Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 16, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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- " "I i
III - - llll. 1
City news in brief
Prtntlnir room Main 7070. A 0J5
rity circulation Main 7u,0. A J-W5
M.natn Editor Main 70.0. K 6W5
Sunday Editor Ma n 70.0. A W9
Comporins-room Main 70.0. A J0J5
E..n.Vin..nrf.nt hulldlnr Main 7070. A 6ui
HEILIG THEATER (Eleventh and Mor
rison .leopoja uouowskj in jmsmi iw. -Tonight
at 8:15.
i it t-1 yt intAiwi (Beremn Tr
ior) Ocpheam vaudeville. This alternoon
at 2:13 and tonight at 8:15.
BAKER THEATER (Seventh and Kerrl
on) Baker players In "The Vlrflnlan.
der Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at -
ivBisai at . :i ana v .iwv
EMPRESS THEATER (Park and Waahln
ton) Vaudeville. Thia af.ernoou at
lomcnt at t :av ana w w ti"-I-TRIC
THEATER (Fourth and Stark)
Hearing anu now Jau!H'-,,.v . i ht
-- - . - r . . . -:n to 10
T1VOLI AND CRYSTAL Flrat-run pic
turea, 11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
Hiskt Mebtijios to End Next Week.
Tbe evangelistic meetings being con
ducted by Dr. J." Q. A. Henry at the
White Temple will close on weones
day. January 22. according to announce
ment made yesterday, but there Is to
be a big farewell service next bunaay
at the Immanuel Baptist Chu cb. In
stead of at the White Temple- This
service will be at 11 o'clock in the
morning. At night a large number ef
those who have been received Into the
church bv Dr. Henry and bis fellow
workers will be baptized at the services
at the White Temple. The noon aa
dresses by Dr. Henry are continuing.
His subject today will be A Lost .King
dom." These meetings are held at 12:20
o'clock at the Y. M. C. A.
West Side Projects to Be Dis-
cussed. Tbe South Portland Boosters
will give a smoker tonight at St.
Lawrence Hall. Third and Sherman
streets. Delegates will be present from
the Brooklyn Improvement Club, the
Fulton Park Club, the Portland Heights
Improvement Club and the Multnomah
Commercial Club. The burning ques
tion is the location, of the Auditorium
on the Market block, and action will be
taken to stir up the Commission. The
nronosed tunnel through Marquam
Gulch to the Tualatin Valley will be
discussed by Mr. Heuaner. The meet
ing will be public.
More Room for Prisoxers Found.
Provision will be made at the Llnnton
rock quarry for additional room for
prisoners. Chief of Police Slover yes
terday notified the ways and means
committee of the Council that all room
is exhausted and that he needs more.
After discussing the situation, it was
voted, upon motion of Councilman
Burgard, to appropriate $2000 for this
purpose. The city works some of Its
prisoners at this rock quarry and gets
the rock lor use in street repair worn.
New Cojtpakt Formed. Articles of
Incorporation of the Tree-Falling
Cutting Company will be filed with the
Secretary of State at Salem today. The
company will manufacture a new ma
chine for felling trees. It is orgamzeo
with a capitalization of $100,000. The
officers are: President, Conrad Krebs;
vice-president, J. K. Croman, and secre
tary, P. X. Johnson. It is announced
that a factory will be built In Port
land immediately for manufacturing
the machines.
Alleged Robber Arrested. With
IS watches in his possession, three
revolvers and flvo sets of pliers, Wil
liam Meehan, an elderly man. was
caught by Patrolman Potter, early
yesterday mornlnp, near First and
Salmon streets, in the act cf emerg
ing from the store of Max Levin, from
which the articles had been taken. In
Municipal Court yesterday, Meehan
demanded more time and asked to have
an attorney appointed for him.
Civn. Service Exam Dates Set.
The United States Civil Service Com
mission announces that the following
examinations will be held to secure
ellgibles and fill vacancies In the dif
ferent departments: Preparator in
entomology. February 6-6: mechanical
draftsman, February 3; assistant horti
culturist. February 5. Further infor
mation concerning these examinations
can be secured from Z. A- Leigh at
the Portland Postoffice.
New Letter Carriers Added. Three
additional letter carriers were added to
the Portland, force yesterday by author
ity of the department and these,
selected from the eligible list, are:
Milton A. Yerkes. Raphael R. Grover
and John M. Albrecht. Superintendent
of Carriers Jones states that there are
now 186 regular carriers connected
with this office and that when he per
sonally became connected with It in
1S90 the total number of carriers
was 16.
Africa-x Lectures Announced. Mrs.
E. Bangs, who spent several years on
the Congo River in Africa as a Baptist
missionary with her husband, will
deliver two lectures In the auditorium
of the East Portland Branch Library.
January 21 and 2S. The opening lecture
will be illustrated with curios gathered
In Africa, of which Mrs. Bangs has a
large collection, and the second lecture,
January 28. will be illustrated by
atereopticon slides.
Faijjno Timber Breaks Max's Wrist.
A. V. Clark. 34 North Eighth street.
sustained a broken wrist when some
timber fell on him yesterday. He was
working for the Pacific Bridge Com
pany at East Forty-first street and was
"unable to avoid the heavy piece of
wood that fell, catching his wrist and
hand. He was taken to Good Samaritan
Hospital where his Injuries were at
tended to.
Burial, Will, Be at Los Axokles.
The funeral of Miss Louisa Dodson.
aged 22 years and S months, who died
January 12. at the home of her parents,
63 East Eighty-fourth street North, will
be held today from Holman's chapel.
The body will be sent to Los Angeles.
Cal. She was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William C. Dodson.
John Donner Gets $6000 tor In
juries. John Donner. who was knocked
off the step of a crowded Rose City
Park car last Summer by a passing
horse, sustaining injuries to his back
and legs, recovered Judgment of $6000
against the Portland Railway. Lignt &
Power Company In Circuit Judge Kava
naugh's court yesterday.
Woman Falls and Breaks Leo.
Mrs. B.S. Roscoe. slipped and broke
her leg as she left her home, at 4616
Sixth street. South East Side, yester
day afternoon. Neighbors called an
ambulance and she was taken to Good
Sumaattan Hospital.
Rot at Hawaiian Orchestra will open
at Richard's Grill, beginning Saturday,
Januarv IS. This popular catering
establishment will give its patrons the
latest popular music by the best of
Hawaiian entertainers. Park and
Alder streets. v
For Sale. A 45-horsepower. 550-volt.
Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with
standard blade starter, no voltage re
leuse and 75-ampere over-load I-T-E
circuit break". In A-l condition. Ad
dress room 203 Oregonlan bldg.
Jcst A Few Dats-Mork, I will give,
for a limited time, special inducements
in ladies' suits of our regular importted
materials and linings. Suits $50, long
coats $40. Gurney. fourth floor Mohawk
bids.. Third and Morrison.
For Sale. A 40-K. W 600-volt
Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete
with field rheostat and circuit breaker,
in good condition. Address room 203
Oregonlan bldg.
Srppt-T your corset needs before Miss
Hummel leaves for Europe. Parlors
closed during her absence.
One-Third Januart Reduction from
marked price on our beautiful art
silverware. Aronson.
One-Third Januart Kedcction on big
stock high-grade cut gloss. Aronson.
I-aktirx SUDE3. Gifford. Main SS7J.
Saloon Case Dismissed. Attempts to
make it appear that the arrest of
Charles O'Brien for having his saloon
open on Sunday, was the fifth of a
series of recent raids upon tne quarters
at Fourth and Davis streets, made a
part of the trial of the ease In Muni
cipal Court yesterday. O'Brien's saloon
is directly underneath quarters where
the women occupants were arrested
four times within a month, tne suc
cessive incidents causing much com
ment at the time. Patrolmen Long
and Wise testified that the saloon was
open and that liquor being served In an
adjoining restaurant had all the ap
pearance of having been served from
the bar. but they failed to prove a
transaction and the casewas dismissed
by the court.
C. C. Chapman to Sf-e ts on East Side.
C. C. Chapman, of the Portland Com
mercial Club, will speak at the luncheon
of the East Side Business Men's Club
Mondav. His topic will be "How to
Secure Factories for the i-ast blue.'
Preparatory to Mr. Chapman's talk the
club tonight will appoint a committee
of ten to take up the matter of secur
ing factories of all kinds for the ter
ritory adjacent to the railroad centers,
and will use the suggestions of Mr.
Chapman and also those of A. M.
Haradon. who spoke on thB same sub
ject last Monday. An effort will be
made to get a large attendance to bear
Mr. Chapman Monday at noon at the
Hotel Clifford.
Fad Social Tomorrow Night. The
District Christian Endeavor Union will
hold a fad social in Voelker's Hall, 796
Mississippi avenue, tomorrow night.
The K societies with 681 members will
attempt to dress in -as many different
costumes. The programme includes an
indoor track meet, diyided into four
family names: Smith, Brown, Johnson
and Olson. Miss Essie Maguire, as
sistant superintendent, and Clarence H.
Sprague, "Most Highly Extreme- Fad
dist," will bp in charge. Each society
Is requested to notify Miss Maguire,
Woodlawn 2218 of their probable at
tendence. The only admission will be
1 cent a foot based on the height of
the faddist.
South East Mutuaijst Association
Organized. The South East Mutualist
Association is the name of the co-op
erative organization formed Tuesday
night in the territory surrounding i-ast
Forty-first and Holgate streets. T. J.
Kreuder was elected temporary presi
dent, Mrs. E. H. Ingham, temporary
secretary-treasurer, and the lonowing
directors: E. J. Steel, J. R. Tomltnson,
F. Klrkpatrlck. E. E. Southard and W.
R. Huxley. Articles of Incorporation
have been prepared by the attorney of
the association, and will be filed today.
At the next meeting a permanent or
ganization will be formed.
Railroad Sued tor Damages. De
claring he was kicked off a moving
Southern Pacific freight train and
seriously Injured, James Matkey has
filed a suit in the United States Dis
trict Court to recover $3500 damages.
In the complaint he recites that at
Albany he paid the conductor of the
train 50 cents to ride to Junction City
and after the train had-reached Shedds
the brakeman demanded 50 cents, and
when it was refused the brakeman
kicked him off the train. His left arm
was so badly hurt it bad to be ampu
tated. Oreland Vigil Name Fancied.
Similarity of his name to many others,
notably Reeve and Rivers. Is given by
Chester Arthur Reeves as the reason
for requesting that his name be changed
to Oreland Vigil in a petition tiled in
Probate Court yesterday. Reeves states
that there are numerous people in
town whose mall gets mixed with his
and whose identity is confused with his.
Engineer Lewis to Make Address.
John H. Lewis, state engineer, will ad
dress the Oregon Society of Engineers
at their regular meeting at the quar
ters of the Oregon Technical Club, 247
Stark street, this evening. Mr. Lewis
will discuss Oregon's water resources
with particular reference to the Des
chutes River and the Columbia River
East Side Improvement to Be dis
cussed. A convention composed of
three or more delegates from each Im
provement club will meet tomorrow
night in the rooms of the East Side
Business Men's Club, Hotal Clifford, to
consider the general development of
the East Side. A permanent organiza
tion is contemplated at this meeting.
Citt Attornet Due Tomorrow. City
Attorney Grant will return to the city
tomorrow, from Washington, D. C,
where he has been attending a ses
sion of the Supreme Court. He argued
the case of the city against the boutn-
ern Pacific in regard to the company's
rights In Fourth street.
For Sale. One lza-volt, direct-
current generator, complete with field
rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker.
This machine is in good repair. Ad
dress room 203 Oregonlan bldg.
Piwniraenm Oruvna VVa PLUS TO
Elect. The annual election of officers
of the Progressive Business Men's Club
will be held at the luncheon today at
the Multnomah Hotel. James F. Kinder,
Dr. W. F. Fiebig, Joseph G. Gillingham
and H. V. Stahl are the sole nominees
respectively for the offices of presi
dent, second vice-president, treasurer
and secretary; H. H. Brigham and S.
C- Rasmussen were -nominated for first
vice-president. Five of the following
will be elected trustees: J. H. Young.
Dr. O. J. Ferris, Jacob Kanzler, C. J.
Wangerlen, W. F. Ross, R. W. Nisbet,
G. F. Peek. V. L. Clark. C. W. Wyman,
F. A. Freeman, A- L. Stephens, W. S.
Asher, O. J. Tilleson, Charles Berg, W.
P. Jones. F. I. Gollehur and D. C.
Burntrager. -
Son Opposes Parent's Marriage.
A charge of insanity was preferred in
County Court yesterday by her son
against Jadwiga Bloszyk. aged 60, after
the woman and John Moleske, aged 67.
had secured a license to wed. Mrs.
Bloszyk was examined and found men
taiiv rnmnpffnt. The son was bitterly
opposed to the marriage, thinking his
mother too old to marry again and
not being fond of his prospective step
The annual meeting of the First Con
gregational Church win be nem iouibiiv
in the church, following the regular
annual banquet- Reports from tne nu
- .nntotlag nf thtk fhlirrh an well
the Society, the corporate body of the
church, will De given in aouuiuu w
those of the treasurer and the pastor.
Dr. Luther R. Dyott will preside.
C?. . OTAAn rT TTD PWflWll TttP Sell"
wood Board of Trade has Just been
revived and will hold us reguiai
- t .Ta Tnasnv njerhtn In the Sell-
wood Y. M. C. A. building. The club
will encourage the Improvement ol
...( , v. H i rvl .ciirf jca navements
Peter Hume, president of the Sellwood
Bank, has Deeo eiecieo. prtaiuvui
succeed D. M. Donaugb.
John B. Coffey. County Clerk, has re
signed as cnairman ol me puj.ot wm
mlttee of the City Executive Board,
-fxin, all nthnr committees Of the
Board, and is no longer connected with
the city administration, as tne mayw.
.. .- aa -,0t fnrmnllv accented the
resignation, no one has been named to
succeed Mr. Coffey.
H T . - vr T 1 Dm, fT.TTlt T(l fl T VV! BANQUET.
The Mount Tabor Progressive Club
decided pt the meeting Tuesday night
at the Mount Tabor Presbyterian
Church to give a- banquet witnin xne
next ten days, at which -time the gen
eral development of the Mount Tabor
section will be considered. The date
of this banquet will be announced later.
United States Grand' Jury Is in Ses-
.- 'fl TTnftail Ktntaa o-r nd illfV rO-
assembled yesterday and will be in ses
sion during tne remainuer i iuo ...........
which will complete the term and per
mit its members to be discharged. Many
witnesses have been summoned to ap
Reed - College Audience Hears Ad
dress on Subject of Wages.
Rev. Father O'Hara, chairman of the
minimum wage committee of the Con
snmors' league. SDoke to the faculty
and students of Reed College at the
n-uiiiv assembly yesterday on the sub
ject of minimum wage. '
Father o tiara aeciarea mat iuw
Ann t n thn Inahllitv of
certain industries to pay a living wage,
but that they are due to the greed of
the employer and nis aesire to ueuiaio
large dividends. He said that unless
industry could provide for the well
being of tne workers supporting it, the
nrhnl. I n A listrlil 1 RVStem WOUld haVC
proved itself a failure.
He gave statistics regarding wages
of women throughout the country and
in Portland, which he declared were
in a large number of cases too low to
provide a decent living. He also cited
examples of unsanitary factories and
shops, and said that the matter of
vnrVino rnndltlnns should also be sub
ject to more stringent regulation.
Business Men to Elect Today.
TI 1 i nf nffloro will ho thn'im-
rjicLiiu ' -
. .. n,anoaa nf th Prn&rresslve
Business Men's Association at Its
luncheon today. James F. Kinder is
running for the presidency witnout. op
AAwiAn w M Rrlfrhnm Is the candi
date for first vice-president running
against o. rtasmusaeu, ui. t. ' &
is candidate for second vice-president,
t i'' iiii.. ... Bopratarv nnri T i V.
Stahl for treasurer. There are 17 can
didates for director ana live win du
chosen. The candidates are: J. H.
;r " rr";V "A ZV "'-V1::
. . - :
- - ,
, " " ::
Th. Godowskv recital tonight at the Helllg. Eleventh and Morri
son streets, is being eagerly anticipated by Portland music lovers, for
no more enjovable or important musical offering has been booked for
Portland in many vears. Paderewski, De Pachmann, Rosenthal and
other pianists of the dav have, been obliged to yield first place to this
young Polish genius, who today enjoys greater prestige than any other
pianist living, not alone. In technic in which he has long been ac
knowledged without a rival but in poetry of tone, expression, musical
utterance and delicate distinctions of temperament in the Interpreta
tion of various composers. -
For the. past 12 years Godowsky has had Europe at his feet. No
such homage has ever been rendered a pianist than the critics of Ber
lin and Vienna have paid Godowsky. So completely has he been
monopolized bv Europe that this is his first visit to America in that
interval. His present tour is proving a series of ovations. Record
breaking audiences attend his recitals. His superlative, genius is every
where proclaimed. The. San Francisco Chronicle of January 6 says:
"Godowsky looms up at times aa a giant, only later to reveal h'mself
as a poet in. the subtle shadings of the Imparted tone-quality. He left
his hearers wonderbound."
A Legacy
of Care
Is often left to a fam
ily by a most devoted
father simply because
he neglected to make
sure of the title of his
property. For your
family's sake, use our
Guaranteed Certifi
cate of Title. It pro
t e c t s. Investigate.
Call for booklet. Title
& Trust Co., Fourth
and Oak.
Young. Dr. O. J. Ferris, Jacob Kanzler,
C. J. Wangeretn, W. F. Ross, R. W.
Nisbet, G. F. Peek, V. L. Clark. C. W.
Wyman, F. A. Freeman, A. L. Stephens,
W. S. Asher, O. J. Tilleson, C. F. Berg,
W. P. Jones, F. I. Gollehur and D. C.
Recommendations May Be With
drawn as Result or Petitions.
Petition for salary increases by city
employes yesterday almost deluged the
members of the ways and means com
mittee of the Council, threatening to
bring about action that will result in
a reconsideration of a number of rises
that had already been recommended
by the committee.
When the committee met In special
session Monday, quite a number of rises
were recommended and It was sup
posed that the list had been exhausted,
but yesterday there were petitions
from the laborers In the Park Depart
ment, City Hall Janitors, etc., and Coun
cilman Burgard said he felt inclined to
deny all of these and also to reconsider
all that were ordered Monday.
All petitions were referred to Coun
cllmen Burgard and Daly for recom
mendation o the committee.
Elks' Committee Has $9000 'After
Paving Convention Expenses.
Contributors to the fund raised for
the entertainment of the Elks' National
convention in Portland last Summer
soon will receive dividends of about
9 per cent on their original subscrip-
''"Abalance of approximately J9000
remains unexpended after all expenses
Incidental to the convention have been,
paid This money has been apportioned
among the thousands of contributors
and within a few days checks will be
mailed. '
Tomorrow Night.
M A. A. Club vs. Seattle Club. Club
Gym. at 8:30 sharp. AdmissionJ1.50.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks
to our manv friends, and especially
members of electrical workers for their
kindness and sympathy during the IK.
ness and deathROf Arthur B. Van Duzen.
No More Gray Hair
Try Thl Simple Home-Made Prepara
tion on the Whitened
"Silver Threads" may be capable of
inspiring the song writers, but they
r onvthincr hut lnsoirlng to men and
women who find them coming in their
own locks, thus announcing tne ap-
. irk... frttrT-!tit nt
proacn ui i 1
Time." however, may be readily cov
ered up Dy using a biuijj.c,
. . .. n-vi.L Aon ha Trcnrirpil nri-
vately in your own home. Tou can get
from any druggist at little cost an
ounce of bay rum, a quarter ounce of
. i i nn.ii Knv nf Tlarhn
glycerine anu a o.u.. w -
Compound ; then dissolve the Barbo
Compound in i ounces ui waUcl( uu
the other two, ingreuients ana ju m
I.-..- n.Ana Hnn thflt f-d 11 Tl O t be CX-
celled for darkening gray hair, remov
ing dandruff, correcting humors of the
scalp and invigorating the hair fol
licles. It does not make the hair
sticky, does not rub olf or color tne
scalp. It is equally as good to darken
the beard as the hair. There is no
other ingredient that can take the
place of Barbo Compound in this recipe,
- i . -j .t .t i . , I. mit nt if ask
o li juur u - u r, r. ' - - -
him to order it from his wholesaler for
Sr. Frallicciardi
This is Sr. Frallicciardi. of
San Francisco, where he won
the hearts of its music lovers,
now leading II Rigoletto's or
chestra and pleasing its
fiatrons with his excellent se
ections. ... -
For a pleasing blending of
Italian food, music and song,
visit tonight
Seven-course Dinner, With
Good Wine, $1.
Table d'Hote Luncheon, 50c.
2H4 Alder St, nt Third.
Marshall 4910.
The Shortest Route Between
Two Given Points
Besides beinff the most direct route, you will find the comforts afforded in
travel via the O.-W. E. & N., 0. S. L. AND UNION PACIFIC between Portland,
Denver, Omaha and Chicago a vital factor to be considered when buying your
Phones, Marshall 4500 or A 6121. ,
Shipherd's Hot Springs open all year.
House physician in attendance at all
times. Competent attendants and
masseurs for both women and men.
House steam heated and excellent table.
A positive cure for rheumatism, stom
ach and kidney troubles, and ecsema.
E. L. Shipherd, Mgr., Carson, Wash.
Bean soup, smelt, beef stew, hot bis
cuits. Frankfurters, sauerkraut, roast
lamb, peas, roly pudding. Woman's Ex
change, 186 Fifth street.
Hear them at Eilers, talking machine
headquarters. 7th and Alder.
There is some
thing "differ
ent" about the
Imperial Grill;
a homelike at
mosphere of
comfort and
c heerf ulness
which is large
ly responsible
for its ever-increasing
larity among
Portland peo
ple and stran
gers. - r .
Luncheon fifty
Your Fixtures
For That House
A 6-Room House
Tour choice of any of
our Chain Showers
or Semi-Showers
(Lighthouse Price)
Other size houses and other style
fixtures in proportion.
Outdoor Advertisers
East ScrcB'b and East Everett Stnat
Jkast 2.UJU B SS
The Finest Silk
More silk and
better silk in
" Phoenix " than
any other Hosiery
sold! That's why
the makers can
afford to sell
them under a def
inite, printed 3
nionths guarantee.
r For Winter
wear, there's a
new "Phoenix" with lisle Inner lining. Warmer and Just as luxurious.
Women's 'Phoenix' 4 Prs.
Guaranteed 3 months,
Women's 'Phoenix
Luxe, Guaran'd 3 mo
Men's 'Phoenix
Socks, 4 pairs Guaranteed
for 3 months, for only $2.00
ix' 4 Prs. k
UO., $1.00 gBtoiolK.HosKry.Umbrelliis
Morrison street, opposite F. O.
C. F. BERG, Manager.
1 F iVYn t f - - - -- 11 i :
More heat"
Less money
liberty Coal &Ice Co.
As an
American Citizen
stand for the loss of your
John Orr Corliss
For young men who feel
the lack of home comforts
and environment.
Open January 1st, 1913
Hotel Washington
Grant Ave. and Bush .
$1.00, Room with Bath Privilege.
$1.50, Room with Private Bath.
Located on a quiet corner, no car
lines, one block from' principal
Cfcarlea B. Rowley, Mgr.
B r o n c n I a 1
For Hoarseness
and inflamed throat. Will clear the voice and
relieve coughing- spells.
25c 60c. 11.00. Sample Free.
JOHN 1. BROWN SON, Boston, Mw.
Prompt servloe. Highest-grade skllU.
Your work finished in one day if neoes-.
sary. Twenty-six years in Portland.
Tne very uest ano u
Dentistry. No Mora Falllna Plates.
rtatTE.!! I1(V11,U I J win. him..
aoie lacings, me iuubi jciyw
practical bridge that has ever been d
vised. A triumph of modern dentistry.
' - 1I ... t. I5M.
IfUW nuuuct . .. . . . . . . .
The Best Hed Rubber Plates, each..VT.50
22-karat Gold or Porcelain Crown. .15.01ft
22-knrat Bridge Teeth, icuaranteed,
eacb . 3.S
Gold or Enamel Filling", each Si.0
Silver Fllllnga, each.... GOa
Wise Denfal Co.
Phones Main 2020. A 2029.
What Is
No. 10?
t4S Pine St., Fortlnnd, Oregon. Pbooe A 8770,
Chinese Pure Jade Jewelry
AIbo go'd bracelets, signet rln and belt
htif-viM la anv deslcn. made to order, Wltti
names or (rood luck Chlneae character en
graved therecn. Prlcea are very reasonable.
Orders promptly executed and aent prepaid
to any part or mo u. o. we
Chlueae jewelers.