16 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1912. HELP WANTED MALE. ll't'XO men 1 2 to collect names and ad drepeea of private families, bouse to bouse ruDvmiD?: gooa pay- v aai oeiw. iwi A. M. 403 Swetland bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALK. EXPERIENCED jewelry saleswoman wanted by Te Meier A rriDK cioro. uno mi":' riencea in tne seuing 01 nun-grnur ry. Apply at Superintendent' office be- lore y-i'i A. M. WANTED Exoerieneed bookkeeper an d stenozraoher. Atlyeh Bros., corner loth and Aider at. WANTED. Neat, strong woman in modern country home. Must be good cook, care "i idu; four adults. S3u Der month- Call 164- .Olive St.. University park. fi a i.KStt'OMEX. thoroughly experienced In laces, veilings, embroideries; steady po sition at good pay to right people. Apply tn unerintendent before 10 A. M. The Holtz Store. Bth and Washington. ti-.-.v xr .Afttin. mrf neral housework, $40: also experienced nurse maid, willing iin vfth uostalrs work. 30: t adults and two children In family. Sen- wood 14a- ' COMPETENT woman for general housework small fruit ranch. Permanent position if ,. ..t.i t T.i'i a r mo, Oregonian. - . WANTED Comopetent girl to do general housework in four-room apartment, only two In family. Apply Apt. 47, Trinity Place Apartmenta. . WANTED Good cook, good wages, refer ences required. Apartment 4. Grace ap.. 24th ar.d Nnrthrup. Call between 3 and 3. Telephone Marshall .mo- BALEoMEN for glove and hosiery depart ments; permanent positions; good sala ries. Lennox-. s Specialty Glove, and Hos iery. Store, 300 Morrison at. EYpr.PTKvrRn Kaiesladies for trimmings. laces, muslin underwear, domestics, gloves ana waists. Jtooerta xrus.. -u rison. YOUNG lady of good address, ambitious and bright, to represent a local business firm. Salary. Apply after A- M.. 725 Mar- quam Diag. WANTED First-class lady pastry cook, one familiar with cafeteria work; no oth er need apply. Village Inn Cafeteria, cor. 4th and Hash. sts.. EXPERIENCED schcol teacher wanted. Would like one who could give piano les sons. For further Information apply to F. E. Smith. Dlst. Clerk., Mayviile, Or. GIRLS wanted apply Standard Factory No. 2 Grand ava. and East Taylor. WANTED An experienced nurse for young children; reference; good wagea. tail this morning at rU o'clock, 112 Ihunaan si.. Willamette -ieignts. WANTED Ladv manager for hair goooa. must understand the business complete with good appearance. Reference. AS -, Oregpnian, EXPERIENCED girl wanted in book bina ery. Lincoln McCord Co.. 213 Washington St.. cor. IfI. ' EXPERIENCED salesladies for ribbons, laces, muslin underwear, notions end do mestics. Roberta Bros.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED A young lady pianist for theater, out of town. Call at Foster Hotel at 9 A. M. or 7:30 P. M. Thursday. WANTED Maid for general housework; small family. Apply 415 East 12th st. North. ' WANTED Girl for kitchen work; experi enced cook. Apply 614 Jackson, cor. 21st.. Tortland Heights. Phone Main lfljfi. EXPERIENCED girl for housework. 4 In family : a good home. SOS Clackamas; take Broadway car. SCHOOL girl over 17 to work for board and small wages, call morning ea asr u Phone Main 2392. a v-tf r:trl t'nr nneral housework. Phone E. 3033. 1012 Pacific, in Laurel- hurst. WANTED Girl for general housework, plain cooking, no washing. 6$ Trinity place, be tween UUh and tn. on nmningiw. GIRL, general housework, small famll? . modern bungalow; must be competent references. 40 E. 17th North. two "tti terfenced saleswomen, capable earning J5 to $10 a day. 612 Buchanan hldg.. hours 10 to 12. WANTED Second girl for family of three grown people. Phone Main 2.V7 or call 5S1 Jackson sr.. Portland Heights. LA DISS who can handle a first-class money making proposition call M telling bldg. after 0 A. M. RCSPECTARLE wom.m housekeeper, wid ower's family. Eastern Oregon; wages $20. St. Louis Agency. 253 U Airier. Main 'J. WANTED Girl to go to school and assist with housework; imail wages to atari. Home phone B 19 S 4. REFINED, cultured ladles to take up edu cational work; good wages, teacher pre ferred. O. L. Fields. 751 Thurman. kyperikvckd nuriA for child 2 years old city references: go homo at night; $25 a montn. ssw rortn ta. 2 WOMEN. 1 man. for vaudeville sketch. New York Theatrical Agency. Eliera bldg., suit 510. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, family of two; good wages; Riverside drive. Phone A 3682- WANTED Girl for general housework and Dlaln cooking. 591 Buena Vista Drive. Portland Heights, phone Marshall 1ti-i4 HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. I43fe Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 3St2. WANTED Good mattresa stitchers. Cres cent Feather Company, lth and Harri son sts.. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED Young girl as nurse maid and some general work; one baby 18 months old. 4S5 East 4Sth st. North. Tabor 3333. GIRL, attending school, to help with work; time for study. Good home for a good rlrl. g$P E. 48th st. GIRL fur general housework. Must fur nish reference. Family four adults. East 6691- ACTIVE, courteous girl for delicatessen and lunchroom; $6.50 first week; good board and good hours. 3o3 lamhlil. MRS- HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Washington at-, hear 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 325. WANTED Woman or girl housekeeper for invalid woman : good noma una smaii wages. Apply B23 7th St. WANT one first-class waiter. North Oth. Cabinet Bar. Apply 50 REFINED girl to assist with housework in g ood home; good wages. 542 4th. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply mornings. 776 Overton at. WANTED Experienced cafeteria lunch waitress. Peerless Cafeteria Co.. 104 5th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 309 N. 20th. GIRL or woman wanted to assist in cooking and housework. Call juarsnan si. WANTED Dishwasher. Call 248 N. 17th CJood wages. EXPERIENCED cook for general house work; two In family. Apply 657 Flanders. WANTED Girl for housework, two In fam ily. Flanders St.. flat 6. WANTED A girl for housework in small family. 5SQ 6th St.. cor, of Grant. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Phone A S47S or call 355 tth. GOOD skirtmaker and corset saleslady at once. Apply 2S Fleidner bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Apply 601 East Taylor. WANTED A girl for Phone Woodlawn ?0. light housework. WANTED Competent girl for nd cooking. Flanders st. GENERAL business woman. Ingenue, can f1ng. Room 2 Pant ages Theater. TWO ladv clothes troners. Palace Steam Laundry. E- luth and Everett. GIRL forgeneral housework. 605 East Mor rison st.. near 15th. W ANTED Good salesgirl for out of town; moderate wages. Apply Lowengart A Co. G'KL for general housework. North. Phone East 2fP. 055 E. YOUNG ladv model to pose for art studies. f.T "44. Oregonian. fr RS Practical liners required Immediate ly. Apply H. Llebes Jk Co.. Morrison st. WANTED Girl for general housework, sdu'ts. (W East Couch St.. cor. E. 20h. WANTED Good salesgirl for out of town; moderate wages. Apply Lowengart Co. GOOD positions for competent girls. Room 8041 Central bldg.. 10th and. Alder sta. GIRL to assist with general housework. College. GIRL for general housework. Apply 33ft Park st. SALESLADIES wanted. o., 345 Washln-ton The Roal Clothing v,I Kl. to care for children : aIo a?ftist -cord work. Phone Main S.?. G!RI for general housework; wages $25. 'J 2 A St ijltlt. ?r g--nral houwork. family of 2. Phcnc C 263S- 501 East 26tb at. N. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TO UNO LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING WITH OS WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COM PANT EAST OFFICE). COR. TH AND EAST AN KENT STREETS, OB MAIN OFFICE WEST PARK AND AT. PER. TELEPHONE EAST 36 THE MEIER FRANK STORE 'Require experienced saleswomen for the following departments: Knit Underwear. Gloves. Laces and Embroideries. Apply at Superintendent's office before 9:30 A. 3d. WANTED Experienced saleslady to -take charge or art department selling nana made laces and embroideries. Atlyeh Bros. corner 10th and Alder sts. tTnr tnr nnlilnr nnri general house- worK. 40; also expenencea num? ma.u, willing to help with upstairs work. $3i; two adults and two children in family- Phone Sellwood 14. WANTED Girl who knows how, for house work and niain family cooking, no neavj washing. Good wages. Apply this morning at 11 o'clock. 112t xnurman at., wiiiara ette Heights. SALESWOMAN, thoroughly experienced in na nr nnltorm NtPflilV TlOHltlOn at EOOU pay. Aply to superintendent before IO A. xi. The rioiLz store, otn ana lngton. TWO waitresses out of city). $:.: 2 wait ers. week, fare paid: z cnamuermaias, $25; second girl. $2j; cnamoermam i.oui S25. HANSEN S EMrT Ul- 345 H Wash. St., Room 3. WANTED Expert stenographers, typists and beginners to use me aiciapngnc, iw' tions waiting for competent operators. 405 biters Diag. . HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. MHRl.' PICKERS NEEDED AT T. A. LIVESLEY &. CO.S HOP- vipnn as pnT.l.OWS: 1(H MORE FOR LIVESLET YARD, i.TVP:.l'.V KTATIOV. OR. EL. EC. RY. 100 MORE FOR LAKKBKOOK YARD, CHEMEKETA, OR. ELEC. RY. 100 MORE FOR PERCIVAL YARD, ORVILLE, OR. ELEC RY. 45 ACRES CLEAN, HEAVY HOPS. SPECIAL TRAIN RATES. MT, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR PICK FRri. FREE TENTS. PHONE AT ONCE. ROOM 613 IMPE RIAL HOTEL. MAIN 431. HOPPICKERS wanted for the Bagley ranch near Hllisboro, ur. ninety acres 01 nev crops, best possible picking; iree tents excellent camp grounds; every conveni- ence: only 20 miles from rortiana; ran road station on ranch; only limited num ber required to complete crew, leiepnone A 4913 or Main 2063, or call at room 61 Worcester bldg., corner 3d and Oak sts. WANTED At once; 500 hoppickers for Wigrlch Ranch at independence, ur.; our teams will meet all trains; best ac commodatlons: free tents, . wood, water. etc.; pay 50c per box; register at once at 520 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. Phone Marshall 1S14. Wigrlch Ranch HOPPICKERS WANTED Fifty to leave Friday; fare paid; shacks, good water, all kinds vegetables free. Can easy make sj. to sr. ner dav. Twenty days' picking. Call at once. Room 60S Worcester 'ldg. Marshall 3216. Dorcas. FIFTY or more hoppickers wanted by W. H. Egan. Chemeketa. Or., via Oregon Elec tric; potatoes, apples and piums furnished families; board 20c a meal; will meet all trains: must have tents. WANTED I would like a colored man an wife for housework and gardening; "good pay, good home. Address AC 3ot, Ore gonian. WANTED Man and wife to exchange work for rent of apartment. Manager. 262 Park street. HOPPICKERS Teller's Station, Or. Electric Railway. C. Teller. HELP W ANTE D M I SCE LL ANE O C 8. DOUBLE YOUR PRESENT INCOME. Lean, to one rate moving-pictures: op erators earn $-5 to $35 weekly; ahort hours, easy inside work: prepare yourself for Winter; actual theater experience given. NEW YORK SCHOOL OF OPERATING, 526 h Washington, near 1 7th. MEN and women- to learn the baroer trade In eight, weeks; special inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free; expert instructors; 17 years In the busi ness; 37 schools; a lifetime membership J riven to each student. Molar Barber Col ege. 35 N. Fourth sL. Portland, Or. 125 HOPPICKERS WANTED, F AM IL1ES PREFERRED. INQUIRE AT BELVEDERE HOTEL. YOUNG men and ladles wanted to learn telegraphy; reduced rates this month; great demand for telegraphers; positions guaranteed. Call or address Nat'l Tel lns't, 505 Commonwealth bldg. A COMBINATION bookkeeper and steno- grapner by a manuiacturing concern witn $1500 to invest; salary $75 per month and Investment amply secured. S 348, Ore gonian. KAlLWA Y mail clerks, prepare now. ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific States School. McKay bidg.. city. MEN WANTED. Learn auto driving and repairing: po sitions secured for first-class men; act quick. 309 Railway Exchange. E. B. V. BUSINESS COLLEGE guarantees thorough wortt and good positions, oju Worcester biock. Marshall 2751. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Shorthand, typewriting, boolckeer'ng. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4258. MAKE money writing short stories, or for Eapera; big pay; iree Dooaiet tens now. nited Press Syndicate, San Francisco. LEARN to operate movlng-plctures; full course taugni; secure position, ioia chite bldg.. 4th and Washington. BOOKKEEPERS Get out of the rut; course In higher accounting by expert accountant. Main 7441. 805 Cham. Com. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture play Association, Fan Francisco. SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 269 l4th it. Main 3mm. t-xperx instruction. o rao. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers. 610 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED A Job or position by young mar ried man in store or on:ce; can Keep books, use typewriter, write cards, sell goods, do anything In those lines; best references; at present employed. Address P. O. box 3IH SKILLED bookkeeper, with college educa tion and vaiuaDie general business Knowl edge and experience, and executive ability, well versed m higher accountancy. Is seek ing connection with substantial firm. AV 118. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young married man s trier . ram- ui iiiumriii(?, iiyjii imu eight years successful experience in gro cery and crockery business; can give the best of references. L 33, Oregonian. YOUNG married man with 10 years' ex perience in grocery business (last five in general mdse. . wants position tn high class store in or near Portland; references; $2 a week expected. AV 3 20. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER of ability, temporarily out of employment, wants work for short time. Will take work requiring only part of day. AV 317 Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balances ana state ments, install systems. Gllllngham.' au ditor. 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. COMPETENT stenographer, accountant, ab stractor, experienced on Muitnoman coun ty records, attorney, wanta Job. AC 843, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with lumber and mer cantile experience desirea position. V 347. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT WILL help bookkeeper straighten your accounts ana prepare statement: reasonable. R 330. Oregonian. WELL educated and experienced stenogra pher m-ants position: excellent references. M 34 4. Oregonian. BEGINNING stenographer, with some ex perience, nesires a pcsi..mn un a. nrra of good standing. T 34S. Oregonian. C. J- LAKE, accountant and auditor, 315 Chamber 01 commerce. aiu oo- BITCATIOXS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. TES OR NO. I want to go to high school. I am 3 8 years old, do not chew, drink or smoke. 1 want to work for you for my board. If you think I'm the kind of q boy to carry coming fitness, then write to H. S breve. gen. cel. POSITION as bookkeeper; few hours even ings; experienced, e 354. uregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNO man of 20. good habits, high school education, bo to. rarasre and factory ex perience in the East, careful driver, best references, 'wishes position chauffeur with private family. S 34.. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position driving auto for either puoiic or private -ervice; some gar- ay experience ana ran repair own car; rererence Tumtshed. T 3,u. oregonian. PAINTER with 10 years experience house painting, sign painting and hard wood finishing want work:no objections 10 going out 01 town. r vreguiiimi. YOUNG MAN wants iob running auto; liable and some experience, out 1 want to work up to a steady Job. W 351, Orego nian. YOUNG married man. 28. wishes posiiion ira-i mediately: experienced grocer nwat-cui- ter. clerical: not afraid hard work; will ing and obliging: steady: best reference. Tabor 3240. T ,"47. Oregonian. WE furnish helns for farm, domestic, house- cleaning or contracted jobs, etc. Japanese! Mutual Ala Association, lei. a room 16. 52 N. 4th st., Portland. JAPANESE bov wants a job. any kind, any! time between 7-11:30 P. M. P 353, Ore gonian. ' CHAUFFEUR Middle-aged, careful driver. mechanicical experience, wisnes position. U (jregcnian. STEWARD, restaurant, hotel, club, wants I position ; experienced caterer; excellent I references. J 350, Oregonian. I WANT the brokerage of two or three good lines in Southern Oregon, v 34, ore gonian. ' YOUNG- man with five years' business ex perience," wants position with good, re- I liable firm. W 349. Oregonian. ENGINEER wants situation In city; can furnish reference. H. S. Price, International Jtiotei. A JAPANESE wants ahort hour job, any kind, except evening. AR 342. Oregonian. POSITION All-around cook, strictly sober. Marshall 3740. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BY competent young woman stenographer, nve years' experience in law ana commer cial work; can take charge of correspon dence without dictation! willing and re liable worker; know how to respect confi- dence; references. Address AT 343, Ore-1 gonian. THOROUGHLY' experienced stenographer desires position, having nve years expe-1 rience; references. During day pnone zuain To.., evening wooaiawn .-tu. UOOD stLenosranher for ueneral office work; state salary ana experience. App.y in uwu 1 handwriting, f 547, uregonian. WANTED Permanent position by experi enced stenographer; good appearance, x 331, Oregonian. WANTED Position as assistant atenograph- sr. oa3 Frederick st. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posl. tion. Phone woodlawn aoiz. NO. 3, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position; good city references. East 1872. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires position; references. Main t'. Dressmakers. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, at shop or day. 00s Buchanan bias, juarsnan I 24S0. EXPERIENCED dressmaking done by the day or at home, a jou. EXPERIENCED plain sewer or embroiderer neeus worn oaaij . 1 an jiarsnmi tn. LADIES' tailoring and sewing of all kinds at reasonable prices. L'O.j iiirord oiag. DRESSMAKER will go out to sew by the ay; Ion; experience. Marshall iiHo. DRESSMAKING, $2 per day. Mrs. Allen. Tabor 11UH. AN experienced dressmaker wishes sewing Dy the day; reterences. Main CALL experienced nurse, care maternity, In- valid, aged, city, country; reasonable. A EXPERIENCED nurse. Invalid, elderly, ma ternity; references. .Main 2059, A tub. EX. NURSE. Phone E- 2936. 349 Wasco st. A THOROUGHLY experienced second girl desires port t ion. can jjain ton netween u ana u. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. Mam v-m. a ino. Id iscellnneou. WANTED Care of rooming or apartment- house or chambermaid -tor light house keeping suites and small wages. Phone A RELIABLE middle-aged lady would like care of aged invalid iaay. win io sum n sewing or light work. Wages $30. Call 2S7 13th st.. room 11. Phone A 559. POSITION as office assistant; several years' experience In general omce work. a 7316. rnupRTF.KT ei-l wishes eookina- and gen eral housework, J 35. ia;i iorenoon. woou- lawn 2031. BYVl-Uln experiencea s ri wnn . , , 1 1 housework, prefer small family. vvoou- lawn 3211. 1 WOMAN wants day work, sweeping, clean- ing. washing ana ironing. a iia. CHAMBERMAID wants place in country ho tel, room and board, s aq, uregonian. EX. German girl desires situation, family cook, $40. Mam 2u3. a t! LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun dered, 25c up, by experts, xaoor an. REFINED young lady companion. " wants position 1 ' 348. Oregonian. travellr.g YOUNG lady wishes position as lady's maid. Answer. AC 487, uregonian. WORK wanted by day. Call Main 0383. 316 10th st. SITUATION WANTED F-TVIALB. Misceilaneou- W ANTED Position by experienced suit salesladv, or could give satisiaction in any department; willing and hard worker. H s."o, uregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED AT ONCE Furnished bungalow or apartment iur one or v 111Mt.11-. Young man and his mother. Out-of-town people. Y 349. Oregonian. WE have tenants now waiting to rent first- class houses ana nats. THr FRRli A .TACOBS CO.. Main m9. 2 Washington st. A 6287. MODERN 5, 6 or 7-room house or bungalow with garage; must ne reasuna-Di-. Borden, general delivery, city. ROOM wanted in private home by young nroressionai ana business iut-u. xwuu music. N 347, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Nice room and board in -family I of young married couple, no children; modern home on west Fide of river pre ferred. AG 351. Oregonian. W ANTED Board for - 7-year-old boy, with refined -couple or grown-family. . Country preferred. M S46, Oregonian. FOB RENT- FIVE unfurnished rooms, 267 3d St., $20. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL LENOX. rnrner Third and Main Sta. Thoroughly r.odem and clean, and con ducted as a first-clasa hotel, under the personal supervision of the owners. Spe cial rales by the week or month to de- lrabU parties. HOTEL CADILLAC. Newly remodelled and Tefumlshed; right down town. 3d St., near Jefferson; large, light rooms, with outside ventiia tnnr .50: on 3d St.. $.'; suites $3.50 up; housekeeping rooms, $2.50, fully equipped for light housekeeping; sultea with gas ranre S4 to $5: baths, hot water free; cleanest rooms in town only. desirable people HOTEL SAVON. 331 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building; steam heared. private hatha, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; "rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. FOR RENT Clean and nwly furnished rooms under new management. $2 and up. 4 Burnside t. XII S HYLAND. 4 IK) Morrison; moaern i-ms 1 or ensuite; cswik -a i.. FOB BENT rurnished Booms. ANGELA HOTEL Under new management. 2S Washington rft. Large loboy, finished in mahogany, tile and marble: ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all night and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, . many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, wfcure every effort is made for the cor-iort and convenience 01 its guests; rents Die most reasonable In the city; rooms by the day. week or month. Look this over before locating. Take "W" car at deocr. ett off at .ytu ana w asrtmgtou. ALDER HOTEL. - 4th and A der Sts. New reinforced concrete building, under new management, why not have a room right tiown tewn ? They are well fur nished, right in the business center of the city. All have hot and cold water, many with baths, and all other modern conveniences. Prices most reasonable by month, week or day. investigate before locating. Any car from depots pass with in one biock of hotel. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL. HOTEL MINOCK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213 4th st. 211 4th St. 207 4th at. On Fourth st., running from Taylor to Salmon st. ; brand new brick ; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In alt rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. IX you want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know yoa will like it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade salfcited- HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 Thirteenth tit., at Washington. European plan; new and modern. Private or detached baihs. Hot and cold running water. 4 Telephone In every room. Steam heated. Very reasonable rates to permanents. A first-class residential hotel, under the personal management of the owner, J. W. Bushong. FOSTER HOTEL. Third and Davis Streets. Everything new and up to date; hot and cold water, steam heat and telephone in every room.. Best service for money In Hie city Rates $10 mo. and up. RIGHT DOWN TOWN The Colonial, 105 10th St., corner Morri son; very pleasant rooms. 1st floor, over looking 10th and Morrison; hot and cold water; suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; rea sonable rates, permanent people. Hi.TEt. T.a SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts. Absolutely fireproof, new ana elegantly f urniahed rooms; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones in each room; special rates by tne montn. I'hone Marshall 4049. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 340 out side rooms with hot and cold water and steam heat ; offers special rates for per manent guests; rates 50c to $2 a day; $3.50 and up per week. Phone Main 3-13. THE LIN DELL. Laree. nleasant front room: easv walk- jng distance; all home conveniences; $2, " $2.50 to $4 per woek. 328 4th st. Main 551. HOTEL CALUMET. 150 Park St., very central. European and American plan; homelike service in dining, room at reasonable price: $1 European, $2 American. Special rates per week. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105, Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up: $4 week and up. HOTEL KEN WICK ideal home for busi ness people; centrany locaiea; eiegani rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 blocks from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 919. THE GILMORE. 1311,, 30th, cor. Alder. Well furnished rooms, some jarge iront rooms verv reasonable; clean, quiet place, tran sient and permanent; 50c to $1 a day; spe cial rates by week; batn. ootn pnoneg WHERE DO YOU LIVE? HOTEL CLIFFORD. American and European Plan. Every modern convenience. Low rates. East 6th and Morrison, near Grand ave. A HOME for you; Hotel Bradford, complete ly roiurnisnea; nut nu cum .ir 1 . prjva.ee baths, ootn prwuw, tur ner 12th ana totarK. NICELY' furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, alEO nouseaeepui iwuo, u-ijr pperea, running water close In. 323 34th, cor. Washington, rnone .-naranaii .joj. -in -L-i-iii wont a aood rouni In a aood loca tion at a low rttio ; 11 xi ulc, x-arraoee. 227Mi Larraoee St.. j-aat aiue. .cast -. HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished rooms witn an muuero uuuvcuietB, am and Main. thr KING. 309 Jefferson Nicely furnished rooms, cneapesi anu ie-i in t-iij-, ciose to business center; $-wweeKup. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11TH ST. New, strictly modern, private baths and mites: rooms. 33.5 perweea up. Jd. W47-, LARGE corner room. 4 windows, 2 beds. very reasonable, rignt oown town. 3d st., near Jefferson,, HOTEL BENNETT, 226 Taylor, new and modern, rates neasonaDie. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished room, steam heat, large closet, electric llgnt, not water any time, 1 block from Sunnysiue carline, vicinity Hawthorne ana Washington High bchooia, walking distance; rcasonaoie. ast jou. NICELY furnished room in private family to let to gentleman. $12 per montn, in cluding bath etc., five blocks from new Steel bridge on the East Side, easy walk ing distance. Phone East 4027. IN Laurelhurst. new bungalow, elegantly fnrn shed room ror 1 or z gentlemen bath, phone and use of library; breakfasts li desirea; rennea norae; mrn-tu uc. cr 1 block. East B!K5. ijk'.s kak .k room ior xeuiiinuu. nui am Hnn nnTo larce sleeninir " c' -- l j V Durcn. at? uiii 0.1c- ucu, uu- "-- n . Park Marshal 4210. FOR SALE OR TRADE; Grocery store with confectionery, baKery. ice cream, cigar-. tobacco, etc.; living-rooms; goou location rent only $15. 882 Williams ave. EAST ROOM, 2 windows. $4 per week; hot tvHtAr hat hath, nhone: eleht blocks from Olds, Wortman & King. 414 Market st.. corner 11th. .1 1 ;jh'P the room for two nice schooiDoya third floor; bath, mending, some launiry; mother's care; $15 each. AS 345, Ore gonian. SPLENDID large, also amall sleeping rooms newly furnished, hot running water, nam. $2, $5 ; rates by montn. t a touca, cor. ISth. BUSINESS gentleman may secure room furnished different tnan oramaniy renteu up-to-date private house; breakfast if de sired, phone Marshall 3756. AN EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE ROOM. koTv furnished, modern home: quiet, refined neighborhood; easy walking dis- tance. 4uo& .parte. 17S 16TH ST., between Morrison and lam hlil. l have two iurnisnea rooms, iurii.ee heat, bath and phone $2.&u ana t.ou per week: look these up. BEAUTIFULLY furnished parlor for two young men or would tane man anu hb ana anow mem to uu n&ni. -im-ivi-s, Side. 466 Main. Phone Main ow. 4m 11TH ST. Lara-e rooms In nearly mod ern home, suitable ior two gntieuicu. breakfast optional. TWO neatly furnished rooms; gas, elec tricity, batn ana pnone. n . Phone A 4S49. T v Y nV len-ln TrtrtmH. for twO OT lnOTe, se-narate heds. ilk moaern nuusr, ",uc' prices. 315 22d St. N. xir.T furnished front room, steam heat, electric light and batn. pleasant locauon. reasonable. 403 lotn. iiat v;. ELEOANTLY furnished large. room for one or iwo; running i-ater. beautiful grounds, 4 blocks from P. O. 265 eth -re w v ri-.tr-hM front room In modern home, walking distance; nni, xi E. Madison. Fnone a sail. vrrn v rnrnkhori rooms from f - weekly. easy walking distance, .pnone. 000 nasu- lngton. ' r.ARftE heated room, private entrance, 7 min. P. O.. very reasonable to people em ployed. 367 lOth LARGE parlor, ideal for 3 young men, fire place, private wasn room, 1 uuumg ter, sn ween, su moniii. tri -j -i. LARGE, handsomely furnished room and kitchenette, choice location, ruooiul-i clean. 265 13th st. $3 WEEK Front room, 5 blocks from F. O. ientiemen onij . au jvih. NICE, clean, newly lurnished rooms, suit able ior two; private noma, ou cn I LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun dered, 25c up. by experts, xaoor on. $10 MONTH, pleasant, comfortable room. Nob Hill; bath, phone, etc. 123 N. -3d. YOUNG woman wishes congenial roommate; good boardlng-nouse. jai n an iai. COMFORTABLE bedroom for rent. 541 Kerby RN1SHED front single room In steam- heated apartment. Main 7594. LARGE, pleasant room, every convenience. use or piano. 001 -inn. CLEAN, pleasant room. Glisan st.. near 21st. a i-w. ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. 2: i4tn. Krone xain sm. $i..vi PER WEEK, small, well ventilated roo . lit n si. FRONT room, on first floor, reasonable. 26: 12tn st. SUNNY front room for gectman. West tiae. private x-oniiy. aiain. 4. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. PLEASANT room, large bed. fresh and clean, best silk floss mattress, porcelain bath, phone, furnace heat, vicinity Wash. High School, walking distance. Best car service in city; $2.50 a week. Might give breakfaft. Phone East 44;;S. LARGE newly furnished double and single outside rooms for gentlemen, strictly pri vate family, modern, corner house, 1 block rfrom several carlines. every convenience, " home comforts; references. 120 E. 13th. comer of Alder. Phone East 5148. EJntornifihed Room. FOR RENT Very reasonable, single base ment room: heat and hot water. Phone Marshall 1513. THREE clean, li?ht. attractive unfurnished rooms. Irvington, yard, references, $20. East 5405. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. THE PARK VIEW, 386 Montgomery SL. Cor. West Park. High-class family hotel, everything new. modern and up to date, with private recre ation grounds, home-like, with large, light, airy rooms, at popular prices. Call and convince yourself. Main 3783. THE LAMBERSON. 554 Couch st., has been thoroughly renovated and has to rent a few attractive rooms, single or en suite, with modern conveniences and good table board; both phones ELTON COURT. Vow under former management. Very desirable rooms, excellent table. home cooking: ntn ana lamniu sta DOES a home appeal to yon? THE WHlTS HiU, f-nr. tith and Madison: large rooma bath, broad veranda; quiet, close in, near car; 4 blocks irom r. u. American pia-a. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, free baths and phone; rates reasonable. The , Alamo. 326 Stark st. CHOICrc stnele and double rooms, excellen table, home cooking, warning distance, reasonable. 33 N. ITtli st. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 24th year rooms with board use 01 sewing- room. brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. MAN1TGU. 261 13th at. Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat, good board, close la. THE HAZEL. Furnished rooms with board; running water; steam peat, aso aa st. NICELY furnished front room facing the park, with nrst-class Doara. .n rar s Rooms With Board in Private Family GRANDESTA GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. 9l. iTvnpp tcv.vv i A'AnRMENT. New brick building, newly furnished private phone and bath In each apartment elevator service : walk In e- distance. Bum mer rates $22.50 and up. .Phone East 28. CLEAN, airv south room, suitable for on or two gentlemen; also east and wes mmriH hpiit. ll-ht. hath andnhone. Goot home table board after October 1. 40 W. Park. Phone M. 4701. EXTRA large rooms, all newly furnished, suitable for two or more: separate beds home comforts; walking distance: good board $5.50 and up. Main Cibl. OUi Har rison, near l-itn. ROOM and board, reasonable; 1 large front room suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen; eiec trie 'light and bath; table board if da sirea. o-iu i.ovepoy. WANTED 2 or 8 nice men boarders or man and wife. laree. weii-ri'.rnisnea rooms an pleasint home; prices right. Phone C 1108 or Woodlawn 1737. R. W.. 6W union ave, Nort h. ICE W furnished room with board, man an wife preferred, close in, West Side; all home conveniences. 468 10th. near Jack son. d-j u. .ir.PFRRsnN Room and board, pri vate family; rates very reasonable. Come and see. no tbA -ri-rifnrt of home anneal to you If so. call at 57 Trinity Place. Modern, newly furnished, home cooking. INVALID or old people cared for. Kind treatment modern home; references ex' changed. Woodlawn 2954. C 3151. Knn itt t.i. district, nleasant rooms, horn cooking. 655 Kearney St. phone Marshall 3978. ROOM with board. Cail 389 Taylor; private boardlng-house! REASONABLE rates, modern home, walking distance. Sa"J luth st. main cam. TWO nleasant rooms, large porch and grounds; excellent board. Main 80 it LARGE room suitable for 2 gentlemen, with hoard. 655 Irving st. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, good board. 656 Glisan St. ROOMS and board, reasonable. 595 E. Oak, .cor. E. 35th st. Kast ou--. FIRST-CLASS room and board, one or two In private family. n r. Z-ist. main 4.u. NICELY furnished room, excellent board, sleeping porch if desired. Phone Main 9031. TWO young men. room and board. East Side Close in. AL rt-ta. ureiuuiun. FIRST-CLASS room and board; reasonable fine location. 617 Kearney. West Side. $20 Single front room, all new, modern conveniences. 8S 17th. -near Everett. vtcr rooms, e-ood board; splendid location; modern conveniences; $25. 750 Lovejoy st. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUK SERVICE WHEN. HUNTING APARTMENTS. Fnrnishe.d and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $00 per month. If you want one, teiepnone 0-1 Siirtdavs or Main 2015. Evenings call A 2015 Mr. Berry, Main 21S1. Our automobile will rail at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. We own or control the following: ' Angela. Washington Trinity Place. Cecilia, 22d and Glisan sts. Clavpoot. 11th and Clay sts. Ford ham. 3 70 Ford st. Grandesta, Grand ave. and East Stark. Hanthorn. 251 12tb st., hear Main. Hanover, 105 King St.. near Washington. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11th. Sheffield, 272 Tin St.. near jetiersun. St. Croix. 170 St. Clair st.. near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt Bts. Wellington. 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE, 502-508 Abington Bldg. "SAY." If you can't find what you want, come to 286 11th st. and your troubles will be over, for I can and will show you the cosiest, cheapest and largest two-room apt. in the city, very close in. Seeing Is believing, just try iu. 1 tttt-'V apts fith and Monteomerv. and 3-room furnisnea, moaern, u quiwuc rooms, 7 minutes' walk to business center. Phone Marshall 137 THE LOIS. 704 HOYT ST. Verv larce three-room apartment, with sleeping porch, also four-room front apart ment, IHrjjP llMJing. nn'x in pl H ADDON HALL, 13th and Hall 2. 3. 4 rooms: furnished or unfurnished; moaern; narawooa xioara. private balconies: Summer rateg. EVELYN APARTMENT, 267 N- 21ST ST. 3-ronm iurnisnea ana uniurnisnea apart ment, every modern convenience; low rent. Phone Main hm. THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis sts. 3 rooms, luruieneu or uniurnisoea references. DESIRABLE 4 and 5-room apartment; gas range, steam nrai, nui ana - coia water. walking distance. Main. THE H ELMER Apartments, 53 N. 38th; light nouseKPeyuiB, iu o per ween, phone A 1339. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia sts. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished: modern. WANTED Business woman to share nice apart c 11 l m"l"' -ih -umn , snap. 349. Oregonian. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19TH. 2 3 and 4-room apartments; new brick building : new furniture. Marshall 3658. KEELSR APTS., 14th and Clay Beautiful 3 and 4-room umurinaiKruBpnnmeniS, new brick bldg.: electric elevator; references. ROSE FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson sta Verv cesirar!- umui uin- ui mjenia, ail outside rooms: hardwood floors: refs. KEARNEY Apartments, 5 rooms and bath; steam heat; rent Appiy janitor, ; Kearney at. THE DRICKSTON, 44S 11th. Nlcdly furnished 2 and a -room modem ouUlde apts.. near Heights. Mrs. F. W. jacuune. Marshall 57. BEAUTIFULLY furnished three-room front apartment; ime ne riK.eroocKer. 410 Harrison. Apply after 10 A. M. THE FLORENCE. Beautifullly furnished 3-room modern apt. Marshall 4174. 388 11th at. THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington st. new ly iurnisnea. a " -muiu .--. service. Cheapest rent In city. N .mgr. thv LEOSCE, 386 N. 22d. near Johnson llfUUy lurm-ucu ch--"-""- ny- THE EI-"IS Furnished apts., $16 and . up. 1 14in, . IRIS, COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 5 large rooms; modern. THE Ormonde Modern. 4-room apartments THE Birmingham, 380 3 2th sL, 2 and 3-room furnished; wanting Ui-mn-g. amraiian EJELLAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unfuri-lsaed. iiain 1001 - THE LAURETTE. 1 furnished 3-room apart ment; private bath and phone. 229 llih st. THE BRYN-MAWR APTS., 185 E. 35th. near xaoinui, m-n-u ywim. FOR RENT Apartments. THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. 2 and S-room furnished apartments, pos. aessing every modern convenience. Driven telephone, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam dryer; most ai tractive entrance court In Portland. Select clientele provides precisely the surroundings aesirea lor your lamiiy. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. NOKOMIS. Marshall street, near 17th New, beautifully furnished; most reason' able rates, best service. ARDMAY TERRACE, 12th and Harrison sts Large living rooma, lex-u; ev ery convenience. ALTON I A, Marshall and 19th Ms. Large, airy. 2. 3 and 4 -room apartments met and exclusive neighborhood KING-SBURY. Ford street, near Wash lngton Unfurnished 3 and 4-room apartments; beautiful view; every- thine: first-class. THE WHE E LD ON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sta. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon tiuk Walktne Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-roo apartments; buildings new and strict. mocern;. service nrst-ciasa TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Larget! ana nnest apartments on the facin Coast; In Trinity Place, Juat off Washing ton, between 19th and 20th sts.. In bear1 or apartment-house district: moaern every particular; high-class service; re- nnea clientele; Sleeping porcnes m everj apartment: furnished and ubf urniahed prices right ; references requk ed. Se Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent, hall 1101. Mar THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built- in buffet and writing desk, gas range, lea dox. plenty or closet rooms, ootn p nones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want someth ne nice, come to the Barkei 3-room basement apartment, $15. phones a Marshall 2itti. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed most magnificent fur rlehed apartments in the Northwest, lo- ' cation perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones tn all apartments; high-class service; reference J required. Main 2270 and A 737. THE UPSHUR 26th and Upshur sts.. fur nished 2-room apts.. $15. $18 and up: in eludes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apt. ; private phones, pudjic oatn, electric llKhts. iras ranees, laundry room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apt. with private oatn, ls; 4 rooms. 2U. ae a. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859. rHE WASHINGTON. 6S9 Northrup St.. nea 21st; 6-room unfurnished apartment, with all modern conveniences, bath, telephone, gas range, refrigerator, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas, electric light, janitor service, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376. A 1133. AVALON APARTMENTS. The largest, airiest, lightest 3 and room apartments In the citv: orivit Phone, steam heat, finelv furnished, sleep. Ing porches. Janitor service, new 3-story comer ones; uiacKamas ana noss sis. Phone East 3965. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Cor. 3d and Montgomery; 2-room apart merits, furnished complete; building new and strictly modern. elevator service walking distance; rates $25 to $32. Main mats. SUMMER RATES. A newly furnished 3-room apt., $22.50: all ou tsl d e. large, light, ai ry rooms, pri vate phone, bath, gas range, refrigerator. water neater, launary trays, large cioseta, on carline. Tabor 22t3, H 3041. THE WESTFALL. 410 Fifth, corner Hall. TJnder new management: light, airy, and 4-rooin apartments; every modern convenience and automatic elevator: to $40; references; furnished and unfur nished. T H V. PHITSTPR 'RI'T? V nt h nnrt Tfflrnv residential hotel and apt., dining-room in connection, 8-room furnished and. unfur nished apts. very reasonable rate. Every modern convenience. Also sinele rooma References. Miss E. M. Bowe, prop. Mar- h-II 7K4.. A 44S. THE GLENDORA, 39TH AND COUCH. I block from Washington; furnished housekeeping apartments, single or suite; also furnished rooms; rent reas onable: large parlor with piano and pool and blllard room free to guests; large lawn. CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Colum bia sta.; very cnoice ana a-room iur nished and unfurnished apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing thi park; 5 minutes' walk from business cen ter; best service. prices reasonable. THE IRVING, 689 Irving St.. September ft. a I) -room umurnisno apartment; bib. a 4-room unfurnished; one basement fur nished room; modern conveniences; rates very reasonable; reference required. Phone a CARMELITA. Jefferson and 3th Streets. 4 and 6-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. THE BERYL. Two and three-room apartments; large rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool and airy for Summer; reduced rates. Phone Main 7755. 696 Lovejoy st. Take "W" car. THE SHEFFIELD 4-room apartment, un furnished: aniend d arrangement, an out side rooms, private bath, direct Pacific phone, reasonable rent, superb location, near P. O. : best of service. 272 Seventh St.. cO'. Jefferson, tteierences. THE DEZENDORF. n IftTH STREET. NEAR TAYLOR. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished IJ-room apartments; every modern con venience: pleasant surroundings; - conve niently located to cars. THE PARKHURST, N. 2uth and Northrup Sts. MATT KAUFMAN. MANAGING OWNER, Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments, all outside rooms, balcony to every suite. REFERENCES. PHONE M. 1178. SERENE COURT. v. isf and Multnomah sts.. Just com pleted: the finest and moat up-to-date 2 and 3-room apartment nous 111 tne jsortn west: finest view; close in; furnished and unfurnished; references. East 142.. THE LUZERNE. Corner 8d and Hall, newly furnished, 2 room arcrtmenta building new and strict ly modern, large outside kitchens, service f Irst-class; easy wanting distance. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside s-room apartments; mo J me beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er. Janitor service, $22.fi0 to $30. Including lights, private phones. A 3472. Main 1377. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th St.. at Market, new corner brick. 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping: walking distance; prices reasonable. For information call Main 173U. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 15th and E verett 2. a an a room s. un rurnis ti ea, private baths; 1-0 up: completely reno vated, under new management; walking distance; convenient and best set .-. ROOM apartment in new corner brick building, completely furnished. Including table linen and silver; service nrst -class. The Winston, 841 14th st., at Market. the Mckinley apartments. East 7th and Morrison sta Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, com plete; private baths; from $20 to $32.50. THE MARLBOROUjGH. $ and 6-room apartments ; choice resi dence district, walking distance; every con venience. 21st and Flanders sta Main 751ft. BURCH APARTMENTS Beautlfuiy fur nished 2-room aparimnis; oain, aressing room; new, modern, reasonable. 110 21t st. N. "W" car from depot. ULIAETTE, 2d and Montgomery 2 rooms furnisneo ann unrurnisneu ; monern, in cluding private phone In each apartment. Reduced Winter rates commencing Sep. 1. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison sta For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. KATHERINE APARTMENTS, centrally lo cated, 73 rooms rurnisnea ana uniurmsnea apartments; rates reasonable. 149 N. 23d st Marshall 2603. :2.50 3-room well furnished apartments, private bath. Main 3662. MODERN upper 5-room flat: fireplace, fur nace; open arternoons. iia Kearney su Mornings phone East 2621- ROOM flat, $20. near S carlines. 337 Sac ramento, between Union and Wllhama ODERN 5-room flat, ltjl E. 17th at,, rent $22.50. Marshall 4317. corner. STEAM-HEATED flat. 5 rooms, close in. responsible tenant, adults. 5t4 loucn. "ii 11TH ST. Newly furnished three-room flat, modern home; every convenience. OHERN 7-room flat. 161 E. 17th i rent S22.5U. Marsnan 4ji, cor., upper. EW modern upper 6-room flat with attic. for rent at &JS & Columbia at., $:. FOR RENT. Flat a. FINE flat of 6 large rooms, well lighted, hall, bath and attic, furnace heat, on Washing ton near 10th. very con ven ient ly arranged and Just the location for a man who wants to be near his business; verv reasonable. R. F. Bryan. 505 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 1103. A 1227. COLONIAL flat, 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, best arranged fiat In the city; all outside rooms, most desirable residence location, best rent proposition in Portland, $30. Phone East ISift. ISOLATED lower flat, newly papered, palm ed, eiec trie, gas. bath, shades, refrigerator, largo yard, fruit, ideal home, snap to quiet adults; $15; water free. 1213 East Taylor. Sunnyslde. 6-ROOM flats. West Side, on corner in very desirable neighborhood; furnace, fireplace, stationary tubs, hot water coll. etc.; one block from two carlines. See them at 22d und Kearney sts. 4-ROOM modern, ground floor flat, gas and electric light, stationary wash tubs, ga range, window shades. i.93 16th St., near Montgomery; walking distance. Telephone Main 3098. $25 6-ROOM flat, perfect light and con veniences. East 9th. corner Schuyler; take Eroadway car. Keys at apartments across street. FIVE and 7 rooma. 127-129 12th St.. and a modern 8-room flat, and a 6-room house, 693-697 Everett; rent reasonable. Kheeiy Bros. Main 8072. A 24 UK FIVE-ROOM upper flat. strictly modern, newly tinted, gas rangf. Dutch kitchen, fiont porch: 32 blocks from business sec tion; rent $20. 44 HU. near Kith. A. LOWER 6-room modern flat, all large rooms and a large shady porch and plenty of yard ; a fireproof garago if desired; good neighborhood. 230 N. 18th. NEWLY furnished 4-room flat ; modern; gas range, phnne, bath; walking distance; reasonable. 571 East Morrison ft. between Kith and 14th. I'hone East 45M1. FOR desirable tenant. 6 rooms. modern West Hide, nice yard, good porches, walk ing distance. Main 1809. $18 Modern 4-room upper Ilat, walking distance, 62S E. Main. Phone East li'7. TWO 5-room flats; desirable location. East 8th near Burnside. Keys at Woodward Rental Office. KM 2d st. Rent $0. FOR RENT Modern nve-room flats. $18. E. Ninth and E. Yamhill. Tel. E. 3498. or H 3 ai 5. NO. 7S4 GLISAN ST., 5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, large porch, very attractive, t $25. Marshall 4547. $2i Small, neatly furnished flau with sleep ing porch, cnoice location, on jj-cuiiom, Letwen ISth and 19th. WEST Side, talking distance, 8-room flat. gas ai:U batn. gas cooaer. neater. -- 'anle st.. near Tilth and Mill. ti-ROOM flat, West Side, lrtth and Couch; no carrare; lurnace, nrepiaee, noc-waier coil; adults. phone Marshall 3540. SIX rooms and attic; modern; built-in con veniences, gas range and neater, steam furnace; choice location, phone East 113". $:!, 50 For rent, modern 6-room upper flat. 1 -. ,. I ti.,.1. 11 t UIHn Phiina Vnmt 3756- . MODERN. 4 and 5 rooms; 10.18 Cleveland tve. ; U can. Phone wooaiawn mvo. 6 AND 7-room flats, heat and Janitor serv ice. Z2d and Johnson. Key at in. FLAT of ( rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt aU Inquire 13P 6th at, rnone Main 5-ROOM flat. 6115 Glisan ; 4-room flat, 425 Northrup. mono main ai"a. MODERN 5-room flat, 17th and E. Burnside or East 1619. 5-ROOM lower modern flat, walking dis tance, inquire 2M naisey st. MODERN 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash lngton sts.: reasonable. Main A FLAT of live rooms and bath. 598 Salmon st. Key at ew baimon. JUST vacated, 6 rooma, upper unfurnished i. .- -.-.--h TflC Inhminn at MODERN FLAT 6 blocks post office. In quire Marlon V. Doipn. hit jwonawK ning. UNFURNISHED 6-room flat, modern, and large yard. noaney ave. rmsj. iodo, MODERN 5-room flat. 5th, near Jackson, West Side; 10-min. waiK. Main or a Housekeeping Rooms. HELENS APARTMENTS. NOB HILL DISTRICT. 16th St., car to Marshall, 3 blocks west to No. 250 19th st. North. IF YOU ONLY KNEW. Someone is overlooking nice, clean, well furnished two and three-room apartments; rates very low; bath, phone, walking dis tance, occupied by nice people; must be seen to be appreciated. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta Fur nished for housekeeping; gas rang-, eiw trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best In the city for the money; short dlstane from Union Depot Take S or 16th st, cars north: get off at Marshall st. No doga THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sta. Fur nished 2-room apis., fio up. m- steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, public bath, electrla lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free Take S, 2Sd or W cars north. Phone Main 859. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean as wax; fully equippea. inc-iy luiuwii-u, suites with new gas ranges. $4 to $.. right down town. 2S86 Third St., near Jefferson; baths, hot water light, linen washed free; desirable people only. NEATLY' furnished 2-room housekeeping suites; sink, gas, oatn, viwu, ,T,r'-" trie lights; very reasonable rent; walking distance. 872 E. Clay, cor. Union, off Haw thorne. The Dunford. $1.50 TO $3 Per week; clean, cool iurnisnea housekeeping w""i" -.-.-... phone, yard, gas; suitable for 3 or 4. 40 Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton at. U car. THE MILNER. 3504 Morrison, furnished ot unfurnished nouseaeeping prii-ni, conveniences; close in; Summer rates. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. East 8th. complete ly iurnisnea nouse-ieeyi ble. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concreta building. -Tione wooaiawn or -q NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. 6U Grana ave. in. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished. Please call ana see. mim s. Housekeeping Rooms ill Private Family. !7 FRONT and back parlors, newly fur nished for nouBCKeeping; Ammwi -pet. linoleum, sink, porch, yard; no ob jections one child. 182 E. 23d St., cor. Yamhill. "SS" car. ' ONE or two responsible ladies or married couple to share iurnisnea r v reasonable rates. 607 Belmont. NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms; gni range, pnone ana pain; no umuisu. 15th st. North, near Davis. ICELY furnished front housekeeping apart ment, ail conveniences, priuo no children. 2S8 34th. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping -room s, wlth sink, compieie. whuoi wv-.i,w,.. N. lrtth st. , WANTED Responsible couple to nara modern flat, close reasonaoi. a. Stark. Phone East 6252. TWO large H, K. rooms, f iv per montn , two beds it aesireu; use vuuuv uu, 975 E. Stark, S-S car to 33d st. TWO housekeeping rooms and large sleep ing porrji, iui ULB111.-U, -.-W1.LU eluding bath, phone, water. Phone B 1856. 2 r,o 3-room suite well furnished, adults only; g1-.? range, bath and phone. Wood lawn 149. FRONT suite, 2 rooms, completely furnished. m n1 am a n rt un-io-uaie in rvriy rrsiin $23 ; Inspection Invited. 667 Everett t. TWO rooms. completely iurnisnea ror housekeeping, nas range, pru&m purm, fireplace, furnace heat, laundry. 475 Clay. " PARK ST. 3 large, clean housekeeping rooms, connecting nam, guo, r.ietuiw. phone; very select. ' CLE A N, attractive furnished housekeeping- rooms, suite, aiso single witn kitchen; bath. 43 4th st., cor. Harrison. 189 13TH Two pleasant rooms, completely furnished, modern, gas range, nam, iaww adults. $18 monthly. ) SALMON ST. 2 nicely furnished house keeping rooms; modern, central, resson- able. ICELY furnished housekeeping rooms 67 N. 14th sL between Davis ana -vr... AND 3 housekeeping rooms, nice, mod rn. steam heat. 234 East ISth. TKKEV unfurnished hourekeeping rooms, all modern conveniences, onn ver. HOUSEKEEPING suits, $10.50, $8.50; tenl 2S Halsey. $4.50; iree ruei. INGLE housf-keeping rooms. heat, phone nd bath. 221 13th st. ICELY furnished housekeeping suites, pia no. 227 E. Cherry, near end rieei urmK. .i.ivin-.rnnm n.ntrv. kitchen, bedroom and hath. mMern. East 4201. ROOM hou keeping suite Phone, gas. bath. 721 1st. opp. Fi ailing School. THREE desirable rooms completely fur nished for housekeeping. oi otn st. pit. furni.hod suite: rat range. Dhone, bath. $16 per month. 312 Columbia st. TWO large, dry. airy basement rooms, 2 beds. 13.50 week. 181 11th st. OR 3 large light newly furnished rooms, 7 min. P. O.. reasonable to adults. 367 10th. COSY housekeeping suite, furnished, $1. pei month. 58 pettygrove. Main a.-.'. EWLY. beautifully furnished housekeep ing suites. $12.50 up. 405 Clay near 14th. $1 HOUSEKEEPING! suite, front; gas, fcath, heat. 625 Marshall st. Bedroom $6. .11