Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammer
moor" Is Given Faithful
Madame Pereir Portrays Somber
Title Role Admirably and With
Dramatic Effect; Armlni Again
Wins With Excellent Work.
For the fourth time in three days
operatic Portland assembled and met
together Wednesday night at the Hellig
Theater, on this occasion to do homage
to Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammer
moor." A very tragedy of song is this opera.
The tremendous sadness of its theme,
the pathetic love story of the unfortu
nate Lucia and her suitor, Edgar, his
devotion and the passion of his rival,
Bucklaw, Lucia's tragic death from
madness and Edgar's suicide at her
tomb are all faithfully and beautifully
told again to Donizetti's wonderful
Interpretative music.
Excellent and concerted efforts, to
gether with real acting ability on the
part of the cast of players, brings out
in its fullest the somberness and sor
rowful qualities of- the story. Most
admirably does Madame Perelra por
tray the humanity of the woman Lucia.
She is larger in physique than other
Luclas who have preceded her. Sir
Walter Scott's Lucia in the original
tory was a dainty, petite woman.
Madame Perelra is essentially dramatic
and for this very reason her height
snd generous proportions add to the
force of her invective, the clarity and
strength of her enunciation, the vari
ety of her delivery and the tense tragic
atmosphere with which she overshad
ows aU her work.
G. Arminl. as Edgar, gave the role
the investiture of a musical Hamlet
and his scene at Lucia's tomb was in
every sense worthy ' and dignified.
ilraiiani. as Bucklaw, rival for Lucia's
love, and Nicolettl. as her brother,
Henry, both contributed meritorious
character studies to the evening's
In this opera the eye welcomes the
lint of color and picturesque costum
ing not all of it. neither colors nor
fabrics quite new but satisfying as
a background for the incidents of the
story and the glory of the music. The
acts are three, of two scenes each.
The production of Strauss' sensa
tional and much-talked-of "Salome." the
presentation of which created world
wide denunciation and equally world
wide praise by eminent music and dra
matic critics when it first was pro
duced, has aroused a keen local interest
here, and Indications are that the opera
tonight will be greeted by one of the
largest and most cultured audiences of
the present opera week at the Hellig.
Added interest. of course, is broadcast
owing to the fact that the title role,
like that of "Conchita" on Tuesday
night, will be. sung by the famous Tar-
quini.- Only two noted artists ' have
been intrusted with the title rot
Taniuini, and JIary Garden..
The score of S.trauss is , one replete
with, musical wonders and it is sug
gested by the management of the
theater that patrons make, an effort to
be in their seats early.
Contrary to general belief there is no
immorality in the opera "Salome.
However, as long as the most objection
able features of the opera seem to be
the Dance of the Seven Veils, and also
Salome's display of degenerate love
over the-severed head of John the Bap
tist, the public has been assured that
Miss Tarquinl works her way delicately
and reflnedly over these two scenes.
SIgnor Francesco Nicoletti, the bar!
tone, who was selected by the composer
himself lor the role of John the Bap
tist, will appear with Mme. Tarquinl
and SIgnor Giuseppe , Agostini. who
sang Rodolfo, in "La Boheme," will
have the part of Herod. The role of
Herodlade, Salome's mother, will be
sung by Mme. Zlzolfi, the leading mezzo
01 me company.
Tomorrow evening Puccini's Japa
nese "Madame Butterfly" will be the
. "Salome" will be repeated Saturday
aiternoon. and in the evening the over
popular double bill, "Cavallerla Rusti
cana" and "I'Pagliacci" will be given.
Italians Score Big Successes In Stor
ies of Lore and Tragedy.
It is a far cry from comparatively
modern operas, such as "'La 'Boheme'
and "Conchita," to real grand operas
breathing love and tragedy in "II
Trovatore" and . "Lircra" the double
bill Wednesday of the Lambardis but
the Italians came Into -their very own,
and scored two big artistic and spec
tacular successes.
"II Trovatore" is 'a tragic grand
opera, of -our granddads, . who take
Irl4e in -telling tlie -various .prima
donnas they heard long ago in the part
of Leonora, Patti among the rest, and
celebrated tenors;- who 'breathed defi
ance to al enemies, tenors like Cam
panini. . The opera was first produced
in Rome In the year 1853. in Paris in
J 85?. aird in London as "The Gypsy's
Vengeance.'.' .
The plot concerns the kidnaping, by
a gypsy woman, 'of the brother of the
Count di Luna, and trouble thickens
when this lost brother appears as
Manrico. the troubadour, in love with
Leonora. The old gypsy's daughter.
.Azucena, carries on the scheme of
revenge for her mother, who was
burned as a witch. Verdi has clothed
the opera with lovely, sparkling melo
dies which linger gratefully in the
memory long rter the rendition has
ceased. melodies like "The Anvil
Chorus." arias for Leonora. Azucena
and Manrico, the duet, "Home to Our
Mountains," and the ever-loved,
haunting "Miserere." Agostini, tenor,
made a splendid Manrico, and sang the
music with ease and fine vocal skill..
Agostini's voice has clarity and charm,
and he never fails to please. Matinl
was the Leonora, and made a fine im
pression, as also did Madame Charle
bols as Inez. 'The large audience was
pleased with the general rendition, and
there were several enthusiastic cur
tain recalls. i
"Lucia" is another grand opera. over
which loved memories - dwell, and
among the great singers who have made
the title role glorious Is Adellfia Patti.
The opera, last night, was Impressively
staged, played and sung, the orchestral
conductor being SIgnor Barbiere, who
directed with magnetic force and mu
sicianly skill. The management at
first Intended-to ask Glovacchlni to
sing the part of Henry Ash ton, where"
this fine artist has already made an
international reputation for "dash and
tragic and romantic interpretation, but
at the last moment It was discovered
that Giovacchini's attack of cold had
grown worse. At short notice Nico
letti, baritone, was selected to fill the
mits and
At a Great Sacrifice
It's a special reduction sale of the best clothes in the world, and hundreds of shrewd buyers are taking advantage of these
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Every Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit or Overcoat offered in this special sale is guaranteed to be absolutely all wool or silk
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part, and he made one pf the really
great hits of the entire engagement.
His big, rousing voice -is ft magnificent
one and he is a born actor.
Armanini, tenor, was the Edgar, the
unfortunate Lord of Ravenswood, and
the melancholy part suited htm. Arma
nini has a light tenor voice of plaintive
quality, which is effective. In acting
he Is not impressive enough. The Lucia
was Madame Perelra, colorature so
prano, who comes from Buenos Ayres,
South America, where she is rated as
an opera star. Portland is used to
daintier, more petite Lucias than she,
but vocally she is a very good singer.
At first she appeared to be nervous and
once at the conclusion of an aria, in
act two, she sang, a trifle out of mu
sical pitch. Her voice Is unusually
high set, is of pleasant quality, with
a head register of clarity and purity
up to E in altissimo. Madame Pereira
aroused great enthusiasm by her artis
tic ringing In the celebrated "mad
scene" and won a rousing recall, with
shouts of "bravos," The stage setting
ushering on the great, sextet was not
improved by the curtain being rolled
up and the light turned on before the
stage hands had. finished setting the
furniture. The sextet was well sung
and It was rederaanded, but It has been
sung with better vocal effect in this
city. The audience was an enthusias
tic one and Insisted on encoring every
thing in sight.-
. Tonight the bill is "Salome." with
Tarquinl as prima donna. A short con
cert will be given extra; with solos by
Madame Pereira.
Member of Auditorium Commission
' Speaks to Plans Association.
"There are plenty of 'good auditor
ium sites in Portland perhaps, but they
cost money. Tou can't pry the owner
of Portland property off his deed with
oue more money than the Auditorium
Commission has at hand and I am not
going to ask .the people of Portland
for more money for the proposed mu
nicipal Auditorium, unless it be to fur
nish It after 'its completion." . '
- T. B.. Wilcox, chairman of the , Mu
nicipal Auditorium Commission last
niarht thus definitely set aside .the pos.
sibllity of the commission considering
any of the proposed sties with the ex
ception of the Market block, in a .talk
before the -Greater .Portland nans as
sociation at its annual meeting at the
Multnomah Hotel last night. Mr. Wil
cox attended the meeting upon invit
tion from the association and was
called forward to speak for the com
mission after the reading of the re
port of the buildings committee, which
advanced, a recommendation in favor
of the double block bounded by Main,
Jefferson, Eleventh and Tenth streets.
Mr. Wilcox declined to speak for the
rest of the commission and said that
his expressions were intended to show
his personal position in the matter.
"However, the commission nas not
disagreed thus far," he said.
Even on the Marxet mock sue ne
declared no action will be taken until
consultation has been held with Archi
tect Friedlander. of New York, whom
he has requested to come to Portland
to look over the situation.
"If he says that we can go ahead
and build an auditorium with the
money we have, I am willing to forego
an organ for the auditorium or per
haps the furnishings, but I am not
willing to put the city in the hole by
beginning something before the money
with which It Is to be paid -lor is in
When the architect comes and looks
over the site, if we are not able to go
ahead and build with the funds we
have available on the site we are able
to show, I believe that the commis
sion will resign as a body and let the
Mayor appoint someone who can do
work without tools.
"If rou'll be. patient, we'll try to give
you something of which you can be
proud; something of which I can be
proud, for I am a resident of Portland,
and the auditorium, when It Is finished.
will be as much mine as anyone's else
in the city. - And. I will not consent t
the erection of a structure of which, wj
cannot be proud, for I'm one of the
five men who has got something to say
about It.
"We thought that the people would
let us buy whatever site we wanted,
but they said, 'No,' - and we must
knuckle down. And when the people
say to me, as one serving on a public
commission, to knuckle down, I am
prepared to do so, but I won't bend
my neck to the lash of any man's
tongue or any newspaper's.
"I am criticized every day by peo
pie who 1 presume could build an audi
torium by day after tomorrow, but I'm
not that sort. I've never run a losing
business yet, and I don't intend to. I
don't want to go to the Mayor for S24
000 every so often to pay interests on
the bonds, and then to have to go
again for $24,000 to make up a deficit.
1 can stand criticism, but I can't stand
the activity of my "conscience that
would take place If I spend your money
for something of which my judgment
don't approve."
Mr. Wjlcox pointed out that In his
opinion the only site now available is
the Market block, which could be ex
tended by closing the street and pur
chasing half of the adjacent block, but
reiterated his disinclination to take ac
tion until it is approved by the archi
After the close of Mr. Wilcox ad
dress the report of the building com
mission, on motion of Dan Kellaher,
was rejected.
In the r election of officers for -the
ensuing year G. F. Johnson was chosen
president. M. N. Dana, the. only other
nominee, declined the nomination.
The other officers elected follow:
Vice-presidents, J. C. Ainsworth, Wil
liam Ladd; C. S. Jackson, Edgar B.
Piper, J. F. Carroll, W. F? Woodward
and Dr. A. C. Smith; secretary, M N.
Dana, re-electedr - treasurer,- 5.- -W.
Hoyt. re-elected; executive committee,
R. W. Montague, Frank B. Riley, W.
G. Eliot, Jr., Rabbi. Jonah B. Wise,
H. W. Stone, R. G. Morrow and Robert
H. Strong.
. A committee was appointed to draft
a bill for an amendment to the city
charter calling for the establishment
of a. building commission to have over
sight, with veto power, on the con
struction pf public buildings and
bridges. A unanimous resolution was
adopted indorsing- J. N. Teal for the
position of Seoretary of the Interior,
and the secretary of the association
was instructed to send a copy of the
same to the President-elect.
Today will be Greater Portland Plans
day at the Land Show, and all of the
members were requested to visit the
show wearing their association badges.
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1 cup milk
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