11 AMTSEMENTS. POPULAR PRICES. HEILIG- THEATER I 7th mud Taylor Phones Main 1 and A lit TONIGHT 8:15 Special Price Matinee Today 2:15. CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by SYDNEY ATRE3 in the brilliant comedy "DITORCOXS" Evenings 75c. 50c. 33c. 25c. Today1! matinee, any seat 25c Next Week, Beginning Tomorrow. The Comedy "HER OWN WAT." SEATS SELLING FOR BOTH WEEKS Vain 8: A 102a Matinee Daily. eights. 15c 23c 50c "5c WEEK ACC-rST 19 Grace Cameron, tva mond Hayes and company. Carl Mc''uf ll-rrtan. Ar ..tmna-a Dlayers. BoanUlna; Pattersons, The Taklness. The Kemps, yyfimwi vaudeville Special Summer Prices: Nights Matinees 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c t."-dnaJid..Thoefr:.k AU pan. Twilight Pictnrea, Orchestra. edienne" MaUheVn. Duffy: Cantor . Merry n,l first row balcony reHeryed. Box 0111 mn from 10 A. M. to 10 Mr. 31. We OAKS PORTLAND'S GREAT AMLSI- MENT PAK.K Bis Outdoor Bill of Free Attraction flrrnoon and Mgnt The Hawaiian" Songs and Band All Zada Oriental Wonder Worker Punch and Judy For Children SATTRDAY AXD SUNDAY ONLY Hydroplane Flights Cnristofferson In daring exploits at 3. 5 and 7 P. M. IWin't Mis This wonderful Feature $0ooovvvvvvvvvvvT BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Vomer Vaughn and Twenty-fourth St. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND AUGUST 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, tS. Game Begin VVe-day at SiOO P. Sundays at 2i30 P. M. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. M. MEETING NOTICES. cinvR TP VPT .V. A. A. o. N. M. S. Stated session Saturday evening. August 24. -. e A'Tlr Visiting- nobles ,iiirt,muiT invited to be present. By order of tha po tentate. . HUGH J. HUll. iwcomw. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101, A. u axd A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) even- ng at 7:30 o clock, Masonic urn- nA Wnrlf In T M- decree. V IS- Itiiig brethren cordially invited. By order w. at. A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FIE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOfR CHECKS AT THE ORE- A?0&F3lE31A 325, 336. 337. 340, 342, B-293?S17. 320. 321. 323. 326. 327, 328. 330, J.39. 3."- C 24 2. 304. 308, 314. D :7, 29S. 31S. 320. 322, 324, 330. K S2. 23, 2!f. 3H4. 36. 3o7. 30S, 818, 310. r 3fti 3J5. 31U. 336. 340. , jH72T 2H9. 2D0. 291. 24. 302, 304. 308. 312. H 27sf291. IW. 302. 304. 307. 309. 311. 316. Jir"'7 3-l4 iT. 310. 3in. 32". 336. 3fM. 394. K 291. 2S. 3'.i 304. SOS. 316. 317 D23 9, 250. 291. 21.4. 21)6. 299. 3o7. 313, 314, M -jig. ;92. 296, 299 300, 301, 302, 303, I'-i'i '!io 29S. 299. 300. 31. 304. O 2!C! 3"2.' 303. 310. 318. 320. 321. 325. 326. P-li 51.34. ?73. 2S7. 301. 303. 812, 322. B 277, 2-. 292. 2!9. 301. 305. 318. 338. ',,4' U7 tiiS. 554 2!l". 21c! 29S. 303. 304. 307. 318. 322. V L2.3261, 292. 293, 29S. 300. 302, 303, 306. o "no 293. 297, 299. 300, 303. X III' 2"j2.' 2"94. 295. 299, 306. 307. 308. 309, Y-274.S2M- "Se- 2ST" 3U 303, 317' 319, 820 Alt-SoiSsa. 291. 301, 306. 309. 312, 321. f "; ' 296. SOI. 306. 311. A 206. 3ol 3"2. 303. 304. 305 316. 320. 321. All M3. 3oS, 312. 329. 330. 331, 334. 340. U44 jjos 321. 332. 333. 333. 352. t; s.rj. 311. 31S. 319. 321. All 3"7. 309. 316. 317. Jl 'ml. 300. 310. 319. -i!-.s7' In. 29S. :1. 303, 308, 309, 320. 129.' 296. 322. 412. 414. 'ii Jill. 303, sot;, sis. '?, 79 "92. 29S, 31S. 320. Atr 242.' 2o. 291. 297. 310. 319. AriZf-O 575! 2S?: 302. 303. 816, 317. 32L Ai-S'r. 14 , 305 306. 319. 320, 321. AT. 267. 2Mi is 2S7. 291. 298. 302. 315. 318. jf kbovi answers are not called for within six days, same win "-' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICES 175 MADISON STREET. Phones Main BBS. A 7S8. Ilcrse Ambulance Phone Marshall eOOj . , .i..ki.j av dlwaud anlniala will ';.!. . .,r-.,mat .ttentlon. Will be ra iled for at a nominal cost. Refer ;f c.. of ernelty to hU ofUc Onen aay and niaht, XEW TODAY. 330 ACRES On cailine, ready to plat. $90 per acre. Terms. MOODY LAND CO. lOlS Cham, of Conu Tel. Main 87. CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at current rates. . JOHN E. CRONAN (Ml Spalding Bldg.' Portland. Or. Look Look Look KOclOO apartment site with seven-room nouse on Jefferson st, near Fourteenth, only $10,000. Terms. 1203 Yeon Bldg. TOM! fy-y Matinee Dally at t:S0. tFmnress ,J r- - NEW TODAY. For Rent Stores and Offices Globe Building The now preesed-bric.lt structure, with every modern convenience, at southeast corner Eleventh and Washington. Entire building especially de signed for small shops; an ideal location for dressmakers, tailors, millinery parlors, etc Moderate rents. Apply Gerlinger, Richards & Co. 1000-1001 Yeon Bids;. Phone Mara hall 1776. Chicken Ranch For Sale AN EXCELLENT BARGAIN Complete chicken ranch, nine mil" from Portland, on electric line. Two hundred old stock and 100 young chicks, all standard stock, some ten have taken first prizes in poultry shows. Plant consists of five acres of land, on lease with three years yet to run; running water on place all PlPfd to house and yards. Incubators, chicken-houses and all necessary articles. Place will be sold cheap for cash. An excellent bargain for any one desiring to go into the poultry business In quire 615 Oregonian bldg., or 148 i-. 26th St. River Front Home For Sale by Owner, West Side of River, 19 Minutes Trom Jef-ferson-Street Station. TJ- U .nnrn Hit 0-l AW. 1 1 TnOdCm conveniences, H4 acres fine soil, 120 ,,,... frMitara Cinnri earaee and poultry yards. Fruit and berries of all Kinds in Dearinis. ; -- way station. Good boating and batn- K. . . , l'rice jsxu.outr .- W. H. CHATTEX, Phones Main or A 1836; Keaiaence, 1SIS WW. Holladay's Addition CENTER OF POPULATION The MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION in the City. Is CERTAIN to ADVANCE IN VALUE from year to year, beelng is believing. Go and see. Ttie Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. ASD MULTNOMAH ST, MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 6 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BLUEELL CO, 202 McKay SUf.. Third and Stark. For at $900 each, two $1000 15-year per Cent coupon uuuua ua PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Good for exchange at par in purchase of property irom ins company. dress AH 331, Oregonian. Mortgage Loans $50fiO0 and OTe a CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPHRTT. WM. MAC MASTER 71 Corkmtt Bids. FOB FIRE INSURANCE BEE WARD YOUNGER, Suite 429 Yeon Bldg, Iain 7525. A 4274. r-nw le prpmnce Jh THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. Worcester Block. Phone Main 637 PRIVATE money to loan 5. 6, T. 8 per cent. Wm. C. Borchers. 207 Oregonian cms. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 503 MoKay Tji.tf S'4i-7m5,i97s I1E-31S FalllnK bldB. ChaDln A Herlow. 332 Chamber ot Commerce Cook. B. S. & Co.. 508 Corbett blag. , 1 . . VTaln 1 SK 206 ureKonian. Pi!AIRR.JOS LU. XI. X-.. The Oregon Real Eetate Co., Grand ave., at Multnoman St. (MOliaaaj jmuumm. REAL ESTATE. For pale Lots. .001 mi vrn sumxD MORT . r;,',,nc (K MT. TABOR LOT, . 11 im wiiilnv to take just what I paid two years ago The lot M worth much more. This price includes sewer and street Improvements. Lot is level and In lawn and has beautiful hedge fence on the front and side; only i blocks to the MU Tabor car. x-rice D 331. Oregonian. WHAT will you give for two fine lots. East 43d and Multnomah, lots 3 and 4. blocs. 10. Summit Addition; 81x95; all cleared, ready for building; we will sell these for 30 per cent lees man an " ,ii,v mu an offer. Becktell, Colum bla Trust Co.. 82 4th st. 1 i,dri? .n w-in-aTB EXCLOSIVELT. -i" S..1". am. nronerty, and I bava the bargains In this district. If you want to buy to aavanmso o -1. j u.i-k... have to see me. Warshifl 827.' BROOKE. A 88S9. i-.i-MDTi .ix-r. u'Tf3HTS- Mimt he old bv owner; two or three beautiful building aites together wltn I1UH1UC1 Ul ci j Bv.; ' rrATa price from S00 to 83500 per lot. Tele pnone jjain vjo. -t-. c rn otrC T CiT $S .V). Good lot with fine view less than ten minutes- walk to 5-cent car "eprlce. 85 cash. $10 month. A. H. Blrrell Co.. SOJ McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark st. ,111 .! ' i . . , v..... K.,ic,i ivel lot. In Reed Col ii.-i..t: no Interest or taxes; large shade trees; write owner. N 318. Orego, nlan. inA.im v it 7t mtiA r;rant for sale; prlc nt the best lnrnv.m.nll In and Daid for. Af Oregonian. v- pipi ivr Pnrtland Helnhts. beautiful "view lot 50x160. fine apartment-house site 20 minutes' ride to center oi tiu. 84000. E 307, oregonian. ctv-c , i-i-r nnsp PITT PARK .c.w v.. ci.nin and Siskiyou Yr,.!. .11 in and nald; will sacrl flee, easy terms. N 309. Oregonian. Z. . rTc . inn sif Portland Height overlooking city; $4500 If sold before Sept. 10: lorcert sale; terms. amn" BflLDINO lot. near S. P. shops. $450: worth KOOO: ISO aown. naiance cmj. is j' gonlan, 100x100 for 8200: 84 per month; closa to cirline. AO ai, uregomau. THE MORNING. OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1912. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Lots. HAVE 100x100. on 47th and East Burn -side, adjoining Laurelhurst, tor $2200; easy terma L 305. Oregonian. For Sale Houses. LARGE, beautiful residence, 7 '."Uitnhen sleeping porch, large attic. " 2 fireplaces, large lighted closet, east front, all street improvements In, near car, 16250. S rooms and sleeping porch. n.: hie construction, excellent finish, neavy beamed and paneled dining-room, large fireplace, all built-in conveniences. P' tr.H haa.m.nt. fine furnace, laundry billiard hall and sleeping chamber can be nlhea on third floor; all street Improvements in. 85500; $1000 cash. , .... 7-room bungalow, modern and all Du"t ln effects; finished in white ?"' large den or music-room and breakiast room; large basement and furnace, ail street Improvements in; east front, near "s rooms 'and sleeping porch, best of con struction and finish, heavy beamed ceil ing, 8-ply veneer panels, massive ""; large cabinet kitchen, clothes chutes. o chutes, nifty fireplace, plastered basement, frultrooms. furnace, large atuc. Improve ments all in. east front. 4 '? , Broadway car. $6750. $500 cash, balance to suit. , A B-room bungalow, strictly modern ana all built-in conveniences, fine view or city and Mount Hood. 8 blocks to R. car, close to fireproof school, south front. $3450. small cssh payment. 6- room house new. modern. !M car: 50x100 lot. excellent nelghborhooa. $3650. oasy terms. , ,,.. 4 rooms In excellent suburb, restrictions, built-in conveniences, large room., nre place, electric fixtures and tinting, two rooms can ' be finished on second noor cement walks, east .front. $2250; small cash payment. nuvrioo 8 rooms and bath, corner lot I00?? fine view of Tualatin Valley. West side, 2 blocks to car. 14 minutes to walks, graded streets and weri " w In fine neighborhood: 12300, $-00 casn will handle it. balance like rent. . 7- room house, all rooms large and ligni cablnent kitchen, fireplace, lots ot nun and walnut trees, lot 100x100. 4 bck. to car, 14 minutes to center of city We.t Bide, fin. view of Tualatin V W j Mt. Hood; $3100. $500 cash, balance to l"lit' PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Main 1800. A 6201. 209-12 Selling Bldg. A MODERN bungalow lor-sale oy ow 8 rooms, a nice "fit-Tn room, a nice , . ,-, .... .- , , . wardrobe. Dutch kitchen with umisua ly large oullt-ln cupboard with special , buUt In apartment, large wood table with .ink. draining board, drawers and shelving nice Iv arranged large bath, electricity, and ft."! ha. fine concrete basement over 7 feet In the clear; a large attic J here nice rooms can be made If desired, a mi 60x100; 1V4 blocks from car; will sacrifice this home for $2100; terms given. Phone Woodlawn 1516. ? .Dr""'"r-dually THIS IS A REAL SACRIFICE. Am leavlne- city for good and must sen at Aomcey beautiful EKast fide residency in highly restricted district: house 1 Wed. In fix months, modem, having "aood floor., built-in buffet, bookcases etc.. and furnace, fireplace and utch kitchen wUl sell completely finished for MOW. or without furniture for $J50; $loo0 casn, balance terms, phone owner. C mz- ELEVEN-BOOM RESIDENCE I have for sale an exceptionally fine and well-improved Quarter block. 11-room old EngllihPhou.e. "built a years; garage fine trees, roses, eic; siritiiy r!? -r'.Jl m onH 4th ion Stark st. Diag.. HCtwccu uu - .-,t n axt irriTTO V1P N'T LOT, TURN THE BURDEN MO INCOME ifn.n "apabtmeS't 'or residence A LOW COST. WE GIVB KHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OuS CLIENTS SEE US BEFORE YOU r. . oi .uo IT TPII.T. PAY YOU. fT BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINQTON Holla.lay Add. Have $1000 equity In fine 5-room house with full cement -basement; furnace, gas and electricity, on i7th: no ft. frontage on hard surface street; all 'm&v1eei,ie paid. Best district In city. Will trade Equity for good automobile or lot. balance imik 6 ner cent Int. For 5 dajs only. O 831. Ortgonlan. mtrivATflV VKAH TENNIS CLUB. New. 7-room. thoroughly modern home; , Kairra.t FAnm .leeoine norch. white enamel and mahogany finish; hard wood floors up and downstairs; larso yard. room for garage. OWNER will sell with all Improvements paid for $68a0. on easy terms to re.ponsioie " tlculars address A 386. Oregonian. BAKER CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. cnA iniwijiA in Pin leer s business dlS' trlct. for sale at a satrifice or will trade lor Portland properly. , , -I in, nn IkTlSKisslnni RVO near Russell: this lot will double Its value , v. . zinunwav hrldffe is comoletea. innnir- .-,82 William, ave. Phono East loss or C 1088. RICHMOND. E. S5TH STREET. 6-room Built for a home. ci...in. nArrh firenlace. laundry tray iimn i.rm, cl.'iO cash: hal. 835. In cluding lntere.t. National Realty A Trust -, , . rinn. phnn. Ikfnln 129. r-AM YOTI BEAT THIS? Nicely furnished modern 4-room house with full basement, sleeping porch and Dutch kitchen, freshly painted and tinted, .,ii lawn nil ltn nrovements In. 2 carllnes, fiZiO; $250 cash, balance like rent. Tabor 1390. ISIS r.. nuniwii .. $4400, NEW HOME. OWNER, mnicf Bf.STRlPTED DISTRICT. i rnomS. 2 carllnes. easy terms, lot roiaa hnrilwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace, large beveled plate buffet, large dreln-rooms. 4 French mirrors, every convenience. Phone Main 4144. FOR SALE This Is your chance; until Hon- East 26th st. 3v., for $4250; seven rooms, uvin,.mnm bathroom, sleeping porch, rtav. lI.Mn. 1 win onc-r ntj uuiuo , w two toilets, fireplace, furnace, all modern Improvements, inciuuing nicci, uit dies this. xrru lEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. On Alberta St., paved, 6-room, modern residence; full lot; between "L" and "U" car lines. Price reduced from $3600 to 13'50 for Immediate sale. Will arrange very easy terms to responsible party. Own er, 806 wucox Diug SUNSET PLACE. Portland Heights Beauti ful new colonial nouse, t large i-wma, goou attic sleeping porch, sun room, fireplace, hardwood floors, mahogany doors. Ivory finished woodwork, $6500; terms. Apply owner. Marshall 44 1 4. IRVINGTON HOME. Nine-room house with furniture, near i.nni, rnurt: all modern conveniences built-in bookcase and china closet, panel, Hoainori rilninir-room. hardwood floors, street Improvements paid. Buy of owner, save commission; term., aam o:t?. SirXfiALOW OWNER. Restricted district, lot 50x100, parking 10 ft.; well built, convenient 2 care, strict ly modern, among fine homes; oak floors; verv swell buffet, sleeping porch, etc Easy terms. Phone Main 4144. 'IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. vnt lsth st- North, near Brazee fine fi-room house. Come out between 9 and 1 or 3 and 5 Sunday and see owner, who Is leaving. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. 5 LOTS on 24th street, one a corner, near together or separate; splendid building K s .np ftniinfl. Tor . nut un wiiu proposition. W. H. Lang (jo., aio ADing, ton bldg. r-oi.ICM AN A RATES. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. SUC rvcorms TO TAYLOR BUILDING CO. FURNISHES MONEY. BUILDS WHERE YOU LIKE. 202 1,1 .i nr. i-i r. n iM.ui-t IRVINGTON residence for sale in the most desirable location; modern with all con veniences. Terms. For particulars phone C 23 84. 410 East 19th Nortn. irni? kat.F! 6-room modern house, furnace, firepla-e. In Holladay Park Add.. 2 blocks from carllne, small payment down, easy terms, fnone aeuwumi tftoOO NEW house on Waverlelgh Height., tjMui. sist and Brooklyn sts. Open Sundays, "l to 6. J. C. Walker, 125 E. 2Sth St. Esst 1558. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. SEE OUR ittiiitiw HOMES. CHOICE LOTS. AT LOWEST PRICES. NEUHAUSEN & CO. 703 LEWia jmiu. FOR SALE New five-room bungalow in Irving ion uiuii? wt v , full basement- large attic;, half block to car. 877 Wasco st. HAVE got to sell a $6000 2-story Laurel 2 . .. fnr S4900. easv terms: want i snap? Close to school and church. P 312, oregonian. prvr mnnnrn new 6-room bungalow on Ti.r ave scenic place, at a bargain . , .,.,.., n inti. nn easv terms. Wm. A. Hall. 1843 Washbume st. Phone Col. 392, trn t nnh to suit customer o-room bun galow, 2Sth and Belmont sts. Apply to owner, " BARGAIN HOME, BROADWAY. Six rooms, little over halt price; also lot.. East 273. W. H. Herdman. v awf.r Beautiful modern bungalow, fixtures and .hades. Price $4250. Terms. Phone f nan. SPLENDID BUY IN SUNNYSIDE. 6-room house. $18o0. easy terms; way below cost. Owner. Tabor 358S. A SNAP Beautiful modern 5-room house restricts awinvi, ' , r terms, owner, v wi, cB'w.ii. toxin MODERN 5-room bungalow, $1900 n.ht ynust oult: terms. 1020 E. 26th N. FOR FINE HOMES See Delabun REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honsea. WE FURNISH THE HOME. YOU PAY LIKE RENT. We have houses in soma of the pest additions In the city for sale on t1 monthly payments on a basis of $1 per $100 monthly, or in other words, 30ou house would cost you $30 per month, which Includes interest at 7 per nJ If the houses we have built or una" construction don-t suit, we will be giao to build for you In any part of the city sou may desire, and after your own Ideas, we have lots In Irvlngton. Council Crest, trv lngwood. Hawthorne and Alberta districts at present time. Why not have a home of vour own built according to you.row,n Ideas and In the location you prefer in stead of living in an apartment, flat or house and paying rent, and at the end of a year have only a bunidle of rent re ceipts, where, by our plan, you could nave an equity In a home of your own T -we will be glad to explain our Home Flan to you at any time you may care to can at office or phone. NEIL DURFLINGER. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 709-710 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 8625. A 4565. -?nn ennrt nnww hnv. fmm owner a etrict- ly up-to-date, 5-room bungalow In Rose w.-A..m.r,, In anil nnM? tnr.a front porch shades, walls tlnteif. fireplace, buffet, writ ing desk, bookcases, nan .eat, "'" seats, oak floor., large Dutch kitchen, large bedroom, with clothe, closet., large bath, solid brass hardware, large back k t.a.Aman with cement floor: nth and Klickitat sts., 2 blocks north of Rose City car. FOR SALE 7-room hou.e. S7 E. 65th st. No.. 50 feet south of Sandy road; party leaving city; must .ell: a bargain. For Sale Buslne.s Property. FOR SALE Desirable apartment or business site, near city riau. a jji. uniiii. For Sale Acreaa-e. SCAPPO-OSE ACRES. $25 TO $5 PER ACRE. VERY EASY PAYMENTS. Tracts of 10 acres and upwards, only 25 miles from Portland, suitable for fruits, berries, truck gardening and chicken ranches, with some larger tracts for dairy i-v .ih nll fin Drinsrs and Teek.. railroad station on the tract. Big logging camp on tract affords steady em ployment for .ettler. desiring it. Close enough to Portland to be suburban prop .nv in a few vears. Buy now and make the big advaace In price that is sure to come. Agents to snow property ";' Aav t itoi-nttira sunnlied on request, ex cursion to the tract next Sunday. Arrange with us now to see this property. Office open evenings until 8 o'ciock. LUEDDBMANN. BOTHFUR CO. 913-917 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY six miles southwest from the eKy"? center, in a populous, attractive, Uiv..... landscape, gently rolling, well watered, best soli, half In cultivation, balance fine .i v..- iv,i4..n,infi,r, nf a mile from electrio line and bisected by the Taylor Ferrv boulevard, are s cu-acre n... awaiting buyers who ars looking for snaps yielding 300 per cent profits by subdivid ing Into suburban acreage home sites. Opportunity Is knocking at ,yurdoor Take heed. The price is very low. M 804, Oregonian. 7 ACRES timber, heavy stream across one side of this tract, lo cated between two electrio lines, exactly One-half mile from sta tion on each, 80 minutes from 4th and Washington its., west of city, ideal for a country home, and offered at $2660, on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. 5 ACRES, 1 mile from Beaverton, It mile south of St. Mary's, on the Fourth-st. electric. 12c carfare to commuters. 30 minutes from 4th and Washington sts., very rich soil, and a bargain at $250 per acre, on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 8500. 814 ACRES, BOO feet from carllne. commuters' fare 13c, 2 acres cleared, new 7-room house, 4 rooms finished below, three above and studded off. good well, ana at a bargain price, on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A 8500. . 6-ACRE tracts down the river on West 81de. and only 2 miles back from Bo carfare, imJ corn wood timber and richest of soil, at $175 per acre, on montniy payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 103 Fourth St. A 8500. t mlMl A small amount of money ?n.,e"abor you. to purcnase one ". t-""Th land and nave ii vu.u d croti will be taken care of for you ana n..m.nt nn the land. Small monthly payments. Property U on electric rAd close to Portland. Af , nlan. GLADSTONE -34 acres In city oi t,.au; 'one'. r .- S. wooded: co.y 4 roSm bungalow: stone fireplace, good well. fi ( nronertv now being 1m- ? ' .r.j. ,n in.it. walk to electrio car. i ...hiii-hun or country home. 42,'" ' nnii tsToo for early sale. Good terms. Owner, 806 Wilcox bldg. CHICKEN .and FRUIT BA-Stn near POKTbA.Ml, x-i "ii. ev 7' r ...t.r. free wood, settled country, in acrea, 1400 $500. $600 per tract; 20 acres, isoo, 40 acres, $lW 80 acre. $2000 : 40 acres timber. 12400. lianunti ii Easy term.. Frank McFarland Realty to. 39 Yeon bldg.. poniann. ur, 6 ACRES en,nnn l.ln, i?750. A beautiful wooded B-acre tract Just off Section Line road; lies high and has fine n.iVfonV, To the east: soil choice for fruit and berries. Easily worth $ n0 per acre A H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKAY BLDG. Aio down. $5 per month; Oregon- City car. 30 minutes out; tract, all cieareo, level and sightly; good school and fln J.."-, om wiinnv bids.. 6th and Wash. Vonen Sundays) . Ask for Mr. Marsters. Main 3517. A 7340. 1-3-ACRE TRACTS. 10 caBh. $10 month to start this new, close-in addition; you can save money by buying now-. Purse & Co.. 818 Chamber of Commerce 1,, rtv A unnlnr water . f t l nAaf HflavrLun. i, tnou, 9O0 ner acre: terms. Owner, James Wilson, Boring. Or., route 1. tit a LATIN 15 acres near station, on county road; exchange for dwelling or lots, rort land- sell five or ten or all. J. G. Thorn assen, 402 V. 3d st. $10 PER MONTH pays for one acre, part orchard, under cultivation, deep, rich soil, on main road and carllne, BOO feet from Station. Price $.1J0. U HV, urrguiuau. r7 . T, ma a. Ttvan P!fl On OreKOn EleC' trin. fare. $4000: half cash. Owner, 231 12th. Phone Marshall 1728 . no ia a,rAa close to electric line, 15 miles from city. $125 per acre. )n terms to suit. Frank T. nerry. s norm mi 2 1-3-ACRE orchard, apples, pears, plum and walnuts; clo.e to carllne: good sou price $1100: terms. AG 318, Oregonian, For Sale Homesteads. FOR SALE Relinqul.hment on homestead for 82000 for $1000; will consider lot In city or automobile In payment, i-aii a room iv. loo oa st. For Sale Fruit Lands. ORCHARD BARGAIN. ontlTUFOW nnF-iiOK. Choicest 10 acres. In large commercial apple orchard. lour year, oia mi, Address W. M. Cook. 405 Columbia bldg. For sale Farms. GRIDLEY Irrigated colony land at $75 to $150 per acre, gooa iana, picuij " c.-., .kui.r. ...i.h itrii.t. with rood schools. adjoining town of 2000; easy terms: write lor iiiu.iraiea puuwei. n u,c.v. sated Land Company. Grldley, Cal FOR SALE 800 acres of lano on eiecinu line, 19 miles from Portland: 400 acrts under cultivation; will sell all or part. Write or call on owners. E. W. Haines, Forest Grove. Or. 53 ACRES truck land on Columbia River .1. C. McCallister. 3S9 Stark. Phone Mar for ss.i(0. will sen an or pan. shall 4S66. n ACRES beaverdam. Ideal for dairy or truck garden: all pure peaty soil and oeep Investigate inn. akj quo, v.ca..,. 153 ACRES rich rolling prairie farm . j lAn.a rtoav vnnil tOWU. 1. Glover. 125 Grand ave. N. Tel. East 1108. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain f.r all cash. Bv owner. 182 Morrison St. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 20-ACRE DAIRY. $1250 DOWN. This little dairy farm Is In Yam hill County, 3 miles from good rail road town, is all stocked up and ready for you to move onto. There are 20 acres, all In cultivation, lies perfectly; good: 6-room house, good barn and outbuildings: young bear ing orchard and lots of berries. Personal property 4 as fine dairy cows as you can find. 1 heifer, l horse, harness, hack all farm Im plements, 20 tons hay. all crop. a cream .eparator. ome hog.. i' chickens and other personal prop erty. Price for everything Is only $4200, $1250 cash, balance to suit. HARGROVE A SONS, 122 North 6th st., corner 6th -end Glisan. Main 4381. A 7259. FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 100 acres, Yamhill County, all stock, crop and implements, for Portland prop- i Vt .. a mile of town, about. 40 acres beaverdam land. 2 sets of buildings highly improved, trade for Portland prop- 55 acres, close to Portland, divided Into 8-acre tracts. 20 acres set io u n anre. on eleotrlc line, close to Fort- land and ready to sub-dlvlde; will change for city property. a r vtvrENT A CO.. Farm Dept. " 816 Chamber of Commerce. q-. irpi? tax A ORE',. 10 acres 26 acres In cultivation: 7- i - 1 nln hama. lnTflTe hOPhOUSe. 6 chicken-houses, about 1B0 bearing fruit tree.; SO acres fenced; 3 miles from Gas ton; no other land in this wonderful fruit district less than $75: $2200 cash, bal. 5 years. Fred W. German. 43 C. of C. (Mr. nam. .vitun 10 ACRES rich, peaty beaverdam. free sub Irrigation, best crops In Oregon this year; 1A0O cash required. AH Oregon . 10-ACRE Improved farm for sale cneap or will trade ror city proven , .-........ slons. Box 5-B, Forest Grove, route 1. TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade choice acreage for 6 or 7-room bungalow, Irvlngton aisinct premm, over 5000. Would assume mortgage up to half of value. Give location. V ill deal with owners only. R 307. oregonian. A MODERN 5-room cottage at Archer Place. trade fof cottage or hou.e at Sunjyslde anri .i. mall difference. L 304, Ore gonian. n i . .v.Un., AO anrna of eood fruit land in Yamnui uounty; wen of lncnmbrances, tor t-ori-iuiiu i,(,.. good automobile or good furnisnea nuu iU Washington St., room 8. on a Mllas waat 'i nA IlAlieB. v OV AI.IVJ, ii.iii," - - , , ' . I shape. Winton preferred. AE 341, Ore ft trade Tnt 7-naSS. auto; must 11. - gonian. ia BLOCK. 100x200. Dufur, Or., value $500 if.t trade as Dart payment on lo lot or bungajow, good district, M 30 Ore gonian I HAVE an almost new $T.0OO 7-passenger automoDiie wnicn i win uou. i erty close In or sell on easy payments. Main eiya. to vimth vmllTT a BURDEN? Have unincumbered lots out of town to trade. Fred W. German. 438 Cham, oi Com. Main 6445 TILLAMOOK dairy land and town Property .?tveXC AnSlv to a. hT Ward. Tillamook, Or. o .itjie-c; tha nrpiron 'Electric at Dur- O An "i - . ,i. cxrui- for a ham station, in, 'A ,,';; ulmii. nice, house same value. Call o29 Hamil ton bldg. . i... ..ni,n,uH ln.npre frul S.UU Un wlT, lrth, naid up wawr right; $. due In 2 years for auto. XI OVB, VJl cau.i in... WILL ACCEPT modern bungalow In part payment on cnoice acreaBn 1.;. e Portland, near electric line, bee owner, 806 Wilcox bldg. , . f...-nit..- ami eaultv in ounKa. low ror unincumnereu w . district; in answer give location oc lots. F 339, Oregonian sauu wLi -.,ir. handv. Till moniveu tunic,, 1 - .i Balance monthly. Price $3500. AM 307 Oregonian. CLEAR building lots In a restricted distric to trade lor contracts or mm ib.b. er. V 308. oregonian. Ainr,Aui ---- - .,.!, . .r, . m .... .1... nt, Ann casn lor an .nnri huaineB. or ruuiiiuiB-uu ----- Ackle'v Land Co.. 170 5th st. Main 7141. a iioira hi.hlv imnroved. D-room house mAna-n imnrovements. urui.i, i,iwi.. property. Owner. AV 87. Oregonian WILL trade o-pass. car, gooa onio. for be horse ana ouhe; 1 ""."". rood. Owner. P 315. Oregonian. EXCHANGE for a farm, my equity J40OO, in best paying hotel In Portland: close In. Call 408 Jefferson st. Malln 8638. IF vou have farms or city property to ex ananca. can vn iiaaiio, ut. ..u..., - Chamber of Commerce. Main 6957. 106x136 ON Williamette boulevard, price $20uo; equity ijvu, mi .-imww,!,., Call 529 Hamilton piug. WILL trade 7 per cent guaranteed Income aaiMirttlea lor real e.iatc. iu v.v gonian. EXCHANGE Saloon In downtown location for farm iana or acreage. j o-, gonian i. ai'rcs nf ai anDle land. Hood River casn price nmr; v. in cmioura au,,,,, at presenr CB3U nim-. ni"c MEDFORP real estate to exchange for stock nf mercnanaise. Auiua gonian. WHAT have you to trade for a candy floss machine? pnone wooaiawn o.m. TRADE AUTOS FOR REAL ESTATE. FRED W. GERMAN. 436 C. of C. WANTED RKAL ESTATE. I WANT a modern 6 or 7-room bungalow, Irvine-ton district nreterrea, not over tcruin wmiiri ARBiime mortgage un to ha nf va'lne. Will trade choice acreage for aniiitv. Give location. Will deal with owners only. S 312, Oregonian. dadti avtv HriaHln hunzaow wanten not over x.iouo. in etniaiiBo i v.i.i.v acreage, near electric line; would assumi morteage to half of value. AN 317, Ore gonian. it nincTf 100x200. Dufur. Or., no lncum hn.a value J500: will give rut nart pay ment on lot or bungalow In good district. M 301. oregoniam t wir.T. riav all cash for Piedmont lot If price IS ngnt. v o jwaiiui. " XX 1, .oregonian. uive annd residence lots In Denver, Colo. to sell or trade for Portland property. T 808, Oregonian. t T A oi-odca wanted fnr old Winton Ca priced right. Fred W. German. 436 C. of C, Main t44.-. FOR RENT FARMS. ioia-iprf: atnrk ranch to lease; good i..,..h.,au nl.ntv water and hav either lease or join party with cattle on . shares. North Bank Lana o., nu rspai" Ing bldg. FARMS WANTED. virik: winteh Manv buyers and ren ers; prices must be reasonable. Give par, tlculars. japaneae AgenLj, - ... FOB SAIE TIMHER LANDS. 125.000.000 FEET Coos County timber by nwner- si ner tnousana; no uiw" Y 30S. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS nm;nnT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. WANTED TTMBEB LANDS. wavt sawmill and 8 to 15 million timber give full particulars, location, price, terms, etc. Art duo, uiesuiuaii, FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc. GOOD team, weighs 2600, with good har naaa 13R: i-ood farm wagon, nearly new IMS 781 Insley ave. Take Sellwood car. CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm an nallverV WaKOns, Bauuiw. iiuuci i. oc 381 Water at.. West Side. Main 2208 DBAX-i-i new Studebaker rubber-tired piano box buggy, at a big discount. Phone Tabor 2859. MUST sell cheap work team, weight 24' - n.a -Hawthorne car to Division St., wal one blk. west and 3 south. 2815 58th s LIGHT matched team, harness and Ugh farm wason for sale cheap. Pacific Coa Stables. 9th ana loucn. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phon Main Itiu, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc. UST arrived. 24 heaa oi norea, mares and geiaings. irom " gon. 2 grays, one blue, balance black and bay; well-matched teams. 1100 to 16o0. from 3 to 8 years oiu. Um - --r resented. 1640 Macadam st.; j?unun -i. Marshall 1412. . ... ...i.- . i,pTin V HTPTinN HORSESMULES. VEHlfcLES HARNESS Monday, August 26. 10 A. M. We sell on cou-.missslon whatever you have to oner. We guarantee everything we sen lit -represented. The Murphy Horse & Mule Co.. 240 E. 8th st. Phone Last .ii.. JUST arrived, 24 head of horses, Olochy mares - ana geiainga. Aii gon 2 grays, one blue, balance black ana bay; well matched teams, 1100 to 15jO, from 3 to 8 years old. guaranteed as rep resented. 1640 .Macadam, S car. Marshall 141. TEAM colts, weight 2300. sound, wen Drone. 83S E. Zstn St. "W IV car. l'ianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. 125 TO $200 will buy used upright P'1"10" that have been overnauieu, wucn, j.-,.-..--. and will give reliable service; easy month ly payments. Sherman. Clay A Co. op posite P. O.. Morrison at 6th. Portland. We are closing out our stocx oi pmiiua. Cash will take tnem at aui cun i Cash only will set them at these prices. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 134 Second. St., corner Alder.- ' Automobiles. 40 AUTOMOBILES -40 40 BARGAINS. We are exclusive dealers of used cars; best prices and largest stock, of cars In city to select from. A few for your consideration: 1912 Packard. 7-pass.; will sacrifice. 1912 Chalmers, 5-pass.; will sacrifice. 1911 Hupp, 2-pass.. $375. 1910 Maxwell, 2-pass., 325. 1911 Cadllac, 5-pass.. $1150. 1910 Buick, 5-paas., $i5. Many others. Call and look them over. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE 493-495 Alder St. Main 1161, A 4837. ONE 5-naesenger 1911 Warren, first-class condition; snap lor quica bo.iv, -ouv. Four-passenger Maxwell 22 h. P.. to gether with delivery body; big bargain, Have several other real bargains. J. E. Maxon at NOB HILL GARAGE A AUTO CO. 690-692 Kearney St. Near 20th St. See AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new chean car when yoo can secure one of our nlgh-grads need cars at the same price? We guarantee them. Different makes and models, ail traded In on new White gas cars. We also offer several second-handed truoka. Write White Car Agency. 6th street A! Madison. 1910 CADILLAC 30. 5-pass., fully equipped. run only 5000 miles, line conaition, pnuo 1910 Ilulck. 3-pass. roadster, fully equipped, motor 4-cy.. 20 h. p., cost $1200, price $350.' 1910 Chalmers 30, 4-pass pony tonneau, like new, cost $2100. price $875. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. SPECIAL SALE. We have three nouular priced cars: will discount for cash or sell regular on easy terms. Cars are guaranteed for one year and hu ilt hv old-line company. State ition von are interested In; letters strictly confidential. Address AC 307t Oregonian. uni.iirvc, im Kl.lp.HTI.V.irfiED CARS. We have a few snaps In slightly-used cars and M1CHIUAN cars tan in -change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. ' MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO., Phones East 1421. B 1345. 369-371 Hawthorne ave. rivii: :ttnn r.rflhnakv truck -In eood runnln order, run less than 4 montns; tnis iruca. wa narantpe to he In aood running order. The price we ask will surprise you. If vnn are in need of a truck of this nize do not tail to call at Northwest Auto Co, 31 Alder. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 493-4115 Alder st. Main 1161, A 4837J ' i.thm antn truck for sale lust overhauled, In excellent condition; new tires. iis top and body; a bargain. R. C. Barnard. Woodlawn 3S74. HAVE an almost new $5000 7-passenger automobile which I will trade for prop erty close In or sell on easy payments. Main 6199. s FOR AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS" see Auto painting A Exchange Co., Inc., 61-H3 Union ave. North. " Dealers In used automobiles. FOR SALE 1912 E-M-F 6-passenger, fore- door touring car in a i leas than 500O miles. L. H. Hoffman, 769 Irving st , t, c A r IT nr tr.lrift. H-DOSS. l?-Cyl IteO auto, in periect. oiui. ,"" " ,. Oregon-Washington Prod. Co., Jooii Alder st. Main lUBo. . , LiuL-v-ni;-! uvanklln. new tires. 20 H. P fine little car. -tw. iiimfiv. bldg. Main 934. 1910 CHALMERS, tuny equippeu. tnirn innmre cuw. a. i.u.iu.o..., - - White garage. ' . r c- nii- nvor and -tnroeao roaosier, nerfect colKllllon. lull c-4iaii"c-- Phone East 541X. CiL.LMEUS Owner will sell. 5-passenger car, In Al condition, uernj amisu. NHi WUCOX PIUS- enw SAT.F. E-M-F 30. 1911, cannot be torn equipment; $700. V 275, Oregonian. FORCED to sell my 5-pass. car, just over- hau etl: i.-iuu. uwuor. w o-i, . A.h n nintorCVPlB for Sale. Al COUUiiiou. cheap lor quicK saie. Hog., Birds. Pet Stock. BLACK MINORCA, Barred I ymouth Rock and Rhode island retA puncio cheap, some bargains In secona-nana in cubators, all kinds ot poultry supplies. Poultry Supply House, .-uo eaimou Phone Main 2491. at. AIREDALE terriers, choice prise bred pup A . . ..r .n unn.h " A weeks. 223 pies bv "Laddlx Monarcn, IS. 55th st N. M-V car. Pr.DIGRB.ED Airedale pups for sale. E. 39th st. - ; ' 409 Furniture for Bale. FOR SALE On account of death, furniture of f. rooms, almost new; everything, fine woolen blanket.-Indian robes, .enlrig ma chine and talking machine, call io Last 4-id st after 7 P. M., or phone hellwood m any time. Hawtnorne car. - un,,..-. ii-all llirhted. good yard West Side, central; price of furniture and i-ant rpnannatl ,1. inutlii aim - . blocks from Washington. Phones A Marshall 1999. IF WING city; will sell china cabinet, gas stove: chairs, coal stove typewriter wash tan, sanitary coutu. i 938 Cleveland ave PI'llXlTVRE for sale, bouse to rent, White enamel bedroom suite, dining-room oak. livinrr-rnom mahogany; box coucn, ruK, etc. East 6372! ,'i kvHURE of six-room house, everything good; sacrifice for quick sale. 93 East 12th St. N. Phone B 3053. FOR SALE Partly new mrniture ai a. u..- galn; party leaving city, ajjuu ua Beacon St. tno leather daven port only 50. Call 5ft Morri9.n St.. bet. . . t, , attar K n".lni-lc. YJL ana r. -n. o... pi'RVITl'RE of 7-room flat, must De i; w FhYs week. $200. income $58. rent $30. Main 2189. FITONITURB i located. $425. -room modern flat, nicely 252 11th. near Main. 5-ROOM flat, complete to highest. Nob Hill district. 6734 Glisan St. FURNITURE for sale of six-room house. tl n-'-s- FURNITURE for sale 445 Union ave. North East 873. Miscellaneous. ' pnR CAT. Pi CHEAP. Complete set of carpenter tools and chest reasonable; all that Is needed for ordlnary wnrlt. Address DOX A -, oitb". ..r,n.T v ach raeiftters. credit reg later1.: computing scales, etc.. bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Lo.. 227 Stark st. -viain i n iv.C!J'. :V.t, - i.nJcm attachment: In ....,.r.vT fl.hn mntorcvcle. tree engine, ..,..ii,.. condition: will sacrifice for $130. 166 East 16th at. SAFES Special bargain second-hand fire and burglar-proo ; s'co , ... . , ,' ,-, p,,v,.,.i safe Co.. and r-ortiana oaie -, 88 Bth st. Phone Main 6309. udTnRRniT. length 27 feet, speed 18 ' miles, fully equipped, very reasonable. Ap ply 74S water. SOLAR prints 15c, Dromiaes joc, convexmg r.n frames a !!. CHlcagO COpy -0., 1U.1 Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting enemas. contractors eiimpiiiciH. way Equipment Co.. 74 1st. ' TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 to $65. The isortnwesi lyyoamcr 262 Stark St. BIRDS of Paradise. $17.50 and up. Empress Feather CO.. t36 nearsi diub aa.n .-.-u-. FOR SALE Holsteln milch cow. 118 West Klllingsworth ave. Inquire FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. MEN'S HIGH-GRADK SUITS. MEN' Buy your Fall suit from Jimmy Dunn "and save $10. Room 315. Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower. 550-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and i0 amper overload I-T-E circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203. Orego nian bldg. . FOR SALE. One 125-volt. direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat, am-meter and circuit-breaker. This machine is lo good repair. Address room 203. Oregonian -Aids. , 4 FT. G IN. ranee. $40; double slat top a 1:1.50: 40O-lb. safe. $22; 250-lb. .afe. $15.50; 2200-lb. safe. $52. new. 235 Front St. All a. good as FIRST-CLASS White machine, drop head. Charter Oak range, nearly now, solid fumed oak davenport, quarter solid oak extension tiible and chairs to match, also National gas range, fall SSO Hawthorne. MENS PANTS. Clean up sale. The pants 1 sell for $3 and $3 would cost $4 and $5 In the high rent store, on the street. Jimmy Dunn, room 313, Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 530-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Ad dress room 203, Oregonian bldg. FOR PALE Cheap, one ixl0 In. donkey complete, with 1000 ft. 1-ln. line. 2500 ft. ti-in ltn p.. Fischer. Cornelius. Or., R. F. D. 1. box 10L L. C. SMITH and Underwood typewriter, late models, fine condition, price 40 each. Call 529 Hamilton bldg. Main 934. $80 P.OLT.-TOP desk and matched swivel chnlr. $.18. K 329, Oregonian. DESK, chair to match, $7. SO.' 301 Mer chants' Trust. 10 and 11. morning. TWO fresh cows for sale. CS8 Harold ave. 18-FOOT LAUNCH, nearly new. 643 Hood st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING, furniture, tools. High est price paid lor men s ana wuie, off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, me chanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 290 1st St. The Globe. MOTOR BOAT Motor boat wanted. 20 to 30 feet; must be In good condition and a bargain. A. xJ. fOUIS'-ll, iio naiiwity r-Ai-mw,..--. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture, seaier ce i n". - East 3184. 348 Hawthorne ave.- FURNITURE or anything I can use for 5- ,- ., ,ir , .... n 1 nf 1 . pass. auto, rreu vv. u-aiiiio-n. hum . Main 6445. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Jlain bhoi. a .nu. WANTED Moving picture outfits. Foldlns; chairs, electric pianos, u -ua. vn-sm"- WILL buy any kind of hair combings at the Sanitary Beauty parlors, suo ueauni. HELP WANTED MALIC. SUCCESSFUL stock salesman to represent local llnaneial institution; win par a,.j to those who can get results; only those who can give reference as to ability and character need apply; opportunity for something better with the company lor tho.e making good. C 269. Oiegonlan. WE need a couple flrst-clas. salesmen. We have b-cn bothered by a lot ui uum ,i-n-out hunters. We don't want any more applications from that kind, but we can use two Number One men and can put you in the way of making several hun-. dred dollars a month. 4ns Spalding bldg. BOYS File your application NOW for Ore gonian routes; will nave a ic.i open this Fall. You must be a hustling business getter and be on the Job every miniilM t v uircuiaior, ruuiu w, - gonian bldg WANTED Young men to sell programme and sort annas at, ui meet week of Aug. 26 to 31; must be experienced; good commission. all at 12M5 Belmont after 1 P. M. Tabor 2293. B 3041 AN experienced life or accident Insurance man can mane a very i .,iu, .1". tlnn with the largest health and accident company In the world. MaHory & ; ui, (Jon Afita, 610 Wilcox bldg., Portland, Or. LIVE dependable salesmen wanted la v" eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stork; cash paid weeaiy, wnio at onoe. Washington Nursery Co.. Top penlsh. Wash. COATMAKER Sober, industrious man. capable ot matting a J' " Y ready to work; best and largest shop In the city. D. H. iloslier, 456 Court St., Salem. Or. YOUR opportunity If you are a hustler; ex clusive control ot goeu. ibiiiwui -' fit; weekly advance; complete line; guar anteed ab.olutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppenlsh, Wash. WANT a young man ot gooa judgment. plenty of snap ana .uow uu- brains, no cigarette fh-nd or sleepy head. Hnurs 4 A. M. to 12 on sales wagon. Address box BL Give references. YOUNG man of high character, good ad dress, and saieB auuity. iur i"" sltlon with financial house; returns lim ited only by capacity of the man. Address, with references, A 332. Oregonian. WANTED First-class shoe salesman. Write. giving gooa ruiereui; .im w . i.erted. Wlneman Bros North Yakima, Wash. LIPMAN, WOLFE A COMPANY require the .ervlcis of a thoroughly experienced trunk man. Apply at once, superintendent, old store. SALESMEN who have made good, to rep resent a suDstantiai irui"uiuu. . tunlty for permanent paying position. Ap ply after 0 A. M. Monday, 808 Selling bldg. WANTED Boy about 16 years Old to carry Oregonian route n aiu,., ""- husiler. Apply 9 A. M. today, room 200 Oregonian bldg. WANTKD Mun with .ome knowledge ot printing to act as city salesman; salary, commission and permanent position to rlKht man. K 326. Oregonian. WANT reliable, all-around man as man ager of a coffee house, restaurant; ref erences required. H 331. Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted for Winona Mills ho. aierv Established business. Call between 12 and o'clock. 2o4 Henry bldg. WANTED Station man, rock and mixed clas.itlcatlon: good work; good Prices. tti- s. fltandlfer Co.. 702 Wilcox bldg. EXPFRIENCED advertising solicitors; com. mission; contracts cashed dally. Benedic tine Press, 2liS .virmigou annot. WANTED An experienced body ironed Apply International laundry. East 6th and Oak sts Also experienced mungle girls. WANTED Errand boy about lrt yrs. of -age to deliver packages. Apply Oxford Tailors. 143 7th st. WANT reliable, all around man as manager of a coffee house; references required. AB 309, oregonian. WANTED Two good solicitors, expense ad vanced to right party. Room 403 Clark Hotel. WANTED Man and wife for small chicken farm; must have experience. R 818, Ore gonian. j.i ysMAK A-l proposition for city; only hustlers need apply. Call 9 to 12, 602 Mar- quam bldg. WANTED First-class tailor at once. Bauer A llauer, Corvallls. WANTED AT ONCE An ail-arouna Baiter. City Bakery, ninsnoro. vi. SALESMEN and solicitors wanleai a year a work. Call at M 8d St. PHOTO coupon; best ever orrerea. snap tor agents. Cuthbert Studio. Dckum bldg. iuaT.rM.ASS SALESMAN. CALL AT 604 YEON BLDG. CO-VTMAKEHS on ladles' coats at once. McLeod. S49V4 Washington st. PANTRYMAN, experienced, steady position. M eves' Restaurant. 811 Washington St. SHEET METAL worker, first-class all rou nd. 222 Commercial Club bldg. BOYS wanted with wheels, age 16 or over. Call or write 76 8d st. L. Nathan. WANTED Two good men. Call 602 Board of Trade. DELIVERY" boy wanted at once, 12S 2d, room lo. DRIVER for dve works wagon: experienced. ADldy between 10 and 12, 7 Grand ave. N. WANTED Ability m man. 112 1st st. atcutter and sales- W ANTED 1'antsmaker Seibert. Pendleton. Or. John GROOM for private stable. Apply to Mr. Wallace room 7. at 250 H 3d st. BEST proposition for A-l solicitors. Cham- plon Supply -o.. """ FIRST-CLASS cutter and coatmaker. Apply D. B. McBrlde & Co. t WANTE D An experienced plumber. 5528 71st st. W. E. BOYS (3) with bicycles, can make $40 to $75 per month. 284 Yamhill. WANTED .lap. hoy lo do cleaning store nart of the day. 147 7th. DISHWASHER wanted. $10 per week. 523 Washington. BOY with motorryr.le can make $100 per month. 284 Yamhill St. TINNER wanted. M. H. O'Connor, 5 3d N. WAITRESS wanted. 521 Union ave. MEN'S hat salesman. Call 192 1st sU A