THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JANUAET ,14, 1913. 11 AMTSEStENTS. NEW TODAT. tmmmloFtlandyramouj Hotel ftggJgmiacl Noted fcr the Excellence; HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-passenger electric 'bus meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carline. $1 per day and up. European plan. HOTEL CORNELIUS CO., Proprietors. Fielder Jones, Vlce-Pres. J. V. Blaln, Prea. the MULTNOMAH llfafe GALERQ IS OPPOSED TO MADERD POLICY Former Mexican Ambassador to United States Tells Why He Resigned. CRISIS IS DEEMED NEAR Ex-Diplomat Says Country on Verge of Abyss of Misery Weakness of Administration Blamed on Vice-President Suarez. MEXICO CITY, Jan. 13. Don Manuel Calero, hitherto Mexican Ambassador to the United States unequivocally gave the cause for his resignation of the Ambassadorship at Washington in a statement today. The cause, he said was the lack of accord with the policy of the Mexican administration. He expressed the opinion today, however, that President Madero must be sustained, since his overthrow would mean "the beginning of a series of revolutions which would be the death biow, If not to our Na tionality, at least to our sovereignty." He discounted the danger of Ameri can intervention unless some incident occurred similar to that of the blow ing up of the Maine in Havana Harbor. He intimated that In case of interven tion all Latin America would stand with Mexico. Beliefs Are at Variance. In his statement Calero said: "There Is no occasion to speculate on the reasons for my resignation. I resigned as I was not in accord with the policy of my government. I keenly desire that the policy, which I consider mistaken shall serve to save the coun try In the crisis which faces it, but , since my opinion is contrary and since I felt the republic was nearlng an abyss of misery and humiliation, I regarded as unsupportable my post as Mexican Ambassador at Washington. "Our relations with the United States always assume an aspect of extreme delicacy when the situation of our country is as it is at present and if that situation is due in good part, in the opinion of the Ambassador, to the errors of his government, then that Ambassador ought to resign a mission which he feels cannot be sustained in definitely." Senor Culero attributes much of the weakness of the Mexican administra tion to the influence of Jose Pino Suarex, vice-president and minister of public Instruction. He said; Failure Held to Mean Revolt. ""The labor of all Mexicans ought to be more strenuous to assist the gov ernment to correct its deliciencies that It may live out its constituted life. If the government falls the result will be revolt- "With or without intervention we-are lost because the country will enter into a new cycle of revolutions and will see the army uprising which will give a death blow If not to our nationality at least to our sovereignty. "I consider blind the work of those who demand the overthrow of Presi dent Madero without taking into con sideration at the same moment that there can be nothing after Madero ex cept a military dictatorship, of whose evils we only know through reading of the dictatorship of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. "That of Diaz was & civil dictator ship and the dictator an exceptional man, whose virtues were greater than his defects. "The Democratic regime at whose gates we are knocking will begin on that day when Madero is substituted at the end of his constitutional term by another president elected by the peo ple." CUPID KIDNAPS TEACHER Miss Madge Gronell Becomes Bride Instead of Gold II ill Educator. GOLD HILL. Or., Jan. 13. (Special.) How romance almost missed its cue by a few minutes on the time-table is told in an explanation furnished to the local school board by a Portland teachers" agency. Following the recent holidays, the seventh and eighth grades of Gold Hill schools were left teacherlesa by the New Perkins Hotel In the Heart of the City NOTE OUR RATES Room with Bath Privilege 551.0O tJP Two Persons I $1.50 TJP Room with Private Bath S1.50 UP Two Persons $2.50 UP Ij. l. S WETLAND. MaR. Permaoent Ratew on Application.) PORTLAND'S GRANDEST HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms ... $1.00 per day 100 rooms $1.60 per day 200 rooms (with bath)..$2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath)..$2.50 per day Add $1-00 per day to above prices when two occupy one room. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES POB, PERMANENT GUESTS H. C. BOWERS, Manager. GAINER THIGPEN, Ant Mgr. resignation of Vernon P. Blue, who de parted for Honolulu to accept a posi tion. Through the medium of a Port' land agency the services of Miss Madge Gronell, of that city, were contracted for, and the date set for her arrival. The directors were out In force to meet the train and welcome the teach er. Two traveling men and an exhll arated prospector left the train, but no teacher. Nor on the next day. Then the Portland agency was asked for ex planatlpns. In due time they arrived, and it was this way; Miss Gronell, it seems, appeared at the Portland station to tajte a train for this place. A few short moments be fore train time the young woman was approached by a breathless young man. He Inquired if It were true that duty called her to Gold Hill. She replied in the affirmative. "If too blamed far away," interposed her questioner. "Why not call oft that old contract and make one with, me? Lets get mar rled!" The couple made a happy exit from the depot, timetables and trains for gotten in the new engagement. Later the teachers' agency was duly notified of the forfeited contract. The board of directors is now con sidering marriage-proof applicants. LI IS IMPORTANT OHAXGES ARE BE. TERJHXED ON. Arrangements for Big Show at Sclo Made Officers, Directors and Superintendents Are Named, SCIO, Or., Jan, 13. (Special.) Im portant changes were determined on for the next annual Linn County Fair at the yearly meeting of the assocla tion held here Saturday. Principal among the improvements will be the establishment of a depot at West Scio or Munkers for the re ceipt of all exhibits sent by freight which are crate-d or boxed. This will Include sheep, goats, swine and poul try and they will be transported to and from the fair grounds free. Fur thermore, a competent caretaker will be furnished without expense for all livestock to be exhibited, not accom panied by the owner or his represen tative. ' Express matter will be handled with the same consideration. In the poultry department all fowls will be scored and in addition to the regular premiums offered, a ribbon will be awarded, on first, second and third birds. Changes In the rules of the sheep and goat department were made. An elaborate race programme will be one of the features and many new free attractions will be featured. "Jungle Land" will have many novel amusement features. The fair will be held one week prev ious to the State Fair, allowing ample time for exhibitors to attend both at tractions. A feature of today's meeting was a talk by D. W. Rumbough, fruit in spector for this county, on the many fruit and garden pests and the proper manner of securing ftrst-class fruit and vegetables either for exhibit pur poses or the market Many improvements are contemplat ed on the fair grounds for the coming year and exhibitors will be extended every courtesy. The election resulted as follows: Di rectors, County Judge McKnight, of Albany: M. G. Gaines and Carl Mid delstadt. cf Crabtree; W. G. McDonald, J. A. Bilyeu and A. G. Prill, of Sclo; D. H. Bodine and I. A. Munkers, of Albany; G. G. Belts, of Harrlsburg. Officers are: President, A. G. Prill, Scio; vice-president, Asa Hirens; secre tary, Roy Shelton. Scio; treasurer. E. Myers. The following superintendents of departments were selected: Horses and cattle, J. R. Toung, Thomas; sheep and goats, C. H. Aln. Thomas; swine, S. Phillippi, Scio; agriculture, D. W. Rumbough, Albany; poultry. Asa Sim ons, Scio; women's department, Mrs A. G. Trill and Mrs. W. F. Gill, Scio races, E. C. Peery, Scio; school depart ment. W. H. Jackson, Albany. Coos Tax Levy Is 17 1-2 Mills. MARSHFIELD, Or Jan. 13. (Spe cial.) The Coos County Commissioners this week fixed the levy for the taxes for the year at 17)i mills, the same as last year, but, with the increased valua tion, the Income will be much greater. The valuation shows that 19.28,514 of taxable property falls under the provi sion, and this will give an income of $338,173.36. Woodland School Shows Growth. WOODLAND, Wash., Jan. 13. (Spe cial.) Professor Stuck ert, principal of the Woodland school, in his midwinter report, says that the High School has made the wonderful record of over .9J per cent In attendance during the first PORTLAND ADVICE. JOHN A, BERRY, atfy. collections, ab stracts examined, written opinions on legal questions. S17 Allsky bldg. Marshall 3826. AMATEUR KODAK FINISHING. QUICK service, cut rates; send for pries list, ine K.oaaKery, ttn ana wasnington. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. PLANS drawn; estimates free. Before you puna, see H. A. Williams, 609 McKay Blag. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSIS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. lStl Morrison at. WELLS & CO., mining engineers chemists and aasayers. 204 Washington st. ATTORNEYS. A. E. COOPER removed to suite 400 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 103S. AUCTIONEERS. WE buy furniture for cash. Geo. Baker & Co., 166 Park. Main 3332, A 2567. BOAT BUILDERS. O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair lng. Marine ways, foot Abernethy St. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS. HARPER S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. KttJ N. 5th. Main 3702. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs. 153 Union ave. CHTROPODlSTSl WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Daveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. comer 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices. 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. CHINA PAINTING. ORDERS, lessons; special rates to beginners. Mrs. Ross C. Powell, 448 Clay. Marshall 1461. A 5040. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M. H. M'MAHON. 121 4th; men, women and children treated, $10 a month. CLEANING AND DYEING. BEST cleaning and dyeing. Vienna Cleaning & Dye Works, 224 3d St. M. 145B, A 3450. COAL AND lVOOD COAL ALB1XA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS a specially; loans and ad justments. Grimm Agency. 431 C. of C DANCING. PROF. WAL WILLSOX S Dftncing School . Waltz, twostep. threestep. schottische; les sons 25c; every morning, afternoon and evening: all dances guaranteed first les son. Do you know that anvone who walks can learn to dance? Stage and fancy nances taught dally. 85 5th St.. bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7037. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL, AUskJ bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. and 109 2d St.. between Washington and Stark. Lessons daily; waltz and twostep guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday and Friday even ings, 8 to 10, at 100 second st. RINGLER'S Dancing Academy Private les sons daily; class Monday. Friday evenings; social dance Wed., Sat. 231ft Morrison. DENTIST ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Specialist on plate work. "This one thing I do." Dr. Keisey. 300 Globe bid., 11th & Wn. DERMATOLOGIST. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mme. Courtrlght, 711 Dekum. Main 5042L DETECTIVE AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency Re sponsible, conservative, satisfactory. Night. Mar. 445; day. Main B424. 510 Dekum bldg. PERSONAL Service Detective Bureau On the Job day and night. M. 2005, A 3034. 415-17 Merchants Trust bldg.. Dept. A. ADVKRXJLS1NU AoxUNCK. LEWIS M. HU.AJJ t-t., Luuiuurineni bldg. BOTSFORD ADV. CO., Board of Trade bdg. AulUl'tLllHAL UtU'Li-AlL.N la. Mitchell, Lewis dc staver Co., Morrison & 2d. JUUN L.h.Hkl low Co., Momaun and 2d. H. M. WADE a CO, o22-26 Hawthorne ave. (Vl. H XLLtl 411, V liv- A.U AIKJ- HnA curtiaud Wire ac irou vs., 2u auu coiuiuuia AUTO AND BtGOV T01S. DCBRCJll-x.Ii: hLuaH iuf CO.. 2U0 2d St. At lUJlUiilLLb. jlitcheH,' Lewis oi aiavei cu., E. Mor. & 2d. uua Aztll Auiouiooiie co., ita aad Couuu. A. W. ALlu CO.. 01 i Wash., Reo, Huusuu. AUXOJlOtllLt BLI'ILILS. dALLOU & vvniuiil, 7 in and oak. aAubabb CsLbCikxaj Al' IIUAIL, Ijagfettse pi ujiiDiuua naler. i'ar at Dvs. AjJctL CO.rx,C'J.'lUN.lla' bLAM'mi.B. uuai. ll'LKArt r'g.itci, ia ana tilia. ItAtt LXxtsVCil. trunswick-Bai..o-coiiouuer cu., 46 Fifth st. IfcJLlxlla, UVlUStlt;iJ.& t ECAA'LA.a. o at kvi,iuui, itu and uu. stll.l.iAiil ANli 1' Lit. 'AAULUS. jaruuswik:K-uilKe-coilenuer Co.. 4to Uta at. AtOOlS A.M1 ollOLS. GOODMAN citua. Olio. Co., 30-32 Front. fRiNc: toHo CO., ou N. r'ifth. D1U.AD BAKLttk. Royal Bakery ac cout., luc, nth BKT.vli.KO AND UUI1U.KS. tiENRl tvt.aHilAilif, 13tn ana uurnslde. uAacnlMo bttf-Wlftli Co., 24lu fit Wash. Hi imtita' twruts. BIKb.WAi.o CO.. uth and Flanders. ttUX'lfeii, ZbGGS AND ACE CRLAAL T. b. 'lownsend creamery Co., lb r rent St. C.UH1V MANUl-ACTtKiilKa. THE ALDUN CANDX CO., 12ta and Glisan. J. N. MA'i'SCHEK CANPH CO.. 2iu Flrst t. CANVAS, WATERPROOF FURNISHING GOODS. Htrsch-Wels Mfg. Co.. 1:05 Burnside. CtilLNT, LLdE AND .'LAall.K, F. T. cKOVVli CO., 45 Fourth u CLOTHING MJSN'S BOV.S'. BARON-lf LLUl CO.. 32 and 34 N. Fifth. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNSR-MAi EK CO.. 207 Ash St. DRUGGIST. Clarke-Woodward mug Co., Alder at W. Tark Blumauer-Fi ank Drug Co.. Park A Everett. KLECTK1CAL SUPPLIES. 6TCBBS ELECTK1C CO.. ttth and Pine sts. half of the school year, and the attend ance in the grades has exceeded 90 per cent during the same period. The) Haves School, on the Clark County side of the Lewis River, has made ap plication for examinations in tne eighth sTrade, and pupils from that school will have their examinations here at the same time as the local pupils. The Woodland school is in good condition in every way. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. On Tlmn 1-iC iSarae ad two consecutive times 23c Same ail three "consecutive times 30c Same ad eix or seven consecutive times. .6k The above rates apply to advertisements under w Today" aud all other classifica tions except the following: Mtuations Wanted, 1-emale. For Rent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping, Rooms, Private Families, u hn mm iTvrtisemeDt is not run in con secutive lsue the one-time rate applies. Six worus count as one line on rasa u- vertittetnents and no ad counted for less than two lines. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. The oregonian win ai-c-rin ? iiieu u v.rtlxnnt over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether eubteiuent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the nromptneKS 01 ine pa? mrni ui iniio !-.HiUm.nii- Kit nation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not b accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accept eu ior --wue i"r R-nt "Furniture for Sale," "Business Op nortunltte. 'Roomins Houses, and "Wsnt- eed to Rent." MEETING NOTICES. A AND A. S. RITE. Rehearsal of 32 d degree this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Of ficers and guards please be prompt. By order MASTER OF KADOSH. MOUNT TABOR LODGE NO. 2. A. F. AND A, M. Stated -communication this (Tuesday) even ing. West Side Temple. 7;30 o'clock. E. A. degree. Visiting brethren invited to attend. By order of the W. M. a. m. s PA ULD LG, sec CORIXTHIAX CHAPTER NO. 54. O. E. S. Stated communication this k (Tuesday) evening. Masonic Temple, 8 o'clock sharp. Degrees. All O. E. S. welcome. By order W. M. .HtiNKllSTTA Jt CA1SaS HOC BUSINESS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. ' VALENTINE'S system ladles' tailoring; dressmaking taught. ioZ Grand ave. EDUCATIONAL. STAMMER? Method for cure explained tree. M. L. Hatfield. 1918 Grove. Oakland. Cat, ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and secona-nana motors; repair work a spec laity. Western Elec. Wks, 213 6th. Motors H-M- and dynamos bought, sold, repaired. H Elec Co., 31 N. 1st Main U210. ELECTRIC motor snecialists. James Mac Kenzle Elec Works, los Union av. E. 117. ENGINES GAS AND STEAM. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline engines. 231-1:33 il. Morrison, rnoneoia ENGRAVERS. EMBOSSED STATIONERY, engraved cards. uaraam Co., 4'-'3 Manchester bldg. FURNITURE. HOUSES furnished on installment, new or fine second-hand furniture. Western Sal vage Co., 545 Wash., bet. 10th and 17th. FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS & PARSONS, 100V, Front. M. 7443 Furniture hospital: packing and shipping. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance company. JUNK SPECIALISTS. ALASKA JUNK CO. buys and sells anything. Pipe, tools, machinery. rront. M. 4ltu. LANTERN SLIDES. STEREOPTICON. slides of all kinds, ban ners, cards. Enterprise Art Co. 73 6th St. LANDSCAPE GARDENER. DRIVEWAYS, lawns, planting, pruning, day or contract, uruggemann. aiain 4x10. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leath- J. A. STROWP.RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 185S. 1SK Front St. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard of hearing. 308 Central bldg. TRAVELERS going to Tillamook, call E. L ueLastimutt, at willamina, ior good liv ery accommodations. LOCKSMITH AND GUN REPAIRER. V. J. FOYCHEK, 224 Main st., expert lock smith and gun work guaranteed. Main V201 MF.SSENGER SERVICF. HASTY Messenger Co., day and night serv ice. Phones Main 53, A 2153. MUSICAL. RAGTIME guaranteed, 10 to 20 lessons; piano, mandolin, guitar, singing; 12 to 1, 2 to 7 P. M. 417 Eilers bldg. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods, 269 14th. Main 3803. Arrangements for practice. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 325 Flledner bldg. A 4100, Mar. 1020 JUST from East; 50c lesson, Violin, mando lin, .cornet, brass band. Marshall lb2u. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR. GROVETR, Specialist paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bd. M. 3142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office, M. 349; res. East er B 1028. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast climate. BAS3 K E L'TER PAIXT CO., 101 1st St. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS FIRE DU-AKlAlENr LVItll-JlliNX. A. G. LObb, lotu aua Marsaall. A Hit-l'ttOOU WIN HUM a AND DOOAU. J. c. tiAiDiil, Front and Market sis. A1SX1, OIBAAVKA AAU ICii. MALARa-u,! & co., iuc, 1st Front st. i-ORiCAND rlbll CO., 34 u ront sc. FLORAL DAbaluNs. LUBL1NER, llutial, 44ft tvasiuugton St. FLUCR MILLS. CROWN MILa. iwJ wi xrad. bldg. A Hull' AND A HUD u IE. a'EWEN fit &ualui,i, iu roac F LAUiuAlAvs tt ArtAl A1K. J. C. BAlcft, rmm uiujuiuel fits. L lie xm. aau bcjAouA, anl'd.3- .sux.upuai atuuui uri..bUrj CO., X 3vl GOLD A ASIA LtlA-OttALAtS. ANDREW jUA. AbiaLiu iluy. cu., laiobe ildg. OAULAN Jl.HClAJt AS. Alters Bros, jauiuii. cu., s-tuutdc Marshall. JvluUlt, ulrf UAU oc CO., A.DW1S ldg. ial uoa-ul luivi; fit co., x.uaru wi i'rad. .u. iL liucs.ii, ioaru ox. 'iruuu. NOKimit, LiiiAi fit Vv llor.. CO., Bd. Tr. iiiE W. A. GoitlJON Co., Duard of Xr&ae. GAtOCAvAtAAtS. ALLEN fit LEW .a, iool, 48 N. Front. WADHAMS fit CU., Otf-15 4th SC A1AAUJWAAU1. Marshall-Wells UM.uutf cu., nth and Pine. dAla AND tars. IHANHAtlSLlt HA'l CO.. Q3-6S Front St. AtAY. J. H. Kiesterman fit cu.. leading hay dealers. U1UA.&, 1th, A'AvLAb, WOOL, 'A'.La.UI. Ififl H. F. N OKI UN CO.. ol2-13 Jf'ront St. IlUJA-o, l'tlls, WOOL AND lliBs. bl&duu.U fit cu., rruut ai.d sjaltuua. tAh.N AROb.. 1111 Frunt street. HOP MLKC HANTS. M'NEFF BKulUfc-iia, bi4 Worcester bldg. IKON, BULL, AAEAVV: llAKDWAKAv. ROln:KTSON Hardware a. steel Co., os 6th. KOL.VlvS AND i'llulO SL11L1L3. PORiL-ND PHOTO tit'PPLi- CO., 1411 3d. LLAAHrat AND SHOE SIORE Slll'A'AjJl.a. UCKi'cCHK BKOS., 3U4 Pine st. LliL, CEALENI AND PLASTER. NottlnghAm fit Co.. ' 102 Front st. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MaLLOKY fit CO., 231 Pine St. Loggers A Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 Bth St. LUBRICATING OlS Palfour. Guthrie fit Co., Board of Trade. MEETING NOTICES. ALL MEMBERS of thrj fraternal Order of Eagles are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother Joseph Greco, which will be held Tuesday, January 14. 1913. from St. Michael's Church, corner Fourth and Mill etrtets, at 1:30 P. M. VIC CHAPMAN, Secretary, 284 H Madison street. ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS who are Interested in the formation of new Council of R. & S. M. on the West Side of the river are Invited to meet this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets GEO. E. HTOGINS. LILT OF THE VALLEY LODGE, NO. 817, M. B. A. Dance Tuesday evening, January 14, W. O. W. Temple, 12S Eleventh st. Ad mission 25 cents. Prasp's Orchestra. (Union music,) DIED. -- BERNARDI In Salem, January 2, Mrs, Rosa BernardI, aged 72 years, of paraly sis, widow of Joseph Bernard! and mother of Joseph, Frank and Jacob Bernard!, of saiem, ais. nomer naiioca, mra. a. j. Jones. Mrs. J. C- Hertz, of Portland, and Mrs. G. A. .Molden, of Hood River. The funeral was held in Salen January 4. PALMER In this city. Jan. 13. Ira M. Palmer, aged 26 years. Remains at Lerch's undertatting parlors, x unerai announce- rneni later. TAGGART In this city, January 13, at St. Vincents Hospital, Patrick W. Taggart. aged Go years, 4 months and 10 days, of 569 Mars nau street. Announcement ox funeral later. SPl'RLOCK In this city. Jan. 13, Charlotte Elizabeth Spurlock, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Spurlock, 350 R. 53th st North. FXJNXRAI NOTICES. ROYAL In this city, January 12, Mrs. Os mon Royal, widow of the late Dr. Osraon Royal. Friends invited to attend funeral, which will be held at the Grace M. . Church, northwest corner Taylor and 12th streets, at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Wednesday), January 15. Remains are at Holman's Funeral Parlors until 1:30 P. M. Wednes day. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. POULSON At the family residence, 1309 Omaha street, January 13, 113. Johanna Poulson. aged 19 years. 11 months aid 2 lays, beloved mother of Otof Poulson. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday). January 15, 1913, at 2 30 P. M. from Pearson's Funeral parlors. 369 371 Russell street. Friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LANS WORTH In this city,- January 11, Mrs Mary 1. Lans worth, aged 42 years, 7 months and 15 days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors at 2 P. M. Thursday. January lti. Interment Rlverview Cemetery- DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents Drocured bv J- K. Mock, attorney. at-law. late of the U. S. Patent Office. .Booklet free. 101U Board or Trade bios. U. 8. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured Dy yJ. J- annum. 408-409 Chamber of Commerce bids;. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ems, infringements cases. 604 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th ana York sts. Main o. PLUMBING AND HEATTNG. CONTRACT, rrnidr honest nrlces. estlmat. turn. M. 76S5. T. H. Crowther, 353 2d. PRINTING. ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. 73 u. Klxth - St.. corner Oak- Modern office, right prices, good facilities. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS, PAOTPtr COAST STAMP WORKS'. 2S1 Wash. st. Phones Main 710 and A 2710. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. WE buy and sell, prices right. G. Long. feagie r- urmture. a-o union ave. OUR Exc dept. offers cash or trade on new goods, 'labor 4340. SHOWCASES. BANK AND SHOW FIXTURES. thk t.ittktt. MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6th and Hojt. R. Lutke. manager. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO. 125 N. 5th st. Main 7617. Cabinet work MARSHALL MFG.-CO.. 4th and Couch; new and old window display and capinet work. 6TOVE REPAIRING. HAVE your gas stove repaired by an ex- STORAGE AXD TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney Eta; just completed new nre proof warehouse for household effects, nianoR and aoitomoblles contains sepa rate fire and vermin-proof roonis, steam heated piano-room, trunk and rag vaults, trackage for carload shipments; vans for moving; reaucea ireignt raies uo iiouc hold goods to and from East In through cars. iiain oo-iu. ah um w"- C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaulta for valuable; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Mam nvtj, a .t. ni.snv.RnR transfer CO. nneriil transferring: and storage, safes, nlnnna nnrt furniture moved and sacked for shipment. KT-S9 Front st. Telephone Main j4T or i. nnsifinv transfkr CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and forwarding agents. Offices and storage 474 Giisan at., corner mm uau Glisan. lr'nones Main o, ajw TVPEWRlTERW. CIA Tn :t5 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WKITJk; reDUllt as cuou an new: w.u makes to choose from at Gill's, 3d and Alder; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed, call or pnone xor representative, Main hovu or A tuoo. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on ine uoasi; investigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange, 351 Washington St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. u. c Co., starK. Mam ivi. WOOD AND COAL. BEST country slabwood on earth, all coarse, heavy slabs, never oeen m tne water, Dev ter than cordwood. $3.50 per cord, deliv ered Inside of a reasonable district. Inde pendent Fuel Co., 110 N. 115. Phone M 7U1S. ilLN'S AND WOMJSN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., bi Fit in. St. A1AAA, OttlliJi, JONBd CASH fiAuxtf.. frunt and Oak. FUaaKliu fit CO., 132 Front su . AlAVM'S FtAVNABAlANu GOODS. NEUST Axtji AMiua. MlLLlNAvRA. B. O. CASE & cu.. utn aud Oak. BKADSHA vV BROS.. Muriison and 7th sts. NOAAUNS AND FANCY GOODS. M1LLLH. blJAiNGlON. caihuun Co., 45 4tn ORNAJUEN'AAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland wire fit iron was.. 2d fit Columbia E- Port'd Wire at Irun Wks. Belmont is W'ate PAANAs, OIL AND VARNISHES RASAluasijN fit CO., jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doois. cor. 2d and 1'aylur W. P. FLLCr-K fit CO.. 12th and Davis. PAANAS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PA1N1 CO.. 1S6 First st- BOA.LS AND SHAuLA-' BOAES. Portland Paper Box Co., U2 Front, cartons PERIODICALS, BOOtcs AND FoaACAUDa Tlx r. 'RccuN Nba Co., 71 Front st. FlCAvLLB AND UNEl.AK. KNIGHT PACKING CO., 474 East Alder. PIPE. I'lA'L FITTING AND VALVALS. M. L. KLINE, bl-bb Front st. PLUMBING AND blLAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KCINU b4-b6 Front st. M. BARDK fit SONS. 240 Front St. POCHKY, LGoS, CALVES, HOGS. H-CNKy K v rlKjjiNG, 45-47 Front sc ROPL AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14lh ano Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Ft. Ankeny si SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. P. K. t-iR fit CO.. 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND lronWorks, 14th and NorthruL SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front St. aPRAVING MACIUNKKV. THE IIARD1E MFG. CO., 4U N. Front St. WALL PAPER, Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st sl MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 Secon. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUKD, 123-125 First it BLUMAUER 4 HOCH. 105-107 12th st. WIRE AND WIRE ROPE. JOHN A. Roehllng's Sons Co., 89 8th s: WIRE AND IKON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks.. 2d fit Columbli I DODSON At the family residence, 55 East aged years, 8 months, beloved daughter nf Ht Qnr) Vra X7 1 1 1 1 . i- V, L " "!,LCU . -menu lunerai services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors at 3 P. M. Thursday, January Iti. Autuiutiti av AJVsi ATiigcicsi, V.UX A a -M-.. AT U'tut,!' t .t uo cu me ittulu, rebiaeuc, -il od street soutneibk Wune-.uay, January 15, at 2 i. M. Jbneuuj invitea. interment Mount Scott Jt'ar. Cemetery. Kemains at Lercn's pariora ii.aat bixth, auu Aiuer streets. ' MORGAN The funeral services of the lau Mary Ann Morgan will, be held toaa. duesdayj Jan, 14, at 2 o cIock P. ja. irom tiitt new chapel of J. f. Finley ! Son, iioutgomery and 5th sts. ijrienas. invited. Interment Lone Fir Centetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MB. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading l unerai uirtctor, -u loud street, voxue. baimuo. Lauy atitaat. A loll. Main uu. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, FUNERAL eKVlC4, Lady Attenuant. Montgomery at lltii St. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Stde i unerai Directors, 414 East Alder St. East 62, H 2525. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works, 264 4th, oppottitCUy iiaU. .Btab. AlON UM E NTS Otto Schlimann"MarbTe Works, Eat ltd and Fine sts. Eat 74a. DUNNING M'ENTEE, funeral directors, 7th and Fine. Phone Main 430. Latiy at tendant. Office of County Coroner. A. B. ZELLER CO., 6U2-4 Williams ave. Phone East 1088, C luOa. Lady attendant. I.EKCH, undertaker, cor. Fawt Alder and Slxtb. East 781, U 1888. Lady attendant. 6KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3o and Clay. Main 415, A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK- CONTAINING 335 ACRES. Portland's Only Modern Cemetery With Aerptual Care. One -Alii. Southeast Lents. , Permanent and picturesque, park and lawn plan. Perpetual care with out extra charge. Prices moderate, service excellent: every convenience In use, including large, luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott end Csza dero cars. Free auto service. Tabor 1468. B 6111. Call for Local 420L HT7 WW w THEATER HiM.Lt M. Cj 11th. MORRISON. Phones: Main 1 and A 1122. LAST TIME TONIGHT. Th. Dramatlo Success "THE CONFESSION" under auspices The Knights of Columbus. Prices: $1.50, L00, 75c. 50c. MAIL ORDERS NOW David Belasco Presents DAVID WARFIELD Jn "THE RETCRX OF PETER GRIMM HC I I THEATER HilLtl Kjt 11th and Morrison 6SKo MON. JAN. 20 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Prices: Both evenings and matinees: Entire lower floor, $2; balcony, first 2 rows, $2; nest 7 rows, $1.50; next 6 rows, $1: last 4 rows, 75c. Address letters, make checks and money orders payable to W. T. Pangle. Inclose Belf-addressed stamped envelope to help insure safe return. SEAT SALE OPENS. TOMORROW. HeiHg 11th and Morrison. SUN NIGHTS JAN. 17, 18, 19 Special-price matinee Saturday. Oscar Hammerstein FLORENCE WEBBER In Victor Herbert's Comic Opera Success, "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" Splendid Cast; 60 People 60. Special Orchestra. Prices Evenings : Lower floor, 10 rows, $2; 8 rows. $1.50; 4 rows, $1. Bal cony: $, 75c, 50c. Saturday matinee Lower floor, 10 rows, 1.50; 12 rows, $L Balcony : 75c, 60c Seat Sale Opens 10A.M. Today Leopold Godowsky HeiHg Theater 11TH A MORRISON. THURSDAY, JAN. 16. PRICES: 1.75. $1.0O, $1.50. $2.00. Box Seats, S2.50. ALL SEATS RESERVED. Direction Steers-Coman. RA V CD THEATER. A l. I. K Main 2. A 5360. Geo. L. Raker, Msr Now Located on Seventh and Sixth Streets, Near Morrison (Former Orpheum). The Baker Players All This Week, Presenting Owen TVIsters Greatest of All western Plays, The VIRGINIAN Great Cast and Scenic Production; Immense Hit; First Time in Stock. Evening Prices, 25c, 35c, 50c; Matinees Saturday and Wednesday. All seats 25c. Next Week: "SALVATION NELL." Matinee Daily. Main 6. A 1020. Seventh and Tarlor Streets. Matinees 15-25-50c. Nights 15-25-50-75O. inia ween MRS. LANGTRY (Lady do Bathe) in "The Test." 6 OTHER STELLAR ACTS 6 SEAT SALE FOR ENGAGEMENT OF Sarah Bernhardt at Seventh and Taylor Streets. Week of January 27 now on at Powers & Estes Drugstore In Oregonian Building. Matinees Nlehts loc, 50c, 75c, $1. 25e, 50c, 7oc, 1, $1.50. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. WEEK JANUARY 13 Matinee Iai!v. 'The KnglUh Pony Ballet.' Tom and Edith .imond, t.uistat and Berrio, Italian Melody .1 asters; It ire, Bell and Baldwin, Murray K. lilt. Miss Hazel Folsom. .Miss Janet Louden. -toxes and first row balcony reserved. Box rnce ooen irom - a. .u. tn to f. i. r nones, a zsitt, Alain 4o3tt. curtain, z:3u, :15 and v o clock. ifz" "C!Z" Ratines ?ttrrT DAILY Home at Rcflned A audevllle Aarno's Comedians with Charles ' Chaplin ana i people present 1 "THE WOW WOW'S" 5 OTHER HEADLINE ACTS 5 Special Prices Matinees, any seat, 10c; venings, luc, iuc. LYRIC THEATER WEEK, JANUARY 13. Extra Blr Feature Film, "His Holiness Pone Plus .x ana tne Vatican.'' Ihe Popular Keating & Flood Company will A resent M'LLE CHICKEN. Athletic Contest. Tuesday Nights Rose. juds' Contest, Friday Nights. Two Per- ormances Nightly. Matinees Emily. -AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House. 166-168 Park it. Piano, furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 10 A. ii. tREG0N HUMANE SOCIEH tr r'ICE NO.S2U I NIO.X AVRNCB,CU1U NER UAHKBT STREET. Pbone, East 1423, B Z3AX Horse ambalanc. for sick or disable inlmals at a moment's notice. PrloM reasonable. Report all cases of eruslu to this orrice opea day sod Diffab NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON SNAP New. alsrht-room house: four bedrooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. In act normnjr missing lot ouxtuu; nara iurfaced street. Worth $7500. but owner nust sell and will tak $6300: 1500 down and $25 per month. On East Twentv- .ifth street, near Thompson. - Will take vacant lot or auto as nrst payment. C. M, ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bide. A 141(1, .Marshall 92 MORTGAGE LOANS Onr Own. Money at Current Rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO Commercial Clnb Blds-f Portland. Or. r'REE A 50 tailored suit, ladies or gents. gien an ay tvery J. tin OI tne monUL Coupons with every 50 cents spent here. The Elite Tailors, cleaning, pressing and alterations. 30 I.'nlon ave. N., near Burn side. E. 2573. B. 324S. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS COI.LIS, BERRIDGB THOMPSON. 324 Worcester Block. Phone Mala S567. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on good im proved city real estate, in cluding residence, business and apartment-house prop erty, in amounts ranging from $1000 to $500,000, and up to 60 per cent of a con servative valuation. Spe cial terms arranged where loan desired is much less than half the value of the property. Money furnished without any unnecessary loss of time, and at lowest prevailing rates of interest. Wilfred Shore & Co. XTESTHEKT IARKE35 Lewis Bid?., 4th and Oak Sts. Business Corner 3d and Jefferson St. Price $60,000 The new Jefferson-street franchise granted to the S. P. Co. makes this corner an interurban transfer point ; a permanent class of improvement can be erected on this property at once to advantage. H. P, PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg, PIEDMONT SNAP Very swell, eiarht-room, modern house; four bedrooms, -sleeping" - porch and den; hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet, paneled dining - room, Dutch, kitchen, fireplace, furnace, cement floor, laundry trays; nice lawn; seven fir trees: grarage; lot 50x100; hard-surface in and paid. Must be sold this week at a sac rifice $5600; $10o0 down and $25 per month. Let me show you this; on Cleve land, near Killingsworth avenue. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bldfr. A 1416, Mnrxhall 02. A SNAP IX Ladd's Addition Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorne avenue, with easterly face. Terms to suit. Address or apply to OWNER, 501 OREGONIAN BLDG-. SEVENTH-ST. SNAP 50x100 lot on Seventh street, between. Market and Mill; fine place for stores and apartments. Big snap at $12,500; easy terms, or will trade for five or six-room house on East Ankeny street. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bide. A 1416, Marshall 92. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 per cent on best business properties 6 per cent and 7 per cent on other close in DUBincss una resilience securities. DO YOUNEED MONEY? Bring your city or Oregon farm lands to us and we will make you Loans on Easy Terms ZIMMF1R BROWXSON CO., a 10 Railway Exchange Bldg. Mortgage Loans First Mortgages on Farm Property. MORTGAGE COMPANY FOR AMERICA. Head Office, The Hague. Netherlands. Alnaworth Building, Portland. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CR0NAN, 002 Spaldlnlf Bids. Portland, On CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZAOOW 414 Corbett Bide. A 1416. MarsbaU 02. FARM LOANS ONLY Current Rates. THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 104)9 Spalding; Building, Portland, OrcRoa REAL ESTATE iEAJ,EKS. BKUBAKER & BENEDICT. 502 McKay bid. M. 549. Beck. William G-. 315-S16 Fallinr bid. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Jennings & Co , Main 188. 206 Oregonian. PAU1JSR-JO.N1SS CU.. li.. if., 404-4U&-406 Wilcox bide. THE Oregon Heal Estate Co., Grand ave. at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.). R. T. STREET. 229 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota, 1U0 BY 100. $350. $10 down, $5 monthly, sightly and level, five minutes' east of Bell wood. A. C Ma rat era, 2U2 Wilcox blug. Main 3317. A 7340. Tabor 1770. BUILDERS, ATTENTION. Will give a few second mortgage, priv ileges to a few good builders in Holly-, rood. Phone J. H. Tipton. East 1628. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE LOT. Fine level lot, hi block from car on Willamette Heights, ail imp. in and paid. $3WU, your own terms. Main 4-KK). 4 $5 CASH and $5 per month, nice level lot at J-iriana, city water. HIOLEY fc BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. SNAP Near Hawthorne, on E. 4ith et one lot, $boU, caah or terms. b bit;, orego nian. IRVINGTON BACR1IFCE This week only. east-iacing lot, biocn irom car. fiiit.l; im provements included. Owner, Main S078. WILL sacrifice equity In Westmoreland lot. part casn ana aiamona accepted. Ad dress R. 8. Moore, lo llth bu S. WILL sell $450 equity in r0-foot lot - blks. from St. Johns canine, ior balance nf $U50- at $10 per month. Main 44J0. FJRlaND lot $375; terms 15 monthly. Vi9 cniraDer or commerce, ai. liati. FOR SALE By owner, block. Call S-s touege bl.