Jii 1 VOL. LII-NO- 1G,223. PORTLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS. $20,000 PAID FOR TELLS OF CANADA WILL AID EX-PRESIDENTS TO RECEIVE PENSIONS E 2 FRENCH AIRMEN LAND SHOW PRIZES ARE WIDELY SHARED OLD MASTERPIECE NAVY OF BRITAIN KILLED IN FLIGHT DEATH TURKS ARTIST PAYS $15 FOR PAINTING PLAN TO HELP PARENT COTJX FREY, PRACTICING, FALLS AND IX SECONDHAND STORE. TKY TO BE PRESSED. SQUALL HITS LAURENT. WITNESS GIG TFRMh I L.I Hill DEMAND FOR RENEW WAR Carnegie Corporation Provides Fund. 525,000 TO BE PAID YEARLY Grant Made That Men May Work for Public Good. WIDOWS TO BE PAID, TOO Payment to Continue as Long as Recipients "Remain Unprovided Pot by Government" Pensions to Be Offered Promptly. NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Future ex Presidents of the United States are to be pensioned in the sum of 125,000 an Dually by action of the Carnegie Cor poration of New York .today. The grant is provided for with the idea of enabling former Executives of the Na tion to devote their unique knowledge grained In public affairs to the public good, free from pecuniary care. A similar amount is to be paid widows of ex-Presidents as long: as they re main unmarried. The pensions are to be promptly of fered to the ex-Presidents or their widows, so that no application will be required from them. Payment is to be continued so long: as the recipients "re main unprovided for by the Govern ment." Meeting" Held at Carnegie Home. The announcement followed the sec ond annual meeting: of the corpora tion held at the 'residence of Andrew Carnegie here. Five of the eight trustees are the beads of the five institutions which Mr. Carnegie has founded the Car negie Endowment for International Peace. Ellhu Root, president: the Car negie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Henry S. Prltchett, presi dent; the Carnegie Institution of Wash ington. Robert S. Woodward, presi dent: Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, Charles I Taylor, president; Carnegie Institute of Pittsburg. William M. Frew, president. The successors of the five men become ex-officlo trustees of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. In addition there are three life trus tees. The trustees authorized this state ment of the corporation's aims: Total f 913S.000.0OO Transferred. "A total of I12S.000.000 in securities has thus far been transferred to the corporation which will carry on the various works In which Mr. Carnegie had been engaged and such others as be may from time to time think it ad visable to establish. "Mr. Carnegie believes he has taken the surest means of securing for the future a body of the best possible trus tees. The heads of the institutions must inevitably be men of high moral and intellectual standing. They are empowered by a two-thirds vote to modify or discontinue any branch of the service which in their Judgment has become Inadvisable or unnecessary. or If better use can be made of the funds, and also to adopt from time to time such work as by them may be deemed most desirable for the wants of the age. so that from age to age the fund may be expended upon the most profitable work, whether that be the promotion of new ideas or the de velopment of those of the day." Pension Plan Paramount. The trustees took under considera tion a number of matters directly in their keeping and concerning the de tails of which no announcement was made, but the principal one to be passed on was the pension plan for ex-Presidents of the United States and their widows. The official announce ment covering the matter follows: "Provision has been made through this corporation for a pension for each future ex-President and his unmarried widow of twenty-five thousand dollars (125.000) per year as long as they re main unprovided for by the Nation, that they may be able to spend the latter part of their lives devoting taelr unique knowledge gained of public af fairs to the public good free from pe cuniary cares. These pensions will be promptly offered to the ex-Presidents or their widows, so that no application will be required from them." MANIAC WILL BE TRIED Criminal Charge Pressed Because Hospital Bars Are Weak. I.OS ANGELES, Nov. 21.-CarI Rie delbach, who Invaded , Central Police Station Tuesday with an Infernal ma chine, was arraigned In the MunlclpI Court today and charged with a vio lation of that section of the penal code which prohibits the placing of dyna mite In any place where human be ings congregate, with malicious pur pose to kill or malm. The arraignment was the result of s decision on the part of the author ities that none of the state hospitals for the insane has sufficient safe guards against the escape of homicidal lunatics, the police officials said. Rledelbach showed no symptoms of skull fracture when brought Into court. His preliminary hearing was set for next Monday. Dutch Treasnre, In American Home for 200 Years, Finally Goes to English Museum. MONTEREY, Cal., Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) A painting picked up in a Mon terey second-hand store by the famous Danish artist. Hugo V. Pederson, for $15. has been sold to an English mu seum for 120,000, the picture proving to be an old Dutch masterpiece. Pederson succeeded In restoring the canvas, of which he sent descriptions with photographs to leading art critics, and in this way made it possible of identification as one of a period when Dutch genius did not affix its name, each painter then having his individual way of working. The Monterey shop man purchased the painting from an old woman with a lot of house furnish ings, the woman remarking that the picture had been in the family over 200 years and had been brought to America from the old country. A festive gathering In a wooded place near a village is the motif of the work, some 60 figures showing in the gay scene painted in oil on wood. Peder son has passed two years at Monterey finishing sketches made In India. ORCHESTRA OREGON - MADE Progressive Business Men Observe Manufacturers' Day Closely. To insure everything being "made in Oregon" at the luncheon of the progres sive Business Men's Club, Weber's Ju venlle Orchestra, consisting of girls and bovs not above 15 years old, played se lections during the banquet. They left Immediately afterward in an automo bile for school, but the idea so pleased the members that Mr. Weber was made a member on the spot. In the ODinion of the members, the luncheon was one of the most success ful ever held, for In addition to mem bers of the club, the Transportation Club and the realty board were pres ent bv invitation. In all, more than 150 were present at the Multnomah Ho tel. The day was "Manufacturers' day several Portland manufacturers speak lng, although the principal address was that given by A. B. Chandler, Edison's "right-hand man," at present In the city. He spoke on "Edison as a Manufacturer," giving interesting details of the recent activities of the great Inventor, who, he said, had been busy for the past three years on the perfecting of a talking machine which, would entirely revolutionize "canned music," doing away with the metallic sound. As an instance of the energy of Edi son, Mr. Chandler said that during the week lust before he left, jsaison naa worked 122 hours, though that was nothing unusual for him. R. W. Raymond was chairman of the day. among the speakers being Fletcher Linn and F. N. Clark. Everything on the menu was Oregon-made. KANGAROO COURT UPHELD Mock Tribunal at Vancouver Jail Af firmed by Real Judge. VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 21. (Spe clal.) George Doldge, foreman for a Vancouver concern, arrested Tuesday, charged with buying blankets from a soldier, was tried by a "kangaroo court" in the County Jail yesterday on charge of trespassing. having no right to be In jail. By a Strang coin cidence, the verdict of the "kangaroo court" was later substantiated by United States Commissioner Edward M. Scanlon, before whom a hearing was held. Doldge was released. Doldge was arrested Tuesday and later placed In the County Jail, where be was compelled to remain over night. The "kangaroo court," which has been organized in the County jail, has for superior judge, Benjamin Overdorf, committed to Jail to keep the peace. He was unable to raise JoOO bonds and is In Jail for a year. W. J. Olive, doing a 90-day sentence, is secretary and treas urer, while John Gage is sheriff. When a prisoner enters the Jail he is at once haled before the court and tried. When Doidge was tried he was found guilty of trespassing, so was fined 50 cents, which he paid, and the funds so acquired were used by the other pris oners to buy tobacco. JOHN D. ENJOYING LIFE Oil Man Takes Teachers for Auto Rides and Tells Funny Stories. TARRYTOWN. N. T., Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) John D. Rockefeller is enjoy ing these beautiful autumn days by playing golf In tho morning and giv ing automobile rides in the afternoon to the teachers of the North Tarry town high school. He drives down every afternoon in his car and Invites four or five of the teachers for a ride. He takes them up through his estate, shows his beauti ful gardens and tells of his plans for beautifying the place. He also enjoys telling the latest funny stories he has heard. OLD INDIAN WOULD VOTE Letter From Red Lightning Asking Advice, Arrives Too Late. WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. Old Red Lightning, a Yankton, S. D. Indian, who tacked onto his signature "That's Me," has appealed to the Indian bureau to tell him how to vote for President. The octogenarian said he was able to vote yet, and was "the man that spilled the whisky that was brought to Yankton agency 50 years ago." "1 cannot hear much." said Old Red Light ning, "but I hear they are going to vote for President soon, and I want yon to tell me who to vote for, and I will go it." The letter tarried too long In the malls, not reaching acting Commission er Abbott until today.. M'Manigal Says Union Men Not Satisfied. LONG LIST OF DEAD WANTED Informer Says He Refused to Send Bombs by Mail. DETAILS OF FLIGHT TOLD McXamara Said to Have Planned Explosions Subsequent to Times Disaster to Confuse Detec tives Hunting Criminals. INDIANAPOLia, Nov. 21. Equipped with 12 quarts of nltro-glycerin, Ortle E. McManlgal In December, 1910, went to Los Angeles, commissioned to de stroy the Times auxiliary plant,, and, by "adding a few more to the list of the dead," to take suspicions off James B. McNamara, who had killed 21 persons In the wreck of the Times building two months before. McManlgal so testified today at the "dynamite conspiracy" trial. He named men other than the McNamaras as having inspired the second Los Ange les plot. He said he was prevented from carrying it out by learlng, on reaching Los Angeles, that the aux iliary plant was too well guarded. In stead, he set a bomb in an Iron works plant to explode on Christmas day. "Chrlatmas Present" Delivered. That was the "Christmas present," he said, Olaf A. Tveltmoe, a labor lead er in San Francisco, had asked for and on his return East he stopped off at the Labor Temple in San Francisco and, on Tveitmoe's being absent, he left this message with Eugene A. Clancy: "Tell Tveltmoe his Christmas pres ent has been delivered. It was the same "Christmas present," the Government charges, which Tvelt moe later referred to in a letter to Frank M. Ryan, president of the Iron Workers" Union. On his return to Indianapolis Mc Manlgal said he was "called down" . by J. J. McNamara because not enough damage had been done at Los Angeles and John J. proposed to send by ex press bombs so regulated that . they would explode when unwrapped, but McManigal protested, saying the ex plosions might occur on the train and kill innocent people. Hunters Blade Detectives. McManlgal and J. B. hadbeen hiding in the Wisconsin woods, McManical said, lfke a pair of pirates, each with (Concluded On Page 8.) fv. I WILL RETURN INTHEPRlfia VV. WILSON Duke of Connaught Says Urgent Need of Strengthening Empire's ' Sea Forces Is Manifest. OTTAWA, Ont., Nov. 21. The Can adian Government will push the plan to strengthen the Navy of the British Empire, it was announced today. the opening of the second session of the 12th Parliament of Canada. The session was opened by the Gov ernor-General, the Duke of Connaught. The most Important clause of the Duke's speech referred to the naval issue In the following words: "During the past Summer four mem bers of my Government conferred in London with His Majesty's Govern ment on the question of naval defense. Important discussions took place and conditions have been disclosed which In the opinion of my advisers,, render It imperative that the effective naval forces of the Empire should be strengthened without delay. , My ad vlsers are convinced that it is the duty of Canada at this juncture to afford reasonable and necessary aid for that purpose. A bill will- be introduced accordingly." MONTESANO IN READINESS Big Crowd Expected at Development Association Congress. MONTESANO, Wash., Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) Residents of Montesano and delegates to the Southwest Washington Development Association's tenth quar terly congress, which convenes here tomorrow morning, are looking for ward with considerable interest to the coming session. The addresses of Howard A. Hanson assistant counsel of the City of Tacoma on "Need of Improvements Outside Incorporated Cities," and John P. Hart- man, of Seattle, first vice-president of the Good Roads Association, ar ex pected to be the features of the as sembly. Eli Rockey, of South Bend, Is one of the first men on the scene and Is here making . preparations for accom modation for the big delegation from the city on Wlllapa Harbor. Albert Johnson, Congressman-elect from the Second District, Is down on the programme for an address on "Na tional Highways in the Government Reserves." The programme does not call for an evening session, but President J. . E. Calder. of the Montesano Chamber . of Commerce, who hBS the affair In hand, says that owing to the many features of Interest It will be necessary to hold a session Friday night. ,-. . r- 'f WOMAN TO 5E DEPORTED Mrs. Carter Miust Return to England Long Way Around Globe. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Mrs. J. Ward Carter, . of London, who was arrested yesterday at a fashionable ho tel and taken to the detention station as an undesirable alien, win De ae- Dorted by the steamer Nile, sailing November 23, according to immigration officials today. She must make her way home the other way around tho globe. BACK FROM THE WILDERNESS. - in it r vi a nu ii vj u i ft,. u . ui lift inn v-AYtni i 7 Allies' Overtures De clared Impossible. DIPLOMATS ARE UNCONVINCED Oriental Subterfuge to Gain Advantage Is Suspected. BULGARIAN OFFER HARSH European Military Officials Criticize Demand for Unconditional Sur render of Garrisons With out War Honors. LONDON, Nov. 21. The formal sus pension of the Eastern war proved only for a day. Turkey rejected the Balkan terms for an armistice apparently bo- tore the plenipotentiaries had time to come together at liauemaeui. Kiamil Pasha, the Grand Vizier, de clared the allies' overtures were im possible." He ordered the commander- in-chief to continue, fighting "wun the help of the 'Almighty' " until rea sonable and moderate conditions were proposed. This declaration came as an . utter surprise and diplomats are not wholly convinced the Ottoman troops will take up arms against the cholera-stricken trenches of Tchatalja. Bulgarian Demands Extreme. While the Bulgarian, demands for Bulgaria Is acting as the mouthpiece of the allies were extreme, stipulat ing the surrender of Adrlanople and Scutari, both of which are making an historic defense, as well as the cession of all the territory except a narrow strip above Constantinople, these con ditions were advanced as overtures. In other words, they were apparently put forward as a basis for negotia tions. The Porte treated them as an ulti matum, and this perhaps is the Oriental method of beginning negotiations de signed to Induce the enemy further to show his hand. Sterner Demands Slay Follow. A Balkan diplomat in London pointed out tonight that these terms were sub mitted merely as an answer to Tur key's pressing and repeated demands for an armistice and said: - "It Is practically certain that their rejection will result in a more active and determined resumption of hostili ties. Probably the allied troops will now refuse to treat with Turkey until they are in a position to dictate per- (Concluded On Page 2.) 1 I . U I, ll H...I ll I .11 1.1 ... l ll I l Ideutenant and Passenger Dashed to Ground but Pilot Only Sustains Fatal Injuries. RHE1MS. France, Nov. 21. Two avi ators were . killed in France today, one Andre Frey, at Rheims, and the other, -Sub-Lieutenant Laurent, at Etampes. Frey was well known on both sides of the water. He finished third in the International Aviation race at Chicago in September. He was undergoing military training today and had just finished a regular practice flight. He stopped his en gine at a height of about 800 feet and planed down beautifully until within 150 feet from the ground. Then suddenly the right wing of the monoplane shot up and the machine dropped to earth Frey was badly crushed. Lieutenant Laurent and Sapper Chenu were making a flight near Etampes at a speed of 60 miles an hour, when a squall caught the aero plane as the pilot attempted to make a sharp turn, and it was dashed to the ground with terrific force. Laurent was killed, but Chenu escaped with slight injuries. MID-WEEK BILLS CLEVER People's Picture Houses Maintain Usual High Average. "Mlas Tako, of Toklo," a "problem drama," features the mid-week bill at the Peoples this week. It Is a love story In which Is interwoven the race question, and Is of compelling force. "Virgin of the Fires," a primitive drama ' and very unusual, and . "The Prodigal Wife," a story of a near tragedy In domestic life, are supple mented by a farce comedy film, "Mr. Fixit," that has more than the usual quota of laughs. "Life on a Cruiser" Is educational. The Three Kings of Harmony continue as popular favor ites. The drawing power of that popular favorite in fistiana. Kid McCoy, filled the Star last night, where the clever fighter was shown both in the episode of the great jewel robbery in Belgium, when he was mistakenly arrested for complicity In the theft of a princess Jewels, also in his boxing club in New York, instruotln-g millionaire pupils in the mysteries of the fighting game. Al most of equal interest was the last In stallment of the Gaumont weekly, showing current events. Including sev eral, incidents in local history. Two screamingly funny films furnished the lighter part of the programme, while there were two excellent musical lea tures. 'The Civilian," a two-reel broncho film, heading the new bill starting at the Arcade yesterday, is a realistic chapter of Western frontier life, with a love story seasoned with hair-raising escapes and fierce fighting between In dians and soldiers. "Two of a Kind' and "A Comedy of Errors" are a pair of comedy features, while the Sailor Boys Quartet present new songs and fresh pranks. WOMAN RE-ENACTS KILLING Prosecutor Acts Part of Victim of Miss Farley's Bullet. COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 21. Both the state and the defense completed the pre sentation of evidence today in the mur der trial of Miss Cecilia Farley, a pub lic stenographer, who is charged with shooting Alvln E. Zollinger, an ad vertising solicitor. Clearing the space in front of the Jury for the second time. Miss Farley again went through the dramatic ac tions, demonstrating her story of how Zollinger was "accidentally shot." This time Prosecutor Turner acted the part of Zollinger instead of Miss Farley's attorney. While she held the revolver to the prosecutor's head at the same distance she said it was from Zollinger's head when, the weapon was discharged, the distance was measured by attorneys and found to be 17 Inches. The prosecution Introduced an expert who declared he had made experiments and that powder marks could be seen on human flesh from a revolver 26 Inches distant. JOSIAH FAILING HONORED School Renamed at Request of Rela tlve of Portland Pioneer. In pursuance of a wish expressed by Miss Mary F. Failing in a letter sent to the School Board, It was decided at the meeting yesterday to change the name of the Failing School to that of the Joslah Failing School. Miss Failing asked lor this as a rec ognition of the Interest shown by her grandfather In matters scholastic and because she and other members of tha family felt that he deserved the rec- nnmfHrtn nursnnnllv mtn.i. than 1 1 1 o family in general. , f DIRECT VOTE ADVOCATED Senator AVorks to Favor Xcw Method of Electing President. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. Senator Works, of California, will Introduce a resolution when Congress, reconvenes for the amendment of the Constitution providing for the election of President and Vice-President by direct vote of the people. The Senator will urge in support of the measure, in addition to its direct ness that It would have an advantage over the present method In that it would avoid the possibility of a Presi dential election by the House' or a Vice-Presidential election by the Senate. Senator Oliver Improving. BALTIMORE, Nov. 21. United States Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, who Is undergoing treatment here for kidney trouble, tor winch he was operated upon several days ago, was reported today to be improving rapidly. Hood River Wins First in Baldwin Singles. BOISE, IDAHO, TAKES HONORS British Columbia Comes In for Portion of Distinction. MORE AWARDS DUE TODAY 'Greater Portland Day'' at Exhibit Is Big Success, With Women Much In Evidence Farmers Learn From Student Experts. cosnnsBciAi, ci.ub to ENTER TAIN LAND SHOW AND DAIRY SHOW VISITORS. Members of the Oregon Horticul tural Society, exhibitors at the Dairy Bhow and at the Land Show, Judges and officials will ba gueits at 1I:J0 this noon of the Portland Commer cial Club at an informal luncheon In the club dlnln g-roonn. C V. Chapman will be toaatmaster. Several epeakers will be called upon, but no set programme has been arranged. The. function Is merely to afford Port land buatnesa men an opportunity of demonstrating their appreciation of tbe work of their gueata In bringing these exhibitions to the city. ...... .................. Hood River won first and second prizes for the best single box of Bald wins at the land products show yes terday. When it came to single boxes of Spltzenbergs, Jonathans and Arkansas Blacks, however. Hood River did not do so well, being compelled to share honors with Boise, Idaho, and Summer vllle, B. C. Nelson & Alnsjee. of Hood River, took first in the Baldwin division, while Charles Reed took second. M. Stewart, of Summervllle, B. C. was first in the' single box Spltzenberg division, while W. N. Jost, of Boise, was first In the Jonathan class, Mr. Stewart being second. John Breekenrldge. of Boise, took first for Arkansas Blacks, with A. Hackery, of Hood River, second. Awards In the other single box di visions have not been awarded. Hood River la Confident, While the Judges have completed the examination of the four-box exhibits, their findings cannot be determined until late today, when the scores will be computed. Judging of the 25-box ex hibits will begin early this morning. It Is In this department that the greatest amount of interest centers. There are eight competitors in the 25-box Spltz enberg class, five of them being from Hood River. Hood River prides itself particularly In its Spltzenbergs and its Yellow Newtowns and the growers from that district confidently expect to win first and second In both classes. Competition was close In all the sin gle box classes. In four classes the Judges were required to make a sec ond examination to determine first and scond places. Examination of the competitive dis trict displays will be completed today. Three sets of Judges have been at work, one to study the artistic fea tures, another the diversification of crops represented and another the quality of the exhibits. Interest also Is keen in this division. More than 20 commercial clubs, districts and coun ties are in the competition. Greater Portland Day Snccesn. Yesterday was "Greater Portland day" at the show and many members of the Greater Portland Plans Associa tion attended. Many of the progres sive commercial bodies of the city turned out In force yesterday after noon and last night, the Ad Club, Ro tary Club, Progressive Business Men's Club were there In force. Members of the Manufacturers' Association now assembled In the city took occasion to pass a few hours at least In the hlg building. Every department of the elaborate exhibition Interested them. The number of women in attendance Is growing dally. Much Interest has centered all week Mn the Oregon Agricultural College dis. play In the basement. Professors and students constantly are busy explain ing to visitors the various features of their exhibition. The soil tests, the moisture experiments, the bacteriologi cal display and the seed analyses hold particular interest. Hundreds of farm ers always are there to gain informa tion from the young men In charge. Students are well as instructors are uniformly courteous and well Informed and seem to find pleasure in explaining the exhibits to the visitors. Chamber's Exhibit Attracts. One of the most attractive exhibits Is that of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, which Includes processed fruits, vegetables, flowers and other products from all parts of the state. This display represents the constant activity of the Portland organization on behalf of other parts of Oregon, be ing typical of the general exhibition alwayg open to the public on tho ground floor of the Commercial Club building. The Imbler district In the Grande Ronde Valley is welt represented with (Concluded on Page 17.