THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1913. IS CURE. PERKINS BELIEVES Even Brain Power, if Harmful, . Should Be Restrained, Thinks Financier. VOTING TRUST EXPLAINED Putting Stock Exchange ITnder Fed eral Control Favored Gambling Indulged In "Even by Farm " er Who Sells His Wheat. (Continued From First Page.) the stand when the committee resumed the hearing. Samuel Untermyer, counsel for the committee, asked: "What Is your present occupation?" "Well. I am a student lust now," answered Sir. Perkins with a smile. "I also spend considerable time testi fying before congressional committees." Mr. Perkins told of having been a member of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., and of his connection with the United States Steel Corporation. He was still a director and member of the finance committee of the corporation, he said, and had a great deal to do with Its business organization after It was formed. Mr. Perkins, as a director of the steel corporation and the Inter national Harvester Company. Is a de fendant in the Government's suit for dissolution of those concerns. roastble Immunity Discussed. As Untermyer began to question him about those two companies, there was much speculation among lawyers and others present as to whether Mr. Perkins" answers would give him im- munlty from any possible Government prosecution. Mr. Perkins said the corporation bought Its own stock only, so far as he knew, to be Bold to employes under profit-sharing schemes. "We never knew of the corporation's buying Its own stock ib protect It In the market and know of no pools to manipulate the market in steel stock," he said. "Do you believe that directors should be allowed to trade In the stock of their own corporations, on advance informa tion secured by them through their connection with the corporation?" asked Mr. Untermyer. "I do not," said Mr. Perkins. "The Steel Corporation was the first big corporation to give entire publicity to Its affairs, was It not?" asked Mr. Untermyer. "Tes, so far as I know." Publicity Is Favored. Mr. Perkins said he believed all cor porations should give publicity to all Iheir affairs. "Now, as to the organization of the Harvester Company, that was -more particularly your Job, was It not?" v "It was," said Mr. Perkins. Mr. Untermyer told Mr. Perkins that he did not wish to ask any questions that might bear upon the suit of the Government against the Harvester "trust." "In fairness to myself and the com mittee," said Mr. Perkins, "I suggest that I have Just testified In that suit and it would be difficult for me to testify about the Harvester Company without infringing on the matters at issue." Mr. Untermyer dropped the question as to the Harvester Company after the witness had said he was a member of its finance committee. Mr. Perkins said he was one of the original voting1 trustees of the Bankers' Trust Com pany. "What useful purpose Is served by placing the voting power of a trust company in the hands of a few trus tees ? asked Mr. Untermyer. Voting Trust Explained. Mr. Perkins answered that he be lieved a voting trust was used in organizing a new concern, to insure its being run along certain lines Indorsed by the trustees. He declared he did not believe persons ought to have the power to go out and buy one or two shares of stock and then demand repre sentation on a board of directors, and "raise hob with the institution." Mr. Untermyer asked if Mr. Perkins hsd formed an idea as to the desir ability of "placins the Stock Exchange under legal control." Mr. Perkins said he favored putting the Stock Exchange under Federal con trol. . "What legislation would you recom mend against abuses on the Stock Ex change?" "Well, that Is a matter that leads Into detail. I believe that many of the co-called abuses would cure themselves with plenty of publicity." said Mr. Perkins. Even Farmers Gamble. "What would you do about manipu lation of prices to produce false values?" asked Mr. Untermyer. "Well, that Is a difficult question." said Mr. Perkins. "That form of gambling Is indulged In even down to the farmer who sells his wheat this Winter for delivery next Spring." Mr. Perkins sold he knew nothing personally about manipulation of stocks. Albert F. Burrage. of Boston, testi fied before the committee that he was an organizer of the Amalgamated Copper Company In 1896. He named as Ms associates William Rockefeller. Marcus Daly. H. H. itosers and others. Burrage could not remember how much was made by the organizers in tun -ing over the various properties to tiie Amalgamated. -Was the profit 139.000,000?" asked Untermyer. "I could not say." answered Burrage. He could not remember his own profits nor those of Thomas W. Lawson. Will lam Rockefeller and Rogers. Burrage said he got his profit in se curities, fio far as he could remember, and did not get any Butte & Boston or Boston & Montana. Barrage Forgets la Millions. "Will you say that your profit was not more than $5,000,000?" asked Un termyer. . "I could not say." answered Burrage. He knew of no records of the deal. "M-.en this entire deal, involving J75. 000.0. was accomplished without the scratch of a pen?" asked the counsel. "Tes so far as I, know." "The public cams in in shoals, didn't It" asked Untermyer. "Yes. you might say that." said Bur- rape. He could not say whether the "In siders" entered large requests for sub scriptions to the stock, but he knew that before the stock was allotted the price had gone to $115 or $120 per $100 share. About $375,000,000 of offers, he said, were received for the $75,000,000 of stock. Burrage could not remember details of operation by which Amalgamated took over Boston & Montana and Butte & Boston. Boston & Butte, Burrage said, was accumulated on his advice. Later, he said, the Globe Bank of Boston failed, holding a large block of Boston & Montana stock. Just prior to the failure, he said, Lawson conducted a vigorous advertising cam paign, "bulling" Butte &- Boston and "bearing" Boston & Montana. He did not believe Lawson's advertising cam paign had any relation to the Globe failure. Amalgamated Fronts Large. Burraee said that Butte & Boston stock was exchanged for Amalgamated at a rate of four shares or Amalga mated for one of Butte & Boston, which, with Amalgamated at 130, made a price of 520. Boston & Montana, he said, was exchanged share for share with Amal gamated in the merger. Untermyer asked if Rogers and Rockefeller had not acquired Butte & Boston and Boston Montana and had then as directors of the Amalgamated voted to buy this stoca for themselves. But Burrage did not remember. "But you know that the value of these stocks increased from $30,000.- 000 to $104,000,000 when they were transferred to the Amalgamated?" "Yes. a profit for those who held the shares." answered Burrage. Burrage said that in 1904 he ordered :l his papers and accounts destroyed jecause Lawson and Rogers were en gaged In an altercation. "They were both friends of mine and 1 did not wish to become Involved," sa.d Burrage. The committee In executive session determined that Chairman Pujo and At torney Untermyer should visit William Rockefeller and take his testimony In spite of the opposition of Mr. Pujo. The determination followed the report of Dr. C. W. Richardson, who asserted that Mr. Rockefeller could submit to a brief examination without immediate serious results. The committee will examine Jacob H. Schlff, banker, of New . Tork, tomor row. ' New Xork Society Elects. The New Tork State Society Tuesday night at a meeting in Christiansen's Hall, elected the following officers: President, Miss Llda M. O'Bryon: first vice-president, ' C. W. Bryant; second vice-president. M. M. Dewey; secretary. Junius V. Ohmart; treasurer, F. HJ Reynolds; registrar. Mrs. T. O. Hague; executive committee, Charles L. Hahn, Mrs. I. E. Harkleroad, Delos D. Neer. Mrs. IT. M. Moody, Mrs. Sarah- C. Hazel tine, T. O. Hague. Former Illini Hear Programme. An excellent musical and literary programme brought hundreds of former residents of Illinois to the parlors of the Portland Hotel Tuesday night for the regular meeting of the Illinois So ciety of Oregon. The following numbers were given: Violin duet. Misses Duffur; firefly dance. Miss Marie Winn: vocal trio, Raymond Klnzer, Pan Foster, Leonard Martin: address, 'Illinois and Her Sons," W. T. Vaughn; vocal solo. "Illinois," Mrs. J. S. Hamilton; stereop tlcon views "From Chicago to Cairo." NEW SHIPS LISTED British and German'Vessels to Load Here.. SHINTSU MARU IN HARBOR Japanese Steamer Due to Dock Here Saturday With Cargo or Timber. Kinkasan Maru Will Take Out Grain and Flour. : Wrecks and stories of similar ' dis asters have been Dut aside as matters of interest on the waterfront now that the survivors of the Rosecrans are re turned to San Francisco, and while any recollection of the loss of life and properly prompts expressions of sor row, more Interest is being displayed in routine matters, which yesterday in cluded the listing of two new ships and the arrival of a third deep-water man. The British tramp Harpagus will come here from Sydney to load lumber STEAMER UiTEIXIUENCK. Due to Arrive. Same. From Data. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...In port Beaver. ....... San Pedro.... In port Bear San Pedro. ... Jan. 1? Breakwater. ...Coos Bar Jan. 1 Roanoke San Diego. ... Jan. 19 Alliance Eureka Jan. 20 Boh City San Pedro .... J an. 22 Anvil Bandon. ..... Jan. 22 Geo. W. Elder. .San Diego Jan. 28 To Depart. Name. For ' Data. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Indef. Beaver San Pedro. ... Jan. 16 Yosemite San Pedro. .. Jan. 10 Yale .S. F. to L. A.. . Jan. 17 Harvard S. F. to L. A Jan. 18 Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay Jan. 21 Bear San Pedro .Jan. 21 Roanoke San Diego Jan. 22 Alliance Eurwka Jan. 23 Anvil Bandon Jan. 24 Rose City San Pedro. ...Jan. 26 Geo. W. Elder. .San Diego. ... Jan. 20 and return to the Australaln port, while the German bark Mimi will come from Valparaiso for orders and probably load wheat here for the unitea .ing dom. She arrived October 23 at Val naraiso from Newcastle. N. S. W. The Japanese steamer Shlntsu Maru arrived at 3 o'clock, coming from Japan with oak logs for the Emerson Hard wood Company. The vessel will be loaded outward with grain and flour for the Orient. On reaching the lower harbor she will go into quarantine and probably report here Saturday. The Kinkasan Maru, also of ttie Japanese flag, which arrived in Tues- LILY LANGTRY, REFUSING INTERVIEW, TELLS WHY Lady de Bathe, of Historic Beauty and Histrionic Career, Finds Women Are Cruel and Conscienceless, but Men a Trifle Better. BT LEONE CASS BAER. IN my scrap-book I shall paste this as my shortest interview to date. It Is a record of a deed of daring and sheer nerve on my part and a tale of a poor and sometimes noble wo-r-rking g-u-r-r-1 scorned and turned down flat. The cast of the play reads as fol lows: Lady Lily Langtry De Bathe. Herself Poor and Noble W. G.. Etc.. Myself The scene was laid in the second floor corridor going south in the Portland Hotel. The time was 10 min utes after 10 o'clock last night. The plot concerned my wild and unre strained efforts to get an interview out of Lady De Bathe. Sometimes to digress a minute I think I ought to be burned in oil for the wicked yarns I tell about actors and actresses not "wishing to care" for an Interview. Believe me!!! They usually gallop up to the office with their little scrap-books under their arms and their latest photographs In their hands. But hope-to-die If this time I'm not telling the truth. Lady Lily Langtry De Bathe has absolutely no hankering for any sort of an interview and said so in much less time than it has taken be to teil It. Not to me did she say it but to Frank McGettlgan, press agent at the Orpheum. "Interviews are all very well, don't you know," said Lady Lily, "but 1 absolutely refuse to talk for a paper." City Editor Feel Antagonised. Which bit of conversation acted on our city editor Just like a red rag does to a bull to be bromldlc With the result that he told me to Interview the Jersey Lily. "But it can't be done," sez I with a mental blue-print of my best face having the door politely shut on it. If you are at all conversant with the ways of city editors you'll know how far my expostulations went. Now we take up the thread of the main story again. After the finish of Lady Lily's act I gave her mentally of course a half hour In which to dress and get over to the hotel. And she did it which of Itself Is some what remarkable. (But they do say she has three maids.) Then I walked Into the hotel and told the clerk what I was going to do, so the house detective wouldn't grab me just as I waylaid my prey. While I sat In a chair opposite the elevator I practiced my mode of approach and my form of address and was so busy making thought photos of nobil ity at close range that her ladyship's acutely ebon maid almost got past me before I realized the parade was about to start. I followed right on the heels of the mafd. who walked with the conscious near-majestic tread peculiar to help of this color and brides on their first trip up the aisle. She wore a wonderful pony coat and a be plumed hat. did the maid, and carried a big sable coat over her arm pre sumably Lady De Bathe's. "Aad What If I AmP She Says. "Will you tell me," I began. In a voice in which I tried to blend com mand and wheedling. Then the large oak door gently and softly closed right on my nose. "Well," sez I to myself, "Madame will have to come here to get in so I'll wait." At that very minute she rounded the corner. And I went to meet her. She kept close to the right wall and eyed me coldly and distrustfully as I closed in upon her. "A thousand pardons!" I rushed out the words not at all what I'd planned to say "but arent you Lady De Bathe?" "And what if I am?" came in an icily cold voice clear as the tinkle of cut crystal and powerfully sweet. "Well," I stammered. "I want an in terview." "An interview?" she echoed "as If 1 had asked her please to cut off a slice of her nose and 'give it to our city museum. "Why, do you 'not know that I am never interviewed?" (Heavy accent on the never.) "Well," I lied, "my city editor told me not to come back without a story from you." All this time I kept wig wagging back and forth in the hall to keep her from bolting. "I do not care what your city editor said and I positively will not be Inter viewed." "Why not?" I asked. "Well, for one thing, because I am always so cruelly misrepresented. No one ever tells the truth about me. They dig up old and forgotten things so many of them untrue and attribute to me things I never dreamed of saying." Royalty Geta "Taken In." While she was saying all this I was drinking her In. She had on a gorgeous gray char meuse gown, soft clinging to the love liest figure I eveV saw besides a cloak model's. Any corset ad that uses Lily Langtry's signature and "I use 'em" testimonial comes under the head of unauthentic I learned that In the brief time I watched her treading ma jestically toward me in the halL She stood out against the soft gray background like a silhouette. She is all curves, the real old-fashioned kino that go with panniers, bustles and poke bonnets. She held her chin well up and thrust out; her skirt was very long and swished and wound about her feet. Idly she jangled a key and surseyed me as -if I were an Insect she was just going to puncture with a pin and mount on a card for later inspection. Her hat was slanted way up on one side and drooped close down over a pair of marvelous green eyes. Actually green, I tell you. Great, wide, deep, far-seeing eyes they are with thick black lashes, and so cold and disdainful they cut like tiny blue flames. GhA li ilti'i a vpinklo fir, haT K9-Va.r young face; it's as unlined as a girl off 16, save for the little laugn wrinKies 'round her eyes and mouth. While I was taking this In I was say ing. "If you'll give me an interview. I'll quote you word for word." "No, you could not," Interrupted tne Lady Lily; "you are like all the rest, cruel." "But." I remonstrated, "as woman to woman I'd give you a square deal." And I meant it. But Lady De Bathe wouldn't listen. Women Found Cruel. "All women are cruel,"- Bhe said. "Why should you prove an exception? Men have a smattering of conscience, but women have none at alL They peer at me In the most Insolent way 1 think to see if my eyes and teeth are aging. They say I am put to bed by a dozen maids, and never quote me cor rectly. If I were to give you a story, and you wrote it verbatim and I allowed It to get into print, I would ex pect to wake up the next morning and read that I had said something that never entered my head. A newspaper has no conscience no heart no sym pathy" she was going on, when I in terrupted to wheedle "But this will not be a personal interview. If you will give me an Interview I'll quote you correctly and put In only what you choose." "I haven't a doubt but that you think right at this moment you are telling me the truth," flashed Lady De Bathe, "but I will -not talk." "Not about politics?" "No." "Not about- dress?" "No a thousand no's." "Not about your horses?" "No, I tsll you, I have no opinions, I have no idea. I have no thoughts, I have nothing to say now or at any other time an any subject whatsoever." "Well, listen, here's the stock ques tion for interviews: " 'Do I like your- Northwest? " she mimicked, and for one moment her green eyes almost smiled and & wicked little smile dawned at the corners of her lips. "Tes, you may say I like the North west," and the tail of ,her skirt whisked into the door out of which the ebon faced handmaiden was peering. Which ends the story of how I almost interviewed Lady De. Bathe. day, left Up yesterday after passing through quarantine, and will dock at the Eastern & Western mill to be lined preparatory W loading flour, which sh will start tomorrow at the Crown mill. Another Jap steamer listed Is the Shln sel Maru. GUARDSMEN MAY JOIX XAVY Yeoman From Fighting Wheeling's Crew Ordered Here. From North Yakima, Wash., comes a story that a number of the "dough boys" of the Washington Militia, hav ing tired of the semt-military life and hungering for a taste of actual serv ice, elected the United States Navy as a future rendezvous, and to that end an officer of the National Guard there communicated with Lieutenant Toaz, U. S. N stationed here in charge of the Portland recruiting station. He dispatched M. F. Garrlty, hospital ap prentice, first class, to North Yakima -yesterday to "scout," and there may be a number of enlistments result. R. L. Turner, chief yeoman of the gunboat Wheeling, which has per formed her most recent cruising around San Domingo and waters in that vicinity, acting as umpire on dinkv revolutions and similar short war "bouts, has arrived here, to become identified with the station. -He suo. ceeds Charles A. Cook, chief yeoman, who has been assigned to the Alba tross, of the United States Fish Com mission fleet, which makes headquar ters at Sausallto, San Francisco Bay, and cruises from there. Mr. Cook hss been here since the opening of the re cruiting station, 18 months ago. ROSECKAXS WRECKAGE SEEX Lumber Lost From Coaster Sighted 130 Miles Away. In a report made on Puget Sound, Captain Youngren, master of the steamer Hyades, says that when three miles south of the Umatilla Reef light vessel, bound from San Francisco, wreckage from the lost steamer Rose crans was passed, and that since the wreck some of her Bear had drifted ap proximately 130 miles. Among the stuff floating was a teakwood ladder, formerly a part of the deck fittings of the Rosecrans. Near the light vessel was also a col lection of floating timbers that ap peared to have been part of the deck load of a steam schooner, and, while not identified, it is believed to be a part of 100,000 feetlost by the steamer Westerner when she struck while try ing to cross out" to sea and was dam aged, but managed to return to As toria under her own power. Reports from Ilwaco are that dozens of souve nirs drifted ashore from the Rosecrans, but no more bodies have been recov ered. , OREGO.VA IS OCT OF SERVICE OorvallisLoses Daily Steamer Serv ice After Two Months. Lack of support or a falling off in business diverted to the Portland mar ked has prompted the Oregon City Tansportation Company to withdraw tie steamer Pomona from the Corval tis run, but, regardless of the reason for the light patronage. It means that Instead of a dally service Corvallis will enjoy only the marine facilities that a steamer calling three times a week provides. Salem will continue on the list of cities having a daily service, as the Pomona will turn back there, and Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday the Grahamona will continue to Corvallis.- In cutting down the schedule, the Yellow Stack Line will retire the steamer Oregona temporarily from the field. The Pomona will look after Day ton business on her run to Salem. The change went into effect yesterday, when the steamer Oregona arrived from Willamette Valley points. The company built the Grahamona last Summer to meet expected gains in business, but after trying the dally service system to Corvallis since No vember 10, the officials concluded It was a losing proposition. DOCKMEX HAVE NEW PLAINT City Asked to Clean Slips While Controlling AH Street Ends. As a measure against being swamped by mud, also of being made the target of profane teamsters, some of the dook - alnno- ( t,Q IVfct Slrif. Vl Jl V P uiiu u J(iu lct "'""n ' continued cleaning slips and sections of docks at the street ends, mousn having been compelled last year by the ...niinii authnritioa to vacate all space comprised between the north and south lines or streets wnere uiej intersect the river. With the accumulation of din through ordinary travel to the wharves, added to that washed down the slips from Front street, the dock men at some streets are confronted with o fnnriirlnn that. If found else where in the city, might be declared a menace to healtn. mey argue mat, as the city insists on ownership of the street ends and denies occupants the use thereof, the municipal "white wings" should do the cleaning. An or dinance prevents the debris being dumped into the river, and they say that provision should be made for cart ing It away. Libel Case Unfinished Judge Cushman was compelled to be In attendance upon his own court to day at Seattle, and yesterday he ap pointed Miss Mary E. Bell as a spe cial examiner to finish taking testi mony in the libel suit of the' Shaver Transportation Company against the tug Sampson for sinking the steamer Henderson and submit it to him. All the facts surrounding the accident were presented to him, and all that now remains is for the two sides to suggest the extent to which they claim to have been damaged. Tug Tatoosh Goes North Today. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 15. (Specials Captain Jacobsen arrived here from Seattle today and assumed command of the bar tug Tatoosh which he will take to Puget Sound tomorrow. The tug Fearless will remain for several days to complete the contracts which the Puget Sound Tug Boat Company has before the company withdraws from the tugboat service at the mouth of the river. . ' Marine Notes. On' the gasoline schooner Anvil, sail ing last night for Coast ports, were 140 tons of merchandise for Florence and 80 tons for-Bandon. H. A. Symes has been signed as skip per of the ferry John F. Caples, oper ating across the Willamette at Sell wood, replacing W. E. Mitchell. George Plummer, manager of the Puget Sound Tugboat Company, re turned from Aatoria yesterday, after having arranged for the withdrawal of the tugs of that fleet from the bar service. Finishing her wheat cargo, the Ger man ship 'Ossa went to the stream yes terday from Montgomery dock No. 1 and will leave down tomorrow. The Iverna was shifted from the St. Johns public dock to Montgomery dock No. L The Lisbeth will haul upstream today from Oceanic to Montgomery dock No. 2. With 500,000 feet of lumber the steamer Aurella has cleared for San Francisco. Of 350 tons of cargo she brought from the Golden Gate a part of her deckload was barrels of wine and vinegar and in a southeast blow a few of both were broken and the con tents lost. In response to instructions from the San Francisco Board of Marine Under writers Captain Albert Crowe, surveyor for the organization, proceeded to the mouth of the Clackamas River yester day to survey the steamer Ruth, which sank there. Work of raising her is under way. On the arrival of the Norwegian steamer Mathilda in the harbor her master did not receive orders as in tended, so the vessel- proceeded through the -bridges to Inman-Poul-sen's, but was later assisted down stream by the steamer Cascades to the bunkers. She will load lumber for Syd ney under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Deputy Collector of Customs Barnes is engaged in a mathematical tangle because when 30,000 pounds of gum chicle was entered yesterday and duty paid amounting to $3000, he pondered on the number of sticks of gum the lot would make and how many sticks a girl could chew in a day or how many days would be required to utilize the gum manufactured from the 30,000 pounds of material. On the 6t-mer Navajo, which reached port yesterday from San Francisco, were 850 tons of New York freight for the American-Hawaiian and TO tons of bonded stuff.- She will sail Sunday on the return with about 500 tons of American-Hawaiian cargo, including prunes for New York and Europe, tal low for abroad and canned goods for New York. In addition she will have a heavy shipment of grain-for San Fran cisco. Orders were given yesterday for the steamer Dalles City to return down stream a short distance after discharg ing freight at The Dalles in the after noon, because of the danger from ice, as a jam at the Big Eddy was reported to have broken. The O.-W. R. & N. offi cials were advised that ice' conditions on the Snake River had improved so the steamer Spokane resumed operation and the steamer Lewlston will start to day. s Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 15. Arrived Jap enese steamer Kinkasan Maru, from Mllke. Sailed Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for San Dteg-o and way ports: steamer Breakwater, for Cooa Bay; gasoline schooner Anvil, for Florence and Bandon. Astoria, Jan. 15. Sailed at 12:40 P. M. Steamer W. 8. Porter, for Monterey. Sailed at 2 P. M. Steamer Northland, for San Pedro. Left up at 3 P. M. Japanese steamer Kinkasan Maru. Left up at 4:18 P. M. Schooner -.W. H. Marston. Arrived at 8 P. M. Japanese steamer Shlntsu Maru, from Japan. Sailed at 4 P. M. British steamer Anerley, for Port Plrie. San Francisco, Jan. 15. Sailed last night Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Portland. . Seattle. Jan. 15. Arrived Steamer Dol phin, from Skagway. -sailed Steamers Se tos (German). Hamburg; Senator, San Francisco: schooner Transit, Los Angeles. Newcastle. N. St W.. Jan. 8. Sailed Hornelen, for Seattle. Genoa, Jan. 12. Sailed SIsak (from Hamburg), for 6an Francisco. Colombia River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M. Moderate; wind west, 18 miles; weather raining. . Tides at Astoria Thursday. High Water. Low Water. 6:40 A.M 7.9 feet2:05 A.M 1.7 feet 8:01 P.M 8.2 feet PORTLAND ROUTE 1ST BOON Heavy Weather Demonstrates Advan tages of Columbia River Lines. That the Columbia River route is a great boon to railroad traffic of the Puget Sound district during the Win ter months was demonstrated the past week, when it became necessary ,to re route trains on the northern lines by way of the North Bank. Heavy snow in the Cascades demoralized traffic 'to and from Puget Sound west of Spo- nrhlla tpQITI Xfh rl 11 1 fB Oil the Columbia River lines were but little affected. The Great Northern traffic direct with Portland was not obstructed in the least, as all business for Portland over that line is diverted from Spo-h-ona nva. tho North Bank Line. NO -n nvpp t"hp ftrent North- 11 II J O 1...--.W ' - - - em east of Spokane have been noted. "All business between rortiana auu the East by way of Spokane has been moving satisfactorily," said George H. Cmittnn aasistnnt Mnfiral freight agent of the Great Northern, yester day. Tne only irouDie naa uceu in tha r,nnnrl.q. hut the line was cleared there yesterday and direct serv ice from Spokane to Puget Sound has been resumed. Ashland Names Fruit Manager. ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 13. (Special.) Clinton Wright has been selected as manager of the Ashland Fruit & Pro duce Association for 1913. He . has served. as the assistant to former man ager for the past season. Shipments from Ashland, on account of the local association, have been as follows for 1912; Pears, two carloads; apples, i FALLS CITY PHYSICIAN PASSES AWAY. Dr. Loula Plan- er. FALLS CITY, -r.( Jan. 12. (Special.) Dr. iouis Pfandhoefer, aged 60, died at his residence in this city of pneumonia, January 9. Dr. Pfandhoefer was born in one of the Rhine provinces of Germany. He was educated in the University of Bonn; entered the Normal School in 1873, and later engaged in educational work until 1879, when he came to America, teaching school In East ern cities until he took up the studv of medicine. He was mar ried in 1881. He practiced his pro fession in Buffalo until 1898, when he came to Portland, and a few months later to Falls City. Dr. Pfandhoefer leaves a widow, of this city; a daughter, Violet, of Salem, and a son, Henry, an elec trical engineer, at Schenectady, N. Y. The remains will be taken to Portland Monday and cremated. cars; vegetables, two cars; cherries, two cars; berries, six cars; peaches, 25 cars; total cars fruit and vegetables handled, 53. Total number cars feed, flour, hay, spray, box shooks, etc, re ceived during same period. 40. Balance of transportation In Ashland's favor, 13 carloads. , , In 1011 the total factory output of 6t. Louis was valued at S40.835,1 93. and It 1 aid the 112 figures will largelv exceed this sum. HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-passeng:er electric 'bus meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carline. $1 per day and np. European plan. HOTEL CORSELIl'S CO, Proprietors. Fielder Jones. Vlce-Pres. J. W. Blalo, Free. tin viutWi hit vm-li New Perkins Hotel In the Heart of the City NOTE OUR RATES Room vkh Bath Privilege 1.00 TJT Two Persons $1.50 UP Boom with Private Bath $1.50 UP Two Persons $2.50 UP I- Q. SWETLA'ND. M..H. (Permanent Rate on Application.? THE MULTNOMAH PORTLAND'S GRA.NIJEST HOTEL tjdyWtt i.hti.wM-.ijfe'-t-iai i gt, sSf Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms ... $1.00 per day 100 rooms 11.60 per day 200 rooms (with bath)..J2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath)..t2.50 per day Add $1-00 per day to above prices when two occupy one room. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS H. C. BOWERS, Manager. GAINER TUIGPEX, Asa't Mgr. Ffcrtland'f Famous Hotel Noted for the Lxcellencc; of lis Cuisine. European pld AGGIES TROUNCE IDAHO CORVALLIS FIVE WIXS COXFER- EXCE GAME, 3-13. O. A. C. Piles Up 14-2 Score in First Half and Then Sends in Subs AVho Are Outplayed. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis. Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) The Oregon Agricultural College basket ball five opened its 1913 college con ference season tonight, defeating the University of Idaho quintet. 23-13. The game was witnessed by 350 persons. The Aggies completely outplayed the Idahoans in the first half, the score standing 14-2 at the end of the period. In the second half the Corvallis boys eased up and the visitors had the better of the scoring. Fouls contributed largely to the to tals of both teams, Soulen, with his two baskets, being the only Idaho man to score goals. However, Referee Mc Rae, of Willamette, was strict In his foul awards, and Idaho had 14 chances to toss free goals, against 11 for Cor vallis. The college was awarded two points on fouls committed while tossing free goals, with Idaho receiving one. Burdick and Cooper were the stars of the game, playing their form of last season. Burdick tossed four goals and Cooper two. Cooper also scored seven baskets in 11 attempts at free goals. The lineups: Oregon Agricultural College Burdick, Cooper, Jordan, for wards; Darling, Jernstedt, Cooper, cen ter; Dewey, Knlgfht, Jernstedt, Jordan and Johns, guards. University of Idaho Soulen, Ankorn, Klnnison, forwards; Kinnison, McNett, center; Keane, Mit chell, guards. FIGHT FANS IIKE AXDERSOS Los Angeles Regards Vancouver Lad as Coming Champion. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 15. (Special.) Bud Anderson, who meets Sammy Trott January 25, did not stop training today on account of the rain, taking on George Memsic and other sparring partners for a workout in the Doyle open-air ring. By lowering the side curtains the ring became enclosed and comfortable for work. Trott went through the usual routine at Pete's gymnasium at Venice. Anderson is creating more favorible criticism each day and the figh: fans here ara beginning to acclaim him as the coming lightweight champion. If he trims Trott, and it is believed that he will, he will meet Joe Mandot, the Southern lightweight, St. Patrick's day. In the beginning of what Uncle Tom McCarey, Vernon promoter, calls his lightweight champion elimination se ries. Anderson is rapidly getting into con dition. His punches are so fierce that only Memsic can stand up to him for more than two or three rounds. SPOKANE GRANDSTAND FALLS Snow on Roof Does Heavy Damage at Baseball Park. SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 15. (Spe cial.) Causing damage to the extent of several thousand dollars, the big grandstand at Recreation Park col lapsed this morning from the weight of the snow. The entire roof, which extends for about 100 feet on the west side of the diamond and for about 150 feet on the south side, crashed in with a roar that could be heard for blocks. Part of the seats and lower floors were carried down when the roof fell. Mr. Cohn said shortly after the acci dent that the grandstand w(ould be rebuilt immediately with the opening of Spring, . and he is already consider ing plans for the sort of structure to be erected. ' Portland and Denver Shooters Tied. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Jan. 15. Offi cial returns for the 11th and 12th rounds, and unofficial scores for the 13th and 14th rounds -in the indoor league of the United States Revolver Association were announced today by Secretary J. J. Crabtree, of this city. The Olympic Club, of San Francisco, and the Manhattan Club, of New York City, are the only undefeated teams to date. The Denver Club claims a new team total record with 1145, shot In the 14th round. The executive com mittee has ruled that Portland, Or., and Denver, were tied in the tenth round. St. James Club Organizes Five. The St. James Athletic Club, which achieved great success in football, has organized a basketball team averaging 165 pounds. The St. James team will play its first game against the Evan gelical basketball quintet, of Portland, Thursday night, on the Vancouver men's floor. The Evangelical five has some former Dallas men and a good game is expected. Manager Morlarlty, of the St. James team, has also arranged to meet the Multnomah and Mount Angel College basketball teams. The St. James Juniors are also after games. Eugene High Leases "Gym." EUGENE, Or.. Jan. 16. (Special.) The Eugene School Board at Its meet ing this week rented the Armory pa vilion for eight weeks for the use of the basketball teams of the Eugene High School, as the present High School building has no suitable gymnasium. Professor Johnson, of the High School faculty, agrees to coach the boys sev eral hours a day. and will schedule not only lnterscholastic games, but will provide a large number ol lnterciass games, so as to give the training to as many of the students as possiDie. No Tourney in 1013. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 15. (Special.) Following the receipt of Intimations from the Pacific Northwest that a ma jority of the bowlers would undoubt edly atlend an independent tourney at Vancouver, B. C. In preference to tak ing the long Jaunt to Denver, Presi dent Morley, of the Western Bowling Congress, announced tonight that there would be no official tourney in lau, but that Denver had been awarded the 1914 event. Willard to Fight Dan Dnly. CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Jess Willard and Dan Daly, both of whom have designs on the white heavyweight title, were matched today to fight six rounds in Philadelphia on January 25. No decis ion will be given. Three days before the Daly fight Willard will box Frank Bauer In Fort Wayne, Ind. Inured Fighter Recovering. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 15. Tha con dition of "Soldier" Smith, of Fort Leavenworth, who was knocked out last night in a prize fight by Charles Aronson, of Kansas City, Is improv ing tonight. He is In a hospital. Aronson, who had been held by the police, was released tonight. Bues Recommends Kerwln. Art Bues, Northwestern League slug ging leader of 1911, is trying to land a Northwestern League Job for Kerwin, a left-handed pitcher, who had a try out with the Chicago Cubs. Bues haa written to Nick Williams, boosting the lad, but Nick has three good southpaws and stands pat on the squad. DAILY METEOROIOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Jan. 15. Maximum temper ature, 48 degrees; minimum, 33 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 6.2 feet; change la last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 p. M.), .08 Inch; total rainfall alnce September 1, 191, 21.20 Inchea; normal rainfall since September I, 22.03 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1, 1012, 1.S7 Inches. Total aunshlne, At minutes; possible sunshine, B hours 3 minutes. Bai, ometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. W., 29.3? Inches. THB WEATHER. K J Wind S t 2 O 3 3 STATIONS. SS S wU!hiV s gB : : 2 3:: Baker Boise Boston Calgary ......... Chicago ......... Denver Des Moines Duluth Eureka .......... Galveston ....... Helena .......... Jacksonville Kansas City Laurier Los Angeles ..... Marshfleld Med ford New Orleans New York North Head North Yakima . . Phoenix Pocatello Portland ........ Roseburg Sacramento St. Louis St. Pau i..: Salt Lake San Francisco . . . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island . . Walla Walla .... Washington 830 46:0 44 0 -SO 44 0 5610 44 0 24J0 4S0 6210 4210 04 0 MO 2'i O 52 0. ...0. 44 0. 60 4210 420 30 0. 5 0. 42 0 40. 44;0 4ll!l H4V 500 60 0 4010 4S0. SjO. 42 0. SUO 001 4 SB .00 12 SB OO 1 w 10 4IN 00 22!S 00 12,SW 00 4 SW .00 8 NWi sa 4 sw .00 16;SB .ooio s .OOjlOIN Cloudy cioudv teloudy pt. ciouay Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear k"loudy Clear 00;18!SW .33 i IS 7;iO;S 50 6 SW 1 0j 4 S ,00; 4:SB ,0011 W 62;liW 081 4'SW O0l 4 SW 00il8'SE 08 24 SW 24' i'H (Htl 11 E 04 16 S OOj 4N 00 12. SB 02! 6i W 06i 4 NWICloudy (HMOS iRaln 64 28 B Rain 001 4 8 ICIoudy 0U 4j3 Clear iCloudy Cloudy Kaln ICIoudy ttain Clear rC'leor Rain Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain Pt. cloudy taloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A storm of marked energy Is central nar Cape Flattery. Warnings for this disturb ance were sent to all stations In this dis trict at 7 A. M. today. The highest wind roparted so far was 60 miles from the south east at North Head. Wash. The storm has caused general rains on the Pacific elope as far south as Ban Diego. Cal. The tempera tures In the Rocky Mountain and Pacific States have remained nearly stationary, but It Is much warmer In the Mississippi Valley and la the Atlantic states. The condition are favorable for rain m this district Thursday with high southwei-t to -west winds along the coast. The temper atures will rise slightly. . FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain: southwetter. ly winds. , , Oregon Rain: southwest to west winds, high along the coast. Washington Rain west, rain or snow as portion; south to west - coast ana in interior Idaho Kaln or i portion; increasing .-est winds. hih along thJ or west portion. snow north, rata outU ; southerly winds.