Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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    r- -rr-
10 acres, ail set In grape and apples;
all the leading wtne varieties of grapes
an.l mostly Bell Flower. Newtown and
Pippin apples; grapes contracted for ut
a wlnerv one mile distant at 10 per ton:
r.o buildings on place; located lis miles
from good lltt'.e town on coast line of
S. P. K. R. ; fine (traded school, church,
store, blacksmith sliops and postoffice In
town- wilt trade $2000 equity for house
and lot In Portland of equal value; bal
ance, mortgage of $930. at 6 per cent:
place is only 20 mties distant from the
133', First St.
26 rooms .2 years' lease, rent $75
per month; good West Side location,
well furnished and clean. Want a
complete farming outfit; team of
horses, cows, farm tools. Call for
Mr. Carr.
2191 Board of Trade.
80 acres of the best land In Oregon, not
far from l. Hood Railroad, now build
ing on good county road, about 12 acres
cleared. 4 acres of orchard, three-room
bouse, good-sixed barn and other out
buildings; a fine home: will take a good
residence cl'nr of Incumbrance worth
s00 to $2.VK. See Hart.
Third Floor Chamber of Commerce.
for l0 acres wheat land, all In cultlva
;ion. in Adams County. V Washington;
$4; mortgage $UiK: 120 acres.
- . .. . .int . i&.f i me River.
Redmond. $10 per acre, mortgage $2
SO acres goou level isnu; nrm ..m
rail ay survey in Lako County;
t:'nr: wnat nave jtiu: . , ,
B. S. COOK J CO.. 0 Corhett blag.
AN KLEGAXT farm home, one of the very
best ID acres In Clark Co; .nearly all n
cultivation, first-claas buildings, famlij
orchard. All klnda of farm Implements.
w-ign c iw p"u"uo " '
r v - hav. Krai n. co, cn:"-""- - -
lake a nice home up to $4OO0 as part
consideration. Balance very easy terms.
F a ker ft Dryer. 2'4 Railway Exchange.
1 Jl IV C ijvj
On Broadway canine. i ,""'r-
as new. reaay to ". ;'.,,,,:,,
i r rhauin or Mr. Anams.
Third Floor chamber of Commerce.
I acres, ail planted to choice varieties
of commercial apples, on main county
road ; only few miles out of town of Hood
River: in fine condition; S to 4 years old;
price onlv 13100; will accept unincum
bered residence lot In Portland as first
payment and give long limo on balance.
r .v r i i m .
Will exchange 105 acres between Th
Dalles and Mosler for a good 5 or 6
room house in Portland n Kw "f'?.'
borhood near car: will pay $3-0O to $4oPO.
Must be free of all incumbrance. Ownert
Only. K tM-t. urrRwiiiBH.
I.O i roiv i r....
Will take team and wagon as part pay
ment for my equity of $M0 in 2 full lots.
value 8900.
320 l.umner r.xcn"s-
EXCEPTIONAL Willamette 80; buildings,
Improvements, orchard, stream, excellent
son: Incumbrance $70O; give equity for
nonlnflated. unincumbered ,'d'"5,?
Immediate possession. Owner. 1030 Grand.
HAVE good Improved corner lot in High
land District with Income ' monthly:
value $9000. with mortgage $2-00. Owner
will take small farm in good locality for
his Interest. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 Mc
Kay Plflg.. aiftin
SACRIFICE for quick Jle or exchange for
anvthing of value. :1W0 equty In 120
a. res, houFe and spring. 4 miles from
Hood River. Owner, Paul ltlhuii!lere. 4.
2d st . Portland. v urnimuii.
CIGAR STORE and balance in cash for ;
" partly improved 2D or 40-acre ran.-h, with
in 20 miles Portland; will Invoice deal
store, and it's a good paying place, cal
FOR sale or exchange. 320 acres very best
farm land. Lake County. Oregon, 5toO;
good Improvements: let me tell you about
It. v. i rowcij. " -.
10 ACRES land at Kalama. equity
liurelhurst lot. and 8-R. .rooming-house.
f..r S or e-room house, not over J0uO.
Marshall 273. A. I- Mowre.
1 HAVE several lul, well located, guaran
teed title, with cement walks, curbs and
water mains all laid, to exchange for
acreage; no agents. AB .V.B. OreKonlun,
I HAVE two 10-acre tracts free from Incuri
1 brance. warranty deed and abstract, to ex
change for good auto or building lot. T
ACRES good land to exchange for
apartment or rooming-house; price
mortgage $350. Kemp. 914 Chamber of
BEAITIFIL, bungalow to trade for gro
cery or rooming-house. Real Estate ex
change. 527 Henry bide- Phone Marshall
1 4vi
WILL exchange equity of 7S0 In a r"I"
modern house for Los Angeles or Southern
California property of same value. AM
034. uregoniwii
WOULD exchange new 4-room house In
Rose Cltv Park for grocery, value
O-.vner. 42 Swetlnnd. Phone Mar. Z-i.
1 HAVE the best In Portland, furniture tl
r'w.T.,. cash or trade; Investigate. Malu
2S'i. A M- only.
so ACRES, near Portland, all or pari for
a ood automobile. F. C. Fletcher. 1001 E.
nw CRE3 of timber In a north and a
east, value 2Xl. to trade for truck or
auto. Call 52t Hamilton Mdg. Main 9-4.
A COMPLETE light manufacturing Plant
fr gal, or trade. Kinney Stampher. 041
Lumber Exchange.
TO TRADE 160 acres timber and coal land
In Dougiaa County for Portland property.
U urriion ian
BUNGALOW 32rt0; paved
equity for ranch- Owner. 10ao Grand.
North. ,
HCUSES on leased ground and mortgage on
Portland property. 23i. Exchange for
real estate!. Hatfield. U'i 4th St.
FINE modern apartment-house worth 7r.o0
to exchange for chean land. Kemp. IM4
hsmber or lommerv
ANT to trade 10 acres on Mieslssippl
f,.'r house and lot- 437 chamber of Com
merce bEE Rainier Realty Co., 204 Lumber Ex
change, forquickslesMdMcjiajtes
HAVE lota near Klamath Falls to exchange.
AD . Oregonlnn.
MHUFOKD lots for acreage. X 854. Ore-
WHITE steamer and A-l shade: will ex
change for stoek. 14 Union ave.
MODERN B-room bungalow for sale or
trade. Easy terms. Call Woodlawn 2674.
WNT to trade equity In acreage for house
and lot. 437 Chamber of Commerce.
Horses. Vehicle. Etc.
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold,
new wagons and auto beds made to order.
Livery furnished to business partloa at
special Taies. .
420 Hawthorne Ava.
Phone E. 72. B 13a9-
FOR SALE a cheap farm horses weighing
lloo lbs. each. 2 single express wagons,
one double express wagon, all in flrst-claas
condition. 2jp rtusseu
HOOD horse, harness and covered 8n
la good condition; suitable for grocery de
livery or express. All for !. Call 010
Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED To buy good delivery horse,
weight 1100 to 1250. 7 or 8 years old.
sound and gentle: no dealers. o-- Bel
mont St.. corner East loth.
KCD grocery outfit, team, wagon and har
ness. 14 Union ave.; good :l-ton camel-ba-k
express wagon; will take good horse
or ouggy hi ....' -
For SALE One gray mare, weighs 1300;
good worker oo farm, and cheap; come at
once. Mr. Cray. 334 Front st.
B4V ae'dine. W0 lbs.: fine buggy har
tfess: Cail Woodlawn 1240 or SIS Missis
4 big. good, sound horses for sale; all
xMar-anteeo. app'J rv' " -
,.,M(i Bargain Pair of 5-year-old hay geld
true eery way; weight 21.10; good
workers; -ill self cheap. 334 Front St.
MUST be sold Bay team, right out of hard
w..rk: absolutely true to pull; can be aeon.
l-ront st
1 p.UYS goof family mare, weight lino
pounds: harness and buggy. Phone Sell-
nod 1 1 !.
riil'PP .inn1!!
wsgons and fie cheap
b jrses. ts i iiicu
OOOD team of work mules; will exchange
tor r.orsei . .......
HAVE no further use lor nice Baliey buggy,
i77Y""fedto nrae is per month. Inquire
Ci:y Tiansicr. Main C2.
I FOR SAU. I V 1 1 r.u jji5uiLi.jiiuiio. . I HoUKkeHwn,
1'iaoos. (rgmiis and Musical Instruments.
GOING East, will tell my Steinway upright
piano cheap for cash. AL 02, Orego
nie.n. MY $750 autoplano for sale for $373 cash
on easy payments. Jsee at Kohler & Chase,
373 Washington.
STANDARD grade new piano at half price
by teacher, leaving city. East -S2.
Doga. ISIrda. l'et toca.
AIREDALE terriers for protection, sport
and pals. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or.
Automobiles. ,
We have a few snaps la slightly used
ears and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex
change; ail cara fully guaranteed, can
or write at once.
Phones: Salt 1421. B 2349.
SH9-3T1 Hthorneave.
We will sell you a good . O-passenger
second-hand auto at a very low figure;
It Is on our hands and must be turned;
will sell on any kind of terms if you can
give reasonable security: collateral notes or
real estato security preferred. See Hart,
X:t2 Chamber of Commerce.
MIST tacriflce 1911 Reo owner leaving
town this week; car In perfect condition,
paint like new, extra casings and inner
tubes; over 200 worth of extra equip-
- ment: a real bargain for r.:(3, terms, but
no trade. call Williams, aiam
should examine our stock before pur
chasing. The values tt offer
OBI Aioer lb
FOR SALE S'ightly-used "1012" model
Cadillac, torpedo type; cost with equip
ment 2600: owner leaving town, will sac
rifice fir cash. Phone Tabor 579 or call
02 E. 15th.
WILL trade model lull 7-passenger Wlnton
Six for city property: car In best of con-
.41, lnn r..nv iiiiinl and has neff tires
all around: mice 12200. Y Sl. Ore-
SPLFNDID clialmers 80, four-passenger.
, completely equipped, six Al tires, de
mounted; l rims; machine guaranteed: cost
l!oo; price $S0; 1200 down. $40 monthly.
3.10 Alder sf.
I HAVE a 2-cvllnder. 3-speed Bulck runa
bout, mil model, just overhauled, and
guaranteed by company Felling this make
of car: an Ideal salesman's car; $2i3. Call
Whltehouse. Main 4000.
BUICK. 20-h.p.; cost U8o. and car
ries guarantee of one year; will 3ell for
710, terms, but no trade. Call Thomp
son. A 2"i0.
WILL trade 3rt Pierce for 1012 Bulck or
E-M-F rcadrtcr. A 1171. Main 10S2.
Apartment 0.
FOR PALE One 2-cjllnder oldsmoblie with
delivery bodv a'ld extra 3-passenger body,
1250. Call 126 E. 0th.
on autos.
BAUER, No. 20t Alderst.
E-M-F 30, 5-pass.. exceptionally well
equipped, sacrifice. 1400. X 41, Oregonlan.
t"0 BUYS my electric runabout. N 040.
1-TON TRUCK for sa!" cheap: run less
than loop mnes. tM. oiTKmii.
MY BUK'K AUTO must be sold this week.
g-i.Mi cash; no trade. N 0:iS. Oregonlan.
MUST sell fullv equipped car. No reasonable
offer refused. 712 Selling bldg.
Furniture for Sale.
Furniture Beautiful bedroom set, wltn
dressing t.Mile, writing desk, exlra choirs,
all high-grade white enamel. $200. Apply
2.r4 East 2-th street, Hawthorne ear.
Office furniture consisting of desKS,
chairs, rugs and book cases, for sale very
reasoneble. P. O. Box 247
SIX rooms complete furniture. Including
high-grade Kimball piano; will sell reas
on a b iieJCal!atone5JIO5th
FOR SALE, cheap, furniture of 6-roora
modem house, rent J20. 369 N. 20ilt sU,
near Thurmfln. .
F'R SALE Furniture of seven rooms, in
cluding piano and oriental rugs, at a bnr
crtln: owner leaving city. Phone East 32S2.
Fine Rugs, dispes. rockers, paintings, clocks,
rhir.a. etc. Ht. Francis Apt. 07. IS4 N. -1st.
All the machinery and equipment of the
Western Gas Engine & Schaake Machine
Works, Seattle, consisting of tools. Jigs,
lathes, drills, patterns, drawings, office
furniture, etc Will make low price on
any or all of above for Immediate sale.
Address C. J. Johnson. 42S Bailey bldg..
Seattle, Wash. '
A 43-horsepower. 500-volt Crocker
Wheeler motor, completo with standard
blade starter, no voltage release and i5
ampere overload L T. E. circuit breaker.
In At erudition. Address room 203. Ore
gonlan bldg.
One 125-rolt direct-current generator,
complete with field rheostat, am-meter
and circuit breaker. This machine is In
good repair. Address room 0S Oregonlan
A 40-K. W.. 650-volt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete with field rheostat
and circuit breaker. In good condition.
Address room 203. Orcsoaian b'.tig.
iuio t. it r PBTITE ATLAS.
Above -has all additions, sub-divisions,
names of owners of all lots and houses.
Cost 75: will sucriclfe. AN 573, Oregon-
ian. '
ROLL-TOP desk. 2 Axminster rugs, oak
buffet, gas water heater, one extra fine
quarter-sawed sideboard. Call at 380
Hawthorne ave.
SAFES Special prics; new and second
hand, fire and burglar proof; combinations
changed. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland
Safe CO.. 85 5th st. Phone M. 6300.
I .o rain kitchen range, used only lew
months; moving, must sell at once. 1208
E. Yamhill St.
SAFES, new. second-hand, large assortment,
low prices: safes opened, repaired. Mosler
Sate CO., ll'O -u su ji.'ii mm.
FOH SALE Latest Improved White sewing
machine, practically new. for 20 cash
7- East 2Sth st. North, comer of Everett.
CASH registers, credit registers, scales, etc..
bought and sold. The Pacific- Store Serv
ice Co.. 227 Stark at.. Main 7711.
FOR-SALE S feet corner cigar case, round,
also gum case and small cash register, ln
qulre Klks Club.
FOR SLE Ten fine restaurant stools, two
ooun'e.-s. 1 china closet. 112 Union ave.
neir Alter.
SCl.lPSE ranee, with water coil, almost
new. Call 210 McMlllen st. or phone Eat
FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist
ing engines. Contractors' equipment.
HIGH-GRADH typewriters. all make
bought sold and exchanged. Northwej;
Typewriter Co.. 262 Stark.
ANNUAL SALS of unredeemed pledge
UNCLE MYERS. 40 years In Portland. Jl
61xth st, near Oak.
IlOO- L. C. SMITH typewriter for 40.
532, oregonlan. v
FOB 400. new Arco 4-cylinder. 4-passenger
automobile. 893 Hawthorne ave.
USE Bassett's Native Herbs for constipa
tion; 60 tablets for 25a. All druggists.
BET blacksmith tools for sale. 3d ava., Fos
ter road. Lents.
SECOND-HAND lumber, fo per M., at cor.
Taylor and Union. 6th and Alder.
DERBT desks and office furniture. E. B.
Haley Desk Co.. 210 Seventh st. Main 587.
PROP-HEAD sewing machine, almost
new. wtil sell cheap. 70 Grand ave.
VON BBRKEL meat sllcer. g,t u new,
1135. 514 Hawthorne.
SJJITH-PREMIER. No. 4, good condition;
this morning only, 15. 508 Fenton bldg.
Well rotted manure. Phone Main T917.
HORSE manure for sale. Phone East 1775.
WE BUY FOR CASH second-hand National
Cash Registers; sell them on easy terms.
W J. MACAULF.Y. 354 Baraslde St.
Phones Main 1816. A 1816.
WE pay the highest cash price for second
hand furniture. Seater Martin. Paons
East 8134. '348 Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Furniture; dining-room table, li
brary table, several chairs, linoleum, etc.
If bargain. Phone Woodlawn 1W8.
WILL buy any kind of hair combings; high
est cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par
lors. 400 Dekum bldg.
WANTED Hunting dog, first-class combi
nation bird dog. suitable for water or
land Phone -ellwood 1645 or East 135it
CASH prlca paid for ladles' and gents' second-hand
clothing. They must be first
class. L. Rosenblum. Marshall 874.
WANTED Good' second-hand, light run
ning vehicle foe single horse, suitable for
light delivery. R 6t0. Oregonlan.
TYPEWRITER; must be cheap. C 667
WANTED To buy 10x30 job press and also
some type. W 563. Oregonlan.
FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any
kind of furniture. Main SH-1. A 2445.
Martin. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED Complete moving-picture outfits,
fo'id'lng chairs, etc N 4CS. Oregonlan.
for second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves,
ranges, etc. We handle farmers-, loggers',
, mechanics', blacksmiths', plumbers and
contractors' outfits. We carry bicycles,
guns, rifles and game traps. We have 20
ton all sizes of second-hand wire rope
and 2 carloads of poultry netting, slightly
dsniaged. very cheap. 221 Front su Mais
Highest price paid for Indies' and men s
cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, hard
ware and bli ycles; if you want to be sure
to get the full price for your goods, call
up Main 206J and you will surety get It.
The Globe Store. 2P Firs'. St.
Small houseboat containing one or two
rooms or boathouse with one room and ac
commodations for launch. State PJ'ee
and location. Address P. O. Box 147.
Vancouver, Wash.
HIGHSHT price paid for men's clothing and
household furnlturef Call Main 7'IS5.
(One of Many.
Office Secretary Employment Department.
Y. M. C. A.
Toung man, stranger, seeking employ
ment (J20 his total cash asset) If I pay
you 5 for employment membership I wll.
have only 113 between me and starvation.
Secretary Ii you pay f0 for employ
ment membership you will hav the Y. M.
C. A. with ail its resources between you
and starvation. ,
Result: Young man joined association.
In less tnan a week he had salislactory
empioymont. a.
Rscord for 10 months ending October st.
Call for men
Positions fillet! I
Employment membership guarantees
member wl l secure employment or retuno
of membership fee; gives two months
full membership privileges, 10 months so
cial privileges and undertakes to keep
member employed during the full terma
of membership without further charge.
Constant a em and for
tie Secretary Emplojnieut Department
T. M. C. A. '
' In an ordinary Job making an ordinary
or even eirall salary? If you are. you
no doubt have an ambition to make more
- money and you believe you have the aoll
ity to do It. but yon lack the one thins
to make you a success and that is
NERVE. You are not aalisf led -you
knew you can't expect to earn but little
If any more money at your present em
ployment, yet you hang on to the small
salary Just hoping. Now, Mr. Salesman,
hoping won't get you anything you re
the fellow that must make the move.
GET OUT OF THAT RUT. If you are not
actually laxy you can make many times
vour present salary with its on commis
sion. Our salesmen are averaging over
10000 a year without a dollar of Invest
ment on their part. You can do the same
If you try. This has been our most pros
perous year and future prospects were
never brighter. If you belong to the
class of salesmen who ACTUALLY
LIEVE they are receiving less than tuey
are capable of earning, see Mr. Cleave
land. Sales Manager. The Fred A. Jacobs
Co., 269 Washington St. .
APl.E-Bor5rSD men wanted for the U. 8
Msrtne Corps, between the ages of IB ano
fSj-must he native born or have first pa
pers; monthly pay $15 to C9; additional
compensation possible: food, clothmj.
quarters and medical free: al
ter 30 years service can retire with 73 per
cent of- pay and allowances; service on
board ship and ashore in all parts of the
world. Apply at U. S. Marina oorps M
crultlna Office, Kd and Washington sta.
or Vi 8d St.. Portland, Or.
MAN' wanted for phonograph parlors, one
experienced m the sale of Vlctor-Vlctrolas
and Columbia Grafonolas. Apply at The
Meier ft Frank Store, phonograph section,
4 th floor.
PRINTER WANTED Man capable of han
dling private printing plant. State ex
perience. Address T 507. Oregonian.
WANTED A practical man as foreman of
a large farm. , Must know how to handle
men and must be familiar with stock and
farm machinery. Write fully. enclose
references, state salary expected. Address
applications to AV 404, Oregonian, Port
land, Or. ,
WANTED A practical Horticulturist wno Is
thoroughly familiar with the care of old
and young orchard. Must understand
handling of spraying equipment. Write
fully giving references, salary expected,
etc. Address applications AV 401, Ore
gonian, Portland. Or.
WANTED" by an up - to - date machin
bakery on the coast, an all-around, flrst
clriss foreman, will pay good salary to
rlsht man: must he temperate man. Ad
"dress post-IntelliF-encer. Seattle, or F oi7,
Oregonian, Portland.
I can show hustlers the way to make
tf. selling "Alcono" products; everybody
buy: the latest reducers of "high cost of
liring." Foone H. B. Iladley, Marshall
60!, for appointment.
WANTED Road collector making Coos Bay
district or Southern Oregon to handle a
side line of collections on percentage. Re
ply, giving firm employed. AC 605, Ore
gonian. .
VOI R opportunity It'rou are a hustler: ex
clusive control of good territory, free out
fit: weekly advances; complete line; guar
anteed absolutely. Yakima Valley Nursery
Company. Toppenlsh. Wash. ,
ONI5 man's commission last week. S23D
selling Washington Nursery Company
trees. If you can walk, talk and write aa
order, write us today for territory. W tt
Ington Nursery Company. Toppenlsh. van
WANTED Assistant shipping clerk and
several good cabinet makers; must all be
good men and familiar with factory work.
Applv Doernbecher Mfg. Co., K. 2Stn st.
no wnnoy roa.i.
WANTED A first-class salesman for a new
live proposition: exceptional opportunity
for live men. Vou will be well supported
bv a liberal advertising campaign. An
w S 36S, Oregonian.
YOUNG man of good address, who in first
class salesman in merchant tailoring es
tablishment. Apply today at 612 Main st.,
Oregon City.
WANTED Live traveling man to take side
line. Established seller to drug, hardware
and general stores. Confidential. AN
.stirt. oregonian.
WANTED Four clean-rut men who have
selling ability: opportunity i,., ou.n..-r-ment
with good company. 3-0 VS. Burn-
WANTED immediately First-class cabinet
makers: 3..'.0 per 10-hour day. Write or
wire. North Bend Manufacturing Co.,
North Bend. Oregon.
WANTEP Two live newspaper solicitors to
work nunng i.ttiiu mu-. ,...
Horticulturist booth, second floor. Miss
LIVE wire salesman of ability to represent
large corporation, locally: returns unlim
ited. See Mr. James, 8 to 12. 418 Mohawk
bldg , 3d and Morrison
EXPERIENCED man to repair pianos and
automatic organs: must have satisfactory
references. V 560. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE schoolboy wanted to work for
small wages and board and room. 1000
Vaughn. W cat
WANTED Bright and ambitious office
boy. Fine chance for advancement. Ap-
. .. 1. nit... Vii.!. UnildA
ply .V.r. panui:!, ....
WHOLESALE house wants experienced
bookkeeper: give age and reference. AS
63:,. Oregonlan.
u-ivTED Experienced operator and re
toucher. Cutberth Studio. 801 Dekum
WANTED Young man to learn barber
trade. Steady; union shop. Call 832 Misa
Isslpp'l ave.. city.
YOUNG man wishes position, will consider
anything, experienced in all . kinds of
painting. AR 56S, Oregonlart;
COVTMAKER Steady work. $10 and up. D.
I. Peters. Walla Walla. Wash.
PHOTO agent; extra commissison paid; new
offer. Boston Studio. 342 j Wash, st.
PHOTO solicitors, new offer. Diamond ring
free Sarony Studio. 816 Si Morrison.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor, Xmas
'number, liberal commission. 26S Madison.
WANTED At once, two men, studio, 2'.1H
Morrison St.; no experience needed.
STRONG to learn the trade. Apply at 8hee:
Metal Works. 106 North 3d.
PHOTO coupon, best offer; snap for ageota,
Cutberth Studio. 801 Dekum bldg.
BAjBER wanted for Saturday. 206 Madi
son st
FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailors wanted. Tom
Gallagher. 301 Northwest bldg. '
BOY' wanted for office work and as mes
senger, o.m. vrrKunmn.
42 iN. JO St.
210 COMMUW w -AL'i it bi.u1..
WANTED Experienced tailor. Sam'l Ros
enblatt ft-Co.. 8d and Morrison.
I WANT a competent watchmRker at
John R. Allison. Prosser. Wash.
WANTED Laboratory man at once. New
York Dentists.
BARBER wanted, 221 Madison St.
YOUNG woman for phonograph parlors
wanted at once. One experienced in the
demonstration and salo of Victor-Vlctrolas
and Columbia Grafonola records. Apply
at superintendent's office, 6th floor. The
Meier & Frank Store.
WANTED Lady of pleasant manner, ad
dress and refinement to do some profit
able outside work of a pleasant nature,
with or without experience; a good chanoe
for ambitious woman to make a success.
Call at room 3S0 Multnomah Hotel, bet.
10:;l0 to 12. ami 1 to 3.
314 Selling bldg.
Wanted first-class hotel help to regis
ter with us ;also lady checker. Hicks sys
tem, first-class cooks, second girl, sev
eral good general housework places. Main
CAMP cook, $00.
Family cook. $40.
2 waitresses (out of city). $30.
Cook. 3 men. $30 and $30.
345 'i Wash. St.. room 7.
WANTED Girl for ireneral housework in
small family. Must oe neat ano a
cook. Excellent home for the right girl.
Prefer a country girl. Salary $20.00 per
month, paid promptly at end. of month.
Apply to R 601. Oregonian.
tup nnme.Mn Service TtiiTeau. 306 Centra
b'dB-. receives dally calls from tne best
of homes tor competent, reliable girls for
general housework, gooks, second work
and nurse maids.
WANTED A young woman for dictaphone
or stenographic work at Reed College.
Apply at 426 Ablngton building, Friday
between 11 and 12 o'clock, or write Reed
College, box 1190.
A TELEPHONE company desires the serv
ices of a lady, private branch exchange
instructor, who is experienced and thor
oughly fauclliar with every detail of this
work. R "02, Oregonian.
WANTED A middle-age lady to work In
stand In market afternoons and all cay
Saturday. Public Market, First and Wash
ington. J. H. Perclval.
LADY solicitors, see Mr. James, to 12,
418 Mohwnk bldg., 3d and Morrison. We
have permanent, well - paying . position
NURSEGIRL; must be over 16 years old
and willing to do some work; wages $1-.
w ith room and board. Apply 170 N. 22d
St., after 3 o'clock.
WANTED Lady bookkeeper for steady pos
ition. Give references and previous ex
perience. Salary $10.00 per week. AB
004, Oregonian.
WANMD-Air experienced piano player for
picture show; prefer one who can slug;
give address and telephone number.
062. Oregonian!
EXPERIENCED cutter and litter, also help
ers: only those occustomed to first-class
worK neeq appiy. im
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework must be good cook. 794
Irving. A 112. M. 8235.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 600 Roth-
child bide- 4tl and Washington.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, second
girls, chambermaids, nurses. St. Louis
Agency, 253 ii Alder. Main 2039, A 477o.
FIRST-CLASS, experienced checker. Hicks
svstem, ationce; steady position to right
party. V 5U2. Oregonian.
Washington bldg., 270"t Washington St.,
near 4th. phone Main 8836 or A 326a
AGOOD reliable girl or woman for general
housework; three In family. Call or write,
Mrs. W. H. Goold. Mllwaukle.
WANTED Experienced "ill. general house
work ; good cook and capable of taking
entire charge; references. .146 32d St. N.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers; good
, wages; steady employment. Coff man's, 43
Front St.
EXPERIENCED finishers on ladies' cloaks
wanted. Tom Oallagher, Sol Northwest
AT ONCE Ladies for dramatic perform
ance; experience not necessary. Apply 387
Yamhill, worn 5. .
GOOD performers, theatrical company, re
hearsing today. CIO EUers bldg. New
York Theatrical Agency.
WANTED Kii'st-chvss experienced help In
cur ladles' alteration dept. Ben Selling,
leading clothier.
WANTED School girl or woman to assist
with housework In exchange for good
home. C 1172. Our Alberta
COMPETENT hair dresser, nianicurer and
hair worker. Rosenthal Sisters. 110 7th.
ALTERATION heiu wanted. 415 Washing
ton St.; only experienced need apply.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur and gardener;
city references. AN 573, regonian.
Gil; Lo wanted In book bindery. Apply Lin
coln McCord Co., 213 Washington st.
WANTED Ladies who can whistle well
for vaudevlle stunt. S 565, Oregonian.
GIRL to assist with housework In small
family. OSH Otli, corner Grant st.
MAN and wife to board, where wife can as
sist a few hours a day to pay. East 3400.
GlftL for general housework; small family;
good wages. 0S6 Tillamook.
GIRL for cooking and general housework.
518 East 26th North. East 1102.
HOME of Feminald Co.. 513 Dekum bldg.
Representatives wanted; lucrative position.
VijI'.NO auy stenographer and cashier. AF
:1 1. Ortgoninn.
WANTED Coat and skirt hands, ladles'
dept. R. M. Gray, 4th and Morrison
GIRL for general housework, 692 Hancock
St., Irvington.
WANTED Young lady for waitress. 26 N.
Fourth sl
GIRL for mornings- HI Russell st.
LEARN shorthand, your choice of either
system. Gregg or pitman. Call or write
Pacific Coat Telegraph Institute, Com
monwealth building. Portland, Oregon.
F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 816 Journal bidg. M. 4835.
AMATEURS wanted for Monday nights;
prize given. Liberty Theater, 88 X. 6th st.
MEN wanted; your opportunity; operating
taught by experienced electrician and
chief operator. 2oth century methods; ac
tual practice and training given In a mo
tion picture theater; best reference. Rex
Moving Picture Operator school, 804 Alls
ky bldg., 3d and Morrison.
100 MEN and worn nto learn the barber
trade In eight' weeks, in all its modern
methods; send for catalogue, tools free;
learn a trade that you can get In business
for yourself. Moler Barber College, 35 N.
4th st.
to learn to operate moving -picture ma
chines Easy inside work. short hours.
602 Buchanan bldg., Wash., bet. 4 and 5.
RAILWAY mall and P. O. clerks' examina
tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up
to $1800. Prepare. Free book. Pacific
States Schooi, McKay bldg., Portland. Or.
RAILWAY mail clerks, $90 month; Fort
. land examinations coming soon; coaching
free. Frauklin Institute. Dept. 330W.,
Rochester, N. Y!
SHOHTH4ND teacher would like a few pri
vate students for evening class, will give
voung lady room and Instruction very rea
80nableAB 553. Oregonian.
OAK. -
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
in ft weeks position guaranteed. Oregon
III O . , .' n-m XlaHlenn mt
Barber u"pb' -J--- --"'-""
GIRL to learn hair-dressing manicuring,
face ana scai-J . . . . . '- -
ttintED 2 men to learn driving and re-
ljH Hawthorne ave.. East Side.
MAKE money writing short stories or for
newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells
how. United prets Synd. D 3. Ban Fran'co.
Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. 642
Hamlltor. bldg. Marshall 420S.
FIVE slrls to learn business. 400 Dekum
SHORTH A.ND typewriting school. 261 14th
st. Main 3393. Expert Instruction $5 mo.
Learn moving-picture operating; $25 to
$40 per week: easy Inside work; short
hours; dav and evening classes. Call and
see us before making arrangements else
where. Lessons reasonable. N. Y. MOV
ington Bl., lietti . . tn
WE TEACH YOn A TRADE In lew months'
time; pay wages after second month: eiec
tricitv, automoMles, piumbing. bricklay
ing: j.C'0 satistled workmen today: 40 Jobs
going; catalogue free. United Trade School
Contracting Co.. Los Angeles.
WANTED Picture-play writers; big p
ell teach you: free Information. Plcturs
Play Association. D 3, San Francisco.
MEN wanted, to learn automoWle repairing
and driving. Pacific Garage. 266 ilth st.
MAN and wife want work, orchard, farm
or other work. AB 831. Oregonian.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
YOUNG man of 24, good stenographer, un
derstands bookkeeping, experienced, high
school education, wants permanent posi
tion; moderate salary; excellent recom
mendations. AC 690. Oregonian.
up books. prepare balance and slats
ments. install systems. GUIlngham, au
ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717
POSITION desired with good reliable firm
bv voung man. thoroughly conversant with
accounting, bookkeeping, advertising and
general secretary work, a poj, urcggiimu
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and
general office man: ten years experience;
best city references; willing to start In at
reasonable salary. AN 509. Oregonlan.
HIGHLY competent stenographer and book
keeper will accept moderate salary for
immediate work. Phone Marshall 609.
YOUNG man, age 20, wishes work evenings
and Saturdays: could keep books. Ac
61HJ. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced. well rec
ommended, desires employment. Marshall
MAN and wife want work together; man
A-l cook, waiter or manager; wife wait
ress, pantry or cook's helper; hotel, res
taurant, camp, ranch or boat: we have
no children and will go anywhere: 15
years' experience: best references. Cail or
address W. H. Fuhrman, room 7, The Del
aware, 20j Grand ave. and E. Burnside
SITUATION wanted Engineer desires a
position where a strictly sober and com
petent man Is to be considered. Hold
chiefs u. S. Marine, license. AM 603,
Oregonlan. .
CAPABLE, energetic clerk, good penman,
accurate, wanted In office large corpora
tion; good position to right man; state
qualification, salary, etc. In own writing.
AN 572. Oregonian.
YOUNG man of 22,. speaking Scandinav an.
English and German languages, desires
employment as clerk In either wholesale
or retail store; best references. AL i.
YOUNG man attending Holmes' Business
College dtslres a place to work for his
room a:id board outside of school hours.
Call Main 513. A 2054.
SINGLE man. 27 years of age. college legal
education, wishes to learn business. Saiary
secondary consideration. AB 565, Oregon
ian. ,
C 1 V H . engineering graduate, ten years' ex
perience various engineering lines, desires
position, small capital If required; ref
ferenres. Y 559, Oregonian.
ATTORNEY with experience In real estate
and commercial law. wishes to associate
. w ith abstract company, corporation or
firm. Address P. O. Box 247.
COOK and helper, married couple, want
situations, hotel or camp. Edward Shaw,
95 10th st. Phone Main 5414.
WANTED A position by first-class experi
enced snlesman, can manage salesmen also.
Have best credentials. AM 60", Oregonian.
ELDERLY man. good orchardist and gar
dener, references, handy around house.
5 094. Oregonlan. '
CONSTRUCTION work; superintendent-foreman,
or office work; first-class man. R.
F. D- No. 84. Mllwaukle. Or.
MOVING-PICTURE operator wants -position,
all machines, city or country. AT 62, Ore
FIRST-CLASS Japanese waiter wants posi
tion in family, boarding and cafe. AO
5S0. Oregonian.
EXPERT pianist would like steady position
evenings. Address C. S. Mitchell, 532
East 37th St.. city.
WANTED Work as fireman, engineer, barn
man or nightwatchman : good references.
t:aii 1. Btreet. jyiuiu i o-
JAPANESE wants position for few hours
early every morning, or by the day. K
.. l . oregonian.
HONEST Japanese wants position; has ex
perience general housework. AO 3i8, Ore
MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position
capaoie cioins repami'i..
eiemnlarv habits. G 540. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants position, housework and
... . .11. I nlt.fhT. A VI 111 I
waiting on taoie, iiiini-rit-.iv.j.
YOUNG man. 20 years old, wants work
where there Is chance for advancement. K
50S. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants a school
boy on the Bast Side city. AM 006. Ore-
DRUGGIST of experience, thoroughly quali
fied, would like good position. AO 573.
WANTED Position by good, all-around
chef. In or out of city: references fur
nished. AL C75. Oregonlan
MAN. age 22. wants work, handy with tools.
AE 640. Oregonian.
GIRL wanted In real estate office. 322
Henry bldg.
W ANTED Work by the day by German
man and w!fo. woodlawn 1053.
POSITION as moving-picture operator, coun
try town preferred. C 581, Oregonian,
WANTED Janitor, porter, elevator or laun-
dry work. Main 5089.
JAPANESE boy wants position housework.
AO 577, Oregonian
CONTRACTS wanted for wood cutting and
land clearing. Phone Main 3203 or A 1291.
Bookkeepers and Stenograph
WANTED Position In real estate office.
general work, wltn some ncnutniiu) o.--.
typewriting; moderate saiary. AC vJi,
YOUNG ladv wants position as stenographer,
two years' study of shorthand, typewriting
and "bookkeeping; references as to char
acter, pnone Main o.f-io.
COMPETENT stenographer, assistant -bookkeeper,
several years' experience lumber
business. Main 5652.
COMPETENT, reliable stenographer wishes
permanent position; can assist on books.
A K 6-I7. Oregonian. ;
YOUNG ladv, 8 years' experience, bookkeep
er and cashier, desires permanent posl
tion. AB 547. Oregonlan.
YOUNG woman desires position In any kind
of clerical work: six years with New York
nrm; quica, reiiamp- " -J viv.
WANTED Set of books to keep half day
or less; experienced bookkeeper. Y 646,
STENOGRAPHER with experience in gen-
. . . j .. . -.1. .lannB nniltlnlt Ullflfl
erai omoe " 1,1 ' . '
recomnienuaiiuii. i ..j j,.
tencea, . aeairea I J. .vn.
curate, jianwnii ' '
EXPERIENCED stenographer, $30 month.
Marsnuu io.
YOUNG lady ( would Ilka clerical
work. V 563. Oregonlan.
position; competent. moor i..-i
CASHIER wants positionat once, hotel or
restaurant. jim.--ubwi h i.
! 7 Dressmakers.
RELIABLE dressmaker can take few more
customers by day or week. Main 70S2, A
EXPERIENCED dressmaking, prices reason-
. . ko.o n- .nil W. T t h find
aDie. r nunc -- - -- -
Taylor. Cody apts.. R 34.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking: reasonable
prices. 402 tiiicnanan uiub-
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. reasonable
orioes. 410 5th St., Apt. 7. A 2163.
DRESSMAKING and alterations; reasonable:
Thone A 2793. 388 5th. -
PRACTICAL nurse, care for sick and do
light housework. Main 5041.
HOUSEKEEPER, competent young woman
wishes to keep house for respectable peo
ple; win do cooking or general work, city
or country. T 004. Oregonlan.
TRAINED nurse would like care of hil-
J ". - . . .. .. , ..lirr
dren, nignesi reici cutoi. -
AV 4 ureawiw"
YOUNG woman ' wants position as house
keeper for 3 or more men, city or coun
try. AD 568. Oregonlnn- '
W ANTED By refined woman, position as
housekeeper for furnished apartment
house: good reference, jae- poo. oreBwii"
girl 13, desireB
housekeeping, coomus.
Main -'..f . a
WOULD like to keep house for -some one.
country preferred. 229 ',4 2d st. room 9.
A WIDOW, nilddie-aged, would like situa
tion as housekeeper in rooming-house or
widower's home; best of reference. Call
Nordica Apmts., room 31.
POSITION as working housekeeper or
chambermaid, by thoroughly competent,
reliable.- middle-aped woman; first-class
references. A 5306. .
REFINED woman. 40. desires situation.
. housekeeper In gentlemun's home, city.
St. Louis Agency. 203 Vs Alder. Main 2039.
WIDOW, age 39. would like position as
housekeeper. Main 8312
YOUNG girl who is employed during tnc
day wants place In private family where
she may assist with work morning and
evening for her boarts and room; We&t
Side preferred. Catholic Woman's League,
Main 2101. A 29HH.
VERY capable woman desires situation,
chamber work; references. Main 2039,
A 4775.
COMPETENT girl (Scotch) would like place
as second girl. V 504, Oregonian.
WANTED By middle-aged woman position
as housekeeper, cook in hotel or camp
cook; good cook ulid manager. AC 6bd.
TWO women want positions as cooks in
logging camp or housekeepers In respect
able widower's home; triflers need not
call. Phono Tabor 3803.
L. O. L. M. and K. O. T. M- of the World
widowed sister in distress: immediate at-
1 tcntlon is necessary to procure employ
ment. AM 598.J- Oregonian.
ATTRACTIVE, fine-appearing, efficient bus
iness woman of 30, experienced hotel wom
an, but can fill any other position of re
sponsibility. Call Main 3334.
CHAMBER or Janitor work wanted by a
- widow; can give reference. Mrs. Larson.
Tel. East 227U.
EXPERIENCED waitress or upstairs work.
Apply to 347 Ross St. Phone East 20J.
LACE curtains, draperies, blankets laun
dered by expert. 20c up. Tabor 317
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work wants position. 734 Lovejoy.
GOOD reliable girl wants place to assist with
housework. Call 708 Front.
A G1KL wishes general housework. Ca.l
Main 47.67.
IF YOU want a woman that can clean your
rooms, phone Muin 718.
MANICURING, 'facial and scalp treatments
by specialist. 300 '2 Morrison, room 2.
CAPABLE woman, day work, washing. Iron
ing, cleaning. Main 2039. A 4775.
EXPERIENCED lady -cook wishes place In
camp or country hotel. Y 557. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wants light housework. T 006,
WANTED Day work. Phone E. 13S9.
THE Hugro electric iron Is getting agents
the money. If you. are looking for a
money-maker, - write for particulars. The
Hugro Mfg. CO., Chicago, 111.
WANTED Book picture photo agents; new
holiday offer; snap. 801 Dekum bldg.
I WILL rent your house, bungalow or flats
for you. Don't delay; leave key at my of
fice. "Anderson, the Rent Man." Nation
al Realty & Trust Co., 72.1 Chamber of
Commerce bldg. I'hone Main 5129.
Thone Main 3353. store.
A 5615. apartment.
MAYS-REED CO.. 207 Railway Exchange.
WANTED New 0-room bungalow or cot
tage, completely furnlMied, Including lin
en and silver. Rent must be reasonable and
on carllne. Address 129 E. Water. E. 5322.
WANTED Sm-ll furnished house. Haw
thorne district preferred. Phone Main
LIST your houses for rent with Wagner
Hunt. They're young and alive. 435
Chamber of Commerce.
5 OR 6-room untiiriiisrij.ed cottage or bunga.
low, close In. Main 08;fK
2 SUNNY rooms for housekeeping, with
modern conveniences in East Portland, for
couple and one child of 4, near carllne.
State price. ' Mrs. Wilson, Irwin Apts.,
St. Johns.
Business I" laces.
WELL established, lilgh-class retail house
wants desirable location, frontage not less
than 30 nor more than 50 feet, approx
imately 12,000 square feet of floor space.
Address AL 673, Oregonian.
Uurulsued ltooniK,
Cor. lith and Stark Sis.
One Block North of Washington St.
White pressed brick bldg., strictly mod
ern, steam heat, hot and cold water and
telephone in every room; electric elevator,
lobby, 36 private baths, right in the heart
of retail district, close to all theaters;
special rates to permanent guests; rooms
from $4 per week up; our specialty plonty
of heat and hot water day and night.
CAPLES HOTEU 300 Taylor Street
An unequaled combination of conven
ience and comfort. Most moderate rates In
city; new brink, latest Ideua in construc
tion and equipment; close in. no carfaro
unexcelled reputation; outside rooms with
private bath from S3 per woek. We have
cheaper rooms with detached bath. If
you want real value, come and seo them.
Daily rates.
On Fourth St., running from Salmon to
Taylor sts. In the heart of the city.
Brand new brick with all modern conveni
ences. Offering special rates to permanent
. T. nn. ' -.rt n,.,. ,1'l.aU 11)1.
gllOnlS. rwOIIIB .lull. TU.u'i J.". i"
Tourist trade solicited. mve us
and you will look no further.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill; recently opened; every modern con
venience; conducted above reproach: plen
ty of hot water and heat; braufiful lobby
and parlor; rates $17.50 up; $22.00 and up.
Willi ptHttlP pan.. - . ......
UUlalus ituuiaa, e--uo
All newly furnished, clean as wax; well
heated; also large suites with two beds,
$4 and up; also housekeeping rooms, sin
gle and ell suite. $2.30 and up. Hotel
CadillaCj 3d St., near Jefferson. Desirable
people only.
126 13th St., at Wash.
Rooms with detached bath, $3.00 to f!S
per week; rooms with private hath, f-2.,.0
to $"7.00 per month; a first-class residen
tial hotel under the personal management
of the owner. J. W. Huhong.
131 Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building; steam-heated-
private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
One block from Union Depot. 140 out
side rooms, with all modern conveniences.
Making special rates to permanent guests.
Rates from $10 per month up. Give ua a
call and you will be more than pleased.
128 N. 6th st.
HOTEL LA SALLLE. loth and Burnside sts
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private bath, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates by the mouth.
Phone Marshall 404a
12th and Washington.
Special inducements to permanent pro
pie on $4 a week rooms; steam heat, hot
and cold water and good service; same
management as last Winter. .
150 Park st.; very central; European and
American plan; homelike service In dining
room at reasonable price; $1 European,
$2 American. Special rates per week.
105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room: $1 day ana up: ween n uu.
HOTEL RENWICK Ideal home for busi
ness people: centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences: 7th and
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel.
opposite Hellig Theater. Main 91 fl.
MILTON HOTEL, corner 1st and Madison
Hot water at all hours; popular prices;
special arrangement for steady guests.
Phone Main 8006.
HOTEL STANDISH. 043tt Wash. St. Re
modeled, opened under new management;
clean sunny, outside rooms with running
hot and cold water. $10 per month up.
New strictly modern, private baths and
suites- rooms $3.50 per week up. M. 9472.
THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished
rooms modern, beat, bath, close business
center; rates $2.25 per week up.
HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished
rooms with all modern conveniences. 6th
end Main.
iiA1.fl. TT! 11 C. T. I IV
Under new management; attractive suites,
single rooms; reasonable. 573 Wash st.
THE LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2
week and up; brick Mdg.: steam heat ; hot
and cold water; bath, phone, electricitj.
NICELY furnished rooms at St. Marks Ho
tel. 392 H E. Burnside st.. for $2 and up.
LADY" wants lady roommate, - best hotel In
city. S 564, Oregonian.
Under new management.
620 Washington street.
Large lobby finished In mahogany, ti.a
nnd marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant
fireplace- free telephone service in roorv. s
all night' and duy. el-ctrlc elevator, .cam
heat, hot and cold water In all rooms,
maiiv with bath, A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort Is mule f'-r
the comfort and convenience of its guest-.;
runts the most reasonable in Uie city;
rooms by the day, week or month. I.o.i.i
this over before locotlng. Take "W car
at depot, get off at luth and Washington.
4th and Alder streets.
New reinforced concrete building, under
new management. Why not huve a room
right down town? They are well fur
nished, right in the business center "t
the cuv. All have hot and cold water,
many with baths and all other modern
conveniences. Prices most reasonable by
month, week or day. Investigate befora
locating. Any ear from depots pass with
in one block of hotel. .
2nd and Yamhill, centrally located, out
side rooms. $3 per week and up. Hot ana
coid water, phono each room, free bath.
Elevator service. Main 8726.
turnithed Rooms In Private Umily.
$8 per mouth and up; furnace heat, tele
phone, baths, etc;, nico cosy rooms. West
Side. 684 Glisan St. Phone Marshall
c'i.EAN. nicely well-heuted room,
bain mijotiifng; furnace heat, elect rie
Unhts and phone; walking distance; rea
sonable. 94 North lt'.th st.'
UNUSUALLY desirable room, private, steam
heaed, home ecuiveuienees. privileges. Apt.
K. 780 Irvington st. Call mornings, A
LARGE front bedroom, walking distance,
heat, phone, bath. 328 Chapman st. ii
a week.
NICELY furnished room, from $2 up week,
ly; easy walking distance; phone. Cuj
Washington st
NICELY furnished front room, close In,
suitable for one or two gentlemen. Call
after 6 P. M. or Sundays. 3-3 Main at.
WUI.L furnished room, also uttio roo.n;
modern home. 5S9 Flanders. - Marshall
3677; w
ONE room private family: modern conven
iences Broadway or Irvington car. 408 E.
10lh St. N.
PLEASANT front room, hot water, heat and
Lath at all times. 474 Clay. .Men pre
lerred. Main 3211.
NICELY furnihsed room for gentleman, wjth
private fair.ii:., home privilege. $10 a
mouth, phone Main 8128. 4il4 Jel'tersou.
LARGE room, modern, new furniture, close
In. no furnished room signs. 662 CUsan
JiiCB furnished steum heated room in aot.
house; special price to party with piano.
S 062, Oregonlan.
226 N. 1STH, one nieeiy furnished room
with sleeping porch, all conveniences, mou- t
ein Hat. M. 747. '
ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking dis
tance. 21.9 14th St. Main 3893.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room, walking dis
tnnce. Phone Marshall 8903.
-ATTRACTIVE room in modern
dence. 11 E. 9th. East 143.
FLKN1SHKD rooms, bath and phone, fur-nac-a
n-ai. 427 Montgomery St.
$2.00 WKIilv. ii"Wly furnished front room,
hent. bath, close In. 402 Ot Ik
212 1 1 T!l, near Salmon Nice front room;
heat, bath. r.hono.
416 'i'A Y LOK- Pleasant, warm room, cloa
in; very tiepli-Hble; reHsonaM. Main 12-6.
LARGE front room. WcBt Side, private fam
ily. Phone M. 4 134.
WELL-FURNISH ED front room, modem,
reasonable. 39 N. l"th. near Washington.
$2.00 PER week, for very neat sleeping
room. 268 12th st.
N t. A 1. Y fiiruisned room: furnace heat, bath.
phone: $tf.5 week. ."6t 12th St.
siiuim Wltbj iioaro.
Select Family Hotel.
Now under former mansgemenL
Special rates to families: t.esirabie rooms,
excellent tabio. 11th snd Y'smhIII sta
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITS
HALL, cor. 6 and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda; quiet, close In, .near
car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
064 COUCH ST.; well furnished outside
rooms, steam heat, running water, soon
board, walking distance, reasonable.
POftTLAN D:0BN-6 UNION, 24th yoar
rooms with board, use of sewing-rootn. li
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilsun. sup.
MANITOU. 261 13th st. Attractive, clesn
roonis, steam heat, good board. clos In.
CASA UOSA Furnished rooms, with boaid;
3U0 Jeffeldon St.
Kuuims "v7tulioard In Private fa-nlly.
DESIRABLE rooms for business men and
women, hot and cold water in rooms, bath
ami shewer adjoining, sleeping porches,
home cooking flue neighborhood. i'-j
Prospect Drive. Portland Heights. M 10ji.
References required.
ROOMS In modern npai tment-liouse. fire
proof, steam heat, elevator. $2.00 up; flrst
claas board U dcslrd. The Leeds, 210
Market at. Marshall 3597.
NICE, clean, airy rooms, with or without
board: good home cooking: bath, liglits,
phone -Main 4791. Tiirms reasonable. 4f5
West 1'ark st.
FIRST-CLASS room ajid board for 2 In
private home. 169 North 21st. Main
VERY" pretty front room, one or Iwo people,
and smaller room, with board; walking
distance. Main 3280.
NEWLY' furnished frunt room In modern
homo, board if desired, wnlking distance.
349 Multnomah st. East 4491.
WOULD like to give room and board to one
child, age 3 to 6; best of care; reasonable.
l'hon'e C 2994.
GOOD place to board for man and wlto,
where wife can assist u few hours a day
to pay her board. East 34-0.
WARM room and excellent hoard in private
home for lady or gentleman. 551 E. Mau.
ion. near F-. 1 3 th.
TWO large rooms in ino.lern home: very de
sirable, close in; board If desired. 605
Everett St.. near 20lh. Marshall 2f20.
WELL furnished rooms, tilth board; near
Lincoln High ijchool; comfortable au.J
bomcllke: reasonable. 321 West Puk st.
ROOM and board for 2 young ladies and 2
voung men. close In; private family.
plione M. 3615.
UK AUTIFI'L front rooms, hot and roM
water, .ill conveniences, with or without
board. 270 IN. IMIli HI.
GOOD board anil rooms. Main 6979; best
references required.
ROOMS with or without bnard good hoin.
cooking, nome priviius". -. i'm -
NEAT, pleasant rooms, single or en sulta.
Wltn Doaru. oow "ii".
MODERN rooms, all conveniences, excellent
board. A 7230. 204 N. 22d st.
i(iipi.EASANT front room, all new. rood
. em conveniences. S 171h. near Everett
ROOM with first-class board for 2 gentle-
men. Reasonable. 600 E. Morrison.
ROOM and board, with furnace heat, for one
gentleman. 64 N. 16th, corner Davis.
Apart ineuts.
Portland's most exclusive apartment
house, elegantly furnished .4-room apart
ments, with large porch overlooking tne
entire city; all large, bright ounldo roonis.
Comer 3d an.l Hall, newly furnished. 2
room apartments, building new and strict,
ly modern; large outside kitchens, service
flrst-clats ; eay walking dim ance.
RENT free, four modern 3-room apart
ments. West Side; to the right party I
will rent the whole building for $65 per
month. P1-. nc A 1942. Owner, 720 Board
of Trade bldg.
KEELER APTS.. 14th and Cluy: beautiful
8 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, nw
nrtrK c qe. eiecwo; t".."'"'. - - - -
2-ronm apartments: new brick building!
new furniture Mars'iall H608.
2 8 AND 4 well-furnished rooms. very
'cheap; choice location suitable for men.
Mailt 4070.
LOVEJOY APMTS.. 17lh and Lovejoy. Mam
Two and tbree-rooni furnished, mod
ern. IHB MEREDITH. 712 Washington st.. near
ly furnished 2, S and 4-room apts. Bast
service. Cheapest rent In city. New msr.
THE King-Davis. 04 King t. N.. nr. Wash.
High-class; references. Both phones.
THE BRYN-MAWP. APTS., 185 E. 10th, near
Yamhill; 4 and 5-room apts.. with porch.
$ 30 Well furnished apartment. 3 rooms
and private bath. Main 3662. 648 Thurinan.