THE 3IOBNIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. 3 NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans .'4,000 end aw CE5TRAL BUSIM;? PHoPETtt LOHtI C C KllK-VT KATES. WM MAC MASTER ?1 rbtt Hid. REAL ESTATE DEALEBS. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 60S McKay bid ff., H. 64V. Chapin & Horlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce Jennings to., .nam io. v , ... PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-40&-4M VVliCOX DiCS- . The Oreg-on Real Estate Co., Grand ava, Multnomah at. Hoiladay Addition).. REAL ESTATE- For Sale Lots. bCMS good buys on West Side: sTftrt View lot. 2 blocks from car. $730 View lot, 2 block from car, cor ner. $ 1500 Walking distance, rustic sur roundings, nice environment with induce ments to nome ouuaers. $-000 Choice residence lot In estab lished neighborhood; on Portland Heights. S3.:;0 l,oou sq. II-. view, uuso to uwr, Gretnwiv. Portland HeiKhts. $1000 3 blocks from both carlines on Portland Heights. $tu0G Residence site, secluded, nature view. , s&00 High -class residence site, select. view, near car, close in. Many others that are exceptional buys. Dealers In West Side Property. 835-S37-f39 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Lots 17 and 18, block 25. Fair port, 4675. This is certainly a snap MOODY LAND COMPANY. 101H Chamber of Coir-memo Bldg. Main 37. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a hont at a leu cost than the ordinary buiider and at the same time finance it lor you, A. D. DARLING. 407 Yeon Bidg. Ms!n 1035. A 4773. TO THE MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL. I hitvo two lota In Willamette Addi tion or 33d st. that I will sell for $450 and 923; 5 down and $5 per month. -If Interested In a bargain with good car service call. R- M. R1NER. Main $444. A 3353 $25 DOWN, 1 15 per month; Una corner: orice S1200: 45th st.. Hawthorne district paved streets, sewer, large water mains. arc iignts; oest car service in tne cnj , owner; no commission paid on this price. Call 371 East 44th st. South. Phone Ta bor 2738. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-grade and cheap property, and 1 have the bargains In this district. If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall. 4827. BROOKE. A 383& 25 DOWN, $15 per month; large. One lot; price $t'50; 45th St.; paved streets, large water mains, sewer, etc.; best car service in city; by owner; no commission paid on this price. Call 371 East 44th st. bouth. Phone Tabor 2736. A BARGAIN. Will trade for real estate 7-passenger 40-b. p. "Chalmers automonue run than 6O00 roues, complete with t,wo extra tires, tire chains, etc., in A-l condition. F. H. Mallory & Company. 235-7 Pine st. $8 MONTH BUYS BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACT. On good electric line, deep rich soil, beautiful location, near stores and schools; must sell at once; write owner. AG 352, Oregon: an. StixH'O KEET, "WALDUERE." $400. $25 cash. $S per month; graded st reeta. sidewalks, curbs and water mains; i.o in terest; on United Railway line, 3c fare. r.-H Main 712. Miss Allen. 5 NOW AND SI WEEK. NO INTEREST OR TAXES. Beautiful level lot. Rose City Park dis trict; cement walks, etc Write owner. AM 340. Oregonian. ONE block, 6 fine lots, one has good S-room modern house on it, close to Hawthorne car and City Park; $4500. half cash, bal ance long time with releasure clausea AT 34 1, Oregonian. ONE-THIRD acre; price $650; $65 cash and $10 per month, near Flriand, 30 minutes out. MC Scott car. fine soil, all in culti vation. HIGLEY BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. FINE corner lot. $5 down, $$ per month; 2 blocks to car cement walk, water In, graded streets; 'all Improvements paid. Owner, AG 34-'. Oregonian. MUST sell; leaving city; my beautiful Belle Crest lot cheap; all improvements; write owner. postoffice box 933. 100x200. close to car line, $400; $8 per month. A N .144. Oregonian. SNA P Lot 50x100, paved streets. 31st and East Couch sts. East 2SS2. For Sale House. ALBERTA-ST. BUNGALOW. Nice 4-room bungalow, with attic, gas and electric, nice bath, etc., on a fine business lot on Alberta st., between 10th and llth. Price $2250. about $5oO cash and easy monthly payments. This is a ddndy investment and a nice little home. GRUSSI & BOLDS,, S1A Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. NEW 6-ROOM BVXGALOW Large front veranda, paneled dining room, rooms Jarge, well lighted; gas, plant ins in. led. good water; right at car stop, close to school and store. Call for C, G. lteagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT SACRIFICE. Am going south ; will eell my Dew, strintlv modern 8-room home for $4Gt.u; $$00 cash, balance to suit; must be seen to be appreciated; lot 75x100. corner gar age, on alley. See owner, 223 Ains worth ave., corner HaigbX aN investment of $16,000 which clears 8 per cent, on busy Union ave.: lot 50x120 ft.. improved by a good building and a good dwelling of 7 rooms; all modern; this is a snap; terms. See Poley. CHAPIN-HEHLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Sd Floor OUtmbor of Commerce. ii.XTRA New ft -room bungalow $4500: strictly modern hardwood floors, etc. 2 blocks to car. 5 blocks to school. 7 blocks to car shops; if willing to take roomers and boarder. "can take m $140 per month; pay little down, bal. like rent. Stiles, 223 I'himbcr of Commerce. $21' BUYS my new, modern 5-room bunga low, ftiixion, 2 besrlr.g apple trees, school near, all improvements paid; must raise nr.onev this week and will sacrifice; very ensy "terms. Owner, afternoons, room 840, Imperial Hotel. CHEAPEST AND BEST YET. $275 is the price, neat little house of two good rooms and 4uxl00 lot, graded streets, water mains, etc.; must sll- see owner 32 Lumbermens bldg.. Bth and Mark. AN idea! home; over 3 4 lots, large house with everv convenience, variety of fruit and ornamental trees: near carline and fine school; easy terms. T. G. DAVIDSON. SU Chamber of Commerce. FOR quirk sale I will sacrifice my beau tiful property in Overlook strictly modern 8-room house and extra Urge lot; must see it to appreciate it; very easv terms. Owner. K. M. Brown, 854 Alhambia ave. C 2S19. ftoxioo FOR $"-50 In rapidly growing sec tion. Txi includes in f rest, taxes, wa ter, grajd ptrots. cement sidewalks and curb. Can arrange to help you build on verv easv tern-s. G 847. Oregonian. g4.-,oo '.( cash, ba'.anw easy, for a 5-room modern house, ciose in. 2 blocks to car; lot 3 1-Sxl50: nice lawn, fruit, berriea " Se PoTey. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3rt r icor t. nj:ii3r ot MOUNT TABOR acrm; adjoining City Park, ell or part, fruit, ftne view, bunga l.iw; sell or exchange for larg-r acreage, ranch or residence. Owner. A P 324. Ore Henian. $5 DOWN. $2 uer month ; small r-una-lrw; price $2rti0: paved streets, 16-inch water mains, sewer, arc lights, electricity and xa? : no commission paid on thia Phone Tabor 27ot-- PSAUTIFUL IRVINGTON CORNER. Modern 8-room Itouse. hardwood floors throughout, sleeping porch and garage. Ji.vt. N agents. AC 4 Oregonian. WAVERLY Heights. 6-room mrdern. full basement, everything up-to-date, $200 caVn ar.d $15 per month. & BISHOP. 2"! Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 5-rwm modern bunga low; will accept a lot as first pjymeni or $50 cash aud $15 Pr month, rucne T bor 3 A fcNAP $21 0 buys 5-room modern bungi iow oreriooking "river. Call Marshall 2422. Owner. SEVERAL NICE horn-a. Irvington. cheap: U lots. ?S0 to $1150 each. East 273. W. H. Herd man. jjuDE P-N 5-room buugalow on improved street. f."'0. term a 1004 Vernon ave. Otop Mon'avilia home. Must sell. lxU; $U0 rah. Near ear. Main 15 REAL ESTATE. For bale Ho usee. SEE THIS HOUSE TODAY. BRAND NEW. LATEST IDEAS IN HOUSEKEEPING. ONLY $25 PER MONTH. X irant you to see this house today. 1 have built it with the idea of meeting every convenience: there are five large rooms with b;g verandas and full-size at tic which can be made into two beautiful bedrooms if wanted; excellent neighbor hood and served by two carlinea Price $2650. which is really a cash price notwithstanding I am offering it on practically a rent basis; only $25 a month; no othr first payment necessary. A. N. SEARLE, E. 78th and E. GUsaa (MV .car). BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Very swell 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, doubly-constructed. "polished ' floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, in fact noth ing missing to make a complete home, also includes linoleum, rugs, gas range and draperies, on a corner lot S3 1-3x100, with ail street Improvements paid; price a snap, $3750; $500 to $1000 cash and $20 per month, on Wasco street, Holladay Park Add., close in. Ask for Mr. Zadow, with. GRUSSI BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. AN INTERURBAN HOME. New 3 -room modern house, all modern, bui't-in improvements, bath, toilet, water plant and one acre of land ; nearly all cleared; fruit, berries tine lawn, plenty of shade, chicken-houses and runs: close to car. close to school; price only $4500, easy terms.- Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE A LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. 6HOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENT3. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAY YOU. L- R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. $24 ABINGTON BLDO. SUXNYSIDE CORNER HOUSE. Good 6-room, 2-story house, gas, bath.. 8 bedrooms, nice lawn, lots of rosea lot 51x67, corner, paved street, cement side walk, only one block from business cen ter of 35th and Belmont. Price only $4000; $1000 cash and $25 per month. Ask for Mr. Zadow, with GRUSSI & BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. STRICTLY new. modern 6-room house; full cement basement, fireplace, double con structed, large lot 60x150, improvements all In and paid, 3 blocks from excellent car service. Dutch kitchen, large bath room Interior decorations colonial de sign. For only $2800. payable $-5 per month, including interest. Call Tabor 19&2. 7 ROOM.S OWNER TERMS. Fine by, restricted district; see this beautiful home; the best on the market; price and terms reasonable; best of ma terial; elegant oak floors, chipped-brick fireplace, 4 beveled mirrors, beveled edge .plate doors, 7-foot buffet, den. sleeping porch. Phone Main 4144 mornings. $100 CASH, balance easy; 5-room modern new bungalow; panel and beam celling dining-room, flrepiace. Dutch kitchen in white; lot fluxjoo: street improvements in and paid; 2 blocks to car; a bargain at $22.10. See Poley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. WHAT ABOUT THIS? 60x254, 8-room- home, finely located, close to car and surely worth your while looking at it; if you want a flue piece of ground and a good house in the city; price $3650, very easy terms. See Davles. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. IF you have a good idea how a cosy little home should be fixed up, I -have a fine little bungalow with large open fireplace that I will sell for only $1350. on a 50x 10O lot. good car service, and you can pav for this place at $13.50 per month, including interest. Call Tabor IPS J. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come ana see me. i can ouna you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder and at the same time finance it for you. A. D. DARLING. 407 Yeon Bidg. Main 103R. A 4778. MT. TABOR HEIGHTS. For sale, new, modern 7 -room bunga low and furniture, lot TOxlOO all In grass; pav id street and sidewalk; 2 blocks from car. Call evenings after 8 o'clock. Tabor NOW BUNGALOW EASY TERMS. From owner; restricted district; Im provements paid; oak floors, artistio plate buffet, sleeping porch. French mirrors, music room, swell fireplace, Dutch kit chen. Main 4144. mornings. $300 CASH secures one of the best little nomes in nose tuy rars, wnere vaiura are increasing rapidly. Balance easy monthly payments to suit. House Is new and up-to-date. A snap. Main 4400, LAURELHURST HOME. Beautiful 8-room. strictly modern home, brand new, one block to East Glisan car line; only $5000; terms; a snap, can't be beat. l eon -mug-. OWNER is compelled to sell 7 -room and sleeping porcn residence, mgmy restrict ed district, all street improvements are in, very modern. Knott su 1108 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2745. 100x200. WITH street on 3 sides, 6-room house and outouuaings, iruii ana snaao trees. 3 blocks from car. A snap at $1650. Terms, $1C5 cash and $16.50 per month. G 34S. Oreconlan. , $75" $750 $750 $750 $100 down. $10 month. 8-room cottage, Montavilla; st. improvements in and inc at price. Fred W. G erman Mr. Hall). 48 C. of C. Main 6445. BY OWNER Small but well built house. good locality; cmcKen yaras, two iois aa joining; easy terms. Mrs. Moxley, 6710 59th ave. Southeast. Phone Tabor 407.( Mount Scott car. Tremont station. COLEMAN & RATES. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. SUC CESSORS TO TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. FURNISHES MONEY. BUILDS WHERE YOU LIKE. 202 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. AN unquestionable bargain. Modern house, Willamette. Heights. Lot 75x100; garage room- magnificent view; rosea flowers and fruits. Good terms; part trade, phone mornings. Marshall 2534. $12ik WILL buy house and lot worth $200 If taken today. 451 Manhattan st., 2 blocks from Union ave.; pay $'00' down and $15 per month. AF 33. Oregonian. $200 Modem 7-room house, sleeping porch, fireplace, piped for furnace; lot 50x100. faces east ; easy terms and the balance per cent, y ooaiawn I WILL take equity in a lot as first pay ment on my new up-to-date 6-ro3m house. Balance on easy monthly pay ments. Main 4400. $11H WILL buy a new, modern bungalow, just 20 minutes from the Courthouse, close to good carline"; terms to suit. See owner, 730 Chamber of Commerce. CONSERVATIVE buyers desiring a mod ern V-room home will do well by commu ricatinj; with Griffin & Small, 403 Roth child bldg. Marshall 2SS0. IRVINGTON HOME See Beckley, owner, for the prettiest home in Irvington, 17th and Knott, finished quarter-sawed East ern white oak. rub finish. E. 6335. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. SEE OUR ATTRACTIVE HOMES. CHOICE LOTS. AT LOWEST PRICES. NEUHAUSEN & CO, 70S LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 8078, OWNER will sell 4-room bungalow, paved street, on streetcar line, close in. very modern. Pricw $1500, $130 cash. 1108 Spald ing. bV.g. Phone Marshall 2745. BEAUTIFUL 7-room, modern residence, on carline, paved street, close in. for one third loss than actual value. Price $3200, $."( cash. Phone Marshall 2745. PORTLAND Heights bungalow, with half acre, for $55i, with two lota, $3750. Buy from owner. X 34?, Oregonian. NEW 8-room house In Laurelh urst, $7500 ; 10 per cent down, balance $45 per month. 404 Oerllnger bldg. $2450 Modern fl-room bungalow, $1650, in cluding improvements; near car. 1020 E. 26th X. 0O 3U YS new 4-room plastered houae, clos'S in. Phone Tabor 2547. IRVINGTON residence for sale. 410 E. 19th X. Phone C 23S4. FOR FIXE HOMES bee XJelsnunt. BARGAIN 6-room house, owner leaving city. Telephone Wood lawn 1'5S. For SaleAcreage. SACRIFICE Land for sale, 5 acres, all in cultivation, excellent for onions; $100 cash and balance terms. Inquire owner, 25 North First St.. city. 21- ACRES of deep red shot soil, excellent fruit and vegetable land, on new electric line; mall payment and low terms, ta :;. Oregonian. SEVERAL S nd acre tracts for chickens, gravel soil. Price low and can be paid tor on monthly payments, within one hour of Portland. L 347, Oregonian. Si PER month will buy one acre, fine soil, "two-third cleared, shade treea on build ing spct. three minutes walk from sta Tton. Price $4'0- O 370, Oregonian. 17 ACRES near Beaverton. la cleared. 5 blocks from car station and running water: only $S00 per acre; terras. Owner. James Wilson, Boring. Or., route z. FOR SALE My 20 acres at Hood River, sacrifice; phone for particulars at my exrnse; must sell at once; bargain. E, Kline. Phone 55 Hood River. MuUNT TABOR i:re adjoining City Park, all or part. fruit, fine view, bungalow; sell or exchange for larger acreage, ranch or residence. Owner. AG 34$. Oregonian. $700 FOR 2i acres, deep rich soil, some orchard and enade tre-s; close to station on suburban line; very easy terms. B 355. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. EXCURSION TO SCAPPOOSE ACRES NEXT SUNDAY. Smalt farms of 10 acres and up, suit able for fruit trees, loganberries, truck farming, dairying and chickens : only 25 miles from Portland, with railroad sta tion on the land: deep rich sol, no rocks, easy clearing, fine springs and creeks on the land; prices only $23 to $65 per acne, with very easy monthly payments; our ex cursion leaves North Bank depot Sunday morning at 6 o'clock, returning In after noon at 5; round trip $1.25; free lunch. Arrange with us at once to go. Office open Friday and Saturday evenings until S- Lueddemann. Bothfur & Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre tract. all cleared and leel and only 600 feet from Fourth-street carline, now be ing electrified: this tract is very fine and is only 40 minutes ride from 4th and Washington sts., the poles and overhead system now be ing Installed ovr this line, the very latest thing In modern transporta tion means much to this locality. This tract may be had at $550 per acre upon - monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Mais 35. 102 Fourth. Street. A 3500. ACRES abutting on the Fourth street line of the Southern Pacific Railway, all cleared and very fer tile; this line Is now being eauipped with the very latest improved elec tric cars and will Sive suburban service; these acres may be had at $500 per acre on installment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth Street. A 8500. I 2 2-3 ACRES on corner, across the street from $6000 residence, 500 feet from new store building and car stop, cement walk to car, only 40 minutes from 4th and Washing- ton sts; fine soil and a snap at $750 per acre upon terms. See us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth Street. A 3500. 32 ACRES, miles out on good auto road and near river and railroad; all cultivated; bearing fruit trees and small vineyard; fine view paint. Call and let me tell you more. 26 acres, between Clackamas Station and Oregon City; extends from county road to Clackamas River; desirable and worth the price. L G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. PLATTING PROPOSITION. WE HAVE IT YOU WANT T. A fine tract of land, level and cleared, just outside the city limits, between two carlines; 8 acres ready for platting and the low price we are quoting aught to sell it quickly, price iou per acre, See Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. A TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commarce. THIS is the opportunity that you have de sired; the best acreage around Portland is now on the market; best of soil and only 10 miles from city; no inflated values are asked and we win give jou. p aant at trma ta Jiult! anv man WhO wishes a home ot an investment should get busy. AE 881, oregonian. BE INDEPENDENT. 4 acres, nearly all cleared and in cul tivation; apple, cherry, peach and plum trees, strawberries, gooseberries. logan berries and blackberries, chicken-houses and runs; ftne grove of native treea Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE. 17 acres. 11 acres in cultivation, 6 acres in oak timber, no rocks or gravel, no waste land on the tract; part fenced; 2 miles to town and railroad; price $1200, small pay ment down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. See Seachrest. M , CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. TRUST Ci. Sd Floor Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and FP.UTT RANCHES near PORTLAND. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country. 10 acres. $00 $500, $600 per traot; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres, $12ut; SO acres. $2000; 40 acres timber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sala Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. A, POSITIVE BARGAIN AT TUALATIN. 12H acres all Improved: house, barn; good water; 35 bearing apple trees; only about 5 blocks from high school; within the 10-mile circle; be sure and investigate this. Phone Marshall 2073. Joseph S. Hale, 225 Henry bldg. SURE SNAPS. 10 acres, 8 cultivated, 2 in timber, part fenced; fine view, rich soil; $1000 and only $100 down, then $10 per month at 6 per cent; 2 miles to town, and railroad, bee CHApTn-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. : 3d Floor Chamber'of Commerce. THREE and five-acre tracts on carline on the fertile Tualatin Plains; admirably adapted to truck gardening, fruit, berries and poultry raising; cheapest land to be had in the Portland territory; all cleared and in cultivation; liberal terms. 100i Fourth st. Main 12i3. . BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACT. 6 miles from Postoffice as car goes; in line with city's greatest growth; 600 feat from macadam street and carline; rich alluvial soil; sidewalks and water Includ ed: an ideal home site and garden spot; $1200; your own terms. L 346, Oregonian. 80x207, $450. $10 down. $5 per month; Oregon City car. 80 minutes out; tracts all cleared, level and sightly; good school and fine homes. 202 Wilcox bldg-, 6th and Wash ington. (Open Sundays.) Ask Xor -Mr. Marsters. Main 3517, A 7340. A SACRIFICE. 5 acres, miles east of Hlllsboro, 10 minutes' walk from Sewall Station, 5 roomed house, well, spring, garden fenced, It acres cleared, rest second growth fir. Will sell for $000; $500 cash, balance to suit. Call or write. 362 E. Second su S. 5ACRES, all in cultivation, 18 miles from Portland, on electric line; small house, good well water near school, store and on count v road; price $2100. terms. See Poley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Sd r lOOr t namoer Oi bqminercr. ACRE. 87x250, $650. $25 cash, $15 per month. On O. W. P. carline near Errol Heights. High, well drained property with excellent soil. Call Main 5A22 after 6 P. M. 828 ACRES In lots of 5 acres and up, 7 from $15 to $55 per acre. No agents. Ad dress W. T. Henderson, El wood, Or., or A. S " H.. Cornelius, Or. 15 ACRES - $1700. Fine place for home; less than mile from new electric line: 2 acres in apples; running water, fine fruit and garden soil; easy terms. Owner, 504 Spalding bidg. FOR personal reasons I must cell H-acre tract within 25 minutes' ride of center of city at a sacrifice; terms, $25 cash, bal ance in monthly payments to suit; no agents. Address AM 312, Oregonian. 36 ACRES, or any part thereof; 12 miles from city; $185 per acre; adjoining land held for $500 per acre; very best soil; no irfc: at Salem electric station: 15c fare. Security- Development Co., 4th and Pine. 2 -ACKr- tract, cioae iu eiatiuu on exjj lent carline; good, rich deep soil, partially cleared, excellent potato and vegetable land, for only $675. Terms, $18.50 per inln din v imprest. Tahor 1AR5. ;o ACRES 18 miles from center of Portland, on railway, in small town, 16 acres of beaverdam. balance first bench, $3000, all cash; can use automobile at cash valua tion. AT 34, uregoman FOR SALE 10-acre tracts. $200 per acre, boro. Address' O. S. Robinson, Hills boro. Or. R. 5- FOR SALE Government land script for 160 acres. Can be divided into 40-acre lots; $12.50 per acre. A. H. H., Slauson-Craig, 304 Oak st. SOMETHING FINE. -Two acres on carline near stop running water, cheap, terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE or trade, equity in 10 acres in French Prairie, near Hubbard. Sellwood 8. For Sale Homesteaaa. j HAVE a relinquishment in Grant County, Washington, near Adrian, of 160 acres, my changed conditions, will make it hard to ho:d; It cost me $750. will sell for cHsh trade fur automobile or land. V FOP SALE Relinquishment on homestead for $2000 for $lo00; will consider lot In cty or automobile in payment. Catl at room 10. 165 3d at. ; , HOMESTEAD relinquishment, SO acres, CO miles from Portland. R. F. D. 1, Box 82 2. Port land. Or. " For Sale Fruit Land. WILL positively guarantee to deliver 25 acres of the best apple land in the White Salmon Valley at les price than asked for other land not so favorably located; 10 acres set to orchard. Nothing1 in the val ley equals this for an Investment. Phone East 23a&. For Sale -Farm. RANCH 60 acres, with buildlnga, 18 miles from Po-tlanfV near electric line; bargain for a'l -ash By ouer. 1S2 Morrison Bt. 200 ACRES fine land, all tillable, abun dance ct water: cheap. 12'3 Yeon bldg. v vii'AX lnd . acr. A. M. Hlrhhoute. t:t 4 Chamber of Commerce bide I REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. EIGHT acies on electric railway, one mile south of Corvallis. all smootn. level iaim. black clay soil, all under cultivation; good public highways along one side. Portland. Eugene & Eastern Electric line runs along west line of land, win mage spienu berry ranch, garden farm or chicken ranch. Trif 5jojO- si ana in and time on balance, Ad'dreas W. T. Rowley, Halsey Or. FINE COLUMBIA RIVER FRONTAGE. 50 acres river frontage above Van couver. Railway crosses land ; 15 acres cultivated; fair buildings. Fine natural grove. Magnificent river view. Snap at $12,500. Will take in exchange $3000 to $40 00 city property on deal. J. Frank Porter. 904 Chamber of Commerce. - FOR SALE OR TRADE 4Y owner. 125 A. Palouse apple orchard. 40 A full bearing, balanrs 6 years old. Will trade one or both for rood income property In Portland, Including one residence up to $4000, or wheat or timothy land in waanington or Oregon. AV 107,- Oregonian. 320 ACRES. Polk Co., near Salem: 5 living springs on place; 20Q acres in cultivation, balance eajtilv cleared : fine for stock, poultry or fruit; land adjoining selling now lor an acre; rorcea to sen in or der to settie estate; only $75 per acre. .20! Lumber Exchange. THREE and five-acre tracts on carline on the fertile Tualatin Plains; admirably adapted to trtfck gardening, fruit, berries and poultry raising; cheapest land to be had in the Portland territory; all cleared and in cultivation: ltoerai term. iuu Fourth st. Main 123. CHEAP land; 100 acres or more: no better land on earth; two miles or raiiroaa sta titfnr -nlentv timber, runnlnsr water. Im proved farms on each side; will sell for JiB per acre, one-third down. Neea money. Call or write owner, room 609 Swetland block, Portland. Or. GRIDLEY irrigated colony land at $75 to $ioo per acre, gooa iana, plenty ot water, thickly settled district, with good schools, adjoining town of 2000; easy terms; write for Illustrated booklet. Homeseekera Irri gated Land Company, Gridley. Cal. FO R SALE GOO acres of land on electric line, 19 miles from Portland; 40 acres under cultivation ; will sell all or part. Write or call on owners. E. W. Haines. Forest Or. A 40-ACRE farm, close-in. for sale or rent. Has house and buildings, close to scnooi. 529 Railway Exchange. TO EXCHANGE. 7-PASSENGER, 60 h. p., nearly new auto; will take real estate. Will trade real estate for printing plant. Restaurant doing good business : will trade for real estate; will stand close in vestigation. TOM TAYLOR, 608-9-10 Northwest Bldg. Marshall 1680. ACREAGE OR CITY TROPERTY XO MDMTT RTT!OTTRED. 112 ROOMS, rent $450, best 5-year lease In the city. HOT and COLD RUNNING water in rooms; some private baths, steam , neat, automatic elevator; income i,tvv, total exnenaa i7."ttt. Price $15,000: real estate wilt be taken up to $12,000, time on oaiance. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 509-610 Wilcox bldg. TO TRADE FOR FARM in Willamette Valley: business income property, $75 per month and growing into money fast; price $15,000; no incum brance. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3S2-3S8 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. ' TO TRADE FOR KOOMING-HOUSE. f Have a splendid restaurant with bakery and fruit stand Included to trade for good rooming-house up to $2000. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. -5 acres, all planted to choice varieties of commercial apples, on main ceunty road, only few miles out of town of Hood River, in fine condition. 2 to 4 years old; price only SiiOOO. Will accept unincum bered residence lot In Portland as first payment and give long time on balance. Address owner. AE 364. Oregonian. 11 ACRES, right on the 4th-sL line now be eing electrified; this place Is just a short distance from the station and is all highly improved and in cultivation ; the price is $4500 and Includes all stock. Implements and tools; owner will exchange for Port land residence up to $4000 free of in- . cumbrances. DeYoung & Johnson, 514 Chamber of Commerce. - TO TRADE FOR' FARM. An up-to-date splendid grocery. $3500; Jn suburb of Portland; can pay some cash difference. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. 1 can build you a home at a less coat than the ordinary builder and at the same time finance it for you. A. D. DARLING, 407 Yeon Bldg. Main 1038. A 4778. BOUGHT a farm and must sen or exchange a nice little apartment-house in Nob Hill district. It is clean and good; must go; can use vacant lots, small house., or good teams. Will put with it some cash if necessary. MARSHALL 15, A 3053. hood river Bargain. 20 acres red shot-soIL 11 acres improved, partly set to 2-year trees. Mortgage $1000, 6 per cent. Will trade for good Portland residence, $5500. A little improvement will double investment. Owner unable to improve. X 347, Oregonian. I HAVE ordered new car, for that reason 1 will sell or trade for city property my 7-passenger Knox car. fully equipped, new extra tire; owner. H. Melster, Call East lf58 after 6 P. M. or Sellwood 1645 In office hours. $400,000 Inside business property; large in come; will consider $160,000 in trade. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO.. , 918-917 Lewis Bidg. Main 8400. A 71S8. MOUNT TABOR acreage adjoining City Park, all or part, fruit, fine view, bunga low, sell or exchange for larger acreage, j-anch or residence. Owner.. AC 351, Ore gonian. ' "" 7-ROOM modern house, lot 60x100, in Pied mont; price $0500; no Incumbrance; to trade for close-in acreage; no junk con sidered. 329 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. TRADE $2250 Equity (mortgage $1750), five room modern bungalow, ia Sunnyslde, for Improved acreage or rooming-house;, can rent for $25. W 348. Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE Fine bearing apple or chard for jewelry business; also 320 acres .imber for income property. Address C, M-, l-iupaara, ur. RESTAURANT on Washington street, lease, cheap rent, receipts $75 per day; $1500; cash, balance to suit, or trade, C 332, Oregonian. - WANT lot as part payment for good 5-room bwngalow and 50x100 lot on 31st St.. East Portland Heights; price $3lOO. Security Development Co.. 4th and Pine. - WANTED Lot or mortgage as first pay ment on my new modern bungalow or will sell on terms. A snap for someone. AF 317, Oregonian. TWO fine homes near Ladd's Addition; will exchange one or both for good farm or acreage. DeYoung & Johnson, 514 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10 acres. 8 miles out; price $4500. Will take good runabout or room 'ng-house up to $500. Phone Woodlawn WANTED To exchange boat, equipped with 6-H P. Fairbanks-Morse engine, for mo torcycle, value $165. F. L. Cow lea, Kelso, Wash. " EXCHANGE 6 acres highly improved, with house, east of Oregon City, for Webster City Iowa, property or Portland home. SwanK, jvt flui"nm" mm,. EXCHANGE A modern seven -room house "in Irvington to exchange for improved acreage on the Estacada or Gresham Una 6-ROOM modern house. E. 4Sth and Madf- - )nn- will BffXtn hnHH mnA son ; JIH-.0 .. i. i.-wi o.uu cattle for $1000 equity. AS 8S2. Orego nlan. 3. room modern house: no incum brance; want few acres near Portland. Call 3 ia Alisky bldg. S. Thornton. GCOD clear property to exchange. for apart ment or rooming-house. Room 208 Henry b?dg. Main 3427. EXCHANGE: Two lots in Argyle- Park, Portland, for good lot. Vancouver, Wash In q u 1 reSSTournybJdgPortlM I HAVE two beach lots for a late model visible typewriter.- What have you? V 346. Oregontam FOR SALE Fine square piano; price $70. or will exchange for real estate. H 354. Oregonian Main 32S6. WANTED 1H or 2-ton auto truck. Will trade modern 5-room bungalow. AV 122. Oregonian. BAKERY, restaurant and rruit stand on busy st.. to trade for lot up to $1250. 303 Lumber Kxcnange. EXCHANGE $2000 equity is a 7-room, 2- mA,lovl fin Ini-ottrin A U r70.Oregonian. IF you have farms or city property to ex change, call on Wagner A Hunt. 4ii Chamber of Commerce. Malu 6957. TWO swell acres on carline In Walla Walla for Portland residence. Yeon bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 52C0O WORTH of equities In high-e!aas houses to trade for Umber or Eastern Oregon wheat farm. $19,300 I houses in Laurelhurst and $2500 worth of mortgages to trade for large . farm up to $:0.u00; will put in other pieces of property to take over large piece ot land up to $60,000. , S30.OO0 30 acres of orchard in Hood River; high state of cultivation, to trade for city property up to $50,000. $ 5.000 Equity in 20 acres of orchard in Lvle district to trade for city prop erty; will consider equities in houses. $10,000 Equity in three h'.gh-class houses to trade for A-l farm: will consider wheat farm up to $20,000. THE HARBOLD-W7LSON CO.. INC 013-917 Lewis Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Main 8400. A 713- APARTMENT HOUSE. 25 apartments, all in 2-room suites, with private baths, new brick bldg., o blocks from center of city: will trade my equity, which is $2000, for confectionery store or small stock of goods In good country town or in the city; this is a good proposition and worth your while to investigate. DEITZ-BLANEY CO.. 801 Wilcox bldg. Phone Mar. P16. THIS PLACE IS RIGHT- 38 roams, extra good furniture, clean as a pin; four blocks from Oregonian bldg.; steam heat: cheap rent with and, best of all. paying a CLEAR PROFIT of $200 a month. Here Is a flue chance to convert your unproductive property into a naying business. ' See it at once. O. C. R. ELLIS ft CO.. ' OUa-o i u whcox omg. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE GARLAND & CO.. 101 4TH ST. FOR BENT FARMS. TO RENT 28 acres of fruit, berry and veg etable farm, including horse and spring .,naH.nrPi German preferred. Write 'or call on C. R. Campion, Box 230, East P2d and Base Line road, city. FOR a ' term of years, cheap, first-class dairy farm. 60 acres; tenant can either buy stoek and present crops or lease with out stock. AV 112. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT to rent over 300-aere stock farm, handy to dairy; will buy stock. A. STREBEL. R. No. 2, Hillsdale. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT to invest $50,000 in business property Must be snap for cash or no attention given. Give location ana an parucui AS 346. Oregon-ian.' WANTED From owner, lot or equity for equity in new house; investigate. Jj. a. Metcalf, 810 Yeon bldg. WE have a oontsant demand for West Side property. Le Nolr Co., sito-ssi-sds Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE TUVrBER LANDS. 40-ACRE timber claim 30 miles from Port land on wagon and railroad can be home steaded; 150 if taken quick. 813 Mar qyam bldg. Marshall 694 TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. $04 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. FIVE to 10-acra tract on electric line with in 45 minutes of Portland: suitable for poultry ranch, with or without option to purchase. Give full particulars. AF 354, Oregonian. . . . WE want. from 10 to 40 acres not over 20 mil from Portland, close to a station or town. De Young & Johnson, 614 Chamber oi commerce. . CASH for farm of over 50 acres; give full description and what stock. B 369, Ore- gonian S20-ACRE homesteads, good soil, level land, excellent water, convenient to railroad. In formation at 208 Henry bldg. FOB SALE. Hones. Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE One team of well-matched mares weighing 8200. sound and true; one team well-matched mares, 5 years tld, weighing 2700: one tuara 5-year-old horses, weighing 2500. 226 Russell st. AUCTION SALE HORSES, MULES, VE HICLES AND HARNESS MONDAY, SEPT. 9. AT 10 A. M. (SIGNED) MUR PHY HORSE & MULE CO., 240 E. 8TH ST. PHONE EAST 6315. GOOD team, weighs 2500, good workers, with harness and a farm wagon, $165. 781 Insley ave. ; take Sellwood car, walk 6 blocks east. . CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert & HalL 8 SI Water St., West Side. Main 2208. CHEAP HORSE for sale or trade. Take 'A car to Killingsworth, walk east to 42d and inquire ior xacneii. WANTED To hire 20 teams with harness xor raiiroaa graaing.- r. ww. v a. sin st. PASTURE for rent near. Portland. Phone Mam iiv. WANTED A work team for its feed. Ad dress A. H. Ripley, Gaston. Or. Route 1. TEAM for sale, weight 2800. Call at S20 Henry bldg. ' 1 SADDLE pony and saddle, $35. 1387 E. 17th st. Phone Sellwood 1917. FOR SALE Cheap, work team, weight 2400 lbs. 167 E. Stark St. "MV" car. TEAM. 2500 lbs., also single horse, 1200, cheap. 440 E. Morrison, cor, itn. Automobiles. iii2 PIERCE-ARROW DEMONSTRATOR FOR SALE CHEAP. In view of the fact that we no longer sell the Pierce-Arrow. we are offering our last 1912 car. a 6-48, B-passenger, at 20 per cent discount; run about 1000 miles; can't tell from new except for slight wear on tires. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. AUTOMOBILES. 1010 Ford, nve-pas&enger. $375. 1911 Ford, nve-paeeenger, $450. 1910 Maxwell, two-passenger, $350. 1H12 Chalmers, five-passenger. Self-starting 36 h. p., $1500. Over 50 others to select from. Call and look them over. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-496 ALDER ST. Main 1161. A 4837. - BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY-USED CARS. We have a few snaps in silghtly-used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken ia ex change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. - MICHIGAN AUTO A BUGGY CO.. Phones East 1421. B 1345. S69-71 Hawthorne ave. A 6-PASSENGER Reo automobile In first class condition, complete with top. wind shield, speedometer, horn and generator, almost new tires, only $500 for a good au tomobile; we took It In on a larger auto mobile and are offering It very cheap. C. I Boss & Co.. 615 Washington st. BARGAINS. Six new 1912 automobiles ranging i price from $1450 to $2150. fully equipped, 1. o. b. Portland, will be sold at big discount, either for cash or on liberal terms. All are standard cars and, fully guaranteed. Y 346. Oregonian. A BARGAIN. Have 7-passenger 40-h. p. "Chalmers automobile In A-l condition, run less than 5000 miles, with two extra tires, etc.. that we will sell cheap or trade, for real es tate; car too large for present owners' uee. F. B. Mallory & Company. 235-7 Pine St. A BEAUTIFUL 1912 Chalmers AO, 4-pass., fore-door torpedo body, fully equipped; used very little and positively can not be told from brand new; cost $1800. Price $1150. Custom -House. Auto- Co., cor. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE One 7-passenger Packard tour ing car; one Oakland runabout; one 4 passengar Pierce-Arrow ; cheap. Apply Lang & Co.. First and Ankeny sts. ' FOR SALE 1912 E-M-F 5-paasenger, fore door touring car in A 1 condition. Run less than 5000 miles, L. H. Hoffman, 76d Irving st. FOR SALE 3-ton Standard make auto truck, only run 4 months, cost new $3750, will sell for 2?O0. ha'.f cash, balance $100 per month. Can senwooa at.. CHAL&SS 30, toy tonneau, 4-passenger, demountable rims, 2 extra tires ; In Al shape; will sell at a bargain for cash. Call East 4353. FOR SALE Cheap. 7-passenger Fierce-Ar row. 6-cvi., rirst-cia ciihw"i cuiiicwi. Terma AR 843, Oregonian. WANTED Two 1910 Cadillac 4-passenger cara lor easn;' price must o a. 351. Oregonian. FOR SALE 1942 four-door, 4-passenger Bmck. run 8 montns. a snap ior quic ?a!e. Phone Woodlawn 236. ' WHITE "30, in first-ciass condition. 270 12tn st. FOR SALE. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when yon can secure one of our high-grade used cars at the same price? We guarantet them. Different makes and models, all traded in on new White gas cara Ws also offer several second-handed tracks. Write White Car Agency, uth street a Madison. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALF;R3 OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 493-495 Alder st. Main 1161, A 4So7. Dogs, Birds, Tot Stock. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Pekln 'ducks, 1 year old; these aro from the East and very fine; $2.50 each. Moore Bros, Rex Or. IMPORTED Japan spaniel, male and tn maley$20 and up. 306 2d at. THOROUGHBRED Boston pups. 34314 Washington st. TeL Main 1S74. ' Furniture for Sale, FOR SALE Furniture-of 5-room flat; ele gantly furnished, new. clean, modern, cheap rent, good location, cheap; cash or terms. Owner. 5524 3d st. LEAVING city, will sacrifice furniture new modern six-room house, mostly new, in good condition; four rooms pay more than expenses. 30 East 10th st. North. AM FORCED to sacrifice my 8-room rooming-house, good furniture, fine location. $400. 415 7th st. Main 3.'77. BEDS, dressersv chairs, carpets, rugs, all kinds furniture. Come, see anything you -like. WD! sell cheap. Hotel, 8504 Alder. PRACTICALLY new furniture of ' 5-room house for sale at a bargain. Call H 3u31, Tabor 239. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale; flat for rent; all conveniences; close in; very desirable. 308 Sd. ON account of leaving city will sell some high-grade furniture. 713 Flandera Phone Main 7P5. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale on account of death In family; going East. 553 Love Joy st. 5 ROOMS complete, valued $763, to highest offer. 073 S Glisan st. NEWLY furnished flat of 5 rooms cheap; part cash, balance easy terma oa Miscellaneous. SAFES. SAFES. SAFES, HERE IN STORAGE. wtll be sold below cost. Office safes, bank sefes. jeweler safes and couple vault doors. These are the celebrated Diebold safes and are being sold by the factory. F. P. Flnegan, 27014 4th st. Main 8578. A 7U67. ' FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower, 560-voIt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 5 ampere overload I-T-B circuit breaker. Ia A-l condition. Address room 203, Orego nian bldg- , FOR SALE. Ox 155-volt. direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat, am-meter and circuit-breaker. This machine is in food repair. Address room 203, Oregonian ?dg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with iield rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Ad dress room 203, Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE 300,000 feet second-hand lum ber, house and dimension stuff. Interna tional Contract Co., Ean 21st St., Mult nomah. Phone East 1261. FOR SALE! Remington automatic trap gun. guaranteed to be as good as new, good leather case, all for $30. T 335, Oregonian. 1 LARGE roll top desk and swivel chair, flat ton. 5 drawer desk and 8 large arm chairs, all oak. Will take $50 for outfit. Call 609 Wilcox bldg. Main 4398. ' 6AFES Special bargain second-band Are and burglar-proof; safes opened and repaired, Purcel Safe Co., and Portland Safe Co., ft 5th st. Phone Main 30&. CABIN launch, 154-eycIe engine; make me an offftr; I need the cash; also a 3-room houseboat. Take Sellwood car to Cramp ton St., Cole's boatyard. L 341. Oregonian. SOLAR prints 15c, bromides S5c, convsxing Be, frames, glas. Chicago Copy Co., 1021 aoidan Gate ave., San Francisco. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines,- contractors' equipment. Rail way Equipment Co., T4 1st. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark St. FOR SALE Paying fire Insurance agency, in small active city, eight old-line com panles. Box 74. Hood River, Or. KINDERGARTEN- tables and chairs; also some supplies, at a sacrifice. T 849, Ore gonian. TWO silk and wool Oriental pattern 5x9 new rugs. 206 Alder st FOR oats hay and potatoes, write for prica Louis Droz, Colvlfle. Wash. KING of the Woods drag saw. nearly new. 206 Aldtr st. 50U QUARTS of canned wild blackberries. A. T. Brewer, Springfield. Or. hi AND VI Chandler & price press and 23 inch cutter. T 843, Oregonian. $110 DOUBLE flat 48x66 desk $45; other desks. AG 349, Oregonian: BIRDS of paradise, $17.50 and up. Empress Feather Co., 732 Hearst bldg., San Fran'o, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB BUY CLOTHING, furniture, tools. High est price paid for men's and ladles" cast off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, me chanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 290 1st st. The Globe. WANTED Bonas machines and Invisible stitch machines, also operators. Art Em broidery Mfg. . Co.. 420 Sutter St., San ' Francisco. HIGHEST price paid for ladies' and gents' second-hand clothes. L. Rosenblum, 690 1st. Marshall 374. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater A Martin. Phone East 2134. S48 Hawthorne ave. WILL buy any kind of hair combings at the Sanitary Beauty Pariora 4uu uetium. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2445. SINGLE driver and new buggy on a light automobile, yi 34.. ureeoman. WANTED Moving picture outfits. Folding chairs, electric pianos. G 26S. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT. We are doing the biggest busi ness in our history. We have never found It so easy to sell gooda We must expand our sales force to take care of our rapidly-increasing business. You probably have the ambition and the ability to make many times your present salary, but you are a slave to the salary idea and lack the nerve to try a commission. Get out of that rut. Connect yourself with the largest and most progressive real estate concern on the Pacific Coast. Our propo sition is the best ever offered and you can make big money right now. Our salesmen are doing 1U. Ask cny bank about us, then see Mr. Cleveland, sales manager, Fred A. Jacobs Co., 269 Wash in g ton St.. cor. 4th 10 to 12 A. M. only. WANTED Two millwrights. $3.50 and $4. 3 rough carpenters. $3.30. 4 carpenter helpers. $2.75. 2 door patchere, $.50. 3 lumber graders, $3 and $3.50. Car loading tallyman, $2.75. Large list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 222-224 Couch st., between 1st and 2d. SUCCESSFUL stock salesman to represent local financial institution; wilt pay salary to those who can get results; only those who can give reference as to ability and character need apply; opportunity for something better with the company for tnose malting gooa. cj auu. uregonian. WANTED A couple of top-notch salesmen for the hottest and livest real estate prop osition on the market. Our prices, terms, improvements on the property and our comraisjions will make you sit up and JANITOR. man and wife, to take charge of a small apartment-house. West Side; man can work eUewhere; $30 a month; no chil dren. AF 305, Oregonian. " WANTED Mlehle pony press feeder, nonunion- steady work. Lewis Sears Printing & Binding Co., 617 Western ave.. Seattle, Wash. BREAD bakers, bench hands for jobbing. Inquire bet. 2 and 5 P. M., Royal Bakery, llth and EveretL . WANTED Salesman for furnishing goods and hats who can trim windowa Bow man Bros.. Third and Burnslde sts. WANTED Experienced grocery' porter by wholesale nouse; give reierence. au ov. Oregonian. WANTED Young man with motorcycle and one with bicycle to aenver pacaages. Knight Shoe Co., 842 Morrison st. WANT live real estate man- Good propo sition tor gooa woraer. aurny xjvmki opment Co.. 4th and Pine. - WANTED Janitor. American Chicle Co., 14:h and Johnsdn. WANTED Boy about 16 yrs. of age. Apply Oxford Tellers. 143 7th sr MEN wanted fr loading lumber Into kilns. Phone Columbia ion. BUSHELMAN to take, charge of cleaning and dye works. union ave. x- HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN It requires just two things to make a most successful men with us NERVE and APPLICATION. Many a man has the ambition to make more money than can be earned In his present posi tion, but lacks the nerve to try a com mission. Many a splendid salesman i bound down aud keeps himself, continually in a rut because he lacks the nerve to get away from the salary Idea. -Any msn who will apply himself can make man times his present salary in our business. We have never found It so easy to gel business as now. We are having th largest sales in our history. We must expand our sales force to take care of this rapldlv increasing businesa Our proposition is the best ever offered and you can make big money right now our salesmen are doing it. If you have the necessary nerve and ambition and tns ability to apply yourself as laid down by the largest concern of Us kind in th city. See Mr. Cleveland, sales manager. The Fred A. Jacobs Company. 261 Wash ington street, corner Fourth, 10 to Is A. M. only. INCIDENT. (One of many.) Office Secretary Employment Department T. M. C A. Younr man, stranger, seeking emplor ment (20 his total cash asset U I P you $5 for employment membership. I win I) ave oniy sio oeiweea mm secretary it you pay mo itc ""' ment membership, you will have the x. C. A., with all iu resources, between yon and starvation. , Result : Young man Joined association. In less than a week he bad satisfactory Record for seven months enilng JttlySJ; Call for men Positions filled, 1 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two wiontas full membership privileges, 10 months oca' privileges and undertakes to keep memost employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. Constant demand for CLERICAI TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See secretary employment department T. M. C A. . ABLE BODIED men wanted for the V Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 nd JtS. Must be native bom or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free. After SO years service can retire vita 7B per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply st U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting office. 3rd and Wsshlns-.on sts.. and 13 i Third ave.. Portland. Or A CORRESPONDENCE school of accounting is establishing agencies in the larger cit ies,. Meu of good address, Tuallfied by education and experieuce to sell a oourae of this kind to bookkeepers and office ' men, can make a very profitable connec tion bv writing The Walton School of Ac countancy. People's Gas bldg.. Chicago. WANTED First-class. all-around baker; one who is willing to take a small amount of stock In a guaranteed amount of busi ness and one who is competent to take full charge of a fully equipped plant. Address AT 340, Oregonian. WANTED Sash and door layout and ma chine man. $5 a day; foreman for cabinet and frame shop. $4.50 a day. Apply Walsh Sash & Door Co., New Westmin ster, B. C. " LIVE dependable salesmen wanted In se- ' eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us at once. Washington Nursexy Cu, Top- penlsh, Wash. ' YOUR opportunity If you are a hustler; ex clusive control of good territory: free out fit; weekly advance; complete line; guar anteed absolutely. Yakima VaUey Nursery Company. Top pen Is h. Wash. WANTED First-class ornamental plas terers for work on new Government build ing. San Diego, CaL Apply at once to William H. Maxwell, contractor, San Diego, Cal. MAN to larn Insurance business; must have stenography, typewriting and Port land acquaintance; salary and commis sion. Supervisor at 306 Oregonian bldg. at 9 A. M. or 1:3 0 P. M. m I WANT a bright, energetic salesman to Unilumnn A nnii at the htrhest restricted districts in Portlands- close In; joins Irvington on east. J. H. Tipton, 1108 Spalding bK.g. MAN of good address to do special soliciting for local corporation in Portland- Good pay and promotion to right man. Apply after 9 A. M.. 724 Marquam bldg. LIPMAN. WOLFE & COMPANY require S thoroughly experienced man to repair bric-a-brac. Apply nuperinteiient, seventh floor, between ana bAiESMEN who have made good to rep resent a substantial proposition. Oppor- , tunlty for permanent paying position. Ap- WANTED An experienced traveling sales man for establisnud line, for a large firm; between ages 85 and 50; salary and t pensea. ii vji a1-"1'"1" WANTED A high-class experienced sales man, owning automobile, to call on farm ers; state Ime previously handled. AD 33-, Oregonian. , , LIPMAN. WOLFE & COMPANY require an experienced silk salesman. Apply superin tendent, seventh floor, between 8:30 ana 10. SilIP FITTERS. Wanted First-class shipfitters one -year's work. Apply Craig Shipbuilding Co. WANTED Salesman, not over 35. city busi ness thoroughly established; not msur once, stocks or real estate: state full par ticulara. Box Y 256, Oregonian SALESMAN wanted, an experienced enamel ware salesman for Washingion and for Oregon or for both. The Enterprise in amel Co., Bellaire, Ohio. GOOD man and wife for general work in small hospital. Address box 107, south Forest Grove, Or., or phone Main 0221, Forest Grove. , WANTED Pants, coat, vest and skirtmakei for country. Apply D. B. McBrlUe & Co.. rt o y a i mB., . m -" . TRAP drummer for photoplays. Mention sal ary expected and experience, AR Oregonian. WANTED Agents to sell campaign fobs; big money. Write for territory. Sampl MAN and wife (no children) for farm; must be good farmer and dairy man; permanent a r mil. "irzonlan. DRIVER for dye works; best route in city; experienced; references. Apply between w ikted Liv salesmen familiar with the tire and automobile game. 605 Washing ton st. ITALIAN, Swedish agents wanted: money making proposition. Call in forenoon. 208 Henry oms- COMPETENT garment dyer, at East port Cand C loaning & Dy. Work.. 148 Grand ave., city. WANTED Station men fr raijroa work; good prices paid. Apply 022 Uorbett bldg. fortiitnu, WANTED A first-class jeweler, also a r- fortiana. pairer ana pauuci. -v - denheimcr. 2S3. 2S5 Washington st. COATMAKEB. one that can do cleaning ana pressing. ;'"U, B v. Vo'in Wash. WANTED Quarry men for quarry nejir Mapleton. on Sluslaw River; wages 2.i.0. or call Room 10, 226 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED One good delivery boy with wheel. Lowcuiiti y. ac WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. R. M. Gray, nn aim mm - WANTED Office boy over 16 years of age. WANTED Delivery boys with wheel. Applr V as nit: S iuii. WANTED Bushelman. Apply 289 Washing ton st. - , WANTED Coatmaker, $9. LV I. Peters, walta w ana, n THREE young men to canvass new offer; good wages. l-'eRum mn. BOY wanted with wheel at once. Lubllner, LEADING man, tali; good long engagement. Room 2 Fantag"8 Theater. - " . OOATMAKER that has experience on team workT Room 20. 208 Yamhill st. WANTED One good delivery boy with wheel- jowengtm- WANTED Two good men. Call 502 Board or iraue. WANTED Young man for dry goods stock clerk. Appiy -g"- CLOTHING salesmen wanted. The Royal C 1 othinc Co.. 345 Washington. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for acenta Cuthbert Studio, pekum bldg. WANTED A few young men unemployed. Call after g. "Q""1;' ' v-y-i-- BOY wanted. Apply Public Library. 7th aud Qiarn- WANTED Man to take care of halls for room re in. WANT ED-r-FIr fit-class carpenter, repair work. Can soa aiarsnau oei-jrc o y .'-j WANTED Errand boy. Call T. A. Taylor WANTED Bushelman. Nlcoll. the Taiior, BOY wanted. Apply 415 Marquam bldg., noon. BUSHELMAN wanted. The Royal Clothing WANTED Goad eg canuler. Apply Morris Sr CO. PRESftER wanted- 7G2 Thurman st. A