0 15 THE MOISMXG OKEGOMAX, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1912. TK KENT. Room With Board In prlraf Family. i.aRi:l- .,.ttful front room with bot and cold water, suitable for two or more rwwl huarii an.i home comforts: alao ron h il vn.mw mmn vinn roommate; walk' Inr duuncc. 101 Harrison St., near 14lh. Main 6.;-l. vice-i.v r,.mt.hed front rooms, moder hnV h.r.l if ri.-aired: Hoilad.y Add.. 10 ' .iir m ?.i inH Vashlnuton sts. home prlvllejes. 349 Multnomah at. Phone VERY pleasant warm room and board for .rr,t.i.,vd- homo privileges; every ihina new clean and modern; reasonable. IS Everett st. VKBV desirable- rooms, ateam heat, electri nhr well furnished; home table. 1 2.'d at., cr. Irving. urinir m-dh n.urd. HoU Para at., come i'olumbU; modern conveniences; reference exrhallKed. 1 ,. K i , room, with modern convenience. jtood home cooking. Phone Main w. North 1''th st. Met clean, airy room", with or without ooari; ter.ns reasonable: bath, phone In house. Phone No. 47:il. 4l. West far URGE board, Park. room with bath attached niodern convenience. 2tl Rood Weal BOARD and room, rates reasonable, walk Inr distance, modern anvenleiicea. itii; loth st. Main UltTft. fci"LE.'DlI room strictly modern. and board, furnace heat. 674 Kast Salmon. JiOOM with hoard. Marshall ll'TS. 600 Kearney st. phone CALL at board. i Trinity Place for room and jiEAT, pleasant rooms, alnsle or en aulta, with board. 656 Glisan. Sil 220 ST. Well-fumlshed room, good boira for gentleman. M- -oil. TWO lari:e looms, with rourd; reasonable. A 4T:o. or call .111 Morrison st. BEAUTIFl't. room, ground floor, -ITS Grand ave. MCE room, good board for 1 or 3 gentle men. fiPl1 t'avls et. Apartments. highland court apartments. s:d and glisan sts. walking distance. rt pnivTI.T PI'BXIRHED. rOLR-KOOM - APARTMENTS. ALSO ONE fi-ROOM APARTMENT, WITH T ADi-.B HI crprx'rt PORCH OVtR T u' Vfi TUT? RVTIBR PITT. WHICH I'iV RE SECURED JANUARY 1. ALL LAROE. BRIGHT. OUTSIDE ROO.MS. REFERENCES REQUIRED. MARSHALL Sltil. IHE BARKER, cor. list and Irving sts. This new four-storv brick now open: fur nished and unfurnished In ;. I and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator, Holman disappearing beds, buiit- In buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ic box. rjlentr of closet rooms, both nhonM vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If run want something nice, come to the Barker, phone A 1744. Marshall :961. ii i D n I u t V APTS.. 1S4 24TH ST. N Have two beautiful 4-room apartment, furnished, but will rent unfurnished If de- ,oH . .ntinn room 24x15: cilnlns room 13x17- very light and airy; adapted for entert'aininr? larae sleeping porch: tele- Phone, hot and cold water night and day; also hot water neaung piam, ic ences. Main 356. KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington st. Hiirh -class aoartments; one unfur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal ron r ALTON I A. Marshall and 19th sts. Large airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. THE SHEFFIELD 4-room apartment, fur- t.h .... furnished: sniendtd arrange ment: all outside rooms, private bath, direct Pacific phone; reasonable rent; superD lo cation: near Postoffice: best of service. 272 7th St.. cor. Jefferson. References. IHE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 3-room apis., 16. 1S up; steam heat hot and cold water In every apt.; public bath, electric lights, gas ranges laandry-room. all free. Take S, 23d or W, cars north. Phone Main 859. THE PARKHURST, N. Stn and Northrup Sts. MAX KAUFMAN, MANAGING OWNER. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart menla: outside rooms, balcony to every suit: all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 117?!. THE LUZERNE. Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished. S room apartments, building new and strlct Iv modern; large outside kitchens, service first-class, easy walking distance. ivrcTu'i i. it A &th Jt minutes' walk to P. O.: new management: entirely renovated and elegantly furnished. Why pay the high rents elsewhere when you can have hiif1fiil 3-room ants, from $30 to 93.0 mo.? Elevator, fireproof blrig., steam heat. THE WINSTON. 311 14th St.. at Market. Xew uo and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1739. CUMBERLAND APTS.. W. Park and Co lumbia sis., 1 completely furnished 2-room apt all modern conveniences, choice loca tion, facing the park; only 3 minutes walk from business center. MCF.LV furnished 3 rooms. all out aide large, light, airy rooms; private phone and bath, water heaters, laundry trays, large closets, on carline. East Side. Tabor '.i. B 341. I'OR RENT One double. I8: one single, tii ner month. Steam heat. bath, tele phone; walking distance. Phone Main s:.".9. 'Carniellta Apts., 13lh and Jeffer son. liEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; all conveniences: first-class. homelike; reasonable rates: refs. Main 7337, A Silo. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, lith and Everett 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished: private baths; -'0 up: completely reno vated: under new management: walking distance: convenient and best service. HARRISON COURT 2. 3. 4-room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished: strictly modern: desirable location. Fifth and Harrison sts. Main 514S; A 7363. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts.: verv central; 2 nd 3-room apartments, furnished com pletely; pricatf baths; from to ?3".'. MK.I.CI.IFFE COURT. l'J.I East lllh Si., near Morrison. New, modern building: all outside 2 and 3-room apts.; walking distance. NEW CL-Vr.KAPART.MENT. 14 Petty arove: new and nicely furnished, modern. fireproof, brick; apartments I-'O ana will open about Jan. 1. Main 342:; MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 3d and Montgomery. New. modern, nut . side furnished 2-room apartments: auto matic elevator: close in: t-'. up. Mnln iMfis. URA.VDISTA Modern three-room furnished apartments. 2i to .35: private phone. East Stark su and Grand ave. Phone East :i"S. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison Sts. For rent. 5 and 4-roora furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. SERENE COURT. EST 1ST AND MULTNOMAH STS. Ons beautiful S-room apartment, ele gantly furnished: close In. East 14t. THE LOIS. 704 IIOYT ST. One four-room and one three-room apt. for rent. Modern In every way. all out side and front rooms, well furnished. t-iONT H-rooin. steam-heated corner apart ment.' furnished, on v. ill board If de sired. Sl"t and Flanders. Mam 02i forenoon. BUCK 4.PTS., 21st-FIanders, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished. A oSSS, Main 271 ; WALDORF COURT, IRV1NGTON. Eat Bth and Schuyler; one unfurnisl Id apartment. East .r47. C l's. THE CHETOPO. ISth and Flanders sta 2, 3 and 4-room modern apartments, liir nlshed and urfu'rntshed : ylii and up. LILLIAN APTS. Bth and Montgomery I nioti'-rn a-riom furnished apt., also 1 2 roem basement apt ilORTON APTS.. cor. King and Washington, one 3-room furnished or unfurnished apart ment: rent reasonable. Phone Main In?. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. Fonrtll and Lincoln. All outside apts.: $-2..r0 to S30: walking dlstan IMS APARTMENTS 4 and .". large rooms; modern: private phones; $32 and 1 10. 3d and Mill sts. THE Drtrksl-n, 44S llth; nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outside apts., near lle'ght". Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57. HI" EX A VISTA. lth and Harrison; 3-room apartments, best service. Apply on premises. THECHEI.TEXHAJI. 22.-. N 19TH 2-room apariments: new hrlck building; ne'r forniture. Marshall 2 OR 3-rooin furnished aiartu.-nt: light, hest and pVtne. 22S K. l'"th. near Main. THE Kir.g-I'avis. f.4 King st. N.. nr. Wash. High-.ass: references. Both phones. THE BRYN-MAWR APTS.. 18S E. 10t. near Yamhill; 4 and S-room apts.. with poich. HARTFORD APTS.. 5 room furnished apt. 1st and A 3S: Flanders . Mnln IS BERVr.NIA APTS 400 Hall. Just opened, modern, reasonable. Main 41444. A 2133. FOR - KENT. Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE, Apartinenl-Htuse Specialists, r.o.'t Ablnicton Buildlnit. Own or control the following apartment bouses, which ara all new or nearly new, up-to-date and possess all modern con' Vcnienc a: AVCEI.A 37 Trinity Place, near Waah Ington, 2. -3 and 4-room furnished and un furnished. CECELIA 22d and Glisan; 3-room unfur nished. CLAY POOLE llth and Clay; 2 rooms, private balcony, unfurnished. CLAY POOLE ANNEX llth and Clay; rooms, fumlnhed. FORDHAM 17o Ford St., 4 rooms, unfur nished, hardwood finish, private balcon ies: h chest-clasa apartment In the ctty. HANTHORN 201 12th St.. near Main; 3 rooms, with private balconies; uufur nlshed. HANOVER 10T King st.. near Washing ton: 3 rooms, with private balconies, un. furnished; two rooms, furnished or un furnished. KNICKERBOCKER 41 Harrison rt. near llth: 3 rooms; with private bal conies, unfurnished. 6T. CROIX 170 St. Clair, near Washing ton; 3 rooms, furnished ana unxur nlshed. 6T. FRANCIS 21st and Hoyt, S and rooms, with private balconies, unfur nlshed. WELLINGTON" 15th and Everett; 2, 3. 4 and r. rooms, unfurnished; frame build, lng; very reasonable rent. References Required. Tlfe BRETNOR, SOW READY FOB OCCUPANCY. S AND 4 ROOMS UNFURNISHED. LOCATION ttth and I.ovelov sta. Residential sec tion; walking distance; one block from "W" car. ARRANGEMENTS and APPOINTMENTS unexcel ed In the CItV. iSUUt Wltn view of the tenants' comfort. All large, outside rooms, finished In white enamel, with harmonizing colors. SPECIAL- FEATURES 2- Ahsolutelv modern. Noiseless cork. tiled hall floors, French paneled doors separating aining-room irom nans. Direct entrance to all rooms from each hall. Built-in hall trees with full-length French plate mirrors. Largest clothes closets In the city. Really large refrigerators. Individual storerooms. Many other conveniences. BARRETT BROS.. Agents." :ii3 Board of Trade bldg.. OR APPLY AT PREMISES. THE WHEELDON, Corner Park and Taylor Sta. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance, Furnished complete, 2, 3 and apartments: buildings new and modern; service tinst claas. 4-room strictly LUCRETIA COURT. Under new management.. Situated in an open court on Lucretia at., just off Washington, near 2:ld at. - Absolutely the finest unfurnished apartment-house In the city: hardwood floors. Includlne both phones: prices right. See them before locating. Refs. Superintend ent. Marsh. 1013. Janitor, Marsh. 1500. CARMELITA, Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates reasonable. Modern, References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Largest and finest apartments on tne pacinc Coast; In Trinity Place, Just off Washing ton, between lllth and 20th t.. In heart of apartment-bouse district; modern In every particular; high-class service; re fined clientele: sleeping porches In every apartment; furnished and unfurnished; prices right; references required. See Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone Marshall 1101. THE AVALON Vacancies on or near the 1st: 3 and 4-room apartments, Deauu fully finished; steam heat; beautiful new 3-story brick building: easy walking dis tance Union depot. Corner Clackamas and Unf. East 1S. THE EVERETT, nil Ttverctt st.. bet. 20th and Ella- Furnished 3-room apartment In one of the choicest, resident districts, strictly modern, walking distance. MAYO APARTMENTS. Union ave. and Sacramento st,; Just com pleted; the finest and' most up-to-dato 3-room apartments In the city; reason able prices. Phone East 920. GARDNER APTS. ' 13th and East Ash. i large rooms, fire place, hot-water heat, first-class ip every resDect: vacant Jan. 1. Phone East 2S71. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Swiss chalet apts. and bungalow (Turmsnea;. unsurpassea scenery and comfort. Phone Main liZl, Main 91.".. THE LAURETTE. furnished 3-room apart ment, private bath and phone. 22l inn. NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms, modern, fur nace heat, bath, phono. 2tt2 14th at. EAST 9th and Hancock. Irvlngton; 6 upper; no children; key 4 . 2. KUtta. FOR rent: West Side, six-room corner flats. with everv convenience: fine neighborhood, 201 North Twenty-second street. 721 and 723 Vj Kearney street. For particulars, phone Main 1436 or A 1436. Or call at 104 Second St., near Washington. -ROOM flat with basement suitable for -tore or shop at ICS loth st,. near Mor rison: rent $41). H. P. Palmer-Jones CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699. A 2653. MODERN 0-room home tlat: furnace; rent reduced to $20 by lease; 10-miuute walk. iiiZ", Fifth st. or Main 70B5. A .V',1. INK modern 8-room upper flat, cor. 2-';d and Johnson sts.; rent $.",0. C. H. Korell. I.nmhermens bldg.. 0th and Stark. FOR RENT or sale; completely furnished 6 Weat Side: close In. room upper flat; Call East 11C4. MODEKN 11-room flat, fireplace, gas range. boater, linoleum, csrpct. 24 Northrup. Main f-470. WEST SIDE Light, modern 4-room flals. sleeping-iMjrrh, telephone, furnace, attic, yard, can partly furnish. S21 Northrup. COZY flat, newly decorated, gaa range, gas water healer, heating stove, reaaonable rent. 344 Montgomery. Phone E. &810. REASONABLE. 5-rootn flat, light, unfur nished, modern. 092 Salmon, 2 blks of Washington. MODERN aix-room lower fiat. 108 14th St.. East 2301. between laylor and Salmon. ROOMS and bath. 814 Corbett. 821 Corbett at; key at FURNISHED and unfurnished flats, one 2- roora. Phone r.. 1719. 064 W illiams ave. MODERN 4-room flat, near 22d and Wash ington: reasonable. Mam S9SS. Main 3S33. FLAT of rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt Inquire 130 Sth sL Phone Main 62.8. FOR RENT Modern -room flats. 161 K. ISth. 8 ROOMS, and hath, 698 14 Salmon st; ke- t 600 Salmon. 5-T-tOOM modern upper flat, close In, East Side Tabor 1597. AND 4-room flata, low rent. Market st., near Chapman. $17 New 4-room ttat, with sleeping porch. 2tn ana r.. r.vererr. iv innii. MODERN 0-room lower fif .t; fireplace, 60s East Madison at. Housekeeping-! ooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished Tor housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best In the ctty for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or lfith-st. cars north ; get off at Marshall St. No dogs. 10 MONTH. single housekeeping room, completely furnished, gss plate, hot wa ter, bath, light free. 2S8', 3d near Jef ferson. l.n0 to $2. 7S week: clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; free heat, laundry, baths, yard, gaa. Phone. E. fio3:. 4oq Vancouver, 20.1 Stanton. U car. IB SUITE completely furnished for H. K. 4'lean as wax, gas range, baths, hot water, light, linen washed free: aave car fare. 28SH 3d St.. near Jefferson. THE UPSHUR. 406H 2th St.. furnished 2- ruoin apts., steam heat, light, 11 1 up. Main v-9. Take S. 23d or W car. north. THE MONTGOMERY. East Morrison and East 81 h; furnished nouseKeepine suites reasonable. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooma; close In: quiet ana reasonaoie. -i.u i-ajmon. SI EAST Morrison, cor. Last sth. nicely furntshed housekeeping suites, reasonable. Mfl.L APARTMENTS, newly furnished for housekeeping, electric lights. .I.," "Id St. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In ' Wood lawn new 2997 concrete or 2379. building. Phnni FOR RENT. Housekeeping-Rooms In Private Family. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, all outside. Includes well appointed kitchenette, dining-room and living-room. bath, gas . stove, hot and cold water, clean, pleasant. near cars. E. 5-'x. 772 E. Taylor. SINGLE housekeeping rooms and two-room suites. il( per month up; newly rurmsiieu clean and respectable, in mouern u.u lug: heat, batii. cooking gas. telephone in eluded. fJ5. Flanders, near 2iitn. 4-ROOM3. entire first floor, completely fur nished, close in. modern: also 3-room cot- tage and 3-room flat. F. McFarland, S09 1 eon bldg. A FRONT apartment, 2 rooms and alcove nicely furnished: every modern conve nience. Furnace heat. Walking distance. 7n Flanders st. 12f a rooms, comnletelis' furnished, neat cntv elenn .ml nulet eras ranee, phone. Drlvate bath. etc.. walking distance. Call 128 East lflth. near East Morrison NICE 2-room apartment. close-In. stove -neat, gas range: adults; no pets. 21 N llth. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern conveniences, reasonable, wanting ais tance. 44K Columbia. ONE or two desirable, newly furnished rooms, clean, convenient, reasonable. 0411 Yamhill. CHOICE housekeeping suite, (20; room, suitable two gentlemen; Alder St.. S. E. cor. I4th. one large J. 13. 4 $11.00 MONTH, three large housekeeping- rooms, partly furnished, water ana tele phone paid. 897 E. Couch St. East 3060. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2 or S furnished or partly furnished, bath, phone, reasonaoie. 347 Grand ave. N., near jjroaaway. Sir. Comolotelv furnished clean 3 rooms. bath, sink, laundry, gas range, phone; no objection child. 23 East Stark. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gaa and cook stove tl2. 311 Main st. TWO larEe front housekeeping rooms; two hed free lftrht. ohone. bath: Walking dis tance. 272 Montgomery St.. corner 4th TWO 'very desirable rooms furnished for housekeenina. also furnished rooms. 304 Salmon. 11. 3 furnished h. k. rooms: new house, clean, neat, comfortable. 7S1 East Yam hill. rt sncv vnnma furnisher for housekeeping, I month. J. P. McKenna, 115344 Bel mont, cor S9th. Tabor 86... von rwt Two unfurnished rooms. SO; . modern, fine vievr, good house, one block from Mississippi car. iz Micnisan. PLEASANT well furnished 2-room suite, fuel and electric light furnished for ; per week. 201 7th. ATTRACTIVE well furnished front room for liaht housekeeping s per week. 201 7th st. 2 N. 20TII Just what you want In cozy 2-room suites. $15 to $20. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: gas and phone: reasonable. 340 2d and Market 1, 2 jiXD 3 St. lctly modern h. k. rooms. $10, $12 and SIR a month, r.w in st. I NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath; $15 month. 692 Front. LARGE, clean, light H K. rooms, $2.00 up, free phone, light and batn. 421 za st. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, free phone and bath. ZI2 North ltitn. 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. Tftl Kearney, .narynau i.yjt. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 Grand ave. N. Phone East 4.1KS. COSY housekeeping suite, furnished, $10 per month. 5SS pettygrove. Main 342. FINE housekeeping euite, furnace heat, bath phone, very reasonable. J 90 w. park. 2OV1 GRAND AVE. N., front rooms, fur nished for hOUseKeeping, single or en suite. LARGE connecting rooms, also one w kitchenette, furnace, u w asn. BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern hou keeping room. 4I7 Jefferson. Houses. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE'S FREE RENTAL. AND INFORMATION BUREAU Is for the convenience of both . Portland people and strangers in the city who may be looking for homes, apartments or flat We have an excellent private list, as well as the combined lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings In course of construction. Home-hunters esoeoially will nnd relief In this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent visit THE MEIER & FRANK RENTAL BU REAU, 4th floor main bldg. SAVE time and Datlence by getting our ex tensive list of desirable houses and iiats FOR RENT." THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6SB9. 269 Washington St. A 6267. FOR RENT. $15 PER MONTH. Nice, new modern bungalow, live rooms and bath, large grounds, snaoe trees ana roses. Mount Scott carline. 4507 70th st. S. E. Phone Tabor KU7 or Main 8438. SEVERAL beautiful new houses in hurst, on paved streets and all conveniences. Inquire MEAD as MURPHY, 2704 Stark St. Laurel modern FOR RENT, $30 s-room house, 495 Clay; Just renovated; owner may retain one room and reduce rent. Inquire R. Buetl kofer, 205 Salmon. $11 3-ROOM cottage, 2 blocks cars. $14 6-room flat, Hawthorne ave. 4 furnished housekeeping rooms Wr. Side. F. M. M'FARLAND. 309 Yeon Bldg. - MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished throughout. 490 E. 19th st. North, Irv lngton district. Inquire of C. E. Lennon. Main 6078. A 2027. $27.50 MODERN 6-room residence with fur nace, electricity and gas, walking dis tance. East Side. Inquire Hudson Arms Company. 6-ROOM bouse with large yard at E. sth lunl Caruthers sts., near Inman-Poulsen mill. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699. A 3603. WANTED Girl to assist in doctor's labora tory; one living at home preferred. Ans ver in own handwriting, and state aalary wanted. AF 716, Oregonian. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, modern, ment basement. -."2 B. 10th N. $15 month. T. F. Moehnke, Oregon City. ce- FOR REi-iT $10.00, modem ti-room house, 1010 K. 2Sth st North, one block from Alberta carline. Phono East 4I0S. MODERN 5-room houe, furnace, fixtures, eic. is block from Alberta car, rent $1S. Phone Woodlawn 197. MODERN b-room flat, just off carline. abort walk to heart of city. Apply at 910 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1085. AN East Side, i-room .uugalow. with bath and basement; walking distance; $22.00. Inquire room 301. The Dekum. TO RENT tt-room house 011 loth, near Harrison, for $35 a month. F. Flil'HS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN. 7-room house, full lot. Hue lawf. Lovejoy St., near 24th. $4."0o. Vanduyn ft Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. fi-ROOM Cottage to responsiblo parties only, rent $20. 8t0 East Davis st. Inquire 125 lith st. 6-ROOM house, furnace, furnished or un furnished. 46 Lucretia, cor. Wash. Tabor 4 266. U-ROOM house, 57 Flanders; flrst-clacs con dition; reasonable rent to right party. F. W Torgler. 100 Sherlock bldg. SIX-ROOM modern house, low rent: freshly tinted. Inquire at Rodgers-Hart-Gibson Co.. 910 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RENT. $7. small house, nice yard. 1021 Oatman at., one block south, one west of Peninsula SchooI! 11-ROO.M house for rent in heart of city; rent reasonable. Inquire 427 Burnslde. Main 32SS. 118 COZY 5-room cottage. 883 East Irving st,, 1 block from 28th-st. car; gas, elec trleltv. etc.: key next door. Main 1201. $22.50 Seven-room house; gas. bath. Fianders. near 16th. Main 9244. MODEKN 7-room house and reception hall, freshly tinted. 830 Raleigh pear 25th. 5-ROOM cottage. West ture. Mar. 4Sl. Side, some furni- FOR rentals, seo Watson & Therkelaen Co., 30.31)6 Spalding bldg. Main 7f.92. ROOMS beautiful home, rent reasonable. 1017 Cleveland ve. phone Marshall 3267. FURNISHI-.D or unfurnished, s-room house, 59t Marshall St. phone Main 788.'. 8-ROOM house, walking distance. good neighborhood, reasonable rent. . 325 7th St. 6-ROOJ house, furnace, all modern conven iences, walking distance, 090 E. Oak. C ROOMS, beautiful home, rent reasonable. 10J7 Cleveland ave. Phone Marshall 3267. FOR RENT 5-room house. No. 290 mento st. Inquire 349 Grant. 5-ROOM modern cottaKe, 45th and Lincoln; 120. fireplace; corner Main 8199. -ROOM modern house. 979 qui re 165 E. 33d St.. cor. E. YamhllL m Belmont. pModem 6-room flat, walking distance. 429 Rodney ave. Phone East 4860. -69 CHERRY' ST. Modern 6-room house; rent $20. Inquire 123 Front st. ej-, Modern 5-room cottage. 408 fael, near Unlon and Broadway. San Ra Open. MODERN S-room house in good location. 503 Yeon bldgJ 9-ROOM liouse tor rem. ir.i Hnington; inquire -la - -ni. 1 vuo m. v,oo. FOR RENT Mouses. HOUSES FOR RENT. $18 6 rooms, modern, furnace, near Jefferson High School; 997 Commercial st, near B'andena. $20 s rooms. 438 E. 26th St.. No., near Tillamook. $3i. 9 rooms. 70S E. Burnslde st-. near E. 22d. - MODERN FLATS. $20 4 rooms, and $22.00 for 5 rooms at corner E. 2Sth and Stark sts.; gas range, linoleum In bathroom and kitchen, furnace. $25 5 rooms, 384 E. 1st st.. No., near Schuyler; new stove and gas heater, fire place. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones. M. 8699. A 2653. SMALL house, Portland Heights, $16 per month. CH AP1X-HERLOW MTO. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED cottage. 6 rooms, completely furnished, all modern conveniences, fur nace, fireplace, gas and electricity. 910 Savler. corner 28th St.. Willamette Heights: price $35 per month.- THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth street. Main 33, A 3000. ONLY $25 PER MONTH. Nicely furnished modern e-room corner house, on Brooklyn carline; piano. 700 E. 21st. FRED C. KING. 314 Spaidlng bldg., 3d and Washington, 6-ROOM modern home, fully furnished In fine residence locality, close to good car line; will rent to responsible party at $35 per month. See owner at 730 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. WILL rent our modern 6-room borne, com pletely furnished, piano, to responsible parties; $30; good'location. Call SS5 East Yamhill st, phone B 1847. FURNISHED house on Terrace drive, Port land Heights. $o0 per month. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. 8-ROOM house furnished throuKhout with mahogany; hardwood floors and Turkish rugs downstairs; rent $80. A 02 11, Main 401 1. LADY alone in large house in HoWaday's ad dition will renL best accommodation to man and wife, reasonable: reference ex changed. AD 6fi9. Oregonian. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room bouse; all modern conveniences: piano; family trav eling Indefinitely: West Side, 1 block to car. Marshall 1062. 4-ROOM furnished house, modern, clean and neatly furnished, walking distance, rent $22.50. Also housekeeping rooms. 411 Broadway. Phone East 4S11! COSY 5-room furnished bungalow, on river: 115 mo. to April 1st. Phone uaK u-rove Red 36. nEslRAFtr.E nrlvaie residence, ten rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch; three or tour months. Phone M. 932. FOR RENT Desirable 6-room rurnlsnea house, with piano, ciose in, ou. can 10 to 4. 772 E. Yamhill. 5-ROOM furnished steam-heated flat. Nob ,,,,, - . mnnti, u,nhDll AM.-.";, ref- . nii(, t" irei 1 -- ' 5-ROOM furnished house, modern, very reas onable to responsible party. r.asi st. Phone Mrs Liggett. Woodlawn -1700. 1-ROOM SHACK, FURNISHED. $5. Nice yard; Arleta. Fred Wr. German, 436 Cham, of Com. bldg; Main 6445. BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern home, 7 rooms; 24ttl ana jviarsnau. rtiono mi... 9428. 12-ROOM house for rent: close In on Port land Heights, furnished or unfurnished. 480 19th st. Marshall 4423. COMPLETELY furnished flat, 2 blocks from Steel nriage; every v.u..yc...suv. ladny ave. $30 6-ROOM modern. furnished' house. Room 3 Washington bldg. Piano, lawn. FURNISHED house, 301 13th at. Reasonable. Fireplace, furnace. M. 1436. MODERN house, 4 rooms; bath, fireplace, 406 13th st. basement ana noor. yam. MODERN 7-room house. In Irvlngton, com pletely iumisnea. j-uouo oaai up..... 117 4-ROOM furnisnea houk, jruu. o. T . .... .fill m Join, Kvt c" " MODERN 6-room house rurnlsnea -o per month. fnone irouumwu x.j. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage. Call 414 College st. Stores. SIXTH STREET store in Drica ouuuing. corner Oak, lull Dasemeui . no reasonable rent, - A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. STORES for rent In all parts of the city reasonable rent. FRED A. JACOBS CO. M. 6S60. 269 Washlngt in St. A 6267. FOR RENT Stores. Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave.. east erru 01- li nrr' Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2063. STORE for rent, cor. 10th nd Powell sta.. ivith two livine-rooms In the rear. Phone Main 3512. i.-rj,-. ISvlOO feet, l&l I-TOrU I near Morrison, sunaoio "' -j.... houee. etc. Inquire on premises. TO REST. STORES. FLOORS. BUILDINGS. W. H. WEBB. 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. MOST centrally locatea onices; lunruuieu offices. SU up. (."J oweiiarm uius., and Washington sta. OFFICE room. with uso of phone, $15 per -month. 934 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room in furnished outside office; best location. zi( uresonmi hike. wax-ted Share office; space In onice. centrally locatea. u nvi. nvKir room In lawyers onice. iucruun. phone, can at 1-0 necry BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER," restaurant; everything new slid complete : civic center; iwim ,.-.,,i,.. three Drlvate boxes, dliu.-.tf-room, i..n..h counter: ladv or gentleman; must be familiar with this business Apply to owner. Price $200. 24S ' Stark St. GROCERY SNA I. Will invoice $1200: receipts $2j to $o0 per duy, all cash; owner called away at iince m' will take $900 for quick sale, R, H. GOODKIND CO., INC., 1005 and liW. Wllcux Bldg. FIRE INS. AGENCY for sale, eslaonsnea business: large American r.uuu, high class of business now on books and good volume; other interests require in attention. M, 673.Oiegonlan. WANTED A young man in grocery store to take a working inieresi m buuh besides profits guaranteed and your money hack any time you are dissatisfied. o23 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark St. NDUCEMENTS offered in a new growing town with a pay-roll. If you are looking for a business opening, consult us. Tim ber Towiisito Company, 509 Northwest bldg Sixth and Washington streets. BAKERY In city of 20,000; bankrupt; was doing good business r eqilipmerri. corn p, vie, is a good opening: will sell cheap. W. D. Church, trustee. Walla Walla. Wash. BUSINESS chance, opportunity for good baker wnoiesare mm .cn, ,....... ncss that's a winner: only $3o0. M 6.2, Oregonian. or M. 8133. FOR RENT To a first-class photographer. a wen-equippeu ... only first-class artist need answer. Ad dress Box 312, Prlnevllle. Oregon. PARTNER wanted in dye t,nrki; chance for rrnorl onice lira". -rt floor: $4oo required. Inquire street. Sturk EXPERIENCED party to take intorest in "railroad contract: must bo familiar with nurd -,ick excavanou gonlan. PICTURE show for sale: can pay nine down balance as you make It: now clear ing $50 week. Call 319 lJimber Exchange, 2d and Sta rk ' " " PRINTING PLANT. Three platen presses. A-l In every re- , spocf now running and doing good busi ness. ' E 674. Oregonian. ; FOR S VLC or -.-xchange Brand new mov ing pictura outlt, will exchange for small grncvry or some other business of equal value. W BQt:. Oresonian. FOR SALE Cleaning aim King and pressing pari- g.iod Wdgoil, cnep ic.-v, izood locatiou: owner goinrr East 247 Madison st. AUTOMOBILE garago and repair shop for sale- fine location, West Side; good busi ness' going south. P 91. Oregonian. BOOTBLACK'S opportunity, on Morrison st. for rent Jan. 1. Seo Dunn, In barber shop, 364 Morrison st. PAPTNER wanted for cash business; pays $25 week; $250 required. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. TWO-CHAIR barber shop, doing good busl ness. rent $12.5. Address T., 110 E. 1st, Cent'ralla. Washington. CASH business, guarantee $3 Investigate. partner wanted; owner will per day and share profits. U48 ti stark at. LOOK! Cigar atore cheap, your own terms; sacrifice. See newswagon. Oth and Wash ington st. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1. ROSE CITY PR1NTERY. 192'a 3d at. MEAT market for sale cheap. -Phone East 4810. ; 1 AURANT for sale on account of slck ress": 3-year lease. Call 213 Fourth. CIGAR stand in one of the best hotels in . town for sale F H7S. Oregonian. RESTAURANT doing good business. 220 2d St.. between Main and salmon. 4-CHAIR barber shop for sale. Inquire at 206 ..Madison st. Cheap for cash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $450 CIGAR STAND $450. T.ocated rirhr" in the hub: receipts be'i ter than $25 per day; rent $50; no other expense; we will guarantee this place to c'.car on average better -than $6 per day. Owner ieavir.g at once; this must be sold tudaj. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 1005 and 1)6 Wilcox Bldg. WANTED Man who wishes an exclusiv hiiRincNR of his own. Rieht nartv can have the cfy of Portland for the sale of a machine which la used in apartment houses, office and store buildings, hotels and residences. About $300.00 la needed to commence business. Address AN 655, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE. 24 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms r.Ice loct-tion and full of good class room ers: 4 years' lease, $4.50 a room; good money-maker: bargain. Ask" for Mrs. Champlin, with GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak WE OWN and offer for sale first mortgage real estate gold bonds In amounts 01 jpiuu and up. bearing Interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. . An unusual sate in vestment. WILLIAM C. BORCHERS. Mortgage and Bond Brokers, . 207-208 Oregonian Bldg. CASH ONLY Paying saloon in Portland: business averages $100 a day; expenses down ricrht. Stands the most rigid In spectlon. Do not owe a dollar. Price J1O.00O. This Is the genuine thing. you lave not the money, do ndl an swer, lias not been offered by owner be fore. Tell me where 1 can see you. P. O. box 213. WILLOW RIVER, B. C. Main line G. .T. P., and P. & H. B. Rys. ; entrance great Peace River country. Write Pac. Land Tnwnsites Co.. Ltd.. 219 Pac. bldg. Vancouver, B. C, for maps, plats, printed mailer. Ageuto miiu. FOR SALE OR- EXCHANGE. Big paying pool and billiard business In San Francisco: can guarantee over $150 clear profit monthly. William Hege- man. "The Star." 3203 Mission St., San Francisco. $150 TO $500 INVESTMENT. Party 'wishing to engage In an agency proposition, whereby profits make you large returns soon, investigate. . F. M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 309 Yeon Bldg. NEW lumber town offers inducements to those who get In on the ground floor. We win heln vou to aet into business. In- quire 509 Northwest building. Sixth and Washington streets WANTED A tanner with $1000 to take half Interest In a light manufacturing business and attend to the office work at a salary or $7 per day and share In profits. Call at 94 N. 16th st. WANTED Someone to finance a cyanide plant on a pit or silver bearing tailings of abont 80,000 tons said to assay $3 per ton. Call or address J. H. S.. 374 East Morrison St., Portland. SOLID business, owner wants af partner he can depend on to tend office. cnecK coai, etc. Goad nav and small Investment re quired, which will bo secured. 319 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. I HAVE an oDenins: for a eood man to be come Interested in a motoion picture manufacturing company: very little money required; good proposition for the right man. D 600, oregonian. HAVE you a sawmill for rent? How much timber tributary to it? On what railroad or river is It located? Glvo all particulars and rental expected. AT 749, Oregonaln, Tel. Tabor 343. HARDWARE STORE. COUNTRY TOWN. $5000 Buys a good store $5000. BEGGS-THOMPSON COMPANY, 1008 Spalding Bldg. FOR RENT Blacksmith Bhop, tools, elec tric nower: house furnished or not: old established business. Address Mrs. Lena Goodfellow, Gresham, 01 1240 T small cash business: will pay you as partner $25 week; duties are easily learnt, open to full Investigation. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. F.OR'SALE H or 1-3 interest in sawmill located at Albany, Or.; paid 10 per cent In 1911 and 20 per cent in 1912. 1104 Yeon bldg. Main 4700. FOR SALE Sawmill ready to run 50,000 feet capacity; excellent timber; price $15,000. terms. See owner, 80 4th St. Ask for Wilkerson. CONFECTIONERY and grocery business for sale, doing good daily casn Dusmess; price $600 it taken at once. 882 Williams ave. PAKTor whole interest In a paying pic ture house for sale, cash or terms; will consider real estate. H 001, Oregonian. A NEW restaurant and lunch counter; seats 50; cost $1000; must leave; price $301). See owner, 540 Williams ave. $4000 CASH will purchase leading cleaning and tlyeing establishment. P 699, Ore gonian. GROCERY business, strictly cash; a good business for little money. Particulais 248'4 Stark st. RESTAURANT for sale, good location and a good bargain. Main 477.1. FIRST-CLASS confectionery store, proprietor wants to leave town. J 719. Oregonian. PICTURE show In small town; $350 takes it if taken at once. K 631, Oregonian. TWO-CHAIR barber shop in small town for sale cheap. W. W. Wood, Sandy, Or. FOR SALE Paying millinery business in city; good location, O 632, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTSTs. NEWSPAPER man. 15 years various branch es, successful In advertising, good writer, former printer, understanding estimating, best references, would like to lease small daily, good weekly or buy In or take man agement view of buying. Address AV 507, Oregonian. WANTED To buy from owner delicatessen atore; must be In a good locality and a clean and up-to-date place. AG 667. Ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. REMOVAL NOTICE. January 1 will remove from Wilcox bldg. to 309 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. ilg,-8 FINIS ROOMS. Clean as new pin: light, airy; rent only $30; see today; positively nothing offerea so cheap. 402 4tn. :u-kOOM roontina-house. sood furniture, for sale cheap: leaving city; best location. lease; if interested, address AC 766, Ore gonian. No agents need answer. BARGAIN; rooming-house. 14 rooms; well furnished, central location: is money maker. Call 68 North llth. FOIt SALE A lovely new apartment-hous. rent right, good lease, fin location; no agents. E 649, Oregonian. TEN rooms, 5 minutes from Postoffice, cash If taken today. Marshall 4286. $375 LOST AND FOUND. THE following' is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at tho tlifferent division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at bains as indl cated. Turned In at the East Ankeny barns Dec. 28 and 29, 1912. pnone B 1168: 1 box of gloves, 1 stick pin, 1 key, 1 cal endar, 1 steel compass, 2 umbrellas, 1 package. 1 shovel, 1 mitten. 1 puree, 2 aultcasea. 4 umbrellas, 1 saw. Turned in at the Piedmont barn Dec. 28 and 29, 1913. Phone C 1227: 3 um brellas, 1 muff. 1 key. 1 pair gloves, 1 lunch box, 3 miscellaneous packages, 1 suitcase. 1 watch charm. 1 watch- charm, 1 door key, 1 pair gloves, 1 miscellaneous package, 1 umbrella. Turned in at the Savler-st. barn Dec. 28 and 29, 1913. Phuno A 55S5: 2 um brellas, 2 packages merchandise, 1 purse. 1 package books, 1 suitcase, 1 lunch box, 1 umbrella. Turned in at the SelUvood barn Doc. 28 and 29, 1912. Phone B 6141: 4 pairs of gloves, 4 umbrellas. 2 grips. 1 bouk, 2 pairs of shoes, 2 parcels of clothes. 4 um brellas. 1 glove, 2 purses, 1 grip, 2 boxes. FOUND Where you can buy genuine haiT mattresses retail at wnoiesaie prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. 226-22S Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. THE following articles were found on trains and turned in at Union Depot: Found on O.-W. R. & N. train No. 17, Dec. 26, brown suitcase; on N. P. train No. 307, man's dark overcoat. LOST In ladies' washroom of Meier & Frank's, one i -carat diamond ring. Tues day, December 24. 1912: reward for re turn to Miss Marie Wald, Clackamas. Or. WUJ. the two boys in the grocery auto mobile that picked up the mink fur collar please communicate with Marshall 3102? Iteward. ST it AY ED on my premises. 1 large Jersey cow, -Oregon City road and Lesser sfreei. Lents. Or. Owner call and pay for keep ing. Tabor 4143. LOST Spotted hound bitch, last, seen at Montavtila. Finder inform Gresham. box loH. Liberal reward. H. Gulllckeon. LOST On Williams ave., between Killings worth and Falling St.. a centerpiece; re turn J 330 Cleveland ave.; reward. LOST Royal Arcanum watch charm Mack ribbon. Phone B 2210 or call East 14th st. for reward. LOST English bull terrier, black spot on left ear, collar with name Mayer. Call Tabor 2527. Reward. GOLD locket, initials H. A. to C T. Inside; Cecilia ouftrip; also chain. Return to Terminal Market, 14S Second st. LOST ANI rOUND. FOUND Fridsv on Washington St.. a wed ding ring: give pione. M 670. Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will he received at the ofti--e or t'lA undersigned. 402 Tllfn.-u building, until 12:00 M.. Wednesday, Jan uarv 15. 1913. for heating and ventilating of the Jonesmore School. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of F. A. Narnmnre superintendent of properties, 40S Tllford building. Certified check for IO per cent or the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposcT. Board of Directors re srvej tho rlifht to reject any and all pro posals. A deposit of $20 is required for plans aftd specifications. R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. Dated. December 2sth. 1912. t SEALED proposals will be received nt the office of the undersigned. 402 Tilforfl building, until 12:00 M-. Wednesday, Jan uary 15th. 191.1, for the Finishing Hard ware for the new Alnsworth School. Plans and specifications may be obtained of F. A. Nnramore, superintendent of properties. 40.S T-llford building. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the rivl-.t to reject any and all pro posals. A deposit of $10 is required for plans and specifications. P.. II. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated December 28tb. 1912. I WILL receive scaled bids for a stock of general merchandise locatsed at Culver. Oregon, of the Inventory valuation of $5S5S.18. together with fixtures of 1:118.55, up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday. January lo. 1913. Inventory of the stock may V.e seen at my office and property may be inspected on application. A certified check for IO per cent of the amount ofTercd must accompany each bid. The right :t reserved to reject any and all bids of fered. Dated at Portland, Oregon. De cember 24, 1912. R. L. SABIN. No. 7 First Street, Portland. Or. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of general merchandise located at Madras. Oregon. 01: the Inventory valuation $8650.85. together with fixtures of $261.65, up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday, January 10. 1913. Inventory of the stock may be seen at my office and property may be inspected on application. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must nccompany each bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids offered. Dated at Portland, Oregon, December 24. 1912- , R. L. SABl.N. No. 7 First Street. Portland. Or. OFFICE Depot Quartermaster, Seattle. Wash.T Dec. 22. 1912. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 o'clock a M.. January 22, 1912, for regular work and installing new boilers for U. S. cable- shin Burnslde. For lnlormation ana pro posal blanks address W. H. Hiller, Colonel, J. M. Corps. D. Q. M. Master's Notice. TH5I undersf eneil will not be responsible for debts incurred by members of the crew of British bark Metropolis. John ADDlt mas ter. M. H. Houser. agent. Mlscelhuieou. FROM and after Dec. 27. 1912, I will not he resDonsibla for anv debts Incurred by the Portland Dental Laboratory or the firm of Davison & Gullck. L. H. Davi son. THE undersisned will not be responsible for debts Incurred bv members of crew of British bark Ivcrna. C. Hinrlcks, cap tain. M. H. Houser, agent. THE undersigned will not be responsible for debts incurred by members of crew of British bark Kllloran. D. Reld captain. M. H. Houser, agent. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. F. O. Vail. FINANCIAL. WE have on -hand some excellent banking propositions, both as to control and inter ests, that cany position of cashier. No trades, but if you are looking for some thing worthy, call or write Howland & Howland, Bank Slock Brokers, 401 McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. MONEY-MAKER. $637 MORTGAGE. GOOD AS GOLD, WILL INDORSE NOTE. BY RESPONSI BLE PARTIES : I-YEAR NOTE FOR SALE; REASONABLE DISCOUNT; MAK ING 17 PER CENT. A 7158. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of Interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning Ami butklinir Tor vou. it will pay you see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Ablngton. HIGHEST cash price paid for real estate mortgages. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Commercial Club Bldg., Portland, Or. RESPONSIBLE man desires substantial In. terest in country hank. Owners only. Absolutely confidential. Cash. D 3l. Oregonian. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity in contract of sale real estate In Washington or Oregon. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages fist and 2ti), equities purchased. F. H. LEWIS & CO.. 3 Lewis Bidg. LOANS on mortgages, contracts, bonds, stocks, any collateral or real security. Nelson Bros., b04 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commiBsinn accounts bought, real 1 tate loans. K. B. Miller, 410 Ablngton. W'ILL PAY cash for mortgages and tracts. AS 479, Oregonian. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN on city or farm property. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO.. 710-71S LEWIS BLDG.. -4th and Oak, Marshall 4200. A 7158. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per ceht on city residence, business property and Multnomah County farms. EDW P. MALL. SCO and S04 Chamber of Commerce. IIARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TVe have on hand funds for Invest ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, confer with our mortgage loan department. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property, building or smullloans at lowest rales; large loans a specialty. McKenzle & Co., 514-015-516 Gerlinger bldg. ON Improved city j.ropqrty or for building purposes. 3 to 8 years' time: liberal pay ment privileges; money advnnced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savings & Loan Association, 240 Stark sf. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security. current rates. Rooms 10-11-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor, rison. $12(10 TO loan for 3 years at 8 per cent, on improved city property. Call 3IS Board nf Tradn bldg. Main 7452, A 4401. No fl.gents. TO LOAN $20,000 OR LESS, FAItniNGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $300. $500, $800, $1200. !000 to loan on real estate. Fred W. German, 436 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on improved clly property at current rotes, lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co., room 6. Board of Trade bldg. LOANS on Improved or unimproved "real estate,- mortgages and contracts bought, W. H. Ntitin. 4-18 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on improved residence prop erty; reasonable rates; no brokerage charged. Win. MacMsster. 701 Corbett bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current, rates. Rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rales. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., Third and Stark. $200,000 to loan in t-ums to suit. Building loans: lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 310-3t6 Failing bidg. $1000 TO 1200.000 to loan, 314 to 8 per cent. Mortgages purchased. J. Frank Porter. 904 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3000, $2000 ANI $1400 lo Joan, first mort patfC S pr cMit; principals only. 1Q Chamber of Commerce. IN amounts of $700 and upwards, on im proved city property. J. W. Kido, GL'U Hnry bldg1. $1000 TO LOAN" at 7 per cent for one year on improved rity ril enrn.te. Win. C. BorchM'S.-20 Ort-gonian bidg. MON EY loaned from one to fifteen hun dred. VnittMi lteany. ."o uerimptr Ding. LOANS on improved real estate. Jlooo and upward. .lo-nn nam.- in .-paining mute. $1000 TO t.OAX ON HEAL Kf?T.TK. KLKTCHEK, :'25 ABINOTOX UI,P. $100 TO $300 to Iohd by private party for i. snort ump. t wit-KiMiinn muK. MONEY, any amount, to s per rent. H. tfeltz & Co.. 31" spHiaint, pfig. lii-.ofifl OB part for immediuto Joan on reaj esiaie. inner i i. PER CENT money on dwellings, small charpe. Ward. :M0Allftky bldg. CITY and FARM IJANfe: mta-s. purrhascd. Honry rru'inomme, .:o., jicox okir. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate uuTt- MON K T TO IjO A N O -V H K A I, ESTATE. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew elry. W m. linn, room v. uasnmRion pmik. STATE FtJXDS, 6 per rent. W. E. Thomas, agent Muitnoman oumy. eu n. or iom. J IX A NCI At,. 2loney 4o Loan Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO.. 016 SPALDING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on real eitato security at reasonable rates In Bums from $500 and up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 Fourth St., Between Morrison and Yamhill. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. Money to lfu-atlelsnd Salarlea. HOLIDAY LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. WE ARE LEADERS In our LINE and OUR UNLIMITED CAPITAL enables u to give you rates aud conditions not ob tainable elsewhere. . SPECIAL RATES, a $ 10 Loan, a 1 25 Loan, a $ 00 Loan, a $ 70 Loan, a $100 Loan. S .33 Weekly lJas 1 $ .60 Weekly Pays SI. 10 Weekly Pays $1.30 Weekly Pays j $1.90 Weekly Pays Other Sums In Proportion. NO CHARGE FOR APPLICATION. ( NO PUBLICITY. NO RED TAPE. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. QUIOI-C SERVICE and COURTEOUS TREATMENT. AT THE PORTLAND LOAN CO.'S PRIVATE OFICES. 207 MACLEAY BLDG.. Bel. 4 til and Oth on Wash. St, CALL, WRITE OR PHONE. A 2i97 PHONES Mar. 328$ Open Mon. and sat, evenings to 9 P. M. $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ B-R-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND $10. repaid in tnsallm.nts of 4S "n ret. aid in installments of . J -9i .$2.00 15(1. reuaid In Installments of Larger amounts In proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but givo you our charges in plain figures. Business strlctlv confidential. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ $ 30S Failing bldg. $ $ $ $ PRIVATE PARTY LOANS at special rates on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diumonds. Jewelry, etc.; no loan too large or too small. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, private offices. When In need you will make a savin by ettln gour terms first. Write, call or phone Main 4017. 320 Lumber Exchange, ELBY COMPANY. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. Money Loaned on Watchea. Diamonds. Jewelry and Kodaks. UNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth st.. Near Oak. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. SALARY LOANS- CHATTEL LOANS. You fan get $3 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms la oVegon. P. D. Drake; 307 Spalding bldg. A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gen men to boirow money on diamonds and gentle- ana . i- at KTaHtern rates, uiamona rai- Jce. 334 Washington. ipp. Owl Drug Store. v.nvtfv 1,'OR SALARIED PEOPLB And others, upon their own names; caeaa rates easy payments; confidential. D. ku Tolm'on, room 317 Lumber Exchange. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by broker. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. PRIVATE party has money to loan on fur niture and chattels. Call at my bom. C V. Ryan, 289 10th St.. near Jetferson. MONEY sold on Installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelr,; strictly confldentiaL 141V, 3d. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, salary or ohattela. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. GILT-EDg'e 'LO'i;N. I wan", to borrow $2000 tor 2 or 8 years from nrlvate Party on weii-impri...' property out of the city worth oyer $7000; yearly Income nearly $000; will pay 8 per Cent interest mriiii-uini.oi'e Oregonian. Tms'FY LOANED AND INVESTED FOR PRIVATE PARTIES AT BEST RATES OF INTEREST. WM. C. BORCHERS. MORTGAGE AND BOND BANKERS, 207-20S Oregonian bldg. vol R MONEY placed without charge on first n,na,c. AJfTV. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. TKUPST CO. Third floor chamber of Commerce. WANTED $20fHl for 3 years at S per cent, on JOiixli'O. and 6-room cottago on Ore gon St., value $450o. -Call 318 Board ot Trade bldg. Main 7152. A 4101. WANTED-To borrow $750 for 2 my modern bungalow- and 2 lo s. v, II 1 pa 10 per cent Interest for quick loan, out or the cltv. .1 720. Oregonian. WANT $1000. secured by $::0O Portland real estate and $500 diamond; will pay I ner cent. X 624. Oregonian. I H WE several gilt-erlge application loans. Let me place your money. AF it.. Oregonian. . WANTED To borrow $000 for 3 years at S per cent on i-room on - u.i Inside the city. A.. Oregonian. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans; mortgages Tor sale. Henrv c. Prudhoinmo Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg. FIRST mortgages on improveo ei -for sale. John Bain. 214 Spalding bldg. WANT to borrow $1000 pood real estate, ecnnd mortgage. Phone East 162S. WILL reui li'.d for 1m mediate $1000 loan on irtlate. 12l'3 Yeon bldg I'ERSONATj. H1R 11 A IK UA1K- $12 34-inch switches $6 26-Inch switches Hair dressing Face maasage ..II.4.1 .. 1.9.1 ........ -- 21s 1.00 Shampoo Manicure, for. . 12 scalp trentmen V'-,'Trl Superfluous mm 'c''"cu ' needle- guaranteed not to ret""'; .,,,1 til miffs, on v SI. 4.i. J-'.,-, i.oir in any shade: switches any i.rT.h Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 4H0-412 Dekum Bldg.. 3d and Washington. TREATMENTS for men and women, in Tm,T equipped private office or, the Pa- i1.H.7i'i0healina methods. We use radium. llirht heat, Vlbrnuou, iiatiin, u.ane J ipul'atlon and adjustments. Every advanced electrical treatment us America or Europe we give. No cTeerorpera,ions. Over 3,,00 treat. llrrht heat. Virjriiiiou. iiwiii", ... 0-. llgni, ' ". ,j. .,,-,. Everv known used in medl- ted pa- , : not a death wnne unuer "m I. rnr-nn All consultations are fro. Dr W. E. Malliry. Naturopath, 313 Koth- chlld bldg. cwirnlSH TRAINED- NURSE Helsillgfom 6fadulte: iheumailsm. nervous and .tom- i. h aliments, unaer pnyinu uona- b "hi massage. No. 7 East ilth St.. Second door south from East Ankeny car line Plume Fast 2n0. a 1 auo- FEB VET & HANEBUT. Tadina wig and toupe mailers; Hneet tin bah dressing, manicuring face aid r.-.- treatments: comttliigs made up to ealp ireitii"--'..-' u.i. ruA order 147 .th, near Jin' "" -il-IENTIFl ectro-tntignctio treatment for all neritvii- diseases, i'lirnijiiii, men nd stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula; and sttmi" rUred In a few minutes; onT'f'rV'e " " consultation free. M ..Vldu.. 2SC,., Washington ... GEBMAN tram''1 ... ntr best Hurt n i!n rofort'ivos, treatment for maasava and rh- maunni. f-'- . Jeffertnn-td. car. baths. Mari-haH :n3:i. ttpt-n 'i.uw SUITS fur rni tveep J Cleaned. prS.seil. button aewed on rip. rPi. ;.,a Wor .7 S.a7 deliveries. with the Jisrly NVh.nnllnc the' sliding csster in Portland; J'S phone ... Inswer. K U4. On- ponian. I t-A maku any kind of w ooleil t.; I'll nt. rluthtng Jijukteril y::""n ilVmse, -..... h st. :; r.,-,1, Hie great news tunic and sys tem builder. SI Per tiux; 0 boxes 5. SJtlps--"vl,,r Drug Co- Morrison st. ' mTdE Ob" VOIR COMBINGS). switches 9""': curls and pufTs, "flc. Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4W Pekumjildg rrjr; 5 ""mOKRIBON Steam baths ami ria'ssase f"f rlieumntlsm. lumbago, etc !i niidlaon. A 44V0. Marshall illiiii) SPIRITUAL medium, Kev. May Price. Head, lnas heallnsa d"V- --ireles Tues. 1. We.l. a Un.v.imrv Main 7 1 T tnd Sun. 304 xtnl FS superfluous hair removed. Mrs. iu. D. Hill. 4-9 FHedner Hdg Jlain 3478. DlVOni'ES Free expert ad v 1 e. Lock Bo i 4611. Portland. ( DJ'.'OT'CES siieclnlty. Lawyer. 010 Boll.' CV. i Id" bids-. 2H"Vj Washington st. HYPFREMK nnd steam baths for cold, liim- buBO. Marshnll n.'. -4 1 'J Norilm-e-t hldfc-. BALM OF FIGS. Compou-id Bojal Tono Tablets. &06 Davis sL Paeno Main VJIA.