THE , MOUSING OREGONIAX. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1912. 16 STRAHORN BUYS ROAD AI $200,00 0 Willamette . Falls Railway Stretch Costs Nearly . $22,000 a Mile. - TRACKAGE TO BE UTILIZED One Section of Tliat Purchased Be gins at River Docks One Mile South of Oswego Becomes Important Iink in Road. In carrying out Its scheme for the electrification of the Willamette Valley and the establishment of a suburban service of the utmost Importance to Portland business interests, the Port land. Eucene & Eastern Railway com nanv yesterday purchased from the Portland. Railway. Light & Power Comoanv the nine mile stretch of rail wav track known as the Willamette Falls Railway, and in part will utilize the old road as a portion or tne new main line from Portland to balem. The consideration was not stated, but it is said that the price was apr nroxlmatelv $200,000. The section of track purchased by the Portland, Eugene & Eastern begins at the river docks about one mile south of Oswego and terminates about the same distance south of the village of Willamette Falls. It also becomes an important link in the big electrical system because of the industrial spurs which are to be maintained for sup plying materials to the pulp mills at Oregon City. Road Dors Log Work. I,ons are now rafted to the river docks south of Oswego, where they are pulled from the water and entrained for delivery at the mills. The Port land. Eugene & Eastern assumes the lun rontracts now In existence for the carrying of these materials. It Is said that one of the reasons which Influenced the officers of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern in making the purchase was consideration tor the property of the Academy of the Sisters of "the Holy Names and the owners of the Glenmorrie residence ..district. Because of avoiding the hilly and dangerous district to the west the Tortland, Eugene.. Eastern holds to a water grade from Portland to Oregon City. The road had surveyed a route that naralleled the Willamette Falls Kail way and bisected both properties with two sets of railroad tracks. Through the purchase of yesterday the resi dents of that district secure- the ad vantages of an excellent interurban service without sustaining any damage whatever. Work Won't Unit by Rain. Contracts are now being let by R. T. Ouppy, chief engineer, for a large portion of the main line grade be tween Portland and Salem, and it Is expected that the work will be prose cuted during the entire rainy season. Twenty miles of the north end of the grade are to be constructed for a double track system which is intended to -afford facilities for all Interurban trains to reach Portland on time by avoiding congestion after the various roads through the valley deliver their trains to the main line. Trains from the Molalla Valley, and Willamette Valley points south of Salem and Dal las will come to Portland over this route, while the old Yamhill" and "West Side" roads will carry trains from Prry. McMinnvllle. Newberg, Forest tSrove and llillsboro. The Willamette Falls Railway which built the rond In 1S91 was a subsidiary company of the Portland General Elec tric. It was intended to develop the town of Willamette Falls, where many of the workmen from the pulp mills made their homes, but of late years tias been engaged in carrying innumer able cords of wood to the mills. The wood was loaded on the Tualatin River, south of Willamette Falls, and on ar riving at Oregon City was slid over the canal "and locks on an aereal cable. STATE TO GIVE SOUVENIRS Oregon Grain Will Be Distributed at Minneapolis Land Show. Thousands of small manila envelopes containing samples of wheat and oats grown in Oregon will be distributed to visitors at the Minneapolis Land Show November 12-23. On the face of the envelope Is printed the words, "Oregon is the place for you," with a. table showing. the greater average yield to the acre of grain in Oregon than in any other state. The average yield of Oregon wheat to the acre for ten years, 1901 to 1910, was 21-9 bushels, against 15.3 bushels for Indiana, nearest competitor, and li.l bushels for North Dakota, lowest in a. list of seven wheat-growing states. Besides the grain sample, which the envelope advises to "take home and plant." a postal card Is inclosed bear ing the question: "Why is Oregon the place for you?" Beneath are spaces for checking the particular thing in which the prospective Oregonian is In terested, and the card, mailed to the Oregon State Immigration Association, will bring the information desired. M. J. Duryea, manager of the Eugene Commercial Club, was in Portland yes terday, en route to Minneapolis, where he will be one of the Oregon commls s loners- He took with him a splendid exhibit of Lane County products. PAWNBROKER IS FINED $10 Difference With Garage Keeper Leads to Blows. Dispute over the question of wheth er a garage keeper was a bigger robber than a pawnbroker, led to bodily vio lence between J. W. Wright, of the lat ter vocation, and C. E. Hadley, of the former, and Wright's appearance in Municipal Court yesterday on a charge of assault and battery. Hadley had re paired Wright's car and submitted a bill which was considered too large. "You're a robber!" said Wright. "You're a pawnbroker," retorted Handley, "and that about the same thing." Then, according to Hadley. Wright struck him with his cane, denting his scalp and causing great pain. Wright was fined 110. CITY MAY BE AFFECTED w g-Boor Law May Treble Cost of Running fire Department. Opinions expressed by lawyers that the eight-hour contract labor law adopted by the people of tha state at the general election applies to all city, county and state employes caused Mayor Rushlight yesterday to request City Attorney Grant to make a thor ough investigation to determine whether or not the measure could be made to apply to the fire and police departments of the city. Attorney Grant gave an opinion offhand to the effect that the measure applies oniy to employes of contractors doing work for the city, state or county. He sent to Salem for a copy of the measure adopted and will investigate as soon as possible. If tha law applies to the fire depart ment the city will be placed In a posi Hon where It will be necessary either to enlarge the department to three times Its present size and increase the cost of maintenance to three times the pres ent amount, cut the present force into three shifts and have an entirely In adequate department. The same condi tions would apply to the police depart ment, where men would have to be paid for an extra day's work each week ana given doubts pay for overtime. Mayor Rushlight said he had figured up the cost of the fire department un der the new arrangement and found the amount to be $950,000 a year, or three times the present figures. It would require a tax levy of 3!4 mills, in addition to the present levy of 2 i Mis Kthel Jonea, Portland Girl. Who la Polly Hope la The Kound-t p." mills, which would make a total levy for the fire department of 6 mills. or more than three-fourths of the en tire amount of taxes now being received in the city. It was the opinion of City Attorney Grant yesterday that the law cannot be made to affect the fire department "While I have not investigated the measure, it Is my opinion," he said that it applies only to persons em ployed, by contractors doing public work under contract. That, nowever, is only an Informal opinion." ETHEL JONES AT HOME POKTLAXD GIRL AT HEILIG IS GREATLY PLEASED. Miss Von Waldron Tells of Work, but Her Chief Concern Is for Old Friends Here. Breathless from beginning to end was thla Interview with Miss Ethel Von Waldron, alias Polly Hope, in the great Western play. The Round-Up. at the Hellig. and In true life Miss Ethel Jones, daughter of George F. Jones, for many years connected with The Oregonian. Imagine a strikingly pretty brunette with true Oregon eyes nurs- ng a child the Image of herself, try- nr to stroke a DiacK amen wna one hand, to put a doll to sleep with the other, to watch for her call and to delude herself Into the idea that she really looked like a staid aunt. That was the difficulty that beset he interview. Miss Jones would refer the aunt idea, but in Detween inose remarks it was possible to get some nforraatlon from her. the only addi tional trouble being that her niece did not like the "Injuns." Starting here with the Baker stock, nd. bv the way. Miss Jones is hoping that her first manager will come round and call on her. this Portland dramatic star went to Los Angeles to play stock. t was while she was taking a part In 'The Arab" that H. B. Harris saw her. and took her East to take a part In the same plajr with Edgar Selwyn and Robert Edson. Took a fly with Rose Coghlan In vaudeville next at Hammerstein's: aw fully easy, only 15 minutes, simply grand; then several more stocks and all In the space of four years, and now back to Portland." So the story rushed along, the narrator stopping every mo ment to comfort the niece, who feared all the "Injuns" would come in. One did put his face In the door and for one moment the fate of the whole play hung in the balance, for Miss Jones niece was, to say the least, somewhat startled. True Western blood came to the rescue and the play was allowed to proceed, and the little lass returned p a discussion with her doll which "auntie had glved" her. In the few spare moments that fall to her lot Miss Jonea is trying to meet all her friends, the boys and girls she used to know, "but I haven't seen half of them, and I do so want to, you know. Then, too, I've Just had time to see one or two of the huge buildings. Hasn't It grown? I can hardly believe it. Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Stolte, too, whose guest I have been, have taken me out and here ara I trying to keep slim and I'm getting six Ore gon meals a day, tmnk of that and pity me!" Few actresses have done more start ling or daring things than this Port land girl. Ninety miles on a racing track with Barney Oldfleld, and driv ing an engine out of Sacramento were mere nothings, but although a West erner she "fell down once." That was when in connection with one play she was told 'I suppose being a Westerner you can ride?' Rather than lose my Job I said haughtily, "DIu you ever know one that couldn't?' But when I saw prancing, bucking ponies on the stage, my heart failed me, and I've been learning ever since." Then the interview became so mixed up, what with the cat and the doll and the "Injuns" and everything that Grace Benham had to come and help to nurse some of the things, while Miss Jones told of her delight at being back In her home town and how she wanted to stop "loads and loads of weeks longer." Children's Marriage Annulled. Because the groom was under age at the time of the marriage. Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday annulled the mar riage of August and Lillian Becker. They were married at Vancouver, Octo. ber 12, 1910, at which time young Becker was only 18 years of age. He sued through his father, Peter Becker. The evidence showed that the young people had been separated within a few days of taking the vows. Other dU vorces fere allowed as follows: Chris tine from Enrique Onate, Anna from C. R. Young. Charles from Maude Mayhew. Eva L. from Malcolm H. Raw son. L. C. from Helen ' I. Mecklenberg, Maudle from Edward Bolton, John C. from Anna Z. Martin, Lewis B. from Bessie I King, Hanna from John E. Smith and Edna from N. R. Hildreth. GAMINO If! TANGLE Question of Cooking and Din-ing-Room Help Up. UNION DEMANDS INCREASE El? Boat Capable of, Carrying 100 Passengers May Go Sonth Wlth jout Any Sympatlietic Strike Is Considered Possible. Vessel owners and passenger agents are interested in the outcome of a con troversy between Swayne & Hoyt, oper ating the new steamer Camino, and the Cooks' and Waiters' Union, the former contending that tbey should employ but three cooks on the vessel as she car ries about 100 passengers and the usual crew, while the union Is said to hold that as the Camino is in the steamship class, not being a steam schooner as are other independent vessels, she must have a complement of four cooks and two waiters more than are now car ried. Such an arrangement, it is averred, would compel her owners' to have as many In the culinary department as are carried on the Bear, Beaver and Rose City, of the San Francisco & Portland fleet, and the Geo. W. Elder and Konn- oke, of the North Pacific line. There is to be a meeting at San Francisco today between representatives of the union and of the Shipowners' Associa tion, and if an understanding is ar rived at the Camino will carry pas sengers south: otherwise it is expected she will go without a single traveler. Should the owners decline to abide by the ukase of tour cooks, the union men assert that they could bring about sympathetic pressure from the en glneers, firemen and sailors, to say nothing of the waiters, if any attempt is made to carry the lull list ot pas sengers or employ non-union chefs. Meanwhile no tickets are being sold though there Is a strong demand for ac commodations, and many are anxiously awaiting word,' expected today, that the difference has been adjusted. STRATHDEXE GOES TO SEA Xo Leak Discovered in Three Days and Mystery Is Unsolved. Though 100 tons of water was found In No. 2 and No. 5 tanks aboard the British steamer Strathdene, and she took a list of 6 feet 10 inches a week aRO tonight, she was released yesterday andiproceeded down the river, her skip per having certificates that she was seaworthy, but it has not Deen sans factorili- explained why her tanks leaked at first, but for three days not a drop of water has come in. Her officers admit that water was let Into the engine room tank to trim her, but profess to know nothing of how the rest gained entrance. The de tention of the vessel for nearly a week will be charged to her owners by Hind, Rolph & Co., who have her under char ter, and it is estimated the loss will represent close to $4000. She heads for Calcutta with lumber and additional in terest attaches to her departure be cause the Strathearn has left Puget Sound with lumber loaded at lnslow for Calcutta. GERMANS KNOW OLD ROUTE . Information Gained Under Charter to Portland & Asiatic. Commenting on the announcement made at New York that the Ham burg-American would extend its serv ice to the pacific Coast and include Portland in the route, the New York Journal of Commerce says: It Is (K-nerally expected that further de velopments will follow in due course, the present anion Indicating s continuous pro gressive policy. Four Hamburjr- Ameriran steamships of the averase freighter t-ize were chartered several years ago hy. tne Portland A Astatic Steamship Company, a subsidiary of the Pacific Mall Steamship Company. Thee vessels were tne Arabia. th Araponla. the Numantia and me ;slco medla. The Pacific Mail, when the charter terms of these vessels expired, replaced them with .Vorwegrian vessels. The Hamburg American has now determined to enter this trade routo on its own account with possibly an Incursion later on into the passenger trade with the use of larger ships. Such ships might easily make the circuit of the world by continuing the voyage through the Panama Canal home, corresponding with a leturn service following the opposite direc tion. DREDGES ORDERED TO SHIFT Work to Start at Once at Mouth of Cowlitz and at La Due's. Orders were given yesterday for the dredge Columbia to move from Bouble bower's to the mouth of the Cowlitz River, and the dredge Portland from Slaughter's to Le Due's, where there is STEADIER 1 ' TE I J.I G EN C if. Dae to Arrive, . Xarae. From Data Lyra Balina Cms. ..In port Ross City San Pedro In port Bus H. Elmaro. Tillamook. ...In port Anvil ,..andon Nov. lO Alliance Eureka. Nov. 10 Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay Nov. 10 Roanoke .Ean Diego Nor. 10 Beaver San P-dro. . .. Nov. 18 Geo. V. Elder, .fc'an Diege. . . . Nov. 1 8 Beer San Pedro.. ..Nov. IS To Depart. Name. Tot Date. Harvard ...... .8. P. to I A. . Nov. 9 Klamath San Pedro... Nov. Yale S. F. to I A. . Nov. 11 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Nov. 11 Camino -San Fran'co. Nov. 11 Alliance Eureka Nov. 12 Anvil .Bandon. ..... Nov. 12 Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay Nov. 12 Ross City San Pedro. ... Nov. Roanoke -Sac Diego. ... Nov. Beaver . San Pedro. ... Nov. Geo. W. Elder. .an Diego. .. . Nov. Bear fan Pedro. .. .Nov. 12 13 17 20 mile of digging to be done. The Willamette remains at Slaughter's, where there is 5000 feet of channel work to be finished. By November; 22 It is hoped the Co lumbia will end the new task assigned her and return to Lower Slaughter's and assist the Portland. An inspection of the dredging under way has been made this week by M. Talbot, manager of the Port of Portland, and Captain Groves, superintendent of dredging, and they express themselves as pleased with the progress, but say there is plenty of digging in sight for the ma chines as long as river conditions will permit them to operate. CANADIAN BILLS PLENTIFUL Returning Travelers Bny Tickets for Bear State Cities. Dozens ot travelers seeking a means of reaching California by water are purchasing tickets "Just as though they had money," according to Frank Bollam. agent for the independent lines, who says that during the pres ent week he has accepted more $5 and $10 Canadian bills than he had seen before In his career. He attributes the sudden Increase In ( Bell and Wing ' By FREDERICK FANNING AYER Sfcsorbing, astounding, inspiring, baffling. London Academy. Power and originality. Cork Examiner. A great work Boston Herald. Marks of genius constantly. Troy Record. A wealth of ideas. 9 - Boston Transcript. Genuine: aspiration and power. Occult Review, England. Near the stars. Portland Oregonian. Astounding fertility. Brooklyn Times. A striking book of verse. Boston Post. Price $2.50 a P. PUTNAM'S SONS, Publishers, N. Y. currency from across the border to the fact that many Americans who have spent the last season in the North are returning to warmer climes for the Winter. The Canadian currency Is ac cepted at face value, the same as tradesmen have taken silver ot tnai mintage for years. The Bear. Tamal- pals and Carlos sailed witn large crowds, and the Klamath Is to get away today, the Camino Monday, and the Rose City Tuesday. LIUUTVESSELS TO BE MOVED Swittsure Bank Ship to Be Relieved Temporarily. Mariners have been informed of the following changes affecting aids to navigation north of the Columbia River: Off entrance to Juan de Fuea Strait Swiftsure Bank llghtvessel No. iKS to be re placed bv re ef llghtvessel no. anoui Novomber 15. The change will be tempor ary and lightvessel No. !:! will be replaced on her station without runner nonce. Llghtvessel No. 92 lights and fog sig nals -will conform to those of llghtvessel No. li:t and she will fly signal flags for the number "03." Marine Notes. Word has been received that the new steamer California, which will be the flacshiD of the Olson & Mahony fleet, was launched Thursday at Wilmington, Del. Word has been received that the gasoline echooner Anvil lias been awaitlne a favorable opportunity to enter Florence and she is expected to reach Portland tomorrow night, prob ably sailing Tuesday. Champagne shipments aggregating 7300 quarts have passed through the Custom-House during the past few days, enriching the Treasury through the payment of $6000 In duty. The pro duct originated at Bordeaux. Comyn, Mackall & Company have chartered the schooner Henry K. Hall, now at Sydney, to load lumber on the Columbia River for Valparaiso with the option of Australian ports, she will first load Newcastle coal for San Francisco. Inquiry into the origin of a fire that seriously damaged the tug Triumph last neck was conducted yesterday by t'nited States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller, the master, chief engineer, fire man and deckhands being examined. No. decision has been reached. On her first trip to Corvallls the steamer Grahamona Is to leave Taylor, street dock this morning, the Oregon City Transportation Company having decided to resume the service to points beyond Independence. The steamer Pomona will depart Tuesday, so here after there will he a dally steamer be tween Portland and Corvallls. The steamer Oregona will ply to Dayton. Captain P. Cully, of the bark Albert, which Is at the Eastern & Western Mill to load lumber for New Zealand, after a run of 18 days from the Ha waiian group, says that good weather was met with on the voyage, except rain when nearing the coast. The crew was paid off at the Custom-House yesterday as they had signed on at Port Townsend for' the round voyage to the islands. Bringing 1000 tons of cargo, of which about half was cement, the steamer St. Helens arrived last evening and berthed at Oak-street dock. The steam er Claremont and Northland- were to have left the Golden Gate last evening, also In the Dodge line. The steamer Coaster, of that fleet, which discharged general cargo at Oak-street dock, shifted from there yesterday afternoon to St. Helens and will complete load ing lumber at Kalama for San Fran cisco. Loaded with J 83.490 bushels of what, valued at $164.46G, -which was cleared yesterday for St. Vincent for orders, the British steamer Mancunla is to sail today. The British bark Oweenee was cleared for Queenstown or Fal mouth or orders with 137,841 bushels of wheat worth $108,894 and will leave down today or Monday. The Norwe gian bark Valerie, hailing from Cape Town, arrived at LInnton last night and will load grain as soon as her ballast is out Movements of Vessels. -PORTLAND, Nov. 8. Arrived Norwegian bark Valerie, from Cape Town: steamer St. Heiens. from San Francisco: steamer ilose City from San Pedro and San Francisco. Sailed British steamer Strathdene, for Cal cutta: British steamer Robert Dollar, for Shanghai: steamer W. S. Porter, for San Francisco. Astoria, Nov. 8. Left up at S A. M-. Nor. wegian bark Valerie. Arrived at 7 and left up at 9 A. M., steamer St. Helens, from San Francisco. ArrrlveH at 7:80 and left up at 10:!i0 A. M.. steamer Rose City, from San Pedro and San Francisco. Sailed at 8:50 A. M steamer . Bear, for San Francisco and San Pedro. Sailed at 10 A. M., steamers Car. los and Tamalpals. for San Fmcisco. Sailed at noon, steamer Geo. W. Fenwlck, for Ban P'san Francisco, Nov. 8. Sailed at 11 A. M. steamer Roanoke, for Portland. Ar rived at 1 P. M.. steamer Wasp, from Port land Sailed last night, steamers Daisy and F. H Leggett. for Portland. Seattle. Nov-. 8. Arrived Steamers Awa Maru. from Yokohama: Maverick, fmatllla, from Pan Francisco: Revenue Cutter Ta homa, from port Townsend. Sailed Steam ers Governor, Argyll, Yukon. for San Francisco; Northwestern, for Southwestern Alaska. San Francisco, Nov. 8. Arrived Steamers Flfleld. from J5andon; Curco. from Belllng-ham- Santa Clara, from Seattle: Elizabeth, from Bandon. Sailed Steamers Roanoke, for Astoria: Willamette, for Seattle; Qul nault, for Wlllapa; Buckman. for Seattle. Tacoma, Nov. 8. Arrived British ateam er Orteric, from Seattle. Departed, steamer Latouche. for Seattle; steamer Shna lak, for San Francisco; British steamer Aberlour, for Seattle; bark Hecla, for Sydney. A us. Columbia River Bar Report. -Condition at the mouth of the river at 6 P. M.. smooth: wind, northeast. 12 miles; weather, raining . Tides at Astoria Saturday. High. Low- ' , 0:.15 A. M 7. feet'fi:40 A. M 2.3 feet 0:30 P. M f-et!7.2" P. M...-0.8 loot JTew York Cotton Market.. NEW YORK. Nov. & The cotton market closed 17 fi IS points higher. November, ll.OOo: December. lt.R2c; January. 11.03c; February. 12.02c; March, 12.13c; May, 12.18C; June. 12.19c; July, 12:21c; August, 12:10c; September. ll.SOc; October, 11.5llc. NEW ORLEANS.Nov. 8. pot' cotton middling, 13 15-ltSc. Where shall we go after the theater? Why, to hear Rlgo, at the Louvre Grill, of course. An Idea! Giftfiobk O book published in recent years has hearty reception than "The American Government" by Frederic J. Haskin. It was exactly what people wanted an accurate yet simple v suid' interesting story of the actual work of the federal government. It was what you wanted, it is what your friends still want. If you have, enjoyed your own copy you will know that it is an ideal book for a gift. If you have a friend any where between the ages of nine -and ninety he will appreciate the gift of a copy of this book. . Act now, before the great offer is withdrawn. For particu ' !ars see the coupon printed else where in this issue. EAT illlill Entries in Land Products Show Come Fast. MANAGER AT EXHIBIT HALL East Side Business Men's Club Pre pares for Biff Day Railroaders' Parade to' Be a t'teuturc. College Students Coming. Kntrles for the Pacific Northwest Land Products Show are coming in at such a rate that it seems certain that there will not be any of the 65,000 square feet of floor space In the exhibit building at Kast Morrison and East First streets unappropriated when the show opens, November 18. Manager Bond established headquarters there yesterday, moving from the Commer cial Club building, where the prelim inary work has been done. Fifty-three entries came In from Ashland yesterday for the Rogue River Valley exhibit, which will comprise products submitted by the Commercial Clubs of Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass. Fifty boxes or products for the White Salmon, Wash., exhibit were re ceived yesterday and with other perish able supplies intended for the show, have been placed in cold, storage. With the election over, local Interest In the show is increasing apace and al most every day brings some new and valuable offer of co-operation. East Siders Will Attend. The East Side Business Men's Club plans to have an East Side night, with an excursion to the dairy products show at the Union Meat Company's plant and yards as a feature. All the push clubs and civic organizations of the East sice win join in malting tne night a success. A band will be en P Dura I Li AN OLD INDIAN 1BMEDY S. S. S. J3 one of the oldest of medicines; it was prepared and nsed by the Indian Medicine Man hundreds of j'ears ago in the treatment of all blood disorders. Of course it did not then bear its present name, but the formula for compounding it wa3 just what it is today, and it3 results then as now, en tirely satisfactory to those who used it. S. S. S. is made entirely of rootn, herbs and barks without the addition of a particle of mineral. It is the widest known and the best acting blood purifier before the public today. This great remedy cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Specific Blood Poisoa and any and all blood infections and imparities.' No one need fear to use S. S. S. It is perfectly sale lor any system, and its fine vegetable tonic effects especially recommend it to ell weak, debilitated persons who may be in need of a blood pnri fier. S. S. S. every way to the blessing of strong robust health, write for free book on the blood and any medical advice you wish. S. S. S. is sold at drugstores. IKE SWltl ADDRESED TO WOMEN . IS YOURS A Case of "Nerves I9' Hot flashes, dizziness, fainting spells, backache, headache, bearing-down pains, nervousness all are symptoms of irregularity and female disturbances and ara not beyond relief. -Dr.- rierce's Favorite Prescription is that of a famous physician unusually experienced in tha treating of women's peculiar ailments. For forty years it has been recommended to suffering womankind. Thousands of women can bear witness to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid is all that ' is required to restore to you perfect health and strength. Now is the time to act; write Dr. B. V. Plena's, Buffalo. I AH NOW CURED Mrs. DomtkiO Rodoehs. of San Fraxieiaeo, Oalif., writes: 'I take pleasure in recommending your wonderful remedies, and wish to aav in behaif of your 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Golden Medical Discovery' that through their use I am now cured of the various troubles that a woman is beir to. These remedies cured me when others failed and I therefor resolve to take do other. I thaok you for your advice." TOUR DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY TOU ILLIQUID OH TABLET FORM met with a more gaged and streetcars will be chartered for the day to carry people direct to the stockyards. A committee com posed of 'C. A. Btgelow, K M. Lepper, G. E. Welter, J. J. Oeder and J. D. Sherman has charge of the arrange ments. Another plan that Is expected to add greatly to the effectiveness of the show is that of 1200 clerks and employes, of the Harriman lines, who will attend In a body and parade through the city Wednesday, November 20. The parade will be filled with floats and character Impersonations and each participant will carry some kind of vegetable or fruit. One float will depict the co operation of the railroad man and the farmer in the development of Oregon. Arriving at the exhibit building, a number of vaudeville stunts will be given. Several hundred women, head quarters employes, will march, and their section of the parade will be something in the nature of a suf fragists' triumphal procession. " Oratory Will De Heard. Choosing subjects bearing on the horticultural production of the Pacific Northwest, students of the Oregon Ag ricultural College will compete In an oratorical contest for a prize of $100. An elimination contest will' be held at Corvallls Monday night, in which 18 students will compete. Of these six will be chosen to enter the contest at the land show. The winners will be selected by a vote of the audience. Another way in which students of the Agricultural College will take part will be in the Judging of plate displays of apnles. Forty young men will be chosen for this contest and the student whose Judgment most nearly coincides with that of the official juogea win oe declared the winner. Ray II. Roberts, a graduate of the horticultural division of the college, who is entry clerk for the show, will have charge of all displays of fruit and farm products. Theatrical Agent In Trouble. Because the police are trying to "railroad" him, he says, Frank Rose, pugilist and advance agent for a barn storming theatrical company, hid all night under the tied of two youths from Hlllsboro, in a North Knd rooming house, Thursday night. The police say he hid to avoid answering to tni charge of "rolling'.' a drunk. The vie tim, Joe Foley, presented bruises which he says Rose caused, and complained of the loss of $20. Patrolmen Mies, goes into me circulation buu iciiiuvca - --jr particle of impurity, humor or poison from the blood. S. S. S. acts most pleasantly and beneficially on the stomach, assists in toning no the dierestive members.and contributes in srzutic tu. allah i a, ua. Mas. Roocers IB HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS The Experience of Two Girls Here Related tor I he Benefit of Others. Rochester. N. Y. "I have a daugh ter 13 years old who haa always been very healthy rintil recently when she complained of dizziness and cramps every month, so bad that I would have to keep her home from school and put her to bed to get relief. "After riving her only two bottles or T.tMia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound she is now enjoying the best of health. 1 cannot praise your ompouna too highly. I want every good mother to read what vour medicine has done for my child." Mrs. Richard N. Dunham, 311 Exchange St, Rochester, JN. X. Stouts ville, Ohio. "I suffered from headaches, backache and was very irreg ular. A inena aa vised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and before I had taken the whole A v I of two bottles I - fouhd relief. I am X55. onlv sixteen years old, but I have bet ter health than for two or three years. I cannot express my thanks for what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had taken other medicines but did not find relief. "-Miss Cora B. FosNAUGH, Stoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D., No. 1. Hundreds of such letters from moth ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has accomplished for their daugh ters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. JAMES WATSONS CO, Blended Scotch Whiskey Guaranteed Over Tea Taara Old. A Safe and Pleaaaat Stimulant. FOR SALE BT ALL. DEALERS. Marsh and McCarthy lay In wait all night for Rose after tracing him to li Is hiding place. When he asserted yes terday that he could prove an alibi, lie was given time to produce his wit nesses. Woman Drinks Poison, Dies. Mrs. Christian Connor, aged 42, com mitted suicide at her home in Kenton, Thursday night, by swallowing a largo quantity of carbolic acid. She was af flicted by melancholy. Har husband and sons are employed by the Union Meat Company. ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR A GOOD STOMACH Thla Offer Should Be a AVnrnlniE to Kvery Man and Women. Th newspapers and medical journals recently have had much to Bay relative to a famous millionaire's effor of a million dollars for a new stomach. This great multi-millionaire was too busy to worry about the condition of his stomach. He allowed his dyspepsia to run from bad to worse until in the end It became incurable. His misfortune, serves as a warning to others. Every one who suffers with dyspep sia for a few years will give every thing he owns for a new stomuch. Dyspepsia Is commonly caused by an abnormal state of the gastric Juices or by lack of tone In the walls of tha stomach. The result Is that the stom ach loses Its power to digest food. We are now able to supply certain missing: elements to help to restore to the gastric Juices their digestive power, and to aid in making the stomach strong and well. We know that Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets are a most dependable remedy fur disordered stomachs, indigestion and dyspepsia. We want you to try them and will return your money If you are not more than satisfied with the result. Three sires, 25 cents, 60 cents and 11.00. Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. Stores In Portland, Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco. Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. Promineht Chicago Doctor Victim of Drink for 30 Years CURED BY Neal Treatment Read His Statement For over 30 years a well-known Chi cago physician was the victim of the results of the excessive use of alcohol. In November, 1910, he was cured by Neal three - day treatment. He now writes: "No money on earth would purchase the Joy that animates my belnKi nolh-Ina- thla aide of the klnndom of tiod ivonld or could Induce me to fall again Into the condition from which the Krai W i h No. lO Cure haa rescued' me. Back from the f dust, decay and death, llvlne up to the J hlBTheat, nolnt of earthly Happiness that Is where I am today) that Is where yon may be tomorrow, my dear brother!" Neal 3 -Day Treatment For a private reference to this physi cian and full information, call, write or phone the Neal Institute, 354 Hall street, Portland, Or. Phone Marshall 2100. CLEANS SCOURS : POLISHES ui.. mimiswi'i VJi'.iiM.SMitau,. i