Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 22, 1912, Page 17, Image 17

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Receipts at Present Are Equal
. to Requirements.
California Issues -a Quarantine
Against Utah Hay on Account of
Weevil, Which May Open Cp
Market for Oregon Product.
Supplies of hay now coming forward are
about equal to the demand, and ai a re
ult the market la holding very ateady.
The prospect are for a continuance of the
present prices, or possibly an advance In
some lines In the near future. With the
pastures becoming; short, the demand for
cow hay Is Increasing and this Is strength
ening the market for alfalfa. Timothy Is
arriving moderately and the price Is hold
ing steady. t
"Fully 7S per cent of the timothy has
been damaged by rain." said R. P. Knight,
of the W. A. Gordon Company, who has
Just been through the hay districts. "Of
this amount about one-third Is suitable
for shipment. The prospects are that choice
timothy will command a premium through
out the present season.
Following the boycott announced In Wash
ington against Utah and Idaho hay because
of weevil, the authorities In California have
also quarantined hay from outside states.
A circular , Issued by a San Francisco hay
Jinn says:
"No hay from surrounding states has
'fcfsn brought Into this market, although
rnach inquiry has been directed this way.
It does not look probable that such hay
can come Into California now in view of
the fact that during this week Aoting Gov
ernor Wallace has declared a strict quar
antine prohibiting shipments of hay of any
kind from those-surrounding states on ac
count of weevil. The prohibiting of hay
coming Into California for any purpose at
all from these states may cot quite a fig
ure In our markets through - the Winter.
The restriction Is so exacting that It even
prohibits the shipment of feed hay In cat
tle cars from those states into California."
As there Is no weevil In hay in Oregon It
Is probsble some business with the southern
market may be worked up.
Prices Hold at Last Week's Jlange Demand
Is Not Large.
The wheat markets, local and country,
remain inactive, with the demand restricted
and farmers not pressing offerings. The
tone of values holds steady and the prices
current at the close of last week were re
peated. Oats and barley were quiet and also
Local receipts In cars were reported by
the Merchants Exchange a follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Mondav 202 1 1 11S 20 11 26
Kaon to date. (255 S1 715 C12 122
Year ago 44S3 211 " 448 17
The Merchants Exchange weekly wheat
statistics follow:
American visible supply
Bushels. Increase.
October M. It'll . .38.68.00O t.251.000
October 23. litll i,i34.vuu
October 54. 1910 S7.97S.000 405.000
October 23. 10 25.650.000 580.000
October 26. 19P8 43.632.000 1.137.000
October 25. 1907 42.245.000 371.000
October 29. 1906 37.076.000 !9.000
October 30. 1905 28.339.000 1.129.OO0
October 31. 1904 26.498.000 1,840.000
October IS. 1903 22,374.000 189,000
Quantities on passage
Week ' Week Week
ending ending ending
Oct 19. Oct. 12. Oct. 2111.
For Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.
U. K. 11,256.000 17.92S.000 lt.592.00O
Continent ..18.684.000 18.540,000 9.424,000
Total .
flour Included
Oct 19.
Oct. 12.
(.431, 000
3. 064.000
Oct. 3111.
r. S.-Can.
A rgentlna
- Russia .t.
1,824, 000
Total ....12.412.000 13.277,000 9.149,000
World's shipments, season to date
Total sinco Same period
July 1. 12. last season.
U. S. and Canada 61.353,000 46.518.000
Argentina 23.928,000 16,825,000
Australia 7.461.000 1S.084.000
Danube 22,524.000 29.108.000
Russia 4J.922.000 31.806.000
India 23.514.000 16.3S4.0Ou
Total 186.703.008 155.693.000
Ip to Twenty Cents Paid for Choice Lots-
Undertone Is Firm.
The strength of the hop market v
shown yesterday between dealers, involving
a lot of hops of fair prime quality, at 1S(
cents. The samel&t was sold less than two
weeks ago at 16 cents.
There was a good demand locally, but Sa
lem reports told of a slow market there,
with some of the outside orders cancelled
since the English estimate was announoed.
Klaber. Wolf & Netter were in the mar
ket yesterday and bought a 150-bale lot at
'JO cents. Seavey & Johnson were also buy
ers. This firm's purchases In the past four
days amount to between 600 and 700 bales
at IS to 19 cents.
Even Concords Share in the Improvement-
Cheap Apples Wanted.
Fruit trade was fairly good yesterday In
soite of the wet weather. Grapes contin
ued to be the active sellers and the market
was firm. A car of fancy tokays arrived
and sold readily at 90 cents to 31. Local
Concords were helped .by lighter receipts
and 603 63 cents was obtainable on crates,
but baskets were still slow.
There was a fair movement In apples that
could be had at 65 cents to 1. but there
was not much sale for higher priced fruits.
The steamer brought up an assortment of
tomatoes, artichokes, sprouts and such lines.
" Poultry Market Opens WelL
The poultry market opened firm. Re
ceipts of chickens were small and Saturday's
prices were easily obtained. Dressed meats
were slow and rather weak.
Fresh Oregon eggs were In good demand
at the old price with arrivals smalL
Cheese was firm at the new quotation
that went Into effect at the close of last
week. The butter situation was unchanged.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland I2.577.asl8 ;''5.Sn
.ttie ' 53-77.5 3:!"2
Tacoma ........... 23.3- ti."
Spokane 979, 2S5 104.S36
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
WHEAT Track prices: Club, 7778e;
bluestem. 8';Wc: forty-fold. 78c; red Rus
sian, 7c: valley. 7Sc
FLOUR Patents. 14.30 per barrel:
stralg.its. 3S.00: exports. SXOofir 3.70; Val
ley. 14.30; graham, 1.20; whole wheat.
"hat Timothy, choice. $171S: No. 1.
$16; oat and vetch, 112; alfalfa, 312; clover.
Sl; straw. 187. ,
CORN Whole. 338; cracked, f-B per ton.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. 321 per ton: shorts.
J:.""; r-'iildiings. $-'U.
BARI.ET Feed. 32424.n0 per ton; brew
ing $'72S per ton; rolled. $2!27.GO.
OATS White, $25 per ton; gray feed
$24 3o; gray milling. 25.50.
Vegetables and Fruits.
FRESH FRUITS Apples, ordinary, 50c
$1.50 per box: peaches. 40 150c per box.
pears. $1G1.I0 per box: grapes. 5cSl
per box; cranberries, $9.80 per barrel; casa
bas. 75cJS1.5u per dozen.
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. Valencia.
$4j4.GQ; California grapefruit. S45; Flori
da grapefruit. $3.506: lemons. 38.50 0
7.60 pe- box; pineapples. Be per pound.
ONIONS Oregon. $1.1091.55 per sack.
POTATOES Jobbing prices: Burbanks,
75c per hundred; sweet potatoes. Hie per
VEGETABLES Beans. 8c; cabbage. 1
lHc per pound: cauliflower, 40c123 per
doxen; celery 25J75o per dosen; cucum
bers, 40 50c per box; eggplsnt. $1.25 $1.6"
per box; head lettuce, -lata tic p . Ton'
peppers. 6Sc per pound: radishes, 15 -0c
per dozen; tomatoes. 75c$l per box; gar
lic. 56c per pound.
SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1-25 Pr
sack; turnips $1 per sack: beets, $1.10 per
sack; parsnips, $1.25 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
ffr.c pMh locals, candled. 40c per
dozen: case count. 35 36c.
CHEESE Triplets. per
daisies, lSVc; Young Americas. 20c per
pound. .
BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, cubes.
35 Ho per pound; prints. 38H 337c per pound.
I'MKtV r alley, tv v
Y K A L Fancy. 13c per pound.
n. i 11 HIS ... - , -
a, .Mr vnnnr i"814cL a-eese. 11c: turners.
live, JS 20c; dressed, 2 So.
Staple Groceries.
- . - - , l , nln., nne-OOund
tails. $2.25 per dosen; half-pound talis,
$2.95; one-pound flats. $2.40; Alaska pink.
one-touna tans aocif .n
COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 24 40c
per pound. . , ..
HONEX unoice, i.b' "",.
. .... yiioti . n. nnuna.
NUTS walnuts. .1
Brazil nuts. 12H15o; filberts. J
monds. 16-4 17c; peanuts, B6i,f?0
coanuts. 90c$l per dozen; ehesnuU. 12 J4C
per pound; hickory nuts, 610c; pecan
17c: pine, nviwuc. v,it
BEANS Small white, 2Sc .'"MexTcans
k inn- Lima. 6.65c: pink, 6c; Mexicans,
4.75c: bayou. 4.65c, hB,f
SALT Granuiaieo, i -- .
ground 100 $7.50 per ton: IS pgr tor.
SUGAR Fruit ana Berry. " iVot.
plantation. $5.70: beet, $5 55; "f.c. ?5 '
powdered, tearreis, o, cuu Vradea.
RICE No. 1 Japan. 6c; cheaper gradea.
3c; Southern head. lSlHc .
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per P'
apricots, 12 14c; peaches, 8 He; prunes.
nc: unnieacneo ouu.uo - .,,.
k datea. Persian. 8tto per pound.
hard. $L00 per box. .unce.
FIGS Twelve iu-ount. "- ---
Z Vun-d-boxTsr- 6k7o: Smyrna,
boxes. $1.1001.25; candled. 16018O.
' .,, .1... iriae: olcnica.
UHc; skinned. 18 .mi.J
BACON Fancy, iowjoc; - - -
dry skit. 14o; -m Mm.
LARD Tierce nasi "". -
Pn4'-. - vnt fl.85:
BlSUCLLAHtUUi! ris -"77 . ,..
sliced beef, lnsides. $28 per case; drtedbee
lnsldes. 24c per pouno; u
2025c: holstelner. 15c; Italian ham, 20c.
Summer sausage, quarters. $5; Vienna sau
sage, quarters, $5.
Hops, Wool and Hides.
hops 1912 crop, prims and choice, 180
20c per pound.
"i'."A'""",:'. VT lamba. 6090C,
salted pelts. .h'ortwooU 60c 1.00
WOOL r.aawru - - '
pound, according to Bhrlnkage; valley, 31
2'uc per pouno-
.i kMa. iQiffMXUr war noun fl :
salted calf. 19c; salted kip. 13614c; green
hides, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. 25c; No. 2. 20c.
ASRA-P.? 'pound. 44c; c.rlots.
45c '
vjnsoed Oil and Turpentine.
- - i, ...-. A7n nailed.
barrels, 69c; "raw, cases, 72c; boiled, cases,
74c. t ,. .... .
TURPENTINE Cases, ouc; ovicia, v-
per gallon.
Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vegs-
tahtes. muu, nw.
- . . .o,-s 4i The follow-
Ing produce prices wero current here "d-
Fruit Apples, choice, ovo, w"""
. ii California lemons
choice. $6.60; common. $8; pineapples, $1.60
Cheese Young America, 16 17 He.
Butter Fancy creamery. 83c
EK! Store, 81c; fancy ranch, 47c
..gT,"- V-..-TTv,r. soce$1.25: carllo.
I3c; green peas. 4oo': ""-ing beans, 80
I?- timatoes. 30075c; eggplant. 5O60$1,
onions. 85 50c - .,.
Hay Wheat. izic"r , iTi
,2022; alfalfa. lUfMl i "
Unas Burbanks, $1.25 1.85; sweets, $L26
Riclpta-Flour. 1064 quarter -w"
3875 centals; or. bran. 155
tTcLV "mTdd'liJ'gTsTr.acksr hay 1095 tons;
wool. 30 oaies.
Metal Markets.
vAn,- . oi rnnnar weak.
Standard spotT'lT-aba bid; October, 17.200
r7ri7-15crV.recTrolyUc.l.762i7i87c: lake.
1VrnVn snot and October. 6t60.50c; No
vember. oO.12Wou.ioc.
Lead quiet.
Spelter quiet. 7.6O4(i7.60c.
Antimony uu., " ------- ffll8.T5.
No. 2 Northern. $1 7. 70 18. 25 ; No 1 South
ern. $18.50610.75; No. 1 Southern soft, $18.25
ls-7a- r vu were
Copper arrivals in rww J i
400 tons. Exports were 18.896 tons. Local
exchange sales oi cojir
don copper, easy; spot, 75 6s, futures.
London tin. easy; spot. 280 lOs; futures.
29 5s.
London lead, 20 17s 6d.
London spelter. 27 10s.
Iron Cleveland warrants. 66s 6d in Lon
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Oct. 21. CattleReceipts.
26.0(10; market. Slow lo generally
5.73: Western steers. o.658.0; stockers
and reeaers, i.jv.w. i"; " ... ,
Hogs Receipts, S5.000; market. How to
5c lower. i.!Rni. a.iotf". "'''JS',. iS.
9 15: heavy. i.33S9.13; rough. $6.308.60.
PICS. . lO'U I.OV, uui v. - - - ,
Sheep Receipts. BO 000; ,arket weak to
IOC tO ZUC lower "a'""'.'""-"""';-'.-".--.---.
ern. $3.75& 4.70: yearlings. -TO0S5.
lambs, native,'ir t.,
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. Coffee closed
. . . . ...7' v .. , r. a nninlR higher.
Sales. 47.250 pounds. October. 14.5c; No.
vember, n.zic; lci;;uiuc., , i .77
14 09c: February. 14.00c; March, 14J4c;
April. H. 29c; May. 14.34c: June. 14.ioc:
July. 14.30c; August, 14.37c; September,
'Jpo't coffee, steady. Rio Vo. 1. 15J4C
Santos No. lofc. aim H"-
dova. 14'ioc. m
. . 7T 1 u,,,Mvai1n RO test.
iH W BUKUi. in"". - - . ,
3.01c; centrifugal. 96 test. 4.11c; molasses
sugar. o iei, o.jwj.
Chicago Produce Market.
. . . . . . . -. . . ... , I TliittT Stenrl V
tnii'Auui . . -. .
Creameries. . "a... . - -
p-eKs Steady: receipts, 40rt2 cases; at
mark, cases Included, 19 20c; ordinary
hrsts, . 1 (-. nrsis.
Cheese Steady. Daisies. "eiTc;
twins, loiiwi""; Iu" "
1 , C ; long norii., J
Knot Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. Cotton. Sftot closed
quiet. Mto-upianuB. iv.w;, """-su.
Futures closed steady, net 2 points higher
on, October. DUl gfnemuy a iw luima
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 21. Cotton. Mid
dllng. 10c
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Evaporated apples,
quiet: rancy. hiw, tuuivc, co-mw
Prunes Firm. Cslifornlas up to S0-40s.
t a. ii i - Oreeons. 549lC.
"peaches Firm. Choice. ei&Bc; extra
choice. 6 O I oiancj . yt v cm.
Duluth Linseed Market.
nrLBTH, Minn., Oct. 21. Close: Lin
seed -on track. $1.53: to arrive, $1.52
October? $1.62: November. $1.51 H ; Decern
ber $1.4 asked: January. $1.48. nominal
May. $1.51H asked.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST LOCIP. Oct. 21. Wool Steady. Ter
ritory and Westeranedlums. 2125c; nn.
mediums. 1820c; fine. 13 6 17c.
Fjgin Butter Market.
1.1 mv til (Irt 21. The Quotation com
mittee of the Elgin Board this afternoon
declared butter Arm at 29 cents.
Hops at New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Hops, steady.
Aggressiveness of Shorts
Sends Stock Prices Down.
Foreign Markets Are rnsettled and
Nervous Call Money Firmer
With Reduced SnppHes Bonds
Affected by Stock Declines.
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. The feature of to
rt. v. atnrlr market was the heavy selling
of the last hour, which caused a rapid
diminishing of quoted values, net losses in
representative issues ranging from two to
four points. No news accompanied the oe-
Une. which was aououess m -
operations of the short interest.
The setbacK was aue in pari, w
hAoanM, I nnHnn', mn.rket W8S WCaa, a
natural condition in view of the liberal sell
ing there for Berlin and Paris.
rh. iA-,1 m.pknt innnmi with some mod
erate losses, these being partially regained
In the early afternoon. when it became
known that the United States Supreme Court
would not hand down an Immediate decision
In the so-called anthracite cases. The pro
fessional element then undertook to ad
vance several "specialties and this movement
proving more or less futile, tne list was
to its own devices. Traders were not slow
to realize Its technical weakness, which In
cluded increasing firmness of call money on
reduced supplies, .
. AfMp ih. rinsA it developed that Paris
and other European exchanges were still at
work clearing up last week s wrecaaga. ii
was inUmated that numerous private set
tlements were being made in London, Paris
ml -Ri-T-lln t. rnv,l HO ROm Of tilO WCak
spots created by the recent liquidation and
),., tnrih., rii-Ajttl measures might be nec
essary to prevent acute demoralisation In
more than one financial quarter.
Bunds were materially aaectea oy ine ae-
cllne in stocks. Total sales, par value, ag
gregated $1,500,000. United States bonds
were unchanged on call.
- Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Amal Copper .. 84.300 9014 87 Ii 87
Am Agncuit .. 2uo oat. u7
Am Beet 6ugar. 6.700 711t 69 69
American Can . 10.8J 461 4b , 43 U
do preferred.. 300 iz "?
Am Car &. Fdy. 1,100 2 61 . Bl
Am cotton uiu. ovi i. .
Am Ice Secuxi.. 100 21 21
Am Linseed ... B,iM IT lov, ia
Am Locomotive 1,000 44 43
Am Smel Ret 7.100 eO"4 o? .'IT
do preferred.. loo mi . win ?
Am Sugar Ref.. TOO 126 125s lo
Am Tel & Tel.. 400 1431 143Vs 148k
Am Tobacco ... 1.200 2SVi 279 2.9
Anaconda M Co 6.000 45i 43 43
Atchison 8,700 109 108 108
do preferred -iy-
Atl Coast Line.. 90O 140 138 13S
Bait & Ohio ... 2.000 107 10! 108
Bethlehem Steel 2,700 - 60 47 4 1
Rrnok R Tran.. 1.000 91
Canadian Pac. . 10.000 267 208 2h3
Central Leather 1,200 83 82 82
Ches&Ohlo... 1.BO0 82 81 81
Chi Gt Western. 800 18 18 18
C. M & St Paul. 8.600 112 110 110
Chicago &N W 400 141 140 140
Col Fuel & Iron 2.100 41 40 . 89
Consol Gas .... 1.000 145 144 144
Corn Products.. ."f7
Del & Hudson.. 200 169 169 169
D & R Grande.. 800 21 21 21
do preferred.. lou ai
Distillers' Secur 100 80 80 29
Erie 2.S0O 85 35 35
do 1st pf .... BOO os oz a
do 2d Df 100 44 44 , 42
General Electrio 200 182 182 12
Gt North pf ... . 0,000 1 ii '
Gt North Ore .. 1.100 48 47 48
Illinois Central J29
Interbor Met .. 6.700 31 20 20
do preferred-.. B.2UO tiO-A oo o-
Inter Harvester 800 123 122 122
Inter Marine pf 4W iv
Inter Paper ... 1,800 17 16
Inter Pump 600 29 28 2i
KC Southern.. 500 29 2S 27JI
Laclede Gas 305
Lehigh Talley .. 16.000 176 176 1;4
Louis & Nash.. 70 160 159 158
M. S P S S M 800 144 ? in i
Mo, Kan & Tex. 3o0 29 29 2S
Mo Pacific 1,000 44, 44 44
ui...,. it . ... ion lis 132
National Lead .. 900 63 . 64 64
N Ry Mex 2 pf.. wo ai zi '
NY Central... 1.100 115 114 114
N Y. Ont & Wes 200 3 36 36
Norfolk & West. 1,800 116 116 116
North American 100 84 84 83
Northern Pac .. $.800-127 125 125
cm. vi. n -200 84 33 "i 33
Pennsylvania ... 2,100 124 124 124
People's Gas ... 800 120 119 119
P. CCScStU. t
Pittsburg Coal.. 3.400 26 25 24
Pressed S Car.. . ivv oa o;
Reading .... .V.127.000 176 ",4 172 172
Repub I ft 8 .. 3,500 344
r.rafArrr1 1 OOO W V. 92 02
Roclt Island Co. 400 27 2B4 2CJ4
do preferred,. 100 54 63 H
St L ft S F 2 pf 100 36
Gfi.Knaia A (fllnfa , JV
do preferred.. iuu oiiv
QlA.a KriAtTfftM 700 68 58 66
Cniilharn Par . l.HK 1 1 1 fc lUr"1
Southern Ry ... 4.500 297, 29 29
do preferred.. BOO 81 81 81
Tenn Copper .. S0O 44 43 43
T.wo. . Poo . 24M
Union Paclflo .. 89,300 173 170 170
do prererreo. . i1"! i i,
TT a B.ltv 100 82 82 8
U S Rubber 1.000 53 52 51
U S Steel 107,000 79 77 77
fr, 900 114 114 114
Utah'Copper ... -0O 65 83 BS
Va-Caro Chem .. 1,600 49 49 48j
Wabash z 4 jt
do preferred.. 200 14 14 13
w.t.rn ia ... 400 flrtW 65 65
Western Union . 6O0 80 80 80
Westing Elec .. 200 84 84 83
Wheel & L E. . 400 9 9 9
Total sales for the day, 617,600 shares.
-Rnnrted bv Overbeck It Cooke Co., of
Bid. Asked.
Amer Tel & Tel conv 4s 113 114
American Tobacco 4s 15 ,
American Tobacco 6s 120
Atchison general 4a ."I"' ,
i,.hi.nn nv 4a 108i 109
Atchison adj 4s stamped 8S 88
Atchison conv 8s 10S low
Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s.. 94 Wo
At Coast Line "L & N coll" 4s i.2- 93
e.ii nhin JUi 92 W 93
Bait & Ohio 4s 97 97
Brooklyn Rap Transit 4s l f
r-. emilnun first 5s 99. 100
C & O 4s 99 99
C B A Q gen mtg 4s 95 95
t, t. n mint 1k. 95 5k 96
C B Q His 4s 98 S
r- Tt & Q Denver 4s 95 9-J
Cent Pao first 4S 95 95,
, -1. .... a. TTn.t Ills 4s 77 . 78
Chicane R-I P- ref 4s 87 87
Phi H-I & P Col trust 4s 69 . 69
Colo A Sou first 4s 9o
Denver & Rio Grande 4s 85 ..
Del A Hudson conv 4s 97 8
rVt nn. P T. 4S 6 87
int Met 4s 81 81
Japanese 4s 83 84
Japanese first 4s 91 9J
Japanese second 4s 90 91
L & N unl 4s 9i 98
Mn Kans A Tex 4S 85 86
Mo Pac 4S 1
N Y Cen 3s ....
.n T S 1UI 78
S Y City 4s of 1957: 106 106
Norfolk & Western 4s 98 91
, i. m. mnt 4s. .....115 116
X V Ont & W 4s 92 92
D.oifln P L 4s 98 lS
Northern Paclflo 8s. 69 69 Short Line 4s 92 92
freon Ry & Nav 4s 83.. ."3
Penna Ry 4s of 1948 101
Dkillnnlna Xtlf -i ....
Reading gen 4s. 6 96
Keouhllc of Cuba 6s 102 1-V
Sou Pac first ret 4a 93 4
Sou Vac col 4s. : 88 89
....... i im 77 78
st i. A 8 F ref 4s 77 77
rnion Pacific first 4s 100 300
t-nlon Pac conv 4s 102 lOJ
Union Pac ref 4s. 95 96
,-t. et.t Qte.l F 5s. 101 'A 102
i-nlted States 2s registered. .101 11
l-nited States 3s registered. . .102 10.1
,-!.-. Qt.i., R rmioon 102 -.103
1-nlti.rl States 48 registered 113 114
fnlted States 4s. coupon 113
United Railway S F 4s 65 .
-.1 Bv St T. 4a:
tvhh first 4. 68 08
n-A.t In. house con" 6s T4 94
w.stern Pac 5s..., 2 SJ
Wis Cent 4S 1
West Shore 4s
99 .
Money, Exchange, Et.
LONDON. Oct. 21. Bar silver, easy
29 3-16d per ounce.
Money. per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
ritw .nnrr sill, is -.t. - - - - - -
months bills. 44 11-18 per cent.
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Money on cal!
m m -t . i" 1 " -" -
cent: closing bid. 4: orlered at o.-
Time loans easier; ov oaj-a. u-i rvr .ci,
90 davs, 5: six months. 5 5 per cent.
nn,tl. nanar A nr r.nt.
Sterling xchange firm with actual busi
ness In bankers bills at $4.8180 for 60-day
bills ana at ior uom.uu.
commercial ouia. ..oxn
Bar silver. 63 c.
Mexican dollars, 48e.
finvernment bonds steady: railroad bonds
Irregular. ..
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 21. Silver bars.
63c. .
Mexican dollars, nominal.
Drafts Sight, .02c; do telegraph. .04c.
Sterling on London. 60 days. $4.82; do
sight. $4.86.
Conditions of the Treasury.
wiRWTVfiTOv Oct. 2L At the begin
ning of business today the condition of the
United States Treasury was: - - . "
Working balance $ 88.301. 49
In banks and Philippine Treasury 31, 1 43.61-
Total of general fund. 142'SJJ'5!!5
Receipts Saturday . 3..16 ,006
Disbursements S'iL-Saa
Deficit this fiscal year .S'iSS'iSS
Deficit last year 20.273.50J
The figures for receipts, disbursements and
deficit exclude Panama Canal and public
debt transactions. -
Stocks at Boston.
KU31U.1I, UCU -1. V.IDHIU5 ygiiiwii-.
Alloues 44 IMohawk 60
Amalg Copper.. 87 (Nevada Con.... 22
. r. . . O D4U .V-lnlcln. Vtln. k A ti
A K U Olllx, u. . . 1 ...... B . -m
Arlsona Com .. 3 North Butte 37
B & C C & a M.- oxiiNorxn i-h" . -. . a-
- , . . n n n ?a 1.. tlnminlnn . . Itl U
Cal & Hecla. .'. '.2S0 Osceola 110
..l.nnl.l Ofi '"IlliniW 86
Cop. Ran Con" Co 57 IShannon 15
. 4 puperiur ....... 7i
IV Sun & Bos Mln. 1
Giroux Con ... 4 Tamarack 45
Granby Con ... 63. U S S R ft M... 47
.. IV 00 preierrea. ,. wv
lonl S4 Utah Con ISA
Kerr Lake 22 lUtah Cop Co . . 63
Lake copper ... 33 I Winona 4
La Salle Copper 6 AlWolverlne 72
Miami Copper. . 27 I
Market in General Is Steady, Al-
thongrh Hog9 Do Ho Go Over
$8.7 0- Cattle In Demand.
The week started oft with a fine big run
of stock at the yards, nearly 6000 head be
Ing available for the day's business. There
was a brisk demand throughout and the
market held In fairly ateady shape, although
hogs did not reach Saturday's top price by
a nlckeL Trade was . well distributed
through the various divisions.
Good steers ranged In price from $6.60 to
$6.90, with the bulk of sales at $8.75. Cows
sold from $5.50 ta $5.75 and choice heifers
brought $6.S&
TntAnmr cantered larsrelv In the hog mar
ket, where sales were numerous at $8.60
to $8.70 for choice light weights, while the
heavy hogs sold at $7.50 and $7.75.
Several good-sized bunches of mutton ma
terial were moved In the afternoon. The
best ewes were taken at (3.90 to $4. and
i-tinlra wethers sold at $4.50. Only a few
lambs were disposed of. Receipts for Sun
day and Monday were 777 came, caiv,
ITH-) QHAQ ihfllin 1111(1 Z4 mutes. aillW-
nat-m wmb'j Haiistrom. Welser. 3 cars of
sheep'. H. Sroft. Caldwell. cars oi cum",
T V4 a A l.nn 1 CAT Of hOgSl J. A.
Ireton, Motus. Idaho, 1 car of hogs; Frank
Stipe, Echo. 2 cars of cattle; Idaho Provi
sion & Packing company, mbi, -r
.h.n- n. M. Parker. Echo. 4 cars of
cattle; B. N. Jackson. Walla Walla. 1 car
of sheep; W. W. Cooper, ijnion juncuw
ri- -i ,d. At Mtiiii calves and sheep; J. W.
Ch'ambler, Wallowa, 1 car of hogs; W. B.
Kurtz. The Dalles. 2 cars of hogs; Kibble
. - . . .. . ,- irllmrtnn Lum
V. i'-n... r.u n v- Pnndon. 2 CarS Of hogs; R.
r . 'u.r , ... w. p.
Sales. Buhl." Idaho, '2 cars of hogs; Sales 1 4
D..Ki nf hnirs: Gooding Pack
ing Company. Rupert. Idaho 2 "rs of cat
tle; M. Albertson, Peekaboo. Idaho, 1 car of
hogs; M. Albertson, weiser. ruZZI
J. M. Kelly, Welser. 1 car of hst"lv.S"
Bros.. Weiser, 1 car or nogs, in. 1. -r",'
Welser. 1 car of hogs; H. C. Brown & Co.,
... , o . . , ' . w A. Gover. Rob-
n", ei of cattle: CT E. Luke,
Canby, 2 cars of hogs, and Kidwell Cas
well, Fern. Idaho, 6 cars of cattle.
une nays sarc. -
wlcht. Price
1 bull ........1000 44-50
..1168 5.60
9 cows
6 steers . , .
15 cows ....
16 heifers ..
11 cows ....
26 steers .
2 steers . . ,
3 bulls ....
1 bull
1 bull
12 steers ...
21 Bteers ...
25 steers ...
29 steers . . .
27 steers . .
25 steers . . .
25 steers . . .
41 steers ...
23 steers . .
85 Bteers ...
. . 776 6.00
902 6.00
978 6.35
1016 6.75
' 950 6.75
" 1100 6.75
150 4.50
910 5A0
18O0 5.00
962 6.50
' ' 1083 6.05
1070 6.90
' 1073 6.70
961 6.40
. .... 9SS fl-50
".V. 1100 a-7
,....1100 6.75
1109 6.75
1142 6.73
....1111 6.10
10 steers ,.r,r. 7.25
1 steer
... 97 4.00
... 94 4.00
... 97 4.00
... 94 3.65
.... 112 4.50
.... 85 5.00
... 82 3.90
.... 203 8.70
... 450 7.50
... 166 8.65
. . .. 190 8.65
.... 235 8.63
150 ewes ....
271 ewes
181 ewes ....
130 ewes ....
27 wethers .
4 lambs
135 wethers .
86 hogs
1 hog
36 hogs
88 hogs
10 hogs . ...
192 B.BO
J h5" 1T9 8.60
oct 420 7.50
1 ns. oo 8.70
2 hogs
79 hogs
98 hogs
1 hog
5 hogs
3 hogs
. 191 8.70
. 198 8.70
. 410 7.50
.. 118 8.00
.. 313 7:50
204 8.65
ni l fi 711
89 hogs
80 hogs .'."II" 280 7!60
? "" 340 7.50
- " 200 8.70
Jogs " .... 191 8.70
hogs 4o 7.50
1 " 196 8.70
S hogs .,, 7.50
I hog ' . las 8.00
I hKe 270 7.75
2 hogs
. ... 199 8.70
.... 197 8.70
.... 450 7.50
.... 295 8.00
.... 169 8.60
. ... 183 8.60
..... 140 8.00
..... 100 8.00
.... 150 . 8.00
.... 102 3.95
186 8.50
310 7.50
76 hogs
84 hogs ....
1 hog
2 hogs
14 hogs
95 hogs .
4 hogs ....
2 hogs
1 hog
234 ewes .
90 hogs ....
6 hogs
84 hogs . . .
1 hog
2 hogs ...i
8 hogs
81 hogs ...
82 hogs . ..
10 hogs ....
245 ewes
180 ewes
72 ewes ...
1 steer
2 steers . . .
17 steers . . -34
heifers ..
1 cow . ...
5 cows . .
2 bulls ....
2 bulls ...
1 bull ....
a bull ......
209 S.o
290 7.50
3W 7.50
380 7.50
190 8.65
175 8.60
114 8.00
97 8.90
99 3.90
94 3.90
1340 4.50
.ll.ri5 6.50
1184 6.80
915 6.95
1030 6.50
1220 5.75
1305 5.00
1250 4.75
1260 4.75
1260 6.00
1110 4.00
1 DUIl . . -
1430 4.90
1 DUIl th. vard. was as
The range m i""-" -
..$6.75 T.00
.. S.250 t.ii
.. (.000 tli
Choice steers . .
ijood steers . .
Medium steers .
.. 6.00 $.60
Choice cows ' , n
Good cows
Medium cows ;
Choice calves 2-SS2 i'i
Oojd heavy cslves
0.26 0 7.00
... 1.00 O 0-.I9
... 4.75 Hi
... 8.25 8.70
... 7.004JI 7.50
... 4.15 4.85
... 3.60 4.50
... 2.75 4.00
... S.85 6.75
Yearlings .
Wethers ...
Ewes ......
Lambs . . v.
Omaha Livestock Market.
OMAHA. Oct. 21. Cattle Receipts 11.
000: market, steady to 10c lower. Native
steers $030010.20; cows and heifers, $J.o0
65- Western steers, $5 8.30; Texas
steers." $4.506.50; range cows and heifers.
S3 23 8 23; canners. $3 4.25; stockers and
feeders $4.507.75: calves, $4.758; bulla
tirs etc $4.255.4f).
Hots Receipts. .1S0c: market. 5c to 10c
lower6 Heavv. $S.508.65; mixed. $8.50
SM: light $460 8.70; pigs, $6.508.20;
bulk of sales, $S.558.65. ...
Sheet, Receipts. 47.000: market, slow to
l.-,c loweT. Yearlings. $4.735.50; wethers,
S.4ffl4 73; ewes, $3.5004.40; lambs, $8.50
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 21. Turpentine,
firm 38a39c. Sales, 1140 barrels: re
ceipts, 868 barrels: shipments. 980 barrels;
jtoi-k. 32.923 barrels.
Rosin Firm. Sales. 1875 pounds; receipts,
"4B8 pounds; shipments. 4176 pounds; stock.
7.10 907 pounds. PQuote: B $6.25; D. $6.30;
E j35- F, G. H and I. $6.46; K. $8.50; M,
Jiti; N. $7.65; WO, $8.15; WW, $8.40.
Heavy Arrivals Prevent Chi
cago Market Advancing.
Otherwise Tendency Was Upward
Because of the More Serious De
velopment In Eastern Europe.
Closing; Prices Are Steady.
CHICAGO. Oct- SI. Heavy arrivals of
wheat at primary terminals crushed out an
advance today, due to growing fear as to
the serious nature of the struggle with
Tukey. The result was a steady elose,
wlfh prices the same as Saturday night to
tto up.
For awhile wheat traders here paid ehlst
attention to signs that European markets
were becoming more agitated In regerlto
consequenoes of the Balkan war. Higher
insurance rates were being quoted at Lon
don and there were assertions that the top
most charges In 65 years had been exacted
for vessels from the Black Sea to Western
Bears In wheat received their principal
comfort through the fact that primary re
ceipts wsre double those of a year ago.
Corn closed unchanged to lo lower.
Oats closed either not altered or within a
Ho decline.- -Provisions
closed 2 to 22Ho down.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec $ .82 -92tf $ .92 $ .Zi
May bj .viti .o .
not 1 ..: .68
Dec 53hi .8S4 .58 .58.
May 52 Vi -52 . .02 -k
Dec ...... .32 .33 .S2Vt .32
May 54 Vi .34 Vi .4 ot
Oct. ' - "IB
n,. 1QK 10 so 19 20 19.25
May 18.90 18.65 18.85 18.87V4
Oct "
Deo 10.95 11.00 10.87 Vi low
May 10.42Vi 10.4a 10.37 10.40
Oct .....
Dec 10.22V4 10.22Vi 10.2U
May 10.00 10.O2V4 9.97 9.97
Cash quotations were as zoiiows:
Flout- Steadv.
Corn No. 2, 465c; do. white, 85
65V4c; da yellow, 64(g'5c; No. 8, 64
64c; do. white, 64Btic; ao. joiraw,
6465c; No. 4, 6364c; do. white, 63V4 0
63c; do. yellow. 6364c
Rve No. 2. 67SSSC
Barley Feed or mixing, 48fflE3c; fair to
choice malting, 6037Sc.
Timothy seed $34.
Clover seed $18 18.
Pork Mess, $17.2617.$7.
Lard In tierces. $11.25.
Short ribs Loose, $10.60011.16. .
Grain statistics:
Total clearancea of wheat and flour were
equal to 1.487.000 bushels. Primary receipts
were S. 121.000 bushels, compared with 1,-
507,000 bushels the corresponding day a
year ago. The visible supply oi wneai
in te United States Increased 2.251,000
bushels for the week. The amount of
breadstuff on ocean passage Increased 872.-
uvv ousneis. uumaiea receipts iw iomui
row: Wheat, 165 cars; corn, 167 cars; oats,
494 cars; hogs, 21,000 head.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2L Spot quota
tions: Wheat Walla Walla. 1.47i.ou;
red Russian, $1.46 1.47 4 : Turney rea
1 S-rtiifiil 0- hhlMtnni - 11.57 V, 01.60.
Barley Feed, $1.50152; brewing, $1.55
nt rohit. 1 K0iS)l.B2U.
- Bran $25 25.60 per ton; middlings. $34
35 per ton; snorts, s-o.ourg;i:i per wu.
Callboard sales: 'Wheat, no trading; bar
ley, December $1.50 ; Jlay, fi.aa.
srinneanolls Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 21. Close: Wheat
December. 87S8c; May. 93o. Cash
. . . . o n . ... Vn " KI.Hh.rn
O. i Aorineru, oi op7I, " . A
S4'j87c; No. 2 hard Montana, 86c; No. 3
wneai. dvc
Corn No. 3 yellow, 566c
Oats No. 3 white. 3081c
Bye No. 2, 61 63c.
Flax $1.50 "4:
Barley 43 69c
Paget Sound Wheat Market.
SEATTLE, Oct. 21. wneat Jjiuesiem,
81c; fortyfold. 78c; club, 77c fife. 76c; red
rvu&.inu, luu,
. - . . . ' . ,-, . .11111 . Y1...
1 ALU y A , uci. . I. wneni jniiims ;
stem. 80 Sic; club, 79c; fortyfold, 80c; red
Russian, 77c. Export: Bluestem. 83c; club.
itfc; xoriyioia, owe; reo.. nuumii, i 1 1
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 21. Closing. Wheat,
October. 7s 10?4d; December. 7s" d;
March. 7s 8d. '
English country markeU, quiet; French
nniinlrv m.rlret.. .teadv.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. The visible supply
of grain In the United States Saturday, Oo
tober 19, as compiled by the New Tork
Produce Excnange, was as iohows:
Bushels. Increase.
Wheat 36.688,000 2,251,000
Wh.nt In bond -HU.UUU oww.uwu
r-rn S.169.000 409.000
Oats 8,127,000 2S3,000
Oats In bond m.uuu a
Rve 987,000 135,000
Barley 4,110.000 1.181,000
Barley in bond 50.000 18,000
Wheat In Canada 11,428,000 2,224,000
Attorneys for Defense Charge Gov
ernor "With Offering Reward.
TK.t n.ii-rnnr Went has nosted a re
. .i r. ci no fnr ,uprv house In Port
land, convicted or Deing a aisurueny
place, and that a horde of derelicts.
..i i , nfh.ra a r A nut for the
uup-ucauo amiu - -
money, was the alleKation made to a
jury In Municipal tjouri yeuieiuny u
. i T V. ..
attorneys represennnB
keeper of a place at Water and Clay
....!, Tha woman, with others, was
raided by Tom Kay, special agent for
the Governor.
These hunters after rewards, said the
. .van nanrlAd toeetDer to
plant a case on wniuu umiTiiiiiuu
could be had, and then divided the
Officers of the state ana city aenieu
hminii hoorri nf nn v such reward and
that they had assistance from men of
the character mentioned. They ad
mitted having a few secret agents, and,
when pressed, poimea out a. rmm
man, as one who worked with them
in gathering evidence.
rrik. r.fftaT-a nnn rlpnierl that TjrOSeCU-
tions in the Municipal Court were made
to work hand in hand with proceedings
on behalf of the Governor against own
ers of hotels and lodging-houses whom
he desired to get, .
Prettyman testinea tnat no naa in
vestigated the house a eH'zen times or
more, and that anyone merely passing
it would be convinced that it was used
for immoral purposes.
mu .f.nitnntA were found sruiltv.
and, on recommendation of the jury.
their sentences ero ouspeuuou.
Clover Seed Crop Biff.
WOODBURN. Or.. Oct. 21. (Special.)
Farmers are still busy harvesting
clover seed, and are taking In one of
the best crops, so far as quantity and
quality are concerned, that has been
known. The; seed. In many Instances,
has been late maturing, owing to the
large amount of rainfall during August,
but, on the other hand, the ideal weath
er that has prevailed during the past
six weeks has allowed the crop to ma
ture and much seed has been saved
that otherwise would have been lost.
In most cases, where a crop of hay has
been removed earlier In the season.
Established 1859.
Capital Stock
Surplus and Undivided rroms.
Commercial and Savings Accounts
Letter of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail
able in all parts of the world.
w M. Lai, preeident.
Edward Cookingham, Vloe-ITM.
W. H. DunokUy. Caahlar.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 900,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
24. Y. il'Oioutii. Cberbourv fc'uutlmmptoo
Atlantic Transport Line
Diew York London Direct.
New Yorlt Dover Antwerp Pari
New York ueentown Liverpool
N. Y.. Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton
Booton QueenNtown Liverpool
From New York and Boeton.
I .. I . 1 1 u I v K. r vt, t
Company's Office Boom "B" Bailer Boll
Local Ballwar d
& ' fah,.
fet ' ...
X A LAUUINIA" nov. , Jan.
"FRANCONIA" Nov. 28, Jan. 18 .
"CARONIA" Jan. 30, Mar. IS AiX
I W iA laOartewiibodtchaboi X . '
1 1 ir For Particulars
T -
II Slate St.,
Or Local
V, a arm Dr. B.f.1irtnF fmm fOUr tO
six bushls per acre, from which they
will realize rrom 3u to lau per aero.
No other orop yields better returns for
the investment or tne tanner.
Registration in Uinn Heavy.
ALBANY, Or., Oct 21. (Special.)
With a large number of voters In line
at the County Clerk's office here all
afternon and evening, registration of
voters for the November election
closed last night, with the biggest
...t.,n..lnn..,,Bh In ha. htatnrv nf thllt
county. It is expected that tha total
. . .. ... . . i enftft
registration win Da wen uuvu.
Not only have a hardfought Preslden-
Bitulithic paving
is satisfactory to
all classes, under
all conditions.
Insist on bitu
lithic. i ESTABLISHED 1S94
Sort), iBacott & avts
Main Floor Lumbermen Bank Bldg.,
Fifth and Stark.
Phones Marshall 4120, A 4187.
Some of our best checking ac-
counts today began with us in a
small way a few years ago.
The young man just starting in
business is invited to come and
talk with us about it.
United States
Third and Oak v
. 800,000.00
-Rott S. Howard, Asst. Caintan
j. w. uoa, aiiL VU""J'
Walter M. Cook. Asst. Ca
Walter il. Cook.' Asst. Cashier.
Montreal Quebe
Largest and Finest bteamora
on Ht, Lawrence Koute
Only Four Days at Sea
Twin Screw S. S. "Canada" and "Teutonic"
Baggage checked through to Steamer
la Bond. Embark night before calling.
No hotel or transfer upenift
dln, Second and Cherry bta,. Seattle, or
awamanip aicnu.
Unsurpassed Luxury and Comfort
Madeira. Gibraltar. Alatar
. a a m I, f A M
aMh ta A. XsW .
JT Ckt rAw
New York
tial campaign and many active con
tests for county offices stimulated this
record-breaking registration, but elec
tions under the home-rule law In Al
bany, Lebanon and Harlsburg have
served to cause the reglsration of all
legal voters in these three cities.
OUDraariiiee, mroiiipa .-
teered along tha path of a previously laid
cable by uae of aound colli. Veaaela can
thu bo ateered to avoid submarine mines
and other niaaen nancere.
sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, at
8 A. M., October 9, 16, 23, SO. Freight re
ceived at Ainsworth Dock dally up to 5
P. M. Passenger faro First class, 10;
second-class, $7, including berth and
meals. Ticket office at Ainsworth Dock.
Telephone Main 3600, A 2332. Portland
& Coos Bay S3. Line. H. J. Mohr. Agent.
San Francisco, . Los Angeles
and San Diego Direct
S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder.
Sail Every Wednesday Alternately a
a P. AI.
122 A Third St. Fbonea Main 1314, A 131L
Steamer Hassalo for Astoria
Leaves Portland Ash-street dock at 10:0
P. M. daily except Sunday, arriving at Aa-
luiia w.wv n
7:30 A M. Returning leaves
Megler daily (except Sunday
and Monday) at :30 A M., ar
riving Portland 4:30 P. 11. On
Sundays will leave Megler 9 P.
M.. arriving Portland at 6:311
A. M. ,
am. Jklj uZatn. xjgr
San Francisco and Lo Angeles
S. S. ROSE CITV aalla 4 P; M. October 2T
S. S. CO- Ticket OMiee 13a Third Street.
Phone Main 2U05, A 2550.
Railroad or any steamer to San Fran
cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest and
the ONLY strictly first-class passenger
ships on the Coast. Average speed i
miles per hour: cost $H,0ul).0u0 each.
0. 0. .Vf
Main 628. Frank Rollnm, Agent.
128 Third Street.
A 4596
(Union Line of N. Z.
Direct through steamers, sailing from San
Francisco, Nov. 13 and Dec. 11 -nd every ii
days The Hue to the Isles of the South Sea.
For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agsnti
or address Hind. Rolph A Co.. gsnsral
acenta, 679 Market Su. San Franolsoo.