NOVEMBER 22, 1912. RILEY RESIGNS AS CAPTAIN OF POLICE Acting Official Complains of Low Efficiency Rating Given Him by Slover. LYON MAY FILL VACANCY In Civil Service Examination Chief Recommend Him With Mark of 70 Keller Gets 100 Tjyon and Craddoclt 5. On the ground tkat' therein for fflclency given him by Cnte? Sloyer in the recent examinations for tne position of captain of police was Bucn that he could not with dignity retain his command, of the first night relief, Acting Captain Riley announced yes terday that he would return to his rank of sergeant, beginning today. The announcement, when made to the mem bers of bis relief, caused surprise and the retiring captain was cheered ve hemently for the stand he took. Under the civil service rules, the Chief of Police gives a rating to the various candidates, which at the max imum is given a relative weight of 40 in the hundred in the final markings. Thus, if a candidate receives 100 for efficiency. 40 points are added to his standing, and if he receives 50, 20 points are added. Keller Gets Perfect Rating Chief Slover gave Joseph Keller the perfect rating of 100. Sergeant Lyon and Detective Sergeant Craddock re ceiving 95. Riley, Sergeant Casey and Record Clerk Circle were given 70. The three rated highest by the Chief stood at the head of the examination list, while any of the others, with a rating as high, would have been contenders. Riley takes the stand that he has for many months commanded the most Important of the three reliefs, without criticism, and that in fairness he was entitled to as high a rating as the others, or else should have been re lieved long since. He placed the mat ter thus before Chief Slover yesterday and announced that he would serve no longer as acting captain. He says his superior pressed him to remain, but he closed the discussion, by ask ing to have some other officer placed in charge of the relief tonight. Vacancies in the rank of captain have been a source of scandal ever since Chief Slover was elevated to that rank to take the position of acting chief, and Sergeant Keller was ap pointed to fill the temporary vacancy, with the pay of a captain. Hem Refuse to Withdraw. An examination was held, at which Circle, Riley and Inskeep passed high est and were therefore eligible to ap pointment, while Keller was seventh on the list. An effort was made to have those between him and the eli gible three withdraw their claims, so that lie could be appointed, but they refused, and it was then discovered that there was no vacancy existing. Slover still being a captain in fact, and Keller was retained. Later Captain Bailey was suspended, and eventually resigned, and Sergeant Riley was appointed to fill the tem porary vacaney. At the end of a year the eligible list expired and a new ex amination was called. It is openly charged around police headquarters that the Questions were so framed that there could be no slip, and Keller, with the advantage of a 100 rr cent rating and of the nature of the ques tions, was sure of becoming eligible. It was general gossip long before the examination that Lyon would fall into the other vacancy. Keller's Showing Good. One of the questions in the examina tion was: "Name the 10 worst crimin als captured by you, with the disposi tion of their cases." Keller, having command of the second night relief, when a majoritw of such men are cap tured, and being taken into all impor tant arrests by the officers under him. was able to make a better showing than any other candidate. No changes were announced at police headquarters yesterday, but it is thought probable that Lyon will be assigned to Riley's place today and Riley will return to one of the reliefs as a sergeant. POULTRY CLUB PROJECTED Men, Women and Children Eligible to Xew Y. 31. C. A. Organization. Org-atiization of a poultry club, open to men. women and children, has been decided upon by the educational de partment of the Toung Men's Christian Association. A series of poultry lec tures was begun several weeks ago by the T. M. C A. and these will be con tinued, but in addition a club will be formed to meet every Saturday night. Organization of the club will be ef fected and officers elected at an open meeting in room 309 of the Y. M. C. A. building tomorrow night. A textbook course will be taken up and especial attention will be paid to the subject of co-operative marketing. Several interesting features are be ing planned for the lecture nights, which will be set monthly. Among the speakers will be H. H. Collier, member of the executive committee of the National Foultrymen's Association, and Miller Purvis, editor of a poultry journal, who will be in Portland to judge the poultry show next month. A novelty will be the exhibition of a reel of moving pictures of poultry, loaned to the V. M. C. A. by the Ore gon Agricultural College. A collection of poultry books from the Public Library will be Installed in the 7. M. C. A, which already has a branch library made up of books used in the religious work classes. A. com petitive poultry exhibit will be made In January by the club members. Membership in the club Is open to the public, and the monthly lectures may be attended by everyone, whether mem bers of the club or not. 15-YEAR-OLD BOY MISSING Son of Sirs. Henry Northrop Dis appears in Chicago. Police of three Paciflo Coast cities re searching for Valford E. Weithoff, a 15-year-old boy, son of Mrs. Henry JCortbrop, of 394 Salmon street. The lad dropped out of sight after leaving a railroad train at Chicago November 6. Detective Hawley has been assigned to the Portland end of the case, and appeals to the police at Seattle and Los Angeles have been heeded In those cities. Presuming that her son was en his way to join her. Mrs. Northrop does not know what city he may have started for. as her movements at tne tirr.e sne were uncertain. Her husband Is in the employ of the Ellers Music House, Estrangement continuing after being divorced, caused a total discontinua tion of communication between Mrs. Northrop and H. E. Weithoff. her form er husband, a resident of Columbus, Ind.. and since last Christmas she has heard nothing from her son. At that time the movements of the Norttarops were so Indefinite that the boy, if in search of his mother, would not know which way to direct his travels. After the disappearance Mr. Weithoff wrote to Mrs. Northrop, on the theory that she was concealing their son. but on being assured that such was not the case, wrote again, resigning all claim to his custody in her favor, and waiv ing any action on account of the boy's taking $160 from his father's house. "I am dreadfully worried," said the mother yesterday, "for fear something has happened to my son. He is an ac complished violinist and able to sup port himself that way, but I feel sure that he is somewhere in the West, look ing for me. COURTS ARE DISCUSSED Book Offered by The Oregonian Tells of Government Methods. The discussions in Congress and in the newspapers concerning the Com merce Court, as to whether or not it shall be abolished, naturally create general interest in. the Federal judi ciary system. Comparatively few per sons fully understand the great changes Headquarters for 2?X Green Trading Stamv Premiums-In the Auditorium on Fourth Floor Free Lessons in Yarn Knitting and Crochet Work, V to 13 ana x to o vauy-aecunu nuur TAKE LCTCH IN OUR BEAUTIFUL FOURTH-FLOOR TEA ROOM. Shop Early Olds, Wortman & King "The Daylight Store" "The Sanitary Store" "The Fresh Air Store; IS MAXICI'RIXO AMI HAIR-DnKSSI.tJ PAHIOHS OJT THE SECO.D FLOOR Shop Early STAMPS REDEEMED HERE! "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps will be redeemed here, no matter where you may have col lected them. - Thousands of beau tiful gifts to choose from here. 35c Neckwear at 25c Main floor A great Friday sale of an immense lot of women's dainty Neckwear. All the very newest effects in Robespierre, rolling or O high collars, stocks, frills, etc.; 35c vals.,' Always asfc for "S. & H-" Green Trading Stamps Ceofu2rt 1 & Retail M Shopping &K 65c Veilings for 17c Main floor Remarkable offering of imported Mesh "Veilings in leading shades, such as brown, navy, wine, taupe, purple, alice, etc. Full 1 27 inches wide. Kegular 65e Veilings f or Always ask for "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! It's within your power to help some worthy society, church or charitable institution secure one of the 21 splendid cash prizes in the great $0000.00 voting contest. . , , F ipmni i i Hi l,l l U II II I IITTII-1 1 I Y--- ,; - -f f '' 'I Acting Captain Klley, Who Quits f Command, Saying Chief Underrated Him. ...................... A that have taken place In the system in recent years the establishment of the Commerce Court, the abolition of the old Circuit Courts, and other sweeping changes that were made Jan uary 1, 1912. The only available authoritative statement of the system of Federal courts, as now organized, is that con tained In' the two chapters on the t ed. eral Judiciary In the new book, "The American Government," by Frederic J. Haskln. These chapters, and the one on the Department of Justice, ought to be read by every person who discusses in any way. or who reads or thinks about, the Federal judicial system. In this matter alone air. rtasKins book is of such value that The Ore gonian has won popular approval by giving its readers the opportunity to get this valuable work for only 60 cents and two coupons. Edlefsen guarantees Hiawatha Coal. Wake Up! You Lazy Stomach! Make Your Stomach Cheerfully Do Its Work Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets Digest Your Food and ( Assist the Stomach. People who complain they are worn to a frazzle are nearly always dyspeptic and are recommended to use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. The stomach gets lazy, food ferments and sours, gas belches up, there are symptoms oi bloating, the blood becomes thick and sluggish, the liver is blamed, the head Is heavy, the mind a blank and tne dining-room is a chamber of horrors. One of the greatest evils of our mod ern life is the quick lunch. To this evil, as much or more than any other, may be traced the preponderance of the stomach troubles of our times. In stead of, taking time to thoroughly masticate the food before .swallowing it, the average person rushes through tne meal, bolting the food, deglutition taking place while it is only partially mixed with saliva, and only half mas ticated, thus leaving the stomach to do the work the teeth should have done. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain digestive elements, a single grain being capable of digesting souo grains oi food. Including meats, eggs, gram. vegetables, starches and mineral mat ters. They prepare every particle of food by thorough digestion for ready absorption and assimilation by the lacteal glands, which pass it into tne blood, whence it is conducted to all parts of the system, rebuilding and revitalizing It. Kvery druggist has Stuart s Dyspep sia Tablets in stock and sells them at 50 eents a box. The Special Care AVe give your linen may bring you success be cause of increased self confidence in the knowl edge that you appear at your best, and that a hand ironed shirt evi dences good taste and true economy. Union Laundry Company Main 398 V- $38.50 Tailored Suits at $19.95 Garment Salon second floor. A phenomenal JTiday bale oi women's high-grade tailored suite better values than will find elsewhere at anywhere near so low a price Strictly hand tailored styles coats 32 to 34 inch, lined with splendid grade silk messaline and satins, many with velvet collars, broadcloths and serges in blacks, browns, navy, etc.; novelty mixtures in browns, blues, grays, black and white,- also popular wide wale diagonals. One model in ifimpire eiiect 101 young B" f JJ M Misses. All sizes in the lot. . Values up to o.ou $7 Waists $3.69 j r?nvp Knpninl rmrnhasfl of women's hand some new Waists, on sale Friday at an extremely low price. All the popular models of the season, in chiffons, messalines, brocaded silks, laces, fou lards, taffetas, etc., elaborately trimmed with hand embroidery insertions, silk and velvet bands, fancy buttons, net and lace yokes,, etc. .Robes pierre and Dutch neck collars. Long O fyCk or short sleeves; all sizes. Special at , Dresses at Half Price Second floor. Sensational sale of women's Dresses continues today. Good, serviceable models in serges, charmeuse and novelty checks. "We have all the most desirable of the season's popular colors and styles and they come in all sizes. $15.00 Dresses, Now on special sale at $ 7.50 $18.50 Dresses now on special sale at $ 9.25 $20.00 Dresses now on special sale at SjSlO.OO $22.50 Dresses now on special sale at $11.25 $25.00 Dresses now on special sale at $12.50 $27.50 Dresses now on special sale at $13.75 KID GLOVES Here Today Main Floor. It costs no more to wear good Gloves than to wear those of inferior grades.. Select your holiday gloves here and you'll be more satisfied with results. Kid Gloves $1.25 Pair Women's fine quality kid Gloves, In the popular 2-clasp style. Over seam sewn, with one row stitched backs. Black, white, tan, gray, navy and brown. In fi f O Cf sizes from 5V2 to 8, P PearlCVspGloves $1.75 The latest . novelty for dress or street .wear. One-clasp style, with 4-row black embroidered backs, pique sewn. Colors black, white, tan and cream. Come fi J 7? in all sizes. The pair, P Christmas Ribbons The Ribbon Store Is ready with a bewildering array of the season's latest novelties at lowest prices. Buy your Holiday Ribbons NOW. A Sale of Ribbons by the Bolt Extra quality pure silk and narrow satin Rib bons, all colors. At following reduced prices : No. 1 Ribbon, regular price 14c, bolt, 10 No. 1V Ribbon, regular price 17a, bolt, 12 No. 2 Ribbon, regular price 25cbolt, 18 No. 3 Ribbon, regular price 45c, bolt, 27 Baby Ribbon, 10-Yd.Bolt 7jc Our holiday leader Good quality satin Baby Ribbon, just the thing for tying up holiday packages. (Jome IV yaras to meiytfa cj m mi J9 m bolt.- Supply your needs at, the bolt, 10c Wash Ribbons, at Bolt 6c Ribbon department, main floor Sale of 5000 bolts fancy Wash Ribbons, suitable for holi day use. Come in colors white, blue, pink and lilac; 5-yard bolts, 12c grade, 8 the bolt; regular 10c grade, the bolt, only Women's $2.25 Handbags at 98c If you are thinking of making some friend a Christ- moa nr-PcdTif irvP snmpthino' useful, wfi SUfrcest one of these splendid leather bags. Correct shapesQO and sizes, well made, best $2.25 grade. Special $3.50 Handbags $1.98 Bags of splendid quality and extra well eopstrueted, with strong frames, clasps, etc. Very newest shapes, leathers and J T QO colors; $3.50 vals. at pXeeO $6.50 Handbags $4.98 Any style or leather you may de sire, in this assortment, all the most favored shapes and sizes. Are strictly high-grade, C5 QQ regular $6.50 Bags, WnfWPtl Fierce Litied UndetWeGV 5UC Thousands of yards of Beautiful Cluny Laces in the Irlf (si If 41 3 .IL'-- cnio rnrfav At V. off thfl regular marked mices. An unlimited variety of patterns and widths for your every purpose. Our entire stock is included in this offering; absolutely none win oe reserved, un saie yi g Iff l-v ijr mm Morrison street entrance. Wo- womens uuuei wear ucuiuu, V , " - , , -gih men's fine grade cotton vests and pants good heavy weight tor V all ana Winter wear, fleece-lined. Come in gray or white and to all sizes Vests have high neck and long Bleeves; pants in ankle length. Cf TooHon -nrpnriTKT And nieelv finished garments. Special this saleV rur. uenton varments ouc "Dr. Denton" Sleeping Garments for children, ine knit merino fabric ; soft, elastic and very durable. Made with feet. If your children kick the bed clothes off, give these a trial. Sizes to fit children from 6 months P f T f Women's Union Suits $1.00 Women 's fine ribbed white cotton Union Suits, extra well finished and of splen did wearing quality. Medium weight for present wear. High neck, long or elbow sleeves or low neck, sleeveless and ankle length. Sizes 4, 5 and 6. J )) On sale at, the garment, to 10 . years. At 50c to UQ Blue tit, mo s"., ii fiOr Nazareth Waist Union Suits 35c Main Floor. A great Friday Bargain in Children's Nazareth Waist Union Suits the kind you have always bought at 50c each. Medium weight fine ribbed cotton, with taped buttons and drop seatOT c;a - .fcilH from 2 to 12 years. On sale today, garment JJ Black Pantalets 25c a Pair Children's black Pantalets, very service able for school wear. Fine ribbed, soft cotton, with heavy fleece. Come in sizes for children from 2 to 10 years of age. nnAr-oA nt mothers will buv no other garments. Supply the children's O npeds. todav. a earment, only Women's Union Suits 75c Women's fine cotton ribbed Union Suits in heavy Winter weight. Come in white only. High neck with long or elbow sleeves or low neck with no sleeves. Antla Inno-tli. Handsomely finished and perfect fitting. Complete line 7 if of sizes. Special at, garment, m J today, main floor, Tenth st. entrance, at 65c Embroideries 25c Splendid assortment of dainty pat terns ' in high-grade embroideries for every purpose. JSdges, bands, galoons. insertions and corset cover effects. Best 65o values.Q Cfm $1.75 Motor Veils 98c At the veiling counter, on the main floor. Great Friday special of "Our Leader" motor Veils. Every one knows the quality. They are finished with satin edge. QQp Regular $1.75 values forOl Women's IniVl Kerchiefs 6 for$l Main Moor, near the elevators Women's Fine Qual ity Imported Belfast Linen Handkerchiefs, with neat hemstitched edge and embroidered initial in corner;, put up in an attractive Christmas box; 2 t (( time to do vour Holiday buying! Box of 6 P W v v - - needs, today, a garment, only It of sizes. Special at, garment, f Women's Cotton Hose 3 Pair for 50c Auk for S. fc H.' Trading Stamps. Initial Kerchiefs at 20c Women's finfc initial Handker chiefs of superior quality, hem stitched edge, bordered with Ar menian lace. Dainty embroidered initial in corner. Special O f at three for 50c, or, eachA'v' Child's Initial Kerchiefs Children's pure linen initial Hand kerchiefs, with narrow hemstitched border. Put up 3 in a fancy Xmas box. Supply your Chiistenas needs now while assortments O CZg are complete. The box at Women's and children's Hosiery, main floor, Morrison-street way Women's fast black cotton Hose, seamless, with double garter wen ana ex tra spliced soles, toes and heels. Extra CZflf good wearing quality, all sizes, 3 prs.for Women's Silk Stockings $1 Pair Five standard lines are included in this special offering "Kayser" and "Remember Me" flare top, black, white and full line of street and even- cViaW All sixes in thp. linn. H t l f Exceptional values, special at, pair, V v v "Kayser" Silk Hosiery $1.50 Pr. "Kayser Wonderfoot" Silk Stockings, pure thread silk, with lisle thread lining inside of sole trarter inns. Came in black, white and snlen- did line of the most desirable colors and in all sizes. These jP T Ktorkinirs will e-ive excellent wear. Special at, the pair, -vr Infants' Silk and Wool Stockings 35c Pair . We carry the largest and most complete line of women's, infants' and children's Hose to be found in the city. Good, dependable grades only. Today Infants' fine silk and wool Stockings in medium weight, fine ribbed, seamless. In white and sky, black or tan. Come in Q sizes from 4y2 to 6V2. Supply the baby's needs today at, a pair V Children's "No Mend" Stockings 25c Pair "No Mend" Stockings for boys and girls are true to name. Your hosiery troubles will end with the purchase of the first pair. Fine ribbed dressy hose, absolutely fast black, with linen spliced knees, heels and toes. Guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. Come in sizes from Q 5Vfe to 10. We place them on sale at the low price of, the pair, Children's Fine Cashmere Hose 25c Pair ' Many parents prefer buying cashmere Hose for the children's Winter wear. Today we open a special line of heavy-weight cashmere Hose for boys and girls, in a fine ribbed seamless, with gray merino O f heels and toes. Best to be had for the money; sizes 5y3 to 10, pair Men's $27.50 Overcoats 3 The Most Sensational Offerings of the Season A Friday Sale of Men's High-Cirade Uvercoats mar win crowu the store today. Broken lines of this season's best selling models in long and medium lengths with plain and convertible collars. Full and lined. Good range of colorings m browns, grays and mixtures. Strictly up-to-date, well-CJ T f Oc made coats; regularly to $27.50; sizes 34 to 44, P J- CJer Men's Handkerchiefs by the Box-KbUUi&u .85 Men's fine initial Handkerchiefs in two styles, plain white with embroidered in itial ; also corded, hemstitched with colored initial corner, box 6 Men's pure Belfast linen Kerchiefs with embroidered initial corner; size. 20x20 inches. Put up six in a g f ffl fancv Christmas box for P-M-W Men's 25c Initial Handkerchiefs of finest Belfast linen, narrow hemstitched hem; Choice of several styles of fl f O GL initials. Box of sis for P A Men's 35c Initial Handkerchiefs, extra fine quality Belfast linen, with pretty embroidered initial. Three fij 7 flfh styles in Xmas box for W Sale Handsome Matched Holiday Sets for Men .... . . . i i 1 1 t:' 1 J i '. Men s o-piece oei siik rour-ui-nouu uu 3-piece Sets, accordeon knit Vest, silk Hose and Tie to match, black and white, black and red, black and J fif gold, tan and white; a set pvr. Vvr Men's silk Hose and Tie Sets, cleverly boxed to imitate a book, with pair of silk Hose and Tie to match inside, and Christmas card. Come in (PI flf) all shades. Special only P v v Tuitli scarf nin and tie clasn to match Put up in a pretty Christmas f7CZg box. Special at only, the box Men's Holiday Boxed Ties. Handsome silk Four-in-hand Ties, in attractive Christmas Holly box. WTe have hundreds of styles to select from. Pe"2?C riallv nrified for this sale at Ttw Tf F CUivC O fifNewest and most attractive pat pleated bosom. brns. otrined effects plain or Thpv are the popular coa at models. Come in all sizes. $1.50 grade. CLOWtS $4.50 Trains at $2.98 In the 4th Floor Toy Store Extra well constructed, with locomotive, tender, baggage car, vestibule passenger coach and 10-section track; very finest steel spring. Regular price 2JQ QQ $4.50, special at only, each P Girls' Woolen Dresses Only $4.29 Second floor. Children's Dresses of splendid all-wool serges, in navy, cardinal, brown and Copenhagen. Neat styles, high or low neck, long or short sleeves and plain or Cj Q Q gored skirts. Ages 6 to 14 years. $4.98 and $2.25 Values $1.29 Children's Galatea Dresses, in an assortment of light and dark colors ; high or low neck, long and short sleeves $12.50 Vals. $9.38 Special in girls '. all - wool cream serge Dresses, norfolk, sailor styles and one-piece Peter Thompsons. Also fancy Dresses. Regn- CJQ QO lar $12.50 val. pZfJD Regular $2.25 T QQ WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES AT $3.39 Main- floor Women's high-grade tan Shoes in Russia and wil low calf. Smart, stylish boots for the younger set. Short, raised toe last. These shoes priced at $3.39 are regular $4.00 values. GLEN WOOD BUTTER In the grocery department, fourth floor. Crosse & Blackwell's Oil, the bottle at 70$ 35c Long's Preserves, special, the jar, 25 78c grade for only $1.25 Galatea Dresses 67c Children's wear section, second floor. A heavy quality-Galatea Dress for chil dren 2 to 6 years of age. Plain blue and stripe patterns. They are regu- (iff lar $1.25 values ; special at only v Children's Hats Are V Off Our entire stock of children's Hats and Bonnets in all the latest styles and colors and ranging from 75o np to U fff $6.50 Hats, at this sale at ' v" Auk for Boys' $5 Knicker Suits $3.95 Juvenile department, main floor. A Friday special in boys' Suits of more than passing interest. End of the season clean-up of broken lines and odd Suits just 250 of them in the lot. Brown and gray, mixtures, etc. Sizes from 9 3?Q QEZ to 18 years. Your unrestricted choice today, ouly PKf.J Tin main Circle Main Floor j CrepeKimonos, Special$l. 79 Bargain circle, main floor. Large shipment of pretty crepe Kimonos on sale for today at a very low price. V and Dutch necks, empire and coat effects; some 6hirred at the waist line. Beautiful patterns, trimmed with bands and "1 7Q pipings. Sizes 34 to 44. Extra special at only P New Silk Petticoats at $2.95 On the main floor bargain circle today. A splendid line of Silk messaline and Jersey-top Petticoats, styled with wide knife and accordeon-pleated flounces, trimmed with pin tucks and with or without under ruffle. Have string tops. dJO QCJ They come in all shades. Very special at only last beard from him, nearly a year ago, 4