f Kr.AL I.. I A I r.. I . ' . I I I Koomo Mllh B-"rd In I'rtvate tamUT- ER V DEsTraITlE ROOMS, all modern cun vnicnces. la private huus In a C'Xd neighborhood for business men and wo men; home cok:di?. t-9 Prospect Drtv. Portland Heights, phone M. 1007. Keler encel required. TWO very pleasant cornee'lnc room. nt'e--ly furnished, with Loarrt; rent slnKij or t'.fr.-ther: walking "Usttnre; pleasant surrounrtinss; exce.ient home cooking. Phone Main ."2. FIKVT-CLASS room and board; excellent home rooking: home privi;.-ces; $. per week, ladles preferred. 11D East 14th at Phone Kast 3763. EXCELLENT hoard and room in private Iftmilv use of Diano and plenty or heat. hsrtt and hot water; young peoplo pre f-rred. C 2.H". EXTELLKNT, well furnished rooma, sleep-in-poreh: heft of home cooking: young men who will be j-ermanent preferred Main wzi. ROOM and board for 2 s-entlemen In one room. 44 per week each. 3 Harrison. M. J".'. H'H and board, with furnace heat, for one gentleman. 54 Kith at. North, cor. t'avls. ONE large, niceiy furnished room, close to baths, good board. Ou1 N. Kins St., near Washington. Phone Marshall 12. 1. WILL, board man, wife or two ladies for $li -per week; eight mites out on Oregon City car:tne. Fhor.e E. ain't. NICEI.T fumish.-d front room, with .board. for two: walkinar distance; ii per week. 335 Sherman, near otn. . 44 JEFFKKSi.N priate family. C til and see. T. Kooin and board in Rates ery reaaonaoie. hou.M. with board, in home. '! Clay St. a elegant refined KiKST-fLAtri room and hoard for 2 In pri vate honif. 1(J North 21-1 st. Main 42 BOARD and room in private family, walk ing1 distance. -"6 4 I'-xk at. NEAT, pleasant noma, singie or n suite. with Ward. 6"- Ollaan. 241 NORTH ! Dished room. ST. La ric. excellent board. nicely fur- Main 2'71. WANT K D C hilt! re n to tnke care of by the rlav or wwlc. I'hor.e Tahor r.441. K'M and board for om: women, .i wt-k; waH;:ns d:-tttt:rt-. Phone K.t t0 Pleasant front rm: al! new, modern ronveni"n'-es. SS 17th t., nar erettj ROOM and board. ItUh. Main GV7J. Apartmentk. THE BARKER, cor. 21t and Irvinff This new four-story brick now open; iur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-rora suites : reception hall, electric automatic elevator, iioimao disappearing bed, built in bufrt and writing tiesk. go. ranne. Ice box, plenty of closut rooms, both Dhon-t. vacuum ckancr free to Datroas. If you wane something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1744. Maranaii zsoi. THE VILLA. lT. CLARA, l'lih and Taylor. Just complied, moat niarniflcent t ur n's!ied arartmenta in the Northwest; lo xatlon prrtect; rentals reasonable; every mo-it-rn convenience, incIuaiuK banquet hail and roof srarden; both phones In ail apart jnents, h:,;ii-cixss service; reference re quired, phone Main 1TJ 7 o and A 7u57. THE HOL'SMAN, 730 HOYT. 3-room apartment, furnished or unfur nishH; 4 closets, larne bay window, over looking beautiful law a lib. view, on two streets, also 4-room front apartment with lari;e prnate porch, f urnisned or unfur nlshed. vacant Lec. lsu THE L'PaHL'R 20th and Lhur sis., fur nished 2-room a,t. and up: in cludes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apt.; private phones, public bath electric lights, gas. rang'- laundry room, ail free; a:so 3-roora ui.f uruish-d apt. with private bath. 4 ronis. . Take ii. siJd or V cars north. Ph-me Main sjt. CL'lr! BKHLAND APTS.. W. Park and Co lumbia st.. 1 choice 3-roum apt.. Just fur nished, everything nw. to married couple only; 1 rnodjr cor.vtnltii'rs, choice lo cation, facing the park, only S minutes walk from business enter. SEE THIS BEFORE DECIDING. Nicely furnished 8 rooms 30. ail out. side, large, light, airy rooms: private phone and bate, gas ranj;e. water beater, laundry trays, large closets; on car line. Tabor 2'2S. B 8041. THE WEaTFAL. 410 5th st.. seven minutes to P. O. Absolutely clean, elegantly fur nished, modern, 3 ana 4-room apt.. tl.oQ to $45 each, with private bata. automatic elevator, steam heated, beautiful view; 10 days rent free to re n ters toaay. A 1I3h. THE GLENUURA. 19th and Couch, on block from Wash ington; houst-keepln apartments, com fortably f urniilieti; rent reasonable; also furnished rooms; billiard and poolroom free to guests ; large parlor with piano. THE DEZLNDUHF, 203 1RTK STF.EET, N EAR TAYLOR. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 6 -room apartment; every modern con venience; pleasant surroundings; con veniently located to cars. THE PARK H I'RST. N. 2uth and Northrup sts. MAX KAUFMAN, MANAGING OWNER Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, outside rooms, balcony to every suite; ail conveniences; ref. Phone M. 117a. LINCOLN APT 3., ior. 4th and Lincoln. All outside "2-room apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; $22 iJ to $ t0. including lignts; private phones. A 3472. Main 1377. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 15th and vcrett 2, S and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $20 up; completely reoJ vated ; under nt w management ; walking distance; convenient and best service. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Coiumttia. Furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; all conveniences; f irst-ciitLSS. homelike, reasonable rates, refs. Main 73.;7, A Stil.1. SERENE COURT. East 1st and Multnomah sts.. Just com pleted; ' the finest and most up-to-date 2 and 3-room aparimeut-house in the North west; finest view, close in. East 142ti. WINSTON APARTMENTS. Sll 14th st.. at Market, new eornw? brick. 2-room suites, completely furnishsd for housekeeping; walking d.stancs; priart reasonable. For information call Main 174. HE LUZERNE, and Hail, newly furnished. 2 roora apartments, building nv and strict ly modern; large outside kitchens, service first-class; easy walking distance. "THE ORDER LEIGH" Steam heat, private baths ad phone in each 3-rootn apart ment: waikiDg distance; cheapest and cleanest rooms m ctt. b2 Graud ae., cor ner Stark. Phone East ;:d0. THE CAMAS. 704 Lovejoy St., 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished apartments, cheap, up; all raouern conveiuences. See jan it r. apt. 2L MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, park and Madison s:s. For rent, 3 and 4-roorn furnished land enfur niched apartments, sr:ct:y modern. TAYLOR APARTMENTS. Newly furnished 2-room suites $3.50 a week and up; free phone and bath. 2uj, 1st, corner Taylor. . IDEAL APARTMENTS. Newly furnished rooms, single and suites, heated, from 1 3 per mouth up. 535 Couch st.. cor. 16th. Phone A THB McKINLEV APARTMENTS, East 7ih and Morrison sts.; very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furmshesd com ptete; private baths; from $2v to $32.50. BURCil APARTMENTS. New. modern,' far nished 2-room apts., dressing rooms, fine location. Marsh ail 4141. 110 21st st. Nrth. "W car. KELLER APTS., 14th and Clay beautiful 8 and 4-room ox.furmsht d apartmnt,s, new brick bids. : electric eicvamr; references. Fitl'CE APARTMENTS. 2'th and Xonh i.p. -ro:t apartment strictly micra. Pinne Marsha'.l 1 4j:t- ROSK FRiEND. cor. 7th and Jefferson sts. Very desirabte unfurnished apartments; aJ outside rooms; hardwood floors; refs. THE CHELTENHAM. 233 N. JTH. 2-room apartments new brick building Tiew furniture. Marshal 1 36. 9. ' THE Drickston. 44S lilh : nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outride, ats. near Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marsnall 37. WALDORF COURT. IRVlNGTO.V ' E- Wth and Schuyler; 1 unfurnished spmt.. mndern. Kawt 547. Q ltj.-.y " " THE ILLIHEK Two-room apartments, cozy ana noms Hke. $13 up- Taylor, near 14th. THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington st.. new ly furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apis. Best service. Cheapest rent in city. New mgr. 4-ROOM fully furnished. Private furniture. l.ar:-e porch. Best Nob Hill apartment. Phone Marsnall 2"24. , THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay sU, under new management; 2-room furnished apartments. 16. iiS and 2. IRIS APARTMENTS f and ." large rooms. modern: private, phones, $32 and $40; 3d and Mill Fts. KATKERINE APTS.. 2;id and Hoyt sts. One elegantly furnished 3-room outside apartment; everything modern; rent $33 per month, phone Marshall 2tu3. -ROOM for family, private. 341 3th. Main 1 -j-.'S. A 1223. THE BRYN-MAWR APTS., JS5 E. J5th. near Yamhill; 4 and 3-room apts.. with prcb. DOVER A PT S. 4 - room. new a pa -1 m en t . SIS. 3 7 North unfurnished 24 th. KING-DAVIS Nea- 22d and 4-room apts.: boh phones' Wash.; 8 and rerererces. S-ROOM, phone. rieely furnished, 2'S East 20th. light, heat and SPLENDID 3-room furnished outside apt. $30. Call East 208. 1 iHj i a ini .1 aw-.-..,-----? . - - "I l ' J I ..JTrx-iT I SPECIAL NOT1CKS. ! ' EIEi; 1 I I in RKVP I t-UK - I ,r - " t ' Aiarlnlent. niiii.rrrim-TOimi. .11 r a........ MORGAN. FL1KDXER ft BOYCE. Apartment-liuse specia.ists. 503 Abington Building. Own or control- the following aPart-ment-houses. which ar- all new or ntarly new. up-to-data and posesa all modern convergences: w.i, ANGELA 37 Trinity Place, near wsn Ington. 2, 8 and .-room furnished ana unfurnished. CECILIA 'Hd and Gllsan; 3-room untur- CLAYPOOI.B- 11th and Clay; 8 rooms.. priTate balcony, unfurnished. -CLAY POOLE ANNEX 11th and Clay: rooms, furnished. t . FOP.UHAM 170 Kord St.. 4 rooms, unfur nished, hardwood fin.sh. private balcon ies. Highest-ciass apartment in the cuy. HANTHOKN 211 l-'-h at., near Main, a rooms, with 1r'vate balconies; uniur nfshed. ' HANOVKR 115 King St., near Wasning ton: 3 rooms, with private balconies, on i. i . r. mn furnished or un furnished. KNICKERBOCKER 410 Harrison . St.. ii.v,. .j with orivaie conies. unfurnished. ST. CROIX 1 TO Sit. Clair, near Washing ton; 3 roqras, furnished and uniur nisnea. . 6T. FRANCIS 21st and Hoyt. s rooms. with private balconies, uui lur- nished. WELLINGTON 13th and Everett e 9 1 Bveren. -hed; :ranje buliii- 4 and 5 rooms. unLnrnls inti; very reasonable rent References Required. THE WHBELDON. Corner Park and Taylor sts. THE WHEEtDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets -Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2, 3 apartments. buildings new modern; service first-claas- and 4-room and strictli CAP-ME LIT A, Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 3-room unfurnished apartment, exceptionally well arranged, walking dis tance. Hates Reasonable. Modern. References. w- KINGf jf BURY, Ford, near Washington St.; hl!rh-c:ass apartments; one un nished of 3 rooms, with private conv vnvri i 1 j vrihnii treet. near 17th- NVw, beautltul'y furnished; most rea sonable rut; best b. rvice. A RDM AY TERKACii. 12th and Harrison sts. Larue living rooms. Itix2t; every convenience. . ALTON I A, Marshall and lth sts. Large, airy, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, quiet and exclusive neighborhood. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Larirest and finest apartments on the Pacific Coast; in Trinity Place, Just off Washing ton, between ISth and 2(itn sis., in mh of apartment-house district; modern in every particular; high-class service; re fined clientele; sleeping porches in every apartment ; furnished and unfurnished ; prices right ; references required. See Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone Marshall 1101 LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretia street, near Washln g?on and 23d sts., HIGHEST CLASS and MOST EX CLUSIVE apartment-house in the cltj ; best of service and RETINED Si -KGUNDINGS with suites of 2 to 5-room unfurnished apartments. ALL Ol'TSlDH LARGE ROOMS: this elegant building U in a class by Itself; references required. See manager at apartment 17. Telephone Marshall 1300. Plat. . IRVINGTOX. Beautiful new 4 and 5-room apartments Itlth and Hancock; hardwood floors, tile bath, stenm-heated. gas ranges, built-in buffeta end bookcases; fine Janitor service. Apply at the office or at the building. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 2 2d and I!raee East tW3, C 2322. WEsT SIDE ti-room corner flats, newly painted, in very desirable neigh&orncou. furnace, fireplace, hot-water coll, etc bee thrm at 22d and Kearney sta. WiiT SIDE. 3-room flats, modern, good neighborhood, walking distance, a. -a 22 . ."' t, reduced from $ 3o. Phone B 30-- KEA&ONAHLE rent tor modern 6-room, lower fiat. tiu7 E. M"rrison. Phone Last 1 Jlt FuR RENT 7-room lower flat. Park and JeiTerson sts.; aii modern conveniences. Inquire Main 121U. FOR RENT Modem 7-room fiat; fireplace and furnace. 444 Park sU rnon Tabor 703 or East 1431. - MODERN family f.au 3 rooms. 10 uiiuutes waik to postoffice. convenient and select. 341 3th. Main 1223, A 1223. . 10 MODERN 4-room flat, porches, base ment, yard, sunny pleasant, first-class condition; adults. 7 Mi Williams ave. NEW modern 4 -room upper flat, walking distance; space for garage. 3ti MarkeL Main 4u73. x . o LARGE rooms, modern, complete, fire place, attic, steam furnace, tas range, heater, choice location. Phone E. 1 137. MODERN 3-room flats, two blocks north old Steel Bridge fronting river; beautiful loca tion: $17.3. MODERN family fiat, 11 rooms, newly tint ed, furnace, fireplace, gas range, linoleum. t;25 Northrup. Main 8473. MODERN flats, one unfurnished, one partly .furnished, on car line, strictly first crass. 1521 Northrup. FL RNiSHED 4-room bath: modern. O team-heated flat with te DrHig Co. MODERN 4-room Hat, near 23d and Wasii lngton; reasonable. Main Main 333. t-KOOM. also -room flat, at sts. Inquire 4.tw Mill. 12th and Mill I WO mouern 3-room fiats. th st. Inquire 426V 0-ROO-M modrn upper fiat. 1 7;l- E- Yamhill, near 2-id. iee'iing porch. Et4St ntf-KN " 3-1. 00M corner fiat, modern, and Belmont. I.jO. tith BEAUTIFUL, airy modern 7-room Hat, $40. 773Lj Johnson St., Nob Hill District. FLAT ot ti rooms Inquire ISO 6th and bath, st. Phone 731 Hoyt su Main 0278. tt-ROOM flat, 551 Washington at. Callan & Kaser. 722 YeonBldg. MainieSX MODERN 5-room flat for rent furnished $o0 per month. 7i0 E. Morrison. FURNISHED 6-room flat, Call Marshall loti7. 72 Thurmanat. Ho ux' keeping-Room-. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gaa range, elec tric lights, hot water. Lata, laundry free; $12 per montht up; a cien place; beat in the city for the money: short distance from Union Depot. Take 3 or -Itftn-at. cars north; get o:f at Marshall st. No dogs. DESIRABLE unfurnished, bay-window housekeeping, 2-room suites and single rooms In building lU'5Va Jefferson, cor. 5ch opposite City Hotel; rtew management; nwer a lodging-house; absolutely respect able; Save car tare. TH!-; UPSHUR, 2tith and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts., $15 up. Including steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment, public bath, electric lights, gas ranee, laundry-room, all free. Take a, 2--d or W cars north. Phone Main S59. $15 TO $1S. furnished housekeeping suites, large, light rooms, clean as wax, right down town. 2vs-4 3d st., near Jefferson. Hot water, bathd, light, free. Desirable people only. , $1.50 TO $2.75 week, clean, furnished H. K. rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laun dry, baths, yard. gas. Phone E. $t'dlk 4utl Vancouver. 2o3 Stanton. U car. FURNISHED housekeeping, large rooms, cheap rent. Cauibriug bldg., corner SU and Morrison at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2 week and up. The Oilman, 142 First, corner Alder st. : HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete building. Phone Woodlawn 2107 or 237.. NEATLY furnished H. K- rooms, close In, quiet and reasonable. 429 Salmon st. House keeping-Rooms In Private Family. 5 ROOMS, good location, price $10. Phone East 513S. 135 East 2iKh st. X. 2-ROOM housekeeping suite. $10 up; chil dren taken. 721 1st, cor. Hooker. 3 NICELT furnished housekeeping rooms; 2 beds. 215 loth St.. cor. Salmon. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; ground floor; modern. 127 N. 22d. THREiTirge. bright rooms. -2 beds. heat, light, water and bath furnished. 391 7th. LIGHT housekeeping, rooms, $2.25 and up. 4th st. 3 CONNECTING housekeepincr rooms, first floor; yard and rnne- '' Yamhill. CONVENIENTLY arrarged 2-room suite $15 a month. 2n 14th st. TWO furr.Whed it.' K.' rooms, furnace heat. modern. $17. !'0 E. Burnslde. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 143 Graham ave. ' ' ' - ' . ' 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms -heat, sink in kitchen. 509 Mm. FRONT 2-room suite, walking distance, $1 a week. 4'i Columbia st. C-L-IAN. bright, well-f urnbhed housekeeping rooms. t5 lth pt- $10 A large housekeeping room; bath. 651 E. Morrison. gas and ROOM furnished for housekeeping cheap 1063 . Taylor st. SL'ITES of unfurnished housekeeping rooms. rooms eacn, eonnecting: lint, telephone, oath and water free; suitable location, on car line. Callor phone Jdar- snau at,:tu. 3 n. KlPt st. $1P-15 J or 2 nire large front rooms and Kitcnenette. new y furnisnert for nouse keeping. 786 . Yamhill, near 3d; "SS" car. NICELY and comfortably furnished double rarlors. with kitchenette, suitable for 4 adults: cloo in ; reasonable rent ; home like; faring parkway. HZl West Park. TWO newly furnished houseke-'Dinn rooms bath, sink, phone, cooking, gas, electricity rre; attujts. mz Moms st. Phone c hjj. NICELY furnished sinicle housekeeping room. convenient and reasonable, close in. 181 14th. ATTIC, furnished with beds, gas etc. complete for housekeeping, , ll !4(h. range. cheap, TW O ceatlv "furnished housekeeulnir rooms; close-in; no objection to small child. i23 Clay st. NICE airy housekeeping rooms; free rights, pi-. on e and bath; $2 per week and up. i:4 loth St.. corner Kearney. ROOMS with board. 3024 Park sL. cor. Co- lumbla : modern conveniences; references exchanged. 4 NICELY furnished rooms, every convenience, overlooking Multnonan field; reasonable rnf. 17') Cha:man, A 4T.i'd, SLEEPING rooms; aiso housekeeping; gas and batn; reasonable. Phone East 122 :ur E. Davis st., cor Grand sve. ONE furnishtd housekeeping with kitchen ette, free light, and phone and bain. $3.50 week. 324 14th st. TWO large outside rooms, couple employed; private 7w. suitable for home. - Main JUST what you want in 2-room suites, com-J pletely furnished for nouseiceeping, 10 $J3. fi3 N. 2oth." PORTLAND HEIGHTS, one or two fur nished housekeeping rooms with kitchen ette. Clifton. Main 444. NEWLY furnished front roma -ette, $4.50 a week. 471 W. and Kitchen Park. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, running water: will rent. separately; rent $12. 601 Everett. CHEAPEST h. k. suite in city, newly fur nished, clean. 405 Clay, near 14th t. Honnes. THE MEIER FRANK STORES' FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION. BUREAU Is for the convenience of both Portland people and stranjrers In- the city who may be looking 'or homes, apartments or fTats. Wo have an excellent private list, as wU as the combined lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings in course of construction. Home-builders especially will find relief in this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent, visit THE MEIER & FRANK RENTAL BU REAU, fourth floor main bldg. foil RENT 3-room housi, 00 Flanders St., J20. 3-room house, 4'.3 East Couch, $10.30. 5- room house, 313 Front st., $12.30. fi-room house. 1321 Corbett St.. $lfs. 6- room house Montgomery, $20. THE LAW'RENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth street. Between Morrison and YamhilL Phone Main UH13, A 2615. HOLSES FOR RENT. 5-room, $15. 7-room, close in, $27.50. 6-room, walking distance, $50. Also large list of houses. Not too much trouble to show property. Anderson, the Rent Man, National Realty & Trust Co.. 723 CI. amber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 312U. FREE. OUR PRINTED RENTAL LIST. Gives you first choice nf the most de sirable "For Rents" in Portland. Ask for list. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main 6SG9. 269 Washington St. A 6267 STRICTLY modern 7-room house, ground loxluO. E. 63d near Belmont St.- fine view of city in a neighborhood of fine homes; $40 per month ; will give lease. Box C. E. 275. R. D.,""- MUwaukle. Phone red S12 Milwaukie. 11-ROOM house on 11th st. South, fine cor ner location and grounds; will sell f urni ture for same cheap if wanted ; suitable for private home or boarding ana rooming-house. AN MS Oregonlan. FOR RENT 30-roora house, nwly painted and tinted, within walking distance; rent very reasonable. 34- Jackson st, near corner 6th st. FOR RENT 2 new modern 8-room houses at 500 and 602 Montgomery at., near Port land Academy, Jennings & Co., 2v0 Ore gonlan .bldg. 11-ROOM house, strictly modern, nearly new ; fine location ; S. E. corner 14th and Saimon; $00. Inquire 920 Yeon bldg. Main 225. FOR RENT 6-room modern residence, 408 Broadway, in Irvington, comparatively new. Inquire of owner, 005 Yeon bldg. $.15. MODERN five-room bungalow ; very large rooms; "between two carlines. 944 Cleve land ave. Take "U" car. Phone Main 751d 5-ROOM modern bungalow, all conveniences. 1 block from canine, gaa and electricity. 156 J E. Flanders sf. 7-ROOM corner house, flrexilace and furnace. on soutn ltun st. ; rent jjo. v anuuyn Walton, r15 Chamber cf Commerce. A ti-ROOM modern house, tion, 501 East Caruthurs. in good condi near 11th. East 7 ROOMS, 871 Kelly street, near Gaines, modern conveniences, $20, good American neighborhood. Phone Sell wood 1640. FOR RENT 5-room cottaKe with bath and gas. CU2 First at., second door from Meade. S car. Phone Tabor 181. 6-ROOM modern cottage $16. 941 East Al der su Phone East uui2 and B 1878 or East 60;! i). f EIGHT-ROOM house, t!5 East Washington st.. corner L'um. Phones Main or 041.6. SIX-ROOM bungalow, fine district, on paved streets; linoleum in kitchen and bath; shades in. Call Sellwood 712. 4S2 HALL ST. Six-room house, bath, gaa. turnace, $27.50, includes water tax. Phone A a 112. 6IX-ROOM modern house low rent, freshly tinted. Imjulre at Rodgers-Hart-Gibson Co.. 010 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SIX-ROOM bouse, 574 Belmont st. East 14th and Belmont. 'Taqor ;un;3. C 1370. MODERN, desirable S-room house, 390 San Rafael, near 'Union, $;."i. East 10M. FuH 1 fentala. see iVitson 305-30t; spaiaing bldg. M. Therkelsen Co 7E92. 5-ROOM modern bunaiow, corner East 34th and Lincoln sts. NEW modern 0-room house ; fireplace, fur nace; close in. 734 E. Main, E 4475. 6-ROOM modern house, gas. furnace. Key E. 17th. Phone Main 203s, mornings. MODERN 5-room cottage, SSS Benton St., blocks from Broadway bridge. .. MODERN 5-room cottage, car. 854 Hood st.; S 6-KOOM modem house, good condition, 509 East Caruthers, near 1 1th. Kast 353. MODERN 5-room upper flat; 332 st., near iih. Phone Main 867. Sherman 9-ROOM house for rent, 715 Washington U Inquire 215-OC. 24th. Phone M. .-ROOM houeo. West Side. 11th St.. vnte f-iroily preferred. Main 255 tk pri. IRVINGTON S-room modern house, garage, sleeping porch; rent $4-0. East 4704.- WEST SIDE, walking distance, nice large 5-room cottage, $13.50. Apply 42810tliy Furnished Houses. 8-ROOM house, modern,, fine location, suit able for one or two families; will rent furnished -or unfurnished. 1U5 Williams ave., corner Emerson. f FURNISHED "-room bungalow on river near Miiwaukie; nominal rent. Includes water, wood, phone, tc L 6S4, Ore gon lanr- NICELY furnished 7-room modern house; paved street, concrete walks, nice yard, file Maiden ave., $25. Sell wood 1299. ON Willamette Heights, handsomely fur nished hom. 7 rooms; every modern con venience1. Phone.-Main 4624. Home A 29 4. 5 OR 6-ROOM furnished house, adults; ref erences required. Phones A S8, B l2od. S50 13th, mornings. WEST SIDE, good location, ten-room house, two baths; Winter months; $125. p Oregonian. FOR RENT. FURNISHED 5-room modern cottagfl it has good -Turnace; $25. Main 2227. 6-ROOM modern furnished home In Irving- ton, reasonable. 600 Multnomah st. Call bet. 2 and 4 any day. BARGAIN New. modern. 5-room bungalow, 1247 E. 17th; $2750. Sellwood 810- SROOM cottage, West Side, nearly fur- fciahed, ?23 a month. Mar. 4 SSL FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, V block to Mount Scott car; reasonable. Main 5435. 5-ROOM flat, f urnished complete, 2 blocks from steel bridge. 301 Holliday ave. 4 ROOMS and bath, modern house, small family, adults, no dogs. 400 13th st. FURNISHED modern 6-room house, walking distance. RO East 30th North. East 181i. i-HOOM furnished house. East Sld, cheap rent, -SI Ross st. Phone East. 3010. FOR REN'T EW. MODERN. COMPLETE LY AND' NICELY FURNISHED HOME FOR JfcENT; W"EST IS IDE; FIXE LOCA TION. REFERENCES REQUIRED. AN 5i4, OREGON IAN. $25 ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, new, completely furnished; gas and electricity; 1 bJock to car; 23 minutes' ride. See Jas. C. Logan, 815 Spaiaing digs. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern conveniences, small housekeeping room. suitable for one, $6 month; walking dis tance. 443- Columbia. - compi.wtki v furnished house. 8 rooms. modern, laige, sunny, 16th and East Mor rison, waikine distance. $50. Reserve one room. East 156. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, . beautiful " grounds, on river near Milwaukie;vnominal rent, includes water, wood, phoneetc. AR OL'ii. uregonian. Stores. STORE ROOM 25x15 FEET. WITH EN TRANCE TO PERKINS HOTEL; MOST CENTRAL LOCATION; WASHINGTON. NEAR FIFTH; BONG LEASE; RENT REASONABLE. INQUIRE L. Q. 8WET- LAND, PERKINS HOTEL. SITXH-fcSTREET store, in brick building near Oak st. 22x40. with good basement. Oak street Is fast becoming an important busl ne strt. Rent reasonable for occu pancy at once. A .H. BirreliCo., 202 Mc- STORE bldg, for rent. In thickly-settled district of Portland. No store near; best situation for grocery business. A great snap Tor some one. Call or write H. Hoffman, 7141 44th ave. S. E. STORES In all parts of the tcity; low rents, lavorabio leases. TH FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main tisti9. ' L'69 Wash. St. A 6267. THE MILNER'building, down town offieea and apartments, has chansed hands. Terms reasonable. 350a Morrison st- Phone Main 4521. ; THIRD and Yamhill, small store for al most any business ; rent reasonable. In quire 44i 3d. Main 7055. Miss Kay. FOR RENT Stores. No. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone Last goto.,. TO KENT, STORES. FLOORS BUILDINGS. W. H. WEHiV 4tl leon piqg. jaain -.in FOR RENT Stores In brick bldg.; rent $3o corn er Second ana r lanaers. 6fTice. FOR RENT Rooms in Stearns building suitable for musical studios, sample sales rooms, architect's office, etc Inquire of lice Sherman. Ciay & Co. nKSk' room in nicely furnished, outside of fice; only $15 including both phones, etc Best location. am oregonian pmg. MOST centrally located offices, desk room. all-night elevators. owetiana oiag., Fifth and Washington. OFFICE room with use of phone $15 per month. 34 Chamber of commerce. desk ROOM. 10 ner month; light, both phones and neat, zio uregonian pmg. PART of my splendid mahogany furnished off ice. "23 leon ulag. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUSINESS OPEN NO. Wnnr " nartnpr in automobile business; will require an - investment from $ 10,00 to $2-5, OuO. Experience not necessary. In vestment safe and big returns assured. If you are looking for a business opening or a place to invest your money, it win pay you to lnvestigato this at once. Address for Interview, manager, B 557,J3regoman. Fi EKT onnortnnltv around Portland for 1 grocery and meat marKet ; goou. nuiiums waiting to be occupied, only $15 per mimth and an unlimited territory to draw from. For particulars call at 7:10 Chamber of Commerce or go to Mult nomah, on the Oregon Electric. STOCK OF MERCHANDISE FOH KALE. A rtean stock of mdse.. consisting of men's and bovs' clothing and furnishings; new and up to date; MUST BE "SOLD AT ONCE. OPEN FOR BIDS. J. V. Roberts, Independence. Or. Phne Hotel Lerona. TAILORING business, clearing $150 to $200 per month, will improve every raonui, prominent corner, low rent; stock clean and up to date; best paying small busi ness In Portland; $800 cash ; no debts. Phone East "4!7S, call Tailor; or address AO 54S. Oreoonian. GROCERY STORE TO TRADE. If you have anything to trade, don't miss- this; nice location. rent $50, in cluding n-.ice ilat; does $35 a day business; will trade for city property; price $2000. HlK Yeop bldg. FOR SALE Pantorium in one of Oregon's best towns. First-class outfit, doing a Dig paying business, good suit ordering' trade in connection. Other business, reason for selling. Rght price for cah. AV 3i4. Oregonian. TO LEASE. WASHINGTON-STREET STORE. Prominent corner on Washington, ideal place for cigars and confectionery store; will give 5-year lease at very moderate rental. 018 Yeon bldg. OPPORTUNITY for party with J 1250 to take half interest in a light manufactur ing business; $7 per day salary and share in profits; particulars, call at the Cecilia Apts., 714 Glisan st.. Apt. 1, first door to left of main entrance. FOR SALE Mortgage about to be fore , closed on complete factory with machin ery; 1O0 feet "trackage; building 50x100, including land llktxluti; make an offer. In quire E. J. Jaeger. 2'is Morrison st. PARTNER with about $2000 to engage in the selling of staple manufactured goods. Gross profit from 00 per cent to loo per cent. Business established. Can largely Increase sales. "AJ 53S, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good confectionery and ci gar store, also light groceries, corner lo cation; will ssll cheap, as I must leave f ir Old Country. Call at 14th and Gllsan, 115 North 14th. Owner. SOLID BUSINESS; owner wants reliable partner to tend office, check coal, etc.; good pay, email investment required. Call 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. GROCERY with 4 living rooms and bath. $40 " dailv cash business; price $1350; would invoica-$1500. 3u3 Lumber Ex change. ' UP-TO-DATE furniture store in good Cen tral Oregon town at sacrifice, $2000; sub stantial payment down; must sell at once on account of sickness. AV 367, Oregonian. FOR1 SALE All or half, best restaurant and lunch counter in city, exceptional oppor tunity: owner sick and must sell alt or part. See King, 103 N. Jersey. St. Johns. WILL sell whole or half interest In estab lished film exchange and motion picture operator school at considerably less than invoice. See Mr. Connolly, 60 0 Yeon bldg. BARGAIN In moving picture show In good town; no competition; clearing over $2o0 nionthlv (will prove thlsj ; price for quick eale, $2MJ0. Particulars 248 b Stark st. hersTyour CHANC E. Groceries, confuctionery, 5 living rooms, furniture included; large school trade; no rent. Main 7202. THEATER Clearing $30 to $50 per week. This will positveiy stana strictest inves tigation; trial given; bargain. D 514, uregonian. OFFICE BUSINESS, long established; owner Will guarantee good business ior a man with $250 and services. Particulars -48 hit Stark st. RESTAURANT clearing $30 week and easily worth price oniy ..o, owing 10 sic-.- neas. 3u3 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Well-established corset busi ness. Owner leaving city. J 591, Ore gonian CIGARS and confectionery store; clears $150 month: big bargain this day. 19 Lumber Exchange, d and Stark. GROCERY store for sale; cash trade, doing a good business; will invoice about $1250; rent $2o Tabor 41H. SMALL poolroom for sale; good business; .p;nn!l amount cash will handle it. phone Sellwood 1711. DELICATESSEN clearing $20Omonth above expenses, ion balance easy expenses, long least1; price J 954). $350 cash. Kr Luinwer ij(cua-ug FOR SALE By owner, restaurant and del icatessen, on West Side, doing a good busi ness. AO 549, Oregonian GROCERY and notion store, with living rooms; low rent; price $'.'50; first time advertised. Call 24SH Stark st. A GOOD paying drygoods and gents' fur nishing store for sale; owner is going to Europe. AJ 530. Oregonian. 7ROOMS to trade, or take $250 down; rent paid to Dec, 1st. Call S16 Alisky bldg. Thornton. REPAIR SHOP, $150; clears over month. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. $100 MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES; FILM SUPPLIES. LAEMMLE. 333 OAK. RESTAURANT, good location, receipts $70 a'day: $1200, terms. AG 537. Oregonian. Delicatessen and 10-room house, 21st and Johnson. Main 7105. 333 Worcester bldg. MODERN 6-room furnished flat. No. yjth N. Marshall 77, A 7131. 8 East FOR SALE Billiard and pool hall. Address Qm p. Ueonard. gacksonviUe, Or. WELL-ESTABLISHED millinery business for sale. AK 5s5. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale cheap; owner leaving city. 34 -Morrison. . SALOON for sale, independent license. 3d st.' ' I OPPORTUNITY to buy cheap lunch counter at 16 North 2d su Tt H GOODKIXD CO.. INC. 1005-PK WIlcoX bldg.. Cor. Sixth and Washington. Phone Marshall 40S, A HMtt. Wholesale grocery, will sell interest to right party for $1200. Buyer must take Worklrg Interest; monthly salary and dividend each year; gilt-edge proposition. Goodkind Co. ,, Restaurant, $inf)0; will invoice more, re ceipts $25 to $30 per day, light running expenses, cheap rent, has lunch counter and 10 mahogany tables; new and clean, brick bldg. Opens into 100-room hotel, good restaurant man can double the re ceipts here. -Goodkind Co. v Grocery. $3000, or invoice, suburban lo cation, receipts $75 tty $125 per day, high cias3 district, all good accounts, books open for inspection, partners disagree the cause of sale. Goodkind Co. Grocery and delicatessen, $1700 or will Invoice; swell West Side location; receipts $45 to $50 a day; cheap rent; all cash trade; no delivery; this is one of the best little stores in the city. Goodkind Co. Meat market, $600 old-established, re ceipts average $1800 per month, rent $20, horse and two wagons go with place, ele gant marble-covered counters, electric meat and bone grinder, all good trade, sales half cash, suburban location; meat men get busy. Goodkind Co. we have Isold other plac e s. why not yours? see goodkind co.. inc. , jV MONEY-MAKING CAFETERIA FOR SALE. For good reasons the owner offers cme of the largest and best paying cattenas. centrallV'located, in Portland; this bear thorough investigation; $SOOO handle. See my atrent, Adams, with CHAPIX-HERLOW MTG & TRUST . 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. will Will CO., CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Washington street. Best of fixtures, including soda foun tain; good- transfer point; will give five year lease and sell fixtures very reason able. Particulars 010 leon pmg. FOR SALE: Rooming-house, 7.2 rooms, with long lease, clears over $200 a month; will take part cash, balance terms to suit, or will trade with good timber land'or farm. T. Nlnomiya, Weinchester House, cor. 3d and Burneide. PICTURE SHOW, 600 seating capacity, everything new and first class,- rent very cheap, doing a nice business, can be bought lor $500 if taken at once. Fujarher particulars 61S Yeon bldg. ' CLEANING and pressing; partner wanted for a solid business; good pay; experi ence not necessary -and very little money required. S19 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. . FOR SALE Confectionery and soft drink parlor, central location, exceptionally good point for candymaker. See King. 103 N. Jersey st., St. Johns. WILL pay man good salary, merchandise business, country town, near Portland ; must loan me $500; only requirement, willing and honest. AN 63a. Oregonian. OFFICE BUSINESS wants steady man as partner to attend office and phones; this office clears ?:K month above expenses; price $250. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Reliable partner to work in store, check goods, etc.; pay better than wages; requires very little , money, 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. WANTED Active partner in well-estab iuhH fni hnsirieRs to take ntace of part ner: leaving' city; $10O salary for right man. M 330, Oregonian. CHOICE DELICATESSEN making $100 per montn anove an exDenae, buuuj ... trade: price for quick sale, $750. 24SVi Stark st. LUNCH, bakery and confectionery store; snlendld location; take $w to canaie; rsason for selling poor health. 5515 S. E. Take ML Scott car. 1 2d PRESSING and dye- works wants steady nnrtnpr- will teach vou tne DUSinesa, pay $25 week and share oj profits; price $175. 30 Lu m o er hxenan. GOOD paying business for $325; rent rea sonable: gooa reason- tor sening. v.an ci gar store. 2d and Yamhill. pittttrt-i KHOW Rare chance for steady, sober man; pays montn. iw -ufliu-r Exchange, -d ana totarit. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTICP. I HAVE a client who wants a good, sub stantial, clean ousinesa, eitner nan 01 entire Interest; must bear investigation. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753. HAVE S500 with services to Invest in some nnrtinulars are stated. Mean business if you can show me. AN 542, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. , APARTMENT WANTED. WE HAVE several parties wantirfg apart ment-houses, and lr you nave any ior sale, list them with us and we 'are sure we can dispose of them if the price is right. - THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY Third and Washington sts. Entrances Washington and Third. HOTEL. Out of Portland,, thriving little town; new brick bldg., restaurant in connection, furniture new 5 months ago; rent V15 per month, long lease, steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; price only $I50O. Particulars 618 Yeon bldg. ONLY $450. Note the location. 102 12 th st., between Washington and Stark: elegantlv furnished house, full of roomers. $mio wocth of furniture, for $450; rent $35. Owner, 102 12th st. FOR SALE 21 rooms, elegantly furnisnea. new and clean; best location; nig. income and always full; lease, terms, chuap. By owner, 655 Flanders, near 20th. FOR SALE OR TRADE BY AN ESTATE. 11 05 era and wen-nuea noiei ; central. rated. John C. bldg. Main S201. $500 CASH. 1 2-room house, own housekeep ing, no wotk, in a. guwu lutuBuu, win wcji aoout .?"0 a month anove your rent. I'M Lownsdale, cor. Taylor. - Bb'SHMARK HOTEL tor sale cheap, house full; call me up personally. io ageuia. AG. aii. Oregonian. 50 ROOMS, good lease, modern, good money- maKer, iortuno ior uie jjiii lj. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. 16-ROOM house, fine 221 13th st. location, rooms all rented. 12-ROOM house. nicely furnished, $twu; terms. 314 Mill t. A 0.u. owner. I.OST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wnoiesaie prices; ws renovate mattresses and return same day , we also renovate' feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metiger, 22o-2ti Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. REWARD The Marine Insurance Company, of London. jngrana, win pay a rev:u ui $150 for the arrest and conviction of the parle who stole E. M- F. automobile No. 40327 and abandoned same- at 02d Btreet and Millard avenue. 301 Yeon bldg. LOST Lady's Elgin watch; green case; party leaving ior unent ; reium ueiore noon Tuesday; $5 reward. Office Kor- toma Hotel. LOST Ladv'i black velvet handbag on 10:30 Oregon Electric train for Hillsboro, Satur day morning. Return to this office and receive reward. ' LOST Sundayeve., transferring at 2d and Wash., square white embroidered shawl, valued for associations. Finder kindly phone W'oodlawn 1897. LOST Small round gold locket, - photo irranh and 4-leaf clover Inside. Return 209 16th. near Tavlor. Reward. lost Female Boston bull terrier, white head, bat ears, screw tail, with harness. Reward. Phone B 1196. . LOST Wing-Shaped brooch set with pearls, diamond in center. Return to 227 Stark st. and' receive reward. LOST Silver purse, containing ? keys and some change, on Broadway car or Wash ington st. Phone E. 3i50 laOST Pair of soectacles with chain at taohed; liberal reward; return to Pacific Bridge Co.. 3 rJiectrio mug. jOPTWatch fob, with "P. R- C." pin and medal bearing owner's name. Call Helwig, g2:( Spalding bldg. Main 2113. Reward. jdT -Handbag containing small purse, keys and calling cards. Reward Ore gonian office. JADE brooch. Rstnrn to 814 Beck bldg. and receive reward. Phone Woodlawn 1339 or Main 6164. - ' AN amethyst pin; liberal Phone C 14S0. Main 515. reward offered. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON- In the matter of the estate of Pacific Electrical Engineering Company, bank rupt I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting princi pally of electric motors, magnet wires and electric supplies, located at the corner of Union ave. and Pine st.. Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon on Wednesuav. No vember 13. 1912. Certified check for 3 0 per cent of the amount offered must ac company same. Sale will be subject to the approval , of the court. Inventory of the property may be soen at my office, and the property may be inspected at Union ave. and Pine st., upon appointment. Dated at Portland, Or.. Nov. 9, 1913. L L. SAB IN, 7 1st SU OFFICE. Q- M. FORT' STEVENS. ORE., Nov. 11, 112. SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, will be received in this office until 11 A. M. Dec. 10. 1912, and then opened, for construction of approximately 2400 ft. of 4-inch pipe line, at Fort Canby, Washington. Further information may be obtained by applying ' to this office. AU GUSTUS NORTON, 1st Lieut. C. A. C, Q. M. Misce 11a n re us. WE hereby beg to notify the trade that C. H. Settle, of tho firm of Scheel & Schicl Company, noodle manufacturers, has this day (November 12 withdrawn his name and interest from said company. The busi ness will, from now on, be conducted unoer tho name of Scheol & Co., to whom all accounts are due and payable. SCHEEL & SCHIEL CO., (Scheel & Co., successors). Portland. Nov. 12, 1012. FOR SALE A well -assorted stock of gen eral merchandise, situated in the center of an extensive wheat-growing section. 4 doln a good cash business; store building and warehouses can be purchased if de sired ; full investigation allowed ; present manager desires to close up the estate. Address R. L. Sabin, drawer 751, Portland, Oregon. FINANCIAL. frE can place your .money on loans from $2500 to $10,00 0 af 7 and 8 per cent, 3 to r 'vears ithese loans receive personal attention of Mr. Jos.. Baumgartner, who is known through the Ladd t Bush Bank as one of the most conservative men in the citv. and who has tha. best Judgment in making mortgage loans. He will talk this matter over with you anjl arrange to loan such amounts as you may de sire on absolutely approved loans. CHAPIX-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber 0 Commerce. WILLIAM C. BORCHflRS. MORTGAGE AND BOND BANKERS. (Investments of merit omy.) MORTGAGE LOANS BOND ISSUES ESTATES MANAGED. INSURANCE RENTALS 207-208 Oregonian BuMdlng. MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $1300. Interest quarterly. $1500. Interest half-yearly. $3200. Interest yearly. $1500. Interest quarterly. $3500. Interest half-yearly. JOHN BAIN, 214 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $1300 interest quarterly. $1500 Interest half-yearly. $3300 Interest yearly. $1500 Interest quarterly. $3500 Interest half-yearly. JOHN BAIN. 214 Spalding bldg. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of ihtereat and save you more than the bro kerage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Abington. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity in contract of sal 3 on real estate in Washington or Oregon, H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. FIRST and second mortgages, contraota, and commission accounts bought real es tate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Abington bid - WE buy notes, contracts, and second), equities. Co., 3 Lewis bldg. mortgages (first F. 1L Lewis t LOANS stocks. Nelson on mortgages, contracts, bonds, any collateral or real aecurity. Bros., fc04 Lewis bldg FIRST mortgages on real er. ,;te for sale. Mortgage loans on favorable terms. John Bain. 212-214 Spalding bldg. WILL pay cash for first mortgage or sell er's equity I11 contract. Phone evenings or Sunuay, Tabor 220. Money to Loun Real festate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE contracts. :o commission. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 016 fPALDLNO BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates In sums from $5n0 and up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth St., Between Morrison and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN, on city or farm property. THE HAKBOLT-W 1LSON CO., INC. 710-ilii LEWIS BU1LDINU, 4th and Oak. ' Marsh 42O0. A 7158. HART MAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have on hand funds for investment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, confer with our mortg a ge loan department. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence, buniuesa property and Multnomah county farms. ED W. P. MALL. 300 and 304- Chamber of Commerce. 4 MONEY TO LOAN. REAL ESTATE. 5 per cent and 6 per cent on business property. 7 per oent on dwellings, without unnecessary .delay. R, H. Blossom, 310 - Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES! WILLIAM H. M'DONALD, 404 GER LINGER BUILDING. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build, ing progresses. The Equitable Savings dk Loan Association. 240 stark at, $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on improved city property. GRL'SSl c BOLDS. -31S Board of Trade bldg., 4th and oak. $500,000 ON .mprovea cfty or farm property. building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzle i Co, 514-515-513 Oiiiinger bldg. MONEY to loan In amounts to suit, secured by improved city property. Ask for M r. Tufford. The First Trust Company, 3d and Washington sts. Phones M. 3449, A 3163. AMOUNTS from $250 to $500.0 to loan on city property; charges for services are reasonable and service is swift and ade q u ate, fcee attorney, 730 Chamber of C om. $3H)0 to loan on suitable real estate se curity, ( per cent; uo umc, expense. Farrish, Watkins & Co.. 106 Second st. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgage. Current rates. Seeiey u 201 Board of Trade bids. LOANS on improved or unimproved real es tate, mortgages and contracts bought. W. H. yunn, 44a Sherlock bldg. TO loan, estate moneys in any sum from 1500 up at current rates. Room 10-11 Mulkey bldg., Kd and MorrlBou sts. $V0,000 AO loan m sums to suit. Building loan. , u w en, . ..v.-. - . aiufiiu fc aiimg bidg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rate.. A. H. Birreil Co., 2d McKay bldg., 'i mi d and Stark. TO LOAN $20,000 OR LESS. FARR1NOTON, COMMERCIAL, CLUB BLDQ, MORTGAGE loans on either city or farm property; mJi i.otsu. nenry tj. Prudhomme Co., Sup Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city property . n t rutes. Law vera a lutra. Trust Co.. room 6, Board of Trade bld 6(HM FOR immediate loan, or will divid. D"rr ,r.t Main llfirt tniB rtm"""- LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew elry. V. Li p, iTaaningmq Dtdrf. btaTE FUNDS, o per cent. W. E. Thomas, 400 Ch. of Com. S1O0 TO $iuu to loan tor snort time by priVKL- yq. W w -o UJUfi. filu 000 SUMS $50o to $12U0. little peoie oniy. Attorney, 210 Alisky bi ex- VI OK i liAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. DOUIS SALOMON, 220 STARK ST. $7000, 543, TWO or more accounts preferred. Oregonian. uyNiii, any amount, 0 to S per cent. H. Seltz & Co., ttlO Spalding bldg. 4U 000 ON HAND for improved farm loans. Main 10. Friendly, 7l'5 Spalding bldg. pi'iVAlfi money loaned on real estate mart ages. H- MUey. room 204 Get-linger bid. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. YCRTGAGL" LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H LEWIS. 3 LE.V.'S BLDj. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE And otiiers. upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H Tolmaa, room 817 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle . men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at Easter it rates. Diamond Pal ace, 324 Wa3lunston,op4). OwiDrug Store. PRIVATE MONEY Small amounts, short " time; diamonus. jewelry or any good se curity. Call 510 Rothchild bldg. ' WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. ' Mark & Bioch, 74 3d st. WANT $i'G0 on 110,000 improved city prop .erty; this is good. See us at once. Trow bridge & Stephens, 301 Wilcox bldg. PRIVATE party hiis money to ioau on fur niture and chattels. Call at inv nome. C V. Ryan, 2S1 10th st.. near Jefferson. A LOAN for the asKing. saiary or chattel The Loun Co., 414 Li kuin bldg. MONEY sold on installment ; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henrv bids-. MONEY loaned on diamonds and je welry ; strictly confidential, 141 i 3d near Alder. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PREPAK FOR WINTER. With Our Monc ey. QUICK. UIA.N3. ANY AMOUNT. JCEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. Organized to LOAN MONEY QUICKLY TO HONEST PEOPLE WHOM THE BANKS Will Not A commodate and t Pay Off Loans With riih-Rate Money-Lend ers. YOfj CAN GET IT TODAY. On your Furniture. Piano. SAL. ART, Storage Receipt. Autos. SPECIAL NOV EMBER. RATES $ .10 Weekly Pays a $ lO LOAN, $ .i-5 Weekly Pavs a $ 25 LOAN. $1.40 Weekly Pays a $ 50 LOAN. N $1.50 Weekly Pays a $ "5 LOAN. $2.2 Weeklv Pavs a $HU LOAN. OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION. FULft. REBATE ALLOWED. Business Strictly Confidential. Privat offices. No Red Taps. No Jnvestigtlon. - PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 200-7 Macleay bldg. Phones. Between 4th and 5Lh on Wash. Ope-n M o n . and Sat. Until 9 ,F. M. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! SO CHEAP" THAT NO ONE SHOULD BH WITHOk'T IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. .,T YOTJ CAN REPAY US IN ATIi WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENT. SEE OTHERS. THEN PEE US. STATE SECURITY CO., 30S FAILING BLDG. 40 YE"ARS IN PORTLAND. Monty Loaned on Watches. Diamonds. Jewelry and Kodaks, UNCLE M Y E R S, 71 Sixth st., Near Oak. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAJSTX L PRIVATE PLACE T5 OBTAIN MONET On watches, diamonds, jewelry", kodaks, furniture storage receipts, guns, piaaoa. ELB V COMPANY. Collateral Bankers aud Broker. $20 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark. ESTABLISHED 1891. Reliable. Confidential. An excellent place to secure loans on flla ' xnonas, jewelry. kodaks and musical goods; fp'Cial rates; private office. Hell ahle Loan Office. lo7 Fourth st,, bst. Washlngton and Stark. ( SALARY LOA-NS. CHATTEL LOANS. 4 - You can get $5 to 1 100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms In Oregon. D. D. Drake. 307 Spalding bldg. Loans Wanted. BIG INTEREST. "ffave contract Tor $1055. being balance for house and lot sold unreliable purchaser who pavs monthly with interest, money needed to build on next lot; the liberal discount for ca-'h and interest makes lute-rest almost rioubU that of ordinary loan. And you hold the deed. See the property tociay. Mr. Logan, h)& Spuidlng bids. GILT-EDGE LOAN. Client wants $'.iu0 ut once on Al security; bonus end good Interest. F. H. WHITFIELD, Fenton Bldg. A 4301, Main 0H70. LOAN WANTED, f 15, 00O on security which will be Im proved real estate worth $35,000; net in come, per month, $500; w ill pay 7 per cent for 5 years. Owner, AN gouian. " 557, Ore- I WANT to borrow $750 at current rates on security that is gilt edge and will bear the cl'-sest Investigation of the most conserva tive lender; would prefer to borrow direct from principal instead of a broker. A 543. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $250 0 on i i 1 s t - c 1 a s ""security for 2 or 3 years at current rai of interest; seeurity will b.-ar the closest 1 n v ea 1 1 s a l i on. P 502, uregonian. AXTD for 3 years; secured by 5 acres and new, modern residence near 1'ortiand: value $.to; an al loan; inter est b per cent, W 531, Oregonian. WANTED .0:t0 loan 3 years :it 8 per c nt on ral estate valued at $13K, n.-ar S'.Mh st. A. E. Paulsen, 41 Railway Exchange. MarsUh'l 2753. WANTED To borrow $2.00 on first-class security for 2 or 2 years at current rale of interest, security will bear the closest Investigation. P 6ti2, Oregonian. WANT $5000 at 7 per rent for 5 years on modern, close-In West Side residence ; owner's home. "W 532, Oregoniam WANTED Loan of $1M)0, first mortgage on property; will pay 7 per cent Interest; no ngin:s. AH 544. Orey.nnian. MONEY wanted Applications on hand for desirable loans; mortgages for a:e. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., boo Wilcox bldg. $2"f00 for three years nenrf- property. L OSl, n high-grade bum Orctioniuii. PERSONAL- HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $1 84-inch switches $4.4. $6 Stf-inch switches Z.i Hair dressing .2 Face massage .-5 Shampoo .- Mailicuring, 25c; $ for LuO 12 scalp treatments 6.0 1 Superfluous hair removed by slectna needle; guaranteed not to return. $4. $'a- and $j puffs, only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices hulf. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum Bldg., 'id and Washington. TREATMENTS for men and women. The finest equipped pri ate oitlco on the Pa cific Coast. Rudical cure by the latest -natural healing methods. We use radium, light, heat, vibration. bathB, massage, ma-. iiipulutUm and adjustments. Every known advanced electrical treatment . used in America 6r -Europe we give. No medi cine or operations. Over 3 000 treated pa tients and not a death while under wur treatments. All consultations are free. Dr. W. E. Mallury, Naturopath, 312 Roth child b!dg. THE mechuno-therapist Is up to the minute Jn the successful treatment of all curable diseases and ailecilons that humanity is. subject to; its methods have been In dorsed by eminent physicians in America and Europe; doctor of mechano-theraphy now at 112S Hawthorne ave. Office hours it to 12 and to 0. Phone B 2551. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom atJi ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, mas.age. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Aukeny car line. Phono Last 2t0. B 18U3. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and touio manors; finest stock of uuraan hair goods; switches from i5c up; haa dressing, manicuring, face, -nd -ealp treatments; combines made up ti order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 544. WANTED Information of Lyle Oliver Arn old, about 27 years of &e, last heard of four years ago near" Oregon City. Chas. Arnold, Larrio. Idaho. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your olotheS cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rip J repaired, $1.5U month; prompt caUi and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3u Stark. SUPERFLUOUS hair, ino.es. warts. t, per will nentiv removed: one treatment vluce you. office. 504 wetland, blag.. Cth and wasimigton. WILL Mrs. Ella Johnson, formerly of Salt Lake, kindly correspond with William Burns, Sato Landing, Alberta, cara Norin- " ern .-Transformation Co. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanatorium treat ment, medical gymnastics. 3H2 Jefferson, up one flight. IKS. HOFFMAN, midwife, graduated in Germany and United states. 552 Clay sU iain loOH. EASTERN trained operator, masage and electrical treatments. 50 Morrison, room 3d floor. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, REV. MAY PRICE. Readings, healing daily. Circles Tues.. 2, "Wed. and Sun., h. abd 4th st. Main 7227. HAIRDRESS1NG, manicuring, face and scalp tieatmeiH. , Room 215 Tiltord bldg. 4o(' , Morrison. - MK SOPHIA B. SEU menial and spiritual ntist; daily o.tice. ;;) Aliaky 'bid,, n ti&24. Meeting Wednesday. JJ P. M. SPIRITUAL medium, Rev. May Price. Readings, hearing, dally. Circles. Tues, 2, Wed. and Sun., S, 300 4th St., M. 7227. ' " "MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 85c; curls and puffs, 75c. Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 4uo Dekum bidg. ELECTRIC and vibratory treatment" for' rheumatism. Ofiice i, first flour, S5U it Morrison. . MLS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and iuauige for . rneuniatism, lumbago, etc d' Madlsoa. A 44 1 u. Marshall oUOS. Z-NE-ROL The great nerve tonic and sys tem builder, $1 per box; 6 boxes $5. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 2S0 Morrison st. JOHN SLATER CIRCLE tonight 3 sharp. 426 Aiuer. near 11th. Office hours 10 to 4 daily. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonla Tablets. 500 Davis st. Phone Main HAIR STOKE, 120 6th St., ton. Better quality hair. near Washlng any shade. USE BassetUs Native Herbs for constipa tion; 50 tablets for 25c. AIldrugsistg. CHIROPODY, manicuring, face aud scalp treatment. 417 Swetland bldg. A 7345. RHEUMATISM, gall atones, kidny troubl-positiv-ly cured. References. C 3128. MRS. POTTER, chiropodist, electrio sweat for rheumatism. 27iStrk st. , DIVORCES a specialty. Lawyer. 610 Roth-, child bldg.. 2S7H Washington Bt. ANK.ULlNO. by specialist. f acial and scaly treatments 35:) -i Morrison, room 2. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. D. Hill. 42J Fiiedner bldg. Main Mrs. M. 34 7X STEAM bath, select only. Mn-hall ti:. 413 Northwest bidg, 6th and Washington. MANICURING parlor, fnckij and si-nip tieat ment, shampooing. S"7 Northwest bldg. FREE Jar face cretwu to new patrons. Mrs. Courtright, 711 Dekum bldg. Main 04- 95.8v