Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 05, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. LII NO. 16,136.
Action Follows Scandal
Surrounding Raids.
Caucus of California
Leaders Planned.
Victory Carries With It Regular
rhclan Faction, Representing Xomi
nee or Party, Notably Victor
ious in Contests in As
sembly Districts.
SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 4. A practl
cally complete count of the returns of
yesterday's state primary election indt
rated that the Roosevelt Progressives
had nominated more than 80 of the 100
Republican party candidates for the
Legislature, as opposed to the Taft Re
publicans, and that they had been vie
torious In five and possibly seven o
the 11 Congressional districts in the
contests for nominations of Represent
The Phelan (Wilson) wins of the
Democratic party won easily from the
Bell (Clark) faction throughout the
As the Roosevelt Progressive victory
insures the nomination of Presidential
electors pledged to Roosevelt, Taft
leaders here have already begun a dis
cussion of plans for placing their can-
didates on the November ballot. By the
ruling of Attorney-General Webb, their
only recourse is to launch special pe
titions, each of which must bear the
names of 11,000 voters who did not par
ticipate in yesterday's primaries and
even then they will not be allowed the
party designation.
Legal Fight Threatened.
It was suggested at the Taft head
quarters today that the Taft support
ers who were victorious yesterday in
the legislative contest meet with the
Taft holdovers in a separate conven
tion, after the regular convention Sep
tember 24, nominate 13 electors, secure
the recognition of.he Republican Na
tional Committee and fight thetmatter
out in the courts. A caucus of leaders
of the Taft faction will be called in a
few days to decide upon the action to
be taken.
Lucy Goode White, a newspaper re
porter, nominated by. the ' Socialists,
qualified in San Francisco In the non
partisan contest for nomination for the
Superior Court bench. f
Kahi Named for Congremi.
Complete returns for San Francisco
today show that Roosevelt and John
son swept the city. In the two Con
gressional Districts (Fourth and
Fifth) Taft supporters returned one
nominee Julius Kahn, incumbent.
from the Fourth District; In three State
Senate districts Taft got one: in 13
Assembly districts he got one. pn the
county committee Taft will have a rep
resentation of three out of 13 members.
Among the individual contests par
ticular interest attached to that of Ed
ward I. Wolfe (Taft) against Lester G.
Burnett (Roosevelt) in the Nineteenth
Senate District, and that of Senator
Thomas R. Finn, a Johnson stalwart,
against J. P. Bobo (Taft) in the Twen
ty-third Senate District. In the re
apportionment of the state Wolfe had
lost Ills district. He moved into Bur
nett's district Burnett had inherited
his seat fought it out and today the
final figures show that he won, al
though last night It seemed he had lost
by a narrow margin. Senator Finn
won, 5 to 1, over Bobo.
Democratic Vote Lighter.
On the Democratic ticket, which car
ried a much lighter vote, the Phelan
(Wilson) candidates defeated every De
wltt (Bell) candidate they opposed ex
cept in the Thirty-second Assembly
District, in which Arthur L. Shannon
got 342 votes, against 337 for Charles
W. Mason (Phelan). Four Dewitt Dem
ocrats were nominated without opposi
tion. Eight candidates for Judges of the
Superior Court go on the ballot, of
whom the four leaders Mill be elected
at the next election. ' Ail the incum
bents running found places. Edward
P. Shortall. a police justice, polled a
surprisingly large vote.
The vote yesterday was light, par
ticularly in the northern half of the
state. In San Francisco, out of a total
registration of 117,000, only 55,000 bal
lots were cast. Women especially were
Inactive. ,
Railway Passenger Agents to Meet
Here. Monday, September 16.
Further plans for the entertainment
of the railway passenger officials, who
will come to Portland Monday, Septem
ber 16, were mado at a meeting of the
local committee yesterday afternoon.
Among other features that will be pro
vided for their entertainment will he
a hsnquet at the Portland Hotel at
o'clock In the evening. The Portland
will be headquarters for the railroad
men while they remain in the city.
The run to Seaside and Gearhart,
which will be made Monday morning,
will be provided with the -compliments
of the North Rank Railway. All local
fentnres of entertainment are in charge i
of the Portland Transportation Club.
Those attending yesterday's meeting
wire: W. K. Coman, A. F. Charlton,
John M. Scott. M. J. Geary, J. E. V.'er
leln and E. W. Mosher. ,
Lad of 1 5 Dives Under Mass of Tim
bers and Hauls Out Younger
"Pals," One Unconscious.
Two youngsters were heroically res
cued yesterday by a brother of one,
when the three fell 30 feet with some
old bridging timbers into the Columbia
Slough at the old Vancouver viaduct.
The boys were buried beneath the tim
bers. Harry Fricker, aged 15, the eld
est. swam loose from the wreckage ana
missing his companions suspected their
fate and dived under the wreckage
two different times, bringing the in
jured lads to the surface. The res
cued lads were Teddy Fricker, aged
12. and John Grais, aged 12. The for
mer with his brother, lives at 757 Van
couver avenue, and was unconscious
when rescued.
When he had effected the rescue,
the elder Fricker placed the two boys
on the floating section of the wreck
age and attracted the attention of
nearby man. A boat later brought
the boys to shore. F. G. Delano and
W. F. Brock, who was driving by in
an automobile were hailed ana arove
the lads to their homes.
The Vancouver viaduct has long been
in disuse. The boys were playing on
the rotten bridging when the accident
Work and Writings of Dr. AV J Mc-
Gee Known Throughout World.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. Dr. W J
McGea. noted anthropologist, geolo
gist, hydrologlst and author, died here
today from a cancerous growth. Dr.
McGee was taken seriously ill sev
eral weeks ago. He was born in
Dubuque County, Iowa, o9 years ago.
Dr. McGee made many contributions
science and his work was known
throughout the world. In 1883 he be
came geologist in me unuea oiaces
Geological Survey and spent seven
years surveying and maplng .sou, out)
square miles In southwestern unitea
One of his most important works
was the exploration of Tiburon Island,
Gulf of California, where lie made a
study of a .savage tribe of people
never before recorded. He was then
enthnologist of the Bureau of Ameri
can Ethnology.
Dr. McGee never had a given name
other than "W J" and always signed
and insisted that he be addressed by
those initials without periods after
Deputy Collier Himself to Keturn
... Money Used Against Him.
Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday in
structed Attorney John F. Logan to
draw an order returning to Mayor
Rushlight the J400 with which police
officers sought to bribe Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Collier.
The Judge said that Mr. Logan
should present the order to District At
orney Cameron for O.' K., but Mr.
Logan said that he had never been
able, or anyone else for that matter,
get a direct answer or action out
of Cameron and that he would do busi
ness with .Collier. The judge laughed
and consented.
Mr. Collier stated that there will be
no trouble about the return of the
Prisoner Serving Life Term Target
of Many Rifles us He Runs,
JOLIET, 111., Sept. 4. Frank Tzurk-
allski. a life term convict, sentenced
In Chicago for murder, made a futile
ttemot to escape today. He was
made a target for many shots from
prison guards on the penitentiary
walls a quarter of a mile away and
was captured bleeding and exhausted
after a half-mile chase.
Tzurkallski's dash for liberty was
made at the entrance to the stone
quarry to which a hundred other con
vlcts were being taken. As the
prisoners filea Into the enclosure
Tzurkallskt broke away and ran down
the street. He was in full view of
the guards on the walls, who opened
while the officers In charge
the quarry gang pursued him.
American Tried in Violation of Rules
of Jnstioe Wins Xew Trial.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. Following
trong- representations from the State
.Department, a new trial has been
granted W. C. Nichols, the American
itlzen recently sentenced in Mexico to
ight years imprisonment for killing'
the desperado Cevallos, whom he had
been empowered to arrest.
After Nichols conviction the Amebi
an Consul at Tamplco reported to the
tate Department that the .trial had
been conducted In violation of all the
rules of Mexican justice and that a
Mexican had actually publicly confessed
the killing of Cevallos and even ap
peared at the trial of Nichols and testi
insurance Cashier Charged With
'Embezzling 910.000 Confesses.
SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 4. Fred W.
Van Meter, of Alameua, cashier and
bookkeeper of the Mutual Life Insur-
nce Company in this city for 14 years.
was arrested today, and charged with
the embezzlement of J1.000 by Floyd
De Groat, general agent of the cor
This is me eno mat comes to ail
fellows like me. It is the old story of
wine, women and song, said an
Meter, to the ponce.
Van Meter is as years oia, married
and has two children.
Chairman Can Arrange
Order of Witnesses
Campaign Inquiry. Promises to
Bring Disclosures.
o Doubt Felt That Contributions
to All Parties Will Be, Sifted.
Humor of Postponement Is
Heard in 'Washington.
lngton, Sept. 4. Colonel Roosevelt will
enjoy a certain advantage in the cam
paign contribution investigation this
Fall, by reason of the fact that his
close personal and political friend and
follower, Senator Clapp, of Minnesota,
is chairman of the investigating com
mittee, but that fact will not deter the
committee from probing as deeply Into
the Roosevelt campaign fund as into
the funds raised in other years and for
other candidates. The chief advantage
that will come to the Colonel will be
in the time when he himself is sum
moned before the committee, and in the
order in which other witnesses are
The fact that the investigating com
mittee is made up of Democrats, regu
lar Republicans and Roosevelt Pro
gressives is sufficient to guarantee that
it will delve into he Roosevelt cam
paign funds as diligently as it will
search Dut the source of the Taft,
Parker and Bryan funds. If the com
mittee is unable to go into the Roose
velt fund until after the campaign is
over, subsequent exposure will be too
late to have any effect on this year's
election, and the Colonel will benefit to
that extent, assuming the Penrose
charges can be substantiated.
Order May Be Changed.
Naturally, it is presumed that the
first work of the committee will be to
sift the Penrose charges and. the counter-Roosevelt
charges, as they form the
basis of the whole investigation, and
Senator Clapp publicly announced that
the Colonel would be one of the first
witnesses called. But in the month that
will intervene before the investigation
opens. Senator Clapp may change his
(Concluded on Page 2.J1
; , - "
Stockyards Plunger After Hearing
From Vermont Lavs 3 to 5
That AVilson Will Win.
CHICAGO. Sept. 4. (Special.) When
James O'Leary, the stockyards saloon
keeper, who makes a specialty of bets
on Presidential elections, read the
news today, particularly the news from
Vermont, he Immediately changed the
figures of his betting book.
O'Learly could see nothing but
Democratic victory in November, after
hearing about Vermont, and the odds
against Governor Wilson dropped from
4 to 5 to 3 to 5. That is to say, O'Leary
announced that he was willing to bet
(3 to f5 that Wilson would win.
O'Leary has been quoting 6 to 5
against Taft. He announced today that
he would give odds of 7 to 5 that
Taft will not be elected. The odds
against Roosevelt, 4 to 1, remain the
same, as well as 3000 to 1 against the
Prohibitionists and 2000 to 1 against
the Socialists.
'That Vermont election looks to me
like a Democratic victory," said
O'Leary today. "The Republicans seem
to be splitting and Roosevelt is going
to poll a big section of the former
Republican vote. That is why I have
dropped the odds on Wilson and given
the Taft men a little better figure. I
did not change the figures on Roose
velt. As soon as I read the returns
from Vermont I decided to change the
Receipts Show Increase Over Same
Two Months of 1911.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. Treasury
figures for August announced today in
dicated that the Government revenues
were jumping over the returns for the
same period of last year. Customs re
ceipts for August and July, the nrst
two months of the present fiscal year,
ran $4,000,000 each above the figures for
the same two months of 1911.
Aside from the Panama Canal and
the public debt, the excess of ordinary
disbursements over receipts was ap
proximately $16,000,000 less than for
the corresponding two months last
The United States Mints during Au
gust coined $50,000 gold, $586,000 sil
ver and $226,000 in one-cent pieces.
Pardoned Financier Will Again Be
Head of- Securities Company.
NEW YORK, Sept. 4. Predictions
that Charles W. Morse would resume
his business-op-rt-i.M;3 ilia sen
tence in the Atlanta penitentiary has
been commuted because of his poor
health by President Taft were fulfilled
today when Morse' rented a suite of
offices in 43 Exchange Place.
Announcement was made that the of
fices would be opened tomorrow, and
that Morse would again be active In af
fairs at the head of the Morse Secur
ities Company.
Objection Is to Kind
' That Is Forced.
Candidate Would Exclude
Passage-Money Colonists.
Unrestricted Hosts in Oversupplied
Labor Market Mean Trouble in
Congested Ports Remedy
Is in Distribution.
NEW YORK, Sept. 4. Governor Wil
son spoke for the first time tonight in
New York City as the Democratic
nominee for the Presidency. One
of the addresses was delivered at
the dollar dinner of the Woodrow Wil
son Workingmen's League.
Before going to dinner he met two
score editors or foreign language
newspapers at the National Arts Club
and talked immigration to them.
'If we can hit upon a standard which
admits every voluntary Immigrant," he
said, "and exclude those who have not
come of their own volition with their
own purpose of making a home and a
career for themselves, but have been
Induced by steamship companies or
others to come in order to pay the
passage money, then we will have
what we will all agree upon as Amer
icans. For I am not speaking to you
in a foreign country.
American Viewpoint.
'I am speaking to you as Americans
with myself and Just as much Amer-
can as myself and If we all take the
American point of view, namely, that
we want American lire Kept to its
standards and that the only standards
of American life shall be the standards
of restriction, then we are all upon
common ground, not of those who
criticise Immigration but of those who
declare themselves Americans.
I am not saying.tha.t..J .am wise
enough out oi" hand to frame the leg
islation that will meet this ideal. I am
only saying that that is the ideal and
that is what we ought to hold our
selves to.
"Now, strange as - it may seem to
some gentlemen who .have criticised
me, the only blunder I have made, the
Concluded on Page 2.)
Major McManus, Home From Tou
of Territory, Thinks Efficient
Corps Would Preserve Order.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4. (Special.
The problem of giving Alaska a thor
ough military police system may be
solved in the near future, not by the
stationing of a regiment or more
soldiers there, scattering the troops
through the territories by companies,
but by establishing a constabulary sys
tern modeled somewhat along the lines
of the Northwest mounted police,
which has accomplished wonderful re
suits in Canada.
Officers at the Presidio say that such
a system of mounted police is being
considered and may go through. If so,
it would be under the' Jurisdiction of
the War Department, the mounted of'
ficers being recruited from the ranks
of the Army.
Major George H. McManus, of th
Inspector-General's department, wh
has Just returned from an inspection
tour of Alaska Army posts, today at
the Presidio acknowledged that such
a constabulary was being contemplat
ed. "Personally," he 1 said, "I believe
that a system of this kind would work
out well. Centainly if a corps as et
ficient as that of the Northwest
mounted police could be developed, it
would do much to preserve law and
order in Alaska, possibly far more than
a large number of soldiers."
"Clean-lTp" Spirit of "City Dads
Vents on Climbing Vines.
Question of the day at the City Hall
Shall the Boston ivy that clings
gracefully to the staid old walls
the municipal building be chopped ruth
lessly down in order that Chief Janitor
Simmons may have his men scour the
accumulated dirt of the ages there
Councilman Burgard, when the sub
Ject was discussed at a 'meeting of the
ways and means committee yesterday
afternoon, said he would like to see
the ivy cut. He doesn't like clinging
vines in any form, especially on pub
lie buildings, he said.
Councilman Wallace, Menefee and
Maguire favored leaving the ivy there.
Janitor Simmons personally wants to
cut it down, but he is afraid he wil
arouse the ire of Colonel Milton Weld
ler, guardian-in-chief of the fire de
partment's records, who for lo these
many years lias cared for the ivy and
watched over it with Jealous eye.
Recently the City Hall was scoured
outbid and 'put" IK good condition, but
the wing where cllngeth the ivy was
left out of the operation ana it cannot
truthfully be said that it looks as clean
as It might.
Civil Service Rules Responsible for
Loss of Place.
CHICAGO, Sept 4. Federal Civil
Service rules, it was announced to
day, were responsible for the dismissal
of Harry D. Taft, a cousin of Presi
dent Taft, from a minor clerkship in
the United States Customs office.
Harry D. Taft is 24 years old and
in February, 1911. passed a Federal
Civil Service examination. . In Janu
ary, 1912, he obtained a temporary ap
pointment as entry clerk in the cus
toms office. He held the position to
the satisfaction of his superiors. At
the expiration of the temporary ap
pointment no permanent place could
be found for him. as the Civil Service
rules provide that no temporary em
ploye shall receive a permanent po
sition after a lapse of more than i
year after taking the examination.
Firing Test Proves Xew Battleship
Fighting Tops Are Vulnerable.
NORFOLK, Va Sept. 4. Firing tests
by battleships of the Atlantic fleet upon
a "basket mast" on the hull of the old
San Marcos in Tangier Sound are said
to have demonstrated that the battle
masts of ships in the United States
Navy- could not withstand the raking
fire of actual warfare.
The fleet passed out to sea today in
a brisk gale, leaving the hulk of the
San Marcos, formerly the Texas, a bat
tered and sunken wreck.
A special board will report on the
firing tests to the Navy Department.
The basket mast has been claimed to
be practically indestructible In a heavy
fire and far superior to the solid one
formerly used.
Secretary In Favor of Brigade Post,
In Line With Policy.
SAN FRANCISCoTsept. 4. .Secretary
of War Stimson reviewed the troops to
day at the Presidio and Fort Winfield
Scott. He will go to the Yosemite Val
ley from San Francisco.
Secretary Stimscn said he had recom
mended to Congressman appropriation of
$1,000,000 for the improvement of the
Presidio to provide accommodations for
a larger garrison. He said he favored
the installation of a brigade here as a
part of a general policy of the depart
ment to concentrate the army in eight
or nine large divisions.
Music Teacher Becomes Bride
. Bryan's ex-Son-in-Law.
Leavitt, the divorced husband of Ruth
Bryan, daughter of William J. Bryan.
was reported to have been secretly mar
ried yesterday to iliss liertruae tu
Leeper, daughter of Kev. Edward Leep
er, of Fort Recovery, O.
The bride is a graduate of Oberlin
College and has been musical instruc
tor in a college at Houston, Tex.
Swoop by Vice Squad Leads to
Secret Investigation.
Raid by Detective on Tenderloin unci
Arrest of 100 Women and Men
With Subsequent Ride Th rough
City In View Displeases.
PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Sept. 4. (Spe.
cial.) Rumors of a big shakeup In the
police department as a sequel to the
recent scandals surrounding wholesale
raids in the tenderloin began to take
shape today when John B. Taylor, Su
perintendent of Police, and Detective
Harry D. M. Jacobs, head of the "vice
squad," handed in their resignations to
George D. Porter, Director of rublic
A number of patrolmen, regarded as
being close to Superintendent Taylor,
who have been doing clerical duty at
headquarters, also were ordered back
to their districts tonight and the'trans-
fer of still others to street duty or their
dismissal Is expected.
Sweeping; Changes Expected.
These, according to Director Porter,
are but the first of many and sweeping
changes that are to be made in the de
partment. More than three score of
ficials and patrolmen are under charges
which are being investigated secretly
and their heads are likely to fall.
The trouble began over Jacobs and
in defending him in his work as the
head of the vice squad from attacks
and accusations by Superintendent Tay
lor, Director Porter became incensed
with the Superintendent. Director Por
ter was especially displeased some
weeks ago when Jacobs and his vice
squad, in daylight, swooped down on
the tenderloin and, in one of the most
sensational raids ever conducted in
this city, arrested about 100 men and
women and hauled them through the
streets in open patrol wagons to the
City Hall, while women and girls on
their way to their places of employ
ment watched the spectacle. Most of
those arrested were later released for
lack of evidence.
Mayor DlMapprove Action,
Both Mayor Blankenburg and Di
rector Porter disapproved of this ac
tion and from that day on it was an
open secret that the days of the vice
squad were numbered.
One of the most remarkable features
of that remarkable raid was the fact
that only certain houses were raided,
while others operating next door in
many instances were unmolested. No
explanation satisfactory to the public
was ever made concerning this, and it,
was intimated freely that there was
something behind it all.
When Director Porter returned from
his vacation a few days ago it was said
that he would demand Superintendent
Taylor's head. The superintendent's
friends said that such action would be
resisted and promised startling expo
sures ff it were attempted. As late
as yesterday It was given out that
everything was harmonious again be-
ween the director and the superintend
Taylor Often Under Fire.
Superintendent Taylor has been con
nected with the Police Department for
ore than 20 years and has been at Its
head for about nine. Generally consid
ered one of the most, emcient ponce
hlefs in the country, he lias been the
target for attack in several municipal
administrations, but in each case he
successfully resisted all efforts to de
pose him. The Civil Service Commls-
ion at one time decided that the post
of superintendent of police is protected
by the Civil Service laws and that un
less charges demanding dismissal were
brought and sustained against him he
could not be ousted from office.
In the meantime the entire police
force has been affected by the dissen-
Ions and squabbles of their superiors.
Many of the lieutenants are loyal to
Taylor. '
Little Miss Wins Seasons Medal
Offered by Commodore Goodwin.
NEW YORK, Sept. 4. (Special.)
Ten-year-old Mary Miller today swam
cross the Hudson in an hour and ten
minutes. She started at the Manhat
tan baths, at 149th street, and finished
half a mile north of Fort Lee.
Her swim wins for her the medal .
ffered by Commodore Goodwin to the
first girl under 15 to swim the river
this Summer.
Hader Takes Government Job.
CHEHALIS. Wash., Sept. 4. (Special.)
Floyd W. Rader, who has been the
griculturist In charge of that branch .
of work at the State Training School
for several years, has resigned to ac
cept a more lucrative place in the
Government service and the O.-W. R.
& N. Co., in Eastern Oregon at an ex
periment farm. O. T. MeWhnrter, of
North Yakima, succeeds Mr., Rader at
the school.
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