t I T ORDERS HOLY MB Ulemas and Hodkas In cited to Action. ' DANGER UNITES ALL PARTIES Enemy Said to Have Priests in Ranks of Army. CONTINUE WAR, IS CRY Ottoman XewfT-apers Pcrferrtd for Continuance or Conflict Ad vancing Bulbars May Be ncld at Bay, Is Belief. l.oxDON, . i"' dip-h lo ,r. .ite.ry from Sofia .y. the Ilul-K.rl-n. hT CPored t of the prin cipal forts commanding Adrlnnople. SOKH, Nov. 8. It in reported fcrrr h.t the Ho!Brl mrmr reached IWrk.f, linated oa the aorthera ead of the Tch.talja llae aad about tvro and a half mile, from the horea of the Rlack ea. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 8. The Sheik-ul Islam, head of the hierarchy in Turkey, issued today the following rrreal for a holy war in a manifesto . ,r.ssed to the Clemas and Hodkas: With a view to exciting and encour ivsing the soldiers of the enemies wh atirround us. their priests, cross In hand, are working In the ranks of the army. Jt Is not fitting that our Ulemas should neglect the accomplishment of a sim ilar duty. In order that victory and glory, promised by the almighty prophet, may be granted without delay to the Otto man army. It is necessary that the ven erable Ulemas organize Jihad. Such . r has. moreover, become an obligation if the condition of the Otto- obligation if the connmon 01 i man sold"ers. who are all heroes, is to man eoiuici. be strengthened. People Demand War, "Clemas who feel that they J""a the aptitude and strength to participate in this important task are miieo. w present themselves immediately at ine Nl,lk-ul Islam.- which will send those selected to the army.' rr-v v, hpon rumors for a day or two that the Ministry was unstable, owing to Its request for mediation by the European powers, but the news papers say this situation has given way to the demand of the amy and of pub. lie- opinion that the war be continued. The common danger seems to have united all parties. This is shown by the perfervid out bursts of the newspapers of all polit ical shades, urging a fight to a finish. The explanation of this new-born unan imity may be found in the suggestion by a high government official that if It is found impossible to hold the lines at Tchatalja, other defenses are possible b.-fore the enemy can reach this city. Every male who has reached the age of ' 19 years will be expected to perform his share in tho duty of protecting the capital. rtulcnrlaon Burn Villages. Mahmoud Shefket Pasha, ex-Minlster of War, saw Klamil Fasha, the Grand Vizier, today. It is reported that Shef ket would be appointed Inspector-General of the army. According to Turkish official reports. Mussulman villages in the Palass and Kirdjare districts have been burned by Bulgarian troops, and Daoud and Top nklu and surrounding villages also were destroyed. An orficial dispatch received from the Vali of SalonikL dated today, says two squadrons of Bulgarian cavalry at tacked on Thursday the troops guard ing the railway station at Orlu, three hours" journey from Adrlanople, but that the Bulgars were repulsed. BUXG.VRS TO ENTER CAPITAL Intention Is Not to Remain, but to Make Victory Complete. LONDON, Nov. 8. Bulgaria has no In tention of remaining In Constantinople, according to one official at the Bul garian Legation here. Bulgarian troops, however, will go to the Turkish capi tal. The official in the course of an Interview said: "Even had other circumstances not rendered such a course necessary, the tacit action of Nazim Pasha, the Turk ish commander-in-chief, in informing the Turkish Grand Vizier that his army Is desirous to continue the war. com pels Bulgaria to enter the Ottoman capital. Bulgaria desires to insure a stable and lasting peace. This is impossible so long as any portion of the Turkish army is able to declare it is willing to :ontinue the war; therefore It Is neces sary to place beyond all doubt the ab solute defeat of the Ottoman army and lo prove to the world who Is the con nueror by the entry of the Bulgarian iroops into Constantinople." Famine menaces the inhabitants of the Turkish fortress of Janlna, In the extreme western part of the Balkan Peninsula, according to a news agency dispatch from Athens. It Is reported that indescribable atrocities have been committed there by the Turkish author ities. While some correspondents believe conditions are favorable for an ami cable settlement of the political situa tion arising out of the claims of the SHIEK URKEY ino0 ; rOKTLAXD, OREGON SATURDAY. yOTE3IBER 9, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MRS ASTOR'S POWER OVER SON LIMITED COCRT NAMES MOTHER. AS GEN ERAL GUARDIAN. Allowance of $10,000 for Support and Education of Infant to Come From $3,000,000 Trust. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. (Special.) Mrs. Madeleine Talmage Force-Astor, widow of the late Colonel John Jacob Astor. was today appointed general guardian with limited authority over her son, John Jacob Astor, posthumous son of Colonel Astor. by order of Sur rogate Fowler and on her own petition. The order appoints Mrs. Astor .gen erai guardian until the infant reaches the age of 14 years and allows her for the support, maintenance and educa tion of the child $10,000 for the coming three years. This sum 1s to come from the trust fund of $8,000,000 created under the will of Colonel Astor which, after the child was born on August 14, was re-admitted to probate. JUTE GRAIN BAGS DOOMED Trl-Statc Meeting of Farmers Unions Decides on Colton. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Xov. 8. (-Jn(.-lul Jute bags for grain are doomed in Washington,-Idaho and Ore gon If the resolution adoptea at me in state meeting of the Farmers' Union, here today, has weight. The resolution provides that in me future the unions are to discourage the use of the Jute bags, substituting in- rntinn liacs These cotton bags can be secured cheaper, and it is as serted they are as practical. The adoption of this resolution fol lowed a two days debate on the sack ntiAHtlnn. The matter of abolishing grain bags altogether and the building of elevators and steel grain Dins in stead was discussed. That was left to each union to decide. The trl-staie representatives, of whom there were 9?;n onk official action onlv on the use of cotton instead of Jute bags. Co-operative banking was also dis cussed. The meeting ended tonight. SPRECKELSOFFERS $5000 Californlan Suspects Fraud in Los Angeles Vote for Roosevelt. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. (Special.) Rudolph Spreckels. of California, today . nut th following statement at gave out the following statement at Democratic National headquarters: lnaicate that Roosevelt leads Wilson g. voteg Beln familiar with the 'The latet reports irom iiion" iiM-al situation. I feel careful investigation should be -n.,in ' the slow irnmn tlv made concerning' the slow count and unexplalnable changes that have taken place in lob Angeies coun ty. I have suggested that a iuuu re ward be offered for evidence of frauds. I will personally see to It that Gover nor Wilson gets every vote he is enti tled to in California." Mr. Spreckels left this afternoon for San Francisco. BUSINESS NOT AFFECTED rtradstreets Says Election Results Fall to Change Favorable Tone. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Bradstreets to morrow will say: The Presidential election has come rnn with the best Dossible ap parent effect upon trade and Industry. Neither the election itself, nor its re- ,,u Kweenlnir as thev were, has .hantrui fh fnvomhlA undertone pre viously characterizing trade sentiment, the situation In this respect present ing one of the notable economic pheno mena of recent times. Business failures in the United States for the week ending November 7 were 9ia airflintit 957 last week. RnsiTioss failures in Canada for the week number 35, which compared with 13 for last week. COLONEL TRUMBO IS DEAD Once Wealthy Connoisseur Succumbs to Beating by Footpads. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Colonel Isaac Trumbo, who made a fortune in Utah and lost it in San Francisco, died here today of Injuries received last Sat urday night when he was beaten by footpads. For many years Colonel Trumbo was one of the best-known connoisseurs of painting In the West. ua had a notable collection and ex ecuted many commissions for wealthy patrons. SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 8. Colonel Isaac Trumbo was a candidate for the T'nitail states Senate as a Renublican before, the first State Legislature in I tah hut was defeated. ie came to ill . f n Piifnrnla with o fA, L Ilia DiaiD a ' " i". ..... . w. tune made in mining, and lived for a time in . tne uariio nuuae, Known 10 tourists as "Amelia s i-aiace. AKELEY'S DAUGHTER ACTS Administration of $850,000 Estate Allowed by Widow of Lumberman. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 8. Final action in the settlement of the ssso.uoo estate of the late H. C. Akeley, lumberman. came today with the announcement that Mrs. James F. UuirK, a aaugnter, naa i A A r in.utro trir vtthAllt fkH Jectlon by the widow, Mrs. Clara Ake ley, of California. Under the settlement, Mrs. Quirk is lu irv.n r iwu-iuwuo ... . . . the widow one-third, with a bonus of annroxlmatelv S40.000. The settlement carne after three months of litigation In California and if 11- .1 ..-! nhlph Hmo M r-m Akeley was charged with sending from M'nnesoia vaiuauie ptxyvia uciuuwis ROOSEVELT AGAIN TAKES CALIF New Tabulation Puts Colonel in Lead PLURALITY STANDS AT 782 Belief Now Is Remaining Pre cincts Mean No Change. WALLACE MUCH SCRATCHED Disapproval of Course in Commuting Sentences of Murderers lie " lieved to Have Influenced Many of Voters. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8. The fig ures on tho Presidential race In Cali fornia were changed at midnight by ho recept of two additional small pre cincts, which increased the total vote of Colonel Roosevelt by 31, making his plurality 7S2. No further returns are expected before tomorrow. Out of a maze of uncertainty mat had made the result impossible to fore cast, an entire new taDuianon iww. bused upon corrected returns from virtually all county seats, developed these facts: Roosevelt has a plurality of the pop ular vote over Wilson that the few re mote precincts still unreported are not likely to overturn. Not all of the Roosevelt electors. however, may have won. The name oi Lieutenant-Governor Wallace, wnlcn headed his electoral ticket, was scratched by many voters, presumably because of his course in commuting the death sentences of murderers while acting' Governor. In many Instances, it is said, Wal lace's name was actually penciled off the ballot. Attorney-General Wehb has given an opinion that such ballots were thereby invalidated. ' Democrats Threaten Contest. Acting on this opinion, the Demo cratic managers have annoiiiirva tnai if the final returns leave Roosevelt still In the lead they will challenge the vote of Los Angeles County, where the Roosevelt Progressives rolled up their heaviest plurality and where Wallace ran behind the other Roosevelt electors. Wilson and Roosevelt alternated in the lead early in the day wnen me distant nountaIn precincts began to straggle in, bringing with them many surprises In the way of reversals from expected results. Toward night Roosevelt began to draw away, his margin being augmented by several corrections of totals for county seats based upon complete and official re turns. By 4 P. M. it had increased to nearly lnoo votes, and It became almost certain that the reported precincts In counties carried by the Democratic (Concluded on Page 2.) OilA ' ' ' c Tyfl T- JERSEY LILY CAN'T PLAY IN PITTSBURG MRS. LAXGTRY, BILLED IN OWN PLAY, IS BARRED. Broadway Puzzled by Reports That Stage Manager Refuses to Let Headliner in Theater. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (Special.) Broadway was puzzled today by dis patches from Pittsburg that Mrs. Lily Langtry. who Is under contract at $3000 a week to appear in a suffragette playlet written by herself, is not al lowed to play In that city. Twice a day since last Tuesday she has reported at the Pittsburg Grand Onora House, where she was announced as "headliner" in "Helping the Cause," only to be told by the stage manager that her services were not required. She was billed for a week, but after the Monday night performance it was announced that she was forced to can cel the engagement because of ill health and was returning to New York. She did not come to New York, though, and apparently she was not ill. She kept her expensive suite at the Fort Pitt Hotel and reported promptly every afternoon and evening to be Just as promptly turned down. It is denied that adverse criticisms in th TiAwnnnners Tuesday had any thing to do with the cutting short of tho international stars engagement.. She will not discuss her affairs. Martin Beck, president of tho Or pheum circuit, said he knew nothing of the nature of her troubles in Pitts burg, though she is under contract with him. He Is to . see ,her repre sentative tomorrow. He thinks there may have been a misunderstanding with the management. While the Jersev Lily is having her troubles in Pittsburg the management of the Abingdon Storage vvarenouse in New-York is preparing to sell a beauti ful portrait of her to satisfy storage charges. Freddie Gebhardt, Mrs. Langtry's devoted admirer when she first visited tho United tSates. .stored the picture. No storage, has been paid since Mr. Gebhardt's death. BILLS FOR BLIND SOUGHT Afflicted Representative From AValla Walla Has Pet Measures. SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 8. (Spe clal.) Walla Walla's blind Representative-elect, C. W. Masterson, ' who was elected by a big majority In the 13th district, has tlirce laws in view. One provides for- frfV1 Ay-ir;. 4nt at In- dustrlal schoo.T"" ' .i Mind, an other is to enabl. ;uuvV Commission ers to pension blii.d .peovle who through physical inability or 'aid' age are unable to learn a trade; the third Is, in case the other bills fail, to have appointed a State Commissioner to gather statis tics about the blind and make recom mendations. Mr. Masterson is married and has lived n Walla Walla for 14 years. He Is. a piano tuner by profession. He taught for two years in the literary and' musical departments of the State School for the Deaf and Blind at Van couver, Wash. He is a graduate of a school for the blind in Kansas City, and also of the Iowa State College. A happy feature of his election is that yesterday, when his election was as sured, was his birthday. THE ASSAULT THAT FAILED. LAKE'S LEAD 1744 ILTHAH Wilson Carries County by 1348 Plurality G. N. DAVIS DEFEATS TAZWELL Judgeship Decided by Plurality of 235 Votes. YOUNG IS CLOSE THIRD Final Count Gives Tom Word Lead of 2560 Votes Over Fitzgerald. Reed Has Big Plurality Over Wagnon for Assessor, Complete unofficial returns give Multnomah County to Wilson and Lane, as the earlier figures promised. Wilson has a plurality of 1348, while Lane won out over both Bourne and Selling. His niiiralitv over Bourne, who ran second. was 769 and his lead over Selling, who finished third, was 1744. Kepresenia tive Lafferty was re-elected by a vote that almost equals the combined vote of his two leading opponents, McCusker ,nH Mitnlv. . The detailed Multnomah County vote on President was: Taft. 9438; Wilson. 14,011; Roosevelt, 12,663; Chafin, 8954 Debs, 3680. Davis Elected Judge. For United States Senator Lane re ceived 11.653 as against 10.884 for Bourne and 9909 for Selling. The other candidates received the following votes: Clark. Prog., 3509; Paget, Prohl.. 1746; Ramp, Soc, 2605. The completed vote for Representa tive in Congress from this district fol lows: Lafferty, 16,873; McCusker1, 6372; Mnnlv 11.532. , George N. Davis, Prog., in a contest that was closely fought from the be ginning of the county defeated Munici pal Judge Tazwell, ' the Republican nominee, for Circuit Judge, uepannwni No. 4. bv a plurality of 235. It re mained for the few remaining uncom pleted precincts to determine tms con t.t und It was not until yesterday afternoon that the result was positively determined. Mr. Davis nas too mucn oj. a lead to be wiped out by the official count. For this place -on the Circuit Court bench. Oelesby Young. Democrat, made a surprising showing and finished a close third. The vote: Davis, iu.ui. Taswell, 10,542; Young, 10,367; Leeti Ind., 2163; Perrlne, Soc, S738. Circuit Judge Morrow was re-elected to preside over Department No. 2 by a majority of 21.888 over his Socialist op ponent. Walter H. Evans was easily elected District Attorney, defeating J. A. Jeffrey, Dem by a plurality of 15, 686. Tom M. Word, Dem.. will he Multno- (Continued on Pags 12.) HOBOES ARE GUESTS AT RANCH MANSION OWNER AWAY, CARETAKER IX VITKS TRAMTS IX. Gregarious Superintendent of Hood River Summer Home Grows Lone ly and AVeary Willies Frolic. HOOD RIVER. Or., Nov. 8. (Spe cial.) Local citizens visiting at Mitch ell's Point, six miles west of here, dis covered several days ago that "Little Boy Ranch," the Summer home of C. W. Parker, who with Mrs. Parker is now in Canada, had recently been . made a retreat by tramps. The place was left in the charge of William Martin, the son of a homesteader who lives near by. The young man cared for the chick ens, the horses and the gardens. De ciding to take a vacation in a neigh boring city, he substituted his father, George Martin, in his place. The elder Martin, being of a gregarious tempera ment, decided that he needed company, and invited in all the tramps that came that way. Mitchell's is the location of an old lumber camp, which, however, has since been abandoned. On account of its lo cation on the tracks of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., one of the thoroughfares of tramps moving up and down the Co lumbia, it is a popular place among this gentry, the old, abandoned build ings forming convenient and comfort able lodging places In rainy weather. Martin immediately Issued a general Invitation to all to Join him at the Par ker home. "The place Is yours," he would cry, with a flourish, on the ar rival of each new guest. After a week the news of the novel "haven of rest" was bruited from one end of the rail road line to the other, and Mr. Martin Is said to have had more guests than he could accommodate. Bedrooms and living-rooms are said to have been overflowing with Weary Willies. The rumor leaked in that Mr. Par ker's friends in Hood River had infor mation of the carousals, and the ho bos, after a council, decided to "beat a retreat." The pantry, too, had been cleaned bare wine cellar and smoke house were empty. Mr. Marfin deemed it best not to hold the place alone, and, locking the two dogs In the residence, he departed with his guests. Friends discovered the predicament several days later. The dogs were half starved and had chewed up some valua ble tapestry. SIX BONDSMEW ARE SUED Collection to Re Forced on Verdicts ' Secured on Aij)tal.s. Suits to collect from bondsmen of six defendants who were convicted In Circuit Court after appealing from the Municipal Court were started yester day by Deputy City Attorney Sullivan. The defendants are Ernest ne- scamps and C. Mareo, bondsmen In $200 for Dan Mandich, fined $100 for viola tion of the liquor license ordinance; E. P. Preble and Fred Brady, bondsmen in $200 for Sadie Moore, fined $100 for selling liquor without a license; M. Goldberg and J. Wade, bondsmen In $250 for Lena Dunbar, fined iu on statutory charge; John Conrad and J. G: SUncrerland, bondsmen In $500 for Mabel Hathaway, fined $150 for con ducting a disorderly house; E. Maloy and John Conrad, bondsmen in $200 for Nellie Davis and Harry Lurle, fined $60 each for statutory offense; Mike Ratkovlch and C. M. Hurlburt, bonds men in $250 for S. J. Mandlsch, given a fine of $100 and 90 days in jail for disorderly conduct; JUla columm, bondsman in $200 for Adam Burturkey, ftned $100 for violation of liquor li cense ordinance. The majority of the bondsmen are saloonkeepers. COST OF LIVING IS TOPIC Business Women's Association to Hold Discussion Monday. At the next meeting of the Business Women's, Association of Portland, to be held on Monday, November 11, there will be an informal discussion of the minimum cost of living for women workers from the different standpoints of the employer, employe and union labor. The evening promises to be 'a very Interesting one, and every self supporting woman and girl in Portland Is invited to De present ana xo Decuiue a member , of the association. The purposes of the Business Wom an's Association of Portland are to bet ter the conditions for women workers, to promote the social Intercourse of ts members and to establish a loaning fund for worthy girls. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at the l.ih rnnma of the Catholic Women's League, in the Safe Deposit Building, 123 Fourth .street, near Washington WYOMING IS FOR WILSON One County, Still In Doubt, Will Dc- clde Senatorsliip. PHEYENNE. Wyo.. Nov. 8. With fnur counties incomplete and un counted, the vote for President: Wilson, 12,314; Taft, 11,589; Roosevelt, 6471. The Republicans concede Wilson's olptinn bv 800. The successorship to Senator Warren is still in doubt.' The vote in the next Legislature as the indications show tonight, gives the Remihllcans 86 and the Democrats 40 with Lincoln County, which sends eight legislators, still in doubt. .Both parties claim this county. ASTORIA RAINFALL GREAT In 2 4 Hours Precipitation Reaches 2.5C Inches. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 8. (Special.) Astoria experienced last night and today- one of the heaviest rain storms ever seen here. The water fell almost In torrents at times, precipitation during the 24 hours'ending at 5 P. M. today was 22 Inches. SHASTA LIMITED . HELD UP, ROBBED Highwayman Is Killed by Brakeman TWO OTHERS FLEE WITH MAIL Three Stop Train With Torpedo North of Redding. SHOTS SCARE PASSENGERS Trainman on Portland Flyer KutiS to Store, Grabs Rifle and Shoots Outlaw Holding Engineer and Fireman at Bay. REDDING, Cal., Nov. 8. (Special. One highwayman lying dead beside the track and two others in flight with the registered mail are the results of a holdup at 8:10 tonight of the Shasta Limited to Portland on the Southern Pacific from San Francisco. The holdup took place at Delta. 3S miles north of Redding and 298 miles from San Francisco. This is Just four miles from Lemoine, the scene of an other holdup September 2 of last year, when $60,000 Is said to have been tho booty. It occurred at about the same time of night. Torpedo Stop Train. The Shasta Limited had Just taken water at Delta and had started north. The train had moved scarcely 100 yards when the locomotive ran over a tor pedo. The engineer, Frank Wentz, at once stopped the train and a masked man Jumped on the footboard of the locomotive and held a revolver at the head of the engineer, ordering him to take his hands off the levers. He stood guard over the engine while two other robbers made their way to the mall car. v One on each side of the car, the two began shooting. The people of Delta ran out of their houses and stores. A few passenger? jumped out to see what ibif troiiMe' v s" bu' : ; i . iy "- tlufltUted by the shouting." Tho mes sengers In the man car, noticing mo stopping of the train and not suspect ing robbery, opened the doors on eac-U side, and both of the robbers entered, seizing the registered mail. Brakeman Kills Robber. Meantime the head brakeman, Jim Yokum, dropping from the rear end of the train, ran back to the town and Into Tom Norton's saloon, crying "Rob bers," and demanding a gun. morion gave him one and the brakeman re turned. Finding the first robber still guarding the engineer and fireman, ha went up to the robber and deliberately shot him through the throat. The rob ber fell off the footboard and Is sup posed to have died Instantly. His two companions alighted ironi the mail car on the river side of the train and escaped. One stayed for a whllo at the mail car, threatening the mail clerks, and the other ran forward calling "Frank." He nesiiaiea mo ment when he saw his dead partnei ne side the engine, and ejaculated: "Who did this?" He then dashed back to the mall car, Joined his remaining compan ion, and the two fled. Robbera Leave No Trace. No trace of them could be found when the train crew and passengers made a search, and 30 minutes after the torpedo signal the train was under way again to Portland. Sheriff Montgomery, of Shasta Coun ty, who was at Whisky Town at the time, was reached by telephone and ho quickly assembled a posse. A special train has been assembled for the use of the posse and the pursuit will be well under way before morning. The robbers have a good chance of escap ing to the high Sierras. The dead rob ber is stout, well built and about 26 years of age. He has not been identi fied. The train was in charge of Frank Dickey, conductor. Throng; Vlevr Bodr. The shooting drew a throng of towns people, who collected about the body of the dead robber as the train pulled out. Some commented upon his youthful ap pearance and others sought to recall having seen him. Presently they all went home, leaving the body lying fate up. where It had fallen by the railroad track. Sheriff Montgomery boarded a spe cial train here at 10 o'clock tonight and started for Delta. They Deiieve tnai the bandits have taen refuge in the wooded mountains Delta. to the west of SLIDE HALTS ROAD TRAFFIC Northern Pacific Line Is Blocked Near little Falls. CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 8. (Spe cial.) A big slide on the Northern Pa cific main line near Little Falls has blocked ail travel for the night. A steam shovel must be secured from Portland to help remove the immense deposit of earth that has come down before the track can -be opened. A heavy downpour all last night and to day ceased tonight. That the slide will not materially affect Portland traffic is information given out from Northern Pacific heads quarters. Train No. 313, due at 10:CO last night, was delayed two hours. (Concluded on Fsge 2.) to me woi icN V