THIS JtlOlLNlAtt 01ifct0lA2,' tKlDAi. QC'lO.Bi:ii . iSi.. HIDES HOLDING UP Dealers Look for . Break in Market Before Long. FORMER PRICES CURRENT In the East Country Hides Are Weaker in Tendency, but Packer Stock Is Strong Tanners Threaten to Close Down. The local hide market holds fn a steady way and buyers are still paying last week's prices, quoting; IS cents as the out side figure on the best salted 'offerings. Most of them are of the opinion that prices will have to give way sooner or later, but there Is no definite Idea aj to when the break will come. In the meantime the supply reaching the market Is limited and this keeps the market In a firm position. Mall advices received from the East yes terday by local- dealers reported a fair amount of business passing there, ' but there was an easier tendency In country bides, a offerings were free. These ad vices were supplemented by wires noting a quarter cent decline during the day. Packer hides were the strong feature of the mar ket. Chicago trade report dated Sep tember 38 said: The strength In the hide market con tinues pronounced. Prices have become aomewhat erratic and there are reports of unusual Jumps, especially in dry-hide values and In certain varieties of packer hides. In some quarters the extreme statements are questioned. One car of August native steers was reported sold In the Chicago packer market this week at 20 cents and there were reports current of 6000 hides being moved at this figure. Offers of dative steer hides ahead at the former es tablished price of 19 H cents have., been made. "Sales in the packer market have been moderate and some tanners are now talk Ins; of closing their tanneries or materially curtailing production, rather than pay the present high values for raw hldesr Such sales as have been made of branded hides have been at full rates. Including heavy Texas steers at 17 cents, branded cows at 17 cents, butt brands at 17 ft cents and Colorados at 17 hi cents. "Country hides have eassd off somewhat from recent top rates, and a number of sales have been made of Chicago, as well as Ohio and Pennsylvania ' buffs at IShi cents and extremes at IS cents. "The chief excitement of late has been In Latin -American dry hides, which ad vanced on sales a further 4 cent, with another cent Increase now being asked for more. Bogota dry hides sold up to 27 cents with 28 H cents now asked and bids of 28 cents for Orinoco and 27 cents for Central Americans nave been declined. Material advances are also being demanded for all kinds of River Plate dry hides.' WHEAT TRADE ' OF SMALL ' VOLUME Farmers Slow Sellers at the Prices Now Offered. Transactions In the wheat market yes terday were of very small volume. Dealers were bidding 76 cents for club and 80 cents for bluestem. but there were but few sellers. It Is estimated by some of the grain men that the farmers to date have sold half of the crop. Those who were disposed to let go got out early when the market was good, while those who held for higher prices are not willing to sell now, when values have declined. The oats and barley market were rather quiet at the prices that have prevailed for the past week. Local receipts, In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay. Monday 196 16 - 10 12 15 Tuesday 8 3 12 5 Wednesday .... 114 IS 5 27 4 Thursday 110 7- 6 12 3 Tear ago 110 2 14 17 11 Feason to date 4529 583 PSS 3Hl 495 Year ago 3277 ' 171 734 844 719 0 SALE REPORTED IX HOP MARKET la Aurora Section 174 Cents Is Bid for Fair Primes. No further hop sales in the Dallas sec tion were reported yesterday. In the Au rora district 173 cents was bid for fair primes. California reports told of a quiet market there. Imports of hops Into Great Britain, less exports for the year ended August 31, 1912, were 84,286 cwts., as against 178.158 cwts. for the previous year, and 112.103 cwts two years ago. The 1911 English crop of 328.023 plus Importations for the year of 84,286 cwts. deducted, from the annual require ments figured at 600.000 cwts., shows a deficiency of 187.691 cwta., evidently taken from reserves of previous years. CALIFORNIA GRAPES GOOD SELLERS Receipts of Local Concords Are Lighter Peach Traee DulL Grapes were the most active feature of the fruit marker y&TeYday. Two cars of To kays were received from California and sold well at SI a crate. Receipts of local Concords were moderate, but retailers were still well supplied. The peach market is dull and no Im provement Is looked for. Apples continue slow and lltte Interest in the market Is expected until Summer fruits are out of the way. Cauliflower Is the weakest Item In the vegetable list, as the market Is badly over stocked. Celery is also too plentiful. A car of sweet potatoes was received during the day. BREAK IN THE POULTRY MARKET Hens and Springs Sell at the Lowest Prices of the Settaon. The poultry market broke badly yester day. Hens and springs were offered at 12 and 12 H cents and did not clean up even at the lower figure. Oiher kinds were In lighter supply and wen steadier. Heavy receipts of voc-1 caused weakness In that line, while dressed pork was easi er in sympathy with the decline at the yards. Eggs were scarce and firm at the old price. Butter was closely cleaned up and firm. Cheese was also firm. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: c purines. Balances. Portland eattlo , Tacoma Spokane S2.1S2.SMS $1S2.002 2, 1P3.SU 3.10.549 C43.2S7 Sd.902 1.1U4 Ml 160.O69 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Eto. WHEAT Track prices: Club. 7c: blue stem. 80c: forty-fold. 7'c; red Russia, 75o; "i'LOCR Patents. 4.J0 per barrel: strairnts. a.0: exports. $J.S0S.T; Val ley M.30: graham. 14.20: whole wheat. $4.40. M1LL.STCFFS Bran. $21 per ton: shorts. $3: middlings, t-'-- ro led barley. S2T.50O I S. .".. BARLETFeed. S24S25 Per ton; brewing. 12$ 30 per ton. COKN Whole. 3S; cracked. ?39 per ton. HAT No. 1 timothy. 17: oat and vetch. Hi; alfalfa. S12; clorer. 110: wheat hay. 'oATS Spot. :5325.!'0 per ton: futures, -'4.308 23 per ton. Vegetable aid Frnlre. FRESH FRUITS Ap'Jles 0c t $1 .50" per box: peaches. SoflSOo per bos: pears, TSc0 gl.GO per boi: grapes, SI per box; cran berries. SS per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. Valencia. tic 4. SO: California grapefruit, sa: lemons crate: watermelons. 1 per hundred: Cas savas. 'l per dozen. ONIONS Oregon. 1.10 per sack." POTATOES Jobblnr prices;- Barbanks. 60&7SC per hundred: aweet potatoes, 2ic per pound. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 63ST5c per fioxen; bearts. 2c; cabbage, leilie per pound: cauliflower. 50c Jl pei doien: cel ery, ittljc per doxen; corn, 75c1.00 per sack: cucumbers. 50c per box eRffStant. S1.25&1.50 per box; head lettuce. 20r25o per doxen: peppers. 0S tic per pound: radishes. 131920c per dozen; tomatoes, 60660c per box ; earlic. 8 'a 10c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. L25 per sack: turnips, S1.0O per sack; beets, lul per sack: parsnips: SL25,per sack. . Dairy and Country Producer EGGS Oregon extras, 33c per dozen. CHEESE: Triplets. 171c per pound, twins. 17c; daisies. 17&c; Young Ameri cas. lc per pound. BUTTLK Oregon creamery butter, cubes i3ic per pound; prints, 34c per PORK Fancy, llll!4o per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13fcfcl44c per pound. POULTRY Hens, 1212iic; broilers, 1 612fc,c; ducks, young, 1212V,c: geese. He. turkeys, live, IS g 22c: dressed, 25c. Staple Grocer!.. SALMON Columbia River. one-pound tails. 2.23 per dozen: eight-pound talis. S2.95; one-pound flats. S2.40; Alaska plak. one-p'ound tails. $L2& . COFFEE! Roasted. la drums. 24JJ40O per pound. , . . HONEY Choice, $3.73 per case; strained honey. IOC per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 160 lHo per pond: Brazil nuts. 13V4e; filberts. 14013c; al monds. 1721c; peanuts, 58S coroanuta, Wcl per dozen; chestnuts. 12$ic ter pound: hickory nuts. 10o per pound. BEANS Small white. 8.40c; ;arge white. i.20c; Lima. Biio; Pink. 4.1Sc; Mexicans. 4c; bayou. 4ViC SALT Granulated. 115 per ton: hall ground 100s. $7.50 per ton: 60s. $a per ton. SUGAR Fruit and berry, ; .85; Honolulu plantation, $5.80; beet. $5.63; extra C. $0.85, powdered, barrels, $6.10; cube, barrels, s.2o. R1C1 No. 1 Japan. 6c; cheaper grave. 6c; Southern head, lA7a DRIED FRUITS Apples, loc per pount: apriocts. 12lc; peaches, 8 11c; prunes, Italians, SO 10c; sliver. lsci figs, white and black, ettJ7c; currants, fco; raisins, loose Muscatel. 97ac; bleached. Thompson, Uttc; unbleached Sultanas. 814c: aeeded,Ii, t8Vc; daws, Persian. 8o per pound; hard, SI. SO per bo. Provisions. HAMS All sizes, is 18c; ' picnics. 11 "c; skinned, 1819c; boiled. 27c BACON Fancy. 27 28c; choice, 19023c. DRY SALT MEATS Backs, dry salt, 1J 014c; backs, smoked. lettOlStte; bellies, dry salt, 14 lie; smoked, 16c. LARD Tierce- basis, choice, 15c; com pound, 9c slisCKLLANEOUS-Plgs- feet kilts. fUl; Heed beef, Insldes. $23 per case; dried best Insldes. 24c per pound; sausage, cervalat, 20025c; holsteiner. l&o; Italian ham. zoo; liver sausage, quarters, $3; Vienna aauaaje, quarters, 3.5. - Hope. Wool and Hides. HOPS 1912 crop, prime and choice, 16 0 18 fee per pound. ' MOHAIR choice. 82o per pound. PELTS Dry, lie; full wool butcher pelts, (1 20 W 1.75; searing, 250 600. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 140180 e pound according to ahrinkaga; Valley, 211s tt-'21c per pound. wines Salted hides. UVClSo per pound; salted calf. 18o; aalted kip. ll12o; green hides, llcVs dry calf. No. 1, 25c; No. 2. 20c; dry hides, 20 0 22c; aalted stags, lis &i8c; gren stass, 6 ft O 7c. CASCARA Per pound. 4Ooo; earlota, i es- linseed Oil and Turpentine. " ' LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 73o; boiled, barrels, 75c; raw, cases, 73c; boiled, cases. 80c TURPENTINE! Cases. 60c; barrels, STa per gallon. - ' HOGS ARE STiLL ? WEAK OTHER LINES ABOUT STEADY AT 1 THE STOCKYARDS. Most of the Cattle Offered Are of Medium Grade Bun of Sheep Is Imrge. There was no special feature to the trade at the atockyards yesterday. Hogs con tinued easy in tone. Most of the cattle put on sale were of medium grade. Sheep re ceipts were large, but few sales were re- nnrtaft. Two loads of steers were disposed of at $6.30 and 6.85 and smaller lota sold irom $6.25 to $6.75. Good cows brought $6 OTrd $6.10. . w In the hog market, good light weight stock brought $8.45 to $8.56. Heavy hog sold at $7 and $7.25. , The few transactions in the sheep market were at former prices. Receipts were 242 cattle, 38S hogs, 1748 sheep and 96 horses. Shippers were: P. J. Allison, Malta, Monk, 2 cars of cattle; T. Kopplin, Plalnview, 1 car of aheep and hogs; F. B. Decker, Ger vais, 1 car of cattle and hogs; M. J. Sevier. Medford. 1 car of cattle and hogs; L. E. West. Oakland, 1 car of hogs; J. a Davis, Shedds. 1 car of sheep and hogs; William Daughtrey Stantleld, 2 cars of cattle; J. Rich, Baker, 2 cars of cattle; J. E. Cherry, Huntlnnon. 1 car of horses; O. E. Goslip, Joseph, 2 cars of cattle; Hy Blackwell, On- IttllU, A LOl VI L-.-'.-j . w H .. , l ur at hoes: W. H -Miller. Condon. 3 cars of horses, and Arthur Juaaaen, muter, o cars of sheep. The day's sales were as-zoiiows: Weight Price. 1 bull 1210 $5.00 1 calf 500 6.10 6 cows 1132 5.25 11 cows 10S 610 1 ateer S60 6.00 4 steers io-- o-; 7 t.r 991 6.40 28 cows 10SS 6.00 10 hogs ji -w 2 hogs 51o 7.00 ? 35S 7.23 6 wethers 141 4.30 1 ewe f i5 54 hogs ., " 5.5JJ HO hi.CR 1H 1.1V fi SoI ? w 12 wethers.... Jl - 140 3.83 S3 hogs IJ 10 hog -v ! 00 6 hogs 28 steers 4 -o 29 steers JJ B 0 7 steers ...-............. .1-12 6.-5 1 co 1200 6.00 1 ?ow :: W0 -50 The range or prices at tarn yards was ss nllA- Choice 'steers 6.757.00 Good steers J;Sg 5 5! .,r.. ...... (.000 6.25 Choice cows 6.000 6.25 Good cows '"SS fit w.ji fi.OOlo) 5.25 Choice calves H2f 5 iX Good heavy calvea 6.25 700 Bulls , $.00 5TT0 stag" ' "o $.2 Ll?ht"rr. 15? HJavy 7.00 it 1.IO YearhnW ff Wethers ? i--we5 2-io -00 Lambs '. 8-85 6.00 Omaha livestock Market, OMAHA, Oct. S. Cattle Receipts. 45O0: market steady. Native steers. $0.3010.20: cows snd heifers. $3.3C6.60: Western steers, $58.40; Texas steers. $4-5006.20; range cows and heifers, $3.230.30; can ners. $3u4.25: stockers and feeders. $4,509 7.75: calves. $4.750 8.75; bulls, stags, etc. $4. 25 ffS.2o. Hogs Receipts. S700: market. 10c higher. HA,vi. tliiS.i(W! mixed. X8.30fi8.60: UKht. $8.550 8.65; pigs, $68; hulk of sales, $8.50 O ci-ov. gbeep Receipts. 18.500; market, steady to stronger. Yearlings. $4.900 3.20; welhers, $3,600: ewes. $2.830 3-75; lambs. $6 06.50. Chicago IJveatock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 8. Cattle Receipt!. 6000; Texas sters. $4.500 6; Western steers, $6.73 09: stockers and feeders. $4.3507.75: cows and heifers. $2.8508: calves, $SO 11-50. Hogs Receipts 14.000; market, slow to 10c higher. Light. $8.5009.15: mixed. $8.50 0 9-20; heavy. $8.35 0 9.15; rough, $8.35 8.55: pigs. $5.50OS.4e; bulk of sales, $8.. 5 6 Sheep Receipts. 25.00: market, steady. Native. $3.23 34.25; Western. $3,450 4--; yearlings. $4.25 0 5.25; lamba, native. $4.50 0 6-eO; western. ... i - Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Oct- . Coffee futures closed firm. 5 to 15 points net higher. Sales. 84.!0 bags; octooer. ,.A... -h..- un?r: January. 14.06c; F-.hmLrv. 14.10c: March. 14.15c; April. 14.17c; May. June. July, August and Sep . . - - hi a f Spot steady. Rio 7s. 14c; Bautos 4a. ianA wiiirl mifMt- rTordova. KOlSO. Raw str-adv: Muscovado, .89. test fntrituBAi fi. test 4.14c; molas- . fis tern. Z.23c Sales. 800 bass. Re- tuied steady. STOGK RISE SHARP More Cheerful Sentiment in All "Financial Centers. ' GAINS START AT LONDON Early Advances Range Up to Two Points In the heading Issues. Copper Makes Xew High Quo tatlon for Present Period. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. The more cheerful sentiment which prevailed at all Impor tant foreign centers of finance today, hy reason of the change in the Balkan situation, and the retention of the Bank of England 4 per cent discount rate and tne easing m local call and time loans, were productive of a very strong and active stock market. The rise here was forestalled by Lionuoii. where Americans closed with general gains, the more substantial being scored by the innMn . Readlns. Penn sylvania, St. Paul and Union Pacific All these stocks and numerous otners rose tare, fractions to two points In this market be fore noon on a volume of business larger than any attained since the inauguration of the present upward movement. The ad vance was arrested from time to time, chief ly as a result of realising sales, only to make greater headway later. A few of the more potential issues were at their best in the last hour. In addition. various specialties advanced 1 to 2 points with a renewed demand for the Ininor steel shares. Reading. Steel and Amalgamated Copper overshadowing all other issues, the rormer making a new hlgn quotation tor tne present oerlod. Union Pacific and St. Paul moved up briskly, St. Paul responding to Its excellent Auaust statement. Towards the close further profit-taking made its Impression on some of the lead ers, recessions from the top extending to a point. Bonds were firm on a wide distribution. Total sales, par value,' $2,300,000. United States Government bonds were un changed on call CLOSINCSTOCK QUOTATIONS. , Closing Sales. High. Low. 44.400 92 hi 91 1.000 59 691i UO 75 75 7,100 45!4 44 Bid. Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcult .. Am Agrlcult . . American Can .. 82 69 74 44 123 62 56 23 14 44 89 108 127 do preferred. . Am Car & Fdy. 1,400 Am Cotton OIL. 200 Am Ice SecurL. 200 Am Linseed . . . 800 Am Locomotive 1,500 Am Smel & Ret 8.500 62 57 44 23 114 tv 127 144 66 23 14 44 88 127 144 47' 109 102 144 108 60 91 175 82 84 iii 141 4214 do nref orred. . ...... Am Sugar Ret.. 100 Am Tel St Tel.. 800 Am Tobacco Anaconda M Co B2.100 144 269 47 110 102 143 109 50 lV 176 32 85 17 111 141 . 42 147 15 170 23 41 82 37 54 44 183 140 50 130 20 62 . 124 21 15 27 29 106 174 163 - 148 30 45 136 65 29 116 37 116 64 129 85 125 117 110 25 40 168 175 33 91 2S 66 37 21 60 57 113 31 86 45 25 174 89 84 54 79 116 65 47 5 15 69 87 85 48 110 10C1, 144 11014 51 H 91H 278 82 8514 112 142 43 147 15 "28 41 33 44 87 55 Atchison 27.200 do preferred. . 200 Atl Coast Line.. 100 Bait & Ohio . . 10.700 Bethlehem Steel 2,900 Brok R Tran.. 2.100 Canadian Pao .. 11,800 Ceniral Leather 1.000 Ches & Ohio . .. 19,800 Chi Ct Western C, M & St Paul. 20,200 Chicago & N W o0 Col Fuel & Iron 4,700 Consol Gas .... S.600 140 15 23" 40 32 37 64 Corn Products .. 700 Del & Hudson D R Grande.. 800 do preferred.. 2.300 Distillers' Securl 2.2UO Erie 6,800 do 1st pf .... 800 do 2d pf Gen Electric . . 1,300 Gt North pf ... . 8.200 Gt North Ore . . 1,700 183 141 51 131 20 63 14 124 21 1S3 140 60 180 20 61 122 20 Illinois Central. eoo Interbor Met .. l.lOO do preferred.. 3,000 Inter Harvester 2,800 Inter Marine pf . 400 Inter Paper Inter Pump ... K C Southern.. 1.000 Laclede Gas 30 29 174 173 103 163 149 149 30 80 45 '65 'es'" 117 iie S7 S7 116 11 84 84 129 128 36 85 125 124 117 117 110 110 25 23 40 40 Lehigh Valley.. 22,000 Louis ft Nash. . 300 M. S P St S S M 200 Mo, Kan Tex 2.100 Mo Pacific 5,400 Nta Biscuit National Lead .. 800 N Ry Mex 2 pf N Y Central ... 8,400 N Y. Ont & Wes 600 Norfolk West BOO North American 600 Northern Pacific 21900 Pacific Mall 1.200 Pennsylvania ... 2.10O People's lias . . BW P, C C Sc St !. 4O0 ftttsourg uoai . ew Pressed S Car.. 1,400 Pull Pal Car Reading 176.100 Repub IAS.. 4,000 do preferred.. 100 Rock Island CO " 5.700 do preferred.. 4.200 St 1. St 3 F 2 pf 200 Seaboard Airline do preferred., iiw Sloes Sheffield GOO Southern Pac .. 8,100 Southern Ry .. 1.500 do preferred.. o Tenn Copper .. 1,500 Texas & Pao .. 500 Union Pacific. . 19,800 do preferred.. WW TJ S Realty U S Rubber O0 U S Steel 80,800 64 79 11 66 47 5 64 73 110 65 4 3 '69 84 do preferred. . ww Utah Copper . .. 6.S00 Va-Caro Cbem . 400 Wabash 400 do preferred.. ...... .... Western Md ... 400 59 Western Union Westing Elec .. 1.70O 85 Wheel & L E. . 200 8 ToaI sales for the day, 663.100 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., of Portland. Bid. Asked. . .113 114 Amer Tel & Tel conv 4s. . American Tobacco 4s.... American Tobacco 6s.... 95 96 ...120 ... 97 ...109 . .. 8S 121 98 110 91 . 110 69 94 91 97 93 loo 100 95 96 98 83 95 78 87 69 95 . 89 98 88 81 84 92 91 98 86 73 86 80 92 107 97 117 93 88 69 92 4 103 97 103 94 89 79 78 09 104 e 102 101 101 -02 103 114 114 66 69 . 96 ! 82 92 ' 98 Atchison general 4s Atchison conv Atchison adi 4S stampea. Atchison conv os... ..109 Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s.... 94 At Coast Line "L & N coll" 4s. 93 Baltimore & jnio 3s... i . Ealtimore & Ohio 4s 90 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 92 Can Southern first 5s 99 Chesapeake & Ohio 4 9H C B & Q sen mtg 4S 94 C B & Q Joint 4s 86 0 B 4 Q Ills 4s G B St Q Denver 4s Central Pacific first 4s 95 Chicago & Eastern Ills 4s 76 Chicago R I St. P ref 4s 8714 Chicago R I P Col trust 4s.. 89 Colorado St Southern first 4s... --94 Denver ft Rio Grande 4s... 86 Del & Hudson conv 4s 97 Erie first cons p u s ;a Int Met 4s i JaDanese 4s - "3 Japanese first 4s 91 Japanese seconu e b. ....... .. "s Louisville C nasnvnio u" ...... , Mo Kan St Tex 4s Missouri pacitic es ij New York Central 3s 85 New York Central L S 8s New York City 4s New York city .1 ox lou Norfolk St Western 4s 97 Norfolk Western conv 4s .... N Y Ont ft W 4s 92 Northern Pacific P L 4s 98 Northern Pacific 3s 69 Oregon Short Line 4s 92 Oregon Ry Nav 4s 92 n Penna Ry 4s of 1048 102 - Reading general 4s 96 Republic of Cuba 5s...... 102 Southern Pacific first ref 4s.... 83 Southern Pacific col 4s .... Southern Railway s jo St L S 8 f ret ' 7 Union Pacific first 4s 99 Union Pacific conv 4s 103 Union Paclfio ref 4s..... 85 United States Steel 8 F 5s 102 United States 2s registered ..... 101 United States Ss registered JS. .. .ios ...113 ...113 ... 65 68 ... 95 ... 94 ... 81 ... 91 ... 88 . United states o wupui.... United States 4s registered United States 4s coupon United Railway S F 4s... Wabash first 4s... Western Union 4s Westlnghouse conv 6s... Western paclfio 5s.. Wisconsin Central 4s.... West Shore 4s Money. Exchange, Etc. - T3. mtlvmr- mtA-W !NUUH. W- " ' 19 d per ounce. Money, 1J per cent. The . rate or niicouni i t - - - -- -short bills is 3S per cent; for three for months' bllla, S 15-16 S 4 per cent. NEW YORK. Oct. . lfoney on call eas- ler. xfrr4i per ....... --. ' r'o.lnir bid. S per cent; offered at cent 4 TrmeJoana easier: 60 days." 5 OS per int; 80 days. 5S5 per cant; alx months, -,uik tier cent. Prime mercantile paper, -Sit per cent. sterling exenange ii"". -', ;...?..- 7 "r, aess in bankers" bills at $4.82--'5 for 60 day bills and ut $4.8570 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.S1 i. Bar silver, tijic . . Mexican dollars. 19c. . Government bonds, steady: railroad Bonus firm. . nn , . r--rt a-. . fitM-iitt. on o. -N r rt--v.v law, vv. -- " . Londons-Sixty days, $4.S3i; do., slgfV. ?- - - Silver bars. G4'c; aiexican auuw -inal; drafts, sight, !c; drafts, telegraph. Stocks at Boston. nnsTON. Oet 8. Closlne quotations: iiiA.u. STSl'xiohawk 67 Am.iv rrninsr.. 92 'Nevada Con .... 23 Arizona Com .. 4'Nlplssing Mines. 6 B&CC&SM- 1 .ortn tjun -j ? Cal St Arizona.. 82:North Lake s f.i Rr nift 600 iOld Dominion.. .. 't Centennial ..: .. 21 lOaceola II J cop Kan con co. ov w"- E Butte Cop M. 16 Shannon 1 Franklin TISuprlor .. . . - - 46 tiiroux Lon .... ioup . . Granby Con ... 58 iTamarack ...... 46 lireene uananea. ju-st.u o - xv.' j rial I Royalle (Cop) 86 1 do preferred... 51 Kerr Lake 2Xtah Con ? Lake Copper.... 35 it" tab Copper Co. Bolj La Salle Copper 5!Winona J Miami Copper. 29 IWolverlne 1 Conditions of the Treasury. tt- . i wTn v Dp. a. At the beginning of business toda'v the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance in Treasury of- ' ficea $ 89.689.010 In banks and Philippine treasury .H'SiI SS! t.i i, ......1 fund . 150.193.9S6 Receipts yesterday !-!!n JS Disbursements 2.0-3.( The deficit to date this fiscal year is $6,42T,575, as against a aencia oi i. -jl-r a .1.1. .Ittia Inar war. These figures exclude Panama Canal and publlo debt transactions. SAN FBANCISCO PRODI CK MARKET Prices' Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits. Etc. ' SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: FruH Apples, choice. 85c; common. 40ot Mexican limes. $6e6.50: California lemons, choice. $6.50; common, $3; pineapples, $1.50 2.50. Cheese Young America. 1517c. Butter Fancy creamery, 85c Eggs Store, 30 c; fancy ranch, 9o- Vegetables Cucumbers, 35 65c: garlic, 3 83c; green peas. 35c; string beans, 2 3c: tomatoes. S060c; eggplant. 4076c; onions, 40 55c. Hay Wheat, $2224; wheat and oats. $20 21.50; alfalfa, $11.60i314 Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1 131.10; Sa linas Burbanks. $1.251.S0; sweets, L50 1.65. Receipts Flour, 159 quarter sacks; wheat. 1705 centals; barley. 4050 centals; oats, 5410 centals: Potatoes. 2160 sacks; hay, 190 tons; wool. 261 bales. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. Copper quiet. Stand ard spot to December, 17.25 bid; electro lytic and lake. 17.62 17.87; caatlng. ' Tin Arm. Spot 50i505O.75; October, 60.45 . r., ... . i tAaenKi WW.W, iNOVeuiwer. ovvw""".. , Lead firm. 6.10 bid. - Spelter firm, 7.507.7S. Antimony firm. Cookeons 10-12. Iron Arm. No. 1-Northern. 17.00017.50 No. 2 Northern. 1B.SO 17.25; No. 1 Southern ; No. 1 Southern soft, 17.7518.25. n .. i ; - . xt. . Vnrlr fnriav ' 2.' V.. U 1 ' 1 .iii.ais - - - " - 165 ton Exports this month. 1995 tons. London copper quiet; spot 7S,5s and fu tures 79. 5s. Local exchange sales: Tin. 2o tons. London tin-steady, spot 229, 5s, 6d . . . enno I I l.uj 'i91 P.. Ill London spelter 27,10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 66s, 4u in Lonaon. Chicago Produce Market. . nr.,. . r. r r. a Riili.r fiteedV. Creameries, -oisfflow. a"co, .uti Eggs Steady. Receipts. 5377 cases; at marar cases inciuueu, ih--v.i . . firsts. 21o; firsts, 23c Cheese Steady. Daisies. 1717c; ..i-. iRi! ait.- Vnutier America!. 17 & 17c; long horns. 17917c Naval Stores. ' ...,..,-. i r-- rn BTiirnanMni o v w . .. . shlpmenu 181; stocks. 87,700. , Rosin firm. Sales, 2100; receipts, 2700; shipments, 1; stocks, 103,800. Quote: B. --. . t. c An. n 13 1. 6.47: K. $6.60; M. $8.75; N, $7.50; wti, sa.w; w w. London Wool Sales. LONDON. Oct. 3. Prices ruled against buyers at the wool auction sales today, ea ner.lallv for coarse crossbreds. Fine half- bloods were taken by the American buyers and scoured merinos were purchased for Continental account. Tne oflerlnga toaay wera 13,463 bales. , New York Cotton Market. NTTW YORK. Oct. 3.wCotton futures closed steady, 8 to 6 points higher. October. 10.69c; November, 10.72c; December, 10.92c; Janu ary. 10.85c; February, lo.tfio; Marcn, lu.wuo; May. lL07c; July. 11.13c. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 11.25c; mid-gulf, 1L50C Sales, 100 bales. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Oct. $. Evaporated apples Inactive. Prunes easy. California up to 30-408, 8 9 c; Oregons. 69c Peaohes quiet. ' Duluta Flax Market. DTJIjTJTH, Oct. 3. Closing: Linseed, on track $L72; to arrive, $1.60: October, $1.67 bid; November. $1.63; December, $1.59; January, Sl.ov, nominal; may,- fi.v. aeaveu. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 3. Wool Steady. Terri tory and Western mediums, 2125c; fine mediums, low sue: one. xowitK. SANDY RAILROAD BUILDING Rights of Way Secured and Ter minal Property Purchased. oaxttw n. Ant 8 fRnftrilal.i The contract Has Deen let ior suriaca clear ing; of the right of way for the Sandy ..l.nlnn of t h r 'Mount Hoorl Hallway between Cottrell and Sandy, to several contractors, wno are now ousy witn large forces clearing; the fight of way. About one-fourth of the distance has hun cleared. The clearlnr must be comnleted by November 15. A contract -ion feaa iiaon int rnr ninne: Tor tne en tire 900 feet of trestle necessary just -1 Can,tv The rights of way are secured for the entire Gistance irwm iuidh w Sandy, and have been deeded to the Multnomah Central Railway Company ,;.!, . a nrnvMIno- that if the road is not completed within one year from the date of the deeds tne iana win ro- -n . , - nrlrlnal nvnftrg. ICti .fc, O -n z rr. - - J .an A CnmnATW. nwner Of ocuuj 1 . - the townslte 01 sanay, nan aioo uwuou the company right or way to tne raai- --.. thrnnirh 1t holdlnBrs. and wtty HJ-..,-"--J e ' two blocks In Sandy ior aepot ana - t i an-lit1.. TCrlwAJ-A T Rums. laiuiintu . ----. - - -- secretary of the Sandy Commercial Club, who has been active in securing rights of way .said: "It looks now as if we will at last have a railroad into Sandy." ' Oreeron Potatoes) Go South. INDEPENDENCE. Or Oct. S. (Spe- . . v t .. ... ihla Ninntv has ciai-j i-i. www, shipped two car loads ot potatoes from Indepenoence purwiwou u sen for a San Francisco commission house. This proves the value or the wortli lessness of many things. The longer - the time laid and used, the stronger -the PROOF . that Bitulithic pav ing is all that is claimed for it. In sist on Bitnlithic Call at Room 700 Journal Bldg, for reasons why. TAKE TO BEAR SIDE Wheat Speculators Switch on News From Balkans. PRICES ARE CARRIED DOWN Xews of Turkey's Prohibition of Cereal Exports Comes Too late to Affect the Market Ex port Sales Reported. rmrirm nt a. Ontimtstic reports in regard to peace in the Balkans carried wheat today to a lower level. Speculators In . lan evtenl switched to the bear side at the outset. Afterward a rally occurred as a result of export sales at Kansss City and Omaha. Only temporary strength. however, developed. It was not umu jusi too late to affect the- wheat market that rabies told of the Turkish government hav ing prohibited the export of cereals from European Turkey. corn closed uncnangea to c up. Oats closed with a gain of c. At the dose provisions varied from 17 c decline to an advance of 22c. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hlg-h. Iow. Close. .90 .90 .85 .85 Dec 80 .90 May 85 .95 CORN. Oct ... . .53 .52 Dec ... .. .52 .. .52 .53 .52 .52 .52 May ... OATS. Dee. 81 .82 .31 .38 May 84 .84 .84 .34 MESS FORK. Oct." ' 15.65 Jan 18.92 19.10 1S.90 May ......18.80 18.70 18.60 18.T0 ' LARD. Oct. 11.32 Jan 10.82 10.90 10.80 10.85 May . 10.32 10.42 10.32 10.40 RIBS. Oct, 10.67 10.70 10.60 10.60 Jan. 10.03 10.15 10.05 10.12 Cash quotations were as follows: . Flour Firm. Corn No. a. 768c: No. 1 white, ft shRXLt.- is:n 2 vRlioOT. saueEftVe: No. 9. S7f68c; No. 8 white, 6869c: No. t yellow. 6868o; No. 4, 66d7oi No. 4 white. 767c; No .4 yellow, 67 068c. Jtye No. z, Boftwosc Parley Feed or mlxlnr, 47S53C; fair to choice malting. 6063c. Timothy seed Clover seed $18.00418-00. Mess porR $16.75(0 IS 90. Lard In tierces. $11.40. Short ribs Loose, $10.1010.32. Grain ' statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 879.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,670,000 ousneis, cornpareu wim 508,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago.. Estimated receipts for tomor row: "Wheat, 88 cars; corn, 260 core; oats, 251 cars; hogs. 1600 head. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MTNX15-APOI.IS- Oct. 8. Close: Wheat. December, 88c; May, 9893c. Cash. No. 1 hard 69c: No. 1 Northern. 86 9 89c: No. 2 Northern. 8387c: No. 3 wheat. 82iS84Uc: So.,! yellow corn, 69 69c: No. 3 white oats. 3030c; No. 2 rye. 600-610; flax, $1.72ijvl.T3; barley, 12 66. Hops at New York. NEW YORK Hops, firm. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 3. Close: Wheat, Oc tober, 7s 8d; December, 7s &d; March. 7s 4d. Weather, fine. Enzlish country markets firm; French country markets firm. Grains in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8. Spot quota tion: Walla Walla S1.450L4T; red Rus sian. $1.421.45: Turkey red( 81.57 1.60; bluestem, f 1.52 01.58: feed barley. $1.42 1.45; brewing, $1.4501.47: white oats. $1.57 O1.60; bran. $22.75 23.25; mld dlins. $.32iS33; shorts. $25.25026. Call board sales Wheat. No trading; barley, December, $1.48; May. $1.45. Paget Sound Grain Market. . . ...... a Txr-n kln.rtam RA - club, 77 c. Car receipts, wheat, 66o; bar ley 5, corn 6, oata 4, hay 25. a . . n s-... o TXr, (!(.' fortyfold. 77c; olub. 77c; Fife, T6c; red Russian, 75c, Yesterdays car receipts, wheat 15, hay 6, flour 4, barley 1. La Grande Petitions Ont. t a nuiwni!' n rt X CPnecIa."J The committee workingr on the charter ... v. I v. ia h- anhmltteH tn th nflODle of 1 Grande shortly, worked until mid night last nlgnt neany cgmpiouos iuo instrument, and petitions are now out demanding the City Council to call a special election before the general elec--I-.-. ..ft,, tiffifaTa a rA ta be elected. for the purpose of either accepting or . . L - .k..l.. w.r.nal.A Th, rejecting mo um.i ta " f ramer3 are confident that the people will accept the Instrument, as they have used extreme precaution to cover every point which would benefit the city and compel the best of services from its of ficers. TBAVCLBBtfl GCIDK. no Lara -. 0 la the WatM l.BlO.OOt lost . Atlantic Service London, Paris, Hamburg . . - aa. a ii a M pre. IJioola Oct. It. 11 A. M. Amerika A.V'tX a" w Cleveland 1. 1 A- M- First cabin only. MT.T5ITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa, s: 6. ClNCnmAM. Nov. , 11 A M 8. S. MOLTKB.-Nov. 12, 11 A.M. S. S. CINCINNATI. Dee. 10,. 11 A.M twill have accommodations for limited number of passengers to MADEIRA. GIBRALTAR and Vff-LEFRANCSE (Rljlerah W!II not call at Maderta. Will call at Algiers. GRAND CRUISE The Orient CINCINNATI s. s. (17. WO TDMI LEAVING NEW YORK January 28, 191 3 SaJNth.tho: S325 Also cruises around the world, the West males, itaiy. a-sypw Writs ior boolriat stauag MMBURG-AIERICAN I LIXB 1 B 190 Powell St., San rranelsce. Cal. ; 11 o -W. B. ft N. Co.. Hot. Pacific, H H V. A R. 3. it B.. Burungtoo Konte. f H Milwaukee Puget Sound Ja. tl ami. Northero Railway Co, Doraey tf Xi B- Bmlth, OS riflh at, ttnu JS land. Oregoav , Jiff Copyright 111. jjr UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Or SAX FRANCISCO - FOl.DED 1M4V Capital Paid in. .$8,500,000 'Surplus and Undivided Profits $7,905,912. BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and seJl Foreign Exchange: "Or"; and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit available In all arts ot the world; make, collections on all point and conduct a general foreign and domestic , banking business. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets CHAMBER OF" COMMERCE BUILDING. WM. A, MAC HIE, Manager. The Spirit of "N THIS AGE of efficiency and specialization, it is necessary for the modern banking institution to adopt specialized facilities for the individual needs of its depositors. The Lumbermens National Bank endeavors to main tain this ideal system of-progressive and successful banking. Its officers are ever alive to the needs of patrons and, today, we believe our service is unex celled in any part olihe Pacific Northwest. LUMBERMENS National bank I Capital $1,000,000.00 Cor. Fifth, and Stark First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1'2M2'! Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' ehecks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. W. M. Ladd, President. ?lfeI;t 8 ?V f' Edward Cooklngham, Vlce-Pre. J.W. Ladd, Asst. Cashier W. H. Dunckley. Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. Kupert, Vancouver isiaoa aim w. yv w. Passentrer trains leave Prince Rupert Wednesday and Saturday f AM forSouth Haielton, B. C. (185 miles). Returning-, leave South Haielton Ira day and Thursday at 10 A. M., arriving in Prince Ru- &REEtPUBUCATIONS resarding- Canadian komestead lands, business tiT'B?MTOlSp.'l"lf, H. BCRGIS, Ge-er.1 Aae-t. DORSphon?' Marshall 1979. ZfsTB DeI""tment- CUT Office, 9 Fifth St PortUnd, Or. J.CWILSONc&CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON Bajnaune nrw ToitK stock EicHAsea CW YORK' COTTON BICHAKUB, CHICACiO BOARD OP TMADH. THB STOCK AND BOND EXClaAAGSV 8 AN FRANCISCO. . PORTLAND OFFICE: tfa Floor Lumbermens Bank Eldj. - rum ana owm. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. Kenneth Robertson Public Accountant 210 R4II.WAT EXCHANGE BLDG, lata 1074. A 8424. TRAVELERS' GCIDK. San Francisco, Los Angels. 2nd San Diego Direct Ssn Every Wednesday Alternately at S t. M. N0ETH PACIFIC S. S. CO. Ut A Third St. Pboasa Malsi til. A 11U I.OS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD .. . a . Raw. 1TVan Kaiiroaa or sur mci . ' . . Cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest and tne KJPiAl Birrcuy ih,.i . shlDS on tha Coast. Average speed 28 miles per hour; cost 12.000,000 each. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND I A. S. S. CO, Main 628. Frank nollam. Aa-ent. A46 12s Tbira screes. COOS BAY LlrtE timi: BiUtAKWATEB Sails from Alnsworth Doek. P""" " Oc&berS. a 18. 28, M. Freight recalT.o at Alnsworth Dock dally up to S P. U. Paaseacer fare First-class. $10; sec'md tSSt'. including berth aad xneala Ticket offiei at Alnsworth Dock. T'Pkoas Lain saoo. A J331 Portland Coos Bajr as. Uaa i- A H-ohz. Aaaau J. T.BIRTCH4ELL, Asst. Jwa. Modern Banking CANADA S. S. PRINCE RUPERT AND S. S. PRINCE GEORGE leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at li o'clock midnight for Victoria, Vancouver. Prince Ru pert, Stewart, Granby Bay and Queen Charlotte Is land points. ; S. S. PRINCE ALBERT tri-monthly from Victoria and Vancouver to Prince TBATBUSRS OVTDK. S SHORT LINE Zn W HHI9 n.t t i i I MH.fMV.ta at alt MM ids pieaaftiucsfc suu ujub wuiiwu.w . . am a trip across the Psrihe to the Antipodes, opkraaid iSrneri T'W'OMA" sod "VENTURA", 10,000 torn dUplscement. 44 dsyi Sao Frsncisco to Sydney, Australia, sndback, with a dsv at HONOLULU each y, steps PANG0PANG0 (SAMOA) sad fix days St tYDNEV.the most besatifal and healthful city is the world. For rest, reoeatioa snd pleasure no other tnp oomptrei with this. Stevenson said ol Samoa, "No part of the wcrid eserts the same attractive power upon the TOitor. Round trip rates, 1st clsss, from Sap Franrsco: HONOLULU tl 10: SAMOA $248; SYpNE 'VJO. ftOUNO THE WORLD $0ft 1st cabin; SS7S2doabm. rii Ceylon Esrypt, Italy, etc. Liberal stojwrfers. Sallinrs every two weeks: Oct S. 22; Nov. IS 1 etc Write or wire NOW for bertha CO.. 673 Market' St.. San rrandaco. HPBX8S STEAMERS FOB sjsn Francisco and jom Angeles -WtlHOCT CRANGJS g. a. BKAR sal's 4 P. M. October S THE 8AM jTBANCISCO POB1XANO S. S. Co. Ticket Office lit Third Street. Phone Main tSOS. A zoo. NEW YORK -PORTLAND wREYeR FREIGHTSc!fdRuY.ICifc AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. a is Railway Exchasge Bldts Purtlaad. Or. Mala 8S78. A "it3! Steamer Anvil Sails from Couch-Street Dock Friday, October 4. For Newport, Florence and Ban don. Freight and Passengers. Frank Bollam. City Ticket Agent. 12 Third. Phones Main (28. A 459. C. E. Brown. Frt. and Pass. Agt iuc St. Dock. Phones. Main SSI, A 41B1. On -an average Great Britain yields M bushels of wheat to the acre; wJ?ut1h Wales, 13; United States, 12. and Kussla, 8. YDNEY: uei rtN-sCantalouDsi. S 1.60 8 1.75 per