FOR BEST Housekeeping Hooma to Private Family. :-RuOiI suite. convenient and pleasant, large and clean, with bay wlncow and fireplace, cooking, gas liht and heat, free, clc an, quiet location, wal King .dis tance, S blocks from "sS" car. Ajo H. K. room, u iifa kitehenett. E. Jf2f. i'lKST-CLAS rooms, single or en suite, newly furnished, heat. i.ghts, water in cluded with rental; larjje lawn and porcher. desirable locaiiott, W car or JJa from Union Depot: ti to $5 week; rates by month. 575 Couch. X. E- cor, lbtn. LaKGE. i mall, clean, furnished, unfur nished housekeeping rooms; all conveni ences; to desiraM- people only. 41 J. itn. Jiarsnau -cjo NEATLY furnished, newly PPd housekeeping suite, furnace heat, conven iences, walking distance, 12 per month. jOM Johnson st. - 3 NICELY famished front housekeeping rooms, private entrance, walking distance Union or Williama-ave. cars; Hfiht and th Inc.uced: io i""-u. - TWO nice housekeeping rooms downstairs and two upstairs; light, phone, bath 4.0 ana 54; a.o one iut c NICELY furnished frunt housekeeping room $12; also room with kitchenette, $1-. an cor, veniencej". 370 12th at. TVVO- large newly furnished room, for housekeeping, modern home. 10. tw Taygert St. TWO basement housekeeping rooms. $ ft per month, lare room. $0 month. 1J4 .n. l.'.th -t. Free bath, gas, phone. TWO front rooms on second floor, with pri vate porch ; house modern ; walking ais-tunr- fir. D-r mo. 6-s E. Burnside. THE MEIER & FKA.VK STORES' FREE RENTAL. AND INFORMATION BUREAU Is for the convenience of both Portland peop.e and strangers in the city who may be looking for homes, apartments or Hats. We havb an excellent private list, as we.l as the combined lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advlcs as to tne new buildings in course of construction. Home-builJers especially will find re lief in this special service, for we he-P you to get qulcitly, comfortably anddesirao.y located. When you want to rent visit THE ilEIEP. & FRANK RENTAL EU- I'.KAU. 4th t!q.or. main bldg. . $10 NEAT 3-room cottage, with large lot and chicken-houses. . X16 ' 7-room house, electricity, batn, both phones, one block Mt. Scott cars. US Two furnished housekeeping rooms, private home, near Morrison, West bide. Call at 31 Yeon bldg. FHANK M'FAKLAND REALTY CO. OUR PLINTKD RENTAL LIST gives vou first choice ff the most desirable "For peius" i" Portland. Ask for List. THE FRE1J A. JACOBS CO.. Main .;!). ir ;s Wahinn?n st. A f'-f FOR KENT 434 Oregon St., comer E. 7th st North. Holladay Addition; close In to town; 7-room home, modern in every de tail; convenient to several carlinea. rent J35. Call on N. T. Tufford. PUouc Mar shall 4547. , TO RENT 161 East 7th St. North, between Fast Irving and Oregon. Huiladay Adui tlon, fl-room house, etrictly modern, sle.p Ing porch, ea-eilcnt furnace, buiH-in sbJe board, accessible to several carlinea. Call up R. N. Tuffurd. j'hone Marshall 44. FOR RENT 171 East 7th st,. between Oregon and East Irving sts.. Holladay Addition; -room modern house, good con dition; accessible to several carlinea; rent 30. Call up R. N- Tufford. Phone Mar snail 4647. TiJKLtf bouses on East loth and Beacoa itreets. near Brooklyn School; "ii carlinea, 117. $15 and Apply lo Tarkeiea Wat f o n. Sy-Idlna; bldg. ilKiHT-IiOHM house. 517 Third st. between Ltru-oln and college, commencing Sepi 5. Kent uTk Apply oh premises or to Ora-m ;;;.., Mwnor, S'V;iUh St. It E.N i 1;. . pi' r. sitl-ii e, lO rooms, 505 Lovcioy. crnr luth; $00 furnished. $5.i unfurnished; nice grounds, shrubbery. In quire on premises or phone East 'f-W. $ LOTH, house 7 rooms, bath, newly pa pered, palmed, big stable, chicken-house; 2". 420 East 4tftb. Cowperthwait. East 4ii h and Hawthorne. Phono Tabor 520. nivi; rns' G-rortm cottage. :ombination gas and coal runge. nice yard. cor. 14iH and Tillamook, rent $25. Key -45 E. 14tn COTTAWB for rent, furniture for sale; a snap, close to it schools, oil West Park G-KOOM modern house, newly finished, fur rier", fixtures, ere. nice Inration. K. 2th nd Wvcant :..-'. phon Wnodlawn 17. i-'OIi RENT w 5-roum bungalow. No. Sls't East loth Mrrt North ; $ t.". Woodward, No lt4 Pe-Tii'l street. M. 1 6tiu FOUD ST. URIVE. half Mock Portland Heights car: fine viw: walking distance; s rooms, mot! em hous'. I'lmne A .'Uil'S. 3-ROOM corner house, good condition, on E. Sth St.. nice lawn, etc. Rent only $J0 to desirable laln ilotERN ti-room lmuise on E. liith near Aider, one biot-k from Morrison carline. Tahor 3 -- FOR R EN T Sll Was.'O. 0-room modern house, f urnaee. fii 'placo. 2 blocks from carline. Phone Sell wood 1V3. 75 E. PAVIS. 6-room modern house, with gas and wood ranges; nice yard; on cor ner .Mth. FOI! it KNT ti-rum cottage modern eon vnif iif ff. i:tth. near Hull. Call Mar shall 4-L IOPERN S - room house In excellent condi tion ; hot water heat. 7IU Irving, near r.M. Min 3I7. VKST PA RK HT Modern 6-room house. d.'SiraMe and quiet place; rent only $:i5. PIS Cb.imoer of Commerce. Main lur3. m house. ."ilJ Ji;irket st., near 1 ih: re: it Tlepnone Main i'-i.i. lt-KOoM h"iiw. paved street. 477 E 11th m. H. Kat :H0. WILL rent my board wner. home to couple who will t.'s p.irk ft. $-ROOM modern cottage, iU 1 K. Alder t., $m. E. tU12. B. WJi, U 1S7S: l"01iTI.ANI) Heights. molern 7-room house. 7 I'd pat t or. Road. A 2!'2. 6-UOOM house, pantry, bath, pan and elec t rte lih t: large base merit. 4.'n llarrfson. UEVl'TlrTL house for rent. Irvington. close FOU KENT Modern 4 -room cottage. Sandy road, near lith. Phone East iiOUEilN tt-rootn boue oi iWi carllnsJ low rnt. Inquire a: Vlrt C of C. oldg. F u U K K -N ' T S i x - r i . ! i E Yamhill ft., cor. modern house. i:ith. 4 ROOM modern house. Si 7 SHI; walking dlstunce. E. Alder. E. 8-ROiM house suitable for pri ate sani tarium. Phone Kant -TO. lEtSIitAlLE 0 room ht.use. ;;.. San Rafal, n ear Union Ave. $ 2 ." . K a t 1 tio. a-Rt'OM ro:tc- on carline, newly tinted, UTi. East -v- $- HOC.M house. West tide. Nob HliL Main 414. V- ROOM modern home, a-'od neighborhood. 6.u lietmont st. Tabor 1 ti'. Furn:lieii Houxr. EV. modern 6-room bungalow, well fur r 'shed. ptHno. 2 finished rooms in attic, a. so sleeping poreh. garage, located in Irvington. neur 2 carlinea, to lease for one year. O OroconsHti. 2T"E1-Y furnished, modern. R rooms, fur nace, fine vard, wa king dlKtnnce. perma nent, reasonable. HJS East ltith st. East POUT LA N D HEIGHTS. Boautlfu'ly furnished cottane complete, fine viw, l." miuui po3toi:;ce ; rent rea snnaMe. Marshall 27!t. Mi'EJA' furnished seven -room house, sew iig machine a:u1 piano. West Site. wa'k !n; disfaiue; references. 7.'. 1 Kearney. J KuOMS. furn;she.l. !ttl3 E. K;h st. N., $2o. Ci;i 1 n! 4 Chamber of Commerce, Fhont FUKNiSHED 3-roo:n flat, hath. gas. water, telephone, rent 314 E- 21st st. WR car. FU KN ISHEi modern 5-room upper flnt; fuel in bascnifnt for sale. ltJ2 East i:tth St.. corner leimont. B 2021. FCRNlSIIEl cottage, suburbs, modern, grate and gnrden. five rooms. Call Grove, Ta bor oC'. FURNISHED .".-room bungalow. Irvington. srrieily modem, piano, references. 787 Multnomah. R car. SIX-ROOM furnished f tat. fire place; yard, walking distance. Stout st. $JS. ivey jn Stout st. Marshall 4.1-J. FOR RENT K-room furnished house. 3."0 Salmon St.. refertnee required. I&guire 103 to lt'7 12th st. NEATLY furnished 3-ri-om flat and bath. Kt? Pettjgrove st. Main -3176. 5-KOOM cottage. 2--l after 0- furnished. Phone East COM PLETE modern furnished S-room resi dence, rent 7o. . phone M. 4471. l NICELY furnished six -room .house. Thurm.m St.. Willamette Heights. FOR RENT Eiphi-room modern house, fur nished. s::5. l'94 Ivy. FOR RENT Six-room niodern house, fur nished, with garage; 9i. " joeecn. $1S 4-ROOM furnished house, S. V'lix st.. corner 11 1 11- yard. 339 MOUKHN 7-rH:n house furnuhed complete, pur.o; on carline. !"$ E. 31t st. FOR roe KENT Furnished cottage. 243 ilon m., nenr Wilitams. Main 7v FtU RENT A .Vroom completely furnished House. -.. (UkOOlI modern furnished home in Irv ington, reasonable. tJiM Multnomah at. FarnlsbeU Home?. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. FOR RENT. Finely furnished home of 7 rooms, strict ly modern; furnace, open fireplace; to deairable tenants, adults, for six months. Choice location and surroundings, view ot harbor. mountains and city. RaJeigh-st., iust west of 21tth st. '.n.'3 Yeon. Owner. Mitt r..L.u Well fvrnished, strictly moaern. "Bef" rooms, magnificent view, large 1?" reasonable. References required and lease IN Holladay Park, nicely furnished horn -J ,. - furnace, fireplace. piano. Would lease for ti or 12 iyjrntha rnnvpnimt to carline. Phone C luo. 6-ROOM modern furnished ouhr "tyl ir. ln'ir.i;ton. reawi.uMJo . nasi ii'Tii. 3-IiOOM rurnlshed cottage. IU "" University ParK. fnone Stores. CORNER storeroom. In Goodnough bldg., FiftH Yamhill sts. i also two stores on Yamhill" street in same building. Ca 13-1 r- hiilc- or 303 Mohawk bldg. WAREHOUSE space for rent id D5"t building on R. R- twitch. Apply Portland - r-n istH and LDShur sts. Aruitciai w.. - , TWO rooms, second floor. ctntrally located, .Jv.i tailor, urinter or light manu- tacturer. Keystone Press. Front st. Tacturer. ivcj FOR RENT Stores. No. 24S and 250 Haw Yv east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone ,ast ZQb5. n ttwn'"'"' j FOR RENT Small store, on Morrison, be ir.rf and Second sts. G. H. ramme:r. il-.v jimj mus. FOR RENT Part of store space 12x45 feet: halter location in city. Address, stating line of business. P 151. Oregon lan. FINE opportunity: Corner 2Uh and Thur trrnnrv mpjit market. Mr. Shain- STORE a 'id large 'oft, fln location, long lease. Tel. Main 33tib STORE for rent, fixtures for sa'.e. 120 Kill- $;i(j Store. 2d st. near Jefferson, 16-xtO. tvey at notei omce. upgtaira. Offices. TWO beautiful offices, second floor, front of elevator, to permanent ienauL m uw rental; steam heat, hot and cold water, gas and electric light; Tilford building. ICth and Morrison. Call or phone Marshall 247. DEsr-" room for rent, reasonable. Including h." .wood desK. neat, ngnis aim p.ivi.c B f iness and character of tenant impor tant. Marshall 2ii.s7. 212 Railway Ex change bldg. Fine front office in Chamber of Com merce; hardwood floor, use of reception room, office service, etc.; $2a. KQ ObQ. ore go man. FOR RENT Rooms In Stearns building ultaoie lor musical aiuuiuo. Baf -rooms, architect's office, etc. Inquire ol- Iice snerniau. WILL rent nicely furnished office cheap to gooti lonaTii. j' Trust bldg.. 0th and V ash, sts. MOS1 centrally located offices, all-night elevator service. loZ Swetland bldg., Sta and Washington. OFFICES in Goodnough bldg.. Fifth and Yamhill streets, mil -a uoyuuuugu, or :(o3 Mohawk bldg. DESK, room in large, nicely furnished out side office, only $15. Including both phones etc Best location. 207 oresonian bldg-. SMALL hall for rent. Howe-Davis Co.. Ill Second st. DESK room. $10 per month, light, both phones and heat. 215 Oregonlai: blag. DESK ROOM for rent. 607 Yeon bldg. HALLS FOR RENT. Two halls In Gevurts block. Front and Oibns uts., for rent or lease for any de Sired term. One Is carpeted and fur nished for lodgeroom. has fine piano; the other has good floor, furnished with, ftf-ata, Clano. etc.. for dancing or political meetings. Would prefer to lease for year or more. Very reasonable. Apply to MH mn C.ovurtx, 173-175 1st St.. corner Yam hill. ... T4 LEASK. FOR LEASE 5-chair barber shop, cheap r?nt. good location. S. II. Howard, Ry. Ex change bid:?. B C SI -N OPPORTUNITIES. PA RTN KU wanted : no money required : 1 have an oi'l-esTHmtsneu mwuuu-.n... estate office; want partner to take fuil charge: a snap for a hustler. AT .-.. Oregonian. GOOD little restaurant. Htondy bu?iness. tak ings average L'i da. Will sell for $4.r0 or trade for small house and lot and as sume ttte difference. F 30. Oregonian. WANTED AH or half interest in inorouaii Iv established realty business. Well versed iii tlu Hn and cap. furnish best of referercs. AC 43. Q. egonian. FIRST-CLASS paint and sign shop for sale cheap; splendid location ; must teu t onee. G. M.. 510 Williams ave., near Ruj sell. BVRPER shop, modern, choice location, 5 veeTs" leas-, cheap rent ; owner leaving city: snap for cash or terms. W 347. Ore gonian. CONFECTIONERY and liptht groceries with living-rooms: this ts well situated and is paving;. Call today; price is only $730. 24 ! Stark st. WANTED First-class barber; references; to ne partner, starting new shop, fine loea- tion and lease: good proposition for right part v. See Kemp. !'. 3d. SMALL cash store business wants interested partner to drive UPinri wasim. -you $3 week: small investment required. 323 Lumber Kxenange. CONFECTIONERY for sale cheap: 4 living rooms m the back, stock, fixture and fur niture, $3.-,4 cash. Call B 147. D. A. V.' bite, 1 1". 1 4 Division st. , RESTAURANT FIXTURES ai inmtinnr best of fixtures, full equip ment; brrck building; good lease. CIS Yeon bldg. GROCERY, confectionery, etc.: living rooms, line location: rnt $13 month: price $..00, e.isv terms. 303 Lumber Exchange. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS.. Telephone and other bonds bougnt and sold Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablagton. SM VI L cash investment will make money "now- business chances; store fixtures; ci gar store, etc Call 342 Williams ave. r. . , f x- L- I .. nloil toSt!V Otltslde WOfli. Varlflkp better than wages. Requires small investment. 3P- Lumber Exchange. DOCTOR dentist, druggist, harness shop, cobbler wanted in good country town near PoM'.nr.d on railroad. AV 117. Oregonian. PVRTNER wanted at once. In established "business; cannot handle It alone, Sisrk st. Mar. 37ff. . FOR SALE Nice corner grocery at invoice irnnc'r. C. H. Clark. 96: WilMam ave. C 2!."3. Wood lawn 113. CI oE-IN meat market, doing fine busi ne low reit: takes about $1500; this is a fine place. Call 24SU. Stark st. GROCERY and confectionery store and fix tures with the stock. 230 Killingsworth ave, DrLIC -VTESSEN. light lunches, clearing $30 we,-k above all expenses; cheap rent; price ?-..'Q. S'3 Lumber Exchana. " FAMILY LIOUOR STORE! Centrally located on main street. Phone A 23i::. Main 174. PARTNER wanted to help In store. Can make better than wages. $300 required. I'lill 311' per nniuK RESTAURANT. Might consider part cash. Inquire of owner. AR 34". Oregonian. WELL equipped restaurant; must sell on account of sickness. Win. Kruger. Ore gon City. or. GREAT BARGAIN A good paying moving picture theater. Will sell on easy terms. X 34t. Oregonian. . .-n.wi'i.'. to net hold of a good money " nut ki tig proposition for little cash. Call 1 y 1 lit h St., room x. GROCERY confectionery, 3 pool tables, clearing $Uo monthly. Leaving city. Ta bor 134. rwi"Til!i dentist, druggist, harness shop. cobbler wanted in good country town near Portland on railroad. A Y117. Oregonian. -v-T-T. idan business nets SioO monthly your own bosr: either sex; $5 will handle it. :oi swetiana mug. REST AURANT. right down town : owner must seli; It's a bargain. Price $350. Call 2A Stark St. WOOD business. Have opening for energetic man to check wood. etc. yuy montn. Call 2U Lumber t-.xenange. reasonable. 204 Fifth st. West. Vancouver. "Wash. PARTNER in es:abiished bakery; only so Iter man neeq appu- jv .tJ. virpuuian. CIGAR STAND for Bale cheap; call at stand si Aiaer su rurirvRV S5o0, or inventory; close in; part U. ...u' Phnnf F!a?t BIS. in VI 1 iOO BUSINESS CARDS. $1; bring this ad. Rose City rnintu. RRHER shop. 1 chairs, bargain. Vanfield. 3474 Morrison st. C. 1. RESTAURANT doinj a good paying busi n'ess: price t3"o. :;cS Lumber Exchange. PARTNER for Saratoga hip plant; small investment, aw ""t R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. Cor. uth suid Washington. 1005 and 10o0 Wilcox Bldg. phone Marshall 43. A 1U50. Express and baggage Co.. $3500; e3 Side: receipts $750 .to $1100 per month; stock and fixtures will invoice more than price asked; o.d-fashioned business; will stand rigid investigation. Goodkind Co. Furniture store, $(iooO, or will invoice: large country town; receipts $1500 to $2000 per month; 2-story brck bldg.; bandies second-hand furniture, etc; cheap rent and long lease. Goodklnd Co. Chopaoue, lunch counter and boxes, good country town- receipts for 24 days ot August average $tW.05 per day; rent $17.50. lease; seats 35. - This is hard to beat for money maker. Goodklnd Co. Cigar stand, $1000; West Side; elegant fixtures; rent $50. lease 4& years; clears $130 per month; located on the best tran sient street in city. Goodkind Co. Confectionery. $12o0; country town; re ceipts $13 to $25 per day. Dandy place, rent $25; clean stock: guaranteed to be as . represented. Goodkind Co. Confectionery and light grocery, $2230; 1 rent 520, receipts $25 per day; exchange for good land. Goodkind Co. Barber shop, $150; one chair, suburbs, cheap rent, receipts $23 to $30 week. Goodklnd Co. Grocery and confectionery. $2500: or Inv.; receipts $45 to $50 day; rent foV. living-rooms. Goodkind Co. Saloon. $5250; dandy place, central, re ceipts $t0 to $73 per day. Owner has to change climate at once. Goodkind Co. Restaurant. $1000; country town; -receipts average $30 per day; division point 2 railroads, feeds all trains and tram crews; rent $33: hooks and bankbook open for inspection; references: guaranteed just as we say. See this little mint at once, Goodkind Co. Merchandise stock at ti5c on the dollar, good countrv town; consists of dry gooa, shoes, clothing. etc.; will inv. around 2000. Rent $40. with 5-year lease, store room 25 by 70 ft. Population 1000. Good Kind Co. Paloon. $2500; located on Wash, st.; rent $125; good lease; receipts $M5 to handles good beer and has good steady tradt; here Is a chance to get iu right, further particulars see Goodkind 00. WE HAVE SOLD OTHER PLACES, WHY NOT YOURS? SEE GOODKIND CO.. INC. COUNTRY HOTEL. 24 sleeping-rooms, dining-room, kitchen, office and billiard-room; 3-story buildinfc, .Vtxl5: ground. 75x100; electric lights, fur tiac heat: only hotel in the town: JPa $500. expenses very light, no rent to pay , this place is furnished complete: huUding. furniture and It all for $s..w: $4.-00 cash or trade for Portland property, balance mnSaS0. C. R. ELLIS CO.. ,-l-."1. "Wiicox Bids- ' BIG HOTEL. room, with bar and independent a loon license: Vet Side; rent very reon able: .loins KOOd CHAWN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3M-i!:iS Chamber o( Commerce. ASK lOr A. win.'. BEST location in Portland for nTOVlnK-pic- ture tncater; ionsr ... i-n, . in proposition for party with from ' to iin.fio.i cash: no better openinp: In North west for any one erjntemplatlnit this line of business; will stand thorough investi gation.. If you have the cash ani In jean business this is sure to prove attractie. Call .".11 Dfkum bldg. APABTMENT-KOC3B. Always fully occupied; nice Income with vry little work attached to it; price J.-)n or will take real estate tHAPIX-HERLUW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3a-3u chamber of Commerce. Ask lor A. ivener. POOL and l.illlard-room. one of the best in town: tnis i wunwiu.cij , , , " month: owner is out of town looklns after a l.irh-er proposition and haa to depend on hird help; wa can -ll you this busines. for 0 per cent 1-ss than cost of equipping same; J.-. cash will handle or will trade; Jlulph Ackley Land Co.. 1.0 lith street. . SALOON ON MORRISON ST. Nice neat place, the cheapest rent In Portland: a barrtuin for a responsible par tv. Kor quirk sal) $.-.(00. 2-3 rash CHAl'IN-HKRLCW MTG. & TRUST CO. oSl'-3SS rhomoi-r of Commerce. ASK IOr A. ixenc. EXCKFTIONAI; opportunity to buy half In . . I. ..-.n'.ii.l.a Knsioess: ex- teresi in t-r.ii-n.-in... perionco not necessary; must ! honest and ,ober: Fuarantee 35 a week: amount renuird ."ut; part can be paid off; need .noil man more than money: partoer to slay Inside attend to business; can be Investigate.!. vv ..-. i"r"ln" PA RTN K VI with $:'..-.n. with services. In es tablished, profitable business; can make :10 a week: investment secured: business easily learned: can double In short time, strictest InvestiKatlon invited. Don t take up mv time unless you mean bn.lne.s. Particulars at interview on.y. X oil. ura- isonian rTT.:t..j .....i..n anilifiniT husl ness: will take a. pa't'ii ..v, ----- . . ...... mav eVHTTline th.t books tn'sliow 'that this business will pay each partner -." mun.i. . " penses: soo.l terms plven;o rlsht party as gooa man i nwucu. - . v. .. r Kna t-iI ill er WANTED ijariy iu ihk nm-fcr --r. and rooming " house, Roaeburg V?.U, rooms, offle-- dining-room and kltehen completely furnished; doing good u sines, fine location; low rent. Call or ilto fjr particulars. Only $75 required H M. Ttnrhnnan. 200 N. Rose St.. Roseburg. Or If vouTi! looking for one. we have them In ffregon. Washington. Idaho. Alaska, also several paying ones here in the cit. NEDD & BKKKY, Agents, 207 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Pei-or.d and mr j. FOR SALE Bipsc-st and best paying jyrnn: ture noTH in fentrjuia, oiul-is. good rr-an for selling. 1 will pive long P-ase at reasonable rent. No trades want ed Tf vou mean business come at once. Cohrt's "Furniture Store. 307-u01 North Tower ave.. C-ntralia. Wash. COUNTRY butcher shop for rent or sale. 10 miles irom t m uuuu . : .,-. - own killing, only cash business. -0 a week; separate' new "V?0,?; i7s hors wagon, tools, etc.; $400; rent $l!s. A V 111. urfaUliii"i. GROCERY business; the best opf"" n Portland- for a live man; splendid loca tion low rent, clean, up-to-date stock and fixtures, established trade; a place where you can step in and jnake money, leie phone owner. E. 1147. . 4 WANTED. Partner to take half interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men; sai .rv ans ner month. Kinney &' Starn- pher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted, good, clean grocery, rent is $?5 including all fixtures; situated be-twe-n 2 large schools; $500 buys in terest; want party to take full manage ment W W; Jordan, suite 619 Lumber men sblog. A SNAP. -Full equipment for moving picture show, including Ji-00; electric piano, pic ture machine. 103 chairs, electric fans electric sign, ete. If taken at once will Sell for 4.iU. inquiie atjijs; 3-year lease, reasonable rent, toO per day. take in $1000. Will trade for good lot or rooming-house and pay difference. Plf5 i eon oiue ,-.rt,-i-,'TIAVl?V A-1 location, up-to- date fixtures; do ing a nice business; 1 living-room This is a sn;:p; will lump or invoice, 4o0. Part cash. li leon dius. EXPERIENCED retail grocer under 30 veais with JtOOO. to join local .firm, ref erences asked and given; excellent oppor tunity for proper person. V rite in fulL D .'!!, uregonmn. n FCVIVO and pressing business in a fine v--Lj-:, ' - hir-Ari heln wants location. o iitt i.,. ,:: ' interested partner; says it will pay bet ter than $20 per week each; price $J0O. Call Diniiv v. whoi ESLE manufacturing business es blished 10 years desires active partner with about 4W0 to pcreae output: sood ooportumty for the righf man. AF 302. Oregonian "TTroceries and coxfectio.very. Rent $15. 2 livln(t-rooms. nice fixtures, good stock, of groceries, confectionery, ci gars. toDacco. uu .K- ' at te-ms. 61S eon bhig. KFSTAURAXT on 'Washinitton iTIT good, li ase cheap rent, receipts 170 per day. Il-.'ti ciah, balance to .ult. C 332. Oreeonian. GROCERY Invoice about 1C00; 6 liying- p0o0rruuiye for'''mineand wife. Particular, apply ne.rsonally. cor. E. 31st and iamhill. . : : . i. Ai.v In a ttrtry 1 ectionerV. cicar and Ice cream'parioT. an a smati amount of money buy. this .tore. Owner. BIS Williams se- - LIGHT manufacturing. growing business wl-h a great future, wants partner not afraid o' work. Good pay; requires very little money. u Tvpyjr 4TESSEN and lunchroom netting il'i month, must be sold this week as I am not able to look after the business: 7f. ,-ifi0 W. Kemper. 44 N. 23d. win ",v- for caLE Largest confectionery store in F Medferd Or. well located, fully cqu PP1 fcr cash or good security. William Ulrica rarelve!Megrd. Or fnVFECTIOXERT Invoice about $1600: will discount 20 per cent, part cash, good security on balance. Write for particu lars. H. L. Duke. Gresham OT- PATITVERS r.AWOT AGREE Will sell brand-new paying business, fruit, cigars, news, soda water and ica cream stand; also room for bootblack; prominent, busy .WaEhinsrton-st. corner; 5 year lease. 11000 cash buys all; must act quick. O 368. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED. WANTED Good apartment house or gro cery store. Will give 10 acres orange land near Riverside, California clear, or 40 acres good land in Yamhill County, clear, one or both for good business. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED AN INDEPENDENT SALOON. AC 4S4. OREGONIAN. KOOMING-HOCSE A RED HOT SNAP FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS. Go rooms located on Washington, st. ; rent only 4330; steam heat; 2 years" lease; every room furnished, good furniture. CNo cash required.) Will tiilce lots, mortgage, acreage, or anything valued $2000; come quick, it will not last long. Remember, $2O00 is the price, for everything. Can you beat it? READ EVERY WORD OF THIS. 40 rooms, strictly modern brick, every room furnished, cost $oOUO to furnish; full price $15ih, terms; no housekeeping. Lo cated near 10th and Morrison sts,; enoui;h said, act quick. 19 ROOMS $1150. Good West Side location; rent $M; 3 year lease; clears $IOO a month; cash will handle it; investigate. 11-ROOM TRADE FOR LOT. Very nicely furnished, furnace heat; lo cated near 12th and Main. Price $50. Will trade for lot valued same or sell on terms of $230 cash down. This is a fine - location and a nice home. HERE IS A GOOD BUY. 9 rooms, a little beauty, a fine little home: make all your ext-enses; located on 23d St., just off Y.'ashington ; 4io cash, balance easy payments; furnace heat, rent $42.50. 2 years' lease. APARTMENT-HOUSE FOR TRADE. SO rooms, rent $5 a room, strictly mod ern in every way; the furniture here is verv fine. All you need is some good properts to the value of $3000. There is no Incumbrance of any kind on this place. R. H. GOOD KIND CO.. INC.. 100." -1000 Wilcox Bldg. Cor. 0th and Washington. ' $550 IS THE PRICE. fl-ROOM FLAT, in West Side business building, worth $1000. for it is well fur nished, running -water in rooms, a corner, and brings good prices for rooms. See it Monday. Give satisfactory buyers time on part. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 3-r10 Wilcox bldg. BIGGEST SNAP EVER. 10 rooms, rent only $31; very nicely fur nished ; good renting location; furniture nnlrl i-,.nonrl v for illl : will lukc 4-50 nOWI require $1U0 cash and take out balance in rent or two rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 517-519 Henry Bids;. $100 CASH, fj rooms of fine furniture In nice moa ern cottage. 17th st., balance $400 in easy payments; 4 rooms rented pay all ex penses. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. roi-5in Wilcox bldq. ROOMS, nicely furnished. $40 month above all expenses and good home. This must be sold regardless of cost. See It at onee. ' Only $100 cash required. Call S8 10th (near Stark). MART E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S -LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices. S22-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington. CLOSE IN, 1)TH AND COUCH STS. 5 minutes' walk to Postoffice; ti rooms, not Junk; fSOO. easy terms or part trade. 'Fred W. German. 4HH Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 64-15. 33 ROOMS In heart of city. Good transient trade- brick building, r-lean and making money. Will consider trade. Mrs. DeMuth. Security Development Co.. 4th and Pine. FOR SALE Private hoarding-house, good location, walking distance. East Side, nearly now furniture: cheap rent; phono East 60;1S for particulars. HOTEL OPPORTUNITY. Rest location in city, right downtown, fl .14-roOm hotel; will sell or trade. Call -and' weft me. W. J. Bowler. 143 Vj 7th st. 27 ROOMS, modem, good lease, $150 month profit. Consider soma trade. Call 8S 10th (near Stark). IF vou want an abso.ute snap in a 9-room rooming-house on Seventh St., call Mar shall 30SS. $rt00 TAKES 12-room house, fine furniture, best location, steam heat; a snap; by own er. A E 3S:, Oregonian. FURNITURE of S-room roonilng-hous", close in. West Side cheap rent. Call Marshall ai78. 12-ROOM, good furniture, big Income, long lease; must be sold at once. Call today. 37 Market st. 11-ROOM modern house, rooms full, easy frms. well furnished, 32( N. LHth. 12-ROOM house; rooms all rented; fine place with cheap rent. iJnin (I ROOMS, near- White Temple. $5 or terms. Marshall 412. $500, trade 12 ROOMS, fine location, good furniture, all full: can be bolight right. 21 1 12t h. $325 -Sacrifice; six-r6oms, best furniture; 3 rooms pay rent. 4fi Lucretia st. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair tresses retail at wholesale prices; we rt novate mattresses and return same day; v.o also renovate leathers. Portland Curled Hair Faetory, H. Metzger, 226-226 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOHT On Seventh between Washington and . Salmon, or on Salmon between Seventh and Fifth, a gray silk crocheted bag. con taining purse. Return to Journal Office. Reward. PERSON taking dark brown suit casa marked on ends K. E. R. and top Konde from streetcar at 6th and Giisan at 7 :'M A. M., August 31, express same to K. Konde. Clatskanle. Or. LOST The party who picked up the gold mounted umbrella, with monogram L. M. C. (in Postoffice). and will avoid trouble bv leaving it with assistant postmaster. L.OST One black horse. 6 years old, weight ;liK lbs., with one white hind leg; will pa v reward. Howitt's Stables, SOth st. end Burnside, Montavilla. Phone Tabor PERSON f i nding ladles' purse containing gold bracelet and other, articles, lost on Fremont st., between Mississippi and Maryland ave. Kindly return to 714 Mary land ave. Reward. $130 REWARD for diamond ring lost on Linn ton road. No questions asked. Dougherty. Multnomah Hotel. LOST Small black purse between 10th and East Washington and 14th and Belmont sts.; reward. Phone East 9S. LOST An Airedale pup, male. Return to 4O0 E. 22d N. Answers to name of Sandy. E. fiM7:i. Kewara LOST Red memo book of ciih accounts on Killingsworth ave or Willamette blvd. Notify St. Johns Laundry. LOST A bunch of keys with padlock, on tith st.. between Washington and Taylor sts. Bowne. 5VS Main st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of the estate of F. A. Weyers, bankrupt. I will receive sealed bids for. the stock of merchandise pertaining to this estate lo cated at 66 Grand Avenue, Portland, Or., of the inventory price of $4:43.03, together with fixtures of $730.50, and for a stock of merchandise pertaining to this estate located at Tremont P'ace. Portland. Oregon, amounting to $11S1.74, together with fixtures of $341.50, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, September 10:h, 1012. Bids "will be entertained for the entire property above mentioned or separate bids may be made for the .Grand avenue prop erty and the Tremont Place property. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale is subject to confirmation by . the court. An inventory of the property may be seen at my office and the prop erty may be inspected on application. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 30th day of August. 1S12. Ji. L. SAEIN, 7 First street TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The firm of Georas A Macuee, of 272 Russell st.. have dissolved partnership. Those that have personal bills against H. D. Macuse only shall present thein for payment be fore tne an oi in is monm. NOTICE. Stockholders of the Swastika M. A. D. Co. can learn what is being cone at the mine by callins at the company's office. 821 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. C. J. Don aero, secretary. BARGES for rent' capacitv 4uo tons. Pat tullo. fSfl Sherlock b!dg. Main 1410. proposals Invltea. vOTirE OF SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. The undersigned will receive bids up to 2 o'clock P. M., September 10. for $15,000 School District No. , Benton County. Ore gon. 5 per cent bonds; said bonus to be due in twenty years from date thereof, optional on and after ten years from same date; in denomination of $500 or $1000 each; principal and interest payable at the office of the Treasurer of Benton County, or at a designated fiscal agency In New York City; a certified check for $300 to accompany each bid; the right being re served to reject any and all bids submit ted. W. A. BUCHANAN. Treasurer of Benton County, Oregon. Corvaiiia. Oregon. September 3, 1912. SALE OF CITY BONDS. Dalles City. Oregon, hereby calls for Mcs for the bonds of the city in the amount of the cost of the construction of a sewer age system, which is estimated at $uo.00iJ. Bonds will ie issued in the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars I.5&00) eaca. bear ing date of July 13, 1U12. and bearing in terest at a rate not to exceed per cent per an urn. pavable semi-annually, princi pal and interest payable in L'nitcd gold coin at the fiscal agency of the St.u of Oregon in the City and State of New YToat bonds are a general obligation of Dalles City, due and payable on the 15th day-of July. l'J37. but dalles City reserves the right to pay the bonds at the expiration of any semi-annual Qtr est period at any time after twenty years Irom the date thereof. A complete certified transcript or a.i proceeding on the part of the Council or Dailcs City in reference to the issuance and sale of said bonds has been forwarded to Storey, Thomdike. Palmer & Dodge. No. 735 Exchange iiuilding Boston, llwi.. who have been employed by Dalles city to render thmr opinion as to the regui&r Jty of all proceedings upon the part of tne Council and the validity und legality oi the bonds, and the city's power to levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay tne principal and Interest of the bonds at matuiity, and as to whether there is any local lew or regulation of taxat.on ana exemption within Dalles City, or the coun ty in which said city is situated. affects or impairs the city's nht to ivy a sufficient tax for the payment of tas principal and Interest of the bonds. All bids may be subject to the unconui tlor.aL and unqualified opinion of said at torneys upon all matters subm.tted to them, and no bidder will be held bound ,v his bid unless and until said attorneys leave rendered their unqualified and un conditional opinion in favor of the regu larity, validity and legality of said bonds, and that tbey are a general obligation of Dalles City, and that the city has full power to levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay tne principal and interest of ea.d bonds, and that there is no local regula tion of taxation and exemption with n Dalles City, or county In which it Is situ ated, which affects or impairs the city Tight to levy a sufficient-j-ax for the pay ment of the principal- and interest ot said bonds at maturity. In all other respects the bids must b unconditional. The bonds will be turniehad Xy Da.les City, and will be prepared under the su pervision anil Cirejtion of said attorneys na approved bv them as to their form, regularity and validity. Bidders may cam 9 the rate of Interest, provided always, that it shall not exceed 6 per cent interest, and said bonds can only be sold for par and accrued interest, and bids must d niade accordingly. E.ich bid must be accompanied by a certified check for not less than 5 pr cent of the amount of the bid to be for feited to Dalles City In the event that sa.d bid is accepted and the bidder shaji re fue -to complete the purchase of tbn bonds. All bids mu't be scaled and filed wltb the Recorder ot Dalies City on. or befora S o'clock P. M. of September 7. 1912. The city reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Further particulars will . be Jurnlshea upon request. Dated. Dalles City, Oregon, this 6tb day of August, 1912. GEO. F. RCS3. 1 Recorder of Dailes City. NOTICE! Pealed bids will be received by the County Clerk for recording indexes. Speciiications may be seen at the County Clerk's office. Said bids will be opened by the county court at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the 12th of September, 1012. F. S. Fields. County Clerk. L". S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 72-1 Central building, Los Angeles. Cal.. September 3, 1012. Ken led proposals for dredging at Lop Anceles outer harbor, California, will be received h?ve until 11 A. M.. October 8, 1912, and then publicly opened. Infor mation on application. C. H. McKinstry, Lieut. Col., Engineers. FINANCIAL. THE GILBERT CO.. ' FINANCIAL AGENTS. Room ?07 steams bldg., 6th and Morrison. Portland, Or. Purchase notes secured by mortgage. Unsecured notes. If principal and en dorsers are acceptable. Interest-bearing bank time certifxates of deposit. Parties wishing to sell securities as de scribed above are requested to correspond with us or call in person at our office. WE HAVE $20,000 TO BUY MORTGAGES AND LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES. EQUITIES, ANY COLLATERAL, REAL SECURITY. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDU f ' E D. LAW SON -BROWN IN VESTME NT CO. 1125 YEON BLDG. TEL. M. 878. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the bro kerage of 2 per Cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay to see us. L. R Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Abington bldg. pash PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. , Loans. SEVERAL SUMS $10O to $5(io to loan. 3 mn-j to O vrs .; 1st or 2d mtc. mortgage collateral or contracts. No delay. Call Si Wilcox blds WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and second), equities. F. L Lewis A Co., 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST mortgages on real estate or sale. Mortgage loans on favorable terms. John Bain, 212-14 Spalding bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. U. Miner, no ADingion Diug. MORTGAGES, contracts bought; money to loan. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis bldg. M oney to Loan Real Estate. TO LOAN AT ONCE ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. J15VM FOR 3 Y ISA ItS. $J00 FOR 3 YEARS. S2500 FOR 3 Y EARS. $0000 FOR S YEARS. $ 1 5.010 FOR 5 Y EARS. J H. TIPTON CO.. llo SPALDING BP. TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE. ?:;o oo at 0 pr cent. $H).fnii at per cent. -y Ooo at tt per cent. $u.0oo at 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 1U4 Second St., near Stark. $300,000 ON improved city or farm property, building or small Joans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzie & Co., 514-315-51 Gerlinger bldg TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrall Co., 203 McKay bldg., 31 and Stark. . MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyers Abstract & Trust Co., room 6, Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans on cither city or farm property; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., SOti Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan on first mortgage, any amount; see G. P. Henderson, 214 Cham ber of l ommerce. TO loan, estate moneys In any sum from $500 up at current rates. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey piag.. m ""u oi-e $-000 TO loan on some Portland property for 3 or 5 years. C. DeYoung, 514 Cham- Der OX Lumiuci - LOANS on improved or unimproved real es tate mortgages and contracts bought. W. H , Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. PI ENTY OF MONEY" CITY OR COUNTRY w q ROUNTREE, ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. StVlOO. TO LON ON IMPROVED, FARM. timto 52300 AND $51)00 to loan on improved realtyr 323 Worcester bldg. Phone Main onn n(0 TO LOAN in sums to suit. Build ''fni loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 313, 316 Falling bio T0RTGAGK LOANS AMOUNTS TO KUIT. I E THOMPSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. BKE MR. Rbb. $1000 TO $2dwu to f" ct" "1XLC- " v r w i 1 frt- Hid jr. VIORTG4.GE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. M T.OCIS SALOMON, 229 STARK ST. I-NH-0 for immediate loan on city real estate. Vnlr? U66. ctaTE funds, Pr cent. W. E. Thomas, Vent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. KixroiiSbS-s" prop- rtv 4TE monev loaned on real estate mort Vag'a H. Miley, room 204 Gerlinger bldg. t n s on real estate, diamonds and ew elrv Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. S000 TO S'O'J" to ioau t uuue, wnj ur vfTTvEY any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. V. H Seitz & Co.. 310 Spalding bidg. "ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. HENRY A. TO WNSEND, 226 Stark. MONEY on hand for mortgage loans. Main 108. H. M. Friendly, 705 Spalding bidg. PRIVATE money to loan on first mortgages. Room jui. xvv" "- MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. S LEWIS BLDG. S60OO OH PART for immediate loans on real estate? PhOD6Tabor 771. PRIVATE money to loan 5. 6, 7, 8 per cenL Wm C. Borchers. J07 Oregonian bldg. av'ifut ON improved real estate, no. delay, w; L. Page. 107 Sherlock bldg. $H"K TO $300 to loan for .short time. No de . lay. 207 prcgoojan bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ON CLOSE IN IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY OR IMPROVED RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ASK FOR MR. NEi.LV FIRE INSURANCE. WARD & YOUNGER, SUITE 46 YEON BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST LO.. Mt SPALDING LIG. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on 'city residence business property and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL. 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce, KARTMAN-THOMPSON BAN lv. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have on hand funds for investment in good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, confer with our mortgage loan department. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years time; liberal PJ -raent privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savings & Loan Association, 2 40 Stark st. . $15,000 TQ. $25,000 to loan on close-in, im proved !i?al estate at lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 416 Commercial Club Bldg. MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M'DONALD, 404 GERLINGER BLDG. Money to Loan- Chattels antl Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN. $10 AND UPWARDS YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO. B CHARGE. LOANS MADE uX HOUSEHOLD (iOODS, PIANOS. HORSES, DIAMONDS OR SALARIES. PO RT LAX D LOAN CO.. 207 MACLEAY BLDG. A 2tI7. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 0 P. M. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R S SALARY LOANS ON TLAIN NOTES. $10 TO M"0 CHEAPEST AND BUST PLACE TO 130HUOW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOl'RH. 8 A. M. TO 0 P. M. SATURDAYS UNTIL t P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ 80S FAILING BLDG. It $ SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D. D. Drake :t07 Spalding bldg. A PRIVATE Place to obtain money on watches, dia monds, jewelry, kodaks, guns, pianos. ELBY COMPANY, 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark. WE HAVE clients who will loan you money on real estate, pianos, diamonds, auto or ware house receipts, without delay. Bold Realty Co.. 20 Alder ft. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own nams, cheap rates, eaty payments, oonf iden ttal. D. II. Tolman, mum 317 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladies ar.d gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry, at Eastern rntes. Diamond Pal ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Pi ug Store. WE LOAN "money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rotes charged Dy DroKers, Mark & Bloch. 74 3d st. . IF you want to borrow money on diamonds, call Marshall 3W. You get It for l-ss. MONEY sold on installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 14112 3d. near Abler. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WILL loan your money for ou at the rate of 10 per cent and look aft-r the security, collect the interest and principal when same comes due nnd guarantee you against any loss; best of references. L U45, Ore gon lan. . $2000 LOAN WANTED ON MY 7-ltOOM HOUSE. 50xlm LOT. ON HARD-SURFACE STREET: S PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. F asi. OREGONIAN. w a TF.n Loan of $:i5.0oo for It years 3 H5 acres, irrigated highly Improved. 4 houses, three barns, net Income from tract In IU: is sjM.umf. r oregonian WANTED From private party, $4000 at 5 or 6 per cent for 3 or 3 years, on im- - proved city real estate worth $-0,000. Phone Main 3&fl3. WANT LOAN OF $1500 JN 1 fl-ROOM BUNGALOW. FIXE LOT: WILL PAY S I'ER CENT (NO AGENTS), F 82". O R EG ON JAN. WANTED $2000 on A1 collateral security Principals only; no agents. P 352. Oru gonlan. ".(io I'i'ivHtfi nartv. on 20 acres H River property. 11 acres improved, value ?liiHIH. A ;4. iirpguiiian. $'25 from private party for 6 months, furniture worth $lu0u; will pay 10 cent. V 351. Oregonian. $1500. 7 PER CENT, PORTLAND HEIGHTS 0-room modern house; value $4200. S 347. Oregonian. MONEY loaned for private investors at best rates of Interest; estates handled. Wm. C Borchers, 207-20S Oregonian bidg. sEY WANTED Applications on hund for desirable loans; mortgages for sale. Henrv C Prudhomme Co. SOti Wilcox bldg. WANT $:il0 loan on Portland Heights house and lour lots. A 34". uresmuun. LOAN of $25M or JH-0O on gilt-edge Sunny side property; gcod security. fi lOtm. I WANT to boirow JC00O on $30,000 security for 2 years. A n B4, uregonian. 5225 CHATTEL mortgage, well sec discount for cafh. H 352. Oreg. ured. Will oman. PERSONAL. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. ; massages and k.v.. tin Hnl adav ave.. corner occi dental. "U" car. Phone East S60S, 2553. Opn Sundays B Mrs. Stevens, 13 yrs. Portland's leading palm ist has her late book. 'Palmistry Made Easv." on sale, ob I ' VV illiams ave.. cor. Knott. Office hours. 10 A. M. to 0 P. M. FRENCH packs for bleaching and wrinkles, rnanipitrins chiropody, scalp treatment, shamnoolng. 402 Eilers bldg..- cor. 7th and Alder. THUOW your glasses away; weak eye, made strong; spinal and chronic disease, cured by the late pen.lroy method. Washington St., room 208. 40S4 I MRS EMMA J. BAUERLIX, of Portland, has gone to Salt Lake City to visit her relatives and brother; will be gone for a short timi , Mrs Stevens, IS yrs. Portland's leading palm. 1st has her late book, "Palmistry Made Fasy." on sale. 557 H Williams ave., cor. Knott Office hours 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. HYPEREME and steam bath eliminates all the Ills occasioned hy poor circulation, rheumatism, ' indigestion, headaches. 412 Northwest bldg. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons ewed on, rip repaired. 1.5u month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 301) Stark. JOHN S. CLARKE, telegrapher Anyone knowing himdurmg past year write Box Gr. Oakesdale. Wash. EASTERN trained masseuse treats rheuma tism, lumbago and nervous cases. 123 Sxtli St.. room 2. MISS STOCKS U.VISES. treats rheumatism, lumbago; mental scientist. 18th and ilor rison, W cr- JTrI S. C. MORRISON Sieam baths and masseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago. 33a Madison. A 44TU. Open Sundays, in to 8. EXPERT chiropody; corns, bunions aud cal louses removed; painless method. The .iamo, ZO'I Stark st. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS Switches. 90c: curls and puff., 5c. San. ' itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bidg. 2eKOL The great nerve tonic and .ysIeTn" builder. $1 P box; 6 boxes, JJ. .;UDe. r'lior Drug Co.. -'S9 Morrison st. DIVORCES A SPECIALTY. Reliable lawyer Central Law Bureau B1,V rWhchild Bldg., as. ft JtVashingto"; EVELYN MASON cicnti.t adwseV7nd "p. young people. J4jyi Washina,, , qUTAK Erby. a" Is well. Come "unX r ani- Fle.dneVbidg. ' " HA1K STORE. 120 fcth St.. near WaablnTT H?on7 Better quality hair, any shade. nALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonle BjGts E Davis su Phon. Main VIll v superttuous hair removed. Jirt u Mn Hill.42a Flledrer bidg. Mala3473 fAClAiTbienilshei corrected, moles, wrinkles VTrs Courtright. 711 Dekum. Main M42. VKS POTTER chiropody, electric sweats for rheumatism. ::2i H Stark St. FRENC.K taught. Private lessons. Classes, by Monsieur de Lory, 313 Tllfora bldg. 120 6th M a iv Ii 1 i R H A II. I1A1K. 512 switches. -J5 $0' iti-'.iKh swuc.'.ts -Hair dressing .' -i Fate m;iae Shampoj Manicuring 25c; 5 for - 12 sca:p treatments fcupertluous hair r-:novi-d by e.ccinc ntea,u guarunu-en not to r.turn. $4. $3 and Jti pulfs. only $1.4... Cut hair in any shade; switches anj lenath. Prices half, t-annaiy pariors. 400-412 Deku:n bluj,.. and v : i : u S ton. FEB VET UANribCV. t ju:: e i. lasers; nnesi stock ot" human hair goodr: swiulv-a from it.l,. hi.: hairdrtsi..i;.ic. manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings ma do up I nr.ler 14T 7th. Morrison. Main 3-14. SWEDISH TRAINED Sl'K-m'i .n i u -graduate- rheumatism, nervous and sto.n ach a.lments, unuor physician direc tions: Laths, massage, aj. iai second door south from line. Pho-r.e East 2QQ. L Ankeny car- MANICURING i):r:or. nient. shampooing. ; ui ur.J svalp tie .Niiriliwt' bldg. at- S U S I N ES Dili EC TOHV. Ai.i;;teur K d:ik i-lnlntitaK. QUICK s list. 'Ti vit er Rod: n d for price Washington. Aaa.ert and Anul PICKERING & CO.. as: fillers ar.d buyers ot lion gold. H2'- 4th i ciis, suit-iters, re-liSii-b'i'aue and bul- MONTANA ASSAY UKFK'fci and ore-testing work. 1m Laboratory Morrison st. ELLS & ists and COLON, mti' L'!i-;it a; eei s, cheat Iiington. Attorneys. ALEXANDER & A LE X A Xi Eu, ia w e l s. gen-ral practice. abstracts examined, claims adjusted: collections. 417 Chamber of i. onin.prce hid g. jl roOi'EU, anorne -at -law. tjeiiernl practice, 1424 to ractice. n isi ineia t-x.mii.n. i. . i.-i '.Mill plUg. .V H HI O I .) - ' - DIVORCER guara lute. 5-S l.umb iiteed. -rii'.or. Oi gon bids. Atil;nuitir K;h'ii Ldfting. SHARPEN all a.'yics saiety rnzor blades, 5oc Money must ac- dozen. Ait i.oauc i.i.mis. cum i iSii',, 4th hiropiat tic lli.v-iciniin. DR. TICKNEit. ulumbia A'.nin i Mg-. P' . res. xt star B 2l HI. Theater, a ... llrans and Machine Worka. HARPER'S BKAS WORKS rasscsunM and machine wora. jmi, j. .m. - Coal. COAL ALB 1 X A FUEL CO. BLOCK K. USD ST. WOO D. WOOD lilt A .M tt (hlropxidbsth. WILLIAM, E-telle and Fb's-ie l'e wn . ni o:i v ennnc cniri'tn--i m v.-.--rai-lnrs i;l.rlinB..r bl.lK.. S . W. corn.r M and Al.'.er. I'honw Main CHillOI'liDV unci j.pdi.uriiiu. Hill. Outers 41. r iieon.-r iiiuK. Dau.'ins. WAI.T.. m-u-licii. thr;..-lrp. kuiu.ui ciul Jaiw ev.TV Thurs.lay lilRhti union music. "tin Whori- I ho '."rov. il Uoci. lvof. Wal. WIUnn- Hall. s..'i , . i...1,- twoon ritark anil Oak H. I'lione .Main .1.1.. wall"! nr.,iJ ii r. .-. . , . . lllh. !" "I'"1' ,f . ,.lV, In . " Class Moii. eve.. M to M ii;n;.;ir. . 2d. he: Washington and Stark. HEVTH'S si'tlUDll"011" dally; . .... - .,,.n.Ei,.h Hulilmnrfi o altx. hot- tiscbe taught in' first Uon. Alisky bldg, RINOLElt I Kept. W: ch: Vcademy: Fall term Fri. ; social dance Wed., fat. 2.'.! Morrison. Instruct inn nan. v. Detective Agem-lea. TVTRPNATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY Iml"rvative. reliable, confldenihil. rea sonable rates. Mil Dekum bldg. Main B4-4. Kducal'uinql. STAMMER? Method fo M. L. Hatfield. 101K euro explained frefl. OaRiana, .". Klcctric M"otorw. M)tors & Iiynamos H-M-H Elect. Co., bou-:ht, sold, repair-d. Ill N. Int. M;i In 92 IP. Iuh and Steam. RC'iBER Machinery Co., I. v...,.- t.-i m nnirfnes h nd agents Sex- hollers, gasoline erg ines. "2Sl-2 K. M"rrnn. Phore E. 31 a. Ha; ud I mhreUns. HATS ered. cleaned, repaired blocked, umbrellas recov is;, 4i h. bet. Yam. -Taylor. Ijind tlearing. WE CLEAR LAND, rof. ;14 N. IT. i'hone A Jackola F- Lenther and lipdlnss. CU S I MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Lfathei of everv description, tabs, infra., findings. 7 x STUOWHUIIXIK LEATHER CO. Es "tablished ls5. IMt Front St. , Messenger Service. HASTY Messe ice. Tbono nisei- t.'o.. day and night scrv M ain 33, A 5133. ' I usical. N. W. hCKOOl flrand ave. ; r OF MUSIC moved to 12'..'.ti id.-rn methods in music and art. B 3:;Q3. Eflat EM I L 00 Thielhorn, violin U A 410' acher, pnPil Seveik. , Marshall 32B. M h njua : : .i i i .ui. Vain V.W Arrantrments for p-acticlng. G. E. JEFFEKY, Violinist A- .Mii'icir L",'. ( lessons . Studio i.iiN r.. i J "' : Office Furniture. DERBY Haloy end office furniture. E. Desk Co., 0 ScVflim Ml. Mini . Osteopath le PayMicianw. 415-10-17 "jekum bldg. XJT. I. 1- c.i ,.. i.. llloou.H Nervous ami ' limine M. "4!t; res. Rant or B 102S. Phono. OtflrQ. AGNES M. ;- .V'Tabor 2 2 1 I'uluti. oil, and ;la.H. roAST-MADB lialnt and l best C adapt" to thV Coast, cllnrnte. BASb- HASMLSEN CO., Jol)bcr. paiiuj. oil.. RtSi"h and doors Cor, ad and Taylor. Tutent Atiiirnrya. no",,kI.-t fv.. 11 Board of Trad, bldn- r s -N D FOREIGN PATENTS procured by ' " O. O. irarlln. J05-.109 Chambrr of Commerce blflg. R c WRIOHT, domestic and loreisn pat ent., Infringement cases. BIH Dekum bldg. Talent F.niclncer.. WE develop Inventions and secure Patents, coop & Schmlit. consulilug engineer.. S01 Henry Mdg. Main rawnbrokers. UNCLE Myers In Portland. Collateral Bank; 40 year, fl ijth at. Phone Main 010. l'avlns. tup- Harber Aeplialt Paving Company, uOS 6"S v'ecfrlc bldg. Oskar Huler, Portland. i'ipe. pokti AND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and P 'ffi.'e near hlh and York sts. Main 34X0. rttenographeij MISS E. MARION WELSH. Exrert St.nos rapher. SOS Abington bldg. Main MIS. THF MOLER SAFE CO.. lo9 ?d st. Safes t factory prices: second-hand safes. Kiimrmw. lfamk and show Fixtures. THE l.l'TKE 11(3 iris Showcase Co. CO., branch Grand Kap 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. J'atntH. 4ilN ami ;!(... PORTLAND SHOWCASE 4: FIXTI RL CO.. l?.j NT st. Main 7617. Cabinet work. VHRSH4I L M KG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new "and second-hand. Main 2T0:i. Cabinet work. SceondliantJ (i'tln. .. -.n ii i n ir fur til ture and tools. Zt Wrfce l.aid for reeond-hand clothing. furniture, tools. Marshall 2354. Storage and Tranrtfer. PICK Transfer At Storage Co,, offices C. O. and com se-iarate "iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts ; mnrttOUS -t-HLOt IJIl-t. waiciiuu, I?: fiil-nltnre moved and packed for Fbipping: special rates marie on goods In our through cars . foreiun points. Main o.'O. A and 1 tsnv.nilTi: T K A N S I L II C O. . Generar'traiisf-rrlng and ntorage, safe pianos and furniture moved and Pked for HUiimeni. Main 547 or A 2241 Telephone Oregon tkansfek co.. established is.u. Transfer and forwarding agents. Otfice nd storage 474 Gltsan St.. corner 13th and GJlJan. Phones Main Qi. A 1 1 01. Typewriters. si-, TO will buy a HRBU1LT TYPE WR'TEIt: rebuilt ns good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 3d and Aider- term to suit; every machine guar anteed, fall or phone for representative. Main S5Q0 or A wn. WE are the e::chanye for the largest type writer concrn on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, ail prices. The Typewriter Ex change H51 U Washington et. NEW. rates. eLuilt. P. D. second-hand rentals, at rut C. Co.. 2M Htark. Main 1407. Vaeuuiii t'leaners. ROYAL and GrM. 151 Enct j"th t. Rod Vnruum Cleaners. T,nnt sr.tio. Veterinary f'hooU and CollMgw, S F VETEP1NAKY COLLEGE l.gin "in! No profession offers equal oppm- PL ort unity. Catalogue iref. nei ket st.. San Franclrco. 1S18 Mar-