THE 91UKM3G OKEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1913. ALLIES THREATEN AND TURKS CAJOLE Ottoman Envoys Concede Only What Has Been Conquered by Force of Arms. STRUGGLE GROWS BITTER Aegean Islands May Bo Ceded to Powers for Settlement Greece Will Obey If Ordered to Kvaeuate. I -ON DON. Jan. I. The plenipotenti aries to the peace conference enjoyed a day of general relaxation. Even the meeting1 of the Ambassadors today was purely academic, as all agreed that yesterday's advances by Turkey had changed th.i situation to such an extent that they must await corre sponding Instructions from their re spective governments. The Turks continue to declare that their concessions have surpassed any logical expectation, but that now they cannot cede an inch more. On the other hand, the allies with unanimous voire and compact front , maintain that they would end the con ference rather than give up what they contend in due them by right of their victories. Both Miles rinylnK Game. That the game is being played on both sides is wident. The Turks emphasize the enormous Importance of rthat they have ceded, which in reality is only what they have lost, and what, independently of the allies, not even the powers would allow them to reconquer. The allies on the other hand belittle the Turkish concessions, as tfiey desire definitely to settle forever their differences with the Ottoman empire. The real stumbling block is Adri anople. A compromise solution re specting the Aegean Islands is pos sible. Some suggest that Turkey cede them to the powers, which can decide their fate. Tt is recalled that such a course has been taken on other occa sions presenting even more difficulties than the present. For instance, in the war of lS(i6 between Italy and Austria, Austria, although victorious, was in duced to ceie the Venetian provinces to France, which transferred them to Italy. Mruccle IcvHp EHtternesa. Supporters of this plan hint that Turkey might even cede the islands to the allies, as has practically been done with Albania, on condition that the powers pledge themselves to claim, as in the case of Albania, the right to de cide the status of the Aegean archi pelago. The struggle now will be bitter be tween the Turks and the allies. The Turks arc threatening to appeal to the tribunal of Kurope; the allies are threatening to resume the war. It is expectpd, however, that relief from this situation may result from tho meeting of the Ambassadors to whose judgment probably both Turkey and the allies will submit, if they decide unanimously what the fate of the islands must be. Tho powers are particularly con cerned In this question, because some of the islands. Samothrace, Imbros, l,enions and Tenedos. are of interna tional importance, commanding the en trance to the Dardenelles, while Mity K'lie and (.Mi ins bar entrance of the Uulf of Smyrna. The rest of the islands still are in the hands of Italy, which occupied them in the war with Turkey. Greece" M ill Obey Foirrra, If the powers unanimously ask CSreecc to evacuate some of the islands already occupied it is believed CSreece will obey, as she. did at Avalona on the simple intimation of Italy, and as tier via and Montenegro on the Albanian coast of the Adriutic are prepared to do in order to please Austria. The ambassadors today reviewed the whole situation without entering deep ly Into any particular question. They wish to have the concrete instructions het -re they do so. In the meantime an exchange of communications is oc curring between the chancellories of the triple entente and the triple alli ance, while a special understanding is developing between Russia and Italy concerning Albania. There appears to be among the ambassadors a strong current in favor of the annexation of Crete to Greece, but they hold that in exchange they slrould be entrusted with the decision respecting the fate of the islands. Regarding the frontiers of Albania, the opinion prevails among the am bassadors that they will be able to strike a proper medium between the too restricted suggestions of the allies and the too extended boundaries fa vored by Austria. It is reported that the Russian, Ital ian and Freeh ambassadors are sup porting this middle course. HILL FINDS PLANT FOOD Kailrottd Magnate Expects to Double Yield of Grain in Northwest. ST. PAUL Minn., Jan. 2. Six men, representing commercial Minneapolis, were taken today into the greenhouses of James J. Hill, where the railroad man has been carrying on for two months an experiment intended to rev olutionize agriculture. The six men saw astonishing results in wheat, oats and barley culture, achieved through a new chemical soil analysis. Phosphorous has been found to be the great essential plant food lack ins: in the soil of the Northwest. Mr. Hill has found the way, be told the Minneapolis men, to increase soil fertility. "I believe." Mr. Hill said. fcthat we have found what to do, and we are go ing to do it. We can, by the applica tion of these methods, double the pro duction of grain in the Northwestern states." STEAMSHIP LANES MOVED Atlantic T.iners Agree to New Route to Avoid Icebergs. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Tha Navy Iepartment announced today that I ran s- Atlantic steamship lines have agrt-ed to move their tracks to the southward. In order to avoid Icebergs, the chansa to be become effective Jan uary 15. The new tracks will be as follows: Eastbound, cross 47 degrees west longitude in 40 degrees north latitude: westbound, cross 47 west longitude in 41 degrees north latitude. These crossings are one degree or about 60 miles south of crossings here tofore used at that time of the year. The branch oYflr at New York reports the new tracks are due to recommenda tions of the Hydrographlc Office ROSARIANS AT 1 5fcBia ABOVK (I.KKT TO RIGHT) AKB MAV OR AD FRANK MOTH OAKLAND! CROWN PRINCE W. C. BRIST4II. AND W. J. HOKMAXN, BACKKD BY OTH KR ROSARIANS 8GLOW ARK SOME OP THE ROSARIA"S ON WHOM SPE CIAL, HONOR WAS CONFERRED A T SAN UlhX.O. FAIR SITE IS VISITED Royal Rosarians Plant Oregon Roses at San Diego. HONOR DEGREES GRANTED Fifteen Visitors From North Become Members of Companeros of Or der of Panama City Extends ncceptlon to Invaders. (Continued From First Pa&ff. was escorted to the line of automo biles thBt were waiting; to take the party to the Hotel Grant, headquarters for the entertainment. The women's committee was In charge of Mrs. C. E. Olmsted, formerly of Portland. The Companeros formed a guard of honor for the Rosarians from the sta tion to the hotel and all along the line of march crowds of people at the curb lng:s cheered the passing of the white uniformed visitors. At the hotel, where the drill team swung into full "com pany front" and saluted before march ing Into the lobby, the cheers were deafening. After breakfast, as guests of. the joint committees of the business and social organisations of the city, the party was taken for a trip about the bay In the glass-bottomed boat Em- OAKLAND, AND ORDER OF PANAMA INITIATES. i - Vn A place, assisted by the chairman of the day. while Mr. Pittock turned the earth over the roots. . All Aid la Rose-PIantlns. There was general movement then toward the trench and with cheers and singing the Koyal Rosarians seized shovels and rose bushes and every man in the party tooH a hand in the plant ing of the remainder. After the return from the exposition grounds at 5 o'clock, the men of the Order of Panama assembled in session at theIotel Grant and conferred upon 15 members of the Rosarians the degree of honor of the order. Heretofore the degree of honor In the Order of Panama has been conferred upon none but Ministers representing foreign countries who have been in San Diego as guests of honor of the order. With the degree which ad mitted them to honorary association with the Companeros of the Order of Panama, each Rosarian received the symbolic medal of honor belonging to this rank. Those receiving this degree were: Crown Prince Bristol, Prince Regent R. W. Hoyt, Prime Minister W. J. Hofmann. Fred Larson. G. L. Hutchin, H. L. rittock, C. C. Chapman, Ky Eilers, C C. Craig, R. G. Morrow, Robert Krohn, Dean Vincent. M. N. Dana, Dean Collins and Paul Cham berlain. San Dles;o Pc-rooaM Honored, The Rosarians In a , session im mediately following that of the Com paneros of the Order of Panama, con ferred upon several of the leading men of San Diego the honorary membership and diploma of vthe Royal Rosarians. Among those thus honored were Presi dent Collier, of the Panama-California Exposition, and Mayor J. E. Wadhams. In. the entertainment of the Rosarians while in the city, San Diego eclipsed every preceding experience of the excursion. WlnHeld Hugaboom and ZZ : t - : Carl Heilbron. prominent members of the Oroer of Panama, which led in the entertainment, and both officers of the exposition committee, came to Pasa dena last night to join the Rosarian party and accompany the Rosarians to San Diego to arrange en route all preparations for the reception that awaited. x The Rosarians stepped off the train amid the blare of a huge band to find the Companeros of the Order of Pana ma in their uniform and bright sashes of red and yellow, drawn up to re ceive them, while a committee of wo men from the Oregon society of San Diego wa'.ted to welcome th women of the Rosarian party. Women Get Polnarttia. As each woman stepped from the irain she was presented with an arm full of bright poinsettia blossoms and peror, returning to the hotel for lunch eon as guests of the San Diego Ad Club. The women were entertained at luncheon by the women of the Oregon Society. A. O. Clark, president of the Port- A Bank for All 1 life JFV ' is i nil Lf4 m The Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus. Established 1890. SEE THAT (Registered.) Ill I FARVJgd in the IMITATED BUT NOT DUPLICATED Meanness is ever ready to take from merit. Copyists cannot cope with Thompson quality. Tet they attempt to make capi tal out of the name, offering an inferior imitation for genuine Kryptoks. Imitation is a confession of cow ardice that -will meet with no mercy. The law will take its course with any dealer who sells a cheap imitation for the genuine Kryptok. The public is informed that only genuine Kryptok lenses are sold at our institution. Factory on Premises. THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE. 209-10-11 Corbett Bldg., 2d Floor. Portland's Oldest and Largest Ex clusive Optical Place. land Ad Club, was the principal speaker at the men's luncheon, and addresses were given also by W. T. Buchanan. R. G. Morrow, M. N. Dana and Dr. J. Whit comb Brougher, who had donned Ro sarian colors and remained with the partv from the time it first entered Los Angeles en route for Pasadena. J. Fred Larson sang a solo and the cheers and choruses of the Rosarians at in tervals in the luncheon were responded to heartily by their hosts. Automobile parties visited Point Lo rn a and the theosophist colony In the afternoon following the rose-planting ceremony at the exposition grounds. A banquet and a ball in honor of the Ro- carians closed Oie day s programme. G. Ia Hutchin today announced that both Pasadena and San Diego had promised to secure delegations to rep resent their cities at the coming Kqse Festival. "It we can get our drill team of Com paneros in readiness by that time," said Carl Heilbron, "the Order of Pan ama will be at the Rose Festival In full regala." Chairmen of the committees appoint ed from organizations of San Diego to conduct the Rosarian entertainment were: D. C. Collier, president of the exposition; K O. Tilbourne, president of the Ad Club: F. C. Spalding, presi dent of the Board of Trade, and Clark Braley, president of the Oregon So ciety. Itussian Crown Prince Recovers. GENEVA. Switzerland, Jan. 2. The "Russian Imperial Crown Prince is said to have completely recovered his health. He is about to begin his French studies and a Swiss professor, Pierre Glllard, has been appointed his tutor. Jndge'g Impeachment Demanded. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. g. The Gall Stones Removed Without an Operation After suffering for one year with gall stones. I was told by a friend to try Swamp-Root. I began with the 60-cent size and after using four bottles found' that I was much better. Then began using the larger size bottles and after taking three bottles I was cured. That has been seven years ago this Summer and I have never been sick since that time from this disease. t I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root to any one for kid ney and bladder troubles hoping it may do as much good for many people as it did for me. Yours truly, MISS EMMA HOLDEFER, 20 North Thorpe St., Kansas City, Kan. State of Missouri, I County of Jackson. J On the 11th day of August, 1909, personally appeared before me, a No tary Public in and for said county and state, Miss Emma Holdefer, who sub scribed the within statement and made oath that the same Is true in sub stance and in fact. HENRY C. EMERY, Notary Public. I.rttrrn to . Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Btnghamton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Boot Will Do l'or Ton. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Information, tell ing all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention The Portland Daily Oregonian. Regu lar SO-cent and $1 size bottles for sale at all drug stores. People .$1,400,000 A January Clean-Up Sale Lennou's great after-holiday carni val of savings is in full sway. All in complete lines and odd lots at a phe nomenal sacrifice. Supply future needs today. Women's CI..1S Plour Kid Glov Black and white, with heavy ex tracting backs. Clean - Up. the QC. pair. OUC Women's 91.35 Gloves Capes, pique kid, overseam kid. and chamois. QC All sizes, pair .p 7uC Women' 1.45 Glove Pique and overseam cape, pique mocha, tailored chamois and Lennon s famous tf 1 C Vogue kid. Clean-Up. pair. . . 5 1 1 0 Women's HJjS French Kid Glove Chic two-pearl clasps. Black, white and all shades. Clean-Up, g j 49 $3.85 and C3.SO L o n K Kid Glnven 16-button, real French kid. Black, white and tan. Clean-up, the ti0 Oft pair tj0!7 50c Cashmere and Wool Gloves For men. women and children. The 39c pair Hosiery Bargains Women's Staple Hon Silk lisle, ton split foot, silk or lisle out - also cashmere. Clean-up bale. 23c pair. S5e Wearproof Hlack Silk Mule Hme For women, guaranteed, three 7C pairs lOC Women's 50c Hose Pure thread silk, black silk lisle in regular and out-size; cashmere, etc. three pairs O f? the pair Out Women's Extra Heavy Silk JQ. Hose, the pair. HOC ft. 23 MeCallom Silk Hose All silk or with lisle tops and foot. Ex- QQ cellent quality, the pair lOC 50e Evemear Socks for Men Few black, nearly allcolors, the fCt pair t)C The House That Quality Built n tyHovesJiosierx. Umbrellas C. V. BERG, Mgr. City Commissioners of Kansas City, Pollock for making an order last Mon- Kan., today adopted a resolution pro- day permitting the Kansas Natural Gas vlding for the appointment of a com- Company to increase the wholesale mittee to prefer impeachment charges price of natural gas in Kansas City against United States "District Jiirlge to 31 cents a thousand cubic feet. Clearance oaieii Of Quality Furs EVERYTHING REDUCED For reliable and dependable Furs you should take advan tage of this extraordinary clearance sale. Every high grade Fur is right from our factory here on the premises iu the best and most exclusive styles. This stock is strictly the largest and best showing of Furs shown in Portland. Every kind of Fur. Every new model, at low est clearance prices. All Remodeling and Renovating at Reduced Prices HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS Mail Orders Given Our Prompt Attention 286 MORRISON STREET We Have Moved to Temporary Quarters 133 Tenth Street between Wash ington and Alder and Removal Sale Prices Are in Force Until the Opening of Our Permanent Store 129 Tenth Street on or about Feb. 1st. FORMERLY SEVENTH AND The spirit of good fellowship predominates at this res taurant. It is the combination of perfect service, splendid meals and pleasing prices that makes II Jtigoletto such a charming place to lunch or dine. You will especially appreciate our SUNDAY DINNER RESTAURANT n Crowd-Bringing Values Again Today in Gloves, Hosiery and Umbrellas cot. size. Entire Stock of Um brellas Reduced l.50 1 mbrellas 75 .!. I mbrellas 91.39 gXUO I mbrellas $1.95 H.r.o 1 mbrellas $2.39 4.0t I mbrellas $2.79 ft4.r t'mbrrllHM. ....... $3.15 IC.IKI 1'mbrellns S3. 45 6.00 I mbrellas $3.95 Morrison Street Opp. P. o. sews: fBntsford SPI-viCf.) Illustrated Style Book Free Upon Request Pirn I till Manufacturing Furrier OPPOSITE OLD LOCATION WASHINGTON STREETS At Alder and Third Sts Main 4190