THE UiOlllNlSG UKEGO.MAM, FKilAl", OCiCiiiEii 11, 1912. V K N OM ALU 0 CROP Oregon Will This Year Produce 339 Cars. CUALITY WILL BE GOOD Acrcnge la Larger Than in 1911, tut Cool, Wet Summer Interfered With Production Market Prospects Are Good. An estimate of the Oregon onion crop has been made by A. J. Fanno, president of the Confederated Onion-Growers' Association, after a careful Investigation of conditions. Mr. Fanno finds that the 572 acres devoted to onion oulture have produced 389 cars. , The crop Is now nearly all safely harvested, i the growers have experienced a shortage 4f labor.. The acreage and output of the various , sections of the state follow: Acres. Cars. 140 sn 82 4r, 7 20 SO 16 21 C 889 Sherwood ... ... .............. .175 Rhone 29 Beaverton ...v., a.............. .. i Cedar Mills 42 Gaston " Tualatin ,.: SO Hlllsboro 12 Cornelius 2S Woodburn ....-. 62 Malloy J5 Milwaukee 32 Wllsonvllle 11 w Total B'2 This total for 1912 compares with 529H acres and 3T0 cars of onions produced last vear. Of the 1911 crop. 72 cars were sola for seed, while only 80 cars of seed onions. were grown this yenr. Nine cars oi ine commercial crop have already been dis posed of. tho f. o. b. price Being 10 ranu. More business cculd have been done, but for the car shortage, t The crop this season would have been larger had the weather been more favor able. Bains and cold weather In the grow In season cut down the total output. All the onions that will be marketed by the association will be of good quality. The market prospects, so far as they can be. seen at this time, are satisfactory. The growers are certain of a good price, ar-d there is also a possibility that quota tions late In the season will be high. The principal competitor of Oregon In the late season Is the Lompoc district. The Lom poc Produce & Real Estate Company re ports only BO per cent of a crop this year. The Central California crop Is large, but Its keeping qualities are not known yet. These onions are usually out of the way by the middle of December. In the Walla Walla and Yakima sections the acreage planted in late onions was about half of normal. The early onions In those sections have now been nearly all worked off. COrXTBY .WHEAT MARKET IS BLOCKED Increase la Demand Causes Farmers to Cease Selling. The better demand for wheat throughout the country has had the effect of tying up' the farmers. Business was almost blocked yesterday. Buyers offered 77 073 cents for club and 806 81 cents for bluestem, but sales were few and far between. The un dertone of the local market was firm. The East was lower, but cables came through stcsdy. The future course of prices depends on the war niuauun ' Russia prohibits the exportation of wheat higher prices are bound to result. On the other hand, should the powers slip In and stop the trouble in its early stage, it is al most certain that values will slump. There were no new developments In the oats or barley markets," wnlch were quiet. Mlllfeed was firmer In California. If the demand from that quarter continues prices here may be advanced. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 177 1 22 2 " Tuesday 1-J Wednesday .... Ill not get cars, even box cars, so are making no effort to buy. No trade with California is reported. The local market holds steady with th' supply and demand about equal. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as lOi.ows: Ciearinffs. Balances. Portland S2.12S.44V S222.70 Seattle 1,9M,543 249,1V Taeoma. 6H3.204 36. 23 Spokane 714.491 102,423 POKTLANO SIARRETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Eta. WHEAT Track prices: Club, 775?7Sc bluestem, 8fJlc; forty-fold, 78c; red Rus' sian. 75c: valley. 78c. FLOUR Patents, $4.80 per barrel etralxhts. S3.90: exports. $3.60493.70: .A'a: ley. $4.30: graham, $4.20; whole wheat. $4-4,. MILLS TUFFS Bran. $21 per ton; shorts. SZ3; middlings. y'J. BARLEY Feed $24.50325 per ton: brew. lng. $2b'a2s per ton: ronea, -'0.r.ov. CORN -Whole. $38: craclted. per ton. HAY Timothy, choice. S17318; no. $16; oat and vetch, $12; alfalfa, $12; clover, $10; straw, $!. OATS White. $24.5025 per ton; gray feed, $24; gray milling, $25.50 8 26. Vegetables and FVultm. FRESH FRUITS Annies 6Oc0S1.3ft on box; peaches 4060c per box; pears, $1.25 1.50 per box: grapes. 75cS.l per box; cran berries, $i,.50 per barrel. TP.OPi.'AL KFtClTS Oranees. Va!-- S4 94.50; grapefruit, $4j5; lemons, $6,509 8.25 per box; pineapples, 6c per pound. HELONS Cantaloupes, $1.753 2.00 per crate: watermelons. 1 per hundred: sabas, SI. 25(81-50 per dozen. ONION'S Oregon. $1 per sack. POTATOES Jobbins- prices: Bnrbanks. 75o per hundred; sweet potatoes, 14 6 per pound. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75 85c per dozen: beans. 5c; cabbage, lle per Dound: cauliflower. 204f i,c per dozen; eel ery, 2575c per dozen; corn, 75c3$l per sack: cucumbers. 50c per box: eggslant. $1.2591.50 per box; head lettuce, 20 4j 25c per dozen; peppers, oaroc per pounu: raaisnes. 1520c per dozen; tomatoes, 50(jp75o per box: garlic 5&6c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $L25 per sack; turnips. $1.00 per sack; beets, slio per sack; parsnips, $1.25 per sack. Dairy and Country Produce, EGGS Oregon extras, 40c peroren; can dled. 38c: case count. 35&36c CHEESE Triplets. 18c per pound; twins, 18c; daisies. lSc; Young Americas, 10c Per pound. BUTTEK Oregon creamery butter, cubes 3o c per polled; prints, 3tic per pounu. PORK Fancy, 11c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13S13WC per pound. POULTRY Hens. 12c; broilers, 12c ducks, young. 12ui12!4c: geese, 11c; tur keys, live, ib 3 22c; dressed, 25c. Staple SALMON Columbia River. one.pounu tails. S2.25 per dozen: eight-pound talis $2,85- one-pound flats. S2 40; Alaska pins. one-pound tails. 8ocSl.25. COFFEE Auasleu. ia drums. 24O403 Der nound. HONEY Choice. $3.75 per case; strained honey. 10c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 1516Vsc per pound Brazil nuts. 12ttc; filberts. 14015c; al monds, 17021c: peanuts, 666&c; cocoaauts. VOcfeSl per dozen: chestnuts. 12tto f- nound: hickory nuts. Htflilc per pound. BEANS Small white, 5.25c; large white, 5.10c; Lima, 6.65c; pink, 6.00c; Mexicans, 4.7dc; bayou, 4.&c. bALT liianuiated, $15 per ton; halt' around lous. ST. 50 per ton: 50a $8 per-ton SUGAR Fruit and berry, $5.75; Honolulu plantation. S0.1O: beet. Sa.55; extra C. so.Zo powdered, barrels, $6; cube, barrels, $0.15. UlCj No. 1 Japan, oc: cheaper &5c; Southern head. If DR1ED FRUITS Apples, 10c per ponnt' apricots. 12&14c: peacheB, Sllc; prunes, ilAliana. bu luc. sllyer. 18c: figs, white and black. 6fef7c; currants, uttc; raisins, loose Muscatel, ssre; Dieacnea. nompsua. 11 c; unbleached Sultanas. 81c; seeded.: i, 0 8 He: dates. Persian, Bfto per peuua fard. $1.60 per box. 4 11 12 18 15 4 7 666 610 192 780 15 440 383 Thursday ..... Tear ago 50 Season to data 52:.J V.r .1 i' 1 1 ..... .3881 Tho Australian government statistician has completed his flrst forecast 01 toe cropped for the coming harvest In West ern Australia. The acreage under wheat Is approximately the same as last season namely, nearly 9,000.000 acres while tak ing th. area under crop of wheat, oats and barley an Increase Is shown of over 21.000 acres. The recent bountiful rains, spread over the general agricultural areas and those which last year for the first time for 20 years experienced a dry season, give every promise of a magnificent harvest. HOPS F1RMF.B WITH MORE BUYING Twenty Cents Paid In California In Yakima 19 and 20 Cents Is Bid. The hop market Is firmer with an in creased demand for the best qualities, whtch are scarce. Buying yesterday was on an active scale, up to 1SV4 cents being paid In Oregon for the best grades. Poor apples sold as lew as 15 cents. At the latter fig ure considerable business was done In the Stafford section.; Offers of 19 and 20 oenta were made for the best Yakima hops, nnd 17 V. cents was vi tbre for lower grades. The California market reached tne iu-ccuvrMeaiUIn cows -l. ..nnlni to the day's wires, wmcn reported the sale by H. 1 Hall of 300 bales of Sonomas at that figure. The Hall crop was pronounced the best In the Sonoma section. He also raised the best hops grown there last year. In New York State there was a firm mar ket for good hops, buyers readily paying SO cents for choice grades. There are not many lots of this quality In New York State, and the holders are firm. English and Austrian cables reported firm but quiet markets. At Nuremburg the low er grades were half a cent cheaper. ECC.S ABE SCARCE IX COUNTRY Local Market Poorly Supplied and Prices Are Firm. The good demand for eggs and the scar city of available offerings keeps the market firm. Merchants from outside towns were In the city yesterday trying to buy eggs, which demonstrates the lightness of stocks ln the Interior. Candled eggs were quoted yester day at 3S cents and extras sold at 40 cents. Poultry receipts were light, and this made for a firmer market, although - the demand was not keen. Chickens were held at 12 cents. Butter and eheese were firm and un changed. TOKAY GRAPHS ARC QCOTF.D HIGHER Receipts of Locals Are Light Apple Market Is Heavy. California grapes were the firmest feature of the fruit market. Tokays selling at 90 cents to $1 a crate. Few Oregon crate grapes came ln. Concords ln baskets were a drug at 10 cents. Tho apple market was heavy under liberal receipta Pears were In fair supply and steady. Peaches were slow. Thero was a scarcity of. ripe bananas on the street. Three cars are due Satnrday and five cars will be ln Monday. A car 01 grapes and a car of sweet potatoes are due today. NO SHIPPING TRADE IN POTATOES Texas Buyers Indicate Prior That Will Not Be Considered. There U practically no shipping demand for potatoes except at very low prices, which sellers will not consider. There1 Is some Inquiry from Texas, but It Is on the basis 01 CO cents a hundred to the farmer here Buslnees might be worked with Arizona at a fair price, but shippers declare they es. FORMER PRICES HOLD MODERATE BUSINESS PtJT THROUGH AT STOCKYARDS. Best Wethers Sell at 94.85 and Top Hogs Bring $8.60 Cattle Supply Small. ' The moderate business -put through at the yards yesterday indicated a continued firm market for hogs and sheep and a steady tone prevailing in tne cattle division. In the latter department offerings were not of the best grade, and the prices ob tained varied accordingly. Steers sold at StJ.45 to $tJ-55 and cows brought f 5 to Si. NO. Two loads of hogs were disposed of, tops selling at $8.60 and a few small light hogs bringing $i. Choice wethers sold at $4.65, tbe price established early in tbe week. Another bunch of wethers brought $4.70. Lambs were taken ft 5.50. Receipts were: Go" cattle, 1S2 hogs and 1812 sheep. Shippers were: James Klrby, Robtnette, S cars of sheep; Osman & Blcknell, Haines, 2 cars of sheep; Donald Boss, Pilot Rock, 2 cars or sneep; K. aiarx weamer, rortn fow der. 1 car of sheep: Perry Blackburn. Baker. 2 cars of cattle; A. E. Kelly, Wallowa, 1 car of hogs, and A. B. Gale, ilcMinnville, 1 car of hogs. The day' sales were as follows: Weipht. Price. 2 cows .1020 $5.iX 4 cows ......... 1"37 5.-5 13 steers 0.45 1 heifer Hut) 6.25 11 steers HMtf 6.55 8 cows t3 5.25 12 cows 10W2 50 15 steers lOt'S 6.5M 281 wethers fr3 4.S; 82 hoes 1S 8-tJO 35 hogs 122 S.Ou 40 ho?s 213 8.60 96 lambs 72 5.50 153 wethers 94 4.70 1 cow SO 2.25 The rang of prices at tne yards was as follows: Choice steers $6.75 6.90 uooa steers tj Medium steers ........ 6.00 C.ti Cho'ce cows 6.00 6.25 Good cows 6.500 5.71 I 0v(d 6.2a 7.00 & 8. if 6.25$ 7.00 S.OO0 5. J ....... 4.700 53 8.25 8.60 7.OO0 T.Tj A.t5& 4.85 3.60 4.50 2.75 4 (JO 3.85 5.75 Choice calves Good heavy calves. Bulls Stags ............. Hogs Light Heavy Sheep Yearlings Wethers Ewes Lambs Omaha livestock Market. OMAHA. Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts. 4900; market, steady. Native steers, Jtt jiO; cows and heifers, $ 3.50& S.5: Western steers, $5 &.50; Texas steers, $4.50G) 6.GO; range cowa and heifers, $3.206.40; canners, $3 if? 4. 25; Blockers and feeders, $4S; calves, $5 & 9 ; oulls, stas. etc, $1.25 '(J 5. 25. Hogs Receipts, 6ti00; market, steady to 5c lower. Heavy, JS.fiaS.SO; mixed. $S.7U iS.M; light. $S.S0S.9O; pigs. $6$S; bulk of sales $S.70ffS.S0. . Sheep Receipt's. 28,000: market, steady. Tearlingrs. $4.405.10; wethers, $3.50t$4; ewes, $3&1S.60; lambs. $63f 6.60. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts 4500: market stron . Beeves, $5. 60 Sr 1 1 ; Texas steers, $4.50&6; Western steers, $5.$Offi' 8.9U; stackers and feeders, $4.40$? 7. SO; cows and heifers. $2.90 S. 10; calves. 10.50. Hoes Receipts 18.000; market slow, steady to shade lower. . Light, $S. 603 9.25; mixed. $8.6? 9.30: heavy. $8.50 J1 9.30: rough. JS.50fcS.70; pigs, $4.707.73; bulk of sales. ss.lHH.i Sheep Receipts 85,000; market, sheep steady, lambs weak. Native, $3.25$? 4.30; Western. $3.40?t 4.o; yearlings. S4.2oS j.oo; iambs, native, $4.5096-80; Western, $4. 75 if 6.95. Grains in San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 10. Spot quota tions: Wa!ia Waiia, $1.4." 3 1.47 4 ; red Rus sian. $1,424 6 1-4; Turkey red, $1,574 1.00: bluestem. $1.55 1.57 4 ; feed barley. $1,45 6 l-4'I U : brewing. $1.47 H S 1.50; white oats. $1.55 1.57 t : bran. 523.50 & 24; mid dlings, $34,5 33; shorts, $2620,5O. Call board ales: Wheat No trading. . Farlev December, $1.43 bid. $1.44 asked; May, $?..44fr bid. $1.46 asked. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 10. Butter Steady, creameries. 24 He 29c; dairies. 24 27c, Eggs Steady; receipts, 4233 cases; at mark. cases Included, 19 & 20c; ordinary firsts, 21c; nrsta, 24c. Cheese Steady ; daisies; 1701?c; twms, 1617c; Tovng America. 17ig-17fec; long horns, 1TC 174 c Waol at SO Louis. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 10. Wool steady. Ter ritory and wiftern mediums. 21 ti 25c; tine mediums. IS 3 20c; fine, 133? ISc Hops at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. Hops steady. lill STOCKS Fiii Reading Is the Feature of the Active List. GAINS. OVER TWO POINTS Operations in th Specialties Are Heavy at Material Advances Grangers Slow in Kespond in g to Crop Report. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. Aside from Read lng. which overshadowed all other Issues by reason of Its activity and strength, op erations ln todays market were largrely restricted to specialties, such as American Can common and preferred, with" a new record for the former. National Enameling, the fertilizers and oil- shares. Reading gained over two points by mid day. Other representative securities moved within Harrow limits, except United States Steel, which rose over a point. Grangers and similar stocks .failed t make more than passive response to yea terdftys remarkable crbp report until late ln the session, when the entire group made tome recovery, despite advices from the Northwest announcing; an. overabundance of rain. . Monetary conditions continued to reflect the unsettled situation abroad, tending to ward greater firmness, in spite of the di minished demand. Considerable call money was placed at 5,4 with a high rate at 6 Tbe feature of the Bank of England state ment was a loss of $5,000,000 in gold. wMle the Bank of France lost $3,400,000 of the m etai ana decreased, its discounts $4, UOO.OOO. The bond market was, well sustained with unusual activity in various Issues. Total sales, par value, were $2,050,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing The Broad View Sales. Amal Copper . . 2C,4iM Am Agneult .. 500 Am Beet Sugar 1.4U0 American Can .. 46,700 do preferred.. 3,ZW Am Car & Fdy. 1.30O Am Cotton Oil.. 4V0 Am Ice SecurL. 200 Am Unseed . .. 1,100 Ara Locomotive. 1,100 Am Smel & Ret S.200 do preferred. . 8O0 Am Sugar Kef.. 80O Am Tel & Tel.. WO Am Tobacco ... 3,000 Anaconda M Co 7.3U0 Atchison do preferred.. 100 Atl Coast Line. "3,000 Bait & Ohio ... 1.8UO Bethlehem Steel 1.20O Brook P. Tran.. 1.0C0 Canadian Pac. 6,500 Central Leather !, Ches & Ohio ... 2.300 Chi Gt Western 20O C, M & St Paul. B.SOO Chicago & K W l.l'.OO Col Fuel & iron Consol Gas .... 200 Corn Products.. 8,200 Del & Hudson D & R Grande., do preferred.. Distillers' Secur. Krie do 1st pf .... do 2d Df Gen Electrlo Gt North pf Gt North Or .. Illinois Central. Interbor Met . . do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pr inter Paper . . . inter fump . . . K C Southern.. Laclede Gas . . . Lehigh Valley.. Louis & Nash.. M. S P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex Mo Pacific .... Nat Biscuit . ... National Lead .. N Ry-Mex 2 pf. N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont &. "Wes Norfolk West North American Northern Pao . . Pacific Mail Pennsylvania ... Peoples Oas .. P. C C A St L. Pittsburg Coal . Pressed S Car.. Pull Pal Car . .. Reading 159.S0O Repub I & S . . 1,000 do preferred. . Rock Island Co do preferred.. St L & S F 2 pf Seaboard Airline do preferred.. SI05S Sheffield .. Southern Paa .. Southern Ry .. do preferred.. Tenn Copper . .. Texas & Pacific Union Pacific 20O 200 7oO 6.200 2,000 100 400 1.7C0 2,800 2O0 6.000 11,100 300 300 3,600 COO 600 100 14.F0O 60O 500 1.100 8.0O0 1O0 1,200 ' i",2oo 300 1.3O0 100 4.200 700 800 2.90O loo 1.S00 1400 5.200 1,700 500 100 ' 400 100 5.0OO 4.4O0 soo 400 soo 24.600 do preferred.. 100 U S Realty SOO TJ S Rubber .... z.sou V S Steel 73.100 do pref errea. . 1 uij Utah Copper .. 1.000 Va-Caro Chom.. 3,600 Wabash do preferred. . 2ifO Western Md . .. 200 Western Union. 500 Westing Elec .. 1,100 Wheel & L Ji;. . 4.suu High. 59 72 4614 125 ?i 23 145, 4;'.? 108 124i 144 267 43S': HOi. 102 54 144 108 40 611s 274 82 83 17'A 118 142 4o 147 16 'ii'hi 40 81 86 64 54 44. 183 141H 49 120 21 66 123 20 16 27 Vi 29 105 177 162 hi 14 29 45 136 V, 6 14 iii" ' 36 lie1 8414 12S14 . 84 12,',li 122 109 T4 25 38 T4 177 38 27 55 37 20 60 66 112 30 83 441 25 174 69 84 55 79 115 65 49 Low. 89 SS 71 44 123 00 58 . 23 14 43 86 108 126 143 203 45 109 102 141 1(18 49 91 272 31 83 17 112 142 42 147 15 '22' 40 80 36 53 44 1S3 140 4& 129 20 65 123 20 15 Si 105 176 161 140 29 44 130 65 116 36 116 84 127 34 124 121 K'9 24 38 175 33 '27 65 20 50 56 111 30 82 44 25 172 89 ' 84 54 7S 115 64 48 15 15 67 57 81 80 85 84 11 10 Bid. 90 69 46 hi 125 61 56 23 14 43 87 . 107 126 143 2t 45 110 102 141 10S 49 91 273 32 83 17 112 142 42 147 16 170 22 40 80 86 64 44 183 140 49 129 21 65 123 20 16 27 2S 105 176 161 146 29 45 135 65 27 116 36 116 84 127 35 124 121 109 24 S8 167 177 33 91 27 55 86 20 50 55 111 30 S3 44 25 174 89 84 54 79 115 64 48 4 14 57 80 84 10 Total sales for the day, 614,600 shares. BONUS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., of Portland. Amer Tel ft Tel conv 4s.. American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco 6s Atchison general 4s Atchison conv 4a Bid. Asked. ...113 114 .120 . 97 .109 Atchison adi 4s stamped. ....... 88 Atciiison conv 5s 109 Atlantic Coast Line cons -s.... v-tn At Coast Line "L & N coll" 4s. 93 Baltimore & Ohio 3s 91 Baltimore & Ohio 4s 97 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 90 Can Southehrn first 5s -99 Chesapeake 4 Ohio 4s 99 n R & u gen mtg s C B & Q Joint 4s 95 Central Pacific first 4s 95 Chicago & East His 4s 77 Chicago R 1 4 P ret 4s 87 Chicago R-i & v col trust 4s.. uw-aa Colorado & Southern first 4s... 94 Denver & Kio Granae 49 a Delaware & Hudson conv 4s.-... 97 Erie first cons p L 4S i int Met 4s 81 Japanese 4s 1 83 Japanese first 4s 91 Japanese second 4s Louisville & ftasaviu. um .3 Mo Kn ft Ter 4s S3 Missouri Pacific 4s 72 New York Central 3s 85 New York Central L 6 3s 79 New York City 4s .... New York City 4s of 1957. ...-06 Norfolk ft Western 4s 96 Norfolk ft western conv 4s N Y Ont ft W 4S. .v. 92 Northern Faclflc P L 4s 9S Northern Pacific 8s 69 Oregon Short Line 4s 92 Oregon Ry ft Nav 4s 93 Fenna Ky 4s ot ia. ......... .ivi Philippine Railway 4s Reading ceneral 4s 96 Republic of Cuba 6s 102 Southern Pacific first ref 4s... 93 Southern Pacific col 4s Southern Railway 4s... 19 Southern Railway 4S. ......... . w St L ft S F ref 4s 7i Union Paclflo first 4s 99 Union Pacific conv 4s ,...10:i Union Pacific rel 4s w.i United States Steel S P 5s 102 United States 2s registered 101 United States 2s coupon 101 United States 3s registered lui United States 3s coupon ....... .102 United States 4s registered 118 United States 4s coupon 113 United Railway Cs jr es 64 Wabash first 4s 63 Westlnghouse conv 6s.......... 94 Western Paclflo 3s 82 West Shore 4s 98 Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Oct. 10. Closing notations: Allouez 45,Mohawk 67 Amalg Copper.. 90 'Nevada Con .... 22 A L ec bm... oo.iNipissing jdines. 83 Arizona com .. ,.-ortn sutte..... ss B ft C C ft S II. 6 North Lake 4 Cal ft Arizona.. 61. Old Dominion... 62 Cal ft Hecia. ...592 jOsceela 113 Centennial 22 iQuincy 87 Cop Ran Con Co 59 Shannon 15 iutta lod ji. i"i superior Franklin 10 Sup ft Bos Mln. . 1 Giroux Con .... 4 Tamarack 45 nby con ... MUiO o s H & il 43n Greene Cananea. 10 do preferred" 51 Royalle copl o v .Utah con 18 Kerr Lake. 2 Utah Copper Co. 64 Lake Copper.... S3 IWicona 6 97 110 8S 110 3 93 92 98 91 10O 100 95 95 95 78 s; 69 94 86 9S 88 81 84 82 9S - 80 73 85 80 92 106 97 116 92 98 69 92 93 101 86 , 97 103 93 89 . 79 79 78 100 103 95 102 101 101 101 103 114 114 66 6S 4 83 ,T IS only by getting .the broad view of busi- ness tnrougnout toe country that "we can safely lay plans for the develop ment of pur respective in dustries. . Realizing that it is diffi cult for a busy man to keep himself thoroughly posted on tb4e entire business situation, we have been issuing on the last day of each month a gen eral letter on trade conditions and a business fore cast, which is in brief a digest of all obtainable in formation on basic business conditions. This let ter is sent to the business men of this city who de sire it with the compliments of this bank. The Merchants National Bank The Bank of Public Service Founded in 1886 Fourth and Washington Sts. La Sallo Copper SSi'Wolverino 7$ Miami Copper. . . 29 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Money on call firmer, 4H3"9i Ter cent;' ruling rate, ; closing bid. 5; offered at 5. Time loans firm, 60 days, 6 per cent and 00 days, Mt5; six months, Prime mercantile paper, 5Vs6 per cent. Steriiug exchange steady, with actual business ln bankers' bills at $4.83 for 60 day bills and at $-.S"r0 for "demand. Commercial bills, $4.Sl. Bar silver,, 63c; Mexican dollars 4.0c. Government and railroad bonds steady. LONDON. Oct. lOv-Bar silver, easy, 29 d per ounce. Money. imiZ per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is S3 Pr cent. For three months SAN FRANCISCO. 0ct. 10. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.S24 ; do oa London, sight, $4.65. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 8c. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. At the beginning of business today the condition, of th United States Treasury was; Working bal. in Treas. offices..! 91,526,744 In banks and Philippine treasury 80,879,975 Total in the general fund 149,366,463 Receipts yesterday 2,831,347 Disbursements . . 4.758.367 Deficit this fiscal year 5,449.Si8 Deficit this time last year 20.221,254 These figures exclude Panama Canal ana Public debt transactions. BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits, Etc CAN FRANCISCO, Oct. lO. The follow ing produce prices were current here today. Fruit Apples, choice, 60c; common, 40c; Mexican limes. $'( California lemons choice, $6.60; common, $8; pineapples, $1.50 Cheese Young Americas, 16H 17c, Putter Fancy creamery, 85c. Eggs store, 30c ; fancy ranch, $9c Vegetables Cucumbers. 3576c; garlic, 2 Sc; green peas, 46c; string heans, 2 3c; tomatoes, ' 3075c; eggplant, 40 75c; onions, 40 (31 50c Hay Wheat. $22324: wheat and oats. $2021.50: alfalfa, $1114; barley, $1617 Potatoes ureeon uuroatiKS, iiwx.xv; oa- Unas Burbanks, $1.25 l.?5; sweets. $L0& 1.65. - v Recelots Flour. 4992 Quarter sacks; js-heat, 1340 centals; barley, 7065- centals; oats, 2400 centals; potatoes, 801i5 sacks; bran, 35 sacks; middlings, 800 sacks; hay. 176 tons; wool, 75 Dales. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Copper dull. Standard, spot.. 17.25: October 17.2717.30; November and December, 17.25 17.30; elec trolytic, 17.02 i;i7.7; lake, lUui 17.S7; casting, 17.23(5' 17-37. Tin dull. Spot, 49.975? 50.12; October, 49.70',50.1O; November 49.S03; 49.95. Lead quiet, 5.10 bid. Spelter quiet, 7.60(g' 7-70. Antimonv quiet. Cykaons, IO.OO'S'10.12. Iron strong. No. 1 Northern, 17.0018.oo; Vo 2 Northern. 17.25 (Tv 17.75: No. 1 South ern and No. 1 Southern soft. 1S18.50. Copper at New York, tons, exports bo far this month, 8319 tons. London copper steady. Spot, 77 Bs; futures, 78 2s 6d. London tin quiet. Bpot, t-'8 os; lutures, 227 5S. London lead, 21 7s 6d, London spelter, 27 12s 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 66s in London. Coffee and Sugar. tctttu- YORK. Oct. 10. Coffee closed steady at a net decline of two points. Sales, 11,5(M. October. 14.15c; November. 14.17c; nrmhcT- ii iflc? Januarv and February. 14.17c; March, 14.31c; April, 14.33c: May. June and July, 14.36c; August, 14.37c; Sep tember, 14.36c. Spot steady. tio rso. 7, joc, biuilw 4, 16 13-ltic. Mild quiet. Cordova, iy8 18c. Row Kitenr stenHv. MuSCOvadO. .89 test. 3.61c; centrifugal, .1)6 test, 4llc; molasses, S9 test, -6.BUC. nerinea quiet. Pnget Sound Grain Markets. TACOMA. Oct. 1ft. Wheat Bluestem, 80 slan, 75 He Receipts, wheat, 43 cars; bar ley, 2 Cars, oats, a caia, itaj, 7 SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 10- Wheat Blue- stem, 80o; fortyroia, 77 c; ciud, kc; me. 76e; red Russian. 75c. Yesterday's car re ceipts waeat, oui oaney, o, uir, flour, 5. Naval Stores. RiVAWAH. Ga.. Oct. 10. Turpentine firm, 883Sc Sales, 437; receipts, C69; shipments, 802; stocks, 38,500. Rosin firm. Sales. 16O0 ; receipts, 1700; shipments. 3800; stock, 101.800. Quote: B, $6-35; . ?o.3.; rJ, oo: r, xx, a, x, o.jv, K. $6.65-; M. 57.oo; s. .do , ww, o.iui WW. $8.40. New York Cotton Market. tctvw YORK. Oct, lOi Cotton futures lo-!pd verv steady. 4 to 11 points jiet higher. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 11.10c; gulf. 1L30C isaies, zvw oaita. WHEAT DOWN A CENT Bearish Crop Report Gives Market a Setback. SUPPORT BECOMES LIMITED War News Loses Its Power to Stim ulate Baying1 Closing Figures Are Nearly the lowest of the Day. CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Wheat came down in price today as a result of the Government report, estimating the crop this season to be nearly . 100,000,000 bushels larger - than last year. The market closed steady. It was evident from the start that wheat would have to suffer a material setback, support accordingly became limited and mora and more deliberate. Longs of the llth-hour sort were forced to sacrifice their holdings, as war news appeared to have lost the power to stimuate buying. The close was at nearly the lowest figures of the day. At the end corn showed a net loss of ft o to lc - Oats closed at a decline of Mc to $fcc Provisions finished unchanged to a de cline of 42Hc The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. NEW ORLEANS, dllng, 10 c. Oct 10. Cotton, mid London Wool Sales. LONDON, Oct. 10. The fourth series ol the London wool sales closed today with of ferings of 7767 bales. The small assortment was ln animated demand and prices were the firmest of the series, as some buyers were caught short of supplies. . Duluth Flax Market. DTJLTJTH, Oct. 10. Close: Linseed on track, $1.70)4 ; to arrive, $1.66 ; October. $1.6014 bid; November, $1.62 fe ; December and January. $1.57: May, $1.60 bid. Bitulithic is as nearly perfect as . any pavement can be! Dec Open. . .91 May ut3t High. -82?4 Low. t -82 . CORN. .534 .52 5, .82 .84 Vi .53 H .5244 .82 H. .3-1 Oct. Dec May Dec May Jan. May Oot. Jan. ai.20 11.22H 11.03Mi May 10.6714 10.67 10.52 SHORT RIBS. Oct Jan. .53 H .62 ft OATS. .324 .34 ft MESS PORK. .19.75 '19.S0 19.40 .18.20 1U.20 18.85 LARD. ' "Close. .99ft -63 H .5314 .52 .8214 4 ft 19.40 18.95 11.75 11.05 10.52 ft 10.97 ft 10.25 10.07 ft .10.40 10.40 10.25 May 12.17ft 12.17ft 10.07ft 'lour Hteaay. Corn No. 2. 63ftS4ftc: No. 2 white, 65 Mfto; No. 2 yellow. 64 H 65c; No. s. 63ftS64c; do white. (4ftS65ftc; do yel low. 63ft84?4c; No. 4, 62ft6Sftc; do white, eift&esftc; do yellow, 62ft68ftc Rye No. 2, 68c Barley Feed or mixing, 475So; fair, to choice malting 60 72c . Timothy seed $3 4. . . Clover seed JISQ IS. Pork Mess, 17.2017.25. I.ard (ln tierces) Per. 100 " pounds, 11.62ft. Short ribs (loose) S10.50ll.25. Grain statistics: 'Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 240,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,822,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 131 cars, corn 188 cars, oats 174 cars, hogs 14,000 head. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 10. Wheat, close: December, 80ft814c; .Slay, 94ftc Cash, No. 1 Northern, 88ftc to 90c; No. 2 Northern. &ft88ftc; No. 8-wheat. 830 Corn No. 3 yellow, 67 ft 68 ft a Oats No. 8 white, 80ft 310. Rye No. 2, 61ftc to 61 ft a Flax J1.6714 1.69ft. Barley $40 6S. v' liverpool Wheat , Market: LTVERPOOE? Oct. 10. Close: Wheat October, 7s lOftd; December, 7s 8ftd; March, 7s 6d. Weather cloudy. English country markets steady. French country markets quiet. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. Evaporated apples quiet. Prunes easy. Apricots firm. Peaches firm. Raisins steady. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN A5U COTTON MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. SEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE, THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, SAN FRANCISCO. P0ETLAND OFFICE: Main Floor Lnmbermens Bank Bldg., Fiftn and Stark. Phones Marshall 4120, A 4187. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK -PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Tim. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Kailtray Exchange Bids. Portland. Or. Main 8378. A 3922. Steamer Anvil Sails from Couch-street 1 Dock every week. For Newport, Florence and Ban don. Freight and Passengers. Frank Eollam. City Ticket Agent, 128 Third. Phones Main 628. A 4596. C EL Brown, Frt. and Pass. AgU. Coach St Dock. Phones. Main 861. A 416L COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, at 8 A. M.. October 9. 16, 23, 30. Freight re ceived at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Passenger fare First class, $10; econd-class, 97, including berth and meals. Ticket office at Ainsworth Dock. Telephpne Main 36u0, A 2332. Portland & Coos Bay SS. Line, H.-J. Mohr, Agent. BOND DEPARTMENT lumbermens National bank HIGH GRADE BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Capital $1,000,000.00 Cor, Tifth and Stark HI UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK II . Third and Oak w An institution 'with facilities that amply pro vide for the han dling of any fi nancial matter with care and dispatch. Courteous con sideration and satisfactory serv-. ice are assured. OVER T W 0 MILLION DOLLARS Capital and Surplus III LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock ..$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued,. avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. W. M. Ladd, President. Robert S. Howard. Asst. Cashier, Edward Cooklngham. Vlce-Prea. J. W. Ladd, Asst. Cashier. W. H. Dunckley, Cahlr. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains CANADA S. S. PHIXCE RUPERT AND 8. S. PRIJTCB1 GEORGE) leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 13 o'clock mldnlgrht tor Victoria, Vancouver. Prince Ru pert, Stewart, Granby Bay and Queen Charlotte Is land points. 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT trUmonthly from Victoria and Vancouver to Prlno Rupert, Vancouver Island and way ports. 1 VII TRIT5TK PACIFIC RAILWAY Passeneer trains leave Prince Rupert Wednesday and Saturday at 10 A M. for South Hazelton, B. C. (18o miles). . Returning-, leave South Haaalton Sunday and Thursday at 10 A. M., arriving ln Prince Ku- -fREB PUBLICATIONS regarding- Canadian homestead lands, business conditions, also business openings. DORSEY B. SMITH, C. P. A. . . J. H. BURGIS, General Agent. Phone Marshall 1979. Passeng-er Department. City Office, 69 Fifth St., Portland, Or. TKAVELEB8' GUIDE. xnnnr I IMP t! 19 DAYS nwni IB DAYS The pleassntest and most comfortable of sll ocean Toy aees s trip across the Pacific to the Antipodes. Splendid stesmers 'UN0aA" nnd "VENTURA", 10,000 tons displacement. 44 days San Francisco to Sydney, Australia, and back, with s day at HONOLULU each way. stops at PANG0 PANG0 (SAMOA) and six days at SYDNEY, tha moat beautiful and healthful city in the world. For rest, recreation and pleasure no other trip compares with this. Stevenson said of Samoa, "No part of the wcrid exerts the same attractive power tpon the visitor. Bound trip rates. 1st class, from San Franc'Ko: HONOLULU $110: SAMOA $240; SYDNE '"00. ROUND THE WORLD $600 1st cabin; J37B 2d cabin, to Cevloi lrnt. Itslv. etc 1 iberal rtoTwven. Sailings every two weeks: Oct 8, 22; Nov. 5. 19, etc Write or wire NOW for berths. Sond for folder. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. 673 Market 8t Ban Francisco. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder. Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at O P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 123 A Third St. Phones Main 1314, A 1311. Steamer Hassalo for Astoria Leaves Portland Ash-street dock at 10:80 P. M. dally except Sunday, arriving at As toria 6:00 A- M. and Megler at 7:3U A. Al. Keiurmng leuves and Monday) at 9:30 A. M., arriving- Portland 4:S0 P. M. On Sundays will leave Megler 9 P. M., arriving- Portland at 5:30 A. M. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. KAM3URI1 a Largest 8.8. Co. J& OVER 400 f surfs If aJ M i AMERICA,! In the WorU Atlantic Service i.tio.ooa 0k ION ! LOS ANGELES AKD SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD Railroad or any steamer to San Fran cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class passenger ships on the Coast. Average speed 28 miles per hour; cost $2,000,000 each. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A L. A. S. S. CO, Main 628. Frank Bollam, An-ent. A 4596 128 Third Street. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Frsacisoo and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. S.'BOSE CITY sails V. M. October IS. THE SAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND S. 8. CO., Ticket Office 132 Third Street, phone Main 2UU5, A 2550. London, Paris, Hamburg AMERIKA Oct. 17. 10 A. M. CLEVELAND. ...Oct. 1, 11 A. M. tl'ATKIG'IA Oct 19, X P. M. PRES. GRANT. ., .Oct. 26, 10 A. AL - v oria cruise. Hamburg direct; second cabin only. MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples,' Genoa. tS. S. CLEVELAND (WORLD CRUISE) Oct. 10, 11 A. M. S. 8. CINCINNATI, Nov. 2, 11 A..M. S. 8. MOLTKE ...Nov. 12, 11 A.M. 6. 8. CINCINNATI, Iec. 10, 11 A.M. S. S. HAMBURG, Jan 11, 11 A. M. twill have accommodations for limited number of passengers to MADEIRA, GIBRALTAR and VII.I.KFRANCHE (Riviera). I Will not call at Madeira. Will call at Algiers. THE OWORLD TWO IDEAL CRUISES AROUND! excuons and SIDE TRIPS IS DAYS IN JAPAN 18 DATS IN INDIA From New York From San Francisco OCT. 10, 1912. ' FEB. 6, 1013. feS. S. CLEVELAND 'toSJ DURATION OF EACH CBU1SB 110 DAYS I fTr'A anrtl Including sll neces- , i Ttflll eary expense aboard yuu V up. I and ashore, railway. hotel, shore excursions, carriages. guides, rees, etc. aibo i moes . tne unent, mo yi xuuica, iwj a.nH F.evDt. etc Writ for hooklet of any cruise. Hamburg-American Line 180 Powell at., San- Francisco, CaL; O . -W. R. & N. C t. , Nor. Pacific, ttt & R. G. R. R-. Burlington Route. , Milwaukee & Pug;t Sound R. R., i Great Northern Railway Co., Dorsey , B- smitn, o izm at., rori land. Ore son. Copyright1 191?. U