I XOVE3IBER 4, 1912. " - . 1 ll71li 1 i . ... IBIA OPENING GOLUN By Boat Channel Into British Columbia Portland .Would Benefit. FULL PLATFORM OFFERED ' Independent Congressional Candi date Informs Voters of His Po sition on AH Important Questions of Campaign.' THOMAS MTTSKER, A REFCB LICAN" For the Information of the voters of Multnomah County. The Orego nlan wishes to call attention to the fact that Thomaa McCusker la the only Republican candidate for Repre aentatlve In Concress from this dis trict. Mr. McCusker's opponent. Laf ferty. received the Republican nom ination In the primary election, but oon after that election Lafferty re nounced the Republican party and ita nomination. Identified himself with the Bull Moose organisation and ac cepted the nomination of the third party for that office. Because of a provision In the primary law. Mr. McCusker is prevented from using the party designation Republican after his name, which appears on the bal lot as an Independent candidate. But this omission des -not affect Mr. McCusker's Republicanism with those who know him. He Is the only Re publican candidate before the voters of Multnomah County for this office. "Trie) first plank of my platform per taining to the opening of the Columbia River into British Columbia must be good, as Senator chamberlain has since advocated it In his speeches and re reived favorable editorial comment In the Journal therefor, and Senator Bourne is advocating the same improve ment In his paid advertisements." said Thomxs McCusker. independent Repub lican candidate for Representative, in Confess from this district, last night. "I am exceedingly glad that I have suggested something that will start these gentlemen into action for the ben efit of the state, and if I am elected, they, no doubt, would co-operate with m In securing for Oregon what I con sider second only in importance to the Panama Canal. It will not be egotistical for me to say that I am more familiar with this subject than either of those gentlemen, due to my long association with the traffic department of railroads, and my knowledge of the resources and needs of the state. I have made this a study, and am very much Inter ested In seeing it consummated. Alaska Coal Mining Favored. "Regarding that part of my platform dealing with Alaska coal. I will say that all consumers of fuel, factories and Individuals, are Interested in this, as the cast of fuel Is quite a factor in the high cost of living. This can be) brought about, and is of far more Im portance to the individual voter than is the spending of a lot of money for cer tain improvements for which ho pays, and which may benefit the pocketbooks of a few individuals. "I am In hearty accord with any im provements that will benefit the city and state, and I believe those things having merit will take care of them selves, while it Is most important to enact some legislation that will benefit th masses by reducing the cost of liv ing. "As to the extension of the Postal Savings bank, I believe the limit should bes taken off the amount one can de posit, which will act as a sure preven tion of panics, as the big interests which own the private savings banks would not dare to create a panic under such conditions. Farmers Should lie Aided. "I believe with President Taft that there should be a liberal credit system for farmers, so as to enable them to se cure cheap loans; but I would favor the Government loaning direct from the postal savings bank at a low rate of Interest, not only to the farmer, but also to the small home-owner. This also would be a factor in reducing the high cost of living. "I think my platform will appeal to the Intelligent voter, as it does not consist of 'hot air," but Is based on sound Judgment, and means more than Idle promises." McCaaker Present Platform. The following is Mr. McCusker-s plat form: I favor the co-operation of the United Ftates with the Canadian government in - opening the Columbia River into British Co lumbia, thereby draining a vast territory Into Portland, which "would make it the greatest wheat market In the world, and, with the completion of the Panama Canal, the foremost city of the Pacific Coast. I favor a 30-foot channel to the sea, with a 40-foot depth of bar. I favor Government aid in deepening the upper Willamette River and its tributaries. I favor the Government working the Alas ka coal mines with American labor, trans porting the coal la Government-owned ves sels, and selling to the consumer at actual cost. I favor free tolls for American ship through the Panama Canal, and the fortifi cation of the canal by this Government. I favor the prohibition of railroad-owned or controlled steamship competition In the Canal Zone. I fajor the prohibition of railroad-owned or controlled steamship competition on an; river or other water that would be detri mental to commerce. I favor a substantial navy, as I believe such Is necessary in order to maintain our commercial supremacy until sut-h time is there shall be compulsory International ar bitration. Liberal Wage Favored. I favor a liberal wage scale and reasonable hours for working people, and a just and equitable worklngman's Compensation act. I favor the passage of lsws that will pre vent gambling In the necessities of life. I favor the direct primaries and the ex tension of the popular government laws to the election of President and United States Senators by popular vote. 1 favor a permanent tariff commission, thereby taking the tariff out of politics. I favor a revision of the tariff downward, and Government regulation of trusts. I favor National aid for publlo highways, and co-operation with the states in their const ruction. I favor conservation of the fish industries of the country, and restocking by artificial propagation. I favor parcels post, and extension of the poStal savings bank. i favor the phvsical valuation of railroads as the taals for making of rates. I favor the conservation of the water powers of the country to the people. If the railroad lands are forfeited to the Government. I favor same being conveyed to the state for distribution to the people where practical tor agricultural purposes, ali revenue derived from sale thereof to be used within the state for river and harbor Improvements and construction of highways. HOTEL MULTNOMAH. ArVangements have been made with the Western Union Telegraph Co. to have special operator and direct wires on stage in Arcadian Garden to receive and read election returns. Tuesday evening, November 5. II. C. Bowers. The Tasmanlan apple yield this year Is t.34S.00 bushel FOR Cascade County Vote 319 x No: (JfThis is purely , a local measure and should not be on the ballot. Less than 300 people living in the district affected signed the peti tion. Clackamas County Anti-Division League; 1 j! W. ROOTS, Pres. (Paid Advertisement.) Progressive Candidate , for President "o.TC c 1 i "I -stand squarely with Theodore Roosevelt upon the platform of the Pro gressive Party. This means honesty in public service, better conditions of labor sane readjust ment of business regula tion, an honest' tariff revi sion, and the elimination from our political life of such men as Archbold, Barnes, Penrose, Guggen heim, Murphy, Taggart, and their like. And' finally and most important, the enlargement of the pow ers of the people to be ex ercised for the common good." - Progressive Candidate for U. S. Senator r '3 i 'i A' ' -' - J -Vote for ROOSevelt (From speech of A. E. Clark.) Vote for Clark (Paid Advertisement.) CANDIDATE HAS REPLY FITZGERALD MAKES AXSWKIt TO iriS OPPONENT. Republican Nominee for Slieritl De clares He AVI1I, ir Elected, Entoroe-AU Ias. PORTLAND. Nov. 3. (To tlie .Kdi tor.) I have refrained from protesting against the decidedly unfriendly edi torial comment you have made regard ing my- candidacy for the office of Sheriff, as I appreciated the fact that the editorial columns reflected your In dividual opinion and preferences, to which you. of course, were entitled, without recourse or protest from those whom you criticise. As your local news columns, however, are supposed to be fair and impartial and you have printed a great deal of laudatory com ment for my Democratic opponent.. Mr. Word, and much that directly or by in nuendo reflects on me. I respectfully ask space for a brief statement refut ing some of the charges that have been made in your news columns. In to day's paper, for instance, Mr. V ord valiantly announces that he is "fight ing for the protection of our homes, and that "the good people of Portland are behind me (Word), thoroughly aroused to the danger that threatens their homes and children." Now. any "real danger that is threatening the homes and children can eaily be averted or removed. They will be Just as safe with a Republican in the Sheriffs office as they would be with . Democrat. If elected, I will en force all the laws, without fear or fa vor, and there are sufficient laws on the statute-books to protect the chil dren1 and the homes and business and society in general. Mr. Word had'.an excellent opportu nity to test his popularity and the merit of his work six years ago. He had' had a term in the Sheriff s office and came up for re-election on exactly the same platform-as that on which he is running today. He was defeated by the narrow margin of five votes. Mr. Word cropped up again four years ago, flaunting the same old bugaboo. . Then he was defeated by more than 4000 votes by the same man whom he en deavored to defeat six years agoT To allay Mr. Words fears for the "homes and children" I will state that one of my running mates on the Republican ticket, Mr. Walter Evans, will be on j ,1 ntstrlrt Attnrnev after Janu. inv juu no ' ary 1. and that If anyone starts any thing detrimental io m children." or anything else dangerous to society or business or in defiance of the law,, he will not get very far with it. ,, . r ..... f,ins from maklncr this a personal fight and have endeavored to i III. . . lraAn If- o 1 no n the best oi my ... but as my opponent is endeavoring to make a good deal of capital out of the alleged support of the North End, I would like to have him explain why ex-Chief of Police Cox, who was indict ed for the very evils which Mr. Word is assailing, is now working night and day In the North End saloons endeav oring to swing them to- Word. And while Mr.' Cox Is working the North End slums, Mr. Wilson, a defeated can didate for Sheriff at the primaries, and the proprietor of an auction house which at any time may be the subject of a call from the Sheriff's office. Is endeavoring to line up the church peo ple with Cox" North End allies. As you will notice, with these two exceptons. -have the support of every candidate that ran against me at the primaries. Personalities are distasteful to me, and for that reason I have said nothing about Mr. Word's record at Skagway and a number of other places in the Northwest, but the voters of Multno mah County are fairly familiar with it, and with my own record. If they will Investigate both, I am willing to stand or fall by their judgment. If elected I will see that all of the laws are en forced, including that which provides for Sunday closing of saloons a stat ute which was never enforced during the administration of Mr. Word. I have no intention of" making the de mands on your space that, have been made by Mr. Word, but trust that you will print this partially to make amends for the misrepresentation that has unintentionally cipt into your news columns. W. H. FITZGERALD, Rep. -Progressive Nominee for Sheriff. POLLS OPEN AT 8 O'CLOCK List or Voting Places Outside of City Limits Is Given. Polling places will be open tlmorrow for the state, county and National election from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. The same polling places within the city limits will be used in this election as in the municipal election Saturday. A complete list of these was published in The Oregonian of Saturday, Novem ber 2. The list "of polling places in Multno mah County precincts outside of the city limits- of Portland is as follows: Precinct No. l.Vi Real estate office, Jer sey and Richmond streets. Precinct No. lflT City Hall, St. Johns. Precinct No. l."5 Curtis' Grocery Store, Mti Fessenden street. Cedar Park. Precinct No. .v. Columbia Schoolhouse. - Precinct No. -ItiO Russellvllle postoffice. Precinct No. lfil Mt. eott Clubhouse, corner Cooper and Sprlne streets. Precinct No. ltii! Building. 'BA-" carllne. corner Second avemip. Precinct No. 162 M Duke's Hall. Main street, between Poster road and carllne. Precinct No. ltia Building east side. Main, north of "Foster. Precinct No. 1G4 Coffman's Garage, east side Main street, south of railroad track Lents. Precinct No. 16Ti Falrvlew t Artisan Hall). Precinct No. 160 Rockwood (Roctwood Hall). Precinct No. 167 Unneman. (Store build ing Linneman Station.) Precinct No. 18 Gresham (Regner"H Hall). Precinct No. l'9 Troutdal (Fox Hall). Precinct No. 170 Powell Valley (Elliott's Hall). Precinct No. 171 Northway's -Hall. Hurl burt. School District No. 2r. Precinct No. 172 Bridalvell schoolhouse Precinct No. 173 Palmer schoolhouse. Precinct No. 174 Warrendale schoolhouse. Precinct No. 17o Sauvie's Island, school house No. in. Precinct No. 176 Holbrook iStevens' Store). . " Precinct No. 177 I.lnnton (Hall). Precinct No. 17S Sylvan (office Standard Brick & Tile Co.). Precinct No. 179 Mt Zlon, Falrvala schoolhouse. Precinct No. 10 -Bertha, schoolhouse. precinct No. 1S1 !lverdnle, schoolhouse. Precinct No. 182 West Portland, school-house. UPLIFT FILM IS SHOWN Excellent Attractions Offered at Peo ple's Circuit. Governor West and Millie R. Trum bull, of the Oregon Prison Aid So ciety, saw - "The Man Who Dared" at the Star Theater and expressed the opinion "that it was one of the greatest humanitarian plioto plays of the age. It is one of those pictures that deals fearlessly with the brutality that pre vails yet in some prisons and it shows what reform can he brought by a clean, pure, Btrong man through, a moral per ception of the duty society owes to the hnlnlacq fnnvint finnh n film will HO more practical god than a score of stump speeches ana tne star manage ment merits commendation for securing and exhibiting so wholesome a pic torial sermon. Other fine pictures and several good vocal acts combine to pre- "Lands of the Lions" is underlined for next Wednesday and shows a thrilling series of films, which reveal the king of beasts in the native jungles of Africa. The star is now nrmiy. esiao lished as the only theater in the city which exclusively exhibits every Sun day and weunesaay wuue iwu ur iiuct reel special feature as a headline at traction. Th.i Trncr.iTnmA a th Peonle's The ater contained a remarkable picture on the Balkan-rurKisn war. rsut reiu coat Camp," a rich and racy comedy, created a continuous wave of merri ment. "At the Phone" was exciting and a film on the "Fly Pest" was really wonderful. Two distinct musical turns, Miss Ella James, soprano, and Harold Yates, made up a long and pleasing programme. The People's will offer Wednesday "On Secret Service," the best double reel pho,to play ever seen in this city, introducing a new brand to the Portland picture fans, the "Kay-Bee,"- destined to immediate fame and favor. Five pictures and three standard (.nalrllla n ft 1 -TtreSPntPrl at tllO Arcade and packed the theater at every show. In the picture tine weary a no venge," a fine tramp story, a drama and three comedies constituted the bill. Of the acts Babe Linhardt showed the greatest talent. She is a little miss of 16, who makes clever character changes is full view of the audience, Imitating Harry Lauder. Mary Marble, Lilly Lena and Amy Butler. Avery and Taylor and Du Molino. Bouble-voiced singer, and QU1RIRE7 NO! PAFFS EST m BID COLD First Dose of Pape's Cold Compound Relieves All Misery From a Cold or the Grippe. It is a positive fact that a dose of Pape's Cold Compound, taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken, will end the Grippe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, chest, back, stomach, limbs or any part of the body. It promptly relieves the most mis erable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up. feverlshness, sneea Ing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, sore ness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as directed, with the knowledge- that there is nothing else in the world, which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and with out any other assistance or bad after effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply accept no substitute contains no' quinine. Belongs in every home. Tastes nice acts gently. fiSSW&h CLEANS SCOURS c,n7v M : SCOURS SAPGZS POLISHES Who Is the Liar, Now Charles H. Shields has been termed a liar. And the men who have so termed him are those who have been saying there is Single Tax in British Columbia, Everybody knows now there are more personal prop erty taxes in British Columbia than there are in Oregon. And they know now that the Single Taxers would ex empt $350,000,000 of personal property from taxation in Oregon just to steal land and give it to the state. What would you call the men who say there IS Single Tax in British Columbia? But this is about that Alberta situation. From some little Single Tax Mayor in Alberta the, Single Taxers publish a statement that Shields lied when he said that 20 Alberta cities were bankrupt as a result of Single Tax. Did Shields Lie? Read this from the Calgary Herald of September 12, 1912: - . "Representatives of 20 Alberta towns have met to pro test against the action of the Sifton Government m forci bly imposing a Single Tax system of taxation upon them. ' "The matter is being brought up at a convention of Alberta municipalities and convenes today in Innisfail. . "The result has been disastrous to a number of Alberta towns. Their finances are well nigh paralyzed. "Single Tax as applied to .their, land or on any reason able basis of assessment, whatever, does not come to near supplying their actual needs. Public works have had to be stopped. Public service is demoralized. Public officials cannot get their money. And even schoolteachers have been held up for their salaries because the municipal ities have been unable to establish a new basis of revenue." ' Who Is the Liar Now? r Read this, too, from the Didsbury Pioneer of Septem ber 18: Taxes Eight Per Cent "The meeting of the Alberta municipalities held at Innisfail last week, brought out the fact that there is a tremendous lot of dissatisfaction with the powers that be at Edmonton over the new Town Act. "It will set them back for some time to come till they can see a way to readjust their affairs to suit the new; conditions that have arisen because they will object to striking a tax rate of from 8 to 10 per cent on land." Who Is the Liar? Is Charles H. Shields a liar? Or are Mr. U'Een, his friends and that' Edmonton Mayor the liars ?- Think, then vote. t The numbers against Single Tax are: 308 x Yes Repeals the tricky U'Ren amendment. 365 x No Against graduated Single Tax. 379 x No r Against Single Tax in Multnomah County. - OREGON EQUAL TAXATION LEAGUE, (Paid AdvartlsamMit.) really good films played to absolute ca pacity all day. Leo Conlin. the new Sunnyside mana ger, started his managerial career under excellent auspices. He gave his patrons a fine pictorial programme and sang a number of unusually acceptable songs. ' To insure the owner of a private shavlns; cup kept in a barber shoo that he is Its only user there has been invented a paper cap to cover It, which cannot be removed without breaking a seal. Oh! My Back! A cfnhhnm backache that hangs on, week after week, is cause to suspect jsiuuey KIp fTvr when the kid- neys are inflamed and swol len, bending the back-brings a sharp twinge that almost takes tne breatn away. TVs hard to work and lust as hard to rest or sleep. TVan's Kidnev Pills re vive sluggish kidneys re lieve congested, aching kid- mi C "Z ni-v-iorr neys. ine pi-oux i txi auw- ing collection or Dacitacuu testimonials. . Here's a Portland case. Portland Proof Testimony of a Resident of Twelfth Street. John A. Niday, 262 twelfth street, Portland, Or., says: "Last Winter I was troubled greatly with my kidneys. The kidney se cretions passed too freely, especi ally at night, and when the weather was cold I was quite lame. I used a box of DoaVs Kidney Pills and they stopped the difficulty with my kidneys 'Every Picture Tells a Story ancl made my back better." x "When Your Back is LameRemember the Name" MN'S I0BNEY PILLS Peelers. , Price 50 cents. forter-MSbum Co, Buffalo, N. Y Proprietorj