THK MOKMXG OKEGONIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1913- 10 UP-RIVER VESSELS . TO QUIT Lack of Support Causes Transportation Company to End Regular Service. . RUMS CONTINUE FOR MONTH Traffic Which Has Forced Down Rail Rates for Inland Empire Steadily Drains on Pockets of Hopeful Stockholders. Tn another month steamers of the Open River Transportation Company, which have operated from Portland to The Dalles and above Celilo to points on the Snake River and Upper Colum bia, will be withdrawn. Notices have been sent to agents along the river that the last trip will be mane irora Portland September 30 and then the tmcr J N. Teal will be tied up. the steamer Inland Empire. operating above Celilo. being ordered off the run as soon as she delivers freight trans ferred from the Teal. Lack of support is the principal rea son assigned, which of course means that Portland business men who have aided the line, not alone turougn patronage but with generous financial contributions, have tired of digging into their st rone boxes longer. For about seven years the service has been given out of Portland and In the face of keen competition from the Hill in terests through the operation of the steamers of The Dalles. Portland e Astoria Navigation Company, it has been held up with promises of patron age and the belief that ultimately the inland growers and mercantile houses realize the benefits to be de rived from steamer competition and the material opposition to the rail lines. Rail Rate Forced Dowa. J. N. Teal, of this city, was the main factor in the project from Its incep- tinn and lie has been associated wnn prominent wholesalers who purchased stock, which is of little value save for what will be realized rrom me aispo it!on nf nropertv on hand, but they alsn contributed toward the losses and besides routing their own freight worked to have others divert what was nosslhle to the steamers. The management of the Open River line has succeeded In forcing aown ran rates and given the Inland Empire the cheapest transportation It has known. From Portland the steamer J. N. Teal operates every other day and connects with the Inland -Empire, while during the busy season and water conditions permitted the steamer Twin Cities was in service east of cemo. For the next month it is believed that business will be heavy because so many will rush goods by the water route to take advantage of low rates. Circulars will be Issued today to ship pers acquainting them with the situa tion and It is also expected that a formal statement will be given out by the directors, setting forth their views of the forced withdrawal. Support la Larklua-. Recently the stockholders met and the facts were laid before them and it was agreed that everything would be done to carry the service along, but the result is explained by one Inter ested in saying that the "line has not received the business support that might properly be expected from those who have been most benefited by the remedial effect of water competition in lowering freight rates." The steamer Tahoma went on the run early this season and her owners say that so long as she is given the patronage whiclf has been enjoyed so far she will continue in service. The steamers Dalles City and Bailey-Gatx-ert, of the Hill fleet, will remain on the run as in the past, though one will be withdrawn during the worst of the Winter season when business Is slack and weather conditions inter fere. PLEIADES MAY NEVER FLOAT Lumber Cargo Is Jettisoned but Big Steamer Remains Fast. Advices from San Lazaro. on the Xajwer California coast, do not indi cate that the steamer Pleiades, which went ashore there a few days ago, sustained severe damage, yet marin ers are inclined to the belief that she cannot be floated. A few years ago the Sesostris, of the Kosmos line, went ashore on the west coast, bound irom Hamburg to Puget Sound, and she remains there today on an even fceel.. but all efforts to float her proved unsuccessful. The Pleiades lies broadside on the sand and she is said to be making a ied that may be her last resting place, though the steamer Greenwood, wrecker, has reached the scene and nhould begin operations at once. Her deckload of 800,000 feet of lumber has been Jettisoned and lies along the teach and it is supposed that the work of lightering her heavy cargo In the hold will be undertaken. The vessel went 'ashore during an unusu ally dark night and It is figured that she was carried there by strong inset currents that prevail in the vicinity. GRAHAMi CTTTS OCT FRILlS" Launching of Steamer Grahamona to Be Exclusive Arfalr. Captain A. W. Graham, dean of the Yellow Stack Line, superintendent of construction, traffic manager, and holder of other titles appertaining thereto. Js the author of an innova tion in maritime functions inasmuch as he announces thajt the launching of the steamer Grahamona. at Supple s vards which event is scheduled for Tuesday, there will be no "keg of nails," or refreshments under any other name, distributed to guests. In fact the skipper admits that he leans strongly to silent launchlngs and Intimated yesterday that the public would not even be apprised of the hour, but that the Grahamona would slide Into the water as easy and noise lessly as possible. Some have unfeel ingly applied the title of Grandmother to the new steamer because of the similarity of names, but her builder in sists that she will be the real kitten ish one of the yellow stackers. ORIENTAL EXPORTS HEAVY Portland Handicapped While Paget Sound Enjoys Prosperity. Portland has prospects for a partial service to the Orient until the open ing of the new year, but it amounts to about one steamer a month. This Is less than has been enjoyed since the Portland & Asiatic had sole control of the field, for with the advent of the Waterhouse ships and after the lat ter line took over the Portland & Asiatic, the service was one ship ev ery days or more. Yet from Pua-et OPERATION Sound comes word that agents of fleets running from there across the Pacific, unite in the assertion that the carsro business to China, Japan ana Manila.' will break all records during the 1912-13 season. Tt is said that some of the lines have accepted engagements that mean no space will be available until Feb ruary and for that reason It Is thought that traitiD steamers will De engagea to transport the overflow. Two liners are loading there to capacity and two others are due to take out full car goes. A strong feature of the situ ation is that steamer owners and op erators are reaping big benefits be cause rates are stiff and in keeping with the demand for facilities, yet it Is reported that the Awa Maru is ac cepting wheat and flour at least 1 below the rates of other lines because, during a lull early In the year, con tracts were accepted on that basis. The vessel left the North this week with 5300 tons of wheat" and other vessels of the Nippon Yusen Kalsha will carry stuff under the cheap con tracts for at least six months longer. HERCULES HAS BIG CARGO RygJa Chartered to Load Wheat for Europe Xext Month. Largest of the cargoes the Norwegian steamer Hercules has loaded since be- 6TEAMER intelligence. Dm to Arrive. Name. From Date. Rosa Cltr Ban Pedro... In port Beaver Eaa Pedro. ...In port Breakwater Cooa Bay.... Aug. SI Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Sept. 1 Koanoke San Diego. .. Sept. , J Alliance. Eureka Sept. 1 Isthmian Sallna Crus..Sepi. J Anvil Bandon Sept. 2 Bear san Pedro... Sept. 4 Geo. W. Elder. .San Diego. .. Sept. 9 Xevadan Sa:ina Cruz.. Sept. 13 Lyra Sallna Crua.. Ript. : Kebraakaa.f. . .Sallna Crux.. Oct. 4 X Depart. Name. For Data. Klamath San Diego Aug. 31 Northland Kan Pedro. . .Aug. 31 Yale 9. F. to L. A.. Aug. 31 Rosa City Jian Pedro. .. Sept. 1 Harvard S. K. to L. A.. Sept. I . Breakwater Coos Bay Sept. 3 Sue H. ElmoreTlllamook. ...Sept. 3 Alliance Eureka Sept. 3 Koanoke. ..... -ban Diego. .. .Sept. 4 Beaver. ....... San Pedro... Sept. 4 Anvil Bandon Sept. 4 Isthmian Salina Crux. . Sept. 5 Bear San Pedro... Sept. 0 Ceo. W. Elder. San Diego Sept. 11 Nevadan. ..... a!ina Cms. ..Sept. 11 Lyra Sallna Crua.. Sept. 30 Nebraskan. ... -Sallna Crua. . Oct. 8 ing sailed from Portland to the Ori ent, was cleared yesterday at the Cus torn-House, as she leaves today on her final trip to the Far Bast in the pres ent service. She lias 725,140 feet of lumber, valued at $7253; 22.650 barrels of flour, at $71,280, and 78.250 bushels of wheat, valued at $62,564, besides miscellaneous shipments. The Norwegian steamer Rygja, which was also a member of the Oriental fleet until the expiration of her charter about two months ago. was chartered yesterday by the Portland Flouring Mills Company to load a full cargo of wheat here in September for the United Kingdom. Her rate Is 50 shillings. The vessel wiu sail from the Orient to Vancouver. B. C. with a sugar cargo. and on discharging that is to proceed here. Marine Xotes. Llghtvessel No. 88 was lifted on the Oregon drydock yesterday for clean lng and painting and to be overhauled. To have her propeller tightened, 'ho tug Resolute was hauled out at sup pies yards yesterday. The s'.eamer Stranger is having her machinery overhauled there, besides having baa her stem rebuilt. Captain Albert Crowe, who has re turned from Astoria after righting the British tramp Netherpark. which nad a decided list, says that by filling her ballast tanks she regained an even keel and sailed yesterday for Calcutta. To take on a deckload of lumber. the steamer Nebalem shifted to I'res- cott yesterday and will sail today. She loaded 600 tons of wheat here tor oan Francisco. The steamer Temple K. Dorr went to Prescott to load and is to finish at Questport. Former members of the Port of Port land Commission and those who form the present personnel, besides members of the Commission of Public Docks. grain and lumber exporters, the chiet engineers of all rail lines centering ere and others prominent in tne snip ping and commercial sphere have been Invited to attend the official narDor test at 11 o'clock today of the ner dredge Willamette, the first steel dig ger to be turned out here. The ves sel was shifted to a point off the dock of the .Eastern & Western Lumber Company yesterday and will work there from 7:30 o'clock this morning until about 4 o'clock this afternoon, but the guests will assemble at 11 this morning, as a luncheon will bi pro vided. Movements or Vessels. PORTLAND. Aug. 30. Arrived Steamer Beaver, from San Pedro and San Francisco; steamer Shoshone, from San Francisco: gas oline schooner Patsy, from Bandon: steamer Daisy Freeman, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Rose City, for San Francisco and San Pedro: steamer Coaster, for San Pedro. Astoria. Aug. 30. Arrived at 7 and left up at A. M-. steamer Beaver, from San Pedro and San Francisco. Sailed at 5 A. M., W. s. Porter, for San Francleco. Ar rived i.t !):3l and left up at 1I:0 A. M., st.-a-ner fchoshon. from San Francisco. Ar rived and left uo at 3 P. M.. gasoline sMn.oner Patsy from Bandon and way ports. Sailed at 2:30 P. M.. British ateamer Nethtrpark. for Calcutta. Arrived at 3:15 I'. ! and left up. ateamer Daisy Freeman, from" San Francisco. Arrived down at 3:43 iitid sallen at :.TO P. M-. steamer Rose City, foe San Francisco and San Pedro. San F'anclsco. Aug. 30. Sailed at a A. M . steamer Isthmian, for Portland. Sailed Stamcr Roanoke, for Portland. Sailed last night, steamers Hoquiam and Rainier, foi Portland. . . Cooa Bay. Aug. 30. Sailed Steamer Breakwater, for Portland. IdkkaJchl. Aug. 28. Sailed German ship Egoc. for Portland. ..,. . , Iquiaue. Aug. SO. Sailed Schooner J. H. Lunsmann. for Columbia River. Astoria. Aug. 29. Sailed at :4 P. M.. s. turner Navajo, for San Francisco. Sailed a: : 1". M.. steamer Casco. for San Fran (Iko. Sailed at midnight, .ateamer Shasta, for Sar. Pedro. Seattle Aug. 30. Arrived Steamers Min nesota, from Yokohama: City of Seattle, from Skagway; Umatilla, from San Fran cisco; Humboldt, from Skagway: Tamplco. from Tacoma: Meteor, from Tacoma. Sailed Steamers Governor. for San Francisco; Watson, for San Francisco: Willapa. for Wlllapa Harbor: Columbian, for Tacoma; Umatilla, for Tacoma. San Francisco. Aug. 30. Arrived Steam ers Sierra, from Honolulu: City of Puebla. from Victoria: Falrhaven. from Port Ludlow- Siaak. from Seattle. Sailed Steamers Isthmian, for Aberdeen; Roanoke, for Port land: Nebraskan. for Sallna Crua; Svea, for Grays Harbor. Tacoma. Aug. 30. Arrived Steamer Ti tan from Liverpool, via Yokohama: steamer Eureka, from Alaska; barge Jamea Drum -mond. from Gypsum. Alaska: Nome City, from Everett. Sailed Nome City, for Seat tle: Meteor, for San Francisco; Tamplco. for Seattle. Columbia River Bar Report. rAnrfltlon mt the moutn OI tne river at a P. M-. smooth: wina weather, cloud. northwest, 4 miles; Tides at Astoria Saturday. High Low. "40 A. M.7. .".7.9 feet s:4t A. M 1.4 feet 2:56 P. SI 8.4 feet 9:14 P. M.. .LI feet Mrs. Sparks Is Recovering. Within the next few days Mrs. James Sparks, who was wounded in the back bv her husband recently, will be able to sit up. in the opinion of City Phys ician Zlegler, who has charge of the case. Yesterday one of the stitches was removed, and another will be taken out today, and all fear of In fection of the wound is now removed. Sparks committed suicide after think ing that he had killed his wife. I-aat week Rosenthal' shoe sale. AUTO FOLK WILL 60 Boulevard Association to Be Formed at Gearhart. CRATER LAKE BEAUTY SP0 Julius Meier Says That With Per feet Road From Ice-Bound Mount . Hood Along Columbia to Sea Millions Would Come. Getting plana afoot for the last link in a great Columbia River highway, which shall be advertised to the world as the peer of all other scenic drives to be found along the shores of the Pacific, a g&oup of Portland business men and memDers of tne roruano. Automobile Club, are prepared for the bir excursion to Gearhart Park Sun day morning, when the Lower Colum bla Boulevard Association is to be formed. Julius L. Meier. who has fathered the movement for a fine highway between Portland and the sea. says assurances have been re ceived of a large gathering Monday morning, when the meeting is called to perfect organization. "This Columbia River road plan is the greatest thing which has been put before the people of this city and adjacent country." said Mr. Meier yes terday. "We wholly fail to appro elate what an asset it would be to have a superb drive along the river, from beyond the Cascade gorges, to the sea, with a branch running out to Mount Hood, and Portland the radial center. A road from Portland to Mount Hood is a great idea, which the people of this city will surely build, and will later erect a monument to the name of the man who has dinned it into our ears. But the idea should broaden. We want a boulevard along the Columbia River to the sea. fK should tap all the scenic treasure houses of this region. It would open a prospect which no other highway of the American continent can rival. For this trip alone, we would have thou sands of tourists come in time. It would become a conspicuous item in transcontinental advertising. Crater Lake Advertising Point. "Within two or three years you will see that Crater Lake, in Southern Or egon, is on the advertising list of ev erv transcontinental railway. It will be shown to millions of people in book lets, on posters and cards. This will come because the Government Is to build a road system opening the tract to convenient access, so that automo billsts and other vehicles may reach the lake throughout the open season. Good roads will not make Crater Lake, but they will make It an asset for the state of Oregon. "All that can be said for the de velopment of Crater Lake is possible for the Columbia and Mount wood, u we get at the task of building roads. In addition to setting Mount Hood aside as a National Park, we must have it opened to travel. An then we must, at the same time, press the work of constructing a splendid boule vard through the gorges of the Cas cades, down the stream to Portland, and thence following the Columbia to the sea. Every dollar- we put into this work will bring Into the state and city a hundred. It will result in placing on all railway advertising lit erature the name of Oregon in a new form. Then you will hear of the two exeat attractions of this region being the Columbia River route with. Mount Hood, and Crater Lake. Aauset Is Great. "Our asset In river and mountain is trreater than Mount Rainier. We have the snow and Ice. the crevasse and loftv Deak. the possibilities of unlim Ited mountain development, and along side it we can build a nignway on which the automobile owner will put his machine for the delightful run through the rugged gorges down to Portland, and thence to the sea. Hud son River has no such scenery as this. There Is game and fishing at either hand. From a perpetual snowfield to heautlful. pure river, tnrougn a crroat citv and to the seaside within a few hours, is a combination of driv Ina- which no other land affords, it is nnrs when we open the roads.' President W. J. Clemens is doing his best to have the entire Automoone ninh loin the excursion on the Astoria & Columbia River Railway, leaving hum Sundav morning or evening. Both he and Mr. Meier are urging scores of prominent business men to join , the party, and take a hand in forming the new association. The meeting is to be held Monday morning at Gearhart, with many of the most active business interests of the lower Columbia in at tendance, and all the county officials of Multnomah, Columbia ana t-iaisup. CAMERON FIGHTS ESTERLY Continued From First Page.) from exercising or attempting to exer cise the functions of the office of Dis trict "Attorney and to ask "that upon final hearing he be declared guilty of usurping, intruding into and unlaw fully exercising" the office of District Attorney; that he be ousted and Cam eron reinstated and that the plaintiff have Judgment for costs and disburse ments. Eaterly'a Right Denied. In the document filed containing the Information in quo warranto proceed ings, Mr. Cameron denied the lawful right of Mr. Esterly to hold the office and declares illegal his entrance into the grand Jury room' yesterday and bis participation in the work of the grand jury. C. W. Fulton will appear for Mr. Cameron, and he will be assisted by Henry St. RaynerT M. L. Pipes also probably will be secured to assist them. Mr. Esterly had not determined last night whom he would secure to handle his side of the case. "We will not attempt to take charge of it ourselves." he said. "We've got about all the work we can handle in the regular line of official duty, and I will confine myself to that and call upon someone else to take charge of the Cameron case." Deputies Are Named. Mr. Esterly yesterday appointed four deputies Loyal H. McCarthy, A. A. Jayne, W. S. Asher and E. R. Rlngo. Judge Morrow recognized without hesitation both Mr. Esterly and his deputies, making it plain, however, that this ruling was not final, and that Mr. Esterly was recognized for the present because no question had as yet been raised as to the legality of his ap pointment. Judge Morrow will not be in the city this morning, and the contest from Mr. Cameron's office will be brought before Judge McGinn in its first stage at least. Although it was . announced from some sources yesterday that Mr. Esterly had offered to continue J. J. Fitzgerald and Deputy Distriot Attor ney Page as deputies in his office. Mr. Esterlv last night denied the state ment. Taxvrell Rumor Denied. "I notified them yesterday that would not appoint them," he said, "hut that I would sanction their ap pointment as special prosecutors in two cases in which they already have been working and in those two cases only. This concession was made pure lv because of the Importance of the cases and the fact that they had al ready handled them In the preliminary stages. The cases referred to are the Hazel Erwin and Willard Tanner murder cases, which will come up early next month. An unusual sensation was created yesterday afternoon when the rumor spread about the city that Municipal Judge Tazwell had been ousted from his place by order1 of the Governor and that Mayor Rushlight would imme diately appoint his successor. Scarcely had the rumor gained currency, how ever, before it met with flat denials, both from Judge Tazwell and from Governor West. Judge Tazwell de clared there was no foundation what ever to the report. "I did not .take any action to oust Mr. Tazwell," said Governor West last night, "nor do I contemplate any such action. In fact, I have no information at hand that would lead me to believe that such action is necessary." Conference Is Held. Governor West, however, admitted last night that they had conferred yes terday and that one of the subjects under consideration had been the pos sible appointment of someone to oc cupy the municipal bench in case Mr. Tazwell should leave the city at this time on a vacation. Rumors apparently coming from authoritative sources last night, how ever, persisted in predicting the resig nation of Judge Tazwell to be offered today or in the near future. In case either of resignation or of departure of the Municipal Judge on leave of absence for a vacation, the appoint ment of the man who will hold the municipal bench will rest with Mayor Rushlight. Governor West intimated last night that in case of such ap pointment he might recommend some one to the Mayor for selection, al though he had not considered anyone at the present time. The situation between the Governor and the Sheriff's office remains much the same as it has been tor tne past two days. Word Rejects Appointment. Tom Word yesterday sent the Gov ernor a letter in whicn ne aeiinneiy declined to accept appointment as special agent for the state to make arrests and gather evidence in the proposed cleanup campaign. "I have gone into tne matter pretty thoroughly with my legal advisers, said Mr. Word, "and have been told that there is grave question as to whether I would have authority to make arrests. I have therefore de. clined this appointment because my hands would be tied in this way and I would be unable to do effective work. When, as Sheriff of the county, made raids on vice resorts, suits for damages amounting to upward of ,100,000, were filed against me. At the time my official position made it Impossible for them to make any of the suits "stick,' Dut witnoux mis au thority, especially when it is ques tionable whether I have the power to arrest, I might be made JiaDie ior verv heavy damages. It is a risk I cannot afford to take. "I am heartily in sympathy with any- movement to arrest vice in Port land, however, and am willing to co operate in every way in which I can be of real service. IVest Yet Undecided, Personally I like Sheriff Stevens and I have absolutely nothing against him. If. at the election, the people feel that they want me In the office. with the authority to act then given me, I certainly shall be ready to pros ecute as vigorous a campaign as any one could desire." Governor West had made no decision last nisrht as to whom he might yet appoint to act In the position he had offered to Mr. Word. He indicated that he would not press the appoint ment upon W. H. Fitzgerald, as he suggested earlier in the week, and said that he might npt-maKe any appoint ment for several days. The Governor dispatched to biienrc Stevens yesterday "Letter No. 3, de claring that the "Twelve-Mile House," Irnnwn am the "Country Club." is oper ating without a county license and di recting him to close it. ana Keep jt closed until such time as the manage ment shall comply with the law. Sheriff Make Ne Answer. This letter contains the first definite direction that the Governor has issued to Sheriff Stevens since the opening or. hia campaign in Portlana. .eesiaes an open statement of his intention to continue administering tne iaw in. ac cordance with his oath of office and a declaration of his willingness to co operate with all proper authorities In the enforcement or. tne raw ana tne maintenance of order within his juris diction, the Sheriff has not replied to the Governor. I have received no communication whatever from Mr. Stevens," said the Governor last night. "I do not know what he will do in this matter I have nninted out to him. I shall not take any active steps with regard to the Sheriff's office at the present time, n ne ig nores my letters to him they will be placed on file and steps be taken at a future time, when there is not so much other business in hand." Tho "Twelve Mile House referred to by the Governor in his letter to Sheriff Stevens yesterday, was closed about a week ago by order of tne suerin; ana District Attorney and has remained closed since that time. The manager last night announced his intention of removing his paraphernalia from the building and abandoning the business, which he says he has conducted in a lawful and orderly manner. WEST'S CRUSADE INDORSED Central Council Commends Governor for War Aguinst Vice, Organized labor of Portland, through its Central Labor council, last, nigm arlnnted resolutions Indorsing Gov ernor West's vice crusade and com n,.i,inir him for his action in seeking by tho displacement of Inactive offi cials to bring about an enforcement of tho laws. The resolutions louo-: Whereas. Governor West has taken up the removal of public servants who have been lax in tne iienurmuuto their duties in the prosecution and en forcement of the laws of the state and the municipality; and. Whereas, the liovernor nas removea from office those otriciais wno nave been guilty of neglect of duty and placed in office men who win eniorce the laws oi tne commonw eunn, incur fore be it "Resolved by ,the Central Labor Council of Portland and vicinity that we commend the Governor for the ac tion he has taken to preserve the peace of the community, the sancity of our homes and the enforcement of our laws; and be It further Resolved, xnai. a cupy ui uicac icv- lutlons be torwaraea to wvcumi West and furnished the press for pub lication." Raymond Fair Premium List Out. RAYMOND. Wash..- Aug. 30. (Spe- clal ) premium lists of the Pacific County Fair, which is to be held in this AMUSEMENTS. POPULAR PRICES -GOODBYE DAY H-T-, -grr -I THEATER j- I H a 7th and Taylor Pbones Main 1 and A 1122. TONIGHT S&i Special Price Matinee Today. CATHRINE COUNTISS And Her Excellent Company in Maxina Elliott's Comedy Hit "HER OWN WAY." Evening, 75c, SOc. 35c, 23c. This after noon Matinee, 50c, 25c. HEILIG THEATER 7beoS TOMORROW MATINESS WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY GILBERT & SULLIVaN FESTIVAL CO De Wolfe Hopper Blanche Driffield. Eugene cowlea. George MacFariane. Kate Condon. Arthur Al drifltre, Viola (.Miette, Arthur Cunning ham. Alice Brady and Louise Barthel. Sunday. Monday. Saturday Nights. Sat urday Matinee, "The MIKADO" Tuesday. Friday. "THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE" Wed. Matinee and Night. "PINAFORE" Thursday Night, "PATIENCE" Evenings and Saturday Matinee. $2, $1.50. 1. 75c, 50c. Special Wed. Mat.. $1.50. $1. 75c. 5c. SEATS NOW SELLING. Vain 6; A 1020. Matinee Dally. WEEK AUGCST 26 William H. Thomp son. Billy Gould and Belle Ashlyn. How ard's Novelty. Minnie Allen, lleurctte, M. George 8imondet, La Vier. Matinee Dally at Sullivan & CoaaiiUne Refined Vaudeville Special Summer Prices: Nights 10 and 20c Matinees Any Seat 10c WEEK AUGUST 26 "The Houseboat Party." Manley and Walsh. Granto and Muud. Helen Primrose. "Oualp." Leo Tung Foo, Pictures. Orchestra. lANTAQES WEEK AUGUST 26 Tho Summertime Girls, the Caits Bros., Paris Green. Hose and Ellis. Irwin and- Herzog. Henry liar grave & Co., Pantagescope. Populor prices. Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones: A 2236; Main 4636. Curtain 3:40, 1:15 and 9. ! AVIATION ! ON SATURDAY, SUNDAY AXD MONDAY AT We OAKS ! SILAS G. CHHISTOFFERSON Will Flv Saturday at 4 P. M.; Sunday. 3, 5 and 7 P. M.; Monday 3, 5, 7 P. M. Hawaiian. Pblllp Pel, Mrs. Pels and Great Feature Bill After noons and Evenings. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta VERNON PORTLAND AUGUST 36. 27. 28, 20, 30, 31 September 1, 2. Gimci Besrln Weekday at 3:00 P. ,31, Sundays at 2:3U 1. iu. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE ITS MADISON STREET. Phones Xaln BOS. A 75SSJ. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall 000. All disabled or diseased animals vlll receive prompt attentions Will be called for mt a nominal cost. Refer all cases of cruelty to thta office Open ilay and night. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE- GONIAN OFFICE: A 30S. 313. 332, 337. 339. 341. 347. B 30S. 310. 311. SIS, SJu. 337, 342, 34$. 353. C: 3S:l. 269. 294, 305. 310, S12, 314, 316, 32. D .130. 333. 367, 372, 375. E 332. p309, 322, 323, 32S, 340, H53. Son. 366. ; 268, 307, 308. 311. 317, 324 li 221. 2U3. iiVS, OiU, 411, d, tf.O, d.v, AOV, 33'' 333 -294. Sio". 312. 323. 333. 34S. K 238, 297, 306. 326. 238. 29?. 312. 323. 33. M 291. 294. 304. 306. 309, 310, 313, 322, 324. 327. 330. N 295. 807, 310, 313, 322, 326, S30. O 312, 322. 327, 330. 333. 336. 340. 344, 348. 901. . ... ... P 151, 314. 315, S16. 318. 331, 332. 334. R 294. 306, 310. Sll. 312, 321. 324, 325. 33L S 313. 315. 330, 332. X 277. 302. 320, 321. 325, 326, 330, 35S. V 313. 321. 328. W 265, 308. 316. 318. 324. 325. 326, 335. X 306, 308. 309. 314. 317, 319. 323. 324, 922. Y 309, 329. 331, 3o8. AB 309. 321. 323. 331. AC "77 279. 280. 289. 296. 309. 313, 315, 316. 317. 325, 332, 333. 33S. AD 280. 296. 301. 306. 307. 308. 311. 315. 320 323. 324. 331. 335. AE 304. 827. 334. 335. 343. 346. 348. 349. 350. 352. 3o4. ao. AF 302. 330. 332. 334. 335. 337. 348. 350, 3G2. nz -11 301. 316. 337. AH 315. 325, 326. 327, 534, 33 36. 349. A,I 3"1. 326. 329. S33. 335. 336. 309. 310. 314. 315. 316. AK 276. 303. 306. 307. 30S. 325, 328. 335. AL 32441326. 403, 410, 414. 416. 423. 424. 426. 429. AM 305. 309. 813. 318. 321. 327. 330. AN 306. 30T. 313. 322. 323. 331. 333. 34o. AO 304. 312, 313. 320. 324. 329. 333. 327. AP 255. 276. 254. 2S7, 291. 29S. 233. 300. 301. 302. 307. 311. AR "98. 300 306. 309. 311. 312. 323. 325. AS 318. 317. 319. 320, 321. 322, 331, 336, 337. 389. 408, 410. AT 207. 321. 340. 508. If above answers are not called for within six davs. same will be destroyed. city September 26, 27 and 28, have been received from the press, and are now being distributed throughout the coun ty. Present indica'tions point to a splendid exhibit in every department. The farmers have evinced much Inter est, and are preparing- to bring their livestock, much of which is of thor oughbred. The exhibition of fruit will be exceptionally good, as this has been a splendid year for its production. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Aug. 30. Maximum temper atuTeR 66 defree.: minimum o4 derr--. i -1-r M.n mix. o ..... - " ' ... - last 24 hours. .4 loot tan. Total rainfall 15 W v'lghts. 15c. 25c. 50c. 75c. jl ra Dally at 2:30. HOTELS AND The PORTLAND C. J. KAUFMANN, Manager A homelike) hotel, pleasantly located in the heart of ths city. All outslae rooms. Con cert by Symphony Orchestra In courtyard every evening. Hotel motors meet all trains and steamers. European, J l.bO upv.ards. HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-passenger electric "bus meets all trains. A bigh-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from my car line, tl dst day and no. European dan. "OTKii CUHSKUts fo, Frcnrletora. i. W. Blnln, Prea. Fielder Jones, Vlce-Prea. HOTEL MOORE OVERLOOKING THE OCEAX, OPEXEO JUNE 1. WITH C OIiri.EIE SUMMER CHEW. Many new and modern Improvements. Electric lighted. Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt baths and surf bathing:; pier for fishing. Steam beat and running: water. Sea foods a specialty. The dining-room and kitchen will be tn charge of John Lehner, who Is well known through his connection with the Arlington Club for post six years. LATSOl' BEACH, SEASIDE. OR. DA.X J. MOORE, Prop. I HOTEL MULTNOMAH HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL CARLTON "SEfeKP ii Hotel M it d mm rciami'. a- -a a Location loth P M to 5 P. M.). .17 Inch: total since wp te'mbzar 1. 1W11 ST.M Inchea; normal. 4.J.1" inchea; deficiency. 7.2R Inrhee. To:a.l sun shine, none: possible. 14 nours - nunu Uarotneter (reduced to sea icveu i i . Inches. ... Til rJ wtAinr.iv. Wind State o Weatnat 6TATIONS. id p 3" Baker Boise ......... no ft .nRI 4'SE 'Rain 72 0.1'n 4 X ICloudy fi;0. oo; 4 NW Clear s'XW ft. cloudy SV0.00'12S JClear SL' O.liOl. .1.. . .'Rain Bh ft. Oil' S' NE ;Rain f2 ft. fill! S iClear 2'0.l 6 SW ICloudy ft U.01) 4'N Cloudy Hn'o.on'W'S IClear 72 D.0:i4 SW IC'.oudy t4.l,nft; 8 St iClear lK'0.nft:14 s , )Clear 7(H). cm1 4 NW Pt. cioudy tS4 0 . :! 15;E Cloudy 78 (l.lli)l S S Clear 04 U.l'-" 4 SW (Rain -rt'O.OO' 4 NW Cloudy CUO.OO'IO N (Pt. cloudy Boston ....... Calgary Chlraco Colfax Denver Des Moines ... Duluth Eureka Galveston ..... Helena Jacksonville .. Kansas City ... Klamath Falls . Laurler Los Anselea Marshtield . - Medford Montreal New Orleans ... New York North Head . . . North Yakima . Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello Portland Boseburg Sacramento St. Loula at. Paul . Salt Lake San Francisco . Spokane Tacoma ....... Tatoosh Island Walla Walla .. Washington ... Welser Wenatchee IVInnlne. ...... 1)2 0.14 4 SE Clear 7l 0.00 24 N Cleu .tS().:i2i 4-.NV nouay 0o. 04! S .'Cloudy 6.V0.80! . . Rain 90 0.00 4 SE Pt. cloudy UX'O.OOl 4IW ('. 0.1714S BS 0.04; 4 S SS'0.00 4'W 9O'0.IM)!J2 SH 7fi 1 .7010 N 'lear Cloudy Cloudy IClear Clear Cloudy 72 0 .00' 10 w (Jiear 70'1).00:i!'W IClear 52 0.00! f'S Kain 62 0.30 :W Rain r.s' 14 ri Cloudy DSI0.20! 6 S Cloudy 7&'.0O 4:W Clear 7S'0 .00' 4!SE Cloudy 70' 0.25 lis SE Pt. cloudy fifiio.OO) 8'W (Clear 5S 0.00'U SW IClear Yellowstone Park.l " WEATHER CONDITIONS. Unsettled weather conditions obtain over v. -ntire country. The disturbance from Ai ,U ni" inland over Western Can- t nd the lowest barometer reading this evening waa reported from Edmonton. 29 W fnch Nearly normal pressure obtains .h eastern lake region and southward " i SUMMER RESORTS. A. CroDir, Mt New Perkins Hotel IN" THE HEART OF THE CITY. Note Our Bates: WITH PRIVATE BATH SI. 50 UP WITH DETACHED BATH 1.00 UP Attractive Permanent Rates. L. Q. SWETLAND, MGR. PtinTXAND OREGON In sUe, appointments, servica and fireproof quality of the building; the leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating- traveler everv comfort and convenience found only in the best hotels ot the East. Nine stories of steel and concrete, with 725 rooms and suites, palatlally furnished, with rates from $1.B0 to $5 per day, European plan. Motor 'busses meet all trains and steamers. If. c. ROWERS. Manager. J. M. UROWNKLJ Aaa't Ma Both hotels centrally located,1 modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. CORNER WASHINGTON AND 14TH STREETS. Absolutely fireproof, modern building:. Every room an outside room. Auto bus meets all trains and steamers. Large airy rooms, elegantly furnished. A first class house with medium prices. Rates From 9 1 Per Day Up Rooms With Bath $2 Per Day Up H. E. FLETCHER, Manager allory Fifteenth and Yamhill Street. PORTLAND'S FINEST EXCLUSIVE FAMILY HOTEL 210 eleeantlv furnished rooms, eacli and ev ery one supplied with every aotli cpntury con venience. Strictly up-to-date. Kates reason- Sble' ABSOLUTELY FIItEPUOOF RiB-ht Rtorles of solid concrete construction. and Yamhill places it within eas Vilhoit Springs FOE THE WEEK-END TRIP Auto Stage Electric Ho tel, Oregon City, every day at 2 P. M. HOTEL NOW OPEN; European plan, rates reasonable. Best camp grounds on the Coast. We arrange to carry your bag gage. For further information phone East 3138. over the Middle and South Atlantic and Gull Slates. The pressure Is below .'10 Inches tn r.t-arly all other sections of the country. Within the last 12 hours IlKht rains havs f.ilirn In Northern Orepon. Washington. Ulnh. Arizona, the lake region and Southern Louisiana, moderately heavy rains In Colo rado and heavy rair.s acconirtinying a thun der storm tn New Mexico. Thunder atornis w-re also reported from Duranso ind Tuc son. High winds o-i urre.i nunng me morn ing near the moutn oi tne ( olun'oia Kiver. The, weather is cooler In Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington, the Iasln. Southern Korkv Mounlaln and Plains States and along the Middle Atlantic Coast and It Is warmer in tnierior Western Canada. Montana, Wyo ming. Southern Idaho. Interior .Northern Cal ifornia the l.pper jllSLlssippi valley anu lake, region aud East Gulf Slatea. Tempera tures are much below normal In Interior portions of the Pacillc Northwest and the Plateau Mates. The conditions are favorable for showers Saturday in this district, with a possibility of clearing weather setting in over Western Oregon. The temperatures will rise slowly in interior portions of this district. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Showers, probably followed bv clearing weathT and warmer In the afternoon; southwesterly winds. Oregon Ka!r soutn. snoweis norm yoriion. probably fololwed by clearing weather in west portion during the afternoon: slowly rising temperatures in interior north por tion: southwesterly winds. Washington Showers, with slowly rising temperature in itnerlor; southwesterly winds. Idaho ITOOa o iv Biin"ti. laano ro TI1EODOKE F DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. i