Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 03, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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. -... r--.-?- to.vni Crocker-
w hlr motor, compiete with standard
Iade starter, no voiie release and -..--.-
nvmriMiA T-T-F. circuit treaker. In
203. Orego-
NATtOXAL cash registers, credit - registers
computing scales, electric coffee mill and
i . wivhr ni r id re
paired. Sell for cash or payments. The
pacific S;ore Service Co.. 227 Stark st.
rrm i n.vo'.L di ras -curren t generator.
roir.plete with field Theostat. im-mer
and circuit-breaker. TMi machine ! to
good repair. Address- room su. wifoniM
generator, complete with field rheostst and
,. . i. nrt vtnillt ion. Ad-
circuit crcinci. o
drew room 203. OregO-ias Ding
BIRDS of paradise. $17.50 and up. Empress
Feather Co.. Vi'Z Hearst blag.. San k ran o.
WE BUY CLOTHING, furniture, tool. Hlga
est price paid for men's and ladies cit
off cloth: ha, ahoca, furniture, tools, me
chanic, logins. Call Main 2080. 20 1st
at. The Glebe.
WANTED Hraz machines and Jn visible
stitch maclns. alao operators. Art tm.
hrAiripv Mfjr. Co.. 40 Sutter at-, San
Francisco. .
WANTED secnd-hand baking oven of
baker shop with store, in Portland; an
swer with evey derail. S. Young-. 414
Washington St.. Seattle Wash.
WE pay the high st cash price for second
hand furniture, Seater Martin. Fhone
East J134. 348Mwthorna ave.
WANTED Thoroughbred Belgian hares.
Must be healthy. .Tear old. State price.
I. 342. Oregonian
WANT R. R. level; loust be cheap. A J oi..
WILL, buy any krnd of hair combings at the
Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum.
FORD Auction Co. S-V most cash lor a
kind of furaiture. Main S9.L A -443.
WANTED Moving picture outfits. Folding
chairs, electric p-Auoa G -CS, Oregonian.
A fORRESPONPEKCE school of accounting
l establishing-a;renc-s In the larger cit
ies Men of ro i :uiLress, mantled by
education and tcprienot to sell a course
of this kind to- 6iokkecpr and office
men. can .make & very profitable connec
tion bv wilting The Wa&on chool of Ac
countancy. FopM s tTas oiog..
WANTED Teantstea to take cnarge nx
lour-horse team a-d pay, part of wages
on a home on a yting orchard. Must have
s.VH to pay down on home place. Wage
5j per day to mart, Steady work ail
year. AG 330. oreytonlan.
wanted GomI live- delivery boy from 8
t: M. to 10:30 A.: M- daily and from
h A. M. to 11:3m A. M. Sunday. West
Side wjrk only. Mtwt have wheel. Light
work. Apply room -K Oregonian bldg.
today. , -
WANT&U Address of jarty with expe
rience who thoroughly understands con
structing cheap dams suitable for log
pond Address Brooking- Lumber & Box
Co., Hidn'anri. Cal.
t- l v t tr t h and door layout and roa-
chlne mar.- $" a day: foreman for cabinet
and frame shop. $4.5o a ly- Apply
Walih sastx & Door Co.. Jfcew Westmin
ster. B. C
WANTED A man school teacher to teach a
rural school- Must be In gooH health and
hold a first-vrade certificate. Wages $W
per month. A oply to Mrs. Ida McKlnney,
UPCKcrey. 'ii'-'" - v w j .
1 iVE deoUdabie salesmen wanted in se-
" . . . , j all nnr unaurouied
nursery stock: cash paid weekly; write us
at once. WaahJnuttoa Nursery Co., Top-
OUR opportuniqy 11 " -clualve
control t god territory; free outfit-
weekly admncec complete una; guar
anteed absolutefy. xiakima Valle Nursery
Company, luyycui . ,
WANTED Mrsx-cuasa ui i incnti v.m
terera for work on new. Government build
tn. ;.n hiprn. iiiJ. Apply at once u
William H. Jiaxweu. contractor,
Diego. Cal.
1 ( a. a nr rnmmisslon to a limited DUm
ber of live stock salrmen for a strong
and growing flnanciaj institutldn of the
Pacific Northwest; in .replying give refer
ences. At; 50i. UregoiBiin
WANTEf Bright young, man In a tailoring
. . m .konrc m iMrn the business:
reference required. Maxwell. The Tailor,
OENTlriT to take practice one of the best
kM-ations in the city. On If at Wash-
intrton st.. or pnone ,iriiJi u.w
particulars. -
UAN of good address to do spe.cial soliciting
fr Jocl corporation In Portland. Good
pay and promotion to rightl man. Apply
Hirer V A- 1 -4 aiarquMin jwg.
MAN who has been employed or as a mem
ler of a hospital association in Portland
to ao special wwi. w.
soman '
WANTED -Man and wife for general house-A-ir
anH .urdpnln k . eood waxes, steady
emrloyment; woman must be good cook.
Address AO an1, oregonian.
WANTED A strong young man to drive
and tnke care of a. horse and make hlm-
svlf useful in store Apply Aixrn eiore,
Llnnton. Or.
TWO good organizers to organise nw coun
.-its fnr Th Kniirhts and Ladles of Se
curitv. W. E. Cummlngs, 4( .Madison
Park Apts. Phone Marshall 2103.
VALEMKN who ha made good to rep
resent a substantia.! proposition. Oppor
tuuity for permanent paying position. Ap
ply after 9 A. M. jjonoay, 000 otmm wma.
WANTED An xperiensed traveling sales
man foi established lin. for a large firm;
between ages 35 and !: salary and ex
pense. G 332. Oregonian.
HAVE splendid opening for young wide
awake phsictan. Replying, give ape,
school and character references. H 34.
YOUNG man who can invest JU0V oan se
cure p'ace where he can make large wages
as partner in established business. Call
24 'jf stark t.
Wanted Flrst-cUics shipfitters. one
vear a work. Apply Craig shipbuilding Co.,
Long leach. Cal.
WANTED at once Several millwrights for
flour mill, who aro ood spouters; trans
porta t ion paid. Inquire Barnard ilfg Co
l4 First st. .
WANTED Young man who has had ex
perience as a solicitor: state what line
ycu nav e nannita. rt . ji vitjumu.
W A NT KD Young man to sll goods on
jasenger trains, uniform furnished: small
deposit required. Apply ."2tj Johnston St.
WAN I LD Corbi:wtion stenographer and
..erU. Stau experience. AP .31$, Orego
rian. WANTED A cement man to work by the
day at S)M E- 23d St. N. Rose City car.
Bring tools.
tOV about ts years, work In store and
doltver. Call after 12 o'clock. 2.3 Wash
ington st.
1 KST-""LASS window trimmer and fur
nishing gMd salesman: give reference
and gaiary wanted. L 34L Oregonian.
WANTED Party to replace concrete foun
r! ion under house already built. 4S3
BOY wanted. 11 10 19 years, for machine
shop. Muxt be of good character and
furnish references. Apply 74 1st at.
v ANTED Station men for railroad work;
good prices paid. Apply 622 Cor belt bids,
"WANTED First-class jeweler. Apply Sin
clair A Myers. Cambridge bldg.. 3d and
ii orrtson.
DOCTOR, dentist, druggist, harness shop,
cobbler wanted in good country town near
Portland on railroad. A VU7. Oregonian.
1 TALI AN. British agents wanted ; money
making proposition. Call in forenoou. 20S
Henry bldg.
WANTED First-oia. upholsterer and mat.
tressmaker. Address Fellman-Newland Co..
K'jgt-ne. or.
$50 WEEKLY made by solicitors; best prop
ositton on Coast. Henry bldg.
EXPERIENCED, steady kitchen man. 3S3
E. purnside. Grand Union Restaurant.
CARPENTER wanted. S.c per hour. Call
after :3Q A- M.. 27 Railway Exchange-
WANT ore waiter. Apply 50 North Bth st.
abine; Bar.
DIHWAiHER wanted. Come early. 10:
First et.
THREE young men to canvass new offer;
good wages. 01 Dkvm b!dg.
JANITOR wanted for apartment-house.
Inquire "IS GHsan st.
WANTED Elevator boy. white or Japanese,
t'lnrk Hotel.
EXPERIENCED elevator man. Apply
Washington yt.
PRACTICAL farmer to take charge of ranch
at once. Phone TAbor 131.
WANTED Office boy for wholesale house.
Address, own writing. AN 34.. Oregonian.
ARHKTR wanted, steady job. 221 Madison.
A"NTEr ;ood short order cook; good
agts to rigivt party. Phone A 7413.
tJ.V wnnd Tith '
!orHl. 42S Wnch.
rhel at once. Lubliner,
WANTED Two good men.
f Tmd
Call 502 Board
PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for
agents. Cuthbert Studio, Dekum bldg.
21 and 224 Couch St.. Bet. 1st and 2d.
J'faonea: Main 6570, Mar. 129. A W.
Phone or wire rush orders at our expense.
Rachet-setler, 43.50.
Ratchet-totter, pony side. S
planer feeder. $2.50 and $'
Lath mill men. 2.50 to $3..
Five lumber pilers, $2.o0.
Rip sawa-jf. planing mill. ".5.
Lumber truck teamster, city. 5.
Men to work "hingle mill, $2- 5.
HM CO & tO I2.7.
Mill and yardmen, city. 2-2a, $2.50 an
"yardmen. 2.25. 2.30 and $2.75.
V.e have a lerge list of work for log
gers, wages to -.ou.
Boy on small dairy ranch. $25.
Boy to herd abeep. small place,
f'hortman, 2 cows. $25.
Farm hands. 43." and $40.
Man and wife on small farm, $4u.
200O hoppi -kers. Jirst-clai's hops, long
job. si per nunareo no iee.
. Night cook, small restaurant, $35 and
Cook for 6 men, river boat, $3o.
Tea-aster to deliver wood, etc., cit:
"bov with wheel to selir laundry. J6
Teamatera. grading for electric carline,
Ttnv in rarrv v-ater. citv. SI. 25 day.
Eight men to .work as helpers for elec
trie linemen, v noum. wub
4'arpentr helpers. $2.75.
i:arpenter helpers, city. $3.
Rnrn men. flfv. JtSS month.
redar tie cutters. 16 cenis per tie; one
year's work or more.
Wood cutters., $1.50 cord.
- Wood splitters. 6c cord.
Tea.ns to haul lumber. $2.40 pr M.
Teams lo haul wood. Sl-.V cord.
Twenty men for paving work, $2.75.
Ten section men on log road. $2.50.
lahnrorr oftiintn-. S2.50 to S3.
Laborers., country road work, lone job,
92.10 day.
We chip NORTH, SOVTH. EAST and
WEST every day. FREE FARE.
Hundreds of new jobs every day.
A FREE job to any man who la broke.
We REGISTER experienced help for all
kinds of work FREE OF chakju.
NOTE We Gt'ARANTEE all our Jobs or
pay fare both ways.
222 and 224 Couch St., Bet. 1st and 2d.
SALESMEN It requires just two things to
make a most successful man witn us
has the ambition to make more money
than can be earned in his present posi
tion, but lacks the nerve to try a com
ml 1-5 ion Man v a. snlendid salesman 1
bound down and keeps himself continually
In a rut because he lacks the nerve to
get away from the salary mea. Any man
who will 'apptv himself cau make many
times his present salary in our business.
We have never found it so easy to get
business as now. We are having the
lapMH ma 1 In nnr hist or V. We must
expand our sales force to take care of
thi raoidlv Increasing ' business. Our
nmnnaltlon fs the best ever offered and
you can make big money right now our
salesmen are doing it. If you have the
necessary nerve and ambition and the
ability to apply yourself as laid down by
the largest concern of its kind in the
City. See MT. cieveiana, saiea
The Fred A- Jacobs Company. zm wasn
tngton street, corner Fourth. 10 to 11
A. M. only.
Office Secretary Employment Department,
x. a. u. a.
vmv mn itnnrer. seeking employ
ment i:20 his total cash asset) It I p
you $5 for employment membership. I win
have only $15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for niPi0-V
tnent membership, you will have tbe X. M
C. A., with alt Us resources, between ou
and starvation. .
Result: Young man joined association.
In less than a week bs hod satisfactory
employment. , ,
Call for men X2?J
Positions filled 11 ?
Employment membership guarantees
member will at cure employment or rerun a
of membership fee: gives two months' full
membership privileges, 10 months
privileges and undertakes to keep member
empioyea during tne iuu icrw
- BithMit fi.ih.r nhr2P
Constant demand for CLERICAL.
See secretary employment department
Y- M. C A-
IS HOT. We are doing the biggest busi
ness in our history. We have never found
it so easy to sen gooas. e ui
our sales force to take care of our rapidly-Increasing
business. You probably
have tbe ambition and the ability to
make many times your present salary, but
you are a slave to the salary Idea and lack
th nerve to try a commission. Get out
of that rut. Connect yourself with the
largest and most progressive real estate
concern on the Pacific Coast. Our propo
sition is the best ever offered and you
can make big money right now. Our
salesmen are doina- it. Ask any bank
about us. then see Mr. Cleveland, sales
manager. Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 269 wasn
ington st.. cor. 4th 10 to 13 A. M. only.
ABLE BODIED men wanted for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
K5. Must be native born or have first
papers. Monthly pay r.5 to $80. Addi
tional compensation possible. Food, cloth
ing, on art era and medical attendance free.
After 30 years service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore in all parts of
the world. Apply at U- 8. Marine Corps
. Recruiting office. 3rd and Washington
sts.. and lt Third ave., Portland. Or.
HOTEL cook. $.10 tout of city).
( amp cook, 11 men. foO.
2 waitresses (out of city), $3.V
Hotel waitress, SO week and $25 month,
-Chambermaid, $1 day.
Restaurant waitress, $S and $10.
Ranch cook i2 in family).
Housekeeper, $25, man aud 2 children.
family cook, 4U.
Nursegirl, $20.
343 u Wash. St.. R. 7.
LOCAL corporation, established over 20
years, wants experienced salesman at
branch office: man with building and
loan or Insurance experience preferred;
good opening and Mg money to tbe right
man. Ar o u. uregonian.
A young man. 21 to 25 years, who has
had experience In a country store: only
one who is willing to ao anyimng arouna
the store need apply. A permanent posi
tion to risrht party. Bell & Owens Co..
Gaston. Oregon.
SUCCESSFUL stock salesman to represent
lo-al financial Institution: will pay salary
to those who can get results; only those
who can give reference as to ability ana
character need apply; opportunity tor
something better with the company for
those making good, c 2flH, oregonian.
BOY wanted, with bicycle. $2 a day. Room
8i Chamber of commerce.
GIRL for general housework.
Apply 250
12th st.
GIRL for general housework. 526 20th St.,
flat c. Portland Heignts. .vain vv.
GOOD positions for competent girls. Room
Sou central oiag-. imn ana Aicer sis.
GIRL for general housework; pleasant
home, ll fc. tiurnsiqe. rnone rst tlfb.
GIRL wanted, light housework. 10 John
son. "
wages $25
month. 24N JTtn st.
WANTED Young girl to assist with general
housfeworK. can xaoor -tuw.
MILLINER to trim, also order work; good
opening ror pusiness. rnone ts iouj.
WANTED Waitress; wages $40 a month.
24S N. 17th.
A GIRL for general housework and cook-
HIGH school girl wanted Good place and
some wages. fnone wooniawn i.
vz SCHnni. e-ir! to work for her hnard :
mnA home. East 1537.
GIRL fr general housework; wages $25.
155 N- 22d.
WANTED Girls to work In book binder,-.
James. Kern & ADfott va. 4. ist st.
WANTED Two first-class waitresses. In
quire Rhemgoid Care, ist ana tjurnsiae.
WANTED Girl for housework on farm In
quire Belvedere note!.
WANTED Experienced waist and
hamis. B uennoiz, 4i roaaway.
WaNTED A woman to help in kitchen.
Apply y tn st.
GIRL for general housework. Apply .3&&
Farlc st.
WANTED Reliable girl for general house
work In small family. Tabor 9tz.
WANTED A girl for housework and help
with child 3 years oin. rs. :4in.
WANTED Experienced ironers. Apply In
ternational iunary. cast via ana vmuk.
Boat cook. $35 ; camp cook, $40 ; hot el
cook. $-5 and $4o; restaurant cook. $0.
-and night cook. $S per week; grill wait
ress, $0 per week; hotel waitresses, $25
per month; lunch counter waitress. $40;
waitress and chambermaid, t-5 and $20,
out of city; chambermaid, city, $23; In
fant's .nurse, $40; laundress, $1.75 per day;
housekeepers and girls for general house,
work at" good wages.
" Ladjes Dept.. 205 Morrison.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
one to assist in housework ana care oi
children; suburban home, close in. good
wages; good place for sisters or mother
and -daughter. Call or address 303 Corbett
bldg. or phone Marshall 278. or Marshall
912. "
WANTED Girl who knows how. for house
work and plain family cooKing. o ney
washing. Good wages. Apply this morning
at 11 o'clock. 112 Thurman st., Willam
ette Heights.
WANTED A good girl for genera! house
work ror a ramny or z neea nui u mi
experienced cook; a Swedish or Scandi
navian girl preferred. Phone East ITS.
between 10 and 32 A. M-
WANTED Girls for general housework;
good salaries; in small families, can oo
tween 10 and 3 at the Catholic Women's
League, 411 Stearns bldg. Main 2451, A
29tV .
WANTED Comopetent girl to do general
housework m four-room apanmeni, omy
two in family. Apply Apt. 47, Trinity
Place Apartments.
SALESMEN for glove and hosiery depart
ments: nermanent positions: kooi bina
ries. Lennon's Specialty Glove and Hoa-
iery. Store, aw Morrison su
i a nv vhn ho heen emitloved or is a mem
ber of a hospital association in rorntu
io ao special worn. w
gonian -
vni;r. larfv f rood address, ambitious an
bright, to represent a locai dubjiibm
Biary. addiv i ici a-
quam bldg.
PVPPRlRxTEn (w-rnnd maid to do UDstairs
work, wait on-table and assist in care oi
nabv arternoons; nign wHgca uumc
Marshall 3831.
GIRLS wanted; appiy Standard Factory No.
rOMPRTRKT. rienendable woman for per
manent position witn local ousineas urm
A U 34.. uregonian.
WANTED A girl to do chamber work in
private boaraing-nouse. van iium w j.
A. M.. at 3S9 Taylor st.
Washington bldg. 270& Washington sL,
sear 4tn. puone jaain aa or
ti'iVTF.n An cxnerienced girl for house
work. Must be gooa cook. uooa s
807 Uth. apt. E.
GIRL with good city references and some
experience ior coniecnonery mure
Washington tt.
A GOOD home for school girl who will
take care or. o-year-oia cniiu. raouo
Marshall l."W.
WANTED Woman or girl housekeeper for
Invalid woman; good home ana smaii
wages. Apply 622 7th st.
i.Aniws wha can handle a flrst-class money-
making proposition can ova aviuum uiu.
after . a. u.
WANTED Girl to go to school and assist
with housework; sman wages to start
Home phone uiwm.
woman for general housework, family of 3.
Inquire lo 4th st. during uay. o ast
Alder, evenings.
WANTED Combination stenographer and
clerk, state experience. At- .ue. uregu:
vr at. ranable woman, housekeeper widow
cm tamiiy. t. iouis Agcu.j.
COMPETENT maid for general housework,
family or 4. iit f ranxiyn bu. injnu
ette Heights. Call A 7234.
LADY assistant for dental office. Inquire
351 W asnington si. ; no expenenc- re
quired, i
fniRM 1 man. for vaudeville sketc!
New York Theatrical Agency. Eilers bldg.,
suit OlO.
w a ntkii Schoolgirl. 13 vears of age
over good nome ana wascs. fnone cuai
GIRL capable of handling candy and soda
counter: icai residence preierxeu. an
360 Washington st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman ior re
sponsible position. Viavi uo.. u nom
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
famiiy or two: gooa waxes, wy--b-u-
drive. Phone A 36S2.
WANTED An experienced girl who can
make buttonholes ana reu. Appiy
Everett. Philadelphia Tauors.
riTR cB-ror and finishers: good wages and
good position, uniy expriencea neip j.--u
apply at Mivcrnem , -oo uriami ac
WANTED Competent second girl. Apply
113 N. 20th, corner unsan. . none i
SiSH Washington st.. cor. ith. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692-
W ANTED Good mattress stitchers. Cres
cent Feather t ompaoy, im ana narn-
son- sts., San Francl-tTQ. Cal.
WANTED Young girl as nurse maid and
some general worn; one oaoy jo monms
old. 4?3 East 4Mh st. iNortn. laoor sjj.
EXPERIENCED millinery saleswomen. Ap
niy j. s. Granam. teatiie wasn. j. . o.
Graham. Inc.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
housework. 70 an cock. iaxe xroau
way car. .
FIRST-CLAFS waitress. Clifford Hotel. East
rth and Morrison, aiso cnamoermaia.
HOPPICKERS wanted for the Bagley ranch
near MillsDoro. or. rsinety acres oi neavy
crops, best possible picking; free tents;
excellent camn grounds ; every convent
ence; only 20 miles from Portland; rail
road station on ranch; only limited num
ber required to compiete craw, 'leiepnone
A 4S13 or Main 2963, or call at room 612
Worcester bldg.. corner 3d and Oak sts.,
12 to 4 Monday; 9 to 5 after Monday.
ANTED At once; 300 hoppickera for
Wlgrich Ranch at independence, ur.
our teams will meet all trains; best ac
commodatlons; free tents, wood, water.
etc.; pay oOc per box; register at once at
520 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and stark
sts. Phone Marshall 1S14. wigricn nancn
At Hurt Ranch. 1
T.ivesiev station i6r. Electric) la on ranch
Book from jeiierson si z:i.o aaiiy. -r-e
tents, wood. etc. 'Jw acres neavy nops.
3 weeks' picking. Phone at once. Room
tils, imperial noiei. aiam o-o
:o HOPPICKERS wanted Small yard, ex
tra quality hops, good water ana wooa;
notatoes. corn, beans and other vegeta
bles furnished free; substantial bonus giv
en to pickers who stay through. See D.
H. Alien, room imperial noiei.
Thirty more needed; tents, wood, apples.
potatoes free. Call Monday or Tuesday.
GO 8 Worcester bldg. Marshall 3210. Eigh
teen days" picking.
100 HOPPICKERS wanted. -Extra pood
vara. Free living rooms, eeiaoies.
wood, well water. Round trip $1. Call at
J. J. Metzler, room 32, Russel bldg.,
WANTED 20 hoppickers. See me Tues
day between H ana at American
taurant. oo I- OU bi.. r toucn. xt.
L. Brown. .
ANTED I would like a colored man and
wife for housework and gardening; good
pay. good home.. Acaress av .odi, ure
thorough work and good positions. 630
Worcester block. Marshall 2751.
Shorthand, typewriting, oooxjceeruig. o
Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4238.
AKE money writing short stories, or for
papers; Dig pay; iree Dwmei veiis nw.
United Presa Syndicate. San Franclico.
WANTED Picture play writers; big pay;
we'll teach you. flcture iay Associauon.
r. Francisco.
SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 269 14th
Main 3S3. Expert insiruction. o mo.
schools and teachers. iu b we liana Diag.
Tarx to operate moving-pictures; op
erators earn $25 to $35 weekly: short
hours, easy inside work: prepare yourself
for Winter; actual theater experience
526 Washington, near 17th.
LOCOMOTIVE firemen and brakemen for
nearby railroads, $SO-$100 monthly. Best
paying openings: experience unnecessary;
no strike. Promotion, engineer-conductor,
150$200. Age 15-35: good sight, weigh
over 135. ' Many positions for competent
men. State age. send stamp. Railway
Association. Oregonian.
MEN and woman to learn the barber trad
In eight weeks; special Inducements; per
centage pa:a wni.e learning; toois zree
tTiprt Instructors: 17 years in the bus
neas; 37 schools: a lifetime membership
given to each student, Aioier earner co.
lege. 85 N. Fourth at.. Portland, or.
YOUNG men and ladles wanted to learn
telegranhy: reduced rates this month
great demand for telegraphers; positions
guarantee,!. call or aaaress .ctai a lei
lns't. 505 Commonwealth bldg.
Learn auto driving and repairing: no-
eitlons secured for first-ciasa men; act
quick. 80S Railway Exchange.
R A ILWA Y mail clerks, prepare now.
cellent salaries and promotions; no lay
offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa
cific states scnooi, wcnay oiag., city.
BOOKKEEPERS Get out of the
course in higher accounting ny expert
accountant. Main T44L S05 Chamber of
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
TRAVELING salesman- would like position
with wholesale house, hot-air furnaces or
hardware preferred; wide New lorK ex
Derlencc Dleasanc address and a business'
getter. Address King, 427 Main St., city,
care Alien.
POSITION wanted by young married man
as clerk, capable of managing, having had
eigne years successrui experience in gro
cery ana croe.Kery business; can give th
oest or references. u 3-tV, Oregonian.
CLERICAL man of ability will take light
set of books for evenings, or will aid in
any orrice worn lour or live nights
week; references given. Address AO 33:
EXPERIENCED retail hardware man with
live years- experience as buyer and man
nger. desires nosition. Age 40. single
tJalary expected, $100 per month. AV 135,
up books, prepare balances and state
ems, install systems. uuimgnam.
ditor, 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
YOUNG man desires position in ' lumber or
timber office. Mill ana wood experience,
Excellent education. Will accept small
salary. k -44. uregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer, accountant, ab
siractor, experienced va Multnomah Coun
ty records, attorney, wants Job. AC 343,
WANTED By experienced office tnan. 2S,
position as office manager, credit man or
bookkeeper; best of habits : can furnish
Dest or rererences. L 34, uregonian.
ACCOUNTANT WILL help bookkeeper
straighten your accounts and prepare
statement; reasons Die. tt asu. uregonian.
C. J. LAKE, accountant and auditor, 315
cnamDer or commerce. Mam 36oi.
I want to go to high school. I am IS
years old. do not chew, drink or smoke.
want to work for you for my board. If
you think I'm the kind of a boy to carry
an L, j or v on nis sweater witn be
comin g fitness, then write to H. Shreve,
gen. aej.
YOUNG married business man has $400 to
. $n00 to Invest in some business with
working position: can handle most any
Kind of business, as salesman, collector
have experience In selling flour to the
oaKers traae; D'jsi oi reierence. an m,
YOUNG man of 20, good habits, high school
education, both garage and factory ex
perience in the East, careful driver and
best rererences, wisnes position as cnaur
feur with private family. S 343, Orego
AN honest, reliable man wants a position,
understands handling of boilers and steam
heating plant; can do all kinds of mech
anlcal repairs and pipe fitting. W 3J6,
GRADUATE electrical engineer, age 30. with
seven years' practical experience, desires
position, with good prospects: can make
gooa in any line. i bos. uregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED commercial salesman will
accept city position, any kind, moderate
salary; can use typewriter and rurnisn ma
chine; no commission offers. AH 356, Ore'
WANTED" Home for boy 14 years, agree
able, good habits, expect mm to atteno
scnooi; worn ror noara ana cioinen. mnu,
light work preferred. P 343. Oegonian.
WE furnish helos for farm, domestic, fcouse-
cieaning or contracted jons, etc Japanese
Mutual Aid Association. Tel. A 24SL room
Hi. 52 N. 4th st., Portland.
FIRST-CLASS French i-hef desires employ
tnent In best hotel, restaurant or ciud
best of references, city or country. AH 857
Oregonian. .
WANTED By an honest young man, any
icinrt insirtft worK. rtav time ureierrea
write the kind of work and wages. AO
341. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man and wife want position
to taite cnarge or apartmen ,-nouse; can
give good references. A Jtf2, oregonian.
MAN and wife, stranded In city, must have
work at once. Business ability. AC 34,
MAN and wife, cooks, or chef and wait
ress: will take good, steady Job, out or
in city. S ?.42. Oregoniar
"HATTPFRTTR. middle-aged, careful driver,
mechanic experience, wisn position. r
341. Oreponian
? man wants a job; not
references, p 345, Orego-
afraid of work;
MA N desires situation ajj gardener and
chaurreur. iirst-ciass rererences. six
COATMAKER and bushelman wishes posi
tlon. city or country. AC 344. oregonian.
JAPANESE wants situation as an apartment
janitor, ( all Joe. Main p.m.
SITUATION wanted as watchman or porter
in cny. L. d-id, uregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
RRFfKEn voun- ladv wants position in
physician's office: general knowledge oi
stenography, bookkeeping, etc Af Ji4,
WANTED Position as assistant stenograph
er. 5n3 Frederick st.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, at present
employed, desires better position, m- jooj-
LADIES' and .misses- dressmaking, gowns.
waists and tailor-made suits; prices rea
sonable 314 H Maegly at., cor. Rodney.
Phone Woodlawn 3321.
EASTER dressmaker using "Queen City
Tailoring system" wants work oy tne
day. Ilh7 E. 31st N. Woodlawn 3106.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, at
shop or day. 60S Buchanan oiag. juarsnaii
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes few more
engagements, oay, week. main 4 us.
A 3256. . L
COMPETENT dressmaker would like a few
more customers; good lines ana m. oii v
Everett st. Marshall 4S57.
EXPERIENCED dressmaking done by the
day or at home. A T.W4.
DRESSMAKING and tailoring. $2.50 day. 1
years' experience. Madras notei. room
TAILORED skirts and waists, work guar-
nteed; price reasonanie. aiaranaii
SEWING done in family by the day. Tel.
Main 232, room aus.
FIRST-CLASS seamstress wants few more
engagements ny tne caj. imtm wj.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing
by day; suits also. References. Main 37S2.
COMPETENT nursemaid wants care of chil
dren arternoons; win stav in ner own
home. Main 2-.51. A 2903. Catholic Wom
en's League.
WANTED By an experienced 14 -year-old
girl a place to care ror a cnnu. rnone
Marshall 1G43.
NURS'e. much experience, will take care an
kind or sickness, invaiio, ran if mi i, triuer
lv a specialty; reference. Main 5S9S.
PRACTIC A.L n urse wishes cases, m a tern 1 1 y
preferred. 6954 Glisan st. Marshall 4014.
CALL for nurse, experienced maternlt, el
derlv. invalid; Main 2039. A 4775.
Hoosek eepera.
WIDOW, neat appearing, would like to keep
two chf?riren. Phone C 82Si.
JAPANESE gir! wants
house work, plain
AC 4 SO. Orego-
cooking, smaii iamu.
IDY wishes position as housekeeperj ex-
periencta. n- toiuiimm gi. jnam oi v.
SITL ATION wanted as hoifEekeeper by lady
with two cniiuren. tan at t v. via t.
WANTED Housework by Swedish girl. 730
East 61st st. North. Phone Tabor 70.
M iscellaneous.
WANTED By an experienced teacher from
the extreme East, a few pupils for private
tutoring in graae suojecis, iatin or .ng-
nsn. JuS, uregonian.
SITUATION WANTED Bv experienced wo
man a position as cook. Phone Wood lawn
DEFINED lady wishes .situation in doctor's
or dentist's office; moderate salary. Tabor
HOUSEKEEPER, cooks, waitresses, second
girls, chambermaids, nurses. St. Louis
f Agency. 253 1 Airier. Main 2039. A 4T
JAPANESE young woman wants work in
private family in the north of East Side,
in Morns st.
GERMAN lady wants day-work Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. Phone Las'
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
Call morning, evening, Marshall 3505,
room O-
EXPRP.lF.xrRn woman wants day work
washing, ironing, honest cleaning. East
SERVANT, experienced, wants party cook
ing and all kir.ds of day work by the
hour. Tatior 30W4.
GIRL wishes assist with housework in good
family. 1649 Willow at, Montavilla car to
STRONG experienced German girt wants
washing, ironing; full days only. Main
YOUNG lady would like position in jewelry
store. w 342, oregonian.
WOMAN wants
Main 3423.
work. 25c hour, by day.
EXPERIENCED pastry cook or good board
ing-house. J40. Main 2039. A 4775-
LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun
dcred. 25c up. by experts. Tabor 317.
WOMAN wants day work
wash done at home. A
bv hour, fancy
DAY work, or mornings, plain cook, nurse
invalid. Mrs. Kristi, ast ooftu.
GOOD cook wants position, good wages, good
rererences. 11 i:;tn st. Appiy a. jm.
GIRLS want general housework.
Pettygrove, near 19th N.
GIRL wants general housework and help
in the kltcnen. M . tn st. i.
GIRL wants general housework or second
work. Call 65a Johnson st. pnone A ljj.
DAY work by capable woman.
Fhone Main
LADY wants work by day. Call B 1740.
BUSINESS man and wife would like care of
modern home, would not object to wia
ower or bachelor owner retaining ac
commodation: best references. Tabor 1S4
MODERN 0, 6 or 7-room house or bungalow
with garage; must be reasonable, ix. w.
Koraen. general aeuvery, cny;
WAVTRn K to S furnished or unfurnished
rooms, West Side preferred, s o44, ure-
Rooms With Board.
BOARD and room, boy 13. convenient to
ftchool. $5 week. X 340. uregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Under new management. .
,e5 Washington St.
Large lobby, finished In mahoganyvtlle
and marble; ladies' parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone service In room
ell night and day. electric elevator, steam
heat, hot and cold water in all rooms,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort Is made for
the cot fort and convenience of Its guests;
rente the most reasonable In the city;
rooms by tho day, week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at Depot, get off at 10th. and Washington.
tn ana Aider sts.
New reinforced concreto bnlld'.ng. under
new management. Why not have a room
right down town? They are well fur
nished, right In the business center of
the city. All have hot and cold water,
many with baths, and all other modern
conveniences. Prices most reasonable by
month, week or day. Investigate before
locating. Any car from depots pass with
in one block, of hotel.
xnose three beautiful furmsnea noiei-
13U 4th at. 211 XL. 4th at. 207 4th at.
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Salmon ; brand new brick; elegantly
furnisned; steam heat, private batha, hot
and cold water in all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary, In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
yon will like it. Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Corner Third and Main sta
Thoroughly modern and clean, and con
ducted as a first-class hotel, under the
personal supervision of the owncra Spe
cial rates by the week or mouth to de
sirable parties.
European and American plan.
Every modern convenience. All outsid'
rooms. Large lobby. Grill in connection.
SPECIAL Sunday dinners from 2:30 to 8
P. M. RATES: $3 per week and up;
with private bath. $5.50. American plan,
$1 per day and up.
East 6th and Morrison, near Grand aye.
126 Thirteenth St.. at Washington,
European plan: new and modern.
Private or detached batha
Hot and cold running water.
Telephone in every loom.
Steam heated.
Very reasonable ratas to pennanenta
A first-class residential hotel, under tn
personal management of tbe owner. J.
W. Bushong.
131 Eleventh Street.
NV- Tnndern brick building: steam-
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms; beauiiruny rurnisnea, cosy, cu-
xortan:e; rent reasonaDie. ana e u
Regular and transient trade solicited.
Third and '.avis StS.
Everything new and up to date: hot
an cold water, steam heat and telephone
in every room. Best service for money in
tne city. Kates iu mo. ana up.
HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnslde sta
Absolutely nreproot; new ana eiegant;y
furnished rooms; private baths, steam
beat hot and cold water, private phone
In each room; special rates by the month.
Phone Marshall 4040.
One block from Union Depot; 140 out
tide rooms with hot and cold water and
steam beat; offers special rates for per
ma nen t guests ; rates 50c to $2 a day ;
t8 .50 and up per week. Phone Main 3413.
HOTEL RENWICK Ideal home for busi
ness peowe; centra ny located ; eiegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts., 1 blocks from Portland Hotel,
op p osite Hellig Theater. Main 016.
Large, pleasant front room; easy walk
ing distance; all home conveniences; $2,
$2.50 to $4 per week. S28 4th st- Main
656L '
150 Pant St., very central, European and
American plan; homelike service in dining-room
at reasonable price; $1 European,
$2 American. Special rates per week.
K3t Twulfth St. Marshall 2700.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room: $1 day and up: $4 week and up.
THE GILMORE, 131H 10th, cor. Alder. Wei
furnished rooms, some large iront rooms
very reasonable; ciean, quiet place, tran
sient and permanent; 50c to $1 a day; spe
cial rates by week; bath, both phones
HOME for you; Hotel Bradford, complete
ly refurnished; hot and cold water, private
baths, both phones; $3.50 per week. Cor
ner 12th and Stark.
ICELY furnished rooms, for gentlemen.
also houseiteeping rooms, neij paperea,
running water, close in. 123 34th, cor.
Washington. Phone Marshall 2352.
DO you want a good rom in a good loca
tion at a low rdi .- nuw jrraoec
227 Larrabee St.. East Side. East 64U.
HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished
looms with an mouern cuuteuieuces. oin
and Main.
Ktw. strictly modern, nrivate hatha and
suites; rooms. $3.50 per week up. M. 0472.
THE HYLAND, 400 Morrison; modern single
or ensuite; cneapi m cny.
OTEL BENNETT, 228 Taylor, new and
modern, rates reasonable.
Fnrnlfhed Rooms In Private Family.
FURNISHED front single room in steam-
heatrd apartment. Main m:n.
LARGE den. suitable for 2 or 3, modern;
fine location. -rns.
p'eatant room, Glisan st., near
FURNISHED rooms. Call Monday. 131 12th.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
LARGE new iy furnished double and single
outside rooms ior gentlemen, strictly pri
vate family, modern, corner house, 1 block
Irom several carhnes. every convenience,
home comforts; references. 120 E. loth,
corner of Alder. Phone East 5 Us.
REASONABLE to younj- lady, front room In
apartment occupied by lady alone; use of
bath and phone. H viand Court Apart
ment, 22d and Glisan. Phone Marshall
NICELY furnished room, steam heat, large
closet, electric light, hot water any time,
1 block from Funnyside carline. vicinity
Hawthorne and Washington High Schools,
walking distance: reasonable. East 1550.
DESIRABLE room for gentleman. Hot and
cold water. Open onto large sleeping
porch. Separate bed, fine location. West
Park Marshal 4215.
BUSINESS gentleman may secure room
furnished differont than ordinarily rented;
i:p-to-date private house; breakfast if de
sired. Phone Marshall 3756.
3 OUTSIDE rooms suitable for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen ; also housekeeping rooms ; gas.
electricity and baths free; furnace heat.
Phone Marshall 3734. 747 Northrup st.
Newly furnished, modern home: quiet,
refined neighborhood; easy walking dls
lance. 46'i; park.
173 16TH ST.. between Morrison and Yam
hill. 1 have two furnished rooms, furnace
heat, bath and phone $2.50 and $3.50
per week; look these up.
NICELY" furnished room for gentleman in
Nob Hill flat, walking distance, two car
lines, modern conveniences, $.1 per week.
700 Vj Kearney st. Tel. M. 0271.
HOT wa'er heat, bath, phone, nice large
Voom, $2.50 per week. 10 minutes' walk to
post of f ice. 414 Market, cor. 11th.
LARGE heated room, private entrance, 7
min, P. O.. very reasonaDle to people em
p loyed. 367 10t h .
CLEAN rooms, cIosa in. neatly furnished,
for gentlemen only; $7 and $S.50 per
month. 215 13th st.
PLEASANT, clean room in new. modern,
pleasant home; every convenience; gen
tlemen preferred. 6ft2 Everett st .
HANDSOMELY furnished room with kitch
enette if desired; choice location; all con
veniences: absolutely clean. 265 13th st.
$6 MONTH Furnished room, phone, bath.
electric ngnc, warning distance. 7 gar
rison. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 and 3
gentlemen, also one small room, all con
veniences. 120 17th st. N.
LARGE parlor. Ideal for 3 young men, fire
place, private wasn room, running wa
ter, $5 week, $20 month. 181 llth st.
VERY" desirable room for 1 or 2 gentlemen;
steam heat and every modern convenience.
Apt. 504. Degendorf Apts.. 208 16th st.
LARGE front room, with or without house-
keeplng suite, closo in. 431 Tgylor.
ROOMS for 2 gentlemen in strictly private
Jewish family. Phone Marshall 1S2.
NICE, clean, newly turnished rooms, suit
able Tor two; private nouse. iv ua st
FURNISHED sleeping rooms. $2.50 and up
neat, phone and oatn. i utn st.
NOB HILL, $10 month, pleasant bay win-
dow room, an conveniences. is. zna.
fTnfnnilKhed Rooms.
TWO unfurnished rooms, modern, pleasant
location, Ladd Addition, walking distance.
Phone seiiwooa in i.
TWO large unfurnished rooms in modern
cottage, pantry and batn, m; one months
rent rree if taken toaay. oz . uavis st
Rooms With Board.
386 Montgomery st,. Cor. West Park.
High-class family hotel, everything new,
modern and up to date, with private recre
ation grounds, nome-iixe, witn large,
light, airy rooms, at popular prlcea Call
THE LAMBERSON. 554 Couch st., has been
thoroughly renovate a ana nas to rent a
few attractive rooms, single or en suite,
with modern conveniences and good table
board; both phones.
Now under former management.
Very desirable rooms, excellent table,
home cooking; llth and Yamhill sta.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WH1TB-
hii.t, cflr. oth ana aaison: large raoms,
bath, broad veranda; quiet, close In, near
car; 4 blocks irom .fc. u. American p.a,
NICELY furnished rooms, with board, free
baths and phone: rates reasonable. The
Alamo, 26 Stark st
rooms witn ooara use oi sewing- room, li
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup.
MAN1TOCJ, 261 18th at. Attractive. clean
rooms, steam neat, gooa uo. cmw in.
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board;
running water; steam neat, aso jq st.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
EXTRA large rooms, all newly furnished,
suitable for 2 or more ; separate beds,
home comforts, walking distance : good
board $3 and $6 per week. Main 63SL
501 Harrison, near 14th.
NEW furnished room with board, man and
wife preferred, close in, West Side: all
'home conveniences. 468 10th, near Jack
son. LARGE front room with or without board;
home cooking, sulttable for two or three,
private porch, select neighborhod, walk
ing distance: also single room. 385 Mill st.
NICELY furnished rooms suitable for one
or more young men, with or without
board. 530 Davis st., near 16th. A 3376.
NOB HILL district, pleasant rooms, home
conking. 635 Kearney su Phone Marshall
DO the comforts of home appeal to you ?
If so, call at 57 Trinity Place. Modern,
newly furnished; home cooking.
424i, JEFFERSON Room and board, pri
vate family; rates very reasonable. Come
and see.
MAN and wife with home would care for
children reasonable by week or month. AO
345, Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady to room and board.
Hvland Court Apt. phone Marshall 3162.
ROOM with or without board, private fam
ily, walking 'distance. 403 Halsey. C 2126.
ROOM, board. reasonable.
Marshall 3312.
694 Everett.
ROOM and board in private home. 634 Flan
ders. Phone Marshall 423.
ROOMS with board, alone if desired.
Lovejoy st.
BOARD and room, one with all conven
iences. 4:i4 Salmon, corner 12th.
ROOM with board. Call 3S0 Taylor; private
REASONABLE rates, modern home, walking
distance. 332 10th st. Main 6070.
TWO pleasant rooms, large porch and
ground s ; excellent board. Main 207L
LARGE room suitable for
hoard. 655 Irving st.
gentlemen, with
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, good
board. - 656 Gllgan St.
ROOMS and board, reasonable. 505 E.
cor. E. 15th st. East 532
FIRST-CLASS room and board, one or two
In private family. 166 N. 21st. Main 4220.
THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis
tg. 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished;
THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. Two
room, furnished, walking distance. Main
DESIRABLE 4 and 5-room apartment; gas
range, steam heat, hot and cold water,
walking distance. 5S7 S- Main.
THE H ELMER Apartments. 53 N. 18th;
light housekeeping, $2.50 to 6 per week,
phone A 1339.
38th and Flanders st. 2. 3 and 4 room
mod era apartments. Apply to landlady.
14th and Columbia sts. 2, 2 and 4 roona
furnished and unfurnished; modern.
2 3 and 4-room apartments: new brick
building: new furniture. Marshall 3658.
KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay Beautiful
3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, new
brick bMg.; electric elevator; references.
421 WEST PARK St., 4-room steam-heated
apartment, unfurnished, no children. ln
quire 3S6 Hall st.
ROSE FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson ata
Very desirable unfurnished apartments; all
outside rooms; hardwood floors; refa
THE DRICKSTON. 448 llth. Nicoiy furnished
2 ana a-rum rauutm uui-iud p i a. . near
Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished three-room front
apartmen i ; mi- v ,- , -.iijuner doc iter.
410 Harrison. Apply after 10 A. M.
Beautifullly furnished 3-room modern
apt. Marshall 4174. 3S8 31th st.
THE LEONCE. 1S8 N. 22d, near Johnson
New, modern brick; 2 and 8-room beau
tifully furnished apartments; $22.50 up.
THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington it, new
ly furnished, 2. 3 and 4-room apts. Best
service. Cheapest rent In city. N- mgr.
4 and 5 large rooms ; modern.
THE ELMS Fuxnisnea apts., iq and up.
101 14tn ex.
BJELLAND, 16th and Lovejoy Unfurl Jaaed.
Main leoi: a iw .
THE LAURETTE, 1 furnished 3-room a part-
near lamnui. -ruwm am.. wmi pprcn.
THE Ormonde Modern, 4-room apartments
656 J? lanaers u, a-wu u iaam
A part men ta
Furnished and unfurnished apartraen ti
from 3 to 5 rooms, from $-0 to $69 per
month. If you want one. telephone.
On Sundays or
Main 2015. Evenings call A 201
Mr. Berry.
Main 2181.
Our automobile will call at any address
with our agent, who will be glad to ahow
. these aparimenta
We own or control the following:
Angela. Washington and Trinity Placa
Cecilia, 2d and Glisan sts.
Claypool, llth and Clay sta
Fordham. 170 Ford at.
Grandesta. Grand ave. and East Stark.
Hanthorn. 251 1 2th St.. near Main.
Hanover. 165 King st.. near Washington.
Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near llth.
Sheffield, 272 7th st.. near Jefferson.
St. Croix, 170 St. Clair st.. near Wash.
St, Francis, .1st and Hoyt sts.
Wellington, 15th and Everett sta
502-608 Abington Bldg.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sis.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 2. 8 and 4-rooai
apartments: buildings new and strlcuy
modern ; survlce flrst-clasa
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ata;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. S and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
3-room basement apartment, 15. Phones
A 1744. Marshall 2061.
Most up-to-date apartment In the
Northwest; every convenience; 4 and I
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new."
walking distance, 21st and Johnson sts.;
choice residence district; attendant on
premises. Marshall 8360.
12th aud Taylor.
Just completed most magnificent fur
nished apartments In the Northwest, lo
cation perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones In all
apartments; high-class service; reference!
required. Main 2276 and A 7057.
THE UP.NHUR 261 h and Upshur sts., fur
nished 2-rou apts., $15. (18 and up; in
cludes steam heat, hot and cold water in
every apt. : private phones, public bath,
electric lights, gas ranges, laundry room,
all free; also 3-room unfurnished apt. with
private bath, $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take S.
23d or W cars north. Phono Main 50.
THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup St., near
21st; 6 -room unfurnished apartment, with
all modern conveniences, bath, telephone,
gas range, refrigerator, ateam heat, hot
and cold water, gas, electric light. Janitor
service, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and
Northrup. Phones Main 4376. A Hit
WILL sub-lt my 3-room newly furnished
corner apt., with balcony, light, cosy
rooms, close in. exceptionally fine' view,
new fireproof building, with electric ele
vator; rent reasonable to responsible par
ties without chlldien. Inquire Janitor,
Hanovt-r Apts., King st.
The largest, airiest, lightest 3 and 4
room apartments in the city; privite
phone, steam heat, finely furnished, sleep
ing porches, janitor service, new 3-story
corner brick; Clackamas and Roas sta
Phone East 3063.
Cor. 3d and Montgomery; 2-room apart
ments, furnished complete; building now
and strictly modern. elevator service;
walking distance; rates $25 to $32. Malo
0-166. .
A newly furnished 3-room apt., 122 50;
all outside, large, light, airy rooms, pri
vate phone, bath, gas range, refrigerator,
water heater, lai.ndry trays, large closeta
on carline. Tabr 2293, B 304L
CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Colum
bia sts ; very choice 2 and 3-room fur
nished and unfurnished apts., all modern
conveniences, beautiful location, facing the
park; min j tea' walk from business cen
ter; best service. Prlcea reasonable.
430 Fifth, corner Hall.
Under new management; light, airy, 8
and 4-room apartments; every modern
convenience and automatic elevator; $27.50
to $40; references; furnished and unfur
nished. .
THE CHESTERBURY 20th and Kearney,
residential hotel ana apt., aining-room in
connection. 3-room furnished and unfur
nished apts. very reasonable rate. Every
modern convenience. Also single rooms.
References. Miss E. M. Howe. prop. Mar
shall 7-S4.. A 445S.
I block from Washington; furnished
housekeeping apartments, single or en
suite: also furnished rooms; rent reas
onable; large parlor with piano and pool
and billard room free to guests; large
lawn. ...
CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Colum
bia ata: very cnoiue ana e-iuum iui
nlshed and unfurnished apts., all modern
conveniences, beautiful location, facing the
park; 5 minutes' walk from business cen
ter: best service, prices reasons ble.
THE IRVING, 680 Irving St., September
6, a 6-room unrurnisnea apuriiuciu;
a 4-room unfurnished; one basement fur
nished room; modern conveniences; rates
very reasonable; reference required. Phone
A 3600. '
Jefferson and 13th Streets.
4 and 6-room furnished and unfurnished
apartments, exceptionally well arranged.
Kates Reasonable.
Modern. References New.
Two and three-room apartments; large
rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool
and airy for Summer; reduced rates.
Phone Main 77B&. 695 Lovejoy at. Take
" ! caT .
THE SHEFFIELD 1-room apartment, un
furnished ; splendid arrangement, an uui
slde rooms, private bath, direct Pacific
phone, reasonable rent, superb location.
near O-: best of service. 272 Seventh
st., cor. Jefferson. References.
Handsomely furnished or unfurnished
fl-rooni apartments; every modern con
venience: pleasant surroundings; conve
niently located to cara
N. 20th and Northrup Sts,
Furnished 3 aud 4-room apartments, all
outside rooms, balcony to every suite.
E 1st and Multnomah sts.. just com
pleted: the finest and most up-to-date 3
and 3-room apartment house in the Northwest-
finest view; close in; furnished and
unfurnished; references. East 1420.
Corner Sd and Hall, newly furnished. 2
room at-artmenta building new and strict
ly modem, large outside kitchens, service; easy walking distance.
All outside 3-room apartments; uoimea f
beds built-in writing desks, vacuum clean-
I . ..-1H- C79 EO tn 1.10. Inrliirifn '
lights, private phonea A 3472. Main 1377.
341 14th St.. at Market, new corner
brick 2-room suites, completely furnished
for housekeeping; walking distance; prices
reasonable. For information call Main 1730.
Everett 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished,
private baths; $20 up; completely reno
vated, under new management; ''viking
distance; convenient and best service.
3-ROOM apartment in new corner brick
building, completely furnished. Including
table linen and silver; service f irst-clasa
The Winston, 341 14th st., at Market.
East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central:
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, com
plete; private batba; from $20 to 132.50.
5 and 6-room apartments: choice resi
dence district, walking distance; every con
venience. 21st and -Flanders sta Main 761.
nished 2-room apartments; bath, dressing
room; new. modern, reasonable. 110 21st
st. N. "W" car from depot.
JULIAETTE, 2d and Montgomery 2 rooma
furnished and unfurnished; modern, in
cluding private phone in each apartment.
Reduced Winter rates commencing Sep. 1.
Park and Madison sts.
For rent. 3 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments; strictly modern.
cated 73 rooms furnished and unfurnished
apartments; rates reasonable, 140 N. 23d
st. Marshall 2603
LILLIAN APTS.. th and Montgomery, 3
and I -room furnished, modern, all outside
rooms 7 minutes' walk to business center.
Phone' Marshall 1S78.
llth and Hall 2. 3.-4 rooms; furnished of
unfurnished; modern; hardwood floora
pr'vate balconies; Summer rates.
LOVEJOY Apartments, 3 7th and Lovejoy.
Two and three-room furnished apartments,
modern. Main 215. -
THE Birmingham, 380 12th at., 2 and 3-room
furnished; walking d is Lance. Marshall 4&4.