THE 'XORXIXG OREGOXIAN. THTJESDAT. DECEMBER 5, 1912. 13 FRANCHISES READY FOR FINAL ACTION Councilmen Spend Entire Day Considering Provisions of Railway Measures. HEUSNER GRANT HELD UP Discussion 'Warm Over Valuation Feature and Declaration Made That East Side Is Being Tied Up by Two Roads. ACTIOS OF CITY COCNCH. OX YARIOrS FRANCHISES. Southern Pacific Fourth-street elec tric franchise sent up for advertising. Valuation Increased from 73 to J00O a year. Action on Southern Paciflo Jefferson-street franchise deferred. Hill Unea Eaat Side common user freight franchise sent up for adver tising. Heusner Interurban electric fran chise and Portland Railway. Light Power Company's general fran chise sent to City Attorney for re drafting. Heliig and Dickinson Seventh-street franchise sent to City Attorney for redrafting and checking. ' At a special meeting of the City Council yesterday proposed franchise grants to the Southern Pacific on Fourth street and to the Hill lines on the East Side were brought up to a point where final adoption or rejec tion by the Council is all that remains to be done. Members of the Coun cil spent the entire day going into the details of the provisions of the two important measures and by vote estab lished the provisions of the two meas ures as they are to come before the Council for final vote. The various parts of the franchises were settled only after bitter fights between Coun cilmen and Councllmanlc factions. The meeting resulted in sending the Fourth-street and East Side franchises to the Auditor for advertising. This is the last action before final vote. The proposed Heusner Interurban electric franchise, the proposed Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company general franchise, the proposed Southern Pa cific Jefferson-street franchise and the proposed Heillg-Dickinson Seventh street franchise were all sent by the Council to the City Attorney for re drafting and checking. When the nec - essary changes are made members of the Council will be presented with a copy of each of the proposed grants and a special meeting of the Council will be called. Masrulre AmradmrBt Fails). In considering the East Side common-user franchise yesterday much opposition against the manner of granting the franchise was voiced by members of the Council and others. It was declared that the arrangement un der which the franchise grants com mon use of tracks on the East Side makes way for the tieing up of the en tire East Side by the Hill and Harri man interests. The way for this, tt was declared, is being opened by not requiring the - Harriman people to grant a common-user right over pri vate property near the new Steel bridge through which trains must pass to get to the East Side freight dis tricts. . A proposed amendment to the fran chise was Introduced by Councilman Magulre requiring the Southern Pa cific to grant common use to all lines across East Side property owned by the Harriman interests, which pro posed amendment was defeated after much controversy by a vote of 11 to 3. This action was declared by F. W. Mulkey, of the Public Docks Commis sion, who was given the courtesy of the floor, to be extremely bad, inas much as it meant practically the elim ination of common-user conditions on the East Side to all lines excepting the Southern Pacific, the Hill lines and a belt line such as has been proposed by the Bocks Commission. The action was also denounced by Councilmen Clyde, Jennings and Magulre. Action, however, was not reconsidered. There was much controversy about the valuation for the franchise. The executive board recommended 1500 a year, which some members of the Council thought too low. When put to a vote the $500 valuation carried and the meas'uri'Vas sent to the Au ditor for advertising. Franchise Value Grows. The complete morning session was taken up with a discussion of the pro posed Southern Pacific Fourth-street franchise and the valuation feature of the Hill East Side common user fran chise. A keen fight centered around the valuation of the Fourth-street rights ending with an increase of the annual rental to nearly three times the mount recommended by the City Ex ecutive Board. This was brought about after a small valuation had been fixed twice and reconsidered. The valuation fixed by the Executive Board was $750 a year. When this price was brought up for consideration Councilman Clyde protested, declaring t that popcorn vendors who stand on the street corners pay $650 a year, and that their concession was nothing compared with the right to be given the South ern Pacific to operate cars on Fourth street. Motions were made to increase the valuation to $3000. This was declared by Councilman Burgard to be too high. It waa then cut to $1000, which price was considered too low when the valua tion of the Oregon Electric franchise was looked up and found to be on a graduated basis increasing each five year period. Mayor Rushlight spoke in favor of a low valuation, declaring that upon the expenses of the company the freight and passenger rates are fixed and tfiat to add expense to the com pany meant the increasing of rates comparatively. A motion to fix the valua at $750 was carried, and then the action reconsidered. The same action was taken later in the proceedings. Finally a valuation of $2000 a year was fixed and adopted by a vote of 10 to 4. Those favoring were Councilmen Baker, Burgard, Daly, Dunning. Jennings, Joy, Menefee, Monks, Schmeer and Wallace. Opposed were Councilmen Clyde, Ma gulre, Montag and Wllhelm. Hi tell May Reault. After D. W. Campbell, of the South ern Pacific, declared to the Council that his company was willing to abandon all claims to operate steam trains on Fourth street and to limit trains to 200 feet in length, the franchise was sent to the City Auditor for advertising. While the $3000 valuation was settled yesterday it Is considered certain that this will cause a hitch in the proceed ings when the measure is brought up for final passage. Four Councilmen are openly opposed to the valuation and two others are expected to be when the wnv comes. This will make It impos sible for the measure to get the 10 votes required for Dassage. When the Hill East 8ide franchise was brought up for consideration C. H. Carey, attorney for .the company, ex plained seveEal amendments. He ex plained the arrangement between the Hill and Harriman lines for the East Side common user tracks and switch ing. A motion was made to adopt amendments to the franchise as pre sented by Mr. Carey, which motion was attacked by Councilman Magulre. who said he opposed the adoption without investigating the amendments. In spite of his protest the amendments were adopted by a vote of 10 to. ARRESTS NIPNICE SCHEME Stranger Invited to Sit In Poker Game to Rob Canadian. Two young men, accused of being promising amateur bunco artists, were frustrated in their first venture by be ing arrested Tuesday night by Detec tives Hellyer and Howell, and forfeited bail of $25 each in Municipal Court yes terday, rather than face a charge of disorderly conduct. The prisoners were Claude Vitus and L. L. Adcox. The latter recently was Implicated in a white slave charge, involving a number of people. The wariness of Dave Budshaw, the intended victim, prevented the success of a scheme proposed . by Vitus and Adcox. Meeting Budshaw In a restau rant, they entered Into conversation with him, and represented that they had a man from Canada in tow with a large sum of money. Budshaw was to furnish the capital and sit in a game of poker with the victim, while one of the plotters stood behind and by a pre arranged System of signals was to "tip off" the Canadian's hand. Budshaw agreed to the scheme, but notified the detectives, who made the arrests. RAILWAY GIVESPRIZE CUPS Northern Pacific Adds Two Trophies to Iewiston Livestock Show. nam vaitiahu cunR ha.vA been offered by the Northern Pacific Railway to farmers competing in tne various buuwd to be held In Lewlston, Idaho, next For the best herd of shorthorn cat tle at the Northwest Livestock Show in Lewlston a silver trophy cup will be awarded. The herd must consist of not less than five animals, one bull and four cows. For the grand champion pen of chickens, consisting of one male and fnt. rTnaii oxhihited at the Asotin County poultry show, to be held in connection witn me ijewistuu uvcoiulu i -h Trifif. will a-lve an nun Tt t eYHRCted that more than 2000 birds will be exhibited. PERS0NAL MENTION. L. R. M. Pierce, of Salem, Is at the Oregon. A. C. Raynor. of Spokane, is at the Bowers. F. O. Dobson, of San Francisco, is at the Bowers. J. W. Word, a Dufur merchant. Is at the Perkins. r a nntv a. Seattle lumberman, is at the Imperial. Henry E. Walther, of The Dalles, is at the Cornelius. A. D. Story, a North Yakima orchard Ist. is at the Perkins. a railroad builder of Bend, is at the Imperial. William C. Northrup, an auto aeaier, of Seattle, is at the Bowers. t v -uvifir-wrtr an orcfiardist or Mosier, Is at the Multnomah.. .Tames Cram, a merchant of prinevme, is registered at the Perkins. vnnt Mawthorne. a Hood River orchardist, is at the Imperial. H. E. Jones and wire, oi wenaicuee, are registered at the Bowers. J. p. Botton, a merchant of Dufur, is registered at the Cornelius. Morlts Thomaen. a Seattle capital ist, is registered at the Oregon. nnwt rinrnpv a Hoauiam lumber man, is registered at the Oregon. L. C. C. Laursen. a Tacoma lumoer man, is registered at the Bowers. T?rHi.f Pamithera. an Astoria capi talist, is registered at the Perkins. Benjamin McCaffery. a merchant of Bend, is registered at the Perkins. D. A. Parish, a Castle Rock lumber man, is registered at the Oregon. E. M. Moran, a manufacturing tailor of New York, is at the Multnomah. t a Muttv- an attornev of McMlnn- vile', is registered at the Perkins. Charles Hotchklss. a candy manuiac turer, of Tacoma, is at the Portland. r to TOAthAi a. railroad contractor, of Eugene, is registered at the Bowers. H. Lee Fording, a Hood River mer chant, is registered at the Cornelius. C. A. Boots, wife and daughter, of Tacoma, are registered at the Bowers. . m -.. 1 1 a hanlr,, rtt Pniii r j. A. v.tti i i. i , - - d'Alene, is registered at the Portland. a I Hyman and H. W. Hyman, mer chants, of Raymond, are at the Port land. Tnkn Qalnl an AYTInsiVA tandDWUfir in Eugene, is registered at the Mult nomah. Mrs. A. Tate, who conducts one of the Drinclpal restaurants in Seattle, is at the Oregon. F. A. Mabee. a mining man, of Texas, is at the Portland, accompanied oy Airs. junDee. txr T ahn Tiiihlfshnr at the Root and Shoe Recorder, of San Francisco, is registerea at tne x-umnuu. G. K. Wentworth. president of the Lumbermens National Bank, and Mrs. Wentworth, arrived at the Portland yesterday from Chicago. tit t inhnfmn. a a. Johnson and W. t . nHnrlmi owners of the XI, I'" - - Klamath Improvement Company, are registered at tne ureguu. F. N. McCandlass, an insurance ad juster of Tacoma, and grand master of the Masonic order in Washington, is registered at the Imperial. George H. George, president of the jii..mKIo Plvar TJrkrs' ASSOC iatlon. vmuiuiv ......... of Astoria, and Mrs. George, are reg istered at the roruana ri.ri, tfj" Thomson, rjresldent of the n-ij T.nmhpr rnmnan v of Cas cade Locks, is registered at the Mult nomah. i,mvAuu, - - , ' niiOT.r nnm Portland. Or- are reg istered at Chicago hotels: Hotel Sher man. Ernest r.. junoea Dwuruc; -uu-gress, F. Wallace White. nuir- a nn Tn 4 fSriecial., The following from Portland, Or., are reg istered at Chicago hotels: Mr. and Mrs. E F. Ferguson and daughter at the cnrr-aa: Georare F. Englsby, at the Auditorium. AT NAU'S PHARMACY. n ...., n nn all holiday goods and sundries, handbags, Deitch ladies' , f,, m niirierv. manicure goods, umbrellas and -dressing cases. Corner oixtn ana Aiucr on ecu. The Louvre famous for its high class entertainment! Philip Pels and Russian Court Orchestra; Harry Glynn, baritone: Mrs. Philip Pels and Helen Horn, soloists. Nightly, 6 to 8; 10 to 12. , i i j 1 1 . aAilinfir 'rhfl&D JHHlUdJ ei,)7jcia " o at the Big Sale of Rosenthal's, 7th and Wash. sts. 6 Railway Exchg.; Edlef sen's Coal. MODEL LIQUOR LAW PROPOSED FOR CITY Free Lunch, Chairs, Screens Taboo and Saloonmen Lia ble for Drunken Men. 5 A. M.toH P. M. ARE HOURS Compensation Provided for Persons Who Aid Intoxicated Ones to Get Home or Out of Trouble in Magnlre Ordinance. Saloon keepers are made liable for destitution or damage brought about by drunkenness: free . lunches, ante rooms, chairs, tables and screens in saloons are taboo; open-front bars are required; members of the City Council are prohibited from owning or con trolling saloon property; liquor licenses are made non-transferable; compensa tion ' is provided for persons who as sist intoxicated persons, and many utner urasuc cnanges are pruviueu iu a proposed new liquor regulation ordi nance filed with' the City Auditor yes terday by Councilman Magulre. The proposed measure will go before the Council at its next session. Councilman Magulre declares that he believes general betterment of condi tions is needed. He says he and others will make a Btrong fight in the Coun cil for the adoption of the ordinance as It stands, or at least with the es sential features still intact. Fronts Must Be Unobstructed. The measure provides, first, that an applicant for a liquor license shall put up a bond of $1000 and shall get the names of five reputable freeholders who are willing to vouch for his good reputation. The saloon is required to have the entire front open so that per sons can see throughout the room. The glass, the measure says, shall extend down to within four feet of the side walk, thus making it possible for adults to see in, but making it Impossible for minors. Provision is made against screens to shut off the view either into or from Inside the saloon and against chairs for persons to sit on, or tables upon which to serve free lunches. No ante-rooms shall be maintained and no entrance provided in any place but the front. In case liquor is stored in the cellar, entrance must be from the side walk and not from inside the saloon. A wholesaler or brewer is prohibited from owning any property or the fix tures of any saloon, and no person is allowed to hold more than one retail liquor license. Provision is made for a forfeiture of the license bond for the second violation of law by a saloon keeper and for a forfeiture of the li cense for a third violation. Licenses are all made non-transferable. In case a saloon keeper goes out of business temporarily, he can file his license with the City Auditor, and dur ing the period it is filed be will not be required to pay a fee. The measure provides against cards, dice, pool or billiard tables, and seats of any kind. Compensation Is Provided, The running time of saloons is made from 5 A. M. to 11 P. M. The license fee is fixed at $800 a year. The measure reads: "A retail liquor license shall not be granted for the conducting of a saloon or drinking place In any building owned or leased by any member of the City Council or any official of the city government." Provision is also made against Councilmen or city officials acting as agents for any saloon business. The measure provides a unique sys tem of compensation to persons injured by drunken persons. Under the terms, if a man gets drunk the saloon keeper can be compelled to pay a reasonable compensation to any person who takes the. man home or renders any assistance or medical aid. In addition the saloon keeper must provide the Intoxicated person with food, clothing and shelter and pay him $1 a day while he is drunk. The keeper is made liable for damage done by drunken persons either in vio lence or accidentally. Also any wife, child, parent, guardian, heir or em ploye who is injured eitner personally or in their means of support shall have a just claim for damages against the saloon Keeper. Damage may do col lected from the saloon keeper's bond. COLLEGE WORK PROSPERS Gale Seaman, Student Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Tours Northwest. Work of the Young Men's Christian Association was never stronger In the colleges of the Pacific Northwest than it Is at present, according to Gale tea man, student secretary for the Pacific Coast who arrived in Portland yester day. Mr. Seaman, whose home is in Los Angeles, has just completed a tour of the Washington colleges. "One encouraging thing about the student associations is that they are doing more practical service than ever before. At the University of Washing ton a few days ago 12 Y. M. C. A. men went to Edmunds, a small town, where they spent three days, giving athletic exhibitions in the afternoons and con ducting religious services in the even ing. Similar work nas Deen aone Dy en in Oregon colleges, and tnis is only one of several things that are beins- accomplished. At the University of Oregon 56 per cent of the Y. M. C. A. members are enrouea tor moie study, an encouraging circumstance." Mr Seaman will spend tomorrow at Eugene, and Saturday and Sunday at Corvallis. From there he will return to Los Angeles. MUTUALISTS HOLD MEET Association Adopts Charter, Names First Board of Directors. Chief among the subjects decided at the meeting of the Mutualist Associa tion at America, held in the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night, was the adoption of a charter and the naming of the first board of directors. This is composea of R. W. Montague, Miss Mary Frances Isom, Edmund P. Sheldon, E. P. Ro senthal and Dr. C H. Chapman. The purpose of the association Is to carry on both wholesale and retail manufacturing, importing and export ing without limitation of all kinds of merchandise and such materials as may properly be dealt in by a co-operative store; to establish co-operative stores; to establish business offices, deal in real estate and other articles. The scope of thl association has purposely een kept a wide one, in case expansion in any direction as yet un foreseen is desired. Fifty years has been decided upon as the length of ex istence of the corporation, the board being limited to 15 directors. The amount paid by each member upon entry is $25. About BO people were present and enthusiasm waa shown. TirnAtnrt Sfntrin Premiums Parlors. 4-tH Flnnr iiKuuuuui usio iui wi m a uutity . 7 . t r I " - - z zi s . rt t , . :s -ift . , iplj Toyland on the Fourth Floor Most Complete stocn in tne nonnwest lllaj Artistic Picture Framing, 4th Fir. Trunks, Suitcases, Bags, Etc.-4th Fir. Shop Here! Broad, well - lighted aisles. Plenty of pure, fresh air," and unsur passed store service. Olds, Wortman & King T H E D A Y L I G H'T ST O R E ' Tea Room Delightful Luncheon is served daily. The most popular dining place in the City. 4th Floor. Double Green Stamps for Today On Cash Pur chases in All Departments of Store 8 A. M. Until 12 Sale 3000 Umbrellas $3.50 Grade $1.95 An Unparalleled Umbrella Opportunity I The Sale Starts Promptly at 8 o'ClockThis Morning Always an Acceptable Xmas Gift A special purchase of 3000 high-grade. Umbrellas for men and women. " An entire lot closed out to us by a leading manufacturer at a price concession that enables us to sell them at about half price. Close-fitting paragon steel frames and rod, covered with a fine quality fast black, waterproof taffeta, with a wide tape edge. The assort ment of handles includes all the latest novelties in carved mission and ebony, also sterling silver and gold-trimmed. Many beautiful handles of gold and silver, with genuine pearl posts are to be-found in the lot. All are fitted with silk case and tassel. If you have in mind an Umbrella as a Christmas gift, here's the best chance you will have this season. Remember, these are of standard quality and not made up for "sale" purposes. Each and every J? T Q one is guaranteed as represented. Regularly $3.50. p J. 7 J Wells -Fargo Express WtCl.6 p,' uiilji tis I'luuii iuui I FARGtf CS tiring your parcels here, no matter , (jjtiS$. tr how large or now small, and we wui take charge of them. Take advan tage of our special mailing service. Merchandise Bonds A Satisfactory Way Issued in Any Amount to Solve Gift Problem Bargain Circle, Main Floor $2-50 Slippers $1 -9 Women's $1.50 Felts for 98c At $1.69 Pair On the Main Floor Bargain Circle today. Special sale of Holiday Slippera for men- Excellent quality, in Romeo, opera and Everett styles, in tan, black and brown. A complete line of all sizes. They are the regular CJ f!Q $2.50 grades. This sale, pair, P At 98c Pair 1000 pairs women's felt and crochet House Slippers, on the Bargain Cir cle today. Fur or ribbon-trimmed styles in all the popular colors; such as blue, pink, brown, red, tan and black. Com- CkQf plete line of sizes. $1.50 grade, at'-'' Merchandise Bonds are becoming more and more popular every year. They do away entirely with that great question, "Will he like itf" Mer chandise Bonds are issued here in any amount, redeemable any time. "The satisfactory way." Waists at $2.95 Today Only at This Price Second Floor Daintiest of new models, with high or Dutch necks and long or short sleeves. Beautiful sheer lingerie and marquisettes with Robespierre collars, attractively trimmed with Irish, Venise, Val. and filet laces and em broideries. Also plain styles, with pin tucks, Gibson effects and allover embroidery. The sizes run from 34 to 44. Ex- CO traordinary value at this price aPaWaiVaJ Dresses at V2 Price Latest Winter Styles and Fabrics 2d floor. Continuation of the great half-price sale of' Dresses. Serges, check novelties and charmense satins with Robespierre collars and Dutch necks; also norfolk 6tyles. Very latest styles, handsomely trimmed. They come in all sizes. Take advantage. "Women's $18.50 Dresses for $ 9.25 Women's $19.50 Dresses for $ 9.75 Women's $20.00 Dresses for $10.00 Women's $22.50 Dresses for $11.25 Women's $25.00 Dresses for $12.50 Women's $27.50 Dresses for $13.75 Women's $28.50 Dresses for $14.25 Womens $30.00 Dresses for $15.00 Women's $32.50 Dresses for $16.25 Women's $35.00 Dresses for $17.50 Women's $39.50 Dresses for $19.75 Trixie Friganza Star of N. Y. Winter Garden Always Wears Petticoats Because they fit faultless ly without alteration. "Klosfit" Petticoats in messalines and taffetas many different styles here to choose from. Jersey gusset at hips and rubber in band insures perfect fit. In regular and extra sizes. "Klosfit" Petticoats $5.00 Devil Food Cake Regular Selling Price, 35c Each Wedding and Birthday Cakes Made to Order, Dept. Fourth Floor. "O. W. K." New Orleans Molasses, the half-gallon can, 40 "0. W. K." New Orleans Molasses, the gallon can at only 75 "O. W. K. Drips" Syrnp, an excellent grade, half gallon at 40 '0: W. K. Drips" Syrup, special at, the gallon can, for 75 Huntley & Palmer's Dinner Biscuit, two packages at only 35 Ghirardelli's famous Chocolate, special for this sale at, can, 25 Walter Baker's Breakfast Cocoa, special at only, the can, 20 Fine imported Macaroni, two packages, special at only 25 Crosse & Blackwell's Olive Oil, special today, the bottle, 70 Crosse & Blackwell's Anchovy Paste, the jar, special at 20 Crosse & Blackwell's Bloater Paste, the jar special at only 20 Crosse & Blackwell's Shrimp Paste, the jar special at only 20 Crosse & Blackwell's Chow Chow, the bottle special at only 20 $6000.00 Voting Contest Following Is the Standing of the 40 Highest Contestants Baby Home . Oddfellows' Horn 5, Portland Fruit and Flower Mis sion Day Nursery 3, United Artisans, Piedmont Assem bly, 458 .3, First M. E. Church, South 2, St, Agnes' Baby Home 1, Teachers' Retirement Fund 1, Young Women's Christian Associa tion 1 Portland Women's Willamette Club 1, Sunnyside M. E. Church 1 Louise Home. 1, K. O. K. A., Castle Rose 1, St. Francis' Church T. M. C. A. Boys' Home First German Evangelical Church Oregon Humane Society.... Portland Women's Union Children's Home St. Elizabeth House 935,550 545.925 494,325 007,500 053,800 871,725 715,475 557,050 512,500 481,525 370.675 342,300 829.125 818,600 786,875 737,800 674,375 662,675 687,300 Sunbeam Society.: Portland Boy Scouts, Troop 2.... St, Ann's Charitable Society Industrial Home, W. H. M. S, M. E. Church Florence Crittenton Home , Anabel Presbyterian Church Patton Home for the Aged Marguerette Camp, R. N. A S c h o 1 a rship Loan Fund, Oregon Federation Women's Clubs Newsboys' Home All Saints' Church :.. Piedmont Presbyterian Church... Sunnyside Cong. Church Aid Soc. Willsburg Cong. Church Aid Soc. Atkinson Memorial Cong. Church Good Samaritan Hospital Forbes Presbyterian Church Oregon Congress of Mothers Arion Philharmonic Society Jewish Neighborhood House Immanuel Church Pipe Organ F'd 485.550 473,200 460,875 400,150 .364,325 363.650 336.250 322,875 316.675 314. STS 273,800 263,900 263,100 255.100 242,676 235.550 224.800 203,800 187.275 178,425 145.37S HID TO WIDOWERS H PEXSIOX FOR FATHERS IEFT WITH CHILDREN", ASKED. Brooklyn Improvement Club Thinks Husbands Even More Helpless Than Wives at Times. mv. t..nblvn 1 ninrflV.niPTl t CI 111"), in : n...aaov vtffrht went. (Ill rCOrd as favoring a pension for widowers as well as for widows with children. Mrs. Robert H. Tate, president of the Moth- ers congress, bubiuukju ho .i-tn uHrinnra with small children and asked the indorsement of the club. K C. Kanch declared that a man left wltn several biii&h tu'cu i i- a mm- hlnlss than a II8I1U. . " ' ' . . an.i V. - niri he favored Drovid- ing a pension for them on the same plane as naa Deen BusecoLcvi uj Mothers' Congress for widows with children. Rev. Father Gregory also favored such a law. . ' It was decided to ask the Mothers' r- . Irr,nrt in Its bill a provision to pension widowers with children wnere ne is not auie 10 io.n. proper care of them, as well as for r. TToiioh wnn In strii p. ted to confer "with Mrs. Tate about adding such a provision to the bill, which will Do presentea at lug lca wootuu w. m Legislature. Rev. Father Gregory, chairman of the committee on extension of Powell -. . thnt Citv Enelneer Hurlburt favors the extension of the aggravate catarrhal colds and bronchial disorders, and if neglected often lead to pneumonia or con sumption. SCOTTS EMULSION drHm oat cold and corrects bronchial troublms. It soothes and heals the affected membranes. It makes healthy flesh, rich blood and strengthens weak lungs. Nothing is so good as Scott's Emulsion for stubborn coughs and colds. INSIST on SCOTTS. Scott a Bowne. BloomSeld, K. J. 12-75 street from Milwaukle to a connec tion with Woodward avenue at the corner of East Tenth street. It was estimated that this extension will cost about $20,000, whereas, to extend Pow ell to East Seventh street would cost fully $75,000. It was reported that the matter of the viaduct on Holgate street is in the way of being settled amicably. The Mayor was reported as being favorable to a settlement, . so that the street may be opened to the use of the pub lic. It being the -annual meeting of the club the following officers were elect ed: President, L. S. Daue; vice-president, C L. Hoover; secretary-treasurer, E. J. Burrows; members of the execu tive committee, Charles Urfer, Frank Stevens, L. H. Wells and A. L. Keen an. Mr. Daue, re-elected president, has been president of the club for four years. It is proposed to Invite the women of the neighborhood to be come members and take part in the club activities, now that they have a vote at elections. Cool Weather Aids Fruit Trees. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Dec. 4.- (Speclal.) Fruit In the southeastern part of Washington and the north western part of Oregon is in excellent shape and the cool weather which has followed the harvest will put the trees in good condition for next year, de clare District Fruit Inspector Whitney, of this section and Inspector Campbell, of Umatilla County. The cool weather is keeping the trees dormant, the best thing for them, they say. PIONEER SHIPBUILDER DIES James Olsen, Long In Oregon, . Passes Away at 63 Years. James Olsen, formerly a prominent shipbuilder of this city, and large property owner, died Tuesday, at the age of 62 years. He was born in Skeen, Norway, 20 miles from Chris tiania, March 29, 1860, and at the age of 17 years he came to the United States. He sailed from Liverpool around Cape Horn to Portland in 1867. In 1874 he entered the employ of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com- pany. continuing until 1882. when ha established a boat yard at the foot of Yamhill Btreet. He moved afterwards to the foot of Meade street, where he built a large shipbuilding plant, conducted by the Portland Shipbuilding Company. It waa one of the largest and finest shipyards in the city, which turned out the Vul can, Sarah Dixon, Flyer, Hustler, Ell wood, Pomona, Altoona, Neeata, tha city dredge, and a score of other boats well known to the Willamette waters. Mr. Olsen married Miss Anna Mar garet Christianson, and three children were born to them. He had been a member of the Oddfellows order and Fidelity Lodge, Ancient Order of United, Workmen. His present home was at Hemlock and East Harrison streets. Ladd's Addition. The funeral will be held from Hoi man's chapel today, final services bM lng held at the Portland Crematorium, The Louvre where everybody goes 4 after the theater! Philip Pelz and fw mous Russian Court Orchestra. Harry Glynn, English baritone: Mrs. Phlllpi Pels and Helen Horn, soloists. Railway Exchg.; Edlef sen's Coal. DINE AT THE ARCADIAN GARDENS T O NIG H T Cuisine, Service and Surroundings, All That the Most Cultivated Temperaments Could Desire ENTERTAINMENT EXTRAORDINARY GUILE KONSKY'S ORCHESTRA of Soloists operatic Tenor MISS GILBERT, Entertainer TEXAS TOMMY DANCERS Miss Marl Tolman Mr. Robert Fenner MISS MINNIE RHOADES Songstress Splendid Repertoire HOTEL MULTNOMAH GAINER THIGPEN, Assist Mgrr. H. C. BOWERS, Mgr.