2s, ana the Balfour-Guthris Trust Company, of Tortland, at $14.25. The specific contract calls for 2, 317.737 feet rough merchantable lum ber with, a small amount of ceiling, to be delivered at Seattle. Tacoma or Portland in March or April. The bids opened today will be forwarded to Washington and awards will be made by telegraph. Several of the leading manufacturers of Puget Sound, Grays Harbor and Tortland. who heretofore have sub nutted bids, made no effort to secure the contract. BLEASE, UNBIDDEN, PEEVED South Carolina Governor Says State Troops Shall Not Attend Inaugural. COLUMBIA. S. C, Jan. 20. After all arrangements had been made for a batallion of South Carolina troops to attend the Inauguration of President elect Wilson, Governor Blease issued a statement today saying he would not permit them to leave the state. He assigned several "easons. one of them that he as commander-in-chief, had not received an invitation and that lie would not let troops go unless an invitation was extended. As no formal invitations have been given, it is not likely that the South Carolina troops will participate in the ceremonies. The militiamen had paid in advance for quarters they had In tended to occupy In Washington. OLDEST ELK IN WORLD DIES Joseph Tuffree Succumbs Within Month of 103d Birthday. MARSH.MA.TOWN, la.. Jan. 20. Joseph Tuffree, who would have been 103 years old In less than a month. died In his home here today. Tuffree la said to have been the old est member of the order of Elks In the world, having Joined the organisa tion on his 100th birthday anniversary. Senators Bean, Calk ins, Day in Limelight WOMEN TO VOTE ON HOME RULE At Least Lane County Solons k Would Appeal! 910 Law. VOTER'S ELIGIBILITY HIT Multnomah Lawmaker Would Slake Full Naturalization Necessary to Casting Ballot In Oregon As sembly May See War. STATE CAPITOL Salem. Or., Jan. 20, (Special.) Two proposed constitu tional amendments, one Introduced In the shape of a resolution today and the other coming tomorrow, also In the shape of a resolution, both lor refer ence to the people, promise to be of ar-reachlng Imprtance and one, at least, probably will develop a heavy fight in the Legislature and surely prior to the general election. If adopt ed by the Legislative Assembly. One of these Is a resolution to be in troduced tomorrow by Senators Bean and Calkins, of Lane, to repeal the home rule amendment, passsed by the people in 1910. The other is a resolution introduced today by Senator Day. of Multnomah County, changing the constitution pro vision as to the eligibility of voters. Day's resolution proposes that no one shall be qualified to vote unless he or she Is a citizen of the United States, the gist of the amendment being to deprive the right of suffrage to those aliens who have received only their first papers. Full Naturalisation cessary. The amendment eliminates the con stitutional provision which-allows any one ""Who has declared his irjt'',V of becoming a citizen of the Vilced States" to vote. Under the pri-sed amendment only those who have their full naturalization papers may vote. The proposed repeal of the home rule amendment emanated from Bean and Calkins, but probably will receive the approval of the Governor, at least those Senators are desirous of securing the approval of the executive. The amendment called the home rule amendment was adopted in 1910 after a bitter struggle before the general election. It extends to Incorporated cities and towns the right to control (Concluded on Page 10.) RECKON THEY'RE bhv4 fx . t i r aJr a b-sw i . m 1 r I ' : ; Presidential Ballot Due in National Capital by January 2 7 or Bearer Faces Fine of 91000. MARSHFIELD. Or., Jan. 20. (Spe clal.) Racing against time with the returns of the Presidential election of Oregon which he must deliver in Wash ington by January 27 or be BUbject to a fine of $1000. Hugh McLatn left here at midnight Monday. Mr. McLaln when at Salem last week understood that he had until February 13 to deliver the returns In Washing ton, but today he discovered that the United States laws required him to deliver the votes there not later than the last Monday in January. Inv mediately upon finding out that he had been misinformed, Mr. McLaln made ar rangements to start on his Journey and left at midnight on the race after having made arrangements for relays of teams to carry him out to the rail road, where he will embark for the East. With the present state of the roads the chances are against him making the trip on time, as it is a long and hard run to the railroad and with bllz zards and snowslides to hold up the trains Mr. McLaln realizes that he has hard and exceedingly doubtful trip ahead. MISS WILSON PICKS SILK Virginia Product or Inangural Gown Is Compliment to Parent. NORFOLK, Va Jan. 20. (Special.) When President-elect Ilson- is in augurated "his daughter. Miss Eleanor, will wear a dress made from slk man ufactured in Norfolk. This announce ment was made today after rhe annual meeting of the stockholders of the An dreas Silk Company, of this city. J. P. Andre Mottu. secretary of the company, said that Miss Wilson-was offered the silk dress in November, when her father was elected President of the United States, and she was asked to designate the shade desired. She chose the outside petal of an American Beauty rose and the dress Is now being made in New York. It will cost $650 and will be delivered early ln Febru ary. The dress will be placed on exhi bition in a department store In this city before it is sent to Miss Wilson. . The company has decided to name the shade of silk "Melrose" in honor of Miss, Wilson, who Is said to .have "ac cepted the dress from the local con cern because she wanted to pay a com pliment to her father's native state. ACTRESS' SUITJS SETTLED Bank Clerk Who Wrote of Motoring i With Edith Taliaferro Retracts. NEW YORK. Jan. SO. (Special.) A suit for $100,000 for libel brought by Edith Taliaferro, the actress, against Dean Larrabee Weaver, a clerk In the banking house of Spencer Trask & Co., son of a Presbyterian clergyman, was settled out of court today. HAVIN SOME BAD WEATHER Washington HouseJun. , ket Approved. SENATE MAY THROTTLE MOVE Cost of Week's Journey Would Total $8500 Party 'Dry.' OPPOSITION IS STRONG "Reckless Expenditure Which People Would Never Excuse" "Chance of Getting Marooned by Snow" Heard Against Scheme. OREOOX AND WASHINGTON LEG ISLATORS ASK CONORESS TO AID CELILO CANAL. STATE CAPITOti, Salem. Or., Jan. 20. Special. ) Memorializin s Con gress that $1,400,000 become lmmedl-' ately available for the completion of the Celllo Canal and the opening to free navigation of the Columbia and 6nake rivers that they might be open during the -year 1915, Senator Joseph Introduced a joint memorial In the Senate today. Similar action was -, taken today also in the Washington Legislature. OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) The House of Representatives today-adopted a resolution providing for a state-wide junket of the entire Washington Legislature to inspect all state Institutions which are asking for state money. The resolution provides for a week's trip by special train be ginning next Friday. From Olympia the plan Is to proceed via the Northern Pacific directly to Vancouver, Wash., where. In addition to inspecting the institution for the deaf and blind, 'the legislators will in spect the proposed Interstate- bridge project to ascertain its need and prac ticability. From Vancouver the plan is to route the train through to Spokane. The action of the House on the reso lution came as a surprise, inasmuch as the proposition was not taken seri ously by many members and persons who have been keeping tab on the do ings of the session. The vote was 54 to 41 in favor of the resolution. It Is predicted that the Senate will throttle the resolution tomorrow. While the vote has not been checked up It Is declared that there Is little chance of it being adopted unless there is a change of sentiment The action of the f Concluded on Page 2.) BACK EAST, EH? 1 . I Executive Will Return to New Haven Early in April and Take TJp Professorship Duties. . NEW HAVEN. Conn, Jan. 20. At the regular meeting of the Yale Corpora tion President Taf t formally accepted today the appointment as Kent pro fessor of law at Yale. The President announced his intention of withdraw ing from the corporation when he takes up the regular duties of his professor ship. He plans to come to New Haven early in AprlL He also will give some in struction in the law school, but his exact courses there have not been de termined. The Kent professorship was estab llshed in 1S01, being named In honor of Chancellor James Kent, of the class of 178L There have been four covenants of the chair Chief Justice David D. Daggett, of Connecticut; Clark Bissell and Henry Dutton, both Governors of Connecticut, and Edward J. Phelps, -Once American Minister to England. The Rev. Joseph H. Twlchell, of Hartford, of the class of 1859, senior fellow ol the Yale Corporation, an nounced his resignation at the meeting today, after 38 years of service. Theasurer Day announced that gifts amounting to more than), 170.000 had been made to the university since the November meeting. Immediately after the corporation meeting President Taft left for Wash ington. : B1RDW0MAN, BLIND FLIES Despite Injury to Eyes in Air Miss Benetta A. Miller Lands Safely. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. (Special.) Though blinded by an oil cup explosion while in the clouds over Hempstead Plains today. Miss Benetta A. Miller retained her nerve, guided her aero plane to the ground, 1800 feet below, and alighted without injuring herself or the machine. Miss Miller, who will guide an aero plane in the Inauguration parade, was trying for an altitude record. Sud denly a cup which held oil for the cyl inders of the irfotor exploded .and oil and glass flew into Miss Miller's eyes, blinding her. For a few seconds she lost control of the aeroplane and it worked as if about to drop plummet like to earth. Miss Miller tried to wipe the oil from her eyes with her gloves, but only further obstructed her sight. Realizing that unless she got instant control of the machine she would be killed. Miss Miller volplaned, although having no idea in which direction she was going. Soon she heard a shout from the spectators. After maneuvering slowly and aided by shouts from persons on the field, she managed to land safely. PRISONERS SLEEP BY TURN City Jail, Over-Taxed, Has More Men . Than Bonks at Present. Prisoners at the City Jail will have to take turns sleeping, until further notice. Only by this expedient, says Chief of Police Slover, can the aver age number of men now held at the jail be taken care of. Beginning last night, a night shift of janitors was or ganized, and spent the hours of dark ness in cleaning up the various apart ments of the police building. Today, while the sleepers of last night are at the same work, they will take their turns at the bunks. Confronted by the fact that he had eight more prisoners than there were bunks, Chief Slover hit upon this as the only solution of the difficulty. On inquiry he learned that the accom modations were fully taxed at the County Jail, at Kelley Butte and at the Linnton rockpile. The rule will go in force also at L-tnnton, as conditions may require, and a. night crew will do such work as can be done, and will get their sleep In the daytime. LOG TEPEE jSJTATE PLAN Washington May Spend $130,000 on Exhibit at Big I'air. . OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 20. (Special.) A tepee 150 feet high, SO feet in diameter at the base and 16 feet at the top, built of logs, will be the exhibit of Washington at the Panama-Pacific Exposition if a plan of Senator Bethel, of Lincoln County, Is adopted. The Idea is outlined In a bill which will be In troduced in the Sena'.e here tomorrow. Mr. Bethel proposes to secure an ap propriation of $130,000 for the structure, which he declares will be the most unique and wonderful ever erected. He plans to have the logs from which it Is made all from the forests of this state. Inside the tepee will bs a number of floors with elevator service. An observatory will be fitted at the top. WOMAN LEGISLATOR DIES Stress of Campaign Causes Xervous Prostration and Fatal Illness. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah.. Jan. 20. Mrs. Edyth EllerbecK Keaa, member of the lower bouse of tho Utah Legis lature, died today from nervous pros tration, fhe was elected on the Re publican ticket at the last election and her condition became critical follow ing an exciting campaign. j Mrs. Read graduated from Leland j Stanford, Jr., University. Creation Larger Than Supposed, He Says. NORTH STAB THEORY DENIED- Sun, Still Young, Shifts North ward, Is His Declaration. NEW SYSTEMS EXPLORED Pole Star Found! by Director at Lick's Observatory to Be Three Suns Others Are Said to Be Double and Triple Bodies, BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. (Special.) That the universe In which human ity dwells is halt again as large in scale as the world has supposed; that the sun is still youthful, and keeps traveling northerly at the compara tively leisurely pace of 20 miles a sec ond, or only two-thirds the average speed of stars of Its own class; that the north star is not really a single star, but consists of throe suns revolving about a common center are some of the latest scientific dis coveries announced by Director W. W. Campbell, of Lick Observatory, of the University of California. The announcement of the discovery, made yesterday by the state univers ity, is regarded as an Important addi tion to the world's Bclntlflc knowl edge. Speed of Stars Increases. What is considered one of the great est contributions to cosmology the Lick Observatory has mad,e is Direc tor Campbell's proof, by spectrograph observations, that stars in the earlier stages of their existence are traveling slowly through space and that their speed Increases with their development. This had not been suspected and is considered highly important in inter preting the life of the universe. Only 15,000 nebulae have been ob served, but the astronomers at i.lcK Observatory have proved that several hundred thousand nebulae visible to the telescope or the camera, await dis covery when opportunity can be found to undertake the work. Most nebulae have a spiral form. Thta discovery was unexpected and Is taken as posi tive proof of their rotation. Double and Triple Stars Found. Observations made ai Lick Observa tory have proved that vast numbers of stars which even to the most power ful telescope look like one, are either double, triple or quadruple. Worn with the spectroscope showed that at least one star in every four Is double.' The first magnitude star, Capella, for Instance, consists of two stars nearly equal In brightness, which revolve around their common center every 104 days. When Dr. Campbell first went to Lick Observatory comparatively few double stars were known. He turned the great 36-inch telescope, then the largest In the world, upon this prob lem and in the years since Lick ob servers have discovered over 4000 stars. Discoveries at Lick Observatory have made the graduate astronomical de partment of the University of. Cali fornia famous throughout the country. Three extra moons were found for Ju piter by the local astronomers, the planet's sixth, seventh and eighth sat ellites having been discovered In 19'J, 1904 and 1905. ' Ideas of Universal Chasce, Among other discoveries of the uni versity astronomers are more than 30 comets. . It has also been shown that the principal 'new stars" which now and then blaze In the heavens, only to fade away, havo been converted in nebulae and the nebulae stage passes later, in the course of many years, to the ordinary ste;iar conditions. The newly-achieved knowledge of the Lick Observatory as to how heavenly bodies are born and live and die will do much toward causing students of astronomy to change many of their ideas of the universe. Nowhere In the world Is more being done to expand man's knowledge of the stellar uni verse than at the Lick Observatory of the University of California on Mount Hamilton. ' CASTRO APPEALS FINDING Exclusion Held to Be for Crimes . Abroad Wilhout Conviction. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Secretary N's.gel. of the Department of Commerce and Labor, will bo askod to reverse the action of the board of special Inquiry excluding Cipriano Castro from the United States on .the ground that the board exceeded Its power. The brief sent to Washington today in Castro's appeal asserts that the immigration authorities practically tried the ex President of Venezuela for alleged crimes committed In foreign countries, of which he had not been convicted and which he denied. The brief finds fault particularly with questions askod Castro res&i-dinit the management of the Internal af fairs of Venezuela and asks what would have occurred If ex-President Roose velt had been interrogated thus in Europe. 1