THE MORNISG OREGONIAN, , 3IONDAY, DECEMBER i, 191S. 12 REAL FSTATE. I'or ale Lots. J523 FORCED to sell lt at once: Improve ment b all in. aiainjy.M fop Sale Homw. ROSE CITT PAKE. J 130 CASH, li PER MONTH: S rooms, built-in buffet, bookcases, flr- place, iixiurt-B. Bawiiivui. . .. - , . - and paid; $3O0; terms, $150 cash. $15 per Chamber of Commerce bids. Phone Main BUILD NOW. WE DESIGN AND FURNISH PUM AND MONET AND BUILD VOUB HOML ?OMIE-WMAN J MAKE YOUR SELEC TION FPOM OUR MANY ARTISTIC DE; SIGNS OF HOMES. -SWUS CHALETS AND BUNGALOWS. . TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 50 STKaT BLDG- 3D AND STARK STS. ...... . . ,.Ai-n iTiTmVP tTiT7 TURN THE BURDEN INTO. INCOME. WE FURNiSH PLANS, FINANCES AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. BHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEr ORE TOO MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY JOtJ L. R. EAT LETT & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTOX BLDQ. OWES YOU AN INCOME. I WILL BUILD YOU A HOME, APARTMENT OR STORE BUILDING. MONEY LOAAED AT LOWEST MARKET RATE. SEE ME AT ONCE ABOUT PLANNING YOUR BUILD ING. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, 520 HC n I ji i.t.vj. 7 ROOMS and finished attic, two-story, new : large reception hall and living room: beamed and paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, lour large bedrooms. light closets, all built-in conveniences; fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement: east front, near Catholic school, one block to Broad way car; 'X; 500 cash. , PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Secona floor oeiiiiix jjm.. S-ROOM modern bungalow. Rose City Park, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen two large bedrooms, fine bath, large at tic, walls tinted, electric light fixtures In. fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, view of city and Mt. Hood, cement wa ka. curbs, water, gas In and paid near fire proof school. 3 blocks to car, $o350 term. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second floor Selling bidg. riAAl slue, iiuji Modern S-room house, hardwood floor, paneled dinlr.g-roora and den, large sleep ing porch, fireplace and furnace: earase, more than full lot. close In; price $ .000 easy terms can be arranged and part trade might be considered. 40t Wllcox'bldg. Phones Main 8699.' A 2653 THREE rooms and bath, new; corner lot. 100x100. on West Side; high and sightl. view of Tualatin Valley; 2 blocks to car, 15 minutes to Postoffice; aks graded streets and water; fine 'Rhborhoort. f'.'ioo; small cash payment, balance llKe TliOVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. HERE 13 A GOOD BUY. S acres of ground, good house and barn, nice family orchard, chicken run plenty of fruit. This place Is in the center of Monmouth, the town of the Normal schoo ; hlKh school, etc Price ;-00 This '. t700 below the market. Owner Is SICK and must have, money. For particulars aggress a m............ S-ROOM bungalow ou West Side, 5 rooms oil first floor, S large rooms on second floor, well built, command fine view of Tualatin Valley; nearly V, acre of ground good lawn roses and fruit; close to car and 15 minutes to postoffice; $3500; terms cau 'ipHOVIUENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second floor Selling bldg. ajuvo.w. Modern home, seven rooms, furnace, ce ment basement, gas an delectriclty, all built-in conveniences. Terms to suit. THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Third and Washington, Entrances Washington and Third. W.ln S449. A. 3151 $10,000 IKVUIUA nujac. New and original home. Just completed, on Thompson St.. between 10th and lith: large living-room, sunroom, double sleep ing porch, tile bathroom. H. P. rAuicn-jv.M - . . . .. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phone M- 86W9, A 26-.- c.i-tv. ...... nnA hth on Hawthorne ave. lot 00x100. This is a fine home, nicely lo. rated with good surroundings, next to cor ner on cariine; all street improvements In and paid; price $5300. easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second floor Selling bldg- THREE rooms and bath, lot 50x100. new. West Side. Tualatin Valley view. 2 blocks to car; walks, graded streets and ater; good neighborhood. 15 minutes to Post office: 1j0t; easy terms PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. t FIVE rooms. Sunnyslde; modern except fur nace: fine fireplace .cabinet kitchen; atreo. Improvements all In and paid: one block to Mt, Tabor car; good neighborhood; $3350; terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Second Floor Selling Bldg. EASY Payments like rent. New 8-room bungalow, .lot 40x121. porcelain toilet, bath and aink; electric lights: price 2-0Q. 1..0 cash, balance easy: l'.i block of Mt. Scott car 5-cent fare. In city limits; will take City lot. H. regouiau. 1RVIXGTON SNAP This week only owner will sacrifice beautiful, new home, block from car: extra well built: original design- artistic Interior, elegant fixtures: attractive exterior Main 8078. Evenings East 304. ROSE CITY PARK HOME Six-room house, modern, $3600; lot HOT lo, sightly. - blocks from car; terms; Investigate this. .... M SRATKO GALLUP. Board of Trade. Marshall SIS. FOR QUICK SALE. New 2-room house, lot 80x100, Bull Run water, gas. only 3 blocks from Rose City Park cariine; nice neighborhood: price i.nly $750: $75 cash. 116 month, including Interest. F 615. Orcgonlan. NEW 5-rooru bungalow, furnished; quarter block: gas, electricity, cement walks; 5 pass E-M-F auto; garage: 7 cords wood; chicken park, chickens; $29.10. Owner. 3312 54th St. S. E.. cor. 33d ave.. blocks enst Clarks station. CONTRACTORS AND HOME-BUILDERS. ATTENTION. The latest BUNGALOW and Craftsman plana of modern homes to select from or to order, $10 this week only. ARCHI TECT. 329 Henry bMg. 5-KOOM bungalow with large, floored at tic and sleeping porch; has a good fire place and Is rlht up to date: will sell on vour own terms at $2050; this is forced on "the market and a bargain. See At torney. 730 Chamber of Com. $730. ' Small house, size 10x30 feet, on full lot; plenty of fuel free, terms $12 monthly and 6 per cent InteresL Buy this and stop paving rent. Phone Main 1S00 or A 6261 and ask for Reynolds or Comte. 43600 ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, fur nace, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, shades, mirror door, laundry trays, two toilets. li blocks to car; street work paid. Owner, phone B 25ii7, Tabor 8101. LAURELHURST HOME Six-room house, modern, lot 50x100; 2 blocks from cariine; 1421)0; terms; Investi gate. McShatko Gallup. 203 Board of Trade. Marshall S15. X"&0 CASH, balance rent; 0-room modern bungalow, 1 block from ML Tabor car-line- this Is a bargain if taken at once. Call 2113 E. Yamhill to see property. Phone A 2883. Main D37. Lanphelr. MODERN l-room home on Weldler st. This la right up to date, has large rooms and sleeping porch, large fireplace and Is lo cated on a choice corner: full informa tion at 730 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN, new bungalow, Schuyler St.; fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, buffet, combi nation fixtures, large attic; $3750; terms. Owner, S25 Yeon bldg. Main 112. $;7JO HANDSOMS bungalow; lot CO 1 200 or more; get one of tha 3000 Illustrated dr. culara we have had printed giving all de tails. Slauson-Cralg Co.. 304 Oak st. 1RVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. FINE HOMES $4000 AND UP. CHOICB LOTS $1000 AND UP. NEUHAUSEN 4k CO 70S LEWIS BLDQ. Main 8078. HOUSE and lot. 10 Jarrett at., 60 feet west of Patton ave. and 2 blocks north of Kltllngsworth ave. D. B. Hanson. 918 Yeon bldg. $400 NEAT Uttls house and good lot con venient to cars; graded streets, water, etc See owner, 822 Lumbermen bldg, Oth and Stark. FINE modern ft-room house In Holladay Park for sale on reasonable terma; lot lx 100: one block from cariine; all conveni ences. Phone C 1368. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Choice location: 7 rooms: small payment, bal. monthly. East 273. W. H. Herdmaa. 1RVINGTON $500 below value, my new. modem. 6-room house and garaga $4uo0. fail 6i5 East 10th N- terms. FOR FINE HOMES See Iwlahunt. East 1275. 6 I.AH.GE rooms, bungalow. $2400; I paid $3000. AJ 5it4. Oregonlan. $4.'.o EQUITY" in new 5-room bungalow, for 100 owner. B 61Q. Oregonlan. -3;,0 Modern 6-rom house on easy terms; lot SOxU'O. Wood'.awn S22f. WILL build and finance homes to suit- 73n chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 3112.'M new, modern. POxlOO; Sellwood line, cn.y l"nnl Tabor 4328. ilODERX. 7-iv.rm house, by owner. 35th St., near Hawthorn a-e. Majkt 2636. KF. VI. ESTATE. House. ' ROOMS and sleeping-porch; hlgtily re stricted district; view of Mt. Hood; double construction, finished in select fir. 6-coat work and hand-polished; oak floors, living-room, dining-room, breakfast-room and white enamel kitchen first rioor; a larsw bedrooms and sleeping-porch second floor; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, clothes and dust chutes; near car; $0500; very easy terms. 7 rooms and sleeping-porch. Laurel- nnrttt- irn.tlnrr rinuhlM construction throughout: oak floors; large living and dining rooms; select fir finish; white en amel cabinet kitchen; large, light closets with full-length mirror in aoor in tiMirnnm- attic full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace and all built-in conveniences; east front, -w iwi $6250; terms to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. $2393 SEVEN ROOMS. Tou can run your legs off chasing bar gains In dwellings for sale by builders, only to find pr.ce3 include tremendous profits above actual cost. Let us show vou good new house at 15 per cent less than cost. Contract forfeited by par"' leaving clt7. Begin where be leaves off. No down payment; $20 and Interest per month: responsible parties only. HOME INSTALLVENT CO, 401 McKay bldg.. uarsnall 3to. For bale Business Projjrty. $6500 A 2-STORY frame building, contains a siores sua npuniucuu I. .... . . ,.u .- 305 lot on East Side. Will ell for cash or trade for small farm near railroad and town in Willamette Valley. R. H. Blos som. 318 Chamber of Commerce. tor bale Acreac. LAND BARGAINS. 23,000 acres In Trinity Co.. the famous apple belt, used for stock purposes now; over half can be farmed, right on river, railroad being constructed through the place; best stock ranch In California, good Improvements; price $10.00 per acre. 4300 acres In Sonoma Co.. 2 miles from county seat, some alfalfa land, large part Ideal for fruit or vineyard, plenty of wood and water; price $1-4 per acre. 15.000 acres in Glenn Co. : 11.000 acre have been farmed, first-class fruit and stock land, large part suitable for alfalfa, plenty water, close to good town, best subdivision proposition In the state; price $27. HO per acre. 400 acres river bottom In Tehama Co.. river runs through place, 70 acres full bearing peach orchard, leased $3000 cash rental per year : price $30,000. I make a specialty of large tracts of land throughout the state, principally in the Sacramento Valley, land from 8.i0 per acre up, suitable for any purpose. If you want good land at the right price. It will pay you to call or write D, F. Mlnney, 414 14th St., Oakland, Cat BRADLEY ' DAIRY FARMS Dnlts of S to 20 acres at $25 to 40 per sere: 2380 acres of very rich black leaf loam, logged-off 6 years ago. stumps well rotted, no underbrush, all ready far the settler, near Portland on the Colum bia. Dally boat service. S Evan Mounce. CHAPIX HERLOW MTQ. TRUST CO.. 3d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. 34 AC RES 14 MILES FROM CITY HALL. . 23 acres under the plow, balance "Sh; brush clearing; land gentle slope. well drained. Can ba plowed any month In year. Small family orchard, assorted fruit, strawberries, raspberries, loganberries: 4 room house, new 32x48 barn with shingle roof; new 16x32 stable, new 16x20 shed. Purchase price Includes 000 sacks pota toes, 150 bushels oats, 10 tons hay, one fine Jersey cow, two yearling heifers, good team young mares with double harness, new $95 Studobaker wagon. two other wagons: disc, mower, hay rake, two single horse cultivators, one double cultivator, one harrow, all brand new; incubator, brooder, bone grinder, all new. Also cream separator. Road graveled all the w-ay from Portland. Price $200 per acre, in cluding everything. No trade. Terry & Harris. Yeon bldg. ACREAGE In valley directly west of Council Crest and onlv 40 minutes from 4th and Washington ats.; land lies beautifully, very fertile soil, large platting with roads completed along each tract; 3 stations on the plat ting and any-slsed tract from one half acre up at farm-land prices and upon Installment plan. See us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 8500. ACREAGE ' Down the river on West Side, one-half 'mile from new St. Relens hall site, and will be only one-half mile from the proposed cariine to be extended down Hlonsr the ridge from Willamette Heights north. Here is another opportunity to get In just ahead of high-class edevelop ment and at farm-land prices. See THE SHAW-FE.VR COMPANY Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A 3.i00. ACREAGE ON WEST SIDE. Excellent soil, large area of beaverdam lend and good drainage: part of this tract is under cultivation, part in stumps and some heavy timber; 2t. .". and 10-acro tracts; prices ranse from $375 to $000 per acre. Sold on easy terms. Inside the 6- "pROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. 3d floor selling bldg. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH nea. PORTLAND. Best soil, good roads, spring water free wood, settled country, 10 acres $400 '$500. $.'.00 per tract; 20 acres $S0u; 40 acres $1200: 80 acres $2000 ; 40 acres timber $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. S09 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. ACREAGE, one mile from city limits, on macadam road; 3 blocks to good cariine. bearing fruit trees, good soil, high and sightly. Sold on easy payments PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second floor selling Mdg. HAVE YOU $35 IN CASH' -. If so. It will make your first payment on a 10-acre tract of good land: one hour and 80 minutes from Portland. Room 215 Lumber Exchange bldg.. cor. 2d and starK sts. -ACRE tracts at $230 per acre; they are located on the Oregon Electric. Hlllsboro branch" this Is choice cleared land and terms exceedingly eas;-. Full Information at 730 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE tracts; $575; $10 down. $5 monthly, 40 minutes out. Oregon City car; extra fine soil: good school, nice neighbors. A. C Marsters. owner. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A 734Q. Tabor 1770. 10 ACRES. $350. Good soil, roads and new school, 1ft hours from Portland: your own terms. 215 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG,, Cor. 2d and Stark Sts. 10-ACRE tract at St. Joseph Junction, in high state of cultivation; price and terms right; hourly service to Portland over two electric lines. 503-4 Lumbermens bldg. Main 3148. Hi ACRES. Eleven lots. West side. Inside cltv lim its: price $1300. Phono owner, Marshall 4583. l ACRE on Oregon Electric, 39 minutes out. 5c car fare: 30 bearing fruit trees, fine soil: must sell, reasonable terms. See owner. 730 Chamber of Commerce. FREE water. Irrigated land, Marysville. Cal. A. M. Highbouse, 517 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE One and one-fourth acres, B. 81st St.. Irvlngton district; $4500; terms. LOOK, LOOK 10 acres fine soil, $330; your own terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. For Rate - llniiieMteafls, HOMESTEADS. 320 acres of land free; If you have not used your homestead or desert right, now is the time to do so. as the Government land will soon be taken; there are sev eral thousand acres of rich valley land In Central Oregon still open to entry, where the climate and water conditions are the best in the West,- land that will produce as much wheat and other grain as any other land in Oregon. We have expe rienced engineeers in th field and fuar ante all locations made by them. Come and go with us and if not as we represent It your expenses will be paid by us. 411 Henry BidgJ HOMESTEADS. Exceptional reasons for locating NOW. There will be a "land rush" In the Spring. Make an appointment where I can see you dav or evening. O "!H. Oregonlan. 520-ACRS deceit claims, 8 sections of good. level, wheat or auaua iauu. otu u, Ing. In Malheur County, near railroad: water rights secured; residence not re quired. C. E. Dodge. Y. M. C. A. bldg. HOU ESTEADS. leO acres, ready to plow, timber, water; exchange for work. Sec one day. Covey, 2-07 Oak. room 2L REAL ESTATE. lYuit Lands. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. Would you like to locate In the richest part of the Willamette Valley if you were sure of plenty of water for irrigation dur ing the Summer dry spell? We want to tell you of the special Inducements that we are offering the first- settlers in a bis new irrigation project that has alread Interested many experienced farmers. The are going Into small dairy farming, hog ralsing. poultry, alfalfa, clover, market gardening, fruit and berry-raising. It pay to get in on the start. Call for booklet. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IBB. LAND CO. 304 OAK. STREET. 3in $7000 FOR 14 acres, fully cultivated, one mile south from The Dalles, on main county road; no buildings on premises. Fruit now bearing consists of Royal Ann and Bing cherries, grapes, peaches and apricots. Will sell for oash or trade for good house and lotor acreage in Wil lamette Valley. R. H. Blossom, 310 Cham- Der or commerce. TEN acres, full bearing orchard, also ber ries and small fruit, in the heart of the famous North Yakima fruit district: Im provements.; 10-room dwelling, water and bath, also barn, packing-house, etc M Doe, ureguumii. For . Sale Farms. SACRIFICE PRICE. 68.64 acres. 22 miles from Port land; one mile to station on Salem Electric- sidewalk all the way; 14 mile to town and boat landing, ou Willamette River; land lies perfect ly, no rock or gravel, good deep loam soil; 40 acres In cultivation mostly in crop, balance timber pas ture, good spring, never falling; farm Is located In fine open country surrounded bv beautiful homes, and commands splendid view of valley and mountains, good 7-room house, nearly new, painted and plastered; good barn and other outbuildings; all kinds of fruit with peach or chard just corning into beating: plenty of hay and grain; 2500 kale plants; splendid team of mares, 8 and 5 years old; weight 2700; one colt, 2 years old, 6 cows. 12 hogs, 4 dozen chickens, wagon,- rubber tired buggy, set double harness, set single harness, plow, harrow, cul tivator, and all small" tools, cream separator and household furniture. We guarantee that you can't buy unimproved land adjoining th a farm for the price. Owner is rail road engineer and has to depend on hired help which Is hi reason for selling. Everything goes for $10,500; terms $5000 cash, mortgage to run 5 years at 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 31 Chamber o Commerce. HARD pressed; forced to sell ideal Feather River ranch: 400 acres, deep alluvial soil, level adapted to alfalfa, garden truck, and orchard; no Irrigation necessary: -just outside the City of Marysville; $75 per Bc Address box 241. Marysville. CaL 45 ACRES. 20 acres hops; price $8000.00: i I ...... .. 1 nac cunt AfiHrPSS Owner. Box 3S4, Independence. Or. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain nit coh "Rv owner. 162 Morrison sL 100 ACRES. Lincoln County, or.; will make . , j i A f,. ,,1, ranch- ,n9n ll sp enaiu oaiij taKen at. once. FARM for sale or cash rent; will take some city property. 529 E. Ash. FOB BALE TtMBEB LAND. OWNER of stock In syndicate holding largest compact accessible "act fir In Oregon, will sacrifice portion of holdings for cash on basis of prices 7 years ago. Associates prominent lumbermen. No other stock In this company for sale. Splenold safe Investment requiring no care or ex pert knowledgo of timber. Investment guaranteed by collateral security. Ac. quick" leaving city. $20,000 to 160.000 casn. V Ditf. urr-juiiia". A 4- SECTION of yellow fir and cedar in ... . m,il,lnir th million miamooK ".wujttji ...... - in,. feet; to make quick sale will loteK.u per cent below market price. R. H. tsios- som. am inamper vi mm... 4 TO 7 billion feet yellow fir and spruce, a good holding or operating proposition; tributary to tidewater; best in Oregon also smaller tracts. R. H. Blossom. olO C namber or tomiiici'- STUMPAGE 25,000 cords fir. $12,000; $4000 cash, balance on or before 3 years. . per cent; will contract to take wood f. o. b. railroad; 114 miles down grade; good op portunlty for right man. 7j 5th St. . . onl T-, C. J. m'cRa'cKEn8Q4 McKay Bldg. 320 ACRES in 14 south, 4 east, W. M., con taininir 2S.0OO.00t feet fine timber. Ai G9!. Oregonlan. ron iiEXT-ftmn FOR RENT 28 acres at Beaverton. For particulars call 20V4 Grand ave. N, cltj. Charlie Reynolds. WA NTETV-TIMBKR LANDS. WILL trade a good 15-room hotel In coun try town lor timoer iauu. ijih.o 73n, Oregonlan. WANTED Homestead. Improved or un improved. Add. 472 Davenport, clty WANTED REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS? List your property with the G. H. Kleineorge Co., 418 Board of Trade bldg, and you will get them. Main 906. A 1066. rri'av anH ic f-FTcnri Riveri. with cash, for acreage or farm. AP 633. Orego nlan. --. TO F.XCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. 108 acres. The Adair & Molten fruit farm, 4 miles northwest of McMinnvllle. This is one of the best fruit farms in the county; 35 acres bearing prunes. 14 acres choice commercial apples, 1 acre grapes, 100 bearing pear trees, 50 Royal Anne cherries; good 7-room bouse, new barn o6 x50. fine prune dryer. 500-bushel capacity! gravity water system piped to all build ings: fine light plant; balance of farm in cultivation. It la the best of fruit land located on main road: price $24,000. VV 111 take half In any good city property, bal ance on long time at 7 per cent. McMinnvllle Lana o, .Mc.tnimvi". WILL exchange for Portland clear, one of the Illiest orcnarua in in" ..c River Valley; price $20,000: all bearing. For information address W. H. bmlth. Heaiorti, uicgim FOR SALE or trade, 36-room hotel, good money-maicer, iochcu ". ' "f West Side; come and offer something: I have to leave town at once. Carlson, room 32, Aiornsoii HAVE a 5-passenger Cadillac automobile; Will trade tor real caioic. . , v.- gonlan. TWO lota In Westmoreland; will exchange or sell cneap. up, vtavoi - .u... SACRIFICE for exchange, $12,150 worth ..,i,r, lots What have you? P. O. box 131. Newberg. Or. - WANT to trade 4 lots In U. P. for diamond; will be in cuy two uaja. J " 1 u"s- nlan. COOS BAY Information Bureau; locations and values given FREE. 1014 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle. Etc HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SAXB OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold, new wagons and auto beds made to order. Livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 72. B 1361. A GOOD cheap 2e00-lb. farm or work team, red roans, sound and good, true pullers, with good harness and light farm waeon. 14 Union ave. ON account going out business, 20 horses, furniture delivery and express wagons, harness, saddles, cheap for cash. Hubert & Hall, o&l water at. FOR SALE1 Horse, 1100 pounds, fine condi tion works single or double; price $S0. W. Sarae, phone 128 Odell Exchange, Hood Rlver. . . WWTED 5o hire heavy team, $SO and found; privilege of buying later. H 013. Oregonlan. " ' A Good chean buy .$123 for big team; one Is trifle pavement sore; bot A No. 1 woraers. a mww A GOOD 3-ton camelbac wagon cheap, or will exchange fur good horse. 14 Union ave. . FINE team of ponies: will exchange for lW-IU. tiv,ar. . , " - PA.IR small mules cheap for cash, or will "exchange for horse. 14 Union ave. Pianos. Organs aud Musical Instrument. $500 PIANO In good condition; sell for $150. 3901 Jefferson. Main 3760. ln Birds, re. stwi. FOR SALE One English bulldog, brlndle, highiv pedigreed.- excellent stud; one English bull bitch, fawn and white, fine p-Mligree. In whelp: one English bull bitch, fawn black points, fine pedigree. Carl Kicnarqs. iiiugyr"".. ..-.-v... CANARY birds for eale. 12.00 a pair. 28 W. church t- Woodlawn 350, FOB SALE. Pogs. Birds, Pet Stock. AIREDALE terriers for protection, sport and pals. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada. Or. FINE 5-months-old male bull pup. Mar shall 3352. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE for ssle. bouse for rent- Party leaving cltv, good furniture and carpets of six rooms for sale: 1200: bouse rent, :5. Aply Snuday and Monday, 10 A. M. tu 4 P. M,. at 591 Guild st, near Thur man. LEAVING for California for my health, will sacrifice my furniture of 7-room home. A snap. E 5976. ' FURNITURE for sale, house for rent, close in. 432 Alder st. NEW furniture, o-room house, bargain; go Ing south: rent ?20. 129 East 20tli. 300 WEST PARK Furniture of five-room cottage for sale: rent $23; a bargain. Machinery. $3000 will buy the following machinery, lo cated in Josephine County. Oregon: One Peerless traction engine, single cylinder. 25 horsepower with side tanks; one No. 3 Geyser portable sawmill complete with cable -feed and edger, also one steel en gine truck and three wood and steel en gine trucks. Hal cash, balance good terms. Inquire W. II. Bard, 225 Abing ton bldg. Main 8362. A 4582. FOR SALE. , a 45-horsepower, 550-volt Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload, I. T. E. circuit breaker. In Al condition. Address room 203, Ore gonlan bldg FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat, am-meter and circuit breaker. This machine is In ' good repair. Address room 03 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W, Gf0-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 208, oregonlan piog. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Contractors' equipment. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO, 1st and Oak. Automobile. HOW YOU CAN AFFORD To buy a car. We are offering special prices on used cars to clean up before Jan. 1. Write or call for price list. Also 1912 White Demonstrator, good as new, SO II. P, 5-pass, list price $2775, Including self-starter. Call or. write for special price. THE WHITE CO, . . . 69 Seventh St. USED-CAR BUYERS should examine our stock before pur - chasing. Tho values we offer ARE UN EQUALED. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE. 5::l Alder St. AUTOMOBILE AT SACRIFICE. , One Inside drive, gasoline, SO H. P, self starter, coupe; A-l condition. Call after 6 P. M. Owner, 201 16th st, cor. Taylor, or phone Marshall 3019. t MOTORCYCLES, new and second-hand. See them before buying. Sale at West Coast Supply Co, :u ana .13 iurm mi GIVEN away: my auto truck, $300. Main 8646. 649 Hoyt St. LOANS ON AUTOS. PRIVATE PARTT. 613 ABINGTON BLDG.. lOHi THIRD ST. 4 H. P. YALE motorcycle, $100 cash. Main 6355. 228 11th. - Miscellaneous. MEN'S TROUSERS Men! When you buy of me you save $1 to $2 a pair; no htKb-rent profit. Jim my Dunn, room 315 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. SAFES Special prices, easy terms, new and second-hand; safes opened and repaired. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co, 85 6th St. Phone M. 6309. FOR SALE 1 G-ft. double-oven hotel range, with warming closet; also one new single oven camp ranee, with closet, at a bar gain. 333 Broadway. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. Spe cial holiday bargains. Northwest Type writer Co, 26a faiarK st. EVERGREEN fir trees for Christmas trade, all sizes, by the car lot if desired. Mil waukie. route 1. box 9S. PURE cow manure, 24 yards delivered. Geo. W. Lindsay. Phone evenings, Sellwood 1083. , - SAFES, new, second-hand, large assortment, low prices; safes opened, repaired. Mosler Safe Co, IPS 2d t. Main 7676. SINGLE pedestal oak typewriting desk In good condition. United States National Bank. CASH registers-, credit registers, scales, etc, bought and sold. The Pacific store Serv ice Co, 227 Stark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE A 7-acre mitato crop, only half-hour walk from Postoffice. Phone Main 7507. SCOW 20x30 foet. cost $75, for sale, $2 Main 1221. NO. 5 visible Underwood typewriter; cheap; easy terms. L 767. Oregonlan. - DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co, 219 Seventh st. Main 5S7. HIGH-GRADE cream separator; good as new; bargain. 11 Oak st. WHAT have you to swap for a beautiful oil painting. 3'4x5'.a feet? Tabor 1469. AL5IOST new black long-hatred chaps. Call 22 N. 0th Bt. - ONE bill trunk and show paper for sale cheap. Can Marsnau -t-ou. MANURE for sale, phone East 1773. W ELL-ROTTED fertilizer. East 4926. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE AND TOOLS. Hlgest prices paid for ladles' and men's cast-off clothing shoes, furnltur,e. hard ware and bicycles; if you want to be sure to get the full price for your goods, call un Main 2080 and you will eurely get It. n-t cii - inn T-it ar WE BUY FOR CASH second-hand National Cash Registers and sell them on easy terms W. J. MACAUI.EY, 334 Burnalde st. WILL buy any kind of hair combings; high est cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par lors. 400 Dekum bldg. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seatis. phone East 31S4. 348 Hawthorne ave. TWO corner lots on Rose City carjfne. Trade printing presses, type, cutter, etc What have you? AF 667, Oregonlan. I WANT to buy fumed oak bookcases. Call feast tsut. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any . . . . : . . . M.ln A C.,z Kino. pi. lunnLuic. ........ - WANTED Of someone, cast-off clothing for generous purpose. R 647. Oregonlan. WILL tint rooms $2.50 up; painting prices rifcht. East 6124. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. HELP- WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN. To sell our homes in all parta of the city on easv payment plan, and close in, restricted residence lots; on both the East and West sides; also close-in acreage. We furnish some prospects and assist in clos ing sales. We supply lot and build to Euit purchasers. Liberal commissions. ASK for sales manager. Provident Trust Co, 2d floor Selling bldg. . WANTED Salesmen for Timber townsite; it is a live one; two-thirds of business section Is sold; we want live ones to sell balance tract. Prices advance soon; leads furnished. TIMBER TOWNSITE CO, No. 509 Nortnwest Diug. "LIVE WIRE" salesman to take up solici tation of the best proposition offered In Portland- only men of ambition and abil ity need applv. See Mr. James, 413 Mo hawk bids . 3d and Morrison. to 12. . .-cE-r, i i Rni.TciTnRft Introduce household necessities: good commission, permanent work. . Address Ail, O-l. wicfcvuiB WANTED An experienced candy man who can maKe tarty. lc, ... East Side Public Market. Apply Haxel- wooa t-o, ri'J"' tw" WANTED Y'oung man about 20 years of age for collecting and office work: wages $10 tn ,r,rt AO 624. Oregonlan. COLORED man to do janitor work. Apply to Mr. Hewitt, between 8 and 0 o'clock Monday A. M. fjeviirtx. otn anu jiiuvr. WANTED Young man to learn barber .-.A- .t.irtv work. Call or write. 832 icsitTM,l Ave. WANTED Sandhogs at i'oxry, vtasmngion, free fare: mail reply to us. Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Co, Starbuck, Waan. DENTIST, registered, all round operator, fine opening; give phone number. AP 651, Oregonian. . ERRAND boy wanted to deliver orders in . , on 11th St. " s A l.FFM Experienced,- young man, city TWO boys to work in factory. D. Kellaher & CO, .ii"n e... -TWO solicitors, premiums, nothing to sell C p am pion .-m'p.y ' " .,. 3 ROOM.-, small rent to man and ife for cure of furnace. Marshall 2311. . ' HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (On of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department Y. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will . have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined assoelatlon. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 month ending Novmbr 30: Call for men S080 Position filled 1574 Employment membership guarantees momber will secure employment or refund of membership fee; give two months full membership privileges, 10 months so cial privileges and undertake to keep member employed during the full term of membership without further charge. Constant demand for CLERICAL TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See Secretary Employment Department Y M. C. A. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for th U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $13 to $69. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free. . After B0 3-ears service can retire with 73 per cent of pay and allowance. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of tha world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 3d and Washington at, or IS'fr Third ave, Portland. Or. WANTED Reliable man, with a family, to drive a four-horse team on a large fruit ranch, who desires to own his home. An opportunity to get possession of a valuable orchard by a small cash pay ment and make all subsequent payments from wages at $05 per month. Address H 599. Oregonlan. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able-bodied, unmarried men, between age of 18 and J5, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habit.- who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer. Worcester building, 2d and Oak sts, Portland, Or. $5 A DAY BESIDES YOUR WAGES. You can make this amount by a few minutes' work every day among your fel low employe and take none of your em ployer's time. Write (In confidence) stating where you're employed, your po sition and home address. P 657, Orego nlan. YOUR opportunity ir you are a hustler; ex clusive control of good territory, free out fit; weekly advances; complete line; guar anteed absolutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, wasn, ONE man's commission laat week, $230, selling Washington Nursery Company trees. If you can walk, talk and write an order, write us today for territory. Wash ington jsurscry iiii'bmj. ,u(htoimi, ., .".. THREE young men to canvas holiday offer. 801 DCKlim mag. PHOTO solicitors, new offer. Diamond ring free. Sarony Studio. 54CH Morrison. PHOTO coupon, best offer; snap for agents, Cutberth Studio, 801 Dskum bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNO LADIES FOR TKLE PHONB OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT ' EXPERIENCE PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THB PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COB, STH AND BAST ANKENT STREETS, OB MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONIC EAST 250. THE GUILD ASS'X, 314 Selling bldg. Want ed, several first-class salesgirls between IS and 22 years of age; must have first class references. Apply at 8 o'clock. Wanted, several first-class women for pri vate families. The best places In the city. Second girls, nurse maids, parlor maids, a first-class lady maid. Main 53-6, A 7855. CASH OIRLS WANTED. By The Meier & Frank Store. Apply before :30 A. M. to Superintend dendent, sixth floor. WE WANT a woman capable, able and will ing to do our housework; one who wants a good home and Bteady work and treated as one of the family; if you can't do this, don't ajiplv. call at 1919 Exeter st. Phone Columbia - alter o eicumeo. THE Domestic Service Bureau, J06 Central bldg, receives dally calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general homework, cook, second work and purs maids. WANTED Six young ladies between 18 and 23 vears old, to take up comptometer work. Position high-grade and work agrec able. Salary good. Call 807 Spalding. WANTED Experienced girl to do general .housework for family of two; good wages; ' must be good cook. Trinity Place Apts. Marsnau oio. WANTED Expjerienced cook, private fam ily; wages $40; private rAom. servants board; two other maids employed. J 672. Oregonlan. PRACTICAL, energetic woman for position in mercantile house; previous experience ur.necesasry. r WAIST finisher; only experienced apply; no others; apprentices wanted, 434 Morrison- WANTED Colored or white girl to assist with two young children and upstairs work. 854 Meunua, neau. ox .oihibh HULiMrwf crt. cv". c... .- workers, chambermaids, nurses. St. Lou Agency, Ji-jtn a'ucl- m " "' " WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, -suburban home. Inquire S53 btarit. WANTED A reliable woman to work four hours a day In rooming-house. Call after u A. Jfl. ai.-nTl WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with house; room apd board and wages, good home. 438 3d. GIRL going to school, over 15. for com pany night for hoard and room. 244s Dixon, rnonu iny - - - EXPERIENCED cashier wanted, Hongkong Cafe, 1074 th st, between Stark and Washington, can any nni v . WANTED An experienced waitress. 163 corner 12th and Morrison. Call between 9 and 12 vnrao rirl to assist In light housework; good home, 2 adult and baby. Call A 134 HOOD wnge to strong girl, for general housework. Marshall S654. 1240 Thurman w ante i Refined, capable woman for rj sponslble position. Viavt Co, 609 Roth- Ctllia P-Qif., " COMPETENT W for elnfc Et. jsortn. MIDDLE-AGED lady. appreciating good home, to assist with housework; ood wages, i rab " WANTED Girl for general housework. WAITRESS wanted. 404 Mfdjson st., cor. 10th. private poarun-B-"""0- GIRL, to operate Smith typewriter, beginnlnj sal a ry 5 we. r EXPERIENCED girls tor general house- wort, hp - - GIRL, wanted 10 worn - - . - . I nr- lil XT Burnsiae. GdOD lady cook wanted. 444 E. Burnside WANTED Girl, 1 general housework, n"o WA--p t 774 Hancock mt. street was mn laivo PASTRt" cook wanted, only first-class. 31 & Aider bi YOUNG girl to assist : - housework. Appi" monnusB. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 22.5 N. zigi. cm- - COMPETENT girl for general housework .i cell afternoons. D1V ClJimb - . - ctvrtiTtoT general housework. 4 adult, good wages. Phone Tabor 1627. YOUNO girl wanted to wait on table at 26 N. 4tn s- wXntED A girl for general housework; no children. Apply 429 Yamhill. HELP WANTED MAf.K OR, FRATERNAL, organisers wanted In all parts of state, by legal rate society: fin offer to rlgnt party. i . .-o PISK Teachers' Agency secure positions "or techers. tl Journal bldg. M. 483S. trtLP WANTED MIMCELLANCOPa. WANTED Picture-play writers: big 'ANTED ficture-piar wuic,.. ui. we'll teach you; free Information. Picture , TV S Can TTrmnHsnn. riay jmovw. ...... -. WANTED Three young men to learn auto mobile repairing and driving. Pacific Garage, 266 Eieventn st. SHORTHAND typewriting school. 269 14th st. Main 3S33. Expert instruction $5 ma. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. KEEP OUT OP THE RAIN. Learn moving-picture operating; $25 to $40 per week; easy Inside work: short hours; day and evening classes. Call and see us before making arrangements else where, lessons reasonable. NEWMAN MOTION-PICTURE COMPANY, 026 i Washington St.. near lth. LOCOMOTIVE firemen and brakemen for nearbv railroads; $S0 and JlnO monthly. Age 18 to 115. Experience unnecessary, no strike. Promotion, engineer, conduc tor. Railroad Employing Headquarters over 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp for application. Rallwav Association. Oregonlan. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineer ing, surveying.: methods most practical room and board while learning. Positions secured; satisfaction guaranteed, catalog free. National School of Engineering. 2110 West Seventh. Los Angeiea. WE TEACH you a trade In few months time; pay wages after second montn; elec tricity, automobiles. plumbing, bricklay ing; 100 satisfied workmen today; 40 Jons going: catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co.. u Angeiea. 100 MEN and worn nto learn th barber trade In eight weeks. In all its modern methods; send for cfttalogue. tool free, learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Moler Barber College, S3 N. 4th st. FOR rent, all Bt part of S-room modern home, furnished or unfurnished, or rooms single or en suite, furnished or unfurnished with ail privileges of housekeeping: water, heat, electric lights, gas, laundry, bath, phones; on cariine. G 615. oregonlan. MEN wanted; operating taught by exper ienced electrician and chief operator; 20th century -methods; actual practice and training given In a motion picture thca-i,r- h..t reference. Rex Moving-Picture Operator Bchooi, 304 Allsky. 3d and Mor. Liijiitii --o ' ' - ' 1 ; ---- course taught; secure positions. People s Moving Picture Co.. 404 Rothchlld bidg.. 4th and wasningion bib. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individ ual Instruction: shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping; day and night classes. 62 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4258. RAILWAY mall and P. O. clerk exemtna. tlon Boon; also Custom-House. Salary up to S1S0O. Prepare. Free book. Pacific states acnooi. jicr.y ome., r" n.,m, v.. RAILWAY man oieras, w uivutu, run- free. Franklin Institute. Dept. S3KW., TJ v "V. imcowtci, a.- . . INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools; headquarters 132 3d st- (near Morrison). Open evenings. Personal asalstanc given ,t,M,niR. Phone Mraln 4048. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 23S Madison st. PRACTICAL shorthand school. Call or write. 805 Commonwealth bldg, Portland, Oregon MA.)E money writing short stories or for newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells bow. United Free Synd. D 3. Fan Pran'co. WANTED 2 men to learn driving and re pairing autos. Call at Madison garage. 3111 Hawthorne ave East Side. Stenographic course; day and evening classes, young Women's Christian Ass n. SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. Booukeepcre and Clerk. ABSTRACTER Experience In four Mates, last place In charge of plant more than four years without loss of time; knows real estate business: has done collecting; some knowledge of law. loans and Insur ance; rapid and accurate typewriter op erator; financially responsible; references furnished; open for position now. AV 437, uregouuiu. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITD up book, prepar balance and tat menu. Install system. allllngham. li enor. 0 1 - lc W 1. UIU 1- BOOKKEEPER - STE NOGRAPHER. expe rienced. Competeni. Excellent reference. AU QUO, oreguiuau. Mincellaneou POSITION wanted by first-class dairy farm manager: 20 years' experience; reference. ( pup, uresomuii. MOVING picture operator wishes position, experienced, steady, capable man. AS 66, oregonian. GERMAN. 30. well educated, willing to work, wants employment. F. Voss. 326 Harrison street. DRAFTSMAN capable of designing houses r.fl hunealows: experienced builder. L 740. Oregonlan. CARPENTER foreman. Eastern and city experience; good references. AD 505, Ore gonlan. nrtp,B.T.T tA H ,nhr rll&hlA all around cook; best of references; will leave city. i &is, ureKonittii MAN and wife, no children, want work on dairy or stock rancn: murougn eiew ence. AO Bit, uregomun. YOUNG married man wants work In garage to learn repairing of cars. AO 610, Ore gonian. JAPANESE boy wants to do housework. A. Tanake. 29 N. 3d st. JANITRESS wishes night work, theater or office. Call wooaiawn MOTION picture operator or pianist wishes position in vny. ....m.-.. .. A JAPANESE wants half-day or short hours EXPERIENCED bus boy or elevator wants position. F 606, Oregonlan. YOUNG man, 111, wishes work at anything. L. Bette. 4.15 Yamhill St. POSITION as nlghtwatchman. good mill; reference. Address AT uregunmii. SI fCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. REFINED. Intelligent stenographer and tvpewriter, over eight years' experience general law and commercial work: salary S100 per month. Address M 008, Ore- gonian. YOUNG woman of ability wishes position as bookkeeper or cashier; was eight years with local firm and can furnish best of references. M 60a. oregonian. WOULD ilke position as office girl and can assist on book; alary $30 per month. Phone E. 1B23. TA-t-VT'E'.RTTSXCEn stenographer desires po sitlon. Experienced office work; moderate salary. Mam rwa. EXPERIENCED stenographer. employed. wishes change, law or proieeoionai. jaai shall 49113. Monday only. THOROUGH, competent bookkeeper, sten ographer, desires position, lauur io- YOUNG lady, experienced, desire position in dOClOr S OIIICK. cap, -w-i. GENERAL office work, operate typewriter, quick at figures, good penman. East 26.".!. Dreesmakere. WANTED Dressmaking and alteration at home or out by day. Phone Tabor 14S5. 1543 in. Lincoln. DRESSMAKING, ladles' tailoring; prices strictly moderate; work guaranteed. Main no. OOO no.....,, ...... DRESSMAKER from New York wishes en gagements by day, S3 per day. 026 41st et- N. Tel. taoor juii. DRESSMAKING Fit and workmansh'v guaranteed. Mrs. Ruth Selbert. Main 53u. DRESSMAKING Children- clothes a spe cialty. Tabor 3QJ INTELLIGENT young man wants work of any kind, call East n EXPERIENCED dressmaking done at home. A 7504 DRESSMAKING and alteration at home or OUt: day -.ilV. iBamumi kuuu. SEWING "done tn famllle by the day. Phone Sellwood ivo DRESSMAKING, tailor-made and fancy, by Ha., nr .t home. Marshall 18;0. WANTED Plain sewing and alteration by the-day. Reference. Phone Woodlawn 311. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work at home or by the day. East .1277. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. 315 Cherry. Enat .12 ill. PRACTICAL nurse want case; wage rea son a o le. ts j PRACTICAL nurse, terms reasonable. Main 5041. Housekeepers. REFINED cultured young woman of 3.1, experienced housekeeper, wishes position as managing housekeeper In refined, well-to-do home; preferably for widower with young children; highest references as to character and capability; splendid cook. AR .141. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as housekeeper by young woman. Marshall 4721. Domestic. GOOD cook wishes work, hotel or camp, line at pastries, aiain m. GOOD German girl wishes place for second work: references. Y 603, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WASHING taken In home and laundered by an experienced woman. Woodlawn l:(i. EXPERIENCED lady wants work In tailor or pressing shop. Call Marshall 4'.l7. LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun dered by expert: 2.1 cts. up. Tabor S17. LAUNDRY woman Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Main 7114. WILL care for children any. time, day or night; responsible person. C 3203. . SITUATIONS W ANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNO woman, employed doing the day, wishes home in private family where sh may assist morning and evening for her board and room. Call Catholic Women League. Main 24.11, A 21''.'6. A COLORKO WOMAN wishes day work; house cleaning, laundry work preferred. Phone Msrshall 353. Call Tuesday and Wednesday. YOUNG irl wishes general housework in private family. Call Catholic Women league, Main 2-tM, A 2ff'.6. ; TEACHER deilros three or four hours' work each day; afternoon tutoring preferred. X o, oregonlan. COMPETENT girl (Scotch would Ilk Place, general nousewora, .. Sellwood 2 1 .'.5. COMPETENT day woman wishes work Mon and Tues., laundry prererrea. jmin tn ei'ter S::;ft A. M. A COLORED womun wishes work by th . day. or laundry done at home. Phone M:iin 6713. WANTED Light office work or companion in home. Tabor 1260. Would ss!st tn light housework. ARITHMETIC or algebra lessons at reason able ratea. East 2376 or N 600, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. Ilouse. LIST YOUR jlOUSE OR FLAT WITH US. WW Utl 111-.M LT!. KUPPER & HUMPHREY. 212-18 Cliumber of Commerce. Marshall 1K6.1, A 11S1. WE WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE. flat. Phone Main 3333. tor. A 0615. partment. MAYS-REED CO.. 207 Railway Exchange. , LIST your houses for rent with Wagner A , Hunt. They're young and aliv. 43 Chamber of Commerce. Rooms With Board. A YOUNG man wants room and board with private ramny imuanui feldf. near Russell. F 620. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL Under new management. 625 Washington street. Large lobby finished In mahogany, til and marble: ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all night and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort Is made tor the comfort and convenience of it guejia; rents the most reasonable in th city; room by the day, week or month. Look this over before .locating. Take "W" car at depot, get off at 19th and Washington. ALDER HOTEL, 4th and Alder streets. New reinforced concrete building, under new management. Why not have a room right down town? They are well fur nished, right in the business center of the city. All have hot and cold water, many with baths and all other modern conveniences. Prices most reasonable by month, week or day. Investigate befor locating. Any car from depot peas with in one block of hotel. CAPLES HOTEL. 200 Taylor treet An unequaled combination or conven ience and comfort. Most moderate rate In city, new brick, latest Ideas in construe tion and equipment; close In, no carfarej unexcelled reputation: outside rooms with private bath from $5 per week. We have cheaper rooms with detached bath. it you want real value, come and e them. l-ialiy rates. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK. PARSONS. ROWLAND. On Fourth St.. running from Salmon to Taylor sts. In the heart of the city. Brand new brick with all modem conveni ences. Offering special rate to permanent guests. P.ooms from $3.50 per week up. Tourist ;rade solicited. Give us a call and you will look no further. THE ARTHUR HOTEL. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill; recently opened: every modem con venience; conducted above reproach; plen ty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby and parlor: rates $17.60 up; $22.00 and up, W ltn private potn. j i o. jjum.a. 126 13th St., at Washington. Rooms with detacned bath, $3.50 to n per week; rooms with private bath, $22.59 to $27.50 per month; a first-class residen tial hotel under the personal management of the owner. J. W. Bushong. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building: team heated; private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see UK Regular and transient trade solicited. nuir.u . 1 ...... One block from Union Depot, 140 out side rooms, with all modern convanlences. Making special rate to permanent cussts. Rates from $10 per month up. Give us . call and you will be more than pleased. 12S N. 6th st. HOTEL CALUMET. European and American plan: 75 ct. single, $1 double, European: $1.75 American- rates by the month $13 and upward; nest oi rcicn--ii- TOURIST hotel, 130 1st St., cor. Morrison; modern conveniences and home comforts; outside rooms $4 per week; no extra charge for two In a room; transient ooo and up sainiiii. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main "16. 105V; Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. ... . c tj iinTEl. Beaullfullv furnished outside rooms; good homelike rooking: cozy reception parlor. .71Q Washington st. Main 6651. HOTEL STANDISH, .148 V, Wash. st. Re modeled, opened under new management clean, sunny, outside rooms with running bot and com wfi. i" - twr t a RRABLE. 227,4 Larrabee. Rooms $3 THwEeekLtKW and com watr. t.". HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside sts. HZ elegant burnished, private baths. steam heat, not, HOTEL CONGRESS-Beautlfully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. 6th and Main. CLEAN, wrll-furnlshed rooms $2.50 up. in cluding heat, hot water, baths. 2SSV, 3d K., near j-i in bw... vie- a cuest at the Ban Marco, cor. 11th bnd Washington; well heated rooms. $3 per wees ami uf- REASONABLE Rooms 2 blocks off Wash Ington. Fine neat, iuo THE DORMER Modern conveniences; rea. sonable. iis-i jjim - i .i. nmnii in Private Family. WALKING distance, comfortably furnished coTnr room, suitable for one or two ladle, employed, breakfast and dinner if desired. fSrnaca heat, bath plenty of hot water. piano, noma "to"- NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen; breakfast if desired. 771 Bel- mont. - COMFORTABLY furnished front rooms, nlc locality, furnace heat, electric light; rea- sonatile. oa nmuigm'. SINGLE or en suite, desirable newly fur nlshed rooms; convenient, exceptionally good. 549 Yamhill. . WELL-FURNISH ED rooms, also an .tig room, modern home. Marshall 3. 'iv Flanders st. ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking : ; tance. board optional. 260 14th bouth. M .'o. 34.1 J1TH ST. A nice, clean light room for respectable gentleman; uum, ' A 2i:':, Main u-t-it- 1 , I - nm $2 UP weekly, good rooms, clean uj- bedding, bath, hot water, desirable loca tion, short walk. 305 12th St. FOR RENT in strictly pr'" xrTuity steam heat, hot and cold water. Trinity AparrnieniH. lunicimn . FURNISHED rooms. $7and l. on. 2 If desired, gas, phone and lieaL .-6 1-tn near Salmon. .100 COUCH Two 7jcely furnished rooms, with furnace n--'- FURNISHED TOom.VTr week and up. 1S9 West Parn. ncn - PLEASANT fr-nt room very reasonable; us. Of niT.O. 301 lOtll St. FOR 2 gentlemen; newly furnished. $:.M per week and up. 262 14th au 2 NICE front rooms, warm, clean and cheap. 211 l2tn st. NEWLY furnished room In "'O- P'- Very desiraDic. .-"a,. - . - cicki Y furnished rooms $2.60 up week. MCELI I" . ..h hea, 635 Everett. electric us111. NICE furnished rooms and bath; like home. 16SH Grand ' " Koonw' With lioaril. w home a-ip"al to you THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6 and Madison; large rooms, bath bmad veranda; quiet, close In, mar car -4 blocks from P. O. American plan. 584 COUCH ST.: wen i "",. " board, walking distance, reasonable fnnnwt. Steam liven. u. ....... ... v PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 21th yes i rooms wit n ooaro. "" " brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. L. N. V Usui.,