'xiifc, " .(IGik.I'i vjr Gi.liJjrO.NTA.rii, SENATE IS SURELY HALF DEMOCRATIC Gain of Single Member Out of Half Dozen in Doubt Will Give Majority. KANSAS ADDED TO COLUMN Oregon Is One of Stales Insured as Instiled Republican-Democratic Combination In Xcw Hampshire Possible. WASHINGTON". Nov. 7. Control of I!. Senate In the 63d Congress Is now i : i tlcally assured to the Democrats, .-onredlng to the Republicans the Leg Matures of all states still In doubt. I he Democrats will have a vote of 48. r Just one-half of the entire mem bership of the Senate, with a Demo Tat Ic Vice-President In the chair to .a.-t the deciding ballot In case of a lie. Six states are vet to be heard irom definitely. A Senator from one of these would give the Democrats a clear majority, and it Is possible that their strength will be even further in creased. Kansas has been added to the Demo cratic column in the last 24 hours. The states in which the complexion of th- Legislatures is yet to be decided are Illinois. Michigan. New Hamp shire. Tennessee and Wyoming. Ore con, where the direct election plan pre vails, is counted doubtful. Ordinarily Tennessee could be relied upon to help the Democratic party, but the factional tight there may prevent In this crisis. Illinois Situation Complicated. In Illinois there are complications growing out of the multiplicity of parties, making It uncertain whether there will be a Senatorial election. In that state a successor to the deposed Senator Lorimer should be chosen, as well as a successor to Senator Cullom. whose term expires. If there should be no elections, the effect would favor the Democrats by reducing the mem bership of the Senate to 94. of which number the 48 already assured would be a working majority. In New Hampshire, the dispatches indicate a possible combination of Democrats and Republicans and In that rvent predictions as to the course of the man selected would be mere guess work. Ilrawraltc Control Not 4onbed. Whatever the outcome In any of the states mentioned, there can be no-doubt ks to Democratic control of tha-Senate. In addition to the aid of the "Vice President, in an emergency they will rtnd willing co-operation among the Progressive Senators. Three or four of the Progressives are almost as lib eral in their tariff views and on other Questions as the Democrats themselves. Senators Clapp. La Follette. Cummins, tironrm. Brlstow and Poindexter are ell avowed tariff reformers. They also favor advanced legislation on other subjects. Senator Works announced his Inten tion of voting for the Democratic Presidential candidate some time be fore the election. This determination is due. however, to a peculiar combina tion, of circumstances and the Califor nia Senator probably will not wish to i have It construed as binding on him I ss to a Democratic, policy. He is classed as a protectionist. i Klsjht TrofrMjIrn" Hold Over. j Of the 31 holdover Republicans, eight have been classed as Progressives In the past. They are Brlstow of Kan sis. Crawford of South Dakota, Cum mins of Iowa, Gronna of North Da kota. Clapp of Minnesota. La Follette of Wisconsin. Toindexter oT-,Washing-ton and Works of California. Mr. Norris. of Nebraska, has been one of the leaders of the Progressive element In the House and will continue to co operate with that element In the Sen ate, as it Is expected that Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, will and possibly Senator Borah. of Idaho. In such measures as may appeal to them. Much Interest Is manifested in the political affiliations of the Progres sives. Heretofore they have' been con tent to be known as Progressive Re publicans. Whether any number of them will be with the Republican party Is a problem. Senators Brlstow. Clapp and Poindexter are understood to have" supported Colonel Roosevelt and If they should decline to co-operate with the Republicans of the Senate the change would materially weaken the old party. Democrat Gala Four More Votes. The following additional returns on Representatives to Congress increase the Democratic majority In the House bv four: California. First William Kent, Projr., re-elected. Colorado. First George J. Kindel, Deni.. elected: Second, H. H. Seldom ridge. Dem.. elected. Illinois. Thirteenth John C. McKen xle. Rep elected. Iowa. Eleventh George W. Scott. Rep., elected. Michigan, Second S. W. Beakes, Dm., elected: Sixth. Samuel W. Smith, Rep., re-eelcted. Montana, at large John M. Evans. Dem elected. Oklahoma. Second Dick T. Morgan, Rep., re-elected. Utah, at large Jacob Johnson, Rep., elected. Washington. Third William La Fol lette. Rep., re-elected. f SKXATORSHIP IS IX DOUBT 'Independent' Democrat May Be Chosen in Tennessee. NASHVILLE. Tenn., Nov. 7. Much uncertainty exists as to the naming of a successor of United States Senator Sanders (Rep.), who was appointed by Governor Hooper to fill out the unex pired term of Senator Taylor, who died in office. The Legislature chosen at the polls Tuesday apparently Is hostile to ex Governor Patterson, nominee of the so called "regular" faction of the Demo cratic party. It is contended by "Independent" Democrats and Republicans that they have a majority of the Legislature on Joint ballot and if their contention Is well founded It Is probable an "Indepen dent" Democrat will be elected. Senator Sanders has pledged himself not to seek re-election and It is be lieved the Republican votes will be thrown to an independent Democrat. DEMOCRATS SWEEP MONTANA Pluralities Indicated for Both Xa tional and State Ticket. HELENA. Mont.. Nov. 7. Returns from Montana are coming In slower than after any previous election. Par tial returns from 28 of 31 counties show the Democratic National and state ticket in the lead without a break in the line. The. pluralities range from 7000 to 100, but every Democratic can didate is ahead of his opponent. Incomplete unofficial returns from zs nf ttA 41 finmtiAi v1v tTlft following For President vt uson is.o. " 11.S2S. Roosevelt 13,678. ueos 74(. vnr rnltl utiiM Senator Walsh. Democrat. 21.S69: Smith. Republican. 13,106; Dixon. Progressive, For Governor Stewart, Democrat, 18.56?; Wilson, Republican, 15.699; Ed wards. Progressive. 12.848; Duncan. So cialist, 8170. For Representative in Congress c,.,. .-.t 17 scs- Evans. Demo crat, 17.227: Pray, Republican. 14,471; Allen Republican. 12.4it; ivereti. rra gressive. , 8609; Horkan, Progressive, 7870. I MAIL VOTE MAY DETERMINE Governorshp or Kansas in Doubt. AVileon's Lead Is 20,000. TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. 7. Although complete unofficial returns from all the counties of Kansas have been received, the result of the contest between Ar thur Capper Rep.), ana ueorge xu ii-i.) cr.u i r t.m i far Governor still is in doubt and probably the official count will be required to decide which Is elected. Independent complications place the Democratic candidate aneaa by from 500 to 1000 votes. nv. nf th stnte ticket nrob- ably will be determined by the mail vote, which Is expectea to toiai least 3000. Under a law enacted by ths last Legislature legal voters who -., ,,i, i. m vote at their precinct voting places may mail their votes. The mail votes are not counted until three day after election. Complete unofficial returns give v u A tfn ninraiitv nvpp Roosevelt and William H. Thompson, .Democratic can didate for United states oenaiur, i of 15.000 over Stubbs, Republican. WYOMJXG RESULT IS IX DOUBT Election or Senator Depends on Re turns From Interior Counties. pukvexke. Wvo.. Nov. 7. Three hundred and ten precincts out of a total of 472 In Wyoming give Wilson 10,591, Taft 10,328, Roosevelt 4624. The Sena torial result Is still In uoudl xno Democrats have 40 votes in tne nexi Legislature, the Republicans 35; neces sary to choice. 43. Lincoln County Is missing. Uintah County, which, with Lincoln, comprises a legislative district, has gone Demo cratic by a small majority. This dis trict elects eight legislators ana noius the deciding vote. TAFT IS FOURTH IX ARIZONA Votes for Debs Heavier Than Presi dent's Socialist Carries Towns. niTApvi v i.i. "V'rt.r f Return I JJWl-.' I . Al Itt.. - " ' which contain about 80 per cent of the total vote cast in -Arizona ibuiwiio mai n.k. will havA a hAavler vote in the state than Taft. The Socialist candi date carried the town of Miami and North Globe, two of the largest pre cincts in Glle County. Returns rrom iso oui m oui pic clncts in the state give Wilson 8721, Roosevelt 6195. Taft 260. Debs 2725, Chafln 178. WISCONSIN ELECTS M'GOVERX Plurality In Race for Governor Is 5000 Wilson's Lead 20,000. MILWAUKEE Nov. 7. Governor Mc- Govern, Republican, will have a plur ality of at least 5000 votes over Judge KareL Democrat. In S lsconsln. accora Ing to returns received by Republican State Chairman Scott. A few additional returns received today did not alter Wilson's chances In Wisconsin and his estimated .plur ality remains at 20.000 to 30,000. XEW HAMPSHIRE REPUBLICAX V Wilson Wins by 1800 but Democrats Jyose Fight for Legislature, rnvrnfin K H . Nov. 7. Complete returns for the entire state govern ment ticket give the Republicans a majority of 21 on Joint ballot In the Legislature, which will be called upon to choose a Governor and a United States Senator. The complete vote for President: Taft 32.964. Wilson 34.743. Roosevelt 17,802, Chafln 351. Debs 1640. JOHNSON CALLS ANEW T. R.'S RUXXIXG MATE SAYS DE FEAT IS IXCIDEXT. Losing Election Declared to Be or o More Real Consequence Than Missing Train. CHICAGO. Nov. 7. Governor John- on of California, candidate for Vlce- Pr.Mnt on the Roosevelt Progressive ticket. In Chicago today on his way homo to California, said defeat was merely an Incident of the progressive Ilgnt ana oi nine iiivia tunpcv)ucn. to the ultimate success of earnest men ma. ,hA mi.Btnir flf ft train." Tired with his campaigning, but with determined bearing ana unao&ieu force, he sounded what he character i.i a nw ,-nll in the moose." Instrut- Ing his followers to begin a fight for 1914 and I9is. "We might expres our admiration In th vnriiu nf Ahra.ha.rn Lincoln." he said. "All we have , to do Is to keep the raltn; remain steaaiasi 10 mo nam. stand by your principles, stand by your guns, and victory, complete and per manent, is sure at tasu "The lasting and permanent victory A V.. D.nriTM TllA.sHaV in the crystallization of a great public sentiment lounaea upon a morai con ception. "That Immediate success did not come to candidates is of no conse quence. The big thing has been ac complished. There is a new party in new spirit In Americanism that means ultimately real progress; a new me in politics that mark a better National "A mere battle has been fought; a great fight has negun. ine name una been In reality a substantial victory. Those who participated I find have added strength and courage for the continuance of the conflict. "In common with all Americans, we wish Mr. Wilson a successful and pros perous administration. "t-- vrncrressive Dartv now has be come one of the great National parties with definite, nxea policies, in ine iui fillment of which it welcomes all; but It Is going forward with solemn de termination to achieve Its purposes." Governor and Mrs. Johnson and the Governor's secretary. Alexander Mc Cabe, left tonight for California. . Turkish Lecture Announced. Basing his predictions on Bible prophecies 2500 years old, Luther War ren, of Los Angeles, will deliver a free Illustrated lecture at Heillg Theater. Sunday at S P. M-, on "The Turkish Empire, a Nation of Prophecy." Mr. Warren, who is a student of. history, believes that the present war will, re sult in the Turks being driven from T - .i nnn i n cr to h ( dedlic- DlirUfCi v . tz. , tlons from the Scriptures, they will re establish their capital in Jerusalem. Late pictures from the war will be shown. . Coal of Quality. C 2303. Edlefsen. A W(B MINORITY IN DOUBT " 1 7 Wilson Free to Choose From Any of Lesser Parties. LAW MAKES NO OBSTACLE Claims or Roosevelt Icaders for Representation Lead to Exam ination of Laws and Pre cedents Applying. WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. Statement by Roosevelt Progressive leaders that rnvmrnm -4-05 'Washington ST at lOTS At Portland's Best Family Liquor Store FRIDAY SALE Wines Liquors PHONE YOUR ORDEK.NOW TO MAIN 64C9 OR A 4499. $1.50 Wines i. Ttellrtons California mgggg m Port. Mierrj", An-- J i g icelfea or Muctel, . jf pedal for Friday A a i t only, the gallon, W I- ' 1 ' ; .4 Mnsrat Grape 4.0 Beat Holland 4 Jamaica E l m. Brandy Frl, al. Gin Friday, Ballon, Friday, g a 1 1 o n. $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 1 ' IB Mail Order. Postmarked FIFTH :""'"WTIlMlr ""'p:or.xlAnd XABX 8TS. OREOON. ' FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 Every customer who buys a Suit, Overcoat or Raincoat at our regular plainly narked prices at any time between 8 o'clock this morning and i.0:30 o'clock tomorrow night will be presented with five dollars in gold coin. unite! is vircsift This offer iYesterday was they will expect representation on non partisan Government boards, commis sions, etc.. have led to an examination of the laws and precedents bearing on such appointments. This shows, it is declared, that the law makers in creating non-partisan boards and commissions, made no pro vision for the selection of members from minority parties. Consequently the general rule has been merely to prohibit more than a majority of the members of thess boards and commissions from being elected from one party, nothing being said from what party or parties the minority shall be chosen. In accord ance wtih this precedent Wilson would be legally free in most cases to. select minority members from any of the minority. law anil PrrMdnt Auoted. - The Hepburn rate law. Increasing the number of memDers or me inrai Commerce Commission from five to seven, provided that "not more than four commissioners shall be appointed from' the same political party." The law governing the appointment ft the three civil service commissioners provided that "not more than 'two shall be adherents to the same party." IF M W ! " "MORRISON LOOK FOR THE BIG ELECTRIC SIGN Special Today Tailored Suits at $27.50 Regular $35.00 Suits. SEE THEM WITHOUT FAIL. - These suits go a long way towards prov ing the value-giving power of the Eastern. Regular $32.50 and $35.00 values, $27.50 In the assortment will be found plain tailored and fancy models end dainty little norfolks. In- boueles, wide-wales, diago nals, serges, etc. All the popular colors, with all coats lined with' Skinner's guaranteed satin. Get one of these suits today. Have it Charged. .mi a. nil mtum $4 Whiskeys National's B e a t rT T 4.O0 Rye orJK B r Beorbon will beK W Eoorboa will be old special Fri day at, gallon. Friday. Filled at Sale Price. I SATURDAY I NOVEMBER 9 Pine Oothing Modestly Priced So I 4 is to customers with' charge as well as cash customers. . a corker; see the fun today LLMG STREET AT FOURTH The law creating the board of gen eral appraisers at New York provides that "not more than five shall be ap pointed from the same political party." The personnel of mfiny commissions, such as the managers of the National home for. disabled volunteer soldiers and the. board of regents of the Smith sonian Institution, Is determined by the House of Representatives without re gard to the laws as to non-partisanship. i Democratic Leaders Will JudKe. It Is generally recognized that the question of moral support for the de mand for representation will be passed upon by the Democratic leaders alone. In the House and Senate, represen tation of Roosevelt Progressives on committees and commissions is likely to bring complications. In the last Congress, the Democratic minority re quired the Republican minority, the leading minority. to care for the Socialist member. In the committee ap pointments. The general rule In both the House and the Senate is to allow the minority leaders to make assign ment of minority members or Senators to the respective committees. Trimmed Street semi-dress and dressy Hats. Charming models, fresh from the hands of our own skilled milliners, embodying latest Eastern November Ideas. Hundreds to choose from. 4.00 Hata now '.V...S 2.40 B.OO Hat. now ! 7.0O Hat now i.. I O.on Hat now 12.00 Hiti now -syy 1S.00 Hata now JVXR 20.00 Hata now.' 1-i.yO All Eastern patterns and all Hats over $30 just half. Fraley Millinery On Third St, Corner Salmon republican, progressive and democratic headqiMarteirs isV 33 1 Washington ii y j v R&iiinico&fc! accounts , , . . it's our treat. LEADING CLOTHIER PATRONAGE IS SHIFIED ORECOJf MEMTVERS OF HOUSE WILL BE IGNORED. Chamberlain In Line for Good Chair manships Will Control Oflces if Soiling Wins. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Nov. 7. After March 4 all Fed eral patronage in Oregon will be at the disposal of Senator Chamberlain, if It should develop that Mr. Selling is -I . 1 Canar... Kilt If Dr. T ,R lS elected. Chamberlain and Lane would control Jointly. A. Oregon wm nave no Democratic Representatives, all post - nUtmnnt. will ha made bv U 1 1 1 1.. G Q1'" Senators, and Messrs. Hawley, Latterly and Slnnott will nave no a eaertu pat ronage whatever. In the reorganisation of the Senate 9 rraiey s Clearance Specials Extraordinary Reductions on Every Trimmed Hat Every Untrimmed Hat Shape Every Ostrich plume Every Paradise Plume Cluster AH our immense stocks included. Positively nothing held in reserve. No "job lots-" all choice, selected merchandise. Untrimmed Among our better velvet and "Hk plush shapes are latest from Bur gesser. Gage. Bendel and Seybell. H.oo Shape, for ....$9.75 12.00 Shapes for S.HO .O0 Shape, for 6.90 B.OO Shapes for V'SQ S.00 Shapea for 1.75 2.00 Shapea for 95 All Flowers and Feather. likewise reduced. Two Stores Just' outside the high rent center. Crown Hat Shop 392 Morrison, Near Tenth for that hat you won on the election agent knox hats stetson hats christy hats jameson hats monroe $3 hats ichel street .a. w . fnMK Sanntn, PtlTtl conimuicoB .mi. ... berlaln will be In line for some good chairmanships. He Is not the ranking member of any big committee, but Is second In line on several, and he la sure to be made chairman of either the public lands. Irrigation, agriculture, Philippine, or territories committee. If -Senator Newlands, now ranking mem ber, prefers some other committee to public lands, Senator Chamberlain un doubtedly will succeed Senator Smoot as chairman of the public land, com mittee, but If Senator Newlands want, the public lands committee. Chamber lain will have one of the other com mittees. Playground Meeting Called. For the purpose of d"v!.sing ways and means for the puls ion of a playground for the chil dren of the Central West Side, in the section known as Ladd's school dis trict. meeting has been called at Calvary Tresbyterlan Church. Eleventh and. Clay streets, tonight at 8 o clock. The speakers will be Dr. Benjamin Young. Rev. Luther R. Dyott and Rev. W. F. Reagor. illinery Plumes Immense tock black "Rex" brand Plume, at Just Half Fancy Ostrich Trim.. Truly artl. tic color blends. Burnt orange shaded to brown, cerise to gray, blended blues, etc.. including this week's arrivals, a 4.00 Ostrich Fancies. 6.00 Ostrich Fandea. AAA n..vlk V.D.IU. 12.00 Ostrich Fanclea..... 8.46 1S.0O Ostrich Fancies. . M imperial hotel building