K v V '' , TgE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1912. 17 AMWEMECT9. I Xlff TOMt. RJAI. ESTATE. ' t KKAL KSTATR. I BE ef-Af l rJal. larlnt WBheXSlent wlt730.00(! . of A No. 1 lj HF.ll.Ki THEATER jth aad Taylor. Phones Main 1 and A 1121. ' TONIGHT TOMORROW NI3HT Special Price Mat Tomorrow ALL ENGLISH STAR CAST in tbe Comedy POMANDER WALK Evenings $2. $1.50, $1. 76c, 80c, 35c. Tomorrow Matinee $1.50 to 25c SEAT PALE OPENS TODAY HEIX1G THEATER 7 beginning Next Sunday Special Price Matinees Wednesday and Saturday " DAVID BELASCO Presents THE GREAT AMERICAN PLAT "THE WOMAN" Excellent Cast and Production Evenings: Lower Floor, except last 8 rows. $1.50: last 3 rows, $1. Balcony, II. 75c. 50c. Gallery. 35c. 25c. Wed. and Sat. Matinees. SI. Toe, ooc. 35c. 25c. SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY BAKER THEATER Main 2. A 5360 I RHkrr. Mrr PAID IN FULL ' By Eugene Walter. The greatest play or this generation. First time in stock. xt Week The Bridge. Evenings. 25c 85c. 50c. Matinees. 25c only. Main S, A 1020 Matinee Daily. Matinee. IS, IS, BOc; Nights, 15. 26. 80, 75e. Jack Wilson. Sketch Musical Comedy Team Comedienne Animated Toyshop Ben Lewtn Acrobatic Act ENTASES vYlTIJ1Er DA1LX WEEK SEPTEMBER SO The Monkey Hip podrome. Scott and Davis, Eldridge and Bar low, t.ladys Van. The 7 California Poppies, Earl Dewey and His Dancing Oirls, Pan lagescope, Pantages Orchestra. Popular prices. Boxes and first row balcony re served. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones, A 2236, Main 4636. Curtain, 2:30, 7:18 and 8. t -.80 Matinee Livery Day 8:30 ress Sullivan A Consldlns Refined vauaeviu. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. Matinees, any seat. 10c: Nights. 10c. 20c 6 BIG lEATt'KE ACTS BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vanghn and Twenty-fourth Sta. OAKLAND PORTLAND OCTOBER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . Girnn Begin Weekdaya at SiOO P. M. Snndaya at 3:30 P. 91. L.ADIEV DAY- FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SALES TOD A I. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A, M. Furniture. 171-3-5 Second street. CLASSIFIED AD. ". RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. Odc time lio tiame ad two consecutive times 22c t-ante ad three consecutive times 30c Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .56c Tbe above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and ail other classifica tions except the following: situations Wanted, Male. Mt nations Wanted, Female. tor Kent, Koms, Private Families. KHms and Board, Private Faniiliea. Housekeepiiic-Koomn, Private Families. When one advertisement is not run In con secutive issues the one-time rate applies. Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad 'counted tor less than two lines. ' Remittances must accompany out-of-town rXhe" Orejfonian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser. is a subscriber to either phune. lu prices will be quoted over the phone, hut bill will be rendered the following: day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the proinptnestt of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not le accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Kent " "Furniture for Sale," "Bowness Op portunities," Roomlns-Uouses" and "Want ed to Kent." ' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY siFFICB 175 MADISOX STREET, rkonea Main .CDS. A XOSft. Horse Am.ulance Phone Marshall aoe. All dlaabled or diseased aa-iniaia will receive prompt attention. Will k called for at a namlnal eost. Refer all caaea of cruelty 1 'u mliea Uaa day satf nlffht, NEW TODAY. For Lease smr "'Tin. on Sixth fet.. near Stark In good brick building, lull basement, reasonable rent. Apply A. H. BIRKELL CO.. '202 McKay Pillar.. 31 ana Mark ntm, Mortgage Loans n&cj.ono and Over tEXTRtl. BUSINESS FRU-MtltTT. LOWUtT LliKKENT KATES. WM. MAC MASTER t.l ttrb.O Uldjs. To sell or trade for unincumbered im proved city property or small Improved farm. 100 acres. SO In cultivation, good 9- i a Y. n thnr i. tl 1 Hll t In in . room nouM, --- 100 tons hay. grain, fruit, team. pony. 10 COWS. CQlCKfn. v ""ft". . V r r J Wash., near school, telephone. Address Bert I'oriey. i-A center. a. a-- u. a. MORTGAGE LOANS City and Farm Property. Current Rates. KUMl.Ml I.. UEVEKEAVI, I00 Spalding Bids;.. Portland. Oregon. CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at current rates. JOHN E. CK0NA2, 02 Spalding: Bid. Pertland. Or. TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY $S0'0. 130.000. S10.000. $3000. at 8 . 110.000. V;tM). $3000. $20fl0. at 7. MALI. VOX BORSIEL, 104 Second St.. Nr. Stark. To Loan at Current Rates, No Delay. 1000, 91S00. asO00,-40.0O0 and Over. WM. C. BORCHERS. 107-208 Orea-onlnn Bids;. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 324 IVoreeater Block, i-none jiaia . JUOp Stephen's Add. Corner . ON TRACKAGE CLOSE IN PEICE $9500 Situated on main line S. P., adjoin ing Inman-Poulsen mill; suitable for factory or warehouse. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. LAURELHURST ' New, nine-room solid brick residence now ready for Inspection, located on a very sightly corner lot near Mr. Henry's beautiful home. This house will class with the very best In Port land. Brick houses do not depreciate In value and there are no expensive repairs or painting-. Come out today. Office on ground. Phone East 989 and we will call for you with our auto... DELAHI STY A CLEMENTS, Sole Agenta. IrvingtonHome Swell, eight-room modern house: lot 60x100: hardsurfaced street In and paid. This would make a fine home for a doctor. Nice grounds: has a garage; in a fine neighborhood on Halsey, near East Nineteenth street. It's a bargain at $8500: $1500 down and $25 per month. Be sure and see this. a CM. ZAOOW, 40S Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. OFFICE SPACE The eight-story building to be erect ed on 'Washington street, covering one half block between Seventh and Park, will be ready for occupancy about August 1, 1913. Will have every mod ern convenience. Reservations may now be made, arranged to suit tenants. MORGA.V-BISHONG INVESTMENT COMPANY, -B03-6 Ablntton Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city proper;. 6 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans.. A. E. BIRRELL CO, 02 McKay Bldg., Third and Start. REAL. ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKCR BENEDICT. 60S McKa; bldg:., M 549. Beck, William a., 815-31S Failing bldf. Cbapin A Herlow. 182 Chamber of Commtro Cook. B. 8. & Co., 608 Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co.. Main 188. 208 Oregon Ian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P, 4O4-40A-l Wilcox bldff. Th Ores on Real Estate Co., GranA ara.. al Multnomah u Holiaday Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. you can buy a piece of property 82x133 ft. with TWO BUILDINGS for $400 at SS PER MONTH ON fi-CENT CARLINE, do you think it will long remain unsold.' BUILDINGS alone are worth over 8O0. Personal calls or phone messages re ceived, 10 to 12 and 1 to 4. If you are interested coma prepared to make immediate deposit. R. E. BORDEN, MAIN 5T0, A 7570. 401 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. EAST STARK-ST. LOT Lot 50xliN. on E. Stark, bet. 37th and SSth at., worth S-(MU. foe quick sale $1400; street improvement air paid; thi faces Laurelhurst Park. C. M. ZADOW. 408 Corbett bldg. A 1416, Marehall 92. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both, high-grade and cheap property, and 1 have the bargains In this district. If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall 4827. BROOKE A 3839. HOMEBUILDE RS AND CONTRACTORS. Owner at ttl4 Henry bldg. will give you the privilege to select lota in new addi tion to build on ; no payments on lots asked before house Is completed or sold; the place is very attractive for small homes and near carllne. $10 DOWN $2 WEEK. WITHOUT INTEREST OR TAXES. 50x100 feet ; cement walks, curb, etc., all paid, built-up district; just 20 min utes out ou good carllne; must sell at once. Write owner. AT 515. Oregonian. 81000 LOT FOR 8750. I must have $150 cash and $30 per month ; will sell my full-sized lot Just 125 feet from carline; fine location; lots next to me sold over a year ago fur $1000; a snap. ,Y 422, Oregonian. AN ACRE FOR $7. per month; East Side, on good electric lines; deep rich soil; nicely wooded; must sell; no agents; write owner. AT 505, Ore goniaiu I OWN 25 lots, all In a bunch. I will sac rifice for cash or will trade for good in come city property; street improvements, streetcar, close in to city. Call Tabor SSS7. ALL KINDS OF LOTS. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 12-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 19dS. A 1134. LOTS for sale on East 44th and Division sts. by owner 8200 below market price; terms. Phone Main 6935. apt. 40. or ad dress 170 Fora St., apt. AM leaving town. Will sacrifice lot, Sandy Anion Acres, new Lents. Inquire Hi Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE One lot on East 2oth St., near S. P. shops. Address Louie Johnson. Sherwood. Or., Route 2. $10 CASH and $5 per month, lot 40x100, 5 blocks station, 35 minutes out. Higley & Bishop. 201 Hamilton piag. $10 CASH and $5 per month, lot 40x100. 5 blocks station. 35 minutws out. Higley & Bishop. 201 Hamilton bldg. BUSINESS and residence lots on Pat ton ave.; easy terms. A. F. McKay, 1291 Pat- ton ave. wooaiawn jz. THREE lots, ilontavilla, $300 each. Bar gain, owner, xv. . xux xm. TWO lots. Rose City Park, close to carllne, cheap. AH 4Q1, uregonian For Bale House. $3500 HO US it. for quick sale at 82800; Just completed; 6 big rooms, 5 big closets; West Side; no bridges; 12 minutes to shopping district; building restrictions: all improvement in and paid or; modem in every detail; cement steps, walks and basement; flower boxes, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, medicine closet, enamel bath and lavatory, gas. electricity. Bull Run water, sewers; double carllne; lawn; view of Mount Hood from front door; stores, schools and churches within three blocks; $500 down, $30 monthly. Owner, 721 is oar Q Ol i raue. $25 CASH and balance easy; new 5-room modern bungalow. 4 blocks Alberta car; fine neighborhood; only 20 minutes, $2400. Htglev & Bishop. 201 Hamilton bldg. NEW HOME, Irving ton. oak floors, oak dining, very select, cneap. z.a. v xt. ncrumau. kyvri.1. T 2 and 3 -room apartment-house; modern, outside room, house full, good payer; terms, owner, ac wi, uregonian. $''450 NEW. modern 5-room bungalow. "1!5U; home broken; terms. Owner, 1021 East 27th st. N. " ' OV "D T l " X r W A -v Modern 6-room house, $4500; half cash, balance easy terms. Phone East 457. $3750 ARTISTIC California bungalow, $'950; fireplace, furnace, financial delin quencies. Owner. Woodlawn 2714. WILL sell equity In house, fine location, for 2-3 of the value, or trade for low priced autc ana caan. n tax, vicguiima. $2S00 MODERN new 6-room house, on easy terms, small cash payment, $20 montnlj including interest. Woodlawn 3220. WANT to sell an S-room rooming-house, clear. Price right. Main 7621. .NEW 5-room modern bungalow. Hawthorns district ; 2 1 w, ternn. cwanK. auxin qszj. BARGAIN a-roora house, owner .saving cits Telephone Wood lawnllM. - FOR FINS HOMES See Delahunt. East 1275. IRVINGTOX Ut E. 21st N.; price $575 Owner Marshall 2027. East 2S38. 5-KOOM house, near Hawthorne, nothing down. $lo per montn. v i.tu. oregonian. MODERN 8-room cottage, only $975 for quick sale; must. go. rnona xaoor ijk MAKE AN OFFER. 7-roora house, built by owner for home; beautifully finished HARDWOOD FLOORS, all built-in conveniences; lot 50x100; street Improvement in and paia. RESTRICTED DISTRICT; only n?" amount of cash ; your own terms. SEE THIS. H ARB OLT -"WILSON CO.. Incorporated. r 710-717 Lewis bldg. Main 8400; A 7158. OWNER MUST SELL. 7 rooms, modern. In Laurelhurst. fireplace, bookcase large buffet, beam ceiling, veneer panel, seat In hall and living-room, large basement with cement fioor. full set plumbing (not Durham) and large lot; will take $4500 cash or trade. Also a first-class double constructed five room bungalow in Alberta district, l blocks to car. Price $2250: $300 to $500 cash, balance long time. This cannot be beat for a good home. THE ABOVE-ARE BARGAINS. THINK THEM OVER. Don't put them off, but act today. They will not last,, mind what I say. Phone W. H. Ray, owner, .Woodlawn 9S6 or 218, or write same 1000 35th at.. Station F. , WEST SIDE VIEW PROPERTY. 7-room, 2 -story residence located In high-class residence district, large living room dining-room, den. 3 bedrooms and large' porch. House is located on two large lots and commands broad and beau tiful view. Price $6500; $1500 cash; bal ance, terms to suit. H. F. BOTHFCB, 724 Board of Trade bldg. Main 3833, A 2876. 6-ROOM HOUSE. $750 CASH. Nice 6-room, lH-tory house, fireplace, electric light, nice fixtures, cement floor, laundry trays, buffet, bokcases, panel dining-room, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, on Brown's ave.. 1 block from Union ave. and 1 block from KilllngBworth ave.; fine location. Price only $32uO; $750 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. LADD ADDITION Swell 5-room bungalow In the best part of Ladd's Addition; this Is a real beauty; nothing missing; hard-surfaced street in and paid; will sacrifice at $5500; $1000 down and $25 per month; you will never get a chance like this again. C. M. ZADOW, 40s Corbett bldg. A 1416. Marshall 92. GOING TO HONOLULU. PRETTY HOME SACRIFICED. I am an engineer, on an ocean steamer and my headquarters hereafter will be in Honolulu; am obliged to sell my house at a sacrifice. It is modern in every respect and is a big bargain. Price $2750; will accept easy terms from responsible party. See my agent, A. N. Searle, East 76th and East Glisan. RESTRICTED DISTRICT, Fine r.ew home, lot 50x100, parking 10 feet, improvements paid, cement block chimney and fireplace, elegant hardwood floor. 7-foot buffet, beveled plate glass doors, 4 French mirrors, large work pantry and sink, fine basement, furnace, sleeping porch; 2 carllnes. 14 minutes to business; terms. Phone owner. Main 4144. A FURNISHED HOME. Good value In this home; lot 40x120, 20-foot alley, close in to car, school and in fine built-up neighborhood. For quick sale we will take $1450; small payment down. House is a nice cottage, modern, and a valuable property. Better see this soon. See Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d. Floor Chamber of Commerce. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN JXTO INCOME; WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCES AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WrE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY YOU. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. EIGHT-ROOM two-story modern residence on corner lot 90x100 feet, one block from new electric depot and one1 block from business center, in McMlnnville, Oregon; price $4000. one-half cash, balance on long ' time at 6 per cent interest or small payments. Address 409 Etlers building, 7th and Alder streets. Portland, Oregon. SOMETHING VERY GOOD. Nice 6-room home, choice lot, fine loca tion, lot 40x120, fenced; good garden soil, some fruit trees; well worth $1650. Owner wishes to sell for only $1275; small cash pavment. balance easy. See Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. ALBERT A-ST. SNAP. Nice 4-room bungalow, in fine order throughout, gas, electric, nice bath, etc., on Alberta st.. near. 10th, a business lot, price only $2400; $300 cash and $20 per month; a . nice little home, or a good speculation. GRUSSI &" HOLDS, 31S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful bungalow 9 rooms, 2 bathrooms, massive stone fire place, automatic gas water heater; bil liard room; 5 sleeping rooms; many built in conveniences; i-acre beautifully wood ed grounds. Built for a real home. Price and terms right. Henry C. Prudhomme. owner, Wilcox bldg. LAURELHURST $200 CASH $20 MONTHLY. 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry, built-in bookcases, buffet, sollw oak floors, mirror doors. National Realty ft Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 5129. SACRIFICE. Absent owner must sell house and lot In Rose City Park at once; cost $4000; will sell for $3250; now rented for $27.50 per month. WILDER BROS.. , . Commonwealth Bldg. 8-ROOM new, modern residence and full lot, beautifully situated in Laurelhurst; all improvements in and paid for; hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, fireplace and all conveniences. Must have money and will ' sell at a big bargain. Only $500 cash. O 435, Oregoniaju ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, fur race, fireplace, buffet, thoroughly mod ern, never occupied, close to car; $3750; $300 cash. SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY, 304 Oak St. 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH ACRE OF GROUND. $1200. Located two blocks from streetcar, in restricted district, every city convenience provided; will accept terms. W 435, Ore gonlan. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2250. At Stewart station on Mt- Scott carllne. Well built, cozy, nicely arranged, very easy terms. MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOYCE, 503-6 Abington bldg. 6UNNYSIDE SNAP BOxloO lot. 6-room , house, built for home; street hard sur faced, fine garden and roses. Price $3tt00 (worth $4500); $500 cash, $25 month. 1079 E. Morrison. Tabor 771. I MUST SELL at once my beautiful 5-room bungalow at 1104 East 22d st. N. at a bargain; take Alberta car to 22d; walk 1 blocks north. Owner. Phone Wood lawn l-jua. $50 CASH, $10 per month; new 3 -room, bun rnlnw. io blocks Mt. Scott car. 30 min utes out; water, sink; everything neat and nifty. Higley & Bishop, 201 Hamilton bldg. $2000 MODERN bungalow. 5 rooms, corner lot, email payment, balance $25 per month. Including Interest ; owner, 3305 54th st. Mt Scott car, Clark's station. Call from 10 to 2. BARGAIN Six-room new bungalow. Hew- tnorne aisirit, imwu uoa m mu-r uu sales contract; will discount all that has been paid on same. Owner, M. 413, Ore gonian. SUNNY SIDE. 7-room house on East 85th st. Two blocks to sunnysiae ana Aiount TaDor car. Price $26ou; aown. -o a montn. C ALLAN ft.AC-cn, i i eon cioy. $3750 Strictly modern new bungalow, Schuyler St.; furnace, fireplace, oak fioors, hnfr.t combination fixtures, larxe attic: teims. Owner. 825 Yeon bldg. Main 112. FOR SALE by owner 50x100. with two good houses, on West Side; 10 minutes' walk from Posioffice, on 6th st- For price, Sell- MVUU 111. rni.CVAM A RATES. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, FURNISH MONEY AND BUILD WHERE YOU LIKE; WORK GUARANTEED. ZVZ LUAHilLKMti-B. $25 MONTHLY, including interest, modern 5-room oungBiuw, mubii va-j uiBui, Beau tiful home, near car. Owner, 30 Worces ter block. - ALL KINDS OF HOUSES. KUPPER A HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 1965. A 1134. IRViNGTON OUR SPECIALTY. FINB LOTS SIOOU AND U r. A 1 I live nui. a. a $4000 AND UP. NEUHAUSEN A CO 703 LEWIS BLDG.. MAIN 8078. I OWN a house of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, street Improvements in, modern and new. Will sacrifice for cash. Re stricted district. Taoor 3i. 5 ROOMS, near 20th St., near Alberta; mod ern; $3100. terms. ANDERSON. Mar. 2073. FOR quick sale will sacrifice new modern tt- room noupe ioa Riogr m n .uiwu term if desired. Phone East 1ST 2. OCCUPIED snA for sale by owner, ona of the finest homes in Lauremunu strictly up to date colonial residence; spacious halls and rooms, hardwood floors and mahogany staircase; plate glass win dows throughout; massive panels through out, massive paneled fireplace, solid brass hardware and cut glass door knobs; fin est of plumbing and fixtures; entire in terior finish, decoration and lighting fix tures, purely colonial, extra large lot. Price for quick sale $8500, terms. 10S Royal Court North, E 37th and Glisan. Can be seen afternoon only. 6-ROOM HOUSE. BARGAIN. New, modern 6-room house, double con structed throughout, with all built-ia con veniences including bookcases, china clos et, beam ceiling, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, gas and electric lights; lot 50x105. Price $30O0; will take small payment down with monthly pay ments. THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 4th St. Between Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6915. A2815. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, $2800. Small Payment Down, - Balance as Rent. Street Assessments Paid. Brand new bungalow, doubly con structed throughout, with all built-in conveniences. Including fireplace, book cases, paneled dining-room, beam ceil ings, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bathroom, equipped with latest and best fixtures, at tic, splendid basement, -cement floors, laundry trays, etc, fixture and shades, bath, electricity and all conveniences; only two blocks to one of the best car lines in the city. For appointment call Tabor 30S9. SWELL BUNGALOW, $650. Fine new 6-room bungalow, doubly con structed throughout, gas and electric, fine fireplace, paneled dining-room, cove ceiling, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, solid brass hardware, fine fixtures, den, oak floors, hardwood borders, inclosed glass breakfast room, nothing missing to make a complete home, on E. MULyrst.. Just south of Hawthorne ave-: price $3300, a snap; $C5o cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 31S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. NEW 6-room bungalow, half block from carilne, living-room, dining-room, 2 bed rooms, Dutch kitchen and bathroom; full . cement basement and wash trays; fix tures Installed for electric lights in living-room, dining-room, also on porch; house is fully wired, also basement; ce ment walks and all improvements in and paid for; 20 minutes from 2d and Alder sts., 33d and Gladstone ave. Price $2400. Inquire 402 Oregonian bldg. Phone M. 352L A 8557. ROSE CITY PARK. $400. The original owners of Rose City Park have an unsold lot at $400, three blocks north of carline, well located, on easy terms. Telephone Main 9444 or A 3363. SLAUSON-CRAIG CO.. Successors to Hartman & Thompson, 304 Oak St. A HOME. AN INVESTMENT. A SPECU LATION. This is a a-in-l combination; 5-room modern bungalow, large closets, fine fire place, close to car; all for $3750; $50 down and $35 per month, including in terest; a bargain and must be taken at once; In Rose City Park. Call Mail 0444 A 3363. SLAUSON-CRAIG CO., 304 Oak et. For Sale Business Property. IF you have $8000 cash and a $3000 short time mortgage you can buy an apartment building at $13,000, with 5-year secured lease, at $150 month. West Side; owner must have money; absolute sacrifice. K ' 425, Oregonian ". ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS PROPERTY. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 1965. A 1134. BUSINESS lot, bargain; 50x200; good loca tion fronting on two streets and Ry. track. . Lee Stevens Co., 190 First st. Phone 1213. For Sale Acreage. AN ACRE TRACT FOR $1150. Your own terms. Sidewalks, water and all improvements in and paid for; close in on carline. NO RESTRICTIONS. This is what you want if you want to save more than half your present living ex pense it paying rent. If interested and in the market answer and I will show you the best thing for the least money you ever saw. Dept. A, Slauson-Craig Co., 304 .Oak st. 10 ACRES FOR $300. $10 CASH, $5 PER MONTH. Running stream, good soil, prosperous farmers all around and good market, near the railroad, perfect title ana warranty aeea. - ZZ x-tauway xxenange Diag., u floor. 5 ACRES at station on Oregon Electric, 15- cent tare, all unuer cultivation, ov oeanng apples trees. Any one that will investi gate this can readily see Its future, for the price is so far under adjoining property that it is a snap as a speculation, saying nothing for an ideal, close-in home. You will be surprised at price. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. Main 1721. 4th and Pine. AN ACRE TRACT, $1150. Your own terms. Sidewalks, water and ail improvements in and naid for; close in ' on carline. No restrictions. This Is what you want if you want to save more man half vonr nresent ilvine ex Dense If naylng rent. If interested and in the market answer and I will show you the best thing for Jhe least money you ever saw. Dept. A. Slauson-Cralg Co.. 304 Oak st. 5 ACRES FOR $250. $10 cash, balance $5 per ionth; 1 mile from Knanoa and R. R. station; close to school and work; good soil; Knappa 1 a good market. 212 Railway Exchange blag.. 2a iioor. CHICKEN anC FRUIT RANCHES nar PORTLAND. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country, 10 acres, $400, $500, $600 per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres, $1200; 80 acres. $2000; 40 acres limber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sal. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. rTI p cTxi v in s and 10-acre improved tracts: finest Tualatin Valley acreage, on electric line, near Portland ; exceptional offer of ' twenty 20) per cent discount to parties Improving property within 6 months; easy terms; aiSO Borne guuu eitiiaujrs. xvuiu Trust Company, 2d and Stark sts. Main 5076. A 3773. a XT A T f A r"T?T TRACT On your own terma. Three full 50x100 lots for the price of one. Good carline, good soli close in. No restrictions. An swer qUICK it Hliwceicu. x-i..o to H 430. Oregonian. i:nn a f res. near Maryhill. Wash.. SH miles to R. R. and river; 700 acres have been plowed; more ready for plow; house. hrn noma fruit; well and springs; good grain and stock ranch, cheap for cash, or win iraae. - w uc , A auiim; iugi IF YOU love nature I have an ideal location for suburban home; grand view of moun tains and river, beautiful fir trees; 650 ft. from car; 2 acres for $b00; terms to suit, AK 424. Oregonian. - jit cent fare, acre cleared, balance fine timber. Oregon Electric. ,-Fred W. German, 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main FOR personal reasons I must sea -acre tract within 25 minutes' ride of center of city at a sacrifice; terms, $25 cash, bal ance in monthly payments to suit; no agents. AQaress AM JU. urcgnniaa. A FULL ACRE, $1000. On the verv edge of city and on car- line You must be quick if Interested. Your own terms. No restrictions. Dept. A, Slauson-craig to- o'Jt uan st. BIG CROP. Snap; 1 acre, 19 miles of Portland, right in new town&ne, iuo; just inina, $40 cash, $10 monthly. Mr. Thompson, 328 Main. rnwie jrimii iovp. ride. 6-cent carfare; fine soli, splendid good school; $1500. 'easy terms. Phone Aialn l-lO. oiciciiii nv r lll BU GOOD acreage. $20 to $40 per acre; 40-acre tracts 40 miles from Portland, near rail road' easy terms. F. W. Nichols. 2U1 Wil- CO UiUc ct ill's for 2V acres. 150 feet from carline: very rich soil, free from rock; some large timber ; 14 a munia win t.u una. a 336. oregonian. 80 ACRES near Estacada, on county road; 8 acres Cicareu . -ju , iicoi i t n - mas River; price $1250, half cash, balance ... K.r nirnsr .. AC" S(ir Or-entllan 17 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared. 3 hinrUs from par station and running water; only $3v0 per acre; term Owner, Jame w l iBon. coring. Kjr.. mun a. -n ahrf.s timberland near Cottrell sta tion, on Mount Hood R. R. and 2 acres with 9-room house and fruit dryer. G. H. Blackburn, uresnam, ur., tu xv x. Aa mlnistrator. rr.rj SALE 8 acres on Salem Electric rail road. Phone Main 14S6 or call 475 Taylor st.. between 9 A. M. ana a f. M. HALF acre. 87x250. $650. $10 down. $8 monthly. 25 minute out. See Marsiera, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 35? 7, A 7340. -ACRE cleared, close In, on car line. Price 9 per mvuiu. tjumau. SITNT1A Y EXCURSION Tn fif a PPOnsR A('RK3 Tracts of 10 acres up, only 25 miles. from Portland, with railroad station on the land. Deep, rich soli, numerous springs and creeks, easy clearing. Steaay employment at good wages on the tract If you desire It. Prices $25 to $65 per acre with easy monthly payments. Close enough to be suburban property in a few year. You know what that means, S5 don't miss this opportunity. Go with our excursion to see this property next Sun day. . Remember: One lucky real estate in vestment will make you more money than you can save from years of labor. Excursion leaves North Bank depot at S o'clock Sunday morning, returning at 5 :15 the same afternoon. Free lunch. Round trip fare $1.25. Our office open Friday and Saturday evenings until 8 Llterature on request. We can show this property any day. LUEDDEMAX, RULEY 4 CO., 913-917 Chamber of Commerce. ' 1. I. 5 AND 10-acre tracts, in the Tualatin Valley, west of Council ' Crest, fronting on Fourth-street line of Southern Pacific Railway, now being electrified, only 30 min utes' ride from Fourth and Wash ington streets; 20 minutes when Council Crest Is tunneled; gently rolling land, deep rich soil, good churches and schools convenient; commuters fare 18 cents; rapid community development; let us show you these at $250 to $500 per acre and upon monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 103 Fourth St. A 8500. 12H ACRES FOR $500. $50 CASH $10 MONTHLY. On creek; rich land, free from rock and gravel; touched by two roads; 14 per cent grade: about 4H miles from R. R statlon and steamboat landing, 40 miles down the river; new schoolhouse within 2 miles. ALSO 10 ACRES FOR $S50. $55 CASH AD $12 MONTHLY puts you In possession of this tract of good land 4 miles from railroad station and steamboat landing; half of this dis tance being over fine macadam road; fine spring on hill; new cabin on tract; about 14 miles to new $2500 schoolhouse. In quire 215 Lumber Exchange building. Sec ond and Stark sts. a rni-KTR v wo'Vfir. rite. Just on the edge of the city and with all city improvements provided. Just over the line, but really in the city. Think of - It eight lots for the price of a good 50x 300 lot. This acre tract comprises 8 city lots and the price is only $1500, or less than $200 per lot. Soil very rich right on streetcar line and but a few minutes' ride to business. Beautiful homes have been built all around this tract. Answer promptly if Interested.- A 338, Oregonian. Balance small payments. Located in road; only $400 per acre. Truck or chick en arm. n u uuumo iu uw ivy-i. Thompson. O 448, Oregonian. For Sale Homesteaos. HOMESTEAD relinquishment n 120 acres, with good house and outbuildings, 15 miles from McMinnville, on county road; for sale heap. Madden & Ryan, McMmn- viiie, or. For Sale Farm. ' 102 ACRES. A FARM THAT WILL APPEAL TO A FARMER. This choice farm is located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, 2S mnes irom Portland, 2 miles from station Oregon Electric, half mile from good town on S. P., lies 170 rods on Boone's Ferry Road, which Is main highway Portland to Sa lem - tYiA anil Ik of thn verv best, land lies perfectly, 70 acres in high state of cultivation, good family orchard, 30 acres timber -and pasture, fine spring branch through corner; has six acres hops, which will pay owner sizvu net mis yeai , ff-nr-H and cross-fenced: good 8-room plastered house, barn 50x50, shedded on two sides, equipped with fork and car rier; wood house, chicken-house and ma chinery shed; 3 good horses, 5 dandy cows, young bull, 8 dozen chickens, 2 farm wagons. 1 hack.' top buggy, sulky plow, 3 plows, 2 harrows. 2 cultivators, mower, rake, new seeder, new disk, binder, potato digger, manure spreader, all kinds small tools, lots of hay and grain to feed all stock; all household goods, range, organ, carpets, rugs, etc.; in fact, it is a No. 1 farm, fully equipped and everything goes. If you have sufficient cash to protect the owner from loss of personal property, etc.. to make the first pavment, we can convince you upon in intlnn of the nronertv that it will pay out in 6 years, price for everything $165 per acre. Mortgage can run o years m o per cent. This farm is absolutely the best we nave ever onerea ior mo uivuvj. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 931 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED FARM trti PFli A CTi K 820 acres in Lane County. Oregon. 9 miles west of good town on main line of Southern Pacific Railway and 4 miles from new town on Portland. Eugene & Eastern now building: 100 acres in cultivation; 100 acres ol stump pasture mai utxo .laeheri for fifteen vears. 120 acres in timber containing about 1,500,000 ft. good vellow fir and 10 awes of good piling; well watered with two running streams and several springs; 20 acres oi gooa ooi--torn land, balance upland; dark red soil, im rrwlr rr trrsLvel: 20 acres of VOUng COm- merf.a.1 nrnhard enclosed with rabbit-tight woven wire fence; improvements consist of large stock barn, uxtju. nurse u. barn, hoghouse, woodshed and 6-room residence; spring water piped to the house and barn, supplied from reservoir; also fine mineral SDrlncr in door yard; main traveled automobile road to coast runs through place; daily mall delivery ana lar.hrina- 1 mUft tn arhOflL KtOCk COn- Fists of 4 horses, 3 Jersey cows, 20 hogs Including registered Poland China stock hog, 50 Cotswold ewes, 60 Angora goats and about six dozen chickens. There is 700 bu. of grain and 50 tons of hay in the barn and about 250 sacks of potatoes ana all kinds of other vegetables for family use; there are also wagons, buggies, hack, all tools and implements necessary to run the place, over $2000 worth of personal property. This is a bargain at $60 per acre, and might take small amount in trade. Must be sold quick. Telephone owner, TaDor zoom. SPLENDID FARM BUY. 160 acres of land, only 35 miles from Portland. 2 miles from railway and boat landing on the Columbia River; good gravei roaa an me wtxy; ov atics m ti vat ion and 50 more nearly cleared; nin- nins- stream and several springs; good 6 room house and large barn equipped for dairy; bearing orchard; good farm for any kind of farming. Price $60 per acre on very easy terms and might take some trade. Write me and I will come down to the train and meet you. Round trip from Portland oniyst.7D. n. uce, Route 1, Cape Horn, wasn. A MARVELOUS OFFER FOR SOMEONE. 40 acres excellent land, 30 acres tilla ble, all easy to clear, one acre fully cleared, 5 more nearly so, $500 worth of cedar, running stream, spring, water piped to the house, house 16x24, barn 30x30, young orchard, mile to river, mile to Pacific Highway, school and church mile, 3 y miles city SOOO people, choice location, and price for 5 days, clear per fect title, $1200 CASH. Where can you du plicate such an offer? Marshall 1345. BECKER, 327 Lumber Ex. STOCK OR DAIRY FARM. 180 acres, 110 In cultivation, balancs fair timber and pasture; fair buildings: land is level and rims from Southern Pa cific R. R. at Dundee to the Willamette River. School, etc., adjoining this land; mortgage $0500, five years; price $27,000, will trade for Portland property or sell on easy terms. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 24ij ACRES, 4-room house, good barn, all fenced, garden, all good rand, part in cultivation, water piped to house and running stream, on county road; only $2000, small payment down, balance easy. Not far from WiUamlna and railroad. Plenty of work in that locality. F. E. Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., FOR SALE 160 acre In Camas Valley, about 20 miles from Roseburg, Or.; good improvement; about 16 acres cleared, bal ance covered with good saw timber and underlaid with good coal; good deposit of fire clay and building stone. Write Thomas 600,000 ACRES of choice grain, alfalfa and fruit lands fcr sale in Central Oregon In large and small tracts. Low prices, easy terms. Oregon ft Western Colonisation LO., aOO P mi sV w v FOR SALE 600 acres of land on electric line 19 miles from Portland ; 400 acres under cultivation; will sell all or part. Write or call on owner E- W. Haines. Forest Grove. Or. WHEAT land for sale in Sherman and Gil liam Counties. We have farms of all sizes ;on easy terms, some on crop payments. Write for Information. Moore Investment Company, aaoro. uregon, FOR all-purpose farm lands ranging from 100 acres and upwards at prices reason able, call on or write J. V. Pipe, Al bany, Or. ALL KINDS OF FARMS. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 3965. A 1134. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, IS miles from Portland, near electric line-, bargain for nil cash By owner. 182 Morrison st. LOOK 10 acres, northwest of Hillsboro, $loOO; $250 down, balance to suit. 1203 Yeon bldg. A WONDERFUL OFFER $30 PER ACRE, WORTH $30. A beautiful 160 acres, ALL LEVEL and TILLABLE, richest soil, river frontage, partly cleared, million and one-half good timber, fine out range, good family or chard and small frnit. fenced, extra good 10-room house with fireplace, good barn and outbuildings, 10 rods school and church. R F. - D.. telephone, creamery route, near beautiful lake and town 300 people. IO miles city, house Insured $1400. and this beautiful place offered fcr 5 day at. $30 per acre, CASH, and Is worth $50 Can purchase very cheaply several horses, colts, cattle, machinery and tools, crops, etc. Greatest proposition - in the country. Marshall 3345. BECKER. 827 Lumber Ex. OWNER GOING TO WISCONSIN. WILL SELL CHEAP. 80 acres, within 1 mile of small town, postofflce and school; 50 acres tn wheat, 1 acre In garden, 200 fruit trees, stream and two springs, one- mineral; 9-room house. beautifully furnished. electric lights, telephone. R. F. D-, 3-room cottage, 32-footx32-foot barn, big chicken house, all small tools. 400 quarts canned fruit. 50 boxes apples, 20 sacks potatoe. 50 chickens and furniture will go with place. Price $10,000. Will make good terms or may consider gilt-edged Portland proper ty in exchange up to $7500. Ask for Mr. Tllleson. 913 Chamber of Commerce bldg CALIFORNIA Irrigated farm lands. See C. L. BAMBERGER, 70S tspaiaing isiag. TO EXCHANGE. TWO rINE FARMS. SO seres 17 miles from Portland; 40 In cultivation 2 in timber and 20 In pas ture; fair " buildings and several fine springs and running water; price $8000; no Incumbrance; will exchange for city property up to $6000 and give terms. 4o acres Just north of Vancouver, on Pacific Highway; 20- in cultivation, 6 In fine timber and balance In pasture; 5 room house and new house being built; fine large new barn and another old one; lots of fruit and fine water, 2 horses, 2 cows. 2 hogs, chickens. 2 buggies, 2 wag ons and all modern lmplementsand toois; price $0300; exchange for city property to $10,000. C. DE YOUNG, 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. unnn tjtvkr raROAIX. ' 20 acres of fine orchard land beautifully situated on the east side district, noou si..., voiiiv nv,r u. ninnted In commer cial orchard, part In bearing; fine build ing site, worth $20,000. but can be had at extremely low price of. $16. 000. Plenty of water for strawberries. Will take un incumbered Portland residence in good district as part payment. j t gonian. FVrHANfiS. What have you to trade for 10 acres Iving three miles from Hood River on good macadam road? This land lies al most level, the best of soil, not a foot of waste land on the tract; 4 acres In cultivation, small house. If your prop osition looka good will assume, or will give terms bn part. Write J. G, 437 Ainsworth ave. Portland, or phone Wood lawn 12a0. - , , . r-a att IM fin TT17 ITinX ai AVflaa AX.XJ xi , , un line couuij i uou, - and Gladstone; small new house; best of soli; settiea neignDurnoou, win coDsiaer -.anting oman niwuo,. galow free of Incumbrances wot at iron f iUV IU XilWU A1D a ties; this is first-class property and never J. W. CROSSLEY, 519 Corbett bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. Have $20,000 in equities in first-class city residence property in Portland to exchange for lots, acreage, xaiix ui . Portland business exchange, '708-9-10 Rothchild Bldg. Marshall 3S25. A 4565. ' WE CAN DO IT." We need houses, lots, farms and acre---m tn Avhanee. for in and out-of-town property; bring what you have to "The Live iraaers. Exchange Dept. SLAUSON-CRAIG CO., 304 Oak S t. , Near Fifth St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 1400 acres wheat ranch, near Condon. Or 1000 acres under the plow; good 5 hmitA and nlentv of water for all domestic purposes. Price $30,000. Haw thorne Stables. 410 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 72 and B 1369. 1 AM sick and will sacrifice my 78-room rooming-house ana taite noue, iyi, ntr. rtr farm s navment. Value $5000. If properly managed, the house clears $450 montn. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. r or cxLUauita x uut.w , tral Oreiron farm lands, located In one of .1.- v.- - -oi- AminlriM hr railroad s are now building. Principals Oni. g- r.cucu, jmtix . UP-TO-DATE CLEAN. DYEING AND CAR PET PLANT, fully equipped with machin ery, making good money. Will consider good lot Jordan, suite 619 Lumbermens bldg. WILL exchange several 10-acre tracts, fine Iruit lana, near onenaau, xr aui -, u-in 'rk unincumbered lots or houses. Phone .Main 570 and ask for Mr. Duffy or Mr. McKinnon. WILL take income property for $50,000 ranir, fifnrlv nil under dIow: Rood build ings, and Improvements; best agricultural district ; owner, rv rite .iu uiuue uiug. Portland. 4000 CORDS A-l cordwood, 7 miles from Portland. $2.25 per cord, ricked in the woods, to exenange ror a .romana nome; what have you? Amadon, 312 Lewis bldg. HOOD RIVER APPLE RANCH. Equity of $3000 to trade for city prop erty ; long umu ui viui.e. aw. box 213 A, Hood River, Or. WILL TRADE my Krit runabout for 5-pas-senger car and pay small amount of cash adaltionat. An vto, vicgum WILL sell or exchange my $3800 equity In a modern rooming-house for acreage, lot or house ana lot. a uregoman. $1450 EQUITY 8-room house, value $4000, f- h,on lntn. or what have vou? ANDERSON, 226 Henry Ja-ldg. Mar. 2073. THREE lots In Pettlcord Addition to ex change for gooa grocery store. jurun.ii, suite 61, Lumbermens bldg. HOUSE and lot in Spokane for Portland property or small larm. au a. urego nian. $1000 EQUITY and 4 lots Joining West moreland; trade on a good truck. Call 529 Hamilton bldg: TILLABLE stump land near Tillamook what have you? AD 426, Oregonian. SALOON for sale or exchange for acreage near Portland. AU aus. oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL RENT CHEAP. SO -acre farm, 50 acres in cultivation, acui nrri onen ranee. ' adjolnin stream. 2ii fruit trees. 9-room house, telephone. electric lights, R. F. D., 1 mile from postoffice and Btore. Call 913 Chamber ot commerce. 1-sa apres. 60 cultivated: hill and bottom close In; gardening or dairying; buildings ample; reierences requiren; no pnone in formation. Call at John Deere Plow Co. or 695 East Ash st. evenings. HAVE 40-acre farm near Barton, Or., part . ly improved to rent; want good family to improve and will pay cash for works by contract. au ao, uregon.au. WELL improved 15-acre farm. Winter's ieed, close in. investigate mis n.p. Griffin & Small, 40tt Kotncmia biag. 58 ACRES 32 cultivated, bai pasture, 2 springs. Apply H. F. Clarke, mile is. oi (jiacKaraas iiauun, uu o. a-, xv FARMS WANTED. MR. FARMER NOTICE! We have numerous clients for A-l farms In various amounts ana districts, it your farm is at the right price and desire quick action call or write us at once. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO., INC. 710-717 Lewis Bldg. Fourth and Oak Sts. Marshall 4200. A 7158. WANTED To rent a dairy farm. R 429, Oregonian. FOR 6 ALE TIM IS K K L.M. TIMBER, yellow and red fir, close in, near transportation. In tracts of 30,o00,0oo leet ana up. CAUSEY LAND & INVESTMENT CO. 503-4 Lumbermens bldg. Main 3148. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 150,000.000 feet of pine for sale. Address E 424, oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT nartv to buy Quarter block, ware house district. West Side, who will build for tenant on ten-year lease at 8 per cent net; entire cost not to exceed $80,000. AE 461, Oregonian. VACANT H to 2 acres, not over 6 miles out. or lot. Improvements in, street; no agents; give price. Peter Schraltx, Box 702, fortiana. AT ONCE Have several cash buyers for logged-on land: can use cneap lana any where; want large tracts and prefer own ers; give location. T 427. Oregonian. ACREAGE to exchange for a small bunga lnw in irood district: will assume all Drop erty will carry; no monthly payments. AJ 43o. uregonian. WANTED, by farmer, modern residence. 6 or 7 rooms; steeplng-porch ; on West Side or Portland Heights, au 431. uregonian. pay from $-ihio 10 i,mu ch m change for income property, close In on the East Side or West Side. Stores below with flats above preferred. The price must be right; no properties with Inflated values will be considered In this oftic. V V. TAYLOR CO.. 1 404-5 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sta WANT a good lot In Northwest part of Portland; win appiy ww vi anteed contracts and mtgs., paying $150 per month, all due in three years, as first payment; will assume some. AG 4o4. 240 ACRES of fine Willamette Valley land, nrar R. R; coverea wun une umue , waste land, and 9 good lots In Portland, clear of incumbrance; will trade for Port land property and assume. AL 523. Ore gonian. v WANTKD To buy nSodern 8-room residence in good neighborhood on i-asi siae. in tu be free from encumbrance. Wil pay $1000 cash and balance in country prop- erty. AT 527, Oregonian. . - WANTED To buy from owner, modern - room bungalow in gooa rast o.jb fiee from encumbrance, from party who will take small orchard as part payment and balance cash J 418 Oregonian. . I HAVE a clear lot. In restricted aistru-u and cah for a 7 or e-room nou.o 11 lngton. Ladd's Addition or other close-io East Sido sections. Alvord-Carr-Huntei Co., 218 Board 01 x rage mug. WANTED 50x100, suitable location for store and apartment, not muie blocks from the postoffioe. Owners only. Phone Sell wood 222. BUILDING site, 50x100 ft. or less, on Wash ington St., west OI 3d 10 m, or nuiuavu from 3d to 7th: no holdup; state price. M 419. Oregonian ? WANT to buy 40 or SO acres, partly .m-s r proved, within 30 miles of Portland; state lowest cash price or terma AO 415. Ore- gonian. BUSINESS property. $50,000 to $75,000, In exchange for $20,000 Irvlngton residence. some gooa pr K X r . rash. Phone Sellwood 222. Owners onl. I WANT a good modern home near East- .. . . m...i at Tuhnr With Vil'VV 1 list ana xajiui , at... not to exceed $4000; must be good bu. V H., uregumnii. WANT a good house In Laurelhurst or Sun- ' si tSMO, mortgage 700, as tlrst payment;! vill assume. AE Orfgontan. i WE have cash buyers tor cheap stump land . t. . J within 31) mil.. Of close 10 xw x. ...... " - Portland; owners, let us hear from you.: .tm.- . nni,Hn K1Q ll.nrv bids. FOR aulck results list your property with us, . KUPPER HUMPHRY, , 213-211 Chamber of Commerce. , FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS . FOR BALE. W. have several' good larm horses for sal. cheap also 3 new laundry wagons; , our own make; several eprss and de livery wagons. Hawthorn, btables. nawinoru. vo. THE WOODBURN Farmers' Annual Fall,, rlorse bale wm oe neiu ........ "7.V..7 Woodburn, Or.. Saturday. October 5. ltu.. with a bunch of young horses and oilier. stock entered for sale. I. M. Ratd'ffo, mi n :i tr.-r nnfl auctio.leer. TWO spans matcnea o"c. ,"""bi ; u. antt VuO' nmind and true and fine hookers. Guaranteed, or trial allowed at foot of Main su. West biae. WANTED To exchange good lot or lots In 1 South Portland for 1 or a spans of good , workhorses; value of lots i(.0 to l""u. B. I. Co.. 4a 'inirq si. r-noo w.wi FOR BALE Pair of mules, 3000 lbs., a and 8 years 01a; 1 Day nui... iwv. . - 540 Aic-lna ave. HORSE and wagon; suitable for bakery and v....ina.. Kt4 nilMn st. near ltth. Kim.t.j FOR SALE Child's pony, buggy, harness i.Hdi, V Oreaonlan. f Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FINE. SLIGHTLY USED PIANO , 8ACRI- rlUrJLI. lhavwu i'if , A - DAVIS ST. rtlUfte. aftai o.o GOOD as new. beautiful Hlnse uprlgnt. $100. beave ucmuer " . -.-mm o Dogs. Birds, Pet Stock. FOR SALE. Pigeons, red and splashed Belgium car. ream; heavy squab breeders, healthy birds. On account, ot having to have more room, compelled to sacrifice some ol my breeders. Phone East .04. Automobile. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. . -t. - n .h.n VOU VVny DUT a uwjww l 11 . j can secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price T We guarante. ., them. Different makes and models, all traded In on new White gas ca.-a. W. also offer several second-hand trucks. -Wrlto Whit. Car Agency, etu street at liadison. DO you . want to trade your runabout as first payment on the best piece of property in Beaumont? I have flSOO o.ulty la r. brand new, double-constructed 8-room , house, hardwood floors, full cement base ment. hot water heating system, built-lu bookcases and buffet and thoroughly mod- -em. Deferred payments are traight inor t- f gages. No commissions on this. Marshall r, 2044. Kvenlngs. Tabor 8o. 1911 KNOX 1011 Knox 1811 model, live or seven-pass., fore door, fully equipped, new tires and demountable rims. Must have money at once; will sacrifice, no reasonable offer refused. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE. E31 Alder. We want more small cars, runabouts and roadsters. We are cleaned completely out tne past week. We have several 4. J and 7-pass, cars and if you would prefer a trade we have them, or will pay cash. , Bring them along. , BARGAINS IN (SLIGHTLY USED CARS. we have a few snaps in slightly used cars and MICHIGAN car, taken in ex change; all cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. ., r MICHIGAN AUTO BUGOT CO, Phones: East 1411L B 1J40. 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. 1912 CHALMERS 1912. Will sacrifice 1912 Chalmers, five-pas?.. 3'1-h. p.. self starting, fully equipped; this car is as good as 493-49J Alder St. HAVE a beautiful Peerless 30, small, 7-. pass, touring car. fully equipped; car Is In finest condition: cost SjOOO, my prlo. ,2000: will consider Portland real estate.-- 7. .0? - n.nniDn 1 ........... . f s. cvpu . unR EXCLUSIVE DEALERS Olf liaSD AUTOMOBILES. 493-495 Alder Street. Main not. A 4gai- MY 1010 Chalmers roadster. Just overhauled. Reason for selling, leaving the city. Prlc. $576- terms, but no trade. Thompson. Main 4uoo. ltflU BUICK runabout, run 1600 miles, car ries factory guarantee for three months. Looks like new. 700 takes it. terms, call Whltehouse, A 2550. E M F 30, 5-pass., fully equipped, fine con 'dition. tires good, price 3SS. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Haw thorne ave. IVHIl'i 5-passenger touring-car, 1911 model, good as new, at a sacrifloe; will accept : a mortgage or your personal note, with, small payment down. 503 Yeon bldg. .t FOR SALE 10 V-l E-M-F 0 -passenger, for.-, door touring car in Al condition; run less . than 0000 miles. U H. Hoffman. 76 irving su GARFORD "40," new, seven-passenger foredoor body. Will sell at half price snap. AJ 423. Oregonian. WILL sell my 5-pasaenger Ford, very cheap. In i good condition: will consider good -trade, call atain mp. E-il-iV a.. i,-paseimei " .K, ' new tires, 1350 cash. Y. M. C. A. Garage. E. 10th and Mill sts. FOR RENT 2-story concrete building OOx 70. Phone B 27SL 7 H P TWIN 1912 Merkel, finest equip ment; cost $363; will sacrifice. 206 Alder. Furniture for Bale. SEVEN-ROOM house for rent: all or part furniture for sale, cheap. 4S9 Davis u : Phone A 2014. FOR SALE Furniture of 19-room house, good condition, fine location, near carllne. Call Marshall 4097. 408 Hail st. NEW furniture of 5 rooms for sale, modern flat for rent, steam heat, sleeping porch; will rent furnished. Main 2325. FOR SALE Fine cedar chest, hand-made; . size 5x2ii feet, IS Inches deep. Phone Marshall 4770. REAL bargain Furniture of T rooms for sale. 65 N. 10th st. BARGAIN Furniture of 7-room flat, $200. 410 Park st. DINING extension tabic, new. $45 for $15. '.S3 Overton St., corner 18th. FURXITURB of 9 rooms, flll rented; keep boarders. 186 N. 17th st. Mnrshall 30-'6. Miscellaneous. WILL sacrifice -karat perfect dlan"l ring. X 431. Oregonian- 1 ' : 1- n tl T I tl r i;m r;o r It in I. T 5lf !?! i '.U 0 2 )i-r. r.-.s P.