Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 24, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Government Tug Leaves To
day on Inspection Trip.
Course May Be Improved for Deep
Water Vessels in Accordance
With Rivers and Harbors
Bills Provisions.
First of the assignments given the
tug- Arg-o. of the Government fleet.
which went into commission yesterday
after an idleness of about three months,
was to carry a party to make a pre
liminary examination of three projects
on the Columbia River and she will
. leave early this morning in command of
Captain Dunbar.
The most Important feature of the
journey will be the examination of
Cathiamet Channel, now used mostly
by river steamers, but which may be
improved and the main channel estab
lished there. Major Mclndoe, Corps of
Engineers, U. S. A., having ordered the
examination In accordance with a pro
vision of the last rivers and harbors
bill. The main sblp channel is now on
the opposite side of the Columbia, the
two being divided by Puget Island, and
if the Cathiamet road Is decided on it
will mean a saving in time for deep
water vessels bound to and from Port
land. Skamokawa Creek la another point
to be visited, as the act provides for
a preliminary examination at the
mouth with a view to Improving it for
the benefit of river steamers, which
tow log rafts from there.
A third project started deals with
Young's Bay, below Astoria, but the
details of what is desired there will
not be worked out until the engineers
discuss the situation with commercial
Interests at Astoria. That location has
been talked of as worthy of improve
ment for the accommodation of future
shipping and it is assumed that it will
be a general dredging scheme on the
Government's part. At present the land
owners are centering their efforts on
preliminaries. Young's Bay has been
used at times for vessels laying up
while awaiting charters and there Is
said to be fair depth in the channel.
Recently, so the engineers have been
Informed, schooners Jiave loaded at
mills there.
aboard the British steamer St. Kllda,
at the Eastern & Western Mill, so that
leaks in her forepeak will be tem
porarily patched and she can proceed.
The work will be subject to the ap
proval of Captain Veysey, Lloyd's sur
veyor, and It is hoped to get the ship
headed for sea Joday. Her crew will
return aboard when the vessel is
passed on as seaworthy, and she may
fret away with the loss of but three
, Captain Rasmussen Resigns.
ASTORIA. Or., Sept 23. (Special.)
Captain Rasmussen has resigned as
master, of Columbia River lightship No.
88, and has been succeded by Captain
E. J. Barnes; formerly second officer of
the lighthouse tender Manzanlta. .
Suits Admitted by Defense to
Be Not Worth $35.
Marine Xotes.
Principals of Great Northern Tail
oring Combine ' Say They Pick
Winners Who Will Benefit
Them Trial Disorderly.
Towed by the tug Geo. R. Vosburg,
the barge Nehalem was shifted to Oa-k-street
dock yesterday afternoon to load
200 sacks of cement from the steamer
F. H. Leggett, the material being
destined for Nehalem.
It is thought that when the German
steamer Verona clears today for the
Orient she will have aboard 7200 tons
of cargo, composed of 24,000 barrels of
flour and 24.000 tons of wheat, also
considerable lumber.
Of the coasters that carry pas
sengers, thev steamer Willamette is to
sail Friday, the Carlos Saturday and ted In Municipal Court yesterday, when
For the privilege of buying a $35 suit
at prices ranging from 519 down to 1.
840 residents of Portland are paying 1
a week to the Great Northern Tailoring
Combine, with offices in the Swetland
building, according to testimony submlt-
Gantenbein's court, S. M. Helfond, also
on appeal from Municipal Court, was
found guilty 'of selling liquor without
a license. He was fined $110, just '$10
more than he had been fined In the
lower court.. A. 6. Wells, chemist in
the employ of the State Dairy and Food
Commissioner, testified on behalf of
the city that the liquid in evidence was
40 per cent alcohol.
The liquor had been purchased by
Patrolman Ennis. As a defense Hel
fond urged that he had not sold the
policeman whisky, but "cramp medi
Organizations Protest Against ILoca
tion of Proposed Bridge.
Disapproval of the location chosen by
Mayor Rushlight for the proposed
South Portland bridge was expressed
at a meeting of the South Portland
bridge committee, consisting of repre
sentatives of clubs from the southeast
and southwest sides of the river, held
in the City Hall last night. The ob
Ject of the meeting was to further the
plans of completing the bridge, wnicn
Is to be brought up at the special elec
tion to Te held November 2.
The landing chosen by the Mayor for
the bridge on the east side of the-river
Graharaona to Run to Dayton Until
" Depth Is Increased.
On the . failure of a cloudburst to
manifest Itself, or even a heavy deluge
of rain that would tend to increase the
depth of the Upper Willamette yester
day, there was some gloom about the
headquarters of the Yellow Stack Line
because the officials are desirous of
sending the new steamer Grahamona on
' the Portland-Corvallls run. As It was
she was started on the Portland-Day'
ton route, and the steamer Pomona was
ordered to Supple's yards for an over
The Grahamona went out in com
mand of Captain A. W. Graham, her
designer, who superintended her con
struction. Captain Bluhm. of the Po
mona, signed as pilot, but later will
have charge until Captain Rabbe Is
ready to assume the responsibilities.
During October or early In November
it is hoped to nave enough water to
reach Corvallis, and then the Pomona
and Grahamona will ply there, giving
all river points a daily service, and
the steamer Oregona will operate to
Dayton every other day.
Waterliouse List Shows Fitzclarencc
Yet In South.
Of eight ships listed by Waterhouse
& Co. to load for the Far East four
will come to Portland for cargo, three
are to proceed to Puget Sound, and one,
the Fitzclarence, which Is at San Fran
cisco following a fire in her hold, will
probably come here to discharge sul
phur, and in that event will take' out
cargo, but. apparently, her movements
have not been decided on, as the Thor
was chartered to till In. The latter has
been In the coal trade between British
Columbia and San Francisco.
The weekly list of movements Is as
Fitzclarence At San Francisco.
Hercules Left Portland for Yokohama
August 31.
Lord Curxon At San Francisco. To load
on Puget Sound (or Oriental ports.
Lord Derby Left Yokohama for Pacific
coast September 3. To tall from -Puget
Sound fot Oriental porta early In October.
Ockley Expected to arrive at San Fran
cisco September 7. , To load at Portland for
Oriental porta.
Ortertr Arrived at Yokohama from Ta
coma September 3.
Thor Expected ready at Portland Sep
tember 30; to load for Oriental ports.
Verona At Portland. loading for Oriental
' Winter Schedule Opens With De
parture of Beaver October S.
With the sailing of the steamer Bear
for San Francisco and San Pedro this
morning, the Summer schedule ends, so
far as she is concerned, and It will ter
minate for all vessels when the Rose
City gets away Sunday, for the sailing
of the Beaver at 4 P. M.. October 3.
marks the Inauguration of the time
card that prevails during the season of
unattractive weather.
From April to September the steam
ers Buil at 9 A. M. from Portland, and
from October to March the sailing hour
la 4 P. M- Passengers southbound cross
ut of the Columbia the following
morning under that arrangement, while
under the Summer schedule the ships
go to sea the same day they depart
from here. The steamer Breakwater
goes on her Winter schedule next trip,
leaving here once a week instead of
every five days, but there are no
changes announced for others of the
coasting fleet.
Kern Says Xew Tug Has Xot Been
Given Out Yet.
Dan Kern, of the Columbia Contract
Company, denies a report from Astoria
that Wilson Bros, have been awarded
a contract for the construction of ' a
new steamer" with a length of 120 feet,
to have 700-horsepower. He says that
while machinery is on hand for the
vessel It has not been decided when she
will be built.
Some Portland firms have tendered
figures on the work, and It may cost
about $20,000. It Is probable the vessel
will be built largely after the plan of
the tug Samson, and will be used for
towing rock barges to the north Jetty
at the mouth of the Columbia, which
will be under way next season. Plans
and specifications have been passed to
different yards here, and it is said that
nearly all have filed bids.
Getting St. Kllda Ready.
Repairs were started yesterday
FY -a'a ; rftrf: c:
s a '
On the arrival of the tug Seon in the harbor a few days ago from Newberg, Captain Speier, head of the
harbor patrol, said all sorts of commendable things about the' skipper of the tug because he proceeded
through the upper bridges under a slow bell, remarking that "there was one man from another city who
wished to obey the law." The reason for the Seon's lack of speed was the fact her shaft was bent and
stern bearing damaged through having struck a snag In the upper river. She vas repaired at Supple's yard,
and returned yesterday to Newberg.
the Archaeological Institute of America,
Professor Mitchell Carroll, of George
Washington University, a National au
thority on the beautifying of cities,
will deliver an address on the wisdom
of planning for the future of a city, to
night at the Multnomah Hotel. Admis
sion is free. An address will also be
made by William D. Wheelwright on
the Greater Portland plan of E. H. Bennett.
Head of Jforthwesterir Electric Com
pany Expects Favorable Action.
Herbert Fleishhacker, president of
the Anglo & London Paris National
Bankof San Francisco, Is here to press
the application for a light and power
franchise of the Northwestern Electric
Company, of which he is the head. The
California capitalist feels' certain that
the City Council will pass favorably
on the petition when it comes up for
consideration Wednesday. He will ap
pear before the' body, along with At
torney L. a. McNary and George H.
Kelly, his local representatives, to meet
any opposition that is forthcoming.
Mr. Fleishhacker and his associates
have a large force of men working on
the construction of a big power plant
on the White Salmon River. This, he
said, will be completed by February 1.
Following grant of the franchise the
new company Intends to invest several
hundred thousand dollars in a com
bined substation and office building.
Mr. Kelly has several sites in view
and one will be selected immediately
after the franchise becomes a cer
"There Is absolutely no reason why
our application should not be granted
if members of the City Council are
looking after the city's welfare," said
Mr. Fleishhacker. at the Portland Hotel
last night. "I do not think the appll
cation will meet with any opposition
"To show our good faith, we put a
force of 1000 men to work on the White
Salmon River plant We Intend to sup
ply power for several of the smaller
towns around Portland,- as well as
scores of Individual enterprises outside
the city. As the work progresses ad
ditional men will be added. We ex
pect to have the plant in operation
February 1."
Speaking of business conditions in
San Francisco Mr. Fleishhacker said
that things have taken a change for
the better, and that the Exposition City
is rounding to a healthy business con
Absolutely Fireproof
100 rooms..,.; 11.00 per day
100 rooms $1.50 per day
200 rooms' (with bath). .$2.00 per day
100 rooms (with bath). .$2.50 per day
Add $1.00 per day to above prices
when two occupy one room.
R. C. BOWERS, Manager.
J. M. BROWNELL. Asst. Mauser.
the Camino Sunday. On the latter the
fare will be $12, against $.10 on the
others, and all will proceed to San
Francisco only
Wheat will be taken from Portland
to the United Kingdom by the British
tramp Mancunla, which was fixed yes
terday. She arrived at Shlmonosekl
September 2 from Port Natal. The
Japanese steamer Koju Maru was
taken by Davies & Febon to load lum
ber, and she was last reported at Hon
olulu. To load for Valparaiso the schooner
Wm. Olsen, under engagement to Hind,
Rolph & Co., arrived up yesterday and
went to the Portland mill for. cargo.
The vessel hails from San Francisco,
having reached the river Sunday. The
barken tine Newsboy reported from San
Francisco and went to Newport to load
lumber for the south. It was reported
that the schooner King Cyrus was off
the river late yesterday.
Captain H. H. Robert. Corps of En
gineers. U. S. A., who has returned
from Coos Bay after having conducted
a hearing at Marshfleld regarding the
application of the Harriman interests
for nermisslon to span tne oay wiiu a
railroad bridge, says mat oi auu per
sons who attended, a. majority favored
the bridge, and only a few protests
were filed. When additional data Is
received from Coos Bay a report will
be forwarded to Washington.
Henry L. Beck, inspector of the Sev
enteenth Lighthouse District, tor-
warded a formal report to the Bureau
of Lighthouses at Washington yester
day, based on objections entered by
Cantain Nonander. or the steamer tsear,
because the Pintsch gas buoy that is
to be established October 1 to mark
the end of Clatsop Spit will have a
strength of but ten candlepower. Mr.
Reck thinks that It will prove suni-
clent for the guidance of mariners, be
cause the outer" acetylene buoys will be
more brilliant: also the range lights
at Fort Columbia, while If the Clatsop
Spit mark .jvorks satisfactorily he in
tends to Increase its intensity. ,
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Sept. 23. Arrived Schooner
Wm. Olsen, from San Francisco; steamer
Geo. W. Elder, Irom Ban ijiego ami wj
porta: steamer laiay Miicneu, irura. oi
Francisco. Sailed Steamer Alliance, for Cooa
Bay and tureKU.
Astoria, sept. za. Arnvwu w
Up at 7:30 A. M. Bieajner ......
San rrancisco. Arriveu hi -
. , a M . steamer Lyra, from Saltna
Crus via San Pedro and Ban .Francisco. Ar
rived at 7 and left up at 11 A M. Steamer
Fairhaven, from San Franclaco. Arrived at
a A hti.imrr iieaerfti nuuvi.,u, w,u
San Pedro. Sailed at 11 A M. Norwegian
steamer Artemis, for Sydney via Tacoma.
i a i M. Schooner Kin Cyrus,
from San Pedro. Left up at a A. M.
Barkentlne Newsboy.
San Franclaco, sept. is. ... ......
.i-i., utn,j.i- CMstur. from Portland.
rvw Bav. Rent. 2S. Arrived Steamer
Breakwater, from Portland.
Bandon, Sept. 82. Arrived Gasoline
schooner Tillamook, from Portland.
Astoria. Sept. 22. Arrived at 4:o0 and left
up at 5:45 P. M. Steamer Geo. w. Elder,
from San Diego and way porta. Arrived down
9 p. w. unusn oar JiKc . v .v
j m Norwegian steamer Artemis, iash uj
at 10 P. M. Schooner Wm. Olsen.
Hamburg. aepu an. oaiiou auj
for Tacoma. ,
Sydney, H. oepu o.
Strathmore, for Eureka.
Singapore. Sept. 23. Arrived previously
Keemun. from Liverpool, for Tactftna.
c-ranMKfn Kent. 2S. Arrived Steam-
era Coaster from" Columbia River; Svea. from
Graya Harbor; Wellington, irom
Nome City, from Everett; Romany, from Se
attle: Flfleld. from Banaoa; snip oiar
Alaska, from cnignm oay; ' ,
England, from Koggulng: tugDauntless,
from Seattle. Sailed Steamers wasntenaw,
for Port Angeles; bark Marie, for Queena-
toWiiot s.nt. 23. Arrived Steamers' Gov
ernor, from San Francisco: Watson, from Tacoma-
City of Puebla. from Sound ports.
Sailed Steamers Watson, for San Francisco;
City of Seattle, for Skagway: Alameda, for
Tacoma; St. Helens, tor Columbia River;
Northland for soutnwesieru jiia;
ElwelL for Port Blakeley. -
r,,nl. irenaa. Sept. 23. Sailed Dunslaw.
from Port Cabot, for San Francisco.
Los Angeles. Sept. 23. Arrived Roanoke,
from Portland: Helen H. Drew, from Green
wood; Doris, from. Wlllapa Harbor; Aialea,
from Grays Harbor. Sailed Riverside, for
Puitet Sound pons; uevrao . .
Columbia Rlver
Columbia River Bar Report.
Condltlonat the mouth of the river at S
P. M.. smootn
weather, clear.
wind, northwest 8 miles;
Tides , at Astoria Tuesday.
TTlrh. LOW.
11-54 A. M....T.B feetiE:48 A. M 0.T foot
11:51 P- M feet;t:08 P. M....S.2 feel
Coos County Fair to Be Heard.
MYRTLE POINT, Or, Sept. 13. The
first annual school fair for Coos Coun
ty will be held at Myrtle Point, or..
September 27. County School Super
intendent Bunch has declared that day
a school holiday. Indications point to
a successful fair, with many exhibits of
farm products from the school children.
Transportation companies will carry
the exhibits without charge-
Ben Semlyer and G. Lambe, managers
of- the same, were placed on triaj for
setting up a lottery. That the $35 suit
Is not really worth that sum of money
was confessed by one of the attorneys
for the defense, who confided to the
court that In these days of strenuous
competition merchants had to work
every scheme to get business.
The two defendants, with five subor
dinate's, were arrested Saturday after
complaints had begun pouring into po
lice headquarters from persons who had
embarked in the scheme. Only the two
heads of the concern were placed on
trial, the others being dismissed by the
prosecution and used as witnesses.
"Prominent"' People Picked.
The admitted facts were that the
agents of the company go through the
city distributing numbered coupon tick
ets, free of charge. Later another agent
visits the house where the ticket has
been left, and notifies the woman that
she has been selected as one eligible to
the benefits of the project. By paying
$1 a week for 19 weeks, she Is assured
of a $35 suit, and in addition she stands
a chance of receiving the suit earlier
and for a less price.
The defendants explained that they
selected each week one of the members
of the club to receive a suit without
further payments. "We make our own
selection, not by chance," they said.
"We pick out some woman who is prom-
Bu t Arrive.
'ame. From Date.
Bear Fan Pedro... In port
Eue H. Elmore. Tillamook.... In port
Geo.. W. Elder. .Ban Diego... In port
Rose City. ....San Pedro. .. Sept. 24
Anvil Bandon Sept. 24,
Nevada Sallna Crua. .. Oct. 26
Lyra Eallna Crus.. Kept. 2o
Breakwater.... Coos Bar Sept. 26
Roanoke. ......San Diego. .. .Sept. Utt
Beaver ..San Pedro Sept. 29
Alliance....... Eureka. ......Oct. 1
Kebraaaan. .. ..Sallna Crus.. Oct. 4
Isthmian Sallna Crus.. Oct. 18
Xe Depart.
Kama, Foe ' Data,
Sue H. ElmoreTlKamook.... Sept. 24
Bear San Pedro. Sept. 24
Harvard ..S. F. to U A.. Sept. 25
Geo. W. Elder. San Diego... btsyu 2i
AnvU ....Bandon Sept. 26
Vila S. r. to I A., sept. -1
Breakwater Cooa Bar.... Sept. 2S
Rose City San Pedro. .. .Sept. 20
l.rra. . ... hailna crus.. epi. so
Alliance Eureka Oct. 3
Koanoaa. ..... .San Diego. ...Oct. 2
Beaver ..San Pedro... Oct. 8
KeDraskaa..... Sallna Cms., Oct. a
Isthmian Sallna, Crts. . . Oct. 19
Xevadaa....... Sallna Crus.. Oct. SO
is on Beacon street, and It was the
consensus of opinion that it would cost
the taxpayers thousands of dollars to
grade their property to conform to the
cut necessary to be made In the hill
side. The members of the committee
came empowered by their respective
clubs, especially the Brooklyn Improve
ment Club, which has a vital interest
In the question, to favor the old loca
tion on Mead and Ellsworth streets.
The members in favor of the old lo
cation contend that the Mayor spen
the $2000 appropriated by the City
Council to make soundings for the
bridge . in making soundings around
Moss Island. The committee will pre
sent its claim at the meeting of the
Council tomorrow morning and will In
sist that the location for the bridge be
at Ellsworth street. The committee
will hold another meeting next Satur
day night. H. E. Kurts occupied the
chair for the evening. Three or more
members were present from each of the
following clubs: Fulton Park Club,
South Portland Boosters, Seventh Ward
League, Brooklyn Improvement Club,
Westmoreland Improvement Club and
the Sellwood Commercial Club.
Rev. J. D. Peters Tells of Explora
tions in Holy Land.
inent In society or church work, and
give her tlie suit with the understand
ing that she will display it and tell
where she got It. It Is purely an ad
It was also asserted that preliminary
selection of eligibles was made after
investigation to determine whether the
person was one who would do credit to
the company and who would keep up
the payments. The company did not
want patrons who would drop-out after
a few weeks acd forfeit their payments.
Trial Not Orderly.
The trial of the case was one of the
most disorderly witnessed In Municipal
Court recently, three attorneys, the de
fendants, the witness and the court
striving to have the best of the effort
to be heard. No evidence was submit
ted by the defense, which relied on le
gal rulings that a scheme of this nature
is not a gambllnc enterprise.
Agents In the employ of the company
denied that they represented to pros
pective patrons that there was a "draw
ing." telling, them instead that the
lucky person to receive a suit for a
price less than $19 was selected by the
management as the Interests of the
business dictated.
Judge Taswell withheld his decision
on the question until Wednesday. -
Higher Court Sustains Conviction of
Y. S. Hyde.
The conviction in Municipal Court of
Wj S. Hyde, a wood dealer accused of
giving short measure, was affirmed
in Circuit Judge Gantenbeln's court
yesterday by a Jury. A fine of $30
was Imposed. Hyde had first been
fined in the lower court, but Judge
Tazwell Increased the amount of the
fine to $50 In order to give him the
right of appeal. F. B. Buchtel. City
Sealer of Weights and Measures, Insti
tuted the prosecution.
At the morning session of Judge
Some results of work with a spade
in Palestine was the theme of a lec
ture by Rev. J. D. Peters at the Art
Museum, Fifth and Taylor streets, last
night. What has been done by explora
tion in that region above the surface
and below, revealing the history of
the country, was told, the lecture being
accompanied by pictures showing the
ruins, discoveries and inscriptions on
Dr. Peters has been an explorer,
though not an excavator, In Palestine.
In company with Dr. Hermann Thiersch,
of Munich, he discovered some Interest
ing tomb monuments which he has de
scribed In one of the volumes of the
Palestine exploration fund. The lec
ture showed some of the results of
the work of the Palestine exploration
fund, giving a vivid picture of the land
Itself, and Its physical formation, sug
gesting the reason why the people in
habiting it played the part which they
have done in the history of religion
and civilization.
There was also, shown some of the
visible remains of the various inhab
itants of the land and its conquerors,
beginning with the megallthlc tombs
and the cave dwellers of the earliest
population, and proceeding through the
occupations or possessions of subse
quent inhabitants.
The painted tombs at Marissa, dis
covered by the lecturer and Dr.
Thiersch, are said to constitute the
earliest record of natural history study
found anywhere in the world, and have
a peculiar interest on that account as
well as because they are reported to
be the only monuments of the sort ever
found in Palestine and the only monu
ments in existence from the ancient
Edomlte country. The lecture Illus
trated and explained many Biblical subjects.
Divorcee Assails Stenographer Who
Met ex-Husband.
Reports that an Insane woman had
run amuck in one of the upper floors
of the Railway Exchange building
caused a hurry call to the police sta
tion ' yesterday, and Patrolman Cason
was sent to Investigate. On his arrival
he found In room 606 two highly ex
cited women, one of whom was suf
fering from slight cuts on her face.
The explanation given was that Miss
Pearl Shaffer, a stenographer employed
there, had been assaulted by Mrs.
Mvrtle Knowlton. who was actuated bv
Jealousy of ier divorced husband. Miss
Shaffer, it was said, had accepted the
attentions of Luke Knowlton. an em
ploye of the North Bank Railroad, and
Mrs. Knowlton, though divorced two
years, resented the fact. Yesterday
she went to enter a protest, and in the
scuffle Miss Shaffer's glasses were
broken and the fragments cut her face.
Cason, not having witnessed the
affray, made " no arrests, but quieted
the belligerents and advised them to
obtain warrants if either was still un
satisfied. '
Woman Friend of Minor Girl Also
Put Under Arrest.
The bond of A. W. Smith, a real
estate dealer accused of contributing
to the delinquency of a girl 13 years
of age. a niece of his wlfs, was in
creased to $5J00 by Circuit Judge
Morrow yesterday. Smith was re
arrested at the request of Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Collier, who- advised the
Judge that his office had reason to be
llieve that Smith was contemplating
Mrs. D. A, Dearinger, a material wit
ness against Smith, was also arrested.
She will be released on furnishing a
satisfactory bond guaranteeing her ap
pearance at the trial. Mrs. Dearinger
lives on East Eighth street, near the
home of Smith, where Smith and the
girt are aiiegea to nave met wnite
Mrs. Smith was at the seashore. -
The girl has been sent to the Home
of the Good Shepherd. The Juvenile
Court instituted the proceedings against
Smith. -
Architect Would Recover $3300
Denial of Deal Is Made.
Suit to recover $3300, alleged to be
due as compensation for the prepare-
tlon of plans for a $330,000 family ho
tel. has been started In Circuit Court
against Phillip Gevurtz, of I. Gevurtz
& Sons, by Thomas Hawkes, an arch!
tect. He asserts that Mr. Gevurtz ac
cepted the plans, but has failed to pay
for them.
The hotel for which the plans were
drawn was to be nine stories in
height and to be known as the Hillside
Apartment Hotel, the complaint, tiled
by Attorneys Henry St. Kayner ana
Bradley A. Ewers, recites.
Referring to the suit, Mr. Gevurtz
said last night: "I did not order any
such plans from Thomas Hawkes. He
came to me with the plans already pre-
Dared and asked me If I would get
somebody to lease the property for
hotel purposes and I answered that I
would try. While on a trip East I
did endeavor to interest parties in the
enterprise, but without -success. No
contract was signed at any time and
I at no time promised him that I would
nrocure a lessee. In tact, l naa no
actual connection with the enterprise
at all."
PORTLAND. Sept. 23. Maximum temper
ature, $2 degrees; minimum, oo aegrees.
River reading, s A. at., o. t teei; cuaugo hi
last 24 hours, 0.1 foot. Total rainfall, 6 P.
m tn a P. M.. trace: total rainfall since
September 1, 191S, 1.01 Inches; normal, L22
lncnes; aenciency, --i muueo. xw.&
hin 7 hnura 25 minutes: Dossible, 12 hours
8 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level)
at S P. M-. 30,13 inches.
Civic Lecture Is Tonight.
Ttnder tha ausnlces nf the Greater
Portland' Plans Association and at the
invitation of the Portland Society of
Baker ..........
Boston .........
Denver 1 ....... .
Des Moines . . . .
Kansas City ....
Klamath Falls ..
Los Angeles ....
Montreal .......
New Orleans ....
New York ......
North Head .....
Pendleton ......
Pocatello .......
Portland .......
Sacramento .....
St. Louis
St. Paul
Salt Lake ......
San Francisco ...
Spokane .. ...
Tatoosh Island ..
Walla Walla ....
Washington .....
Weiser .........
Wenatchee ......
Stat at
Portland, Or
Wrifiht-Dickinaon Hotel Co Prop.
Seattle, Wash.
VVrifiht-Dickinson Hotel Co Props.
Both hotels
centrally located,
modern in every
respect, and
conducted on th
European plan.
A homelike hotel; pleasantly
located in the heart of the
city. All outside rooms. Con--y
cert by Symphony Orchestra
In courtyard every evening.
Hotel motors meat all trains
and steamers. European,
H.uO upwards.
House of Welcome Portland, Or.
Our 14-passengar electric Iras meets all trains. A
high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theate
and shopping district One block from any oarlins.
tl oer dar and ud. European dan.
uuilti, coiUkii.iat11 ro. Proprietor.
. W. Blatn, Pres. Flelae Jose. Vlce-Pre,
As Crmtt 3fsTv
New Perkins Hotel
In the Heart of the City
With Private Bath $1.50 Up
With Detached Bath $1.00 Up
(Permanent Kates on Application)
Hotel Hoyt
Sixth at Hoyt
New, fireproof, 200 rooms.
BATES, 75c UP.
Permanent guests solicited, special
rates. One block from depot.
F. C. Harrington, Mgr.
Plains States. Mlsslssinnl Vallev. Ohio Val
ley, Southeastern States, Western Lake Re
rlnn. Xew .Tersev. New Vorlc and Southern
New England, and generally cooler weather
obtains In other sections of the country.
The conditions are favorable for showers
Tuesday In Southeastern Idabo and for gen
erally lair weamer wnn rising wrapBruiurea
In the remaining portion of this district.
Northwesterly winds wm ODtain.
Portland and vicinity Fair with rising
temperature; northwesterly winds.
Idahe Fair, except showers In southeast
portion; slowly rising temperatures.
Oregon ana w aenmgiuu ran wim uams
62 10. 00
7010.001 8E
72 0.00
68 O.OOi
16 NW
4 NW
12 SE
4 NW
4 NW
12 S
6 X
8 NW
T6O.O0 8S
6610.00 22INE
60 0.00 isIn
8010.00 10'S
40:0. OS 8jN
76 0.00
67 0.001
62 0.00
76 OvOO
s?ln.nol 4iw
66 T. (1SISE
4 8
71110. OOlZOS
68;0.01 6!NW
6210.00 14lN
60 '0.081 4 NW
6O1O.OO 4 N
680.00 12 S
66(0. 001 4'SW
720.00 161SE
8010.00 25 N
66.0.00 8X
66 0.041 8
T. I
Pt cloudy
PL cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Clear -Clear
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
A disturbance of considerable extent over
lies the Basin. Plateau. Southern Rocky
Mountain and Plains States, and under its
Influence showers have fallen within the last
18 hours In Southern Alberta, Montana,
Northeastern and Southwestern Washing
ton, the Dakotaa, South Carolina and the
Middle Atlantic States and moderately heavy
rains In Wyoming. Tennessee. North Caro
lina and the District of Columbia. The
pressure Is increasing over the Northern
States generally and high pressure obtains
over tne Nortnwestern ana .-sortneaetern l
States. The weather is warmer on the Cen
tral Pacific Coast, Hew Mexico, Southern!
Far Line.
One time ..........le
bame ad two consecutive times 2Ze
name ad three cttfliiecuUve tunes soc
bame ad six or seven consecutive times. .6 bo
The abovo rate appij w wiwiwjiumi
under "New Today and all outer claesuica
Uona except the fullowio:
Situations wanted, huh.
bltuatlon Wanted, Female.
For Kent. Kooms, irlvato Families.
Booms and Board, l'rivate Families.
Housekeeping- Booms. Private Families.
u K-n ana advertisement is- nut run in con
secutive issues the one-time rate applies.
bix words count aa one line on cash ad
vertisements and no ad counted lor lea tuaa
two lines. ...
temiltances mus ewwimmnx uumi-wwa
lliwnnlu will accent classified mdvertlse-
Bieou over the telephone, providing; the ad
vertiser is m UDwriDcr iu etiuer puone.' no
E rices will be quoted over the phone, but
in irill be rendered the foliowina day.
Whether subsequent advertisements will be
accepted over tne pnone uepenaa upon tne
promptness of the payment of telephone ad
vertisements, situations Wanted and per
sonal auverttseinenle will not be accepted
over the telephone. Orders for one Inser
tion only will be accepted for "House for
vr.n ' "Vnmitnrw far Kale." "Biiaineaa Oil.
temperatures except near the coast; north
westerly winds.
Acting District. Forecaster.
O.-W. It. Offers Cup.
Officials of the O.-W. R. & N. have
posted a beautiful silver cup to be
awarded to the best district display on
exhibition at the Northwest Land
Products Show in Portland November
18-23. Products grown along the lines
of the O.-W. R. & N. alone are eligible
In the competition.
GOI.DSM ITH In Ran Francisco, September
23, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Goldsmith,
a son.
GATLORD At the family residence, 7.11
Schuyler street, September 23. 1912,
Charles Howard Gaylord. Funeral notice
later. '
to neiii.
"Kaomlne; -Houses" and U anted
Your Vacation
Right now Is the time
to get away from the
seething;, bustling- city
and spend a week or so
. . "The
Carlsbad of America."
The cool mountain air
from the Olympics will
refresh you. You'll set
the benefit of the
mat chless hot mineral
water while enjoying
the comforts of a mod
ern and perfectly ap
pointed hostelry. Plenty
of out-door sports,
mountain climbing-, etc
Boats leave the Col
man Dock, Seattle, dally
at 8 o'clock A. M. Day
light trip.
For descriptive literature ad
dress Dr. Wm. W. Earles, Medi
cal Superlnte ndent, Sol Duo,
Peck J u d a h free Information
SENDERS Sept. 23, died at home of her
sister, Mrs. Belle Callahan. 720 Johnson
St., Minnie Senders, aged 33 years, after
an Illness of nearly two year. Funeral
services will be held at Holman's funeral
parlors at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Wednes
day). September 2.1. San Francisco and
Seattle papers please copy.
REYNOLDS The funeral service of Mar
shall M. Reynolds, beloved son of Mr. and
Mrs. L,. B. Reynolds, will be held at A.
R. Zeller's chapel, 5W4 Williams ave., to
day (Tuesday). September 24. at 2 P. M.
Friends respectfully Invited to attend.
PELTON At Seaside, Or., September 22,
D. C Pelton. aged 75 years, S months, 7
days. Funeral services will be held at Fin
ley's chapel at 2 P. M. Wednesday, Sep
tember 25. Friends Invited. Interment
Rivervlew Cemetery.
MKMOK1ALS Portland Marble Works,
04 4th. opposite City Hall. Kstab. lsso.
MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Marble
Works. Kast ad and Vine BU. East 74H.
MR. IOWAKD HOLJIAN, the leading fu
neral director and undertaker, iiO Xhird St.,
corner balm on. Lady oaaistant.
Dunning A McEnlee, Funeral Directors.
7tll and fine, l'hone ilalu 430. Lad at
tendant. Office of County Coroner.
A. K. ZEL1.KU CO., SU2-t Williams eve.
Phone Eat 1US8, C lOSg. Lady attendant.
J. P. FINLKY & SON. Sd" and Madison.
Lady attendant. l'hone Main . A loKS.
EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors
to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. 62, it logo.
LERCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and
Sixth. East 781, a 1838. Lady attendant.
SKIWES COMPANY, 3d and Clay.
4132, A 232 L Lady attendant.
Mount Scott Park '
Portland Only Modern ' Cemetery
v itu rvniviusi vers.
1 Mile S. B. Lenta
Permanent and picturesque. Park
end lawn plan. Perpetual care with
out extra charge. Prices moderate;
service excellent; every convenience
In use. Including large, luxuriously
furnished rest rooms for visitors.
Reached by Mount Scott and Caxa
dero cars. Free auto service. Both
phones. City office 82U-B21 Xeoa bid.
1 444444444444444444