OKEGOMAN. THURSDAY, DECE3IBEU 26, 11)18. ; EXPERIENCED woman to take charge of - first-class unfurnished, apartment-house on a commission bj-ls. and la able to im pish bond of llld Slate fall Pi- ti.ulara in first letter In own ltaml- ris ing, aa to former rairli-n. m".-.,,". smile ana references, etc. -gonlan. Cmple with one child, having : nice horn. . ' III share fame with reflnA"; Iran woman In exchange for ,,nP"'m." ship and s.slslan.e will, housework. 1 hone Ka.-t 4;;m THE Domestic service Bureau. 3f Central b'dc receives dal y cans i""u : general uousewwi and nurse niniqw. ch TWO girls who iinocrsiana v ". "'-; exchange telephone work .Apply to M Hewitt Thurs. A. M. hetweei, 8 and o'clock. Gevurti. r.th at Alder GOOD home for refined, educated youni la.lv In Mchansf for assisting "i care o -mull boe Give refcrenri s, age and ex COMPETENT girl for rooking and genera housework. Must be - experienced. i'J IrvinK. cor, .nn. A nj. muip q .... . WANTED lt--ias -ook; rn'r-"'" -J-quired. Inquire Ncsbclh Sanitnum, an I,.tveJoy si 100K J-o. country; .waitress, othci help'. Howes Agency. 33-270 'i Washing xv i vTF.n Exiwrien.-ed ironer on ladles clothes. I". S. Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and E. Tamhlll. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 009 Roth. child blag., -itn 5a J.'.9! PIANIST Permanent position for good sight reader of popular music. Apply '' 1 10:1 Son Shop. v W NT ED Neat and capable stenographer; slite age. experience and salary wanted. frectimeii WHS HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY wiSinSSi bid.. SlO'i Wa.h. room k. its Phone Main 836 or A 3-66. L Trt assiM. care little Kir! itmi house- crk; pleasant home. East til P. WA.NTKD A chambermaid. Tho Adrian, K. Morrison ana uranu "" 'tv vtfd Second Klri, must understand vatttn tahle. Apply S6H Marshall s OIKTj tf help with liousewurk. Small fam ily, afnoiiti r.itft W A N T K D i rl fur conking; cily references. 714 Everett pi. WNTFI) Muldle-aed woman as nousa keeper: country. AT 76o, oreiconian. GIRL for general housework. Apply Tabor .it'.'.. A. M- Ti-iVTu-i. vif-t-riMja coat finisher. &S4 Sd Ft? McDonald & Collett. WANTKD Girls to help with Kiwnen li.",3 K ve re 1 1 . v. iTKI) Man to tarry banner few houre dally. 101 6th. cor. of .Stark yOUNO man wanted. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co.. T.d and l'ina sireeis. GZKI, wanted Monte Carlo Cafe. Grove ve. WAXTED-A Sirl for Bcr.eral houaework. No Hashing. tiancoch GIKI for housework; family of adults. Call mornings. -1 r.iRi. wanted. lAght housework. 710 Johnson t. HELP WANTKD MA IE OR FEMALE. F1SK Teach3rs- Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldq. M 4b3u. Hi: LP u a nix iyMi sceixaxe o i . LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil eng-ineer-intr. survey ins; methods most practical; rom and board while learning; positions secured satisfaction guaranteed; catalog free. National School of Engineering. 2110 West fcievenlh, Los Angeles. OK BOON AUTO SCHOOL. 20G-6VS 3 1th St., cor. Jefferson. Practical instruction in repairing; and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable, part cash on enrollment; balance at time of graduation; we assist our graduates to pos itions; da y and evening classes. TRAIN Al'UlTOKri or ticket collectors ar? noau on about :i:s raiUoads. Would you like such a position? Railway experience unnecessary. Good salary. l'or appfira tion blank send stamped envelope to Fos ter, Libbuy t Co., Ml Monadnock bids-, Chicago. WE TtSACH ou a trade in few months time- pay wages after second month; elec tricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklay ing; lOO satistied workmen today; 40 Job going; cstaUgue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. loo MEN and women to learu tho barber trade In 8 weeks. In all Its modern meth ods ; send for catalogue, tools f rco ; larn a trade that you can get In business for yourself. Moier Baroer t-oncge. oo . ,in WANTED 6 young ladles between IS and 2."i years old to take up comptometer -'work, position are high-grade and work is very agreeable; salary good. Call bu7 pxpuiuing nnig PRIVATE Bl'SlNESS COLLEGE Individ ual instruction; shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, day and night classes. 04 ti ami i ton uing. jimmi.. RAILWAY mall and P. O. clerks examina tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up to 1J00. Prepare. Free book. Pacific states ncnooi. jk.' "'"s-i i...v.. w., KMLWAY mail clerks. 'M) month; Port land examinations coming soon; coaching tree. Franklin Institute, Dept. WuW., Rochester, N- Y. iiEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. MAKE money writing short stories or for newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells how. United Preys Synd. D. 3. San Fran'co. WANTED Picture-play writers; big pay; we'll teach you; free information. Picture Plav Association, D 3, San Francisco. U1ULS. learn beauty parlor work; even in k class also. t:i Rothchild bldg. stenographic course; day and evening classes. Young Women's Christian Ass'n. GIRLS to learn beauty parlor business: re duced rite.- t;io Sv.etlsnd bldg. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 260 14th st. Main liifiZ. Expert instruction. $3 mo. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. OUXG marrlt-d man, expert accountant and bookkeeper. office manager. secretary, good correspondent; have had wholesale and retail store experience in office and behind counter: have landled loans on livestock and real estate; can collect with out offending; will audit and systematize business, if desired; cau do any work done bv an Intelligent person; of good appear ance and personality. Open for position now or January 1st. Moderate salary to start where advancement will come. Ref e ren res A -1 . ban k s, m erchan ts and per? sonal. AO 6", Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WUlTtai up books, prepare balance and state, inents. Install systems. Qilllngham, au ditor. 512 Lew is bldg. Marshall 717. CM ALL sets of books wanted, by exper ienced scconutant. 301 Couch bldg. Miscellaneous, COMPETENT WAREHOUSEMAN, EX P K K i K N ' K D IN GRAIN, WOOL A N D MERCHANDISE W A RK HOI'SIN G. WANTS I'USITION. ANY LOCATION. G HIS. OIIEGONIAX. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Mar nail Ttl, A 41U0. Portland Walters' Club, 145 VOUNG man, 2S rs. uf age, would like a mental case, lit rs. experience nursing. A B t2t. res:onian. CLOTHES premier, with 3 years' expert fiic. ants iM?ttion. 1 l.K Russell st I'hone E:tt 177.".. CHAUFFEUR, married, wants position; city reference; not afraid of work. E 077, Oregoniuti. - SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. iiH.HLY experienced, rehned stenographer, general law and commercial experience, wishes iemianent position, nil ihamber of Commerce hide, phone Marshall 314;.. LX FEKi ENCKD bookkcovr wants perma ncn: position after January 1; good refer ciics. Box I7. Postoffice. YtUNG woman desires position as book-kcp-r. assistant or casnirr. O fll!, Ore gonian, YOUNG h.dy stenographer desires position; knowledge of book keeping ;. some cxpef ientv East MH. L)ik5Biakera. L-'ASHIONABLE dre?siiakitig. prices reason-l-l. Mont if ornery e. Main S'J7W. A YOTNG indy wishes to le;irn sewing , otn xpvience. AT 73.v. reponlJin. 'RACT;CAL ini; not frril to help; terms v.ry rraHonah.w. Wood-awn 2"''.'I. .Mrs. B. Ul'. S. Mi cel la i:cou.i. CO; HKTKST woman wants day work today Kridav and Sattinfay. Main tt."tl:. Room COM PETE NT woman wains day work ; ref erences. Phone Tabor 7lL I I vnk RENT. I -VMt HMi. I v v, . . . .. . . . , Houses. WE WANT TO BENT YOUR HOUSE. flat. Phone Main .1333. store. A 6615. ajftrtmeou MAYS-REED CO.. 207 Railway Exchange. RM,mH With Board. YOI'NU married couple desire bnard in pri vate famtlv; elderlv people preferred. J. B. Feaston. Jr.. P. O- Box !JH. eity. run KENT. Furoiabed Booms. HOTEL M1XOOK, Jl:t'i 4i ti St. Are vou looking for a good warm room, with hot and cold water, nicely ur nirKed and homelike, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICE? If so. just take a look at Hotel Minook, cor. 4th and Salmon, and ou wf!l look no farther. HOTEL ROWLAKP. 107 4 -Ith St. .lust step In and look at a nice, warm, , sunnv rmm; hot and cold water; beau t if till v furnished and homelike, at a PKIE that will CERTAINLY suit you. If you are wise you will go at once. NEW. NEW. TIIK PA LACE MOTET. Washington st. at 1-th. Absolutely fireproof. Vjn outside rooms and suitc70 with private bath, ho and old running water, steam heat and both phones in every room. Centrally located. ?17..".o per month and up. THE ARTHI R HOTKU Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill; recently opened ; every modern conven ience; "conducted above reproach; plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby and psrior: raten $17..".0 up: $rj.'0 and up with privnte bath. Free phones. MOTEL NETHERLANDH. U'ti i:tth st.. at Washington. Rooms wit. i detached bath. -'-" to f per wfpk; rooms with private hath. f'J2..i to 27.."t per month: a first-class residen tial hotel .under the personal management of the owner, J. W. Btishong. HOTEL SAVON. Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building: steam heated: private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL RAINIER. One Mock from Union Depot: 140 out Bid rooms, with nil modern conveniences; making snecfal rates to permanent guests; rates from S10 per month up. Give us a call and vou will be more than pleased,4 11! N. 5th st. HOTEL t'AM'MET. European and .American plan; 75 cents single. $1. double, European; $1.75 Amer ican; rates by the month $13 and upward: b;t of references given. TOURIST hotel, l."0 1st st., cor. Morrison; modern conveniences and home comforts; outside rooms. $4 per week: no extra chargft for two in a room; transient. 50c and up. Main 4Sr,l. HOTEL R FN WICK Id-al home for busi ness people; centrally located : elegant rooms; ail modern conveniences. 7th and Taylor sts.. 1 htck from Portland Hotel, oppogfte Heitig Theater. Main Olfi. WEAVER H O T E L. Beautifully furnished outside rooms; good homelike cooking; cosy reception parlor. T'O Washington st. Main S6M. HOTEL ST.-NDISH. 54SH Washington st. RemodeJef , opened umier new manage ment: clean. sunny, outside rooms, with rnnnlnc hot and cold water; $10 month up. BE a guet at the San Marco, cor. 11' h and Washington; well heated rooms. (3 per week and up. THE COLONIAL. 163-167 10th St., most centra! for holiday shopping ana tnea tcr. Rates reasonable, day or week. 'THE MONTGOMERY." cor. East Morrison and East Sth; nicely furnished rooms, reasonable. THE LARRABEE, a27- larrabee. Rooms $Z week up; brick building: steam heat; hot and cold water; bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL LA KALLE. 10th and Burnside sts. New. ek:trantly furnished: private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water. Mar. 4041. HOTEL OONGUESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all moaern conveniences. oi and Main. FurnNlied Rooms In private Family. A PLEASANT room, with all modern Im provements, fine view. Phone A 3151. The Chetopa. Apt. 42, 1 St h and Flanders. WELL-KURN ISH ED, warm front parlor; very reasonable; electricity, xircpiace. close In. 231 7th. LARGE, bright, well-kept room in refined private home; reasonable to genticman; references. Marsnau j-iji. NEWLY furnished front room, modern con veniences, centrauy, reasonaoie. v -iay St., n"ar lOth. MODERN furnished room in private family; walking distance. Ad. 7i Glisan st. rnone Marshall 3963. WELL furnished rooms, also attic room; modern home. Marshall 3077. 509 Flan ders st. ROOMS $2.23 per week up; heat, phone, bath. 3"$ Kalmon st. NICELY furnished modern rooms, 42 a week and up, 31 N. Park sL FURNISHED room for rent, suitable for at 133 1-th st., cor. Alder SINGLE or en suite, two newly furnished rooms; every convenience, 541) Yamhill. $2 PER" wk. and up. 18ft WPark I too ins With Board. CALUMET HOTEL, 150 Park St. Fine room and excellent board, every modern convenience. $37.50 per month. $03 per month double; also daily and weekly rates. PARKVIEW HOTEL. Strictly htgh-;lass family hoU'l; hot and cold wajer ana steam neat in every ruom st. at West Park. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board. X10 per week and up; rates to families, llth and Yamhill sts. DOES a homo appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 0th and "J ad i son; l irge rooms, bath, broad veranda: quiet, close In, near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. 534 COUCH S Weil furnished outside rooms; steam heat, running water: good board ; wal King distance; reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24tii year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, II orary. 310 Flanders. Mrs. K. N. Wilson, sup. MAXI "UU 261 13th at. Attractive, clean rooms; steam heat : good board ; close in. Rooms With Board in private- 1-amUy. SHARE EXPENSE. Couple with child, l yr. old, having large, well furnished home in Irving ton district, would share same with con genial couple without children, on any fair arrangements. Address with particulars. A B 623, oregonian. BOARD and room, rates reasonable, walking distance, modern conveniences. 332 ltKh Ft. Main 6070. NICE, clean, airy room 5, with or wlthou'. board; food home cooking; bath, phone In house. Phone Main 4711. 405 West Park. LARGE room with board; bathroom at tached: suitable for two gentlemen. 291 West Park WOULD give a young lady room and board very reasonable. Main 83I'S. ROOM und board, $25 a month; bath and phone. 322 14tli. NEATwpIeasant rooms, single or en suite, with board, 656 Glisan. 211 N. 220 ST. Well-Iurnlshcd room, good bo-iri for gentleman. M. 2o71. Apartments. MONT IO ME R Y A PARTMENTS, 3d and Montgomery. New. modern, one side furnished 2-room apartments- auto matic elevator: close in; $25 up. Main 144 66. GRAN DIST A Modern three-room furnished apartmt nts. $25 to $35; private phone. East Stark it. and Grand ave. phone Fast 2t'-v MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, pprk and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and nnf iirnlshtd apartments; strictly modern. THE LOIS, 704 HOYT ST. On four-room and one three-room apt. for rent. Modern In every, way. all out side and front rooms, well furnished. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, Fourth and Lincoln, Ail outside 2-room apts. ; $22.50 to $30: walking distance. THE tKOX'K. lst;22d st. Nort n. near John j,,,nWw, modern brick; 3-room furnished apartments; $23 up. Phone Marshall 2267. IRIS PARTMENTS I and 5 large rooms; modem: private phones; $32 and $46. 3d and Mill sts. THE Drtckston, 4 4S llth; nicely furnished 2 and 3 -room modern outside apts., near H p i trhts. Mrs. F. W. MeCuHP. Marshall 37. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison; 3-room apartments, best service. Apply on premises. THE CHELTENHAM. 225 N. 10TH. 2 -room apartments; new brick building; new -furniture. Marshall 363 S. WALDORF COURT, 1RVINGTON. E-isi l"h and Schuyler; ono unfurnished npurtTTient. East 547. C 166K. THE King -Davis, 54 King st. N., nr. Wash. H is h -class; references. Both phones FURNISHED four-room steam-heated flat. modern. Cottei irug 1.0. HERMENIA APTS 00 Hall. Just opened. TUB BRYN-MAWR APTS.. 185 E. 15tb. near Yamhill; 4 aaj a-room apt... with porch. Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNEIl & BOYCE, Apartment-House Specialists. 703 Abington Building. Own or control me juuowwb "-k- ment-houses. which are all new or nearly II t-W , UfJ-lU-Ullie MUU JO--,Bm conveniences; ANGELA 37 Trinity Place, near tngton, 2. 3 und 4 -room furnished w CECELIA 2-d and Glisan; 8 -room unfur. nished. CLA Y POOLE 11th and Clay; 3 rooms. private balcony, unfurnished. ' CLAYPOOLE ANNEX 11 til and Clay; - FORD II AM 1 70 Ford L. 4 rooms, unfur nished, hardwood finish, private balcon ies. Highest-class apartment in the city HANTHORN 261 12th su. near Mam: a rooms, with private baicones; unfur nished. . . HANOVER 105 King St., near washing- ton; 3 rooms, with private balconies, un furnished; two rooms, furnished or un furnished. KNICKERBOCKER 410 Harrison v-. near llth: 3 rooms, with private Dai conies, unfurnished. . . ST. CROIX 170 St. Clair, near Washing ton; 3 rooms, furnished and unfur nished. . T. FRANCIS 21st and Hoyt, 3 and rooms, with private balconies, untar nished. WELLINGTON IBth and Everett; Z. 3. 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished; frame duiio ing; very reasonable rent. References Required. The B R B T N O R, NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. 3 AND 4 ROOM3 UNFURNISHED. LOCATION . , 20th and Lovejoy sts. Residential Mo tion: walking distance; ons block Jrom W" car. ARPAN'3EMENT5 and APPOINTMENTS Unexcelled in the city. Built with a view of the tenants' comfort. A.I ;arge, outside rooms, finished In wnit enamel, with harmonising colors. SPECIAL FEATURES ' ' Absolutely modern. Noiseless corK tiled hall floors. Frenofi pane!od doors sepirating dining-room from haus. Direct entrance to all rooms from ' each hall. Built-in hall-trees with full-length Freich-plate mirrors. Largest clothes closets in the city. Really large refrigerators. Individual storerooms. Manj other conveniences. BARRETT BROS.fAgenta. 3C3 Board of Trade fcldg.. OR APPLY.. AT PREMISES. THE ORLANDO. 20TII AND WASHINGTON STS. t'NQlTESTlONABt.y FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITT.- 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, pos sesainar every modern convenience, private telephone, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam dryer, most at tractive entrance court In Portland. Select clientele provides precisely the surroundings desired for your family. . KATES POSITIVELY MOST IlEASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. THE WHEELDON. Corner Park and Taylor Sta. TUB WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Street.. Walkinar Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartmonta; building, new aad strictly modern; service first class. LUCRETIA COURT. Under new nfanaarement. .Situated In an open court on Lucretla f , Just off Washington, near 23d st. Absolutely the finest unfurnished apartment-house In the city; hardwood floor. Including both phones; prices right. See them before locating. Refs. Superintend ent. Marsh. 10ia. Janitor, Marsh. 150 1). CARMELITA. Jefferson and loth Streets. 4 and 5-room unfurnlsHed apartments, exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Largest and finest apartmenta on the Pacific Coast; in Trinity place. Just off Washing ton, between luth and 20th .ts.. In heart of apartment-house district: modern in every particular; high-class servlc; re fined clientele; sleeping porches In every apartment; furnished and unfurnished; prices right; references required. See Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone Marshall 1101 THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving st. Thl. new four-story brick now open; fur. nished and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator, Holman disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box. plenty' of closet rooms, both ? hones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons, f you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1T44. Marshall SUol. KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington St. Hiitli-class apartments; one unfur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal cony. ALTON1A. Maisha'.l and loth sts. Large, airv 2. 3 and 4-room apartment,B: auiet and exclusive neighborhood.. THE SHEFFIELD 4-room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished; splendid arrange ment: all otuside rooms, private bath, direct Pacific phone; reasonable rent; superb location;- near Postoffice: best of service. 272 7th St., cor. Jefferson. References. THE LUZERNE, Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished. 2 room apartments, building new and strict ly modern; large outside kitchens, service first-class, easy walking qisiance. THE AVALON Vacancies on or near the first. 1. 2 or 3-room apartments, beauti fully finished; steum heat; beautiful new 3-storv brick building: easy walking dis tance Union Depot. Corner Clackamus and Koss. East 1 '.-. WRSTFAL, 410 .'th. 8 miuuics' walk to P. O. : new management: entirely renovated and elegantly furnished. - Wily pay the high rents elsewhere when you can have beautiful 3-room apts. from $30- to $37. SO Mo.? Klevator, fireproof bldg., steam heat. THE PARKHURST, N. 21th and Northrup Sts. MAX KAUFMAN, MANAGING OWNER. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms,- halcony to every suit; all conveniences; ref. Phone M.117-S. THE UPSHUR. 20th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts., $10, 1S up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apl. ; public bath, eleetrlc lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take S, 23d or W. cars north. Phone Main 8."". THE WINSTON. 341 llth St.. at aMarket. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished: walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1730. I . HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; ail conveniences; first class homelike; reasonable rates; refs. Main 7337, A 3H1.Y WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. 1.1th and Everett 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $20 up: completely reno vated; under new management; walking distanc"; convenient and best service. WAY.NEWOOD APTS. . Newlv furnished. 10" N. ISth bet. Flan ders arid Glisan; single room or en suite from $18 to $30. MELCI.IKFE COURT, ' 12.1 East llth St.. near Morrison. New, modern buildinpr: all outside 2 and 3-room apts.: walking distance. THE DEZENDORF, f SOS 10th St., near Taylor. One 4-room iirst floor unfurnished apart Tient.' or will furnish to desirable tenant. SERENE COURT. EAST 1ST AND MULTNOMAH STS. One beautiful 3-room apartment, elcgant Iv furnished: close In. East 1420. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts.: very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com pletclv; private baths: from $2o to $32..1Q. fiats. 540 TAYLOR ST. Nicely furnished four room flat. gas. electricity, . Instantaneous bath heater. $311. MODERN 11-rooni flat, flrerisce. git- range, heater, linoleum, carpet. 024 iNiorthrut. M.iin S47.1. FURNISHED and unfurnished flats, one 2 room. Phone K. 1710. ll4 Willlame ave. NICELY furnished 3-room flat with phono and private hath. 23uit N. ISth. . MODERN 4-roum flat, near 22d and Wash ington; reasonable. Main SPSS, Main 333. FLAT of t'. rooma and bath; 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 th st. Phone Main 6278. FOR RENT Modern S-room flats.. Call at 101 E. lflth. -i 1 i j : " r . I RflftMINn-HOCSES. FINANCIAL. SAVE time and uatlence by getting our ex tensive list of desirable house, and flats FOR RENT." THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main W9.- -'69 Washington St. A 6267. FOR RENT Modern 7-rooin flat; flreplao-i and furnac: 444 FarK bi.; ;.o. rnone Tabor 7u3 or Kast Hii. Housekeeplopr-ltooma. thm HEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free: $12 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-st. cars north; get on at aiarsnan st. jno cot. SI. 50 to S'i7. week, clean, furnished house keeping-rooms, suitable for 2 or 4: free heat, laundry, bains, yara, gas. rnona n. liuH. 40tf Vancouver. 2U3 Stanton. U car. thr ttpkhur. 4uflU 26th st.. furnished 2 room apts., steam heat, light, $17 up. Main Sou. TaKe ts, aoq or vv. car, uuriu. 401 EAST Morrison, cor. East Sth, nicely furnished nouseaeeping suuea. rcasuuttmc. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS In now concret building. Phone wooaiawn zuwi or oiw. MILL APARTMKNTS, newly furnished for housekeeping, electric iignts. an -)a sc. NEATi,Y furnished housekeeping rooms; close In. quiet and reasonapie. aaimon. Honsekeeplng-Kooma in Private Family. two verir clean, nicely furnished housekeep- Ing rooms, kitchenette, balcony, bath, gas, good neighborhood, near two carllnes, walking distance. 772 East Taylor. East r.2tio. o WELL furnished housekeeping rooms and tten furnished housekeeping rooms. F.lec- - trie light, bath, phone, water free. Kent reasonable. J'.'o st. ATTRACTIVE 2 and 3-room suites connect ing; running water, gas range, iuni.ee heat, bath, llnt. tel.. nice locuiiun, warn ing distance. 347 Hall. Marshall 4I. HOU.SEKEKP1NG rooms, steam heut, elec tric light, clean and airy, cheap rent down town. 350'. Alder st. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms In a flat. 407 East coucn St., near ur.uu ave. Phone East 7-'4. J10 THREE, furnished housekeeping rooms in coinage, gas ' Hrate entrance, phone. Tabor U14. 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 781 Kearney. Marshall 4337. FOUR furnished rooms very reasonable; ground floor, au r.. -.tn st. . x COSY housekeeoing suite, furnished. $10 per month. .".SS Pettygrove. Main 3423. ABSOLUTELY clean, pleasant, large 2 rooiri suite, electricity, gas range. 251 7tn. Houses. THE MEIKR & FRANK STORES FREE KJSMAU A.N 1' l.ruAiivii HTTREAU Is for the convenience of both Portland people and strangers In the city who may be looking for homes. apartmenU or flats, wo h.v nn excellent private list, as well as the combined lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings in course of construction. Home-hunters especially will find relief la this special service, tor we ueiM " o-et niiicklv comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent visit THE MEIER & FKA.Nlk. !.&J1 REAU. 4th floor, main Diug. . RENTALS. We have a 'complete rental department nouses, nuts, biuid cuijuii.a ...- ments for rent or lease; anyone having ,.. n .n.m UnH II tn. their ad- Viufoj i-w . ... vantage to see us, as we have calls for alt Rinds or properly. n CHAP1N-HERLOW MTO. & TRUST CO. Third Floor cnamoer oi Lommcrec YOUNG bachelor will exchange rent of 6- ti : K,is& fivr- mnm nnd 2 fwin rieumwu. ....... - meals a day. Key at Mr. Smith s, JQo Dekum ave. woouiawn n.i. 5-ROOM cottage, modern and clean; 417 Jltn St.. near j-iniiinnn, able. Key at 40 llth st. Tarrish, -Wat- kinB it Co., too u oi FOR RENT, S0. 8-room house. 45 Clay, just renovaieu; uwncx "i. room and reduce rent. Inquire RBuetl kofer. 205 Salmon. MODERN 6-room flat, just off carline, short walk to neari oi vuj. v'v Chamber of commerce. Marshall l.tSn. B-l:OOM cottago, 7th and Sheridan; gooa repair $10 mo., one mo. free rent, re nonslhle party. 42.S Woshinaton. C-ROOM cottage. S15.00, 172 Union ave. N also one house, iw.uv, easy i""s tance. Phone East 1 i AN East Side. 7-room bungalow, with bath, and basement; walking distance, i2.j0. Inqulro room got, ine mum. S-ROOM modern house with fireplace, con venient location. i0. 772 Everett st. Phone Main 328j - SlX-ROOJd modern house, low rent; freshly tinted. Inquire at noagers-nan-Liuou Co., IIIO Chaniper oi umiiicice um.. A 4-ROOM modern house, all newly pa pered anu paimeu, uu r uuw Phone Main 7(iul MODERN U and S-room houses, 3110 and 308 San Rafael, close In. East 16S5. taFOR rentals, see Watson & Therkclsttu C, oUu-ovo spaiuiilg uma. ai." ' FOR RENT 5-room house. No. 205 Sacra mento st. Inquire 340 Grant. $20 Modern 6-room flat, walking distance. 4-' rtooney ave. x-nuuc owt tow. S-ROOM piedmont home. $28 mo. H. N. Swank, 1030 cnamper oi .commerce. yurnlsued Houses. ONLY $2.1 PER MONTH. Klcely furnished modern 0-room corner house, on Brooklyn carline; piano. 70,1 E. 21st. FRED C. KING, 314 Spaidlng bldg.. 3d and Washington. A WELL furnished 5-room modern house, with or without piano; cement basement. 794 Cleveland ave.; take "U' car. Phone C 1810. 6-ROOM house, modern and fully furnlsned, for rent to responsible party at $35 per month. Select neighborhood on Broadway street. 730 Chamber of Commerce DESIRABLE private residence ten rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch; three or four months. Phone M. 40. MOUERN 8-room furniahed house, West Side, close in, furnace beat; adults; refer ence, rnonq J. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, easy walk ing distance. West Side. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. COSY 5-room furnished bungalow, ou river. $15 mo. o April 1st. Phone Oak Grove. Red 30. " BEAUTIFULLY furnished bungalow. Haw thorno ' district, also unfurnished cottage. Morris. Mar. 10.1. 007 Yeon. COMPLETELY furnished six-room upper flat. 031 XM t oucti sireei. i an g.ast i'io. 273V4 7TH StT COR. MEFKERSON Fur- llislied Hat. 0 room., eieciin; lifting. iFfliu. 6-ROOM modem house, furnished $25; witu garage $-lo. -401 neecn ai. MODERN 7-room house, lrvington: com pletely furnhrhed. Phone East 6335. 5-ROOM furnished flat, with private bath. 301 Holladay ave. NICELY furnished, 414 College st. 5-room cottage. Call FURNISHED house. 3.11 13th st. Reasonable, fireplace, furnace. M. 1438. FURNISHED house, 15 minutes' walk to postoffice. very cheap. 26 East llth South. 3U a-ROOM modern furnished, piano, lawn. Room 3 Washington bldg. MODERN house, 4 rooms; bath, fireplace, basement and door. flrd. 400 13th st. Stores. GOOD store, 22x4Ct, wtth basement, in brick buihllnq. corner 6th and Oak: will make favorable lease. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKav bldg., 3d and stark sts. TO RENT. STORES, FLOORS. BUILDINGS. W. H. WEBB. 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. MOST centrally located offices; furnished offices, $1.1 up. 003 Swetlaud bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. OFFICE room, with use of phone, $15 per month. 934 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room In furnished outside office; best location. 207 Oregonian bldg. ONE-HALF of office, splendidly furnished in mahogany. 1203 Yeon bldg. - Halls. HALL and ballroom for rent, lodges, par ties, meetings, weddings. Royal Academy Hall. S.IH Fifth st. Phone Main 7037. BUSINESS OITORTUTS IT1ES. WANTED Anyone looking for big money with small capital to invest, answer this giving address: proposition highly recom mended. AD 117 S. Oregonian. EIGHT housekeeping rooms; suites all rented. A bargain if taken at once: good location. Call ISO -Morrison. M. M. Fox. i ON ACCOUNT of sickness . will sell m candv business cheap: good West Side lo cation. AT 7.17. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY store, with two llvlnsr rooms In back: good location; chanco to riiTitt parth -H'O Washington St. FOR SALE Ex:res outfit. Want to go away. 17 years old. Stand making from $100' up. call 301 N. ' I'jth st. b"aRBBR SHOPTwo chair, three living rooms furnished complete; must sell 01 rent this week. OllS'-j Alberta at. YOUNG man with $17.1 take over busi ness. Clears $3.1 per week. 452 Yamhill street. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. fl.0.1-1000 Wilcox bldg.. Corner Oth and Washington. Phone Marshall 40S. A 1030. Wholesale grocery, needs one or two ?ood men, must buy $l.Vi0 worth of stock 'In the co'.npauy each; will pay salary to buyer, and guarantee the stock to pay better than 1.1 per cenrf full Investigation invited. Goodktnd Co. Mechanical shop, country fown, 2000 population: does blacksmithing, auto re pair, pattern making and castings, wagon making, etc; stock will invoice $2s00; buildings of corrugated iron worth $3000; have all the business they can handle. Goodkind Co. Auto exchange and repairs. $1500; will inv. $2000; has 2 good cars on hand, also tools and Ttuppliea necessary; enough cars for storage to pay running expenses: this place hps cleared $4000 the last 4 months; a good exchange man can get rich here; . owner's daughter must be taken away for beailth at once. Goodkind Co. Grocery, confectionery and rooming house of 10 rooms. $1200; rent only $00 for all: rooming-house now full up; store doing a nice business, located on West (Side, near 2 schools; this is a dandy place for nian and wife. See Goodkind Co. Plumbing and sales shop. $7.10, rent-$20 per month, business averages $7.1tV per month; old-established; stock on hand will Inv. price asked; owner wants to retire. Goodkind Co. Restaurant. $050; receipts $!M to $00 per , day: Tiandy location;' this place sold for $1400; big snap. Goodkind Co. Public Market stand, $000; handles but. ters, egcs, etc.: elegant fixtures; business first month over $1000.- Owner called away to protect other Interests; this busi ness Is really worth $1500, and has a very bright future. Guodkind Co. Country hotel, $3000; has 40 rooms, rent $.10 per month; business averages $1200; partnership troubles cause of sale; we" can trade this place for acreage near Port land, Salem or Albany. Goodkind Co. Grocery, $14O0; will- sell at inv.; fix tures rented with place 'at $2.1 per month; receipts $35 to $40 per day; butcher shop next door pays expenses: owner sick and must make a quick sale. Goodkind Co. WE HAVE SOLD OTHER PLACES WHY NOT YOURS? SEE GOODKIND CO.. INC. FOR SALE At RaymonB, Wash., with a well-established trade, a clothing store and gents' furnishing business. Best location in town, store room 25x00. rent $.10.00 per month. Stock of merchandise, about $12,000, all new goods, latest styles and patterns. Fix tures. $1500.0O. Assignment of previous owner not brought about through fault of this business, but from pressure brought to bear by causes outside of business. A great opportunity for a live man, as Ray- Siond la growing fast, and is one of the est points In the state. For Information or further particulars, address Seattle Mer chants' and Credit Men's Association. Pot son building, Seattle.. Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. The whole or majority interest In an old-established business for sale: concern does about $200,000 a year. Price for whole $4.1.000; majority interest $31,010; will net 33 to 40 -per cent prolit for year on Investment. The concern is a very re liable one and stands high In the com munity; none but those that mean busi ness need apply. Write full particulars. AN 014, oregonian. FOR SALE. Clean, well-selected stock of staple gro ceries. In flic location in best town In Eascern Oreieon. Low rent and deliver expense. Excellent chance for energetic man to do large cash business. JP'iOOO reauired. No trades. FDr particulars address G 607, Orego- nien. WE OWN and offer for sale first mortgage real estate gold -bonds in amounts of $100 and up. bearing interest at the rate of 8 per -cent per annum. An unusual sale in vestment. WILLIAM C. B.ORCHERS, Mortgage and Bond Brokers, 207-208 Oregonian Bldg. WANTED Man who wishes an exclusive business of his own. Right party can have the cly of Portland for the sale of a machine, which is used in apartment houses, office and store buildings, hotels and residences. About $300.00 is needed to commence business. Address AN voo, Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery and light lunches, home-made candies, ice cream plant. Most complete and up-to-date store of its size and in one of the best towns in Central Oregon. Everything lfl new and was made to order. tor lntor matlon see Gray. McLean & Percy. Ad dress AV 404. Oregonian. . POOL-ROOM with 6 living rooins.rent $20 owner is going' East and will sell for $6ii;1 and let you try the business oetore buying to prove it is paying $1.10 month over all expenses. Lumocr r.xcnauge, Second and Stark. FOR SALE Splendid paying country week ly newspaper, with good real estate busi ness as side line, for $1200 cash; located in coming Western Washington town. Ad- dress AV 484. Oregonian; BIG SNAP I have got to-sell an interest in my invention on a gasoline engine. which may more than treblo the power of any gasoline engine. I have engine now. Investigate. AK 712. Oregonian. PUBLIC accountant wants good accountant to buy interest in estabiisnea practice,: have nice office: must invest some mon ey and have good references. AT 75, Oregonian. $250.00 PER month clear above exp. is what , you can make if you want to get into the picture show business: is located In the swell part of Portland. 437 Chamber ot commerce. CASH business Partner wanted to do col lecting and solicit; owner will guarantee $3 per day. Money safely secured; $223 required, particulars --10 mark st. PICTURE SHOW for sale; requires small investment anu .111 pay -iv van uy it before you buy. Call 319 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. GENERAL mdBC store in country; has Post, office paying $300. Can purchase build ings if desired. This is a fine business, Call 24S'j. Stark st OFFICE business; owner wauls reliable man at partner, must be sober -and willing; only such considered. To right party will make good terms. Call 24H'.a Stark at. $2.10 WILL put you in as partner in estab lished cash business that will pay you 2.1 week guaranteed by owner. 323 Lum ber Exchange. Second and Stark sts. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. Seats 50; hest location In St. Johns; new last July; $4.10; sickness In family cause for sale, loo N. Jersey. Phone Col. 002. JUST right for man and wife; nice little grocery anu scnooi-suppiy sioi-e; a iiviiik rooms; very low rent. Call 248'i Stark street. OPPORTUNITY for reliable man In' solid office business; pays sioo month salary; also share of profits. Particulars 310 Lumber Hxchange, 2d and Stark. THIS Is n. bargain Confectionery and lunch room, $.100.00. Owner has other interests and cannot handle.: must he seen to ap preciato. Call Thurs. 32.8 Hollaaay. SOLID business; owner wants a reliable parLier to tend slore, check coal,, etc.; good pay and requires very little money. ."! Lumber Exchunge. 2d and Stark. WANTED Young man as partner, who Is not afraid to work in casn grocery; win pay you $1.10 month. .323 Lumber Ex change, (Second and Stark. PARTNER wanted in a first-class candy kitchen: one of' the best locations in the city- $400.00 required. 437 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' - RESTAURANT and delicatessen, small place, cheap rent good trade. Terms. 235 Market St. ' - CORNER cigar store; stock, fixtures; lease: cheap quick sale. Call corner of Fifth and Oak sts. 400 WASHINGTON Big store and base ment; three-year lease; bargain. Mar shall 15.10. CASH grocery for sale in cuoice district; will sell Cheap. can uiv iiunmer change. 2d and Stark. WOOD and coal Partner wanted in this reliable business. money requirea xuiiy secured. 310 Lumber Exchange. BARBERS Furniture complete for barber shop Call at lin c. j-iui. ihks cien- wood car. ' Call 10 A. M. or 3 P. M. LOOK' Cigar store cheap, your own terms; sacrifice. See newswagon, Oth and Wash ington sts. CIGAR STORE for sale. 60 N. 3d, corner Davis. RESTAURANT on Washington, receipts $75 per day. lease. $1200. V 601. Oregonian. .11 H BUSINESS CARDS. $1. ROSE CITY PR1NTERY. 102H 3d St. RESTAURANT for sale on account of sick ikss: 3-year lease. Call 213 Fourth. FOR SVI.E Paying millinery business in city: good location. O 032. Oregonian. BUSINFSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTSP. WANTED -To buy bakery in small town. t all If. Scliniaer, 0(1 ana . -Monroe sts., Oregon City. ROOMING-HOUSES. WANT to sell half Interest in rooming-houe. 41, fronts, to pany WHO can manage same, at a bargain; Is in good location; long lease. See ow ner, 322 Henry Mdg. 17 ROOMS, close ill. West Park. Mam 3207. Buy lrom owner. WAS $1.1.000. NOW $7-100. 74-room new modern brick on Washington St.. rent $52.1. 3-year lease, hot and cold water all rooms, private baths, ground-floor office: big money-maker, price $7500, half cash, balance monthly payments. DIETZ-BLANEY CO., 801 Wilcox bldg. SNAP SNA P S N A P. 62 rooms, new corner brick, hot and cold water all rooms, extra swell furnishings. 8-year lease at moderate rent; several large private baths; you can buy this house for $7,100. $2,100 cash, balance easy monthly payments. D1ETZ-BLANEY CO.. 801 Wilcox bldg. SIX ROOMS, well furnished; fine location. 212 llth st,, near salmon. LOST AND FOCSD. FOUND on cars; Setlwood Barn, Dec. 24. 1012; phone B. 6141: umbrellas, 1 bas ket. 1 key. 3 pursea, 3 pieces of type, 1 piece of Iron. Found on cars; Ankeny Barn, Dec. 24, 1012; B. 116S. 1 cornet and muslo, 2 pens, 1 glove, 1 small telescope, 1 beauty pin. 0 umbrellas. 1 basket. . Articles found on the cars, Dec. 24, 11, Savior-street carhouse. Phone C 538,: 1 handkerchief and coins, 1 necklace, 1 piece table linen, 2 umbrellas, 1 basket ami flowers. Articles found on cars, Piedmont Barn, phone C 1227: 16 umbrellas. 1 guncase and gun, 1 handbag, 1 turkey, 1 pr. gloves, 1 mitten, 5 mise, packages. JfOUNDWhera you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; w renovate mattresses and return same day, ' we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, II. Metzger, 226-22!) Front. Phone yam 4i-t. a ii.. THE following articles have been found on trains and turned in .at the Union De pot: Found on O.-W. R. & N. No. .-, Dec. HO, tan suitcase; iuuiiu vu .t.. , . Dec. 21. woman's coat; woman's umbrella. t.nT Christmas day on Broadway, be tween Sth and 10th. a child's mesh purse, containing $.1 I" gold and small change. Return to 474 Broadway. Phone East 1040. Reward. LOSTNear Hillsdale, small tan-colored dog: answers to the name of Beauty; re ward. Main 7734 or 288 13th St. jjOST Large bunch of keys, with Chlne.c coin on ring. Return to Oregonlau of fice. Reward. RING Medium sized coral setting. Monday nlcht at Swiss Hall or Mt. Tabor car. P.e wh1. AT 701. Oregonian. LOST Gold cuff button. Reward. 810 Board of Trade bldg. - SPECIAL NOTICES. 1'ropo.a I11 Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Ell Hogan, bankrupt: - 1 will receive sealed bids for the stock of doors, windows, paints, oils, hardware, lumber, molding, planing mill machinery, etc., inventoried at $4022.65 and office fixtures inventoried at $22.50, being the property of the above entitled estate, and situated at No. .1228 72d St., Portland, Oregon, at the planing mill property oc cupied by the bankrupt, up to and until Monday, the 30th day of December. 11112, at la o'clock noon. Certified check- for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany the bids. Sale subject to the. approval of the court. Inventory of. the property my be seen at my office and at the property. No. 522S 72d si., Bon land, Oregun, at the latter of which, places the property may be inspected. - . -Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 20th day of December, 1912. R. L. SABIN. Trustee, No. 7 1st street. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned. 402 Tilford building, until 12:00 M., Thursday, Jan uary 2, 1U13, for the plumbing, and the heating and ventilating, of the Jonesmore School. Plans arid specifications may be ob tained at the office of F. A. Naramore. Supt. of Properties. 408 TUford building. Certified check for ten per cent of the amount of tho proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves tho right to reject any und all proposals. A deposit of $20.00 is re quired for plans and specifications. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated December 23, 1U12. SEALED BIDS will be received by K . Fields County Clerk, Courthouse, Portland, Jregon, until 10 A. M., on Wednesday, January Sth, 1013, for furnishing supplies for Multnomah County Farm, at Trout dale. Oregon. Supplies to be delivered at Mufcnomah Farm and freight paid. Copies of suppliua may bo had at the office of the County Commissioners at the Courthouse. No bid will be considered unless accom panied bv a certified check payable to the order of the County Court, for at least 5 per cent of the . amount of the biThe right to reject any or all bids Is expressly reserved. T J. CLEETON. County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner. D. V HART, County Commissioner. FINANCIAL. WE have on hand some excellent banking -.nnnaittnn. both as to control and Inter ests, thut carry position of cashier. No trades, but if you are looking for some thing worthy, call or write Howland & Howlar.d, Bank Stock Brokers, 401 McKay bldg., portianu, ciregou. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sals on roal estate In Washington or Oregoa. H. E Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see US.-L. R. Bailey co.. inc.. on. apiuiu. LOANS on mortgages, contracts, bonds, stocks, any collateral or real security. Nelson Bros.. 804 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts, .nri i-nmmlsslan accounts bought, real es tate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Abington. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (nrst and second), equities. F. H. Lewis v Co., 3 Lewis bidg U. S. CASHIER CO. stock; want offer of IOO to .ou snare, nunw biuib. t,. ... Caw, 312 So. 3d st., North Yakima. Wash. WILL PAY cash tor mortgages ancr'con tracts. AS 470. Oregonian. Money to Loan Heal Estate. frwi.-: V Tfl LOAM on city or farm property. THE HAR BOLT-WILSON CO.. INC. 710-71S LEWIS BLDG. 4th and Oak. Marshall 4200. A 715s. $500."00 ON improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest ratos; large loans a specialty. McKensle A Co., it . A-r.i Rr.l a nerllnizer bldz. Real estate security, current rates. Rooms 10-11-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison. MONEY to loan on Improved residence prop erty reasonable rates; no brokerage charged Wn-i.MacMaBter.701 Corbett bldg. TO LOAN $20,000 OR LESS, - COMMERCIAL CLUB BLUO. -.,,. .-,, turul .I'-ikft SI polk JJ.WV, tUWi fWU, vv, to loan on real estate. Fred W. German, 436 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyers' Abstract Is Trust Co.. room 6. Board of Trade bldg LOANS on Improved or unimproved real es tate, mortgages and contracts bought. W, H Nunn, 448 Sherlock bids. S200 000 to loan in sums to suit. Building loans; lowest .ates. W. G. Beck. 315-310 Fulling bldg. ; MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A II. Blrrell Co.. 2u2 McKay bldg Third and Slark. $3000 $2000 and $1400 TO loan, first mort gage 8 per cent; principals only. 530 Chamber of Commerce. .lima TO LOAN al t 7 per cent for one year on Improved city r.eal estate. W'm. C. Borchcrs, 207 Oregonian bldg. final TO LOAIN on t uiiiiiua real esiaie or "J" . within -'I mllew Irnm Port land. Call 73Q Chamber of Commerce. ilOOO TO LOAN ON REAL-ESTATE. FLETCH KR. 22.1 ABINGTON BLDG. 1100 'TO $300 to loan by private party for a short time. 207 Oregonian bldg. MONEY, an amount, 6 to 8 per cent- W. . :11 KTtnMlntf htit. H. bens oc .w-. ".v . , o $'5 000 OR part for immediate luau on reai estate. Tabor 771. PKR CENT money on dwellings, small Cl, a rga. ' Wsrd. 210 AHsky bldg. CITY and FARM LOANS, oitgs. purchased Henry c. r-i uuii"i' . ...v lOANs'on Improved real estafc, $1000 and up w a rds. John Bain, 214 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate naort- traees. 11. Miiey, rwui" -v. e,. uiui. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE " 7 n umnlNC. 313 Ch. of Cora. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. P., H. LEWIS. I LEWIS BLDG. I oan's on real estate. I'ilamonds aad Jew--ill. - unii room 'it. Wasliinarton bide. eiry. ". .-.- - - STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent, W. E. Thomas. agent muiiiioi"- e- -.j. . e..,. w r.Ioney lo Luuo Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE it TRUST CO.. 016 SPALDING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on real e.tato security at reasonable rates In sums from $500 and up. TUB LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 Fourth St., Between Morrison and Yamhill. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence, business property and Muitnomnh County farms. EDW. P. MALL. SCO and 504 Chamber of Commerce. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. We have on hand funds for invest ment in good nrst mortgage If you wish to bcrrow on your real estate, confer with our mortgage loan department. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 3 to o years" time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progressoa. The Equitable Saving. Loan Association. 240 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS 8 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 220 STARK ST. Money lo I.ofp Chattels aud tjnlarle. HOLIDAY LOANS OX SALARIES AND CHATTELS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. WE ARE LEADERS In our LINE and OUR UNLIMITED CAPITAL enables us to give you rates and conditions 110J ob tainable elseu here. SPECIAL RATES; $ ..15 Weekly Pays a $ 10 Loan. $ .6.1 Weekly Pas a i 2.1 Loan. $1.10 Weekly Pays a $ .10 Loan. J1..10 Weekly Pays a $ 75 Ijoan. $1.90 Weekly Pays a S100 Loan. Other Sums In Proportion. NO CHARGE FOR APPLICATION. NO PUBLICITY. NO RED TAPE. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. QUICK SERVICE and COURTEOUS TREATMENT. - AT THE PORTLAND LOAN CO.'S PRIVATE OFICES. 2"7 MACLEAY BLDG.. Bet. 4th and iilh on Wash. St. CALL, WRITE OU PHONE. A 1897 PHONES Mar. 3-'S Open Mon. and sat, evenings to P. M. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS at special rates on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watchcB, diamonds. Jewelry, do.; no loan too large or too small. Sl'RICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Private offices. When In need you will make a saving by gettln gout terms drst. Write, call or phone Main 4ul7. 320 Lumber Exchange. EL.BY COMPANY. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. Money Loaned on Watches. Diamonds. Jewelry and Kodaks. UNCLE MYERS. 71 Sixth st.. Near oak. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $3 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms la Oregon. D. D. Drake. 307 Spalding bidg. A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gentle men to botrow money on diamonds and jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond pal ace. 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE , And others, upon their owu namus; chea rates, easy payments; confidential. D. 14. Tolman, room ail Lunmer n,xcnaiiK;e. WE 4-.OAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by broker. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. PRIVATE party has money to loan on fur niture and chattels. Call at my horns. C V. Ryan. 280 10th St.. uear Jefferson. MONEY sold on Installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelrj i strictly conHdentlal. 141 Vt 3d. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, salary or tsnutUU. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. MONEY LOANED AND IN VESTED FOP. PRIVATE PARTIES AT BEST RAl'ba OF INTEREST. WM. C. BOUCHERS. MORTGAGK AND BOND BANKERS, J07-2OS Oregonian lldg! WANTED To borrow $20oo 4or one or l years from private party on well Im proved property out of the city, worth over $7000: will pay 8 per cent Interest and expenses of trip. AP tis.'l. Oregonlsn. YOUR MONEY placed without charge 00 first mortgages approved by you. SEE .1 OS. BAUMGARTNEU. CHAPIN-lfERLOW MTG. & TRUPST CO. Third floor Chamber of Commerce. I5O00 FROM private party. Will give well secured $10,000 mortgage as security and pay 10 per cent interest; want loan lor short time only. A F 709. Oregonian. . I W ANT to borrow $1500.00, good security, that I can repay at tho rate of $2. .no per month and interest, on my home-. Phone East 102S. I HAVE for sale a gilt edge llrst mortgage nr mioo on 80 acres, recently sold luc $4000; will give liberal discount. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable, loans; mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhonime Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Money lo loan ou country prop ' erty Watson &. Therkelsen Co., 306 Spald- Ing bldg. Maln7592. . WANT to borrow $.1000.00 for 3 yrs., 8 pel cent. Good security; residence property. Phone East 102S. t WANT to borrow $1500 on fine residence properly. Phone East 1K2S. FIRST mortgages on Improved real (-stale for sale. John Bain, 214 Spalding bldg. PERSONA T.. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12 84-Inch switches $4 . $0 26-lnch switches Hair dressing -, Face inttttsugo -'J Shampoo ,--'J, Manicure. 2.1c; 5 for J-"" 12 scalp treatments "" Superfluous hair removed by elcctl 10 needle; guaranteed not lo return. 14. $.1 ami $Q putts, only $1.45. t ut hnlr In any hu.ic: switches any length Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 4O0-4I2 llrkiili' Hldg- 3d and Washington. FREATMKNTS for men and women. The Illicst equipped private office oil Hie Pa cific Coast. Radical cure by the -atest nat-iral healing methods. Wo use radium, light heat, vibration, baths, massage, m nlpul'atlou and adjustments. Every known advanced electrical treatment used m America or Europe we give. No medi cine or operations. Over 3000 treated pa tients and not a death while under our treatments. All consultations are fret. It W. K. Mallory. Naturopath. 312 Roth child bldg. SWEDISH TIlAIXEON'raSK-H'lIf; III I lmetlts. under Physician's directions- baths, massage. No. 7 East ..1th l . second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone Kat 200. B 180J; FEB VET & HAMH-Li. 1 -n.llnu wig and toupe makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches front 05c up; halnlresslng, manicuring, face and scalo treatments; combings made- up to 5rdLr 147 7th. near .Morrison, Main -4. ccifc-HTIFJC clcctro-niagnetlc Ircatinenls "C . .. . .liu.vis..... Itaralvsis. Itllllt and stomach trouble, rheumatism. llstoU; nervous headache cured in a f. w mlnut.'.: one free treatment : 'consultation free. 61J onc . .. 1.1.... "villi Washington St. Kilcliaiiaii - : I ir-'VIVN trained nurse and masseuse, I0114 experience, best refeiences. treatments f..r rlieuniullsm. lumbago, etc.; massages al'd bath". 272 Park nt. Take Jeffei son-st. car. Open Sundays. ;,h pes j SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned pressed, buttons sewed on, rlpj repaired. $1W month; prompt calls and deUveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 301) Stark. 1 -kv ltoL The great nervo tonlo and sys tem builder. $1 per. box; boxes $5. Stlpe TaTlor Drug Co.. 280 Morrison st. apimTUAL readings dully; mental scientist, reals rhe.,n-ausn, lnn-,.ag. 555-, Morn- eTTTTj eu"iilllA B. SF.IP. mental and spiritual sHenlisl: dttilv office. 302 Allsky bids. Main 0824. Meeting Wednesday, 8 P. M. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. U.lc; curls and puffs, 75c Sanl- ary Beauty ranuip, toy x-num ume. r, e- 1 MeJttliirae'.i leam bnths and mas'agc inr nii'""-"'i ,.,..-,-., 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 3'.i8. etu. SPIRITUAL medium, Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings dally. Circles Tucs. 2, Wed. 11KB. and Sun. 8. 304 Montgomery. Mnln 7'J7 USE Bassett's Native Herbs for consllpa . tion; 50 tablets for 25c. All druggists. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 421 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. DIVORCES Freo expert advice. Lock Box 4lil, Portland. DIVORCES a specialty. Lawyer. 516 Roth child bldg . -ni nafniiiKion in. H v F R E M !! ami steam bulbs for cold, lum-hsis-o. Marshall 020. 412 Northwest bldg. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tome Tablets. 006 Davis st. 1 Phono Main ,