1912. 16 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 5, FARMS WANTED. WANTED To rent a dalrx tarm. OreKoniali. FOB B ALE. Hocsm. chicle Etc. HOUSES AND WAGO.NS FOR SALE. We hrv several sood farm nor... lor al. cheap alsd 3 m laundry om; our own make: several exprea. and de livery ODi Hawinomo E table, i-u niwmuiuB .... THE WOODBURN Firmerl' Annual Fall Horn Sa.e will be held at RatcliKe harna. Vooaburn, Or., Saturday. October 6. IViJ. with a bunch of youni horaej M' took entered for sale. I. M. Ratclitfe. manager ana .unmncw TWO good team! of horses, weight 2500 lbs. eaeh. team irom cmi ........-. lust through hauling wheat, and good mare and colt; have no more use lor them. Sou -N. iota at. WANTED To exchange good lot or lota in Houth Portland for 1 or 2 spans workhorses; value of lots 3j0 to JiOUU. D. I- -Q-i ..J J mm FOR SALE Pair of mules, SuOu lbs.. and t years old; 1 bay horse. 1350. S jeara old. o4ij Albina ave. . ."t-c-t ii.iivwi horsfi for .rocery must be cheap. 6SX Union ave. N. Phone FOR SALE 1 rubber-tired top buggy; 1 rubber-tired surrey In first-class shape; a bargain 510 Kerby st. HORSE and wagon; suitable for bakery and grocery business. Dto juaan at.. 75 New. light double-sealed wagon and harness, value flM. Woodlawn U30. I'ian.m, organs and Mmkal Instrument.. FIVE SLIGHTLY USED PIANO SACRI FICED. LEAVING. THE CITY. 718 EAST DAVIS ST- 1-H'. n. -1 Q" GOOD as new, beautiful Hinze uprignt. $100. Leave October lu. AH 449. Oregonian FIXE Schubert piano for sale cheap. 487 Taylor st., near 14th. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why bur m new cheap ear when you can secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee thero. Different makes and models, al. traded In on new White gas cara. We also offer several second-hand trucks. Write White Car Agency, tl at. a, at Madison. 1911 KNOX 11)11 . Knox 1011 model, five or seven-pass., fore door, fully equipped, new tires and demountable rtms. Must have money at once; will sacrifice; no reasonable offer refused. G KEG OX AUTO EXCHANGE, 4iS-4f3 Alder St. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE. 531 Alder. ' We want more smaii ears, runabouts and roadsters. We are cleaned completely out tne past week. We have several 4. 5 and 7-pass, cars and if you would prefer a trade we have them, or will pay cash. Bring them along. 631 Alder. BARGAINS IN SL.10HT.Uy USED ' CARS. We have a few snaps In siigatly used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex change: all cars fully guaranteed. ta.J or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO A BUGGT CO.. . Fnones: East I42L B 134. 36:-S71 Hawthorne Av. 1912 CHALMERS 1912. Will sacrifice 1912 Chalmers, five-pass.. 6-h. p., eelf starting, fully equipped, this car Is as good as new. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 403-495 Alder St. - OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUS1V j5 ijEaLEKS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 492-49 3 Alder Street. Main 1161. A 4S37 At'TO OWNERS, ATTENTION. $24u0 equity in 7-room bungaiow to trade for auto; must be good. AO 428, Oregonian. MY 1910 Chalmers roadster. Just overhaule-L Reason fur selling, leaving the city, price $.75; terms, but no trade. Thompson Main 4.5. itnii BTICK runabout, run 1600 miUs. car ries factory guarantee for three months. Looks like new. $700 takes U. terms. Call WHITE 5-pa5senger touring-car. 1911 model, good as new, at a, sacrifice; will accept a mortgage or your personal note, with Small pMtllcin. uuwii. ntu FOR SALk litU fc-M-F ft -passenger, fore door touring car In Al condition; run leas than iO00 miles. L- H. Hoffman. 76 1 rvi n g st. - GARFORD "40. new, seven-passenger, foredoor body. Wilt sell at bait price; snap, aj 4-3. uregonian W ILL sell niv 5-passenger Ford, very cheap In eood condition: will consider good trad-. Call Main 5129. Archer. FOR RENT 2-story concrete building 50x 7u. rnonc a Dogs. Birds. I'et Stocn. run, &iL.c-. rigeons. red and splashed Belgium Car. neaux; heavy squab breeders. healthy birds. On account of having to have more room, compelled to sacrifice some of my breeders. Phone East 404. WANT to buy trained young pointer. AO 431. Oregonian. SACRIFICE sale of Wrhlte Orpington chickens. Phone C 2140. 1084 Broadway. Furniture forBaie- MUST sell immediately the new furniture of a 6 -room cottage; 1 room rented pays tent. Inquire at 43 E. 11th St.. near Fine ?t. MUST wll 5 rooms of swell new furniture at your price; leave city Monday. 3621 63d at. S. E. Laurelwood Station, ML Scott. LEAVING city, will sell all or part of furniture of a three-room apartment in fine condition; as good as new, apart ment rented. Phone Marshall 1524. SX KP $-100. furniture of 8-room house; must be sold Monday: owner leaving the city: house for rent. 35 E. 53d st. N. &p Furniture complete. $80; rent $10; 1 block from school. 4910 E. 62d st. ML Scott car. MUST leave city; bargain: rooms furni ture; near S. P. shops; better investigate today. 833 Milwaukee st. FIRST-CLASS furniture of 2 -room apart ment cheap. Call at once. Manager Over- 1 on A pt s. BARGAIN Furniture of 7 -room flat. $200. 410 Park st. CHEAP furniture, range and heater. Call at nnce. 1125 E. Taylor fit. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. 1 15x20 vertical self-containing engine, balance valve, 1 AUis carriage, four 52-inch steel off set blocks with friction receding works and track. , . , 1 single circular husk with steel guide snd larce collar. 3 .v-inch Simonds Inserted tooth saws. ' 2 Trains live rolls with reverse drive. 1 ti0x4 edger with 5 Simonds inserted tooth saws. 1 .louble 60-Inch exhaust fan. also nu merous boxes and pulleys. 1 10x16 Filer A Stowell twin feed with shivts and cable 1 12x20 Filer Stowell twin feed. INQUIRE OF ROBINSON MFG. CO.. Everett. Wash. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower. ftoo-vo't Crocker Wheeier motor, complete with standard bade starter, no voltage release and 75 ainpere overload I-T-E circuit breaker; in Al condition. Address room ScuS. Ors gonlsn bidg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 560-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with Held rneostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Ad drs room 203. Oregonian bldg. 1 HAVE red clover seed which is warrant ed to he first-class and will sell the same In such quantities as the purchaser may desire. D. C. Howard, cars A. C Wood cock. Eugene. Or. 11ARLEY-PAVIDSON. 4-h.p. 1911 model motorcycle and tandem and carrying attachment- fine condition; price $120. Call Alain H.W or IV paviuimiio n.p. A REAL bargain. 20 minutes' ride on Wood stock car; nearly new cottage; must be sold; owner leaving city; $ltfott. S 431. ortgsnian. SAFES Special bargain second-hand fire and burglar-proof ; safes opened and re paired. Purcell Sale Co.. and Portland Sate Co.. 83 5th st. Phone Main 6309. A MASTERPIECE of art. 3V by 6 feet; would trade for diamond. 43 E. 11th st.. near Pine. A FIliST-CLASS commercial launch at one third value; capacity 7 tons and 24 people. 102il Chamber Commerce. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $1 ie Xi3 The Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark St. VOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' equipment. Railway Equipment Co.. ?4 1st. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B Htiloy Desk Co. 21 Seventh st. Main Sot. FOTATO-DIGGER, worth $100. would sell for .u. joim LUtr, ... x. m . V1LL sacrifice S -karat perfect diamond FOR SALE Perfect white diamond. 1 karat; a bargain. AS 33, Oregoniaa. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FURNISHING houses on the installment plan is a specialty with us. although we sell single pieces on easy payments; also we have a good assortment of new and extra fine second-hand furniture and car pets. Free delivery to any part of the city, with our own team and our own men. Open Saturday evenings until 9. Here are a few of the many bargains that are specially priced for a few days: Four fcurner Jewel gas ranges, $7.50; Cooker Chief gas range. S3: small-size steel range. $13.50; large-size steel ranges, $17.00 to $0, all standard makes; hotel dressers. $5; full-size dressers, hardwood. -$7.o0 and up; chiffoniers with plate mirrors. $S.0 to $12; iron beds, any size. $1.50 and up; roll-top desk, drawers down one side. $11.50: two large roll-top desks, $25; mis sion dining-room set. buffet, six chairs and round or square table, for $30; heat ing stoves of all kinds, $1 to $15: black chase leather couch, nearly new. for $12.50; other couches, $2.oO to $5; all kinds of room-size rugs and carpets. $0 to $15 and lots of other bargains, w estera Salvage Co.. M5-o47 Wash., bet. 16th and 37th sts. Both phones. FOR SALE. One 125-TOlt. direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat, am -meter and circuit-breaker. This machine t in good repair. Address room 203, Oregonian DiQg. OAK DESK and chair for sale cheap. 323 Mohawk bldg. Tabor 2020. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. AND TOOLS. Highest price paid for ladles and men is cast 3ft clothing, shoes, furniture, hard ware and bicycles; if you want to be sure to get the full price for your goods call up MaID 20S0 and you will surely get U- The Globe Store. 290 First St. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRICB For furniture, stoves, ranges, carpets and all kinds of hardware, farmers', mechan ics and loggers" tools. 221-5 Front st Phone Main 9072. - WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Beater & Martin. Phone East 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. HIGHEST cash price paid ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and old gold and silver. Rosgnblum. Marshall 374. ( PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE We buy,, sell and exchange clothing, shoes. etc. p TOnl St. .jaain o-ij. WILL buy any kind of hair combings at the aanuary Beamy r-Q' . WANTED 3C to 40 -horsepower fire box Doner. pnone. juara.-mn j.oi . WILL tint room $2.50 up; do painting at WILL pay cash for restaurant counters; must be cheap. AN 423. Oregonian. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 244. HELP W ANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership, 1 will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary-7-If you pay $5 for employment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for nine months ending Sept. 30. Call for men l Positions filled 1316 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See Secretary Employment Department Y. M. C. A- SALESMEN, etoek and bond salesmen or real estate salesmen will find the very best selling proposition in Portland; un usually liberal commission, a strong prop osition, unlimited field and quick sales get in now in the beginning. Call morn ings. . 503 Corbett bldg. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U- S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and Si. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medicaj attendance free. After 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Services on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Third and Wash. sts.. and 13 H Third ave., Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN WANTED to sell our homes in all parts of the city on easy payment plan, and close-in re stricted residence lots on both the East and West Sides; we furnish some pros pects and help you close sales; liberal commissions; ask for sales manager. Provident Trust Co., 2lS Selling bldg. SALESMEN Now is a good time to sell fruit trees, shrubbery and rose bushes for Fall planting; liberal terms; good ter ritory; previous experience not necessary: average man should make from 25 to $50 weekly; must be steady and reliable. Call or address Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or. SALESMEN We have a first-class proposi tion to make to the right kind of man. Including an exceptional commission outer. We have a year's work ahead of us. If you are a live man. call between 10 and 11 A. M., and ask for Mr. Strlckland. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 272 Stark st. SALESMEN One of our salesmen made $147 commission last week: others earned from J25 weeklv up. If this income looks good to you. write us today. Several ex cellent fields open if taken Immediately Washington Nursery Company. Toppenish. Wash. . STOCK salesman wanted to handle small blocks of stock In small corporation earn ing good money now; can guarantee stock holders 1 per cent monthly. This is legiti mate and will bear closest Investigation. 317 Abington bldg PUBLIC accountant will train a bookkeeper of good ability for higher position; those seeking promotion taken; new service and a success-winner. Write for information. P 435. Oregonian. MAX and wife wanted, capable of taking management and running small hotel in Central Oregon; write at once giving ref erences as to character: state wages ex pected. A -id re sa Hotel Culver. Culver. Or. WANTED Boys for special delivery work; must be over 16 years of age; permanent positions, chance for advancement. Apply superintendent Lfpman, Wolfe & Co., 7th floor, 8:30 to lO A. M. BOY to learn hardware business; start as delivery boy. etc. Write, giving age, ad dress and phono number. N 421, Ore gonlan. MAN withvgood appearance to represent lo cal firm; must be a business getter. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M.. 502 Marquam bldg. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer to work one hour a day. Good opportunity for man alreadv employed to increase Income. Apply Sll Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED Two young men of neat appear ance: experience not necessary. Call 344 Williams ave. MAN who thoroughly understands raising and handling of poultry on large scale. Applv N. E. corner 1st and Ankeny sts. INTELLIGENT, neatly dressed man to dem onstrate and solicit: small salary guaran. teed. 401 Northwest bldg. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, com mission, contracts cashed. Benedictine Press. 263 Madison. MARRIED couple can get rent of apartment for doing janitor work in a small apartment-house, phone E. 2S22- L1PMAN. WOLFE & CO. require first-clasn coatmakers. Apply superintendent, 7th floor. 8:30 to 10 A- M. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUS HELM AN AT ONCE. APPLY POLITZ. 285 MOR RISON. WANTED Boy to learn manufacturing business; write letter stating education and give references. R 419. Oregonian. BOY for circular work, to traveL Call be tween 3 and 4 today. Room 10, Hotel Dixie, 233 Aider st. SHOW CARD writer, for commercial work. Lee. 217 Seneca st.. Seattle. BOYS wanted, with wheels, for light deliv ery fforK. Appiy a- latmjii mi. WANT man to work few hours daily In restaurant for board: 267 Couch st. BERBER wanted for Saturday. Browning's Baths. 146 1st sL BOYS 14 years old, willing to work and de liver packages. Portland Emporium. 126 6th WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands. R- M. Gray, 4th and Morrison. WANTED 4 single men for sawmill. 609 Commercial bldg. WOODTURNER wanted. Washington Mat tress Company. Seattle. Washington. WANTED Boy about 17 years of age. Mt Hood factory, 2d and Couch sts. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 2U6 First st. ; 4 guaranteed. MAN have basement room for tending fur nace mornings and evenings. 2o5 6th. BARBER, wanted; steady job. 251 Couch st. 11ETLI WANTED MALTS. WANTED TIMBER FALLER8. BTTCKER3, SWAMPERS, TEAMSTERS, COMMON LABORERS. MEN FOR RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK, GOOD WAGES. FOR M'CLOUD RIVER LUMBER COM PANY, M' CLOUD. CAL- FOR TRANS PORTATION AND FULL PARTICULARS SEE PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY,-" 222 AND 224 COUCH ST.. BET. 1ST AND 2D. PHOTO coupon agents, something new, s n i TL's.hlnvtnfi. nap. Jamu onmm, tw PHOTO coupon; best ever offered: snap for agents. Cuthbcrt Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced reporter. Morning Astorian. Astoria. WANTED Experienced auto polisher and give references. AF 503. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOB TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH- OUT EXPERIENCE ; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COB, $TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. MAN and wife (janitors), $50, room and board; hotel cook, $50; carver In cafeteria. $35 and lunch; second girl. $30. city, ref erences; housekeeper, 2 men. $20. Han sen's Employment Office, 345 y Washing ton st., room 7. WANTED High school girl for small fam ily; must be neat and understand house work; good home to right party. 630 E. zlst St., cor. Taggart st. "WW" or "WR" car. Marshall o9uii; Sunday call Sellwood 805. PUBLIC accountant will train a mature - lady for bookkeeping and accounting posi tion; must have references. Apply in dfwn handwriting , for particulars; good open- iTlg' F' 43di' Oregonian. WANTED at once, neat and respectable girt or widow woman who would go home nights for light housework; small family; $3u per month. Call at 297 Glenn ave. South, near Hawthorne. WANTED Competent girl to accompany family to Lewiston, Idaho, for Winter; $35; must be good cook; heavy laundry put out. Call between 10 and 2. 879 N. 31st st. Take 'W" car. WANTED High school girl for small fam ily; must be neat and understand house work; East Side student preferred. P. O. Box 417. 350 E. 47th North, corner of Broadway. Rose City Park car. THE Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central bldg., receives daily calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general homework, cooks, second work and nurse maids. WANTED Middle-aged woman to take care of baoy and light house duties; good home for right party. Appiy 160tf Jordan St., Unlversity Park. Take St. Johns Jar. MODfiLS WANTED Male and female, for costume and life classes. Apply person ally. Museum of Art, 5th and Taylor, between 9 and 6. WANTEL Man or woman piano player for picture show; must be good; call after 7 P. M. at the Laurel Theater. 12 E. 2th st. N. WANTED Woman to do general house work in small rooming-house; wages $5 per week, with room and board. 326 xh Stark st. 1'OL'NG lady of neat appearance to do spe , cial work; must be able to do collecting; salary. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M., 502 Marquam bldg GOOD girl for general housework; must un derstand plain cooking. Call after 10 o'clock. 170 N. 22d st. FOUR girls that sing and dance; long en gagement. Call this morning. -Room 2 Pantages Theater Bldg. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 70 Washington st. near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Phone Main 6576 or call 746 Pettigrove. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Woman to assist with house work, small family. West Side, wages $20. Main 8722 EXPERIENCED cook In small family. Ap ply 769 Northrup sL, between 23d and 24th sts. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework, where second girl is employed. 280 14tn sL ' YOUNG lady as cashier in moving picture show; one living on the East Side pre ferred. Apply 133 Grand ave. COMPETENT girl wanted for cook and gen. eral housework; wages $30. Apply 690 East Couch st. . GIRL for general housework; two in fam ily: call afternoons. 1124 Franklin St., Willamette neignis. WANTED Experienced marker and dlatrlo uter. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand ave, and East Yamhill. WANTED A lady marker at the Seaside Laundry. Address Seaside Laundry, Sea side, or. 1 A tot-IN a LAUliM AW&it-x, 845 H Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs Phone Main 2692. GIRL for general housework, two in family. 787 Lovejoy. COAT finishers at once. Call Mrs. Ditch Dura, uo rzl It . GIRL for general housework and cooking; mil family. 595 Marshall st. WANTED Nurse girl to take care of two children. E. 6245. C 2510. EXPERIENCED hair-dresser, hair worker, manicure. Rosenthal Sisters. 110 7th st. GIRL for housework; good home and wages. 748 E- Burnside. East 2726. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. oOl Hi. lay tor, vorucr ui jutn. GIRL for general housework. Apply S16 Johnson. WANTED Apprentice In beauty parlor. -613 Itothchild bldg. 4th and Washington. GIRL for general housework in family of 5 adults. Tel. East 36a. GIRL for general housework. Call 267 3d. Phone Main 1495- C 2323. YOUNG girl for general housework. 702 Northrup. CAPABLE family second-girl ; wages $30. St. Louis Agency. Main 20.19. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washincr. East 245, C 2510. WAITRESS WANTED. East 876. Union ave. The Waldorf. CHAMBERMAID wanted at The Heilix Ho tel. Second and Yamhill sts. GIRL wanted; chambermaid. Apply at 50 North 3d st. GIRL for general housework and help care for children in suburb. Tabor 1066. WOMEN to demonstrate furniture polish ; na Phni Woodlawn 2247. g. ULUA WANTED Finishers on gowns; also ap- prentlce. 421 jsroaaway. WANTED Clerk for confectionery and lunchroom. Columbia 248- A FEW demonstrators for outside work: a fine opening for one who wishes steady employment, ak vicbw". LADY casWer for restaurant; must come well recommenucu- At w tfe"""1" YOUNG woman to assist in housework; wages s.u. Marsoau ' GIRL for general housework; three in fam ily. CUU 1 nompaun. '"S" NEAT woman housekeeper, widower's fam ily, country. gt. mm as"'w. jiaui .v WANTED A lady 5465- Phone East fiTRL for general housework, no washing, good wages. 899 Eavler st. . Main 3137. NEAT young girl general housework; no w ash ing. Main 7S20. 53 North King St. MUSIC lessons given for assistance In housework daily. O 449. Orfgonlan. LADY barber wanted. 321 Burnside. KELP W ANTE P 3tl SCELLAN E OUS. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Shorthand. typewriting. bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4258. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; free booklet tella how. Unltea tress oyumm-io- o.u auvwv. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 610 Swetland bldg. M- 4835. PUBLIC accountant teaches modern meth ods accounting. Williams. SOS C. of C. IndivTdual Instruction. 611 Wilcox bldg SHORTHAND typewriting school. 269 14th L Main 3S93. Expert Instruction $5 mo. HELP WANTED MlSCELLANFOrS. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special Inducements: per centage paid while learning: tools free; expert inirtruators; IT years in the busi ness; 37 schools; a lifetime membership given to each student. Moier Barber Col lege S5 N. 4th St.. Portland. Or. WE teach you a trade In few months' time; pay wages after second month. Electricity, automobiles plumbing, bricklaying. 100 satisfied workmen today, 40 jobs going. ' Catalogue free. United Trade School Con tracting Co., Los Angeles. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. LLARN MOVING-PICTURE OPERATING Easy Inside work.; short hours; $25 to $40 weekly salary. - Call today. Lessons reasonable. 526 V4 Washington, near 17th. MILLINERY SCHOOL Is now open. Come in at once, ladies, and have your hats made over; reasonable. 306 Qoodnougu bldg. . RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now, ex cellent salaries ajid promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific States School. McKay bldg.. city. WANTED Men to learn watchmaking and engraving; few months learning; positions guaranteed graduates. Write Watchmak ing School, 210 Globs bldg.. Portland. Or. COLLEGE graduate wishes work tutoring pupils In grammar grade or high school subjects and oil or water color painting. Phone Woodlawn 16S3. E. B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE thoroughly and quickly prepares for good positions guaranteed. 630 Worcester block. Marshall 2751. BIDS WANTED. On general contract of frame building; bids close Saturday, 5 P. M. 306 Couch bldg.. after 1 P. M. Friday. MEN. TAKE NOTICE. Learn auto driving and repairing, posi tions guaranteed; first-class graduates. 105 4th st. MEN and women. Government positions; $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3408, Rochester, N. jr. ; INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools; headquarters 152 3d at. (near Morrison). Open evenings. Personal assistance given students. Fhone Main 4048. ;-CHAIR barbershop for sale cheap; clears $35 to $50 weekly. Write postoffice box 296, Independence, Or. PERFECTION sr.nool of dressmaking, draft ing and cutting. Suite 316 Fliednsr b.dg.. 10th and Wash. Phones Main h4U4. A 4116. WANTED Picture play writers; Dig pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Association. San Francisco. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. BY A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED LUMBER BOOKKEEPER, AT PRESENT EMPLOYED, BUT DESIRE TO LOCATE IN PORTLAND, WITH ESTABLISHED LUMBER COMPANY; HAVE 8 YEARS' MILL AND GENERAL OFFICE EXPE RIENCE; AGE S4 AND MARRIED. AD DRESS P. O. BOX 244. HOQUIAM. WASH. YOUNG man desires position as stenograph er; has fair knowledge of bookkeeping and is rapid and accurate with adding machine; has had two years' banking ex perience. AD 423, Oregonian. YOUNG man, now employed, wishing to better his condition wishes position in office of reliable concern. Can handle collection, correspondence and operate a typewriter. AR 437, Oregonian. GENERAL OFFICE man and bookkeeper, 10 years' experience R. R. headquarters, mid'Jle-aged, wants office position, Al references. AC 426. Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments, install systems. GlUlngnam. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man. bookkeeper, speaks, reads and writes German and French, wants posi tion in store or office; good references. R 424, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS billing clerk desires a po sition where hard work and efficiency are appreciated; best of references; nothing under $'30 considered. E 425, Oregonian. AN experienced bookkeeper and typist de sires position where his efforts will be appreciated. AC 430. Oregon fa n. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 10 years' ex perience, wants steady position. Excel lent references. AH 438, Oregonian. YOUNG man stenographer, beginner, desires position ; has had office experience. H 432. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced competent book keeper desires engagement. J 408, Ore gonian. LAW student wants position as secretary; can keep books and operate typewriter. E 353. Oregonian. WANTED Job for man and wife as cook and overseer in country hotel or lodging house, or cook In camp. 471 Alder. BOOKKEEPER, employed at presentr would like small set of books to keep, evenings. AO 427. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CHAUFFEUR, married, 7 years' experience, most alt makes of cars; driving private at present, but wish to change; well ac quainted with city and surrounding coun try; do own repairing; best of reference. B 472, Oregonian. .. POSITION as salesman for Portland and Willamette Valley towns; salary and com mission oasis; have ten ' years' road ex perience am reliable and competent. N 420, Oregonian. YOUNG man and wife of refined habits, would like work in hotel: man as janitor or clerk, wife as chambermaid. AM 423, Oregonian. PILEDRIVER, bridge foreman, will be open for engagement about Oct. 10. Prefer permanent or long job with good company, R. R. work; good references. AV 249, Ore gonian. YOUNG married man wishes any kind of a position whereby he can earn fair liv ing; references. H. Stevenson, 189 13th st. Phone Marshall 4772. AUTOMOBILE repair man or truck driver, new employed, wishes automobile position; 7 years all-around experience with auto mobiles. P. O. box 292, PortlandJ YOUNG man, with several years' experience in automobile work, wants position in gar age or mach ine shop ; is married and sober. J. ft. 23i etn st. HONEST, sober, elderly man, clean and reliable, wants place as choreman In a sma 1 1 h otel or on ra nch, for board and room. N 419, Oregonian. MAN and wife, without children, want po sition on ranch; can furnish references. AS 436, Oregonian. WANTED Bv experienced groceryman, work in store, S years" experience. 462S 67th S. E. - JAPANESE, middle-aged, good cook, wishes position, cltv or country; excellent refer ences. 107 N. Park 6U George Yama. E M PLOTM EXT by middle-aged, reliable man to tend furnace or general house work. AD 427, Oregonian. CHINESE schoolboy desires employment, school hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. AD 430. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with two years experience as barber wants position as apprentice, Ralph Strauss, 21 11th and Burnsidejsts: WANTED Job driving auto or delivery or work in machine shop. AD 429, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS all-round carpenter foreman. una era va ihjb put 1.1.1 m Crete: just from East. AR 419. Oregonian JAPANESE, good cook, wants position in family: any other kind of work. AN 424, Oregonian JAPANESE young man wants a position In a lewelry store, boy, silver polishing; have tt yeara experience j. cm. POSITION wanted as fireman or janitor; an experienced man. Harry White, Salem House. WANTED To do some work In exchange for a good living-room. S 433, Orego nian. . PORTLAND Waiters' Club First-class wait ers furnished. 148 hi Fifth St. G. C. Geraid. Mgr. Marshall 791 or A 4910. SPECIALTY salesman wishes to represent local or Eastern house In Portland and vicinity. AS 434. Oregonian. YOUNG man, age 17. wishes position in shoe Btore; can give good recommendation. AL, .V2V Oregonian I CAN write advertising jingles, song-lyrics, pamphlets, folders; best experience and reierences. ax- ivi, cbvu'o" MOST experienced Jap cook wants a posi tion; hotel or restaurant. AP 403, Orego nian. - MANY experienced Japanese boy wants posi tion for apartment-house. AP 408, Ore- gonian " YOUNG man, 26. sober reliable, 2 years hotel clerk, wants position; references. AC 425. Oregonian. WANTED Position by first-class chef and helper; references; will leave city. W 434, Oregonian. WANTED Situation as relief for moving picture operator. Archie Smith, phone Main 2497 WANTED By young man. position In con fectionery store; experienced. AH 454 Oregonian. WANTED Team work of all kinds. Car 4S4 E. Stark st. JAPANESE wishes position In family. AO 432, Oregon!anJ POSITION Experienced chauffeur, who will do housework. F 473. Oregonian. JAPANESE porter wants position to work at nlgnt. rnone jqa: j-.-m JAPANESE boy wa1s any kind of Job. R 430, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE. M iscellaneous. YOUNG man, married, desires position in or out of city, eight years experience, three as buyer and manager of grocery, some experience in general merchandise; can give references as to character and ability: anything considered In mercantile or clerical position. AD 421. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 34 vears of age. desires posi tion as city salesman or collector for es tablished concern; experienced and well known; best references. Adaress C. P. O. Box 1136, Portland, Or. C. G. SHEPPARD. 436 E. 15th N. Phone East 6080. Contractor and builder; esti mates cn repair jobs, painting, papering and tinting, as well as building your new house; best of reference. WANTED Position by nrst-class all-around cook, country hotel preferred; best of ref erences. W 433. Oregonian. POSITION as watchman or janitor work; experienced. Phone woofllawn 1394. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG woman from East, experienced In lumber,' desires position as bookkeeper or stenographer in that line; good at figures. AT 547, Oregonian. . STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires po sition where close application to work is appreciated. E 429. Oregonian. ' YOUNG lady desires position stenographer and assistant bookkeeper; references. Main 3903. COMPETENT bookkeeper, 6 years' experi ence, desires position; reasonable salary. 1 aoor ava. SITUATION by experienced young lady as bookkeeper and cashier. References. Main 721. TYPEWRITING by day or hour; short stories or continued stories a specialty. R 432, Oregonian. NUMBER one bookkeeper desire position, city references. East 1872. Dressmakers. FASHIONABLE dressmaklng. reasonable at shop or day. 402 Buchanan bldg. Mar shall 24S0. . MRS. M. REYNOLDS Dresmaking. 514 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. DRESSMAKING and alteration by the day or at home. Phone Marshall 2459. . LADY wishes to do plain sewing at home reasonable. i Vancouver avs. $2 FOR outing flannel gowns; best mater- t1. rr 'TiV.nna 'Cast' lflin DRESSMAKING by day or at home. Call East 4093. S00 Freemont at. Housekeepers. BOHEMIAN woman, with boy 4, desires housekeeping. St. Louis Agency, Main 2039. WOMAN with experience would like place as housekeeper in rooming-house. Call at 482 Wash. st. POSITION as housekeeper. Call or write. Mrs. Mary Dean, 1180 East 33d st. N. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases; wages rea sonable. Phone Sellwood 74SK GOOD practical nuree, doctor's reference. Main 6937. POSITION by nurse of 12 years' experience, anything taken. Main 3279. Domestics. COMPETENT cook desires position In a private family; only kitchen work; wages $45. Phone C 3182 or by letter. M. A. 762 Montana ave. Miscellaneous. A REFINED, neat, capable girl would like position In general office work, doctor or dentist's office; stenographic work or any position of responsibility ; can give best reierences. a ono, wr-unin. RELIABLE experienced girl wishes gen eral housework; state wages. O 452, Oro gonlan. ' BY a middle-aged lady (German), a place for general housework. Good cook. Ad dress 794 Grand ave. N-, City. EXPERIENCED woman wants work totday, Mondav, Tuesday, Wednesday. East 2239, B lL'29. - 3 GIRLS want work, one cook, one second work and other general housework. 607 Pettygrove st. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes private exchange; references. X 411, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman, care aged, invalid, keep house. Main 2039, A 44 10. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes position In private family; board and room. Woodlawn 8116. WANTED Upstairs work and sewing, by experienced woman. Main 5548. 571 Petty- grovc. JAPANESE young lady wants position as t.A,..Q-rlr nn fnilrln Ct 4r1 Oreflmnlan. LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun- J J n .,n Ku arnortn Tohnr HI 7 FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Fri day and Saturday, vv ooaiawn ioii. EXPERIENCED eirl desires cooking, board- ( Vtn,i.A In.tltntlnn Mntn 2nRfl. A 4775. SCHOOL girl wants place to work after --.1 I T TV.na "V ntn TTI O BCOI'Ul 111) U I P. jrmj.iQ YOUNG lady desires copying work, evenings; will call. G 427, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agents. Sarome Studio. 346 y, Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent, 6 or 6-room modern, well furnished cottage or bungalow, in first-class residential district. W 431, O.-egonian. WANTED Newly furnished cottage or bun galow; no children; references. AX 528, O regon Ian. WE can rent your place for you. Watson & Therkelsen Co., 305-308 Spalding bldg. M. 7592. . A MODERN 5-room bungalow or flat, fam ily of two. AB 406, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished bungalow; Mt. Tabor preferred; 2 adults. Marshall 2255. Rooms. rr'T1.eman wants room, walking dis tance; phone, heat and bath; please state price. B 473, oregonian. Rooms With Board, YOUNG man wants board and room in Christian Science family; prefer within walking distance Wilcox bldg. Advise lo cation H-IIO. prUC. I'-'J, vn6tfuiaii. YOUNG ladies, with baby one year old, would like room and board In quiet, re- .nn.Mt,i. amili- AO JUT Crftrrn i n n WANTED Home for a m-months-old boy. Apply Kline, 630 5th st. - FOB BENT Furnished Booms. THE CHESTERBURY. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL AND APARTMENTS. Fireproof building, all modern conven iences, first-class dining service. Corner 20th and Kearney sts., one block from Depot and Morrison car. E. M. Bo we, proprietress. Marshall 784. A 4458. HOTEL RAINIER. One block from Union Depot. 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences. Making special rates to permanent guests. F.aies from $10 per month up. Give us a call and you will be more than pleased. I2S N. 6th bt HOTEL LA SALLJ3. 10th and Burnside sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones in each room: special rates by the month. Phone Marshall 4049. , HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13th St., at Wash. Rooms with detached bath $3. 50 to $5 per week; rooms with private bath. $22.50 to $27.50 per month; a first-class residen tial hotel under the personal management of the owner. J. W. Bushong. HOTEL SAVON. - 131 Eleventh StreeL New, modern brick building: steam , heated private baths, hot and cold water In rooms- beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us Regular and transient tiade solicited. THE KING. 309 Jefferson Nicely furnished rooms; cheapest and best in -city; close to business center; $2.50 week up. Take 5th st. car from Union DepoL THE WEAVER. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. Splendidly furnished outside rooms; ex cellent table. 710 Washington. Main 8651. HOTEL FORD Strictly modern, private phones In all rooms. 733 Washington st. cor. Locretla. near entrance to City Park. Phone Main 623. HOTEL JOYCE, 270 4th St.. opp. City Hall; newly furnished rooms, hot and col J water, steam heat, free bath, both phones, rates reasonable. THE LARRABEE. 227H Larrabee Rooms $2 and up; brick bldg., steam neat. hct. cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. 6th and Main. CLICK IT AT, East First and Holladay, near new Steel bridge, new, well furnish el, plenty hot water; $3 per week up. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11TH ST. New, strictly modern, private baths and suites; rooms, $3.50 per week up. M. 9472 FURNISHED rooms, reasonable; close to medical school; suitable for students. 708 Everett st., 2 blocks Wash. FOlt KENT. FurnUbed Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL Under new management 625 Washington SL Large lobby, finished In mahogany, til and marble; ladies' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms all night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all room, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, whrre tvery effort i made for the contort and convenience of its guests; rents he most reasonable 'in the city; rooms by the day, week or montlu Look this over before locating. Take "W car at depot, get off at 19th and Washington. ALDER HOTEL, 4th and Alder sta, New reinforced concrete building, under new management. Why not have a room right down townf They are well fur nished, right In the business center of the city. All have hot and cold water, xx-any with baths, and all other modern convenlencea prices most reasonable by month, wtsk or day. Investigate before locating. Any car from depots pass with ln one block of boteL THE ARTHUR HOTSl Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill ta A residential hotel where guests' company are entertained only inthe par lor. Elegant furnishings and fixtures with every modern convenience and com fort found In any hotel In the city: all outside rooms; tile baths, six-foot piate dressing mirror In every room, beautiful lobby anl parlor: don't fail to Inspect the Arthur before locating In Portland; rates per month, $20 with detached bath; $25 with private bath; suites $45; do extra charges. THE GARLAND HOTEL Cor. Washington and Trinity Place ; tBet. 19th and 20th sts.) A NEW, HOME-LIKE PLACE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE. Under new management. A strictly modern, up-to-date house, beautifully furnished; all outside rooms; prices very reasonable HOTEL LENOX Corner Third and Main Sta. Thoroughly n odcrn and clean, ana con ducted as a flrst-cjass hotel, under the personal supervision of the owners. SP" cial rates by the week or month to de sirable, parties. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND On Fourth sL, running from Salmon to Taylor ats. In the heart of the city. Brand new brick with all modem conveni ences, offering special rates to permanent guests. Rooms from $8 50 per week up. Tourist trade solicited. Give us a call and you will look no further. HOTEL SAN MARCO, 422H WASHINGTON ST., COR. I1TH. Just renovated; beautifully furnished single and double rooms, private baths; $3 per week and up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; both phones. $1.25 A WEEK, with steam heat and free bath, Is cheap enough, isn't it? Large room. 2 beds, 4 young men; Just the right fit, or 3 of you at $1.50 each; come get it. 131 H 10th st., corner Alder. HOTEL CALUMET. 160 park st., very central, European and American plan; homelike service in dining, room at reasonable price; $1 European. $2 American. Special rates per week. VAN GORDER HOTEL ICBVi Twelfth St- Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, bot and cold water, free phone In every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. HOTEL. RENWlCK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hot si, opposite Heillg Theater. Main U16. TUf .TXir,TTl.1. Large, pleasant front room; easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; $2, $" 50 to $4 per week. S28 4th su Main GILMORE. 131H 10th st-, cor. Alder Clean, woll furnished, steam heat; respectable, quiet place; transient and permanent; plenty hot water; free baths; both phones. r i j... ..... .( n C a waaIt. 248 SALMON ST. Newly furnished rooms, strictly modern : rent reasonable. Furnished Rooms In Frivate Family. LARGE bay-window room; oak furniture, brass bed, hot water heat; $5 per week; 10 minutes' walk to Postofflce; phone, bath, private home. 4J4 Market. LOVELY parlor fireplace, closet. In new, modern home, also pleasant room for 1 or 2, board if desired:; every convenience; reasonable. 692 Everett. NICELY furnished room in modern house to lady employed. Privilege of getting own breakfast. Take S3 or Mt. Tabor car. 173 E. 20th st. Phone East 4672. LARGE front room and clean, like mother gave us, with phone, hath and heat; only a weea. na ibui p. iiicw5j. NEWLY furnished room, all modern conven iences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay, near lotn MODERN furnished room, light, heat, phone, bath, references, near carline; walking distance, west piue. rnwic axi. BEAUTIFUL, large room in a swell private home ; all modern conveniences; suitable for 2. 7i j nmiyrio. PLEASANT room, all conveniences, $8 per month to steady roomer or $10 for two gentlemen. 40U n. uavia at. $S MONTH Furnished sleeping room, housekeeping room $8; phone, bath, light, walkine distance. 427 Harrison. LARGE double room, private bath and sleeping porch, hot water heat, Portland tie ignis, ir-nvu- aioiin-i NICELY furnished room, suitable for two. In private home. 175 Ford at., near Wash ington FURNISHED rooms, $1.75 and $2.50 per week two If desired; bath, phone and heat. '226 12th! otttridE rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 29 14th South. Main 8693. NICELY furnished room; everything mod ern. 569 Flanders, near 18th st. Marshall 8677. ONE or two large, attractive front rooms, suit married couple. 655 Washington. SI'' LARGE, handsomely furnished room, r.ftft Belmont, near E 14th., SS car. TWO single rooms, hot and cold water. 211 lztn si- NICE room for one or two gentlemen, fur- nace neat. gva i"'-"1""- A SNAP Large front room, bath, phone, t- in tr un Marshall 910. S2 WEEKLY Nicely furnished ; bath and phone: good location. 305 12th. LARGE, well furnished room for two, use of piano, joi j-m.ii SLEEPING room for rent, opens into an open-air room. Phone C 2642. GOOD room for gentleman; close In; all convenience... jv 1.10. FURNISHED rooms. $12 and $15 a month. f 13 liiin. cr. aw- NICELY fupnished front rooms with board; reasonable price. 167 mth st. Rooms With Board. rr . r f - HT P I IT T T Select Family Hotel. Now under former management. Special rates to families; desirable rooms. riceiicui. - -- DOES a home appeal to you? THT3 WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda; quiet, close in. near far: 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. NICE furnished rooms with board suitable lor i ; raouui 11 -"'"-. , UULD T ----- PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room. 11 1 -kia trianrirra. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. 554 COUCH ST. ; well furnished outside rooms, steam heat, running water, good n,t Hiatnnrr.. reason a be. DOU.ru, '" THE CALVARD, 453 Morrison, cor. 13th. large well furniahed rooms; modern con ven iences. BFAUTIFULLY located private boarding house, large, sunny rooms, facirg park, first -class poaru. . - THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board; running water, gicam -- SINGLE and double rooms, cnolce table MANITOU. 261 13th st. Attractive, clean rnnm. steam heat, good board, close in. ROOMS and board. Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer- son. RAnmi. With Board in Private Family. LARGE room with or without board. 605 Irving su FIRST-CLASS room and board for 2 In private lamny. FURNISHED rooms with board. 320 11th st. A lbiO. MODERN room, with board. 204 N. 22d st D et w een - - - - - - .- ROOM and board $5.00 week. 605 6th su Main 8u4. GOOD room and board for one gentleman aiso romi""BL v. vv- 1. 241 N. 22d ST.. Main 2071 Well furnished rooms. fcxcriiem ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen. 54 N 16th St.. cor. Puvla. TI 1. 1, kn.. nrivata famllv p KU. 1 room wnni " - - two gentlemen. 574 Ladd ave. East 5145 ROOM, board, one or two gentlemen. 57 Ladd ave. Phone East 2333. LADY wishes to board a few more children in her home. Phone B 2810. FOR KENT Family. I suitable for I Rooms With Board in Private LARGE, pleasant front room. two persons, excellent board, in refined moaero oome; rurnace heat, best resi dence district; also young lady wishes room mate; special rates to young ladies employed ; West Side, walking distance. Phone Marshall 2438. TWO adjoining front rooms, elegantly fur nished. Breakfast and dinner as good as money can buy. In private family. We have the best to offer in the city. Price $30 per month. Phone Main 9031. EXCLUSIVE elegant home with every mod .ern convenience; nan accommodate rour young men with room and first-class board; references required. Phone E. 5604. n0iNnina A HOMELIKE place for 3 or 4 atrictly modern. 3 minutes' walk to new Lincoln High School : splendid rooms; excellent board, use of piano, reasonable; young man wants room-mate also. Main 6381. FURNISHED rooms, with excellent board, homelike, private family. East 13th and Taylor, only young people In house; gen tlemen preferred. For details phone Ease 6023. IN modern home; beautifully furnished, good board, with home comfort, reason able. 501 Harrison, near 14th. Main 6381. FURNISHED rooms, with private, bath, suitable for two or three young men. Irv ington; $7.50 per week. AH 436, Orego nian. NICE room, board or breakfast for one or two refined gontlemcn. private family. West Side, walking distance: nice home to suitable party. Marshall 4554. WANTED Children to board mother's care, within block of school. $10 per month. Mrs. Ben Eby, Oregon City. Or. WARM, pleasant room for married couple or two gentlemen, modern conveniences. Hol ' ladny Addition; references. C 1549. DO YOU enjoy good, wholesome cooking t Then enquire at 372 6th St., cor. Sixth and Montgomery. ROOM and board in modern bungalow, $5 week. Sellwood 870. 626 East 2Sth sL W-W car. LARGE single room, board, running water, modern conveniences, gentlemen. 291 West Park. TWO fine large rooms, modern horns cook ing ; good location ; three carlines: a, 16th and W. 617 Kearney. NICE room for two, also single ones; mod ern house; good home cooking ; free phone ; residence ditrict.130 East10th. LARGE, light, pleasant rooms, with board: strictly modern, walking distance. 840 A LOVELY room for one or two people and smaller room, with excellent board; walk- lng distance. Main 3280. ; Apartments, MORGAN, FLEIDNER A BOYCE, Apartment-House Specialists, Own and control the following apartment-houses, which are all new or nearly new, up-to-dato and possess all modern conveniences: ANGELA 37 Trinity Place, near Wash ington, 2, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished. CECELIA 22d and Gils an; 8 -room unfur nished. CLAYPOOLE 11th and Clay; 8 rooms, private balcony, unfurnished. CLAYPOOLE ANNEX 11th and Clay; 3 rooms, furnished. FORDHAM 170 Ford St., 4 rooms unfur nished, hardwood finish, private balcon ies. Highest-class apartment in the city. HAN THORN 251 12th st.. near Main; 8 rooms, with private balconies; unfur nished. HANOVER 165 King sL, near Washing ton; 8 rooms, with private balconies, un furnished; two rooms, furnished or un furnished. KNICKERBOCKER 410 Harrison St.. near 11th; 8 rooms, with private bal conies, unfurnished. 6T. CROIX 170 SL Clair, near Washing ton ; 3 rooms, furnished and unfur nished. BT. FRANCIS 21st and Hoyt, 8 and 4 ro )m, with private balconies, unfur nished. WELLINGTON 15th and Everett; 2. 3, 4 and 5 rooms, unfurniehed; frame build Ing; very reasonable rent. . THE PARKHURST. N. 20th and Northrup Sta. MAX KAUFMAN MANAGING OWNER. Homelike furnished 8 and 4-room apart ments, outside rooms, balcony to every suite; all conveniences, ref. Phone M. 1179. BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison. 2. 8 and 5 rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; latest Improve ments, best service. Apply on premises. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH STREET NEAR TAYLOR. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished S-room apartments; every modern con venience; pleasant surroundings; csnvs nlently located to cara WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th St., at Market; new corner brick, 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reasonable. For Information call Main 1739. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 15th and Everett 2, 8 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated; under new management; walking distance; convenient and best service. ALBEMARLE, 883 WILLIAMS AVE., 2 and 3 -room furnished apartments, modern, $25 and up; walking distance. East 4193. THE WINDSOR. Beautiful front corner apartments; splendid porches; nothing nicer anywhere. Walking distance; pleasant location. Cor ner East 14th and Yamhill sts. THE LUZERNE. Corner 8d and Hall, newly furnished, J room apartments, building new and strict ly modern, large outside kitchens, service first-class; easy walking distance. HEINZ APARTMENTa 14tn ana toiumoia. Furnished 2, S and 4-room apartment si all conveniences; first-class, homelike, reasonable rates, references. Mala 1111, A $616. SERENE COURT. E. 1st and Multnomah sts.; just com pleted ; the finest and most up-to-date 3 and 8-room apartment-house In the North west; finest view; close In. East 1426. BURCH APTS. New, modern, furnished 2-room apart ments bath, dressing-room, fine location. Marshall 4141. 110 21st st, N. LILLIAN APT. 6th and Montgomery. On Oct. L, on 8 room apt., all outside rooms; also on 3- room. In basement. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. thr LOIS. 704 HOYT ST. One nicely furnished four-room apart ment, first floor; also one four-room un furnished apartment; modern, up-to-date. THE CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy St., one 3-room furnished, 4 and 6-room unfurnished apis., 50 up; all modern conveniences. Apply janitor, l. JULIAETTE, 2d and Montgomery, 2 rooms furnished and unfurnished; modern, in cluding private phone In each apartment; reduced Winter rates commencing Sept. L KATHER1NE APARTMENTS, centrally lo cated 73 rooms furnished and unfurnished apartments; rates reasonable. 14U N. 23d su Marshall 2603. " THE McKLNLEY APARTMENTS, East 7th und Morrison sts.: very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com plete; private bmhs; from 2l to 32.5o. BUCK-HARTFORD. New management; 2 and 3 room fur nished apartments, modern. 21at and F -a riders Main 27B2, A 385. WAYNE WOOD APTS. Newly furnished, loU N. 18th, between Flanders and GUsan; single room or en guite from $1S to $-i0. HADDON HALL, 11th and Hail 2, 3. 4 rooms; furnished or unfurnished; modern; hardwood floors; private balconies; Summer rates. THE "IRVING. 689 IRVING ST. 4-room unfurnished apartment, .oonis are large, verandas to each apartment; reference requutu. . u. THE Drickston, 448 11th. Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outside auts.. neuf Heiehts. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57. si ee V i n g porch. 409 7th. Marshall 8267. LitiH T n oust, keeping apartments; room from $2.5o'io $0 per week. The Heimer. 53 N. lath. KUSE FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson sta Very desirable unfurnished apartments; U outside rooms; haidwuod floors, refs. i HE LKONCE. 16 22d st. North, near Job d son New. modern brick; 3-room Iuruisna THE CHELTENHAM, 205 N. 1UTH. 3 and 4-room apartments, new ortck building, new turnitute. Marshall 3S-;. THE LETA. Beautiful 5-room apartment, steam heat. BlfefcPing purm. wo., aim... .im KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay Beautiful 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, new brick bldg.; electric elevator; references. THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington st., new ly fumisned 2, 8 and 4-room apts. Best service. Cheapest rent In city. New mgr. KING -DAVIS Near 22d and Wash.; 3 and , unti hath nhones: reference BJELLAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished, Main 1807. A 1&67. ; IDEAL apartments, newly furnished, sing's and suite 635 Couch st Phone A 6183. THE BRYN-MAWR APTS.. 1S5 East 15th, near Yamhill; 4-room apts., with porch. ELK Apartments. 34th, Belmont; 2 and 8 rooms; all modern. Tabor 546. S.S. car. 4 A