$1S SIX-ROOM FLAT $1S A ft-rnnm modern flat with fine front room, well lighted. equipped with -3 , "Eciipse" coal and wood range, pas plate, I hot water tank, porcelain bath and wasn- tutm- -irdnw sndes. eos and electric l?hunr fixtures, buiit-in wardrobes, pan tr; . larse clothes closets, free &arbaare service, two streetcar lines pass the door; wlitiin ten minuets of business center, on "Went Side; free rent until October 1. Applv to I. Gevurtz & Sons, corner Jr irsi and yamniu sts. iKOOM flats. West Fide, on corner in very (desirable neighborhood; furnace, iir'-. jtatlonary tubs, hot water coil, etc.. one .lock from two carlin.s. bee them at -.a h.nd Keurr.ey sts. - T Ho upkeep ins -Boom. iE EEAV'.R. 12th and Marshall sts, Fur In lib ed for housekeeping, g- range, elec w .. . . hrn lMtindrv free: fV?S r?V.?.nlice: best in the city for the money; short from Union Depot. Take S or 10th , st. car, north; get off at Marshall at. Nodoga i I'nthiir Fur ?5hX a-rm-uT -V including .team heat, hot Ind cold water in even aprTmem.1- public bath, electric light '.;a or w cars hvm m. feOZANTA Handsomely IU U'B,,CU' ,to' and 4 room ararim-" - . -- ----- . i l- i ni..ir.c: ileum heat: BI- Pr(vie until oii'i - - eial Winter rates tins week; $J..-0 up. .. a - Johnson. va u- "'- 1.50 TO $-75 week, cK-an, furnished xi- iv- rooms, suitable tor - mi , 1 1 , , dry. baths, ard pas. Phone E. tfo.19. 4u il EST MORRlsONV corner East 8th; nicely furnished housekeeping suitea, reas- a l I; RiDG E Furnished, unfurnished hou"' keeping moms, central, cheap, i-oom -.-I... .) 9 Mil MflTififin Vu. MORKISOX ST., furnished housekeep er,.! .nnrlmdlt. hot Slid t:Old Waitr, -SttaiO heat, elevator and phone; best location. Mu MORRISON ST., unfurnished house keeping apartments, hot and cold water, t--,,n h.r nhiwrf Uivator. best location .OI'SE KEEPING rooms in new, concretfa ....i:,-,!-., UhAa TCiAf lawn H7 Or 1! J i - ;OtSE KEEPING and sleeping rooms. $150 JT ween. . V' ' D i I m j fx k e -i mk-Kquujs Q private amily. lRtvT-CLAffri rooms, single or en suite, mwlv furnished, heat, lights, water in cluded with rental; large lawn and porrhes. desirable location, W car or -o from Union Depot; 2 to $5 week; rates by month. 575 Couch. N. K. cor. itn. b-KOOM suites, firTt floor, hot and cold water, nowiy luruisneu iur nuu..-'".-'"- ' every convenience, excellent location, close in K..niniful Summer home; price reason able. ir.j Inlanders, near 0th. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms in familv or two; free gas. P'" and water; fireplace, yard, etc.; easy walking distance, phone E- i:5 or call Jiio Han cock st., cor. Vancouver aye A MONTH, light, clean, sunny bedroom, with kitchenette, stationary tubs, home like, for desirable people only. 104 Lownsdale, corner Taylor. IKuS KEEPING suite of 2 rooms, electric lights, gas. bath, phone, large rlnset, run ning water, close in. reasonable. -1 -Montgomery OVfi larce front room and Hitmen for housekeeping, electric light, telephone, hot and cold water, bath free. $:..50 per week. 1-ltOOM housekeeping suite, phone, gas children taken. Opposite Failing School. 7J1 l?t st. VILT- let completely furnished 4 rooms first floor, piano, gas, bath, etc. Call :is7 nth st. i NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, $..r0 per week; no objection to children. 411 4h st. MODERN front room. 24x-l ; alcove fx! 2. clean and well furnished. $10 a month. f none a nai - cj. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch. SH4 E. Yamhill. Tabor 21Ji. COSY suite of housekeeping-rooms, fur nished; $10 per month, C&S Pettigrove. 'Phone Main 3-s. TWO mcely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, separate entrance, furi.uco heat Tree. p'.t Tiiuiitn. LA RGE, clean housekeeping room, free gas. phone, bath, large closet, lv per mo. 1W4 N. loth st li EALTHV, furnished, sleeping or house keeping rooms, cheap. 5.8 Tth sL, near Orant 6 CITES of nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; very reasonable. 366 1st, near Montgomery sL , J'Ol'R clean, light, furnished "ousekeep inp rooms, gas. bath. $12.30 month. J L'ST two front rooms. completely fur nished, with heat. lights. water and phone, for S2r.; that's all. 617 Everett. THREE nicely furnished housekee ping room, reasonable, 7js1 Kearney. Marshall 437. . yo li RENT Housekeeping-rooms, $10 per month; rooms $i0 per month. Iu4 Uth st.. cor. asMngron. l&it loTH Two pleasant rooms. $1U month lv completely furnished ; modern, gas rYnpv bath. lawn. Phone Marshall 4r tL. S" WEEK, nicely furnished room with use of parlor, phone, bath; $3.50 2 rooms. 2S6 1 tth. corner Jefferson. . ri.KA.AXT, furnished housekeeping rooms to one or two ladies. " ' Yamhill. l.Ri;E. airv. newly furnished room, com 'plete for housekeeping. H3 X. 2t'th. ON K uite left, neat, cozy house leeping i phon laundrr. 2 N. 11th. room NICELY furnished front housekeeping-room; all conveniences. $12. :t70 12th st. kivglE housekeeping rooms, running wa harh ?! 13th. S FURNISHED front h. k. rooms, private f am 1 1 y . 42S Mont gomer. lulLARt'iE housekeeping room, bath and gas, tlol E. Morrison. FURN1SKK D housekeeping rooms reason- w t i 1-1, K ar n wi r MurriUfiTl. x MH'ELY furnished hnusekeping rooms, 2 and 3-rooin suites. 3;2 JefTerson st. TWO nic:v furnished hous -keeping rooms; FINE suite, rooms connecting, large, airy, 1'tht. f:r!t -class location. ;4 Morrison. KESONBI.E. H. K.. seiect lofation. close in. phore. yard. W car. MU Everett. TWO large housekeeping rooms, fine loca tion. 4 71 Morrison. xTcE front houst keeping rooms, close in. 327 a i in on. THKKK desirable rooms, completely fur n.sh',1 for housekeeping. T41 6th st. FOR RENT ."-room house. 270 East 23d, corner Hawthorne ave. Apply at S93 E. Snlmon st. Phon B. 22 Mi. VK-A RENT "-room house, close in. on East .'ide. 7 E. Everett st., or 505 Lumber- mens bltlff. 6-ROOM upper flats, strictly modern. Dutch kitchen, front porch, walking distance. West Side. $L'6 and 27. 464 Hall st. TWO modern cottages. 337 and 341 East 5 1st t., three blocks south of Hawthorne S-ROOM house. West PIde, Nob H1U; all con enlences. Main 4134. FOR rentals, see Watson & Therkelsen (X 305-306 Spalding bids- M. 7592. N r)omi near car. near JetTerson High School. KHHi ilississippi ave.. $1 MODERN 6-room house. lO.'.S E. Madison. Phore Tabor 3ir.'.t. adults. 6-ROOM. E. Sth St. N. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 31 1-Sl'j Lewis bidg. ii-ROOM cvttage, partly furnished. Mar shall 4M. IN Irvinpton, modem o-rooiu houae. Phone East 54.V. after 3 P. M- S-ROOM house with large -arl. East Side. Phone E. 370. blX-ROOM house, fully furnished, large yard, garage; 314 Sacramento street. SIX-ROOM modern house. $20; nicely lo cated Inquire Sll Cleveland ave.. U car. U MODERN houses, 6 and 7 rooms, close in. 172 E- Morrison, phone East 1.JOS. MODERN desirable S-room house. 3id San Raf.iel. near Vnion. $33. East 1KS5. 446 11TH ST. Five-room modern cottage. A 4300. MODERN 6-rootu house. 7 E, Main at. East .VVJfi. NEW modern 6-room house, aleeping-porch. Furnace. 6" E. 2th st. s. -rWM modern house. -'; Main St., near Char-man. Newiy renovated. TWO-ROOM house. Al'.rta district. 1316 N. ISth. Rent $". 1'hon Erin Srt4. THREE-ROOM house, near Ajierta carline, $7 per mon:h. Woodlaw n 3"1 1. flVE-ROOM nwuern house. $iS.N 126ti Haw thorne ave, $'2.."0 for t-rom modern. 113.1 East Main; "excellent r?r service. Main H'OS. A 114v 6-ROOM house, fumade, yard. oi2 Madison t . . S Kpv 2'" Stout st. Vi FRESHLY tintert. 9-room house. 47" "v.ast 11th. Large yard. East 3400. C'.OSE in S-roora furnished, ia Irvinfc'ton. W. C. Reed. 313 Morrison St. .pOOM house. 1220 E. .M.tln: rent $;5. 1CE -room bouse for ruuL i2 N. 16th at. 912 CLEVELAND avenue, 6 rooms, new, modern, good yard. 2 carlines; rent $2". 6-room house, modern, extra good. 300 Ektdmore St., 1 blk. carline: rent 9-room house. East 7th ajid Clay, 20. 5-room house. East Tth and Clay, lo. 5-room cottage, bath, fine yard, with roees, 137 Idaho st.; half block carline; rent f 17.50. M KINLEY MITCHELL. i4 Stark St. Phones M. 2131; A 2131 FOR RENT 7 or 8-room modern house, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in china closets and bookcases, beautiful lawn, on paved street, two blocks from ear; most exclusive part of Irvington. Phone East 125 or P 32. Oregonlan. HOUSES FOR RENT. $25 8 rooms, 5i4 Raleigh sL. cor. 19th. 25 9 rooms, 6!. Front St., cor. Meade. $45 8 rooms. 'Mn 13th St., cor. Market. $75 13 rooms. 3f." YamhJII st.. cor. 10th. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wll.c.x b!d. Phones Main S-VJ9. A 26 3. FOR RENT 171 East 7tn at.. N.. between Oregon am East Irving sta.. Hoiladay'a Addition; 6-room modern house, good con dition; accessible to several carlines; rent $30. Call up R, N. Tufford. Phone Mar shall 4547. FOR RENT 7-room house, good condition, well plumbed, cement basement, fruit, lawn ; elderly couple preferred ; no chil dren, $20 per month; on carline. Phones C 1103. or Woodlawn 1737. Call No, 00 Union ave. N. FOR RENT Within walking distance. 12 room house, newly painted and tinted. S24 Jackson St., near 6th St.; reasonable rent. LAURELHURST. New home containing 7 rooms, Bleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc.; garage. 1177 E, Davis. Phone E. 62. NICE 5-room house. S83 E. Irving, cor. E. 29th at., one block from Ankeny car, $20. to small careful family. Key next door. Main 1201. FOR RENT or sale, 3-room new modern house. overlooking Eastmoreland; $9 monthly. H. Atwater, C2S Henry bldg. Phone Marahalll 3117. THREE houses on East 10th and Beacon streets, near Brooklyn School; 2 carlines. $17. $18 and $20. Apply to Therkelsen A Watson, Spading bldg. TWO modern 0-room houses within walking distance to the business center; on two carlines. Inquire at falO Chamber of Com merce. 8-ROOM modern house. ISO N. ISth St., cor ner of Johnson; wood for Winter In base ment for sale; rent $45. Call at house or phone Sell wood 1640. 8-ROOM house, 188 14th ; key Parriah ft W'atkins. 106 2d st. 6-ROOM modern house, nicely tinted, one block from carline. walking distance. In quire 409 East 11th st. 5-ROOM cottage with good attic, basement, lawn, furnace, in Irvington. Phone morn ing or evening. East lO.'u MODERN 7-room house. West Side. 512 Market, near 14th St.; rent $30; newly tinted and papered. MODERN 6-room house, fine location, $19. Inquire 2ou Stanton st. Phone Woodlawn 1S.-.3. SMALL modern bungalow, hot water heated, on Ravens view Drive. Portland Heights. Applv 123 11th St., $30. IRVINGTON For rent October 1, 8-room modern house. 411 East 15th st. North, on Irvington carline. phone East 540. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house on port land Heights; cheap to the right party. Call A 4923 for information. FOR RENT 6-room modern house; I ur- . nace, fireplace. 810 Wasco St., 2 blocks from carline. Phone Sellwood 1863 S-ROOM hous. piedmont, 2 fireplaces, fur nace, rent month. Owner leaves city. Swank. 30S Ahington bldg. 7-ROOM house, clean, close in. $20. 389 Grand ave. North. Woodlawn 1093. Furnished House. COMPLETELY furnishesd -room house, va cuum steam heated, cement basement, 4 bedrooms, " sleeping porch, fireplace, new piano. Rugs, crockery, furniture, etc. Will lease till June 30, 1913. Located n 13th ot., near Market. App'y 123 Eleventh at. ti-ROOM modern house, . completely fur nished. .$-3, Including phon.e and water. Apply 701 Wllliuma ave. Phone Wood lawn 4lo. $J5 MODERN 6-room house, partly fur nished, desirable neighborhood, E. 24th near Davis; lawn, shrubbery, roses, furnace, range, heater. Winter fuel In. East 5670. 557 TALYOR, cor. Chapman, 6-room, newly furnished flat, new carpets, 3 large bay windows, instantaneous gas heater for bath, rent only $40. MODERN 5-room flat, newly furnished, pal lor set, sewing machine, table and bed linen. Between U and L carlines, $25. Woodlawn 5S6 FURNISHED cottage, modern, four rooms and bath ; cneap to a siraoie leuania. Phone Columbia 392. W. A. Hall. 1043 Washburn st. 8-ROOM furnished house, beautiful place, flowers, lawn, sleeping porch, reasonable rent, references. 1179 E, 10th N. Wood- lawn 10!3. 3 OR 4 unfurnished housekeeping -ooms oi. small cottage; muse oe moaern, ciean. rea sonable; best references. B 432, Orego nian. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 7-room modern furnished house, October 1 to May 1 : $60; references required. Y SSI, Orogonlan. COMPLETELY furnished house. 6 rooms, sleeping1 porcn. rurnace, nrepiace, pittuu, Irvington. East 13S. LARGE, well furnished house in best resi dence district; with garden and all con veniences. Mrs. C. J. Reed, 715 Everett st. $5 FURNISHED cottage, barn, chicken- house, yara. can z. aseii., reai Killlngsworth ave.. or phone E. 3S05. EAST Portland Heights, clean, well-furnished 2 or 3-room flat, fine sleeping porch, reasonable. Phone Sell wood 2S9. 5-ROOM furnished fiat for complete house keeping, very reasonaoit. sa uiuiu near Hawthorne. COZY 5-room cottage, completely fur nished. 1024 Williams ave.; $25 per month. Key at 1019 Williams ave. B-KOOM furnished flat, attic, electric lights, Marshall 4220. $29.00 SIX-ROOM (clean), modern, com pletely lurnibueu nuio- - 6447. NEW. modern 0-room house, completely furnished, walking distance. East Sid. 30 E. 10th st. Nortn. ,ast iaia. FURNISHED 5-room cottage not far from (i i. ! ninth Stl1Ood O. r . Buoys. -w 1S72. $2S 5-ROOM. new. lower flat. completeIy rumisnea. ui. jam. i -m - FURNISHED cottage; piano. 243 Monroe st. W car. Near tfiiams ae. $25 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage. good location, r'none j FURNISHED home for rent for one year. Phnn M -j 1 n 7.S7 or A 3215. X FURNISHED cottage. & rooms and bath. 414 college bu 6-ROOM furnished house, close in. 5S9 Stoic STORES FOR RENT. Well-located store room. First street, near Columbia; rent reasonable. Call of fice of People's Amusementh Company, People's Theater. FOR RENT Small store room In best lo mtinn nn Morrison St.: state kind of busi- ness wanted for. M S48. Oregonian, Jli. rtt. i siuicb, it -- t borne ave., east end of bridge. Appiy TO RENT. STORES, FLOORS. BUILDINGa. W. H. WEBB, 401 leon o.ag. Atain wu- FOR RENT Corner store in brick build ing. 2d. ana r lanyera, -awnauii; i-.m- STORE. No. 352 N. 23d St.; fine location for small business. Phone Main 292. Offices. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY". Fine front office in Chamber of Com merce; hardwood floor, use of reception room, office service, etc; $25. A J S51 FOR RENT Desk room to desirable party in best furnished office in Portland. Call stenographer, reception room 706 Selling blag. MOST centrally located offices, all night elevator service; desk room in furnished office, free phone, $10. 30$ S wetland bldg. Mb. and Wash tngton. DESK room to let In nicely furnished out side office; plenty of light and heat; only $15, Including both phones, etc.; best lo ca tl o n. 207 Ore go n Ian. FOR RE XT Rooms In Stearns building suitable for musical studios, sample sales rooms, architect's office, etc. Inquire of fice Sherman Clay & Co. NICE private outside office with separate phone and use of large reception room. Rent reasonable. 1026 Chamber Commerce. HAVE elegantly furnished oft ice; wiil rein desk room or one-half office with desk. ."03 Yeon bklg. TWO especially fine private offices, also desk loom, at low rent. 431 Chamber of Commerce. DESK ROOM, $10 per month: light, both phones and heat. 215 Oregonian bldg. OFFICES and fixtures of physician in good Oregon town. D 403. Oregonian. WAREHOUSE 1 nOx 100 on railroad adjoining Goiden Rod Milling Co., A i bin a. Coi, SIa SMALL hail for rent. Howe-Davis Co- 111 , Second it. LODGE hall and ballroom, 85 Fifth tu bet. Stark and Oak. BUSINESS OPt'OHTO'lTlES. OPENINGS FOR HOTEL BUSINESS. I have several hotel and apartment-house propositions that will certainly appeal to any one seeking a business opening in this line. Call and allow me to show you what I have and how easy it will do ior ,ou to engage in this business. xui tt tin nsh - ill h reouired. YOU can make vour own terms as to deferred payments. Apply to Philip Gevurtz, 173-175 First at... corner YamhilL Phone Main 244. "ALTON HOTEL" FOR SALE. Cor. Eleventh and Stark. WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Sold for casn or on easy terms; no rea sonable proposition declined. The Hotel Alton ia one of the most modern, up-to-date hotels in the city. Seventy-five rooms, elegantly fumisnea. Long lease given. APPLY TO PHILIP GEVURTZ, 173-175 First St., cor. YamhilL WANTED Experienced hotel man to op erate hotel at Fort Fraser. the coming city of Central British Columbia- on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Small capital required; company will give assistance; experience and reliability es sential, married couple preferred. Apply in writing. Dominion Stock & Bond Cor poration. Ltd.. Winch bldg-. Vancouver, DETECTIVE agency, well established ana doing fine business, wants party to take half Interest. Will stand closest inves tigation. Party must be sober, reliable and have clean record. Thin Is an oppor tunity for party with smtll capltai to establish themselves in a business that will bring large quick returns. K 404, Ore- S'liiittii. T - - - rr- i- r iJOTn. Newlv furnished, steam heat, hot ana cold water each room; good restaurant in connection; hotel and restaurant furniture to be sold for amount of mortgage. Riht party can have lease, with option to buy. very reasonapie. au oqv, EIGHT groceries. $450 to $3000 stocks; one $650, with meat market adjoining and apartment-house above; one $on, close to school; one-half interest In manufacturing concern, making aceptic furniture. A. H. riunt, j"J leon ome- HOTEL restaurant, cafe and saloon, inde pendent licen&e, center of pcrtland. very cheap rental and lease; one of the best known resorts of Portland; $12,000. For particulars and terms, L. E. Thonrpaon, 250 3d St. A DESIRABLE space to rent in Everett 8 leading department store ; suitable for manicure, hair dressing parlor, art or op tical department. Apply in person. The Grand Leader Dry Goods Co., Everett. Wash. $000 $4000 cash, buys official county and city weekly, county seat town, best Coast county in Oregon ; first-class equipment; did over $S400 gross business past year; ill health, absolute rest, forces owner to sen. Auuicaa -r . v-. -c I OFFER to sell my U. S. patent, which is suitable for big Incorporation or factory; for quick sale I offer It reasonable. I have working model to display at -91 Ankeny st. BOND issues 250.000 upwards negotiated; gas, water, electric properties purchased; railroad. Irrigation, lumber, mining and general corporations organized. L. N. Ros enhaum. Haight bldg.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED Young man with 2000 to take charge of office in manufacturing plant; must be intelligent and capable to man age office; big future for the right man; no tr'flers. G 406. Oregonian. PICTURE theater, well located, business good, netting present owner $100 a month; best season at hand; tt-year lease and cheap rent; $000. 437 Chamber of Com merce. . FOR SALE or to rant, building 30x4o. suit able for garage, store or factory, with or without 6-room modern ihouse. Owner. 190$ East Stark st., cor. 74th. Phone B 8118. SMALL, corner, cash grocery, with four living-rooms; just the place for man and wife to make $150 month; no bonus. 323 Lumber Exchange ' WANTED Steady man able to keep plain accounts, etc.; pay $100 month salary, also share profits; money secured. 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. . ONE-THIRD interest in abstract plant in live city near Portland ; excellent open ing for right man; price low; must have $1500 cash. AK 413. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store, $250; must sell; right near Columbus grounds and two schools. 597 Williams ave. Woodlawn 148. TRANSFER business, also handle coal, wants a partner who can be depended on; you can make no less than $150 month. 323 Lumber Exchange GROCERY, hardware and , feed store, on three carlinea. doing better than $40 daily; rnt with living-rooms, $30; will invoice. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED, from owner, good business prop osition ; have several hundred dollars to invest. Call 514 McKay bldg.. city. No real estate. . FOR PALE First-class commercial hotel; excellent location, fine grill, bar. com plete in every way; only good hotel man considered. Address X 409. Oregonian. FOR RENT Small sawmill, capacity 25M. on railroad with spur to mill. Timber available on stumpage basis. Address W. B. Dennis, Carlton. Or. THEATER, clearing $25 to $30 per week; this will positively stand strictest Investi gation; trlai given; bargain, V 3S9. Ore gonian. S30O AND services will secure active young man interest in business that will pay much better than wages. Particulars 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Moving-picture theater in thriving suburb of Portland. Will bear investigation. Cheap for cash. J 421, Oregonian. CASH store; owner wants reliable partner, requires very little money; you can draw $25 week besides profits. Call 319 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. BUSINESS CHANCE Market and grocery for sale In good country town of 3000: good reason for selling: only two markets GENERAL merchandise stock for sale in a growing coast city. Rail and water trans portation. Stock will Inventory about $10.000. AV 286. Oregonian. RESTAURANT, seats 40, living-rooms; two can handle; sickness; $350. S03 Lum ber Exchange, FOR SALE 3-chatr barber shop, two baths, doing good business. Address T, 705 B st.. Centraiia, wasn FOR SALE Oyster and chophouse, rent $25 a month; business good; $300 cash. 26 East Morrison st. FOR SALE or rent, pool hall and cigar store in first-class location; price right- See owner, 49 N. 3d st. WILL sell 3500 shares of Sews Publicity Co. stock at 50c a share; leed the cash. C 416. Oregonian. FOR SALE Moving-picture .machine and electric piano at bargain. Call at 569 Spokane ave., Sellwood. GROCERY' Best location, old established, modern, splendid business; $6500. AR 415, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, doing about $33 daily busi n ess ; seats 40 ; price $400. 303 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE One three-chair barber shop in thrifty city of 4000 in San Jaquin Val ley, Cal. Address, tox oi, luiare, ai. FOR SALE or trade, a grocery store. In voice $1500. J. Singer, 709 First st. Main 437. RESTAURANT for sale Clear over $100 month; $oQ0 cash, bigbargain. AE 42tS, Oregonian. FOR SALE Meat market, good location, cheap tent, doing good business; have oher business. K 403. Oregonian. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton. PHYSICIAN'S good practice in growing town, small investment; act quick. D 44. uregonian. SMALL bakery, confectionery and atation erv; good place for married couple; inves tigate this. 145 West Killingsworth. PICTURE theater, fully equipped, for costs and fees, big bargain, good title. Atty., 1014 Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT Good location; cheap rent; $ 1 J ot. u-gonittii. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. 91; bring this ad. Rose city rrimtrj, j-j-ti i CLEANING and pressing shop, $200; snap. i'-H-'u - PHYSICIAN, good opportunity. Cull at 20S Gertinger bldg. Phone Main ?.r-4'. FINE cic,ar business on 3d St.; will invoice. 30:1 Lumber Exchange. WANT promoter for first-class proposition. Call at noon. 1014 Chamber of Commerce, BARBER shop for sale or rent. Inquire at 1040 Williams ave. A HOTEL SNAP. Eighty-four Rooms. . Easy Terms Make Your Own Terms. O-year Lease, Low Rent- -NEW SCOTT HOTEL" Eleventh and Ankeny, corner Burnside. The "New Scott Hotel"' will make a fortune for some nan or woman; does not require much capital to swing; U central location, larger excellently fur nished rooms causes it to be a very pop ular hotel. For particulars apply to PHILIP GEVURTZ, 173-173 1st SL "ESTABLISHED BUSINESS." One of the best equipped blacksmith and wood work shops in a splendid Valley town of $3000 population; good farming trade business, $800 to $1000 per month, all machinery up to date and run with electric power. I own building, lot and business, will sell at a bargain; actually less than invoice and turn over a well established business; have the best of reasons for selling. WESTLYN TRUST CO.. 91 5th St. $350 WILL buv a restaurant on Washington st. paving S7.50 a day clearthis ill be sold this week and this is the only notice that will appear. 437 Chamber of Com merce. LIGHT grocery, confectionery, notions, dairy lunch, etc.; rent $17; 3 living rooms furnished ; business guaranteed : invoice, $S0u; price, $400; terms. 505 Yeon bldg. Snap. BARBER shop for sale, cheap; three chairs, 2 bathtubs and hot water plant, all com plete; bath tub business pays shop ex penses ; $350 cash. Call Oregon Barbers' Supply Co., 1S9 3d et. ' WE have one of the best propositions to offer a man wanting the candy business; no opposition; exclusive trade; you can buy this cheap. Inquire 437 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Poolhall and cigar business; making $4000 a year; live town; nine tables, soda fountain, etc.; right price to buyer who means business. AV 2S7, Oregonian. WAITING-ROOM confectionery, tobacco and fruit, all necessities for making candy; furnished rooms above; by owner. G 411, Oregonian. FINE grocery, with five four-room flats, wife homesick to go back to the farm; rent for all $::o:wlil make lump price or will invoice. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Country town general merchan dise business, $10,000 to $15,0K; must show business to justify investment. A- H Hunt, 122 Yeon Ding. SMALL restaurant in good location; its paying, but owner obliged to leave city and will sacrifice. Particulars 24 Stark street. . PARTNER wanted: will be- mostly outside work and pav $35 week: require small Investment. Particulars, S19 Lumber Ex change, corner 2d and Stark. DESIRABLE, modern. Nob Hill corner apartment-house, unfurnished, for rent for term of years; low rent to responsible ten ant. Inquire B 434, Oregonian. FURNITURE and undertaking business in good suburban town ; no opposition; will sell entire or one-half at invoice. 303 Lumber Exchange. HAVE you $2200 to invest In a nice new grocery business in a good East Side resi dence district? Low rent, AL 505, Ore gonian. 24 ROOMS, apartments, modern, rent $70; good furniture; $000 takes it; easy terms. CIGAR stand and bootblack, cheap if sold at once. Inquire 188 3d st. LADY wants to meet gentleman with means to assist financially. D 408, Oregonian. BUSIVESS OPPORTFXraBS .Y AN TED. A TECHNICAL man of wide experience de sires to purchase a small interest in an established engineering or contracting of fice; state full particulars with refer erences in first letter; no agents. Address AK 415, Oregonian. WILL buy merchandise Blocks in any amount, within proximity of Portland; par ties Intending to sell out at discount, call or write to ROOM 312, HAMILTON BUILDING- ROOMING-HOUSES. MARY E. LEX CO., PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices. 322-4 Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. AN APARTMENT HOUSE for sale at a bargain, 18 apartments, all rented for the Winter; a dandy location and a monev-maker. See owner, 300 Will iams ave. Phone East 3273. FOR RENT 2d floor. 50x100, now arranged for rooming-house ; can be changed to suit; cheap rent and long lease. Gold Seal L i quor Co.. 166 2d. FOR SALE - Rooming - house, 10 large rooms, brick building, 4-year lease, good furnishings, full house; $700; terms. Own er, 20 s Crranq av. i. rnuiie aat m-v. 21 ROOMS, modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best location; big income and always full; lease, terms; Cneap. ny owner, mm -"v . 1.--! tj pkt a new modern rooming-house. In Salem; easy terms to right party. Ad dress J. H. Lauterman, Salem, Or. IF you are looking, for a bargain In a rooming-house, aB well as a money-maker, call at -u-: ai., i fuuuc 90)0 .Aa uujo i -"o house; extra good furniture, fine location. 415 Tth st. I.OET AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger. 26-228 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST On or near Grand ave. and East Morrison st. Sept. 27, P. M., red leather covered catalogue marked "Marshall Wells Hardware Co., Duluth." Finder please call up B 3266. Reward. LOST -Black and white shepherd dog. hard hearing, lame front feet, collar with old license, piece chain attached; answers name Teaser; got away from Kellogg dock foot of Wash.. Tuesday night. Main 4499. LOST Thursday afternoon, lady a sliver combination cardcase and purse, owner's card inside. Return to H. B. Shofner. 413 Alder st., city and receive reward. FOUND A white bitch dog with a collar marked "P. F. Roth, Verona, Pa." Call Tabor 1969. LOST A necklace of coral and chased gold beads. Return to 916 Spalding bldg and receive reward. LOST Walt ham watch on road or Grand ave. Reward if returned to MS Chamber of Comromeree. LOST An English Bull bitch, near 19th and Kearney; reward. Main 3996 LOST Roan cow, short tall 1 dry teat; return 1943 E. 18th N. Reward, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undersigned Town Clerk of the Town of Camas, Wash ington, up to 8 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, October 8, 1912, for the construction of 2160 lineal feet of cement curbs and side walks in accordance with plans and speci fications on file in the office of said Town Clerk. Certified check for 5 per cent of the bid, payable to order of the Town Treasurer, must accompany each bid. Payment for above work by ten (10) year, 7 per cent bonds. , Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. FRED B. BARNES. Town Clerk. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of gro ceries, located at 1735 East 19th street South, Portland, Or., of the invoice price of $537.53, together with fixtures of $29.65, up to Tuesday, October 1, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon. Inventory may be inspected at my office and property may be seen on application. Terms cash and a certi fied check for 10 per cent of amount of fered must accompany each, bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Or., September 26, 1U12. R. L. SABIN. 7 First Street. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford building, until 12 M. Wednesday, October 2. 1912, for 1000 feet of vacuum hose. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid, parable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R, H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Portland. Oregon. Sept, 26 1912. FOR SALE. Notice Is hereby given that bids for the sale of the wreck of the gasoline schooner Wilhelmina, now lying on the beach at the entrance of the Siuslaw River, together with her engine, hull, rigging, etc., will be received at the office of Johnson Beckwith. room 504 Fenton building. Port land, Or., on or before 5 P. M., October 3. 1912. The Lincoln County Trans. Co., by Geo. Tyler, Sec. C. S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. 321 Custom house, Portland, Oregon, August 1, 1912. Scaled proposals for constructing two steel hull 24-inch dred-es, "Multnomah" and Wahkiakum." will be received at this office until M A. M., Sept. 30. 1912, and then publicly opened. Information on ap plication. J. F. Mclndoe, MaJ., Engrs. vnTTCE TO CONTRACTOR Notice is berebv given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undersigned. Town Clerk of the Town of Camas, Wash ington, up to 8 o'clock Tuesday. October S. 112, for the gravel surfacing of Martha and F streets, in the Town of Camas, Washington, as per plans and specifica tions on file in the office of the said Town Clerk. . Approximately 450 yards of gravel will be required. Certified check for 5 per cent of the bid. payable to the order of the Town Treasurer, must accompany each bid. Payment for the above work by ten (10) year. 7 per cent bond. Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. FRED B. BARNES Town Clerk. SEALED proposals will be received at the ortice of the undersigned, 402 Tilford building, until 12 M., Wednesday, October 2. 1912, for improvement of grounds of CHnton Kelly School. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of F. A, Nararnore, superintendent of properties, 406 Tilxord building. Certined check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the riht to reject any and all proposals. A deposit of $2 Is required for plans and specifications. . R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk Dated Sept. 26. 1912. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford bldg., until 12 M.. Wednesday, October 2, 1912, for the hauling of tan bark to vari ous schools. Specifications may be obtained at tha office of F. A. Nararnore, Superintendent of Properties, 40S Tilford building. Certified check for $30. payable to R, H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany . each proposal. Board of Directors re- serves the right to reject any and all proposals. R, H. THOMAS, School Clerk. ' Dated Sept. 23. 1912. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of the estate of George B. Jacob, bankrupt: I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, con: istlng prin cipally of paints and oils, hardware and farm Implements, amounting to $1987.24, together with fixtures amounting to $32. pertaining to this estate and located at Salem, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday. October 3, 1912. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale is subject to approval of the court. Inventory of prop erty may be seen at my office and prop erty inspected at Front and Pine streets (North), Salem, Oregon. Dated, Portland, Oregon, September 23, 1912. R. L. Sabln. trustee, 7 First street. WANT to communicate with parties who were on "U" car which arrived at 3d and Washington about 7:30 A. M., Aug. 14th. A 317, Oregonian. FINANCIAL, WE will furnish the money at a low rate of Interest and save you more than the bro kerage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay to see us. L. R Bailey Co., Inc. 324 Ablngton bldg. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. ANY KIND OF SECURITY. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO. 11'5 YEON BLDG. TEL. M. 875. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens Diag. .oan WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and second , equities. F. H. Lewis & Co., 8 Lewis bldg. FIRST mortgages on real estate for sale. Mortgage loans on favorable terms. John Bain, 212-214 Bpaiaing Diag. FIRST and second mortgages contracts and commission accounts bought, real -estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. LOANS on mortgages, contracts, bonds, stocks, any collateral or real security. .Kelson Bros., su ,ewis oiog. WANTED Bank or trust company stock, city or country bank. AS 416. Orego nian. FEAREY BROS. We discount negotiable paper of all kinds. 602 Worcester bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. I CAN LOAN amounts ranging from $1500 to $3O00. GEORGE P- D-EKUM, 225 Henry Bldg. YOU WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN BORROWING ALL THE MONEY YOU WAXT AT REASONABLE RATES IF YOU HAVE GOOD REAL ESTATE SE CURITY. SEE THE MORTGAGE-LOAN DEPARTMENT OF SLAUSON - CRAIG COMPAN Y, 304 OAK ST.. NEAR 5TH. $100,000 CAPITAL- STOCK. MONEY TO LOAN, MORTGAGES PUR CHASED. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have on hand funds for Investment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, confer wltn " our mortgage loan department. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence, business property and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL, 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. NOTES AND MORTGAGES BOUGHT. W. A. HATHAWAY, 10 WASHINGTON BLDG. MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES, WILLIAM H. M' DONALD, 4U4, tjH.rt-L.i.Mj-r.n 1 MONEY to loan in any reasonable amount. Roal estate security only. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-13 Chamber of Commerce Bids. TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE. $30,000 6. $10,000 as 6. $20,000 67c $ 6,000 e 7. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second st.. near Stark. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Saving & ,oan Association. - $500,000 ON improved city pr farm property, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzle & Co., 514-515-516 Gerunger diu. ,.i ,vi rvr T AA V ON IMPROVED FARM. E. C "eASTOX, lll8 SPALDING BLDG. MONET tor building purposes. LawBon Brown Investment Co.. 1124 Yeon bldg. ir.i vr R7S MORTGAGE loans on either city or farm property: mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., 806 Wilcox bldg. MONET to loan on Improved city property .t current rates. Lawyers' Abstract A Trust Co.. room 6. Board of Trade bidg. age; security must be first class city realty, w -exj.. is""". MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest ratesT A H. Birrell Co.. 2U2 McKay bids.. iid ana star. TO LOAN $20,000 OR LESS. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. 2(iO0O0 TO LOAN in sums to suit. Build ing loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgage. Current rates. Seeley & Co.. 301 Boara ot TO LOAN at current rates, no delay: tiooo S1500. 5000, $40,000 and over. P5-M. C.' BORCHERS. 207-8 Oregon'n bldg. LOANS on improved or unimproved real es tate, mortgage, and contracts bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. . unvEV on band for mortgage loans. Main ilLf.d . TT..l-.. Tf Cn.lI.n. kill. I DANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew- .irv. vvm. nun, .. .......a. .n. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort raites. H. Miley. room 204 Gertinger bldg. Iinoo TO $2500 to loan on real estate. W. - WilnrtT w.rix. E. Jaw, ., " ' ' e--.A T"P to $2000 to loan. Smith-Wagoner CO., oxx-o-tw ,1000 TO $10,000 on Improved city property. ''W.Z-- th11oi- 10a Wilcox hlrie. tieriH" ""-J'1 : pt EXTT of money for Improved property. UOtail, om. - - MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. n. n-n'--."' " MORTGAGE LOANS (L.ASD 7 PER CENT. Bufi?.? t.inunv 11a STARIT RT J-- ' money any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. fcenz oe . ... o o. ilORTG 4GE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATK3 r. ... -. 3,10 7 per cent, real estate security. Miller, 410 1. llttlim. - $6000 OR PART for immediate loans on real estaxe. ruv --- STATE fends. 6 per cent. W. HI. Thomas, agent Multnomah county. 400 Ch. of Com, TO LOAN AT 6 i'ER CENT. f 10.000 $211,000 $3U,O0O TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $2i(.K $6000 $7000 . TO LOAN AT S PER CENT. " 1200 $2000 $240O For a term of three or tive years on Portland improved property. GOQDSEU, BROS.. 4.i.i Worcester bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ON CLOSE IN IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY OR IMPROVED RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ASK. FOR UK. JiKELY. FIRE INSURANCE. WARD & YOUNGER, SUITE 426 YEON BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BCILDINO PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA Llfc'E i TRUST tO. 1,18 SPALDING BLDG. $1600. $500. 350 TO loan on A-l real es tate security. Main 3S24. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN, $10 AND UPWARDS YOU CAN GBT IT TODAY. . NEW COMPANY. NEW KATES. NEW METHODS. NO REO TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGAN IZLD TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RAXES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAJi CO. S CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. HOUSES. DIAMONDS. REAL ESTATE. SALARIES. AUTOS OR storage: RECEIPTS. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 207 MACLEAY BLDG. A IS97. COK. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL P. M. t $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R 8 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 to not CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACB TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, HOURS. 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAYS UNTIL P. M. eTiTi' HffiTniTV rn.. t t 808 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ PRIVATE party will make second mortgage real estate toans, also chattel loans on pianos, furniture, autos and storage re ceipts at low rates of interest; mortgages bought ROOM 312, HAMILTON BUILDING. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap . est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D. D. Drake. 307 Spalding bldg. A PRIVATE. Place to obtain money on watches, dia monds. Jewelry, kodaks, guns, pianos. ELBY COMPANY. S20 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 317 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal acs. 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. PRIVATE party has money to loan on fur niture and chattels. Call at my home. V. Ryan. 289 Tenth at., near Jefferson. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Mark & Bloch, 74 3d at. . MONEY sold on installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141, JQ near iu' A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. LET us loan out your money for you. No applications submitted to our clients unless passed on by us. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-13 Chamber of Commerce Blag. Marshall 1005. A 1134. $2000 LOAN WANTED ON 7-ROOM HOUSE AND FINE LOT O.N CARLINE; WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. E. C. EASTON. 110S SPALDING BLDG. S2:iOO LOAN WANTED ON 8-ROOM RESIDENCE, LOT 50x100 (OWNER S HOME). WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. AB 3S. OREGONIAN. $2,100 LOAN WANTED ON FINE 8-ROOM HOUSE, 50x100 LOT (ALAMEDA PARK); WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. H 38S, OREGONIAN. WE can place your money for you in first mortgages on Improved real estate at good rates of interest. See Mr. Neely. , WARD ft YOUNGER. Suite 420 Yeon mag. WANTED for three years. $4000 mortgage loan on new residence and property cost ing $11,500; will pay 7 per cent; no broker- ge. 4-a VI uri-cpici ums. I WANT to borrow $15,000 on first-class down town property. Principal only. Will pay 7 per cent. Attorney, 730 Chamber of commerce. WANTED To borrow $5000 on business property, value $20,000; will deal with principals unp. i ........ WANTED -'250 loan on Improved proper ty, value $7000; no agents. 20 Commercial DIOCK. ,u mm ' MONEY wanted Applications on hand for desirable loans; mortgages for sale. Hrary C. Prudhomme Co.. 800 Wilcox bldg. $1000 FOR S years. 8 per cent Interest .on $2200 real estate security. D 40 1, Ore gonian $1500 WANTED, 8 per cent; will give first mortgage on i"j tfv" , . V, i Owner, room 46. Washington bldg. WANTED $4000 building loan, secured, on 19 city lots and a 100-acre farm. L. B., 88 Arleta sta., city. 1800 3 YEARS, 8 per cent, property worth $2100. Y 403. Oregonian. PERSONAL. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience; best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc, massages and baths. 300 Holladay ave., corner Oc cidental. "U" car. East 3608. Open Sun days. . THROW your glasses away; weak eyes made stronger; spinal and chronic diseases cured by the late Pendroy method. 4l Washington st., room aus. atar. ,ma. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips reDaired. $1.00 month; prompt calls and . .,,..tt- nnln,i. T.llflrtnr no., aofl Stark nently removed; satisfaction guaranteed: consultation free. office 604 Swetiand bldg.. Otn a"" yvaan Mrs. Stevens, 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm ist has her late book, "Palmistry Mads Easy" on sale. 557 i, Williams ave.. cor. KnOtt. Ullice noma v . 1 REWARD EACH Lost addresses want ed Mrs. W. H. Gray, 709 Umatilla St.; E ' Shephard. 1276 East Stark st.; J, E. sin-ague. 1117 East Market St. Call lul Sr . ' 1 Da ArnnM V.I. Kill First St., Of pnm" w .m. FREE 350 package Effervescent Shampoo Jelly or 50c package Dry Powder Sham poo. Address Hatha-Vita. Co., Milwaukie. Oregon. DIVORCES A SPECIALTY. Reliable lawyer. Central Law Bureau. 616 Rothchlld.bldg.. 287V Washington. SICKNESS bad -habits, trouble, metaphys ically treated. 2 to 4 P. M. Room B13 Tilford bldg EASTERN trained operator gives facial massage and scalp treatments. 125 6th St., room 2. - MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and masseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago. 3ii Madison. A 4470. Open Sundays. 10 to 6. nTsBETH'S SANITORIUM, equipped with all modern baths, bake oven and massage; Swedish movements. 616 Lovejoy st. MASSAGE $1. steam baths $L for lumbago, rheumatism. 406 Northwest bldg. Lady attendant. OXYOLINE The only cure for catarrh, asthma and lung troubles; free trial treat ment Dr. Howard. 304 Rothchlld bldg. MADE OF' YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 5c. San itary Beauty parlors, sou ueaum mug. ZEROL The great nerve tonic and system builder, $1 per box; 6 boxes, $5. Stlpa Taylor Drug Co.. 283 Morrison at. , DR. MARY B. DUNAGAN, D. C, 488 Haw thorne ave.; obesity, nerve and chjronic diseases cured. tidY'S barber shop. 410 Hoyt end 10th sts., near North Bank Depot- SOME kind person give cast-off clothing, e'lderly man. 38-40. AM 405, Oregonian. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat- mcni, ...-.- p- " HAIR STORE, 120 6th St., near Washing ton. Better quality hair, any shade. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonic Tablets. 506 Davis st. phone Main 9215. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. p Hill, fi'PiiiH ums. aittiu oi i FACIAL blemishes corrected, moles, wrinkles. Mrs. Courtrlght. 711 Dekum. Main 5042. FRENCH taught. Private lessons. Classes by Monsieur de Lory. 313 Tilford bldg. MISS STOCKS treats rheumatism, lumbago, mental scientist. 555U Morrison. W car. MRS. PC-TTER, chiropodist, eiectrio sweats lor rneuinaii.nl. j'iti plant pu. BOSTON graduate nurse and medical gym nastics, olrj Jefferson, up one flight. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12 34-inch switches $4.4 K, 26-iurh switches 2-4-1 Hair dressing .23 Face massage .?5 Shampoo .25 Manicuring 25c: 5 for 100 22 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair romoved by loclrlo needle guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and 6 puffs, only $1.43. . , Cut fcalr in any shade: switches any length. Prices ha!f. Sanitary par.ora. 400-412 Dekum bids.. 3d and Washington. ANY person having Information concerning the streetcar accident at Fifth and ilont- f:omery streets, city, on November P. U1! n which Morris J. Clt ason w as killed, n til please communicate with his widow. Mrs. Morris .1. Gleason. at 3'iS Seventh St., city. Phone Main 60i3. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE He'-injtors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments. under physu-iau's direc tions; baths massace. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 200, B lSi'3. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 85c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp trentnujuts; combines made up la order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 544. FRENCH BEAUTY SHOP. French packs for bleaching and wrin kles, shampooing, scalp treatment, facials, maniourlni.-.ehlropody. 402 Eilers bldg. 7th and Alder. HYl'KKE.ME nmssatfe ami steam batlis. for colds, luinbaso. rheumatism. 412 North west bldg. Phone Marshall 2f. Lady as sistant. . NUKSE gives electric treatments, baths, massage. Hotel Oxford, suite 2; hours 10 to 10. DIVORCES guaranteed; no publicity; advlco free: reliable lawyers. Oregon Law Insti tute. 528 Lumbermens bllg. EASTERN trained operator gives massage and electric treatments. 125 0th St.. room BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. C J. LAKE, accountant and auditor, 314 Chamber of Commerce. Main S0S1. Amateur Kodak MnlsUls-g. QUICK service, cut rates: send for price lj5t. The Kodakery. Hth and T.'ashlnglon. Aesnyerg and Analysts. PICKERING & CO.. assayers. smelters, re finers and buyers of high-grade and bul lion gold MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 1S6 Morrison st. WELLS & CO.. mining engineers chem ists and assayers. 204 H Washington. Attorneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers. general practice, absuacu examined. "aims adjusted, collections. 417 Chamber of Commerce bldg. J jE COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. mo.v''J,,'', 1J94 to 142S Yeon bldg. Main 8 i.l A 2071. , Bank. Bar and Soda Fountain Fixtures. SAFES, special cabinets; expert designers. e.kln.t fc'lvtnre Co.. 103 12th St. Brass and Machine Works. HARPERS BRASS WORKS Brasscastlng and machine work. 106 N. oth. Main 2702. Coad. COAL ALBTNA FUEL CO. tjrSFr? wonn BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. Cornets. SPIItELLA. CORSET SHOP 107 Selling blrtg. Main .ii. i.iiBium-u.... guaranteed not to rust or break. Chiropodists. WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Dereny. th. only scientific chiropodists In the cuy. Parlors 3U2 Gerllnger bldK.. . W. corner 2d and Alder. Phor.e Main l.i;l. CORNS, bunions, callouses, club and Ingrow ing nails, pedicuring and manicuring 514 515 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington sts. CHIROPODY a:,d pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 34. J. Dancing. HEATH'S School. Instruction dally. w'' and two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Oth er ballroom dances taught In one lesson. Class Mon. eve.. 8 to 10 lessons 25c. 101 2d, betw een V. asmngtont aim ci-unni I ,nn, dallv: two-step, three-step. Baltimore or schot tlsche tsught in first lesson. Allsky bldg, 3d and Morrison sts. R1NGLER Dancing Academy. Fall term now open; class Mon.. Fti.; social danco Wed Sat 2314 Mor. Instruction dally. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY- Conservative, reliable, confldent.ai. rea sonable rates. 510 Dekum bldg. Main 8424. J-:duca.loiiaI. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. . M. U Jiatfleld, 11118 Grove. Oakland. Cal. Electric Motors. Motors ft Dynamo, bought sold paired. H-M-H Elect. Co., 31 N. 1st. Main B21U. . En glnes las and Htearo. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agent Sex burv steam engines and boilers, e"0'1" engines. 2S1-283 E. Morrison. Phons E. 613. Hat and Umbrellas. HATS cleaned blocked, umbrellas recov ered, repaired. 185 4th. bet. Yam.-Taylor. ..andM-ape Gardeners. EXPERT landscape gardener, do artistic and most satisfactory work; plans and esti mates furnisher. C. A. Bruggemann. 211 6th st. Main 4116. . Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfrs.. findings. J A. STROWBRIDGE LBATHbU -u. tahlished 1S53. 189 Front St. ' Messenger Service. iiASTY Messenger Co.. day and night ssrr Ice. Phone Main 53. A 2153. Millinery. Mke-over hat shop Used materials, fash loned after the litTst styles. 191 14th st. Musical. TAtTT. Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1629. G E. JEFFERY, Violinist & Musical Director (lessons), fatuain ivry c. nj.v... - PIANO STUDIO, moGern methods. 208 14th. Main 3893. Arrangements for practicing. Osteopathic Physicians. 7TZ f7 j Northrup. 415-10-17 "iekura bldg. Phone, Office. M. 340; res. East or B 1028. fS AGNES M. BROWNE, 809 Journal bids. HrsT l6:30-4:30. Main 3C09. Res. Tr.bor 202L Paints, oils and Glass. rn AST-MADE paint and varnish Is best ndaDted to the Coast climate. BASS HfcTUTER PAINT CO.. 191 2d st. RASV USSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, giaS3. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Fsftent Attorneys. patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-it-law late of the TJ. S. Patent Offlca. Booklet in-c. i'" j-. "...a.. h S AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured b u- o. O. Martin. 405.409 Chamber of Commerco bldg. r C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 004 Dekum bldg. Patent Engineers. wp- develop inventions and secure patents. Coop ft Schmitt. consulting engineers, 501 Henry Dims. Pawnbrokers. 7-:rT v Mvers' Collateral Bank; 40 years Vr Portland- Tl 6th st. Phone Main 910. Paving. TnTr Barter Asphalt Paving Company. 605 008 Eiectrio bldg. Oskar Huber, Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and "trice near 24th and York sts. Main 34E9. " ' Safe,. THE MOSLEH SAFE CO.. 108 ?d st. Safes Afactory prices; second-hand safes. " hnwrases, Basik and Show Fixture,. twit LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutks. manager. Portland showcase a fixture co.. PiV-i N 5th st. Main 7617. Cabinet work. uihsHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new " .econd-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage and Transfer. n vlCK Transfer & Storage Co., office, nd commodious 4-story brick warehouse. .Inarate iron rooms and fireproof vault, 5or valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pin, sta; iiinos and furniture moved and packed or shipping: special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestlo and foreign points jiain quo, a :.. -VrToV-ROE TRANSrjR CO. rleruirnl transferring and storage, safes, nianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-M Front St. TeJ.phoM tii ?U7 or A 2247. owkgON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and forwarding agents. Office ind storage 474 Gllsan St.. corner lata and " san. Phones Main 60. A 1169. ' " Typewriters. 115 TO $5 will buy a REBUILT TYPK- WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main 8-'00 of A Km. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern oil this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The T.pewrlter i- change, aji .1 ... .-l-w re'-iulM. second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. -D. C. Co.. 2J1 Stark. Main 1407. r , -------- -1 i EH 1 05.0 5