MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1912. DEMAND ONLY LOCAL Opening of Potato Shipping Season Is Uncertain. FARMERS ANXIOUS TO SELL Orders Sent From Texas Are Filled In Idaho, Where Shippers Hare the Advantage of a Lower Freight Kate. Although the sise tf the Oregon potato crop hu been reduced, probably one-half, by blight, there has been no Improvement In market condition There .till appear, to be more than enough potatoes lor all require ment The chipping season haa not opened yet. and It la still uncertain trhen it will etart. An occasional ear goe out. but theTe la no general demand from any Quarter at a price that would make shipments from Oregon possible or profitable. There la some Inquiry from Texas for potatoes, but Idaho 1. getting thla trade. Buyen In that state, having tha advantage of freight rates to Texas In their favor, are able to make shipments by buying at 40 to gS cents f. o. b. A few caxa of Oregons hava been aent to Ban Francisco, but some at them are still nnsold there. Farmer In this section are making ln anlrles and are anxious to seU if they can get reasonable otters, but the demand la purely local In character and. Is limited. Good potatoea on Front street are Jobbing out at 75 cent. The demand for onions op to thla time haa also been local. vtzaker maxr-TO rx wheat trade. Demand Is Checked and Lower Prices Are Bid by Portland Dealers. The feeling In the wheat market waa easier yesterday because of the declines In Europe and in the East. The demand was considerably checked and bids were about a aent lower all around. The reversed ten dency of the market haa had no effect yet en farmer who continue to hold for higher price The oats and barley markets were firm with sellers asking full prices, but the .de- Local receipt. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as louows: -X3 1 TTlrtrtv. O t T3 15 8 IS 10 5SS 80 i tn - r.vort bv Consul W. t--ai . Tiimfl the official records of the 1912 crop of wheat In France show that the harvest amounts to 3S4.878.292 bushels, weighing 9.907.329 tons; this was raised on ta iiq OAs The normal annual con sumption of wheat In France Is estimated to be 34O.52i.'.0SO bushels, and the crops of this year come close to being sufficient for the wants of the country, me average preuue (Inn nM r"rc In 1912 was 20.68 bushels In contrast to the average production for the last lO years or lH.ow ousnei.. e, ,-.,.. ne the nrodnetloil of Wheat In France for the last six years elOw the fol lowing iigures: Year Acres. 1907 ... Jl . . .l,l!tS.672 2S7.870.69t) IflU . 15.8!7.11K R15.012.10 J912 . 16.198.968 834.876.292 ITEW CHOP 'WALXT TS ARE RECEIVED Crape Are the Firm Feature of tiie Loral Fruit Market. An advance shipment of new crop Cali fornia walnuts was received yesterday. Car lot shipments will start the last of the month. From the samples received by Job. bera yesterday the crop la of good quality. The grape market waa rery firm, both In California and locally. Tokays were quoted at 90 cents to $1 a crate and Muscata and Valairas at 75 8 90 cents. Receipts or ore eon grapee were small, except Concords, w-hten. were slow. There was a good demand for apples of color and uniform pack, but the market was fall of odda and end which were offered at all kinds of price There was a fair apply of Fall pears of various sort wntcn were steady at $191.50 a box. according to kind and grade. Casabas sold well at T5 cents to $1.60 a tflosen. There la j& longer any demand for sack: turnip 1 00 per sack; beet (1.10 per sack; parsnip $1.25 per sack. xmvrj maau 3 avaia.....- . . , ! 1 . 4 Artn nr n.ijfc f re.n locals, wm" - dosen; case count, 3536c . . ... . . .-. . .A.. ,-.- .... n m mAl.nri tVllU. 18c: daisies. ISitc; Toung America 19"iic per pound. BUTTER Oregon creamery ouii.r, . 35Kc-per pound; prlnu. SStteSTo per pound ruKii Fancy, llo per pound. POULTRY Hen 13frl3Vic; broiler ISO, duck young, 1213c; geese, 11c; turkeys, II 1Ba -,... 4.ui1 Mft Staple Granaries). - -1 tflM. .nn rmTl Q tall $2.25 per dozen: eight-pound talis. . . . . . a. tl 40: Alaska Dlaa, one-pound tall 85c$1.25. iJOJf .ar OVMMU, . "Lnir-hoie IS.TS Mr ease: strained honey, 10c per pound. HU1W1IODWi AVV7SWV7SV A- " Braxll nut liiiie, fUbert 14 loo: al mond 17021c; peanut 64?SViC; cocoannta, Hcutl per doaea; chestnut 12o pel pound: hickory nut 10c per pound. JA BiAnS Omail "UI'Di i r, - - ' 5.10c; Lima, .65c; pink, 5.00c; Mexican noo; Dayou. a.oos. SALT Granulated. $13 per ton: hall cround 100 $7.SO per ton: 60 $ per tea. ...... . t. c i. j K w t.1 TRi Honolulu . ...... -... i - k r.K - . r r n ( IK. i. 1 1 Plantation, ea.iv; weei, e. , ' ' . . . powdered, barrels, $6; cube, barrel $6.13. f?5c: Southern head. lfflHo. rnuii-Aiii"0 - - apricot 1214c; peachea, 8811c; prune Italians. 8010c; allver, 18c; ii g ,o'te black, (Uulc; currant 8Vic; raialna, loose Buscatei. o . 7U" 11 unoieacnea punwuw -lew, - : j" ii-kVi: iuu Persian, atte pee seuad; Card, slov par box. Monday 177 Tuesday 170 Wednesday ... 68 Tear ago ... 87 21 24 24 8 10 8 9 2 10 8 714 675 492 202 832 4l'0 Provision . . ,n ... - ... melBH! nlrnloa llHc; skinned. 18ii19c; boiled. 7a BACUXt ancy, iivwi -"rl . . . m . . T. . T Dank, rifV 1 1 U 9 He; backs, smoked. 14ttO16te0; belllas, or salt, lc; iwum, j . a HI) Tierce basl choice, lee; oese- u4'? w.. .111: UiaubLIAAavuD m L.'t ' - sliced beef. Inside $23 per case; dled heel, uislde 24o per pound; saasug rTZr. io2&c; hoUtelner. loo; Italian ham. so, liver sausage, quarter $5; Vienna sausage, quarters, ii, . Bops. Wool and Hide. nnpq tutu rroo- nrlme and choice, 18 Q 20io per pound. UOUAUl unoic MO per pv ti 1. 1 n 1 . . nnl butche DOltS, (12501.75: searings. 2550c pound according to shrinkage; Valley, alts ii2He per pound. ' HIDES Salted hide 1 llo per pound; salted "lf. ISo; salted kip, llOUo; green hide llc dry calf. No. 1. 25o; No. dbo; jirm -1 A ". UTJ V CASCARA Per pound. 4tf4o; carlot Unseed Oil and Turpentine, v TTWCB-rn 1-iTT T.w . ! T3e: boiled. barrel 75c; raw. cases, 73o; boiled, case ow. TCRPKNTINB Cases. Mt; barrel BT0 par gauon. HOG MARKET IS STEADY TOPS ARE STILL GOING AT $8.65 AT THE TARIS. Ttn.helfi. 1 9ts f1 1 R77 nO4.220 !l!220.21T S15.181.00s watermelon yoTJi-TBT SBixryo AT better prices Hecelpt ThU TTeek Rave Bee Ught. Dressed Meets Quiet. The marked falling off In receipts of poultry this week has stiffened the Front street market. Bens sold readily yester day at 13313 Ms cents, but buyers were not so ready to take Springs and they sold about half a cent under hen Other kinds of poultry weYe steady. The demand for dressed meats was light and although arrivals were not large, the market was rather weak. Eggs continued very firm at the ruling price, with the supply limited. The butter and cheese markets were steady and unchanged. , ' HOP MARKET IS LESS ACTIVE Buyers Are Still en Watch for Choice Grade and Growers Are Firm. The hop market has quieted down some what, but buyers are still in the Held and were choice lota available under the prices recently paid deals would no doubt be turned. Growers are firm and are making Bo "concessions yet. One of the lots lately bought by the Sea- vey Hop Company was that of Matheney, , of Alrlle, 80 bale for which 20 cents paid. Wires from California reported that the market there had been absolutely stag nant for the past week. New Tork tele grams told of a continued strong market. Bank Clearings. Bank clearing of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as iouows: Clearing Balances. Portland $2,364,223 $201,789 Keettle 2.175.871 269, Tacoma 762.197 64.569 EDokane 939.251 67.950 PORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Ete. WHEAT Track prices: Club. T9c; blue stem. S'-'c: forty-fold, 80c; red Russian, 78c vallei". 80c. FLOUR Patent $4.3 per barrel iTTiicmi. 13.90: eiDorts. J3.60BS.70: Val ley. 14.30; graham. $4.20; whole wheat. S4.4W. MILL8TUFKS Bran. $21 per ton; short $23: middlings. -'. BARLET Feed $24 0 24.50 per ton: brew Inc. $26.50927.50 per ton; rolled. J26C; 27.50. jlAx Timotny, cnoice. siitj'is; io. , $16: oat and vetch, $12; alfalfa, $12; clover, 110; straw. $6ft7. CORN Whole, $38: cracked. C3S par ton. OATS White. $24.609J25 per ton; gray feed. 124; gray mining. $.'3.50. Vegetable and Frnlt FRESH FRUITS Apples, ordinary, 50c ) -.SI. 50 per box: peachea 40e50c per box pears, lit?!. 60 per box: grape 75c9$l per oox; cranoernes. tJ.dv per oiimi; cue. has. 75c ff $1.50 per dozen. TROPiCAL FKlTfS Orange Vele-fl J4 04.60: grapefruit, $495: lemon 16.30 17. fO per box: pineapple oc per pounu. ONIONS Oregon. $1 per sack. POTATOES Jobbins- orlces: Burbank T5o per hundred; sweet potatoes. lo per sound. VEGETABLES Artichoke 73085e per doicn. bean 5c; cabbage, leitto Per pound: cauliflower. 25675o per dosen: eel ery. 25975c per dosen; corn, 75ct?$l per sick: cucumber 50c per box: eggplant. $1.2391 53 per box: head lettuce. 20025c per Anven: neoners. 68o per pound: radishes 1520e per dozen; tomatoes, 4075o per fcnv: rarlic 8 4r6c per pound. BACK VEGETABLES CajnM. tl-15 pet-, HELPS ALL MARKETS Financial Exchanges Strength ened by Ending Italian War. WALL STREET TRADE BROAD Tradinsr Liltrht In Other Unei3 Mar ket Conditions Generally Are Unchanged. Aside from the sale of three "loads of hoas. not much trading waa put through at the stockyards yesterday. On the whole the market was steady. - Of the hogs sold, one load graded top, and brought $8.65, the full ruling quotation on the best quality. Two loads not so good sold at $8.45 and a few heavy hogs brought $7. Receipts were 27 cattle, 784 hogs and 38 sheep. AhfmAM .r- the Pomerov Meat St Live Association. Jackson. Wash.. 1 car of hogs: F. G- Cloyat, fomeroy. vvasn., cr of hogs; H. K. Ciapp, CaldwelH 1 car of hogs; C H--Farmer, iicuoy, -i car ui uub. t it -tx--,l .Tnnnlian r.ltv. 1 car of hogs: F- vt nrlr Silverton. 1 car of cattle; R. F. mm,. Rnmevelt. Wash.. 2 cars of sheep and hogs; Robert McCrov, Goldendale, 1 car Of hog and M. W. doctor, veuiarviMO, Wash.. 1 car or nogs. Tha rtnv sAiea were as wuow: Weight. Price. . 1 cow ..1390 $5.00 an 167 8.45 89 hogs iff hors .". 355 7.00 240 8.'15 107 hogs e-" 1 now w a.w The range of pneaa at the yards waa Choice steers I V" Good Steers I Si uii... .t.e (.00 0 S.1i Choice cows ? ?y Good cows li.l nwa ..... I.OOfiP 6.3 ?Tirr, " ..i 7.00 8.7 nH hun calves 6.259 7.00 Bulls Etags ............... Ught .- -28 T5 HeivV T.000 7 Sheep Yearlings - 4.I5 4.85 Wethers Kwes- .... Lambs 1.00 a B.JS 4.759 i ll 1.80 9 4.50 2.75F e.oe 8.85(3 5.75 Omafaa Xaveetork Market. sraiTO nMAHA. Oct. 16. Cattle Re celpts, 7600; market, slow to 10 rents lower. Native steers. $6.2o10.25; native cows and heifers, $3.50 ia O.ou; western io"r, 8.80; Texas steers, x.w,a.ow; imik. h ,.,ifer :1.25ra6.23: canners. $34.2 .r-v.r. tii1 feeder t4.50d7.75: calve $4.7599; bulls, stags, etc., ..u in Hogs rteceiui.B. oow. .n.v. . Heavy, 9.oia o.ov, ... , - ....... , - . . $8.7558.85; pig $6.5V8.50; bulk Of sale $8.701 8.85. Sheep Receipt S4.OO0; market. 13 to 25 cents higher, leanings. , "ur ers. $3.0SJ-4.73: ewe eo.ow--', $6.500 7.50. Chicago Livestock Market. r-HirifJO. Oct. 16. Cattle Receipts. 20. 000; market, strong to 10c lower. Beeves, $5.50W10.83: Texas steer .ouipiKoo Tx.-.., n iLAni a.v7niA9: stockers and feed ers $4.25Q7-25: cows and heifers, $2.90 T OA- !v 7 50 410. Hogs Receipt 26.000; market, slow to 6o to 10c lower. Ligni. e.o"v $8.60$9.35: heavy. $S.559.20n rough. $8.55 8.75 pig $37.50; bulST of sales. $S.0a O '0 " sheep Receipts. 80,000; market, strong. Native, e 6.m g' vy rntoi u, o. iv o.i, yearlings. $4.65 B: Iambi, native, $4.75 7.&U; weitern. 'a t.oo. SJLS FRANCISCO PRODUCE HARKEt pricca Quoted at the Bay City for Vec (KhiM. Krrilta. Ete. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 16. The follow ing- produce prices were current Here toaay: Fruit Apples, cnoice, ouc; comroon, w Motiran nms. $C50: California lemons ohalce. S6.50: common, $3; pineapples, $1.50 2.50. Cheese Young America, 36H17c Butter- Fancy creamery, 84c Vegetables Cucumbers. 50c$1.25; garlic, 2 8c: grreen peans. 4$,5c; atrins; beans. 2-9 . . VAATK. Asrevnlanf Kiln i1 I OQlODaV OllUJUUVi ti irkaat too ft OA ht and afttk. 120622: alfalfa, $11 14; barley, $16fc18. Potatoes Urcun Durvauu, i- v Unas Burbanka, $1.2J1.35; sweets. $1.50 Receipts -Flour, 5S9S quarter sacks . . sr t ,v. oAnnla nnrat nt A I T. 9 plra middlinga, 5 sacks; hay. 43S tons; wool, 62 Dales. ' Coffee and Suirar. te-w rlMMT Hnr 1 f r1 At A4 ft t 7 Tjoints higher. Sales, 68,230. October and J- . - t in-. neoamW Tnnna r TTs. H- .ovemDer. y . - r--r.T-S.a7i ruary. jivu, . .. . . . ..... May, June, July. August. 14.35c; September, Spot COIiee ieujr, i . ., " ' , ton. No. 4, 16 o. Mild quiet: Cordova. Raw sugar, steady; Muscovado.- .89 test S.fllc; centntugai, .o ti, ,8tf teet, 8.3.IC; reunou ..ouj. Naval Stores. . SAVANNAH. Oct. 18. Turpentine firm. 38(4 3Uc: rales, ou; receni, luiy ,. oil .tnk 34.300. ti, i- in- .ie. 214)0: receiDts. 1600 .ki...n. vni- .tart. 104.100. Quote: B. $6.40; D. $6-43; E. $6.17 h, ti 6.50; F- ;S0 S e. Vi -A iu. a Ilk- H ifi.5.1: I. $6.57 H .'60LK. le-'-OSeS: M, $T.O57.20; N. $7.6S 7.75; -VVO. $8.1368.1:5: WW, $8.4a i Hops s New lork. KBW; T0KK. 16-Hoi Irregular, ti 58 6 45 "eo' 56 HIH 14 H 43 10S 127 143 4 2784 44 T4 109. Stocks Advance Steadily From the First With an Active Home and Foreign Demand Canadian Pacific A sain the Feature. fn- vnoir rf i rt rT.Bsa.tlon of tlie war between Italy ana Turkey stimulated bullish sentiment on sll the foreign ex changes today, that feeling later spreading to our own marmot, wUn.u ...... . broad and strong.- The movement ran largely toward the specialties and pooled u"e,- ..... ... .h. ohlef uanaaian a-awiuv 7 ..v. feature of the railway group, opening witn a rise of over lour pomu, .. - Issues gained from one to three point Cop pers were especially strong. United States Steel as well as the Issues of the Indepen dent Iron companies were active at better price In the final hour dealings fell off. Th close waa active with another upward movement in progress. LODaoD wuowsu aa- " ; Americana with further purchases hero. th extent of its aosorpuon dcaus, - -80,000 share chiefly Steel and Amalgamat ea copper. ..n-rt Easier monetary wnumuu. abroad. Local money rates maicatou .a.- creasing firmness ' Bonds were steaay ana n, . . . 1 .. n ...a,. T fil .L.DUU.UW. tal sales, par o.-,- - United States bonds were unchanged on cau. fi.nsixfj STOCK auo-l-Aiiuflo, Closing Loir. Bio. Amal Copper Am Agricult Am Beet Sugar American Can. . do preferred.. Am Car i Fdy. Am Cotton OIL. Am Ice SecurL. Am Unseed . . . Am Locomotive Am Smel & Ret do preferred. . Am Sugar Ret.. Am Tel & Tel.. Anaconda M Co 17,800 Atchison H. nr.fArpnrf . ... Atl Coast Lin. Bait Ohio . . . Bethlehem Steel U.nnlr R TrU ,1 . Canadian Pao ..-16.50O Central Leather lu.vw Ches & Ohio ... 2,300 rhi n, . . . 400 C. M & St Paul 8,700 Chicago & N W Col Fuel & Iron ('Ananl Caa .... Corn Products.. Del Hudson. . D & B Grande.. tin oref erred . Distillers' Secur Erie do 1st pf .... rirt OA rif . Gen Electric . .. lit North pr .... n-t K'nrth Or . . Illinois Central. interior Met . . do preferred. . Inter Harvester Inter Marine pf Tnt.r P.neF Inter Pump .... K. t; boutnem.. Laclede Gas . . Lehigh Valley . Louts As iNasn . . M. S P fc S S M Mo, Kan & Tex. Mo Pacific 't TCl.cuit National Lead . N Ry Mex 2 pr. 1ST V P.nti A) . . N Y Ont & Wes Norfolk & West North American Northern Pao .. Pacific Mall . . .. Pennsylvania ... PeoDle s Cras . .. P, C C & St L. Pittsburg Coal 4 aoo Pressed S Car. . 100 Pull Pal Car . .. BOO Heading 61.200 KepuD 1 ft ti ,, do preferred. . Rock Island Co St L & S F 2 pf Seaboard Airline do preferred.. Sloss Sheffield .. Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . . . do preferred.. l enn uopper . .. Union Pacific . . do oreferred.. IT S Realty U S Rubber Sales. 84.S0O ltHl 9.70O 4.100 "'766 5O0 800 4,100 100 8.800 200 800 1.000 8,-!0O 100 2.000 2,800 1.20O 1!0( 600 900 High. HI 59 70 46 "ei?. 67 22 ' 15 48 R7 y. 108 143 46 110 iiiii 108 61 91 209 38 88 17 112 141 42 147 19 100 22 200 40 1,900 81 . 4,outf bo 03 600 "460' 4.40O 500 . 200 11.700 4.70O ' i',800 6,000 1.100 200 10.300 r.oo 1.0OO 1.400 2.000 ' I.766 20 - 4W 100 600 182 141 . 49 130 21 67 21 ' 17 '29 105 176 161 145 29 46 68 27 118 87 116 141 107 50 90 2W8 31 83 17 112 141 42 146 IS '22 40 30 85 63 1821 91 68 69 45 122 61 66 21 16 43 87 107 127 143 279 40 109 102 141 107 t 49 91 32 S.I 17 112 141 41 1 146 18 169 21 40 80 86 S3 43 182 140 . ' 141 4 129 21 1,500 500 2,S00 127 124 120 24 88 18 177 83 91 27 55 86 1,200 SOO 2,300 1.500 800 "'266 POO 2,400 2.4O0 40 400 20,500 200 10O 400 4 130 21 66 "26"' 16 "28 105 176 160 144 28 45 65" . 27 115 87 115 i26 124 120 " 24 33 167 ' 176 33 91 27 54 85 U d Steel '84.(800 Ha nrrl .1-rerf. . ROO Utah Copper ... 8,100 Va-Caro Chera . 300 Wabash 3 0O nn nref erred. . RI'O Western Md .... - 400 Western Union.. avo Westing Eleo . . 200 wneei ee lj m. a.ow v-n aw Total sales for the oay. dw.xw snares, BONDS. Tr.nnrt.ri tv Ovsrbeck A Cooke Co.. of Portland.- 60 67 111 80 82 24 173 89 84 62 79 115 64 48 4 14 67 79 85 10 50 56 111 29 82 24 172 89 84 62 78. 114 64 48 4 14 67 7 84 10 66 122 20 17 27 21 105 176 IROV 144 29tt 44 135 6 27 115 86 116 84 126 33 124 12014 107 24 38 168 177 83 91 27 54 86 20 49 67 111 29 82 24 173 89 84 53 7AU 114 64 48 4 14 86 79 84 10 cent; 90 days. 6 per cent; six month Close Prime mercantile paper, 6 'pe cent. , ,.. 1 Sterling exchange was steaoy wiiu business in bankers' bills $4.82 for 60-day bills and at $4.86 for demand. Commercial runs, Bar silver. 63 c. . Mexican dollar 48e. -' Government and railroad bonds steady. Lnmnrj. Oct. 16. Bar silver dull at 29 d per ounce. on,,J-.? y.",.". , ,. market for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three months' bills. 4 per cent- c . -at tt3 a TTcpn Oft .a Sterling on London, 60 day $4.81; sight, $4.86. Drafts signt, -to; teiegrnun, Condltlon of the Treasury. - err A e-CTTrjnTrriM Or-t -ift At the begin- Ina of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Wflce.n". ..'"f r . "!""IT. ..':$ 87.818.069 In banks and' Philippine treasury 81,917,019 Total of the general fund 148,o8S,2b9 Receipts yesterday ?'6.;.,Hfi Disbursements - 1.75.,ltU The deficit to date this fiscal year la $8,059,484, as against a deficit of $19,655. 428 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and publlo debt transaction SEPTEMBER STOCKS OT COTTON HELD Census Borera Issues Its First Supply and Distribution Report. - ... . r.r.v-..rmr-v. ltA . O T-V. . AnA. m.. V ADni.UJ V.,, L. AU. " . . r ply of cotton In the United states on Sep tember 80 was 2, 110.678 running bales, ai .. K.I.. o r-nnrd Inir to L-UUHUUB UUUU AAA, AAAAAA ' J-the census bureau's first regular supply ana distribution report maae toaay la cuaaaat.a i.w 1 ...Aau4 law VAMluir ing a monthly statement of the quantity or cotton consumed, on hand. Imported and exported, and the number of aotlve cotton spindle ... Of the cotton on hand the quantity held . .... roO TBI KAlM HI fOl- Dy manuiaoAurer wa , . . ' " - -lows: In ootton-growlng state 206.869 and In all other states " - at independent warehouses and elsewhere 1.887.897 bale as follows: In ootton-grow-lnr states 1.285,834 and Jn all other states J.U2.VOC,. ... . Cotton consumed In tne unitea during September amounted to 43T32J as follows: In ootton-growlng states 22o,42- and in all other states 111,898. Exports of cotton during mpi" , -729,859 bales, as follows: To the United . . - nnn a. r.M-..nv 1RR.44B. tO iungaom oo,.wv, aw l ' . ',, Lai..- s-ranc. 103.060. to Italy 86,901, to all other countries 81159. . The Imports or cotton aunng amounted to 10,510 bale as follows: From Egypt 1325, from the United Kingdom 6541, .. . na a t from an otner ouninc a, The numDer oi cquu. ,,,,...- during Septemoer in tuo uuu a,. - 29,795.792. of which 11.519,913 were in cot ton-growing states ana. io."" other states. Metal Markets. -. . -, . Pnnnr Steady. Standard, spot," October 17; November and December. i'-t-J,:r...,i;-. 17.6217.87c; laae, ii.oAiiA.i.cri, - Tin flrVn. October. 49.62 ,50o; spot, 49.75 060c; Novemoer, .liBM,1Ai. , . Lead auiet at b.v(hw-aiti ... . . j, . n Ktet. T At,,. spelter, steaujr L .Arv-,. ,A1AA Antimony. quiet. Cookson's, 10.1O 10.1ZUO. iron, arm saia uuluauaw. 121A UODPer arrival. i - , r r , V, 11 RfV1 tntlS. Lon don copper "firm. Spo.. 76 13. f 77 IBS Vd. Lonaon tin vtxej. ov., . , . tures, 225 6 Local exchange sales lead 150,000 pounds. Lonuon icau, a-a.. exchange sales spelter, 60,000 pound Lon don spelter. f27 12s 6d. Iron, Cleveland war. rants, ous ou u ajuuuuu. Chicago Produce Market. a sir a-a. t a Tnrtti itAflrlV. rteim .e inn.. rir, OOU ifl Ofn K s n a , steaay: rwoiuui, uo.u - mark, cases InoludedT 1920c; ordinary arst zio; nrst. ,.,', cneese, sivauj. aj..-., . . - T-,tn in (917c: Vounsr Americas, 17 W 17c; Long Horns, it wn Sulntb. Flax Market. .rtrmnr, r.!. n.r 1 R fl n'n . ' Lin seed, on iratA, - Vi October. $1.56 asked; November, $1-54 bid: DecemDer, ii.ui .o.m. , j . nominal; may. Cotton Markets. rr-r ,a-v 1 a Pntmn nlnAfl bare. r.n.vy iuiao., vva. . . . - - : ly steady, net five points lower to five points hlgner. vrw ORLEANS. Oct. 16. Cotton Mid aiingv jwc TtrlAAri Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK. Oct. 16. Evaporated apples ami. rron, uiiArinjrj. -D...V... r-hnif,. kaiu to 6 c : extra cnoioe, dav iauauj, itiv. Wool at St. Louis. r. -r, i ATTTfl ift U'aaI Rtoarlv Tlr- Dl, A. vj . ' . . r au. . . . . ... ritory and Western mediums, 21 25c; fine mediums, isi&zuc; nne, jH(tfiic. Amor Tel A Tel eonv 4s.. American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco Bs Atchison eeneral 4s....... Atchison conv 4s Atchison adj s stampea.. a .!. rn.rt T.ln nni A... At Coast Line " L N coll" 4s Baltimore & Ohio 3s Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s Bid. Askd. .113 114 95 ..ISO ... 97 ..109 .. ss .. .109 94 93 92 07 91 Can Southern first fis tP4 ITtT-J Chesapeake Ohio B & el gen raij T3 & q joint 4b B Sc. Q Ills s t ml. r nanvip Am. ..... Central Pacific first 4s Chicago & East ills 4 Chicago R I & P ref 4s i A T-y T a. T fnl rt-isit Am V, II 1 UB., A I ot ' -ms ' 7 1 a dA.., f'le-sit .la . OAT. Denver & Rio Grande 4s 84 Delaware ft nuasoo con wi ti Erie first con P L 4a Tn r TkAtu A Japanese 4s Japanese Ilrst rs Japanese second 4H Louisville & Nashville unl 4s Mo Kan A Tex 4a Missouri Pacific 4s New York Central s t. a o ix New Tork City 4. ..... ....... -91 eW J DTK - - - L J- .73. va Norfolk & Western 4s ,. 97 Norfolk At Western conv 4s... .lis N T Ont & W 4s Northern Pacific P L 4s.... Northern Pacific Ss Oregon Ghort Line 4s. Oregon - Railway & Nav 4s.. Penna Railway 4s of 1948... Reading general 4s Republic of Cuba 5s . Southern Paclfio first ref 4s Southern Railway i t L c d f rei nlon Paclfio conv 4s nlon pacirio Tei nlted States Steel S P" 6s. . nltri states 2s registered.. nlted States 2s coupon -.i.Avri fitnte. Sa ree-lstered. . United states os wui"' United States 4s registered.. United States 4s coupon United Railway 8 F 4s Wabash first 4s Western Union 4 Westlnghouse conv 5s Western Pacific 6s Wisconsin Central 4s West Shore 4s 94 95 98 94 95 77 87 69 S Rl .. 83 . 91 ,. 89 .. 97 . 85 .. 71 7SH .. 92 .. 98 .. 69 . . 9.1 . . 92 ..101 .. 96 ..102 ..93 ... 78 '. . 77 -..108 .. 9.T -.102 . .101 ..101 ..102 ..102 ..113 ..113 .. 64 .. S .. 96 .. 94 U .. 82 .. 91 .. 98 97 V 109 8 1093 9.1 93 U. 92 7 92 99V 99 95 99 DKU . 95- 77 87 69 94 98 7 82 - ISA 91 o nil 86 72 80 02 1S 97 lie 96 aav. 69 93 92 102 98 108 93 79 77 108 95 ioa 101 101 108 103 114 114 60 68 96 94 88 02 98 Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Oct. 16. Closing quotations: . . . ,r. r-vriomA rnn.r vvi auoues r . - Amalg Copper., in Monawa. ; . S . i a .t:t tA,:av.r1a Con 22 Arizona Com .. 4INlplsslng Mines. ? s. j- a H M. AT. North Butte. Cal & Arizona.. 81 North Lake 4 Cal & Hecla....591 lOld Dominion. . .112 rnr. Ran Con Co 68Shannon 15 E Butte Oop M. 16 'Superior 45 Franklin 10 ISup & Bos Mln.. 1 Glroux Con 4 Tamarack ..... . 46 (iran Dy won 3 r Greene Cananea. 10' do preferred... 60 I Royalle Cop) 85 ItTtah Con ...... 13 Kerr JLaKO t v wxn vvvia v-m . . U.A 1a.. i Wl nrkn 4 La Moner. ExUiaiire, Etc firm, 45 per -cent; ruling rate. 4 per cent; closing: diu, v wa.a.c At fS ter cent. Tim loana xirmi 00 lay WHEAT'S FALL SHARP Market Closes Nervous and Over Cent Lower. PEACE NEWS CAUSES BREAK Railway Blockade in the Northwest, Due to Heavy Receipts, Prevents the Bulla From Bringing; About a Rally, oWmArin net. 16. Wheat d rices turn bled today In consequence of Italy and Tur key having made peace and because heavy receipts Northwest had resulted In a rail way blockade. I nere was a nervou. a , nrtmAr r ATI t AT, DrflVflUt' mA thm KoiiiA i-f,m hHnrlne about more than a slight rally In wheat. Some buyer here olung to a persistent nop. ui "a " " turn on the chance that a series of antl Turklsh victories In the Balkans might yet Involve the great powers. Corn finished a snaae on w o Provisions closed lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. nnan. Hiah. Low. Close. Deo. .S I .MM ? ILTsti 1 .H .UD-SV .V COUNTY DIVISION 'IS TOPIC Clackamas Sentiment Said to Be Against Proposition. OREGON CITY, Or, Oct. 16. (Spe cial.) J. E. Hedges, chairman of a annA'nA-J lA InO lllIllrQ t. fA cam pal gm for the defeat of the bill pro- VKLins I or as envision, di v,iai;n.ui.B County, reported at a meeting of the live Wires today that sentiment throughout the county was against the measure, ile saio mat tne iouuiy Court had informed the committee that U AAnlrl -nnt r,nntr4Klli. T 11 nrf m fn. por. rvtnv n-n thAA r-aniriA ion jLfirainfft division. Mr. A-iedfres sale tne commiixeo nr-utAn t n vnt.r, in various rjarxs ox .v.. .ntintv aolrlncr for flind.4 to assist in the work. O. D. Eby was mace a member of the committee. State Fruit Inspeotor uooaricn urfjea . ,t,. A.AhArria nl HorViimfl, fiountV lU.k A.AAO ATA V... w be given better attention. He said that many of the orcnaros were oia ana me trees were diseased. The Inspeotor ad vocated the extermination of all trees too old. to be restored to a healthy con dition, -'the suggestion was discussed by various members or tne organization- and it was the unanimous opinion that the suggestion of Mr. Goodrich should be acted upon at once. Circuit Judge uampoeu congraimaicM ii.. nnn.r..rr-fll rMnh and the Live Wires upon the work that was being accomplished by tnem. Dee. .H a v .... Oct. .... How to Judge the Strength of a Financial Institution , VTF, REAL security is indicated by the rjr relation the bank's capital and sur I plus-bearto. its deposits. Thisinstitu tion has a paid-in capital of $1,000,000 nf sfel . 000.000 making a total of $2,000,000 which stands as securny xui. all deposits a large margin of safety. Courteous attention and satisfactory service are assured. United States National Bank Tblrd a ad Oak. SELLING GREETS VOTERS RepuWlcan Senatorial Asp-rant Vis its at McMinnville. McMINNVILLE, Or., Oct. 16. (Spe i i a r QailtnAV VJonnhlir-nn nominee for United States' Senator, arrived in McMinnville Tuesday night from New berg and spent the greater part of to day here in learning of tbe wants of this section of the state. Ben Selling is well known here and is frequently men tioned as "Uncle Ben," and was well i a v.. thAv .ntn with whom he r.wivcu I- " . .. - .. .. had an opportunity to discuss topics of interest to local votera A. Dielschneider, a prominent shoe v . vfr-r i n n v1 1 lr who vears ago was a merchant in Portland and who has known uen selling ior yem. and had at one time considerable buslr j.nll.rrl Olth 1T SftllintT. IS 1U1 earnest Democrat, but will no doubt, for personal reasons, support Mr. otums for United States'Senator. Mr. Selling also made a trip to Amity and Sheri dan. T. B. Handley, Republican nominee for Joint Representative for Tillamook m v.rAhin i al.n in town meeting fUlU, AAAAAf.AAA, A. voters. Mr. Handley's main opposition is H. J lNOtt, a weil-auuwii iiiciuiiaiib McMinnville. who Is the Prohibition ritrir.r. -Mr Nntt Is makinsr an ag gressive campaign and Is known to- be in favor of statement. J.u. a. Vancouver Folk to Entertain. VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 16. (Spe cial.) The Washington synod of the Presbyterian Church, which will meet next October, will be entertained In this city. by the local congregation of the First Presbyterian Church. It has i -IT dnrn n ivgod met in uccu a. a -" . Vancouver. It la expected. that 100 or more ministers irora wasmngion, Alaska and Northerm Idaho will be rjveseAt. CORN. .esu .68 H .68 .88 H .62 " .829, .8254 .62 .66 OATS. Dee. S2 .32 .82 H .32 Mir 34 M, .84 .34 MESS PORE. Jsji 10.82 1B.BTV4 10.42 19.43 May 19.15 1B.2U 1W.W i.uo Oot. ..... .17.45 LARD. Oct "-7 r.r, i-i ion 11 m 11. OS 11.10 Mu 10.5TW 10.62 10.44 10.02 SHORT RIBS. Oot.- "OO Jan 10.ST 10.40 10.2TH KXSO May 10.15 10.15 10.07 10.10 Cash quotations were as louows: ttiit. A?i-m fitftnrinrri har-d SnrlnsT pat ents advanced 20 cents to $5.50. v. 9 Ilk Aitir- X 9 vtllt.. 64(3 No. t yellow, ' i&64c'; No. . 63c; No 8 wnite. 9i t fff ou id c , wu. . A91AA- Mn A Rl ft. h9U f do. White. 61 62o; do. yellow. 6162c A. J D A , w. V.T Hf WW 7A-W n.riA Vm' nr mlxlnr. 48A5sc: fair to cnoice malting, 094712c Tlmotny seed 131914. Clovsr seed 13ifl8. Pork Mess, 17.6017.2. Lard In tierces, til. 86. Short ribs Loose, 10.76 11.35. rr.. 1 r,f and flour were .....1 a a . Ann hn.h.ifl. Prlmarv receiDts were ,144.0o'o bushels, compared with 1,- 073,000 bushels tne corresponain u ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 56 cars; corn, 118 -cars; oats, 221 oars; hose, 20,000 head. Grains In San Francisco. r-. ttd a xrr.Tar.ri nr. 1 ,1 Pnor Quota tions; Walla Walla, f 1.0001.52; red Rus sian. $1.47 1.50: Turkey red. $1.57 9 1.60; bluestem, $1.66 1.67 ; feed barley. Ii.O,l-'71t rjlTJ"iS Af..."J, . .-.i . J white oats, $1.80 01.82: bran, $23.B024; middlings. $3334; shorts. 2626.50. CAU Doara sales; wneai jLcrjAAAw.. per cental bid, tl.Baii asked. TJ.riev December. $1.48 per cental; May, $1.51 per cental. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 16. Corn No. S yellow. 6566c uats ixo. a wnue, out woiu. Rye No. 2, 6265a Flax $1.55 1.58. Barley 44 68c European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 16. Close: Wheat, spot, steady. October, 7s 10d; December, 7s 9d; March, 7s 7d. English country markets firm; Frencn country markets, firm. - Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 16. Wheat Blue stem, 82c; fortyfold, 80c; olub, 79c; red Russian, 77c. Yesterday's car reoeipts Wheat, 30: barley, 5; oats, 2; hay, 6. JUDGE ASKS FOR ADVICE Attorney-General's Office Rnles in Union School District Tangle. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 16. (Special.) A. B. Bailey, County Judge of Curry Coun ty, appealed to the Attorney-General to straighten out an election tangle which has resulted in connection with a spe cial election called in seven school dis tricts of that county to determine If they should form themselves Into a union high school district. Proper preparation was made in each of the districts for the election, but voting took place, in but four of the districts and in those four the measure carried. Judge Bailey wished to know whether all seven could be created Into a dis trict, or only four or whether a new election would be necessary. Assistant Attorney-General DeLong held that the board can declare the whole seven dis tricts Into a union nign ecnooi ais- .1r, .. ... The Attorney-Generars onice aio kAiii .tint . nostmaater. receiving a sen ary of more than $100 a year, cannot ant aa an nlpntlon Inritre. For a woman in u-asiern uregon, wnu ... f hnr husband had deserted her nnri Iiap son In Colorado in 1901, and ihn hA AUAniirart a. rllvorce from him In 1909 in Utah to straighten out property rights. It was held that she could not have the decree opened up in this state and that her only recourse Is in the state where she secured the divorce, eh. .tAri sh. suDDOsed her husband had died in the desert, but recently he has appeared In Oregon owning consid erable property, and she desired to have the decree opened up so that a division rn,iirt h made for her son, who she states is an invalid. rr . . ,ri . In tliM 7.rr T.Tld ET DCnl tentiary. Montana, who writes that he . i m . aarn mnA a saddle to a man in Burns, Or., and has been unable to collect the money, tne oince gave . vice that such a case as he desired Jjros ......j h nfflca to collect the money Is not properly official business of the Attorney-Genera. NEW LINE IS INCORPORATED Oregon, Pacific & Eastern Road Will Build in Spring. LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. ramtal Stock $1,000,000.00 Burplns aTundividVd Profit. 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letter of credit, drafts and traveler ' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. W.'M. Ladfl. President. fVf' First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the -Rocky Mountains TRAN-S ATLANTIC LINES AMERICAN LINE J. 1, J-ly mouth. Cherbourg, Eoutbamptoti Atlantic Transport Line hew Tor It London Direct, RED STAR LINE Nw York Dovrr Antwerp ParU WHITE STAR LINE Ker York Qneenstown Liverpool IS. Plymouth. Cherbourg, Southampton Boston ueenstoirn Liverpool MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES From New York and Boston. i -i i ... Ilul v 1 writ Compaw'l Office Boom "B" Bailer Bull Local BaUway nd WHITE STAR-DOMINION M oDtretml- erpool "MEGANTJC" & "LAURENTIC Lars est and Finest M earners on ISt. Lawrence Koute Only Four Days at Sea TO EL ROPE IN COMFORT AT MOD ERATB KATES. Twin Screw S. S. "Canada" and atonic" ONE CLASS I1 CABIN SERVICK THIRD CLA6S CLOSED ROOMS Baggage checked through to Steamer In Bond. Embark: night before sail lag. I IN O nOl.l W H.Al-AB. Mvm ding. Second and Cherry bts., Seattle, or Htoamsnip Aienia .Ar,.iAn e-r.rv, rntto ata nrnvA to LrOrane, will be started as soon as practicable in the Sprlnsr. Offices will be at cottage tirove. County Has) Three Taft Olnb). Tirr.lvriV-NriTTT.T.Vt Or.. ClC.t. 1. (SD6- clal.) Local Republicans will meet Friday night for the purpose of or ganizing a Taft and Sherman club. This will be the third Taft club in the . A .. KTrt.A..r- - n ,4 ft Tl t Orl Viavlna tUUIil, HCnirAlg Lone each, and the movement has been successfully received in each instance so far. This is the first political move of McMinnville Republicans since the primaries. fjciINARD trmses Unsurpassed Luxury and Comfort av Madeira. Gibraltar. Alglera JC' "LACONIA" Not. 9, Jan. 4 S FRANCUNIA Wot. ZO, Jan. 10 4 A LA OARTB WITHOUT CHAK8B TOPOriR PCKstlTTCD "CARONIA" Jan. 30, Mar. 15 Wot Particulmn apply to CUNARD CRUISE DIPT II Slate St., New York Or Local Affsnts. V r.A?s A sssssssssssssasnssssASASsssssssssssn " 1 i - - - - &immmmw. ssF- Bitulithic paying is Scientifically " Prepared and meets all re quirements of weather and traffic conditions. Insist on bitulithic COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Oct. (Special.) The Oregon, Pacific & East ern Railway Company is the name of the corporation that will commence in the Spring the building of a railroad from Cottage Grove to Winchester Bay. Articles of Incorporation are ready to be filed with the County Clerk. A. B. Wood. J. B. Protzman and Herbert K ak in, president of the First National Bank, all local men, appear as incor porators. Jesse Darling and other Eastern men interested In the organisa tion, do not appear in the articles of incorporation. ' - The company is Incorporated for II, 000,000, primarily for the purpose of building a line of railway from the mouth of the Umpqua to Champion, in the Bohemia district. The line Is al ready complete from Cottage Grove to Disston, a distance ot 20 miles. It is proposed to add about five miles on the east end of this line. Smith River and the Siuslaw will be followed in build ing to the coast, operations to be start ed iron uuua6g iud .v. . . ... l Winchester Bay, as would appear from I UiaaxUCUas o uoorfoiauog. w. J.GWIION&CO. STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBERS NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, r-xirr- a ct nniRD or TRADE. - THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, PORTLAND OFFICE: Main Floor Lnmbermens Bank Bid, Finn ana HtarK. Phones Marshall 4120, A 4187. ESTABLISHED 1894 jttgineers ELECTRIC RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER, WATER, GAS AND IRRIGATION PROPERTIES CONSTRUCTED, OPERATED AND FINANCED 85 SECOND ST., SAN FRANCISCO HWY0KJC KEWORLEAaNS IMCOH"OIATD C CONSULTINa and CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANACED 60 Pin Street New York TRAVELERS' GUIDB. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S S Knanoka and S. S. Elder. Sail Every Wednesday Alternately o jr. iu. wnPTTT TAnrPIC i3. S. CO. 123 A Third St. Phones Main 1314, A Mil. Steamer Hassalo for Astoria Leaves Portland Ash-strset dock at 10:89 '. M. dally except Sunday, arriving at As- . , a.nn a AA .r1 Mo.lar at 7:30 A. M. Beturnln leavss MeIer dally (ficept Sunday I and Monday) at 8:30 A. M., ar--1.. 1.. DA.,i.n.i A 'Jn p Vf on Sundays will leavs Metier 8 P. M-. arrlvlns; Portland at 6:80 A. M. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at 1 1 ir n,.,hAr m 2S. SO. Freleht re ceived' at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Passenger rare. iri ciass, second-class, $7, Including: berth and meals. Ticket office at Alnsworth Dock. Telephone Main J600, A 2332. Portland & Coos Bay SS. Line. a. J. luonr, Agent. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Loa Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. BEAVER sails 4 4. M. October IS. THE SAN FRANCISCO A PORTIaAXW Main liUOS. A it&b. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD Railroad or any steamer to San Fran cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class passenger shlDS on the Coast. Average spaed 8s miles per hour: cost 2.000.00U each. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND a L. A. S. S. CO. Main 628. Frank Bollam, Agent. A 15S4 128 Third Street. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (Union Una of N. Z.) SYDNEY VIA TAH1I1 AND WELLINGTON Direct through steamers, salllna; from San Francisco. Nov. 13 and Deo. 11 and every 2a days. The line to the Isle of the South Seas. For reservations sea Coupon Railroad Asoms or address Hind, Rolph & Co.. (Boral UijtiU, 67 . llarket St.. Saa IfraneUe I