mi v i i ih h ri I v I A v ; fMlii v NOV KM IW'At 22. 11)12. M)YE31iilili 23, ... .. - - ' " 1 t DECISION FAVORS WILSON ELECTORS Effect Will Be to Cast Out at Least One Precinct Favor able to T. R. WRIT OF MANDATE ISSUED .Necessity for Entire Recount of T27 Precincts In los Angeles County Calls for Work by Night and Day. I.OS ANGELES. Nov. 21. The District Court of Appeals handed down a de cision In the election controversy iaie todav which Democratic leaders declare will place California in the Wilson column. The decision was against the method of the board of supervisors in canvass ing? the returns of Los Angeles County. The court held that the tallies should be counted and not the certification. At least one precinct, that of Pasadena No. 4. will be virtually thrown out by the decision, with a loss of 103 plurality for all Roosevelt electors except Wal lace. rrmnptorr Writ Issued. A DeremDtonr writ of mandate was ordered issued directing the board of supervisors to canvass the election re turns in accordance wnn tne con clusions set forth in the opinion. The opinion sustained the Democrats In all except one point involved. It was an important point, however, Inasmuch as a decision in favor of the Demo cratic contention would have assured the election of the entire 13 Wilson electors in the state. This involved the returns of 35 precincts which the Democrats petitioned to be rejected entirely because the sealed envelopes had been opened so that corrections in the certification could be made by elec tion boards. Thousand Totes Saved to Colonel. The court held that the breaking of the sealed envelopes prior to the time for opening them in public was con trary to law, "but did not constitute such an irregularity as to require that the returns be entirely rejected." In these precincts Roosevelt had a plural ity of more than 1000. All the contentious raised by the Democrats relative to the method of the canvassing the returns were upheld by the court. From the beginning of the canvass the Democratic committee men present insisted that tally lists be . counted rather than the certification totals but the supervisors took the latter figures in preference. . Complete Recount Necessary. The decision caused consternation among Roosevelt Progressive leaders and the members of the canvassing board, because of the brief time re maining for the final certification and forwarding or the returns to the becre- tary of State, failure to do which by next Monday would result in the vote of the banner Roosevelt county being lost with Its approximately 20.000 plurality for the Progressive Presiden tial candidate. Owing to the method adopted by the supervisors, a complete recount of the 727 precincts in the county is neces sary and the work of canvassing the returns in the manner stipulated by the court will necessitate night and lay work continuously until the last moment for dispatching the certified returns to the Secretary of State. AUTO RACES WITH DEATH Medical Aid Rushed to Isolated and Stricken Forest Ranger. PRAIRfE CITT, Or.. Nov. 2L (Spe cial.) A telephone message received here yesterday from Van, In the north east part of Harney County, announced the sudden and serious illness of Guy X. Hubbard, of the United States For estry Service, who, with his wife and three little children, is located In the mountains south of Bear Creek Valley. Medical assistance was rushed to the home of the stricken family by auto mobile from this place. Mr. Hubbard's mother and a number of relatives are residents of Prairie City. He has been In the Government service for a number of years. TRAVELERS IN QUARANTINE Passenger on Santa Fo Train Found to Have Smallpox. DENVER, Col..1 Nov. 21. Eight pas sengers and a Pullman porter will be compelled to remain under quarantine for two weeks in the sleeper at Castle Rock, Colo., as a result of the discovery of a case of smallpox by the conductor of Santa Fe passenger train No. 5, due in Denver today from Chicago. R c. Jones, the patient, boarded the sleeper at La Junta, Colo. State Bjfcrd of Health officials ordered the Pullman cut off the train and tie passengers in the car are undergoing fumigaton. Jones was hurried by automobile from Castle Rock to the Denver pesthouse. CARNEGIE ASKED FOR CASH San Francisco to Hasten Work on $750,040 Library Gift. s . SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Comply ing with a city charter provision, Kustace Cullinan. member of the board of library trustees, of San Francisco, has written a letter to Andrew Car negie requesting the remittance of $50, 000 as the first installment of the gift of $750,000 for a library building offered by the steel man and accepted by the voters at the last election. It is the intention of the officials to be gin the erection of the building with out delay. ROYALIST LEADER EXILED Portuguese Court-Martial Offers Al ternative of Imprisonment. LISBON. Portugal, Nov. 21. The court-martial at Chaves today con demned Henrique de Paiva Coucelro, the leader of the recent Royalist movement, to six .years imprisonment, to be followed by an exile of 10 years from Portugal. As an alternative. Coucelro may choose a 20-year exile Count De Pennalla. another alleged conspirator was acquitted. THIRD CHILD-WIFE FREED Three Generations Testify to Divorce Man Who Weds Children. ALBANY, Or Nov. 21. (Special.) Three generations testified today in a divorce suit in which the plaintiff was the third 17-yea'r-old girl the defendant had married. Fannie Whlttaker, of Lebanon, was the plaintiff and her mother and grandmother were the wit nesses in her behalf. Judge Galloway granted her a divorce from G. M. Whlt taker. It developed in the trial of the case that Mrs. Whittaker was the defend ant's third wife and that he had mar ried each of his three wives when they were 17 years old. His first two wives were sisters. Fannie Whittaker testified that when the defendant married her he said he was 33 years of age, but she learned afterward from his sister that he was 45., He was older than her father, at the time of the marriage, she confessed on the witness stand. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker were mar ried in this city January 31, 1910, and resided in Lebanon until about Sep tember 1, 1910, when they moved to Montana. After. they had lived in Mon tana a few weeks, the plaintiff tes tified, her husband told her that he did not care to support her longer and gave her enough money to return to her mother In Lebanon. Mrs. Whittaker testified that her husband sometimes abused her and that he once struck her with a whip following a quarrel which arose when she remonstrated with him for the severe punishment he was inflicting on his three children by his former wives. MMISTER POT IN JAIL PORTLAND LAWYER ARRESTED OX TRAIN GOING SOUTH. Man Wanted in Vice Investigation Protests That He Is Innocent and Begs for Release in Vain. MEDFORD. Or.. Nov. 21. (Special.) Attorney E. S. J. McAllister, who has been accused as a member of the Port land vice clique, was arrested on the Southern Pacific train No. 13 today upon telegraphic advice from Roseburg. Mr. McAllister first denied his identity, but when confronted by friends ad mitted he was the man loooked for. Authorities believe he was trying to leave the state, although McAllister de. clared he was going only as far as Ashland. When asked why he had not returned to Portland today, as he had promised. to face the warrant for his arrest, Mc Allister said he had received a tele- graphia request from his law partner to meet him in Asniana and have a conference before returning north, as he needed a rest and wanted to consider his defense before facing the Portland authorities. Before he was locked up, McAllister sent the following telegram to Upton: "Am coming to Portland tonight. An swer quick." As soon as instructions are received from Portland it is expected that Chief HIttson will take his prisoner to that city. McAllister objected strenuously to being locked up in the cramped quarters of the Jail like a common va grant, and pleaded with the police to allow him to return on his own recog nizance. "I am not a criminal," he declared. Anyone who knows me knows I could not be guilty of the unspeakable prac tices with which I am charged. Take every cent I have. Chief, take my hand bag, only give roe enough for a bite to eat. and I will pledge my word to re turn to Portland if the authorities want me." . In spite of his protestatiqn, the au thorities are of the opinion that McAl lister found things getting tbo hot for him and was bent on escaping from the state when apprehended. He is well known in Medford. having conducted a campaign here for the prohibition movement a few years ago, and many friends visited him at the jail. To all of them McAllister maintained his in nocence, but he admitted that the charges he faced were grave ones. He stood in his cell smoking cigars one after another, nervous, desperate, and every little while breaking out in pleading for his release. ' McAllister Given Release. Late last night McAllister was re leased from Jail at Medford on tele vrinhir 1 n k t ru r tlonit from District At torney Cameron, as Circuit Judge uatens accepieu pu iii me buiii ui S1000. The Medford Chief of Police tele phoned Deputy District Attorney Col lier, who has personal direction over the case, that McAllister said he wished to return to Portland last night on the Shasta Limited. SISTER FOILS KIDNAPERS I GIRL THROWS HERSELF IN front of automobile. Delay When Driver Stops Machine Gives Police Chance to Capture Child's Abductors. CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Lulgi Naorao, a young Italian girl, threw herself in front of an automobile today and thus prevented the kidnapping of her 15 year old sister, Nicollata, who had been seized near her home and thrown into the car. Rather than run down Lulgl, the driver of the machine stopped and the delay gave the police time to capture the would-be abduct ors. Police assert that the leader of the kidnappers, who gave his name as Lucchla Cera, came from West Ham mond, the village in which Miss Vir ginia Brooks conducted an anti-vice crusade. In the automobile were found a re volver and a handkerchief saturated with chloroform. John Ulrich, driver of the car, said that he was employed by an automobile livery company and had picked up the men on a telephone order to the livery. BEAUTY WEDS SERVANT DIVORCEE ELOPES, THINKING BRIDEGROOM IS RICH. Member of Chicago's Fashionable Set Finds Husband Is Chanffeur of Man She Thought He Was. CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Mrs. Aimee Giv ens. divorced wife of Robert S. Glvens, member of Chicago's fashionable set and former Detroit beauty, who eloped Wednesday to Crown Point, Ind., with a man she believed was a son of Mar shall K. Kirkman. former president of the Northwestern Railroad, was told today that the man was Mr. Kirkman's chauffeur. At the marriage the bridegroom gave his name as "Edward B. Kirkman." There is no member of the Kirkman family by that name. Servants in the Kirkman household assert that "Edward B. Kirkman" in reality is William Boehm, Mr. Kirk man's chauffeur, recently released from service. Detectives are searching for Boehm. RULING THREATENS CANAL WITH DELAY Commerce Commission Modi fies Previous Order De fining Coast Traffic. SHIPBUILDERS ARE GLAD Government Thrown Into CommO' tion, and Officials Declare Ef fect Will Be to Defer , Opening Full Year. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. With a de lay of perhaps a year In the comple tion of the Panama Canal in prospect, unless foreign vessels are allowed to continue carrying material and sup plies to the Canal Zone, the Interstate Commerce Commission decided today to modify its recent administrative rul ing "that shipments destined from points in the United States to Porto Rico, the Canal Zone or the Philippine Islands are coastwise shipments." Order Virtually Withdrawn. The precise terms of the modified order are not yet available, but they will amount practically to a wltnorawai of the order. The original ruling of the Commission was recognized in stantly of vital importance to vessel owners throughout the world. Under the statutes of this country coastwise shipping may be carried only In Amerl can vessels. The commerce between the United States and the Canal Zone, Porto Rico and the Philippines now is carried largely by vessels flying for eign flags. Canal Commission In Commotion. By the terms of the Commission's ruling shipments to the territories named can be carried only in American ships. The ruling was hailed Joyously by American shipbuilders, one of whom informed the Commission today that it would mean the doubling of the ca pacity of his shipyard. The Government itself, however, and particularly the Isthmian Canal Com mission, was thrown Into a commotion by the ruling. The matter was pre sented Immediately to the Commission with the statement that the ruling, if it should stand, would be a heavy blow to the construction of the Panama Canal, delaying its completion prob ably a year. FLEET E FOUR SHIPS TO PliY BETWEEN COASTS, VIA CANAL. Announcement Made That Santa Cecelia Will Be Added to Ves sels Under Construction. SAN FRANCISCO, Noy. 21. With the receipt of a report from Norman Vin cent, of Seattle, specially assigned by the shipping and commission firm of W. R. Grace & Company to study the lumber market in New York and the East and the effect that the opening of the Panama Canal will have upon It, word also was received at the local office of the company today that its fleet of steamers that are to ply through the new waterway will be in creased by the addition of a new ves sel. The launching of the ship, which is to be christened the Santa Cecelia, wHl place four carriers in the company's new Intercoastal trade. The Santa Cruz, which was launched this month on the Atlantic Coast, will go into commission immediately, to be followed shortly by the Santa Clara, a steamer of 10,000 tons. The Santa Cata lans, of the same tonnage, will be ready by August 1, 1913, and the other ves sel will leave the ways in the following September. In shipping circles here it is thought the canal will be opened to ships by September, 1913. The new ships will carry general merchandise into the Pacific from New York and return by way of the canal laden with lumber, opening the New York market direct to California red wood and Oregon pine for the first time. BURNED BODY IS FOUND FARMER AD3IITS QUARREL AND IS HELD FOR JIURDER. Tracks From Home or Suspect Lead to Newly-Made Grave Where Murdered Man Is Discovered. WARSAW. N. Y.. Nov. 21. The mu tilated body of Frank Bentley, 25 years old, foreman in a cheese factory, was found today in & shallow grave on a farm near the village of North Java. AlthoBe Prince, 35 years- old, a farmer and neighbor of Bentley, and Louis and Harry Webber, Prince's brothers-in-law, are held tonight in connection with the crime. Prince, who is married, ad mits, according to the Sheriff, that he has had some words with Bentley over domestic affairs, but denies all knowl edge of his death. Searchers today followed buggy tracks from a lot on Princes' farm to a clump of woods, where, under a pile of brush, they found a newly made grave, in which Bentley's body had been burled. Both legs had been chopped off Just below the hips. Every particle of cloth ing had been burned off and portions of the body were charred and blistered. The nose was broken and there was a deep wound over the right eye. 2,000 ACRES IN PROJECT IRRIGATION PROJECT TO BE STARTED SOON. Hermlston Office of Reclamation Service Gets Order by Wire to , Prepare for Work. HERMISTON. Or., Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) The local office of the Reclama tion Service has received telegraphic instructions to be in readiness for the construction of what is known as the fifth unit of the Umatilla project. Or ders by letter to commence this work are expected any day. The fifth unit comprises about 1100 acres along the extreme north side of the project and SEE THAT .CURVE Trade Mark Registered. It's The that tells the story; not only in scientific eye examination and lenses furnished, but also in the "know how" of ad justing glasses to 6uch" a nicety, that the greatest re sult is given to the wearer. ' Factory on Premises. THOMPSON INSTITUTE 209-10-11 Corbett Eldg., Second Floor, Fifth and Morrison Sts. it is possible that the Brownell hold ings of nearly 900 acres also will be included, bringing the total up to nearly 2000 acres. The cost of the work is estimated at 130,000. Bids will be opened in this city Sat urday for the construction of a drain age ditch between three and four miles long, which, it is estimated, will cost approximately (10,000. The local office also has received authorization to call for bids for re moving rock obstructions in another drainage canal which already is com pleted except for this piece of rock work. This cannot be undertaken lor at least a month yet on account of the water being too high. , The Reclamation Service has. during the past month and a half, had large crews cleaning out and repairing the large distributing canals. This worn is about finished now and the new work will provide places for practically every man on the project who is looking for work. It is the announced policy to give every home man work before employing outsiders. The October pay roll of the local office was Jiz.uoo. WALLOWA MINISTER QUITS Rev. B. F. Meredith, of Enterprise, May Do Evangelical Work. ENTERPRISE. Or. Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) Rev. B. F. Meredith, probably the best-known minister in Wallowa County, has asked to be released from his charge as pastor of the Methodist Church at Enterprise. He preached his farewell to his congregation last Sun day. Mr. Meredith recently entered on his third year as pastor of the local church, his reassignment having been asked unanimously by the congrega tion. He will leave the charge for personal reasons. He has been a mem ber of the Idaho conference for seven years and in that time has preached in nearly every Methodist church in Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. For two years he has been secretary of the conference. His . future plans are not announced, although he expects to rest a short time and then may do evangelistic work in Union County. CAR SERVICE-IS DESIRED Extension of Rose City. Park Line Projected by Residents. The East Seventy-second Street Im provement Club is making a special effort to complete the amount required to get an extension of the Rose City Park carilne from Sandy boulevard and East thirty-seventh street on Halsey street and the . Barr road to East Eighty-second street. About 115,000 has been subscribed, and a committee of eight from the club is working every day visiting property owners. A. R. Mattoon is chairman of the committee engaged in raising the money. Mr. Mattoon says that the work is slow, but that property.owners are sub scribing as they are seen. He says that It will be necessary to make up the amount soon, as Halsey street Is to be paved next year from East Thirty- seventh to East Fifty-second street, the I contract having been let, and if the pavement is not laid before the track is put down, It will delay the carilne. At the start the committee estimated that it will cost property owners $20 a lot for land abutting on Halsey street and the Barr road, with a proportionate assessment on lots further removed. Mr. Mattoon estimates that the line will double the value of all property of the district. Echo Mill Runs to Capacity... ECHO, Or.,v Nov. 21. (Special.) To turn out a large consignment of flour which is soon to be exported to China, the Echo Flour Mills ara running day and night. The daily output is 150 barrels. I 1 W. THE Skill n The Best ol tie Elflb-Grnde Bakinfl Powders No Alum Reasonable Alterations Free on All These Suits and Coats III v $19.65 Up to $35 Suits and Coats Every beautiful and ex clusive model, fabric and shade of the season. Smartest Man - Tailored Suits! Swagger 3 and 4-button Cut aways! Jaunty Norfolk Suits! Chev iots, Mixtures, Diagonals! Heavy TJ. S. Navy Serges! Guaranteed Skinner Linings! Every size, 14 to 44! $2.25 House Dresses $1.39 $5.00 Silk Waists $3.95 Prettiest sort of little frocks In madrases, cham . brays, e p h y r Kins ham, etc. Light and dark colors. 91.1)5 and Dresses Jecond Floor $1.39 REBELS Palomas, Mexican Port of Entry, Is Captured. CONFLICT IS HAND-TO-HAND One Hundred Federal Defenders of Town Taken Prisoners by SOO Insurrectos Who Now Sur round City of Juarei. ttit. -paso Tex.. Nov. 21. One hun dred federal troops defending the Mexican port of Palomas on tne isew m.tIaa border made a determined fight against some 300 rebels and surren dered only after two distinct engage ments, the last of whlcn was iougni from house to house. t?w .mninvlnz dynamite bombs, tne r.hPl9 entered the town early in the day and a cessation of firing led to the belief on the American siae mm tv, nnrt had fallen. But this atter- noon it was learned that the federals still held their position and were be i ,a t n AnntlmiA bv their com mander. Colonel Francisco Corella, who, though wounaea in ine ieg, ie mained on the firing line. Hftair ffrinir' continued two more hours, until the government troops were threatened again uy ua.nu i mmnpllpil to surrender. lltlUDB Hill. Aside from one federal Captain, who early In the day fled to the American side, all the government troops were taken prisoners with their rifles, sup plies and ammunition. Major McDonald, of the Thirteenth United States Cavalry, sent world that both rebel and federal wounded would be cared for on the American side, but so far none has taken advantage of the offer. Reports give the federal loss as seven killed and ten wounded, while the rebels lost 14 killed and wounded. Rebel success in Palomas creates a peculiar condition. With the revolu tionary forces under General Inez Sal azar opposite Columbus, only 73 miles to the east, federals under General Trucy Aubert- still retain Juarez op posite El Paso. ' 'Ti'Tilfl" " " aamm r I Cake I is sure to be light, tender, evenly raised and of just the right texture if you use Rumford. The most delicate fla vors are not injured Cakes are better in every way when you use WHOLESOME USE BOMBS $19.65 $19.65 PORTLAN MILLINERY AT 12 PRICE: I T f" BPi rami FOOTBALL at ALBANY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23d $3.05 ROUND TRIP day, inclusive. SCHEDULE Southbound Lv. Jefferson St. Arrive Albany. . . Northbound Leave Albany . . . Arrive Portland. Leaving time at North Bank Station is twenty minutes earlier than at Jeffersoa St. Station. Additional trains in both directions are shown in folders. Limited trains carry observation parlor cars ; seat, fare to Albany 35 cts. The "Owl" carries a standard sleeping car. All trains carry first-class coaches. Tickets and schedules at City Ticket Offices Fifth and Stark Streets, Tenth aad Stark Streets, Tenth and Morrison Streets. PASSENGER Eleventh and Hoyt Sts. Main Store 146 Vi Second St. 2fo Neatest, Cleanest, Most Attractive Sea Food Poultry Markets IN PORTLAND WHOLESALE OYSTERS . We jrrovr our own oyster sell them the same day that they are dredged and open them before your eyea. They have all the delicate sea flavor. Toke Point, the doxen. 2Sc Freslilv opened or in the shell. Eastern, the pint 35c Tender, firm and plump. Olympln, the pint 40c Freshly opened. CRABS Today, rear. 15c size each..... 10c Received direct from the deep sea daily and boiled on the premises. You can rest assured of their freshness. 1 OYSTER COCKTAILS erred, the fclann 10c In bottles to take home, 15c, 25c and 60c, or any quantity desired. SPECIAL PRICES to Restaurants. Cafes, Clubs and Parties. n In $19.65 Stunning Coats that are so much the rage this season! Coats for every purpose and occasion. Striking two-tone Diagonal Boucles! Plaid Back Cheviots! Elegant Plush Coats! Pine Caracul Coats! Black Broadcloth Coats! Clever 3zi or "Johnny" Coats! Full-length Utility Coats! Bnythemtor prrnent wear for X in a gifts! Many In charm ing Robespierre t y I es. M essa lines, taffeta. ' chiffons, nels. 5 Waists $3.95 0 A P" Va -o JTlXm Via J I OREGON ELECTRIC RY. GOING, any train Saturday. RETURNING, any train to Mon OF TRAINS Local Limited Local Station 6 :30 A. M. 8 AO A. M. 11 :00 A. M. 9:40AM. 11:10 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Local Local "Owl" 5:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 11:59 P.M. 8:05 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 5:15 A.M. STATIONS Jefferson and Front Sts. Phone Main COTS. Branch i 134 Third St. AND RETAIL FISH Second-St. Store Only. Received direct from the fisheries daily. Special today: ONE OYSTER COCKTAIL FREE TO EVEBYIIODY making 25c pur chase of fish and bringing this ad. Salmon, Halibut, Tom Cod I Oc nnd Smelt, pound , All other varieties proportionately priced. Ponltry Order Your Tlmnkiifflvlnir Turkey ott . Corn fed; price, lb. ...27VjC Chickens, the pound SOc Roasters, Friers, Broilers and Stew. All kinds of Game. BUTTER, EitiS AXD CHEESE Skamokawa Butter, 1-lb squares. 4lic; 2-lb. square 73c Considered highest grade creamery butter on the market. FANCY SELECTED EGGS Guaranteed, 2 dozt-n 6T.e Cheese, two pounds 45c Pure, Rich and Creamy.