THE HIOItXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913. IS FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. 1 13x20 vertical self-containing engine, balance valve 1 HPi rvii-rtn fftur 52-in?h Steel off set blocks with friction rec-ding works and track. 1 tingle circular husk with steel guide and large collar. 3 50-ineh Simor.ds Inserted tooth sawa 2 Trains Jive rolls with reverse drive. 1 60x4 edger with 5 Simonds inserted tooth saws. 1 double 60-tnch exhaust fan. also nn- 1 10x1 ft Filer & Stowell twin feed with shivts and caoie 1 12x20 Filer Stowell twin feed. INQUIRE OF ROBINSON itlFG. CO., Everett. Wash. FOR SALE. a i.vhnrDowt:r. 550-volt Crocker Wtieeier motor, complete with standard b ade starter, no voltage releaseand 73 ampere overload I-T-E circuit breaker; in Al condition. Aaarew rwo gonlan bid a-. ' FOB SALE. One 125-.'olL dlreet-current generator, complete with field rheostat. im-mlr and circuit-breaker. This machine is In rood repair. Address room 2u3. Oregonian bid g. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rneoatat and circuit breaker, in good condition. AU Urw room o3. Oregonian bldg. I HAVE red clover seed which Is warrant ed to be ti rat -class and will sell the same In such quantities as the purchaser may desire. D. C. Howard, care a. C. Wood cock. Eugene, Or. t HAH LEY-DAVIDSON, 4-h.p. 19U model motorcycle and tandem and carrying attachment- fin condition; price $120. Call iiain iJ4 or 610 nawuiunie A REAL bargain, 20 minutes ride on Wooo stcck car; nearly new cottage; must be so.d: owner leaving city; $10io. S 431. rruujau. fcAFES--Speclal bargain seconl-hand fire end burglar-proof; safes opened and re paired. Purcell Safe Co.. a:id Portland Safe Co.. S3 5th bu Phone Alain 6300. 1 i PEWf-ll EKS rebuilt, all maKes. $10 to itu. The Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark St. "Ort tALE or rent, logging. and hoisting engine, contractors euuipinec.t. Railway LquipmeuL Co-. 4 laL WILL sacrifice for private party, beautiful flawless white diamond, neary 3 carats. Apply Jewelry Shop, Hellig Theater bldg. DO YOU want Smith Premier? Mine is in fine condition; sell very cheap. 37, 142H 2d st. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B Haley Desk Co. 210 Seventh M. Main OS. POTATO-DIGGER, worth $luO, would sell for $,10. John Eder. 1235 E. Taylor. OLIVER-typewriter for sale cheap for cash. 707 belling bldg. WANTED MISCELEEAN EOIS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE AND TOOLS. Highest price paid for ladles' and men's cast aff clothing, shoes, furniture, hard ware and bicycies; If you want to be sure to get the full price for your goods call up Main 20SO and you will surely get it. The Globe Store. 290 First S:. LEVIN HARDWARE - FURNITURE '-O. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For furniture, stoves, ranges, carpets and all kinds of hardware, farmers . mechan ics and loggers' tools. 221-5 Front st. Phone Main u07 W E pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phone East 3134. 34S Hawthorne ave. HIGHEST cash price paid ladles' and gents second-hand clothing and old gold and silver. Rosenblum. Marshall 74. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND &TOKB We buy. sell and exchange clothing, shoes, etc 22 Front st. Main 327. WILL buy anv kind of hair com'jings at the Sanitary Beauty parlors. 4UU Denum WANTED 3C to 40 horsepower fire boa boiler. Phone Marshall 1557. , FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for ajj kind of furniture. Main 8931. A 8445. SEVER A L mahogany sectional bookcases. Main 070-1. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN We have a first-class proposi tion to make to the right kind of man. Including an exceptional commission offer. We have a year's work ahead of us. If you are a live man, call between lo and 1 1 A. M., and ask for Mr. Strickland. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 272 Stark St. SALESMEN One of our salesmen made $147 commission last week: otaers earnd from $23 weekly up. If this U.come looks toed to you, write us today. Several ex i client fields open If taken Immediately Washington Nursery Company. Toppenisn, WnsjK WANTED Man and wife on farm, near city; man must be experienced farmer, and wife good housekeeper; no children; references required ; no others need an swer. AB 403, Oregonian. MAX and wife wanted, capable of taking management and running small hotel in Central Oregon; write at once giving ref erences as to character: state wage ex pec ted. A d d ress Hotel Culv er. Culver; Or. BRIGHT young man. about 20 years old, for railroad news work. Fit teen dollars deposit required. Uniform furnished free. App-y 3'-'tr Johnston st. jl.N with good appearance to represent lo firm; must be a business getter. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M-. 302 Marquam bid g. tOV wanted for delivery wagon; must have expel ience and reference. Apply Masonic Temple Grocery, W. Park and Yamhill, immediately. WANTED Strong, robust boy, with wheel, to deliver packages and learn the print ing business. chapman Advertising Co., :mi Phoenix Mdg.. 5th and Oak. STRONG and intelligent husband and wife to do hotel work. Can arrange for room and board at hoteL Phone A 2377 or Main 3735. WANTED Young man attending school to work for board and room around store. 4 blocks from new Lincoln High School. C. E. Kram er. 4t'6 Harrison st. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer to work one hour a day. C?ood opportunity for man already employed to increase income. Apply 311 Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED Man to travel in country and collect lor Chicago house; $3oO bond re quired. Address H. B. Stout, general de liver. - . FiLEDRIVBR engineer. $120 a month: 10 brid carpenters. Tacoma, Wash., for N. p. ; free fare. N. P. Labor Agency, 243 Omen st. INTELLIGENT, neatly dressed man to dem onstrate and solicit: small salary guaran teed. tH Northwest bldg. WANTED Man and wife to take charae of n farm: S3 to 45 years old. German or Italian preferred. Apply to 232a Couch St. WANTED Two salesmen between the ages nf 23 and 40. Address AJ 4i!3, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED newspaper advertising so licitor; salary. Apply to the ally News, ;:: :th st. ; BARBS R wanted Must b first-ciass, $1 - p?r week guaranteed. Phone D. O. Tay lor, Independence, Or. WANTED 2 errand boys, good chances for advancement later. Apply Marshall Wells Hardware Co., 5th and Pine. WANTED I experienced shoa salesmen for . Saturday; pay $4. Wright's Sample Shoe Shop. 244 Wash. st. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, com mission, contrat-ts cashed. Benedictine Pre. 268 Mndifon. WANTED High-grade solicitor. Must be able to approach merchants. Liberal commission. W 432, Oregor lan. WANTED Good barber for Euene, Or. For i.artirniara &dd1v Lewls-Stct ger Barbers' Supply CO. : WANTED Bright, energetic toy for office in wholesale house. Reply in own tia.nti writing, stating age. AO Oregonian. SHOW CARD writer, for commercial work. I yee. 217 Seneca St.. Seattle. , YOUNG man about 1 years old. App'y 323 5th t. Friday morning. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 231 Couth st. A SOLICITOR for city work; salary. 323 3th st. WANTED Strong boy with wheel for deliv ering. (Si 4 East Morrison. TYObrber wanted Saturday. 20 Madison B VRBER wanted. Steady Job suarante pay. 644 1st st. PHOTO coupon agents, something new; a snap. Boston Studio, S4t Washington. PHOTO coupon; beat aver offered; nap for agents. I'uthpert eiuaio. .am WANTED First-class ladles' tailor. De riianene. vo v A RUSHELMAN to taKe marge vi am-j. Married man preferred. SB Union ave. N. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 266 1st St. V." ANTED Janitor. Hotel Ausonia. 124 14th t. AAi.E?EIt wanted Steady job. 2i4 First St. corner WANTED Experienced reporter. Morning Aaiuriau. AJion. W N'T ED Experienced auto polisher and gYo references. AF 3l3. Oregonian. PRINTING firm wants tUKr Ith .,nmin,- in city. 511 Buchanan bid-. HELP WANTEDMALE. " INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If 1 py you $3 for employment membership. I will have oniy $13 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $3 for employment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with ail Its resources, between you and sta ration. Result : Young man joined association. In less than a weekhe had satisfactory employment. Record for nine months endlnc Sept. 30. Call for men 17M Positions filled 116 Employment membership guarantees member win secure employment or ceiua of membership fee; gives two months" full membershln nrlvileeL 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of mem- oersmp witnout runner cnarge. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See Secretary Employment Department I . ai. kj. a. SALESMEN, stock and bond salesmen or real estate salesmen will find the very best selling proposition in Portland; un usually liberal commission, a strong prop osition, unlimited field and quick sales; get in now in the beginning. Call morn ings. 503 Corbett bldg. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $60. Addt" tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years service can retire wfc 73 per cent of pay and allowances. Services on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S Marine Corps Recru!ting Office. Third and Wash, sts.. and 1 ys Third ave., Portland. Or. WANTED MILLWRIGHT. $4. Rough carpenter, $3.30. Man and wife on farm, HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 and 224 Couch at., bet. 1st and 2d. APPRENTICE WANTED in printing office one to learn to set type, preferably ona who can set straight matter. AJ 439, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN WAMbU to sell our homes in an pans oi me .-i on easy payment plan, and close-in re stricted residence lots on both the East and West Sides; we furnish some pros pects and help you close sales; liberal commissions; ask for sales manager. Provident Trust Co., 212 Selling bldg. CARR'S DEPARTMENT STORE of Spokane requires a competent man in meir - lcatesren department. To one who un derstands this branch of the business thoroughly a permanent position will e Kiven. with ranid advancement. Address S E- Carr Co. BOYS wanted, with wheels, for light deliv ery work. Apply lamnm o HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST AN KEN Y STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED High school girl for email fam ily; must be neat ana unaerstana aou work; East Side student preferred. P. O. Box 417. 330 E. 47th North, corner of Broadway. Rose City Park car. THE Domestic Service Bureau. 306 Central bldg., receives daily cans irora me oesi of homes for competent, reliable girls for general houeework, -cooks, second work and nurse maids. G1KLS wanted as basters and finishers on lady's coats, steady work ana gooa pay, also apprentice girls wanted. Ton Galla gher, 301 Northwest bldg,, corner uth and Washington. THOROUGHLY experienced clrl. good wages, small ramuy. 40 1 &. zm n. 33JJ. Broadway car. A WOMAN that Is experienced In cake and salad making, also to assist in serving oi sandwiches, etc.; short hours; good sal ary. Apply at once. Cat N' Fiddle, 113 7th st. ' WANTED A refined, middle-aged, lady to act as housekeeper tor 5 young man; rei erences required: write, giving particulars. A J 43S, oregonian. l'OL'XG lady of neat appearance to do spe cial work; must be able to do collecting; salary. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M., ot'i Marquttiuoius. GOOD girl for general howsework; roust ua- xlL- if ft XT VH t- STENOGRAPHER for ordinary coroespond- phon'c number.- G 430. Ore-gonian. FOUR girls that sing and dance; long en gagement, tail tnis uiuruiug. Room 2 Pantages Theater Bldg. IRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Washington st, near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 32S6. WANTED Girl to do general housework. Apartment 402, uigmana touri, ma. ana Giisan. - WANTED Girl to work in candy depart- mer.t. pacmc uoasi uiscuu tu., i-iu anu Davis. GIRL wanted to work in tailor shop. Carlton Hotel Tailor, 14th' and Washing- WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. i'lavi Co., 609 Roth- EXPERIENCED cook In small family. Ap ply 709 Northrup st.. between 23d and 24th sts. WANTED Competent woman clerks for many departments. Apply 8:3o to 9 A. M. The Hoiti store. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework. w here second girl is employ en. -j i HOUSEKEEPERS, cooka. waitresses, second Agency, 233 Alderl Main 2039. A 4775. SALESLADY wanted; references required; apply between a ana n u. umu Exchange. 186 5th at. GIRL for general housework; two in yfam - Uy ; call afternoons, 1124 Franklin at-, Willamette Heights. WANTED A lady marker at the Seaside Laundry. Address Seaside Laundry. Sea side. Or. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, K45H Washington st-. cor. 7th. upstairs Phone Main 2602. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for cooking and 'general housework: no children; no wash Tn. Phone East 134 or call 645 E. 9th. N. WANTED Experienced cook to assist with House worn, vtucm u"u V Apply 274 25th st. N., comer of Overton. YOUNG girl to assist housework. $1S month; sleep at nome. COMPETENT cloak and suit saleswoman. WAITRESS WANTED. East S76, 521 Union ave. The Waldorf. GIRL for general hoasework and cooking; small family. &5 Marshall st. WANTED Girl to take care of baby and do light nouseworw, ji, um GIRL lor general housework; references; ages EXPERIENCED waitrfsa wanted at Mor Vis. 01 dh- GOOD frlrl for general housework, white or co lorea rnone aiam vw. FVPERIENCED hair-dresser, hair worker, manicure. Rosenthal Sisters. 110 7th at. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- plV 236 12th at . mornings. EXPERIENCED girl for general housa- WOrK. lajtui. GIRL, for general housework. Apply 816 WANTED Apprentice in beauty parior. 613 l.t. ki4 ath anil Waahlnrton. AN experienced marker and sorter. Falace Laundry Co. GIRL for general house work. Phone Ta bor :sr or address 660 g. 5ftth North. WANTED At once, waitress, experienced. Apply English restaurant. 137 10th st. gTrl for general housework in family of 3 adults. TeL East 363. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TODAY.. Cook, country hotel, $o5. Waitress, out of city. $30. -Wai tress and cham Derm aid. c 1 ty, ea ch Kitchen helpers. $23 and $30. Housekeepers and girls for general housework, $13 to $30. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Lad ies' Departmen t. " 2o3s Morrison st. HELP WANTF!) 31ALS OR FEMALE. MODELS WANTED Male and female, for costume and life classes. Apply person ally. Museum of Art, 5th and Taylor, between 0 and 5. WAXTEC Man or woman piano player for picture show; must be good; call alter t P. M. at the Laurel Theater, 12 E. 2$th st- N. ' RKGliiTEI'.ED laay or gentleman barber to take charge of snop for a while, 263 & Russell St.. room 436. Ear. 54- - FIRST-CLASS " coatmaker wanted, - 7334 Washington. lit LP WANTED MlCELLANTOrS. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN. DO YOG KNOW that there are 50.000 railway officials In the United States . whose yearly salary is $3003 to $ that began life as a, telegrapher, best profession on earth. Day and night classes Just forming, low rates. R. R. wires in school; 10 young ladies wanted for commercial positions; a posi tion guaranteed each graduate. Morse Telegraph Co., 505 Commonwealth bldg. MEN and women 'to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special inducements, per centage paid while learning; tools free: expert instructors; 17 years In the ouai uess, 87 schools; a ittetlma membership given to each student. Mo:er Baroer Col I e g o 35 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. WE teach you a trade In few months time; pay wages after second month. Electricity, automobiles plumbing, bricklaying. 100 satisfied workmen today; 40 jobs going. Catalogue free. United Trade School Con t ra ctlng Co.. Los Angeles. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. LEARN MOVING-PICTURE OPERATING Easy inside work; short hours; $25 to $40 weekly salary. Call today. Lessons reasonable. 020 Washington, near 17th. MILLINERY SCHOOL la now open. Come in at once, ladies, and have your bats made over; reasonable. 300 Goodnough bldg. KAIL AY mail cleika. prepare now. ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific Statea School, McKay bidg.. city. WANTED Mea to learn watchmaking and engraving; few months learning; positions guaranteed graduates. Write Watchmak ing School, 210 Globe bldg, Portland.Or. E. B. U. BUSINeVs-COLLEGE thoroughly and quickly prepares for good positions guaranteed. 630 Worcester block. Marshall 3731. MEN, TAKE NOTICE. Learn auto driving and repairing, posi tions guaranteed; tirat-class graduates. 105 4th st. - MEN and women. Government positions; $80 month. Write for list of positions opn. Franklin Institute. Dept. 340S, Rochester. n. jr. . 3-CHAIR barbershop for sale cheap; clears . $33 to $30 weekly. Write postoifice box 290, Independence, Or. PERFECTION sr.nooi of dressmaking, draft ing and cutting. Suite ttltf Fllednr bidg.. 10th and Wash. Phone Main 4Vi. A 4116. ANY person knowing tho addresa of Floyd C. Milier will conter a favor by phoning. Main 590 or A 1596. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Association, ban Francisco. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4238. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers ; big pay ; free booklet tells how. United Prods Syndicate. San Francisco. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 610 Swetland bldg. M. 4435. YOUNG man to learn the barber trade ; little money required. AO 423, Oregonian. PUBLIC accountant teaches modern meth oda accounting. Williams, 805 C. of C. NIGHT SHOW-CARD SCHOOL. Individual instruction. 511 Wilcox bldg. SHORTHAND typewriting school. 269 14th st. Main 3893. Expert instruction $5 mo. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. $ Bookkeeper and Clerks. BY A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED LUMBER BOOKKEEPER, AT PRESENT EMPLOYED. BUT DESIRE TO LOCATE IN PORTLAND. WITH ESTABLISHED LUMBER COMPANY: HAVE 8 YEARS' MILL AND GENERAL OFFICE EXPE RIENCE; AGE 34 AND MARRIED. AD DRESS P. O. BOX 244. HOQUIAM. WASH. YOUNG man desires position as stenograph er; has fair knowledge of bookkeeping and Is rapid and accurate with adding machine; has had two years' bankl&g ex perience. AD 423, Oregonian. WANTED, in busy on ice, situation as cor respondent, private secretary or manager: experienced, neac. energetic, capable; ex cellent stenographer; strictly temperate; highest reterences. au m. rguman. POSITION as salesman hardware or house- furnishing gooas prererrea. oy . rawnw man 32 years, strictly reliable; can give references, Addresa B- G. M. J 441, Ore gonian. GENERAL OFFICE man and bookkeeper, 10 years experience R. R. headquarters, middle-aged, wants office position, Al references. AC 420, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by Al office man (23); nine years' banking experience; nonesi ana reliable ; first-class references. AF 439, Oregonian. BIDS WANTED, On general contract of frame building; bids close Saturday, 5 P. M. 306 Couch bldg., after 1 P. M. Friday. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare oaiances ana sua la ments, install systems. Gllllngham. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. A FIRST-CLASS billing clerk desires a po sition wnere nara worn anu vuwiKiivy appreciated; best of references; nothing under $00 considered. E 425, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 10 years' ex perience wants steaay position. lent references. AH 438, Oregonian. YOUNG man-stenographer, beginner, desires position;' nas naa omce xjmjithsmko. H 432. Oregonian! ' COMPETENT bookkeeper, stenographer and all around oitice man; exeun aumij. R. B. Stoddard. 507 Clay st. Main 171. THOROUGHLY experienced competent book keeper desires engagement, j ure gonian. . Miscellaneous. AUTOMOBILE repair man or truck driver. new employed, wisnea automooue posiuuu, 7 vears all-around experience with auto mobiles. P. O. box 292. Portland. AM anxious to get an indoor position In store or wholesale nouse; am iv years oiu, can run an elevator; will make good If given a chance. Phone Tabor 1216. WANTED By experienced groceryman, work in store, 8 years' experience. 4C2S 67th S. E. SOBER, aensible married man. exceptional mechanical aniuiy. wwnea wora. t j mechanical job. Houston, atam iu. EMPLOYMENT by middle-aged, reliable man to lena xumace or genwat aiuuoo- WOTK. AU Uicgvmoa WANTED A permanent position by an ex- good references AV 288. Oregonian. CHINESE schoolboy desires employment. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and repair man - wants position: married, sober and of good habits. T 428, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with two years' experience as Dftr O - r wants nmwii aF..-." -- StraUSS. XX lit" .im Jjmamp SITUATION wanted by a married man, 8 children, work on a dairy farm. AF 436, Oregonian. WANTED Job driving auto or delivery or work in machine shop. AD 429, Orego nian. " FIRST-CLASS all-round carpenter foreman, t.nri.r.tnnria nuttlnff ud forms for con crete; Just from East. AR 419. Oregonian. GROCERY clerk. 4 years' experience, speaks German, wants steaay hui, u nces. E 426. Oregonian. WANTED Position on any kind of farm except dairy, by a man-with family. T 426. Oregonian. YOUNG man 26. aober, reliable, not afraid of work, wants steady position; refer ences. AC 423, Oregonian. JAPANESE young man wants a position in a jewelry store, boy, silver polishing; have 6 years experience. S. Nakal, 94 N. 8th. WANTED To do some work in exchange for a good living-room. S 433, Orego nian. PORTLAND Walters Club First-class wall era furnished. 14SH Fifth st. G. C. Oera.d. Mgr. Marahf.ll 791 or A 4910. MAN and wife with experience want posi tions on ranch close to school; one child 7 yearsr T. J. Auam. xw t ibidh bi. lOUNG man. 22 wnnts work some kind at YOUNG man wants position on road; city ana outsiae iriririum. j tt, v.-. 0 w,,.... YOUNG men. well educated and strong, wants vorjt; not afraid of work. E. 4J03. SITUATION'S W ANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man, married, desires position in or out of city; eight years' experience, three as buyer and manager of grocery, some experience in general merchandise, can give references as to character ana ability; anything considered in mercantile or clerical position, ad -t-i. icgmw" YOUNG MAN, 34 years of age, desires posi tion as city salesman or collector for es tablished concern; experienced and wel known; best references. Addresa C P. O. Box 1136, r-ortiano, r. YOUNG MAN, 23, high achool and eni college education would like work with N general contractor, with idea of learn ing business; have had about two years' experience, r. 4. uregumaii C. G. SHEPPARD, 4S6 E. 15th N. Phone East 6080. Contractor and builder; esti mates on repair Jobs, painting, papering and tinting, as well as building your new nouse; oesi oi reiereuce P1LEDRIVER. bridge foreman, wirl be open for engagement about Oct. 10. Prefer permanent or long Job with good company, R. R. work; good references. AV 249, Ore gonian DON'T throw your old mirrors away; mir rors resilvered, called for and delivered, large or small orders cheerfully solicited; worn gqardiuccu. nn. v-p--. YOUNG married man wishes any ftind of a nositlon whereby he can earn fair liv ing; references. H. Stevenson, 189 13th st. tnone jqarsnaii WANTED Position by first-class all-around cook, countryhotel preferred; best of rel- WANTED Position by first-class chef and helper; references; will leave city. W 434, Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants place In city; experienced; reliable. V 427, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur who will do housework wants position. F 473, Ore gonian. WANTED Situation as relief for moving ptcture operator. Archie Smith, phone . Main 2497. WANTED By young man, position in con fectionery store; experienced. AH 4o4, Oregonian. WANTED Team work of all kinds. Call 41 E. Star- st. JAPANESE wishes position in family. AG 432. oregonian. POSITION as watchman or Janitor work; experienced. Phone Woodlawn 1397. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires po sition where close application to work is appreciated. E 429, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, good bsginner and will ing worker, deslrea position. Phone Mar shall 2751. - YOUNG lady deslrea position stenographer and assistant bookkeeper; references. Main 3909. COMPETENT bookkeeper, 6 years' experi ence, desires position ; reasonable samry. Tabor 303. SITUATION by experienced young lady as bookkeeper and cashier. References. Main 721. NUMBER one bookkeeper desires position, city references. East 1872. Dressmakera. DRESSMAKING by competent dressmaker nt home or by the day. The Beverly. Main 7082, A 3256. . MRS. M. REYNOLDS Dresmaking. 514 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. DRESSMAKING and alteration by the day or at home. Phone Marshall 2459. LADY wishes to do plain sewing at home reasonable. 979 Vancouver ave. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases; wages rea sonable. Phone Sellwood 749. GOOD practical nurse, doctor's reference. Main 0037. PRACTICAL nurse desires engagements; in , valid preferred. Main 2039, A 4775. Housekeeper!. YOUNG woman with child would like place as housekeeper for bachelor or widower with no children. AD 424. Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED young woman would like position as housekeeper, rooming or apart ment house. R 423, Oregonian. Domestics. COMPETENT cook desires position In a private family; only kitchen work; wages $45. Phone C 3182 or by letter. M. A- 762 Montana ave. TWO girls want general housework. Call at 314 N. 20th st. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants general housework. Tabor 1904. Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady, attending business collegei wishes to exchange light services for room and board, nice home, on West Side. Referencea exchanged. Phone Main S103 evenings. AC 429, Oregonian. ' CAPABLE girl, attending school, would like housework within walking distance of West Side school; wagea $10. Phone A 5096. WANTED Housework and cooking every afternoon and evening except Saturday. . Call at 765 Commercial st. WANTED Work by day, washing. Ironing, cleaning: referencea. Main 3539. Call mornings. WANTED Upstalra work and sewing, by experienced woman. Main 554S. 571 Petty- grove. EXPERIENCED girl desires situation, cook, boarding-house. Institution. Main 2030, A 4 no NEAT young girl wishes situation, do sec ond or upstairs work; good American family ; reierencea. axj u-t, mcBuui POSITION as woman cook, experienced short order, cafeteria work. N. N., 474 E. Davis. FINNISH girl wants housework. Phone TUnnlivn ATA YOUNG lady desires office work; experl- DAY work wanled for Friday and Saturday. Marshall 4O07. SWEDISH woman wants place to work for room and board; close. 466 Main. FIRSTCLASSlaundress wishes work Fri day and Saturday. WoodIawn 1611. YOUNG girl wishes position In cigar store or confectionery. AB 407. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash ing, ironing, cieanins. - YOUNG lady desires copying work, evenings; will call. G 427. Oregonian. A JAPANESE girl wants housework, 73 North 10th st. EXPERIENCED woman , wants day work. Phone Tabor 2725. GIRL wishes place as housekeeper; experi enced; references. X 426. Oregonian. WANTED AG EN- TS. LIVE wire salesman with few dollars can clear $1000 before election as state dis tributer of "Bull Moose Call" whistles; greatest campaigne novelty out. Unique Allg. L.O., gaming. ' PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agents, Sarome Studio t6h Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. House. WE have tenanta now waiting to rent first class houses and flats. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6869. 269 Wash. St, A 6287. WANTED To rent, 5 or 6-room modern, well furnished cottage or bungalow, in first-class residential district. W 3L O.-egonlan. WANTED Newly furnished cottage or bun galow ; no children ; references. AL 528, Oregoniam . J MODERN 3 -room bungalow or flat, fam ily of two. AB 406, Oregonian. MAN of good habits wants room in quiet place; rent must be low; give full particu lars. AH 452. Oregonian. ' Rooms With Board, WANTED Home for a 10-months-old boy. Apply Kline. 630 5th st. FOB BENT Furnished Rooms. THE KING. 309 Jefferson Nicely furnished rooms; cheapest and best in city- close to business center; $2.50 week up. Take 5th at. car from Union Depot. ! THE WEAVER. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. cellent table. 710 Washington. Main 8631. HOTEL FORD Strictly modern, private phones- in all rooms. 783 Washington, St.. cor. Locretia, near entrance to City Park, phone Main 62f. THE LARRABEE. 227H Larrabee. Rooms l-i and up; brick bldg., steam ne. ct. cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniencea. 6th and Main. eii-J'K!TAT, East First and Holladay. near now Stel bridge, new, wll furnisheJ, p n ty hot water: g.-t per weea up. HL1 iL, Li . tnt"'v n., -"f aim a . Xew, strictly modern, private baths and gultea; rooms, $3-30 per week np. M. 9472 24S SALMON ST. Newly furnished rooms, FOB KENT. Farnibhed Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL Under new management. 625 Washington St. Hi.rpr loboy. finished In mahogany, tl!e - and marble; ladies' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms all night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot ana . cold water In alt room., many with bath, a residential hotel abova reproach, where every effort Is made for the co.-i.fort and convenience of Its guests; re n ts t-he most reason able la th e city; rooms by the day. week or montlt. Look this over betore locating. Take "W" car at depot, get off at lta and Washington. ALDER HOTEL. 4th and Aider Bta. New reinforced concrete buUdmg, under new manajtement. Why not have a room -Hight oon townt They are well fur nished, right In tha business center of the eity. Al have hot and cold water, n any with hatha, and ail other moa-rn conveniences prices most reasonable by month, wek or day. Investigate before locating. Any car from depots pass with in one blcck of hoteL THE ARTHUR HOTEL Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill ..ts. A residential hotel where guests' ' company are entertained only In the par lor. Elegant furnishings and fixtures with every modern convenience and com fort found in any hotel In the city: all outside rooms; tile batha, aix-foot plate dressin g mirror in every room, beau tlf u I lobby an 1 parlor; don't fall to inspect the Arthur before locating In Portland; rates per month, $20 with detached bath; $23 ..with private bath; suites $45; no extra charges. THE GARLAND HOTEL Cor. Washington and Trinity Place (Bet. 19th and 20th sts.)f A NEW, HOME-LIKE PLACE" WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE. Under new management A strictly modern, up-to-date house, beautifully furnished; all outside rooms; prices very reasonable. HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third and Main 8t. Thoroughly n odera and clean, and con ducted as a first-class hotel, under the personal supervision of the owners. Spe cial rates by the week or month to dt iat!e parties. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND On Fourth at., running from Salmon to Taylor sta. In the heart of the city. Brand new brick with all modern conveni ences. Offering special rates to permanent : guests. Rooma from $3 50 per week up. Tourist trade solicited. Give us a call ana you will look no - runner. THE CHESTERBURY. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL AND APARTMENTS. Fireproof building, all modern conven iences, first-class dining service. Corner 20th and Kearney sta., one block from Depot and Morrison car. E. M. Bowa, proprietress. Marshall 784, A 4458. HOTEL RAINIER, One block from Union Depot, J 40 out side rooms, with all modern conveniencea Making special rates to permanent guests. Rates frum $10 per month up. Give us a call and you will be more than pleased. 128 N. Ctii st. HC TEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside sta Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms ; private batha ateam heat hot and cold water, private phones In each rcom: special rau-s by tha month Phone Marshall 4049. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th at. at Wash. Rooms with detached bath $3.50 to $5 per week; rooms with private bath. $22.50 to $27.50 per month; a first-class residen tial hotel under the personal management of the owner. J. W. Buahong. 181 Eleventh Street New, modern brick building: ateam hea'ed. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and sea us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL SAN MARCO, 4"2tt WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 11TH. j Ust renovated ; beautifully furnished single and double rooms, private baths; $3 per week and up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; both phones. $1.23 A WEEK, with ateam heat and free bath, ia cheap enough, isn't it? Large room. 2 beds, 4 young men: Just the right fit, or 3 of you at si.oo eacn; come gei ic 131 10th at., corner Aiaer. 150 Park at., very central, European and American plan; homelike service in dining, rcom at reasonable price; $1 European. $2 American. Special rates per week. 1C5H Twelfth St - Marshall 27901 In heart of business district; steam heat hot and cold water, free phone In every room- tl day and up; $4 week and up. WANTED Roomera" who desire and appre ciate absolutely clean, newly furnished rooms at moderate prices, right down town 2SS Third st., corner Jefferson. Outside rooms, $2.50 weekly up. HOTElt RENWlCK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located;- elegant T-nna- all modern conveniences: 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland HoteL THE LINDELL. Large, pleasant front room; easy walk in distance; all home conveniences; $2. $2 50 to $4 per week. 328 4th at. ilam 5561. ' ' . GILM0RE. 131 10th st, cor. Alder Clean, well furnished, steam heat; respectable, auiet place; transient and permanent; plenty hot water; free baths: both phones. 60o a day up; $2.50 to $5 a week. FURNISHED rooms, reasonable; close to medical school; suitable for students. 703 Everett st., 2 blocks Wash. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished room in modern house to lady employed. Privilege of getting own breakfast. Take S3 or Mt. Tabor car. 173 E. 20th st. Phone East 4672. WANTED One or two people for beautiful ly furnished large front room in attrac tive residence furnace heat, reasonable, walking distance, ax a. jum iv COMFORTABLE furnished room for one or i . . . i iinvit. nVmna Kath niinr two; eiwuiu ne". f""""" - Multnomah Club; reasonable. 253 Chap man, jxiaruimii oaoo. 540, YAMHILL, 5 minutes from P. O. ; a auite, or single room, new furniture, quiet home place, every convenience ; exceptlon- aiiy gooa. v-p-wr v furnished room, all modern conven iences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. NICELY furnished room, close to bath, in private family; good board. 50 King st. near Washington. Phone Marshall 1251. wnniTRY furnished room, lldht. heat, phone. bath, references, near carline; walking distance, West Sine. rnone mar. BEAUTIFUL, large room In a swell private home; all modern conveniences; suitable lor s. a iniiitjri'S- PLEASANT room, all conveniencea, $8 per month to Bteady roomer or $10 for two gentlemen. c- uib LARGE single room, board.- running water, modern conveniences, gentlemen. 291 West Park NICELY furnished rooms; bath, phone, fur. nace, gas, electric; reasonable. 515 Yam- nut si. LARGE double room, private bath and sleeping porch, hot water heat, Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 2674. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two. in private home. 175 Ford st. near Wash ington. FURNISHED rooms. $1.75 and $2.50 per neat. r OUTSIDE rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 200 14th South. Main 3Si3. NICELY furnished room; everything mod ern. 569 Flanders, near 18th st, Marshall ONE or two large, attractive front rooms. suit marnea couyic " a-u.ubm... 12 LARGE, handsomely furnished room. 590 Belmont, near E 14th., SS car. $1.50 PER WEEK for small sleeping room. vfaTLY furnished bedroom, walking dia- - ... e,i .-I, 1-,U Ath Mt lance. " -- LARGE, well furnished room for two, use of piano, doi im SLEEPING room for rent opens Into an open-air room. Phone C 2042. LARGE, sunny front room for one or two. cheap rent, dm.hi. i- GOOD room for gentleman; close In; all conveniencea. a -q. WELL furnished room, suitable for two, $10 per rooBiu. ",J, Unfurnished Rooms. THREE nice rooms, private residence, for T housekeeping: reference Call Main 3069 Or NO. tay bihtci. LARGE 3 -room flat. $13, with water, 2 Room With Boaro. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 24th year; lt V. hnn rH tint of W 1 H E-TOOm. 11- brary. S10 Flanders. Mrs. E. X. Wilson, sup. 564 COUCH ST.: well furnished outside rooms, steam heat, running water, good board. waiKins mammc THE CALVARD, 432 Morrison, cor. 13th, large well furnished rooms; modern con veniencea THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board; running water; steam heat. 385 3d st FOB KENT. Rooms With Board. ELTON COtfRT. Select Family HoteL Now under former management. Special ratea to families; desirable rooms, excellent table. Uth and Yamhill -sta DOES a home appeal to youT THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rcom bats, broad veranda; quiet, close In. near car; 4 blocks from P. O. American ptan. SINGLE and double rooms, choice table board. 33 N. 17th. MAN1TOU. 261 18th su Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat, good board, close In. ROOMS and board. Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer son. Rooms With Board In Private Family. TWO adjoining front rooms, elegantly fur nished. Breakfast and dinner aa good as money can buy. In private family. We have the best to offer in the city. Price $30 per month. Phone Main 9031. EXCLUSIVE elegant home with every mod ern convenience; can accommodate four young men with room and first-class board; references required. Phone E. 5604, mornings. A HOMELIKE place for 3 or 4 strictly modern. 3 minutes walk to new Lincoln High School; splendid rooms; excellent board, use of piano, reasonable; young man wants room-mate also. Main 6381. FURNISHED rooms, with excellent board, homelike, private family. East 43th and Taylor, only young people In house; gen tlemen preferred. For details phone East 603. IN modern home; beautifully furnished, good board, with home comfort, reason able. 501 Harrison, near 14th. Main C381. CHEERFUL front room with board, one or two ladies, no other boarders ; modern, walking distance; home privileges; ref erences. Phone East 4679. NICE room, board or breakfast for one or two refined gentlemen, private family. West Side, walking distance; nice home to suitable party. Marshall 4554. I.ARfiR front suite, handsomely furnished. heat, light, running water, suitable for gentlemen; prlyate house. iJ mcretia at. WANTED Children to board. mother's care, within block of school, $10 per month. Mrs. Ben Eby, Oregon City, Or. LARGE front room with hot and cold water; modern; with board; for gentle man. 434 Salmon, cor. 12th. Reasonable ROOM and board in modern bungalow, $ week. Sellwood 870. 020 ast -sin su W-W car. LARGE, Ught, pleasant rooms, with board; strictly modern, walking distance. 840 Hassaio. TWO large connecting rooms for rent with or WllUUUl DUHIU, hcijwhus T Larir t Main SK71. A LOVELY room for one or two people and .smaller room, with excellent board; -vaia-ing distance. Main 32So. LARGE room with or without board. 633 Irving st. m FIRST-CLASS room and board for 2 In private family. 100 X. 21st. M. 4220. MODERN room, with board. 204 N. 22d St.. between Kearney and Lovejoy. A 7230. GOOD room and board for one gentleman; also roommate wan tec. ti ua-vis at. 441 N. 22d ST.. Main 2071 Well furnished rooms. Excellent board. FRONT room with board, private family; two gentlemen. o; Lauu ave. e.-ao miv. ROOM, board, one or two gentlemen. 57C Ladd ave. Phone t; ast j. Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCE , Apartment-House Specialists. Own and control the following apartment houses, which are all new or nearly new, up-to-date and posses all modern conven iences : ANGELA 37 Trinity Place, near Wash ington, 2, 3, and 4-room furnished and unfurnished. CECELIA 22d and Giisan, S-room un furnished. . CLAYPOOLE 11th and Clay, 3 rooms, private balcony, unfurnished. CLAYPOOLE ANNEX 11th and Clay, 2 rooms, furnished. FORDHAM 170 Ford St., 4 rooms, hard wood finish, private balconies, highest class apartment in tne city. HANTHORN 251 12th at., near Main. "3 rooma with private balconlea, unfurnished. HANOVER 165 King st, near Wash ington, 3 rooms with private balconies, un furnished; 2 rooms furnished or un furnished. k KNICKERBOCKER 410 Harrison at-, near 12tb, 3 rooma with private balcon lea, unfurnished. ST. CROIX 170 St Clair, near Wash ington, 3 rooma furnished and unfur nished. ST. FRANCIS 21st and Hoyt, 3 and 4 rooma with private balconiea, unfurnished. WELLINGTON 15 th and Everett, 2, 3. 4 and 5 rooma unfurnished, frame build ing, very reasonable rent. NOKOMIS. Marshall street, near 17th New. beautifully furnished; most reasonable rates; best service. ARJMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sta Large living-rooms, 16x20; every convenience. ALTONIA. Marshall and 19th sts. Large, airy 2. 3 and 4 -room apartments; quiet ana exclusive neignournooa. KINGSBURY, Ford street near Washing-ton-Unfurnbshed 3 and 4-room apart ments; beautiful view; everything first-class. THE HOWARD APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apartments, new brick building, large, airy and cheerful: all outside rooms; automatic elevator, steam heat, private baths and Dhones: louxiou lawn; wanting- distance, 1 block to car; rents $2-0 to $40. Special Inducements this week. Manager, Mar shall 2032. Janitor, Marshall 2027. THE STELWYN APTS. ST. CLAIR AND WASH. Largest, newest and finest in city; Bleep ing porches in every apt., 2, 3. 4. 5 room. Bachelor rooms special rates. Phone Mar shall 4471. References required. THE HOUSEMAN 730 HOYT. Elegantly furnished 3-room apartment, all outside rooms, large, light and sunny, view of two streets and a beautiful lawn, plenty of closets and every modern con venience; quiet ana exclusive; reiereiices. SERENE COURT. TP 1 Df inri VI it 1 1 nnm i h tH I iiKf mm pletd; the finest and most up-to-date 2 ana O-room uiaiiiucHi-uuuBD m nwuu west; finest view; close in. East 1426. BURCH APTS. New, modern, furnished 2-room apart ments, bath, dressing-room, fine location. Marshall 411. i zisc si. w. FOR RENT Two and three-room apart ments, unfurnished, new, private baths, steam heat. Janitor service; fine location. 586 Giisan st. Phone A 5022. LILLIAN APT. 6th and Montgomery. On Oct. 1, one 3 room apt., all outside rooms; also one 2- room, m pawmem. MAJISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison Sts, iror rent. 3 and .4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. JULIAETTE, 2d and Montgomery, 2 rooms furnished and unfurnished; modern, in cluding private phone in each apartment; reduced Winter rates commencing Sept. L THE Drickston. 448 11th. Nicely furlshed2 umi 3-roora modern outside aDts. nar Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57 g 1 eeping porch. 409 7th. Marshall 3267. LIGHT housekeeping apartments; rooms from i-uu Pe. j ne neimei 53 N- 18th. THE ONEONTA, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, all conveniences; beau tiful location, j-oi xim au, near Taylor. ROSE FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson sta Very desirable unfurnished apartmeuts; i outside rooms; hardwood floors; re fa. THE ILLIHEE. 2-room apartments, cosy and home like. $2"pyjaZiri:nar 14 ttj- THE CAMAR 2 and 3-room furnished apta for rent $25 up. Apply Janitor, Apt. 24, 704 LoveJoy at. THE LEONCE, 186 22 d st. North, near John son New, modern brick; 3-room furnished apartments. Wi-QV up. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 1STH 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; new brick building; new furniture. Marshall 3658. THE LETA. Beautiful 5-room apartment, steam heat sleeping porch. 4QQ 7th. Marshall 32i7. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay Beautiful 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, new brick bldg.; electric elevator; references THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington st. new ly furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apta Best aervice. wMch"- " -j. i ot mti. KING-DAVIS Near 22d and Wash.; 3 and 4 room apta; both phones; references. BJELLAND, 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished, Main 186:. A 1867. THE BRYN-MAWR APTS., 185 East 15th, near Yamhill; 4-room ap t s.. with porch. IDEAL apartments, newly furnished, single and suite. 635 Couch at. Phone A 5182. pit- a Hart merits. 34th. Belmont: - and room s ; a 11 modern. Tabor 546. 8.S. car. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment, $25. Main 4466. FOR RENT. Apartmrnta THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments pos sessing every modern convenience, private telephone, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam Uryei , most at tractive entrance curt in Portland. Select clientele provides precisely tha surroundings desired for your family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sta, THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Streeta Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and stilctiy modern; service first clasa CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th Streets, 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartment, exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Ratea Reasonable. 4 Modern. Re'erencfea New) TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Larg-st and finest apartments on the Paciflo Coast; in Trinity Place, Just off Washing ton, between 10th and 20th sta. in heart of apartment-house district; modern in every particular: high-class ervice; re fined clienteie; sleeping-porches in every apartment ; furnished and unfurnished : prices right; references required. See Mrs A. N. Wrlsht superintendent. Phone Marshall 1101. THE FAP.KEH, cor. 21st and Irving ata This new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. 3-room basement apartment. $15. - Phone A 1744. Marshall 2061. - AVALON APARTM El'NTS . CORNER ROSS AND CLACKAMAS. Completely and beautifully furnished. 8 and 4-room apartments, strictly modern; have one 3-room with sleeping porch, suitable for bachelors; best of service, walking distance; seeing is believing; rea sonable. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificent fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable: every modern convenience, including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones in all apart ments; high-class service; referenres re quired. 'Phone Main 2276 and A 7057. THE UPSHUR 28th and Upshur sts.. fur nished 2-room apts. $13, 18 and up: in cludes steam heat, hot and cold water In every aoL; private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apt. with private bath. $18; 4 rooms $20 Take a. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 3l v APARTMENT NEAR SCHOOL. Nicely furnished 3 rooms. $23; all out side,, large, light, airy rooms; private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, laundry trays, larfe clos ets : on carline. East Side. E. 2203, il 8041. ' GRANDEST A GRAND AVE. AND EA-i 8TARK ST. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, uewly furnished; private phone and bath In each apartment; elevator service; walking distance. Sum mer rates $22.50 and up. Phone East 2Q3. 22.50-Large 3-room unfurnished apart ment, private bath and dressing-room, all outside rooms, ground floor. Nob Hill dis trict; strictly select; references; no chil dren; line for nurses or stenographera Tel. Main 53S3 or Marshall 175S. THE PABKHl'RST, N. 20th and Northrup Sta. MAX KAUFMAN MANAGING OWNER. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, outside rooms, balcony to every suite ; all conveniencea, ref. Phone M. 117:. BUENA VISTA. Jth and Harrison. 2. 8 and 8 rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; latest Improvt meats, best service. Apply on premises. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16TH STREET. NEAR TAYLOR. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 6-room apartments; every modern con venience; pleasant surroundings; convit- nientiy locateq iv cam. Ti-n-.-.TAM IDA DTVITVTC 841 14th St., at Market; new corner brick, 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reasonable. For information call Main 1730. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. 15th and Everett 2 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated; under new management; walking CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Co lumbia sts.. completely furnished 2-room apta, all modern conveniencea, close in. choice location, facing the park; only ft minutes walk from business center. ALBEMARLE. 3S3 WILLIAMS AVE., 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, modern, $25 and up; walking d is Lance. East 4193. THE WINDSOR. Beautiful front corner apartments; splendid porches; nothing nicer anywhere. Walking distance; pleasant location. Cor ner Eaat 14th and Yamhill sta THE LUZERNE, Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished, J room apartments, building new and atrlct ly modern, large outside kitchens, sarvic first-class; easy walking distance, HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and coiumoia. Furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; all conveniences; first-class, homelike, reasoname ratea referencea Main 133 1. A8 61 6 . KATHERINE APARTMENTS, centrally lo cated 73 rooms furnished and unfurnished apartments; rates reasonable. 14U N. 23d at. Marshall 2603. the Mckinley: apartments. East 7th and Morrison sts.; very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com plete; private baths; from $2o to $32. 60. rttpk-HARTFORD. New management; 2 and 8 room fur niched apartments, modern. 21st and p anders Main 27o2. A 8885. TWAYNEWOOD APTS. Newly furnlsned, 109 N. 18th, between Flanders and Giisan; single room or eu suite from $18 to $30. HADUON HALL, 11th and Hall-2. 3. 4 rooms; furnished o unfurnished ; 'modern ; hardwood floors; private balconies ;Surnmer ratea THE IRVING. 689 IRVING ST. 4-room unfurnished apartment, rooms are large, verandas to each apartment; reference required. Phone A 3000. Flat a RENT Modern 7-room flat, street, between Hoyt and Irving. Apply 144 24th st. iNonn. MODERN 4 and 5-room fiats, gas. electrio lty, stoves. 014 East Morrison and 30th. Tahor j. m. m '"- 5-ROOM modern flat. cor. East 14th and Madison sts- 1 block north Hawthorne ave. Phone East 025. , , MODERN 5-roora fiat, 5th near Jackson, Wst Side; 1U minutes' walk. Main or A 1223. . . 7S4 GLISAN ST. Five-room flat; fireplace, turn ace, walking distance; $2o. K. it. Tuff or d. Marsha.l 4347. MODERN 5-room flat, with porch, fireplace, etc. ; clean, light rooms, reasonable rent. can in-" MODERN 6-room flat, juat off carline, short walK 10 heart of city. Inquire 010 Cham ber of Commerce mag, t A FURNISHED upper flat, 6 rooms. 368 Va 13th St. 4yi jnaiaei- wt- MODERN 6 rooms, large yard. 428 Rod' ney ave. caai. P'UKN'iSHED 5-room corner flat, with piano, on rnrline. 4ff1 Uth St. MODERN 6-room flat for rent. Inquire 426. tth st. STEAM-HEATED flat; good; close In loca tion; aaulta. 564 Couch st. UbalKABLE 6-roor.i flat, East 9th, corner SOhuyler. lieys at apanmeim ac-rwa u FOR RENT Four-room furnished flat. 300 cnerry -1. KA1 of looms and batb. 731 Hoyt su Inquire lau m mi rnwm Jim wi unnRRV 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash ington sts.; reasonable. Main 8936. A 782V. 6-ROOM flat. 12 .N. ISth at. Martin A Martin A V I :r bldg. V I t; walking LT a East 007. A Campbell. Inc., No. 1 W orcester bldg. sis Modern 4 - room upper flat; walking distance. 2bH E- Main. Phone East OP. FURNISHED 4-room steam -heated flat, modern, walking distance. Cotlei Drug Co. DESIRABLE upper and lower flats. 6 rooma Overton, near 23d. Phone Main 4220. A N A i).iot"K anted Saturday. 2s$ First U 0