Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 05, 1912, Image 18

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New Grahamcna Is Launched
Without Christening for
Regular Service.
Daily Runs Will Be Made Between
: Portland and Corral lis, Carrying
Freight and Passengers.
Speed Power Is High.
Without any formal christening or
ceremonies the steamer Grahamona
was launched at the ship yards of
Joseph Supple yesterday afternoon at
2 o'clock, only the employes of the
yards and a few invited guests being"
present. The launching- was without
the semblance of delay or accident and
when the stays were jacked up and a
little pressure given by jack screws,
the boat slipped into the water on an
even keel and those aboard were 'not
even shaken by the side entrance of
the boat into the water.
The Grahamona is owned by the
Oregon City Transportation Company,
of which the Graham Brothers are sole
owners and who have been in the busi
ness of running steamers up the Will
amette for many years, first only to
Oregon City, later further and now
expect to maintain a regular daily
service between Portland and Cor
vallis with the Grahamona, in connec
tion with their other steamers Pomona
and Oregona.
The new steamer is by far the best
boat in every way that has been placed
on the upper river run with a pas
senger accomodation of 443 and a crew
of 30 and fitted in every way as a high
class river boat. She is 150 feet in
length, 30 feet beam and 4.6 feet depth
and will carry 300 tons of freight on
a 3 foot draft. Her engines are 13
by 6 feet stroke and her boilers will
1 develop 700 horse power, the speed
being estimated at 15 miles an hour.
Her wheel is 17.2 feet in diameter and
18 feet wide, which explains her power
and speed for such light draft. Th
post is approximately $28,000, without
Fittings, and will represent a cost of
135,000 when she starts on her first
Captain A. W. Graham, one of her
owners, will be her first master, but it
s intended that Captain Clyde Habbe
will be in permanent command.
Vessel Owned by Swajne & Hoyt
Shows Merit for Steamship Class.
All on board insisting that she was
not a steam schooner, but a steamship,
the Camino arrived at the Oak-street
dock yesterday morning from San
Francisco with 51,000 sacks of cement
and 500 tons of general merchandise
In the Dodge Line. It is within all
known sailing Jurisprudence that she
is not a steam schooner, as she has
two dpcks and this is recognized as
the distinguishing mark of a steamship,
and there are other reasons. The ves
sel Is 304 feet long, has a 44-foot
beam, and a depth of 31 feet, having
been launched on June 24, at the yards
of the Craig Shipbuilding Company at
Long Beach. Cal., and is owned by
Swayne & Hoyt, large owners of coast
' shipping. Her engines are triple ex
pansion 22, 36. 61 by 40, and she has
three Parker water tube boilers carry
Ing 200 pounds of steam, this being
the first lime that these boilers have
been used in marine service.
While her carrying capacity is 5000
dead tons, she has carrying capacity
for 50 first-class and 60 steerage pas
sengers, and it is the intention of her
owners to run her regularly between
Portland and San Francisco in con
neciion with the Navajo, which is
owned by the same firm. The Camino
is in command of Captain A. K. Ahlin
and Richard Moran is her chief engin
eer. After discharging her present
cargo she will take a hold full of
grain and a deck load of lumber to
San Francisco.
With First Approach of Winter Air
Currents Hamper Shipping.
The first fog of the season appeared
over the river Tuesday night and at 6
o'clock Wednesday morning practi
cally tied up all shipping, but later
in the morning it disappeared. These
fogs usually appear Intermittently in
September and October, during the
nights and mornings and when there is
fog It is almost a sure index that the
balance of the day will be clear.
These fogs reach down to the mouth
of the Columbia and are an indication
of coming Winter, as the colder east
ern currents from the mountains meet
the Japanese current from the ocean.
Four Log Rafts Dispatched by Ham
mond and Four by Benson.
The fourth log raft of the Hammond
Lumber Company for this season was
taken from Stella yesterday by steam
ers of the Kellogg Transportation
Company and is expected to leave out
today in tow of the steamer George
W. Fenwick.
With the Benson Logging Company
having ahipped four log rafts to Cali
fornia, each averaging nearly 7,000,000
feet, board measure, it can readily be
figured how much Is annually going
out of the district this way, while the
cost of transportation and preparation
is slight in comparison with the rates
by sail and steam for the finished
Piled river Bid Opened.
At the office of Major Mclndoe,
Corps of Kngineers, United States
Army, yesterday bids were opened for
the construction of a floating pile
driver for the use of the Government
in the Lower Columbia and were as
follows: Joseph Supple. $5750; Pen
insula Iron Works. $9975 ; Smith &
Watson. S80O: Albina Kngine & Ma
chine Works. $11,660; Wilson Bros.,
Astoria. $12,296: International Contract
Company, Seattle, $12,460. Major Mc
lndoe will submit these bids to the de
partment with the recommendation
that the bid of Joseph Supple, being
the lowest, he having complied with
the requirements, be accepted.
Marine Notes.
The steamer Alliance sailed yester
day for Coos Bay and Eureka, with
a good freight and large passenger
The steamship Isthmian. of the
American Hawaiian line sailed yester
day for San Francisco with freight for
the East.
The steam schooner Temple E. rorr.
with a cargo of lumber from Linn
ton. for San Francisco, went to sea
Ta oil tank steamer Atlas and barge
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No. 83 left for San Francisco yester
day, after having discharged their car
goes of fuel oil.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore is re
ported to be bar-bound at Tillamook,
but is expected to arrive this even
ing. The steam schooner Fairmount is
due this morning from San Francisco
to Olson & Mahoney with- a full cargo
of cement.
The British bark Killoran. under
charter to load wheat at this port,
is reported to have sailed from Rio
Janeiro August 26.
The steamer Roanoke sailed yester
day for San Francisco and San Pedro
with a full passenger list and all the
freight she could carry.
The Oregon coaster Anvil is a day
late in arriving from the south, but
will receive quick dispatch and prob
ably will sail Friday, early.
Th steam schooner Jim Butler ar
rived yesterday from San Francisco
for Olson & Mahoney, with 500 tons
of cement and 300 tons of general
The steamer Bear arrived yesterday
afternoon from San Pedro and San
Francisco with 330 passenges and 1200
tons of freight, ' after an exceptionally
fine passage.
The British steamship Strathardle
arrived from Eureka yesterday with a
partial cargo of lumber and will fin
ish at Linnton. She is bound for ,
The new steam schooner Rochelle,
the rejuvenated Minnie E. Kelton, is
n taring completion and it is expected
that she will be ready to receive cargo
within three weeks. She will be en- j
gaged in carrying lumber from this
port to San Francisco. i
The Oregon Round Lumber Company I
has a contract to take TOO tons of steel
rails on barges from Kalama to
Youngs River for the Western Cooper- I
age Company, which Is building a road
into the timber and known as the As
toria Southern Railway.
The steamer Beaver sailed yester
day morning for San Francisco and
San Pedro with a record-breaking
Dne tm Arrive
Namr. From
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ..
Bear i-an Pedro..
Breakwater. .'. .Coos Bay...
Anvil Bandon
Ueo. W. Elder.. tan Die?o. .
In port
In port
Sept. 3
Sept. U
Sent. 12
Kos city Ban fearo.
Nevada a .
Isthmian. . . ,
Nebraskan. .
..Sailna Cruz
. . Salina ("ruz.
Sept. 14
..San Pedro. ... Sept. 14
..San Diego. ... Sept. 14
..Salina Crux.. Sept. lirt
..Salina Crus.. Oct. -4
T Depart.
" For
Yale S. F. to L. A.. . Sept. 4
Isthmian salina Cruz.. Sept. 5
Sue II. Elmore Tillamook.... "Sept. fi
Anvil Bandon Sept. 6
Harvard S. F. to L. A.. Sept.
Breakwater.... Coos Bay.... Sept. 7
Bear San Pedro... Sept.
Alliance Eureka Sept. lO
Geo. W. Elder. San Diego.... Sept. 11
Rose City San Pedro. .Sept. 14
Nevadan ria-ina Cruz. - Sept. It!
Beaver San Pedro... Sept. 3
Koanoke San Diego. ... Sept. 19
Lyra ialina Cruz.. Sept. 30
Nebraakan Salina Cruz. ..Oct. 8
cargo and full passenger list. Another
record was probably broken by the
number of people at the Ainsworth
dock to see the vessel sail.
Movements or Vessels.
ASTORIA. Sept. 4. Arrived nt 4:."0 and left
up at 7:."0 A. M.. steamer Bear, from San
Pedro and San Francisco. Arrived at tt and
Ifft up at 7:3U A. M., British steamer
Strathardle. from Eurtka. Arrived at 7 and
left up at S:3W A. M., steamer Jim Butler,
from San Francisco. Sailed at 7 A. M.,
steamer Temple E. Dorr, for San Dlepo.
Sailed at 10:0 A. M-. steamer Alliance, for
Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived at 2:80 and
left up at J:13 P. M.. steamer Claremont.
from San Francisco. Arrived down at 3:40
and nailed at P. M steamer Beaver, for
San Francisco and San Pedro. Sailed at 4 P.
M steamer Atlas and barjse .o. su. ror i?an
Francisco. Arrived at 7 and left up at S last
night, steamer Camino, from San Francisco.
San Francisco. Sept. 4. Arrived at Z A.
M jinrf suited at 2 "P. M.. steamer Klamath.
from Portland, for San Diego. Arrived at 31
A. M. and sailed at a r". M. steamer isortn-
land. from Portland, for San Pedro. Sailed
last night, steamer Willamette, lor fort-
Puma Arenas. Aug. in. fassea tsriusn
L-amer Willesden, from Paranagua. for
Rio Janeiro. Auir. 26. saiiea tiriusn oara
Killoran. for Portland.
Seattle. Sept. 4. Arrived Steamers Yu
kon. Charles. Nelson, from San Francisco;
Prince Rupert, from Prince Rupert. Sailed
Steamers Teueer. for Liverpool, via, the
Orient; Prince Rupert, for Prince Rupert;
Alki. Meteor, for Southeastern Alaska; Cap
tain" A. F. Lucas, for San Francisco; Titan,
for Victoria.
San Francisco. Sept. 4. Arrived Steam
ers Klamath, from Astoria; Hardy, for Coos
Kay; Northland, for Columbia River; Fran
cis H. Leggett, from Everett: Westerner.
Xehalem. from Portland; ships Standard,
fioni Xushugak: Star of Lapland, from Bris
tol Paw Sailed Steamers Honolutnn. for
Honolulu; Maverick. Montara, for Seattle;
R-e. for Vancouver; G. C. Lindauer, for
Grays Harbor.
Columbia River Bar Report.
Condition at the mouth of the river at 5
p. M.. smooth: wind. south, IS miles;
weuther, cloudy.
Tide at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
7:r A. M H.S feet l:0n A. M O.T foot
fi;34 P." M 7.9 feot 0:lti P. AC. ...4.2 efet
Medford Picks Rifle Team.
MEDFORD. Or., Sept. 4. '(Special.)
The local company of the Oregon Na
tional Guard, which made the highest
record at Fort Stevens rn shooting and
eating, being th only aggregation
to subsist on the Government rations,
has been ordered by the Adjutant
General to send a rifle team to Clack
amas. October 4 and 5. In order to get
the boys into sharpshoottng shape.
Captain Deane has selected a rifle
range in the outskirts of the city, with
Roxy Anne as a backstop, so that all
danger may be eliminated.
Southern Pacific Auditor
Stand in Land Suit.
Indebtedness of Oregon & California
to Parent Railroad Revealed in
Case Testing Title to 2,300,
000 Oregon Acres.
Robert Adams, assistant auditor of
the Southern Pacific, was the main
witness examined yesterday in the
hearing at the Federal building in the
case of the Federal Government
against the Oregon & California Rail
road Company, the Southern Pacific
Company and otner smaller railroad
corporations, in which the Government
is attacking the right of these com
panies to 2.300,000 acres of land be
tween Portland and the California line
along the line of the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Adams filed statements purport
ing to be records of accounts kept by
the companies involved. One of these.
purporting to be a record of the ac
count of the Southern Pacific with the
Oregon & California Company, shows
a deficit of $6,338,963 charged against
the latter in 1905, which the Southern
Pacific maintains was expended in bet
terments and was over and above the
operating expenses. This deficit, it is
shown in the statement, had been re
duced to $2,542,721 by June 30, 1912.
Another statement was said to be :
record of accounts kept by the Oregon
& California Company with the Union
Trust Company, of New York. Between
1887, when the latter company took a
bond issue of the Oregon & California
Company, and June 30, 1912, the state
ment- shows that the railroad had re
celved $4,603,250. for which they had
to account to the bondholders. Of this.
it was set forth, $2,497,715 had been
paid the trust company and it ap
peared that the Oregon & California
Company still owed the Trust Company
$1,540,686 of the gross receipts, which
had been used for taxes, expenses and
work on the property.
The Government contends that the
railway companies have violated the
terms of the act under which the Gov
eminent made grants along rights of
way. The acts under which the grants
were made were passed by Congress
July 25, 1866; April 10, 1869, and May
4, 1870. The companies were granted
odd sections of land along their rights
of way upon condition . that no more
than 160 acres was to be sold to any
one person or corporation and that no
more than $2.;0 an acre was to be
charged. The Government alleges that
a vast amount of the land was sold in
blocks aggregating as much as 20,
000 acres. For that reason an endeavor
is being made to take from the com
panics the remainder of the land
granted and not sold. There are 2,
300.000 acres said to be left. The value
on this is $75,000,000.
Breach of Promise Suit AraJnst Son
of Washington's ex-Governor
Promises Continuance.
Because a complete vindication was
not forthcoming along with $6000 heart
balm granted in a settlement of the
breach of promise suit of Mary E. Cro
nin against Walter B. Moore, son of
ex-Governor Moore, of Washington.
Miss Cronen has asked Federal Judge
Bean to set Aside the settlement, which
was made by stipulation.
Arguments were heard In the
Federal Court yesterday and the
case was taken under advise
ment. The case first came up last
February, when a breach of promise
suit was filed in the Circuit Court and
later transferred to the Federal Court
because the defendant resided in Walla
Walla, Wash., and the plaintiff In Port
land. In the Federal Court the case
was settled by stipulation after the at
torneys had come to an agreement
which was satisfactory to both defend.
ant and- plaintiff.
In the stipulation Miss Cronen was to
receive $6000 and a complete vindica
tion from the defendant, Walter Moore.
and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. Moore. This set
tlement was reached after a great deal
of argument before Federal Judge Bean,
in which Attorney John F. Logan, for
Miss Cronen, set the figure at $7000 as
his "irreducible minimum and Attor
ney A. E. Clark, for the defendant, set
$3000 as his "unincreasable maximum."
After the settlement Miss Cronen says
the Moores continued to talk about her
and she believes violated the terms of
the agreement for that reason. She
now asks that the- settlement be set
aside and the case be brought to trial.
She Is represente'd by Attorney Oak
The defendant Mr. Moore . contends
that the contract has been fulfilled by
him and that the terms of the settle
ment should be binding. Miss Cronen
says that the vindications which were
to be a part of the settlement have
not been forthcoming from all parties
The case Is one In which Mr. Mo'ore,
who is prominent in business and po
litical circles In Washington, is said to
have promised to marry Miss Cronen
and later to have backed down and re
fused to carry out the contract.
City and County Consolidation May
Be Acted On at General Election.
Consolidation of the city and county
governments can be brought about
only by the adoption of a constitu
tional amendment, says City Attorney
Grant in an opinion given out yes
terday. Both are operating under au
thority of acts of the Legislature, he
points out, and therefore it would be
necessary either for the Legislature to
pass upon the question or for the peo
ple to order it at a general election.
Councilman Clyde recently intro
duced an ordinance to the Council to
bring: about the consolidation. The
Council referred it to Mr. Grant for
legal opinion. He points out that San
Francisco and Denver are the only ex
amples of Joint city and county gov
ernments. Mr. Clyde's belief is that
there could be more effective and
economical government under consoli
dation. At present the city and counts
each maintains a full set of officials
tut tiiiiMtiiMM iMnii it r m
- POSTUM i!J 1
containing sufficient to make five cups of Instant
upon receipt of two-cent stamp for postage.
A trial of the new food drink
Is a revelation of convenience
and satisfaction
It is made in the cup requires no boiling. Stir a teaspoonful in a cup of
hot Avater, add sugar and creanrto taste, and a delightful beverage, much re
sembling high-grade Java, results instantly.
Instant Postum is regular Postum in concentrated form
nothing added. It is absolutely free from the coffee drug,
Grocers sell Instant Postum 100-cup tins, 50c; 50-cup tins, 30c.
Coffee averages about double that cost
Made by the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Pure Food Factories, Battle Creek, Mich.
cone go to
Several Admit Having Been to
Penal Settlement, One Says
He Has Not but Should.
Temporary Jail May Be Put Up Cost
ing $2000 to House Short-Term
Prisoners, Whose Escape
Would Not Be Calamity.
Councilmen Burgard, Magulre and
Wallace, prominent in business and
legislative circles of the city, went to
the rockpile yesterday, bi'.t it was only
at the request of Mayor Rushlight,
who himself accompanied them. He
wanted them to say what shall be done
to accommodate the ever-increasing
list of prisoners there. They left the
final solution of the problem with him,
however, but probably will recommend
to the Council an appropriation of
12000 to construct a new house. Con
sent of the County for this will have
to be obtained first.
"I would like to have the members
of this committee take a run down to
the Linnton rockpile and see the con
ditions the city is up against down
there," said Mayor Rushlight, who left
his office on the third floor of the City
Hall to call attention to the subject.
The committee was in session on the
second floor.
"We have 84 prisoners at Linnton,
whereas there are proper accommoda
tions for but 64," continued the Mayor.
"1 would like you gentlemen to go
there and see for yourself."
"We may have to rig up a more aris
tocratic place," said Councilman Ma
gulre, "if Governor West continues. I
understand he is reaching pretty high."
"Yes," commented Chairman Wal
lace, "we probably will have to install
a few padded cells for the insane."
"As far as going to Linnton is con
cerned," said Councilman Burgard, "I
have been there."
Amid general laughter, Mr. Burgard
explained that it was only on official
business that he was at Linnton rock
pile before.
Councilmen Menefee and Maguire
thereupon admitted that they, too, had
been at the rockpile.
"I have never been there, but prob
ably I should go," said Chairman Wal
lace, who explained that he meant that
perhaps he should go there to make a
study of conditions.
Consequently, after the session of
the committee was over, Councilmen
Burgard, Wallace and Maqulre, accom
panied by the Mayor, went to the rock
pile and inspected it. They found con
ditions bad. More room Is absolutely
necessary and the members of the
Council who saw the crowded situation
agreed that it would be a wise plan
to expend about $2000 in the construc
tion of a new jail building. In this,
if the Mayor's plan is followed, all
short-term prisoners will be housed.
He told the members of the committee
Your oa r
Show formula, on each label,
to your doctor. Ask him if
there is a single injurious
ingredient. Ask him if he
thinks Aysr's Hair Vigor, as
made from these ingredients,
is the best preparation you
could use for falling hair, or
for dandruff. Does not color
the hair.
.T. C. AnrOn..
Low.ll. tlnm.
that, in his opinion, it would matter
but little should a short-term man es
cape occasionally.
Commercial Club Will Urge Opening
' of Alaska Coal Mines.
S. Ia Osborne addressed the North
Portland Commercial Club Monday at
the North Albina fire hall, on the sub
ject of Alaska coal, and urged the club
to take some action toward getting the
Federal Government to open the Alaska
coal mines before the Panama Canal
Is completed. Mr. Osborne showed by
statistics that finest Alaska coal can
be delivered to Portland consumers at
from J7 to $8 a ton.
The speaker pointed out, however,
that it may be many years before the
Alaska coal will be made available In
Portland unless some action Is taken
by Portland organizations. At the con
clusion of Mr. Osborne's talk he was
authorized to prepare a resolution for
presentation at the next meeting.
Chairman J. H. Nolta announced that
C. C. Chapman, of the Portland Com
mercial Club, had accepted an invita
tion to attend the next meeting and
address the members.
A resolution was adopted thanking
the City Council for passing the fran
chise of the Kenton Traction Company
for an electric railway to the Broad
way bridge.
40,000 Copies of Newspaper Adver
tising Amendments to Be Issued.
Forty thousand copies "of the city
official newspaper will be printed with
the complete list of proposed amend
ments to the city charter and the com
plete commission charter, to be voUid
on at a special election November 2.
The Council ways and means committee
so ordered yesterday afternoon, when
City Auditor Barbur asked for instruc
tions. "I think," said Mr. Barbur, "that
should provide these amendments for
the people, although the law does not
so require. It has been my observation
that the people want to study thu
amendments and that we should ao
vide complete copies for every voter."
The plan is to mail a copy of the
official paper to each voter. The pres
ent charter requires their publication in
the official papen
Postum will be sent free
t. J-.W 111. f AV .
Southeast Corner
The Vry Brut and In Modrra
Urnllntry. No More Vailing Plate.
PERFECT BRIIMil'.S, with Interchange
able facinKs. the most perfect and
practical bridge that lias ever been tie
vised. A triumph ot modern dentistry.
Rood Rubber rinrrn, each..
The Best Hed Rubber Plate". enrh..7 .."
22-karat (Sold or Foreelnln Crown. .$5.0O
22-karat Brldxe Teeth, auaraateed
each ..
Gold or Enamel Filling, each fl.00
silver FIlltnRa, each SOo
Ve (live a 15-Year Guarantee.
Wise Dental Co.
southeast Corner.
Phones Main 2020, A 2020.
But a Symptom, a Danger Sig
nal Which Every Woman
Should Heed. i
Backache is a symptom of organic
weakness or derangement. If you havo
backache don't neglect it. To get per
manent relief you must reach the root
of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood
all's experience.
Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I suffered
two years with female disorders, my
health was very Daa
and I had a continual
backache which was
simply awful. I could
not stand on my feet
long enough to cook
a meal's victuals
without my back
nearly killing me,
nnrl T wnnlrl hava
(j such dragging sensa
H tions I. could hardly
bear i - I had sore
ness in each side, could not stand tight
clothing, and was irregular. I was com
pletely run down. On advice I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and am enjoying good health. It
is now more than two years and I hav
not had an ache or pain since. I do all
my own work, washing and everything,
and never have backache any more. 1
think your medicine is grand and I prais
it to all my'neighbors. If you think my
testimony will help others you may pub
lish it. "-Mrs. Ollie Woodall, Mop
ton's Gap, Kentucky.
If you have the slightest doubt
thattydia E. Pinkham's Vefteta
ble Compound will help you, write
to Lydia K.Pinkham 31 edicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Scalp and Hair Trouble Generully
Cauwed by Careleane.
Dandruff is a contaKlous disease
caused by a microbe which also pro
duces baldness. Never use a comb or
brush belonging; to someone else. No
matter how cleanly the owner may be,
these articles may be infected with mi
crobes, which will infect your scalp. It
far easier to catch hair microbes
than it is to get rid of them, and a sin
gle stroke of an Infected comb or brush
may well lead to baldness. Never try
on anybody's else's hat. Many a hat
band is a resting-place foi microbes.
If you happen to be troubled with
dandruff, itching- scalp, falling- hair or
baldness, we have a remedy which we
believe will completely relieve these
troubles. We are so sure of this that
we offer it to you with the understand
ing that it will co8t you nothlnfc for the
trial if it does not produce the results
we claim. This remedy is called Hexall
93- Hair Tonic. We honestly believe
it to be the most scientific remedy for
scalp and hair troubles, and we know
of nothing else that equals it for effec
tiveness, because of the results It has
produced in thousands of cases.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is devised to
banish dandruff, restore natural color
when its loss has been brought about
by disease, and make the hair naturally
si-lky, soft and glossy. It does this be
cause it stimulates the hair follicles,
destroys the germ matter, and brings
about a free, neaitny circmanun in
blood, which nourisneB tne nair lom.,
causing them to tighten and grow new
hair We want everybody who has any
trouble with hair or scalp to know that
we think that Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo
is the best hair tonic and restorative
vistpni-i- and no one should scoff at this statement until they have
put our claims to a fair test, with the
understanding that they pay us noth
ing for the remedy If it does not give
full and complete satisfaction in every
particular. Two sizes. 50 cents and II.
Sold onlv by The Owl Drug Co. stores
In Portland. Seattle. Spokane. San
Francisco, Oakland. Los Angeles and
Blended Scotch
Guaranteed Over Ten Year Old.
A Safe cad Pleasant Stimulant.