Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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Mere's'' the Greatest
U it
1 1 V iu-T
22 Up -to -Date Talking Ma-
lollapss of Northeast Corner
of Marquam Building
Injures None.
-1 cf r' " - : 1
; cnine Combinations Go on
1 i 5
If . .A S '-' ' ? :
Sale Today and Tomorrow at
Life . ... - ".J'"' i. 'i-J
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Pay $8.93 Down
Balance $4 Mo.i.h!y
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7 T-X!
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First Three Floors Collapse at 4 A
- M., and Vppcr Ones at 11 A. M
Cause Is Mystery Rest of
Structure Thought Safe.
While dealing destruction In unex
pected form to the northeast corner of
lh Mrrnuam hlllldinir. at Sbtth and
Morrison streets, yesterday morning:,
fate was paradoxically kind In that It
struck its blow at an hour when the
rooms In the portion of the structure
that collapsed and fell to the ground
were- unoccupied.
The first crash came at 4 o'clock In
the morning. The three lower floors
fell. On the floor above was Miss Eva
AiHr!..h iirnhon onerator for the
Equitable Hospital Association, the only
person In the northeast corner of the
building. She had time to call officers
of the association on the telephone, no
tifying them of the accident before she
put on her hat and wraps to uepari.
Thousands Watch Fall.
She left and. with thousands of oth
ers, awaited the collapse of the upper
floors, which took place at 11 oclo.-K.
a movlnr-Dlcture operator and a sore
of cameras recorded the crumbling of
the walls, while immense crowds tnat
ini thn Postofflce lawn and the
streets all around, looked on in excite
The Marquam building, which is one
of the pioneer office buildings of the
city, for the last three months nas Deen
undergoing repairs. Its present owner,
the Northwestern Fidelity Company,
has contracted with the Sound Con
struction Company, of Seattle, for re-
nianinir the solid stone walls of the
first story with modern steel supports
It was to have been occupied after Jan
uary 1 by the Portland Trust Company
and the newly organized rsortnwesicrn
National Bank. This work lias been
rnmntl on all sides of the east half
of the structure, excepting the extreme
northeast corner. It was this corner
that collapsed. What caused it to fall
remains a mystery. Whether it was
due to faulty construction at the time
the building was put up or whether it
was because of some miscalculation of
the men in charge of the reconstruction
is something that may never be deter
Building- to Be Inspected.
A committee of expert engineers will
make a careful technical examination
of the remaining portions of the build
ing today to determine whether they
have been affected. If possible .they
will learn, also, what caused yesterday's
Opinions by architects and engineers
who examined the building hastily yes
terday after the upper floors had fal
len declared that there 4s not the least
danger to the remaining wings of the
The building originally was con
structed with eight solid fireproof
. walls, running its full width from
north to south, exclusive of the ex
terior walls, thus forming nine separ
ate compartments, with the exception
of the apertures cut , through these
walls necessary to fortn the halls on
each of the eight floors.
It was the north half of the extreme
east compartment that collapsed. The
south half of this compartment, upon
which rests thS tower of the southeast
corner, already has Its underpinning
of steel and concrete, placed there by
the contractors now at work. There
Is little possibility that this will fall.
Rent of Structure Safe.
McNaughton & Raymond, architects
for the Northwestern Fidelity Com
pany, the owners, already have filed
plans for the reconstruction of the
damaged portion with the Building In
spector's office. R. E. Kraemer, a
deputy In the Building Inspector's of
fice, in the absence yesterday of Build
ing Inspector Plummer, made a thor
ough examination of the structure and
pronounced an opinion, declaring the
rest of the structure safe from possible
Had the reconstruction work been
allowed to proceed a few more days,
to allow the contractors to place the
steel supports . under the portion that
fell. It is improbable that an accident
would have occurred. Following the
Becond crash yesterday, engineers' In
struments were applied to the other
parts of the building. Not the leas:
deviation from the required lines was
The Orpheum Theater Is closed tem
porarily as a result of the accident.
While the theater proper is not con
tained in the Marquam building. Its
entrance is through the middle com
partment on Morrison street. Pending
the investigation into the safety of
the other parts of the structure, busi
ness at the Orpheum is suspended.
'o Rent Paid for Entrance.
Investigations following the events
of yesterday disclosed that the owners
of the Orpheum property pay no rent
to the owners of the Marquam building
for the use of their entrance. Judgo
Marquam, the original owner of both
the theater and the building bearing
his name, constructed the two build
ings at the same time, but his suc
cessors sold them separately. An ease
ment in the deeds requires the owners
of the Marquam building proper to al
low an alley 15 feet In width to remain
open from both Sixth street and Sev
enth street to the walls of the theater
building. Should the present owners
of the Marquam building deny the
theater owners use of the entrance at
any time they could gain access to
their property through these alleys.
Immediately following the accident
officers of the Equitable Hospital As
sociation opened offices in another por
tion of the building. All their records
and books were recovered. Dr. Q. A.
Sabin, another occupant, lost a valua
ble X-ray machine.
Second Fall Foresee p.
E. B. MacNaughton, of MacXaughton
& Raymond, superintending architects,
yesterday made the following state
ment: "It Is apparent that the accident oc
curred from the crushing of the brick
in the second pier from the Selling
building, on the Sixth-street side. None
of the supporting timbers or steel was
damaged or distorted in any way. It
was obvious that the balance of this
pier, together with the one adjacent
on the south, would have to fall some
time during the day. This occurred
at 11 o'clock A. M., seven hours after
, the first part of the section gave way.
"A committee of competent struc
tural engineers will make a thorough
examination. l the building and will
make a report on its stability. Chief
leputy Building Inspector Kraemer,
N acting for Building Inspector Plum
mer. who was out of the city, made a
survey of the building and said that I
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no harm had been done to the remain
der of the building.
'Wall to Be Replaced.
'We have made careful soundings
and are convinced that the remainder
of the building is absolutely safe. It
will take about five days to remove
the debris and about three weeks to re
place the wall. The drawings for the
new wall already have been filed at the
office of the Building Inspector.
"Since operations were started In re
modeling the structure daily readings
have been taken on all the work by
Surveyor Greenleaf in order to detect
any slt'ns of movement or settlement
that might occur. from the observa
tions taken there was nothing to Indi
cate any movement up to 5 o clock
Wednesday afternoon."
The feopie s Amusement company
obtained about 200 feet of film show
ing the actual collapse of the four
upper floors of the Marquam building
at 11 o'clock. From early morning
the operator had been standing with
his instrument focused upon the sag
ging floors, with his hand on the crank,
his eye on the tottering structure.
When the crash came he started his
machine and kept it running until the
dust had settled after the crash.
Orpheum Indefinitely Closed.
By order of Fire Chief Dowell and
Deputy Fire Marshal Boardman- yes
terday afternoon the Orpheum closed
its doors with the understanding that
the theater would remain dark until
city officials had investigated the re
maining walls of the Marquam build
ing to ascertain if they endangered
the theater. The auditorium of the
Orpheum is regarded as safe, but Fire
Chief Dowell fears a panic might ensue
if the north wail of the Marquam
building fell while a show was in
progress. It the intention of the
contractors to raze the north wall and
preparations were made for that step
yesterday. The Orpheum is a distinct
ly separate structure from the Mar
quam building, but entrance to the
theater is had through the Marquam
Humiliation Suffered Estimated at
$C5,000 in Damage Suit.
James G. Mitchell, who was arrested
by mistake a few days ago In connec
tion with the crusade against immoral
practices being waged by the Juvenile
Court, has filed suit In Circuit Court
for $25,000 damages. The defendam.s
are Benjamin Brick and W. J. Jeffrey,
the former a special and the latter a
regular deputy of the Juvenile Court,
and W. V. Tierney, who Is alleged to
have made charges which led to
Mitchell's arrest.
Brick and Jeffrey maintain that they
simply told Mitchell . that Chief Pro
bation Offier White, of the Juvenile
Court, wanted to see him and that he
willingly accompanied them to the
courthouse In an automobile, but
Mitchell asserts that he was placed
under arrest on a most humiliating
charge and that It was chronicled In
the newspapers.
He declares that he feels, although
he was exonerated, a deep sense of
humiliation, as he walks along the
streets of . the city, many people not
knowing that his arrest was an error.
The Paris Medicine Co., 2624 Pine
street, St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of
Laxative Bromo Quinine, have a new
and wonderful discovery. GROVES SA
NARE CUTIS, which they guarantee to
cure any case of ECZEMA, no matter
of how long standing, in 10 to 30 days,
and will refund money if it fails.
GROVE'S SA-NARE CUTIS is perfectly,
clean and does not stain. If your drug
gist hasn't it, send us 50c, in postage
stamps, and it will be sent by mall.
Don't miss the great Are picture at
Globe Theater, 11th and Washington.
Chamber of. Commerce Reas
sures Y. M. C..A. Men.
Men's Methodist Social Union Passes
Strong Indorsement of Organiza
tion and Urges Steps- t
Obtain Retraction.
At almost every gathering of public
men and women, of private citizens
and of church people some speaker or
other has made an appeal to the peo
ple to do their best to counteract the
reports spread regarding the Young
Men's Christian Association by the
Fortland Dally News. l
Chamber of Commerce trustees drew
up a resolution yesterday'in which it
expressed regret "that the Portland
Y. M. C. A. had been maligned, grossly
by nil attempt to connect It with the
recent charges of depraved practices,"
and the resolution goes oh to say: "We
take this occasion to express our un
shaken confidence in the Y, M. C. A. as
an institution standing high among
those m orking for the moral and phy
sical benefit of the community."
Methodist Men Act.
At -a representative gathering yes
terday of the Methodists of Portland,
the occasion being a luncheon under
thit auspices of the Men's Methodist
Social Union, a strong Indorsement of
the Y. M. C. A. and a condemnation of
the methods of the Daily News was
given In the form of a resolution.
After declaring that "a bitter and
unwarranted attack has been made by
th.j Daily News of this city upon the
local Y. M. C. A. and upon its leader
ship," the resolution goes On to say
that the Y. M. C. A. "stands, as every
body knows everywhere, for the best
and the highest moral and spiritual
life in a community; Its leaders always
are willing to co-operate with every
organization standing for human bet
terment and it has for 45 years been
working incessantly in our midst for
a finer citizenship and. a nobler man
hood. "Secretary Stone and his able corps
of assistants have already proven
themselves to be wise in leadership,
careful in administration, rational
and helpful In counsel and willing to
do their utmost for men and boys, for
homes in Portland and for the good of
all." and therefore "we condemn this
method of attack in the aforesaid pa
per as being cruel, base and reprehen
sible and utterly devoid of the princi
ples which should actuate reputable
Redress la Advocated.
"Wo are glad to take this opportu
nity to express our sympathy with the
officers and leaders of the Y. M. C. A.
under this hustile criticism and express
t:i ther.i, to Secretary Stone and his as
sociates, our utmost confidence in them
&n.i iu the institution, which has dem
onstrated itself to be one of the finest
assets of Portland.
"We urge the representatives of the
Y. M. C. A. to take prompt steps to
obtain a full retraction and to secure
adequate redress or punishment for the
perpetrators of this gross libel."
The resolution is signed by J. L.
Hewitt and B. Lee Paget, who com
posed the committee appointed for the
The North East Side Improvement
Club, which meets tonight at 8 o'clock
in the Alblna Library, also will pass
resolutions of confidence in the Y. M.
C. A.
East Side Men Take Action.
At a meeting of the East Side Busi
ness Men's Club last night at the Hotel
Clifford East Morrison street It was
declared to be the sense of the mem
A Real $75
Never before' and maybe never again
will we be In a position 'to offer so
much Talking Machine value. This
combination includes one latest style
talking machine, together with a hand
some cabinet to match, as shown in
illustration (holds 175 records and 24
Remember this Is a strictly latest
style modern hornless talking machine,
equipped with all the latest improve
ments and a tone volume surprisingly
full, sweet and true.
The Talking Machine
Almost One-Half the Price
The- motor Is a soundless double
spring drive, which will run three rec
ords at one winding. Can be rewound
while playing. Also equipped with the
finest speed regulator. In fact it is
complete in every respect. Will play
any 10 or 12-inch disc record, besides
being equipped with the new tone con
trol shutters, which are found only In
the highest-priced instruments. These
tone control shutters work on tho
same principle as the mammoth cost
ly church pipe organs. This is the
very latest improvement in talking ma
chines and is the only successful way
to positively control the tone volume.
ivemember, this combination offer
includes a fine brand new, latest style
talking machine. 24 selections and a
beautiful record cabinet (holds 175 rec
ords), in which to keep them. "Surely
this is a extraordinary opportunity
actually a $75 value for $13.90. Be on
hand early.
Eilers Building
7th and Alder Streets
rage that should be resented by every
civic organization. The following
statement was Issued: I '
"We, the members of the East Side
Business Men's Club, desire to express
our sincere regret that the good name
of the Portland Y. M. C. A. has been
associated with the recent expose of
vice through an evening paper. We
regard the Y. M. C. A. as one or the
erreat educational institutions and
moral forces of Portland and the
Northwest, which has been instru
mental in assisting thousands of young
men of this city by opening oppor
tunities for them, and deeply deplore
any attempt to besmirch the good name
and reputation of the Portland Y. M.
C. A. and thereby Impair Us ability to
aid young men. We believe that every
patriotic citizen of Portland should
rally to the support of this Institution
and exDress our confidence in the
management of the Portland Y. M. C,
A., believing that it is doing a great
work for young men.
fled that the child darted into the
street directly behind a street car and
in front of the automobile, and that
the driver swerved, wrecking his car
against the street car and hitting the
child only with the confer of ihe rear
Benninghoven Is Exonerated.
Fullest exoneration was given by a
Coroner's Jury yesterday to Paul Ben
ninehoven. who. In his automobile,
struck Sherman Sorsby, 5 years old, at
n,ast Fiftieth street and Hawthorne
avenue Wednesday and knocked the
child to the pavement so that he died.
The Jury found that the accident was
unavoidable and that Mr. Benning
bers present that-the recent attack on I boven had used every possible effort to
the Portland Y. M. u. A. is an out-1 avert ine gieamer. witnesses icau
Glass poles for telephone and telegraph
work are to be Installed in tropical coun
tries, where the -insects and animals are
very destructive to wood.
Good Furniture
" Holds First Place in the Estimation of
Buyers of the Practical Kind oi Gifts
Permanency should be the first consideration of every
buyer of furniture. Permanency of design, permanency
of construction and permanency of finish. Furniture to '
be good must embody all these. Pieces selected accord
ingly possess the highest value, whether for personal use or for gift purposes. None but furni
ture pieces of this character find a place on our floors, no matter what their price might be. And
yet one must not get the idea that furniture to be "good" must be expensive. An inspection of
our displays will reveal hundreds of pieces of "good" furniture at most moderate prices.
Here are some suggestions of appropriate gift pieces from our gift section main floor:
Solid Mahogany Music Bench, cabinet top, in Colonial design, like illustration above, at $25.
Solid Mahogany Sewing Table, with drop leaf sides, pedestal base and two drawers, with
needle tray; all inside work of mahogany; like illustration Deiow, zpdZV.
Solid Mahogany Magazine Stands, from $18 up.
Solid Mahogany Footstools, with upholstered tops, from $6 up.
Solid Mahogany Serving Trays, made by Cowan, from $11 up.
Solid Mahogany Pedestals, from $15 up.
Christmas selections made now will be held for future delivery if
desired. .
Out-of-Town Orders and Inquiries .Given Most Prompt and Careful Attention.
J. G. MACK & CO.
Fifth and Stark
Damp Car Kills Man.
The swinging steel door of an auto
matic dump car, striking Thomas
Killcullen, an employe of the O.-W. R.
& N. Co., killed him Instantly, at East
First and Davis streets, yesterday, and
J. Bentley, another workman, sus
tained injuries. The two men were
working on an excavation when the
heavy door swung back unexpectedly
and hit them. Bentley was taken to
the hospital. Eotn men wore unat
tached here, so far as could be
We offer our 2 wines at II a gallon;
$1.50 wines at 75c a gallon; Straight
Kentucky Whisky, 7 years old. regular
M.50 at j:!.5t) a gallon; Kenturky
Whisky, regular $3.50. at $2.50 a gal
lon; $3 grade Whisky, $2.10 a gallon.
Fridav onlv. 379 E. Morrison st. Phones
East 287, B 2426. Free delivery.
Within a vear tho population of Buenos
Ayres has Increasp.l almost o.iOQ.
... ."Mi'... .. . . ...... -.- : :
iW . - l ifV
latti4MdMII-dllJddadUilidm-dtt 1
Interior View of John Ecklund's Liquor Store.
and Brandies
California Brandy, per bottle.. 75
California Grape Brandy, bot...90
Old Starling, quarts 75
Canadian Rye, bottle 75
Old Hobby, quarts $1.00
Old Hobby, bottled in bond, quarts
at $1.25
Jas. E. Pepper, bottled in bond, quarts
at $i.25
Cream Rye, quarts r....$1.00
No. 1, bottled in bond, qts., $1.00
Hill and Hill, bottled in bond, per
bottle 85
per gallon, in
cluding jug.
Higher Grade
LUND-VISTA $1 and $1.50 per
CONNCISSIUR $2 and $2.50 per
123 and 125 First Street, Between Washington and Alder.
Phones Main 1934 and A 1934. . ' Free Prompt Anto Delivery.