THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. . NOVE3IBER 2, 1913- 1G I10.000.000 F UNO IS FOR EMPLOYES -Bell Telephone System and As sociate Interests to Re ward Loyalty. PENSION PLANS PROVIDED Old Age, Infirmity and Life Insur ance Feature In Comprehensive Project Affecting: Army of 2 50,000 Workers. Effective January 1. next, according to an announcement by President Vail yesterday, a fund of 10.000 000 for pensions, sick benefits and life Insur ance will be available for the 1. 5.000 employes of the Bell Telephone syste m and associated Interests and their fami lies and dependents, amounting alto gether to more than 250.000 peop'- In cluded in this number are JMOO em ployes of the Western Union Telegraph Company. The annual M' on this account will exceed $1,000 000. In the plan that has been devised President Vail has provided combined benefits for superannuation, sickness, accident and death, for an industrial army more than twice as large -s the standing army of the United btates. This provision Is made entirely at the expense of the various companies In terested, without contributions of any kind from the employes themselvM. The application of these varied benefits will be strictly democratic and will be for the benefit of all employes of every rank. The plan will provide for free change of employment from one com pany to another, with full credit for combined term of service. Superannuation Aae 60. Summarized, the terms by which pro visions are made for the needs of age, illness, accidents and death, follow: Male employes who have reached the age of 0 years and who have been -0 rears or more In service may retire on pensions. They may be retired at the option of the company when they have reached the age of 55 years and have been 15 years or more in service. The pension age of female employes is in each case five years younger than that of male employes. Any employe who has been 30 years in service, regardless of age, may be pensioned on the ap proval of the president of the com pany. The amount of the pension is auto matically based oh the years of service and the amount of pay. and will be 1 per cent of the average annual pay for 10 years, multiplied by the number of years of sen-ice. Therefore a man who had been 30 years in service would get 30 per cent of the average salary which he had been receiving during his last 10 years of service. No pension will be less than 20 a month. Accident Innurnace Provided. In the case of accidents occurring in and due to the performance of work for the company, the employe will re ceive for total disability full pay for 13 weeks and half pay for the remainder of disability up to six years. If the disability is temporary he will receive full pay for 13 weeks and half pay until able to earn a livelihood, not exceeding six years. Employe who are disabled by sick ness or accident outside of the regu lar course of duty after ten years ot( more in service, will receive full pay for 13 weeks and half pay for 39 weeks; If from five, to ten years in service, full pay for 13 weeks and half pay for 13 weeks; if from two to five years in service, full pay for four weeks and half pay for nine weeks. In the case of employee who have not been two years in service, heads of de partments will be permitted the same discretion as heretofore in continuing pay during temporary illness. Life Insurance la Feature. In the case of death resulting from arcident In and due to the perform ' ance of work for the company, an in surance amounting to three years' pay will be paid to the dependents of the employes, the maximum payment being J5000. In the case of death resulting from sickness or from accident outside the business, the payment will be one year's pay for employes who have been ten years or more in service, and one half of one year's pay for employes who have been from five to ten years in service, the maximum payment be ing $2000. President Vail first made mention of the pension plan last March. It was the first step in the effort of the West ern Union Company to give expression of the company's appreciation of loyal and efficient service to employes. The above designated new plan secures to the 30.000 employes of this company from January 1 next a much more com prehensive and liberal arrangement In regard to benefits than originally an nounced. Lean May Be Made. With the added protection and the arrangement by which Western Union employes may obtain advances on sal aries without interest, already in ef fect, the employes of this company are guarded against unfortunate circum stances. "The assistance to be rendered em ployes and their families under the plan devised by President Vail will amount to a considerable sura annual lv." said W. J. Phillips, division conv mercial superintendent of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, yes terday. "The Pacific Company's terri tory Includes the states of California, Nevada. Oregon. ashington and Northern Idaho. The total number of employes in this territory and affect ed by this voluntary action on the part of the company is 13,485. Of this num ber, 42i.$ are in the northern division vf the company's territory Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho. Port land Is headquarters for this territory and 114a employes are located here. "Not only will employes feel grateful to their employer, the Pacific Company, but to the parent company, the Ameri can Telephone & Telegraph Company, through whose initiative, interest and support, together wtih the encourage ment and indorsement of the associated companies, the execution of the plan has been made possible. DAILY BOAT SERVICE OPENS Albany Gels Graliamons on First Run Up Stream From Portland. ALBANY, Or, Nov. 11. (Special.) Inaugurating a daily boat service on the Willamette River between Port land and Corvallls. the Grahamona, the new river steamer of the Oregon City Transportation Company, arrived In Al bany on her maiden trip at 3 o'clock this morning. The boat proceeded up. stream to Corvallis this morning, and will start on her first return trip to Portland tomorrow morning. Under the new schedule one boat will leave Corvallis downstream and one boat will leave Portland upstream every morning, thus Insuring a daily boat service in each direction. The Grahamona and the Pomona, will make .i.. ,. vt onlv will the Oregon City Transportation Company give a daily service by this arrangement, but ... .... i-i V.n.iDDfn it win cstaDiisn a quicker . .... .............. 1 1 A(tA- Pnrrland bv the ope ration of a third steamer, the Ore- gona.- between Portlana ana and St. Paul. . By reason of the Ore gona handling ' all local traffic be tween Dayton and Portland, the Gra hamona and Pomona can make straight runs without stops between St. I aul and Portland. T. E. Coleman, who servea as (,; r ,v, n,nn mtv Transportation Company here last year, has been re- - . m an A tin. appointed agent ai jiio". opened up the local offices and dock to handle the Winter's traffic. . WATERFRONT TO BE VISITED Hamburg-American Man to .Be Shown Fresh Water Basin. . ... t,. -Portland launch Marie, O. Glese, Oriental, manager of the Hamburg-American line, will em baTk this afternoon on a tour of the . v t . v. vr T. iKn. vnnnacrer of the mruui v. i l n o - Port of Portland, and G. B. Hegardt. chief engineer of the . Commission of n..un. 1.. Thn tr!r is nart Of a programme outlined by those organiza tions, also tne tnaraoer oi to acquaint Mr. Glese with harbor con ditions so that he can report to his superiors. . r Tl.... naa flirnlKhU tllO visitor with data that has been gath ered by the Commission of Public Docks, either from original surveys or . . . ..-f u nnH there is 11 u II I UV.CIIIHICit. . ... . . little that could be added other than what dockowners misni matte - i .. Krino- ihe f 1 -1 here. As I I 113 w wi.i.e, . Mr. Glese Is a stranger, he will be presented wltn statistics coverm mc area tributary to Portland and im pressed with the fact this city is the gateway of the Immense Columbia River basis from which is drawn the needs of the Orient In the way of foodstuffs and lumber. YICA COURSE DRAWS LECTCItES BY E. O. SISSOX TO BEGIX TOMORROW. Registration for Important Y. M. C. A. Addresses Is Open to Both Men and AVomen. Vooi-lv too men and women have reg istered for the course In "Education and Morals in Religion." which is be- Inc conducted by Professor Edward O. Sisson, under the auspices of the re ligious work department of tne Port land Young Men's Christian Associa tion. The course was really launched at a public meeting one week ago, but the first lecture limited in attendance to those who have formally registered will be delivered tomorrow night. R. R. Perkins, religious director of v, u.n'a r'hristlnn Association. .l,r- . ...w a -- - - - believes that this course should appeal . A.,... ... nm thfln thA 100 tip rs on a now Included In the prospective enrollment. At least twice tnis numoer can. ue ac commodated. Many of the young peo- 1 nn.fnlin. ,m1 KltTlHflV cnhnols ll i Vfi selected representatives to attend the course, and if the practical nature oi tha a(MnKp was realized more wide ly, it is believed that few of these or ganizations would be without repre sentation. Professor Sisson, who for years has been at the head of the educational de partments of leading universities, nas done much work in preparing this course, which will be conducted as one of the numerous religious work classes that meet on Wednesday nignt at ine V....n- llan'a DirlBtfan A UUIIIIK T i TV The x v u ii is v .. 0 b.i. subject of the lecture tomorrow night Is "What Is Will?"- The remaining programme for the course follows:, November 50. "The sources oi i-owsr; t i I iull. Tw.mhar i. "The Una of Fixation and Maintenance" : De cember 11, "The Illumination of the Will: Intelligence . Decfm&er in 'ine oiag" ui the Will: Infancy and Childhood"; Jmiuarj 8. "The Stages of the Will: Youth ana Maturity"; January 1."., "The Perfection oi the Will: Energy. Efficiency. Vision, Blght- Ihx-HuMMUttl1 Profeuor Kdward O. Slason, Who la CanductlnK Lecture Course at Y. 31. C. A. eoiu-nes": January 22. "The Kssence of Will Training: Will Action": January 2, "Educative Activities: Play. Work. Thought"; February 3, "Education Through r- Ehpiiarv 1J "'MatiOD and Character": February 19. "The KaUiue of AKrulsm': February 28, "Religion In Educa tion": March 5, "The Bible In Education": . . 1- -I J i.D.M.In. anil Vnilth". M ILTCll 19. -TK. Uafhnil nf .Tf ' -. MaTCh.20, "The Bellglou" Teacher." . PILGRIMAGE PLANS FORM Shriners of Al Kader Temple Pre pare- for Albany Journey. W- C. Bristol, illustrious potentate of Al Kader Temple of the Mystic Shrine, will fix the date for departure of the nobles from Portland on their ceremonial pilgrimage to Albany, cor vallls, Eugene and Salem and points in Eastern Oregon as soon as reports are received from the local committees that have been appointed in the cities to be visited regarding the preparations that have been made. Mr. Bristol expects to announce- the date before the end of this week. The trip probably will be taken during the last week of the month. The object of the tour is to give the nobles In the other cities an opportu nity to become better acquainted with their brethren of Portland. The jour ney out of Portland will be made Jn a first-class special train. Committees .appointed in the cities to be visited are: Salem, I L. Pearce, H. D. Pattern and Dr. E. Q. Smith; Engene, E. O. Potter, T. O. Paine and J. B. Pat terson: Pendleton, P. Brock, Ia Cohen and James Roosevelt. W. J. Kerr will be chairman of the Corvallls committee) and P. E.' Gilbert, of the Albany com mittee. Near Wisdom From Princeton. Princeton Tiger. He who laughs laat is an Engllsh- man. ............ ' y J i ii ii mi Mm ii i hi j 1 ;p ' j : ' .;' ' 1;; ' I" ':: I 1 - " i 1913 CHARTERS MADE Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Close for British Steamer. LUMBER WILL BE LOADED Cargo for Australia to Be Taken On in March G. F. Neame & Co. En gage Bark to Iioad at Tacoma for United Kingdom. rhnrturinv Is JLlreariv beinfiT done for 1913, as was evidenced yesterday, when Balfour, Guthrie & Co. closed for the British steamer Rothley, a vessel of 2487 tons net register, to load lumber here in March for Australia. The vessel is exnectedsto carry approximately 3,600,000 feet. The last report on tne tomiey is , i. - . Bi,B c -i i 1 .! frnm t-lamhuror last month, and arrived at Barry October 23, but she will make one or two voyages .fnw k.iTur rfaiivArad here for the Australian engagement. One more fix ture made known yesterday was that of the British bark Juteopolis, which loads at Tacoma for the United King dom In the interest of G. F. Neame & Co. The firm has the- Bay of Biscay and Hllston fixed lor tne same ouoincoo. ni 1 . . 1 . n fi..i in tho rlvpr I' n m - nil; lumuci 1 . ...w - - - prises the 'American bark Albert, which i. i ; vaniar w Zealand: Russian ship Clan Macfarlane. for South Africa; British steamer r rnimuaie. i". Australia; Peruvian ship G. Mazzini, for p.iinA r... t T-r T.nnsmann. for Sydnev; barkentine Koko Head, for . ' . . , .1 T.UMlna f rnr New z.eaiana; Darncnuim jj.mD.iiia., Svdnev: British steamer Oswestry, for Adelaide. There are about 19 vessels iistea iu i i . . , k - arA thAv will arrive within the next three months. With those loading and more that will reach port and finish by December 31. there is ex- - 1 . 1 an tnnrMfld KhllWII in the pcvieu I" . . - . lumber exportation for 1912 over 1911. MORE AIDS ARE CHANGED Cupc Flattery Fog Signal to Be First-Class Air Sircn- . . : t aHapaHnna In aids Advance nwui.i; n'l'". --- to navigation, as provided for in re cent regulations, has been given by u..n... i ui,,.ir itiannrtnr of the Seven teenth Lighthouse District, as follows: Cape Flattery J.lght Station r OK . i Bnll .harni'teristlC. to DC cnanjeu in v . . t about May 1, 1!1. tram a iteam whistle to a flrst-claas air lr-n ta sound th": Jilast isileni '" ......... 15 sec. 3 sec. 37 sec. Warning Is given that irregularities may be expected In tne cn.rscieri.ui. w team whistle curing ine iinn". . 1UTacoma Waterway Light and Fog Signal ,n b. ..mhllshed. about DK?ember 1. on the point on easterly side of '""n?.l City Waterway. An occulting white light, of about oiK) candlepowcr, occulted thus. .1 . shown about 5 feet above water, from a white skeleton Irame strucwie. The Illuminating apparatus will be a lens I'TheDillumlnant will be an electric incan descent' light ma- chfne'ry a" double -ok. every 10 o. City nan. r.Rin 'VghSch'o-o-? T.ft"ia-i.nt - 30 degree, true iW. i N. mag.) 42 Position: i " ""-,,;. seconds long., 1.J degree. - . 05 seconds W. FIKEBOAT STEEIi EX ROUTE Plant to Be Installed at Supple's to Do Riveting. . i .i.,i.. .... hornnor the movement l II 1 1 VI ucj a of eight cars of material for the new fireboat David Campbell, which were shipped from Grand Haven, Mich., Sat urday, the shipment win re at the yards of Joseph Supple before the end of the niontn. sraun o ut..,.nn whU firm was given the contract by the city for the construction of the vessel, have oroereu f" and compressor which will be installed there and the work will be hurried The fireboat will be' reassemuieu uu .. nf tim wavs at Supple's, so as not to interfere with the hauling out of other vessels wnue sne ia uwns built. When the steel parts were as sembled in the East, each section was marked and some were riveted to- . i ni,e0ihin- n 1 in frame sec- K C Lilt. I n uci c ju.j... . 1 tions being permanently fastened in as long lengths as couiu oo scm. on the cars. In this way it is hoped to save a large amount of labor here. FCLIi LIST ABOARD CAMIXO Steamers Scheduled to Sail This Week W ell Patronized. n . .. a f a nmmlum when the steamer Camino sailed yesterday for San Francisco, tnougn doi ivu .ojo .iih in which passengers could make reservations, owing to the doubt whether tne cuiiuti.cic, tween the owners and the Cooks & Walters' Union would be adjusted. Th3 steerage was filled before noon yesterday, and the last first claBS berth i-i ahmit nn hour before sall- waa Ing time. The steamer Rose City will get away this afternoon with all she can carry, the steamer Roanoke goes tomorrow night, and the Yosemlte is to depart Friday with the Northland Saturday, yet the facilities are inade- . ... t . thA niimhfT fmrjlvlna quale t-w n ....... -. - - for transportation South. The same situation IS iounu reisiiiis -ii i : . ct-A Hanlininsr shltiments. as an linen o, -- The American-Hawaiian and Arrow lines, which are nanaieo nert uy me same agency, tnrougn u. n.". i n Virva more tonnage in are iiimumei - , about two months, and will make a stronger bid lor patronage. SO ORIENTAL SHIP FIXED Cargo May Be Dispatched From Portland in Dec-ember. Exporters have received no assurance) that there will De nuut '.1'--. . - - i A.t ha., t Vt t month, though carrier iv.ucu ...... it is understood that the Waterhouse line is endeavoring to charter tonnage for December loading, unoer un ;i cumstances little effort is being made . v,,.!.... nnlv such as can be handled by way of Puget Sound to the Far East. The most recent information on the whereabouts of the Far Eastern fleet is as follows: Fitxclarence. sailed from Victoria (on way from Portland) for Tokohama. November 8. tort Carson' sailed for Mojl. October 5. TjotO. Derbv. sailed for Yokohama, from S"VhumbrlTnea from fl-attl. (on way from Portland) for Orient, via Vancouver. NCOckleTr sailed from Seattle (on way from Portland) for Hongkong. November 8. SSSE: Val7.dCTrom BeatUe. for Orient, ThoT.ived Muroran, from Portland, No vember 3. Iroqnols Will Tow Vicksburg In. VAIXEJO, Cal., Nov. 11. Orders were received today at Mar Island Navy-yard for the tug Iroquois to leave tomorrow for Santa Barbara to tow the disabled gunboat Vicksburg to this CoidK Are a pleasure when seated in a steam-heated, electric-lighted train, speeding through wind and rain, enjoying the comfort oi Observation, Parlor or Draw-ing-RSom Sleeping Cars, with the added sense of safety suggested by the knowl edge that Electric Block Signals Guard the Eail All the Way to Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Tacoma, Seattle, or Anywhere When You Travel Have You Planned Thanksgiving Back Home? , City Ticket Office, Third yard. The VlcksburK was compelled to put into port when It lost a propeller blade off Santa Barbara Saturday. PORT FIiEKT IS DEPLETED Tug Loses Wheel and Dredge's Dis charge Pipe Breaks. Two accidents were reported yester day In the fleet of the Port of Fort- land. The tugr Star lost her propeller, and a discharge pipe In the hold of the dredge Portland burst, putting her out of commission temporarily. The Star, which is under lease to the Port because It has not been deter mined to have another tender built for the new dredge Willamette, was tow ing a barge of fuel to the Willamette, moored at Slaughter's, and -as she "rounded to" alongside the digger her wheel dropped. It Is supposed that she broke her shaft, because the propeller was known to have been fastened se curely when she was out of water re cently. The steamer Ocklahama was sent to tow the Star to St. Johns last night, and she will be lifted on the drydock today. The pipe that broke in the Portland's hold was known lo be weak, because it had worn from the constant pumping of sand and gravel through it, but recently it had been reinforced, with the hope that it would last during the present season. For tunately a section of old pipe was available, and the repairs will be fin ished so she can resume today. The Portland is at La Due's. Marine Xotes. To load lumber for California the steamer Francis H. Leggett will pro ceed to Aberdeen, she having cleared in ballast yesterday. Last of the wheat engagements re ported for United Kingdom business is that of the German ship Arnoldus Vinnen. She was at Antofogasta Octo ber 12. With the Willamette having attained a depth of 8.5 feet above zero yester day morning. District Forecaster Beals said- the stream would rise slightly today and probably remain nearly stationary tomorrow. In a message received yesterday by the Merchants Exchange it was made known that the steamer George W-4 Elder, which was reported off the Coast Sunday short of fuel, had been towed into the Golden Gate. Captain Nelson has arrived at Astoria from Seattle to become skipper of the tug Goliah. Captain John Reed has been shifted to the stug Tatoosh and Captain Parsons holds forth on the tug Fearless, the trio of vessels being un Every Coffee Drinker Instant Postum Requires No Boiling It is made by sfermg a level spoonful (mare or less to suit taste) in a cxrp of hot water and adding sugar, and cream enough to bring the color to golden brown. Grocers are selling this new food-drink, 100 cup tins, 50c; 50-cup tins, 30c "There's a Reason" for POSTUM amy Hays an VIA and Washington Streets. der the flag of the Puget Sound Tug boat Company. Following a general overhauling, the speedy sternwheeler Harrison, operated on the Couer d'Alene Lake by the Har rison interests, will resume service to day. Struck on the head by the heavy iron handle of a winding gear used on the Washington-street dock for raising and lowering the ship, a man named Jor gensen, employed as a deckhand on the steamer Jessie Harkins, was rendered unconscious yesterday morning. He was sent to St. Vincent's hospital and 6TEA1IEK 1TEXJJGENCK. Dae to Arrire. Name. Lyra Rose City From FalinsCrus. Data .In port . In .In .In . In port port port port Sue H. Elmore i. Tillamook. . Breakwater. . Roanoke. . . Anvil Alliance Beaver Oeo. W. Elder Bear . .coos way. , aa Diego. ., . .Eandon. .. .. .Kureka. .... .San Pedro.. , ,an Diego.. San Pedro.. Nov. Nov. 1.1 . Nov. 13 Nov. 18 .Nov. 18 So Depart. Name. Eue H. Elmore Breakwater. .. Rose City..... Harvard. ..... Roanoke Anvil Tale For Tillamook. ., .Coos Bay. ... Date .Nov. 12 .Nov. 1 2 . Nov. 12 . Nov. 13 .Nov. 13 . Nov. 14 . Nov. IS Nov. 13 .Nov. IT . Nov. 20 .Nov. 22 . Ban Pedro. .. . .8. P. to Ii. A. . J3an Diego. .. , .Bandon ,.S. F. to Li. A. . Eureka. . . . San Pedro. .. .Ean Diego. .. . Ban Pedro.. Alliance...... Beaver Geo. W. Elder. Bear an examination disclosed that there was no fracture of the skull. Bringing 10,000 sacks of cement, the steamer Yosemlte arrived from San Francisco last night and berthed at Oak-street dock, where the steamers Northland and Claremont are looked for this evening, the former with 4000 sacks of cement and 350 tons of mer chandise and the Claremont with a full cargo of cement. The Tosemite will sail Friday with passengers and cargo and the Northland Is to get away Saturday, also carrying passengers. Considerable grain was cleared ' for San Francisco yesterday when the mani fests of the steamers Camino and Nava jo we're filed at the Custom House, as the former had 3026 tons of wheat, 250 tons of barley. 424 tons of bran, shorts and flour and 125 tons of oats with 13'. tons of groats. The Navajo had 1201 tons of wheat, 101 tons of rye, 1150 tons of barley and 100 tons of oats. The Camino got away from the Golden Gate and the Navajo finished Should Try Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Batjle Creek, d Nights It's a Pleasure to Help Outline Your Trip Phone Marshall 4500 late last night and proceeded to Rainier for lumber. ' It is planned to finish loading the British steamer Strathlyon with barley today and she may get away tonight for the United Kingdom. The Nor wegian bark yalerie. which is also numbered with the flour fleet, entered yesterday from Cape Town with 1000 tons of ballast and she moved from the stream to the ballast dock at Linnton, as did the British ship Ravenhlll. The German bark Eilbek shifted from the Clark & Wilson mill to the stream, the Elfreida moved from the ballast dock to St. Johns to await a berth and the Peruvian ship G. Mazzini hauled into the stream from the ballast dock. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Nov. 11. Arrived Steamer Tosemite. from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Camino, for San Francisco. Port San Luis, Nov. 10. balled steamer Oloum, for Portland. Astoria, Or., Nov. 11. Arrived at 10 and left ud at 11 A. M. Steamer Yosemlte, from San Francisco. Sailed at 12:0 P. M. Steamer Klamath, for San Pedro. Sailed at 1:15 P. M. Steamer Yellowstone, for ban Francisco. . . . San Francisco, Nov. 11. Arrived at 1 A. M. Steamer Oeo. W. Elder. In tow of steamer F. A. Kllburn; Elder short of fuel. Sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Beaver, for Port land. Arrived at 8 A. M. Steamer Ne halem. from Portland: at noon steamer Tamalpals, from Portland. Eureka, Nov. 11. Sailed Steamer Alli ance, for Portland. Hoquiam. Nov. lo. Arrived Steamer Stanley Dollar, from Portland. Santa Rosalia, Cal.. Nov. 11. Arrived Frank Mount, from San Francisco, for Swan- "euvrpool, No. 10. Sailed Cyclops, for TRrfl Francisco, Nov. 1 1. Arrived Steam ers Geo. W. Elder. Tamalplas. from Port land; Governor, Columbia, from Seattle, Santa Monica, from Grays Harbor: Arablen. from Copenhagen; Nile, from Hongkong. Nehalem. from Astoria. Sailed Steamers Beaver, for Portland: Isthmian, for sinta Cruz: Shoshone, for Grays Harbor; Captain A. F. Lucas, barge 91, for Seattle. Seattle. Nov. 11. Arrived Steamers Buckman and President, from San Fran cisco: Meteor, from Southwestern Alaska. Sailed Steamers Humboldt, for Skagway. Northland, for Southeastern Alaska. Tacoma. Nov. 11. Arrived British steamer Strathdene, from Astoria; W im. ette from San Francisco; barge Palmyra, from Ikagway. Departed - British "earner Strathdene. for Calcutta; steamer t air haven, for Sound ports. ... ' ,,, Los Angeles, Nov. U. Arrived John A Campbell, from Grays Harbor. Sailed Riverside, for EveretX Columbia Ktver Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 p. yi. Moderate; wind south 10 miles, weather cloudy. Tides at Astoria Today. High waters ' Low water 8:07 A. M....B.8 feet!S:30 A. M..-IJ.6feet 2:20 P. M 8.7 feet! :2S P. M... 0-4 fee. The railroads of Newfoundland total 650 miles. . " This New Food -Drink tastes much like high grade Java, but is abso lutely pure and free from caffeine, the drug in cof fee, which causes so much nervousness, headache, heart trouble and indiges tion. To prove its worth a 5 cup sample tin will be mailed to anyone who sends 2c stamp for post age. Fill Out This Coupon POSTUM CEREAL CO., LTD., Battle Creek, Mich. Enclosed find 2c stamp for trial. tin of Instant Postum. , Name - Address Grocer's name Mich. Are You FAT? I Was ONCE- I REDUCED BY SELF audi i c,i it,,.. .mr.irtahle. Looked Old. Felt Miserable, sulfered ultU Hheumatlsm. ADkhma, Neuralgia. When I worked or walked. 1 puffed like a Porpoise. I tooK every advertised medicine 1 could find. i. Starved. Sweated, Kxeicised. Doctored and changed climate but I ruined my digestion, felt like an Invalid but steadily gained weight. There was not a single plan or drug that I heard of that I did not try. I failed to reduce my weight. I dropped society. s 1 did not care to be the butt of all the Jokes It waa embarrassing to have my friends tcil me 1 was getting Stout, as no one knew It bettor than n.yself. sO.MEIHI.VG HADTO BE DO.M9 I begun to study Jhe cause of FAT. When I discovered the cause I tound the remedy. The French Method gave me an insight. I t.n.A..Ai An fh.r Unmoved tile olileotion- able features, added more pleasant ones, and then l trieo. my piau um It worked lllce Mneti'. 1 could have SC11EA3IKU WITH JO at the end of the tlrst wek when tho scales told me 1 had lost ten pounds by my simple, easy, harmless, Drueless Method. It was a pleasure then to continue until I regained my normal salt In size. I feel Hftoen years younger. I look fifteen years younger. My Double Chin has entirely disappeared. I can walk or work now. 1 can climb a mountain. 1 am normal in size. I can weigh Just what I want to weigh. I am masier of my own body now. I did not starve, but ato all I wanted to I did not take Sweat baths. I did not Druft. I used no electricity, or harmful exercises, but I found the Simple. Sane. Common S.nse WAY of reducing my weight and I applied It. I have tried It on others. My Doctor says I am a perfect pic ture of health now. I am no longer ailing. I am now a happy, healthy woman. Now I am going to help others to be happy. I have written a book on the subject. If you are lot I want you to have It. It will tell you all about my Harmless. Drusless Meth od. To all who send me their name and ad dress 1 mall it FKKB, as long as tho present supply lasts. It will save you Money, save you from Harmful Drugs. Save you from Starvation Dlts. Harmful Exercises, possibly save YOUR LIFE. It Is yours, for the asklns without a penny. Just send your name and address. A Postal Card will do and I'll b glad to send it so that you can Quickly learn how to reduce yourself and be as happy as I am. Write today as this adver tisement may not appear again In this HATTIE BIEL, 0IG Barclay, Denver. Colo. TWO WOMEN " TESTIFY WhatLydia E.Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound Did For Their Health Their own Statements Follow. New Moorefield, Ohio. "I take great pleasure in thanking you for what your Veget&bleCompound has done for me. I had bearing down pains, was dizzy and weak, had pains in lower back and could not be upon my feet long enough to get a meal. As long as I laid on my back I would feel better, but when I would get up those bearing down pains would come back, and the doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound waa the only medicine that helped me and I have been growing stronger ever since I commenced to take it. I hope it will help other suffering women as it has me. You can use this letter." Mrs. Cassis Lloyd, New Moorefield, Clark Co., Ohio. Head What This Woman Says: South Williamstown, Mass. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cer tainly has done a great deal forme. Be fore taking it I suffered with backache and pains in my side. I was very irreg ular and I had a bad female weakness, especially after periods. I wa3 always tired, so I thought I would try your med icine. After taking one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compound I felt sp much better that I got another and now I am a well woman. I wish more women would take your medicine. I have told my friends about it" Mrs. Robert Colt, Box 45, South Williams town, Mass. Clean pots and pans with Germs of decay accumulate on oft-used pots and pans, and ordinary soap and water only cleans off the surface. Gold Dost does the work and does it right. It digs deep after germs, cleans like a flash, and leaves your pots and pans as bright as the day they were new and san- iiaruy suits. t Gold Dust does this work in just half the time required by soap or any other cleanser. Does it better, too. Geld DllSt cleans everything , like magic. Do not use Soap, Naphtha, Borax, Soda, Ammonia Kerosene wi: Dust. Go; has all de cloosinf qualities in a perfectly harmless and lasting form. "Lit thm COLD DUST TWINS doyotr work'9 CLEANS : SCOURS ' POLISHES id com k--?.-7 T