13 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1913. JTEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans Money to loan on good improved city real estate, in amounts ranging from $1000 to -$20,000 and over. Wilfred Shores Co. INVESTMENT BANKERS (Representative, of the Mortgage Bond to, of New York.) Lewis Building, Portland, Or. Chicken Ranch For Sale AN EXCELLENT BARGAIN Complete chicken ranch, nine mile from Portland, on electric line. Two hundred old stock and 100 young chicks, all standard stock, some ten have taken first prizes in poultry shows. Plant consists of five acres of land, on lease with three years yet to run; running water on place all PlPfd to house and yards, incubators, cblck-en-houses and all necessary articles. Place will be sold cheap for cash. An excellent bargain for any one desiring to ero into the poultry business. In quire SIS Oregonian bldg., or 14C E. 26th st. Stock Men Follow This Up We are offerinsr for sale a fine, ranch or TWKXTY THOUSAND ACRES eight miles from railroad and county seat, splendid improvements, modern house, . bath, cement basement, hot and cold water; several sets of buildings, and the entire tract well fenced. The price Is TEN DOLLARS AN ACRE. VERY EASY TERMS. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO, Oregronlan Building. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 6 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. , A. E. EIKRELL CO, 02 McKay Eld., Third and Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. ERfBAKER A BENEDICT. a02 McKay bldg.. M- 549. Beck. William G.. 115-316 Fa 1 11 riff bid. Chapin A Herlow, 322 Chamber of Commerce Cook. B. S- A Co., 508 Corbett bldg. ' Jennings & Co.. Main 1SS. 205 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H, P., 404-4G5-4M Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Eatate Co., Grand tTa, at Multnomah si. (Ho La day Addition). REAL ESTATE, For Saie Lot. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a home at a leas cost than the ordinary builder and at the aarae time finance It for you. X D DARLING, 407 Yeon Bid. Wain 10S8. A 4778. $4300. One block, 6 fine lots, on Improved street, close to good car service, facing park, fine opportunity for builder, bait cash, balance to suit. ' FRANK E. PATTON. 822 Lumbermen's bldg.. 5th and Stark. 1 handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Both high-grade and cheap property, and X have the bargains In this district. If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3 S3 9. i-'5 DOWN. $15 per month; large, fine lot; price 45th st. ; paved streets, large water mains, sewer, etc; best car service In city; by owner; no commission paid on this price. Call 371 East 44th St. South. Phone Tabor 2786. CORNELL ROAD. View lot, facing east on Cornell road at the head of Overton st.; 50-foot front age; cash price 32.0. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox BMg. Phone Main Sf99. A BARGAIN. W1H trade for real estate 7-passenger 40-h. p. "Chalmers automobile run less than &oOO miles, complete with two extra tires, tire chains, etc. In A-l condition. F. B. MaHory A Company. 235-7 Pine St. $ -MONTH BUTS BEAUTIFLL. ACRE TRACT. On good electric line, deep rich soil, beautiful loeati'vn. near stores and schools; must sell at once; write owner, AG 352, Oregonian. WILLB RIDGE BLUFF, opposite the sta tion on the United R. R.. .V. fare; are you going to build a scenic villa to be seen? That's the spot. See local agent, on the ground. Shepard. Mills at Rogers. A GOOD BUT. Fine Nob Hill residence lot cheap, easy terms or will build to suit; monthly pay ments. Vanduyn A Walton, 513 Chamber Commerce. MR. MAX WITH $"50 CASH. 2 lots, corner. University Park. 2 blocks from car. Price quoted is not for one. but both. Fred W. German. 436 C of C Main 6-443. BUSINESS CORNER. Only $100, to. Portland. 50x1n0. suit able for stores, rials or factory: JSOO cah, baL to suit, 6 per cent. Sue J as. C. Logan, M5 Sp:ildmg Mdg. A GOOD buy in Wee Side lot. close in. walking distance to P. O- on carline. im provements going in right now. Will in crease in value. Price $2400; terms to suit. .VD 375. Oregonian. FOUR Oxl"0-ft. lots on carline at station; price $100 each; lots are clear and level; terms on all $10 per month. AB 140, Ore gon tan. X LOTS on Columbia Boulevard with about 20 bearing fruit trees, near 5c carline, for sale easy terms. For particulars call Mr. Curtis. Marshalt V7S. No agents. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Want residence site: must b? bargain; exact locality and lowest price must be stated or no atten tion paid; no agents, p ;t$j. Oregonian. SIGHTLY s block on Woodstock Ridge, just above Reed Institute ground, will be sacrificed for 12:150. See owner, 730 Chamber of Commerce. TWO blocks trackage. East Side, near Haw thorne; bargain price for quick sale. I E. Stelnmetx. owner. 217 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Main o7. CHOICE LAL'RELKVRST LOT. Near carline; west front, protected from east winds; low price; easy terms. Ad dress Owner. Room 12 Parkview Hotel. FOUR 5O10O-ft. lots on carline at sta tion; price 100 each; lots arc clear and level: terms on all $10 per month. AB S40. Orefonnn. . SPLENDID high lot. located on E. 61st at. and E. Pavii; will sell on terms of $1$ , per month. A. sss. oregonian. IRVINGTON LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $ 1 050. easy terms. 1500 below value. Owner, 703 Lewis bldg. Main 8"78- 450 CHOICE lot. near city park and Haw thorne car. all in fruit, easy terms. S 371. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BeSutiful level home sites, close in. from $:00 to $llrto. Marshall 427. BROOKE. A 383ft. 150 FOR 2:i0 equity in tine east-front lot in Jonesmore; no interest. East 4957. J mix 10. CLOSE to carline. price $200. $4 per month. T 375. Oregonian. LOT 5xl'. Laurelhurst. $75: lot 17. block i F. E. Bowman Co.. E. 935, C 2322. REAL ESTATE. For &ale -Lots. Three 50x100 lots for $675 Three 50x100 lots for $ST0 Eight 50x100 lota for S1150 No tracts divided, but remember these 50x100 lots will only cost you from S14i to (285 each; Improvements ail In and paid for; on car line and only a few minuter ride to business, if paying rem, I can show you how to save 1 35 monthly; no bulldina restrictions: you can buy on your own terms, so you can establish your own home on one of these tracts for a ver few dollars. Do not answer unless inter ested in establishing a nme on your own tana, k 3h. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lot 4. block 41. Metzger Acres, 4500, easv terms. MOODY LAND COMPANY. 1016 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 37. WANTED LOT IN GOOD DISTRICT. TX- I,.... . -lien, nminsr T"at Sid rOr- ner; dimensions. 100x135 feet; improved with flat building ana cottage; equity. 14250. Will exchange for lot or lots in rood district. What nave you to offer? F. E. TAYLOR CO- 404-5 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE I have in Rose City Park two lots for sale, one block from carline. for $400 each. Please call me in the morn ing at Main 9444 or in the afternoon at A g:sna. u. f. lyie.- For 8aJe Houses. R-p.K PAVERS ATTENTION. We are Just finishing two 5-room houses with hardwood floors in dining and living rooms. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, nrepiace in living room, built-in buffet In dining room, full cemented basement with laun dry and furnace; all street improvements in and paid, in fine residence district, for only $300, S33 in advance monthly, makes this your home. Stop that rent. NEIL DURFLINGER. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 709-710 Rothchild bldg. Marshal! 3825. A 45R5. 2 COTTAGES. SOUTH PORTLAND. 9 mnnii Amnm mttaees. rented for $25 per rnoiMh; two lots, 4'Jh.xlOO each, one a comer; street improvements an pwiu; n Hamilton ave. and Front street: price 50t0 for the two, or corner $2750, Inside one $22.-0. $250 cash and $20 per month, Including Interest. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 31ft Board of Trade bldg. -v 4th and Oak. 7 ROOMS OWNER. Fine buy, restricted district ; beautiful home; the best on market; terms reason able; best material, elegant oak floors, chipped brick fireplace, 4 beveled mirrors, beveled plate glass doors, 7-foot buffet, .den, sleeping porch, etc. See this, be con vinced. Will accept good lot. Phone Main 4144 mornings. OWNER WANTS TO SELL NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Lot 50x100, east front, one block from pmniwHv car: 7 -room thoroughly modern house, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases and buffet, sleeping porch. $5700. Will make very easy terms, ana. A 641. WILL sacrifice my new 5-room bungalow, with all modern built-in conveniences, cupboards and drawers, wk table, flour bins, sink and Ironing board, large ward robes, etc. Concrete basement, electricity; lot 50x100, 1H blocks from car $2100; terms given. Owner. Woodlawn 1516. 80 Buffalo St. ; 6ROOM modern house, doubly constructed, rooms all tinted, just finished; 2 blocks to car at Wooamere; win k -ow, down, balance $15 a month, or will take some iruuB up iw " ,. Vo.v years. Phone Tabor 1958 or call 7o2S 68th ave. S. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPER, Almost new 8-room beautiful new stucco residence and five lots; w tnree-year-oia irun irce, fine garden and lawn, fine view, block from car, among splendid homes; $12,500. This is a bargain. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 383ft. IRVINGTON HOME. Modern 9-room house with furnace fire place, sleeping-porch also maid's room and billiard-room on third floor. White enamel living-room and bedrooms. Gar age. 451 East 24th N. between Tillamook in runiiiA.iK. 8-room house, arranged for two families: lot 50xlO0 feet: faces east, with view of river; price $1500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Main 8699. CLOSE-IN Hawthorne residence, new, 6 room residence. 50x100 corner, oak floor, fireplace furnace, shades, fixtures, ce ment basement, attic, everything that makes a pretty home; $4000; terms. Own er. 410 Glenn ave. Tabor 4S0. I HAVE a new 8-room house, strictly mod ern, 2 blocks north of the Montavllla car line on 60 th street, for sale at a low figure. It has a nice chicken-house in the rear of lot. It you want to look at this property call me at Main 9444 or A 33H3. G. P. Lyle. MT TABOR HEIGHTS. For sale, new. modern, 7 -room bunga low and furniture; lot SoxlOO. all in grass; paved street and sidewalk; 2 blocks from car. Call evenings after 8 o'clock. Tabor 3279. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Attractive new colonial house, T large rooms, good attic, sleeping porch, sun room fireplace, hardwood floors, mahog any doors. Ivory finished wodwrk; $6500; terms. Apply wner. Marshall 4474. MOUNT TABOR acreage adjoining City Park all or part, fruit, fine view, bunga low; 'sell or exchange for larger acreage, ranch or residence. Owner, AP 324, Ore gonian. $50 DOWN. $25 per month; small bunga low price $2650; paved streets, 16-inch water mains, sewer, arc lights, electricity and gas; no commission paid on this. Phone Tabor 273. COLEMAN A RATES. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. SUC CESSORS TO TAYLOR BUILDING CO., FURNISHES MONEY. BUILDS WHERE YOU LIKE. 202 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. If you are .looking for the prettiest home In Irvington, oak finished, built by day labor call East 6335. residence East 6102. Owner. 4 ACRES Tisard. 3 blocks from depot. 7- ZlZZl ..- ' hnmM. COW. nlOWS. wagons etc. $34H, half cash, balance to ult if sold at once. Box 85 Tigard, Or. FOR SALE 4-room cottage, toilet and bath. not ana com .:..... - 77 fruit trees, roses and lawn. $100; $10)1 flown, oaiance img icm- U ACRE. 6-room house, 30 minutes out Ml Scott car; tine soil, fine neighborhood; HIGLEV & BISHOP.' 201 Hamilton bldg. WILL sacrifice my beautiful 8-room new week. Corner 7fixl00, with s-arage; give j. - lln.irnrth. IPnilfl. vwnci. SL'VEX rooma, modern, full basement, nice 8. K- Stelmcd. owner. 217 ADlneton blds- dahuaui. sec vun ATTRACTIVE HOMES. CHOICE LOTS. AT LOWEST PRICES. NEUHAUSEN t CO. 70S LEWIS ELDQ. MAIN 807S. SANDY EOVLEVAKD BCXOALOW. 6-room. highly raodprn, the true Cali fornla type. J4600; r00 cash. Fred W. German, 436 C. of C. Main 8445. HAWTHORNE AVE. Snap by owner: 0-room bungalow, up to date In every respect. 078 Eaat Grant street. FOR SALE 5-room bunicalow. small pay ment down. $15 per month and interest. Address owner, 64l Broadway. FOR fiLE New 6-rooin bungalow, mod era fi'H lot, restricted, J2J50, terms. -SI 1 E 4Sth st. Call morning, 9 to 12. owner. 3XHJ $-"00 down, balance like rent; 5-room modern bungalow: paved street Owner. . Hawthtrne district. Phone B 26W. IKVINOTON even rooms, new. very rea sonable, terms. :; E. lst St. X. Owner. Marshall 26-'7. East SEVERAL "ICE Homes. Irvlngton. theap; 3 lots. !IiO to eacn. CUSl ..... n. nciumn,.. IRVINGTON New 7-room house, hardwood noo'rs. nrepiace. cement baaement. Mar shall S50 DOWN. $'--" a month, elegant new bun ealow hardwood floors, fireplace, all new est conveniences. Owner. E. 452, or C 2SS3. trOR SALE In Irvington. B-room modern house. 457 E. 20th N. Apply -to owner. 7S0 or c- , . .,,) for modern 6-room Broadway home, half cash, balance easy terms. East 4i57. view 2-story 7-room house, close to Glen cos and Sur.nje.de schools, easy terms Phone B 3IUf. rw" - ROOM house for sale. 657 East 65th St.. '"o feet south of Sandy road. Phone Ta our ..- CEW 8-room house In Laurelhurst, (7500; 10 per cent down, balance (43 per month. bor 404 oarllnger mag. vpw 6-room moderrf house with all con-.Zl.-LZ- Laurelhurst; will take lot or equity as first payment. Main 4400. imdiiri 5-room bungalow. 11650. m 'udlng iinprovements: near car. 102O E. 26th X. pipplS 7-room modern house, full lot, 400 down. Reynolds. Cornelius Hotel. FOR FIXE HOMES See Delahunt. BtRGAIN 6-room houee, owner leaving city. Telephone Woodlawn 1158- " H N". SWANK. 30 8 ABINGTON BLDG.. SelU and rent SEW BUNGALOWS. RZAL ESTATE. For Sal. Hdubm. WE FL'RNISH THE HOME. VOU PAT THE RENT. . We have houses in some of the best ad ditions in the city for sale on straight monthly payments on a basis of $1 PT 10 monthly, or in other words, a 30W) house would cost you 530 per rnontll,wn;J:'? includes Interest at 7 per cent. If tne houses we have built or under construction don't suit, we will be glad to build for you in any pari of the citv you may desire, ana after rour owi ideals. We have lots in Irvington, Council Crest, Irvingwood. Haw-, thorne and Alberta districts at present time. Why not have a home of your own built according to vour own Ideas and in the location you prefer Instead of living in an apartment, flat or house and paying rent, and at the end of a year hswe only a bundle of rent receipts, where by our plan, you could have an equity in a home of your own? We will be glad to explain our -Home Plan" to you at any time you may care to call at office or phone. NEIL DrRVUNGER. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 708-8-10 Rothchild bldg. Marshall 3825. A 4565- ' LADD'S ADDITION RESIDENCES, f 7250 7-reom modern house, stone foun ' dation; facing east; near Hawthorne ave.; terms. . . glO.ono rooms; stone first story; nrd wood floors; every convenience; on Lada $17.500 Large residence, mission ty,e on corner, more than a quarter block, thoroughly modern, with, beautiful out look. . 61S.500 11-room stone house, new ana handsomely finished, on corner; all "treel improvements in and paid; 14-foot alleys In rear. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Main S69P. A 2953. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $230 CASH REQUIRED 2J0. Price is $320O; new 5-room bungalow with full attic with finished extra room; house built bv days work: double con structed, full basement: east front, oak floors, etc.; strictly up to date; I am going to Seattle as soon as I can sell. See me personally for bargain. Call residence phone In' forenoon and evenings. Home phone afternoon. F. L. Stiles, owner . 515 Spalding bldg. Res. Tabor 8303. A 223H. E. TAMHILL ST. SNAP. A fine modern 6-room modern bungalow; furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buflet. panel dining-room, Dutch kitchen, doutly con structed. 3 bedrooms; lot 50x100: on East Yamhill, near 42d; nice location, fine house and a snap; only S4.-.0, I1S50 cash and tS7 per month. Including Interest. GR06SI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON HOME. -One blook from the Irvington Club we have one -of the prettiest Dutch colonial homes in the city; has been built less than a year; finished throughout in Ivory enamel; the dining-room in mahogany: hot-water heat, two fireplaces. Ruud heat er, tile sunroom, garage, etc. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. , 404 Wilcox Bldg. HOLLADAT HOME. Beautiful 12-room house, Just completed, on one of Holladays choicest quarter blocks: finished In mahogany and oak; hardwood floors; tile porch; hot-water heat. Ruud heater; vacuum cleaner: In fact, everything that could be thought of. terms can be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. BUILD ON TOUR VACANT LOT. TURX THB BURDEN INTO INCOME! WE FURNISH PLANS. FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCB A LOW COST. WI GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE TOU MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAT TOU. U R. BAILET & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON SNAP. East 14th St., neRr Thompson, 8 rooms, east frontage; bath. 2 toilets, comb, fix tures, modern plumbing, all street im provements paid; price a4is; $1300 cash, balance easy. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 70S.-B-10 Rothi hild bldg. Marshall S82 i, A 45U5. THE REAL SNAP. On a full lot. corner. 50x100. 6-room home. 1 block from Hawthorne ave- west of 45th St., and to be sold on the easy terms of 3150 down and 315 per montn; price $'550. Call on lus and let us show this home. See Davies. CHAP1N-HERLOW MTG. 3c TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. LARGE COtONIAL HOUSE. Living-room, music-room and hall fin ished in quarter-sawed oak; dining-room In mahogany; kitchen and bedrooms In wiilte enamel: hot-water heat: billiard room, garage; located near Irvington Club, one block from Broadway car. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. HAVE 7-room house, lofoOxlOO. in Kenil worth, value $2500, mortgage $800, 3-room large house, 2 lots 100x105. in Woodstock, value $1500. $1100 equity; will sell at much less for cash or part cash, or trade at honest value for farm fands unincum bered. Also 18-room apartment-house at sacrifice. Am farmer In Lincoln County and cannot hold these. G 35J. Oregonian. FORCED TO SELL HOME. WILL BE IN PORTLAND A FEW DAYS ONLY TO RESELL FINE STRICT LY MODERN, 6-ROOM HOME IN ROSE CITY PARK. FINE VIEW OK CITY AND MOUNTAINS. NO REASONABLE PRICE OR TERMS REFUSED. SEE THIS TODAY. MR. PRICE. MAR. 858. NEW BUNGALOW. From owner; just completed, restricted district modern, easy terms, no bonded improvements, beautiful oak floors, bev eled plate glass. 6-foot buffet, bookcases, beautiful oak floors, 4 French mirrors, sleeping porch, etc. Phone Main 4144 mornings. Jj i :,( BUYS a new bungalow with wide pOTCn, FUJI lOngm Oi nouse, sleeping (iuii.M with built-in bed. and natty comfortable arrangements. It is. only 20 minutes from center of town, located on a wooded lot 50x100, one block from car. Terms can be arranged. See owner, 730 ' Chamber of Commerce. ' $2260 $150 CASH, balance easy: 5-room, modern, new oungaiow, irepmue. iun u kitchen In white, paneled and beam ceil ing dining-room, built-in conveniences, 2 blocks to car and school; lot 50x100. See Polev. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. - MR. RENT PAYER. STOP right here and give your rent-paying burden five minutes' honest thought, in Justice to yourself, and if. then, you want a nice little bungalow for you and your babies, write me and ask me about mv easy home-buying plan. It's a winner. F 3S3. Oregonian IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder and at the same time finance It - for you. A. D. DARLING. 07 Yeon Bldg, Main 1038. A 4778. HOUSE FOR SALE. We have a client owning two beautiful lots In Alameda Park, clear of all incum brance; wishes to turn the same in as part payment on good home In Irving ton. What have you to offer! F. E. TAYLOR CO 404-5 Lewis Bldg. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. 7-room modern bungalow for $3350; cement floor In basement, laundry trays, fireplace, bookcases with bevel plate glass, has beautiful dining-room and den; $350 cash handles 'it. The Lawrence Co.. 171 4th st.. between Morrison and Yamhill. Main 6915. A 2S15. ROSE CITY PARK. $50 CASH. $10 MONTHLY. 6 rooms, bath, fireplace, basement, etc National Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main 5129. For feale .Acreage. SACRIFICE; Land for sale, 5 acres, all In cultivation, excellent for onions; $900 cash end balance terms. Inquire owner, 25 North First St.. city. 5-ACRE tract, two-thirds cultivated, fine soil, none better In state, some orchard and shade trees. 550 feet from carline. $300 per acre; easy terms. H 3os. Oregonian. MT. TABOR acreage adjoining City Park, all or part, fruit, fine view, bungalow: sell or exchange for larger acreage, ranch or residence. Owner. AG 343, Oregonian. . 40 ACRES subdivided into lH-acre tracts; will sell for small payment down or trade for horses, cows or poultry. 437 Chamber commerce. Small tracts of acreage, cleared land, for chicken and veeetables. close to two electric lines. B 83, Oregonian. 10 ACRES, 1V4 miles from electric line. IB miles from Portland, price $1250; terms to suit. Call onthe owner, Frank T. Berry. 4 N. stn st. $3000 CASH 20 acres beaverdam land, on railway and fine roads. In small town. 20 miles from Portland; this week only. AB 352. Oregonian. 17 ACRES near Beaverton. 1$ cleared. 3 blocks from car station and runniirg water; only $300 per acre; terms. Owner, James Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. .81x248 3650. $10 down, IS monthly. SO minutes out. 7Vc fare, cleared, no gravel. See Mars ters 2o2 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A 7340. 1 1-3 acres, three minutes' walk from de pot, best roil, all clear, $13 per- month. A 3S9. Oregon lan. TWO swell acres, on car line, in Walla Walla, for Portland residence. 1203 Yeon building. 1 ACRE good soil, with large timber, price $350. $7 per month; close to carline. S 372, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. A GREAT CHANCE WITH LITTLE MONET 5 and 10-acre tracts, close to the noted world's Keepfresh Dry Plant where you can sell all your vegetables and fruit you can produce at a home market for good prices, paying a per cent of interest worthy cf over $500 per acre for land. You can contract loganberries, etc, for five years in. advance if you wish. Very small payment down will start you going. If you get started at thia time of the year you will certainly be prepared for a fine crop next year. Land all cleared, in terest $150 per acre: only 6 per cent; close to town; no Irrigation needed. We can also furnish you work in a factory where you can put in all your Idle time through the Winter at good wages. Call and see Hart at 332 Chamber of Commerce, or ad dress L. W. Damon on the ground at Wit lamina. Oregon. 5 acrea down the river on the west side: go down St. Helens Road by old Fatf buildings and take Ger mantown Road over the hill, only 2i miles back from Willamette River and very fertile soil; 5 cestt car fare within 3 miles of this; it is sure to grow; only $175 per acre and upon easy monthly payments; come to office and look over the plats and arrange to go see this bargain. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. 5 acres, very rich soil, on side walk, and only 1200 feet from sta tion: in rapidly-growing commu nity; new modern store Just com pleted at this station: $6W0 mod ern residence close by and many new homes built within view of this tract within past year; new suburb springing up here and only 40 minutes from Fourth and Wash ington streets: this for $500 per acre upon monthly payments if de sired. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3u00. AN ACRE TRACT ON YOUR OWN TERMS. I mean what I say: you name the terms; wood for- three years, water, sidewalks and streets free, on best carline in city and but a few minutes' ride from business. It takes but a few dollars to make a home on this trac-, as there are no building re wtrictions. It you are paying $15 rent, my proposition will save you $40 monthly. Do .nra.r from curiosUy. Answer promptly If looking for a chance to better own land. Remember It will be on your own. terms. This snap will not last long, so If Interested answer promptly. E 379, Ore gonian. . 5.8 acres. mile from Fourth street car line, now being electrified- s 2-room house., well and fenced. 2 acres cleared, fine soil, thickly settled community, and only $2500 upon monthly payment plan: this Is only 40 minutes out with 14-cent commuter's fare. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A 3o00. 3 acres. V, mile from Fourth street Electric; 12-cent car fare; soil very rich and offered at $250 per v:re on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3.00. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. Only $1850 for new 5-room modern bun galow, close to Rose City Park car. bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water "hf'" curtains, bed, dresser, couch. Morria chair, fine range, chicken park, "o:,1" , move the furniture "not wanted, it a dandy little home: go creasing In value. Jas. C. Logan. 81S ftpamiBg mm; KArtEj I 1 - - ' - - - - GREAT SPECULATION. 160 acres, new electric to bandy funs through It, with station on property; level, productive land: $5000 of corwood; will plat Into acre tracts and sell for $..0,000 price now $20,000, $8000 cash, balance to Ult" 6. C R. ELLIS it CO.. SOD-SIO Wilcox Bldg. A SNAP for a quick Duyer. i u. -'u vallls. Or.; 25 acres cleared, 13 in oak timber, a acres this place has good buildings on It; "this ' monev; acres are soiling around here at $100 an acre. See Mr. Clopton, Slauson l.raig w.. o- -ian. p.. t full acres In strawberries, gooseber ries currants, logan and raspberries, 65 chickens and enough cabbage and pota toes to do a family of five one year; hen house and barn, a fine 6-room house, pantry and bath; enough wood cut and in new woodshed to run house for two years: chickens will make payments: $600 down, balance 310 per mom", nn-mmns CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near PORTLAND. Beat soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country. 10 acres. 1,00 $500. $600 per tract: 30 acres. $300; 40 acres. $1200 ; 60 acres. $2000; 40 acre, timber. 32400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co, 309 Yeon bids., roruana. v.t. Fine cultivated land fronting on Mount Hood carline and Powell Valley Road, this side of Pleasant Home. Maxwell sta tion on the land. $500 per acre, on easy "'"SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., 817 Worcester Building. ' 40-ACRE SNAP. Columbia County. 3V, miles from Scap noose 15 miles from Portland; cordwood enough to pay for the land; price only $900. h. ccash. ellis & cQ . 5O0-510 Wilcox Bldg. 5ACRBS. All la cultivation; 90 full bearing fruit trees 4 acres of potatoes; mile to car and Pleasant Home, 18 miles to Portland; crop goes with place; investigate; this 1 a snap; terms can be arranged. 252 East 14th st. Phone East 925. that makes the crops grow; 5 acres sandy loam cn the bank of the Tualatin River and 5 acres bottom land adjoining; all under cultivation except about two acres slash eJ. K 376. Oregonian. " 2 14 -acre tracts. 20 minutes from city. 2 minutes from trolley service, 673 for tract; Betterot'l never was. E 378. Oregonian. 2-acre tracts. 20 minutes from the city, along good trolley service, in Una of a quick future: see It is a sure buy; $675; better soil never was- H 364. Oregonian. iA ACRE. 87x250, 650. $25 cash. $15 per month On O- W- P- carline near Errol Heights. High, well drained property with txcellent soil. Call Main 5822 after 6 P. M For Sale Horn c texts. iron SALE Relinquishment on homestead for 1000 for $1000; will consider lot In city or automobile In paymeni. Call ai room lu. 100 t " FREE homesteads, good level land, timber and water. lto acres, good homes; can see In one. day. Covey Co., 2U7 Oak. room -a. HOVESTEAD. 20 acrea cleared, 5,000,000 feet timber; location fee $250. 708 Sell ing mag. For Sule Fruit Lsnda. T-TIT'IT BUI T 10 acres, about 300 apple trees S years 'old no waste land on tract, not far from Wiilamlna; a fine bargain at $1125; small payment down, balance $10 per month 6 ier cent. See Seachrsst. CHAPIN-HERLOW JITGv & TRUST CO. i ntra T lUUl nonmi "a. HOOi RIVER. Or., orchard, for sale. 20 ft afroK flnnl(. Tiarf '2ft vot.ru nld. alfalfa "new 2-story bungalow on wooded hilltop'; magnificent view of Mt. Hood, electric lights, water piped through house and orchards. Write Box 55. R. F. D. No. 1. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. We have a 300-acre farm, located 25 miles from Portland, for sale or exchange. Value ISO per acre. About 140 acrea under cnItfa"on balance first-class yel low fir timber; equity. $19,000. Will, ex change equltv for city property. 8 F. TAYLOR CO.. 404-5 Lewis Bldg- JF IDLEY Irrigated color.y land at $75 to 150 per acre, good land, plenty o water, thickly settled district, with good schools, adjoining town of 2O00; easy terms: writs for Illustrated booklet. Homeaeekera Irrl- gated Lana tomptcy, yyriuioy, una. FOR SALE 600 acre of land on electrio line IB miles from Portland; 400 acres under cultivation; will sell all or part. Write or call ou owners. E. W. Haines, Forest Grove. Or. ; 20O ACRES, -all tillable, good soil, abundance of water, on county road, cheap. 1203 Yeon bldg RANCH H acres, with buildings. 1 miles o i.-J .Urri tin- hare ain lor a1! paab. By or-ier. 1S2 Morrison st. AN bO-acre rancn in " a "I lngton ; excellent ior u$.u j trwro, euvu reasons for selling. G 873. Oregonian. MEXICAN land. $5 acre. A. M. Higbhouse. uix rhn-mher of Commerce bldg. REAL ESTATE. For gale ! '- FINE FRUIT. AND DAIRY RANCH 415 acres, 2Vt miles from starion on the main line of the Southern Pacific Ry; very iiaar A anil itvH f.tnrt Imnrovements of all kinds. There are 30 acre in commercial-! apples and pears two or three years oiu and in fine condition, and these will soon be bringing in a handsome income. I will exchar.ge this for good Portland property and might consider a good business propo sition. The ranch will bear the strictest Investigation and is not inflated in price, the price being J3O.O00- I am ready to give a good deal. Owners will please all or write. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Com merce. ' . ASSURED INCOME 109 ACRES PRUNES All in 14-year-old prune orchard, 14 crop this year; the largest prone drier in the world ts on this place; modern in every respect. This place will net over 10 per cent on purchase price within the next 90 days. If you know what a good prune orchard ts worth arrange to see this prop ertv. Price $36,000; very easy terms. See Morgan. Chapin, Herlow Mortgage -A Trust Co., 3d floor C. of C. $"0 ACRE. 150 ACRE. 120 acres. 25 acres in cultivation. 14 acres slashed, 7-room house. 2 old bams, large hothouse. 6 chicken-houses, about 150 bearing fruit trees. 3 miles from Gas ton, no other land In this wonderful fruit district less than $75; $2200 cash, balance & years. F. W. GERMAN, 43 C. . of C. . (Mr. Hall.) Main 445. FOR aV-purpose farm lands ranging from 100 acres and upwards at prices reason able, call on or write J. V.. Pipe, Al- Kfl nr r Mlsce 11 aneous. FOR SALE New apartment-house, paying about J8 per cent, good investment. Phone Woodlawn! TO EXCHANGE. SUNNY SOUTHERN ALBERTA. 2240-ACRE FARM 7 miles west of War nr and the C. P. R. R., on north side of Milk River ridge. Suitable for stock or diversified farming: 4 or 5 living springs. Adjoining farm sold for $23 per acre. Trice $30,000; equity $21,000; balance on easv payments. C. P. R. contract. Will trade for farm or close-in acreage and some cash. L. J. Lamb, care SUuson Craig Co.. 304 Oak st. HOOD RIVER. 26 acres of land. fle red shot soil, only 3'4 miles from town of 'Hood River; near ly all good orchard land, 8 acres under cultivation, a part of which is planted to trees; running stream and fine spring on place; small house. Price only $6500 and will take some Portland property as part payment. H 863. Oregonian. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder and at the same time finance it .for you. A. D. DARLING. 407 Yeon Bldg. Main 103S. A 4778. 3-ROOM modern house, with garage, on corner In Piedmont; will consider lot In central East Side or Holladay in part pay ment. 5-room modern bungalow In Rose City Park for small piece of close-in acreage. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., . 404 Wilcox Bldg. phone Main 8g99. I HAVE ordered new car, for that reason 1 will sell or trade for city property my 7-paasenger Knox car, fully equipped, new extra tiro; owner. H. Meister. Call East 19.18 after ft P. M. or Sellwood 145 in office hours. IRVINGTON SNAP. New modern S-room house, attic. 4 bed rooms, lot 50x100 ; hard surfaced street ; worth $7500: will trade for lot, acreage, nuto or small house. East 25th St.. near Thompson. Phone owner. East 548. HOOD RIVER 10-acre apple orchard in high state of cultivation, one acre in strawberries; has a chicken house; on best . county road, 4 miles from Hood River; to exchange for Portland property. 323 Lumber Exchange. FOR SA LE or exchange 320 acres wheat land in Summer fallow, near Helix. Or.; good residence in Walla Walla and $5000 cash for atock ranch in Willamette Val ley. John R. FItzhugh, 722 Washington, Walla Walfe. . WH4T H VR YOTT In a small place, about $1500, not heavily incumbered to trade for 6 acres -joining citv limits of Oregon city 7 j.o agenn. Y 358, Oregonian HARDWARE stock wanted. I will trade my strictly modern house on 3 building lots for hardware stock. Call J. H. Nash, room 6 Powell building. 37th and Haw thorne ave.. before z r. at. frr T.rnriR securities to exchange In part payment for tracts of tlmbar from 320 to 5000 acres. 8- F. Zealear, 826 Chamber of Commerce MOUNT TABOR acreage adjoining City Park, ail or part, fruit, fine view, bunga low sell or exchange for larger acreage, ranch or residence. Owner. AC 851, Ore gonian. FOR EXCHANGE Fine bearing apple or .chard for Jewelry business; also 320 acres !mber for income property. Address C, II. crutenaen, huddb'u. vr. . . . rr. r-. rTTn DTV A"ROTT Have number of good trades for late model 2-seated machine 708-9-10 Roth child bldg. Marshall EQUITY in fine new 7-room bungalow, Beaumont, for sale, very easy terms or exchange for land or lots. J. F. Hadley, 3iu hpaioing plug. UNIMPROVED land, Yamhill County, up to $1000 nrst payment on 5-room modern house not too far out, balance monthly. FOR TRADE $125 equity in Gregory Heights lot, 50x100; what have you gotT T-.1 Ifoln KltftT EQUITY In a flne 8-room house, Laurel hurst, value $5500. to trade for lots oi acreage, ace wmci . u. j EXCHANGE small farm near Oregon City unincumbered, for Portland home and as sume some, uwuer. j'jq Amwb- .-P IF you have farms or city property to ex change, call on Wagner & Hunt. 43o Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. T (TDUT UTPCT rinl'S R. MARTYN & HILTON. 604 Yeon bldg. SEE our exctiange lists. FOR SALE- Square piano, $70; exchange for real estate. H 354, Oregonian. A-l FIRST mortgage for good iouse or o ann nresonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOME WANTED. I own 305 acres In Benton County, Ore gon, in King's Valley. 20 or 30 acres in cultivation and on balance of land there is 10,000.000 feet most excellent timber, and being close to Luckamute River, it can be logged off at any time. After tim ber is taken off it will make an excellent stock or general farming ranch. It is worth 10,000 cash. It has an incumbrance of $4500, running long time at 6 per cent. For my equity I want a good home in Portland. I am ready to give a liberal deal. Address N 872, Oregonian. WANTED Good, cheap acreage or income proper'y. " We have a client owning a piece of down-town inside property, located in the heart of the retail district, sufficiently improved to care for Itself, to exchange for good, cheap acreage or Income prop tty. What have you to offer? F. E. TAYLOR CO., 404-5 Lewis Bldg. WE HAVE a client owning 3 parcels of A-3 Portland property, two of which are In come producers; other, beautiful, lOOxICO feet. West Side corner; wishes to purchase piece of down-town inside property and turn these in as part payment. What have you to offer? F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 404-5 Lewis Bldg. WILL pay $150 down and $30 a month for a $2500-$3O0O bungalow; must have 50x lOO ft. lot. fireplace, bath, 2 large sleeping rooms, large living room, modern kitchen, clear title and good view; state location. R 375, Oregonian. WANTED To buy strictly modern 7 or 8 room house; must be free of incumbrance, from party who will take up-to-date apartment-house, .doing good business, as part payment; balance cash. S 360, Ore gonian. WANTED Five or six room strictly modern bungalow- will not consider south of Clin ton street; must be west of Fortieth; for client just arrived from the East; no in flated values-, owners only. Jacob Haas, 40O Yeon bldg. WE have a contsant demand for West Side property. Le Nofr & Co., 835-837-839 Chamber of Commerce. WANT two good East Side lots: have $1000 cash and $3000. 2hk years gilt-edge first mortgage. W 379. Oregonian. WANTED House and lot with 3 or 4 rooms; must be cheap for cash. F 403, Orego nian WANTED Close-in residence lot on East Side, vacant or with small bungalow. AL FARM for small payment down. J 375 WANTED TO RENT FARMS. EXPERIENCED farmer who has made good wants to lease nrst-class dairy and hog ranch reasonable distance from Portland, 60 to lOO acres tillable with plmty of range. R. Stanton. 933 E. 10th K. FOR gALE TIMBER LAXDS. TIMBER LAND 9 BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J- M'CRACKBN. 804 McKay Bldg. TIMBER claim, 8.000.000 feet; location fee $250. 70S Selling bldg. FOR BENT FARMS. TO RENT 2S acres of fruit, berry and veg etable farm. Including horse and spring wagon; experienced German preferred. Write or call on C. R. Campion, Box 230, East 92d and Base Line road, city. FOR a term of years, cheap, first-class dairy farm. 60 acres; tenant can either buy stock and present crops or leas with out stock. AV 112, Oregonian. DAIRY farm stock for sale 23 cows and young stock, horses, implements, hay, etc. For further particulars phone Tabor" 15 W. F. Perdew. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 10 to 20-acre farm; give full de scription. B 375, Oregonian FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc HORSES, MULES AND WAGONS FOR SALE. We have several horses of all sizes for sale from 0&0 to 223; also two spans mall mules. 1M to $300 per span; these will be so'd under our positive guarantee. We also hare several single and double tleliveiy wa&ons. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. FOR SALE Several fine saddle horses and ponies, thoroughly broke and very gentle or ladies or beginners; also some good, serviceable horses and mares at very low prices. Horses guaranteed as represent ed or money promptly refunded. Krae mers Riding School, 36th and Jeffer son st?. $75 BUYS good family or ranch horse. . weighs 1200, with harness and a top buggy. Take Sellwood car to Insley ave., walk 6 blocks east to railroad track. No. 7S1. A BARGAIN $125 buys team, weighs 2250, mare and horse, harness and a farm wag on: also buys good saddle horse, weighs 1100 lbs. Call Woodstock black smith shop. FOR SALE Roan horse. 9 years -old. ex cellent condition, delivery or farm work. P. Harnett, Council Crest car to Mt. Zion. down Garden Home road to Shattuck sta. WANTED To buy one or two good young mares, blacks preferred, weighing between is)v ana liuu ids. ; muse oe wuhu true. Phone East 4804 FOR SALE cheap. 3 head ot good young horses weighing 1250 lbs. each. 22$ Rus- n st, CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert A Hall. J SI Water it,. West Side. Main IIOU FOR SALE A very fancy driver and all around user, standard bred. Inquire 1153 57th ave. Southeast. GOOD livery and sale stables. IS head horses, working, part cash. Good terms to right party. Phone Main 1624. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone Main 1410. 1 SADDLE ponv and saddle. 835. 1397 E ,17th st. Phone Sellwood 1917. FOR SALE Cheap, work team, weight 2400 lbs. 1967 E. Stark st. "MV" car. WANTED Set 1-inch buggy wheels. 778 Quimby st. Marshall 4370. Pianos, Organs and Moslem! Instruments. FOR SALE A $330 Lafargue cabinet grand piano, good as new; investigate if you want a bargain. F. Howerton, box 37. Jennings Lodge, Or. ' WOULD store piano for use; no children. E 3oi, oregonian. WILL sell fine piano cheap for cash. 146 GibDs st. rnone jl aoo arter s r. jg. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. 8. a BROWN LEGHORN throughbred cockerels for sale. 1840 Peninsula ave.. Portland. FOR RALE 20 mallard dTt k for decoys. Phone Oak Grove Red 752. R. D., near Jennfngs Lodge FIVE thoroughbred Airedale - pups. 11 months oia. c. ri. Anger. iiiiamooK, ur, TWO woll-bred collie pi.pples. Marshall 4:t7U. Automobile. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Whv buy a new cheap cap -when yn ean secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price f We guarantee them. Different makes and models, all traded In on new Whit gas cars. Ws also offer several second -nan a ec tracks. Write Whit Car Agency. (ItA street ax Madison. 1912 PIERCE-ARROW , - DEMONSTRATOR -FOR SALE CHEAP. In view of the fact that we no longer sell the Pierce-Arrow, we are offering our last 1912 car, a 6-48. 6-passenger, at 20 per cent discount; run about 1OO0 miles; can't tell from new except for alight wear on tires. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY-USED CARS. We have a few snaps In slightly-used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGT. CO. Phones East 1421. B 1345. 369-371 Hawthorne ave. FOR EXCHANGE 7-passenger Bulck, fully equipped, A-l condition; want smaller car; balance cash or terms. See my car at the OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-495 ALDER ST. BARGAINS. Six new 1912 automobiles ranging Id nrlca from $1450 to 82150. fully equipped. f. o. b. Portland, will be sold at blg dlsconnt, either for cash or on liberal terms. AH are standard cars ana xuuy guaranteed. Y 846. Oregonian. A BARGAIN. Have 7-passenger 40-h. p. Chalmers automobile In A-l condition, run less than 5000 miles, with two extra tires, etc.. that we will sell cheap or trade for real es tate: car too large for present owners' use. F. B. Mai lory at Company. 285-7 Pine st. 1912 CHALMERS 1912. Chalmers 1912. 5-passenger, SC-h. p., fully equipped, just like new; must be sold this week. Will sacrifice. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 493-495 ALDER ST. MOTOR truck for sale. I am not In a posi tion tp trade for real estate so If you need a truck and want a real bargain I will do business with you In a hurry. This truck still has one-year guarantee by man facturer. T 352, Oregonian. BRAND new, model L, 5-passenger Carter Car. for sale for sizoo: owner paw iieoo for it last week but must leave the city . and must sell; car Is guaranteed for one year. Call 31S Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 or A 4401. FOR SALE Stoddard-Dayton 1-ton deliv ery truck in first-class condition; only used 3 months: to be seen at the First State Bank of Mllwaukle garage; price reasonable. Phone Mllwaukie Black 844. MY 1911 30-h.p. 4-cyIlnder car, complete, new tires, Rohrbacher pump, cpeedometer, whistle, tire holders and presto-lite light ing system ; cannot be told from new; $85. AM 345, Oregonian. OREGON AUTO EX CHANGS. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED ' AUTOMOBILES. 498-495 Alder st. Main 1161, A 4837. MOTORCYCLE for sale, 4-horsepower Mer kle, 1912 model, price $200, terms; first class condition; owner leaving city. Main 3304. CiDILLAC Torpedo.' Owner leaving town. Will sell 1911 gray Cadillac Torpedo, per fect condition, complete equipment. AP ;,23. Oregonian. FOR SAL1S 1912 E-M-F 5-passenger, fore door touring car In A 1 condition. Run le thn 5000 mile.- L, H. Hoffman, 769 Irving slu 1911 CHALMERS. four-paaaenger, fully equipped, demountable rims, 2 extra rims and tires; like new; $850. AM 846, Ore gonian. TWIN cylinder 5-h. p. Indian, A No. 1 con dition, fully equipped; $176 If taken in next few days; owner leaving city. Call 25 N. 14th "t. FOR SALE 8-ton Standard make auto truck, only run 4 months, cost new $3750, will sell for $2800, half cash, balance $100 per month. Call geiiwooq itna. 7-PA&S6ENGER. 6-cylinder. for hire. $3 i.. D. T1,Ana Gsllwrirul 1 AtQ mt-A Marshall 399. ' WANTED Two 1910 Cadillac 4-passenger cars tor cash; price must be right. H 351. Oregonian. MOTORCYCLE, Twin Merkle. $ horsepower, belt drive. A-l condition, bargain if taken at once. Main 6570. 224 Couch st. REGAL 20-runabout, good shape, good buy if sold at once. Woodlawn 2321. CHEAP auto trips to Clark County Fair. Marshall 399. Sellwood 1439. Furniture for Bale. SEWING MACHINE and some furniture for sale; only 2 days, wain 3U14. J4tt Minne sota ave. FOR SALE Furniture of eight-room flat and steeping porcn; ciose in: win sen cheap if taken at once. 802 12th street. FURNITURE of 7-room flat. $185 if taken this week; income jjo, rent, 9-0. juain 2189. FURNITURE of 5-room flat, near in; two rooms rented; comzortaoie noma ior imau f am 1 1 y. 15 N. 11th st. ALL or part of fine furniture of 7 rooms. three rooms pays rent, juain jouo. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. FURNISHINGS of 9-room house, rent $20 monthly, income $18. 420 E. Grant will sell for $175. Piano for sale also, near ly new. FURNITURE of 5-room flat almost new, everything complete, cheap rent, for sale at a bargain berore 2 P. M.. cash of terms. 552 3d SU ODD pieces of new furniture for sale cheap Main 780S. 475 7th st. M Iscel lan eous. FOR SALE A 45-horsepower, BfiO-volt. Crock er Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and '.5 ampers overload I-T-E circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 20. Oreg nlan bldg. . - FOR SALE. One 118-rolt, direct -current generator, complete with field rheostat. tm-mttf and oJrcult-breaker. This machine is ut good repair. Address room 208, Oregonlaa cldg. . 6-FOOT mahogany wall clock, 8x10 earners outfit, green silk velvet portieres. McDow ell dress-cutting system, tools and ehest, roiler skates, new electric fan. fine man-, dolln. 134 N. 21ot. Apt. 67. Main 871(K NATIONAL cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, electric coffee' mills and all store appliances bought, sold and re paired. Sell for cash or payments. Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark. Main 7711. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 550-volt Crdrker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Ad dress room 208. Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE 300.000 feet second-hand lum ber, house and dimension stuff. Interna tional Contract Co.. East 21st at.. Mult nomah, . Phone East 1281. CAFES Special bargain second-hand firs an4 burglar-proof; safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co., and Portland Safe C. A 5th st. Phone Main 680$. FOR- SALE Library tables, solid oak. pol ished tups, dimensions 8 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. Can be used for office, desks; pries 17.60 each, can -'07 4tn st. FOR SALE About 0 yards best Axmlnster carpet: as gooO. as new; has been used very little; price very reasonable. T 373, Ort-gonlan. FOR SALE Alaska mink coat, slse 40. 33 inch length, perfect order- will sell for $-225 or trade for diamond. Call at 346 College. FOR SALE Showcsses, bread cases; coffee mill, scales choesecutter, truck, glass jars, etc. 2til E. 37th, cor. Madison. FOR SALE Registered Jersey cow and calf, also heifer calf 10 months old. Telephone A 3956. BUY your next Summer's motorboat now, have half. See my true bargain boat, new. Phone G. Ricker. East 8S2, 6 to 8 P. M. SOLAR prints 15a, bromides l&o. con vexing 5c, frames, glass. Chicago Copy Co., 102 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco. T FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' equipment. Railway Equipment Co., 1- 1st. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 etark St. THE commercial fruit on two adjoining ap ple orchards, Santlam bottom, near Jef ferson. J. L. Bass, R. F. 2. Albany, Or. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co., 210 Seventh st. Main 587. HAVE bargain in diamond rings, 4-8 to 2 3-16. Reynolds. Cornelius Hotel. FOR SALE A fine 4-gall on family cow, private party. East 208.. FOR SALE Winchester shotgun, bargain. 1042 E. Sherman. 1912 PIERCE bicycle, reasonable price, only weed three months. V 872, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. PAYS THB HIGHEST CASH PRICE For furniture, stoves, ranges, carpet and all kinds of hardware, farmers', mechan ics' and loggers' tools. 221-6 Front sU Ph me Main 9072: WB BUY CLOTHING, furniture, tools. High est price naid for men's and ladles cast off clothing, shoes, furniture, too is. me chanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 290 If 8 st. The Globe. HIGHEST price paid for ladies' and gents' second-hand clothes. L. Rosenblum, 690 let. Marshall 374. ' WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Beater A Martin. Phone East 3134. 848 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Typewriting done; send sample and work and give price per 100 pages. Retailers. AH 3fl. Oregonian. WILL buy any kmd of hair combings at the Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any. kind of furniture. Main 895L A 2445. WANTED Moving picture outfits. Folding; chairs, electric pianos. G 268. Oregonian. WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; do painting at reasonable prices. East 6124 HELP WANTED MALE. LIVE dependable salesmen wanted in sev eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us at one. Washington Nursery Co.. Top- penlsh. Wash. ; SOLICITORS We have a good paying po sition for those who are willing to us some energy; a big Income for hustlers. Call and see ns. 9 to 12, at 418 Mohawk tldg.. "d and Morrison sts. YOUR opportunity If you are a bustler; ex clusive control of good territory; frsa out fit; weekly advance; complete 11ns; guar anteed absolutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN who have made good to rep resent a substantial proposition. Oppor tunity for permanent paying position. Ap ply after 9 A. M. Monday, 808 Soiling bldg. IF you are s high-class salesman, why worn! on a $3000 or $4000 salary 7 You can dis count that. Investigate. 66 Sherlock bldg. Rubnomore Washer Co. SALESMAN wanted, an experienced enamel ware salesman for Washington and fos Oregon or for both. Tho Enterprise En amel Co.. Bellalre, Ohio. WANTED Mlehle pony press feeder, non union; steady work. Lewis Sears Printing1 & Binding Co., 817 Western av Seattle, Wasn. WANTED Assistant organisers for sick and accident fraternal society. Experience not necessary. CaU 12 to 2. 619 M ax-qua m biag. YOUNG man for position as order clerk; must be quick and accurate at figures, rapid penman, not afraid of work. P 879, Oregonian. PERFORMERS, classy road show, comedi ans, character, juvenile, long tour,, ninth season over route, open California, B 396, Oregonian. - MAN to do special soliciting for industrial business; experience unnecessary, baiaxy. and commission. Apply after 10 A. M.. 725 Marquam bldg. WANTED Two solicitors with experience! salary See Mr. Cleveland. The Fred A. Jacobs Co., 260 Washington st., 10 to 12 A. M. Mondaa-s. ' WANTED Meat cutter, work in shop and deliver, $15 a week. 20th and Sprins; sis., Portland fie ignis. ITALIAN, Swedish agents wanted; money making proposition. Call In forenoon, 208 Henry bldg. WANTED Janitor and handy man; si worker. Nlsbeth's sanltorlum, $18 Love Joy U PLUMBER WANTED. Competent man to plumb cottage; wages 14. W 346, Oregonian. TAILOR wanted on ladles and gents clothes; must understand pressing. 488 ft Burnside. WANTED First-class ladles' tailor at once; will pay highest price to right man, D. B. McBride A Co., Royal bldg. PHOTO printer, young man preferred. Must have experience, MacNab, 351ft Wash ington st. REGISTERED druggist, steaay position. $73 per month. L. E. McK.ee, Goldendale, Wash. - ' - BALESMFN wanted for Winona Mills hosiery. Established business. Call be tween lz ana o emeu., -v " c" j um. 2 BARBERS wanted; steady jobs. 221 Mad ison st. - SALESMEN One or two food salesmen; livs prospects furnished. 63 N. Cth. , BOYS wanted. Apply 84 North First St., cor ner Couch. WANTED Teamsters wages 12.50 a day. Apply 342 Tillamook. ; BANNER carrier wanted, 6 hours dally. 267 Couch st.. near 3d. WANTED Two good men. Call 502 Board or xraae. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for .. K Ka si1 In rtstlr nm t Iri w BOY about 16 with wheel to deliver and help In store; good wages. Fraley, 214 3d st. BOY wanted. Apply Public Library. 7th and fltark. BOY wanted with bicycle, $2- per day. 8 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A first-class Royal Invincible sander man. R 352, Oregonian. PRESPFEEDER wanted at once. Apply at Marshall-Wells Hdw. Co., 5th and Pine. WANTED Errand boy over 1$ years of age. Apply 41 4th st. " DELIVERY boy with wheeL Lowengart A Co. PAINTER wanted at 411 23d st; must be good ai:d fat. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Cas cade Dye' Works, 564 E- Oak st- llTEl 107.0