Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1912, Image 1

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Game for State Title
Staged Today.
Aggies Picked to Beat Univer
sity on Neutral Field.
Resumption of Gridiron Relations
Between Old Rivals After Seri
ous Clash Lends Zest Corval
Ila Hopes to Lose Old Jinx.
Vniverslty of Oregon.
October 12 Oregon 12, Willamette
University O.
October 10 Oregon 0, Whitman 20.
October 56 Oregon 0, Washington
State T.
November 2 Oregon 3. Idaho 0.
November 16 Oregon 14, Washing
ton 30.
Oregon Assies.
October 1! Oregon Aggies 0.
Multnomah Club 8.
November 2- Oregon
Washington State 10.
November 0 Oregon
Aggies 3
Washington 9.
November 18 Oregon
Aggiea 20,
Whitman 3.
Albany, a bustling; city "80 miles up
the 'Willamette Valley, has been nom
inated the football capital of Oregon.
This afternoon Its 5000 population will
suddenly swell to nearly 15.000, for the
two great Institutions, the University
or Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural
College, are to re-cement a shattered
friendship by battering each other
around the gridiron in the biggest game
of the year in the Northwest.
The contest will be for the state col
lege championship, and Albany, being
a communion point between Eugene.
Corvallls. Portland and other cities of
the valley, will be easily accessible to
the thousands of enthusiasts. Close to
1200 will pack aboard the steam and
electric trains from' Portland alone,
while special trains will be run from
the two college towns.
A ancles' Ckancea Raited High.
There are several features which dif
ferentiate this game from Its pre
decessors. In the. first place the Ore
Ron Aggies appear to stand a good
chance of winning this year, whereas
they have registered only one previous
win since 1897, when McAllister. Bo
dine, Elgin, Walters. Holgate and that
squad of busters defeated Oregon 26
to 8 and Washington 16 to 0. That one
victory, a 4-to-0 affair, is chalked up
on the records of 1907, when Carl Wolff
kicked a placement.
Again, the rival teams have not met
since 1910, when the Aggies broke off
athletic relations as a result of mix-
ups between students after their 12-to-0
walloping. Last year no game was
played, and there appeared slight hopes
for a meeting this Fall until the scores
of last Saturday's games were hung
out on the line. Then the Aggies de
cided that this waa the psychological
time to masticate their hated foe, even
though concessions had to be made,
while Oregon made up Its mind to take
the drowning man's chance to make up
for Its rather disappointing showing
at one gulp.
Both Camps Hare Talea of Woe.
Anyway, the teams will march upon
the field at 2:20 this afternoon, both
trained to lose, for "that was the In
telligence from the camps last night.
At Eugene one player is reported with
a dislocated eyebrow and two or three
others are on the verge of illness, the
result of good health. The Aggies, on
the other hand, will be sadly disjoint
ed by tonsllitls. heartburn and the ear
ache. Analytically, Oregon will outweigh
Coach Sam Dolan's team over five
pounds to the man. Plnkham has the
heaviest vquad in the Pacific North
western conference, with an average
weight of close to ITS pounds to 171
fo,r the Aggies. He has the beefiest
bonanza in Ed Bailey, the 227-pound
tackle, who opposes Hofer, a Salem
boy. and also the lightest in Anson Cor
nell. 127-pound quarterback, a lightning
open field man. The Aggies are much
better balanced In avoirdupois.
Kickers Are Only Fair.
In the kicking line there is not much
edge either way. Fenton has been
credited with 45 and 50-yard boots in
practice, but his work at Seattle last
week was only ' fair and that's about
the best that can be said of Black
well's punting.
In experience the Aggies seem to ac
count for much of their success this
Fall, for only three of the 11 men
Quarterback Dewey. Tackle Hofer and
Halfback Blackwell are first year re
. crults. Oregon, on the other hand, will
use five new players. Grout and Cau
fleld at guard and center, and Quarter
hack Cornell, Halfback Parsons and
Fullback Cook. Cornell and Parsons are
both Portland high stars, while Cook
is the big Coeur d'Alene man enticed
t.j Eugene by Bill Hayward amidst pro
tests by Idaho.
While comparative scores seemto
(Concluded on Fag 9.)
Tlicj- Are Going Back to "Bo With
- Kid on Christmas," but Arc
Returning In August.
YORK. -Nov. 22. (Special.)
Alfred Gwynne Vanderbllt is not going
to shake the dust of America from his
shoes and make his future abode in
England. Stories from Newport said
he was. but Vanderbllt says no.
"It Is rather amusing to hear such
reports," he said. "I am coming back
here in August. We are going to Eng
land on our usual trip and will leave
on the 17th of next month. I am not
going to close Oakland farm.
"We have made our arrangements to
leave here so as to be with the kid on
Christmas. Of course, I shall coach
as usual in the months of May and
June, and that will get us back here
nicely by August. While we are away
there will be no sense in having the
farm running as it Is now. I shall dis
charge some servants who would be
useless while we are away. I am
going to have a sale, too, of young
horses. You know. I have a lot of
horses there too many."
"Will the Horse Show be continued
next year?"
"I hope so. I don't know how much
of a success the show has been finan
cially this year, but Interest taken in
it has certainly been reassuring."
Bird Killed at Chlco 8 1-2 Hours
After Leaving Okanogan, B. C.
CHICO, Cal.. Nov. 22. (Special.) If
the goose killed yesterday by George
Peters, of the Paradise section, ac
tually made the time the note at
tached to one of its feet indicates, it
beat all previous records and estab
lished the quickest communication be
tween Butte County and British Co
lumbia. A small piece of paper wrapped be
neath a piece of oilcloth on the leg of
the gray goose killed by Peters near
his home bore the date Okanogan, B.
C November 21. S A. M. The goose
was killed at 5:30 P. M. The date
would Indicate that the goose made the
trip. 750 miles. In eight and a half
hours. The initials "S. C. D." were
attached to the slip and that was all.
The goose was in a band of perhaps
50 geese.
First Child Comes to James B. Duke
in His B 7th Tear.
NEW YORK, 'Nov. 22. (Special.)
About the smlllngest man in New York
today Is James B. Duke, the tobacco
magnate. His wife presented him to
day with a healthy little girl baby.
The youngster Is Mr. Duke's first child
and comes to him In the middle of his
57th year.
The new baby was born at the Duke
marble palace at Fifth avenue and
Seventy-eighth street. Mrs. Duke is
reported to be doing well.
Mrs. Duke was Mrs. Nanaline Holt,
of Atlanta. Ga., widow of a wealthy
cotton merchant, when she was mar
ried the second time. She was famous
'throughout the South for her beauty
and made a great Impression in court
circles abroad on her trips there with
her husband.
Entire Hamlet, Mouses and All. to
Go Under Hammer.
CHICO, Cal., Nov. 22. (Special.)
To sell a whole town at auction is the
duty that has been Imposed on C. J.
Fox, receiver for the Herbert Shearer
colonies in Glenn County, just across
the river from Chlco, and he Is now
at work preparing to carry out his
duty, which will comprise the disposi
tion of all the buildings In the little
town of Shearer.
There are 40 buildings, big and little,
that will go under the hammer. The
town is deserted by reason of the sus
pension of construction work on the
canals and reclamation scheme and
there is no further use for the place
as a settlement.
Cabinet Decides to Distribute Appro
' prla'tlon of $300,000.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. The half
million collars appropriated by Con
gress at the last session for improve
ment of roads will be distributed
among states that co-operate with the
Federal Government In this work.
The Cabinet has decided that the
money shall be allotted among all the
states, on the basis of 810,000 to each
state that agrees to spend S20.000 of
Its own funds. It Is thought few states
will not be able to raise the required
$500 Deposit Dug From Under
House, bnt $1000 Overlooked.
TACOMA. Wash.. Nov. 22. Because
he made the ground under his house
instead of a bank a depository for his
money, Fred Achvl, & Russian, living
in this city. Is today $500 poorer.
Achvl reported to the police that a
thief got under his house Wednesday
night and dug the money from Its
hiding place. Achvi is a street laborer
and his wife Is also employed. In an
other corner was burled a jar contain
ing S1000, but this was overlooked.
Reports of Advent of
Army Alarm Turks.
Efforts Toward Peace Make
No Visible Progress.
Turkish Cruiser Damaged by Tor
pedo Albanians to Declare Inde
pendenceAustria and Italy
to Send Warships.
VIENNA, Nov. 2.1. Rumora of a Rus
sian mobilisation have led to m strong
anti-Russian outburst by the Austrian
press, which accuses Russia of being
behind Servia. The Bourse was greatly
weakened today on rumors of warlike
preparation by Austria and Russia.
LONDON, Nov. 23. Telegraphing
from Constantinople, the correspondent
of the Standard says:
"Much alarm Is felt here over a re
port tl)at 30,000 Greeks have left the
neighborhood of Monastlr for Kata
rlna Harbor, whence they will be
shipped for the Gulf of Saros, north of
the Dardanelles, In order to seize the
Dardanelles and reinforce the allied
army at Tchatalja."
The efforts towards peace in the
Balkans made no visible progress to
day. Exchanges of artillery fire and
infantry reconnaissances proceeded
along the Tchatalja lines and Nazlm
Pasha, the Turkish commander-in-chief,
in a dispatch to Constantinople,
declares that an Infantry battle oc
curred in front of the center of his
position and that the Bulgarians left
several thousand dead before the Turk
ish outer works.
Not much credence, however. Is
placed in this report.
Servians Encounter Snow.
Elsewhere in the war zone the mili
tary situation Is unchanged. The Ser
vian forces advancing' toward the
Adriatic are meeting with hardships
in the barren mountainous country,
which Is burled deep in snow. The
Bulgarians have occupied the town of
Dedeaghatch, the terminus of the Sa
lonlkl Railway on the Aegean Sea.
The Turkish cruiser Hamedleh came
into port at Constantinople today,
damaged by a Bulgarian torpedo. The
Turks' claim that the Hamedleh sank
two of the Bulgarian torpedo boats
(Concluded On Page 2.) ;
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Vagabond Dons New Footwear on
Front Steps of Parsonage, Leav
ing Minister in Socks..
Rev. Benjamin Young, pastor of. the
First Methodist Episcopal Church, has
been bluffed out of his shoes.
One of the wanderers on the face of
the earth, literally "on his uppers," ac
costed Dr. Young at his home, asking
for something to help him to a meal.
As he received a contribution his eyes
rested covetously upon the substantial
pair of shoes that covered the minis
ter's feet. Dr. . Young In turn looked
with interest at the. remnants that
served his guest for footwear.
"You need a pair of shoes."
"You bet I do," was the reply, with
eyes never for an instant taken from
the minister's feet.
"Would you wear these if I offered
thom to you?"
"Tako 'em off and give me the
Dr. Young wouldn't back out. He
sat on the steps and took off his shoes,
and soon the visitor was going merrily
down the street, well shod.
The exchange was hardly equal, how
ever. The minister looked at the shoes
left behind for a moment and then, in
the view of the whole Interested
neighborhood, pattered up his front
steps in his stocking feet and went
quietly in search of a pair of carpet
Business of Competitor Admitted to
HaTO Grown Largely.
CHICAGO, Nov. 22. Counsel for the
International Harvester Company scored
on one of the Government s witnesses
In the hearings in the Federal suit to
dissolve the Harvester Company today.
Paul D. Mlddlekuff, president of the
Acme Harvesting Machine Company, of
Peoria, 111., said to be one of the chief
competitors of the alleged trust, ad
mitted under cross-examination that
the output of his company had In
creased steadily for the last four years.
In 1908 the Acme company marketed
2588 binders and 3488 mowers. Ac
cording to Mr. Mlddlekuff's own esti
mate, the 1912 output will be 11,000
binders and 9000 mowers.
This does not seem to Indicate that
the defendant company 'throttled com
petition' as charged by the Govern
ment," said Attorney William D. Mc
Hugh, chief counsel for the harvester
Congress May Pass BUI. Providing
' ; for ex-Presldcrits.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. As a result
of the announcement by the Carnegie
Corporation that a pens' jn of $25,000
would be offered each ex-President of
the United States, a strong movement
Is expected in the coming session to
Induce Congress to provide a pension.
Senator Culberson of Texas, long
Democratic leader of the Senate, de
clared it would be "undemocratic" to
have ex-Presidents pensioned from a
private fund.
Contention Won in Suf
frage Convention.
Delegate Must Be Present if
Vote Is to Be Counted.
Western Delegates Mostly Side With
Jane Ad dams Men Delegates
Advocate Ballot for Op
posite Sex.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 22. Delegates
from Westerri states were victorious
today In the first contest that has de
veloped In the National Woman's Suf
frage Convention, through the defeat
of a constitutional amendment provid
ing that the delegates present from
each state or affiliated organization
shall cast the full vote to which that
state or organization Is entitled, pro
vided that at least one-fifth of the dele
gates are present.
Almost the entire day was devoted to
spirited discussion of the proposed
amendment, the Western delegates gen
erally supporting Miss Jane Addams In
opposing it. Those from a majority
of Eastern states upheld the president.
Dr. Anna Shaw, who favored its adop
tion. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont Cheered.
The appearance upon the platform of
Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, of New York,
started enthusiastic cheering. She was
Intrpduced as "the woman who felt so
much for her sex that she had gone to
the night court in New York to fur
nish ball for defenseless girls, and who
Is one of the greatest friends of the
causa of woman suffrage."
Tonight's meeting was given over ex
clusively to men advocates of equal
rights for women. A. S. G. . Taylor,
one of the two men delegates to the
convention, said that woman suffrage
was a man's question Just as much as
It was a woman's.
Moral Regeneration Needed.
The need of moral . regeneration In
our Government and the part women
will play In bringing this regeneration
about when they can vote were pointed
out by Rev. James Gratton Mythen, of
Baltimore. Rev. Mr. Mythen's subject
was "The Moral Responsibility of the
"We are confronted," said Rev. Mr.
Mythen, "by the spectacle of corrup
tlon in Government that runs riotously
(Concluded on Pago 7.)
For Rotnnd Women, Whose Figures
Rebel, Gown Designers Have
Taken Lesson From Turk.
CHICAGO, Nov. 22. (Special.) The
Spring maid of 1913 is to be straight
front, straight back, hlpless and curve
less. If fashionably attired she will
look like a straight line, with an ob
lique line at the top, said oblique line
being her hat.
The National Cloak and Suit Manu
facturers, who began their two days'
sessions today and who determine
styles for all ready-made garments
from Philadelphia to the Pacific Coast,
gave the foregoing outline of what will
prevail next season.
Skirts are to be perfectly straight,
looking like an envelope. Jackets are
to be the same. Narrow skirts will
prevail. Hence they will be slashed
so that the wearer may move with
some degree of safety. The slash may
be back, front or on the sides. The
slash will extend to a point just below
the knee and will be skillfully con
cealed by pleats.
For a plump woman, who cannot
wear positively straight lines, fashion
makers have taken a lesson from the
Turk. A movlng-plcture of a Turk
in action has given fashion producers
a grand idea which, they will proceed
to cash In.
Only New York and Galveston Are
Ahead In Wheat Exports.
ington, Nov. 22. Thus far this year
Portland stands third among the wheat
exporting cities of the United States,
being ranked by New York and Galves
ton, with New Orleans fast leaping for
ward and now close behind. During
the ten months ended with October,
Portland exported 4,595,203 bushels of
wheat, according to the Department of
Commerce and Labor, which Is nearly
a million bushels below its export in
the corresponding months last year.
' New York's total export thus far Is
more ' than 12,000,000 bushels, and
Galveston is 260,000 bushels ahead otl
Portland. During October Portland
exported 1.698.658 bushels of wheat, as
against 1,065,642 bushels in October,
1911, but at that its shipments last
month were below those of New York,
Galveston and New Orleans.
Puget Sound wheat exports for the
past ten months were 3,369,557 bushels,
a gain of $800,000 bushels over last
Woman's Uncle Offers Aid and Plea
of Guilty May Be Withheld.
SEDALIA, Mo., Nov. 22. Instead of
making a plea of guilty when her case
Is called in court it Is probable that
Mrs. Pansy Ellen Lesh, who confessed
at Los , Angeles the murder of two
women, will contest the case, according
to George F. Logan, counsel for Mrs.
Lesh. Logan said tonight that he be
lleved the woman .could not be con
Sheriff Henderson today received
messages from a man named Luterell
of Jacksonville, 111., uncle of Mrs. Lesh,
who said he would arrive here tomor
row to lend all possible aid to his niece.
He Is a farmer and said that he wanted
Mrs. Lesh to make her home with his
family If she were acquitted or paroled.
Union Recognized and Wages Ad
vanced In West Virginia.
CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov. 22.
"What is believed to forecast the
end of the great coal strike in the
Kanawha coal fields of West Virginia
was announced today in a signed wage
agreement between the union miners
and the officials of the National Bitu
mlnous Coal & Coke Company.
The agreement practically recognizes
the union, provides for an increase of
about 21 per cent In wages, reduces
tonnage, permits the miners to organ
ize, provides for a nine-hour day and
gives the 600 men now on strike pref
erence if they should desire to return
to work.
British Minister Will Not Ttlsk Rus.
sian Commercial Treaty.
LONDON, Nov, 2T2. Sir Edward Grey,
the British foreign minister, declined to
approach Russia with a view to secur
ing the withdrawal of the restrictions
placed on British Jews In that country,
on the ground that such action on the
part of Great Britain would lead to
the termination of the - Husso-British
treaty of commerce.
Such a result, he adds, would not ad
vance the interests of the Jews and
would be disadvantageous to British
Snodgrass Defendant in $75,000
Breach-of-Promlse Action.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 22. Although
he has been married more than three
years, Fred Snodgrass, centerfielder of
the New York Nationals, is defendant
in a breach of promise suit, the filing
of which became publio today. Nellie
K. Frakes is the plaintiff and she asks
the court to award her 875,000.
The plaintiff alleges that Snodgrass
won her consent to marry him on Jan
uary 15, 1908, and that more than a
year later, while she believed herself
to be his fiance, he married Josephine
Snodgrass is passing the Winter in
Southern California.
"Spitz" and Newtown
Prizes Taken.
Entire Northwest Figures in
- Land Show Awards.
'Amateur' Events Scheduled as Part
of Entertainment and Exhibits
May Remain Open Sunday.
Corn Growing Boosted.
Artistic Apple Display. .
First prize Goldendale Fruit
Produce Association,
Second prize Sealy-Dresser Co..
Portland, Or.
Third prize1 Montague Farm, Hood
River. Or.
Fourth prize II. P. Ashby. Bolsa,
District Agricultural Display.
First prize Ashland Commercial
Club. Ashland, Or.
Second prize Lana County, Lane
County, Oregon.
Third prize Madraa District, Mfc
drag. Or.
Fourth prize Ooldendale Fruit and
Produce Association, Goldendale.
Rest Packed 25-Box I-nt Apples.
Walter X. Webber, packer for I-aw-rence
tt Smith. Hood River, first
prize, gold watch, presented by
Northwest Fruit Exchange, and title.
"Champion Packer of Northwest."
Howard E. Kramer, packer for
Harrison F. Gleason, Hood River, sec
end prize, silver watch, from North
west Fruit Exchange.
Although honors in the 25-box applo
competition were divided at the land
show yesterday Hood River took both
first and second prizes in each tha
Spltzenberg and Yellow Newtown divi
sions, which are the two great special
ties of the Hood River district.
Sears and Porter won first and John
Hakel second in the Spltzenberg class.
Both exhibitors are among the leading
growers of the Hood River section.
Harrison T. Gleason and Frank Fen
wlck, both of Hood River, were
awarded first and second respectively
In the Yellow Newtown division.
George T. Taylor, of Meridian, Idaho,
won first for the best 23 boxes of
Rome Beauties, with Weatherford i
Monnctt, of Imbler, Or., second.
" The Dalles Krult Wins.
Carl Wodeckl, of The Dalles, was
the only competitor n the Wlnesap
variety and was awarded first money.
His 25 boxes, the Judges declared,
would have been "In the running" in
the strongest kind of competition.
By making a clean sweep with their
Yellow Newtowns and Spltzenbergs, tha
Hood River growers became highly
elated. While they grow many other
kinds of apples in the Hood River dls.
trtct, the orchardlsts there pride them
selves particularly over their "Spitz'
and Newtown varieties.
Competition was close In the Spltzen
berg class. There were eight entries,
five of them being from Hood River.
While each individual Hood River ex
hibitor was eager for one of the prizes,
those who failed to win were satisfied
when they learned that the honors
went to thalr neighbors.
Neighbor States Successful.
While Oregon entries took many
prizes In the four-box competition,
Idaho, Washington and British Colum
bia shared in the honors. Boise took
three first prizes, one each for Arkan
sas Blacks, Ganos and Jonathans in
four-box lots. Hood River won first
with Baldwins, Ortleys, Red Cheek
Pippins, Spltzenbergs, Winter Bananas
and Yellow Newtowns. To Wenatchee.
Wash, was given high honors with
Black Twigs, Grimes Golden, Staymans
and WInesaps, while Lyle, Wash, scored
first with White Winter Pearmalns,
Imbler, Or. with Rome Beauties and
Summerland, B. C. with Mcintosh.
Judging In nearly all departments
was concluded yesterday. The gen
eral quality of the exhibits was high
and It was late at night when the
final announcements of the prize win
ners were made.
Crowds attending the show yesterday-
continued to show the interest that
the people of Portland and of tha
neighboring Oregon and Washington
cities are taking in the exhibition.
Big Programme Tonight.
Last night was Hood River night.
and more than 100 residents 'of that
section attended. They Joined together
in celebrating the Hood River victories
in the competitive displays. With band
music and song they held high carnival
until a late hour.
The various exhibitors surprised
Manager Bond last night by presenting
him with a gold watch In appreciation
of his services.
The show will be open this morning.
this afternoon and tonight. Band con
certs will continue throughout the aft
ernoon and a special "amateur night"
programme will be given this evening.
(Cuududed on Page 12.)