WAGE DISPUTE AT CRISIS Early Chicago Vote Overwhelmingly in Favor of Strike. CHICAGO. Aug. 19. The wage con troversy between 14.000 men working for the two railway systems and the elevated lines of Chicago and the em ploying companies stood at a crisis tonlcht- Two conferences were held by Mayor Harrison today In the hope of averting a strike. No decision was reached at either meeting. It was then agreed that another conference should be held tomorrow morning. Employes of the elevated lines began voting today on the question of a strike and the bal loting will be continued until tomor row. It was said the early vote was overwhelmingly in favor of a striKe. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Sale at the Gibson Hotel, corner of Union avenue and East Anktny street. Contents of 50 rooms. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, 166-1 6S Park St. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. STEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Wednesday) evening. 7:30. East Eighth and BurnMdc M- M. degree. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. - OREGON COMMANDER T - NO 1 The funeral of the late Sir Knight. William B. k 'tf Arnold, of Woonsocket Com- WxeSat nianderv No. 24. R. I will r take place from the chapel of J P. Finley & Son., at 2:30 P. JC. today. EMINENT COMMANDER. - OREGON' COUNCIL ROT AX, -ikftKtA ARCANUM, meet at Royal ?72vv building, the flrst and third AMiVHI Tuesdays of each month, at o ji.rr"f Gt P. M. Visitors cordially wel-.-?fS2r romri. O. O. HAUL. Sec. S Ca re Honeyman Hardware Co. DIED. GEHRIG August IS. Mrs. Carrie W. Gehrig, seed 4 years Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICE tvIest In this city. August 19. at the fam ily rnn'-ence. 1"00 Hawthorne avenue. Kalrv Yetta Wlest. beloved daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. S. B. Wiest. aged 3-' years 7 month;, and 27 days. Funeral services will be held at Flnley s chapel it P, M. Thursdi-.v. August 22. Frienda Invited, in terment Rose City Cemetery.. BAX.EU.A-ln this city. August 19. at the family residence. 702 East Ninth street. Helen Roslna Sannella. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Sannella. aged months. Funeral services will be held at the Calvary Baptist Church, corner of East mh and Grant streets, at . i P. M. todav (Tuesday). Friends Invited. WILSON In this city. August 18. at the family residence. 1 East 4th street. George Albert Wilson, aged $4 years 7 months and days. Funeral service will be held - at Flnley a chapel at I P. M. Wednesday. August SI. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. ., BOW EN Funeral services of the late Mar garet Ellen Bowen. beloved wife of Allen jf Bowen. will be held at the family residence. S26 Larrabee street, on Wednes day August 2o. at 2 P. M. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. LOWE August 1. Thomas Lowe, aged 74 years. Funeral will take place from Dun ning & McEntee's chapel Wednesday, Au gust 21. at 7:45 A. M.. thence to the Ca thedra! l.-.th and Davis streets, at 8 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. W4.RD At Ridgefleld. Wash.. August 19, Mrs Eliza Janet Ward, aged SI years. Friends can view the remains at Dun ning McEntee's parlors, where they have been prepared for shipment to Ferndale, CL KELLY Mr. D. B. Kelly passed away at the Emanuel Hospital at 12:1j noon, Au gust 19. The family will accompany the re mains to Oakland, where he will ba buried In the lamily plot at Mountain Mew Cem etery. ARNOLD At the Open Air Sanatorium. Au gust 18. William Ballou Arnold, aged S3 years months and 11 days. Funeral serv ices will be held at Flnlcy's chapel at 2:30 p M today (Tuesday). Friends invited. KELLY In this city. August 19, David B. Kelly aged SI years 5 months. Remains are at Holmans funeral parlors.: will be taken to Oakland. Cat- fur Interment. X64 sin. umw.p a-.w MON L 1- -t WOTM. SUSS JC1 WUMl "P ' MH. KUHdnu . . " . 1 T . T neral director and undertaker, ltz Inlrtl at, corner Salmon. Lady assistant, Dunnius ft MrEntee, Funeral Directors, 9th aou l ine. Phone Main 40. Lady at- icnuAm. WAP v' rr . . . . . , 7 u. a u n u. .... Phone East lOita. C 1088. Lady attendant. t p FIN LEV ft SON. Sd and Madisom. Lad'y nttendant. Phone Main . A 1SB. EAST SIDE Funeral uireciors, sue to F. B. Dunning. Inc.. E. it. B 8588. Filth. East 7al. B 1888. Lady attendant. " fcKEWES COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Mala 4152. A 238 L Lady attendant. CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery. One Mile Southeast Leats. Large, permanent, picturesque, mod rn. Perpetual care without extra charge. Prices moderate: service ex cellent: every convenience in use. in cluding: large luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott and Cazadero cars. Froe Btito service. Both phones. City office. 820-931 Yeon Bldg. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 49S9. Funeral J-'towere on isbort Notice. Buutitul Casket Sprays, Jl.50 up. Free delivery. Charge accounts solicited. Ll'ULINER, inQ Wash In et on. Bet. 11th and 12th. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time II Came ad two consecutive time .. .....2e hame ad three consecutive times S0 fcarae ad six or seven consecutive times. .660 The above rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following 1 Situations Wanted. Male Situations Wanted, Female. For Kent. Kooms. Private Families. Kooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms. Private Families. When one advertisement is not run In coa aecutite Issues the one-time iate applies. Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted tor leas tnaa two lines. L, Oregonian will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No Erlcea will be quoted over the phone, bat ill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements, situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted oer the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Rnt. "Furniture for Sale." "Business Op portunities." "Booming-Houses" and Wanted to Kent." In New Today, all advertisements an rharged by measure only, 14 lines to tbs Inch. remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISOX STREET. Phones Main 508. A 7589. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall a 00. All disabled or diseased animals will receive prompt attention. Will be railed for at a nominal cost. Refer all casea of cruelty to a his office. Open day and n trrht. ' NEW TODAY. FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE WARD YOC.VGER, Suite 428 Yeoa Bids; 2S. A 4aSa4, A Main 7525. . THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. AUGUST 20, 1912. 1 : i 1 T- " f "" ""T j REAX ESTATE. 1 FOK AMUSEMENTS. I r-aA-'wi. . ' 1 rr r : rT For Kale Farms. 1 Horses, cuicles. r.tc. POPULAR FRICES.- HEILIG TH EATER 7th and Taylor phones Main 1 and A 112S TONIGHT JKST Bargain Price Matinee Tomorrow Special Price Matinee Saturday CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by Sydney Ayrea in the Brilliant Comedy "DIVORCON'S" The Hit of the Engagement , Evenings, 75c. 80c, S5c, X5c Bargain Wednesday Matinee, any seat, 25c Sat urday Matinee SOc, 23c. CORRECTED LIST OF OPERAS HEILIG THEATER 7 SBSso SUNDAY, SEP. 1 GILBERT & SULLIVAN FESTIVAL CO. Sun.. Mon.. Sat. Nights and Sat. Mat. "THE MIKADO" Tuesday and Friday Nights "THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE" Wed. Night Special Wed. Matinee "PINAFORE" Thursday. Night PATIENCE" MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED Beginning Next Monday Evenings and Saturday Matinee Lower Floor. $2. Balcony, $1.50. $1. 75c, 50c Special Wednesday Matinee $1.50 to SOc Vain 8: A 1020. Matinee Daily. Mat. 15c, 25c. SOc Sights, 15c, 25c, BOc, 75c II KKtr irr.rsr 19 Grace Cameron. F.d- mond Hayes and company, Carl Mr allough. nHnimn Armstrongs piajcrw, iwuuui"n Pattersons, The TaklneM, The Kemps. Matinee Dally at X:30. HnlllTn At Consldlna Refined Vaudeville Special Summer Prices: Nights Matinees 10 and 20c Any Seat 10c iowe and Edwards, Joe Cook. Jack All man, Twilight Picture. Orchestra. 9 nflTIMEfDAiLX 1YEE.H allilM i" cim-i-haa Miss Lucia Lottie Collins, the Teemier Comedienne- Matthews Duffy; Cantor's Merry Kids; Zentta; Nadle; the Four Flying; tas ters. Popular Prices. Matinee Daily. Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. BIJOU Now Running Flynn-Johnson MOVING PICTURES lO A. M. to 11 P. M. i We OAKS PORTLAND'S GREAT AMTSE- .1 1 r, A innn. Bitr Outdoor Bill of Free Attractions. The Hawaiians Delightfully en trancing Kanakas pleasing with, their native songs and Instruments. Five more today. Every afternoon and night All ZadH Oriental wonder worker in magical performance on the nand st.tnd. Every afternoon and night. Punch and Judy Still the chil dren's delight. All day. The Blue Streak The greatest and tartest ride in America. Park Attractions The most charm-' . a.. ; Ing place in America tor a visit. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vangba and Twenty-fourth Sta. SACRAMENTO TS. PORTLAND AUGUST 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. -Games Benin Weekdays at 3:00 P. M. Sundays at 3130 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans 150,000 anil Over nm tU'l'lUL BUSINESS PROPERTY LOWEST CURRENT KATKS. WM. MAC MASTER (1 Corbott Bids. City f Farm Loans Any amount at current rates. Builders' Loans. JOHN E. CRONAN 0O2 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. 6 to 7 per cent. Farm Loans. A. H. BIRRELL CO, 202 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. 6V2 ACRES All nice level land, six miles from Port land. No Improvements. A snap at $150 per acre. Terms to suit you. MOODY IaAA'D CO, 1016 Cham, of Com. Tel. Main 87. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Any amount at current rates. Builders' Loans. JOHN E. CRONA.V, 02 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Or. IDLLlb, BKKKIUUE Sc THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS PRIVATE money to loan 5. 6. 7, 8 per cent. Wm. C. Borchers, 20T Oregonlan oldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER ft BENEDICT. 802 McKay bldg.. M. 648. Beck. Wllllstn O., 815-816 Falling bldg. Cbsptn Herlow. 832 Chamber of Commsrcs Cook. B. S. A Co.. 608 Corbstt bldg. Jennings ft L x. Main 18S. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. F 404-40S-40 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. 1600 LOT. E. 13th st. N.; easy terms. 41 Chamber of Commerce, TRADE some good lots for office furniture. 614 Northwest bide. Main 6199. Aa. a M 1 l lEmoress lor rale Lots. 1 for Bi-noaa. , i i in. . : j WHY BENT? : $75 CASH Will buy this cleared acre of ground on the Mt. Hood Electric, 30 minutes of Washington st. Have your own cow, chickens, berries and vegetables, and also reap the enhancement in value. Price oniv si,o: navments sio ner montn. a 303, Oregonlan, GENUINE SNAP. TtiiKinns tot nnxinn. rinse In on the WTest Side for 11500; $500 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. There are many reasons wuy this lot will sell for at least $3000 in a year's time. Must sell quick. Hence the low price. N 3Q4. oregonlan. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder and at the same time finance It for you. A. V. DARLING 407 Yeon- Bldg. Main 1038. A 47i8. RESIDENCE LOANS. $1500 3 years. $2500 3 years. $4000 3 years. $5000 3 years. CALLAN & KASER, 722-724 Yeon Bldg. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EMLUSlvibi. UAth hli.h.vraH nnri chenn nrODerty, and I have the bargains In this district. ll you want to ouy to a(ivanLus ix ' -land Heights .you will have to see me. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. I HAVE 8 lots In Rose City Park to sell nn small tmvmpnt nlan at nrices from $400 up; will dispose of these lots this week; jnaao appointment eari luuajr w property. S 322. Oregonlan. 110 CASH, 1 WEEK ' , lege district; no Interest or taxes: large snade trees; write owner, pi io, nlan. A SNAP Have several nice lots which will sell on terms of 4 montniy, witnoui in terest or taxes. Only 1 block from carllne. Improvements In and paid for. Price 5 per lot. W 3W, uregonian. imt'lTV rP OTA In lot nn KHSt fi.'ith and 1KV15 BIS. IUI OHIO VJ half; balance of contract very easy pay men is. i oo. uirsuiiwii. wti.t. anil r.nvTn corner lot with cement walk in and paid lor. price ; to car; s;iu down, siu per mumu. iw. uregontan. FINE corner lot, 5 down, $5 per month; Z DIOCKS to car, cement Will. naiti ... graded streets; all Improvements paid. Owner, r sol, uregonian. ttytp a inKA lnt that will Increase in value rapidly, S4.iO to w. iv lie. month. Main 4400. (Sunday Tabor 24 5.) EJ-tD Sit. IT T-ArpA lot KflSt Sillc. east O! 2Mh st. Snap for cash, tee tnts. it mv, oregonlan. - FOR SALE by owner for cash Apartment site, lot OOxlOO. East 2tn ana nne eu. 31ti, oregonlan. I WANT to sell a corner lot In Rose City n i- . .- ,. .1 . -.-a V. TnaanH 1 1 ITT U I' rani I'll I'JUU , f J i" vaai.. ww... LOT A real bargain, 63d and Sandy Road .i 1.1 l. -. cin nnlv sr.O flnwn. A.r till LIS UIUVJVB, v.t . . IRVINGTON SNAP $2,100 for 100x100 cor ner, 21st St.; improvements paia to aaie terma Main 6078. 703 Lewis bldg. LOTS 3 and 4. block 21. Council Crest Park for sale by owner at Dig Dargain. ah 321, Oregonlan. For Sale Houses. WEST BIDE BUNGALOW. Located on one of the most sightly lots on the west Slue. overiooKing mo tin, river and mountains with Its rough tim ber and low rambling effect, porches, per- nl nH fountain so DDDUlar In Southern California. The seven rooms carry out the bullaers color schuines ana designs 10 the satisfaction of the most fastidious home hunter, and at the remarkably low price of fSSOO; terms If desired. Take Portland Heights car to Council Crest ave.. walk two blocks east to Chehalem avs., and ML Adams drive, or phone Tony G. Anderson. Marshall 553. BUNGALOW REAL SNAP. A fine modern, 5-room bungalow, cost 1:11100 to huild. two lots SUxlOU. corner; lots worth J2:"0. making 05)0 worth of property; our price lor a lew aas oniy $4000; J300 cash, balance to suit; owner is leaving city and must sell; located on Marguerite ave., soutn or nawmoroe. GRUSS1 & BOLDH. . . 318 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. F.T.RVTTN-TinnM RhSIDENCE. - I have for sale an exceptionally fine and well-improved quarter block, 11-room old F.ncllsh house, hullt- 2 .vears: xaraKG, line trees, roses, etc; strictly modern and up-to-date; in a delightful residence district. A splendid place for any one wishing a nome or tnis size, i-rice reasonuuie. ak ply to C. F. Smith, 210 Railway Exchange bldg., between 3d ana 4tn on pt-ar ba. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE A LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND, SHOW OCR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS. IT WILL PAY YOU. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 124 At ING TON ULUli. WEST SIDE HOUSE. $!I00. Nice 2-room house, electric lights, toilet, etc., lot 40x100, on Corbett St., near Iowa, right on carllne and only a few minutes' ride down town, urice 1900; $535 cash. balance to suit; lot alone worth the money. GRUSSI ft BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON HOME Owner going away, will 'sell almost new 0-room house in best Dart of Irvington, with or without furniture; full cement basement; furnace; fireplace; hardwood floors; built-in booKcases ana cnina ciutei; larire sieeDln? oorch: lot 5uxlo0: street improvements in and paid. Buy of owner ana save commission. .asx au-a. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room bouse, suitable for two families, on a live business cor ner, lot 60x100, at Arbor Lodge, S. E. corner Greeley and Portland Boulevard, on St. Johns carllne. I will sell this fine property at sacrifice, as am going to leave the country. Price only $3000, $1500 down. Come and take look at It. The best bar gain in the city. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder and at the same time finance It for you. A. IX DARLING 407 Yeon Bldg. Main 1038. A 4778. BRAND new 9-room bungalow for $4SO0; very attractive; has every modern con venience; 2 blocks from Sellwood car and 5 blocks' from Brooklyn School; you can make your own terms; about $-00 down. 2-3 Chamber of Commerce. Woodlawn 14U3. COLEMAN 4 RATES. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. SUC CESSORS TO TAYLOR BUILDING CO., FURNISHES MONEY. BUILDS WHERE YOU LIKE. 202 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. 8-ROOM home completely furnished with elegant furniture; corner lot 100x100. J60 per month- references required. Phone Tabor 516. Call 930 Hawthorne ave. $50 CASH, balance easy, new 5-room mod ern bungalow. 20 minutes out, Union ave. district. HIGLEY BISHOP. 202 Hamilton Bldg. 5-ROOM up-to-date bungalow. 1 block from L carllne on paved street, lawn In, cement sidewalk all paid for, at a bargain; no agents, phone Woodlawn 2220. TWO modern. 5-room flats on fractional lot (West B1QO. efAa j, xAiAiut, uisiau.ee, JI55O0. E. T. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. 150 DOWN and $25 monthly; elegant new bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, strictly up-to-date, lot 50x108. Owner, w 25S2. J . FORCED SALE Irvington home for $1500 less than market price; $2500 cash, bal ance $50 per month. Address M 293, OregoniRn. $375 Good little house, full-sized lot, graded street, water, etc. nwi uuy in. ureuon. $50 cash, $15 monthly. H 321, Orego nlan. $550 80x100, with a neat little bungalow or two targe rooms, aici, siaucu bucbw, close to car: $100 cash, $15 monthly. H 320, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY REALTY CO. New 7-room bungalow on 49th and Til lamook at a bargain for quick sale. Office at 46th and Sandy road. Tabor 361. FINE home in Ladd's Add., modern in every particular; can maiw low price arm good terms. 361 E. Hth st. East 5023. WILL finish to suit customer 5-room bun galow, 20tn ana reimuin oin. AAAipijr iu owner, 308 Gerllnger bldg BARGAIN HOME. BROADWAY. Six rooms, little over half price; also 4 lots. East 273. W. H. Herdman. MONTAVILLA Good home, 50x100, $1600 only, terms. jiAm t4-i0 MODERN 5-room bungalow, $1900 "rt.ht. must ouit: terms. 1020 E. 26th N. FOR FINE HOMES See Deianunt. BARGAIN 6-room house, owner leaving city. Tel. vvoooiawu aao. IF you are honest and can save $1 a week, I can sell you a nome. yj . . uicpuiijau. FOR SALE Two lots and house, Seaside, ur,, cuei. a i. u , liAKliu, oeautirui resiaence, i sleeping porch, large attic. Dutch kitchen, a , , nw. A AlnaAt MABt east A nrepiaccs. large uuuicu front, all street improvements In, car, 16250. near rooms and sleeping porcn, "".uu" ble construction excellent finish, neavy beamed and paneled dining-room, large ...!.. .n a.. .11. in Mnv.nl.nML mas dou- tered basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, fruit and vegetable rooms, h'mara hall and sleeping chamber can be finished $5500; $1000 cash. .... 4-room oungaiow, muunti , In effects; finished in white enamel. large den or music-room ana uica,. all .room; large oasemem am,. street Improvements in; east itoias car, $5250. . near o rooms ana sieepuiis fu"-u' -r- con- struction ana nnisn, neavjr auto...-- ---- Ing. 3-ply veneer panels, massive buiret, large cabinet kitchen, clothes chutes, dust chutes, nifty fireplace, plastered basement, fruitrooms furnace, large attic, improve- ..- . . . a k nnV, tfl ments an in, east irum, Broadway car, $6750, $500 cash, balance 5-room bungalow, strictly modern and city ail ouilt-in conveniences, aho P. ana .vt ount j-iooa, o oium - -- car, close to fireproof school, soutn front, $3450, small cash payment. 6-room nouse new. moaern, u a car; 60x100 lot, excellent neighborhood, I3S50, easy terms. 4 rooms in excellent suburb, restrictions. ouut-in conveniences, wis" . --- place, electric fixtures and tinting, two rooms can oe nmsneu vi li cement walks, east front, smaii 3 rooms and bath, comer lot, ' fine view of Tualatin Valley, West Side, . . a . i a a. XfmtrYTf. Z diocks to car, i inmuieo w 'J waiKs, graaea streets unu "C in tine neighborhood; 2ZQQ. 200 cash win nanaie 11, uHiim.o n . 7-room house, all rooms large and "Bnt; caninent Kitcnen. urepiaw, - : - . and walnut trees, lot 100x100, 4 bks to car, 14 minutes to ceuici - Side, fine view of Tualatin Val'ey and Mt. IIOOU ; 1 UU, .SOUU CttAAl, suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Main 1800. A 6261. 209-12 Selling Bldg. TDiMvTnv nTSTRirT. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. EASY . TERMS bAai a r. , j, ., Can be arranged as to amount of casn down ana montniy iiibhhh" ,.. chasing a new, modern residence, witn - . . ., ..untln, nail. UUXlOO-IOOl lot; COIliauiB i""" ' living-room, ount-in ouuawm.. dining-room, pass pantry, kitchen, back hall 3 bedrooms, bathroom, linen closet, large covered sleeping-porch, full cement . . . i ....... V. truVfl Slt- oasement, lurnacv nnu on - uatea on weiaier oeiweis'i TI ii 30th sts. : choice of corner or Inside, v-au at u;3 weiaier st. ior 3101 Sundays and evenings, or Main isi week days. UU.MiALiUW OAViwri.". ....... An, o I .DlPirU very swell o-room ouiiki", fireplace. doubly constructed. pollsneo . . , w..A. T-,tn kilcnen. Iioors, Dootcae, uuiAcA, a. - 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch. In fact notn- ing missing to niitao - also includes linoleum, rugs, gas range ana arapenes, on a " with all street Improvements paid, Prlce a snap, .imu: .iuo to - - - per month; on Wasco St.. Holladay Park Add., close in. Ask for Mr. Zadow with 318 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. A MODERN bungalow for sale by owneJ' a rooms, a nice iivjhs-'""1" v7.ii. T room, 2 nice bedrooms, with nice built- n wardrobe? Dutch kitchen with unusua ly large bunt-in cupdouio 7 vinic In apartment, large wood table with slna dralninir board, drawers anu bii..ib ly arrangea, large uoa.., -the house has fine concrete basement over 7 feet in tne ciear. ie 2 Vi-S . lot nice rooms can be made if .ae.,"d' a,,: 50X100. 14 b.OCKs rom c . , ----- ; tnis nome ior i-1 lawn loio. . r. - .-. ..r,v DIDAA1V Kine new nome ui -' ine balcony and finished attic, thoroughly moaern in nit i cajc-va, 1 jt, n lianlarAa tra m ee. narawooa nuui d.t: one block of car. Price and place ill SUlt nurse mm 1001c OSCAR W. BRYAN. Main 19C3. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227, . A . . .... t- .1 r T - I " nTTRIPT 7 rooms, 2 carlines, easy terms, lot 50x100, hardwood floors, sleeping porcii. furnace, largo beveled plate buffet, large dressing-rooms, 4 French mirrors, every convenience. rimuc amou, E. 35TH STREET. 6-room Built for a horns. Sleeping porch, fireplace, laundry trays; price $3400. terms $150 cash bal. $35, In cluding interest. uuui ntj Co.. 723 Cham, of Com. Phone Main 512D. $3250 MODERN, 7 rooms and sleeping T l. : 1 aa anH AlAAtHl. lfLlindrV uurcu, ui ciitabc, a,... , " tras's large closets, lot 50x100; this is a . - . 1 a a.. .,vnanA faettia .act oargain; pipeu ai aia...v.. . ' owner-is-living East and will sell at a , -, .... .....ot- Chnna TX.JAaH lAAwn sacriiice oa oau - - 322!. I WANT to sell my 6-room modern house situated' on a nign, Bigim? iot ou.iu, right on the carllne. Reed College dis trict; nlCe lawn Willi l Uaca, dniuuuvi, etc, This property is easily worth $3200. Will take $2600 and make terms. Owner, 4120 48th ave. s. i. lane w.-yy. wr. 8-ROOM new, modern residence and full lot, beautiiuny snuaieu 111 uauicuu,.., all Improvements In and paid for: hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, fireplace and all conveniences; must have money and will sell at big sacrifice. Owner, AJ 300, uregonian. .. , tji-vn a t r 1 na'VKR Restricted district, lot 50x100, parking 10 It.;. Weil DUUL, COHYeiucuA A ow.-. ly modern, among fine homes; oak floors very swell buffet, sleeping porch, etc Kasy terms, r-imnc aa r...TT uamo tm mvlvr.TftS ovvavaaaj nvjin . -' - 6-room residence; large sleeping-porch, full basement, hardwood floors, gas, elec tricltv; everything modern, up to date; lot 50x100; near Irvington Club grounds; will sell for $0950; some terms. W 282, Oregonlan. SUNSET PLACE, Portland Heights Beauti ful new colonial nouse, i large rwino, guuu eittic sleeping porch, sun room, fireplace, hardwood floors, mahogany doors. Ivory finished woodwork, $6500; terms. Apply owner. Marshall 44 14. MODERN 5-room Alberta home, half block from carline, 2 blocks from Union ave.. full basement, pantry with butit-tn con veniences, improvements in and paid. All lor oniv $27.)", payaoie u per muuui, Call Tabor 1982. FOR SALE Irvington home, new and mod ern, a rooms rurnisneu. ucwiy iihibucu w-.1- k...mant tA-lth furnace: will sell fur nished If desired; also fine fruit farm of 22 acres, aajoining -iLy ui ,auwu,c, terms on potn. ruuuo " . NEW 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, full basement, duiii-ih aa.aw..., 60x100 lot. Improvements all paid, best arranged home for only $2750. Terms $25 per month. Including Interest. Call Tabor 1982. WILL sell 6-room house with every modern convenience. ciue iu a... for $3SO0; worth $4250; take lot In trade or will make easy wruu. y . gonlan. $50 CASH. $10 per month; new 8-room bungalow. 30 minutes out: Mt. Scott car; nifty; only $110; also 4-room, aioa iiuna ... for- sr,T5. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 202 Hamilton Bldg. PENINSULAR station, two blocks from car- line, nome Ol eeu Auu,.., ment lot 75x100 feet; easy terms; price $"500 ' will accept a lot as part payment. Owner R B. Carey, 304 Lombard st. ...... . Will sell at a bargain 7 rooms and sleep ing porch on 48th and Sandy boulevard; modern in every detail; very easy terms. "-.ITA--l P15T Tubor 301. rtooo NEW house on Waverlelgh Heights, for $4500: 31st and Brooklyn sts. Open A.- '1 , A T C Wallcer. 12R E. bunuaya, a - .,'- ' 28th St. East 15o6. DO you want a good buy? Modern, new bungalow, oniy v nm"i ..w,,, a,w ter of Portland. $1900, on terms to suit. Call 414 Spalding bldg. for particulars. r . 1 ) r' . , v cccr niiR ATTRACTIVE HOMES. CHOICE LOTS. AT LOWEST PRICES. NEUHAUSEN & CO. 70S LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 8078. . n t- T?nfiF. CTTV PARK. 6-room house, furnished: lot 65-foot front bv 100; lots of fruit: best of terms. .. . U,nAir f Can or 1 J rrriT? s OkLE 6-room modern house, furnace. Tlrepiace. in A1VI.-..-J - - from carllne. small payment down, easy te?ms. Phone Sellwood 1863. WILL sacrifice beautiful moaern o-room bungalow, witn garage, oiiw uiim--ia uuiu RosI City car. corner lot 60x100. 511 E. B4th st. xn. For Sale Acreage. -2 ACRES, COURTNEY. OR.. CITY CAR. Part cleared, fine grove, 1000 ft. to car. Will sacrifice for part cash and terms. Owner, 1038 mamper oi uiiuuercc ACRES, near Portland: vegetable land: cheap; $100 down, balance easy terms. Phone Marshall 2453. .vii iu acres, cottage, garden, berries; granu Vict., . " . - . Sherwood. Oregon. ACRES at Ryan Place on Oregon Elec tric .-,c- fare. $4000; half cash. Owner. 231 12th. Phone Marshall 1723. r, OR 10 acres, close to electric line, 15 ,, A-nm Altv 1 V i ner Aere nn terms to I IV aCre, lA CICLLlll, A e from city, $125 per acre, on terms to n 1. rt- -Cm At VAHh , I, . , mil suit I ,1 1 , IV A. AJCUJi A.m ..A A,.,. " i acre 6 miles from Courthouse. 5c fare; price $550. tasy terma Call 708 Selling i.i.i j i acre on r.. win pi., aui 9uv, aay terms; c "flJ OHmnlan owner, o . m ' BTJY SCAPPOSE ACRES. $!5 to 165 per acre. Easy terms. On railroad, within 25 miles of Port land. Plenty of creek and spring water. Deep black loam bottom land. Deeo red shot soil uplands. We can show you Scappoose acres anj ds.v. Join our colony of contented land owners. Write or call for particulars and de scriptive literature ana maps. LIIEDDEMANN. BOTHFUR CO. Main 6967. $13-917 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES COMMERCIAL ORCHARD, 5 years old, 2 miles from North Yakima, on Nob Hill. 7-room house, filter cistern. good barn. Including 5 shares of water right In Yakima Valley canal, $12,000: will consider Portland residence as part payment If prk:ed right. 40 acres In the Umatilla Irrigation tiroiect. 5 acres in annles and alfalfa and Irrigated, balance of land cleared, fair house and barn, 3 miles from Hermiston, mile from school, 4 miles to Columbia Klver, tne best part oi tne umatum project for fruitraising, will exchange for Northern Ohio farm land. 320 acres, about 6 miles north of Oak land, Or.: 60 acres under cultivation, 20 acres in fruit, 8 or 4 acres stump land, Hfllnnc. nil In a- find saw timber. 5-room house, large barn, sheep sheds, fine spring ana creek, property wire icuecu, $4o per acre, terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 209-212 Selling BldgJ 10-ACRE SACRIFICE. OWNER MUST HAVE $000. -SMnr nf -.nil. level everv foot In CUUI vatlon and crop; 3 acres best commercial varieties, apples, two years old; lies on main eountv road, two blocks from Salem Electric. 25 miles from Portland; water pipea to tne property, eiectnc uguu ua telephone: this Is a thickly settled farm ing district: close to the best little town in tne vaney. rrice eouo, vaf", balance on or before 5 years. 6 per cent. This is way below actual value and you will agree witn us wnen you sew it. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 520 Railway Exchange. 4th and Stark, 74 ACBE3 timber, heavy stream ' across one side of this tract, lo cated between two electric lines, exactly one-half mile from sta tion on each, 30 minutes from 4th and Washington sta, west of city. Ideal for a country hone, and offered at $2660, on monthly' payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. 5 ACRES, 1 mile from Beaverton, 14 mile south of St. Mary's, on the Fourth-Bt. electric, 12c carfare to commuters, 30 minutes from 4th and Washington sta, very rich. solL and a bargain at $250 per acre, on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. 3 ACRES. 500 feet from carline, commuters' fare 13e. 2 acres cleared, new 7-room house, 4 rooms finished below, three above and studded off. good well, and at a bargain price, on monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. A VILLA TRACT ON CARLINE. An Ideal home for the country gentle man. Hard surface street ail the way in. Best soil In Oregon. Beautiful view tract. All city conveniences provided without assessments. This is the finest tract of land within the slx-mlle limit and will make an ideal home for a family with auto desiring a country home and at the same time be right In the city. Answer promptly If Interested and I will take you 'to see property. This beautiful tract is lu acres and the prettiest building site in Oregon. R 805, Oregonlan. B-ACRE tracts down the river, on West Side, and only 2 miles back from 5c carfare, good cord wood timber and richest of soli, at $175 per acre, on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. SIX acres best beaverdam In Oregon, adapt- D . , ft.Dnh.rH.A VPfiie- ea to ceieiy, "1,lu"", " o , tables, etc.; water and rail transportation, two hours from Portland; cleared and ready for crop; one-fifth down, balance easy; best on the market for Intensive farming; Investigate before buying e.se where 512 Couch bldg., Iu9 4th st. .a. ADDADTTTHITTV $10 down and small monthly payments buys $475 80x200 tract on Oregon City car-line- half an hour out: Just the spot for a home where you can have a garden, keep chickens, etc.; high and sightly; magnificent view for miles; rich produc tive soil. See Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg. ... . . . a a T'lAn fnones main ooa i, a. . CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near fOrtllAi. xoa l'" e-A ' water free wood, settled country. 10 acres. $400 $500. $600 per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres, $1200; 80 acres, $2000; 4. acres timber, $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co, ouy yeon Plug-, r"'""1"' HOOD RIVER Bargain; $050 cash, balance Portland property, Duya my imo afij, Ri chard, 24 7-10 acres; 16 acres planted; balance cleared, ready for planting, to gether with beautiful, new modern bunga low snap at $20,000. Will sacrifice same. AC oaU, oregomaii XV AV-lAEia A- J A ........ $10 CASH. $5 PER MONTH. Running stream, good soil, prosperous farmers all around and good market, near the railroad, perfect title and warranty deed. 212 Railway Exchange bldg., 2d floor. 2tt ACRES, half cleared, with fruit trees. Within o minutes wain, oi niAuuii, - cellent car service, good rich soil, located in heart of Powell Valley, all for only $676. Will sell for $15 per month, includ ing Interest. Call Tabor 19S2. AN acre in the nicest location; water un der pressure, Blucnaia. r, i. .... v ....... .... electric lights and telephone, streetcar within 2 blocks, only 6 miles from 4th and Washington, easy terms; make ap pointment today. T 317, Oregonlan. 5 ACRES FOR $250. 10 cash, balance $5 per month; one mile from Knappa and R. R. station, close to school and work; good soil; Knappa is a good market. 212 Railway Exchange bldg.. 2d iioor. 6 ACRES, house and chicken-houses; only 8 miles from tne courinuuBr., jiaunuu,u Road and electric line; administrator's sale; must sell. See Frank T. Berry, the administrator. r.ortn oin i. i if!RR trrcaind. will sell on easy terms. close to Btatlon on goou canine, an cleared, good rich deep soil, excellent water, for oniy s-tuu. an moor awo-. W 11 f.A A xaiui a - ' ' ,.,- h ..-a ,1 a for- emiltlefl. Assume . . . . . n, a in .... .. . a t Te nrtt vet r CDlCKBa 1 iA., i-a.wau - " - -"a-"" :. . mortgage. United Realty, 206 Gerllnger bldg. 11 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared. 2 slocks from car station ana ninmug only $300 per acre; terms. Owner. James Wilson, Boring. Or., route 1. ONE ACRE 250 ft. from station, 10c fare, $1000, $15$ cash. $14 monthly. BOID REAL 1 I t-o.. -oo A-iuer pi. aode? wnnriAitnclr for $800 1 easy terms. Call 70S Belling bldg. For Sale Homesteads. IMPROVED Irrigated homestead relinquish ment, AVi miles AIOliA a. liiw.ius, Awr.ii, miles from river transportation. A 7316, phone. g FOR SALE Relinquishment on homestead for $2000 for $1000; will consider lot in city or autoraoDiie in payment. i;au at room 10, 165 hi 3d st. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 6 miles from The Oalles, in center ui ricii null BetiLAUit, $800; come early if Interested. Boom 411 Rotncniia oiag. ; FREE homesteads, level land, timber, wa ter, near school, good homes. See In one day. Covey. 267 Oak, room 21. For Sale Farms. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED FARM LANDS. C. X., BAMBERGER. 705 Spaldln bldg. UNUSUAL SACRIFICE. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME JOINING BUSY TOWN. 28 acres of fine, deep loam soil, 22 acres in high state of cultivation; all nicely fenced with woven wire; land lies fine and level; S. P. R. R. forms one boundary; dandy 7-room house, new barn and out buildings; all nicely painted: family or chard; good water; nice view of country; Joining good town with milk condenser, high and graded schools, churches of all kinds, and in heart of Willamette Valley; 42 miles from Portland. Price $4000; $2 i0u cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. Personal property consisting of fine team horses, 4 cows, 1 heifer, chickens. harnesses, wagon, buggy and all farming implements can be had by paying $S00 additional. This place Is a monev maker. CO-OPEBATIVE REALTY CO. 520. Railway Exchange, 4th and Star. 60 ACRES BEAUTIFUL RIVERFRONT This fine riverfront farm is located 25 miles from Portland. 3 miles from sta tion on Oregon Electric; has 1000 feet of frontage on Willamette River, with fine oval bank high enough to insure asainst flood water; all fenced, house and barn; 22 acres In cultivation; the land slopes gently back from river for a distance of rK) feet, then rises 40 feet to second bench with Just enough slope upward to in sure good drainage; has splendid spring, running water the year round, on main county road, R. F. D. and telephone; no better soil to be found in the valley. This is absolutely the best value we have ever offered in a riverfront farm. Price $7500. $3500 cash, balance 5 years. B per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 520 Railway Exchange, 4th and Stark. BEST FARM BARGAIN $15.00 PER ACRE. IfiO acres black loam soil, 140 acres eas ily cleared and lies fine, several acres now cultivated; nice stream and spring; small houso and barn; good road: well settled district: 44 miles pood town: N. P. R. R. and boat landing. 60 miles Portland. E. R. Markham, 92S Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, 5 acres In cultivation, lo acres In timber; rest easy cleared. Small fruit, family orchard, 2 streams, 1 suitable for water power; all new buildings; 4-room house, 2 miles to town. r-rice ivu draas owner, G. E. Ehman. "Woodland, Wash. Rural K. l. dox id. io. aprrs Cron. stock, implements. 20 in cultivation, balance pasture; soil good, no rock, level; good water; mne 1 arrniiioii station; $3300. li. . swana, avs adihb ton bing. FOR SALE 600 acres of land on electric line. 19 miles from Portland: 400 acres under cultivation; win sen an or pan. Write or call on owners. E. W. Haines, Forest urove, or. FOR SALE 1-aere tract near Gresham, story house, good barn, well and oth tAAA nnwn, terms for ba ance. E. E. Chlpman, owner, Gresham Or. Phone armers 01. to ir-wirs beaverdam land: $600 cash, ba ance 2. 3. 4 and 5 years; no trade. AM 314. Oregonian! s iPRF.S all beaverdam land: $300 cash balance 2, 3. 4 and 5 years; id'al celery and onion land. AK. 3-' uregonian. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: unit,.," for all cash. By owner, ibz .uorrisun TO EXCHANGE. BfOTT'S WT1.T.R TlARflAIN. 1n fl.n nf fine land, nearly all fenced 40 acres of bearing prune orchard and 19 acres of new prune orcnaru a years two sets of buildings, two dryers, hold 300 bushels, and this year's crop; only 35 miles south of Portland; to exchange for a firnort flat bulldinir or apartment- house, or store and flats above, up to J30.000 for 30 days only. owner. 1. u Worden, Scott's Mills, or. IF YOU have a lot and would like a home built, come and see me. I can build you a home at a less cost than the ordinary builder and at the same time iinaiico ai for you A. D. DARLING 407 Yeon Bldg. Main 103S. A 477S. FOR sale or trade lor real estate 10 ausa class teams weighing from 2700 to 3600 108. ; narneaaes iii vr.viio ,... nearly new; these teams are working and are in good condition; will give time or approved notes; I am selling on accounl or BlCKnCBS. U. J. JJl'll., ,a a - .. ... . ZZ T UU.' IllllT.' i3r?t api'.I tmeni. site uu Ai.o. East '3oth st., near Sunnyside-Mt. labor line; 100 feet front, facing unonstrucie view to vii. Attiuu. A,,,..'..,-- .. on lot. Price $10,000; half cash, balance . . a- An. gnr. r,ra.rl. terms or ii-me. ft" v. ..p.,... ... EQUITY in fine, new 7-room bungalow Beaumont, tor saie, vcij exenange ior w w fr , ' 7,,;; be made like rent. J. F. Hadley, 310 spaiaing oiog 294 ACRES. Yamhill County, 200 in cultiva tion; good buildings, best of soil; runnini water- prune and family orchard; to ex change for mortgages on farm land. Prlc, $85 per acre. 313 Henry bldg. Phom A 3575 : tjt-tt nnH inf Walnut Park. $5600. clear, to trade for small farm; also 5 acres, close in. on Powell Valley road, to trade for house and lot. Elwin. aza Mmmr ex change. u BLOCK 100x200, Dufur, Or., value $500; ni.f to' trade as part payment on lot or bungalow, good district. M 302, Ore gonlan. HAVE you something to trade? If so, come in ana see oui 6LAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY, 304 Oak Street. -......a, I oi-tnr IS XOLrt lyuii I A in,A,t,, Have unincumbered lots out of town to trade. Fred W. German. 430 Cham, of Com. Main C44Q. TILLAMOOK dairy land and town property crty. Apply to G. H. Ward. Tillamook, or. a ACRES improved with house, barn, or- 0 ' a ...,ni nlrtr.,imrorerl t.lOOO cnara ana ""',.,., .,,7, v7t.. Owner, H. aN. owann, quo .niM,......., m ' . i a m a 1fv nmiwrtv to el change, call on Wagner & Hunt. 435 Chamber or oiiihia-io. ........ WILL trade 7 per cent guaranteed income securities ior rea --. - gonlan. WEST SIDE property for East Side house ana iot. r ..a,, p.... ...... nf nil kinds SCe GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. TRADE AUTOS FOR REAL ESTATE. FRED W. GERMAN. 43B C. of C. WANTED KF.A1, FSTATE. u BLOCK. 100x200, Dufur, Or., no incum 7. , ,n. a-IM t)va am narl TiftV Drancea, ibiuo " ... , -- , -. ment on lot or bungalow in good district. M 301. oregonlan. WANT 50-foot lot, fairiy close in. on first payment of $200, with builder's second mortgage privilege on balance; state loca tion, price iahu WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in Aie'.imhiK locality: $200 cash. $25 per month. Phone Sellwood 101)3. Mr. Sedt. wick. . WANTED Laurelhurst lot, for cash; give lot and block. An J-i. ores""'""- FOB BALE TIMBER LANDS. cn-v-L-M nit. l .ION feet or less yellow fir an, spruce. A gooa noiuins ui proposition. Tributary to tidewater. Best in Oregon without exception. R. H. Blos som, 310 cnamoer oi coiin"i.o. 10 000 000 red fir, on good driving stream, n tiHnvntnr: onened ready for Im mediate operation. lerras. aa a-. vmw- gonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Biflg. FOB RENT FARMS , ,,ni.-tf rrn.-ullHt Cnnntv. WashlllEton "share rent. Owner, H. N. Swank. 308 Abington bldg. 44 A.. 2 MILES S. E. Mllwaukie; running water to irrigate, .1" alh. a.a.. man, Mllwaukie, R. F. D. 1. WANTED TIMBER T.AND9, WILL buy timber claims from owners only; give legal description and price in first letter. AIC 303, Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. FARMS WANTED Many buyers and rent ers; prices must be reasonable. Give par ticulars. Japanese Agency. 92 N. 5th st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc, CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert & Halt, Ell Water St.: West Side, Main 2208. BEST team for the price In city: sou, id, fat. true workers; weight over 30D0 lbs. Call at once, 33 w. vv aiei CAR mules and horses, gooseneck farm and delivery wagons, saddles. Hubert & Hall, 3S1 water at., hcbl ,-i,i. ..Ac.., ---. BRAND new Studebaker rubber-tired plano box buggy, at a big discount. Phone Tabor -0;-io BAY mare, weight 1100, broke to drive. In- qulre ia an. oin m. PASTURE for rent near Portiand. Main 1410. GOOD young, sound team, harness and wagon; bargain. 838 E. 28th st. WW car. FOR SALE One team of weil-ma,ched horses. 5 years old. weighing 25M); one young horse, 7 years old, weighing 1300. 226 Russell st. ' FOR SALE 1 good 8-jr.-old delivery horse, weight 1100 pounds; also 2 delivery wag ons, good order, and harness. Bay Cili Market, cor. Yamhill and 4th. G-Y EAR-OLD bay mare, weight 11 "0, sound and works single and double; $75: bron saddle horse, fust walker, $50. Call J34 Front st. $15 BUYS a good family hore. weight 1125, harness and buggy. Phone Sellwood J7.vi. . Pianos, Organs and Mtiblral Instruments. WE are closing out our stock of pianos. Cash wiii take them at actual cost to us. Cash only will get them :.t these prices. Eeiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 134 Second St., corner Alder. 125 TO $200 will buy used upright pianos that hsve been overhauled, tuned, polished, and will give reliable service; easy month ly payments. Sherman. Clay 4: Co., op Dosite p. O . Morrison at Bill. Portland. ON account of sickness will sell fine plana very cheap for caali. Phone A 3507. Dobs. Birds, Pet Stock. BEST strains of White Orpington pulletl for Winter laying, for sale cheap. 1"4 Broaa-.- ay. Phono C 2110. Take Rose City park car. . THOROUGHBRED White and Brown S. C Leghorn cockerels. Telephone Woodlawn 89. THOKOl'OHHRED cocker spaniels for sale. 7:12 Kearrtvy St.. 23d-st. car. FOR SALE Chickens. 2 months and up; also Incubator. 20H lt'lh, near Jefferson. Automobiles. BAD WEATHER PRICES. We ai;:lin invito your inspection of our second-hand stock; bad weather meant low prices and you should hurry if you desire a bargain; 30 curs. Including an E. M. F.. Chalmers. Cadillac, Peerless. Mercer, Ford roadster, oldsmobile road ster a.id others, including several White 30 touring cars, delivery cars nnd FIVE TRUCKS. Terms if necessary, but no trades. WHITE CAR AGENCY. SIXTH AT MADISON ST. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when yon can secure one of our high-grade used cars ut the sa.no price? We guarantee them. Different makes and models, all traded In on new White as cars. We also ofter several Becond-handed trucks. Write White Car Agency, ttth street at Madisou. BARGAINS IN SLlGHTLY-UHED CARS. We have a few snaps In slitrhtly-used cars and MICHIGAN cars taken in ex change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO.. Phones East 1421, B 1315. 3ii!-;;ri Hawthorne ave. A GREAT BIG BARGAIN. A full anil undivided 3 Interest in 7 passenger White steamer, on stago line, in A-l condition; must sell at once; a good reliable man with very little money can nannie. -on inn si. 1-TON auto truck for sale Just overhauled, in excellent condition; n-w tires; large top and body; $iioo. A bargain. R. C. Barnard Woodlawn 2S74. FOR SALE 1912 E-M-F 5-pnssenger, fore door touring car in A 1 condition. Run less than 5000 miles. L. II. IKffman, 4 till Irving st. WINTON CAR. OLD MODEL. Will take small amount cash, balance trade city property. Fred W. German. 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0145. FOR SALE Cheap. Packard seven- pas senger touring car. Also an Oakland run about. Inquire Lang & Co., First and Ankeny sts AUTO 7-passenger Chalmers touring car. 50-horsepower, fully equipped; straight line body, fore doors; sell or trade. 721 Board of xrado oiug. jiiou Tilo best buy ever offered in six-cyl inder i-pass, car; arraiirie urii,uiirii.ui, bv calling at Richmond garage, 37th and Division, or phono Tabor 415S. . FOR SALE or trade. 5-pass. 2-cyl. Reo auto, in perfect onli r. nat nave you : Oregorl-Wnshington l'rod. Co., 200 Vi Alder st. .nam iu--.i. FOR SALE E-M-F 30. 1911. cannot be told from new; run tivoo nines. i.i" eii equipment; $750. V 275. Oregonlan, AUTOMOBILE owners, one 25c can ' Lacko will make an oiu suiiiiiiiiniis ioo new. l.acko special 10., i.ni.iim ai. NEED THE MONEY Good 7-passenger 40. horsepower ftiuaeuaivei im niii. .. Alder st. CHALMERS 40. bargain. Marshall 3030. J. A Unifier 14 I .la si. .mii, WANTED To buy automobile, second-hand, for cash, v aia. urenuiimii. Furniture for Sale. I WILL sell the complete outfit of furniture for a 5-room coltago for oniy $l5; I want quick action: buyer can rent house; these goods are in at low rate; come today. 389 Knott street. LEAVING city; will sell fine furniture, dln iiiK table, buffet, china cabinet. Call S to 2. 93S Cleveland ave. FOR SLE A nicely lurnisiieu nui in i rooms; choice location; absolutely clean. 2K.-i 13th. FURNITURE of 7-room flat, must be sold this wiek, $200. Income $58, rent $30. Main 21 Ml. FU UN ITU RE of 7 rooms at a bargain: 3 rooms will almost pay the rent: 1 block from Sellwood car. Call at 532 Maiden ave. 5-ROOM modern cottage for rent, $4Jo worth of new furniture for $?S5; part cash; easy terms. 4-'7 loth st. Phone A 7806. FUI'.NITI'RE 7 rooms, rent $'.. range, West Side 111 N. 14th St., near Wash, at. BOOKCASE, lounges, rocking chairs, chairs, table and beds at 505 Weldler st. FURNITURE" 6-room nouse. close In; rent $25. Phone Marshall 230. 5-ROOM flat, complete to highest oner. Nob Hill district. ui."i mi.iu Miscellaneous. TIG AUCTION. -WE NEED THE MONEY." Saturdav, August 24. commencing at A M at Merrill's Rose Vista Farms. Base Line road, near Gresham. to the highest bidder will be sold a large slock of fur niture piano, automobile, draperies, furs, rugs farm Implements, horses, cattle, swine. buggies, carts, vehicles, phono graph, glassware, bricabrac and hun lrcds of other articles. Send for com plete list terms and trades. Indorsed notes nnd installments from responsible parties. Address Gresham, Route 1. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS MEN' Buy your Fall suit from Jimmy Diinn 'ar.d save $H. Room 315, Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. MINE OWNER NOTICE. FOR SALE. 10-stamp mill In Southern Oregon. ADDRESS N 291. OR EG ON I AN. FOR SALE. One 125-volt. direct-current generator, complete with field rheostat, am-meter and circuit-breaker. This machine Is in Sod repair. Address room 203. Oregonlan wag. . t i.- r T.' V I'll A XGE Elk charm. 2 teeth, 15 diamonds; 32d degree Masonic ring with small diamond. ' silk end wool Oriental 5x9 rugs. Mar shall 3'..- ONE F. P. K'ts machine complete; maarj vour own gas; no netier oi ,.n,,w on market- especially adapted for country StorT or home:, cheap. Call or address 550 Williams ave.. Portland. Or. MENS PANTS. Clean up sale. The pants I sell for JJ and $3 would cost $4 and Sj In the high rent stores on the street. Jimmy Dunn, room 315. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. o a T K A 40-K. W., 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator. Complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Ad- rj ress room -o. pies""'",, " o- ROLL-TOP desk. rug. 4 chairs, $15; bronze hat rack. :; two siei ni- , '" double flat-top. swivel chair, $13. 301 Merchants' irusi- KAFES Special bargain second-hand fire and burglar-proot ; aaies up.-ueiA bua isrA,,-" Purcel Safe Co.. and Portland Safe Co.. 65 5th St. Phone Main 6309, SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters. Computing BCaiea. civ:., uuub.ia sold. The Pacillc Store Service Ck 227 Stark St. Main 7711. SOLAR prints 15c, bromides 35c. convexlng 5c. frames, glass. Chicago Copy Co., 10:11 Golden Gate ave., aan rrauciaco. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, all makes, $10 to $65. The Nortnwest typewriter v.o. . 262 Stark St. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. contractors equipment. iuu way Equipment Co.. 74 First. 0-FOOT -launch for sale, big bargain, $175 takes It. including bdathouse. Postoffice Box 195. . FOR SALE. lS-foot launch. 043 Hood St. BIRDS of Paradise, $17.50 and up. Empress Feather Co., 7H2 Hearst piag.. Ban r ran o. TANK pump No. 26S. Phone B 2267.