17 'i-iiw riT? T-fin-VT V FT?TT)AY. DECEMBER 20, 1912. ; r 1 ' t ' " - ' . . . rj VALUATION East Side Men Argue on Pend ing Streetcar Franchise. $800 YEARLY RATE URGED Krprcseirtativcs of Portland Rail way. Light & Power Company J'icbt Proposal and IH-clare Taxes Xow $1000 Dally. I With Dan Kelfaher and others lined up on the one Bide and F. I. Fuller and J. E. Verleln of the Portland Railway. Light Power Company on the other, the street committee of the Kxecuttve Board yesterday heard arguments for and against a heavy valuation on the proposed franchise grant to the com pany covering various stub ends of lines and the proposed Seventh street l'ne- - . . Mr. Kellaher. L. M. Lepper and oth ers appeared as representatives of the East Side and urged the committee to place a valuation upon the franchise which would force the company to pay a material amount each year on the cross receipts. , They urged the estab lishment of a rate of at least $800 a year for each mile of single track. This amount would make the valuation of the franchise about $17,600 a year, there being about 2! miles of track In volved In the proposed grant. The rate was based upon the rates of some other" cities, some of which were men tioned by Mr. Kellaher In an address before the committee. He declared that the imposing of heavy valuations or taxes on public service corporations is a proper and reasonable way to cut down the-tax levy of the city. Taxes Now 1000 Dally. Mr. Fuller, representing the com pany, declared that the company could not afford to pay more than is being paid at present. "Our company." he said, "pays taxes amounting to $1000 a day every day In the year. Our cap ital Is J50.000.000 and this carries no water. The bonding brokers -Just be fore the last bond Issue examined our property and the report showed that the plant could be reproduced for ap proximately 150.000.000. At the pres ent time we are paying Just about 5 per cent on our Investment. That is not too much." Mr. Kellaher produced a copy of the London Daily Mall, published last Feb ruary. In which the report of the com pany was printed, showing a net earn ing of the company of $3,000,000 for 1911. Mr. Fuller declared that this fig ure did not show the entire expendi tures of the company. He declared that it did not Include such expenses as taxes, bridge rentals and some other things. He said he had not checked up on the report, but knew that there were some expenses not Included be cause these expenses are not. according to the rules in such proceedings, made a part of the reports. Mr. Kellaher called attention to the taxes f the streetcar companies In some other cities. Including Chicago and Toronto, Canada. Mr. Fuller de clared that conditions are much differ ent there because of the difference In the cost of equipment, the cost of freight and other things. Ston-over Privilege Sought. . Mr. Kellaher also urged the commit tee to recommend to the Council the Insertion in the rrancnise oi an ameuu ment requiring the company to estab lish stop-over privileges to patrons. The system as urged la to grant pas sengers the right to stop at. any point along the way for no longer than ar hour fo do shopping. A number of East Side business men spoke in favor of this system before the committee. After bearing the arguments W. H. Fltxgerald. chairman of the committee, announced that the valuation problem and that relating to the stop-overs would be considered by the members of the committee and a report made before the next meeting of the Execu tive Board, which will be held next Friday. TRAFFIC MAN TO TRANSFER W. D. Skinner to Leave O.-W. R. & X. for Office With Hill System. Official announcement of W. D. Skin, ner as traffic manager of the North Bank road and the Hill lines in Oregon will be made today. He will assume his new duties not later than January 1. and probably earlier. Mr Vklnncr has accepted an offer made him by J. H. Young, president of the Hill roads, and awaited only the return to the city last night of R. B. Miller, traffic manager of the O.-W. R. X. Co., to give formal notice of his Intention to resign his position as as sistant traffic manager of the Harriman road. With Mr. Skinner's acceptance of the position of trlfflc manager of the Hill lines, the office of general freight and passenger agent, now held by W. E. Coman. who baa resigned to become vice-president and general manager of the Northwestern Electric Company, will be abandoned. W. C. Wilkes will continue to hold the title of assistant general freight and passenger agent. The new arrangement, however, leaves the way open for creating the positions of general freight agent and general passenger agent as soon as occasion de mands. Mr. Sktnner'a resignation leaves a vacancy in, the ranks of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. SCHOOLS T0SELL STAMPS Board or Education Tables Protest of Medical Freedom Clubs. Without a dissenting voice the Board of Education at Its semi-monthly meet ing yesterday voted to table the pro test of the Oregon Federation of Medt CK1 Freedom Clubs against the sale of Red Cross Seal stamps In the public schools. The protestants contended that the sale of these stamps In the schools was an unjustified "revenue ral.olng Invasion of the schools." "It was this same organization that protested against the vaccination of pupils In the public schools, waa It not?" Inquired Director Fleischner. "It was." replied another member of Ihe Board. "As I understand It." followed Mr. Fleischner. "it Is the desire on the part of the school authorities to Instruct and warn the students of the public schools against the dangers of tuberculosis and other diseases." With a minimum of discussion the . ,-,r. of TMreetor Flelsch- 1'IULtSL. VII ner. was placed on the table for future resurrection. DENTIST'S CASE DISMISSED Us or Professional Witnesses and Boast of Influence Arc Charged. The existence of lodge influence as a bar to prosecution and the use of pro fessional witnesses, were charges hurled iy the prosecution at Edward Edwards, nnlicensed dentist, when he came up for hearing in Municipal Court yesterday on a charge of being an accomplice In the stabbing of E. J. Ward, a spe cial agent of the State Board of Den tal Examiners. The defendant, who has been prosecuted by the board more than a dozen times for practicing his profession without a license, is alleged to have appeared out of darkness when an unknown man stabbed Ward, and floated over the fallen enemy. The as sault occurred three weeks ago at Sixth and Salmon streets. A few days ago an employe of Ed wards was tried for the assault, but was dismissed under a Btrong alibi. The same defense was offered yesterday by the dentist, nearly a dozen persons ac counting for his whereabouts at the time of the assault. Many of these witnesses, the state drew from them, had appeared to testify In his favor on previous occasions when he was being tried for unlawful practice. Ward testified that after he brought the charge, Edwards met him in the postoffice and remarked that ho was a bright detective, to think that he could convict him In Judge Tazwell's Court, and as he spoke, held up an em blem of the order to which the judge belongs. Edwards was dismissed by the court, which passed severely upon the per sistence of Ward in following up the accusation against such a mass of ad verse testimony. "We intend to carry It to the Grand Jury, anyhow. Your Honor," remarked Attorney Farrell. the special prosecutor. "Do so. If you like." replied the Court, "but you will not do it with the assist ance of this Court." t UNFAIR DEALERS SCORED siooo prxrrrvE damages al- LO-VVED BY JCIMIE M'GIXX. J. Peters, Acting" for James Roth, Trades Timber Claim Without Title for Grocery Store. Crooked real estate men were vigor ously and vehemently scored by Circuit Judge McGinn yesterday morning In giving Judgment for the plaintiffs in the case of J. A. Cobb and F. C. Dil lingham against J. Peters, a realty dealer, an action to set aside on the ground of fraud a transaction by which Cobb and Dllllgham, through Peters, traded a Portland grocery store, horse, delivery wagon and all accessories to James F. Roth for a timber claim In Douglas County to which it developed Roth had no title. Judge McGinn gave Judgment for 11500 actual and $1000 punitive, dam ages. Peters' plea was that he had acted merely as agent and did not know that Roth had no title but Judge Mc Ginn emphatically declared himself as believing the opposite to be the fact after listening to the testimony. -. ..It appeared from the testimony that title to the timber claim was in Mrs. GeorgeE. Dunn and Mrs. M. H. Lot. For the purpose of Impressing Cobb and Dillingham, at the time when the trade was in prospect, a "phony" mortgage was "flashed" on them in which It was made to appear that Milwaukee people hud loaned Roth $1000 on the claim. The day before the deal went through Peters ostensibly secured a release of this mortgage. The Cobb and Dilling ham grocery establishment was sold shortly after leaving their possession. They had no recourse against the buyer and saw no prospect of recovering from Roth, leaving them with no re course but to start suit against Peters. There is no further testimony needed here to convince- me that this was a crooked and infamous transaction," said Judge McGinn when attorneys-ioi the Dlain tiffs called to the stanu Attorney John Manning, one of whose clients had considerable trouble with Peters over a ' real estate transaction. mr. Manning's evidence was not taken, the court holding that time would De con sumed uselessly in listening to it. FACTORY OWNERS GATHER Monthly Luncheons Planned by Ore gon Manufacturers. As a preliminary to atUl larger ef forts, the Manufacturers' Association held the first of ,a series of monthly luncheons at the Imperial Hotel yester day at noon, when the members of the Association heard addresses by W. S. Scott. Arthur Devers and A. M." Hara don. all dealing with the possibilities of "made in Oregon ' gooas, tne neces sity for a high standard of quality and the la rue amount expended by local concerns. . ' . The president, W. H. McMonies. In troduced W. S. Scott, of the Davis- Scott Belting Company, as chairman of the day. The speaker outlined tne pur pose of these luncheons, saying that It was hoped through them that the man ufacturers would become better ac nualnted. be able to co-operate and to discuss manufacturing methods, in fact to get together In every way. He then Introduced A. M. Haradon, of the firm of F. F. Haradon & Son, candy -and cracker manufacturers. "Invested in these two industries, said Mr. Haradon. "here in Portland Is $750,000. producing a yearly output of over J2.ooo.oou wortn oi supplies anu paving IS50.000 in wages per annum." W. H. Chambers, of Gillen-Chambers Asbestos Company, also spoke, as did Arthur Devers, who gave a history of coffee planting. MAN HELD T0GRAND JURY Judge Taxwell Refuses to Dismiss Case on Request of Prosecutor, "No more "'fixing" Is to-fce allowed in this court," announced Judge Tazwell In Municipal Court yesterday, following out a previous warning to the same ef fect, by summarily holding L. Matti son, a carpenter, to the grand Jury to t 1 nraanaa Th nrrlr WAS ujf lai made In the lace oi a request oy me complaining witness that the case be dropped; "This money has been refunded. Your nuitui) v - w- - . hn Rnprfiil nrosecutor. -yn mat snowniK wo iv mi dismissal," said the defendant's two at- "The defendant win oe neio 10 -" Atvi th. j.mirt! "T announced some time ago that I would allow no more dismissals in cases ui una imu, , . i .Ait.t ! TnAdA a collection wncn: mo vw. - : agency, and I mean to adhere to that rule." Marttison was arrested upon the com plaint of Cleo Van Gorder, keeper of the Hotel Van Gorder, who alleged -that ho nad given a worthless check in pay ment for lodgings. After his arrest he made good the shortage, but the court, weary of the endless repetition of such cases, refused to take this fact Into consideration. DR. START IS SENTENCED From One to Five Years In State Penitentiary Is Penalty. An Indeterminate sentence, of from one to five years in the state peniten tiary was the sentence given yesterday afternoon by Circuit Judge Gantcnbein to Dr. Harry A. Start, convicted In the vice crusade. Appeal bond was fixed at Your Christmas Gift List Can Be Filled at 5 mm?!: .. . GIVE AN "OWL" MERCHANDISE 0(RDER THIS THBISTMAS. 1 - ir anHeT fnythe following cities: Portland. Seattle, wUe, Sacramento San Francisco, uamanu, .iib-":"-fearromeencn Vour Christmas shoeing lint XV, have them in denominations of 91, SZ.oO. 80 ana lo. And now is the time to make up your list. ' Start right here and make your notations youH find many helpful hints in what appears in this announcement. Better' still, come to "The Owl" and note the fathering and convenient display of gift things and the winning prices. The service is one that truly serves all that you could wish for. Handbags V4 Off Entire Line Your Opportunity New Styles, New Finishes, Best Leathers TO CONVEY HOLIDAY GREETINGS lc Christmas Letters, 1 fl . t each New Year Ptitl. Cards, each Christmas Post Cards Christmas Seals and r? Tag", in pkgs., at.. Thermos Bottles You can buy a Genuine Thermos, Nlckol Plated Bottle at ""The Owl" 50 CARRYING C.ASES, for pint size, (JQ CARRYING CASES, for quart size, Art Studies for f Hand Coloring Large size, at each 10c Small size, at STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES .STERLING DEPOSIT COLOGNE BOTTLES SPECIAL AT QQ JJ 5c 49c i THESE sx German Sil ver Vanity Cases (VHb, Long or Short Chains . German Sil ver Mesh Bags . AT SPECIAL PRICES $3.50 ones CO 00 now Wfciwu $4 ones now. OJfLT. jPeaella on sale 25c N a'i i F Vie a'on'saie QC. at Utlb Stamp Boxes on sale Q0C Shoe Horns on saleJQ Battoa Hooks nowlj0c Pocket ' Knives " now g Q q Hat Bros'hes nowgg Match Safes on sa at All Roe Pencils now 00 special at OOC All 91 Pencils nowQ special at UC V."$l A I t y ailVw :$3.i9 Brass Stand Mirrors, Special x. I) tv. 1 . . 1nh Ra1cn. SCI. 15 for 12.25 Mirrors, size 6x 9 Ins. ffii for 13.00 Mirrors, size 7x 9 ins. Sl!75 for $3.50 Mirrors, size 9xll in ins. CHRISTMAS STATIONERY SPECIAL ' ALL IV ARTISTIC HOLIDAY PACKAGES. 25 Stationery, special., ..19S 35e Stationery, BOc Stationery, special . i)4f pedal 39 Participate To Your Advantage, These ' ' 12 Attractive "OwFSpecials For Friday and Saturday Items of Interest that will not be overlooked by the busy holiday shopper. The right Is reserved by us to limit quantities to purchasers. Euthymol Tooth. Paste now J Q q Saponol Tooth Powder now Owl Bay Ram, full half f" pint, at IOC "Owl" witch Haael, full pint 1 C at IOC Boric Acid, one pound now at -IOC Castorla at the special price 4 Q of loC Denatured Alcohol, onoO"- quart, special at t3 C Pebeco Tooth Paste, 'P-OQ cial at acC Glycerine, one full pint, spe- ftQ clal at a7C Owl" Skin Cream, special OO at ...OOC Doan'a Kidney Pills, spe- QQ- cial at 1 OOC Olive Oil, "Owl" brand, fQ large size OIC Mi m i m fcLd m K2f t HENCKEL MANICURE SETS KSEf $2.50 up fis 1 . . jr SetsofSterlingSilver IN LINED CASES SPECIAL, $18.50 for,14-pIece Manicure and Toilet Set, in dou ble cloth - lined case. 3-PIECE TOILET SET brush, comb and mirror. . . . TEN- PIECE CURE SET $10 MAM- $4.50 FIVE - PIECE C IT R E SET FIVE - PIECE C V R E SET MA3VI- $2.00 SCB MAXI- $5.00 VIOLET VASES WITH SILVER BASES, 5; 59 c 15c WILL BUY ANY OF FOLLOWING REGULAR 25 ARTICLES. r - BOW PINS, HATPIN HOLDER, ASHTRAY, PICTURE FRAME, INKWELL, SMOKERS' SET, ftOVKLTY VAX. 1TY CASE, WORK BOX, PIN TRAY. LAUNDRY LIST, TIE RACK, WORK BASKETS PIN CUSHION, TAPE MEASURE, JEWEL HOX, STUFFED TUR KEY WITH CANDY. DESK PENHOLDER. TOY DOG OR TOY CAT, BRASS MATCH HOLDER. MANTEL ORNAMENTS. ' 33c WILL BUY ANY OF FOLLOWING REGULAR 50 ARTICLES. DOG HEAD MATCH HOLDER. HAIR BKCEIVER, PUFF JAR. LAPEL WATCH CHAIN. HATPIN HOLDER, ASH TRAY, NOVELTY PIN' CUSHION, BRASS TEA KETTLE, uniiK I1AG. CANOE PIN. SLIPPER PIN CUSHION, JEWEL CASE. DRINKING CUP. NOVELTY CIGAR CUTTER, kA P COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES AT ONLY 35c Gifts That She Will Appreciate 3 Per fames, OC- . . . up from. Box Cand up from. Box Candy, OC. rom. . . Va a I t joC Cases, from Novelty Tape Handbag's at One-Fourth Off 97c IT m b rellaa, up from F o a a tain (T I ff Peas up from J) X UvJ Thermos 4 Food Bot tle... Rose Beads at.... .$1.25 ."$1.69 M e a sarea at... -25c Box Station- ' ery, up OCp from a-JV. Sterling; Sil ver J ovel- tles, upqe-, from JJl Ptilnne Atomisers, CfJ up from...Ut Parisian Ivory -Stat- . nettes, u P Cf from OWl. Violet Vmm, spe- C Q , cial Henckel Manlcnre Seta, fine goods, tfJO Cf iip from 5i Jv Scissors Sets, d0 CA up from OsS.iJW up from. k o a from. Kodaks, upce nn GOOD CHRISTMAS VALUE IN THESE CRYSTAL JARS WITH FANCY PLATED METAL TOPS. ' 75c Each PUFF JAR. CIGAR JAR HAIR RECEIVER A Kodak or a Brownie Will Answer The Gift Question Kodaks from $5.00 UP. Brownie Camera $l.t.$l? Premo Model from $1.35 to $65.00 S..35ct0$1.25 Ask to see the Baloptlcan Demonstrat ed In Onr Kodak Department. Gifts That He Will Appreciate Ashi Trays, UPOC. from aiiJC LatherBrnshes.O up from, OC Shaving Pads Jg-Q Tie Holders Pocket Knives Ofi -up from SJl Sterling Sliver Pencils up OtJ- from , Card Cases upCA from aJXJK, Leather-Covered Flaska up Cf from Out Collar BieQQ. Ub special Safety Blade 2t! $2.00 C I m a r Cases d -I ef up from wl'Ow Triplicate' ?rom".r".."P$1.50 Military Brashes up 41 7tt from, pair. . . , J X J COLLAR BAGS, SPECIAL 98c Fountain Pens d 1 ff up from u l.VVJ .uf $5.oo Gillette So"."..u.p$5.00 HOT - WATER BOTTLES In Fancy Christmas Boxes JQQ UP WHY NOT A VIBRATOR ? $17.50 $20.00 and Griddle Combined.. Arnold Electric Vibrator, special at White Cross Electric Hair Dryer at White Cross Electric Stove, Toaster (f J P" f vJvj.ovj A MISCELLANY OF Christmas Suggestions BRASS VASES SPECIAL With Screen Tops, for Cut Flowers. o..v""79c rw.v.".".!.".69c TRIPLICATE MIRRORS In round, square a?.d..ovo!.8!,ape.8. $2.25 to $7.50 I VORIZED SETS Three - piece d -l no sets, special at... JH.i0 mi, , - mr, MILITARY BRUSH SETS, on sale . special J 49 ALL FEATHER FANS now specially priced J g SUGAR AND CREAM SETS S t e r 1 1 n K 8 1 1 ved de posit ware, special, gQg- wrrnim LIT -J J U r4? ON ALL STAND V4 Vrr . .AND FLAT Shaving Sets Regularly Priced Above 50c 95 c I at. $1.87 $3.00 11.25 Sets now S3 Sets d0 7C now. . - - 44) . O 3.C0 Sets now. at 83.75 4 Sets now. . . . SERVING TRAYS Special 98c Gold (rtni, twelve inches Ion?, brass handles, glass pan els over silk. PARISIAN IVORY Fourth Off Entire Line On All Articles 50c and Above INCLUDING ALL CHRISTMAS SETS SOc Nail Files 37c now 50c Combs bow Jq 6Sc Vanltr Mir- Qi rora now. , . . . . u SSc Hairpin J0n Holders now.."' 5e Pomade 40n Boxes now...."" SeSoapDlahea 75e Shoe H or as CO. now 75c Nail Buffers CCrt now " JJ 85c Picture Framea gg 1.0 now. 56c now.. ., Sl.OO A'all Buffers yfjQ 15 Hat Brashes riOW 93C 15 pin Cushloaa now QOn at. uuu 1J5 Jewel Boxes nowCj3C JM Hat Brashes n w J j , 3 75c Soap Boxes now. 75e Talcum Powder t""r.,n.?.T. 58c TSc Tooth P o w der Boxes now ggjj 75e Ka'tplnCCn Holders now..wU T5c Comb; now ggg flUMt Cologne Bot-7Cp ties now ' w $1.00 Combs nowTCn SJL $13 Picture Frames QJq 15 Hair Recelv-QOn rm now at 81.05 Pla Traya now J J Sow J?." . f" " " S I -50 ( 2.00 Cloth Bru.hesJjrjQ now at ....."" at , a.25 Hand Mirrors now J 2,45 4.'0 Hand 'Mirrors' now JQQ tint in V CANDY VJ PACK AGES UP FROM 35c i Santa Claua Fa- ' vors, at, box, I 10c F a a cy Baskets of Candy 35c f California Glare ' Fruit, Assorted, at the box i 75c CANDY For Christmas Plain Mixed, pound f f at 1UC Tom Thumb Mixed. 4 f- at pound IDC Ribbon Mixed, at, r)A pound i . . . &J C Rxtra Cream Mixed, ty r at, pound awOC Chocolate Drops at. OZ per pound ZUC Peter Pan Choco- r r ates. per pound. .. I Peter Pan Noiiaa- n r tines at, pound. ... aOC Jelly Beans, atl p pound... IOC Two nounds for 25 now on E4.KO Mill tarr Brushes s a i e -j w u f at T. Hair Brushes C 0 7 K now at 0il3 FOR THE CHILDREN STUFFED CATS AND DOGS SPECIAL 19c arr'29c 25c Ones at....... 35e One. i aOe Ones at 39c CI fTATIMR TrtVC Fishing; Sets, fishhook I Lun i iiiw iviii, and line: also Pond Sets, ducks, frogs, . etc. 25c, 50c DOLLY "BRIGHT EYES" the new doll, sure to please at d O C $1 and J)1 ,tD ALL BABY RINGS, "V-"; and Brooches just a fu ilT. ONE-HALF PRICE GIFT PERFUMES gants and others. Some of the prices: in five sep- I Hndnut's Christmas Sanest lasra-ptiisoc a a. its a i M BELFRY CLOCKS A $5.00 value only $1.98 One of o u r greatest Christ-- SEVENT H-' AN D -WASH rN GTO N STREETS Established 1892-Eighteen Stores on the Pacific Coast ; . . .. , . nn T-. 1 . C . IhaKantirl nKM (M $3000 and was furnished. JThe defend ant's wife was in court when sentence was passed. She was by his Bide dur ing the entire trial. Dr. SUrfs bondsmen on appeal are not the same as those who vouched for him prior to conviction. The orisinal bondsmen wanted to be released a few hours after the verdict of juilty and took a deputy sheriff with them to Dr. i J- Tratntrtnn fur that PUT- pose. At the urgent request and pleading of the defendant they recon sidered, but yesterday became alarmed again. Judge Gantenbeln then ad vanced the date of sentence, which was originally scheduled for this morning, and after sentence was imposed the new bond, which will keep rr. Start out of the penitentiary pending the determination of his appeal, was exe- The trial of the second man to face a jury, E. E. Wedemeyer will conclude today. All that remains Is the argu ment for the defense, the closing argu ment of the state and Instructions to the jury. The case probably will reach tho Jury bv noon. Several young mem some of them the same as testified against Dr. Start, gave evidence against Wedemeyer. Newsies to Hear David Bispham. David Bispham, the celebrated bari tone who sang at the Heilig Sunday evening to a delighted audience, will sing at a benefit concert for the News boys Home either Thursday or Friday evening of next week. Arrangement were completed only last night for tho concert and the exact time and placo was not decided. The concort will bo all In English. Mr. Bispham has de cided to spend Christmas week in Fort land and when this became known a committee headed by Mrs. Warren E. Thomas at once secured him for tha concert.