Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Printing-room JJa'n TOTfl. A JWS
City Circulation CS'aoJ
J,"?"n5dUOr Main 7070. A So
unday Editor "am ivj .
Composing-room ?J .1! to-o a 08s
Superintendent building ...Main 70.0. A
HEILIS THKATER fSeventh and Taylor.
Henry B. Harris estate present, the ma-
mica I cnillfn y, i . ., , . . . .
matinee thla afternoon at 2:15. Tonight
at 8:ld.
BAKER THEATER (Eleventh ar.d Morrl
"Checkers." This afternoon at 2;15,
night at 8:15.
Morrison) Orpheum vaudeville this after
noon at ...
m & . m -ru O" A TPW E;.onrh and
lAUlid ftft.ftft-. . '
den Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2-
i-w - i 7-al mnA O n,.lru-lr
EMPREFS THEATER (Park and Waahln
lOH ) ftUl MftlVtUVWI.
. . . T . .J.. ft (1 ftl.lA.fe
LYRIC THEATER t Fourth anil 6tark
- bania Liana. jr. aaaunee, ..x.
nle-bt. contlnuoua narfonnancea, 6:80
10 V5.
TIVOL: AND CRT6TAL First-run pic
tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. H.
Order for roplea of tha New Year
Orrgonlan. nblrh will ba laaoed am Jaa
aair 1. 1913. to be arat to friends, aboald
ka aent to Tba Oregonlan at once.
Postage la the United Btatee or
poaaeaalana. Canada or Mexico. S cents.
Forelrn pottage. 1 eenta,
Addreas Tba Oregonlan. Portland. Or.
Taooma Man Mat Be Obtained.
At the meeting: of the directors of the
Sellwood T. M. C. A. with Secretary
Stone, of the Central Association, it
was decided to Invite John Hessemer to
become the physical director of the
Sellwood branch. Mr. Stone recom
mended Mr. Hessemer. who at present
Is In the Tacoma Y. M. C A. He will
ajtve his answer Friday whether he
will take up the Sellwood work. J. B.
Goeffrey. a well-known Y. M. C. A.
worker formerly connected with the
Portland Y. M. C. A., has volunteered
to take charge of the business end of
the Sellwood branch and be at the
building: In the evenings. - It was an
nounced that the ladles' auxiliary had
' raised its subscription from $200 to
1300. and will sell tags next Saturday
in Sellwood to raise part of this money.
The auxiliary will have charge of the
exercises New Year's eve. and lsN ar
ranging a programme of music, recita
tions and addresses up to 11 o'clock,
after which a prayer service will be
conducted by the ministers of Sell
wood. Bride-to-be is Jail.- With the
American bride-to-be in Jail in Port
land, and the Chinese groom-elect In
a similar predicament in Vancouver,
the latter city's list of mixed marriages
promises to be one less than it other
wise would have been. Mary Watson.
J7. after traveling: from Omaha, via
Oakland, to Vancouver, to wed Charley
Wong, was arrested Monday night by
Sergeant Harms and a squad of officers
at Third and Couch streets, while
Wong, following a battle with a gang
of soldiers at Vancouver, is working
out a fine of $25 across the river. Miss
Watson traveled with Wong to the Pa
cific Coast, seeking a place where Inter
racial marriages are not frowned upon,
arriving at last in the Washington
city of easy matrimony., Wong's
Jealousy brought about his incarcera
tion. To await his release, she came
over to Portland, only to share his fate.
Her case is tie Id under advisement.
Harrt White Extradited. After
the international red tape, provided by
treaty between the United States and
Canada, has been gone through with
Harry White, alias Perry Reynolds,
started for British Columbia yesterday
under charge of Assistant Warden Car
roll, of the Westminster penitentiary.
White had been convicted of highway
robbery and sentenced to the Peniten
tiary for nine years, but feigning In
sanity was transferred to an asylum
and from there escaped. He was cap
tured at Eugene and made u defense to
being returned that he was an Ameri
can citizen, of Insane mind,' and there
fore not subject to extradition. The
fnlted States District Court directed
his extradition, but It has taken more
than two months to complete the
formal action.
Officers Brutal Sats Woman.
Charges of brutality are made against
Patrolman Stewart and Special Slate
Agent Kay, by Mrs. M. J. Walker,
whose rooming-house, at First and
Morrison streets, was raided by the
officers Saturday night- In Justice
Court yesterday Mrs. Walker had a
host of witnesses to swear to the good
character of her place, which the
policemen said was disorderly. The
case was continued indefinitely. Mrs.
Walker asserts that when she refused
to be arrested without a warrant she
was seised violently and carried out,
sustaining severe injuries.
Children Given Treat. Ninety
seven boys and girls, all inmates of the
Children's and Frazer homes, had a
happy Santa Claus experience yester
day morning in the barber shop of F. T.
Rogers, at the Corbett building, when
he and his wife gave them their an
nual Christmas festival. Mr. Rogers, in
the role of Santa Claus, appeared and
distributed dolls, candy and horns to
the little girls and tops, candv and
horns to the boys. In return for this
treat Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were the
honored guests at the Christmas eve
celebration at the Children's Home.'
Piano Company Wins Damages.
Damages in the sum of $900 were re
covered in Circuit Court yesterday by
the Reed-French Piano Manufacturing
Company, tenants of the Common
wealth building, against Sarah W. Rus
sell, Percy H. Birth and J. P. Robert
son, owners of the building. The plain
tiff company sued to recover $1450, al
leging damage to pianos bv leakage
caused by a defective toilet on an upper
floor. . ,
Government Wants Agronomist.
The United States Civil Service Cora
' mission announces that an examination
will be held on January 20 to secure
eligibles and fill vacancies in the- posi
tion of Agronomist in wheat investiga
tions in the bureau of plant industry.
Further information concerning this
examination can be secured from Z. A.
Leigh at the Portalnd Postofflce.
Professor Morris to Speak. The
regular meeting of the Physical Cul
ture Union will be held at the East
Side Library. East Eleventh and East
Alder streets, tomorrow nighjt at 8
o'clock. Professor Morris will lecture
on "The Pores of the Skin: Their Use
and Abuse." Meetings are free to all.
Ihibtves Make Haul, or Candy.
By unscrewing a hasp on the basement
door of premises occupied by the Mis
sion Tea Store, at East Thirty-fifth
street and Hawthorne avenue, thieves
gained entrance to the store Sunday or
yesterday morning, and carried away
100 pounds of candy.
Seattle Man Pleads Gittltt. R. H.
MacWhorter pleaded guilty yesterday
morning before Judge Bean In the Fed
eral Court. He was charged with using
the mails to defraud In connection with
the Columbia River orchard bond cases.
Sentence was deferred. MacWhorter is
a Seattle real estate man. .
Council Crest Rink. Christmas night
masquerade; big crowd coming. Many
valuable prizes.
Dr Harrt F. McKat now 411-412-412
Ellers bldg.. Seventh and Alder.
GrjroRirs Oregon views for holi
day gifts. Studio 413 Starkest.
Dr. J. M. Short now at 1111-1112
Selling building.
Danciso at Ringler's Hall Christmas
afternoon and evening. Minuet Club.
JH. Brietuno, spinologisi, Royainild.
Delegation to Attend Meeting.
The North Portland Commercial Club
and the women's auxiliary will send a
delegation to the school meeting Fri
day night to urge the erection of a
modern schoolhouse in Kenton, a trade
school for the East Side and to assist
the South East Side in getting its high
school. At the special meeting of the
club Monday night It was voted to ask
each member of the club and auxiliary
to attend the meeting ana support iuc
financial programme of the Board of
Education.- in order that these improve
ments may be made, with the exception
of the trade school which the club
wants on the East Side.
Collections to Be Considered. At
the request of the American Express
Company the new metnoo oi c"5
water tax will be considered at the
luncheon of the" East Side Business
Men's Club "next Monday. una- cm
i - t , ... InvpBtlsratA the tla
Jointly with a committee from the
North Portland Commercial Club li
order to ascertain the merits of th
plan. G. E. Welter, chairman of the In
..,i,tin. mTniYilttxx. said that th
.nftrnftni la nut antagonistic to the
Ulan, hut to ascertain if it is better
than the old method. There will be
i . . .,ni.ii th nlan. T. J.
Kreuder will preside.
In New Store. Robinson & Co.
h.h.rihrri manv vears on Washing
.trot nor Fifth, now in Yeon
hldir Fifth and Alder. "
Aune's Portraits. Columbia bldg., for
men, women, children. aiain-A mca.
Thousands Throng Stores in
Final Christmas Rush. ,
Day Like Testerday Probable and
Fall of Flakes Will Xot Be for
lions', He Says.
A white Christmas is the prediction
of Weather Forecaster Beals for Port
land and even if the boys and girls
may not be able to coast there will oe
sufficient of the white Hakes to sug
gest an Eastern Christmas, so fondly
talked of by recent residents from the
Yesterday there was a slight flurry
of enow Jn the center ot tne city ana
during the afternon more than an Inch
fell on Council Crest. Portland Heights
and In the higher altitudes on the
East side.
With sumrlse and amazement tne
crowds on Morrison street watched the
cars arriving from Portland Heights
with their tops covered with snow ana
with them came the report that the
hills in that vicinity were covered with
Forecaster Beals says the precipita
tion of snow was equally as heavy over
the center of the city but the Dusiness
activity created so much heat that It
reached the earth as rain.
"Conditions more pronounced but of
the same character, will exist in Port
land on Christmas Day,", he said, "and
the snow fall may reach several Inches
but Its chance of remaining for any
considerable length of time is hardly
"We have Just had the shortest day
of the year and it Is an old and true
saying that as the days get longer the
cold gets stronger so we will from now
on have colder weather until January
13, when warmer weather may be ex
pected and it would be wise lor every
one to prepare for it,"
Upper Hood River Has Snow.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 24. While
the citizens of the higher altitudes of
the Upper Hood River Valleys are en-
Joying bobsled parties, the Lower Val
ley residents are in the midst of a
typical Winter rain storm, A heavy
rain fell here yesterday and last night
The snow above Parkdale is Beveral
Inches deep, and George T. Absher. a
homesteader on the east range of hills
near Fir, says the snowfall there is
about an inch deep.
EJIers Music House Presents 5Ioney
at Close of Record Year.
At the close of one of the most suc
cessful Christmas seasons in its entire
career, officers, directors and employes
of Ellers Music House, numbering
nearly 200 gathered In the .recital ball
on the second floor of the Eilers
building last evening Just after the
final rush was over.
Brief sDeeches were made by the
beads of the house thanking each and
every employe for the efficient and
faithful manner in which tney naa
performed their duties. The employes
were then Informed that their efforts
had resulted In the largest and most
successful year's business in the history
of the house. Figures were read which
showed that with the closing of busi
ness last night, the best previous year's
record had been Increased over -0 per
cent and there was still a week remaining.
As has been the custom since tne in
ception of the Ellers Houses, apprecia
tion of the employes' efficiency was
shown by the presentation of checks
for substantial amounts.
The New Republic Grill will serve
neclal Xmas turkey dinner for 50 cents
rnm 11 A f tn X P. M. Delicious
Chinese dishes also served. 347 Vi Morri
son street, between Seventh and Park.
r.n t Jn.oton's. 445 Washington street
for -your Christmas dinner. Guests
musically entertained from 6 to 8.
Anlin Restaurant will serve special
Christmas dinner. 60c; special atten
tion to families, 290 Stark street
Special Christmas turkey dinner at
the Peerless Cafeteria, 84-86 Fifth
street Open all day; good music
Seward Grille, 10th and Alder, Christ
ma table d'hote dinner from 12 to 8:30
P. M., $L Phone Main 7164.
v.-ft l.t - 1 n n . irftna.
,ai yuur ui iDLmtfta uhiugi ftuc.o.
Thlelke's orchestra, 311 Washington
street v
Watson's Restaurant 108 Fifth st,
will serve a 75c turkey dinner Christ
mas. "
Special Christmas turkey dinner at
the Hongkong Cafe, 107 Sixth st"
Pekin Rest will serve" fine turkey or
chicken dinner, 60c 323 ft Stark st
St Nicholas Cafeteria, 125 Sixth, near
Wash. Serve roast turkey Christmas.
Unnn'a Restaurant 148 6th St. will
serve a 75c turkey dinner today.
.4.t the Hotel Bowers.
A special table d'hote dinner will be
served In the dining-room of the Hotel
Bowers from 6:30 to 8:30 Christ
mas evening. $1 per plate. Telephone
reservations Hotel Bowers. Main 7160.
For the return gift, or forgotten one.'
there Is a host of appropriate gifts at
Nau's. such as Parisian Ivory, perfumes,
manicure articles, leather novelties and
Dettch Ladies' Bags. Nau's Prescrip
tion Pharmacy, Sixth and Alder-Sts.
Edlefsen's wish you a Merry Xmas.
Streets Are Alive With Belated Buy
ers, Yulet ide Celebrators, Tired
Clerks and "Fleet" of
Delivery Wagons.
In a kaleidoscope rush of late shop
pers and early celebrators, Christmas
eve glided into Christmas and this
morning, with the holiday full upon
them, children are diving Into the
stockings for their presents and whet
ting their appetites for Christmas din
ner, while thousands of shop girls and
clerks and thousands of delivery-men
are still sleeping the sleep Justly
earned through days of incessant hur
rying which made it pTwsible for each
of the gifts to arrive promptly at the
toe ' of its ultimate . and predestined
. Vestiges of the Christmas rush still
obtain in the florists shops for there
are thousand of holiday deliveries of
cut flowers to be made. Also in tne
Postofflce departments the clerks and
carriers still wrestle with the masses
of Christmas cheer and the tons o
Christmas greeting that spring up In
piles, hydra-headed, as rapidly as they
can be cleared away and started on
the road to their final destination.
All Stores Buay.
Every store in the city buzzed like
a great hive until late last night and
the auto delivery wagons raged un
ceasingly In the streets with their
burdens of bundles from the late shop
pers. And from every street corner,
through the roar of the traffic, the
thin, insistent "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,"
of hand bells told where streams of
small change were trickling Into the
funds of the charitable organizations,
via Salvation Army kettles and red
Christmas chimneys.
It was the order of the day to carry
parcels, among the late shoppers. The
man who didn't have a bunch of pack
ages under his arms or the woman who
didn't have a shopping bag distended
with all kinds or knotty lumps rrora
the packages within, might be set
down either as one who had done the
Christmas shopping early or had proved
Immune to the holiday microbe that
drives people to buy and buy until
their pocketbooks shriek for mercy.
Owl Cars Are Used.
The last evidences of the Christmas
shopping rush were on the owl cars.
Here and there. Inspired by. the holi
day brew of "Tom 'and Jerry," good
humored fellows hailed the universe
with wishes for a "Merry Chrish'mush
n Happy PTYear." Weary shop girls
nodded their hgads as the cars hurried
them toward home, to dreams of goblin
voices shouting "Gimme that and that"
and miles of string and gaily decorated
holly wrapping paper and a chaos of
violet socks and neckties and fancy
stationery and such other distinctly
holiday trophies.
And In the smaller hours ot the
morning the deliverymen drowsed over
their 8teeing wheels, while the last
relay of clerks fixed up the laBt "relay
of packages that stood between them
and the holiday rest that they had
nobly earned.
That Money You
Got for Xmas
Don't wonder how you
can Lave the most
pleasure with it.
Make it do you some
lasting good.
Place it in this bank,
in a- v
Let it be the basis of a
bank account that you
can make grow to
goodly proportions. " .
It will be safe -as long
as you leave it and
the interest will have ,
made it larger even
if you don't help
when you want to draw
i out.
x Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third and Oak Sta.
' The Bank for Savins--1
gard to party affiliations; a Prosecut
ing Attorney for each county; reducing
the cost of appeals by allowing the
filing of a short bill of exceptions that
may be agreed upon without filing the
entire record of the case, as required
at present; permitting an action for
damages to person and property, if
caused by the same tortuous act to
be Joined in the complaint and provid
ing for the appointment of a court re
porter as an officer of the court
Revision of Oregon's Judicial System
as Proposed, Includes Long List
of Changes in Procedure.
An addition of two Judges to the
Oregon Supreme Court will be recom
mended by the special commission ap
pointed by Governor West by direction
of the last Legislature, to revise the
Judicial system of' the state and report
Its recommendations to the 1913 session
of the state's lawmakers. An Increase
of $600 per annum In the salary , of
Circuit Judges is also recommended.
The report which was prepared by
Thomas O'Day, of this city, and for
warded to Governor West, yesterday,
was signed by five other members of
the commission: S.' T. Richardson, of
Salem; A. E. Rcames, of Medford; S. M.
Garland, of Lebanon; R. R. Butler, of
The Dalles, and Will M. Peterson, of
Pendleton. The seventh member of the
commission, A. E. Clark, of this city,
has not signed the report and may de
cide to submit a separate report em
bodying his views as to what is needed
in the way of Judicial reform. ,.
Several other bills are submitted by
the commission for presentation to the
Legislature. They include measures al
lowing Jurors to separate for their
meals and for the night after a case
has been submitted to them; authorizes
the selection of women as Jurors; elec
tion of all Judicial officers without re-
Employes Express .ppreciation of
Official's Kindness.
Employes of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company yesterday pre
sented B. S. Josselyn, president, with a
scroll containing the signatures of
1000 of their number and testifying to
their appreciation of his efforts in their
behalf during1 the closing year. A com
mittee, headed by P ranklln T. Griffith,
delivered the gift. Mr. Josselyn re
sponded to the address of presentation
in feeling manner.
The scroll was inclosed in a frame
four feet wide and five feet long.
Across the top was engrossed the leg
end "Christmas Greetings."
The text contained an expression of
gratitude on the part of the men for
the constant mindfulness of Mr. Josse
lyn of their interests and a testimonial
of their personal esteem. It called
particular attention to his loyalty to
the cause of humanity and to the pre
cepts of the golden rule.
Mr. Josselyn has won considerable
prominence In late years as & disciple
of the golden rule. He not only
preaches It in his public and private ut
terances, but he practices its principles
In his daily life and in his public re
lations with his employes and with the
The young woman-who presided
over the booth In the Olds, Wortman
& King $6000 voting contest and
gave out over 90,000,000 ballots,
receives praises from all contest
ants. She will hereafter be em
ployed at the Trading Stamp booth
at Olds, Wortman & King's store.
Olds. Wortman&King
"The Daylight Store" Occupying Entire Block
Following Is List of the Winning
Contestants in Our Great
$6000 Voting Contest
Gift. No. Votes.
1 $1500 Baby Home 9,659,200
2 1000 Odd Fellows' Home 6,375,200
3 500 United Artisans Piexdmont Assembly, 458. .-. .4,983,875
4 500 Portland Fruit & Flower Mission Day Nursery. .4,479,575
5 250 First M. E. Church, South. . . . : 3,278,000
6 250 St. Agnes' Baby Home .2,492,450
7 200 Louise Home 2,200,700
8 200 K. 0. K. A. Castle Rose ? 2,142,525
9 200 Teachers Retirement Fund ..2,040,625
10 200 Sunnyside M. E. Church '. .2,024,925
11 200 Y. W. C. A : 1,797,050
12 100 Portland Women 's Willamette Club 1,745,750
13 100 Oregon Humane Society 1,315,075
14 100 First German Evangelical Church 983,875
15 100 St. Francis Church . .,. . 962,500
16 100 Y. M. C. A. Boys' Home 912,650
17 100 Children's Home 751,125
18 100 Portland Women's Union 739,350
19 100 St. Elizabeth House 731,750
20 100 Portland Boy Scouts, Troop 2 571,250
21 100 Marguerite Camp, R. N. A 557,950
Both Stores
of the
166-170 .
Wish You a Very
Merry Christmas
public. Knowing this and being con
scious of its worm, inese iu .nc.
women thereby gave humble expression
ft- ,k.l. nAn.Flntlnna hv Attesting witu
L U IUC1I tuii t J
their signatures to the written declara
tion of appreciation ana eim.
pure saccharin Is 650 times "
sugar. A sweet taste may be Imparted to
70,000 parts of -water.
Edlefsen's wish you a Merry Xmas..
Dinner at
The Louvre
judging by past years
will be enjoyed by a
large number of -Portland's
representative, peo
ple, who appreciate the
cheerful surroundings, the
splendid music, the good
service and cuisine of this
popular Grill.
Table d'Hote, 5 to 8:30,
Also a la Carte Menu
Philip Pels and R u a a 1 a aa
Court Orcheiatra.
Mr. Philip Pels and Shellda
BoIm, aoloiata.
-Reynen-Valmont, lyric art
lPrfL hotels
TTkSiW Place ot tht South-Land"
tvnr ft;
A Dlnlns Place for the faa- II
tldloua. 4th at Alder. s
(Botsford Service) fl
Bachelors will find here
suitable rooms, with con
genial surroundings, with
or without meals.
Rates Reasonable.
Hotel Mallory
Lownsdale & Yamhill
IA O xr. ri, v r , iv.i -ft.
Delightfully situated, overlooking the sea,
a region roted for its equable warm -Winter
climate. Hotel Virginia affords luxurious
accommodations for 400 guests, 1 conduct
ed on the American plan and famous the
world over for its excellence In cuisine and
thoroughness of service. HOTEL VIRGINIA
U easily accessible to the FAMOUS VIR
GINIA COUNTRY CLUB, maintaining- the
sportiest 18-hole Golf Course in the West
and all other places of Interest. Winter
liathlng-. Yachting, Tennis, Golf, Horseback
Riding. Driving and Motoring f?.!1
throughout the Winter months. HOTEL.
CIAL ACTIVITIES. For rates and folder
write can o. tstaniey. uaoaier,
$20 Umbrellas
$18 Umbrellas
$16 Umbrellas
$14 Umbrellas
$12 Umbrellas
$11 Umbrellas
$10 Umbrellas
$ 9 Umbrellas
$ 8 Umbrellas
$ 6 Umbrellas
$ 5 Umbrellas
cut to $15.00
cut to $13.50
cut to $12.00
cut to $10.50
cut to $ 9.00
cut to $ 8.50
cut to $ 7.50
cut to $ 6.75
cut to $ 6.00
cut to $ 4.80
cut to $ 3.90
I,rt IT a Fit a New Umbrella to Your
Handle. We Have All Kinds Cheap
SS9 Wahlna;ton, Imperial Hotel Bldg.
Outdoor Advertisers
Eaat Seventh and Raat Everett Strveta,
Eaat 1111. l 3234.
LONG BEACH, California's Beat Equipped
and Most Delightfully Situated Reiwrt Es
PLAN. Latest Battle Creek Sanitarium
methods. Scientific Electrical Treatments .
every description. Finest Electrical and Me
chanical Swedish departments In West. Milk
Diet, Rest Cure, Osteopathy. Modern In every
detail, graduate nurses only employed. Spa
cious grounds, sun parlor, etc. Excellent
table. Very moderate rates. Booklet lr.
Southern California, this Winter. Visit the
famous STRATFORD INN. overlooking the
sea. Motor over the delightful and scenic
roads. See the homes of the many Tourists
ti California. Del Mar is on the -naln line
of the Sanlii Fa Rai.way between Los An
geles and San Diego. Equable warm Winter
illinatc. Write for descriptive booklet, DL';
MAR, to South Coast Land Co., Kerckhotr
bids.. Los Angeles. Cl.
U. S. Grant
&T-m4' European!
ob thm
D an
Tanft from $LBO. Overlooks beautiful
San Diego Bay and tha Paclfle Ocean:
magnificent marina view, roof gardens, sua
parlors, finest auto boulevards In ths stata;
delightful, mild Winter climate Free sou
venir booklet write J. H. Holmes. Mgr.
Tjtrtrmmt resort hotel in the West. Tdeally
situated In the "Crown City of tha San Ga
briel Valley." Overlooks acres of tropical
fiowera and plants. Magnificent Roof Gar
dens, sun parlors, large grounds with Lawn
Tennis Court and GOLF COURSE. MUes
of excellent roads. Hotel Green Is close to
the J-muus Annandule and Altadena Coun.
try Clubs. American P,an. - For rates and
fcldcr write David H. Plumber, General
II 0
Geary Street, above Union Squaro
European Plan $1.60 day up
i &merican Plan $3.00 a day up
New fteel and brick structure. Every
modern convenience. Moderate ratea.
Center of theater and retail dlatrlot.
Oa carllnes transferring all over olt7,
Eleetrlo omnibus meeta trains and
17 Powell Strut
t Market
nrst-claea reetanranU within 1 block. Ratea
t, $1.40 to t per day. . L. A. W. Turpla.
-op, asd Marrs.
"Write or call at OregonLan Office
for descriptive booklets of the above
Hotels and Resorts.
A Christmas Bargain
1913 Motorcycle
Lists at $275.00 and will sell at a snap.
Terms if You Want Them.
J. W. Leavitt & Co.
529 Washington Street