155 THK MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28, 19155. PORTLAND TROTTER US FREE-FOR-ALL Zombronut, Owned by Johnson P. Porter, Takes Event From Fast Field. MANITOBA HAS DOWNFALL Homer Mc. Shows Up as Future Can didate for Grand Circuit in Sec ond Da j- of Pall Races at Country Club Track. RACE PROGRAMME TOTAY. Three-rear-old trot, puna 1500. 2:OS pace, purse $2S0O. 3:3 trot, purae 11000. Three-fourth, mile dash. One. half mile dash. One-mile pace by College Maid (guldelesa). Music by Park Band from 2 until 5 o'clock. Aviator Walter Edwards ascends at 4:30 o'clock. Races commence at 2 o'clock. INTERESTING SCENES AT PORTLAND RACE MEETING ON COUNTRY CLUB TRACK YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. BT JAMES H. CASSELU The first victory of the week for Portland-owned horse, the largest field or trotters to respond to a starter on a Portland track, and the downfall of Manitoba, the Invincible pacer of Mon day, and the presentation of Homer Mc as a future candidate for the grand circuit, were the features of the second day of the Portland Fall race meeting on tne country Club track yesterday aiternoon. Zombronut. the 2:08H trotter, owned by Johnson P. Porter, of Portland, was the first Portland-owned equine to earn winning brackets, taking- the free-for-all trot, a special event, in two straight heats from Nad a and Prince Lot. performers with marks of Fourteen trotters comprised the record-breaking field of the 2:18 trot, with Henry Clayton, cleverly driven by Frank Childs. of Spokane, taking the race. Manitoba lost the 2:2.) pace to Homer Mc another Cana dian horse, but won the first heat In 2:074. establishing the best pacing record lor the meeting. Homer Me la Sensation. But for the outstanding "class" of I Homer Mc, the 4-year-old owned by .T. TV. McClaln, of Monarch, Alberta, Man- Dolly McKinney (Swisher) 4 11 10 dr MCA zo c. Wilson). Harry T. (Gu on) and Honey Boy (Hogoboom) were distanced. Time. 2:13H. 2:12. 2:13, 2:12. Pacini;. 2:25 class, three In five, heats. I purse $1 000 Itoba, the McKenzle entry, would have Homer Mc (Stewart). .'. 2 established a record of victories on I ?" i"Z'"Y' :;j,. i successive days. George Spencer added miss Isadora Rush (Erwln).. 4 him early in the morning, won th first heat in the sensational time of 2:0714, but the strong-hearted, pacer proved unequal to the task of staving orr tne determined rush of Homer Mc. Jt was Homer Mc's, third straight vic tory and likewise his third start In real horse races. He won two events at Vancouver, at which meeting he was first Introduced to high-class harness racing. ine victory of Henry Clayton was apparently an easy one. He broke Holly Brand (Woodcock)r.. . Bonway (Wallace)...., Hal Gray (Pendleton) A Id Ine (Todd) Red Hal (Lindsay) La Conner Maid (Davis) Time. 2:0TVi, 2:08. 2:im.i, Z:1S. Free-for-all trot, two In three heats. Durse Zombronut (Ward) . .- 1 1 Xada (Snencer) - z - Prince Lot (Daniels) 3 5 Time. - Ml. 2:12. ... . Today's Entries. Three-year-old trot, purse JSOO El Bell badly In the first heat trailed hi. fi.M Maden. T. E. Ward. Los Angeles. Cal.; Nut- wav California B. L.. Bachant. Fresno. Cal.-. Blanch KMtsslmmons. F. C. Erwln. Boise. Idaho; Bay filly. J. W. Zlbbell. Fresno. Cal. OS pace. Hotel purae. zauu Aioeria. o. g.. William Parslow. Calgary. Aioena; trancls J., o. s.. j. 1.. Lessen. s-, vsu"". I'tihT I nHv lo . hlk. m.. J. TV. McClaln, Monarch. Alberta: Haltamont. b. s.. Mrs. Eleanor M. Vaughn. Moialia. or.: iocai op tion, br. ... j. McDaue. Vancouver, n. . Maitrlr- c h. nick Wilson A Co.. Pleas- anton. Cal.: Jr. Dan Patch, blk. -. J. F. sr.1.-!L Snakane. Wash.: Allerdaw. b. . E. Lou Child, fipokane. Wash.; Foster, blk. a. .1 Pinion. Wlnnlner. Man.: Peter Preston, The first accident of the meeting I star Rrtno. b. a.. Oeorn'e Spencer. Agt'.. Win- to the half and managed to get into eighth place, narrowly avoiding being distanced. Tell Tale, a lanky roan, took the first heat with five lengths to spare, but those who watched the sen sational run of Henry Clayton and pre dicted better things of htm In the fol lowing heats were rewarded when Frank Childs took his Kentucky 6-year old to the front In the next three heats and won eased up. Red Hal's Driver Hurt, came In the second heat of the 2:25 pace when. Red Hal. owned by Fred T. Merrill, of Portland, stumbled and fell on the far turn and tossed Sim Lindsay, his driver, to the track so hard that the popular relnsman sus tained a broken left leg, broken left thumb and contusions of the face. The horse was uninjured. Lindsay was rushed to the hospital, where he is resting easily. Lindsay's home is at Canby. Or, Zombronut had little trouble defeat ing his two competitors In the free-for all trot, leading all the way In the first heat and soon supplanting Prince Lot -eles. Cal.; Duma A from that position in the second. The heats were several seconds shy of the track record, cool' weather and shower which started Just at the start holding the time down to 2:11 and 2:12 for the two miles. The race was a special one to nil in for the trot can celed by the association. Threatening weather, which has been the bugbear of recent race meetings in Portland, kept the attendance at a minimum, but the races were exciting, witfe frequent scoring, due to large fields anil a .hnw.p uVith .nt th bleacherites scurrying to the grand- Farmer Boy's Trotter Takes Final In stand, the only drawbacks to a most lVssaBBsasamM I ' " rr. : ' " , A C' ' . ..a ; ' ". A:4c - ; -;-;K;J!j i 1 ' ' - - : ' ----- xH. -;- .SMlm Heartwood (Battel!) 7 2 2 ' ' Vk ' A- '' - Judge Dillon (Russell) 3 6 6 7 - - 'IVT-- XX Borena D. (D. Wilson) 5 4 8 3 " WL ' ' " 1 Zomdell (Sawyer) 11 9 4 9 , - ' ,H 1 2k jT-'Swt' ! ' Oreenbaum (Spencer) 10 7 6 , ai. 1, I - It' j ' . - - Delma E. (Loomis) 9 7 11 8 X, , , - X, mF ' ' ' ' '' Zomoak (Erwln) a JO 9 10 - . 1 " k -Jr1 - - ..dts - I . .. . . s L. .A....' f'.. r 4 LOOKS LIKE A CITY DIRECTORY HEAVY BUYING CONTINUES UN ABATED AT REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.'S . CLOSING OUT SALE. nln.. Won 2:30 trot, purse $1000 Zodell. blk. m.. H. r Plate.her Salem. Or.: Starost. ch. s.. M. C. Gunderson, North Yakima, Wash.: Listerene, h m i. T. Revnokls. Art.. - baiem. w. Hallle B., b. m.. U W. Watts. Portland, or.: non.M.-iA. k m w irlanders. Portland. Or.: Pronto j.. blk. e.. J. Pidgeon, National City. Cal.: Lady Garland, b. m., William Howell, Boise, ldano; Loy union, Lnwi Daniel. Eueene. or.: ine r n?co. cn. s.. . xi 1 ..mi,, walla Walla. Wash.: Luclle Wll ion. br. m. Dlek wtison ft ta, riMwnmu, Cal.; Complete, cn. m.. ura tniiaa, kane. Wash.; Monica McKinney. s. m., A. S. Elliott. National City. Cal.; Max Fltrsim- mons. ch. g.. r . c. trwin. ooii-e. iun, Bex. b. g., Mrs. A. C. Powell. Mansville. Cal.: Mary B. b. m., Chas. Parker, Los An- Duma A., o. m.. Irani c- aucj, Roseburg. Or.; Claude Woodfara. or. a., Thomas E. Battel!. Moose Jaw. Saskatche- rv.--i T K Mra. Ben V alker. Plea'santon. Cal.: Sweet Geneva, b. m.. J. W. Merrill. Cornelius, Or. , Thr-e-fniirLha mile dasn. Tjurse iw mw 11. rait w. )!. Bard: Lady Mc.sany. - Emett: Mabel Klnir. G. K. Mahanes; Hec . ru,.!!. L-an W W Ash. One-nait mile oasn. puw Berannan. T. Asburn; Old settler, a. oon ter: Sepulveda. R. P. Dickson; Steel. Wil liam McNameg; Baizlna, J. A. r-nicn. Wanna. C. Emm.tt; H.adllght. H. Bordweli. CHFJEXV IS DEHBV WIXXER successful day. Start In a; Trouble Begins. The first heat of the opening race was not started until 2:45 o'clock, a broken saddle. lost toe weight and trouble Starter McNalr had in repres sing too eager drivers delaying the start. When the 2:25 pace produced the same starting troubles, with four heats necessary to determine the ques tion of supremacy In each race, it was decided to postpone the two running events and the guideless pacing exhi bition until today. It Is likely that three running races will be offered on Great Handicap. RBADVILLE. Mass.. Aug. 27. Cheeny, 2:07V. owned bv John Mulkley. a farm- ler boy of Waxahachle. Tex., and driven bv John P. Fleming, anoiner i.exan. won the fourth renewal of the American trotting derby at the opening or tne grand circuit meeting there, today in a thrilllnar finish by a half length. While the track was in good condition, a strong. wind made fast time Impossi ble. Thirteen qualified for the final hand icap of the derby, valued at $5000. of which 83000 went to the winner. The ,k. , .K.I starters were picked from five prelim wo.. Inarlea worth 81000 and then ' handi- Walter Edwards gave a daring 12- caped according to performance with minute aeroplane exhibition, arising at the exception of Billy Burke, 2:03,. 4:30 from the centerfield and circling who had a walkover in the free-for-all h. nrw i U. a nreltmlnarv and was placed at scratch. within 25 feet of the ground, darting At the drop of the flag Billy Burke h nH ih. with hi. n..hi. i. made a dancing break that cost turn wonderful rnnirni I valuable arround. as the leaders. Castle The 2:08 pace, one of the two classics dome, Woodford Todd and Bon Zolock, of Portland race meetings, is today's n the 440-foot mark, got away good big feature of the race programme, and were leading the field at the quar- with fleift of ii hnn th. iv ter. Jack London raced Into second (ha Western turf unlanH Th t.o-v lo Place at the half. fast, as may be gathered from the re- Entering the home stretch, Castle- markable time of 2:07m in a 2:25 class yesterday, and several seconds will un doubtedly be clipped from this mark. Maurice S. Is Favorite. Maurice S.. 2:08. driven by Dick Will iams, seems to be the favorite for the dome. Wanderer. Kenyon W Jack Lon don and Cheeny were within a length of each other and the drivers were us-ine- their whips, but at the finish Flem ing forced to the front with Cheeny. Close behind were Castledome, Kenyon W., the Wanderer and Jack London. 82500 purse, with Francis J, tha best separated by a neck in the order named. (oasi winner oi lasi season, rated as the contender. Francis J. won three $5000 purses last year, at Portland, Salem and Walla Walla, and is In fine fettle for a gruelling speed contest to day. Peter Preston, owned by A. C Mc Kenzle and driven by George Spencer; Junior Dan Patch, a noted winner -of last season: Haltamont, owned by Mrs. aughn. of Portland, and Allerdaw. one of the Childs performers, are rated as excellent chances. HARRIMAN OFFICIALS LEAVE With Exception of E. E. Oalvln Party Starts for Puget Sound. With the exception of E. B. Calvin. vice-president of the Southern Pacific, all the Harrlman Railroad chiefs who have been In Portland In the last few . in i5 ,K.hi mP .1SeS 5e dy 1" ytjterday afternoon for a two riVM trot tPJ r fnlter": the " three days' trip to Seattle and Ta-3-year-old trot, two running, races, MmL Ca,vl wljf remin here until guideless pacing exhibition by College Maid, aeroplane nignts ana music. Summary of Beeulta. the others return. In the party which left Portland yes terday afternoon on a special train Trotting. 2:19 class, three In fire heats. I were Judge Robert S. Love It, chairman nurse IWK- Henry Clayton (F. Childs) 8 11 Tell Tale (Walker) l a 3 Dan Matthews (Haag) 2 8 6 of the board, and Mrs. Lovett. William J Sproule, president of the Southern Pa alclflc; J. D. Farrell, president of the 1 Henry Clayton, Driven by I'ranh C hllda. of Spokane, Wlnnlna; Second Heat of 2)18 Trot. iRed Hal, Fred T. Merrill's Pacer, Where, He Fell at tne Far Turn In the Second Heat of tbe 2i25 Pace. Sim Lindsay, His Driver, Was Serlonsly Injured. oinbronut, the Portland-Owned Trotter, Winning- the Free-for-AII From Nada. 4 Homer Mc, Winning the 2i35 Pace. O.-W. R. & Nr. Company; Averlll Harrl man, son of the late E. H. Harrlman, and Robert Lovett, son of Judge and Mrs. Lovett. Trestle Fill' Completed. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 27. (Spe cial.) The big trestle t of the North Bank Road, through the military reser vation within the city limits, has been filled in. The concrete work has been completed and the ends are being closed up with dirt. The company has been taking the earth from the local rail- Partial List of Buyers and What They Secured Only Four Days More Before Lease Expires New Pianos as Low as $9(5 $500 Player Pianos, 88-Note, Now $297 Pay Cash or Terms. Even with the heavy buying of the last few days the Reed-French Piano Co. hasn't a moment to lose. v e re Quitting business. Lease expires Aug ust 31st only four days away. We still have on hand many of the finest and most desirable and latest pianos ever brouerht together under one roor. It certainly seems reasonable to reel that by offering strictly highest grade and the very latest and newest Pianos and Player Pianos Baby liranas ana 11 at absolute cost end even less, we surely ought to dispose of everything In short order. PRICES LOWEST EVER KNOWN. We know that if every pianoless home fully realized what little money It takes now to own a piano that there would not be "an instrument left by Saturday night. Prices have never been so low as will be found in this Quitting Business Sale. These Closing Out prices account for the heavy buying, especially" the last few days. A.11 records have been broken. Space will not permit publishing the long list of buyers, but among the most notable sales the following are a few selected at random. ' PARTIAL LIST OF BUYERS. W. J. Keeler. of Beaumont, selected a superb Llndeman In an elegant ma hogany case. Miss Grace Kelly, of East Twelfth street, selected a fine Stein back & Dreher. A magnificent Knabe Grand was secured by I. A. Streeter, of East Thirty-ninth street. Max Gangrine came in from Bertha, Or., and chose an elegant Schiller, in a mottled mahogany case; Professor M. S. Lewis, principal of the High School at Kennewlck, Wash., selected a costly Jesse French In a fanciest mahogany case; G. P. Gln righ, of East Thirty-sixth street, de cided on one of the famous Willard pi anos; another elegant Willard in a burl walnut case went to B. J. Damont, of West Ainsworth street, and still an other Willard was selected by Andrew Nelson, the well-known local mneiclan. Mrs. G. Reeder selected a fanciest fig ured mahogany Howard Player piano, the 1850 style, and another Howard 88 note Player Piano went to a prominent resident of Portland Heights. A" beautiful Llndeman Baby Grand was selected by a prominent local con tractor for his palatial new residence in Irvlngton. A superb Knabe upright in fanciest mahogany was selected by A. Smithers,- of Laurelhurst. J. P. Barton secured an elegant Reed French; a costly Krell-French went to S. W. Brazee; E. L. Clark, a fine Starck; J. A. Bieblscher. a Willard; W. F. Downing, a Steinway; M. F. Marshall, of NaDavine. Wash., a Stelnback Dreher: Miss Marie McAntner, a Deau- tiful Holmes & Sons Player Piano; F. W. Ennlng. a Brewster Pla-er Piano N. E. Stoner. a costly Jesse French, spe cial Art Stvle: Peter McCabber, a Wll lard; another Willard went to E. W. Marror, of Dundee, and still another Willard was selected by E. A. Soullng. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. In this Closing Out Sale we're offer ing new upright pianos -beautiful tone and action and fully warranted pianos which have always brought $300 and 8325. These go now at. Closing Out cost of 8168. 8172 and $129. The plain er styles are now offered at $118. $112, AMUSEMENTS. "POPULAR PRICES ' GOODBYE WEEK HEILIG THEATER , 7th and Taylor rbones Main 1 and A 1152. TONIGHT thErh eehl31 Bargain Price Matinee Today. Special Price Matinee Saturday. CA1HRINE COUNTISS And Her Excellent Company in Maxlne Elliott's Comedy Hit 'HER OWN WAY." Evening, 75c, 80c. 35c, 25c. Today's Saturday's matinee. matinee, 50c, 25c 25c. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. Furniture. 171-3-5 8erond street. Wain 6: A 102a Matinee Dauy. eights. 15c, 25c, BOc. 75a 1 MEETING NOTICES OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M Special com munication In Masunlc temple this (Wednesday) at 1 P. M. sharp to conduct the funeral of our late brother. J. E. Red- mond. of Mount Morlah Lodge No. P. of Condon, Or. By order of w. M. A. J. H A.N' PL AN. Ecc, WASHINGTON COl'NCIL. NO. .1. R AND S. M. Stated ans-mlily this Wedneetlay) evenlnp. 7M.. E. 8th, and Burnsitie. visiting companions welcome. J. H. HICHMONU, Recorder. ORIENT LODGE. No. 17, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday! evening. Visitors welcome. W. W. TKKRY, Sec. WEEK AUGUST 28 William H. Thnmn- son. Billv (ionld and Relle A.hlvn. Hntv. ard'a Novelty. Minnie Allen, Fleurette. M. George Slraondet, La, Vter. Matinee Dally at 8:30. MBtCSS Sulllvmn at Caaaldlaa Refined YaudeviU Special Summer Prices: Nights 10 and 20c Matinees Any Seat 10c WEEK AUGUST 2 "The Houseboat Party," Manlrv and Waieh. Granto and Maud, Helen Primrose. "Onalp," Lee Tuns; Foo, Pictures, Orchestra. AVflTlMEE- DA1UX WEEK AUGl'ST 26 The Summertime Girls, the Calts Bros., Paris Green, Rohe and Ellis, Irwin and Hersog-, Henry Har (rrave & Co., Pantagrescope. Popular prli'es. Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. flinnes: A z-3o; Main 4o. curiam s:ju, 7:15 and S. : & Portland's Great Amusement Park. ! We OAKS I NEXT SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY Great Aviation Programme Silas Q. ChHstofferaon and hydro-aeroplane. Thrilling- flight each daj. Be there. DIED. JOHNSON Near RandH, nst.. In July. Hubert J. Johnson. aed 111 years. Re mains at the establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Third and Madison sts. Funeral notice will appear In a. subsequent Issue. TEMPT,ETON Mariraret. Auyust 23. 21 yrs old. at Mount Hood. Or. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICES 175 MADISON (STREET. Fhonc Main 598, A 75M0. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall COO. All disabled or diseased aainiata will receive prompt attention. Will be called for at a nominal cost. Hefer all cases of cruelty to office- Open day and night. NEW TODAY. For Rent Stores and Offices Globe Building The new pressed-brlck structure, with every modern convenience, at southeast corner Eleventh and Washington. Entire building especially de l?ied for small shops; an ideal location for dressmakers, tailors, millinery parlors, etc Moderate rents. Apply Gerlinger, Richards & Co. 10OO-1001 Yeon BlAg. Phone Marshall 1770. This week Hawaiian. Philip Pels, Mrs. Pels, All Zada, Punch and Judy . and usual attractions. $ oKf$ BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. VERNON PORTLAND AUGUST 26, 27, 28. 20, 30. 31 September 1, 2. Gamea BeEln Weekdny at 3i00 P. Sundays at 2:30 P. .M. UADIKS' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Kree to Bleachers .Wednesday. Chicken Ranch For Sale AN EXCELLENT BARGAIN Complete chicken ranch, nine miles from Portland, on electric line. Two hundred old stock and 100 young chicks, ail standard stock, some ten have taken first prizes in poultry shows. Piant consists of five acres of land, on lease with threei years yt to run; r'unningr water on place all piped to house ana yards, incubators, chicken-houses and ail necessary articles. Place will be sold cheap for cash. An excellent bargain for any una desiring to ro into the poultry business. In quire 515 Oregonlan bldg., or 146 K. 26th st. M. On. time name ad two consecutive times CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. rer una. lie c .1 ..! tMU .e.. and as low as 6. -ne uu pianos now i Banie ad six or seven consecutive times. . go at 8262 and the 850 and 8500 high- 1'ne above rates apply to advertisements -orfo r.rla-hta are now onlv 8312 """' T.ouay" and aU other cU.sUtca. - - " I uone except tbe following! and 8283. I sanation. Wanted, Mai. Plaver Pianos are reduced to nearly situations Wanted, rentals. half th rea-ular nrices. The 8650. F.ar a-nvaie xamiiiea. 8700 and 8800, strictly new, latest 8S note Player Pianos go now at 8477, 8362 and $330. The regular d00 Player Pi anos now only $297. Remember there's not a moment to lose now. Bear in mind, too, that ev ery thins Vill be found exactly as rep- resented. Terms can be arranged. Open evenings for the convenience of those who cannot come during the day. Keed- French Piano Co., Sixth and Burnside streets. Kooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping i looms. Prlvat. Families. When one advertisement Is not run In caa- secutlve Issues the one-time ante applies. bu words count as one une on casa aa tertleementa and no .d counted for less thaa two lines. In Mew Today. .11 advertisements ax. rhareed br nusiura onlr. 14 Una. (a Lb. inch. Kemlttancea must iccomDSar out-of-tema ardera. Orcftonlan will accept classified adverthw- tuenta over the telephone, providing lb ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices wui oe quoted over ine phone, but diu win oe renuerea tn. loiiomns; any. Want Income Property Up to $150,000 Want to turn in high-class farm of four sections in Yamhill County, worth $07,000; free and clear. Might pay soma cash, balance mortgage. G0DDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. road yards here, widening out the yards so that seven switching tracks may be laid. The steam shovels are worklnu night and day in making tnis improvement. The Northern Paclficj Is bringing about 50 cars a day and turning them over to the North Bank Road at this point for delivery at dis tant points on its line. Earthquake Felt in. Red Sea. PERIM, Red Sea, Aug. 27. A sharp earthauake shock was felt here this morning. The German steamer Andree Rickmers, on her arrival here later In the day, reported that the disturbance HTNES August 25, Helena FUXERAL NOTICE FELTON' Aug. !6th. aged 5 years, months, 21 days, Verna Margaret felton. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Felton. at 1335 East Main Street. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder Street, Thursday. Aug. 29, 2:30 P. M. Friends respectfully invited. Inter ment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. TAIT In this city, Aug. 27th. at the family residence. 1(0 E. 3 -'rid St., Christina Talt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Talt. aged 18 years, 7 months, and IS days. Funeral services will be held at the above resi dence at 10 A. M. Thursday, Aug. 2uth Friends invited. Interment River View Cemetery. Hynes, aged at sea was severe. Ex-Cashier Charged as Embezzler. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. John A. Flack, rormer casnier oi tne Auuene state Bank of Kansas, was taken back home today to answer charges that he em bezzled $82,000 from the institution. Wednesday, August 28 Portland Track The Feature Race for 2:08 Pacers Purse $2500.00 - 16 Entries Best Pacing Race of the Week TROTTING, PACING AND RUNNING RACES EVERY DAY THIS WEEK AVIATION BY WALTER EDWARDS-DAILY NEVER A DULL MOMENT Admission 50c Grandstand 50c Bleachers Free Auto Road Belmont to 60th, thence North to Grounds. Rose Gty Park Car 40 years. Funeral will take place from Iunmag 8& McEnteo s chapel. Wednesday, August 28. at 8:30 A. M. Services at St. Mary's Church, corner Williams avenue and Stanton street, 9 o'clock. Friends re spectfully invited. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. METZGAR At the residence. 779 Marshal St., Tuesday, Aug. 27. Doris Jane Metz gar, aged 11 months. 8 days. Daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Metzgar. Funeral services will be held today, Wednesday, August 23, at tbe residence at 10 o'clock A. M. Private. REED Mllwaukle. Oregon. August 26, Eward O. Reed, aged J years, 8 months, 13 days. Beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. I O. E. Reed. Funeral services will be held at the residence today, August 28. P. M. Friends invited. Interment Mll waukle Cemetery. LEWIS The funeral services of the late j ennie jh. jewis. agea o years, oeiovea wife of H. H. Lewis, will be held today (Wednesday), August xs. at z p. M.. from Pearson s parlors. itw-n Kussell Friends respectfully Invited to attend. SANDY ROAD Business Corner Where two great arteries of travel cross we offer a business corner at a bargain. Get this. There is a future worth while. See Adams today. CHAPIN-HERLOW KTG. & TRUST COMPANY, 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. TO LEASE New three-story brick buildinsr. con taining 2.3 two-room suites, up to date. Close in, East Side. Stores for rent. Mall and Von Borstel 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa first-class improved city property. 6 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BIERELL CO- 202 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works, IG4 4111, opposite vny Maui, xlatap. igao. MONUMENTS Otto Schumaoa Marbls lYorka. east sa ana rio sta. feast 343. UK KDWAJCD BOLMAN. tna Itadlna .- oeral director and undertaker. Ho iulxd as. corner salmon. u7 imwihi. lunulas- McEntee, Funeral Director. 1th and fine. Phone Main 480. Ladr at. tendaat. Office of County Coruner. &. 7ELLEB CO.. S02-4 William. .... Phone Eaat 1084. C 10118. Lady attendant. J. P. FENXEV SON. 3d and Madlaea. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to k 8. MunnlnK, Inc. E. M. B 253S. LEKCH. Undertaker, cor. Kaet Alder and eUth. East 781. U 1888. Lady attendant. SKEWES COMPANY. Sd and Clay. 4161!. A 28Z1. Lady attendant. Mala CEMETERY ' Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery. One Mile Southeast Leata. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod. ern. Perpetual car without extra charge. Prices moderate; service ex cellent; every convenience in use, Including- large luxuriously furnished rest rooms tor visitors. Keacned by Mount Scott and Caxadero cars. Free auto service. Both phones. City office, 20-921 Yeon. Bldg. ortgags Loans 50,000 anal Ove " CEXTItAL IIUSIAISNS PKOPKHTT. WM. MAC MASTER tl Cnrbett llld. FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE WARD KOIISGEB, Suit 430 Yeoa Bids, Main 7325. A 4274. Apartment Site rnvlnn on Eleventh street, near Main finest apartment location In the. city. Price, a snap, only 133.000; part cash; balance, 6 per cent. GRI SSI & BOLD 318 Board of Trade II Id a- 4th and Oak. CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at currnt rates. JOHN E. CRONAN 002 Spaldlna; Bldg. Portland. Or. Mortgage Loans JOHN BAIX, 314 Spaldlna; Bnlldlna;. ( OI.I IS. nERRIDT.R THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. n34 Worrrater Block. Phone Mais U567 IP there is a water witch In ta, plea,, phone Marshall 1(33.