Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 16, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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Cntts of C to 20 acres at $23 to $40 pr
ere; 2M0 acre of very rich black leaf
loam, logged-ofT 5 years ago, itumpi well
rotted, no underbrush, all ready for the
settler near Portland on the Columola.
Daily boat service. See Eben M ounce,
Sd Floor, Chamber of Commerce.
EJectrie cars will soon he running
through the center of our 4K)-aere
platting-: SO minutes ride from th
and Washington sts.
Electric light, mountain water un
der pressure anrl most modern
transportation make- this the finest
suburban district out of Portland.
Any sired tract from half-acre
up to 20 acres, at 2."X) to $.".00 per
a.-re; smail cash payment, balance
on monthly payment plan.
Main JO 102 Fourth St. A 3300.
r.-ATRE tracts down the river on
V"t .Side, 2 miles back from
cent carfare: good cord wood timber
nd the very best of soil; $!"-" per
Fere, on monthly payments. The in
dustrial development Is going down
the river and prices are sure to ad
vance. Let us show you these acre
Main 3 102 Fourth St. A 3300.
5 acres. tt;iest land in the Tualatin "al
lrv, 1 mil-s from the center of Port
land, near Bcaverton; lies slightly rolling;
spring- branch across ono end; soil is tho
very best and will grow anything; near
school, church and stores; easy to see
this; price $h75; $lo0 cash, 3 years to
pay the balaiu-c.
21S--19 Board of Trade.
80 A 'RES. known as the "Marshall Es
tate" In Garfield section, about thre
miles from Estacada. Forty acres cleared
and under cultivation and 40 acres In
good fir timber, all fenced. Land slightly
rolling; and no waste. Road on two sides.
It F. D. and not far from school and
church. $So00: $40"0 or more cash.
Owner, S. A. Pexton.7 No. Wabash ave.,
Chi CHgo. TIL.
V acres
Fertll Powell Valley, on the beautiful
Sandv River. Mount Mood Electric Railway
runs through property. This Is view prop
erty. Would make a fine home for man
who wants to make good. Enough cord
wood to pay for it. Will sell at a bargain;
easy terms. K tiOt, Oregonlan.
One acre Two acres Three acres.
Multnomah Station. 10 min. walk, and
10 per cent down, $10 a month will handle
anv one of these single acres; lay fine, all
under cult, and contain 8 full city lots
each. 4 miles from Post of rice. 73 6th si.,
near Oak.
land. Best soil, good roads, spring water.
Tree wood, settled country; 10 acres $400.
$om, Ju per tract; 20 acres. $M)0; 40
acres. $ 1 J0o ; 80 acres, $-'ih)0 ; 40 acres
timber, $240; ranches of all kinds for
sate: easy terms. Frank McFarland Real
ty Co., IiO0 Teon bldg., Portland. Or.
(18 min. ride. 6c com. fare)
Closer In than Mt. Scott. MontavUla or
any district where lots sell for $430 to $500
and better soil, and 4 full lots In the tract,
only 4S0 on lu per cent down and small
monthly payment. 10 mtn. walk. Call 73
tfth st.
02 ACRES. 2:i miles from Portland. mile
to railway station; good soil; enough cord
wood, cedar posts and poles to pay for
place; no rocks; running stream; some
improvements; terms; might trade; want
to go away. Phone Marshall 2171). A 4117,
or address C.07 College st.
FOR SALE Say. Mr. Man. do you want to
buy a ite for a chicken ranch or truck
paiden on the bst road In the country?
mile from carline. on your own terras;
the prte is right. Let me show you. P
7-1. Oregon tan.
FOR SALE, or will lease 3 acres at Mount
Tabor, by city park; there are apples.
I tears, prunes, quinces aud grapes, and a
hI barn, on the place. Apply to Sheehy
Hros., li 12th. near Washington.'
NOTHING down, nothing for five years. Can
von beat tt ? Put your money Into the
"land. l-opanberry land ready for the
plow. tlow to transportation.
$2 4th St.
3 ACRES, 3 miles from town In Washing
ton ; N.1M1V000 feet fir. balance second
growth; $1 PER ACRE; need money; no
traders. call at once. Taylor Inv. Co.,
:;j:s Hoard of Trade.
t to 5 -aero tracts. aM In cultivation. C.
W. liieley. I. O. MUwaukie. R. F. D. No.
1. Phon Oak Red 12.
10 ACRES. $330.
Good soil, roads and new school. I'm
hours from Portland; vour own terms.
Cor. Second and Stark Sts.
10 acre at Tualatin; 7 acres In cultiva
tion; on two roads; $300 per acre; easy
terms. This is a snap. Main 4400.
1-ou SALE lO acrts. 4u rods from city
limit. 10 minutes' walk to car, 3c fare
to any pun of city; price $lu.O00; easf
Terms. B. E. Crosby, Sherwood, Or.
2, ACRES, all well Improved, Just a few
Mock to car. 3o minutes out. Price $il.
Terms. C D Young, 314 Chamber of Com
FIVE ACHES in Lewiston Orchards, piant
to aonles May. 1H1U; cheaper than
anything in this select fruit district, A
st;j, oitgonian.
iio frr MONTH An acre tract, fresh oiI
southern exposure, good car service. AF
72. Oregoman.
LOCK 10 acres near town on your own
terms. l -t'S i con djubt.
For Hi f rm.
1 HAVE the best farm in Sherman Co. for
sale; 10.7 1 acres. R. R. station and ware
house, rtock loading yams, all or which
beloiiK to farm. Creek through farm all
ih.-VLar: miles of hoc wire tence: barn
alonv cost $4KH); fine S-room house; hoi
and ro d water; many otner rine outbuild
ings, gasoline engine and feed crusher: 050
acre now In f-ne stand of wheat; three
miles to best town in county. A reason
able payment considered; remainder can
run nine years at per cent; a small
amount of aood property mlaht be con
i dered as part of first payment. $;.iN
per acie. owner selling on account of
sickness. 1.. iv. JlIcktc, 014 suara iu
Trade. Portland.
Twenty miles from railroad; four miles
from rostofJice; telephone connection:
three barns on place, one large house and
two snailer ones. Three orchards- of
Uout r.4t trees each : 600 acres of nine tim
ber; about 40 acres of alfaifa; can put In lt0
acres or more ; about low acres ca a be
farmed. A fine place for cattle or
sheep. Price $S.OO per acre. For further
intorination uure5 xox o.", iinjon
60 ACRES, l ciUlvatcJ, remainder wood
land tvture ; watered by three springs.
kooU proluctive soil; 6-room house; lare
new barn. 2x40; chK ken-House. potato and
g:aln-hiuse; abunriancw of fruit; on rok
t...l :t mi'ri fr(m Canby: M miles from
tr-gon itj. Price $luo per acre. Is
surrounded by excellent Improved farms
held at much nigner price. free bea
Englehart with
?l Fifth street.
15-ACRE Alberta farm. In Canadian Pa-
ctiic Kv. liow iir irriswiion prujrci,
fa-. miles from town, on main line C. P.
rv.. 21 niiies east of talgnry; 10t acres
unV-r cultivation, balance tillable; fenced,
stable, house, well, etc; ready for ae
tupanev; improvement a cost over tK;
rrue for quick sal $30 per acre: easy
.rn a rvr cent: nart trade considered
J or Portland or close-in property. Address
Owner. ffH iriQK m.,
t.. .e tti heat harness and saddlery
businesses In the Willamette Valiey; wilt
trade for anthlng in realty or sell on
time 1100 cash, balance on time to suit
buvf'r with ood security. Address A. D.
lloKins. McMlnnville. Or., boi 1'34.
0' ACHES ei pine mna nr in imuiuxm
Coiintv. ci belt, tuld be handled in
i.e Utid on main road, n miles f ram
Mmt!i Falls. Box K Traverse City
WIlEAl lun, io . -
smtion; 4-room house; spring wate-r; $2K
crop inis i8-"i . "
For bale J-arm.
FOK SALE by owner, a beautiful lio-acre
farm In the WfilameUe Valley, close to
transportation and two-thirds In cultiva
tion: part cash and balance on easy pay
ments. 20" Oregonlan bldg.
FOR all-purpose farms, ranging frorn 100
acres or more, to suit purchasers. Call or
RANCH 0 acres, with buildings. IS miles
from Portland, near electric line; bargain
for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st.
WANTED ChP land in tracts of from
Jut to I0O0 acres, stump or timber; must
be cheap. ner R. R. or Hver; 'table
for tillage when cleared; give legal num
bers and full description In nrst letter,
with price. B tiS. Oregonian.
HAVE customer for 8 to 35 acres, not more
than 15 miles east of Portland on pood
road near electric line and school. Must
have family orchard and 2 to fi acres
timber. Call or write. Lueddennn, ku-
ley & Co.
WILL pav cash for lot or equity, well lo
cated in Rose City Park, not over two
Mocks from carlinc between 54th ana
GOth t5v lot and block number and
lowest price. AP TPS. Oregonlan.
VV A N T E D To buy strictly modern 8-room
residence in good district from owner;
must be free of Incumbrance; will pay
$HMn cash and balance in country prop
erty, av i-i.
BUNGALOW wanted, about $3000, Haw
thorne. Rose City Park or other good dis
trict" $HM down. Fred W. German Co.. C. of C. Both phones.
WILL pay cash for lot in Irvington; give
description and lowest price. No at
tention paid unless lot and block number
stated. Address B tiSai. Oregonlan.
WANTED From owner, income business
property. t0,OO0 to 2U.000. See Mr . Met-
can at once, oi" cjh. jii-.
EUUITT 3-room house, MontavUla, ana
cash as part payment on house, close in.
sol, fjregoniJin,
ST I" MP LAND Want about 240 acres, not
over $4 per acre; will pay cash. AK SO.
Oregonian. .
W IXTED $25,000 income property. West
tilde; give location; terms. AC 804, Ore
LIST your property with us for quick re
sults; we - "
Callan & Kaser, 7----4 Yeon bldg.
WANTED Furnished cottage of five rooms.
near Tweiuy-elgntn anu uueau ou
Main HH'.'t. A o7M.
WANT tff buy a home on monthly pay
ments. Call ranor
1,500.000 feet standing timber. 2 miles from
electric line, ao nines irom rorumm,
cash, balance secured; description will ba
given to interested parties and offers con
sidered. Emmons & Emmons, attorneys-at-law,
90-l.: Board of Trade.
Large Tracts a Specialty.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.
r-i-t;i.' T vr M. IVVF.RTM RT CO..
C03 Lumbermens Bldg.. 6th and Stark.
STCMPAGE 23.00 cords fir. $12,000; $4000
cash, balance on or dbiuib ema,
cent; will contract to take wood f. o. b.
railroad: 1V4 miles down grade; good op
portunity lor rifiin. mau. u n
3t' CRES. 3 miles from town in Washing
ton; N.U0O.O0O feet fir, balance eecond-
growm; i trcn. wvixc, nc-cu .
traders. Call at once. Taylor Inv. Co.,
:'2A Board of Trade.
100 ACRES of nne yellow nr ana ceaar; win
. ii iUHi una foot fHtiiMteri in Two. lO.
S. range ' E, Linn County, Oregon. This
will go at a sacrifice If taken soon. J. V.
C. J- M'CRACKEN. a04 McKay Bldg.
4S0 ACRES Umber land for sale In Klamath
County, Oregon; wriie jura.
Klamath Falls. Or.
$17,000 Implement business and buildings
in one of the best Southern Oregon
towns, to trade for diversified farm or
city property up to $13,300.
S27.00O equity In 4 houses In Laurelhurst,
value $8300 each, with $4000 mortgage-each,
and flat and store building,
$14 Ho, mortgage $3000; want a good
tacant lot. 100x100. on Union ave., or
good location lor business block. This
property will stand strict investiga-
710-718 Lewis bldg.,
4th and Oak.
Marshall 4200. A 71V.
Ranch of 3VO acres, worth $10,000, with
$4300 incumbrance; house and lot in Port,
laud, worth $;touo. clear of incumbrance;
.; acres with nice fruit and berries, on
electric line worth $2300; clear of incum
brance, and could include other property:
will exchange for good general store in
country town, or town In Valley; will con
sider stock of goods up to from $10,000 to
$130,000. Give full particulars when writ
ing. Address J. E. jSmlth, P. O. box 1131,
Portland. Or. .
will triple lou acres of A-l srarden land.
better than any beaverdam land that ever
existed; can grow anything. Value $4t.
W0; mortgage $lu.uo0. Will trade equity
for wheat farm; land must be clear. F
10 ACRES, close In. i mile to Oregon Elec.
trie Ry. and good town; u-room nuuee,
.-.m- .t ncrrti in hearing orchard and small
fruits; creek through place; $3yu; $2inK
mortgage, . years, t. per cent., i.iwcjuhj
to trade for. 5-room house not to exceed
$23o0. Taj lor Inv. Co., U23 Board of
2th ACRES of fine land inYamhlll County
price in vi w,,--w ,
stock OI narawaie in ne " .
splendid business; will consider exchang
ing stock separate. Want Curry County
.. ...i.or innH it QS treiroiiian.
iivi.: hniiic and lot in Weston. Or., one acre
in waiia wana ana one secouu ui iis6r
for $0.;7. $2000 equity in irvington nousc
value $MHm), totai value $7.i7, to trale
for yood farm aoout samo aiuc. u v,
w v vtrh s-'ViMiA to 173. 00O. stocks, seen
eral merchandise, in excuange tor re-
gun lands and some cash.
713 Cham, of Com.
WEST SIDE business properij. vai-wn
. fc.iA.nij- olnu In nn H t Price
jj. tn ..(...otj fn, tilllK) ritflAnce.
or vacant lot. E. J. Geiser, 420 Chamber
NEW 3-room, modern bungalows, on lot
iru,vi4Wt- rnt for $20.00 each: furnace In
each; good garage on grounds; trade for
timber claim or vacant lot. 4J5 Henry
bid. Tel. Main ioM.
ONE quarter block .iust of Cppr Wash
ington ft. : $15,000 equity to trade for
houses or lots or contracts or good flrst
cljiss paper. Owners only. Phone Main
4t ACRES In Texas Co., Missouri. 33 miles
from Springfield; all improved; 5 acres
In orchard: will take furniture, stock or
roommB-nouse. dui -wj, """"'
We have some of the best exchanges In
Oreson. Tell us what you have and want
ana you u get 11. .
Western Specialties Co., Hood River, Or.
h'ri.' .f a-1 fruit land: 5 acres in
fruit; good buildings; located at The
Dalles; value JSOOv. mortgage $.1400; to
trade tor City vacant or cyunj Swv
house. E 717. Oregonlan.
WILT trade for real estate or sell cheap.
i.t UAna.Hnrifonl. .V-horsepower auto-
mibie, that is slightly burned Write
Harry Lance. m -rm- 01 n wue
vrtn sti.E nr trade for Portland property.
240 acres, near Redmond, irrigated; also
40 acres. r mi, uregonwn.
u-1'i.N all cultivated. HmW; 1 tt ad
jiinin- free: r"t m crop now; S2000 down,
tia A.iskv b!d- Thornton.
WILL trade Portland residence property In
fc.....n. Hi-11-ict value 410. 000. for stock
of general merchandise. N 6t. Oregonian.
10-ACKE tracts fine improved land; easy
terms or exchange for city property or
ni e re n a n u 1 -e. . a . 1 " " -fc - . v.
V PA RTMENT-HOUSE wanted in exchange
. rw. mn.irn tviinralow: rive rvartiu-
ular- first letter. AN' Oregonian.
HAVE u 11 e 40 and two 10- a ere tracts as
nrst payment on s,"v-i
. . . , ' ' TT ; r-i,. l- ill ImHo fitr
n At itr on "i"' --'-' '
3-ton auto truck or city lots. Owner, East
WILL sell cr trade a 10-scre tract near
uregon r. . ei 1 1 it " -b
WILL accept a medium priced 1912 auto in
part payment for good 8-room house in
l-suremursL. ai. u ureuuiii.
YOUR CHANCE 240 acres, improved farm.
1 3rt pr acre, for Port laud property. F.
WILL exchange good r. ai estate for iurni-
turf or rooming -noiisw. rat gTn..
NEED furniture for 3 rooms only; first-
ciasst house: win iraue. .nij Aiuer u
TO EXCHANGE Eugene residence property
for port! an a property. inon- isiwr v. .
I WILL give good lot, no Incumbrance, for
40 acres, 23 acres in high state of cul
tivation. 3 acres timber, bal. pasture but
verv easily cleared. Family orchard ana
al' kinds of small fruit. S-room house,
good barn and outbuildings, stock and
farm implements all ready to go to work
Will take a grocery up to as first
payment. Price $7500. Land adjoining sells
for $2o and up without stock. Phone
Marshall 47$:-:.
303 Henry bids.
Situate In the city of Riverside. Cali
fornia: all in full bearing naval and seed
ling oranges: S-room house, barn for six
horses; packing-house; close to South
ern Pacific, Santa Fe and Salt Lake depots.
Price $20 000; no Incumbrance. Will ex
change for vacant property, unincum
bered, or would assume incumbrance in
come property, or would consider timber.
243 Stark st.
CLIENT wants modern house of 5 or
rooms; price not to exceea
pay $300 cash, balance monthly.
another client wants modern house
of t rooms. 3 bedrooms and bathroom must
he on second noor; price noi w r
$3300 will pav $300 cash, balance
monthly; both houses must be close to
car line. .
243 Stark st.
ll.'0-AORE Improved farm; 60 acres in cul
tivation, balance easily ctearea; one nine
to town: price $60 per acre. Want resl
rioncA nar 1'ninn or Williams ave. North.
Nice little 3-stand flouring mill, water
power. 20 acres of lanu, nouse anu
Want "residence or improved acreage.
G. M. FROST. 410 Abington bldg.
100x66 2-3 feet. Just across Broadway
bridge, improved with 2 six-room modern
houses; income $45 per month; will trade
$4775 equitv for good close-in land with
house on, balance owing $4225. This place
will double in price In the next j-ear.
1003-1006 Wilcox bldg. .
WILL exchange visible typewriter for pho
nograph. S 67, oregonian.
Thlrtv to 60 millions cheap. In Coast
Range, 'all In body; send net cash price
and location; no agents. Address J. N.
Brown, S12 Yeon bldg. Phone Main S550.
3 acres on East Side, close in, one block
to car, on improved street; sewer, water,
gas. electric light and furnace heat; good
7-room house; 100 bearing fruit trees; 4
acre berries, solendid garden soil, good
chlckenhouse and barn, o blocks- from
grammar school; rent $30 per month; pos
session at once; house is large enough and
conveniently arranged for two families.
No. 2 Lumbermens bldg. W. G. Ide,
owner. .
100 ACRES rolling land, 33 miles from Port-
lana, -14 irom slhuou nuu uwo-t. .......-..
has it-room house, large barn, equipped
.for dairy; milkhouse with spring water
piped through; chix house, orchard, o0
acres In cultivation; running water and
springs. No. 2 Lumbermen's bldg., th
and Stark. W. G. Ide. owner.
20 ACRES. 1 mile from Council Crest; suit
able for gardening; a gooa nouse nu
barn, running water. Main U426. C.
Rogers, Hillsdale, Oregon.
EXPERT Scandinavian gardeners want to
rent 10-15 acres at once, suitaDie ior veg
etables, with house and barn, within 12
miles of Portland. O 708. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent dairy farm, furnished.
Address Ira BiesecKer. Amooy. wasn.
WANTED to rent chicken and stock farra.
R. A. Whitsin, Miama, n aau.
Morses. Vehicles. Etc.
100 Horses and Mules 100
Monday, Jan. 2Uth. 10 A. M.
We will hold our first Spring sale of
horses, miles, vehicles and harness. Stock
sold on consignment; commission 5 per
cent. Sale held under cover, rain or
shine. nn
240 E. Sth st., near Hawthorne ave.
Phone E. Go 15.
FOR SALE One team of gray horses. 2200
pounds, $1; one pair 01 raaa-neu u'"-i
22U0 pounds, $-30; one pair good farm
team. 2300 pounds, $0u; one pair of
pacers, single or double, speedy, $22a;
one h2avy delivery horse, loO pounds,
irm. nnn iifRw ripiiverv mare. 1-OU
pounds, $100; one saddle pony, saddle and
riaie, oo; guioiurcu . v..
1107 . Stark; St.. Jiouwum-
Second-hand vehicles bough- and sold,
aew wagons and auto beds made to order.
Livery 1 urn ie lied to business parties at
special rates.
420 Hawthorne ave.
Phone E. 72.
B 1369.
We have ,ou hand about 100 head of
first-class and horses welglng from
1200 to I60O lbs., for sale or for hire.
If you are in the market come and see us.
240 E. Sth St. Phone K. 6315.
10 COWS. 1G horses, all farming imple
ments belonging to Vancouver dairy, X rl-
day, Jan. 17, at 311 4tn, Vancouver,
-ash. Sale rain or shine. R. Garnson,
owner. '
A FINE car of 1000 to 1600-pound young
. . . 1 u '-,,.-.t v-.r I'lnh crounda.
at eeunonable nrices and guaran
teed by Adams & Campbell. Residence
nhone. C 304. laoor suw.
FOK SALJii un ruuuei-vucu '
-,.. ja i,,uv u.-u trnri S.ilt' one
small horse. $30; 2 sets of harness. Apply
Tj. Xuritame.
I HAVE sold my farm and have ten mares,
WClRIlt irOIIl CUV fcW m - -"
ons, 4 double sets harness; can be seen
at 4it inn'"'"
FOR BALK -eaui. iiiuc., " " "1
chickens, lurnuure; uarBiu 1
once. 3 uivioioii, .. , aw w --, w
FOR SALE One gentle bay horse, buggy,
harness. Woodlawn 1249. S40 Mississippi
ave. .
TEAM weighing 2200; harness and a light
farm wagon; gooa wuimib, t' " "
Outfit. 469 East fcaimon.
tvj aood delivery horses, harness and
wagons for Bale cheap. Montgomery
Stables. 363 front su
GOOD pair ranch mares, sound, weight 2500,
FOR SALE Team of marcs, sound and
voung; cheap. 440 E. Morrison.
' pianos. Organs anil Musical Instruments.
PIANOS for sale; a few sample pianos and
olaer pianos that have been used for
wholesale display will be sold at factory
cost Koom 315 Merchants Trust blue
MUST at once sell $U75 piano fcr $130 cash.
Tel. Main .
Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock.
REAL Irish terrier puppies, best of pals,
true blue, the kind you can't lose. Johu
. n..n A4 ith mt Roth teleDhones.
GREAT champion Red Raven airedaje ter---
-turf. Laddix Kennels. Esiacada, Or.
ENGLISH bull pups, $10 and $20. Dr. Car
ney. :.,6 Ultsan.
FOR SALE cheap, fine thoroughbred Pom
eranian spits pup. Tabor 1317.
Furniture for Sale.
New and second -hand heating stoves
and flreless cookers for sale cheap. Call
tor MT. J.
FURNITURE of a 2-room apartment. $30;
bargain: party leaving city on account of
sickness. Phone Marshall 3So.
GOING East, furniture of S-room house for
-ale cheap: rent $22.50, income $30. 672
Belmont. .
rL'KNITUKE of nice tt-room modern house
for sale. Price $25"; 3 rooms rented for
f40. 26 E- 7th st. South.
UoU WEST PARK. Furniture of five-room
cottage; a bargain. Phone Main W5gS.
40G PARK. Sacrifice furniture five-room
1 three rented upper fiat, sleeping porch.
SEE this bargain Furnttureeigbt rooms,
desirable location. Main &277.
Ii3 6-CVL. peeilejs. fully equipped; prac
ticallv new; out of factory about two
months; electric self-starter and lighting
svstem; two extra tires and trunk. For
quick sate, tusi w-
DURING dull season will overhaul your car
at half price; work guaranteed, as we hire
no amateurs. Phone East 2119, Belmont
H WE a 1912 Chalmers Roadster, 30-H. P.,
run 00O miles, fully equipped; will sell
for $50 down, $25 monthly. H. At water,
a-o u -nT-v hirfc. Marshall 3117.
WANTED Second-hand automobile, 5-pas-senxer
30-h.p.. In good condition, not
over $73". Call or address G. H. CarL
4UO-4'7 Henry bids.
BET cash offer takes 5-passentcer . auto, in
good condition, fully equipped. Call Ta
bor 4441.
ONE 3-ton and one IH-ton auto truck and
g-od business. 304 Flanders. Phone M.
A atomobiles.
A C T O 8
We have a few good buys in slight- .
ly used trucks and cars of different
makes traded in on
Also some bargains In rebuilt trucks
and cars.
Write for latest list and description
mention the make you prefer.
prices from $500 to $3000.
Offices, 69 Seventh St.,
Portland, Or.
If you do and haven't enough money to
pay cash, we will lend you two-thirds of
the purchase price. You can repay us in
32 monthly installments. No brokerage
charged and only interest at S per cent
per annum.
Thad Sweek, Gen. Mgr.,
612 Swetland Bldg.
Phone Main 43S7.
lull. FIVE-PASSENGER automobile.
ceilent condition, fully equipped; owner
going East, must aacrince ror .w.w.
Original cost $1700. Dunning. Main 4535
or A 2..50.
-CYLINDER Reo, suitable for light deliv
ery; $HK cash. 73 Sixth st.
A 45-horsepower. 350-volt Crocker
Wheeler motor, complete, with standard
blade starter, no voltage release and 75-
ampere overload. 1. 1. m. circuit Dreaaer,
In A-l condition. ' Address, room 203 Ore
gonlan bldg. '
On 125-volt direct-current generator.
complete, with field rheostat, am-meter
and circuit breaker. This machine is in
good repair. Address, room 203, Orego
nian bldg.
A 40-K. W., 530-volt Crocker-Wheeler
venerator, complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker, in good condition.
Address, room 203, Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Sawmill to cut about 1000 ties
per uav- maenmery must De in gouu
ditlon;' no junk. State present location,
list of equipment and price. Box O o'J7,
Oregonian. .
iu-IXCH Leppell turbine, castiron case. Call
Marshall 5132.
WHITE LEGHORN pullets, hens, cocks.
, 1 lnrn nrxkiner a T.'.P SI fllld
irom unite juu-i uv -- 7 . .
a few at $1.50. Phones, Lents 4314, Mar.
3910. C. O. Reagan, Lents, R. F. D. No. I.
COWS for sale; 15 head extra fine fresh
a airy cows, jersey, iui jiaina nuu ,
take Woodstock car to frith ave., go 3
FOR SALE Good fresh dairy and family
cow, Jersey and Durham. A. Hess, mi.
east of Lents.
One 2-oven steel range in good repair;
1 G. S. Blodgett bake oven. No. 115. near
ly new; also 1 Boms steel plate broiler,
nearly new; I am Installing larger equip
ment and wish to dispose of these articles
at once. Inquire of Weinhard. Astoria
Hotel, Astoria, Or. ,
Sacrifice sile. The Men's trousers I
sell at $2.25 would cost you $3.50 in a
high-rent store on the ctreet. Jimmy
Dunn, room 315, Oregonian bldg. Take
We furnish Portland's best rose-growers.
Phone evenings, Sellwood 1685. Geo.
W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer In fer
tilisers. OLD SAFES taken in exchange on new and
steel office safes. Safes opened, repaired.
Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.,
t3 3th St. phone M. 6.J09.
FIFTY to 100 sacks fine Burbank pota
toes for sale, or will trade for groceries,
household goods, stock or farm imple
ments. B 6H9, Oregonian.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $6.
62 Stark Street.
SAFES New and second-hand, large assort
ment, low prices, safes opened, repaired.
Mosler Safe Co., 108 Second st. Main 7676.
RENT a visible typewriter 3 months for
$4; convenient at home. 333 Ankeny st.
Phone Main 6273, A 4441.
LIBRARY table, gas range, water heater,
sanitary couch, curtains and knickknacks,
dirt cheap. 872 Commercial st.
AMERICAN BEAUTIES Ten 7x10 art ptc,
lures of famous actresses, $1.00. Mall
vour order now. AJ 641, Oregonian.
EAST 530, DEL AN Y PLACE. B 105.
DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B.
Haley Desk Co., 210 Seventh st. Main 587.
USE Basse tt's Native Heros for constipa
tion ; 50 tablets for 25c All druggists
MOVING-PICTURE machine. In good order,
very cheap. Call at 1S .Porter st.
WANTED All the second-hand furniture in
Portland. Room 16. Hotel Rainier.
$10 FOR good 2d-hand $25 trunk, medium
sire. Phone Main 5215.
GOOD visible typewriter very cheap.
693. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A brass-bound cedar chest, $12
Phone Marshall 1953.
NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices.
Povey, 351 Wash., basement. Main 606.
WELL-ROTTED manure. East 4926.
Highest prices paid for ladies and men's
cast-off clothing and shoes. C-ll Main
20S0 230 list st.
WE buy for cash second-hand National
Cash Registers and sell them on easy
terms. W. J- Aiacauiey, isurnsiae su
Phones, Main Ifrlti, A iai6.
WILL buy any kind of hair combings; high
est cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par
lors. 400 Deaum Diag.
WE pay the highest cash price for second
hand furniture. M. R. Seat is. Phone East
8134. 34S Hawtnorne ave.
FAIR DEAL reopened again; we pay high
est prices for your 2d-band clothing and
household goods. Main 972.
WE pay highest price for second-hand cloth
ing. 94 3a. Jiain u-t.
NATIONAL cash register; price must be
reasonaole. Main bus.
$10 FOR good 2d-hand $25 trunk, medium
size. I'none jiam .uio.
Martin. 320 Lumber Exchanee bide.
WANTED Good home gpr two Maltese klt-
FORD Auction Co- pays most cash for any
kind of furniture. Alain 8931. A 4a.
NEAT kaominInc. $2.30 a room. Wood
work cleaned. Paintiup. etc. Main 1412.
EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell our homes
in all parts of the city on easy payment
plan, and close-in restricted residence lots
on both the East and West Sides; also
ciose-in acreage. We furnish some pros
pects and assist in closing sales. We
supply lots ana nuua to suit purcnaser
Liberal commissions. Ask for sales man
Second Floor Selling Bldg.
We are looking for a saiesmanager for
the state of Oregon. You must come
well recommended and be capable of or
ganixing a sales force. Our proposition
is a big one, covering the entire United
states, ana ie yuu cu snow u. we w m
do the rest. Ask for Mr. Clarke, No.
7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 10 A. iL
to S P. M.
We can use two good salesmen for
191.1. Rea' estate, insurance or stock sales
men preferred. Our proposition is selling.
We are established and if you are a cap
able man you can make big money. Ref
erences required, ask ior ir. tnay, -u
Main street. Vancouver, wasn.
BOYS wanted. 18 to IS y2ars of age, to
learn wholesale hardware business; ex
cellent opportunity for advancement.
Give phone number. AM 663, Oregonian.
(One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C A.
Young man. stranger, seeking employ
ment $20 his total cash asset) If I pay
you $5 for emplovment membership I wtij
have only $15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership you will have the . al
C. A. with all its resources between you
and starvation. , ..
Result: Young man joined association.
In less than a week he had satisfactory
employment. .
Recoid for 12 months ending December
Call for men f1-"
Positions filled
Employment -membership guarantees
member will secure employment or refund
of full membership fee; giVfcs two months
full membership privileges. 10 months so
cial privileges and undertakes to keep
member employed during the full term
of membership without further charge.
Constant demand for lLLkilau
See Secretary Employment Department.
Y. M. C A.
We give the public the best value for
their money. Lots in our new tract. Rose
Park, 50x1 uO, now offered at advance
sale for fSOO, Including improvements.
Tract is on Sandy Boulevard, between
Rose City Park and Park Rose and these
lots are less than two blocks from car
line. Best value, all things considered,
ever offered in Portland. If you can sell
anything, you can sell these. Can use
few more men. Call 304 Oak street and
see Mr. McCrillis.
Successors to Hartman-Thompson Realty
WANTED Salesman to sell good cheap lots
within 25 minutes' walk from the Union
Meat Co.'b Dlant. on the Columbia chan
nel;- also 25 minutes' ride on streetcar
from 2d and ashtngton sts. ; lots ere
selling from $10t to $225 each on easy
terms: the nronertv Is well located and
easy to sell; at the price and terms this
property Is seining salesmen maxe gooa
monev. For further Dartlculars see J. F.
Dopplemaler, 023 Chamber of Cojnmerce
DKig., city. mono jaarsnau uwi.
A FEW high-class salesmen to sell central
Warrentou property, at the mouth of the
Columbia. No such opportunity has ever
hpforA hean offered in the West. Nothing
compares with it in merit as the coming
great seaport, and many ales are now
beinir easiiv made. Call only between 10
and 12. Columbia Harbor Land Co., 90--2-3
Wilcox bldg.
X want a live man or company to
handle one of best and fastest selling real
estate propositions in Oregon; lots of help
and big commissions to right parties. Call
at room 407 Hoyt Hotel, between U:30
and 1 P. M.. this week onli
WANTED Industrial publicity commission
er; application received until January 30:
give age, experience, references, salary ex
pected ; duties to begin at once. J. N.
Addison, secretary Industrial Development
League, Nanaimo, t. C.
ONE man's commission last week, $230,
selling Washington Nursery Company
trees. If you can walk, talk and write an
order, write us today for territory. Wash
ington Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash.
equipped tent and complete outfit, with
electric connections and full stock ma
terial, for sale, $250; worth $500; all set
up knd doinij business, at Kelso, Wash.
Apply to Photographer.
REMUNERATIVE positions paying salary
and commission offered men of intelli
gence; no experience required; tne aeeire
to earn a comfortable living bein the only
requisite. Apply 9 to 12 only, 41S Mohawk
bid-'.. 3d and Morrison sts.
WANTED Good bond salesman to place se
offered is especially attractive. Write
fully, giving reference. Address AD 710,
WANTED Capable man for the exclusive
agency of "Winoa miJjLiS ' nosiery ana
undftr'woar. established business. G. W.
Boozer, 417 Arcade bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
BOY to ride wheel and learn hardware
business; steady joo ana gooa xuture ior
right boy. Call today after 9 A. M., 311
Oak st.
For road show; lead, comedian, char
acter and gen. bus. Phone Main 2229,
room 325. bet. 11 and 3.
WANTED A young man with good educa-
positlon. AD 705, Oregonlan.
WANTED 2 live men to sell sewing ma
chines; bona requirea. Appiy at
Washington st
BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house; must be
first class; state age, experience, refer
ences, phone number. H 601. Oregonian.
WANTED Carpenters, out of town. $3 per
day, free tare. oan t ree cmpiu.wneui
Office. 9 A. M-, Thursday and Friday.
MAN of good appearance to represent local
Vi t unPi!flni1 Annlv -ftcv O
M. 302 Northwest bldg.
PHOTO Coupon; best offer; snap for agents.
Cutbertn atuaio. em ieH.uin mug.
PHOTO-COUPON agents; best ever offered.
Van Dyck Studio. 404 Washington st.
WANTED One good shoe repairer. H. Sai-
minen, osu jonnson sireci
THOROUGHLY experienced silk salesman.
Roberts Bros.
PROFESSIONAL, 1st tenor only. Call room
41. Seillng-Hirsch bldg.. 12:30 to 2 P. M.
PHOTO solicitors: best offer in city. Sarony
studio. 346 Morrison st.
YOUNG lady of neat appearance to do spe
cial work for local corporation; must be
able to do collecting; eaiary paid. Apply
U I Lot 1U W. .U. , iJJ iiui til r co- "'Uh
WANTED Shoefitters; steady work, good
pay. r rdu n. ol ry uiau, juv., a u wtoou o i.w
G. M. Kittz Shoe Co., ISth and Bryant
ts.. San Francisco
GIRL living near 21st and Everett, 11 A. M.
to 2 P. M. and 5 P. M. to 8 P. M. each day.
some housework and care of 2 children;
$4 per week. Main 34Jb.
WANTED Girl tor light housework; two
in family; good home; small wages. Ap
ply 9S2 Hawthorne ave. after 6 P. M.
Phone B 2102.
WANTED-1 A nursegirl. Apply Lieutenant
Robinson, quarters No. 10, ancouver -Jar-racks.
WANTED 3irl for general housework
small family; wages $20 per month. Ap
piy 204 East 20tb st.
WANTED Folders and stackers, flat work
dept. ' Portland Laundry Co., 9th and
Couch. -
EXPERIENCED lady marker and sorter.
Palace Steam Laundry Co., E. 10th and
Everett. .
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re.
sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
TRAVELING solicitors, $3 day, expenses;
cooks, waitresses. Howe's Agency, 35,
270 1 Washington.
wavtf.D A eirl for house won. on a
farm. Inquire Belvedere Hotel, 4th and
Alder sts.
EXPERIENCED laundry maid wanted by
the month for private family; wages $35.
Main 7143.
WANTED Experienced girl, general house
work and cooking; no washing; $30-. B
1499. S2. E. .Main.
m hi. fnr general housework; no cooking
good home and good wages to the right
part y. ;n uin
Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room 35,
near 4th. pnone aiain paao or a q.ou.
km aht -irl to work in manufacturing de
partmenL American Chicle Co., 14th and
GERM- N-SPEAKING girl or middle-aged
woman for general nouseworK. -iwi uac
son, near West Park. Main 3055.
WOMAN, living near 23d st., to wash cur-
v.n.t r-o 11 ha famnhntl I'A'i
and Hoyt.
i- ( itii CCC C-.narliin(ioH Etpariv Tlfisilinil
good wages. Meves Restaurant, 311 Wash.
YOUNG lady stenographer for real estate
and insurance; $3t per month. Write AP
COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, second
girls. St. Louis Agency. M. -HJO, A 4773.
GIRL for housework, German preferred. 43
Larrabee st.
WANTED First-class waitrea
st. .
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply fi iNortn z-in su -uer jo .n-. m.
WANTED Fist-clasf; manicuring girl, re
fined. Board of Trade barber shop.
GIRL to assist in general housework at Rose
Citv Park. Telephone Tabor 34-1.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone
Tabor 845. or call 060 E. 59th st. N.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply OI BCllUyWi xt r ny .
WANTED Experienced stenographer. Ap
ply Jbo iiiumaiae.
WANT ED Waitress. Apply Creamerie Res
taurant. WANTED Competent manicurist. Corbett
Building uamer oavy-
v TjESLADY thoroughly experienced In
dress trimmings. Roberts Bros.
TWO exrerienced waitresses.
2ti Morrison.
Inquire at
APPRENTICE wanted at he Up-to-Date
Beauty Parlors. 610 Swetland bldg.
THOROUGHLY experienced silk saleswom
an. Roberta jroa
First-class solicitor. $3 per day and expenses-
polisher for laundry, $9 per week;
waitresses. $8 and $8.50 per week; house
keepers and girls for general houaawork
at good wages.
Ladies Dept. Morrison St.
THE Domestic Service Bureau. 306 Central
bldg.. receives daily calls from the best
of homes for competent, reliable glrla for
general housework, cooks, second worK
and nurse maios.
NEAT woman, under 30. housekeeper. SL
Louis Agency. Main 2030.
MAN and wife to act as janitors for small
apt. -house; 3-rooin apt. and small salary.
Appiy vt . join.
WANTED Ladv or gentleman to solicit;
can make $2 to $6 a day. Call 1-0
ti ranu ave-, roo m 1
FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions tor
teachers. 816 Journal bldg. M 4835.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; positions se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering, 2110
West tevenia, auscicb.
266-6S Hth st., cor. Jefferson.
Practical instruction in repairing and
driving automobiles; tuition reasonable,
part cash on enrollment; balance at time
of graduation; we assist our graduates to
r. ; .J-., ntirf av-uninir lUKflL
IN your search for a position wouldn t tht
Elans that another man used with aucceas
e of value to you? Clever ways of get
ting in direct touch with openings; pub
lished by the author; send for descriptive
circular; very nominal price. AH 630, Ore
ui MEN. 20 to 40 years old, wanted at one
for electric railway motormen and con
ductors; $60 to $100 a month; no ex
perience neces3ary; fine opportunity; no
strike: write immediately for application
i. a , v Oreroman.
100 MEN and women to learn the barber
trade in S weeas. m an u " -----
. i . . j ,,niD mn a free i learn
a trade that you can get In business for
y ourseii. muift ' P . ... --
INVESTIGATE Guaranteed instructions
moving-picture oyoi-uui, .... . -
practice, can refer to best theaters in
city. Rex Operators' School, 304 Allsky
bldg., 3d and jgorrigou.
ual instruction; shorthand, typewriting
bookkeeping; day and night classes. t4.
Hamilton piog. '-"f-
STENOGRAPHERS, any system, trained and
placed in good positions; individual in
struction., C30 Worcester block. Marshall
RAILWAY mail clerks. $90 month; Port
land examinations coming ouu,
free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 839 W
Rochester, IN. i
. .1 . t- .-.n .mi t n cit-rkH1 evamina
tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up
to $180O. prepare. Free book. Pacific
States fcnooi. Jicrway diu6-
. htcjo t Kr.-iT' a r; c
with experienced teacher. Rev. Ng, 21
First st
.X ,,.,,,11 at nni'it fn Uarn to drlv
and repair autos. Madison Garage. Call
Ilil Hawthorne ave
I 7T. tTTZ Kq rhar ! r S (1 ft
in 8 weeks; position guaranteed. Oregon
iiarDer uoi'fBc. --
wvTrn Picture-Dlav writers: big pay;
we'll t-sacn you; .ice iuiuuiiu. v.i.n
Play Afsociation, u o, auu f muw-v.
MAKE money writing short stories tot
newspapers; big pay; iree
how. United Press Synd. D 3, 'San Fran'co.
1 teach you how to make mirrors; make $10
per day. ror
Mr Hord. 723 Chamber ot Commerce bldg.
WANTED Man to buy business that clears
$30 tO ?-" per w ; V111,0 k"
today. 4;)i lamuui bi.
SHORTHAND, . typewriting school, 269 14th
st. Main 3ya. expert nisnum-mu.
Bookkeepers and Clerks
TO LUMBERMEN Office man. expert book
Keeper, BLeuub"i'" ...... , - .
sires position; liave a clear record, and
can give Donu iui ujbh um.. - .
ere nets; can luetm v.wUU-. f ..
tern; familiar with lumber tariffs; quick
and accurate and a hard worker; strictly
temperate; iiiiii nuu.
or address 617 Tenmo ave
Acbb oiiice '"i'o'j-, ' 1 n
secreiarj, cuMcsf"""1''1! 1 1 7 v,
ograpner, accusLouico. v n'jB
-,l-- nn.nlti?. reasonable salary. AN
MIDDLE-AGED man with -experience In
with lumber concern or wholesale house,
..-oMno. tn hPrin in clerical nosltion, AM
. ranntatllMI rfpftlrea DO
5ltion; nas mm ticuvat -
beat o refeiencen. J. L.. Parsons. 8.0 6lh
st., city.
..n honk. rreDara balance ana .tat
menia. Install yttem. Gllllnsham. au
ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall ill.
ivoi..rt cnnuniinir seEVlce rendered as re
Quired; highest credentials. Main
A tflld.
YOUNG man, 23 years of age, with 8 years'
office experience, desires position In city,
K. A. EaatwooQ. go n
.-.l-!..!.-.! i.v vminip man with book
keeping aW clerical experience. AS 7t7,
1'OUNG man, 32, stranger, 6 years carpen
ter also some experience surveying and
mapping. can read blueprints. wants
steadv work with carpenter and builder;
later on. If mutually agreeable, would like
to become working partner. Address box
H. imp, oregonian. .
CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. 4 years on hlgh-
crade cars; expert driver; extremely careful-
keeo your car In perfect condition;
I. -.J: . K.ii. -write to a. P. Petersen.
oj coucn et., v. y...
JAPANESE expert family cook wants post-
perienees, with many years in the city or
couniry; uo-i .
HOUSE foreman capable of taking entire
charge from excavating to finish; first
class references furnished. AV B3U, Ore
gon mn
M LE, experienced cook wants a steady po
sition in the city; good, sober and reliable,
all around man. Call Main 719i or A WJ2L
Ask for Brown, room uvo
WANTED, by married man, position driving
delivery wagon, ,r ,
ences. phone East 4074 or address AN
tiTN. , Oregonian
MAN 23 years of age, wants position as
collector, u" V , . "
vancemenx. iU,u "
flrat-clasa references. AM 7o3. Oregonian.
... . .-n.i-ii rlrivlnir tpHm tn rllV bV
good teamster, one .who understands the
City. L P-l. uresummi
... . t t-vr AnnL- marrlod nhr rell
bic, wants position in city. Phone Mar
shall -H'-O
t-, t.-r . ua nnmiri inn Tnnilnn.nlPturA OO
erator; good references. X 6tiS, Ore-
work, or would rent furnished place. 4U
coiumrjia v. in
YOUNG man (Norwegian) wants work;
handy with blacksmith, carpenter tool.
i ..-im &w Tok Orponla n.
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
nth' Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, mgr.
MAKItlED man dealres position as janitor.
t'none ijtwi. -. 4.iHa..u ,
SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper or any
office work by man aged 30. with 12 years'
experience. O uregonian
n' ivTirn i.ieht work: on the inside b
man of 40; has been sick for 2 months. H
0iM, Oregonian. t
WANTED Position as structural designer
. -r-w ... 1 1 v. i.nntrptAT or architect:
hest or references. 'jvr vo, u'"ini-
MAN thoroughly understanding the care of
young anu m " " .
large orchard, aj o,
CHAUFFEUR, young man, wishes nosltion.
truck or private; sober; good references.
Phone bast to or wcB'""-
EXPERIENCED Japanese cbauffeur wants
position in priXMLO luW- wvw, --
FIRST-CLASS bread and cake baker wanU
steady position, x ""u
but a baaer. qj, yiB""
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position
in prn t-q "
LOGGING blacksmith and helper; good
ret erencea- ' - --
EXPERIENCED chauffeur, married. wishes
position, private or iruiin.
JAPANESE boy wants afternoon or evening
.. r-l- a o 7trt. Oreeonian.
JAPANESE wants situation in family, to do
Ilgrit worn, u w p-"-"-'
COMPETENT gardener wants work; plain
country. AN tfSl, Oregonian.
REGISTERED druggist desires, relief work
MAN wants work on farm, thoroughly un
derstands tne pusinesa. 010. vfrgwi.
EXPERIENCED janitor. Call Main 6mV
RnnLbMni and St enocraphers.
STENOGRAPHER. 4 years' experience In
un.r.i n?Tic work de
sires position; accurate, rapid, good in de
tail work, capable of answering eorre-
.nnAn'. w-.. rif.rnrM. RRUt 34S2.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper can take full
. . .,. t fi'iii r"tT--
cnarRO 01 on ice; riicirni.c. v -
con i.i n.
EXPERIENCED and efficient bookkeeper
ueire poi i un ncu i jjusiuvu.
Marshall 416i.
YOUNG lady stenographer desires position;
gooa ret erences. r-none p
YOUNG lady, stenographer, wishes position.
Marshall 2110.
PERMANENT position by good stenograph-
NIGHT work wanted, half or all night; n
liable, capame man, g o, j. urrFmwu.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by lady from
East; Will go OUl oy me , vnvrm rvn-
sonable. Call after 7. Phone Main 810o,
apartment 2. '
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, satisfaction
Kuaranteeu, price roouuwi, o emu
tumes a specialty. Phone E. 6h4U. Cody
Apts.. E. 7th and Taylor St., room 84.
MRS. FISH, New York designer, makes
gowns up: alteration, uiy t-n.-.,.
prices. 3H Ansay uihr., ju wm "-
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes a few
more appointments at 12 per day. 'Phona
JOIN private class in sewing. Call Main 8181
Tor information.
LADY wants orders In needle art. phona
.Marshall 37i'i. -
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants case;
will do housework. Jiain w.
PRACTICAL nurse. 3 years' experience.
Phone East .vz. jioom
WIDOW with 12-year-old boy desires posi
tion as housekeeper ior rwpwiiie
Elderly couple preferred. AN 64, Ore-
pon la n.
EXPERIENCED woman wants position.
housekeeper or enamuermaiu, buw
AD 708. Oregonlan.
LADY with 3-year-old girl wishes position.
housekeeper. AJ mz, urenomwiu
LADY with baby wishes position as house-
HOUSEKEEPING by lady with daughter 13,
in city, small wagra. wamnmi '-''.
WIDOW with two boys wishes to keep houss
ior a wiaowr. iw. uif.vHi.'..
FIRST-CLASS woman cook, hotel or bosrd-
lng-hOUSe; aiSO experifnceu ptvuuiau b"'i
chamberwork. Main 2U3U. A 4775.
CAPABLE girl wants general housework.
West sine; gooa reierencti, yvv ven,
gonlan. m
WANTED Position in housework where
young woman can earn ooaru. nu
for herself and husband ; good cook.
ThnnA Main 65.
FIRST-CLASS cook, boarding-house, club, or
noioi. -in, vLuiiiina"
THOROUGHLY experienced laundress and
dav worker wants worn; ueai w- inn
ences given. Phone East 1H'.5.
EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants
work, wasn ins; ana iruniuu. -.iuH
shall 41)!l7.i
LADY employed in office desires place to
i i .nif In d-. ftr Tnnm ana
WOI K. mOIIUUgS amu w-'-oo .
board. Phone c ziva cvciuubb.
EXPERIENCED girl wants work by the
montn in iamny ur imLci. .
WOMAN wants work by the day or week.
Call A 40-9. ,
TWO women want work by day or hour.
Phone B 2S67. apartment S.
LADY wUhes to care for infant In her
home. Phone Sellwood 402.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Main 6S1. room 3 In Annex.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Phone Main 7140, room LS.
VERY capable second girl wants work;
private family. A J tf77, Oregonlan.
WOMAN wants work by day or hour, phone
Sellwood ISO.
YOUR rooms need cleaning of course. Phone
Main 718. rildo the rest,
EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of
work by day Main 4217.
i Houses.
WANTED TO RENT By responsible party
by May 1, a modern 9 or 10-room house
(West Side) on 3 to 5 years' lease. O ttUU.
Phone Main 3333. tor?'
A OttlS. apartment.
m a vk-REHD CO.. 207 Railway Exchange,
WANTED 5 or 6-room, furnished cottage
111 ,.ii,. nmmla Mimt lift modem
and good location. Call 6U1 Louch bldg.
Aiarsnau otiv.
GOOD, homelike, G or 7-room J1""' Iur
nisuea. uwubib vmr.
FURNISHED llat wanted by a couple good
tenants; references if required. West bide.
WANTED To exebange painting, tinting or
..7 - i.f nnc Ol- tWO hoUSC-
VAVnin-- rooms. AN Oregonian.
WANTED By graduate nurse, a U1"
warm oea-sntins-w-'. -
Bnsmes Place.
WANTED Office room in firm in exchange
for part time services; real estate pre
ferred. G 683, Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
Ella sts. Absolutely respectable, under
new management aud up to date.
Rooms. 1 person. 3 and up week y.
Rooms, 2 persons. $4 and up weekly.
Rooms, 1 person. $10 and up monthly.
Rooms. I persons, 13 and up monthly.
2ti 13th St., at Washington.
Rooms with detached bath, SJ.W to 53
per week; rooms with private bath, -'-
to 127.r per month; a first-class residen
tial hotel under the personal management
of the owner. J. W. Bushong.
131 Eleventh Street.
New modern brick building; steam
heated: private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms; beautifully furnished, cozy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
One block from Union Depot; HO out
side rooms, with all modern conveniences,
n.aklng special rates to Permanent guest s,
rates from lt per month up. Gl f
call and you will be more than pleased.
Just step in and look at a nice, warm,
sunny room; hot and cold water; beau
tlSVly furnished and homelike, at
PKICE tSat will CKKTA1M.Y suit you.
If you are wise 3 "
Washington st. a. lUth
Absolutely fireproof. laO outsld. room,
and Junes. 70 with Private bath hot and
raid runnlnit water, steam heat and botli
nons in every room. Centrally local.d.
$17.50 per month and up. ,
European and American plan: 75 eent.
Intfle 1 double, Kuropean; 1.i5 American-
'rales bv the month 15and upward;
nest 'i .
HOTEL BKNW1CK Ideal home tor bun
ness people; centrally located ; elegant
rooms- all modern conveniences. 7th and
Tavlor sts.. 1 block from 1'ortland Hotel.
.jj).. -
HOTEL EIICIID, under new management.
18th and Washington; 10 well-f urnlshed
rooms, also suites with private bath, vary
reasonable to permanent guests
91 Columbia st. Hot and cold water,
,team heated, close walking dl"ta"?.e
it-rlftKK service. Marshall 51118, A 3310.
HOTEL STANDISH, 548 Washington St.
Remodeled, open under new manage
ment; clean, sunny, outside rooms, with
running hot and cold water; 10 l. onth up.
Beautifully furnished outsldo rooms;
rood homelike cooking; cosy reception
narlor. 710 Washington st. Main Ml
BEAI'TIFUL newly furnished rooms at The
Kt.wttrt. 14514 Seventh St.: warns and
modem: from per month up
S2 TO 3 week. Including bath, hot water
and real heat; no fake; 7 blocks to f. O.
Hotel caaiuac. ..u. t-i
HOTfcL vtJlti'-' a, .u.' A.. ....
New strictly modern, private hatns ana
milte.; room, .o.w v - - -
luaity t.v, 010 anv" wiui.
3-paas. automooiic ax v wi cguui-u.